#chan overworks himself and it stresses me out so i needed. to write something
babyitsfallin · 3 years
i'm setting off, but not without my muse | chan
pairing: bang chan/reader
word count: 1.4k
genre: romance, fluff
warnings: none! just some nice cuddling and words of reassurance
summary: chan works too much, you think he should take some time for himself.
Chan is a workaholic.
It’s not a quality that particularly goes under the radar by really anyone; not his groupmates, not his fellow staff, his family, him, but more importantly: you. There are at least four different cans of Monster littered across his desk, the lights dim in the small, confined space. His monitor hangs above him while he works, eyes darting from screen to screen while he clicks into different sections of the song he’s working on. A lazy bass pours out of the speakers as he clicks and drags it, pulling a distorted cymbal sound on top of it until he’s satisfied.
You like watching him work. He’s intent and focused, quite frankly it’s a little sexy, but mostly it’s relaxing. You get to sit and lounge, reading or playing on your phone or working on your own stuff while he does his. It’s a type of togetherness and closeness that’s comfortable, you don’t feel the need to talk or really say much of anything; just being in one another’s presence is enough. Plus, it’s pretty fascinating in the times you do pay attention to what he’s doing. He tends to do things without realizing, muttering under his breath, a mix between Korean and his thick Australian accent, for example. Sometimes he groans, pouting at himself for not getting the result he wants until he sighs and gets back to it. You usually don’t interfere, it’s part of his process. It’s not until he’s doing it in a timespan you deem a little too short for him to be doing it that often that you suggest a break, and he’s forced to sigh and agree with you.
“What do you think of this?” he asks, breaking you out of your thoughts. Your Twitter feed shines on your laptop next to you on the couch, long forgotten in favor of admiring your talented boyfriend. He clicks play, and the instrumental he’s been working on practically bounces off of the walls. It’s slower than the usual song the boys use, something more adjacent to the song he and Hyunjin worked on, but not quite as sexy. A cool electric guitar curls in a few seconds into the intro and you smile, nodding along with the beat. It’s good, no it’s better than good.
“I think it sounds like a new single,” you praise, letting yourself fall into the sound as it envelops you. “What’s the topic for the song, anyways?”
“Dunno, Felix is actually supposed to be set to write this time, they really liked some of what he did on Surfin’,” he replies, and he dons that sweet, adoring smile whenever he talks about Felix, warm and caring. “But he wanted me to produce the instrumental for it, we’re supposed to discuss how it’ll all sound with the lyrics sometime this week.”
“Wow, you sound so professional,” you tease, and Chan rolls his eyes playfully as he turns the track down, swiveling his chair to look at you. “I’m excited to hear it, though. I can’t believe he gets to write his first full, real song.”
“I know right?” Chan smiles. “I’m so proud of him. Hey, maybe you can be in when he records it, give some thoughts, yeah?”
“Wow, what an honor,” you intertwine your fingers together, and place your chin on top of them. “Of course I can.”
“Ah, perfect,” Chan stretches his arms above his head, the edges of his cut shirt revealing his sides as a yawn finally escapes him while the track runs to the end. It isn’t until then that you realize it’s well past any decent time to sleep, flicking your eyes to your laptop to see the clear 5:38 AM right in the corner. Oops.
“We should get some sleep,” you suggest, and you catch Chan closing his eyes for a second, narrowing your own at him.
“Mmm, soon, I just need to –”
“Babe,” you put a touch of an edge in your voice, more of a warning than anything, and he purses his lips at you. “It’s almost six in the morning. The track can wait for finishing touches, it’s not going to run away,” you tease.
“But –”
“C’mere,” you close your laptop, placing it onto the floor as you scoot over, patting the spot next to you on the couch as he eyes it. He stands up, and you hear a light pop in his knees as he makes his way to you. He settles in next to you, wrapping his arms around your middle, as he buries his face into your neck.
He’ll never admit it, you think, but he needs the break. He’s always doing something, writing or producing or giving an interview or learning choreography or taking care of the other members. He doesn’t mind, you know that, but Chan’s always been one to overextend himself. He always gives so much of himself to others, you included, and has a tendency to forget himself. You catch a glimpse of his eyebags, deep and heavy from the corner of your eye and it has you bringing a hand to curl in his hair as he properly relaxes into you.
“You shouldn’t work yourself so hard,” you mumble, letting your nails scratch lightly at his scalp. He gives a sound of appreciation and squeezes you tighter.
“I know,” he whispers into your neck, and it tickles just a touch.
“I’m serious,” you keep your voice low. You don’t want to yell at him, but more so…to remind him. Chan’s always taking care of others, watching over them and making sure they’re taken care of. You think it’s time someone was there to take care of him for once. “You shouldn’t worry about being up into the morning hours to just work on something. It’s not good for you.”
He stays silent, his hand rubbing circles into your shirt, like he’s contemplating your words, actually taking them to heart. His breath is soft and warm against your skin, and despite the conversation, it’s a comforting feeling to be surrounded by him, held by him.
“Okay,” he says, and he shifts, resting his chin against your shoulder to look at you. “…I’ll ask for some time off. It’s been a while, anyway. We could all use it.”
“Yeah, really,” he smiles, and he presses a kiss against your shoulder. “Let’s take a trip somewhere, just the two of us.”
“…Really?” you ask again, and he laughs, bright and like honey, your favorite sound in the world.
“Yes, really,” he grins, teasing tone in his voice, a light giggle mixed in. “Feels like the only time alone we get is in here, you deserve romance! A picnic and a night sky!”
“I like watching you work,” you insist. “It’s nice, and relaxing.”
“Did you not just tell me I work too much?” he grins, and you narrow your eyes at him good naturedly.
“You do,” you say, and move to kiss the tip of his nose, earning a sound that crosses between a giggle and fake disgust. “I’m just saying don’t feel bad that this it the time we have to spend together. It’s not a punishment to watch you create masterpieces.”
“I’m so glad you think Cheese is a masterpiece.”
“It is, you helped make it,” you grin, and he returns it, letting his eyes slide shut. “It doesn’t matter where we are, or what we’re doing, I’m just glad I get to be with you doing it. But,” you pause, and he lifts his brows in wait, keeping his eyes shut. “ I do want us to feed each other and be totally gross while you point out constellations.”
“Then I guess I’ll just have to give you exactly what you want, huh?” he hums.
“I guess you will.”
He smiles in response, and you start to feel the evening out of his breath, a whispered, groggy “I love you,” before sleep finally pulls him in, rested against you, his arms loose around your waist now as he leans into you. You rest your cheek onto the top of his head, letting your own lids slide shut, cuddling in next to him.
It’s not the most ideal sleeping arrangement, you know you’d both be more comfortable sleeping laying down, even in the tiny bed back at his dorm, but having him draped all over you, finally getting the rest that’d been pulling at him for ages, well, the ideals could always be saved for later. Right now you had your boy, and a sweet promise of something even more exciting later; what more could you ask for.
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missmorosis · 4 years
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sick manager :)
-> feat. bokuto, oikawa, and tsukishima
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part 2 with sugawara and kuroo here!
personally i loved writing these, so lmk if you want a part 2 with other characters 👀
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To sum up how you felt in one word, you were exhausted. You were physically overworked; pushed to your limit with tons of schoolwork, stress, extracurriculars, and on top of that, you were your school's volleyball team manager. You were merely a first year, but you did your job well, and the entire team loved you.
