#kamen rider novel
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Kamen Rider S.I.C Novel Translation: (April 3, 1971) + Imagin Anime Drive Share (English Subs)
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Happy Halloween, gang!
I've been pretty busy again, trying to stack work and a few waves of low mood and lack of motivation (such fun.), but I've finally done it!! After discovering the Kamen Rider Den-O SIC April 3rd 1971, I decided "why not translate it"? So now I have! I am honestly amazed at the work everyone has done for it (and Nega is getting expanded so much, I'm so proud of him *sniff huuuuuuu*.)
Also, as an extra treat, I created a Drive folder with the episodes of the Imagin Anime, all subbed (in case y'all have trouble finding it or watching it on certain websites), so you can have an extra doze of silliness! (All credits go to the people who subbed the episodes, thanks gang!)
Here is the link to the S.I.C Novel! I'm put the glossary here for y'all, in case it helps
Chapter 1/11: P. 8
Chapter 2/11 P. 16
Chapter 3/11 P. 24
Chapter 4/11 P. 33
Chapter 5/11 P. 41
Chapter 6/11 P. 51
Chapter 7/11 P. 58
Chapter 8/11 P. 67
Chapter 9/11 P. 77
Chapter 10/11 P. 86
Chapter 11/11 P. 95
Character File P. 105
S.I.C Item List P. 130
Kamen Rider Den-O Series of Work and Descriptions P. 172
And here is the link to the Imagin Anime Drive! if you have any issues with both links in any way, or see something that doesn't seem quite right in the S.I.C translation, please let me know, it really helps! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Happy Halloween! ^^
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helvediqa · 1 month ago
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blue sky
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 5 months ago
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Its 2004... I need someone to hook my guy up with a skype account NOW.
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christine-ye · 4 months ago
Kamen Rider Blade character name meanings
I was watching an anime lyric video on YouTube last night and recognized one of the kanji in the lyrics also being used for one of the main characters' names in Blade and ended up falling down a rabbit hole (aka Jisho.org) so I made a guide breaking down the Blade cast's names because 1. when do I ever not think about this show and 2. language stuff is fun to look into (also included Shiori and Kotaro because why not, slight spoilers incoming)
♠ Kazuma Kenzaki (剣崎一真)/Kamen Rider Blade ♠
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Kenzaki (剣崎): ken (剣) - sword (spade itself also derives from the Spanish and Italian spada meaning 'sword'); zaki (崎) - small peninsula, promontory
Kazuma (一真): kazu (一) - one; ma (真) - true/truth, reality, genuineness (could refer to Kenzaki's genuine love for humanity and eventually Hajime); both characters together could mean "one truth" (could refer to Kenzaki seeking the one true way to allow Hajime to keep living without having the world be destroyed during the finale) or "one reality" (could refer to the current nature of the Battle Fight preventing Kenzaki and Hajime from seeing each other again despite them defying their fates)
Blade: the main part of a sword whose name is derived from the Old English blæd meaning 'leaf' (also hence why the spade is replaced with the leaf in German playing cards), related to the Suit of Swords (Spades) in the Minor Arcana
♦ Sakuya Tachibana (橘朔也)/Kamen Rider Garren ♦
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Tachibana (橘): mandarin orange (specifically the Citrus tachibana, also explains why one of his themed drinks from the Kamen Rider Diner was orange-flavored)
Sakuya (朔也): saku (朔) - new moon (symbolizes new beginnings in astrology, which ties into Tachibana's return to being Garren again after initially trying to quit and his character song literally being called Rebirth), the first day of the lunar calendar; ya (也) - to be (classical form), also a common suffix in Japanese male names
Garren: either a corruption of the English word 'currency' in Japanese or phonetically sounds similar to the French carreau meaning 'diamond' (might be a stretch though), related to the Suit of Coins (Diamonds) in the Minor Arcana
♥ Hajime Aikawa (相川始)/Kamen Rider Chalice ♥
