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ringosmistress · 1 year ago
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lord-prey · 4 months ago
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Doodles from last night, started watching Den-O again and I think I have 10 more episodes left before I’m done :)
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rainingbaconbits · 6 months ago
They were good friends yknow
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This image came to me in a dream
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Kamen Rider S.I.C Novel Translation: (April 3, 1971) + Imagin Anime Drive Share (English Subs)
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Happy Halloween, gang!
I've been pretty busy again, trying to stack work and a few waves of low mood and lack of motivation (such fun.), but I've finally done it!! After discovering the Kamen Rider Den-O SIC April 3rd 1971, I decided "why not translate it"? So now I have! I am honestly amazed at the work everyone has done for it (and Nega is getting expanded so much, I'm so proud of him *sniff huuuuuuu*.)
Also, as an extra treat, I created a Drive folder with the episodes of the Imagin Anime, all subbed (in case y'all have trouble finding it or watching it on certain websites), so you can have an extra doze of silliness! (All credits go to the people who subbed the episodes, thanks gang!)
Here is the link to the S.I.C Novel! I'm put the glossary here for y'all, in case it helps
Chapter 1/11: P. 8
Chapter 2/11 P. 16
Chapter 3/11 P. 24
Chapter 4/11 P. 33
Chapter 5/11 P. 41
Chapter 6/11 P. 51
Chapter 7/11 P. 58
Chapter 8/11 P. 67
Chapter 9/11 P. 77
Chapter 10/11 P. 86
Chapter 11/11 P. 95
Character File P. 105
S.I.C Item List P. 130
Kamen Rider Den-O Series of Work and Descriptions P. 172
And here is the link to the Imagin Anime Drive! if you have any issues with both links in any way, or see something that doesn't seem quite right in the S.I.C translation, please let me know, it really helps! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Happy Halloween! ^^
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angele-darliing · 2 years ago
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When I saw the tweet I instantly thought of them lol
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 1 year ago
Imagine...Going Against Dean’s Orders
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Pairing: Detective!Dean x Detective!reader
“Just what exactly was that?” asked Dean as he stood up. 
“Me stopping the guy about to shoot you? You’re welcome by the way,” you said. Dean scoffed and shook his head. 
“I told you to cover the back. You were out of line.”
“I saw him-”
“You let the main suspect get away. This guy is a nobody. We could have had our guy and been done with it but you wanted to play hero,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Freaking junior detectives. You’re more trouble than you’re worth.”
“I have an obligation-”
“To uphold the law, Detective Y/L/N. You failed in doing that tonight,” he said.
“Fuck you, Winchester,” you said. You headed outside, kicking the car tire, Dean exiting with your other suspect a minute later. He paused as he walked before approaching the car and sitting the man in the backseat. Dean sighed as he shut the door, looking over the roof of the car at you.
“You didn’t mention that you got the other suspect.”
“You were too busy yelling at me,” you said, turning your back towards him. “I’m an idiot rookie that doesn’t know what they’re doing apparently.”
“Well I’m an idiot senior detective that didn’t want his girlfriend to get hurt,” he said. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I thought you were too concerned for me and didn’t do the job.”
“I’ll do the job, Dean. But I’ll also save your ass if I have to. Honestly, I don’t know which one of those is going to be the priority all the time,” you said. There were a few footsteps and you turned away, Dean leaning back against the car. 
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“It’s fine. Don’t yell at me for stuff like that again though,” you said. “You want to insult my cooking, that’s fine but don’t tell me I’m bad at this.”
“Okay,” he said. He rested his chin on your shoulder and gave you a hug from behind. “Want to go book these guys and then head home?”
“Yeah. Let’s get out of here, Dean.”
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carbonatedjem · 7 months ago
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I'm watching Kamen Rider Den-O with friends! I wanna challenge myself to draw fanart for it after every session. Starting off easy cause my schedule is a nightmare right now, it's Momotaros!