You had tried to power through the classes, running with just two hours of sleep. Work was starting to pile up, so you had no time for sleep.
You felt yourself falling asleep during lectures, curling up on the grass for quick naps during lunch, and throughout the day, you had the worst headache.
With luck, you managed to make it through, but you still had hours of volleyball ahead of you. You blinked hard, trying to get rid of the sleepiness clouding your head. Your head pounded, and nothing was really registering in your brain.
There was no denying it, you were sick.
It was bound to happen sooner or later, but it was still annoying. You didn't want to miss the day's volleyball practice, because you had an upcoming game, so you decided to just push through and deal with it. 
Ignoring how bad your head hurt, you slung your bag over your shoulder and walked out of the classroom.
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"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto, someone you recognized as the captain of the team you were the manager for, spotted you from a distance and was already bouncing, beaming as he waved. You smiled back with a small wave. He didn't mind that you didn't match his enthusiasm; he was used to it, so he didn’t find anything suspicious about it.
The two of you walked down to the gym, Bokuto talking animatedly the whole way there in the background. You didn't mind though, it was nice to just listen. However, every word he chirped bore into your brain, seeming to echo.
You didn’t want to be rude, but you couldn’t help but try to drown out his voice by focusing on your surroundings.
A green bush. A tall tree. A group of students.
“Y/N?” Bokuto waved his hand in front of your face, and you looked up at the mention of your name.
“Hm? Sorry, sorry, I’m just... oh, we’re here!” you said, quickly changing the subject. You didn’t want him to worry, and it was no big deal anyways... You could finally see the gym, and you let out a sigh of relief. It felt like the short walk was actually several miles long. 
You finally made it- 
A sudden dizzy spell overtook you. Shutting your eyes tight, you stumbled on your own feet, your legs giving out beneath you. No, no, no....
"Y/N!" Bokuto yelped as he caught you. He pulled you close to him, and whimpering, you leaned on his chest, trying to stay conscious.
“Sorry...” you breathed softly, just trying to focus on the way Bokuto’s chest went up, and down.
Up... and down. You shut your eyes tighter as a wave of your headache hit. Bokuto’s arms around you were definitely helping you stay standing, and you were thankful. Up... and down.
Then you slumped into his arms.
The second your eyes opened again, you were knocked back with a hug. You grunted at the unexpected impact, but smiled when you realized it was Bokuto.
"Y/N! You're awake!" Bokuto yelled, his voice watery with relief. "I thought you died," he sobbed, and you hugged him tight.
"I'm fine, I promise," you said with a laugh. "Just... thirsty." Bokuto leaped to get you a glass of water as fast as he could.
While he was gone, you looked around to see that you were in the nurse's office. You could just imagine Bokuto running with you unconscious in his arms, and you smiled at the thought.
Bokuto came back with the promised water, and he lay a hand on you to check up on your temperature.
"You're really burning up... why didn't you tell me you were sick?" he asked, pouting.
"I didn't want you to worry... I thought I would be fine, and that I would make it through practice." He shook his head.
"I want to know, okay?" You nodded with a smile.
"How long was I unconscious?" He thought for a second before responding.
"Only for a couple seconds, but you were kinda drowsy so we made you rest. It's been a couple hours now." You immediately got up.
"Practice isn't over yet?" you asked, still hopeful. Maybe you could at least stay for an hour? It was better than noth-
"Y/N..." he sad warningly, and you knew going wasn't an option.
"Good," he responded, satisfied with your answer.
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Walking out of the classroom, you met eyes with Oikawa Tooru, who immediately lit up at the sight of you. His smile immediately turned into a frown, immediately noticing something was different about you, given how perceptive he was.
"What's wrong?" he questioned slowly, and you shook your head.
"Nothing's wrong, Tooru... I'm just tired," you said, but he looked at you suspiciously.
“You should take a break,” he reminded you gently, and you shook your head, no matter how tempted you were.
“I really can’t, I’ve got… a lot to do. But I’m fine, I swear,” you assured him, gesturing towards the gym, despite the sick feeling in your body. You swallowed, trying to swallow the dizziness. “Let’s go!” You tried for a smile, and Oikawa responded with a hesitant one, finally deciding to let it go. 
Starting to walk towards the gym with the volleyball player following close behind, you shook your head, trying to shake out the growing light-headed feeling that you dreaded. It wouldn’t go away.
Shutting your eyes as tight as you could, you didn’t even notice that you stopped walking until someone tapped your shoulder. 
“Hm?” You peeked your eyes open slightly to notice Oikawa standing next to you. 
“Y/N-chan?” His face was written all over with concern.
“Sorry, I just…” You laughed sheepishly, trying to shrug it off, but the pain was beginning to be way too much. “I.. just…” you tried to say, but you were unable to finish as you swayed to one side, tripping over your own feet trying to stay standing. You heard Oikawa's yelp as he rushed to catch you, and you blinked slowly before passing out completely.
As soon as you woke up, you found yourself in your own bedroom. When you got up, wondering how you got there, you were met with Oikawa's frown.
"When was the last time you had at least seven hours of sleep?" he asked, disapproval in his eyes as he pushed you back into bed. You gave a shy smile.
"Maybe... two weeks ago?" Oikawa gasped dramatically before tutting in distaste.
"You need to sleep, or else your health will plummet," he said, shaking his head. Of course, at that moment, your headache had to come back. You winced and shut your eyes, burying your face into your hands. "What's wrong?" You shook your head with a sigh.
"My head's killing me," you admitted. "It's been like this all day."
"Wha- Y/N," he scolded, leaving the room. Where was he going? Ah. He came back with some medicine and a thermometer.
"Thanks." You swallowed the medicine, and Oikawa immediately forced the thermometer into your mouth.
"103.2?! Y/N, you'll be here for a good three days. I'm not ever letting you leave your bed until you get better, and I won't leave either." You laughed at his motherly antics.
"But what about pract-" you started, but Oikawa shushed you.
"Think of it as a much needed break." You stared at him.
"Did you at least go today?"
"No, of course not! You were freaking unconscious, I can't go and hit some good serves if I know that my precious Y/N could possibly be in pain," he said with a pout.
"Aw, Tooru..." You kissed his cheek. "You're too swee-" He pushed you back into your pillows, pulling the covers up before you could finish.
"Now rest up, Y/N-chan."
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You glanced at your phone; you still had an hour until volleyball practice...
A little nap wouldn't hurt, right?
You found a nice, private corner, and huddled up. Using your backpack as a pillow, you fell asleep almost instantly.
Some time later, Tsukishima was walking by, on his way to practice. His eyes spotted you asleep in the corner, and he smirked.
"Idiot," he muttered under his breath, laughing to himself softly. "Hey, get up, Y/N." He flicked his finger on your forehead, and laughed when you began to stir awake.
"Mm?" Your voice was raspy from both sickness and sleepiness, and you blinked your eyes, trying to adjust. You shielded your face from the light with your hand, and you finally made out Tsukki's tall figure kneeling in front of you. "Oh, hi Tsukki..." He held out his hand with a smug smile, offering to help you up.
