#charity crowdfunding
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gulshanwhydonate · 4 months ago
Obtenir de l’Aide pour Crowdfunding Solidaire
Soutenez une bonne cause en temps voulu et encouragez la charitĂ© en tant qu’acte humanitaire. DĂ©sormais, la collecte de fonds pour la charitĂ© est facile et fiable. Lisez les histoires Ă  succĂšs et les crowdfunding conseils pour collecter des dons pour votre cause.
Qu’est-ce que le Crowdfunding Caritatif ?
La collecte de fonds en ligne est un excellent moyen de collecter des fonds pour une grande cause, tandis que la collecte de fonds traditionnelle est un excellent moyen de construire des relations solides. Les organismes Ă  but non lucratif et les particuliers peuvent dĂ©sormais soutenir une Ɠuvre de bienfaisance qui leur tient Ă  cƓur grĂące au crowdfunding caritatif. Le crowdfunding solidaire permet aux individus et aux groupes d’accepter facilement des dons. Il peut Ă©galement aider les organisations caritatives Ă  collecter des fonds pour leur cause grĂące Ă  des Ă©vĂ©nements de collecte de fonds.
 Bien que de nombreuses organisations caritatives fassent un travail remarquable, elles ont Ă©galement besoin d’aide pour continuer Ă  fonctionner. Avec l’aide des sites de crowdfunding caritatif comme WhyDonate, vous pouvez facilement soutenir une grande cause et conserver une plus grande partie de vos dons.
Le Crowdfunding Humanitaire : Une Nouvelle Approche de la Solidarité
Le crowdfunding humanitaire est devenu un moyen puissant pour soutenir des causes importantes Ă  travers le monde. En utilisant des plateformes de charity crowdfunding, de nombreuses personnes peuvent dĂ©sormais contribuer directement Ă  des projets qui leur tiennent Ă  cƓur. Ce type de financement participatif, appelĂ© crowdfunding solidaire, permet de rassembler des fonds pour des initiatives variĂ©es, qu'il s'agisse de projets locaux ou de grandes actions internationales.
L’un des avantages majeurs du crowdfunding projet humanitaire est la possibilitĂ© pour chacun de participer, peu importe le montant de sa contribution. Chaque don compte, et grĂące Ă  l’effet de masse, il est possible de financer rapidement des projets d’envergure. De plus, le crowdfunding social favorise l’engagement communautaire, en rendant les projets plus visibles et accessibles Ă  un large public.
En somme, le crowdfunding reprĂ©sente une rĂ©volution dans le domaine de la solidaritĂ© et du soutien aux projets humanitaires. Que ce soit pour aider Ă  construire des Ă©coles, fournir de l’eau potable, ou encore venir en aide Ă  des populations en dĂ©tresse, le crowdfunding humanitaire offre une plateforme ouverte Ă  tous pour faire la diffĂ©rence.
Lancez une Campagne de Crowdfunding Solidaire
Les organisations Ă  but non lucratif peuvent utiliser des idĂ©es crĂ©atives de collecte de fonds caritatifs pour commencer Ă  atteindre leurs objectifs caritatifs. Ces types de techniques de collecte de fonds peuvent Ă©galement les aider Ă  collecter des ressources en cas d’urgence. L’efficacitĂ© de ces idĂ©es dĂ©pend de leur capacitĂ© Ă  mobiliser des donateurs et Ă  les motiver Ă  donner de nouveau.
Ces guides vous apprendront comment collecter des fonds pour une grande cause et vous aideront à établir des relations solides avec votre communauté :
Soutenir les ƒuvres de Bienfaisance – Moyens de Collecter des Fonds pour les ƒuvres de Bienfaisance
IdĂ©es D’évĂ©nements de Collecte de Fonds À des Fins Caritatives – 7 Points Formidables pour les Organisations À But Non Lucratif
10 Meilleures IdĂ©es D’articles pour les EnchĂšres Caritatives Afin de  Stimuler les Dons pour votre Collecte de Fonds
8 Tendances en MatiĂšre de Collecte de Fonds Caritatives
Crowdfunding Caritatif – Un Guide pour RĂ©ussir
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WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Un bus en fauteuil roulant pour Rosalin
Notre chĂšre Rosalin a 7 ans et a une anomalie cĂ©rĂ©brale dont elle est la seule au monde Ă  avoir cette anomalie. Son dĂ©veloppement est celui d’un enfant de 6 mois. Elle obtient un fauteuil roulant, ce qui reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi pratique. Pour la transporter, nous avons besoin d’un bus en fauteuil roulant que nous ne pouvons pas financer nous-mĂȘmes.
