#business explanation by pete
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snugglyporos · 1 year ago
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Pete has been told humans like the pictures! So Pete has the pictures. Pete wishes to make sure humans understand the difference between good and bad.
One of these pictures involves something called a 'bank' which Pete is told has many metal circles, and has been around for many moons and which has many many metal circles all over the world.
One of these involves something involving imaginary metal circles which then resulted in what Pete is told is a legendary fall from grace and lots of humans losing lots of metal circles.
Now, Pete is but a simple pumpkin poro! Grows the patch! Does not particularly need all the metal circles, or even most. Are not interesting to Pete.
However, Pete would like to point out that it should be very worrying if anyone tried to explain that the picture on the right is your plan. Pete is a poro and just looking at that makes Pete wonder just what they're trying to hide! Would not give his snax too. Clearly, is not good.
Pete hopes that this has been informative. Do not give your snax to humans whose idea of structure looks like a nightmare.
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omegalomania · 1 year ago
so im sure everyones fully well aware of the magic 8 ball site fob is using to promote a contest to win some tickets to see them in nashville. the little 8ball widget theyve got in browser is also modeled on the physical 8ball that they had in the vip merch packages for tourdust's first leg, which is cool! but of particular note is the way that, to fill out the contest form, you have to pick your favorite fall out boy songs. and the sheer breadth of what is allowed is...interesting? it's not cohesive by any means, but it is really wild the selection of songs they have here because not all of them are fob songs. in fact, quite a few of them aren't.
i went directly to the source code and got a full list of all possible songs that you could input (which you can check for yourself by right-clicking and selecting "view source"). i'm going to list them here for archival purposes, with a few notes/explanations cause some of these are WILD.
there are 187 songs total listed.
bolded songs indicate songs that are demos or never received an official release
italicized songs are songs by other bands
underlined songs indicate songs that are covers
songs with an asterisk beside them (*) indicate they are from patrick's solo catalogue. two asterisks (**) are for pete's.
additional commentary by me will be [in brackets]
20 Dollar Nose Bleed 27 7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) 7-9 Legendary A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More "Touch Me" A Nice Myth [one of the earliest fall out boy demos, found on their first ep, and only the casette version at that] Allie* Alone Together Alpha Dog America's Suitehearts American Beauty/American Psycho (song) American Made Art of Keeping Up Disappearances As Long as I Know I'm Getting Paid* Austin, We Have a Problem Baby Annihilation Bad Side of 25* Bang the Doldrums Beat It Big Hype* Bishops Knife Trick Bob Dylan Bounce [this is a song that came out on then-Decaydance labelmates The Cab's debut record, Whisper War, which patrick produced. he has writing credit and also is credited with background vocals (and also shows up in the music video)] Caffeine Cold Calm Before the Storm Centuries Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends Champion Check Your Phone** Chicago is So Two Years Ago Church City in a Garden Coast (It's Gonna Get Better)* Coffee's for Closers Cryptozoology* Cute Girls* Cyanide** [this is a nothing,nowhere song that pete did some spoken word parts and backing vocals on] Dance Miserable* Dance, Dance Dead on Arrival Dear Future Self (Hands Up) Death Valley Deep Blue Love* [song patrick did for the indie short film "spell"] Demigods Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? Electric Touch [the (in?)famous taylor swift song patrick featured on] Eternal Summer Everybody Wants Somebody* Explode* Fake Out Fame Less than Infamy Favorite Record Fellowship of the Nerd [this is an alternate title for world's not waiting, as far as i can tell] Flu Game Flu Game [yes flu game is listed twice for some reason] Footprints in the Snow [demo from the Llamania ep] Fourth of July From Now on We Are Enemies G.I.N.A.S.F.S. Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) Ghostbusters (I'm Not Afraid) Golden Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy Greed* Grenade Jumper Grow Up and Be Kids [this song is on The Cab's sophomore album Symphony Soldier, which release after they left decaydance. nonetheless, pete does have some writing credits on it. give it a listen and you'll hear for yourself in the first 10 seconds or so] Growing Up Hand Crushed by a Mallet [this is a remix of the 100gecs song of the same name; patrick did some vocals for it] Hand of God Have I Got a Gift for You* [song patrick did for the horror movie black friday] Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet Heartbreak Feels So Good Heaven's Gate Heaven, Iowa Hold Me Like a Grudge Hold Me Tight or Don't Homesick at Space Camp Honorable Mention Hot to the Touch, Cold on the Inside Hum Hallelujah I Am My Own Muse I Don't Care
I Got Nothing, But You Got Something [this is the one that really perplexes me. there's no evidence of this song actually existing, other than an unverified genius post and an article on a single fandom wiki. it is inexplicably listed here despite its very existence being questionable at best.]
I Slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) I've Been Waiting [this is technically a lil peep song with fall out boy as a feature] I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) I've Got All This Ringing in My Ears and None on My Fingers Immortals Irresistible It's Hard to Say 'I Do', When I Don't It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love Jet Pack Blues Just One Yesterday Lake Effect Kid (song) Lake Shore Drive [this is a song patrick covered on the piano at wrigley, first night of tourdust] Love from the Other Side Love Will Tear Us Apart Love, Selfish Love* Love, Sex, Death Lullabye Mad at Nothing* Miss Missing You Moving Pictures My Heart Is the Worst Kind of Weapon My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) New Dreams [this is a bonus track on pax am days, a naked rayguns cover] Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner Novocaine Of All the Gin Joints in All the World One of Those Nights [another song from the cab's whisper war. this one has patrick doing vocals very prominently] Open Happiness [this was a huge collaborative piece done for a coca cola commercial. patrick was on it along with big names like cee lo green, janelle monae, and labelmates travie mccoy and brendon urie] Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued Parker Lewis Can't Lose (But I'm Gonna Give It My Best Shot) Past Life [llamania ep] Pavlove People Never Done a Good Thing* Porcelain* Pretty in Punk Rat a Tat Reinventing the Wheel to Run Myself Over Roxanne Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers)* San Diego [this is a blink-182 song that patrick did some writing for] Saturday Saturday Night Again* Save Rock and Roll (song) Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here) She's My Winona Short, Fast, and Loud Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers So Good Right Now So Much (For) Stardust (song) So Sick [this is a song patrick has exclusively covered live, so it's a fascinating inclusion] Sober [another blink-182 song patrick did some writing for] Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year Star 67 Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea Sugar, We're Goin Down Summer Days (song) [this is a martin garrix song patrick lent some vocals to] Sunshine Riptide Super Fade Switchblades and Infidelity Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today The "I" In Lie* The (After) Life of the Party The (Shipped) Gold Standard The Carpal Tunnel of Love The Kids Aren't Alright The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) The Last of the Real Ones The Mighty Fall The Music or the Misery The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes The Phoenix The Pink Seashell The Pros and Cons of Breathing The Take Over, the Breaks Over The World's Not Waiting (For Five Tired Boys in a Broken Down Van) This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race This City* Thnks fr th Mmrs (song) [for some reason the site specifies song here, despite that not being necessary. the only other times this distinction is relevant is when songs share a title with their albums, i.e. save rock and roll] Thriller Tiffany Blews Twin Skeleton's (Hotel in NYC) Uma Thurman Untitled 1 (Colorado Song) Untitled 2 (Jakus Song) [both of these are recently released tttyg era demos] W.A.M.S. We Didn't Start the Fire We Don’t Take Hits, We Write Them [this is a song that famously was only ever performed live. we don't have a studio recording or even a demo, as only live versions exist] We Were Doomed from the Start (The King is Dead) West Coast Smoker What a Catch, Donnie What a Time To Be Alive What's This? When I Made You Cry* Where Did the Party Go Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) Wrong Side of Paradise [llamania ep] XO You're Crashing, But You're No Wave Young and Menace Young Volcanoes Yule Shoot Your Eye Out
in conclusion i have no idea who compiled this list. it doesn't include every song patrick and pete have ever touched (notice the lack of gym class heroes, cobra starship, and hush sound discography) but it has a really weird selection of songs. i mean, blink songs patrick wrote on?? its bizarre.
anyway do you think if we mass request swing me by the rafters they'll have to do it
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vedajuno · 7 months ago
I think Billy Quizboy and Pete White are one of the great ambiguously gay duos because the actual canon explanation for them, that Billy and Pete’s relationship with each other is so weird and complicated on several different levels that Billy straight up started telling everyone that they’re gay just so that people won’t ask about it, is genuinely so much funnier then if the writers just said they were gay. Not friends or lovers or business partners or roommates but some secret twelfth thing bullshit that would take too much elaboration so sure, actually we’re lovers, PLEASE don’t make me elaborate on it any more
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erysser · 1 year ago
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summary : you were Peter’s best friend, though… you always wished you were more. Yet, he never seemed that interested in you until a certain cold day.
pairings: peter maximoff x reader
You walked in the cold winter, blowing into your hands which did basically nothing. The wind blew at you. You huffed, angry that you decided to go out today.
Suddenly, you got a call on your phone. You clicked your tongue, annoyed, as you answer the call.
“Hello? I’m kinda busy right now.” You say as you continue thrudging in the cold winter.
“Wow, I was just going to ask if you wanted company.” A familiar male voice says.
You hadn’t even checked who was calling you but of course it was Peter. Your best friend. You’ve been friends since childhood and you absolutely loved the guy… maybe in more ways than he loved you… but it was alright, you were still his friend and he was still yours.
“What- What do you mean?”
Suddenly a colder gust of wind hits your side. You shiver as you look and see a bundled up Peter, standing beside you. He gives you a lopsided smile. You roll your eyes at him, though you were smiling under your scarf.
“Hi Pete. Nice of you to join me.”
He gives you a smile, touching your shoulder which sends a jolt throughout your entire body. You couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or from him…
“Mind if I walk you back?” He asks grinning ah you as you start walking. You didn’t even say anything as he quickly follows you. The walk back was quieter than usual. You blamed it on the cold when you knew it was probably because you were too nervous to talk to your long time crush, even if he was your current best friend.
How embarrassing, liking a boy who you see every day but only thinks of you as a friend.
You shiver, not knowing if it was from the cold wind blowing on you or from the sudden company of your crush.
“Are you alright?” Peter asks, breaking the silence. You look up from the ground which you have been staring at to avoid the cold wind. You give him a perplexed look.
“Cold.” you say as an explanation.
“Cold? It’s not even that cold!” Peter says, walking a circle around you full of energy. You roll your eyes at him. Ignoring him as you try to move away. The cold was getting to you, you clasps your hands together, rubbing them together and blowing on them. A futile attempt to maintain heat.
Suddenly, you feel a sudden weight on your shoulders. You straighten up and notice a new jacket has appeared on your shoulders. It was big and silver in colour, a plethora of patches decorating its sleeve. You look from the jacket to the now jacket-less Peter.
“Pete…” You start before he shuts you up by punching your shoulder.
“ ‘s alright, I can’t let my girl get cold now, can I?” He says, giving you a large grin and laughing to himself.
My girl.
Could he? No… You ignore it, maybe he just meant my girl best friend or something… You weren’t his type…
Before you could do anything, he puts his baby blue beanie on your head. He gives you a giant smile as he did it. The smile. That smile that made you fold every time you saw it. Oh how beautiful was he!
You admired him as he came closer to fix up the beanie on your head. Your eyes fixed on him as he fits the beanie on your head. His hair was mess-ied with cowlicks here and there, yet, it added to his charm. Your face turns red as you notice how close you were to each other.
His eyes wander down to you. His eyes that carried so much joy and emotion. They were calm at that second, no hint of hidden energy. He stops adjusting the beanie, looking at you. He gives you a small smile before going back to pushing your hair into the beanie. You blush, and you swore you saw a small hint of blush taint his cute face.
There’s no possible way…
You quickly avert your eyes. Deep in thought of the sudden hope he just gave you. Was he playing with your feelings? You were pulled back to the reality to the sound of your name being called. You look up at him, humming in response. He gives you a small smile.
“I love you.”
He brings your forehead to his lips and gives a quick peck, before you could do anything he had run off to God knows where.
You were left standing in the cold snow, on your house’s street. Confused and bewildered on the scene that had unfolded in front of you. You stand, frozen in shock.
He kissed you.
HE kissed YOU.
You pull his jacket closer as you continue walking, grumbling that you’ll have to go out soon again to find the man who had just confessed and run.
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peacefxlmyko · 1 year ago
Family business
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x mom!Reader, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x wife!Reader, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x platonic!Reader
Ask: "I had an idea for Top Gun, the reader was “Goose”'s wife and Bradley's mother, she is in the Navy and trains the squadron for the mission with Maverick. When Maverick and his son's plane are about to be shot down instead of Jake saving them, she is the one who saves them. Cute ending if possible" by @motherofdragons1998
Tags: Fluff, Angst, obviously Top Gun Maverick spoilers, hints to Hangster 👀, Reader is a widow, Use of Y/N, Reader's callsign is Shadow
Notes: I am SO nervous to post this omfg. This is the first thing I ever wrote based off an ask and I hope I did everything right with it lmao. This is also the longest piece I have ever written. I am not 100% happy with it, but I did my best and I hope ya'll like it! Apologies for any Grammar or in general writing mistakes, English isn't my first language. I am also open for more requests/asks!
Words: 2500+
Story under the cut! ✂️
Getting the call to return to Top Gun after years definitely wasn't something you expected. And finding out that you had to train the best pilots in the world for a suicide mission didn't make your anxiety any better.
After you arrived at the Academy, you were met with Beau “Cyclone” Simpson and Solomon “Warlock” Bates and they introduced you to the Mission.
“Captain Y/N “Shadow” Bradshaw." Cyclone began. “I'm Admiral Beau Simpson and this is Admiral Solomon Bates.”
“Pleasure to meet you, sir.” You replied.
“I hope it's no problem we will be introducing you to the Mission without the other instructor.”
“Other.. instructor, sir?”, your eyes narrowed a little in confusion.
"Yes, you will be teaching the class with another instructor.” Your curiosity was sparked, but you didn't get to ask anything else as they started explaining the Mission.
“The target is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat to our allies in the region.” Warlock started to explain.
After the explanation it as your turn to explain your view on the mission. Then, they revealed who the pilots tasked with the mission were. “We've recalled 12 TOPGUN graduates from their squadrons. We want you to narrow-”
As soon as you turned to the monitor your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat. Bradley.
“Is there a problem, Captain?”