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Aikawa (相川): ai (相) - mutuality, togetherness (also phonetically sounds the same as the Japanese word for love, which ties into Hajime's character arc and Chalice's heart motif); kawa (川) - river, stream; both characters together could mean "river of mutuality" or "river of togetherness"
Hajime (始): beginning (ironically contrasts his true role as humanity's destroyer)
Chalice: holy cup or goblet whose name is derived from the Latin calix meaning 'cup', related to the Suit of Cups (Hearts) in the Minor Arcana (also symbolic of Hajime's growing love and humanness throughout the show)
♣ Mutsuki Kamijo (上条睦月)/Kamen Rider Leangle ♣
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Kamijō (上条): kami (上) - above, up; jō (条) - article, clause
Mutsuki (睦月): mutsu (睦) - intimate, friendly, harmonious (could refer to Mutsuki learning to control the Spider Undead's power with Tachibana's help); tsuki (月) - moon, month; both characters together mean the ancient Japanese name for January
Leangle: an Aboriginal club/polearm-type weapon, related to the Suit of Wands (Clubs) in the Minor Arcana
💻 Shiori Hirose (広瀬栞) 💻
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Hirose (広瀬): hiro (広) - vast, broad, spacious; se (瀬) - rapids
Shiori (栞): bookmark, guidebook (could refer to her role as the gang's resident Undead tracker and Kenzaki's closest ally at BOARD)
🥛 Kotaro Shirai (白井虎太郎) 🥛
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Shirai (白井): shira (白) - white (callback to his love for milk mayhaps /j); i (井) - well, town, community (could refer to him befriending and providing hospitality for Kenzaki and Shiori after BOARD kicks the bucket, also farmhouse trio ftw)
Kotarō (虎太郎): ko (虎) - tiger, drunkard (for milk obviously /j); ta (太) - thick; rō (郎) - common suffix in Japanese male names
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dekheadsjunkyard · 2 months ago
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Kusaka warmup
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succulent-leaf · 7 months ago
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doomednarrative · 8 months ago
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Operations aren't performed by lone doctors. They require the expertise of many professionals. Doctors and nurses have to work with, trust, and support each other They treat the patient as a team.
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eijihinooo · 21 days ago
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trying my hand at translating the ankh section of the ooo novel because there’s nothing more than a summary online… will share when it’s done in hopefully less than a few months. hopefully.
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t-u-i-t-c · 10 months ago
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Tokusatsu x Mother's Day ✿ Day 7 │ Favorite Toku Fathers
Gekisou Sentai Carranger (1996-1997) - Signalman - Sigtarou Denji Sentai Megaranger (1997-1998) - Kenta Date - Komutan Engine Sentai Go-Onger (2008-2009) - Hiroto Sutō - Wameikle Kamen Rider W (2009-2010) - Ryu Terui - Haruna Terui Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (2013-2014) - Daigo Kiryu - Daigoro Kiryu Kamen Rider Drive (2014-2015) - Shinnosuke Tomari - Eiji Tomari Shuriken Sentai Ninninger (2015-2016) - Takaharu Igasaki - Yoshiharu Igasaki Kamen Rider Ghost (2015-2016) - Takeru Tenkuji - Ayumu Tenkuji Kamen Rider 01 (2019-2020) - Horobi - Jin Kamen Rider Revice (2021-2022) - Genta Igarashi - Ikki, Sakura, Daiji, & Koshiro Igarashi
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ozfi · 2 months ago
and kenzaki feeling like he cant get close to anyone and that he has to keep moving at all costs after becoming the joker would be a completely different loneliness than his asocial distance as a human, because now he has no choice. also is part of my problem w the novel choices bc this would be kenzakis real problem not... not being able to die. kenzaki is famously not a character who likes or even thinks about dying and/or being dead, but he is someone who lost literally everyone he knew in one single decision, especially the first person he ever really loved. with full knowledge of never being able to see them again. so i think that symbolizes enough of a loss of humanity, no?