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a permis de rĂ©colter 25 000 € auprĂšs de plus de 450 donateurs!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Ramenez Insiya Crowdfunding Solidaire
Aujourd’hui, il y a exactement 3 mois, Nadia devait retrouver sa fille Insiya. Malheureusement, cela ne s’est toujours pas produit. Le pĂšre d’Insiya arrĂȘte cela et maintenant Nadia doit aller devant la Cour suprĂȘme en Inde pour contester cet appel. Le temps presse et les frais de justice montent en flĂšche. Pour ramener Insiya Ă  la maison le plus tĂŽt possible, elle a lancĂ© une campagne caritative de financement participatif.
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a levĂ© 25 000 € auprĂšs de plus de 1 200 donateurs !
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Marche pour le climat Crowdfunding Solidaire
40 mille personnes ont marchĂ© la marche pour le climat. Cette annĂ©e, nous voulons rendre nos voix encore plus fortes. Nous organisons des manifestations plus petites et sans corona dans tout le pays. Avec la possibilitĂ© de participer Ă  domicile si vous le souhaitez. De cette maniĂšre, ensemble, mais en toute sĂ©curitĂ©, nous envoyons un signal fort aux politiciens. Parce que la crise climatique n’attend pas! Il doit ĂȘtre plus vert, plus juste, plus rapide.
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a permis de rĂ©colter 30 000 € auprĂšs de plus de 1 200 donateurs!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Soins de la Fondation Village Academy
Bravo Ă  la fondation The village academy pour avoir atteint son objectif et s’ĂȘtre occupĂ©e des gardes Ă  domicile et des personnes extĂ©rieures parce qu’elles sont coincĂ©es, ou cherchent un endroit oĂč elles peuvent ĂȘtre elles-mĂȘmes.
Ils ont rĂ©ussi Ă  rĂ©colter 20 555 € grĂące Ă  WhyDonate pour leur campagne.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Expédition IJssel & Meer
Une Ă©quipe de CrossFit Alkmaar court et fait du vĂ©lo autour de l’IJsselmeer au profit du Youth Fund Sport and Culture Ă  Alkmaar. Ils ont dĂ©ployĂ© beaucoup d’efforts pour aider Ă  payer les frais de scolaritĂ© des enfants et des jeunes issus de familles oĂč il n’y a pas assez d’argent.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Maison de soins infirmiers à jardin intérieur à Crowdfunding
Sortez quand vous voulez ! C’est important pour tout le monde. Surtout si vous vivez dans une salle fermĂ©e d’une maison de soins infirmiers en raison d’une lĂ©sion cĂ©rĂ©brale ou d’une dĂ©mence. Malheureusement, sortir n’était pas une option pour la plupart des rĂ©sidents de la maison de soins infirmiers. Il y avait un besoin urgent de rĂ©novation majeure. Il fallait beaucoup d’argent pour cela, c’est pourquoi cette campagne caritative de crowdfunding !
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a levĂ© 30 000 € et atteint 100% du montant cible!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Un bus en fauteuil roulant pour Rosalin
Notre chĂšre Rosalin a 7 ans et a une anomalie cĂ©rĂ©brale dont elle est la seule au monde Ă  avoir cette anomalie. Son dĂ©veloppement est celui d’un enfant de 6 mois. Elle obtient un fauteuil roulant, ce qui reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi pratique. Pour la transporter, nous avons besoin d’un bus en fauteuil roulant que nous ne pouvons pas financer nous-mĂȘmes.
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a permis de rĂ©colter 25 000 € auprĂšs de plus de 450 donateurs!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Ramenez Insiya Crowdfunding Solidaire
Aujourd’hui, il y a exactement 3 mois, Nadia devait retrouver sa fille Insiya. Malheureusement, cela ne s’est toujours pas produit. Le pĂšre d’Insiya arrĂȘte cela et maintenant Nadia doit aller devant la Cour suprĂȘme en Inde pour contester cet appel. Le temps presse et les frais de justice montent en flĂšche. Pour ramener Insiya Ă  la maison le plus tĂŽt possible, elle a lancĂ© une campagne caritative de financement participatif.