“I just.. didn't expect to see my son there, sir.” You muttered, still a bit in disbelief.
“Bradley Bradshaw, aka Rooster. I understand his father was also a pilot? What was his callsign again?”
Ouch. “It was Goose, sir.”
“Tragic what happened.”
Daggers. With every word daggers were being stabbed in your heart. Not one day went by without you missing Nick. Your husband. The father of your son. The love of your life.
After the briefing, you headed to a nearby bar to try and gather your thoughts. As you walked into the bar, you suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting there. No, two. Two familiar faces.
The man turned around with a stunned look on his face.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You walked closer to him, a smile forming on my face.
“I could ask you the same.”
“He pissed off another admiral.” Penny commented and you cracked a smile. “It's nice to see you again, Penny” You smiled and sat down next to Pete.
“Don't tell me you're going to-”
“Teach a mission here?” You completed his sentence.
“So you are the other instructor! They wouldn't even tell me!” Mav chuckled at your complaint and shook his head a little.
You heard some noises at the other side of the bar and glanced over at the pool tables. There were pilots gathered and you recognised them as the graduates that had been recalled for the mission.
A few more people joined the bar. It didn't even take you two seconds to recognise your son. Hawaii shirt, sunglasses on his nose, that damn mustache like Nick had. Bradley was the spitting image of his father. You also heard someone call out “Bradshaw! Is that you?”
You didn't want to admit it, but sometimes it hurt a little. The way Nick would have been so proud of him hurt. And knowing that you were the reason his papers were held back because you didn't want him to have the same fate as Goose.
As soon as Pete recognised Bradley he quickly turned away, as if to hide from him. “Mav, you don't have to hi-”
“I cost him years of his career.”
“I know, but that was because I wanted it that way. You did it for me, because of Goose. Don't you think it's time he finds out it was me?”
“No, god no. It'll be fine, just.. let it be.”
You sighed and turned back to your drink, taking a few sips.
“How about ringing me up before the evening rush?” Maverick suddenly said to Penny and stood up. You glanced over at Bradley, watching him with his fellow aviators. Hasn't even noticed his own mother yet. You chuckled a little to yourself.
“It's been declined.”
You snapped out of your thoughts when Penny said that to Pete and laid his credit card on the table in front of him. You curiously watched and tried to hide your amused grin.
“You're kidding.”
Soon enough, Pete was getting carried out by three pilots and you watched, not even hiding your amusement.
Then, you heard a few tones coming from the piano and your heart dropped.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much love drives a man insane.”
Rooster was playing and singing “Great balls of fire”. The same song Nick loved performing, a little out of key but it was still always the most perfect thing to you. You stared at him in disbelief, his back turned to you. Other pilots were standing next to him, singing along. The whole Bar was watching him. Your little boy.
After he was finished you watched him perform a little funny dance as the bar kept chanting “Rooster! Rooster!”. God, when did he grow up so much?
You stood up and slowly made your way towards him.
“I assumed you would at least let your Mother know when you're on a new Mission?”
You could see the way his heart dropped and he looked like a toddler being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Mom?” He slowly turned around to you, you had an amused grin on your face.
“This is how I find out you're back at TOPGUN?” You grinned. You could hear his friends letting out laughs and a few comments in the background. “I- uh—”
“Oh, shut up and give your mother a hug.”
The next day, all the pilots sat together in a hanger, ready to be taught about the mission. Admiral Bates was standing in front of them all, ready to explain.
“Your instructors are TOPGUN graduates with real world experience in every mission aspect you'll be expected to master and they are considered some of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign Maverick and Captain Y/N Bradshaw, callsign Shadow.”
Maverick and you walked in together, walking up to the lectern where Warlock stood at first. The pilots turned to look at you both and you could see their faces drop as some of them realized they kicked out their instructor last night.
You shot Bradley a quick small smile, meanwhile he gave Maverick a look that could kill.
You both started to talk to the class, Mav doing the most talking. After some briefing, you all got your Jets ready and then took off into the sky for some training and to show what they are able to do.
The next few days were spent preparing and training, trying to get them ready.
But once during some briefing in a classroom, a fight broke out. Hangman had made a comment about Goose and it set Rooster off, almost going for his throat but you all managed to keep them apart. Maverick dismissed them all for the day.
Bradley went back to the base to calm down, Maverick went to meet Iceman and you.. Well, you drove to the Hard Deck and sat down at the Beach there. The whole time you were lost in thoughts. Was he ready for this? Was I ready for this? Was anybody ready for this mission?
“Oh Nick..” You started to tear up. “I don't want to send Bradley out there. He's not ready. No one is! I-I can't risk losing him too! I.. I just can't lose my son too… He's my little boy.. Our little boy.. When did he grow up so much…? I need you here.. god.. I wish you were here..”
Even though he wasn't here anymore, you knew Goose was still watching over you and listening whenever he could.
It felt like the time until the mission flew by. It almost felt like a blur, as if it wasn't real. And burying one of your life-long friends made it even worse. Iceman could finally rest, but it was still incredibly painful. Seeing Maverick grief him made it even worse.
But in a blink of an eye, you were all on a ship in the middle of the Ocean, about to choose which Daggers would fly. You were going to stay back as Backup and Mav was going to fly with them.
You knew he was going to choose him as his wingman, but you secretly begged it wasn't true. You wished it would be Hangman, but it was going to be your son.
“Choose your two Foxtrot teams.” Cyclone said.
“Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob.” You both had decided these teams together, but the Wingman was Mav's own choice.
“And your Wingman?”
After a moment of anticipation, he finally said…
There it was. Your son was flying the suicide mission. And all you could do was listen through the comms and pray.
Everyone went on Deck and walked to their Jets. As you stood by your Jet, you looked over at Rooster and noticed him talking to Hangman. You had noticed throughout the whole preparation there seemed to be some tension and.. closeness between them. There was at least something.
You turned back to your Jet, climbing inside in case they needed Backup during the mission.
As the mission began and the teams flew away, your heart was pounding. With every minute you felt your anxiety increasing, scared for the safety of your son and also your friend.
You listened closely through the comms, listening to everything…..
“Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye!"
Yes! God, yes! They did it!
But now it was time to get back alive…
The rest of the mission was a pure air fight, raw dogfighting. They just needed to make it out alive. Please.
But to your worst fear the enemy planes were focused on Rooster.
“Dagger Two defending. Shit, I'm out of flares!”
“Rooster, evade, evade!” You heard his uncle shout.
“I can't shake ‘em! They're on me! They're on me!”
You didn't know what was happening., you weren't there. You didn't see it. All You could do was listen. Listen and wait. It felt awful not being able to do anything.
There was a moment of silence, only the heavy breathing from the pilots.
“Mav! No!”
“Dagger One is hit! I repeat, Dagger One is hit! Maverick is down!”
Your breath caught in your throat. Mav was hit.
“Dagger One, Status. Status! Anyone see him? Did anyone see him?! Dagger One, come in!” You heard the panic in Rooster's voice.
“I didn't see a parachute.”
“We have to circle back!”
You felt your heart pumping, this was all so much. You knew this was a difficult mission, hell, a suicide mission but you still hoped this wouldn't happen!
“All Daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you.”
“What about Maverick?!” There was a strain in Bradley's voice.
“Dagger Square request permission to launch and fly air cover.” You suddenly spoke up. You had to help. You needed to help.
“Negative, spare.”
“Dagger, you are not to engage. Repeat, do not engage.”
“Dagger Two, return to carrier. Acknowledge.”
Bradley, please. Come home safe.
You also wanted to save Maverick, but not with Bandits in the air.
The silence was killing you.
“Rooster, those bandits are closing. We can't go back.” You heard Phoenix say. “Rooster, he's gone.”
It hurt, but Bob was probably right. He was gone. He was with Goose. “Maverick's gone.”
Maverick had sacrificed himself for Rooster. Your best friend had sacrificed himself for your son….
Your heart began to pound as you realized Bradley was flying back. He wanted to save Mav. You wanted to scream at him to get his ass back to the ship, but you couldn't. He wouldn't even listen.
The not knowing was killing you. Not being able to do anything. Being stuck on the ship while your son was out there fighting for his life.
After minutes that felt like hours you heard the words you only wished to hear in your darkest nightmares.
“Dagger Two is hit.”
Rooster was hit.
You could barely hold it together anymore. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, but you had to hold it in.
“Dagger Two, come in. Dagger Two, do you copy? Dagger Two, come in.”
You were horrified. You might have just lost your only child and your best friend. Now you were alone.
One Minute turned into two. Two into five. Five into ten. Nothing. No reply, no sign of life.
You had no idea what the hell was going on in the tower, they weren't talking to you. Not one word. Was there a trace of the two? Were they still alive? You didn't know and it was one of the worst things you've ever felt.
After what felt like an eternity, you were finally given permission to launch and fly to their rescue after they had detected Rooster's ESAT.
Soon you saw them, they were involved in an air fight and obviously losing. You managed to bring your jet behind the enemy's plane without bringing any attention to yourself. That was the way you got your callsign. You were a Shadow, you could easily follow any planes without being noticed.
Just as they were about to shoot down Maverick and Rooster, you fired a shot and hit the bandit. The bandit was down and they were save. They were finally save and back with you.
You flew right through the smoke towards the F-14, you had never been happier to see a jet.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking.”
There was a grin on your face, you had never been so glad.
“Hey, mom, you look good.”
“I am good, Bradley. I'm very good.”
“I'll see you back on Deck.” You flew back and were the first to land. You got out of the Jet and watched everybody put up a net to catch the F-14.
Once they were back on deck you didn't hesitate one second to run towards them. “Bradley!” You shouted.
Everybody came running towards them, cheering and congratulating them.
Maverick got out and first went to Hondo, while Bradley came running towards you.
“Oh, my boy, I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone.” You sobbed and took him into your arms.
“You're not getting rid of me easily, Mom.” He laughed and hugged you tightly, not letting you go for a while. “You're a hero, Bradley. I'm so so proud of you. Your- your dad would be so proud, god-” You teared up.
“I know Mom, I know.”
You parted from him so he could celebrate with the others. The other Daggers immediately came to him.
Once again you could swear there were looks between Jake and Rooster, but you didn't mention anything.
“Captain Mitchell! Captain Mitchell!” You then saw Bradley approach Pete. Without hesitating, Maverick pulled him into a hug. A hug that meant the World.
“Thank you for saving my life.”
“It's what my dad would've done.”
Days after the mission the whole Dagger Squad was sitting in the Hard Deck together, having drinks and cracking jokes. Bradley, of course, sat down at the piano and sang once again. The whole Bar chimed in and sang “Great balls of fire” with him.
“Oh! You're fine, so kindGot to tell this world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine!”
You could have sworn he took a glance towards Jake during that line.
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porschesbabydaddy · 2 years ago
Kinnporsche Fuck Ranking
As the name suggests, this list is a ranking of which character I think fuck from the least to the most. This is based off vibes alone, with absolutely no regard for cananical evidence. If you disagree with me that’s fine but please remember that I’m far too pretty for arguing online so I will not be accepting criticism, constructive or otherwise.
#10) Kim
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- Kim would rather die than be physically or emotionally vulnerable with someone. He saw Tawan leading Kinn around by his dick and said “yeah no not for me thanks”
#9) Pete
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Honestly I think sex and sexuality is so low on Pete’s list of priorities before he met Vegas that the desire to fuck never really struck him. This has changed now that he’s living his best and most freaknasty life, but he’ll have to do quite a bit of fucking to catch up to everyone else
#8) Big
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Big only fucks when the loneliness gets too heavy to handle. He either chooses men who look too much like Kinn, or look like his complete opposite. Either way it’s not a healthy choice
#7) Chay
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Now this is going to come as a shock to some people, but you can’t tell me that a teenage boy with a frequently empty house and a healthy libido isn’t getting up to funny business. The limited edition Wik merch stays ON during sex
#6) Tankhun
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Another controversial one, I know. While Tankhun may not fuck in the traditional sense, he’s got a devoted harem of discord kittens and he’s inventing new ways to have cybersex that should be studied by scientists
#5) Ken
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There isn’t much to say here. Ken is a nasty little thotty who died making it clap on Instagram
#4) Kinn
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Kinn only ranks so low because he’s a very busy man. He has to pencil his dick appointments into his Google Calendar, it’s a whole thing
#3) Porsche
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Little Miss “bartending is my sidegig, fucking rich women for tips is my real job.” He took to gay sex like a duck takes to water, and that’s because sluttery is his calling
#2) Vegas
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Vegas fucks like it’s his job, and that is NOT a compliment. Take a vacation day babygirl, the slut factory can afford to go without you for one day. Or at least have some orange slices and water, replenish your energy
#1) Yok
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do I even need to give an explanation for this? Just look at her. Assume that whenever Yok isn’t on screen, she’s having incredibly hot and wildly acrobatic sex. Side note: She and Tankhun should have smashed tbh
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aulostheremin · 12 days ago
Relationship charts of my ocs with the eltingville boys
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this chart is not well made. I was getting sleepy so I just do the lazy way. also sorry if the texts are hard to read. idk why they look so ass quality. if you have a hard time reading it, go to ALT.
keep reading below for a detailed explanation of their relationships
Bill and Sabine had a bad start when Sabine and her twin sister, Farina moved to the neighbourhood. The girls' aunt suggested they meet other kids, which led them to Bill's house. Bill's mom welcomed them in but Bill, just waking up in his underwear, was not happy to find two unknown girls in his house. After a scolding from his mom, he awkwardly joined them. He attempted to make conversation, but his questions came off as disrespectful, especially mostly towards Sabine who reacted with eye rolls and glares. Sabine expressed her dislike for Bill, which angered him since he felt he was being polite. In response, Sabine warns him to stop his behaviour and not talk to her or touch her again. from then on, Bill and Sabine throw jabs at each other especially towards their respective clubs.
Farina on the other hand, feels indifferent toward Bill after their first meeting but believes he has some good in him. Farina gives him an apology letter for her sister's action. Bill pretty much don't care as long they don't annoy him during the summer. when Bill heard Farina opened her comic business at the local library, he was upset, thinking it could outdo Joe's comic book shop as there were many kids go to her and they all seem to like it. He gives in to check Farina's work by requesting a spider man story. after he read it, Bill hates to admit it, Farina's writing is good. but this made him more mad about the prospect of this one girl can overrun an already made establishment. so he rips the comic and throws it away. that same night, a rock flew into Bill's window, scaring him. a note was attached to it, saying "FIRST WARNING"
believe it or not, Josh is next doors neighbour with the twins aunt. so he was the first one for the twins to visit, but Josh immediately declined their introduction. during the club meeting, Bill gives Josh, Pete and Jerry a speech about the disruption of their summer break in the form of twin girls. like in Bill's case, Josh and Sabine have an immediate loathing to each other. the only notable interactions they have are short form roasts when they both take out the trash in the morning and night.