You groaned when you realized that the nap didn't make your headache go away. Getting up too fast, you swayed for a good two seconds; Tsukki's hands were on your shoulders, trying to steady you.
"Ten bucks you don't make it through practice without passing out," he joked, but you had a feeling he was going to be ten dollars richer soon enough. You nodded sleepily, but quickly froze.
"Wait- am I late for practice?" You frantically dug your phone out, sighing in relief when you learned that you still had ten minutes to spare.
"What, you think I would be late?" Tsukishima said, jokingly. "But anyways, I'm not letting you go to practice today. Clearly you need rest... and..." His hand rested on your forehead, and he nodded. "Like I thought, you have a fever." You swatted his hand away.
"Today's practice is important, I can't miss it. I'll be fine, Tsukki, since when do you worry about me?" You turned around, heading towards the gym, when your head hurt just a bit too much. You winced, and faster than your brain could process what was happening, you were already falling to the ground and everything went dark.
"Oh, you're awake." You opened your eyes and saw Tsukishima waiting for you. You were in the nurse's office from the looks of it, and Tsukishima got up with some water and medicine.
"Here, take this." You nodded and followed his command.
"Thanks," you said, rubbing your head.
"Hm. You know how you asked when I started to worry about you?" he asked, sticking a thermometer into your mouth.
"Hm? Oh... yeah." You recalled how you had said something like that right before you passed out. You took the thermometer out and glanced at the temperature.
103.2. You hid the thermometer behind your back, knowing Tsukki would not be happy with your temperature.
"The answer was always; I always care about you, even if I don't seem like it."
"Wow, Tsukki..." It surprised you; you never thought you would hear anything nice coming out of Tsukishima's mouth.
"Also, you act like a five year old sometimes, people can't help but worry about you," he added. You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help but smile. "Now hand over the thermometer. I didn't forget." Sighing, you reluctantly gave it to him.
"Welp, will you at least cuddle with me until I get better?" you asked with pleading eyes.
"Come on, Y/N. You're contagious..." You pouted, and he sighed. "Fine."
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this is 100% not edited or proofread IM SORRY- IT MAY NOT EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE HAHSJFJRI
send an ask to be added to my haikyuu taglist 👀
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doubledgesword-2 · 4 years
I just wanted to drop by and say that I really like your writing style and I loved your soulmate AU story so far!
Just wanted to drop a request too since it's open. It might be a weird [kind of contradictory] request but maybe some fluffy yandere hcs/scenarios for the adult trio? If you only want to write for one, would Hisoka or Chrollo be ok?
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I hope these are to your liking, it's my first time writing hcs so I apologize if the characters are a bit OOC. Enjoy your Rose Tea!
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We all know Hisoka is low-key already yandere...I mean, look at his lustful half-lidded eyes and his tongue licking his lips. 
You're an innocent little peach in his eyes, and he wants to keep it that way. This means all his blood-related business and quirks are hidden from you, but you're bound to find some bloodstains on one of his shirts.
"Oh that, mmhhh just a little accident with some wine, (Y/N)-Chan. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about"
Do not look at his phone's gallery unless you want to see how many times he's slipped into your room and watched you sleep or worse... 
It's alright in this scenario if you don't have a powerful nen ability or if you're not strong to fight off anything, he needs you to be so you don't leave him. That doesn't mean he won't tease you to death and try to rile you up so you at least playfully punch him. 
"Oh, Oh, little peach, don't give me that look, you're going to turn me on˜"
Hisoka is touchy-feely and clingy; he will be on you all the TIME to the point of suffocation, and if he isn't touching you, his bungee gum sure is. 
Surprise hugging from behind is a thing. He will tackle you to the ground or unto the bed, and from there is mandatory cuddles, constricting you as a snake would, and it's wise not to refuse him. You're not getting out either way so just accept it. 
"Hisoka, I have to work! Come on, it's important!"
"But I'm more important, right?˜," he says playfully, but there's a sliver of a threat in his undertone as he drawls the last word. 
Definitely, PDA and heated kisses in public; everyone needs to know who you belong to if the hickeys and bite marks are not enough proof, not to mention you wouldn't be able to get far from him; his bungee gum would be on you at all times. 
He's very whimsical, so it might be difficult to differentiate his normal behavior from his obsession. But IF you do get wind of his fascination and try to avoid him, then it's time to move on to more drastic measures. 
"Oh, Hisoka, you baked cookies for me?! They look so good!" you happily say as you bite the first heart-shaped cookie, his eyes never leaving your lips as you lick the crumbs off. 
"Mhhhm, anything for my little fruit is my pleasure." He offers a close eye smile as you hold your lower region; there's a sudden and painful feeling like a liquid fire consuming you from the inside out. But Hisoka just smiles at you as you writhed on the floor from the need. "Since you've been avoiding me lately, I guess you can deal with this by yourself, can you little peach?"
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Out of all of them, I feel Illumi is most likely the one to lose control, but he's not lovey-dovey like the other two might be at the occasion. His emotions are more reserved and minimal, which makes them special, and that's how he gets you.
At first, he wouldn't understand why there's a need for you, why he can't seem to be away from you for a long while, or why can't he stop thinking if there's someone else with you at the moment.
This feeling is annoying, but the cure is simple, he just needs to spend time with you, so they'll go away. 
You give him so much love and affection is hard not to be addicted to it after being neglected in that area of his life for so long. The more time he spends with you, the more he needs. He wants longer hugs, longer cuddle sessions, more kisses to the point where it turns plain out possessive. 
lllumi will come by every day to make sure you’re okay and don’t need anything. But the undertone of his visits is to see if you’re still there for him and will never leave him, not that he’ll actually let you, but you know semantics. 
He doesn’t smile much, but when he’s with you the corners of his lips quirk up a bit, and it seems he enjoys being with you and knows something you don’t. 
Will rest his chin on your shoulder and your head while you do things, his arms snaking around your waist, keeping you close to him. He needs to be reassured that you're there and won't leave him. 
If your work is taking all of your time, he will grab your wrists and pull you into his lap, his chin resting on your shoulder, leaving a small peck on your temple. 
"Llumi! I need to submit this by midnight; we can cuddle after that."
"No," there's no explanation or reply, just a simple rejection that sends chills up and down your spine as he places one kiss to the pulse on your neck. 
I don't think you would want to say otherwise while he hugs all of you like a child with his teddybear, suffocating you.
There would be no PDA and no signs of affection in public, but make no mistake; just because he doesn't seem to coddle you in front of everyone doesn't mean you can do whatever and stray away from him. You so much as step outside the line he established to grab a shirt from the racks, and immediately your right to go outside is revoked. 
After that display of possessiveness,  you surely know something's not right here, but it's not like you can go up to him and say so, so you'll try to lessen the amount of time you give him and put that time to do other things. 
Big mistake, one night while working late, he will come in with a nice cup of rose tea, steaming hot and warm to your fingers. You thank him as he sits on the corner of your bed, watching you intently as you take your first sip. 
"Thanks, Llumi, this paper is driving me up a wall." 
