#charmed one shot
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imaginefan · 1 year ago
My Baby
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 776
Requested: Anon
Request: Reader and Chris are having their first kid, Piper is concerned cause she doesn't want them to go through the pain that her and Leo had to go through with forbidden love witch/angel thing and she tells Chris to break it off with reader but he won't. Leo on the other hand doesn't agree cause they broke the rules and in the end still got to keep their kids. Reader and Chris dont give up. (Not sure where else to go with this idea). Thank you in advance. One shot
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You and Chris had found out that you were expecting your first child, the first people that you decided to tell were your parents, yours seemed happy enough, they were excited to have a grandchild but you didn’t sense the same excitement from Piper (Leo seemed quite happy).
You were standing in the kitchen, your parents were all talking while you pulled Chris to the side “your mum doesn’t seem very happy.” You said softly. “What do you mean, she said that she’s happy for us.” Chris answered. “She doesn’t look happy.” You said “your mum has never been good at hiding how she feels.” “It’ll be fine.” Chris answered.
Chris knew that he needed to talk to his mum to see what it was that was bothering her, he just really didn’t want you to worry about it, he was taking his parents home when he decided to talk about the issue before the baby got her, he wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it the same way that he remembered his mum and her sisters did with him and his brother. “Mum, what's going on?” Chris asked. “Hmm?” She asked. “You’ve been real quiet since we said that we were having a baby, is there something you wanted to say? Is there something wrong?” Chris asked. “There’s nothing wrong.” Piper answered. “Don’t lie to me mum, we have to sort this out, we're going to have this baby, it’s not going away so we have to talk about it.” Chris explained. “Do you know how dangerous this is, you know what me and your father went through after we had you and Wyatt.” Piper explained. “It might be easier for all of you if you were to leave now before they tear you apart.” “We don’t know that’s going to happen this time, there’s a lot that is different.” Chris argued. “He’s right Piper, for one he wasn’t assigned to her as her protector, he’s also only half whitelighter, there could be a lot that changes.” Leo explained. “You can’t ask him to do what you wouldn’t.” Piper looked between the two of them. “I just don’t want either of you to get hurt.” She explained. “Mum I know that you're worried but I can’t just leave (Y/N) not now, I love her and the baby too much for that.” Chris answered honestly. “Alright.” Piper finally nodded “just be careful both of you.”
Chris got back to your shared apartment in record time after the conversation that he had with his parents he found himself missing you, even the thought of leaving you an explanation or not induced the feeling. Chris walked into the living room and saw you sitting on the sofa, legs curled up and a blanket wrapped around you, the remains of a snack that you had just been eating left on the table. Chris walked over flopping down on the sofa and resting his head on your thighs. “Are you okay?” You asked gently, running your hands through his hair as he looked at you. “Yeah, everything is fine.” He answered. “And your parents are okay?” You asked, he knew that you were going to ask but he didn’t want to upset you by telling you what they had talked about, on the other hand keeping it a secret was only going to make it worse if you ever did find out, which was definitely possible and as much as he wanted to make the decision himself this was something you should have a say in as well. “Mum is worried that we’re going to go through the same thing as her and Dad, with the Elders.” Chris answered and you nodded. “It’s possible, I’ve thought about it myself.” You answered. “You have?” He asked. “Yeah and I decided that no matter what I’d fight just as hard as your mother did to get back to you.” You answered with a shrugged “didn’t think there was much more to discuss then that.” “You're not afraid?” He asked. “Of course I am but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to turn away from you.” You answered. “I love you.” Chris leaned up to meet you in a kiss, soft, slow as he did his best to show you the truth in his words. “I promise that I will fight just as hard for you.” “I love you too Chris.” You smiled, shuffling to get more comfortable, eventually Chris moved you both so that he had you laying on his chest so that you could watch your show more comfortably, where you both stayed for the rest of the night.
Requests and general question!
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zuiz41 · 1 month ago
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IwaOi/Oiiwa Manga Valentine Special!
Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!! 💖💝💞 🎉✨
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
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-- home sweet home.
I have been thinking a lot about Selenite's apartment and the vibes. She likes to keep the overhead lights off as much as possible, there is almost always some old sappy romance playing on the TV, a door open for friends to wander in and out as they please. She doesn't like to be alone too long!! But it is also her home and she will be comfortable. A bonus shot, just for you:
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rhaenella · 7 months ago
CL16 & MV1 | Charm Offensive
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pairing: charles leclerc x max verstappen
genre: one shot ✿
summary: max missed charles terribly over summer break and does everything in his power to talk to him
warnings: none (just a healthy dose of awkward mutual pining)
word count: 4,250
also posted on ao3
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
“I got you something—or, well actually, I got Leo something.” 
Pinched between his thumb and forefinger, Max held up a tiny, round-shaped charm with thin lines running crisscross over its surface. Charles stepped closer, squinting at the shimmering object.
“Is that–”
“A miniature stroopwafel to pimp up Leo’s collar?” Max nodded, dropping the silver accessory in the Monegasque’s palm. “Yes, it is.”
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
It was Sunday, August 25th, 2024, and Max Verstappen, three-time Formula 1 World Champion—usually as cool as they come—was nervous. Actually nervous. And not because of today’s home race or the shitty car his team was forcing him to drive this season, or the fact that said team was slowly breaking apart at the seams—no, it was because of his main rival. Charles Leclerc. The Sun of Maranello. Il Predestinato. 
Spa was the last time they’d spoken. A brief and, like most of their interactions, awkward goodbye marking their separation for the long Summer break. Max had known that after they would fly back to Monaco—each on their own—he wasn’t likely to hear a word from Charles until the Dutch Grand Prix. And he’d been right. Four weeks of radio silence ensued. He’d heard nothing. Zilch. Nada.
It had been absolute torture.
Finally it was race week again, at Zandvoort no less. Max’s home turf. But Thursday rolled by… then Friday… On Saturday the Dutchman was sure he’d get the opportunity to talk to Charles. But alas, Max got P2 and Charles P6, which meant no post-Quali catchup for the two drivers. Because of course not… Those odds were rarely in his favour nowadays. Therefore, Max had to turn to more dramatic measures and that included going to the Ferrari motorhome himself, waltz in like he had every right to be there (he hadn’t), and play his final card (aka the ultimate excuse): to meet Leo Leclerc and give him and his daddy a gift he’d been keeping in his back pocket for months now.