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a levĂ© 25 000 € auprĂšs de plus de 1 200 donateurs !
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Marche pour le climat Crowdfunding Solidaire
40 mille personnes ont marchĂ© la marche pour le climat. Cette annĂ©e, nous voulons rendre nos voix encore plus fortes. Nous organisons des manifestations plus petites et sans corona dans tout le pays. Avec la possibilitĂ© de participer Ă  domicile si vous le souhaitez. De cette maniĂšre, ensemble, mais en toute sĂ©curitĂ©, nous envoyons un signal fort aux politiciens. Parce que la crise climatique n’attend pas! Il doit ĂȘtre plus vert, plus juste, plus rapide.
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a permis de rĂ©colter 30 000 € auprĂšs de plus de 1 200 donateurs!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Soins de la Fondation Village Academy
Bravo Ă  la fondation The village academy pour avoir atteint son objectif et s’ĂȘtre occupĂ©e des gardes Ă  domicile et des personnes extĂ©rieures parce qu’elles sont coincĂ©es, ou cherchent un endroit oĂč elles peuvent ĂȘtre elles-mĂȘmes.
Ils ont rĂ©ussi Ă  rĂ©colter 20 555 € grĂące Ă  WhyDonate pour leur campagne.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Expédition IJssel & Meer
Une Ă©quipe de CrossFit Alkmaar court et fait du vĂ©lo autour de l’IJsselmeer au profit du Youth Fund Sport and Culture Ă  Alkmaar. Ils ont dĂ©ployĂ© beaucoup d’efforts pour aider Ă  payer les frais de scolaritĂ© des enfants et des jeunes issus de familles oĂč il n’y a pas assez d’argent.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Maison de soins infirmiers à jardin intérieur à Crowdfunding
Sortez quand vous voulez ! C’est important pour tout le monde. Surtout si vous vivez dans une salle fermĂ©e d’une maison de soins infirmiers en raison d’une lĂ©sion cĂ©rĂ©brale ou d’une dĂ©mence. Malheureusement, sortir n’était pas une option pour la plupart des rĂ©sidents de la maison de soins infirmiers. Il y avait un besoin urgent de rĂ©novation majeure. Il fallait beaucoup d’argent pour cela, c’est pourquoi cette campagne caritative de crowdfunding !
La Crowdfunding Solidaire a levĂ© 30 000 € et atteint 100% du montant cible!
Comment démarrer une campagne ?
Suivez ces 4 Ă©tapes simples
1. Lancer une campagne Inscrivez-vous sur Whydonate et créez votre campagne en quelques minutes. Inscrivez-vous en tant que personne ou organisation.
2. Partagez votre campagne Partagez votre campagne par e-mail, WhatsApp et d’autres canaux de mĂ©dias sociaux pour atteindre autant de donateurs que possible.
3. Recevoir les dons Les dons sont versés automatiquement sur votre compte bancaire sur une base mensuelle sans aucun coût de plateforme.
4. Remerciez vos donateurs Personnalisez l’e-mail de remerciement automatisĂ© ou envoyez un message personnel Ă  vos donateurs via le tableau de bord Whydonate.
Lancez un Crowdfunding Solidaire et collectez des dons pour atteindre vos objectifs.
 Crowdfunding Solidaire
 Collecte de Fonds entre pairs
 Campagne de Financement
 Collecte de Fonds ÉvĂ©nementielle
 Dons Récurrents
Pour s'infos: https://whydonate.com/fr/crowdfunding-solidaire/
Keywords; crowdfunding humanitaire, charity crowdfunding, crowdfunding solidaire, crowdfunding projet humanitaire, whydonate, crowdfunding social, Cagnotte
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syd-beads4evac · 8 months ago
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I'm selling beaded earrings to fundraise to help a Palestinian family evacuate! Please share and donate if you can!
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whydonatee · 2 years ago
Charity crowdfunding | Crowdfunding Charity | Crowdfunding for charity
What Is Charity Crowdfunding?