"You need to rest; you have been overworking yourself... and neglecting our time together." Your heart drops to your stomach when you lose feeling in your throat; trying to gulp down feels like a hard task all of a sudden. Your head is slowly spinning until it's so heavy you can't keep upright, and he catches you, pulling you close to rest on his chest.
"If you can't take care of yourself and finish your tasks in time to be with me, I'll do it for you."
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He wouldn't show signs of the obsession plain out; instead, he will be subtle about it.
"Are you eating healthy? Here have this instead. Don't say up too late working, don't stress, I don't like you wearing that, wear this instead. Read this one instead."
All these are normal, right? But he's slowly trying to mold you into his perfect image of you. 
Still, he's charming and gentlemanly about everything; he likes to hold you close no matter where you are, give you hand kisses like a prince and a princess before their dance. 
He's a romantic, giving you forehead kisses when he feels overwhelmed with gratitude for having you in his life. Will read to you while having you rest on his chest as he pets your hair until you fall asleep. Spontaneous waltz in your living room. 
Definitely, would steal for you. He hands you a catalog of several things in a museum or an auction and will tell you to hypothetically pick the ones you like if you had enough money to buy them. To you, it's a pretend game, something for giggles, but for him is all about getting anything you want. 
After months of the reported robberies in said auction, he will come by one day with a nice gift box and guess what's inside. 
"Oh no, I can't accept this, it's too much how did you manage to buy this, you-"
"It's a replica; they were stolen; remember, love, don't worry about it. I know how much you wanted it" He snaps the clasp around your neck as you thank him profusely, not minding that the thing on you is the real deal. 
You will never catch a glimpse into his dirty business, not unless he actually lets himself slip to gauge your reaction. 
"They will never find it," he casually mentions as the news that the objects stolen have not been found. He doesn’t even look up from his book while drawing small circles on your shoulder. You chuckle, sipping your hot chocolate. 
"Come on, don't be that negative; they might one day, and when they do, I would love to see it in person." 
"Why, love, you see it everyday," he chuckles, side glancing at you. 
"That's a replica!" you turn to look at him with a smile, but he isn't smiling; he's not kidding, and you're feeling a bit lightheaded. "Right? Chrollo?"
Your cup falls from your hands as you stumble a bit forward, and he catches you, closing his book. He hugs you close, your head resting in the crook of his neck. 
"Don't worry, my love, you're the best treasure I've had the pleasure of stealing." 
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I hope this was good!! 
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Under Pressure ~ HJS [Request]
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GENRE:  Stressed reader, angst with a fluffy ending, establish-relationship, Sweet boyfriend Jisung
PAIRING: Jisung x Fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy this sweetie! @crispy-chan
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The moment Jisung walked into the cafe he knew there was something wrong with you, normally you would rush over to him with a smile across your face ready to greet him and get him sat down but today you were nowhere to be seen. You worked in a small cafe just around the corner from the JYP building so whenever Jisung had a break or some free time he would dress up in a cap, glasses and mask to come and meet you, it had been that way since the start of your relationship. It wasn't often that you got to spend time alone together so you took every opportunity you could to get together.
"Take a seat, I'll be with you in just a moment," A new worker said as he took Jisung over to a booth, Jisung kept glancing around the cafe. It wasn't that large so there weren't that many places that you could have been hiding from him, you couldn't have been on your break since it was a rush time in the cafe. The time was busiest since everyone wanted to have something to eat before heading to their offices for the rest of the afternoon.
"If you're looking for Y/n, she's in the back." The manager said as she caught Jisung looking around, of course, she knew who he was since he came into the cafe frequently enough. 
"Go back and see her, she looks tired though." Jisung knew you'd been a little more stressed than usual lately because you had assignments and exam's coming up but you were smart there was nothing you couldn't handle. 
"Thanks," He mumbled heading through the kitchen door and towards the small office you were cramped inside of with books surrounding you.
"This is where they keep the princess?" He chuckled sitting down beside you on one of the chairs and staring at the books that were in front of you. You must have been so lost in the words as you hadn't even noticed someone sitting next to you until Jisung touched your cheek. 
"Shit!" You screamed out jumping back on the seat and looking at him, your eyes were wide with fear and Jisung laughed softly. 
"You didn't hear me?" You shook your head, greeting him with a quick peck on the cheek before looking back down at your book. There were five exam's you were crunching for this week and not one of them was going to leave you enough time to also finish four assessments that you had to write up. Everything felt as though it was piling up on top of you, Jisung reached his hand out and touched yours instantly making you feel calmer with the smallest of touches. 
"Relax, you're ready for these exams." He whispered encouragingly to you as he began to rub your knuckles softly, he knew how hard you were on yourself about things but he didn't want you to start beating yourself up over anything.
"When was the last time you got some sleep? I mean real sleep, not what you and Chan call sleep," He mumbled as he watched you, your eyes had bags underneath them so he knew you hadn't slept well for days. 
"I slept last night," You lied. He knew you were lying since you wouldn't look at him and you scratched the base of your neck it was your give-away sign. 
"Want me to come around tomorrow? I'll cook us something to eat and we can study together...I'll ask you questions," You smiled at the thought of him helping you study despite having no idea what you had to do for those exams. 
"That would be great...But can you get-" He kissed your lips to stop you from asking if he could get the time off, if it was for you he would do anything in his power.
"Consider me already there, no go home and get some real sleep." He begged you as he looked at you, cupping your face in his hands while he rubbed his thumb under your eyes. You snuggled into his touch enjoying the feeling of his skin on yours, 
"I have another shift, I only had a two-hour break to cram some studying into. I'll go home after," You promised as he got up from the chair to walk him out, Jisung knew from the wording of your sentence that you would go home but that didn't mean you would rest.
"Just promise me you'll get rest," You nodded at him, quickly kissing him before heading over to the till to help your manager take orders and serve the customers that were inside. 
Jisung sighed to himself as he watched you plaster on a fake energetic smile for people and he headed out of the cafe wondering what he was going to have to do to get you to sleep.
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The next day Jisung had text you non-stop to find out what you wanted him to cook and what time you wanted him to come around to the apartment but there had been no responses from you for the last four hours. 
"Maybe she's asleep or doing some studying," Chan tried to calm down Jisung's racing thoughts but he'd been worried about you since leaving the cafe yesterday. After seeing the state you were in he couldn't help but be filled with worry that you were going to end up crashing or passing out from exhaustion. 
"Babe, I got the ingredients for your favourite meal and Felix made brownies for us to share," Jisung announced as he unlocked the door to your apartment with his spare key but there was no response. He knew you were home because your favourite pair of shoes were by the door and your lights were all on, 
"Babe?" He called out, taking off his shoes and heading into the kitchen where he saw a cold pot of tea sitting on the side with some tablets that were open. Paracetamol and ibuprofen were sitting there with a half-drunken glass of water, he hated the thought of you having a headache as much as he hated the fact that you were staying awake so much.
"Y/N?" He whispered as he walked further into the apartment in case you were asleep somewhere you shouldn't have been and that was when he saw you. Fast asleep with your head laying on top of your textbooks, highlight in hand as you snored softly. He sighed to himself as he walked over to you, you were out cold.