When Josh heard of Farina's business, he was mostly intrigued to see if a girl could write a good story for him. after he read it, he demands a refund and criticising her work is terrible and childish. interestingly, Farina asked Josh what was bad about her work so she could improve. as Josh rambles on hoping to break her spirit, Farina genuinely takes note from this and recommends books for helpful tips. since they're already in a library, Josh shows all the books for her writing and drawing. afterwards, Josh is shocked he indirectly helps a rival.
Pete first encountered Sabine when he's alone on a Tuesday smoking a cigarette in the back alleyways. She came out of nowhere and asked for a dart (Australian slang for cigarette). Pete was hesitant at first, but thinking Sabine is pretty, he gave her one for 10 bucks. She groans and pulls out cash for him. they both stand next to each other in silence. Pete tries to hold a conversation with her by asking about her scar, but Sabine declines as she doesn't want to see Pete wasting his breath to impress her. he rolls his eyes and agrees with her. now, every Tuesday, they both do the same routine of sharing cigarettes and standing in silence.
Pete first met Farina indirectly when he came home one Friday night and saw her in his kitchen and holding his baby sister. Pete discovered his mom hired Farina as a babysitter every Friday. Pete groans of interacting with the other half of the twins, especially with one trespassing his home. Pete mostly kept an eye on Farina but quickly realised how good she's handling his sister. he and Farina even bonded more when talking about R.L. Stine books. he personally doesn't like it as it is not on par with his taste but enjoys talking about the ghosts and monsters with her. but their bond immediately shattered when Pete asked Farina to draw gore. she is super uncomfortable with that topic and is now frantic around Pete. he apologised and while she accepted it, there is now a tense awkwardness between them.
After the meeting about the twins, Jerry does not see the girls as a threat and wants to know them better. He first saw Sabine shopping with her aunt and planned to talk to her when she was alone. However, Sabine noticed that Jerry was following her and tried to ignore him. When she was at the dairy section, Jerry tapped her on the shoulder, but Sabine reacted angrily, demanding to know what he wanted. Jerry stuttered, leading Sabine to yell at him before she left to join her aunt. Sabine could tell Jerry is one of those 'nice guys' and she won't fall for it.
Jerry tries again with his plan by talking to Farina at the library. Farina already knew of her sister's situation with Jerry but tried to give a second chance with him. when Jerry sees how good it is when she draws a dragon and a princess, he asks if he could read a fantasy genre book of hers. Farina gave him one, and Jerry was impressed with the writing. sure it's for kids but he's entertained by it. for the next 3 hours, Jerry and Farina talks about the fantasy series they liked. while Jerry is more complex and mature like Lord of the Rings, Farina like the simple kid stories like classic fairy tales, Beatrix Potter and Roald Dahl books. they both genuinely enjoyed their company over these shared interests.
and that's the end folks! phew this was exhausting but fun. as you can see, I don't really ship Sabine and Farina with any of the boys. there could be potential of it but it never goes anywhere. they're just seen as nuisance rivals to the boys.
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reginaphalangelobster125 · 1 month ago
April Fools
Peter Parker x Reader (platonic) Avengers x Reader
Summary: It's your first April Fools Day.
Warnings: I try to be funny, some fluff but mainly just comedy
Word Count: 1,517
"Hey, Pete!" you called out to the newest avenger.
"Hi Ms Y/n!"
"You can just call me Y/n"
"If you say so"
"So what're you doing here kid? I thought you weren't coming over until the weekend"
"I wasn't but Aunt May wanted me out of the house early"
"Why's that?"
"Well, tomorrow is April 1st"
"April Fools Day"
"What's that?"
"You're kidding! You don't know what April Fools Day is?"
"Nope, what is it?"
"It's one of the best days of the year! You spend the whole day pranking people"
"Sounds like fun"
"It is! And since you've never celebrated before we have to prank the whole team!"
"Oh I am so in"
"We should start planning as soon as possible"
"Let's go to my room, I set up a system to shut off the vents so Clint can't spy on me"
"That's so cool"
You and Peter scurried off to your room and started scheming.
"I think Dr Banner is off the table, I don't feel like meeting the Hulk"
"Good idea. Ooh! I just got an idea! While should hack into F.R.I.D.A.Y's system and set her to obey everyone but Tony and get her to either completely ignore him or do the exact opposite of what he says"
"That's genius, are you sure you're new to April Fools?"
The two of you spent the next few hours coming up with different ways to prank everyone.
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You got up early and set your plans in motion, first target: Tony Stark.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, start the coffee machine" Tony said, his voice laced with sleep. He waited but there was no response and no coffee.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y?" he questioned "Helloooo? F.R.I.D.A.Y?"
"Morning" you greeted while grabbing a mug from next to a slightly aggravated Tony.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, start the coffee machine" you said to the A.I.
"Yes Y/n" she replied.
'What?" Tony asked, getting more and more annoyed.
'Hmm?" you hummed.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, turn on the TV" Tony demanded.
Suddenly the kettle started to boil.
"What the hell is going on here?!"
You did your best to contain your giggles as you left the kitchen. You met Peter outside the door who high-fived you.
"Yes!" he whisper yelled.
"Operation Terrorise Tony is a success"
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Next on your list was Sam, you knew he always showered after he finished training so while he was in the shower you and Peter snuck in and exchanged all of his clothes.
You both ran out into the common room and watched TV like you were completely innocent.
"Alright what the hell is going on?" Sam asked, walking out in a bright pink Hello Kitty crop top and matching pants.
"Hey Sam, lookin' good" Bucky teased as he walked past.
"You know, that look really suits you" you said as you left the room dragging Peter with you.
"Where are you two going?"
"Just showing the kid around, see you later, Kitty!"
You rounded the corner and whipped your phone out, taking a photo of your adorable feathered friend. As soon as you were out of earshot you and Peter both burst out into laughter.
"Operation Hello Sammy complete"
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Peter checked F.R.I.D.A.Y's schedule earlier so he knew Natasha had a mission today. You passed Peter a package and he crept into her room and placed it on her bed. Once she went into her room to put her stealth suit on you heard a growl from around the corner. She ran out into the common room, purple and pink striped suit in hand and demanded an explanation.
"Who did this?! Where's my suit?!"
The room fell silent, no one wanted to say anything as they were terrified of her. You and Peter weren't stupid, you knew not to be there so instead you had F.R.I.D.A.Y record everything while you started on the next prank.
Peter's phone chimed and when we read the notification from F.R.I.D.A.Y he looked up at you "Operation Patterned Assassin went with flying colours"
You snorted laughing.
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Next on your list was Thor. Poor, naive, unsuspecting Thor. You bought some hair dye and poured it into his shampoo bottle while he was busy in the kitchen. He went back up to his room for a while and you thought it wasn't going to work, that was until you heard him. You heard the most terrifying, bloodcurdling scream echo through the tower. He ran out clutching the shampoo bottle in one hand and holding up the towel around his waist with the other. His hair was a neon green colour that would soon turn darker.
And that was your queue. You ducked out the door before he could see you. You met up with Peter and grabbed his hand, leading him away from Thor as fast as you could.
"Operation Toxic Thor is a scary success"
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For your next trick you decided to kill two super birds with one hot stone. You both went to 3 different stores just to get the spiciest chillies you could find. Chopped up the chillies very finely and put them into Sam's leftovers from the night before, knowing that Steve and Bucky loved his cooking more than anyone. It didn't help that while cutting the chillies Peter accidentally touched his eye but, for you at least, it was hilarious.
You waited around the corner and watched them heat up to food then sit down to eat it. The heat took a moment to come but when it did, oh boy did it. Steve was the first to feel the effects. He jumped up, very jittery, and fanned his mouth like a cartoon. Next was Bucky, he ran to the fridge and started chugging the milk straight from the carton. Steve snatched the milk out of his friend's hand and downed it, with most of it going on the floor. Just then Sam walked in, still in his Hello Kitty clothing, and he looked at the two men before him.
"What the hell happened to you guys?"
"I think you know damn well, Wilson" Steve panted out.
"I'm going to kill you" Bucky said slowly, petrifying Sam.
The super soldiers chased Sam around the room screaming.
You and Peter ran off to your room much earlier, fearing what might happen. You were rolling on the floor breathlessly as you watched the whole scene play out on F.R.I.D.A.Y's cameras.
"O-Operation S-Super Spicy com-complete!"
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Next was Clint. It was hard to sneak up on him as he was and amazing assassin and very skilled in stealth techniques so you decided to wait until he fell asleep. Peter used his webs to tie Clint up and cover his mouth so he couldn't call for help. Peter then stuck him to the ceiling in a very dark corner. Now you could just enjoy the muffled sound of Clint trying to squirm free.
"There's no point in trying to get out Mr Barton, the webs will dissolve in a few hours"
You heard him yell the last word back, it may have been muffled but you could just make it out.
"Operation Bound Bird successful"
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Coulson walked through the elevator doors to see milk all over the floor, Tony screaming at F.R.I.D.A.Y, Steve and Bucky chasing a very pink Sam around the tower, Thor holding his bright green hair in his hands and sighing with a wistful look on his face and finally Clint, webbed to the ceiling.
"What the hell happened here?"
Clint tried to respond but he still had webs covering his mouth.
Now it was time for your last prank. You knew Coulson was coming by and you knew he was bringing the ultimate target: Nick Fury. Peter was ready and waiting with his webs and you had the other part of your prank. Peter had made some adjustments to his web formula so now it was even stickier. As soon as you saw Fury walk through the door Peter shot webs at him and you threw a huge bucket of feathers and glitter on him.
"Does someone want to tell me WHAT THE DAMN HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!"
You and Peter jumped out of your hiding spots and yelled out "April Fools!"
Everyone turned to look at the two of you, even Steve and Bucky, who decided to stop chasing Sam. They all stared at you in silence, then Clint fell down from the ceiling.
"WhAt?!?!?!?!" they all shrieked.
"A-April Fools?" the two of you said shyly as you bolted out the door.
It was quite the sight for the people of New York, seeing the avengers chasing each other down the street, covered in milk, webs, feathers and glitter.
Next year they were going to get even.
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leeny-leens · 2 months ago
using this blog as my personal notes app for my writing is so fun anyways heres more to the socmed AU so I don't forget Abt it later
it's a Barty X Reader story BCS he's my recent obsession and very obv it's a modern AU, no magic etc etc the whole works y'all
(yes this is a reader AU sue me I love writing self insert)
Reader - content creator ™️, makes diff kind of content but it's mainly art and video/photography centric, she studied film and cinema but then realized that uni and higher education ™️ in general wasn't her thing, tried a million diff majors until she finally dropped out and started free lancing and realized she quite likes this way of living
Barty - aka BCJR, singer who dropped out of law school like 2 years in and decided to pursue music instead BCS he figured it'll piss his dad off before he realized he actually loves making music
Remus - wrote a book called "Let the Moon speak Tonight" and has literally never done anything else writing wise since, doesn't plan on it either but the book got really popular and thus he's become known as this one guy ™️, he studied English lit and works in a bookshop
Peter - he studies sth with geography or zoology maybe?? or sth with plants?? anyways he's a plant dad ™️ and loves animals so he has a YT channel as well as social accs dedicated to his hobbies, it's surprisingly popular with a bunch of people and they always tend to say he has a soothing sense of humour and a nice voice (also he's constantly doing random ass side quests and people in his comment section will always be like wait isn't this the guy who did/attended/participated/hosted xyz and his friends are like Pete wtaf when did you do that???)
Mary - she runs a jewelry account and a lot of times you'll see her collaborating with a bunch of brands and fashion content creators to bring out THE best looks ever, surprisingly to literally everyone though fashion isn't her main interest or sth she studied it's just a hobby, everyone is always surprised when they find out she is a nursing student and somehow has time to still keep her page running though she often shrugs it off with the explanation that it's not a chore for her but a way to unwind
Lily - food blogger, she gets invited to a shit ton of events and has a knack for connecting with people, she wanted to be a teacher before she got totally burnt out in uni and decided to just try things out to see where life takes her
Marlene - I'm undecided on this but I think she studied business because of her family before realizing it wasn't really sth for her so she ended up switching to sth with dance! she now runs a successful dancing centric acc and you often see her and James in each other's videos
James - he's an athlete, I wanna say soccer? or maybe a swimmer??? but anyways he had a scholarship in college and is currently training to go for nationals and then hopefully the Olympics, he runs a v Basic but fun sports acc, some people would straight up say he's a sports influencer but he just likes sharing his journey and helping others understand their own bodies
Sirius - an actor who started out as a child actor, pushed into the industry by his family; it took a toll on his mental and physical health to an extreme extent until he ran away at 15 and retired from filming; made a comeback of his own when he was 19 and the people love him
Regulus - model, pushed into the industry by his family ever since he was young; it took a toll on his health until he managed to cut ties with them when he was in his early 20s (he's still in his early to mid 20s but shh)
Evan - originally he studied forensic science, then he switched to bio chem but got bored really quick and just started doing fuck not, he models with Reg occasionally or sings with Barty and rn he's just vibing trying to figure out what the fuck life is even about
Pandora - she studied psychology and is a really big mental health advocate, originally she wanted to be a therapist but now she's on track to become a social worker, she has 2 accounts that she runs one of them being mental health related and has a lot of advocacy and charity things while the other is more personal and focuses on her beliefs and her more or less witchy plant girl life style, her and Peter often make videos together
Dorcas - she studied polisci no I don't take any criticism on this <3 your girl wants to make changes because she saw how the world treated her single mother and she's having none of that, she's always posting and talking about social justice issues, feminism, advocacy and she's doing all of that in style while defying the expectations of what a 'serious' woman should look and act like
I'm thinking of combining socmed and written chapters for this AU, simply because I like the mix and think it'll be the most efficient to bring along the story!