Online fundraising is a great way to raise money for a great cause, while traditional fundraising is a great way to build strong relationships. Nonprofits and individuals can now support a charity close to their hearts through charity crowdfunding. Crowdfunding charity allows individuals and groups to easily accept donations. It can also help charities raise money for their cause through charity fundraising events.
While many charitable organisations do an amazing job, they also need help to continue operating. With the help of the charity crowdfunding websites like WhyDonate, you can easily support a great cause and keep more of your donations.
Charity crowdfunding | Crowdfunding Charity | Crowdfunding for charity
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year ago
Disabled Trans Man Needs to Escape Unsafe Home
hi, i'm equinox or johnny, i'm a disabled trans man who is currently living in an unsafe home. i am currently being forced to pay over half of the total despite only making $245/month from the government while my disability case awaits approval. i need to be out of my apartment by the second week of October, as our lease ends around that time.
i have needed to escape for a while now- my roommate is passive aggressive, has been caught lying to me on an unacceptable amount of occasions, attempted to assault a previous roommate, frequently makes uncomfortable and entrapping comments and conversations about me and myself as a trans man, and more.
if you are able to help, please go ahead and follow the link to our GoFundme. if you are not, reblogging this post and sharing the campaign will help more than you can ever realize. thank you for taking the time to read and consider me, i have been homeless off and on for the past several years and i do not want to get into a dangerous situation again. thank you, have a great day
you can also help me these ways:
chime: $Equinoxian
cash app: $glitterGraphix
venmo: Equinoxian
paypal: glittergraphicnightmare@ gmail. com
ko-fi: Equinoxian
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gaysetokaibas · 24 days ago
Hey everyone, this is a different post than I'd normally make, but I've been dealing with urgent hardship, poverty, and food/housing instability, and it's escalated to the point where I am desperate for mutual aid support.
Ko-Fi here: https://ko-fi.com/jest_er
I am also able to take ca/shapp or ven/mo, please DM for those. Donors can ask for art with some kind of proof, I'm just unsure when I can get to those. Please understand that my situation is not stable atm.
It's hard to admit this stuff publicly, but while I've been able to scrape by for 6+ months on my own, my situation keeps worsening. I'm really sorry to ask for help, I've always been a private person who wanted to avoid asking online, but I've finally hit a point where I don't have many options. While I'm still in contact with family, I don't have monetary support from them & am hoping for a miracle to get through this.
It's hard to be so up front with what my situation has been like, but up until about a month ago I was struggling with enough money to afford food for at least one meal a day. I skipped multiple days every week to ensure that I didn't run out of food, and have regularly emptied my fridge/pantry to the limits before I allowed myself to spend meager amounts on enough to sustain me. Things are still shaky in that department for me, but manageable. However spending so much out of pocket on food has led to me struggling to afford basic necessities. Running out of things like trash bags, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. is a nightmare, and leads to expenses that I just can't deal with. I'm facing housing insecurity and am really just at a wall where I dont know what to fucking do. Anything helps and I really really mean it.
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marahfromgaza · 28 days ago
Hi, this is Marah and her sister Nour from Gaza. Listen to our story until the end and stand by us because we have no support left in life......đŸ„č😭🙏
My name is Marah, I am 20 years old and I have a sister named Nour who is 18 years old. At the beginning of the war, we were displaced from the Al-Karamah area to the southern Gaza Strip with my family of 8 members: me, mom, dad, my sister Nour, my three brothers and my baby sister. Dad rented a house in the Deir al-Balah area for us to live in and feel safe after our house in Gaza was destroyed. On the tenth day of the war, one day, my sister Nour and I went to the market to buy some things and clothes. At one point, my heart suddenly beat and I felt that something had happened to my family. My sister and I ran and found that the house we were in had been completely bombed. All we found of my family was small pieces of limbs and some burnt clothes. We could not recognize the features of my family. Imagine that you do not know what your family looks like!!!! My mom had no head, my dad had his legs and hands cut off and his eyes were flying, we didn’t see any features in my brothers and my baby sister, I didn’t find anything but the cute little shoes we bought in Gaza, my sister and I were the only ones left and we had no support in this life, so I made this link so that my sister and I could travel and leave the conflict of war and fear and complete our university studies, you are our second family who put our hope in you and we took so long to tell you our story, really thank you to everyone who listened to our story.
