#divisional charts
moonchild033 · 8 days
Astro Observations -5💃
Here we go with part-5!!! My schedule is getting hectic, I managed some time to make this finally 😭😭❤💫
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
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1. Mercury in Capricorn/Aquarius or in Saturn ruled stars- Could've got late admissions in educational institutions or had academic gaps or breaks. This could also be true if Saturn is in Gemini/Virgo or in mercury ruled stars.😌
2. Jupiter in 10H esp in fire/air signs- They could have the tendency to change jobs frequently, mostly because their interests are diverse or they like the concept of exploring, taking a long time to settle down.😊
3. Having same ascendant in both D1 & D3- The person will be courageous, they could get benefits and significant help from siblings. Their source of motivation in life could come from their friendships, a close knit of circle who always motivates them to move forward.💫
4. Virgo mercury - Can be prone to losing money in share market, due to online frauds etc. These ppl should be careful with their money. You could even lose it carelessly, like forgetting the money purse somewhere. 🤧
5. Jupiter in 7H for Gemini ascendant - Even though Jupiter is in own house in this placement, it can give late marriage to the person if it's alone in 7H or doesn't receive any aspects from other benefic planets.😇
6. More planets in Leo house in D2- You will attain wealth by your own hardwork and independently. This placement can also make the person to start earning earlier than their peers or simply have more earnings regardless of what age they started going to a job.💃
7. More planets in Cancer house in D2- You will be blessed with extravagant lifestyle and wealth after marriage. Your partner will play a significant role in determining your wealth---you could either have a joint bank account with your partner OR after their arrival in your life, you could've experienced significant rise in your salary.🤩
8. Mars-moon conjunction in D4- The property you buy in your name could be located near water sources or you can be inclined to buy agricultural lands or at least buy a commercial plot with a countryside environment. If it's in a water sign, you would buy properties in your name near coastal cities.💙
9. Ashlesha/Jyeshta/Revati Moons- No matter how manipulative or cold they might appear due to moon in mercury star, they can fall in love easily. Even if they're slow, they're as obsessive, deep and consuming as Scorpio moons when in love. Some ppl might have had obsessive crushes or a long relationship for years during school days itself.💖
10. Mars-Sun conjunction in D4- House in your name could be placed near government owned buildings or in a colony where many government officials reside. You might construct a house in warmer places (by temperature in surrounding) than the ones you grew up in.🌡
11. Cancer Venus in a woman's chart- Female friends can get jealous of them, after wedding, even the female family members of the groom could do so. It's because of their perfect embodiment of feminine self, it can make other underdeveloped females insecure. Might not be the case for everyone, just observed this in few.💜
12. Placements and the type of house construction/aesthetics you may like & build:
(This doesn't mean you will end up building your house like this for sure, these placements should make aspects to the 4H/4H lord, 4H shouldn't be afflicted, favorable mahadasha should come and many more other aspects, so take the below ones as a fun read!)
Venus in Taurus/Libra/Pisces- Lots of interior designing & unique architecture. They want their house to be very aesthetically pleasing and appreciated by others. They have a eye for beauty.😍
Rahu in 4H- House constructed in an extravagant manner, has many rooms🤭
Mercury-saturn conjunction - Likes building staircase inside the house and basements having those spiral steps like in the horror films lol.🤫
Aries Sun - Grand entrance, the main gate or the house door will be big both in terms of height and width. They could like adding glass elements that reflect light on top of house door or any architecture near that.💅
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction - Loves unique and high class wooden sculptures and furnitures. These could be the people who would import specific type of wood to make their study table hehe.💪
Taurus/Cancer Moon- Water flowing architecture inside the house. You may also be fond of having fish tanks. This placement along with taurus or libra venus can give (for ex.) unique statues and water flowing from it or glass floors and fish maintenance below it.🤪
Leo Moons- Most probably likes having their own swimming pool in their house, especially purva phalguni moons.😻
Mars-moon conjunction - Loves doing indoor gardening. Rahu in the mix can give technological advancements in this, like having hydroponics system or any specialized type of gardening.🌱
Venus-rahu conjunction - Prefers different colored lighting settings, can even have home theatre setups. They like aesthetic light works with multiple colors and all shiny at least in one room for recreation.✨
Venus-Mars conjunction - Highlights strong security systems. They could appoint a watchman or have CCTV cameras surrounding their house. Mars in rahu's star having this conjunction, they might have advanced touch or face recognition type of security systems.😼
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Divisional Charts in Vedic Astrology
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Hi guys! How are you? I'm good and I hope you are too. So, this will be another post about Vedic astrology. I wanted to post this blog yesterday, but I was so tired for no damn reason. Also, thank you for liking my post about the nakshatras. I didn't expect it to do this well. This will be finally a bigger post after a couple of days ago. Hope you'll find it interesting.
Divisional charts are multiple charts in Vedic astrology which represent various things in our life. Each divisional chart analyses particular thing in our life, such as money, marriage, career, education, spirituality, strengths and weakness, our relationships with our siblings, children, parents etc. There's overall 16 divisional charts that are considered as the most important ones and I'm gonna explain in this post each of these divisional charts individually.
Rasi Chart (D1) - This is the most important chart in Vedic astrology and is basically the actual birth chart of ours. It is also called as Lagna Chart and Lagna means Ascendant. This is the type of chart where the Ascendant is always placed (or we can also say that it's fixed) in the 1st house and it represents our physical world and our overall life path in general.