"What am I going to do with you?" He chuckled to himself as he got closer to you, spotting that you had a sticky note pressed against your face and a bright coloured highlighter marker on your cheek. 
"Cute," He whispered making sure to snap a photo of the moment before he attempted to move you to your bedroom.
"Here we go," He grunted as he laid you down in the bed, carefully taking off your jeans so you wouldn't have to sleep in the horrible fabric, he pulled the sheets over your body before leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
"Sleep well beautiful," He said before leaving the room to go and clean up your apartment. It was the least he could since it was in such a mess, you must not have had much time to clean between, work and studying and he didn't blame you. Beginning in the dining room where he had found you he started by collecting your notes together, sliding everything into the correct books before leaving to go and clean up the kitchen. 
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Waking up to the smell of cooking you sat up in bed, holding your head as the headache still hadn't left yet.
"Fuck," You whispered to yourself as you kicked yourself out from the bed only to remember the last thing you had been doing was waiting for your tutor to call you on the laptop at the kitchen table and now you were in bed with no pants on.
"Shit!" You yelled out running into the hallway and into the kitchen to see Jisung standing over the over stirring something in a large pot, he jumped when he heard you running to your laptop that was now shut down and everything was cleared away. 
"Where are my notes?! Did my tutor call?! Why are you here?!" Your voice was hoarse as you panicked at Jisung but this only filled him with more worry as he thought you were getting sick. 
"I came in and you were asleep so I cleaned up for you, I figured it was no big deal-"
"No big deal?! Jisung I had a fucking meeting to be at! Did you not think about that when you moved me?!" You snapped as you began trying to load your laptop up as fast as you could,
 "No, I was too busy worrying my girlfriend had overworked himself," He answered snarkily as he poured some soup into a bowl and brought it over to the table for you but you didn't even thank him or glance away from your laptop. 
"Great! Just fucking great I missed my meeting and now I'm going to be behind on the studying!" As you yelled out in frustration you went to pull your legs into your chest, knocking the table ultimately knocking the soup over and spilling it over your books. 
"Fuck sake Jisung!" You screamed picking up the books and trying to clean them before the hot liquid ruined the notes and books that you desperately needed. 
"Y/n, calm down." Jisung tried to take the books from you to help but you let tears roll down your face as you saw everything that was inside was ruined, notes smudged over that was unreadable, pages were sticking together. Everything you had been working so hard on was gone within seconds. 
"This is your fault! Why should I calm down?! Why are you even here!?" You snapped once again, throwing the books down onto the table as you cried to yourself. The stress of your exams, working and your lack of sleep all finally hitting you at once as you broke down into a pool of tears, Jisung let out a breath as he saw you. He knew you weren't mad at him so he wasn't going to get upset over you yelling at him, 
"For this exact reason, you're too stressed...You haven't been sleeping Y/n...I came by to help," You shook your head as you stared at the ruined notes, 
"Everything is gone, I'm going to fail my exams." You whimpered as Jisung pulled you into his embrace and kissed the top of your head trying to remind you that it was going to be fine but you kept shaking your head and telling him that everything was gone. 
"You're so smart Y/n, you already know everything that was going to be in the exam." He whispered, kissing the top of your head as he tried to get you to calm down but nothing was going to work. The tiredness you were experiencing with the small cold you were getting was making you overreact to everything and right now it was the end of the world as you knew it.
"You don't get it because you never had to do this! Not all of us can just get out of school and just go on to be famous!" You snapped at him, trying to push him away as you sobbed into your hands but he wasn't going to let you go that easily.
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When you woke up again you were curled up against Jisung in your bed, his arms were wrapped around you tightly as he snored and you whined feeling sweaty from being so close to him.
"You're finally awake?" You stared at Jisung confused as he questioned you, 
"What do you mean finally?" He sat you both up as he looked at you sighing, 
"You passed out after eating dinner with me and it's been a day since. You've been in and out of sleep since, waking up to pee and drink water." He looked at you with sad eyes, reaching up to feel how hot your skin was and smiling to himself as he realised you weren't as hot as you were the day before. 
"Your temperature's gone down so that's good." You looked at him with a frown and he kissed your forehead softly, 
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," You mumbled as you remember everything that had happened the day before, yelling at him for something you had done. 
"Don't worry about it. Your tutor called and I explained that you were sick, he's extending your assessments and allowing you to retake the exams when you're better." A wave of relief washed over you as you looked at Jisung, no idea how you were ever going to thank him for what he did. 
"I'll never stop thanking you," You snuggled into him, kissing his shoulder as he shook his head at you. 
"Just make sure you get enough rest, that's the only thanks I need." He told you as he held you closer to him.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @acciocriativity​ @sw33tnight​ @that-anxious-bisexual​
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Hi there! How are you, writing raven? I have a request: how about an imagine with the Octavinelle trio with MC who fainted (overworking for school and Crowley's requests, stress from all the overblot incidents...)? I hope it's not bothering you, since you wrote something similar for A-Deuce... Good luck with all your future requests!
Hello, Anon. Thank you for the well wishes.
Because this imagine request is very similar to one that I have already written, I’m going to frame this piece in a slightly different light.
Please enjoy.
***Warning: major spoilers for chapter 4 of the main story campaign.***
Imagine this...
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There is a knock at his office door.
“Come in,” Crowley calls.
The door slams open with a resounding thud, shaking the entire room.
“E-Eeep!” Crowley leaps up from his seat, his feathers ruffled. He sighs when he gets a clear view of his guests. “Oh. It’s just you hooliga--er, I mean. You three, from Octavinelle.”
“Good evening, headmaster. I trust you are well?” The leader of the trio, Azul, offers a warm smile. Behind him, the Leeches exchange knowing grins.
But Crowley is not fooled. Why, he has already been duped before by those very same smiles...! The old crow has since wised up--or, at the very least, he hopes he has since wised up.
“Truthfully, I would be better if you hadn’t made your entrance with such a racket,” Crowley grumbles. “What do you need at this hour, Ashengrotto-kun?”
Azul feigns shock, his mouth hanging slightly ajar. He brings a hand to his heart. “Why, headmaster! We’ve simply dropped by to ask a favor of you--since you are so very, very kind, after all!”
“I am so very, very kind,” Crowley insists under his breath. “If you must make a demand, make it quick. I have important matters to attend to!”
“Of course. I do apologize if our intrusion has caused you any distress. As a businessman, I know how just how difficult it can be to focus on making a transaction if one feels less than stellar.”
He nods at the Leeches.
“Jade. Floyd. Help our dear old headmaster feel more...comfortable.”
“As you wish.”
The brothers descend, slinking to either side of Crowley’s desk--trapping him between them. Floyd leans down and smiles. Jade, on the other hand, is as rigid as a statue.
“W-What is the meaning of this?!” Crowley demands.
Azul ignores him, instead pulling up a chair and planting himself down across from Crowley. He crosses his legs, laces his fingers, and leans forward.
“Let’s talk.”
“Whatever it is you’re after...you will not get it from me!” Crowley sputters. “You...You cannot hope to bully your way into obtaining what you so selfishly desire!”
“Ah, but you see, there is nothing selfish about my desire at all--we simply wish for the Ramshackle dorm’s prefect to be given a vacation. That is a reasonable request, yes?”