.....This is our donation link.👇
#marah and nour from gaza.đŸ‰â™„ïżœïżœïżœ
**We love you very much.â™„ïžđŸ’–đŸ’–âšĄ
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evilcado · 9 months ago
Some tips on how to spot scammers‌
These scams can be under the pretext for *getting medication*/*getting a group of people to a safer location* or whatever new variations that may pop up in the future!
Not all of these are telltale signs that the person is a scammer but just some things I have seen in common
1a. Their accounts are barely a week old and has liked nothing much but posts of people answering positively to their scams sent to your inbox
1b. Only liking/reblogging posts related to the scam they're trying to sell
2. Linking a *go fund me* but it actually leads you to their paypal account under a different name
3. Lack of precise information/vagueness. Their last few lines are always along the lines of; please donate/help where possible because all they care about is money!
4. You've interacted; reblogged/liked/commented with whatever content recently so they send you their stolen paragraph from an actual person who's in need of help. eg. Charity, free Gaza
5a. Inconsistent pronouns being used eg. Sometimes using 'i' and then switching to "them" or vice versa
5b. In addition to inconsistent pronouns, there could also be randomly placed quotation or exclamation marks - meaning they copied it from someone
6. You could also try reverse google searching the images/paragraph they use by simply putting quotation mark followed by the paragraph eg. "paragraph"
7. Copying the paragraph and pasting it on Tumblr search. You'll instantly find proof by looking at others posts
8. Always check against a vetted source to know if their account is reliable
Always report scammers posts and accounts too!
As always, don't be so trusting/gullible of everything you see online! Always check its legitimacy before liking/reblogging or asking others to help them out!
Not everyone is a scammer, but it's important donations go to people who actually need it!!
Reblogs are appreciated to help spread awareness đŸ™đŸŒ With that said, Free Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, Sudan
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melaninnpink · 6 months ago
If you enjoy my blog please do me a huge favor and share this post and please donate, if you can.
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tmnt4p · 1 year ago
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Our tiltify can be found on our carrd as well as more info about the tiers and how to claim your reward for donating !!
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yousefalbuhaisi · 2 months ago
Urgent Help Needed!!
Urgent Help Needed for My Family in Gaza
The situation in Gaza is devastating, and our families are in dire need of support. We are raising funds to provide them with essentials like food, water, medical supplies, and shelter during this crisis.
Please donate whatever you can and share this link with others. Every donation, no matter the amount, will directly help those suffering and bring them relief in this dark time.
Donate & Share: https://gofund.me/6ee35ea6
Your support means the world to my family and the people of Gaza. Let’s come together and show our humanity. Thank you.
#SupportGaza #HumanitarianAid #DonateForGaza #PrayForGaza #GoFundMe #HelpNow
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syd-beads4evac · 6 months ago
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new flag fringes in my store!
đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž fringes go towards my sister’s friend’s evac fund, & the đŸ‡žđŸ‡© fringes go towards Khartoum Aid Kitchen!
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peculiar-persephone · 22 days ago
I don't know if anyone is actually gonna see this, but I've recently become homeless (I'm queer and disabled) and I'm going through a lot right now and I could really use some help. I know everyone is struggling right now, but if anyone is able to share this I would really appreciate it. There's more info about my whole situation in the link.
dog pic for visibility, this is my boy Koda and we could really use some help ❀
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year ago
hello, i am disabled intersex trans person who needs to pick up medications, as well as save up for next month's rent ($475). the events i was vending jewelry at IRL got postponed until next month due to severe heat- there as been an excessive heat warning for most of the past 2 weeks and it's made making any income difficult, as i am very sensitive to the heat due to my health conditions making me sensitive to sun + heat. i have gotten heat sick several times already this summer and cannot push myself any harder to work atm.
if you would like to help, you can check out my Ko-Fi where i post zines i have made:
you can also help me out here:
cash app: #$glitterGraphix
pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail . com
venmo: Equinoxian
thank you for reading, supporting, interacting & understanding
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afroclusterfunk · 11 months ago
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I'd really appreciate if y'all could circulate this.