Hora Chart (D2) - This divisional chart is related with the 2nd house and it represents our financial status, family wealth and how we can make money in this lifetime. There's only two signs in this chart, Cancer and Leo and both of these planets are ruled by the luminaries (the Moon and the Sun), meaning that there's a spiritual way (Moon Hora) and a creative way (Sun Hora) to make money.
Drekkana Chart (D3) - This chart is associated with the 3rd house and it represents our siblings and how we interact with them. If you don't have any sibling on your family, then this divisional chart can represent your inner world and your type of personality that you may hide from the other people in general.
Chaturthamsa Chart (D4) - Of course, this chart is related with the 4th house as well. It can represent our foundations, fortune and inherited property from our family. From my perspective, this divisional chart is also associated with our living place, childhood and our private life.
Saptamsa Chart (D7) - Since it's related with the 5th house, this chart represents our progeny, children and how we interact with them. We can see both luck and misfortune our children might experience. It can also represent our procreative energy, spiritual beliefs and our creative abilities.
Navamsa Chart (D9) - This is mostly the most important or the most popular divisional chart in Vedic astrology. Well, this chart represents our love life, marriage and our life path at the older years of our life. The placements from this chart may become more relevant to us after we turn 25. You can book a reading of this divisional chart individually with me.
Dasamsa Chart (D10) - This chart is related with the 10th house and Saturn, which means that it represents our career path, profession, how we interact with our work environment and our public image. It can show which kind of career is the most suitable for us so we can achieve success in our field. Again, this is another divisional chart that you can book a reading with me individually.
Dwadasamsa Chart (D12) - This divisional chart represents our parents and how we interact with them. It can also represent how our parents influenced our childhood and upbringing, the financial status of our parents and what we can inherit from our parents.
Shodasamsa Chart (D16) - I mostly hear that this chart represents our vehicles or which type of vehicles are the most suitable for us. We can use this divisional chart to see how we seek pleasure and comfort in life and how we connect with the money, since this chart is related with the 11th house.
Vimsamsa Chart (D20) - This divisional chart is connected with spirituality, so it represents how we approach to spiritual pursuits and religious activities. It can also represent our philosophical identity and growth of our spirituality in our life.
ChaturVimsamsa Chart (D24) - This chart is related to our educational path, learning abilities and how knowledgeable we are. If you want to know which college degrees are the most suitable for you, this divisional is great to analyze then.
SaptaVimsamsa Chart (D27) - This divisional chart is associated with our strengths and weaknesses, our what we are good at it and what we lack. This chart is not really used often.
Trimsamsa Chart (D30) - You'll possibly hear that this chart is about evils. By saying that, it can mean that this divisional chart can show which type of hardships, diseases and misfortunes we might experience in our life. This chart is also associated with the enemies, since it's related with the 6th house.
KhaVedamsa Chart (D40) - It can represent our karmic bond or relationship with our mother or with our ancestors This divisional chart can show our both auspicious and inauspicious effects in our charts or in relationships with out ancestors.
AkshaVedamsa Chart (D45) - This divisional is also not used often, 'cause its interpretation is so general. It can represent our character moral and ethical values. It's also about our karmic patterns from our father of from other ancestors.
Shastiamsa Chart (D60) - I find this divisional chart as one of the most heard and one of the most important charts in Vedic astrology. It can show our karma from our past life and our overall life path from this current incarnation.
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Alright, this could the the end of another astrological post. Let me know in the comment section what do you think about this topic. And if you want to know more about any of your divisional chart, you can book a Mini Sidereal Chart Reading on my site. See you soon!
Best regards, Paky McGee
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kleopatra45 · 30 days
D2 Divisional Chart: Hora Chart
The D2 divisional chart, also known as the Hora chart, is a Vedic astrology tool used to analyze wealth and financial prosperity. This chart is derived by dividing each sign of the zodiac into two equal parts, each ruled by either the Sun or the Moon.
1. Sun and Moon Hora Rulership
The D2 chart is divided into two horas per sign. The first 15 degrees of any sign are ruled by the Sun (Solar Hora), and the second 15 degrees are ruled by the Moon (Lunar Hora). This division reflects the balance of masculine and feminine energies in relation to wealth and prosperity.
2. Wealth and Prosperity Indicators
The placement of planets in the D2 chart provides insight into your financial status and how you attract wealth. Planets in Solar Horas indicate active, assertive means of acquiring wealth, while those in Lunar Horas suggest a more receptive and nurturing approach.
3. Analyzing the Chart
Ascendant and Ascendant Lord: The sign and its lord in the D2 chart's ascendant indicate the primary approach to wealth and financial matters. Planets in Solar Hora: These planets show areas where you might actively seek and earn wealth through initiative, hard work, and leadership. Planets in Lunar Hora: These planets reflect areas where wealth may come through passive means, inheritance, nurturing, and emotional intelligence.
4. Key Planets to Consider
Sun and Moon: The natural rulers of the D2 chart, their positions can reveal the strength and balance of financial energies. Jupiter: The planet of wealth and abundance, its placement can indicate where opportunities for financial growth lie. Venus: Associated with luxury and material comfort, Venus’s position can show areas of potential indulgence and financial gain.
5. Wealth-Building Strategies
By understanding the D2 chart, you can tailor your financial strategies. For example, strong Solar Hora placements might suggest taking bold, entrepreneurial actions, while strong Lunar Hora placements might indicate benefiting from investments, savings, and nurturing existing resources.
6. Practical Applications
Use the D2 chart to guide financial decisions, investments, and career choices. By aligning your actions with the insights from the Hora chart, you can enhance your ability to attract and manage wealth effectively.