It was also the main reason for his nerves. One glance around the Ferrari red motorhome and Max’s stomach dropped a little. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his white fireproofs and blue racing suit still hung low around his hips. Thankfully most of Ferrari’s pitcrew and employees were already geared up in the garage, getting ready for the race. However, the few people that were present immediately ceased their conversations upon his entrance, and downright gawked at him, confusion written all over their faces. No one said a word, but the question on everyone’s mind was loud and clear: what the hell are you doing here?!
Max sighed discreetly. You don’t wanna know… he thought to himself.
Forcing a smile, he gave them all a friendly wave as he walked past them in the direction of where the drivers’ rooms must be, the confidence in his gait surprising even himself. He didn’t have much time to spare, for the race’s opening ceremony would start soon and all drivers were obligated to attend. Luckily, Max quickly found the correct room, and once he did, he couldn’t help but snort as he read the nameplate. Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc — Illegitimate Prince of Monaco. Carlos’ doing, no doubt. Chuckling, Max knocked twice and waited. It was too late to second-guess his actions now anyway, best to just get on with it. And accept that he was probably going to make a fool of himself. Not even ten seconds later, the door swung open, revealing the man himself, all suited up for the race. Except for his bare feet.
“Max?” Charles frowned, glancing down the corridor, looking even more confused when he realised that it was just him. “What are you doing here?”
Max’s smile faded a little, his nerves getting the better of him as he awkwardly shifted his weight. Oh, for fuck’s sake, man up! 
“I came to see Leo. I still haven’t met the little lad,” he explained, squinting past Charles to see if he could spot the cute puppy inside. “Can I come in?”
Charles didn’t move as he studied him for a moment, effectively blocking Max’s way into the very private room. He didn’t buy the lousy excuse for a second, but surprisingly enough, still seemed to consider letting him in. After what felt like an eternally long minute, he made up his mind and moved aside. “Yeah, sure.”
Max managed a smile. “Thanks.”
He stepped inside, letting his eyes travel over the minimalist furniture—a couch, table with chairs, a bed—as well as Charles’ clothes and other belongings scattered around. But no dog. Not even a dog bed. Or toys. Max turned around, his puzzled eyes landing on Charles who had just closed the door behind him.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you but Leo isn’t here.”
“What do you mean?” Max frowned. Then why did you let me in?
“He’s back home staying with my mother, likely peeing all over her new floors,” Charles laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “So, uhm, I guess you’ve risked a rumour spree for nothing.”
“Oh… Okay… I see.” He really didn’t, though. Then his frown deepened. “Wait. What rumours?”
“About you being here? At Ferrari?” Leclerc tilted his head like it was obvious. “Or did you not think about the consequences of you showing your face here?”
Max stiffened. Yes. No… In all honesty, he had tried very hard to not think about it. But Charles was right. Him being here was only going to add more fuel to the fire that was his relationship with the Ferrari driver. Not that he cared about what the public thought per se. However, he did care about what Charles thought of it. So why did you let me in?!
“I have, but–”
“You don’t give a shit about what they write,” Charles finished with a smile.
“No, I don’t,” Max huffed a laugh. “Do you…?”
“I mean, not really. It’s always rumours versus truth anyway. And the truth is ultimately the only thing that matters, right?”
“It is,” he nodded. But what was the truth between them? 
They were silent for a moment, their gazes locked, almost like they were in a ‘who will blink first’ competition. Charles broke first, shaking his head as he chuckled softly. “You’re really gonna make me ask, huh?”
“Ask me what?”
“About the rumours… If there’s any truth to them.”
Max blinked. Was Charles actually straight up asking him about their…? Oh, fuck.
“So, is there?”
A swarm of butterflies erupted in his stomach, his racing mind scrambling for an answer, but he couldn’t—he simply couldn’t. Charles raised a quizzical brow when all Max did was stare, prompting him to say something. He shook himself, and with great difficulty managed a deflective: “Uhm, I don’t–uhm… How do you feel?” 
Smooth, Max, very smooth…
Charles canted his head. “How do I feel about the future, you mean?”
The future. Us. All of it. Max swallowed, then nodded. “Yes… the future.”
“Hell, I don’t know, Max,” he threw up his arms, chuckling lowly. “I honestly haven’t the faintest idea. That’s why I’m asking you.”
“Yeah, Oh,” he laughed again, walking up to him. “You never told me how you really feel, so how the fuck should I know what the future holds?”
Max’s eyes never wavered from Charles’ approaching form, who stopped merely a few paces away, his green eyes softening as he looked him up and down. Apparently able to read all of his thoughts and feelings with a single look.
“Look, I get it. That feeling of uncertainty. The constant fight between your head and your heart. Asking yourself whether this will ruin everything or not. I truly get it…” Charles spoke, sincere, pausing for a moment to let those words land. “But whatever you decide, staying at Red Bull or not, I’m sure you’ll–”
Wait… What?
“Hold on a second,” Max held up a hand, alarmed. “At Red Bull… You’re talking about the future of my career?”
Charles’ eyes narrowed. “Yes? What else did you think we were talking about?”
Max felt the temperature in his cheeks rise. God, how could he be so stupid?! Of course, Charles was only talking about his career. That’s what everyone else was speculating about in the press. Not this thing between them. Whatever the hell that even was.
He needed to backtrack. And quickly.
“I–uhm, never mind,” Max shot him a crooked smile. “Thank you… for your words. Uhm, you’re right, it has been on my mind quite a bit lately, and yeah… I have struggled with it.”
It was an optimistic attempt. It truly was. But Charles knew him better than most other drivers on the grid—growing up together, they’d been through it all. The good and the bad. Naturally, he saw straight through Max’s act. But when the Monegasque’s own cheeks tinged a soft pink and he started fidgeting with the clasp of his race suit, Max knew he had nothing to fear. They were both two emotionally-unintelligent idiots, completely incapable of revealing their true feelings. And right now, Max was grateful for it. 
Charles cleared his throat. “Right. Like I said, I get it.”
“Yeah, I know…” Max mumbled, following his lead to swiftly move past the slip-up. “Ferrari’s not been doing much better lately, are they?”
“Tell me about it,” he sighed, his eyes immediately darkening, even as part of him was grateful for the change in topic. “After winning Monaco… I was on such a high, and next thing I know it’s all gone to shit again. It almost seemed like one curse was lifted only for another to settle down over me. And just… Sometimes I don’t understand the team’s decisions anymore, you know? As if I can’t rely on them like I used to. Well, as much as I ever could.”
Max nodded sympathetically. He knew that feeling—that burden—all too well unfortunately. Not being able to deliver and perform to your maximum capacity because your team screwed up on strategy. Or worse, back at the factory. Meanwhile it’s you who gets the blame in the eyes of the masses. He also knew that that last bit weighed especially hard on Charles.