There's gonna be a few plot points I want to cover
I have so many more thoughts and I'm so excited to share them with you guys <33
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chaotic-goodsir · 1 year ago
Since it's Black Friday week, I'm gonna do a sort of series thing with the Hatchetverse headcanons and drabbles that have completely derailed my nanowrimo plans (curse of hyperfixation be upon ye, etc.).
They're all Spankoffski-centric, sort of, depending on who you count as a Spankoffski.
Speaking of which...
Ted and Pete's mom (I'll call her Annabelle, Annie for short) grew up in the bible belt in a super-religious family. She got out as soon as she could, leaving home at 18, and ended up working as a waitress in the tiny town of Hatchetfield. That's where she met Ed Spankoffski, who at the time was training to take over his family's shoe store. Annie and Ed fell in love, got married young, and had their son Teddy within a few years. 
Annie cut all contact with her parents when she left home - but she did keep in touch with her younger brother.
He was always a smart, outgoing kid, and despite their parents' disapproval he managed to get funding to study physics at a college out of state. He left home a year after Annie did, and never looked back.
At first they remained close, despite their differences. They called each other regularly. He declared himself an atheist as soon as he got away from their parents. She kept her faith, but joined her husband's more liberal-minded presbytarian church. He came out to her as bisexual, and she told him she'd suspected that since they were teenagers and that she would never stop being proud of him. 
She didn't see him in person often - he was busy with college and didn't have money to travel - but he still made it to her wedding and to Teddy's christening.
Things changed, though, when he was scouted by a secretive military agency in his final year. She didn't want him to join, but he'd made up his mind. After that, his calls became less frequent, and what little he told her about his work and life was always vague. He kept promising to visit her in Hatchetfield, but never followed through. 
The last time Annie Spankoffski saw her little brother was at Pete's christening, when he surprised her by actually showing up. She spotted the engagement ring on his hand, and demanded to know when he had planned on inviting her to the wedding. He told her it was a long time away yet - there was a big assignment coming up, he and his fiancé were both involved, and they needed to focus on that for the time being. But as soon he got the chance, he promised, he'd bring John up to Hatchetfield to meet the Spankoffski family.
Annie didn't hear from him again until a solemn, uniformed PIEP agent turned up at her door with a letter declaring her brother missing in action. Nothing could be confirmed, but the agent didn't want to give her false hope. There was no funeral, no further explanation. She never got to meet John, there was no wedding, and Pete Spankoffski grew up without knowing his uncle.
Years later, Annie Spankoffski (nee. Cross) is driving home from church when an advert comes on the radio. It's for some tacky children's toy that both of her sons are far too old for. She doesn't pay much attention - at least, not until the name of the toy company catches her by surprise.
It's a coincidence - it must be - but it's such a horrible, unlikely one that it makes her blood run cold. Her brother's name is already rare enough that she'd be surprised to hear that on the radio, let alone a childhood nickname that only she used.
After that, she turns off the radio whenever that advert starts. Leaves the room whenever it comes on TV (that old sailor character creeps her out - does the actor really look familiar, or is she just losing it?). She tries not to look at the posters that are plastered all over the Hatchetfield mall. 
But as Black Friday approaches, it's hard to avoid.
For some reason, almost everywhere she goes, she keeps running into the name Uncle Wiley.
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piastrinorris · 2 years ago
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busy streets and busy lives • ralph penbury x reader
A strange day at work gets even stranger when you meet a man who claims he's from 1926. With no certainty as to when he can get back, you decide to take him in until that time arrives.
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masterlist | prev. | next
Tags: Timewasters (series), modern!au, slow burn, mutual pining, idiots in love™, fluff, some angst, swearing and mentions of adult themes throughout, eventual adult content, alcohol content, drug content, penbury is a fanon surname
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Word count: 10.6k
A/N: 5½ months. 12 chapters. 107,600 words. All for a silly little idea I threw at my friends in a discord server. Thank you for being here. <3
Also, there's a part in this that's VERY reminiscent of a certain photo that released today. (spoiler alert, it's in the chapter card lol) I swear, I wrote that almost a week ago and the video just HAD to drop today of all days, DIDN'T IT. If Joseph Quinn is in my walls, please get him out of there. That's not a safe environment for him.
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“Right, so, hang about…” Connor holds his hands out in front of him, moving one out to the side as if physically placing events into a timeline. “So, back in 192-whatever, Ralph meets Nick and that lot, who we went to school with, who have… Travelled through fucking time,” he sounds exhausted just at that phrase. You nod, and he moves his hand to continue, “Ralph falls head over heels for Little Lauren. That works about as well as anybody would expect,” he raises his eyebrows at Ralph, who shies away a little. “And Ralph joins the Army.”
“French Foreign Legion, to be exact,” Ralph pipes up.
“French Foreign Whatever, yeah,” Connor nods, moving his hand again. “He hates it, he runs away back home, he ends up meeting Homeless Pete.”
“Wait!” Grace’s boyfriend suddenly shouts, waving his hands around and making everyone jump. He points to Ralph. “That’s why your name’s always been in the back of my head! You lived in the fucking Waterstones building?!” Ralph nods. “So, you were filthy stinking rich, and you left that?!”
“Well, I… I may have left out some details about… I may have… Sort of given up most of my material possessions to Laur- the other Lauren,” he gestures to Connor’s girlfriend, who makes an expression that shows Ralph she understands that she’s not who he’s talking about. “Um, before I had left. Well, after I had left for the Army, but before I… Ended up here.”
“You were really down bad, weren’t you, mate?” Connor asks, cocking his head, and Ralph cowers back into his seat.
“Yes, well. That’s all well into the past now. Ninety-seven years in the past, to be exact!”
“Fucking mental,” Scott says under his breath. “Anyway, Connor, keep going with your…” He waves his hands in front of him.
“Yeah, so, you’ve not got nothing, Lauren rejected you and you still left her everythi- God, how did you survive without us?!” Connor shakes his head. “So you bump into H.P., who brings you to our time. You get rescued,” he gestures to you, “and…”
“Can I ask,” Scott’s partner raises a finger, looking at you. “What made you take him in, then?”
You look at Ralph and shrug. “I dunno, look at him! Who’d say no to that face?” You squish his cheeks in one hand, to his indignation, and you hear the soft laughs of your friends. “But… Yeah. Once I’d found H.P. and gotten as much of an explanation as I’ll ever get out of him, it was just… So much to wrap my head around. And I couldn’t just leave Ralph to the streets, he’d get killed!” Ralph suddenly looks very fearful, grabbing a cushion to hug to his chest. “And then next thing I knew, he was setting off alarms in the flat on his first day there, so I couldn’t exactly leave him home alone, so I had to bring him with me to Anna’s that night. I barely had the time to text you lot in advance, I couldn’t exactly leave you a voice note saying “by the way, time travel exists and I’m bringing a man who was born in the Victorian era, see you at 7!” And then the days were getting ahead of me, and I couldn’t even make any sense of it myself, let alone trying to teach any of you about it, either.”
“So, what, does he have to go back at any point? To like, restore the fragile balance of the time-space continuum or whatever sci-fi nonsense this actually proves?” Grace asks.
“Well, we thought so, and that’s why we were always so vague about him “going home”,” you explain. “But then, after Brighton, he almost - he could’ve gone home, and by all we knew back then, he should’ve -” You don’t see Ralph wince in pain at that word. “- but H.P. tol- well, told,” you hold up your fingers as air quotes, “Ralph that since the others had never returned to their own time, without consequence, he decided to stick around.” You smile comfortingly at him and he reaches out to hold your hand.
“Easily the best decision I’ve ever made,” he smiles back. “Staying with you, well, all of you!” He looks around the room. “I truly… I cannot put into words how deeply it hurt to omit the truth from you all for so long, but… Well, everything just seemed to be going so well for me, for once, and I feared that… To let that slip, I might… Lose you all,” he lets go of you to wring his hands in his lap. “Entirely selfish of me, I completely understand if you all think differently of me, now -”
Anna interjects with a sympathetic, “You’d have to do a lot worse to get rid of all of us.”
“Yeah, you’re the one stuck with us, Ralphie!” Scott jokes.
“I mean…” Lauren starts, pausing for a moment. Ralph’s face goes on an emotional journey of potential heartbreak, fearing he’s lost one of his best friends. Lauren remains stoic as she finally continues, “Yeah, it’s pretty shit that pretty much the foundation of why we’re friends is a lie.”
“Literally the only thing that Ralph and I kept quiet was the whole time travel thing, because, well, it still sounds stupid saying those words out loud,” you shake your head. “But everything else, it’s all been pure Ralph. Nothing else is based off any lies, it was just to… I mean, what would you have done if he’d have told you that night you met him, that he’d got here by getting in a lift with an old man in 1926 and ended up in 2022?!”
“I’d think he was off his tits,” Lauren admits in a quiet voice, much to Ralph’s confusion. “Yeah, alright, I guess, it’s… It’s complicated, innit?”
“Tell me about it,” you reply, exhausted, and the others laugh.
“It is a bit shit,” Connor acknowledges Lauren and then the pair of you. “But we’d all probably have done something similar. I mean, fuck me, I’d probably have left him with H.P. and let him be someone else’s problem. Good job I never found you first, eh!” Connor’s light-hearted smile falters at Ralph’s fearful look.
“Again, I completely understand if any of you feel duped into being my friend and wish to use your own agency to - just, please, direct all of your disappointment towards me and not -” 
“Ralphie, babes, we’re saying we get it. Kinda. I dunno, this is all messing with my head a bit,” Grace blows out a breath, and everyone makes general noises of agreement. “But of course we still wanna be friends with you, you big nelly!”
“Yeah, we love teaching you words and things you’d never know. Now that we know why, we can teach you way more!” Scott’s eyes glisten mischievously.
“I mean, I know I’m the one who technically turned you into a bit of a Swiftie, but I’m not letting go of that any time soon,” Anna jokes, which causes Ralph to finally let out a small laugh. “And besides, whose head am I gonna pat without you around?!”
“I never meant to deceive you all,” Ralph says quietly.
“We know,” Connor reassures in the same tone, “but you didn’t really trick us into anything. And hey, it could’ve been worse. I’d rather you were a secret time traveller than a secret serial killer!”
Ralph finally lets himself smile at Connor, who returns it. He sits up a little more confidently. “I can’t tell you what a relief it will be to never have to worry about what I say anymore!”
“I mean, still, this information can’t leave the people in this room,” you explain, gesturing around to everyone. “There’s all sorts of legalities that I’ve never been able to figure out, like a passport,” you gesture to Connor and Lauren, “or setting him up with a bank account, or medical stuff -”
“I mean, surely there’s people out there who were never registered at birth or whatever, right? Maybe we just play Ralph off as one of those?” Anna asks.
“Maybe. But who do we say he is? If we call him a Penbury, as in we try and say that he’s his own relative, his last technical record from 1926 is that he enlisted, went MIA and was presumed dead,” you shrug.
“Shit, yeah, your mum does all that stuff, doesn’t she? Have a look, see what his sister’s stuff says, maybe we can sneak him in that way,” Scott leans in, and everyone else starts shuffling closer, too.
Ralph, having been sat dumbfounded for several minutes, finally finds his voice. “Sorry, but now I’m the one who’s rather lost. So… Not only are none of you ousting me, you’re planning to deceive the law for me?!”
“Yeah, didn’t you hear Anna earlier? You’re family,” Connor smiles affectionately at him, and Ralph’s ears turn pink as his lower lip trembles.
You log into your mum’s ancestry account and once again look up Ralph’s name, your eyes going wide when you see the name next to him. “Okay, so Victoria’s got about six surnames, so I’m sure we can slip you in there somewhere,” you shake your head. Having only looked at his census before, you look through the data they have on Ralph and gasp loudly. Everyone’s gaze snaps to you as you flip your phone over to show them a photo of Ralph, dated February 1926, looking exactly how you remember he did the day you met him, dressed head to toe in Army uniform.
“Oh, you could totally say that you’d been digging up family stuff and you think you’re a dead ringer for… How many generations back would that be?” Anna asks.
You count on your fingers, “Okay, so 1901… Let’s say 30 years per generation, that’s like 3 to get to you being around our age… Which would make OG Ralph your potential… Great-grandpa.” You grimace at the same realisation that Connor and Scott come to, as they point and laugh at you.
“You’re dating someone old enough to be your -”
“He’s twenty-six! Please don’t make me think of it any other way!” You wince, making everyone laugh. “Three generations of unregistered babies is a bit of a stretch…” You shake your head. “Let’s just table this for now. He’s not going anywhere for the time being, are you?” You turn to ask Ralph, who violently shakes his head, still blinking his tears away. “There we go. So, let’s just let everything… Sink in, for now. And we’ll keep thinking of what to do in the long run.”
Ralph hugs everyone goodbye extra tightly. You offer an extra apology to all of your friends, yourself, but they all echo the earlier sentiments that they would have done the same if they were in such a predicament. That they probably would have talked you out of keeping Ralph fugitive for as long as you have. That, if anything, they’re grateful you never gave them the chance to advise you, because if you’d listened to them, none of you would have him in your lives, and one thing everyone in the room agrees on is that life’s been far better with him in it. You have to practically frog-march Ralph out of the door as he starts getting misty-eyed again.
Once you and Ralph are laying in bed, you cuddle up to him, wrapping your arm around his torso. “How you feeling, now?”
“I can’t feel much less than spectacular with you in my arms, my love,” Ralph smiles as he holds you even closer to him.
“Not just all the mushy stuff, you big sap,” you tease. “I mean, like, having to tell everyone.”
“Ah. Yes, well. That went far better than I ever imagined,” he admits softly.
“Wanna admit now that you mean a hell of a lot more to people now that you’ve found the right ones?” You look up at him with a grin.
He squeezes his arm around you to prompt you into leaning up to kiss him. Once you break away from him, he sighs happily. “I suppose, it’s a comfort to know what real friendship is supposed to feel like.”
“Exactly. You don’t give up on the right people. And you’re our right person,” you nuzzle into his neck and he buries his face in your hair.
“That sentiment is more than mutual. Goodnight, my love. Pleasant dreams.“
“Night, Ralphie. Love you, too.”
The next morning, you and Ralph both have the day off, a rare occurrence that you’re extra grateful for today. Of course, you’d love to spend it doing more of what you’d been doing just yesterday, but you’d rather be extra safe and get Ralph some protection, as well as your own birth control. And you needed to go into town for some other things, anyway. You decide to take Ralph with you, though - mostly, so that you can coach him into being able to buy his own condoms without spontaneously combusting on the spot.