7. Balancing Energies
The D2 chart emphasizes the importance of balancing active and passive financial strategies. Embrace both the assertive, action-oriented Solar energy and the receptive, nurturing Lunar energy to create a holistic approach to wealth.
Understanding the D2 Hora chart provides a nuanced view of your financial potential and helps you harness both the active and passive aspects of wealth-building in your life.
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moontrinemars · 2 years
a Few Notes on Writers and Storytelling in Vedic Astrology - and how to use that in your own chart!
Researched for my use, published for your reference. Disclaimer in bio. I use Sidereal placements but suggest checking both.
✒️ Ardra has massive connections to Gothic fiction. Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) and Lord Byron (romantic poetry) both had Ardra Ascendants, with Shelley also having Ardra Saturn and Indu Lagna. Charlotte Bronte (Jane Eyre) had an Ardra Mars and Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights) had an Ardra moon.
📖 This makes sense! Ardra is the Star of Sorrow. It is also called the Star of Oppression. The Vimshottari Dasha says Ardra can be connected to condemnation and sacrifice. It is ruled by the Howling God, Rudra, born crying for he had no name. He was the god of Destructive Storms and Thunder, and also the Lord of Wild Animals and Medicines. This aligns with many common Gothic motifs!
📖 As a result, Gothic fiction can be an amazing introspective dive for Ardra natives... if they aren't too afraid to see their own wounds reflected back at them. Like Frankenstein's monster, Ardra natives often end up rejecting or being rejected by their "creators" - whether that's their families or their gods. Catherine and Heathcliff and their tragedy will speak to the wild Ardra native's inclination to lash out or run away out of fear of being trapped or abandoned. Etc!
✒️ You can look at an author's D5 for common threads in their popular works. For example, D5 Mars in its own sign or house is common for suspense and noir authors, as is prominent Scorpio. Both of these things are true for Agatha Christie (Hercule Poirot books and other mystery novels), Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes series), and Truman Capote (In Cold Blood)!
📖 If you are a creator, you can look to it for inspiration, or use it to analyze your works for patterns you never even noticed! For example, I also write original fiction in my own time. My D5 Ascendant is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, and faith, fate, and the divine are common themes. My D5 sun is 6th house Taurus and my works usually explore one on one relationships with lots of dialogue. Venus, my D5 sun's sign ruler, is in the 12th and Scorpio and the plots typically involve secrets, mysteries, and the link between life and death. Etc. etc. etc.
📖 Even if you don't consider yourself a creator, you can use your D5 to look at the creators that helped shape you! For example, my D5 has a Mula Ascendant and a triple conjunction in Bharani under 1º, and my favorite author as a child, Cornelia Funke, has Bharani Mars and a Venus/Saturn conjunction in Mula under 2º in her D1. I also loved Peter and Wendy, and on top of us sharing D1 Ardra Risings, J. M. Barrie has his D1 sun in Krittika, same as my D5 Jupiter.
✒️ Fairy tales are usually associated with Punarvasu, Hasta, and Revati. Hans Christian Anderson (The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc.) had Punarvasu Rahu, Hasta Saturn, and Revati Sun and Mercury. J. M. Barrie (Peter and Wendy, later iterations known as Peter Pan) had Punarvasu Jupiter, its ruling planet, in the 1st and D10 Hasta Ascendant and Pluto. Hans Grimm (Grimm's Fairy Tales) had Hasta Moon, which is its ruling planet, and Revati Rahu.
📖 Punarvasu is the Star of Renewal. It prospers the greatest only after experiencing failure - a common theme in fairy tales. There is a Rags to Riches element to this nakshatra, or the reverse. It's not a romantic nakshatra but it is well suited to travel. I personally associate it with The Emperor's New Clothes, The Lost Princess, and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
📖 Hasta is the Hand, which has more than one meaning. This nakshatra puts what you want in your hands, but there is also a connection to palmistry, fate, and magic. These natives have the quick wit and mystical audacity that gives characters in fairy tales the happiest endings. They're also willing to 'take with both hands'. I associate this nakshatra with Jack and the Beanstalk, Rumpelstilskin, and The Seven Ravens.
📖 Revati is the Star of Wealth, because they find what has been lost or overlooked and appreciate it appropriately. They are at their best when they act as guides, or as guardians, to those who need them. I associate them with The Blue Bird, The Frog Prince, and Thumbelina.
Hope this was useful, thanks for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to message, ask, or reply ♡
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anoopastrosutra · 9 months
Astrology Articles : Marriage & Role of Divisional charts - Navmamsha and others
Marriage and role of Birth chart with Navmansha and other divisional charts Marriage is an important event of life. One of the Sixteen (Solah) Sanskar of human life. Continue reading Untitled
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13lunarstar · 1 day
About Dwadashamsha (D-12 chart)
As we have entered a special period called Pitru Paksha, it is good to remember the D-12 divisional chart or Dwadashamsha, which reveals ancestral heritage and our own place in our family lineage. But first, a few words about Pitru Paksha.
Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar dedicated to honouring ancestors, observed during the waning phase of the Moon in the month of Bhadrapada (September-October). During this time, Hindus perform rituals such as Shradh and Tarpan to pay respects to their passed ancestors and seek their blessings. In general, it is a good time to spend e.g., exploring your family history, making a family tree, learning about your ancestors’ lives, visiting cemeteries and paying respects at the resting places of your passed relatives. It is believed that the souls of ancestors return to earth during these days, and offerings of food, water, and prayers help ensure their peace and contentment in the afterlife. This period holds great significance for receiving ancestral blessings, resolving issues like Pitru Dosha (ancestral curses), and promoting family harmony. The final day, Mahalaya Amavasya, is considered the most important, marking the end of Pitru Paksha.