“Has it been on your mind as well?”
“What? Leaving Ferrari?”
“Hell no.”
They both laughed, the last bit of uneasiness disappearing like snow in the sun. Leaving, staying… It was never that simple, and they both knew it. The history either driver had with their team, their second family really, was not easily cast aside. Call it loyalty, or faith in what they both knew their teams could achieve, but those were the facts. However none of that stopped Max from poking his rival, just for the heck of it.
“Really?” he smirked. “You’re not even considering it a teeny-tiny bit after I’ve lapped you twice in the last four races?”
“Twice?!” Charles scoffed. “You got your facts wrong, mate. It was just the one time in Silverstone. Granted that was one time too many, but still.”
Max held up his hands in mock surrender. “Oh shit, you’re right, I’m sorry…”
“Thank you.” 
“Although… you have to admit, I got pretty fucking close in Austria too.”
Charles rolled his eyes, trying not to smile. “Oh my god, shut up.”
“Fine, fine, I will,” Max bit his lip, looking down to hide his amused smile.
That’s when something curious caught Charles’ eye. A white, powdery substance was sprinkled over the front of Max’s blue team cap, causing his lips to stretch into a full smile this time. Max, the paddock’s ultimate neat freak, seemingly had no clue he’d been walking around with a dirty hat, and somehow that made it even more adorable.
“Hey, what’s that on your cap?”
Max looked up and startled—surprised to see that Charles had managed to silently sneak up on him, and was suddenly standing right there. He didn’t give him much time to think about his question either as he was already lifting his hand to gather some of the white powder off the rim with his finger. Charles sniffed it, and his brows lifted. 
“Cocaine?! You sneaky little boy. So that’s your secret, hm?”
“What?! Fuck off,” Max snorted, bringing his own hand up to see what exactly was on his cap.
He grinned, licking his finger. “Nope, never mind. It’s too sweet for cocaine.”
“Uhu, and how would you know?” 
He shrugged, smiling coyly, and Max chuckled, examining the white powder on his own fingers. Realising what it must be, he exclaimed: “Oh, I know what it is! They made me participate in a PR event at the poffertjes stand earlier today, some of the powdered sugar must have landed on my cap…”
He was about to take it off to clean but Charles stopped him. 
“Wait,” he murmured. “Let me.”
Not waiting for permission, he stepped further into his space, close enough that Max could feel Charles’ breath tickling his skin. His heart rate ticked up, like it would during ‘lights out’ at a race start, and he quietly held his breath. 
Leclerc’s teeth sank into his lower lip as he gently brushed the sugar off of Max’s blue hat. As if enchanted, Max’s gaze swept over Charles’ delicate features, from his perfect cupid’s bow all the way up to his birthmarks—savouring this rare moment where he could study them up close. However, once Charles was satisfied—which was way too soon for the Dutchman’s liking—he immediately stepped back, nodding once. 
“You’re all good.”
“Uhm, thank you.”
They exchanged a brief smile before a curious look passed over Charles’ features, effectively yanking the Red Bull driver out of his all-consuming thoughts.
“I thought you did that last year, by the way. Making, uhm… poffertjes?”
Max’s eyes lit up. He remembered? 
“No. Last year was stroopwafels… But speaking of those,” he grinned, fetching something from his back pocket. He would’ve almost forgotten his little gift. “I got you something—or, well actually, I got Leo something.” 
Pinched between his thumb and forefinger, Max held up a tiny, round-shaped charm with thin lines running crisscross over its surface. Charles stepped closer, squinting at the shimmering object.
“Is that–”
“A miniature stroopwafel to pimp up Leo’s collar?” Max nodded, dropping the silver accessory in the Monegasque’s palm. “Yes, it is.”
“Oh my god!” A wide smile broke on his face as he turned the little stroopwafel in his hand. “It’s so cute! Thank you! You didn’t have to…”
“You’re welcome! I stumbled upon it a couple months ago when I was visiting my family and I just had to–”
“A couple months ago?!”
Max pressed his lips together, nodding shyly. “Yeah, now do you see why I had to meet Leo today.”
“You could’ve dropped by in Monaco too, you know.” Charles’ eyes glimmered knowingly. “You didn’t have to wait all this time.”
“I know, but,” Max shrugged, trying to come up with another awful excuse. “It’s only fitting. To give it here, I mean. In Zandvoort. Because, well, it’s a Dutch delicacy, and I thought that would make it extra special if I would give it–”
His rambling was promptly interrupted by Charles wrapping his arms around him, pulling him into a warm embrace. Max froze for a moment, his pulse spiking to unprecedented levels. Somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but wonder if his team would still deem him fit to drive like this. This… bloody yearnful state. When he finally found his wits, he returned the hug, boyish grins painting both their faces. Yeah, this was definitely worth the trip into Ferrari territory. No doubt about it.
All too soon, they had to pull apart. Except this time, Charles didn’t move too far away from him.
“Thank you, Max. Truly. I love it so much. I’m sure Leo will too,” he smiled at the Red Bull driver, whose cheeks were once again flushing. “And please don’t hesitate to drop by after Monza. You’re welcome any time to meet him,” he added with a wink.
Max didn’t know what to say. He was completely stunned to silence. The man before him, who refused to follow him on social media, who had given him the cold shoulder on more than one occasion whenever they crashed together on track, who, if it wasn’t for groupchats, would never have given Max his phone number, was now openly inviting him to ‘drop by’? Flirting, even? What the hell was going on today? There must be something in the air, he thought. There has to be.
Much to the amusement of his rival, Max opened and closed his mouth several times, his brain once again failing to form any coherent sentence. But he ultimately didn’t have to, for he was saved by the bell. Or, rather, the ringing of his phone. Scrambling to get the device out of his pocket, Max looked at the screen to see who was calling him. GP. Great fucking timing, mate, he grumbled internally. Why he was suddenly so annoyed that his engineer ruined their (his) very awkward moment, he didn’t know. 
Or did he?
Shaking his head, Max shoved his phone back into his pocket, and glanced up at Charles, who cleared his throat and gave him a small smile. The intensity of their previous moment officially lifted. Thanks, GP. 
“Don’t you need to get that?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Max said, sounding anything but.
The time until lights out was dwindling with each passing minute, but Max didn’t want to leave their little bubble just yet. Outside, there were expectations, a nagging pressure to perform—to not let all those fans that showed up just for him down. In here, it was just them. A different kind of pressure for sure, but one Max relished nonetheless, and wasn’t ready to say goodbye to yet. Because really, he didn’t know when—if he would have this again.