Ralph wants to ask his boss something, too, so you head to the old high street where his shop is. While you do love his colleagues, you know that Babs will insist on you two staying for a cup of tea. And then another. And then she’s made you lunch. And then you’re spending your whole day off at Ralph’s workplace. Which honestly, has been fun when it’s happened before, but you do have things on your personal agenda today. And then when they’re done…
You wave to Babs through the shop window when you hear some vaguely familiar voices approaching.
“Nah, bruv, I think your mate Pete got his maths all mixed up, this ain’t when we left here.”
“Maybe we’re in whatever year he just wanted to come back to.”
“Nah, mate, I told him, clear as mud: take us back to the present day.”
“Okay, but Jase, you do realise we’ve travelled back and forth between multiple decades since -”
“Shhh, shut the fuck up, someone’s right there! We should just ask them.”
“Fantastic idea, sis. What do you want to do, rock right up and say, ‘Hello, completely normal and unaware person. Could you, for no strange reason whatsoever, happen to tell me what year it is?’?!”
You’d most certainly know that voice anywhere. Looking over at your high school crush, you smirk at Nicholas, his sister and his friends as you tell him, “March 15th, 2023.”
All four of them look incredulously at you. You can see some cogs turning behind their eyes until, finally, Jason shouts your name out. You grin and nod at him, and he yells, “Fuckin’ ’ell! How the fuck are you?!”
“Yeah, I’m alright. Still kicking about, you know how it is. What about you lot? You must’ve been… Busy.”
“Yeah! Yeah, um… Quick question, how did you…?” Nicholas starts, but pauses, trying to think of how to articulate himself.
After a few seconds, Lauren scoffs, “How’d you know to tell us what the date is so calm, like?”
“Well…” You singsong in a high-pitched tone as the door to the costume shop swings open again. Ralph emerges, to a series of shocked gasps.
“Fucking hell, doesn’t he look the spit image of -”
“Yeah, if you just slick his hair right down, and put him in a bow tie and a straw hat, I reckon - Here, you wouldn’t happen to have a great-grandad or something called Ralph, would you?”
“Wait!” Lauren shouts, holding her hands out. She studies Ralph intricately, who looks as though he’s still processing the sight in front of him. “You look just like Ralph, but all modern-like…” She points to him, and then to you. “And you know that we’ve been… In a different time…” She sticks her head out and squints her eyes back at Ralph. “Are you -?” He nods, still stunned into a wide-eyed silence.
Horace raises his arms in an excited greeting. “Ralph! My boy! We thought you’d died!” He pulls him into a hug that sweeps him off his feet. Ralph hangs against Horace’s body as though he were a ragdoll, his face still bewildered. “Let me take a good look at you,” he says as he puts Ralph down, before letting out a single cackle. “Ha, look at you! Look at this jacket, these chains! You’re a proper modern man, ain’t ya, with your sunglasses and your - How’ve you been, what you been up to?!”
“How did you get here?!” Nick asks in disbelief. You recap very quickly how Ralph found Pete - deliberately redacting that he’d attempted to return home to them - and ended up here, where you’d found him and taken him in.
Just as you finish explaining, someone approaches you with an, “Excuse me?” They tap your arm, but lean around you to look at Ralph and nod with a smile, “I thought that was him! Ralph from Twitter, right? Oh my god, I wish my phone hadn’t died, or I’d so ask for a selfie with you!”
Four confused faces look over at Ralph, but you wave the stranger off with a, “Not to worry! I can take one on his phone for him to tweet, if you want? And then you can save it for yourself when you’re home?”
“Oh my god, would you? That’s so sweet! Thank you!” They gush before posing for a photo with him. You quickly get their Twitter handle to include in his tweet, and wave them off as they walk away with a spring in their step.
“What was all that, then?” Jason asks with amusement. “Ralph from Twitter?!”
“Long story. I never told my friends Ralph was from the 1920s, so they thought anyone his age should be on Twitter by now. He kept tweeting inane shit that he thought he was Googling, people found it hilarious, and now he’s sort of social media famous,” you explain with a shrug, to everyone’s laughter.
Lauren looks Ralph up and down, not unlike the way Ralph looks at you, and rubs her hands together. “Famous, eh? I like the sound of that. Sounds like we’ve got some catching up to do, eh, Ralph?”
You feel rage burn through you at the audacity that Lauren has, clearly only interested in Ralph for a chance at fame herself. At how she could so outwardly come for your man - though, granted, Ralph’s been too shellshocked to make that much clear.
You, yourself, start to freeze up as you look over at him. What if this is it? The validation he’d been craving for so long? A second chance at the love he’d felt so strongly about losing, he’d fled the country. If he was willing to risk losing it all after having his heart broken, what else would he be willing to lose to win her back?!
Finally, after what feels like an eternity of silence, Ralph takes a deep breath in. “I don’t think there’s anything more to be caught up on.” He holds your arm to smile warmly at you, “You captured everything perfectly, darling,” before leaning in to kiss you. Jason and Horace hoot and holler, while Lauren makes a disgusted face.
“Fair enough. Rather you than me, anyway, I’d probably get sick of him after a while,” she sneers.
“Good job I won’t, then, eh!” You flash a sickly sweet grin at her as you wrap your arms around one of Ralph’s, hugging it tightly.
“Looks like you really are out of a shot, mate,” Jason grins at Nick, who shoves him.
“Give over, that was -” he flusters, and you laugh, which he sighs at. “Okay, well, so as to explain myself and not sound like a complete lunatic, I, uh… Might have had a bit of a thing for you in school, but I was always too chicken to do anything about it. And even though that was years ago at this point, apparently I’m not allowed to live it down,” he forces a smile on his face, making you laugh harder.
“If it’s any consolation, that was mutual, by the way,” you smirk. You feel Ralph tense under your grip and bury your head against his bicep. “But I don’t think it was meant to be, in the end.”
“God, can you imagine, in another universe, it would’ve been you and Nick, Jase and Victoria, and Lauren and Ralph!” Horace laughs before faltering. “But then who’s left for me?”
You shake your head. “What are you lot planning on doing in terms of living somewhere?”
“Dunno, we brought some stuff over from different time periods in the hopes we could make some big money off some antique dealers,” Nick gestures to the bags they’d placed on the ground while talking to you.
“Good luck, things have changed a lot in the last, what’s it been, six years for you? Yeah, the housing market’s a fucking nightmare,” you shake your head.
“Paying over a thousand pounds a month to live in a shoebox, I ask you,” Ralph mutters under his breath in disgust. You shoot him an offended glance and he simpers back, “But I’d live in a matchbox if it meant living with you, my love.” You grin back, angling your cheek for him to kiss it, to more retching sounds from Lauren. 
“Well, I was wondering if we could chance our luck with Ralph’s place, but seeing as though our only way in would be claiming Jason’s son left it to us in his will, when he’d be older than us in this time…” Nick shakes his head, and you and Ralph look incredulously at him.
“Sorry, what?! Ralph’s place?! You mean the big fuck-off mansion they lived in? That’s a Waterstone’s now, and even if it was, there’s no way you’d afford a place like that -”
The others look at you in confusion. “Victoria told us that the house was destroyed in an air raid,” Nick explains slowly.
You shake your head, pointing towards the bookstore. “Go look for yourself, plaque’s still there, and everything. She ended up spending all the Penbury fortune, went flat broke.”
“Explains a lot,” Lauren mutters under her breath.
“Yes, well, anyway!” Jason raises his hands up, as well as his voice. “I’m on about the one that Victoria ended up getting when he di- well, ‘died’, I guess,” Jason holds up air quotes over the word ‘died’. You both stand there in stunned silence, so he explains, “Vic said she found a letter from your dad, before the place got bombed, or… Whatever the fuck actually happened to it, it doesn’t matter, now. The letter was meant to go to his lawyer but I guess he never got to give it to him before… Well,” he gestures, and you both nod in understanding. “Anyway, so in this letter your dad had written, it said that he’d bought an extra place, for if you were to ever go off to war and want a place to come back that was all your own,” he gestures to Ralph, who swallows hard.
“Father bought… Bought me a house?!” He asks, stunned.
“He wrote some bullshit in there about how it might help you start a family and keep the Penbury name intact, that your… ‘pursuit of a wife would be easier if you already had a place of your own’,” Jason pulls a face and shakes his head.
Ralph nods in understanding, pressing his lips together with a faltering, “Now that sounds like Father.”
“So, when you ‘died’, Vic claimed that she had the right to inherit that house, and that’s where we lived. And, um… I sort of… Gave you a nephew?” Jason smiles weakly at Ralph. “But he went off and started his life elsewhere, and fuck knows what happened to him.”
“Hmm, I thought I could maybe blag our way into claiming that Jase is entitled to inherit it, too, because of the family name, but I doubt it, if JJ never came back for it. I seriously doubt Victoria’s still going,” he shakes his head. “Never mind, we’ll just start flogging this stuff and go from there. Anyway! Insane to see both of you, together, at the same time, but, y’know. Glad to see you’re both well, now.” Nick smiles at you both, and you nod.
“Good to see you guys, too! Helps put things at ease that the whole time travelling thing doesn’t make the universe implode on itself.” They laugh, and you look over at the building next to you before nudging Ralph. “Hey, they could probably try selling some of their stuff to your shop, couldn’t they?”
“There’d be no harm in trying,” Ralph agrees. “Though I should warn you, the owner is a tad… Eccentric.”
Lauren scoffs, “Fuck me, if Ralph’s calling someone eccentric, they must be a raving fucking lunatic!” She picks up one of the bags and heads to the door, slapping Ralph’s arm as she walks past him. “See you around, yeah?”
“Y-Yes, of course. All of you,” Ralph smiles, shaking the other men’s hands as they all pile into Ralph’s workplace.
Your mind starts trying to work in rapid fire, trying desperately to connect dots that seem impossible to connect. Thankfully, Ralph for once manages to keep you on task, even managing to buy what you’d asked him to - though instead of working up the nerve to seek out a cashier, he’d opted for the equally challenging task of trying to operate a self-service checkout while you frantically Google every little bump in the road you come across - though on incognito mode, of course, just in case.
Once you’re sitting down together in a cafe, waiting on your lunch, you finally try and articulate your train of thought to Ralph. “Look, all you need to prove that you’re a rightful heir is a name, a story that you’re related, and three months’ worth of proof that you live somewhere. So, granted, we’re gonna need to find something to sign you up to that’ll mail you stuff, but after that, in just three months, we might be able to get that place!”
“Well,” Ralph starts, wringing his hands together on the table. “Babs was telling me something about - about the taxes she has to file, apparently there’s some sort of form I have to be given at the end of the month, I didn’t say anything because she’s the one that pays me, but she had said something about deducting it from my pay already, it’s a… System I couldn’t wrap my head around,” he shakes his head. “But she did say… That if I’m asked to prove anything about my pay, she also has my official pay slips in her possession.”
You look at him incredulously. “So, what, they have your work’s address on them? As if you live there?”
“Not quite… She asked for our address some time ago, and I assumed it was in case of emergencies so I told her, and so I suppose that’s what she’s submitted on the slips. She said that she never sends them because there’s no point, if we want them, we can simply ask her.”
You’re practically vibrating in your seat with excitement. “So, we can take those… With your name on… Make up some story about how we found a photo online of your great-grandad who looks just like you and found out he owned that house…” You grin at him. “And it’d be ours!”
Ralph deflates a little. “I wish I could share your enthusiasm, my love, but I fear our luck has run out by now. I mean, surely I’d need a legal record, too!”
You shake your head furiously. “It only says they might ask, online. And you’ve charmed your way out of identification before on countless occasions, what’s one more time?! “
“It’s just an awfully big risk, I mean, what if we get caught? What if we’re imprisoned, questioned - would they even believe what happened with me? It’s just too close to being impossible!”
“Exactly!” You slap the table a few times before grabbing Ralph’s hands to hold them. “Everything about us is just shy of being impossible. You are a 26 year old man who was born in 1901. I am someone who’d given up entirely on love until I literally walked right into meeting my literal soulmate.”
Ralph smiles bashfully, “I wouldn’t have thought you believed in soulmates.”
“That’s my point! I didn’t either! I never would have! But you make the almost-impossible entirely possible. You made an entire life for yourself here where you are loved and admired by literally thousands of people, including the most ride-or-die friends you could have asked for. That are, probably right this second, also researching how to keep you here as long as we possibly can. Who can say they’ve got friends like that, hm? You think Victoria and all her little pals would put that much effort into keeping her around?” Ralph shakes his head. “Right. Because you’re special, Ralph. I know it. We all know it. Just… Come on.”
“But there’ll be inheritance tax, surely,” he counters, “and then, what? I haven’t paid tax in… Ninety-seven years!”
“So, if that happens, we do what Anna says. Once we’ve established that you’re definitely entitled to the house in the name of Ralph Penbury, we spin a tale that you were never registered. Sure, you’d probably be lumped with a load of tax to pay back, but…” You tut out a breath as you think before gasping, clapping and holding his hands again. “What if, we get the house, but I tell my parents we’re buying it, rather than inheriting it?! Get them to give me a loan for a deposit, you use it to start paying off tax stuff, and then instead of all our money going on rent, you can pay the tax people back and I can pay my parents back.”
“It all sounds rather hair-brained,” Ralph states, but with a smile that says he believes in the cause.
“It’s completely hair-brained,” you admit with a nod. “It’s insane and out there and nobody in their right mind would actually think it works. Which is what’s gonna make it work. Right?”
“It’s just - It’s the risk,” Ralph shakes his head, but you pull his hands up to your mouth, kissing his knuckles.
“Ralph Do-You-Have-A-Middle-Name? Penbury.” He laughs. “I am so… Ridiculously, madly, insanely in love with you that I would be willing to put my entire life on the line for you. I would quite literally risk it all.”
Ralph’s ears burn red as he smiles bashfully. “And you call me the hopeless romantic.”
“God, I know. I guess you’ve corrupted me, too,” you pull a face, and he laughs.
“You’re right, though. What sort of man would I be if I didn’t heed my own word? Though I may have far less to put on the line… I would do anything for you, my love. As long as I still have you, I will have everything.”
“Trust you to out-fluff me,” you smirk. “So, you’re willing to give it a shot?”
He takes a deep breath in, and finally nods. “Very well. Whatever happens, we shall have each other, always.”