“And why would strong-arming me do to help your case?!”
“Why, headmaster...I believe it was you that neglected to answer Yuu-san’s distress call from Scarabia.” Azul purrs, his words laced with honeyed poison. “You allowed one of your students to be kidnapped and held hostage--and yet another Overblot incident to occur, all while you were off gallivanting on the beaches. That’s not very responsible of you, now is it?”
Crowley pales.
“You hold the highest authority at this school. It is easily within your power to give Yuu-san a well-deserved break.” Azul pushes his glasses up. “Especially considering all the trouble they have gone through to support the school. Including Jamil-san, this would make it the fourth...no, the fifth Overblot incident they have had to resolve, on top of maintaining their grades and whatever other odd jobs you unload onto them.”
“W-Well...that is their job as--”
“Oi,” Floyd pipes up, slamming a hand on Crowley’s desk. He peers into the headmaster’s eyes and gives a toothy grin. “No talking when Azul’s makin’ his demands~”
“Floyd, you’re being rude,” Jade sighs. “You must be more gentle, like so.” He puts a hand on Crowley’s shoulder and squeezes with such force that the headmaster winces. “Please, do listen carefully to our dear Azul.”
“Y-Yes! I am listening! O-Ohohoho...I am such a good listener!”
“As expected of the esteemed headmaster of Night Raven College,” Azul coos. “Now then...as you can imagine, Yuu-san has been very overworked as of late. Keeping up with their duties has take quite a toll on them--so much so that they collapsed in the Mostro Lounge. You are fortunate that we were there to ensure they were taken to safety and well taken care of.”
“Ehehehe~ I carried Koebi-chan all the way home!” Floyd adds. “And Jade made some of that leaf water stuff for them!”
“It is called tea, Floyd.”
“Eeeeeh? But it’s basically leaf water, right?”
“As I was saying,” Azul interjects, “we three have made quite the concerted effort to look after the wellbeing of your precious handyman. I believe you should, at the very least, reward us by fulfilling our wish: granting Yuu-san time off. You can do that for us, yes?”
His words are not a suggestion; they are an order.
“How much time are you requesting?” Crowley asks slowly. “While I understand that Yuu-san may need a break, there are many important tasks that--”
“You can perform those yourself.” Azul states plainly. “Give Yuu-san as much time as they need to relax.”
“That’s absurd! I...I do not need to stand by and take this!”
“Headmaster, perhaps you did not hear me the first time,” Azul warns, his eyes flashing dangerously. “You had better do as we say, or...” he gestures to Jade.
The eel fishes a phone out of his pocket. With the press of a button, a video begins blasting.
“...Evil Scheme Unfolding in a Certain Magic Academy will be handed over to the press,” Azul declares smugly. “It has only been broadcasted to a handful of students so far...so I’m sure that the press will have a field day with the stories.”
Crowley’s eyes boggle, nearly popping out of his skull. “You...You would not dare...!!”
“Imagine what would happen! Your reputation--as well as that of the college--will be unsalvageable.” Azul sighs dramatically, putting the back of his hand on his forehead. “The Al-Asim family will pull all their funding and donations! Royal Sword Academy will laugh at you...!”
“Okay, okay! You’ve made your point, loud and clear!” Crowley cries, throwing his hands up. “You...You boys win...! Yuu-san is free from their duties indefinitely--just do not share that video with the media!”
“I’m glad that you’re finally starting to see things our way.” Azul stands up from his seat and adjusts his jacket. “It was a pleasure doing business with you.”
“Just...Just get out of my office already!”
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6sakusa · 4 years
‘worth more’ part 3, oikawa tōru.
a/n: im dedicating this part to @humanitysvertigo for motivating me to write & inspiring this piece with your song suggestion ‘like you do’
warnings: implications of toxic relationship, mild swearing, anGST, me not proof reading.
“you’re an idiot.” iwaizumi grabbed the setter by the collar in a brash attempt to knock some sense into him. more often than not he’d been constantly named as too aggressive for his own good but the ace knew exactly what oikawa needed in order to be brought to attention and there was no way in hell that he was about to let him get away with this.
“i’m not in the mood for this right now.” oikawa scoffed shoving off his bestfriend as he picked up another ball from the pantry preparing himself for another serve.
“i don’t care what you’re in the mood for, this isn’t good for you, how many times have i told you to cut this shit out.” iwaizumi launched towards the male, he was now raising his voice as he made reach for the ball. it was insane how much he would get riled up when it came to oikawa’s safety even though he hated to admit it.
“why are you like this.. you’re all like this, why are you trying to stop me? i need to get better, i need to do better, i need to—“ his words were cut off by a swiff headbutt from iwaizumi causing him to go crashing towards the ground.
“don’t you ever get tired of saying selfish shit.” it was obvious that anger was building up within the ace, but if you didn’t know him well enough you would miss how it was interlaced with pain and sadness. the sight of his bestfriend hurting himself took a toll on him too regardless of if he showed it or not and he couldn’t bare the sight of oikawa mistreating both you and himself. growing up together iwa found himself as the boys sole protector, as if he was his responsibility and now as the days grew longer it seemed as if the burden was almost getting to heavy to carry. the last thing he wanted was to have to walk away from the friendship because it was becoming too stressful and draining, no, because part of iwaizumi was oikawa and he couldn’t imagine his life without the selfish boy.
“don’t you wanna win? why do you play iwa? are you content with the participation awards? because i’m not.” the setter grit his teeth as he reflected back on his recent loss. the way the ball had hit the ground just a hair out of his reach, the way the score was so close and the taste of victory was almost on his tongue, the fact that it was their last try at going to nationals, the way it was his own kouhai who had beat him, the way he had disappointed iwaizumi above all. he had to make up for it, he had to make up for all of it.
“i play because it’s fun.” the ace shouted shoving him further into the ground. “i play because.. i like it, i like volleyball, and i like playing with you and the rest of the team, it’s made me who i am today.” his voice softened and he finally let go of his bestfriends collar, inhaling a deep breath as oikawa watched with wide eyes. “what does volleyball mean to you now? do you just want to be the best at what you do for something you don’t even find fun? look around, think about all the people you’re hurting.” he referred back to you.
“i’m doing this for you guys as much as i’m doing it for me—“
“no you’re not, we’re in our third year now, it’s done oikawa, it’s over.. there is no next game, there is no next tournament, there is no next time, and that’s okay because these past three years have been the best of my life, there’s nothing else i could have asked for, you’re the best partner anyone could ever want, my bestfriend and the best setter.” iwaizumi sighed collapsing backwards, hitting his own head as the words just kept tumbling out.
“really?” there was a newfound light in oikawas eyes, one that the ace much preferred in comparison to his gloomy figure that would always pop out when he was being much too harsh on himself.
“yes really, you are the best setter—“
“no.” oikawa cut him off unexpectedly. “really? i’m your bestfriend?”
“are you shitting me? you’re an idiot, who else would it be? we’ve been friends since we were kids.. stupid crappykawa.” he mumbled off at the end noting how sappy the setter had turned him.
“you have a way with words iwa-chan, or maybe you’ve just gone soft on me hm?” he joked around lifting the tense atmosphere off the two of them.