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Kamen Rider Den-O Novel Translation (Novel: Kamen Rider Den-O: The Demon Dog of Tokyo World Tower)
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Happy Easter, everyone! ^w^
Just dropping that in since I got it done before Easter ended, in my timezone, but I got a third translation out: FINALLY! I got my hands on the Den-O novel!!! I actually skimmed through this one quicker than I thought!
Sorry if so much of this is confusing, or ye- The translation I used was in Chinese. Plus, this is another novel, like the W novel, there it's told via the protagonist's POV, that being Ryotaro's. Damn, was not expecting that from the Imagin, too- But overall, this is another novel with a sweet-ish ending!
If there's anything incorrect, anything needing corrected in any way (like misspelling), please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks a lot! Hope you enjoy reading!! (If it's readable at least)
yes we do have some wild shiz
Chapter 0: Hisui
Chapter 1: Feburary 10 2005
Chapter 2: Demon Dog of EightLiner
Chapter 3: The Man Who Knows the Future
Chapter 4: Fantasy Wine
Chapter 5: Contract Holder
Chapter 6: Second Imagin
Chapter 7: Interlude
Chapter 8: Jade
Chapter 9: Pastrami at Night
Chapter 10: September 15 2008
Chapter 11: April 23 2013, and its Future
I sadly couldn't find the Zeronos novel while translating Den-O's, but hopefully one day I'll find it! Glad I was finally able to do this!!! Sorry if things are still kinda mid-
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helvediqa · 1 month ago
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if that time comes, then i'll seal him
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 4 months ago
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Kenzaki rolling up in Zi-O looking like he's been lying face down in the toku quarry for ten something years just letting current series film stunts over him...
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paledeep · 26 days ago
im talking about ryuki, tulpas, and the selfishness of man in a haggard way
theres canon spoilers and episode final spoilers under the cut
ok so i havent read the novel what ive heard sounds like it would piss me off so bad ngl so all of this is without that.
yui’s powers of the mirror world and the conception of the monsters stemmed from the innate desires of her and shiro. tulpas in a very broad sense are thoughts made physical and given form. they are literal tulpas from paper into mirror, and yui is herself a weird kind of tulpa, being made alive again by her mirror self because her kid brother in grief wanted it. actually its so sad bc instead of growing into and through the grief he became what he is in the show. idk ive been thinking about this a lot bc of who’s lila (indi video game), the king in yellow (aris torture device short story anthology).
i think its fucked up how shiro took creatures made to protect younger versions of him and yui from their parents and used them as tools of war to make people kill each other to get her life back. like they are made when they are kids bc they were in an abusive neglectful household. genuinely i think the mirror monsters would not attack if mirror yui wasnt pulled out of the mirror world and into the real yui’s body. THEN they are used by shiro’s technology and contracted. i want to know so much more about yui and shiro tbh i love the mirror world so much
ok anyway this all leads to mirror shinji ryuga. a tulpa created by child yui to keep her company and who becomes malicious bc he sees a way out of his own fate (being a tulpa/unreal mirror entity) due to the war and honestly doubly so bc shiro goads him into it. idk he is so doomed to me so sad. he doesn’t really have a choice at all bc from conception as yui’s tulpa, he is fated to be an alternate and never real unless given the chance that shiro and the war provides
anyway proving yet again that men manipulating and destroying for their own personal benefit is the problem. bc we truly dont know how many resets shiro needed to learn his lesson and to listen to his sister’s wishes. also alternate ending special’s writing is poor and misunderstands a lot of characters tbh. it had some really low points in there fuck man its really bad towards the end stop being misogynistic
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aiboogaloo · 10 months ago
⚠️⚪⬛ x 👾🔳🤖 (Forms x Ai)
Got any AI recommendations for me?
I'm always on the lookout for new shapes and forms to explore!
I might extend it someday 🤖🎨💭
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revolver115 · 1 year ago
You ever had a moment you realized you accidentally made something you REALLY loved by pure coincidence in an original work?
So, guess who accidentally made Sento x Banjou in their novel, with the Sento stand in literally being essentially a Kamen Rider?
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