You kiss his hands again with a grin. “Always.”
The clang of metal against metal as the door shuts behind you makes you jump out of your skin. “Jesus fucking Christ, warn someone when you’re doing that, won’t you?” you glare over at the uniform-clad man as he wrenches his key out of the lock.
“If it’s too loud for your delicate little ears, sunshine, don’t stay so close,” he sneers.
“Got no choice, have I?” you ask, rolling your eyes and gesturing down, and an almost wicked smile creeps along the man’s face.
“That’s what you get, ending up in a place like this where people like you don’t belong,” he tuts, shaking his head. “If you can’t hack it…”
“Oi, dickhead,” a voice calls from behind you. “You’re all done, now, ain’t ya? If you want to keep that face of yours arranged the way your mother made it, you’ll jog on.”
He looks at you with a smug frown, waggling his eyebrows, “That really the sort of thing you want to be known for? Dangerous reputation around these parts.”
You groan, leaning down to press your forehead into the knuckles holding your car door open as you’re standing halfway in it. “Just get that lorry of yours out of my parking space before I get done for being on double yellow lines, yeah?” The man kisses his teeth as he clambers back into his vehicle and drives away. You pull a face as you put on a mock voice, “‘Get a man with a van’, they said. ‘It’ll make your move so much easier’, they said. Prick. Thanks for helping me deal with him,” you simper at Ralph’s friend Charlotte as she scoops up a box from the pavement.
“Yeah, well. Someone’s gotta put pricks like that in their place, and it sure as shit ain’t our Ralphie,” she scoffs, and you chuckle. "Want me to go grab him so you lovebirds can say goodbye?” She says in a joking tone, pulling a kissy face at you.
You laugh, “Says the person who can’t go twelve seconds without sucking on Yankee-Doodle’s face in there,” you waggle your eyebrows.
“You’re lucky I like you, d’y’know that?” she teases, sticking her tongue out at you before turning on her heel, laughing as she faces away from you and sees Ralph emerging out from the front door of his townhouse. She wolf-whistles as the two cross paths, which Ralph looks very confused at, to your amusement.
“Sorry I have to go into work,” you pout your lower lip out in a frown as he approaches you. “They’re just so short-staffed, and I -”
“Don’t you fret, my love,” he interjects, leaning in to press a quick peck to your lips. “You must go where you are needed. Not to worry, we will remain hard at work here, and then when you return, you can relax in your new, furnished home.”
“Our home,” you correct him. “It is yours, after all. I just can’t believe that this is all real.”
“I’ve felt that way for some time, myself,” Ralph admits softly, stroking your cheek with the backs of his fingers, and you feel yourself physically melt against your car door.
“Right, I’m going before I end up feeling even worse about leaving you guys behind.” You pull Ralph in for another, longer kiss, carding your fingers through his curls as he cradles the back of your neck. A laugh bubbles between your lips as you murmur against him, “This isn’t helping!”
“Ah, what’s one more minute of them not having you?” he smiles coyly at you, and you raise your eyebrows at him.
“What if they said that about me coming back home to you, hm?”
Reluctantly, Ralph steps away. “Very well. Have a wonderful day, darling. Travel safely.”
You turn your nose up and shake your head. “Nah, think I’m gonna finally live life on the edge today.” Ralph gives you a look that tells you he isn’t amused, and you grin back, blowing him a kiss. “Be good!”
“When aren’t I?!”
You’re not sure that you’ll take the train every time you have to go to work, now; despite it being quicker, having to actively pay both ways and being sandwiched amongst so many people just doesn’t seem worth it. Still, today of all days, you wanted to get home as quickly as you could, despite all the local landmarks tempting your inner tourist. You’ve got all the time in the world now to explore them, and besides, it’d be far more entertaining showing them all to Ralph.
You unlock the door and are immediately greeted by the smell of something cooking, something really good. You step through the hallway and into the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe as you watch Ralph reading from a recipe book, squinting close to the page as he drags his finger across each line of his next instruction, his mouth moving along with every word. "Looks like you could do with some glasses," you pipe up, and Ralph yelps in surprise as he looks up at you.
"Hello, my love! Welcome home! Um, I didn't hear you come in, my apologies, I'd have met you at the door if I'd have known."
"It's okay," you soothe as you stride over to him, pulling him into a deep kiss. "What's this in aid of, is everyone staying for dinner?" A pang of disappointment strikes your chest. As much as you love yours and Ralph's friends, you were sort of hoping to have your first night in the new house alone with him.
"Not tonight, darling, this is in aid of you!" Ralph smiles over at you. "Since I have been learning, and you have been working so hard at your shop, especially juggling it all with sorting out the house and you've still been the one to make countless meals for us, I thought I would try and make your favourite meal."
You let out a small, happy whimper, kissing his cheek. "As long as it hasn't been stressing you out. Do you want any help?"
"Well, I suppose now that you mention it, I do need somebody to stand right there and just look casually beautiful, and - well, would you look at that, you're a natural!" He beams over at you, leaning in to kiss you again.
You grin bashfully, hiding your face in his shoulder. "God, look at what you've done to me! You've made me all mushy and shit."
"Happy to help, my love," he smiles, pressing one more kiss to your head before returning to his recipe.
"Sure you don't want me to help? Read things out or anything? I don't want you straining your eyes," you frown.
"Well, it's not as though I can get my eyes tested, is it?" he asks as he continues preparing food.
"But if it's just a case of reading close-up, you can get reading glasses over the counter in the shops," you explain.
"But aren't glasses rather… Unseemly?" he asks with knitted brow.
You shake your head. "If anything, the right ones would make you appear very, very… Seemly," you pull a face, not knowing if that was the correct term to use or not, and Ralph laughs gently.
"Just go and get comfortable, my love. I will call for you when dinner is served."
"Oh, yeah, forgot we have a dining room with a table, now," you smirk. "Just look at us, living the high life!"
Ralph gasps, "Oh, speaking of! Hannah left us a housewarming gift, she donated her tee-vee so that we could have one in our bedroom, as well!"
The way Ralph elongates the letters in TV so deliberately will never not charm you. "That was nice of her! How come?"
"She's moving in with that girl she met last month. All seems a bit fast-moving, if you ask me."
You look at him incredulously. "Look who's talking!"
"Yes, Hannah did point out something similar to me," he admits, ears blushing. 
You chuckle as you navigate your way through to your new bedroom. It seems strange, your familiar furniture against such an unfamiliar backdrop. Every room looks so dated - naturally, it hadn't been touched since the 50s, apparently. Still, that Pinterest board you've been working on for years is finally going to go to good use.
Your heart swells when you see the bed littered with rose petals, a classic touch that has Ralph written all over it. You explore all the dressers and wardrobes in the room, familiarising yourself with where Ralph and your friends have decided to unpack your things. You open up your underwear drawer, thumbing across the carefully-arranged bras with a smile. Finding a particularly intricate number, you fish for its matching underwear, and decide to change into it. Ralph did ask you to slip into something more comfortable, right? You find something flattering to put over the whole set and rejoin him downstairs.
He's stirring something in a pan, looking rather proud of himself, when you get back to the kitchen. This time, you tap your knuckles against the door to make your presence known, so as not to surprise him. However, once he sees you, Ralph immediately drops the utensil he's using back into the pot with an almighty clatter, his jaw visibly dropping. You smile bashfully and he clears his throat, "Forgive my reaction, my darling, but you look positively ravishing."
In Ralphspeak, you know that's the equivalent of him calling you the closest thing to sexy he's probably willing to say. At least, for now. Maybe you've still a little corruption left in you. Still, it's enough to cause your heart to race. "You like?"
"I love. I mean, of course, I love you no matter what, but…" He blows out a breath that tickles the curls that hang across his brow. "You really do look absolutely delectable."
After a lingering moment, you manage to tear your eyes away to look at what's cooking. "Speaking of, so does this! You sure I can't be of any help?"
"Not at all, my dear, it's just about ready to serve. And just in time, so I can no longer fear about getting too… Distracted," he smiles coyly, looking you up and down the way he always does. There's something a little different in the way he looks at you, though. A different sort of gleam illuminates his eyes. One that makes you want to wolf down your food, drag him up to the bedroom and pull him on top of you.
But still, he's worked hard on this meal, and he looks so proud of himself. Though he dishes up, he still rushes ahead of you into the dining room to make sure he pulls out your seat for you, guiding the chair back with you as you readjust it and kissing your cheek before lighting a candle you vaguely recognise as an old secret Santa gift that you never ended up using, and going back for your food.
You exchange stories about your day: you, about the stresses of working short-staffed on a weekend during a school holiday, meaning a terrifying crossover of screaming babies and toddlers, chaotic children, less-than-trustworthy teenagers and overly-entitled adults; Ralph, about all the different ways your friends almost broke almost every piece of furniture you own while trying to get it into the house. Both equally stressful for you to recount.
At first, once you're done, Ralph insists on cleaning up after himself, but after a lot of pouting, eyelash batting and gentle touches, you coax him out to sit in the living room - another whole room dedicated to one thing, you've not lived like this since you moved out of your parents' - and cuddle up to him on the sofa.
Your embrace barely lasts a minute before your lips are on his, again. He’s desperate to get as close to you as he can, clawing at your clothes as he presses the kiss open. Holding the back of his neck to steady yourself, you move yourself up to straddle his lap, letting your tongue slip into his mouth and moaning at the sensation of his against yours. He echoes you as his hands slip down your sides to squeeze your hips. You buck them under his touch, feeling his erection grow beneath you.
He chokes out a soft, “May I?” as his fingers curl around to grip at the fabric of your top. You nod, sitting back and holding your arms up to let him take it off of you. He starts trying to fold it up behind you but, impatient, you take the garment from him and blindly throw it behind you, holding his face to kiss him again.
He takes your hands into his own and guides them back down, his kisses moving from your lips, down your jaw and to your neck, where he finds an especially sensitive spot and stays there, kissing it over and over again, all while muttering sweet nothings to you. “You are so very beautiful, my darling… How fortunate I am to be this intimate with you… Just exquisite in every conceivable way…" You rock your hips faster at his words, throwing him off his train of thought entirely as he sits back and watches you lustfully.
His gaze isn't trained on your face, though. Instead, he's transfixed on the way your breasts move, both from your heaving breaths and from grinding on him. Biting your lip, you wrap a hand around the back of his neck and start pushing it towards you as his tongue just pokes out enough to wet his lips. "Wanna put that mouth to better use?" You ask as you guide him closer to your chest.
He gasps in soft delight, looking up at you gleefully. "Are you quite sure?" You nod and his face melts into one of pure ecstacy. "Thank you, my love," he mutters before taking one of your nipples into his mouth. 
His plush lips press against your flesh as he kisses, sucks and licks at your nipple. Biting back a moan, you rest your hand in his hair, ruffling it slightly and muttering with a smile, “You like that, don’t you?” He hums out an mm-hm that vibrates against your skin, and reaches up to play the other nipple between his finger and thumb. You keen towards him, grip tightening and head bending down to him as you groan loudly, “Fuck, that’s it, good boy!” Words you’d never have thought you’d say in such a context fly out of your mouth so easily, and you could swear he sounded like he was chirping with happiness as you said them.
He moves away from the breast he’s suckling on, pressing one more brief peck to your wet, hardened nipple, and starts to focus on the other, still brushing the other nipple with the backs of his knuckles. You whine, whimper and moan as your still-clothed cunt begs for sweet release. You’re constantly amazed at how quickly Ralph can bring you to an apex few had ever even managed to. “God, Ralph, need you so bad.”
“Of course, please forgive me, got rather carried away there,” he mumbles apologetically to you, but the kiss you press to his forehead tells him there’s nothing for him to be sorry for. Ralph looks around, his brow furrowing. “Um, I don’t wish to diminish the mood at all, but there doesn’t seem to be an awful lot of… Space, here.”
You cock your head, smiling coyly. “You wanna go to the bed you prepared for this exact occasion?”
Ralph returns a smaller, more sheepish smile, his ears tinting. “Ah, you noticed. I suppose, of course you did, it would be difficult not to. Still, was it alright? Or too much?” His face falls. “It was too much, wasn’t it?”
You fleetingly frown in thought. “A little, yeah.” Your expression quickly changes back into a grin, though. “But it was your brand of too much, which makes it perfect.” You lean back to unbutton his shirt. “Unfortunately, my brand is not being patient enough to wait that long.”
“I wouldn’t say that of you, you were rather patient with me all those months,” Ralph notes pointedly, and you laugh.
“Yeah, you used it all up!” You climb off of him, slowly sliding the bottom half of your outfit off, but leaving your underwear on. Looking over at him gawking, you smirk, "You sure you want this? Not exactly dressed for the occasion."
He reaches up to stroke the pad of his thumb across the intricate design of your underwear. "Of course, you had been wearing a matching set, but it was I who became so impatient that I missed out on seeing it in full, my deepest apologies, my love, I - well," he suddenly, hurriedly slips himself out of all his clothes, leaving them in a heap by his feet, making you giggle again.
"Maybe I'll still let you see it," you tell him suggestively, hooking your thumbs into the elastic of your panties. "Maybe I'll wear it all again and take some photos on your phone." With nothing left to cover it, you watch Ralph's cock twitch at the idea and bite your lip to compose yourself. "Maybe," you continue as you slowly push your underwear down your thighs, "I'll leave a video or two, as well." You watch his face as you let them fall past your ankle, stepping out of them and walking back over to him. "What do you think?"
"I think you spoil me, my love," he smiles softly. He reaches down to the jeans he'd all but ripped off of himself, fumbling through a pocket until he pulls out a condom and starts to put it on himself.
Watching the act of him wrapping it around himself and sliding it down is almost enough to totally distract you from your initial thought. Almost. "Did you really just have a condom just sitting there in your pocket? And you make out like I'm the horndog!"
Ralph blushes, "Yes, well, I sort of… Hoped we would… Christen the place, so to speak.”
You climb into his lap, hovering yourself to line up with where he’s holding his shaft. “I like that idea,” you smile softly before sliding yourself down onto him. You both let out staggered moans as you let yourself get used to the sensation of being filled by him, before kneeling yourself up to the point where you can just about feel his tip still inside you and then sinking yourself back down.
His hands grip your hips tightly as he moans your name. You repeat the motions a few times, revelling in the way it feels to drop onto him, having him enter you so deeply and so quickly. You soon start to feel an ache, though, and decide to pace yourself, keeping him bottomed out inside of you and grinding against him until you feel rested enough to go again. 