As if Charles could read his mind, a careful hand found Max’s bicep. “Are you ready?”
“For the race?”
He nodded.
“Of course.” It wasn’t a lie. Racing itself was never an issue, not when you were born to do it like they were. “As much as I can be. I mean, this car… it’s just,” Max shook his head. “It’s obviously not where we want to be, but I’ll make sure to maximise its potential the best I can.”
“And not crash,” Charles smiled.
“That’s always step one.”
“The most important one, really,” he quipped, striding over to the couch to put on his shoes.
“Exactly,” Max agreed, running a hand down his face. It really was time to get going, or else they’d be late. “I just hope those updates are gonna pay off soon.”
“Ugh, me too. That Summer break was nice to recharge and all, but now I want nothing more than to get back in the car, and the sim this week, to learn as much as I can and make sure we don’t fuck up next weekend. We simply cannot afford any more mistakes.”
“I feel you... However, that break could’ve lasted another week or two, if you ask me.”
“Hm, maybe you’re right,” he grinned. “It wasn’t that awful to relax a little and forget about the last few races.”
Max chuckled. “Yeah, it definitely looked like you enjoyed yourself.” 
Charles’ head shot up, instantly making him realise his mistake. Damnit. You fucking idiot!
“And how would you know about that?”
“Oh, uh, I see things… online… when, uhm, scrolling, every now and then…” And liking your friend’s instagram posts like a truly seasoned, inconspicuous stalker.
His hand went up to his ear, tucking a piece of way too short hair behind it. Only, Max realised that fact a little too late. Like always. Jesus… He really needed to stop acting like a flustered schoolgirl, this was on the cusp of getting embarrassing now.
“Right,” Charles trailed off, fastening the clasps on his shoes with a knowing smile. 
He knew damn well Max regularly checked his social media, even without following him. He himself did the exact same thing. Not that he would ever let him in on that secret, seeing Max Verstappen all flustered was far too enjoyable.
There was a knock at the door, making both their heads turn simultaneously. Max let out a long, deep breath, genuinely happy with the interruption this time. But of course that didn’t go unnoticed by Charles, who chuckled as he made his way to the door. 
“Coming!” he called, still grinning widely as he opened the door on a very angry-looking assistant.
“Why are you still in here?!” the woman shrieked, startling both drivers. “The ceremony is about to start. You can’t miss the national anthem, you know this! Get your stuff and let’s go!”
Charles opened his mouth to answer but at that moment Max’s phone started ringing, claiming everyone’s attention, and consequently revealing his presence. The Ferrari employee bristled something inaudible and pushed her way inside, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw what the reason was for the delay. Or rather; who.
“What the fuck is Verstappen doing in your–”
But Max ignored the scary woman and opted to finally pick up his phone instead. It was Christian calling this time. Which did not bode well.
“Max, where are you?! No one’s been able to reach you. You should’ve been on the grid ten bloody minutes ago!”
Max winced, his right eardrum shuddering thanks to Christian’s tinny voice screeching in his ear. His eyes locked with Charles’ from across the room, who grimaced painfully and mouthed, “We should probably go.” 
Yep. They probably should. 
Or risk getting another reprimand by the FIA. But in this season, neither of them had the luxury to gamble on such a risk.
“Max, are you there? Do you hear me?! You need to get over here, NOW. You are not allowed to miss the national anth–”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you, Christian. I’m on my way!” And with that Max clicked off, bolting towards the door. “Let’s go,” he declared, clumsily hurrying past Leclerc’s fuming assistant. 
Charles snatched his cap and dashed after him. “Right behind you!”
“You better run fast or you won’t make it!” the woman yelled after them. 
But they were already gone, sprinting out of Ferrari’s hospitality like madmen. Once outside, the drivers zigzagged through the paddock, trying their best not to run into fans, journalists, or flashing cameras. Max glanced at Charles, his mouth curving into a wry smile. They would surely be trending topic in no time now, there was no way around it… 
Helmut was going to be absolutely thrilled. Ha.
Charles felt his stare, and looked to the left. “Just so you know, if we get called to the stewards, I’m blaming you.”
“What do you mean? I thought you appreciated my gift.”
“I do! But not when it leads to a grid penalty!”
Max laughed. “You can’t have it all, my friend.”
“Watch me,” Charles winked. Laughing when it nearly caused Max to run straight into two fans on their way to the paddock club.
“Shit, sorry about that. Are you okay?”
The fans’ eyes widened when they realised who they’d run into. Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc. In the flesh. They could scarcely believe it.
“Hey! What are you two doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on the grid already?”
“Yeah,” Max nodded sheepishly, still facing the couple as they continued in that direction.
“You’re gonna be late,” one of them pointed out. “Duncan Laurence is all set and ready to go.”
“Fuck… Really?”
If he wasn’t mistaken, that was the artist performing the anthem this year. Shit, shit, shit… The thought of Helmut no longer brought a smile to his face. The Austrian would likely murder him for this little stunt.
“Yeah, you gotta hurry, man!”
Max pulled a face. “We know… Thanks… Oh, and uhm, enjoy the race!”
The two fans watched the drivers gain speed again and shared an amused look, deciding to switch to Dutch.
“Thanks! En succes zo, Max!”
“Ja, zet die Monegask weer als vanouds op een ronde!”
Max laughed awkwardly and gave the fans a thumbs-up as they rushed on towards start-finish where he could already hear the music playing loudly. No Wilhelmus yet, thank god. They might just make it on time.
Charles glanced back over his shoulder, frowning. “What did they say about me? She said ‘Monegasque’, didn’t she?”
“She did… Are you sure you wanna know?”
He rolled his eyes. “Obviously.”
“Okay then,” Max pursed his lips. He knew better than to argue with him. “She said to make sure to lap you… like old times.”
“Are you serious?”
Scoffing, Charles whirled around, running backwards now. “Vous rêvez, madame! Ça n’arrivera plus jamais!”
Max winced. “You realise we’re not in America, right? People tend to speak multiple languages here.”
Now it was his turn to shrug. “Do I look like I care?”
“Eh, you kinda do,” Max snorted, studying his rival as he turned back to face him, Leclerc’s mouth twitching into his signature, lewd smile.
“Oh really? And what do you see exactly?”
They slowed their pace once they crossed pitlane and entered the track. They made it! The crowd roared at the sight of the two star drivers, especially with one of them being their national hero—the reason why anyone was even here today; why Zandvoort was back on the calendar. But Max wasn’t thinking about any of that as he gazed into Charles’ eyes, too in awe of the fire blazing brightly in those mesmerising green orbs. Only one word came to mind to describe what he saw:
a/n: thank you for reading this little story! and special thanks to my dearest french translator @xeresmalfoy !! as always, feedback is adored <3
En succes zo, Max! — And good luck in a minute, Max!