“and now you’re all smiling and shit? you were just depressed two minutes ago” iwaizumi clicked his tongue at the sight of his friend, he wondered how he was always able to switch his mood up so easily. sometimes he was envious of his ability to do so, he wanted nothing more than to turn off the nagging voice at the back of his head sometimes that would tell him—
“what can i say? i’m suddenly feeling inspired.” he looked up to the ceiling as if he was in some soft of romcom and iwaizumi scoffed at the sight of it. sometimes he wondered how he’d ended up with a bestfriend who was so cheesy.
“well good because aoba johsai isn’t the whole world, there’s a volleyball career waiting for you anywhere on this planet, but nothing everything is replaceable like that.” iwa successfully recaptured the setters attention with his last words.
“what do you mean?”
“y/n... she’s not replaceable but you treated her like shit today didn’t you? i saw her sitting out in the rain so don’t even try to deny it.” he gritted his teeth at the thought of it, the way your fingertips were icy cold, your warm tears juxstaposing the freezing rain, your clothes absolutely drenched and your catatonic state of pure silence as he walked you home. there was only one person who could be the cause of such pain, and he was standing in front of him now.
“the rain?” oikawa jumped to alert now, he knew he wasn’t in his right mind when he had spoke to you, all that was going through his head is that he was a burden that you needed to rid yourself from, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love you or didn’t care about you or could live without you.
“what did you say to her?”
“i said i didn’t need her..” his heart clenched as he recalled the events, how could he be so foolish? and then to let you sit out there while he was ignorant to the entire situation as he stood there selfishly serving the ball over and over again.. “i scared her.” he swore he was on the verge of tears as he forced out those words, nothing hurt more then seeing your eyes wash over from love to fear in the matter of seconds as he towered over you. and for what? all you were doing was trying to help.
“well why are you still standing asshole? go to her, i’ll clean your mess up.” the ace sighed staring at the vast amount of balls sprawled over the court.
“no i can clean it up, don’t wo—“
“shut up, go.” he was interrupted by iwaizumi who had his best interests in mind as he always did.
“i owe you one.”
“you always do.”
finally changing out of your drenched clothes you could barely bring yourself to move, you’d already turned down food and avoided questions when your parents had ask why you were practically dripping onto the floor. it was too much to even speak, it felt like a part of you was gone, someone you had planned your entire future with just didnt need you anymore in the blink of an eye. you were even reconsidering your university options just to be closer to oikawa and now he had tossed you away like a tired ragdoll. you had been warned about oikawa before, plenty of people named him a playboy, even his own bestfriend had warned you to stay away but something had left you so drawn to the male that it was unexplainable. it was a feeling that only those who had experienced it would know, it was true love, if soulmates existed you were sure he was yours and never in your life had the thought of even breaking up crossed your mind.
the two of you had gotten into heated arguments before and many times it would end with you in tears or him storming out but he always came back. why hasn’t he come back? was it truly over? were you just not enough for him? you knew how important volleyball was and you always supported him but you hated seeing him overwork himself. did that make you a bad person? maybe you were, maybe he was right and you weren’t being the supportive girlfriend you were meant to be, it was your fault, you should be better right?
“y/n?” your thoughts were interrupted by a sickeningly familar voice and you turned to see the very boy that you were just thinking about. there was no doubt now that fate existed, otherwise why did things always end up like this?
“what are you doing here?” you narrowed your eyes at the setter, scrambling to wipe the tears off your face. you hated looking weak more than anything but you couldn’t help the dent that the entire situation had left in your heart.
“iwa-chan told me what happened and your parents let me in, were you crying?” he moved closer towards you, watching as you tried your best to stifle your tears as if nothing happened. you knew it was a pathetic attempt, you really did, but you couldn’t help how badly you wanted to be strong. you flinched backwards, causing him to halt his movement as he was making his way to cup your cheek.
the sadness that washed over his eyes in that moment was almost unbearable for you to witness. of course it would pain him that you would flinch away from his hands like that, it looked as if you were afraid.
“w-what? why are you flinching? i would never hit you, i love you.” you hated the way you knew exactly when he was telling the truth and when he was lying, and right now tōru oikawa was being the most genuine that he had in a long time. one part of you wanted to pull away so badly, to tell him that he treated you like absolute shit, that he didn’t deserve you and to scream and shout at him to get out. but the other part of you, the stronger part, wanted nothing more than to revel in his embrace, for him to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and promise how he was going to marry you one day while he played with your ring finger reminding you over and over again how much he loved you, because no one loved you like he did.
“please.. say something y/n.” he clenched his jaw as you stared at him with empty eyes, he couldn’t bare the thought of knowing that he was the one who had done this. it was always him who had caused you pain and suffering and now he was wondering if he had made the right choice by coming here.. if he hadn’t you would get over him one day wouldn’t you? you’d probably find someone who loved you without the grief that he always provided, someone who made you happy without requirement, someone who could give you a life that he couldn’t. what he didn’t know was how much you wanted to tell him how no one else mattered to you and how you had felt this way since the moment you’d met him but your mouth wouldn’t say the words you wanted them to so badly.
“why.. why do you always do this to me.” your voice cracked and you couldn’t hold it in any longer, your eyes glossed over before tears spilt out uncontrollably. you moved to clutch your own body, burying your head in your knees as you cried your heart out to your boyfriend who immediately moved to embarace you. what shocked him is how cold you were to the touch, you were sure to get sick tonight so he would stay by your side the entire time if he had to.
“i don’t know.. all i know is how sorry i am.” he pulled you closer so that you were not facing his chest as he brushed the hair out of your face and rubbed your back soothingly. “i cant explain it y/n-chan, i mess up really badly sometimes and i don’t know why, all i know is that life isn’t the same without you in it, since i met you everything just seems brighter, like it’s all worth it.. no matter what i say to you i will always love you.”
you cried harder as you came to the realisation of how weak you were for him.
“you’re the only person i can’t bear to lose y/n-chan, you’re the most selfless person i know, please don’t ever walk out of my life, i’ll do better i promise.” a tear rolled down his own eye as he imagined how empty things would feel without you, he wondered where he would get the willpower to wake up everyday.
“you promise?” you looked up at him with tear stained eyes through those beautiful eyelashes of yours, and how could he not love you when you still looked so pretty even when you were crying over him.
“i promise.” he hugged you a little tighter, wanting to memorise this moment for everything that it is.
“then i’ll stay by your side forever tōru.” you smiled softly at the thought of the rest of your life with the boy you always intended to spend it with.
“and i’ll marry you one day y/n-chan.” that day you fell asleep in your boyfriends arms as he stroked your hair and coddled you with promises that you’d remember for decades.
what the two of you didn’t know was how iwaizumi sat in the gym, motionless with a pained expression on his face and a slow tear rolling down his cheek as he led the boy he’d loved since childhood right back into your arms as he always had. he even stayed cleaning up for the rest of the night before practicing how he would face the two of you in school the next day with a smile on his face. as long as his bestfriend was happy he told himself.
because oikawa was wrong about one thing, there was someone more selfless than you.