D-12 Chart
The D-12 divisional chart, a.k.a Dwadasamsa chart, is an important tool in Vedic astrology for analyzing matters related to one's family lineage, ancestors, and parental influences. The D-12 chart focuses on the influences passed down from our ancestors, especially from parents, grandparents and so on. It is derived from dividing each sign of the zodiac into 12 parts, hence the name "Dwadasamsa" (Dwadasha means "12" in Sanskrit).
Key Areas Analyzed in the D-12 Chart:
Parental Influence:
The D-12 chart is primarily used to understand the relationship with one's parents and the impact of parental upbringing on the individual's life.
It shows the karma related to one’s parents, indicating how their behaviour, health, and fortunes may influence the native.
Ancestral Lineage and Heritage:
The chart reveals ancestral patterns and influences, both positive and negative, that may be inherited from past generations.
Ancestral blessings or unresolved issues, like Pitru Dosha (ancestral curse), can be seen in this chart.
The strengths and weaknesses of the family tree, including traditions, values, and health traits, are also reflected.
Health and Longevity of Parents:
The health of parents and their longevity can be examined through the D-12 chart. It can give insights into the wellbeing of parents and any potential issues they may face.
If malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn) are prominent, it may indicate challenges or struggles related to parents.
Inheritance of Karma:
The D-12 chart provides insight into how ancestral karma (good or bad) affects the native. This karma may manifest as opportunities or challenges in the individual's life, and rituals like Shradh (ancestor worship) can help resolve or mitigate ancestral issues.
Family Fortunes and Reputation:
It reflects the status and reputation of the family as a whole. The condition of the planets in this chart reveals the level of respect and honour the family holds in society and how it will affect the native's own standing.
Spiritual Heritage:
The chart indicates the level of spiritual heritage passed down through the family. If benefic planets like Jupiter, Moon and Venus are well-placed, it shows the individual inherits spiritual wisdom, strong values, and a good moral foundation from their lineage.
How to Analyze Family and Ancestors in the D-12 Chart:
Ascendant (Lagna):
The ascendant (Lagna) and its lord in the D-12 chart represent the overall physical and psychological influence of family and ancestors on the native. It can show how much of the ancestral traits or karma the individual inherits. Also, Lagna and its lord in a certain house show which role the native has in his or her lineage (they can be positive and negative).
Sun (Father) and Moon (Mother):
Sun represents the father in a horoscope, and its placement in the D-12 chart shows the native’s connection with paternal ancestors.
Moon represents the mother, and its position indicates the maternal influence. The condition of these planets helps assess how well-supported or challenged the native’s life is due to parental and ancestral energies.
Fourth House:
The fourth house is significant for matters related to the mother, family, heritage, and property. In the D-12 chart, this house shows how the native connects emotionally with the family and the security provided by their ancestors.
Ninth House:
The ninth house represents father and ancestral wisdom. It reflects spiritual guidance and the influence of ancestors on higher learning, ethics, and fortune.
The ninth house and its lord in the D-12 chart give key indications of the native’s ancestral blessings, spiritual inheritance, and how much support the individual receives from their father and paternal lineage.
Planets and Their Conditions:
Jupiter is a significant planet in understanding ancestral blessings as it represents wisdom, tradition, and knowledge passed down from elders. Therefore, strong Jupiter gives prosperity and luck, while Jupiter in its fall is weaker and restrains from a continuous expansion and luck.
Saturn represents karmic inheritance and may indicate ancestral debts or obligations if it is afflicted.
The placement and condition of Rahu and Ketu (the lunar nodes) can show past-life karmas and the type of ancestral energies (positive or negative) carried forward.
Malefic and Benefic Influences:
If malefic planets like Rahu, Saturn, or Mars are prominently placed in the D-12 chart, especially if they are affecting the Sun, Moon, or the fourth/ninth houses, it may indicate ancestral challenges (karmic debts) or Pitru Dosha. This could lead to difficulties in life such as delays, health issues, or strained family relationships.
Benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus, on the other hand, show positive ancestral inheritance, such as wisdom, wealth, and spiritual support.
Remedies for Ancestral Issues:
If the D-12 chart reveals ancestral difficulties or Pitru Dosha, the following remedies can help alleviate these issues:
Performing Shradh: During Pitru Paksha, performing Shradh and offering food, water, and donations to honour the ancestors is a powerful remedy.
Tarpan: Offering water and prayers regularly to ancestors can help resolve any karmic debts inherited from them.
Donations and Charity: Performing charity in the name of ancestors can bring relief from inherited challenges and help receive blessings.
Chanting Mantras: Reciting mantras like the Pitru Suktam or performing Pitru Gayatri mantra helps in pacifying the souls of ancestors.
May the power of our Ancestors come with us!
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astropatri1 · 17 days
Vedic Divisional Charts
At Astropatri, we specialize in interpreting Vedic Divisional Charts to provide detailed insights into different facets of your life. By analyzing these charts, you can gain a deeper understanding of your personality, strengths, and challenges. Learn how Vedic divisional charts can illuminate your path and offer solutions to life's dilemmas. Let Astropatri help you explore these ancient astrological tools for personal growth and success.