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loveherallican-blog · 2 months ago
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battry-acid · 1 month ago
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the wall of my doodles at work grows ever larger... i have been doodling so much kamen rider. my brain is infected with it
(closeups of kamen rider character doodles under the cut :3)
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i am trying to master my imagin gajinkas (not just possessing ryutaro like actual humanoid versions) but i havent quite gotten there yet. urataros and ryuutaros are looking the best so far. i will keep trying 🫡
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little-lovett · 1 year ago
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ilovechickenstrip · 4 months ago
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imagin ✌️
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ringosmistress · 8 months ago
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imaginefan · 8 months ago
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 895
Requested: Anon
Request: Cam you write a one shot Piper making up lies to Chris so he can break up with reader cause she doesn't like her or approve since she is human but Chris doesn't believe his mom lies. Thanks you in advance.
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You hadn’t noticed anything at first. In fact everything seemed normal, well as normal as it can be with a family full of witches. You knew the secret of the family because you were one of the people that they had saved. Chris had taken a liking to you and decided to take you out on a date, from there things progressed like a normal relationship.
Up until now.
Chris had started asking really weird questions about you being afraid of everything that he dealt with or complaining about how little time you both spent together. When you asked him where he had heard all of this from he had told you that his mum was relaying phone called that you had both had together ones that didn’t exist on your call log but somehow existed on hers. With a simple excuse of you deleting it from your own call log he was back to believing his mum which was why you were sitting in your shared apartment talking to your friend. “I just don’t understand why she would say something like that.” You explained. “Some mum’s just love their boys too much, honestly I think you should get out while you can, you know I have a spare room for you to stay in, you could leave tonight.” She informed you “I can even come pick you up if you want.” “But I do love him.” You frowned as you pulled your knees up to your chest “I know you do but that doesn’t mean that he loves you.” She answered. “But-” “Listen all I’m going to say is that he should be telling his mum to stay out of his relationship, it’s dangerous when you don’t, he’s not listening to you but he’s listening to her do you really want to be fighting with his mum the whole time?” She asked. “No, I want to show him that she’s lying.” You answered. “That’s only going to make you look worse, the only way that he’s ever going to find out is if you step away.” She said. “I guess you're right.” You sighed. “Get some stuff ready, I’ll come get you, even if it’s temporary for now.” She said as you heard her shuffling around in her apartment. “Okay.” You said softly before handing up the phone.
You walked into the bedroom, you packed enough for a couple of days at first, in the hopes that things might change for you but you worry that it’s not going to happen. You the distinct sound of Chris orbbing into the apartment, you closed your eyes hoping that he wouldn’t come into the bedroom. Luck was not on your side and within seconds he was standing at the door. “What are you doing?” He asked. “I think that we should spend some time apart.” You answered. “Is this because of this thing with my mum?” He asked, he sounded fed up, like he felt that you were overreacting. “This thing with your mum is making everything that I do wrong, you know I sit at home patiently waiting for you to come home, I complain to no one but somehow your mum has convinced you otherwise.” You argued. “This is silly.” He stepped forward. “Not to me, I’m clearly not good enough for you, at least not by your mother’s standards, so you can have your key back, we’ll talk in a couple of days, see how things have changed… If they change.” You shrugged, dropping the keys on the bed before walking around to the door “excuse me.” “You know this just makes you look guilty.” He said standing aside after a moment. “The fact that you think that is the reason that I’m leaving.” You said softly as you continued to the door.
Chris stayed in the apartment for a few hours before he headed back to the house where he knew that his brother was “what happened?” Wyatt asked, the moment that he looked at his brother he knew that there was something wrong. “She left.” Chris answered. “What did you expect, guilty or not, there is no one that’s going to stick around when they are competing with their boyfriend's mum.” Wyatt answered. “To be honest mum has always been protective of us, you know after everything that happened.” “She knew about all that, we talked about it and about how we were closer than a normal family.” He answered. “So she already felt like she was competing and she said yes to you, now your angry because she walked away after you literally chose mum over her!” Wyatt argued, his voice raised which seemed to alert their mother to a problem. “What’s with all the yelling?” Piper asked. “(Y/N) left and Chris is feeling sorry for himself.” Wyatt answered. “Don’t worry about her, she wasn’t good enough for you anyway.” Piper said a little too quickly and Wyatt smirked, a small shrug accompanying his next sentence. “What did I tell you?” The words echoed in Chris’ head as he watched his mum walk into the kitchen talking about making something for dinner to help him feel better, she didn’t even ask why she had left or if there was any chance that they might get back together. Maybe you were right about his mum, maybe he should have listened.