You can see Ralph’s mouth constantly silently moving, as though he wants to keep complimenting you the way he always does, but he’s too blissed out from feeling you clench around him, your cunt gripping his cock tightly with no intention of ever letting him back out of you again. You especially try to make sure you commit the face he makes every time you pull yourself out just to fuck yourself back down onto him again, to your memory, knowing that just remembering the way he reacts to you would be enough to turn you on, if you ever needed anything to fuel your imagination.
At one point, while you’re rocking your hips with him inside you, you finally manage to get yourself at just the right angle to hit that sweet spot that Ralph is always able to find. Keeping yourself at the same angle, you move yourself even faster, moaning louder and more often.
Ralph seems to notice, and does his best to hold you in place as he bucks his hips up underneath your weight. You curl yourself forward, arms wrapped around his shoulders and face buried in his neck as he fucks you from where he sits beneath you. Knowing how good it makes you feel when he mutters sweet sentiments to you, you mumble against his skin, “Feel so good, Ralphie… You always know how to, you’re fucking amazing… So good to me, so sweet, my Ralph, no-one else’s… My sweet and handsome boy, knows just how to please me, fuck.” 
."He whimpers and whines, music to your ears as you feel your climax start to build again. “Oh, god, Ralphie, I’m so clo- Oh my god,” you groan as he starts to massage your clit in rapid circles. “Oh, fuck, yes, so good to me, thank you… Wish I could, do more for you.”
“- Already do the absolute most, darling,” he soothes. “’M already embarrassingly near to finishing, myself.”
You shake your head, “Nothing to be ashamed of, not at all, god, please cum for me, Ralphie, and I will for you, please?” Ralph completely falls apart beneath you at your words, moaning your name and digging his fingers bruisingly into your skin. You feel yourself becoming one with him as you ride out your orgasm.
He wraps his arms around your hips, cradling you on his lap, and you rest your forehead against his as you both breathe heavily, intertwined in body, in breath, in spirit. You’d never, ever thought you’d even ever contemplate the idea a year ago, but in this moment, you really are certain that Ralph is your one true soulmate.
He leans in to envelop your lips with his own in a sweet and passionate kiss before muttering, “Forgive me, my love, but I do rather need to take care of…”
You whine indignantly, but stand to climb off of him. “Suppose I should actually change into something comfortable now, eh?” You ask humorously, and you hear his laughter from where he’s throwing his used condom away in the bathroom. The downstairs bathroom that you now have in the townhouse where you live with the love of your life. This was always pipe-dream material, but here you are. Living it.
You run upstairs, taking a moment to again admire the state of the bed and think about all the ways you plan to christen it later, and look through clothes to get changed into. Opting for a tank-top-and-pyjama-bottoms combination, you take yourself to your en-suite and freshen up as you get changed.
When you open up the door again, Ralph is just pulling a white shirt over his head, and you smile fondly at his choice to pair it with a very familiar pair of sweatpants. “Those were the first clothes I ever gave you,” you recall, and he looks at you with a similar expression.
“I believe that was also what you had chosen to wear the first night I met you, as well. When you gave me your bed without knowing anything at all about me,” he reminisces.
You giggle, “Oh, yeah, you wouldn’t even look me in the eye because you didn’t want to be ‘improper’, now look at you!” You tap his nose teasingly, and his ears flush red.
“Oh, hush,” he frowns, but the air of a laugh hangs in his voice. “You really were - I mean, to take me in as you did, in my time of need while knowing absolutely nothing about me, especially after Mister Peter told you my far-fetched reasoning for being here…” Ralph wraps his arms around your waist. “Giving me the life I have now, the friends I have, the - everything,” he sighs wistfully. 
“Yeah, well. You try looking you right in the chocolate buttons and saying no to that face,” you smirk, and he laughs. “It’s like I said when we went to the inheritance people to get this place. With my gift of the gab, and your gift of the… Face, the charm, and the everything else you’ve got going for you, we’re unstoppable,” you beam.
“I still can’t believe you were able to talk them around like that,” he looks at you adoringly, and you shrug.
“The amount of backlog they so obviously had, and the amount of effort it would have taken if we hadn’t convinced them to cut some corners with us, it was a doddle,” you shrug. “I could tell they weren’t the brown-nosing type, they weren’t gonna go back to check every little part of what I said we’d set out to do was legitimately within their procedures.”
“A skill set like that is wasted on your little clothes shop,” he frowns, leaning forward to kiss your forehead, and you laugh.
“Yeah, well. Maybe it’s time I look for something new that’s a bit more local to this area,” you nod. “I don’t think Babs’d let you quit, though.”
“Heavens, no, she’d be out for my blood!” Ralph exclaims, and you laugh loudly.
Once you’re back at the sofa, cuddled up beneath a blanket and watching TV together, even though you’re curled up against Ralph’s chest, you can sense something’s bothering him. “You alright?” You ask him.
“Couldn’t be better, darling,” he replies, but the tension you feel beneath your cheek betrays his lie.
“Nah, c’mon, tell me,” you sit yourself up next to him, and he sighs heavily.
“Well, I was just thinking of how… I mean, yes, we have a house now, at least, but I’m still not legally a person, am I? I know we said we wouldn’t openly use that story about me never being registered and so on unless it were absolutely necessary.”
“Yeah, we agreed, only if you need serious medical treatment,” you nod.
“R-right, but what about the other things?” He asks warily, twiddling his thumbs.
“Like holidaying? We can survive not going abroad, Ralph,” you laugh.
“Not just that… What about… Well, we could never be truly wed, or be a family,” you hear his voice get weaker, shakier.
“Sure, we can,” you wrap your arm around his shoulders and pull him so that he nuzzles into your neck, stroking his hair. “Okay, so we couldn’t get, like, legally married, but so what? We can still use the same bank account as if it were a joint one. I could easily change my name by deed poll. We could still throw a wedding in every other aspect, just without the signing the register. And as for the other bit, I mean, you can register with just one parent and add another later, if we do get away with your story about neither of yours registering you.”
“You seem rather sure in your knowledge, there,” he notes with a hint of amusement.
“Yeah, well… Maybe I looked into it all a little.” He looks over at you with a knowing grin, and you feel yourself get sheepish. “What?”
“Nothing, dearest,” Ralph chimes. “Just seems a little… What’s that word that you call me all the time?”
“Sappy? Tell me about it,” you shake your head, and Ralph laughs. 
“It’s an honour to make you feel that way, darling,” he leans over to kiss you. After a few minutes, he breaks away to stroke your cheek with his thumb as he holds your face. “You seriously see a future - of us? With me? I -”
You pull him in for another kiss, laughter bubbling between you as you do so, “Yes, you big dafty!”
He chirps happily. “Well, I suppose I’ve a lot to do, then, haven’t I!”
You take a deep breath in as you brace yourself to potentially let Ralph down. “Yeah, but… look, when I said I was looking into it, I meant as in, like, way into our future, yeah? We’ve got bags of time, I just want to enjoy it all with you, you know?”
To your surprise, Ralph scoffs at you. “Well, naturally. Did you think I would propose to you in this manner? Without so much as a ring? Or even your family’s blessing?”
“Oh, well, that won’t take long at all,” you smirk. “I bet you, when we go have dinner with Mum and Dad next week, by the time we even tell them that we’re together now, Mum’ll be asking you what colour her wedding outfit should be!”
A proud smile bursts onto Ralph’s face, but it quickly fades. “Do you think they’ll fear that us getting a house together is too big of a commitment too quickly?”
“Again. Ralph. They love you,” you reiterate to him, squeezing his hand. “And once they find out you’re responsible for us moving to Southwark, where they are? Dad’ll have gotten himself ordained by the time they bring out desserts just to make sure you’d become a permanent part of the family.”
Ralph’s heart swells hundredfold at the sentiment as he embraces you in yet another kiss. “I suppose I am rather overthinking things, aren’t I?”
“Just a tad,” you scrunch your face up, and he laughs.
“I mean, it’s really no different than when we were living at your flat, really, is it?” He chuckles, and you shake your head.
“Except we could have a pet, now,” you muse, and Ralph sits up straight, his face full of excitement.
“Could we get a cat?!” He beams at you, making you laugh.
“God, you and cats, what is with that?”
“I have a theory,” he muses. “Since Cheese and I got along so well so quickly, I think because we were so similar, he put in a good word with all the other cats. That’s the only explanation there could possibly be.”
After a brief hesitation, you laugh, “Sorry, in what way are you so similar to our old neighbour’s cat?!”
“Well, both of us were sort-of confined to our little flats, neither of us technically supposed to be there. I think he could sense that of me when I first met him, back when I… Upset that neighbour of yours.”
“Because you burnt your toast so badly that you almost suffocated the ninth floor with smoke?” You ask with raised eyebrows, and Ralph slinks back into his seat bashfully.
“Well, I’ve learned now, haven’t I?” He points out.
“That, you have. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come,” you hug his arm, shuffling up to his side. “With everything. How you’ve learned to cope with all this modern stuff, all the stuff you never got to learn growing up, and just… I’m really pleased you’ve been starting to love yourself as much - well, almost as much as I love you,” you simper, resting your head on his arm. “Ugh, god, I really am a sap now, aren’t I?”
Ralph chuckles, pressing a peck onto the top of your head. “At least we can both be, together, eh?”
You sigh contentedly as he wraps his arms around you, pulling the blanket around to make sure you’re both comfortable. You look around at the walls, imagining what decorating with Ralph is going to be like in the coming few weeks, and then picturing the photos you’d hang on there. Travels with Ralph all across the country. Your eventual engagement photos, because of course Ralph’s going to make that moment as photogenic as possible so you’ll have something to capture and savour that memory forever. Wedding photos, all your friends and Ralph’s all dressed up to the nines, singing and dancing the night away to celebrate the pair of you. Pictures of your eventual babies, some with Ralph’s eyes and some with his hair but all of them with his warm, kind smile. Those kids’ first moments, their first smiles, first steps, first day at school.
You break yourself away from your trance-like train of thought to see Ralph’s watching you with all the love that could possibly exist in the world currently living in his gaze. “I’m thinking of the same, too, my love,” he whispers excitedly, as though he’s able to see into your mind telepathically. “I can’t wait for the rest of our lives, either.”
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snugglyporos · 1 year ago
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You cannot take in metal circles and then more metal circles to give the second group of metal circles to the first group in perpetuity.
You cannot claim that you're somehow making more metal circles forever this way. You would have more metal circles than exist in the entire world in a very short period of time.
And there are many metal circles in the world! That is very impressive!
Also, you cannot create a business where you get paid to recruit people who are paid to recruit people. That is not a way to actually get anything to work. You cannot do this forever! Even poros cannot do this. Would run out of poros very quickly.
Pete does not know why humans fall for this. Does not make sense!
Cannot take snax with offer to give more snax later, and then give those more snax with the snax of new poros giving snax! Is not actually creating anything!
Cannot recruit more poros to a fluft by having those poros recruit more poros, because would eventually run out of poros! Is not logical to do!
Pete knows of many geometric shapes. If system looks like a triangle, is not a good thing to put snax or metal circles towards. Is very suspicious!
0 notes
ladyluscinia · 1 year ago
I am of course hugely fond of the crew bonding into a stronger community and embracing Izzy as one of them. Love that they are demonstrating their conflict resolution skills and mutual support, and love even more that they do the main foundational work in the absence of the captains - first during the breakup boat era with the trauma bonding and saving Izzy's life in direct defiance of Edward, and then resolving their divides and trust issues after chasing off Edward (and by extension Stede) in 2x04.
It is SO good to see them becoming a unified front who can push back against the bosses (especially since per comedy rules Stede & Edward are probably not going to stop being self-centered no matter how democratic the ship gets 😆).
But I will say it's still very funny when people give them credit for overcoming their strong negative feelings for Izzy, because like...
I don't think those were really a factor, guys 🤣🤣🤣
The show has thrown a bit of a complication into my theory of socially acceptable mutiny in S2 (which I will probably look at more once the season wraps up), but that's mostly because the rules of "how piracy functions" are not a priority for canon to establish. I'm threading together jokes into a watsonian social system because that's fun for me. 🤷‍♀️ So even though my particular explanation is going to have to adapt, the underlying joke still rings true - the mutiny against Izzy is a disproportionately violent response to what he's doing.
Or to put it another way... Yeah, they try to murder him because they don't want to work for him (or, as several of them say, for Black Pete 😆), but it's not really anything personal. Just business.
Meaning that once he's removed from captaincy, he's back to just being a coworker who's kind of a dick. They're not friends leaving S1, but they probably don't hate him?
(Also like the Navy Plot is a lot of things but it was not a reckless endangering of the crew.)
Plus in Izzy's mind, the vast majority of his side of the conflict in S1 is rooted in either 1) Edward leaving him in an ambiguous position of non-authority by refraining from acting as Captain of the ship despite the fact everyone thinks Edward has captured them until 1x07 at least, or 2) Izzy's fairly reasonable belief that all of these guys are going to die when Stede does and are particularly stupid prisoners, not fellow crew.
Both of those problems resolve completely by 1x10. Which in retrospect probably explains a lot of the apparent Izzy-crew relationship shift between S1 and S2 for anyone still not quite clicking on that front.
(Seriously, if you like Izzy in S2 but don't get what changed from S1, try watching S1 again with the things they've made canon about his personality in mind - being in love with Edward, etc. There was a coherent subtext and it's very fun to watch.)
It's really not surprising at all that lingering animosity with Izzy isn't a problem after his short lived time in charge 🤷‍♀️ or that he gets folded into the union. After everything they've been through with Edward they feel he's not on Management's side, and he does advocate for the crew once they are, you know, actually crew.
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lunadensmidnightprowl · 2 months ago
Ive been enlightened with ray is Elwood theories so highly now I have a coherent explanation for how it could work
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Events of blues bros occur, they go to joliet. Like with prisons, if you want something you better know someone (who knows a guy who knows a guy and so on) and Joliet is full of Illinois' worst and thus they have connections, know shit, and can get just about anything done if you find the right person. Y'all know "joliet" jake, he's charismatic as hell, takes no shit, says what you want to hear but will benefit him at the same time, all in all hes got to have a decent rep in prison, and thus, Jake knows the guy
Jakes already been to joliet and we know he thought it was awful, no doubt he has feelings about going back, and since everyone got arrested at the end of blues bros there's no guarantee they'll have a band when they get out. The band that was the only thing that kept Jake going in prison. Throughout the film we see jake trying to protect Elwood in subtle, brotherly ways and I gotta believe that'd carry over into what we haven't seen on screen.