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moonchild033 · 15 days
Manual Drawing of Divisional Charts: A Beginner's Guide 💅🤗
Scroll down if you want to read the content directly 😁👇
The rules of drawing divisional charts can be found in books of your choice and online resources, my goal is to make it available to everyone in simple terms. I'll try to explain as easily as possible. I'm going to focus on ONLY some of the important divisional charts, I sincerely hope that I don't make any technical mistakes lacking concentration in the middle of writing, if you do find any error please do let me know so that I could change it, basics should be available to everyone and the information shouldn't be wrong.🤗💛
The general rules will be the same everywhere, only the simpler techniques they use to find out planet position in divisional charts may vary from astrologer to astrologer but the end results are the same. I will be telling you the way I learnt. If you are someone, who is interested in learning these basics, you're in for a ride, I hope you'll take a notebook and enjoy drawing out on your own at the end of this post!❤
Everything till now is blah-blah, Real content starts here lol-
Let's go in ascending order of important divisional charts!🤩
D2 Chart Manual Making:
Male signs- Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Female signs- Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
(Please make sure to remember the gender of the signs as it will be used in many varga chart making. It's just the alternative signs.)
If you have a planet in the MALE sign category, see the degrees, if it's between 0-15°---it will be placed in Leo house in D2 AND If it's between 15.1-30°---it will be placed in Cancer house in D2.💛💛
If you have a planet in the FEMALE sign category, see the degrees, if it's between 0-15°---it will be placed in Cancer house in D2 AND if it's between 15.1°-30°---it will be placed in Leo house in D2.💙💙
Let's see some examples - If you have a cancer venus at 26°, since it's a female sign and is in the second half of the degree division,Venus will be placed in Leo in D2. If you have an Aries Mars at 16°, since it's a male sign and is in the second half of the degree division, Mars will be placed in Cancer in D2. 😃😃
Follow the same rules and draw for all planets and ascendant to come up with a complete D2 chart. In D2, ALL planets+asc will be assigned ONLY in Cancer or Leo houses.🤗
D3 Chart Manual Making:
All planets+asc will be placed in trikona (1,5,9) houses from its position. If a planet is within 0-10° in your D1, then it will be in the same sign in D3 too. 💖
Planet degrees in D1 and it's position in D3 -
0-10°----In same sign as D1
10.1-20°----In 5H when counted from it's position
20.1°-30°----In 9H when counted from it's position
Let's see some examples - If your Gemini Venus is at 12°, it will be placed in Libra (5H from its position). If your Taurus Mars is at 24°, it will be placed in Capricorn (9H from its position).❤
The same way, draw the entire D3 chart including all planets+asc.🤗
D4 Chart Manual Making:
All planets+asc will be placed in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) from its position.
Planet degrees in D1 and it's position in D4:
0-7.30°---In same sign as D1
7.31°-15°---In 4H when counted from it's position
15.1-22.30°---In 7H when counted from it's position
22.31-30°---In 10H when counted from it's position
Let's see some examples - Pisces sun at 21° will be placed in Virgo house (7H from Pisces) in D4. Sagittarius moon at 9° will be placed in Pisces house (4H from Sagittarius) in D4.💕
The same way, draw the entire D4 chart including all the planets+asc.🤗
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D6 Chart Manual Making:
If any planet is in the assigned MALE zodiac signs in the D1 chart, they get assigned between Aries to Virgo in the D6 chart. If any planet is in the FEMALE zodiac signs in the D1 chart, they get assigned between Libra to Pisces in the D6 chart.
In case of a planet in MALE sign-
0-5°---Assign In Aries house in D6
5.1-10°---In Taurus
10.1-15°---In Gemini
15.1-20°---In Cancer
20.1-25°---In Leo
25.1-30°---In Virgo
Let's see an example- If mars is in Leo at 6° in your D1 chart, you assign it in Taurus in D6. If Venus is in Aquarius at 22°, you assign it in Leo in D6. 💞
In case of a planet in FEMALE sign-
0-5°---Assign in Libra house in D6
5.1-10°---In Scorpio
10.1-15°---In Sagittarius
15.1-20°---In Capricorn
20.1-25°---In Aquarius
25.1-30°---In Pisces
Let's see an example - If Jupiter is in Taurus at 29°, you assign it to Pisces in D6. 💕
Likewise, draw for all the planets+asc. 🤗
D9 Chart Manual Making:
D9 and D10 drawings can be lil bit confusing, so I've prepared a table for D9 making in ms-word. The table is attached below 👇
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If you notice, the column 'nakshatra ruling planets' are given in the order of nakshatra rulers beginning from Ashwini in Aries. (ie.) Ashwini (Ruler Ketu), Bharani (Ruler Venus), Krittika (Ruler Sun). Till Ashlesha (Ruler mercury), it's one round and again starts with Ketu's Nakshatra-Magha, followed by the same order again. 😃
Let's see an example - Rahu in Bharani (Pada 1) will be placed in the Leo sign in D9 as bharani is Venus ruled and in pada 1. Venus in Jyeshta (Pada 2) will be placed in the Capricorn sign in D9 as jyeshta is mercury ruled & in pada 2. ❤❤
Make use of this shortcut table to draw your own D9 chart manually, including all planets+asc.🤗
D10 Chart Manual Making:
Each sign is divided into 10 parts, each sign has 30°, 30÷10=3. So the degrees are separated likewise and the position of the planet is allotted accordingly in D10.💜
Incase of a planet in MALE sign-
0-3°---In the same sign as D1
3.1-6°---In the next sign to it's D1 placement
And it goes on....