Ja, zet die Monegask weer als vanouds op een ronde! — Yeah, lap that Monegasque again just like old times!
Vous rêvez, madame! Ça n’arrivera plus jamais! — You wish, lady! That won’t ever happen again!
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eichan2d · 11 months ago
Like to think that Daring told Lizzie about the bet, you know, after she asked him to keep the secret, he just couldn't lie to her, something like:
"I have some reputation as the Queen of Hearts to maintain" (or whatever she says).
Then he thinks for a second and says "I... Need to be honest, this all started as a bet, not as challenging me to date YOU" he rushed to clarify "But the first girl who entered the Cafe."
"Oh." It wasn't the reaction he expected, way less angry and more disappointed.
"But I really enjoyed spending time with you, more than with anyone before and I'm honest when I say I would like to have another date with you."
She reflected in silence for a second before answer "Then you'll have to redeem that bet in the next date." And so she rushed flustered back to inside the castle while he stayed in shock as flustered as her.
This was supposed to be more simple and ended up being a one-shot(? But the point is that I think this because of how she winked at him at the end of the webisode.
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Also they were so evil to do the Rosabella thing after the way he looks at Lizzie in this scene and smiles so genuinely while he is being humiliated!!!
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storiesofsvu · 7 months ago
Prince Charming
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Anthony DiNozzo x fem!reader Warnings: language, smut eluded to, maybe a tiny hint of insecurity but not really, just anxiety in a brand new relationship. Love Tony? Get added to the taglist here!
At the shrill sound of your alarm your hand darted out faster than you could think, quietly smacking the device to silence it. Doing your best not to shift the bed too much, you cracked an eye open, looking over to Tony in the darkness of the room, watching him for a couple of minutes. He was still sound asleep, laying on his side, arm reaching out to where you’d been cuddled up and he looked unbelievably peaceful. Most unfair of all was just how cute he looked, not needing a single moment of touching up or priming to be his normal dreamy self, completely unlike you.
Which is of course, why you were up early and setting that extra alarm just to make sure you didn’t miss your chance. Moving impossibly slow you slipped from under the blanket, forgoing slippers to not make any extra noise as you tip toed from the bed and into the en suite, silently closing the door behind you. Letting out a soft breath of relief of making it this far, you flicked on one of the small lamps as to not draw attention to yourself yet. As your eyes adjusted and you were met with your reflection you grimaced, not wanting to be bare faced in front of your new boyfriend yet you’d slept in your makeup, a rookie mistake. On any regular night that was bad enough, but considering the activities prior to sleeping the night before, you were incredibly thankful Tony wasn’t seeing you like this.
There was an internal debate over make up wipe versus fully washing your face, part of your brain thinking the water would be too loud, the other half arguing opening a new pack of wipes would be just as bad. In the end you had to settle for both, washing away the dirt and grime while using the wipe to get rid of the smudged eyeliner in the creases of your eyes. Letting your skin dry you quickly pulled a comb through your hair, getting rid of any of the big knots and finger combing through a couple of curls in hopes that they’d be practically perfect beach waves in a moments time. You certainly weren’t going to forget about brushing your teeth, scrubbing as hard and quick as you could to make sure your breath was perfectly fresh before swiping on fresh deodorant. You glanced toward the bedroom, pausing your tasks for a moment to listen and thankfully all you could hear were Tony’s soft snores. You had just enough time to wipe on some tinted moisturizer, hiding the couple of blemishes that were already coming in from sleeping in your makeup and a quick coat of mascara to brighten up your eyes. Finally you grabbed the bralette and matching panties you’d stashed in a drawer before your date, slipping into them, tugging the lacy fabric until it was perfect and with a satisfied smile, you flicked out the light.
Opening the door you hesitated in the doorway, listening to the sound of silence before tip toeing back across the room and sliding back into your side of the bed. As carefully as you could you nestled in beside Tony on your side, adjusting the pillow so your hair wasn’t a rats nest and you could ‘wake up’ facing him looking closer to perfect. You slipped under his outstretched hand and he let out a quiet grunt, arm wrapping tighter around you and pulling you toward him. Your breath caught in your throat for a second until a hint of his cologne hit you and your entire body relaxed, a small smile on your cheeks.
Just as your eyes fluttered shut and you thought you might actually fall back asleep again his lips brushed your forehead, feather light once, and then a second time more firmly. His hand came to brush back a few pieces of your hair, trailing down the side of your face to cup your cheek, thumb stroking across your skin before he kissed you gently.
“You know, you don’t have to do that.” He murmured, voice thick with sleep.
“What?” You feigned a yawn, letting out a soft sigh as you opened your eyes, catching him gazing down at you with a happy grin and you felt a heat creeping into your cheeks.
“Well for starters I’m pretty sure I got you fully naked last night.” His fingers snuck under the strap of your bralette, free hand shifting the blanket down around your waist, “though I will admit I do like the look of this.”
“Got up to pee, felt weird walking around naked.” You fibbed with a shrug and he chuckled, leaving another kiss on your forehead.
“Fixed your make up too.” This time his lips landed on yours again, humming into the kiss, “and I believe I detect hints of peppermint.”
“Ugh. Fine.” You grumbled, swatting against his bare chest, “just stop.”
“Hmm?” He asked, lips pressing against the corner of your mouth, “you want me to stop kissing you? My oh so beautiful girlfriend?”
“I look a mess in the mornings.” You groaned, rolling over in his arms and his grip tightened around you, yanking you back to him.
“No, I’m not letting you go, its too early to get out of bed.” He rubbed his stubble against your neck and you shivered, scrunching up your shoulders in an attempt to get away from him, “absolutely not, you’re stuck here now.” He insisted, his fingers beginning to tickle at your sides, pulling small laughs from you as you struggled in his arms.
“I need to pee!” You squealed, trying to grab hold of at least one of his hands so you could dart from the bed.
“Okay, okay, okay.” He finally surrendered when you got a nice elbow into his ribs and you darted from the bed.
You could feel his eyes on you as you crossed back through the room, lingering on your lace covered frame before you slipped back under the covers and snuggled back into him. Tony eagerly wrapped an arm back around you, leaving a kiss on the top of your head.
“Better?” He asked and you giggled.
“Why didn’t you just pee when you were up earlier?” He asked, shifting his head back to look at you and you grimaced.