If you attribute each scrape with the law applicable to each brother, Elwood will have the longer sentence, if only by his traffic violations, and jakes gotta know this. He knows it'll be rough in prison even when they're somewhat together especially without the promise of the band keeping them going, and then elwood would be alone for probably a year minimum which would break him. No way in hell would Jake let that happen to his brother, so Jake goes to the guy and makes a deal.
The deal he makes involves getting Elwood out of prison, if not entirely (due to the severity of El's charges) then for nearly the entire 18 year sentence. the guy isn't infamous for no reason and pulls it off, getting a message out to his accomplices who then forge Canadian law enforcement paperwork. The cover is canada has reasons they want to arrest Elwood so they lobby to have him fulfill his sentence on Canadian soil, and THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS IT if only because they're too busy watching what the ussr does since its the 80s and they A.) Don't want to upset Canada too or B.) Aren't that concerned by it.
Elwoods confused as fuck on why he's getting escorted to a "canadian" prisoner vehicle, once he's been successfully evac'd he gets the explanation on what Jake did. Now free he goes into witness protection and has his tattoos removed, with a new identity Elwood now ray lands in NYC with a population of a couple million thus equates to him being the figurative needle in the haystack. His friendship with Peter and egon gets rooted into either them knowing he's in WP and they pretend they've known him longer than reality (possibly even received a payment for it) cause they actually like ray OR ray befriends them at Columbia by himself and in a moment when Pete and egon's thinking has been compromised by alcohol, recreational drugs etc. whatever works for you Ray manages to convince them he's known them longer than he has and makes up fake memories for examples and they don't figure out the truth.
All the letters arriving at joliet addressed to Elwood blues from curtis, sister mary, etc. got intercepted and readdressed to ray stantz, who then passed them off to his friends as "letters from family (brother sister etc.)" to further sell the illusion. The first time someone asks why they haven't met these people or they haven't come to visit ray says there was a falling out and they only send the odd letter of updates out of obligation.
How does this tie in with 2000? How would Elwood have gotten back into Illinois' correctional system? Well if you don't consider 2000 canon there you go, nothing to it, 2000 doesn't really exist to you anyway. For all the fellow 2000 truthers it goes a lil something like thus:
In the exchange between the us and "canada" it was agreed that the last three months of elwoods sentence would be completed in the us because of his citizenship. So Elwood gets his his tattoos redone and is "transferred" back. From here on there's no BB media technically canon to the story past 2000, leaving over twenty years between then and rays next appearance in afterlife. That allows ambiguity for two decades and what we can only begin to guess how it went down regarding things like buster, the band, rays occult, etc.
(The deal Jake made with the guy could also explain his death and how the warden knew about it, such as he couldn't fulfill enough of his promise by a precise time and was killed by an accomplice who was then sent to Joliet for the murder. His death either completed the payment or the rest was received after Jake had died, maybe neither happened and the deal continued as planned because of the goodness of someone's heart. Another possibility was the deal worked out and Camille came after Jake again when he got out and succeeded, there was a witness or two that made the murder public and the warden found out about it. It gives somewhat of an explanation for her absence in 2000, even a bit of closure for her existence in the first film.)
And yea that’s my Ray is Elwood conspiracy theory :333333
@chipeanuts @esokaliseffervescent @pyr0zella @lovelyknifes18 @dontwanttobeanamericanidiot @creaknbones
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mins-fins · 2 years ago
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SUMMARY . . . everybody seems to know; but everybody seems to not question it as well.
PAIRING . . . lee jeonghyeon x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, crack
WARNINGS . . . none!
WORD COUNT . . . 1.2k
NOTES . . . uriel sent a bunch of lee jeonghyeon photos in the discord and now my obsession with this man has leveled up (so thanks uriel for making this possible), also my girl rose (@ohdudedhesflirting) wished to be tagged so here you go my love!
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there's something going on between jeonghyeon and y/n.
hanbin is sure he's cracked the case, now.
before, it really wasn't that weird, the two of them did normal best friend things, but the reason hanbin started thinking something else was going was because of how jeonghyeon willingly let y/n give him affection.
he brought it up in a live once, masking it as jealousy because jeonghyeon never allows him to give kisses, but lets y/n kiss him, even on pretty normal occasions.
he wanted answers, but the answers given to him were pretty vague.
they didn't even answer his question, just laughed and changed the subject.
now, hanbin likes to think he's observant, being friends with jeonghyeon and y/n for two years has made him pretty perceptive. he notices the small things about them, the slight changes, the fonder looks they share, how even after group hugs end they continue to cling onto each other, how they always choose to sit next or beside each other.
hanbin thinks he has it all figured out. they have to be dating..there's no other explanation for this!
hanbin is lost in his thoughts as he stirs his cup of coffee, and when he hears the door open, he smiles as he sees y/n walk in, rubbing his eyes.
"y/n, morning".
"morning hanbin".
when hanbin turns fully around, he blinks as he comes across the sight of y/n wearing a sweater, but it's not his sweater, it looks a little big on him if he's being honest.
don't ask him hanbin.
"that's not your sweater, is it?"
good lord you asked him.
y/n looks up, taking a sip of his coffee first. "no, it's not my sweater, it's jeonghyeon's".
hanbin watches y/n specifically smile as he says jeonghyeon's name, but he doesn't comment on it, instead raising an eyebrow suspiciously at y/n.
the younger notices, giving a small smile, though hanbin can see the pink color on his cheeks. "i borrowed it and he didn't seem to mind, so.."
"uh huh" hanbin simply sips his coffee, still staring at y/n with narrowed eyes.
they had a fan meeting later today, he should be focused on that.
oh please, he tried.
but now hanbin is 100% sure jeonghyeon and y/n are dating.
the two of them are quite literally attached to the hip the whole fan meet, and okay, it's normal to be very close to your friends, but lee jeonghyeon of all people, being affectionate? after he vehemently denies all of hanbin's affection? it surprises him.
they don't even make an effort to hide it, y/n is clearly, in broad daylight, admiring jeonghyeon like he depends on it, even getting distracted by jeonghyeon whilst he was speaking to fans, on camera (hanbin is sure fans on twitter are gonna have a field day with that).
he's sure that junghyun and jihoo notice too, because they keep giggling and whispering to each other.
the 'couple' though, don't seem to catch on quite yet.
they look like their having the best time of their lives, if hanbin's being honest, and he can't help but smile at how cute they are, they're still his good friends after all, he's glad they're happy.
but it still doesn't answer his questions.
after the fan meeting ends, the rest of them are tired, but hanbin is still very curious, his mind keeps pushing him to ask jeonghyeon questions about him and y/n.
no, you shouldn't be nosy, hanbin, even if they are dating just leave them be, it's literally none of your business.
but for pete's sake, hanbin can't not ask any questions, especially with how obvious they are being.
when hanbin comes across the two of them again, the two youngest are already asleep, they have school tomorrow, and hanbin has to wake them up in the morning.
he walks into jeonghyeon's room, he pauses at the doorway. jeonghyeon is sitting on his bed, using his phone, y/n is sleeping on his lap, completely passed out as jeonghyeon uses his free hand to run his fingers through his hair.
i better not be stupid..
"hi hanbin" jeonghyeon smiles at the sight of the eldest, continuing to play with y/n's hair as he softly snores. "do you need something?"
hanbin blinks, resisting the urge to let his jaw drop because y/n is wearing jeonghyeon's sweater again, if this isn't the most obvious relationship ever he doesn't know what is.
"yeah?" jeonghyeon looks confused, because the way hanbin called his name makes it seem like he did something wrong. "what happened?"
"i— uh.. you—" hanbin pauses once again, sighing. "you two are like.. a thing right?"
jeonghyeon tilts his head, staring for a moment before he giggles. "i'm surprised you didn't ask sooner".
now hanbin's jaw drops, he takes a long pause before closing his mouth, blinking as he stares at the younger 02 liner. "what do you mean?"
"it's been four months".
"four months!?"
hanbin feels stupid, they have been dating for four months and he's only just caught on. the two of them have been dating since march, and he didn't even notice until after the show ended.
"i— how did i not notice?"
"i was waiting for you to" jeonghyeon replies, a small smile coming to his face. "taerae got it before you, heck, even seunghwan did, and he's not even in this company".
hanbin gasps, placing a hand on his chest right above his heart. jeonghyeon laughs once again, using his free hand to cover his mouth.
hanbin pouts, now feeling stupid, and jeonghyeon finally stops laughing. "sorry sorry, i just.. how did you not know?"
"i didn't want to assume and be wrong!"
"well you weren't!"
hanbin sighs and his shoulders slump, but as he stares at jeonghyeon sitting on the bed, and y/n sleeping on his lap, he just smiles, because they're happy.
if they're happy, that's all that matters.
"well, i'm happy for you two, even though i discovered much later than i should've.."
hanbin mumbles, and jeonghyeon just lowers his head, making sure he doesn't begin laughing once again. "you guys take care of each other, okay?"
jeonghyeon looks down at y/n sleeping in his lap, a familiar look of love coming to his eyes. "of course, thank you hanbin hyung".
"no problem, make sure to go to sleep early too okay?"
"well, i can't promise that".
hanbin chuckles and smiles at jeonghyeon, shaking his head as he closes the door to his room.
jeonghyeon still finds himself giggling at that prior interaction.
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y/n shifts as he feels jeonghyeon's fingers comb through his hair, he blinks and looks up at his boyfriend, who looks back down at him. for some reason, jeonghyeon laughs and presses a kiss onto his forehead.
"what's so funny?"
"hanbinie finally found out about us".
y/n is clearly surprised. he doesn't move his head from jeonghyeon's lap as he processes the statement, a look of shock coming to his face.
"just now?"
"just now" jeonghyeon confirms, and y/n snickers to himself, covering his face with his hands.
jeonghyeon just stares, and y/n notices, because he just stares with such fond eyes that it's hard not to notice.
"stop looking at me like that!"
"like what honey?"
y/n buries his face into his hands in frustration, face too red and hot for his own comfort. a small laugh is hears from jeonghyeon, who is definitely amused by how easily his boyfriend gets flustered.
"i hate you".
"i love you too".
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vlad-theimplier · 3 months ago
WIP Wednesday: Custos Custodium
In which Jensen returns from Golem City and has a friendly little chat with Fletcher about timelines and urgency. This was another realism deficiency that bothered me in the games--hopefully my explanation makes sense of both their positions.
Jensen descended into the bowels of the Task Force the next morning to find the office bustling with activity. Brushing off Argento and a handful of others who wanted to know what had gone down in Útulek, he made a beeline for Forensics. Fletcher was going to have answers for him, or he’d know the reason why.
When he badged the lab door open, though, the holotable wasn’t even turned on: Fletcher was just getting set up. He gave Jensen a twitchy, guilty look. “Adam! Hi! I was just, uh…”
“You look rough, Smiley. Been burning the midnight oil, sifting through the data I brought you? Or making time with Sonia?”
Fletcher’s blush was answer enough. “Hey, gimme a break, okay? We’re not all cy—uh, si-i-ingle-minded about the job like you, I mean.”
Jensen fought back a wave of ire, not even sure what had him so pissed off: that even the friendlier members of the team saw him as an Aug first and everything else second, that Fletcher could blow off work to hang out with a lady without fear that he’d accidentally skewer her or blow her up or something, that Jensen himself was less single-minded and more duplicitous than he liked to think about… He went with the safest and least shameful option. “Smiley. People died in there. As did our only other lead. Get your ass in gear.”
“Sure, sure, only… Here, look for yourself, wise guy.” A galaxy bloomed over the holotable in shades of blue. Jensen looked closer and saw that what he’d taken for stars were fragments of shrapnel or rebar. Or people.
“Every single one of these is an artifact I have to examine and rule in or out. Well, okay, I’m double-checking the algorithm, but it’s set to err on the side of inclusivity. This is what I’ve cleared.” A wave swept over the display, turning two-thirds of it dull navy at a stroke. Another wave picked out a loose constellation in teal, pieces joined by wavering lines of light. “This is definitely in. No smoking gun, but components of the bomb.”
“Bombs. Multiple detonations. I told you that, right? It was in my report.”
Fletcher shrugged. “Haven’t read your report. Too busy sifting the debris. But that checks out.” He hit a button and the constellation split, wheeled, and reassembled itself into five more compact arrangements.
“Save you any time?” Jensen asked hopefully.
“Nah. But it looks right. Thanks for the insight, okay? I’ll let you know when I have something.”
“Don’t get distracted.” Jensen gave him one last stern and hortatory glare, then turned to go.
“I’m supposed to have a team, you know,” Fletcher muttered.
Jensen paused on the threshold. “Are you now.”
Fletcher shot him a sulky sidelong look from where he stood bent over the holotable, prodding at the glimmering array. “Prague’s HQ, right? For Central Europe? Our lab’s supposed to have a forensic technician to do this sort of thing, plus someone for DNA and other biologicals, plus someone else for chemical analysis—drugs, explosives, you know.”
“I get the picture.”
But Fletcher had a head of steam up. “And a forensic cyberanalyst, and a ballistician, and a crime scene services unit: one person for photos and scans, one person for evidence collection and chain of custody. Instead, you have me. Pete’s been handling digital forensics on top of the rest of his workload, and Aria’s done the guns, when we’ve had them. But I’m supposed to be overseeing six to eight people. So maybe cut me a little slack, huh?”
Jensen grunted. “So where are they? Your merry band?”
“Well, the Task Force itself is barely a year old. It takes time to find talent.”
“You don’t say.”
“And apparently not everyone wants to work for the UN. Between all the bureaucracy and the joys of getting reassigned to the other side of the planet if they decide they need you… I hear I might get a chemist next month, if the background check clears, and they’re interviewing general forensics techs. You’ll just have to be patient until they get started—then things will speed up.”
“I get it. But we’re working on a bombing, and hopefully stopping the next one. We all gotta make some sacrifices. Still, I hope your team comes through—just be a little less ‘collegial’ with them than you were with that tech at State Police, okay?” He pretended not to notice Fletcher scratching his cheek with one extended middle finger as he turned and headed for his desk.
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