Let's see an example - Sun in leo at 4°, it will be placed in a virgo house in D10. Let's see the complete 30° positions for this example placement below---👇👇
Leo sun between 0-3°---In Leo house
3.1-6°---In Virgo
6.1-9°---In Libra
9.1-12°---In Scorpio
12.1-15°---In Sagittarius
15.1-18°---In Capricorn
18.1-21°---In Aquarius
21.1-24°---In Pisces
24.1-27°---In Aries
27.1-30°---In Taurus
This is how the same Leo sun placement in different degrees will be positioned in D10. Calculate accordingly for the planets situated in MALE signs in your D1 chart.💛
Now, In case of a planet in FEMALE sign-
This can be confusing, I'll give an example to make it easier. If you have a planet in a female sign, go to the 9H when counted from the planet placement and then apply the same degree rules as in male signs.
Let's see an example - Libra sun at 13° is the example placement. 9H when counted from Libra is the Cancer house. Since it's 13°, apply the degree theory now, 0-3 is in the same sign (which will be in cancer here), 3.1-6° is in Leo, 6.1-9° is in Virgo, 9.1-12° is in Libra, 12.1-15° is in Scorpio. So our Libra sun at 13° falls in the Scorpio house in D10.
By following the respective rules, allot the planets present in male and female signs accordingly in the D10 chart including asc.🤗
Okayyy, I'm done with explaining the simplified version of drawing some of the important divisional charts manually!! Hope u had a good read 😭❤ Note: Many websites can give wrong placements in divisional charts, so if you want to compare and make sure, be confident that you're using a good website to generate divisional charts.
Let's Learn and Grow Together!💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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Masterlist 💖
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kiddotarot · 2 months
Aruda and Upa pada and your future spouse (part =1)
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Explanation =the concept of padas in jaimini astrology shows 12 Arudas . Arudha means image appearance , ascended. Pada means = a part or portion. Every 12 diffrent padas shows thats house whole information generally all padas shows the impression that's we show the world and our surrounding. Upa pada particularly indicates the psychic projection into "public image" of matters of the private bedroom. Your Upapada or Vyaya Arudha (12th) shows the aura of glamour or bubble of charm which surrounds the native's marriage, as seen by the minds of others and what people believe about the your marriage which may be quite different from what is really going on. You can see anything about your future spouse with this .
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Calculation = (1) Take sign containing the house of interest in the divisional chart of interest.
(2) Find the sign occupied by the lord of that house.
(3) Count signs from the house of interest to the sign containing its lord.
(4) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign.
(5) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step.
(6) Check upapada lord in D9 can tell you a lot about marriage sustainablety.
(7) we going to use rashi ( sign ) aspecting ( drishties) here .
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Example = This is Bill clinton chart so now you can see his 12 house lord placed in 12H itself .
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This is chart after we made 12H ascendant after calculation.
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1.Sun placed in leo sign which is its own sign so his wife Hillary clinton is can be related to government position and government work because both planet and sign gives strong government position.
2.Hillary clinton studied political science so you can see in second chart 5H lord Jupiter sits in 3H in libra with sun aspecting it as sign drishti so its show sudy related to political science and other reason related to government and power position.
3.Rahu sits in 10H so its shows that career related to public or connection, networking and 4th sign ( Cancer)and plnets Mercury and saturn aspecting it and jupiter as rashi drishti aspecting it so its show political carrer and parliament related job or work connected with public high position.
4. 2H is alway important if you need to know about your marriage life so you can see in 2H mars and venus sitting there but its weak pr debilitated here so venus means a women can cause problems in his married life . But its not going to break because sun is placed good in his D9 chart.
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
📩 Directory📩
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How to Generate Charts
✩Tropical Birth Chart|✩Sidereal Birth Chart|✩Asteroids|✩Persona Charts|✩Solar Return Chart
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Planets in the Houses
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu
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Planets in the Signs
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu
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Planetary Aspects
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu
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Degree Theory
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu
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1. Major Asteroids ✩Ceres(1)|✩Pallas(2)|✩Juno(3)|✩Vesta(4)|✩Lilith(1181) 2. Love Asteroids ✩Adonis(2101)|✩Alkeste(124)
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Persona Charts
(work in progress)
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Solar Return Placements
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu|✩Stellium |✩Vertex |✩ Part of Fortune
✩Ascendant|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu|✩Stellium
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Lunar Return Placements
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu|✩Stellium |✩Vertex |✩ Part of Fortune
✩Sun|✩Moon|✩Mercury|✩Venus|✩Mars|✩Jupiter|✩Saturn|✩Uranus|✩Neptune|✩Pluto|✩North Node\Rahu|✩South Node\Ketu|✩Stellium |✩Vertex |✩ Part of Fortune
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Vedic Astrology
✩Nakshatras and Padas|✩Nakshatra Lords and Their Influences |✩Jaimini Karakas in Astrology
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Divisional Charts
✩ D2 Chart |
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Mythic, Divine, Godly, and Religious Objects
As always, process recorded for me and published for others, and my disclaimer is in my bio.
Recently, I received an ask regarding the mythic asteroid Aphrodite [1388] conjunct the Ascendant. I thought I'd explain my process for interpreting charts and placements within them, starting with how I define and differentiate mythic objects. If you are confused or curious about my perspective, you can refer to this post.
What makes an object...
Mythic objects are asteroids and minor objects that signify a story or an element from a story of myth, legend, or religion, which the astrologer need not necessarily follow, believe in, or practice.