Requests and general question!
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imagineanime2022 · 7 months ago
Your Actual Child
Shota Aizawa X Teen!GN!Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 1922
Requested: Anon
Request: Hey hey
Could you please write a Aizawa platonic scenario in which he has a biological daughter?
Warning: Angsty with happy end, crying, something that could be considered a poorly described panic attack, tried to keep it gender neutral.
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You don’t know how your parents met or even decided who would have you. All you knew is that your mum wasn’t around anymore and your dad worked all night and slept all day. You didn’t have a quirk worth investing your time in, you were a glorified nightlight at best. You assumed that you got it from your mother considering your father’s ability.
For the first 18 years of your life, everything seemed to follow a routine, one that had you seeing your father for no more than a few hours before he was off to work or he was sending you off to school. You didn’t mind too much the time that he spent with you was always nice, that is until you got old enough to look after yourself, then time with him became more sparse and you found yourself feeling lonely. You tried not to feel angry or hurt because there were people who needed him.
It only seemed to get worse when he was assigned to the new class of heroes and trouble really started, the villains making a rise and your father was forced to the front lines on more than one occasion. The first time you were given time off of school to look after him while his was bandaged up, you worried about his eyes and what he would do if he wasn’t able to use his eyes once he was healed. But of course he healed just fine and everything went back to the way that they were.
The aftermath of the second big event resulted in you getting a little sister, Eri and you loved her with all of your heart but she only served to drive you and your dad further apart. He cared for her the way that he cared for you when you were younger and that made you miss him even more. You did gain a friend through it all though, Mirio, one of the heroes in training, spent a lot of time with Eri and by extension you.
You remembered one night you had all had dinner, Mirio had been there at the request of Eri, your dad was working so he wasn’t there. Mirio had just finished putting Eri to bed when he found you in the kitchen. “She’s sleeping.” He said as you placed the plate of food for your Dad in the microwave. “Thank you.” You said softly as Mirio walked over leaning against the counter. “Can I ask you something?” He asked. “Of course.” You nodded, wiping off your hands after washing them and gesturing for him to follow you into the living room. “You were never on the hero course, why?” He asked. “Oh, my quirk isn’t really anything that I could use for hero work.” You lifted your hand to show the small light you held in the palm of your hand, willing it to change shape until it resembled Mirio. “Woah!” You both jumped at the sound of the softer voice, you looked behind you to find that Eri was standing at the entrance to the living room. “Eri what are you doing up? I thought you were sleeping.” Mirio was about to get up but instead she ran over to you scrambling to climb up onto your lap. You helped her sit against you as she pulled your hand towards her. “Can you do that again!?” She asked, you lifted your hand creating a small figure that resembled her. “This is your quirk?” “Yeah.” You answered softly, “Do you want to hear a story?” Eri nodded vigorously as you told her a story using the small light figures to play out the story you were telling her. Eri feel asleep to you telling her a story and you carried her to bed and tucked her in and saw Mirio out telling him to be careful on his way home.
It would be hours later that Aizawa would walk through the front door, he was quiet, sure that the both of you would have been asleep by now. He was surprised to hear the TV playing in the living room, and walked into the living room to find you laying on the sofa, your phone held tightly in your hand as if waiting for something. He was gentle as he picked you up but it still woke you, ever since he had brought home Eri you had become a light sleeper waiting for the moment that she would need you. “Welcome home, your food is in the microwave.” You mumbled. “Thank you, what are you doing sleeping on the couch, you're going to end up with a bad back.” his scolding was half hearted as he carried you to your bedroom placing you in bed, you settled yourself before answering him. “It’s closer to Eri.” You finally answered. “If she needs me when you're not here.” “Mmm, get some rest, I’m home now, Eri is going to be fine.” He said as he turned back out to leave the room. “Make sure you eat.” You called sleepily before turning over and falling back to sleep. Aizawa glanced back at you for a second as he tried to figure out when you had grown up and how he had missed it. He couldn’t think of anyone that he would want to look after Eri more.