“I didn’t want to risk waking you up.” You shrugged, chewing on your lip.
“Hey..” his voice softened as his finger curled under your chin, tilting your gaze back up to his eyes, “what’s goin’ on with you this morning? All this being sneaky, cute underwear, minty fresh teeth?”
“I already told you; I look a mess in the mornings.”
“So what? It’s not like I look like prince charming.”
You let out a huff, burrowing your face into his chest, “somehow you always look like prince charming.”
Tony laughed softly, his hand cupping the back of your head, fingertips scratching your scalp soothingly, “I’ll accept the compliment but I really don’t think that’s accurate, you’ve got rose tinted glasses on.”
“Exactly!” You huffed again, “everything’s so new and fresh and fantastic and without any flaws. I couldn’t risk waking up with my face all smeared, messy hair looking like a troll. That’d scare you away.”
“Oh sweetheart….” His hand curled around your cheek, turning your face up to see his smiling one, “I don’t care if you think you look like Godzilla when you wake up, you’re my beautiful Godzilla.”
“Nice analogy.” You half grumbled and he laughed.
“I mean it.”
“Absolutely.” He kissed the tip of your nose, “baby you have me completely and totally wrapped around your finger, you know that? I don’t care if I wake up and you’re snoring away with drool crusted in the corners of your mouth, I’m still smitten.”
“Ew..” Your nose crinkled and he laughed.
“I mean it.” He caressed your cheek softly, gazing down at you and you felt yourself utterly melt at the admiration pouring from his eyes, he wasn’t kidding, he was completely smitten and nothing else mattered but waking up next to you.
“You’re such a softie.” You giggled, leaning up to kiss him as your lips curved into a grin, a sense of joy spreading through you as you felt his lips do the same.
“And this softie meant it, it’s way too early to get out of bed.” He wrapped a sturdy arm around you, pulling you tight to him and you let out a little squeal as he practically crushed you into his chest.
“Well I’m awake already…” you mumbled against his torso, feeling the vibration as he laughed, rolling over to grab the tv remote.
“Pick something.” He suggested, handing it over to you as he let his grip relax a little bit.
You let out a happy sigh, half curled into his side as his arm stayed around you and you began to flick through the channels until you found something satisfactory. Tony’s hand trailed up and down your back, occasionally fidgeting with the lace of the bralette, twisting it around his fingers before letting it go and moving his hand upwards to play with your hair.
“I could get used to mornings like this.” He murmured softly and you hummed happily, turning your face to his.
“Me too.” You smiled and his hand cupped your cheek again, moving in to kiss you tenderly, his lips moving with grace against your own until you pulled away and his brow furrowed.
“You may look like prince charming… but you have terrible morning breath.” You winced slightly and then burst out into a giggle and the feigned aghast expression on his face.
“Oh come on, the one time I forget to brush before bed.”
“Hey, dentists orders, twice daily.”
“I was a little distracted.” He smirked, free hand gently groping at your ass, “how was I supposed to be thinking of teeth health with someone as stunning as you next to me.” He leant in for another kiss but was met with your finger tip pressing him away.
“Fine.” He playfully rolled his eyes, choosing instead to leave a kiss on the top of your head before heading to the bathroom to take care of the situation. The sound of running water echoed into the room and you let out a very happy sigh, sinking deeper down into the pillows as happiness radiated through your entire body.
Yes, you certainly could get used to mornings like these.
@fandom-princess-forevermore @cabotfan42 @alexxavicry @rainbowelshrhian @princessgemini98 @m00nkn1ghts @supercriminalbean @hbkswife @heidss @onmykneesformarvel @kmc1989 @happygirl-0408 @boimlers-gonna-boim @tinyprettyangel @happygirl-0408 @winchesterbeau @alexxavicry @deanwinchestersgirl87
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sadly-never-after · 7 months ago
I don’t have any real preferred endgame ships for Daring. I like Darabella more than the average tumblr EAH account and I love Dizzie but in a very different way than most shippers, I think.
Whenever I’m in my comfort place (my post canon extension based on Athena-xox’s amazing timeline (all time fave post. Truly an amazing accomplishment)) I like imagining that Daring will consciously decide to stay single and NOT mingle for a while, until he has come to terms with certain things. And I like imagining that Rosabella will be there for him, but rather as a friend with some unacted romantic chemistry. I want to believe that everything that happened since Legacy Day, culminating in his abrupt change of imagined destiny will trigger a more pensive side of him. And here’s when Lizzie comes. I want him to slowly become aware of how much he hurt her, even when it was never his intention.
I know this is a franchise made to sell dolls at tweens so it’s weird to get this dark about it, but let’s do this for the sake of my fantasies.
I feel like Daring has been hypersexualised and objectified through most of his life. His place as the most Charming of all the Charmings has turned him into a figure of lust and of status even before he was really aware of what those words meant.
The hypersexualisation can be seen through the recurrent jokes about girls fawning over him, following him, his dashing smile, and I honestly feel like Sparrow’s dare that lead to the entire thing with Lizzies was also based on that etc., etc., etc.,
When it comes to the objectification I think Duchess obsession with him is a good example. In NTV it becomes clear that she is not truly in love with him and when he scorns her she even daydreams about being the one able to reject him. Daring is not much of a real person to her. He is a symbol. He is the best of princes who saves his Princess and gets the two to live happily ever after. Everything that Duchess longs for and is denied.
To a lesser extent I also think that Ravens reaction to him (apparently) writing her a love poem could also be an example of this. Even if she has never been interested in Daring and has actually described her type as his opposite she still takes this as an accomplishment of some way.
Just to clarify: by no means do I blame neither Duchess nor Raven for this. They aren’t really at fault. This is more of a societal issue.
So, as he now realises all this things about his life, I want him to remember Lizzie. In my Sparchess heart the two are talking and Sparrow asks him about that one date Daring & Duchess had and after that a rush of unprocessed memories come at Daring and he can’t stop thinking about what he did to Lizzie for at least a week.
I want him to stay up away at night and cringe at himself wondering if an actual apology would be welcomed or not. It would make him feel better, sure, but is it Lizzie or his guilt conscience whom he wants to console? I want him to remember things about Lizzie that he otherwise didn’t think of very often. I want him to suddenly tell all of this to Rosabella only for her to feel disappointed and conflicted. I want Lizzie to catch him looking at her during lunch with a strangely contemplative expression and to turn away in apparent apathy only for her to be weirdly sad for the rest of the day and remember how isolated and betrayed she felt not only by Daring but also by Duchess.