I don't have a goal bc I've needed support for a while and despite trying multiple times to like get out of this poverty I end up losing my jobs to calling out sick
My linktree has all my payment links.
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ghazimekawi · 2 days ago
Hello from the stricken Gaza to the people of the world and those with compassionate hearts.
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My name is Ghazi Ali Mekawi. I study fourth-level laboratory medicine at Al-Azhar University.
My family and I represent one peaceful family living in the Sheikh Radwan area in the Gaza Strip. Before the war, we were a happy family, although we lived in constant anxiety about unemployment and the difficulty of living.
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Sleep was elusive, and thoughts of the next day and how to make ends meet were always on our minds. But after the war, sleep became an unsafe refuge, and thoughts revolved around whether we would survive to see the next day or perish like hundreds of our friends who were exterminated. We sleep and wake up, waiting for our turn in the endless waterfall of blood.
When the war on Gaza began on October 7, 2023, my relatives and uncles took refuge in our house, thinking that it was the safe house, and 5 days after their displacement to us, the occupation carried out a brutal and violent bombardment on the neighborhood next to us. On the morning of Friday, 10/13/2023, the Zionist occupation called my older brother, asking him to escape, evacuate all the buildings of the entire neighborhood, and head to the south of the Gaza Strip. It was very suspicious and scary and we didn't know where to turn. We had to evacuate. I had to flee with my family to a safe area, leaving behind my neighborhood, my home, my shops, my work, my memories, literally everything. We took refuge with our relatives in Al-Maghazi camp, and 12 days after we were displaced, on 10/25/2023, the occupation bombed the bakery opposite the house in which we were displaced, and I was injured in my foot. On the left side and an injury, my brother suffered minor burns to her face, and the house became partially destroyed, but it is the only shelter we have, so we restored what we could to live in the house as much as possible. On November 4, 2023, warplanes targeted the bakery after it was destroyed again. Thank God, none of us were injured, and nothing was done here. We were able to restore, but we cleaned and sat down because there was no other place, and on the morning of Wednesday, January 3, 2024, the occupation made a sudden ground entry into Al-Maghazi camp, and here we were surrounded and we could not leave the house. There was no water, food or any other necessities of life. We just sat and heard the sounds of shelling, bullets and missiles. We are waiting for our turn to come. Until Sunday morning, January 7, 2024, we miraculously managed to leave Al-Maghazi under bombardment and took refuge in Rafah. I had no one or relatives there, and we built a tent to shelter me and my family.
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On May 28, 2024, we were displaced for the sixth time after nights and days of violent bombing on tents in Rafah’s Mawasi. They were displaced and we did not know where to run.
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I cannot describe the situation adequately; I think you've seen enough on the Internet. I lost my home, my shops, my family's source of income, and I was left with nothing. I have lost many friends over the past four months. However, I feel nothing but complete helplessness and inability to help my family. The feeling of helplessness is humiliating and painful, as negative thoughts dominate your thoughts, such as thinking about suicide or wishing for death to escape this feeling. But here I am breathing again and thinking of positive solutions in the face of crushing death. I'm trying to cling to life.
I hope you will read the story from my perspective, from the perspective of a 22-year-old young man trying to save what is left of his family and himself. In the end, I wish eternal peace to prevail in this world, and for every being on this earth.
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Your donations will help me and my family leave Gaza, complete education, and start building my future again. We need to pay at least 50 thousand US dollars to exit Gaza through Egypt. Every donation makes a difference.
Your friend,
Ghazi Ali Mekawi
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chadfallout76podcast · 1 year ago
Zack from the Fallout Nuka Break series on YouTube needs help...facing EVICTION.
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If you loved #NukaBreak, you know Zack. He's one of us and he needs help. If I've learned anything it's that this community helps our own. Zack lost his job, is facing eviction and just needs help. I donated. He needs to cover his back rent. Poor guy lost his job back in October because of company cuts and he's been trying so hard to find something else. If you can please reshare this, if you're in a position to, please help.
I loved Fallout Nuka Break, got so much enjoyment out of it.
Fundraiser by Zack Finfrock : Help for artist Zack Finfrock of Nuka Break (gofundme.com)
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