Things settled into a routine of you looking after Eri and the house while you dad worked day and night. Eri became your shadow and you fell into a roll that shouldn’t have been yours at your age. Your dad sat you and Eri down and explained the raid that he was supposed to be a part of, the one that was supposed to put an end to Shigaraki and the rest of his group. Of course the raid didn’t go the way that it was supposed to and you found yourself sitting in the living room leg bouncing as you waited for news on your dad. You had managed to get Eri to go to bed a few hours before Hizashi showed up.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked. “What happened?” “(Y/N), can you sit down for me?” Hizashi asked. “S-sit down, w-what… He’s okay right?” You asked. “He’s alive.” Hizashi answered. “So it’s the same as before. I'll look after him for a little while and then he’ll be back to normal.” You said. “Not this time.” Hizashi answered. “He lost his leg in the battle, at the moment he’s in the hospital, the doctors think that they will be able to save everything from above the knee but he’ll need a prosthetic.” “And how long will that take?” You asked “how long will he be in the hospital?” “That will depend on your dad.” He answered. “Well he’s never been one to stay beaten.” You mumbled. “Do you need me to stay?” He asked, he remembered the first night that something like this had happened, you spent the night crying and Hizashi had been the one to stay with you and make sure that you were okay. “No it’s okay, get some rest, thanks for fighting for us.” You said softly, he wanted to stay and make sure that you were okay but he didn't want to seem overbearing so he nodded, hugged you and made you promise that you would call him if you needed anything.
Over the next couple days there were regular check ins from the people that were able to check in, you even ended up meeting Hawks and Best Jeanist who were also sent to check up on your both for whatever reason. Soon came the time that your dad was finally allowed visitors and of course you took Eri down the hospital to see your dad. She missed him a lot and you hoped that seeing him was going to help her.
You had been there for about an hour when Mirio stuck his head through the door “Eri! No one told me that you’d be down here! You want to come get something to eat?” He asked “I’ve been given a special mission, I have to find some food for Tamaki.” Eri jumped up from where she was sitting. “A special mission?” She asked, she looked back at your dad who nodded softly before she ran off with Mirio leaving you both alone. “Hopefully, I’ll be able to come home soon, they’ve shown me the prosthetic that they are making for me.” Your dad said, you looked at him and nodded. “That will be good, it’ll be nice to have you back home, I think Eri misses seeing you around.” You explained. “I hear alot about Eri, she’s easy for the others to read but what about you?” He asked, the question itself made your throat close as you looked down at your hands balled in your lap. “I’m okay.” You answered after taking a deep breath and schooling your voice. “Mmm, you remember when you were younger anything bad ever happened you would cry?” He asked. “Yeah, I remember.” You nodded. “That was how I knew that you were going to be okay, the first time that I got hurt you cried, when you cry I know how to fix it, so I need your help so I can fix it.” He leaned forward taking your hand in his as he waited for you to talk. “You’ve done enough, you all have done enough.” You finally said. “What do you mean (N/N)?” You couldn’t see the frown but you could hear it in his voice, along with confusion and slight worry. “I know that I’m not the child that you chose, I don’t have some amazing quirk, I’m a glorified night light. The best I can do is scare away the imaginary demons Eri sees in her room. Whenever there’s a real threat, something tangible the best I can do is stay out of the way, there are people younger than me fighting for my right to live. I’ve watched you get hurt time and time again and all I can do is make you breakfast and keep the house clean-” the confession poured from your mouth in one breath, as tears poured down your face with all the strength he had he pulled you into his chest catching your entire weight as he wrapped his arms around you. “I need you to listen to me, I don’t need you to have a powerful quirk, I don’t need you to be fighting this war on the frontlines, do you know how important it is to make sure there’s somewhere for the soldiers to come back to?” your crying and quieted slightly, enough that he was sure that you were trying to listen to him, even if you weren’t hearing everything that he said. “As for choosing you, you don’t understand how much I thank you gods for the child that I was given and the person you raised yourself to be.” “I’m sorry.” You cried. “No need to be sorry.” He shifted you until you were laying on the bed next to him “Rest, the world will not collapse in on itself without you for a few hours, I promise.” As you relaxed into him and you fell asleep he saw the little girl that you had been hiding, the one that he had lost sight of and promised himself that he wouldn’t ever lose sight of her again.
Request Here!!
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sol-sunpuff · 2 years ago
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