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miesozernacma · 7 months ago
just rewatched the first venom.
loved the part where venom made out with eddie sloppy style
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autumnrory · 11 months ago
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imaginefan · 8 months ago
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 895
Requested: Anon
Request: Cam you write a one shot Piper making up lies to Chris so he can break up with reader cause she doesn't like her or approve since she is human but Chris doesn't believe his mom lies. Thanks you in advance.
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You hadn’t noticed anything at first. In fact everything seemed normal, well as normal as it can be with a family full of witches. You knew the secret of the family because you were one of the people that they had saved. Chris had taken a liking to you and decided to take you out on a date, from there things progressed like a normal relationship.
Up until now.
Chris had started asking really weird questions about you being afraid of everything that he dealt with or complaining about how little time you both spent together. When you asked him where he had heard all of this from he had told you that his mum was relaying phone called that you had both had together ones that didn’t exist on your call log but somehow existed on hers. With a simple excuse of you deleting it from your own call log he was back to believing his mum which was why you were sitting in your shared apartment talking to your friend. “I just don’t understand why she would say something like that.” You explained. “Some mum’s just love their boys too much, honestly I think you should get out while you can, you know I have a spare room for you to stay in, you could leave tonight.” She informed you “I can even come pick you up if you want.” “But I do love him.” You frowned as you pulled your knees up to your chest “I know you do but that doesn’t mean that he loves you.” She answered. “But-” “Listen all I’m going to say is that he should be telling his mum to stay out of his relationship, it’s dangerous when you don’t, he’s not listening to you but he’s listening to her do you really want to be fighting with his mum the whole time?” She asked. “No, I want to show him that she’s lying.” You answered. “That’s only going to make you look worse, the only way that he’s ever going to find out is if you step away.” She said. “I guess you're right.” You sighed. “Get some stuff ready, I’ll come get you, even if it’s temporary for now.” She said as you heard her shuffling around in her apartment. “Okay.” You said softly before handing up the phone.
You walked into the bedroom, you packed enough for a couple of days at first, in the hopes that things might change for you but you worry that it’s not going to happen. You the distinct sound of Chris orbbing into the apartment, you closed your eyes hoping that he wouldn’t come into the bedroom. Luck was not on your side and within seconds he was standing at the door. “What are you doing?” He asked. “I think that we should spend some time apart.” You answered. “Is this because of this thing with my mum?” He asked, he sounded fed up, like he felt that you were overreacting. “This thing with your mum is making everything that I do wrong, you know I sit at home patiently waiting for you to come home, I complain to no one but somehow your mum has convinced you otherwise.” You argued. “This is silly.” He stepped forward. “Not to me, I’m clearly not good enough for you, at least not by your mother’s standards, so you can have your key back, we’ll talk in a couple of days, see how things have changed… If they change.” You shrugged, dropping the keys on the bed before walking around to the door “excuse me.” “You know this just makes you look guilty.” He said standing aside after a moment. “The fact that you think that is the reason that I’m leaving.” You said softly as you continued to the door.
Chris stayed in the apartment for a few hours before he headed back to the house where he knew that his brother was “what happened?” Wyatt asked, the moment that he looked at his brother he knew that there was something wrong. “She left.” Chris answered. “What did you expect, guilty or not, there is no one that’s going to stick around when they are competing with their boyfriend's mum.” Wyatt answered. “To be honest mum has always been protective of us, you know after everything that happened.” “She knew about all that, we talked about it and about how we were closer than a normal family.” He answered. “So she already felt like she was competing and she said yes to you, now your angry because she walked away after you literally chose mum over her!” Wyatt argued, his voice raised which seemed to alert their mother to a problem. “What’s with all the yelling?” Piper asked. “(Y/N) left and Chris is feeling sorry for himself.” Wyatt answered. “Don’t worry about her, she wasn’t good enough for you anyway.” Piper said a little too quickly and Wyatt smirked, a small shrug accompanying his next sentence. “What did I tell you?” The words echoed in Chris’ head as he watched his mum walk into the kitchen talking about making something for dinner to help him feel better, she didn’t even ask why she had left or if there was any chance that they might get back together. Maybe you were right about his mum, maybe he should have listened.
Requests and general question!
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dykealloy · 1 year ago
still can't get over that THIS
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is kidd and law's first encounter with luffy
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ultrameganicolaokay · 2 days ago
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DC Pride 2025 (one-shot) by Vita Ayala, Sam Maggs, Tim Sheridan, Josh Trujillo, Jude Ellison S. Doyle, Skylar Partridge, Max Sarin, A. L. Kaplan, Derek Charm, Emilio Pilliu and more. Cover by Kris Anka. Variant covers by (2) Julia Reck and (3) Jack Hughes. Out in June.
"When a 100-year-old queer speakeasy-turned-bar-turned-restaurant-and-community-space in Gotham announces that it will soon be closing its doors, generations of patrons come to pay their respects—including Alan Scott, the Green Lantern. After all, this is the place where he and his first love, Johnny Ladd, long ago carved their names into the basement wall before it all went to hell… and a love lost is never a love forgotten. But they weren’t the only ones to put their names in the wall over the years, and suddenly queer heroes, villains, and civilians alike from across the DCU—the Question, Midnighter and Apollo, Harley Quinn, Green Lantern Jo Mullein, Bunker, Connor Hawke, and Blue Snowman among them—find them-selves spirited away to a strange alternate dimension that seems to provide everything they could possibly want… but at what cost? In this single, oversized story of interweaving narratives, the vanished will need to come together and look into the very depths of the Starheart itself if they hope to escape that which ensnares them in this triumphant and timely story of community amid chaos!"
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that-random-outsider · 6 months ago
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
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Kinda forgot i let him hang there for the day but fuck it he can stay…. Why not…. Theyre friends now…
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good-beanswrites · 8 months ago
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for Futa finding our that Yuno was lying about getting beaten up in her first interrogation?
You sure can 👀👀👀👀 Omg, I'm a fake 02-03 fan, how have I never thought about that moment before? I assumed he'd know eventually, but for someone who's so honest (and likely already has issues with a disloyal friend group) an actual confession would be so painful... Thank you so much for the request, it reminded me how much I loved writing these two ;--;
“I can’t believe it!” Fuuta laid across Yuno’s bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I can’t fucking believe it!”
“Ooh~ is this about Shidou-san?” Yuno stepped out of a pair of shoes, grabbing another. She walked back and forth with accessories she’d requested or borrowed from the others. After scrutinizing them in the mirror, she’d try on something else. 
“Of course it is! Why aren’t you freaking out about this?”