For example, Orpheus [3361] and Eurydike [75] are figures of Hellenic myth. You don't have to practice Hellenic paganism to refer to them as mythic objects. Regardless of your beliefs, you will find Eurydike to represent disappearances, romantic distance, and the tragic muse, and Orpheus to represent grief, obsession, and the tragic artist. Read more on interpreting Orpheus and Eurydike here.
Divine objects are mythic asteroids and minor objects that signify a cosmic power, spiritual process, or holy place which is significant to the astrologer's faith.
For example, near any spiritual astrologer could refer to Spirit [37452] and treat it as a divine object, as near all religions have a concept that falls in line with that of 'spirit' or a 'spirit'. Thus, it's appropriate to use as such on near all occasions. However, asteroid Karma [3811] should only be interpreted as a divine object for those who incorporate Hindu concepts of karma into their faith. Non-Hindu astrologers can refer to it, but should do so as a mythic object.
Godly objects are divine asteroids and minor objects that signify the intervention of a specific deity, group of deities, or other named figure which the astrologer worships and which hypothetically possesses its own unique will and perspective.
For example, Christians would treat Christ-related objects as godly and the same for Hindus, pagans to their various pantheons, etc. For objects of dubious divinity, it relies even more so on personal beliefs. For example, asteroid Lucifer [1932] is only a godly object to an astrologer who practices devil worship. The asteroids of the saints would only be considered godly if a Christian treats them as conduits for the Christian god. Otherwise, one should treat the object in question as a mythic object, as described above. Read about how to identify your own prominent godly objects here.
Religious objects are fundamentally different as they are asteroids and minor objects that function as symbols of religious institutions, rather than the faith, or the stories for which faith is held.
Religious objects may double as mythic or even divine objects, depending on the context of the reading, but not necessarily. For example, the asteroid Holiday [365443] may be used in a spiritual reading in tandem with a Godly or Mythic asteroid to refer to a specific holiday - perhaps using the aspects between the latter object and the former. However, it can also represent, independently, the existence of holidays in general, regardless of to whom the days are holy. Another example would be Church [10343]. It is obviously a religious object, regardless of your faith. But if one is raised Catholic and has a prominent asteroid Peter [1716], it may also serve the purpose of a mythic asteroid, for he founded the church.
My next posts will be on finding mythic, divine, and godly objects prominent for you based on their type.
Keep an eye out, and I hope this was useful to even a few of you! Thanks for reading ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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sxorpiomooon · 8 months
Paid readings
Hello, I'm shells!! I've been practicing vedic astrology for 7 years and tarot for 4 years now I've also recently started doing palm readings. I'm clairvoyant and clairsentient I'm a gemini sun, scorpio moon and aquarius rising. Extremely glad to see you here<3
- i accept payment through paypal
-if you are paying through PayPal please add $3 extra if possible as the transaction fees, I would really appreciate it<3
- the payment has to be done when I start your reading
- i usually give the readings on the same day but if I'm busy, I'll inform and might take the time of 3-4 days max
- please drop a feedback in my asks after I've done your reading
- if you use another currency please lmk and we can decide the price according to your currency!!
- i also offer small readings for a lesser price!
- if you have any other questions other than the ones that I've mentioned before feel free to dm me and we will finalise accordingly!!
Types of readings and the charges!
Birth chart readings
General reading -$30
in this reading I'll read your main planets to give you a brief description of who you are including your strengths and weaknesses, how other people see you and think about you.
Future spouse reading->$35
( only main chart)
I'll give you a brief description of who your fs is, what kind of person they are, how you guys might meet and what symbols will be around when you both finally meet I'll tell you about what they might look like
Future spouse in depth reading -> $48
(main and division chart)
in this while reading your main and divisional chart I'll tell you about all the things that I've mentioned in the above normal fs reading + what your married life will be like, how your home will look like, their profession and more into what your marriage will bring for you
Career reading -> $35
a list of your career that might be good for you, what kind of career you will have, your coworkers your reputation in your career etc
Career reading in depth -> $48
everything mentioned above in the normal reading + what obstacles you might face, what precautions you should take or things that you must be careful about, how you will earn your money your approach in your career
A twist? -> $23
a list of random things about yourself or your life that you might or might not be aware and a list of things that you must be careful about in your life(health, enemies etc)
birth chart reading -> $75
- your main chart only
d9 reading -> $75
- I'll tell you about the second part of your life including your marriage, what will it be like and about your partner as well
d10 reading -> $85
about your career, your soul purpose and karma and how will you pay it
Tarot card readings
will this shoe fit? - $30
You can ask me about a particular career in mind, how you will do in it and what would life be like for you if you choose it
your in laws first impressions of you - $25
In this reading I'll tell you how your in laws will think and feel about you if you want me to include their siblings as well it will be + $7
Past life reading $45
In this reading I'll tell you about your past life, what kind of person you might have been and the kind of life you might have led
you and your celebrity $20
what would your favourite celebrity feel about you if you met what would they think about you and how would the dynamic be
mystery of love $25
how does your desired person sees you, feels about you and thinks about you
is there someone else? $35
A third party reading, how they feel about you and the other person if there is one the dynamic and examining the entire situation
queencard $28
how to elevate your style, your strengths, things you'll shine in hype you up what are good things about you how to style yourself better be more confident
when you know, you know $45
how you'll know that they are the one and how they'll know that you'll the one, the events leading upto it when will it happen, where it will happen, things around how you will feel at that time and how you will feel. choose this reading if you wish to know how you and your future partner will realise that you are in love!!