It was a rhetorical question, she knew. This was one of those times Fuuta wasn’t really listening to anything except the rant in his own head. It could be annoying, but between him and Mahiru, Yuno actually enjoyed the chance to sit back and let someone else take over the conversation. 
“He comes out of his interrogation, casually laughing about the warden being young and kicking him, then expects us to be okay with it? That makes four out of five interrogations someone got hurt! It’s a good thing I showed them they can’t fuck with someone like me, eh? But a pushover like Shidou gets abused and laughs! Argh!” 
Fuuta sat up suddenly, trying to find somewhere to put his anger. He caught Yuno’s eye through the mirror. “There’s no way this is legal, locking us up with some violence-crazed warden! You know what I just keep thinking about, every day?”
Yuno gave a small “hm?” knowing he’d tell her anyway. She turned her eyes away, pretending to fix the ribbon in her hair. It was becoming less and less enjoyable to sit back and let him talk, this time. She was starting to see where this conversation would end. She knew what she needed to do.
“I just keep thinking, what are we going to do about Mahiru?”
“What do you mean?”
She was met with a dumbfounded look. 
“We can’t just let her go in there by herself! Haruka and Shidou have some size and strength on Es, so like a coward they only showed a bit of force. But they know you and Muu were much smaller and weaker, so they really took it out on you both. I mean, I could hear Muu crying during her interrogation, and she came out still sniffling. Whatever the hell happened, it can’t be good. Just think of what’ll happen to Mahiru if we leave her alone in there! I’ve started thinking about what we can do.”
She laughed, picking up a headband. “Fuuta, you can’t do anything. It’s not like you’d be able to break in during the interrogation. I’m sure Mahiru-san will be just fine.”
“You can’t be sure, in a place like this. I’ve been thinking about this! I was even talking to Kotoko, and we think it’s possible to sneak in beforehand.”
“And if you get caught? What if you get Mahiru-san in more trouble?”
It was all she could think to say. She knew the truth had to come out eventually, but if there was a chance she could calm Fuuta down and avoid a fight altogether, she’d take it. Yuno wasn’t afraid of him. However, just because he was all bark and no bite didn’t make his bite any easier to handle. If she was putting the pieces together correctly, it still did end up killing someone…
Instead of slowing down, his face lit up with even more intensity. He leapt to his feet, appearing behind Yuno in the mirror. “See, that’s where my backup plan comes in! We’ll get the others involved. An interrogation will be the perfect time to stage a riot because –”
“Oh, Fuuta.”
“– I mean it! How are they and that stupid rabbit going to stop all of us, huh? It’s high time we stood up to this injustice! Give that brat a taste of their own medicine –”
“Just, listen for a second.”
“– We won’t use any violence or anything! Unlike them, we’re above that. Just give them a good scare, and demand that they –”
“What?” He sounded exasperated, but paused to let her speak. She hadn’t raised her voice; he was learning to tell when she was serious.
“There’s... something I need to tell you.” Her tone made it clear that this would be a pretty weighty confession. Annoyance flashed across his face, like is now really the time for this? 
Yuno turned to face him. She reached for his hands, knowing the wonders a bit of physical contact can do. Fuuta just rolled his eyes as he tore his hands away. She was constantly reminded that her usual tricks didn’t work on him. She also reminded herself, however, that it was a relief. She didn’t feel like holding hands now.
“I… I wasn’t honest about my interrogation. Es didn’t touch me. They were actually really calm, and we had a good conversation. They didn’t want the others to hear that and just walk all over them, so I promised to tell the story they came up with. I heard Muu talking, and she didn’t face any violence either. She was just scared.”
“You – she – what?” Fuuta sputtered on his words. His face turned a few shades redder than it already had been in his excitement.
“The lie wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, or drag out this long. Definitely not to the point of inspiring a prison riot, oh god. I felt bad that you even went after Es because of it–”
“Yeah!” His voice rose. “I stood up to them for you! I coulda gotten punished for that!”
“No, Es knew why you did it, so I’m sure they never would have –”
“You can’t be sure!” He turned to pace the cell, emotion leaking out in sudden pitches in his voice, or a hand jerking up in wild gestures. “So when were you planning on telling me? Or were you just going to lie to my face for another few months?”  She could see the gears turning in his head – all the arguments and comebacks and insults he was formulating. “And what else have you been lying to me about?” 
That’s when she noticed that the look in his eyes wasn’t one of rage. Nor was the blood in his cheeks. Though he was indeed angry, he was also dealing with the embarrassing truth of being lied to for months.
“I haven’t lied about anything else,” she assured him. She bowed her head. “And I won’t. I’m so sorry. It was supposed to be something quick that everyone forgot about. Once they had their interrogation and had their own impression of the warden, no one would think about it.”
“You expect me to believe a shitty excuse like that? Why would we all just forget?”
“Fuuta…” She smiled sadly. “Everyone did forget. You’re the only one who still talks about it. You’re the only one who’s done anything in response. I felt so guilty you’d put yourself out like that, for me, someone you barely met.” 
Yuno paused. She hadn’t meant to use any flattery to steer the conversation. She was supposed to just tell him the truth and leave it at that.
But this wasn’t flattery. She was still speaking the truth. “Everyone else did exactly what I expected, except you. You stood up for me. I don’t take that lightly, okay? I’m grateful.”
Fuuta’s eyes burned with more fury. He jabbed a pointing finger at her.
“You’re right!” 
“Those bastards didn’t do a single thing! They heard a young girl got abused and they just let it happen? They tried laughing it off? How dare they!” He whirled around. “Oh, I’m gonna give them a –”
Yuno grabbed the back of his uniform “You aren’t going to do anything. If you get everyone riled up now, it’ll be for nothing, remember? But you can’t tell. I still promised Es I’d keep their secret through the first trial.”
“Tch, you don’t owe them shit.”
“If you tell, you’ll get me in trouble. Please.” She let go of him. “Can I trust you with this?”
He kept his back to her. “You didn’t before.”
“You’re right.” She wasn’t the type to waffle around with excuses.
She started putting away her things. It was almost mealtime, and she didn’t have the heart to continue, anyway. Through the mirror, she watched Fuuta hang around the doorway. His expression shifted through emotions that Yuno couldn’t quite put her finger on. All his fire was fizzling out.
“Just… you swear it won’t happen again?” 
“I swear.”
Fuuta nodded. Then, a grin. “And you swear I can tell them off after this trial ends?”
She returned the smirk. “One promise at a time, ’kay?”
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kroosluvr · 1 year ago
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yep,.... it's another captain art dump from your beloved cele celexcity kroosluvr
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