make your own kind of music $35
What are the ways for you to do what you want to do, what you have in front of you that you are not seeing, how to make the best our of it how to make opportunities and use them
Me and the devil $30
What is your version of the devil, what are your bad traits what and where do you have to imporve, what you are not able to see habits that are causing you some pain how you can improve
be my lover $33
who wants to be your lover, who around you is interested in you, i will be talking about who they are, where you know them from and how do they actually feel about you
feels like we had matching wounds $45
is there someone that you feel like you might have some past karma with? if so, this might be the reading you need. I'll talk about how you and that person are related, what karma bounds you both guys together and the dynamic
I've grown into a tall child $45
I'll try to read about your inner child, what were you like in your childhood, what hobbies did you like which of them did you leave behind and forget about, how you should try to heal your inner child, ways to make it better andbtake care of your inner child
maine tere liye (for you) $30
how your fs/fp/dp will they express and show their love for you, what will their love language be what kind of things they will do for you to show their love towards you
chasing pavements $43
Should you let go or stay analysing your relationship, where you stand and where they stand what options are available and what will the choices take you
Astronomy $35
Why didn't you guys work out, their perspective and yours vs why actually you didn't work out
i wish I knew you wanted me $30
Someone from ur past who liked you and had a crush on you, why they never spoke up about it
do you think I've forgotten about you? $30
Who from your past stil thinks about you, what do they feel and think what do they think went down
chamber of reflections $40
what kind of person are you, good and the bad diving down in your personality. The things that you don't see about yourself, how to improve them and what are the things that you should learn to appreciate yourself more about.
good days $30
I randomly descibe a good day from your future if you want it specifically with a person for example your future partner or spouse please specify
the way things go $30
how will things go in this connection , what are possibilities of things that can happen what is most likely to happen from the current energy and how to avoid it if you can
love letter $30
from your future lover I'll try to channel their energy from sometime in the future
the night we met $35
how will you meet your future lover or spouse, what are the events that will lead to it, when will you meet how will the meeting go.
pet $35
in this reading I'll try to channel how your pet feels about you and thinks about you!!
Palm reading $30
General palm reading(what kind of person you are, professions you'll be good at just an overall general reading)
If you have any other questions except these feel free to either dm me or send an ask we can discuss the price!!!
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pubbamoon · 3 months
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Venus signs and your music taste
Venus in houses and how you might create your music
Midheaven in signs and how can you become famous
Sun signs and your core identity
Moon signs and your childhood
Solar Return Chart Observations
Nakshatras Observation
Divisional Charts in Vedic Astrology
The Intro (The Matrix of Destiny)
Destiny Matrix Chart of Thewizardliz
Your Ideal Partner In Your Destiny Matrix Chart
Your The Most Suitable Career Path Based On Your Destiny Matrix Chart
Pluto in the 12th house
Placidus vs. Whole Sign
How to know if you read Western or Vedic astrology observations
Part of Fortune in Leo in the 11th house
Synastry Chart Tutorial... I guess!?
How to read money line in Destiny Matrix chart?
The Natal Chart of Taylor Swift
Top 5 placements from my natal chart I like
Top 5 placements from my natal chart I hate
Random Astrology Observation
Random Astrology Observation 2
Random Astrology Observation 3
Random Astrology Observation 4
Homosexuality | Joyful vibes
Western Astrology vs. Vedic Astrology
My readings are OPEN!!!
Face Reveal... Cuz Why Not
Update About My Readings
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Vedic astrology observations
1. I've noticed that many real life events coincide with one's natal chart. For example, if you have Venus in Swati, you could be attracted to someone with Swati big 3 (or it's yoni consort, Hasta) or you could potentially meet a partner when the Moon is in Swati or during transits over your Venus.
2. i think some people have a belief that finding someone whose moon nakshatra is your moon nakshatra's yoni consort is some sort of sign of a soulmate connection but that's not necessarily the case. it does create interesting chemistry but it's not the ultimate benchmark by any means.
3. if you want to learn more about your nakshatras please study it's mythology. i think that's the best starting point. too many people obsess over their divisional charts and what not. all of that comes later. start with the story.
4. venusians attracting other venusians is soo real. venus truly creates exclusivity & a kind of elitism. invented high standards period.
5. elephant yoni people are the biggest freaks for real. never met a bharani or a revati who wasn't completely freaky and sexual.
6. rahu girls may have hypnotic eyes but have you seen the eyes on a girl with serpent yoni? BEWITCHING
7. sidereal geminis embody duality like nobody else. the hardest people to figure out. involved yet detached. sexual yet frigid. close yet distant.
8. ardras are those cancers that are way too realistic and thus prone to pessimism meanwhile punarvasus are the delusional yet happy ones.
9. the larger the yoni animal, the more confident and naturally at ease an individual is. similar to how things are in nature, smaller animals constantly live in fear of attack. every rat yoni person i know has anxiety. meanwhile the lion yoni/elephant yoni person i know has balls made of steel
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astromancy-divinare · 1 month
💔DIVORCE💔 Indicators in Vedic Astrology
In order to accurately predict whether or not you’ll get divorced, you must have SEVERAL of these indicators in your:
🪐Tropical natal chart
🪐Sidereal natal chart
🪐D9 Navamsa chart - Vedic astrology divisional chart that predicts your future marriage(s)
Remember to use Whole Sign house system.
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I used Midjourney to create these images 💖
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