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
can you do a skz one where Chan is working hard for a comeback, doing a lot of writing, producing, ect. but then he gets a cold, (snz centered) but he refuses to take a break, so Felix has to force him to take a break. With lots of Chanlix fluff please. 🥺🥺 (p.s I LOVE your writing, you are quite talented, and just have a way with words. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ love you ❤️)
Thank you, this really means a lot to me considering that English isn’t my first language.
I alread wrote something similar. You can find it here.
It’s never this cold in Australia
 Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Chan
Caregiver: Felix
 No one’s POV.:
Stray Kids would have another comeback soon, which left them with almost twice as much work as usual. Felix hated those times when they prepared for comebacks, not because he didn’t like to make new music, hell, he loved making new music, rather because Chan would always overdo it on himself and the younger could do nothing but watch the leader run himself into the ground. This time was no different and it had actually been a few days since any of the members had seen their leader apart from the dance practices they spent together. Not even Changbin and Jisung were allowed to stay in the studio with their hyung because after the songs were written and most lines were recorded, Chan had to edit them. Since the other two members of 3racha wouldn’t be able to help much with editing other than approving or disapproving, they were more of a distraction to the Aussie, so in hopes of not stressing him out more, they left him to work in peace. Maybe if there were no distractions, he’d finish faster and take the time to rest afterwards. However, assuming there were no distractions, was wishful thinking. There certainly still were distractions, the worst of them a headache that had started bothering Chan a few days ago. He wasn’t surprised at all, considering he slept even less than usual, spending day and night looking at his laptop screen. The Aussie was no stranger to headaches, often overworking himself. The only thing he was grateful for was that he hadn’t had a migraine yet like he always got them when he was too stressed and sleep-deprived.
As days passed, the headache wasn’t the only thing bothering him. After falling asleep in front of his laptop at the studio again, Chan woke up with a completely blocked nose. Unable to breathe through it in the slightest. The pain had shifted right between his brows, causing his eyes to water. The light coming from the screen in front of him didn’t help either and after saving all his open files, he closed the laptop. Feeling more exhausted than he had in a while, he dropped his head onto the desk and closed his eyes again. If he had the energy, he’d move to the couch at the back of the studio and allow himself a small nap. Not longer than an hour though because he couldn’t afford losing the time he needed to finish everything before their deadlines. He had slept just fine in his chair earlier but now it didn’t work anymore, leaving the Aussie to just sit with his eyes closed, head on his arms, as he started overthinking. Sure, the headache could be caused by exhaustion but now his nose was stuffed up and he felt so cold. If he could, he’d get up and adjust the air conditioning but getting up sounded way too tiring. Though Chan didn’t want to admit it to himself, he could tell he was coming down with something and the thought of getting sick stressed him out. What if he wouldn’t be able to meet the deadlines? No! He could! He had worked through illnesses quite a few times before, so why shouldn’t he manage to do that now?
He didn’t know how much time had passed but his phone started to buzz with a reminder that he had to be at the practice room within the next ten minutes. Groaning at the thought of having to move around and music blearing loudly, Chan forced himself up and tried to remind himself of the positive things. Maybe dancing would help warm him up and he wouldn’t feel so cold afterwards. Stumbling to the door of his studio, the Aussie braced himself against the door frame and drew in a shaky breath. His nose tingled, causing his eyes to water before he ducked into the crook of his elbow with a rough sounding sneeze. Chan cleared his throat, wincing at how raw it felt, and used his sleeve to dab away the irritated tears that had spilled from his eyes. Trying to pull himself together, he made his way to the practice room and occasionally rubbed his arms to generate warmth. His previously blocked nose had started to run and he sniffled lightly before pushing the door open and cringing at the bright ceiling lights. Most of his dongsaengs were already there, stretching or going over short sequences of the choreography that they didn’t feel confident in yet. “Hyung!”, Jisung yelled, jogging over and hugging the leader, “Guys, he’s alive! Hyung, I didn’t think we’d get to see you anymore.” Chan barely noticeably flinched at the rapper’s loud voice and hesitantly hugged back, grateful for some warmth.
After some more teasing about not having seen the oldest in ages, they moved on to practicing but it didn’t go too well for Chan. Just standing upright already made him feel lightheaded, so it wasn’t much of a surprise that the fast step sequences caused the oldest to stumble frequently. His head was thumping with the same beat blasting from the speakers as Chan braced himself on his knees panting. It was only now that he noticed how difficult it was to breathe through a nose that was stuffed up and somehow runny at the same time. The dancing also hadn’t done much to warm him up like he had hoped it would. Usually he’d dance in a t-shirt only but today, he wore a sweater over his t-shirt, not even taking it off after one hour of dancing when all of the members were drenched in sweat. To be fair, he was drenched in sweat too but at the same time, he still felt cold. Seeing how out of breath their oldest was, Minho announced they’d have a ten-minute break to drink something and catch their breaths. They all knew Chan didn’t like to be called out when he wasn’t doing as well as usual, so the others just went to drink something and chat with each other, while Felix made his way over to his fellow Aussie, lowly asking: “Hey, you alright there? You’re looking pretty tired.” – “I am, both. Just haven’t been sleeping much”, the older replied quietly, letting out a shaky breath as he sat down next to his bag. Uncapping his water bottle, he struggled it really drink something because he couldn’t breathe while there was water in his mouth.
Chan put his bottle back into his bag and closed his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose, willing the headache away. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”, Felix hummed, sitting down next to his friend. The leader shrugged, sniffling: “Jus’ goin’ back to the studio. There’s so much I still need to finish and I don’t nearly have the time to.” The younger hummed in acknowledgement, not pointing out how miserable the other sounded. Felix could tell Chan was sick, the fact that he never took off his sweater being a dead giveaway, the slight rasp and congestion present in his voice only a confirmation. There was something else the dancer knew, the older wouldn’t do anything different from when he was healthy, he’d still work as long and as hard. This was one of the things he hated the most, watching his friend suffer but not being able to help because Chan didn’t want help. Help in this case would mean standing between him and his work and the leader would never tolerate that. Right now, it almost looked like he was dozing of against the wall and Minho felt guilty as he had to call them back to practicing. Felix got up first, reaching out both hands to pull Chan up, smiling sympathetically: “You sure you’re up for more dancing?” – “Lix, come on. I’m fine, really. We nee- ne - we need hESH! *sniff* we need to get this perfect”, the leader replied with a watery smile, that Felix could tell was entirely fake.
He also could tell that Chan was really frustrated with himself. Most of the group already had the dance moves down, the only one still struggling was their leader. They knew the sole reason for his difficulty with the choreography was that he wasn’t feeling well, whether that meant he was sick like Felix claimed or just sleep-deprived from all the hours he had worked through the night. Since they had mastered the dance and knew Chan would master it too when he was feeling better, Minho and Hyunjin, who were in charge of their practice session, called it a day. They convinced Chan that it was only scheduled for two hours and that they had different schedules now. It wasn’t entirely true but they were certain the oldest would end up either hurting himself or fainting if he kept dancing. After their practice was officially over, the group dispersed and practiced the things they wanted to improve for their comeback, singing, rapping or secretly returning to the practice room after Chan went back to his studio. Felix had tried to convince him to come back to the dorm, to take a warm shower and eat a proper meal but the older was stubborn, almost getting mad at the boy who only tried to help him. It wasn’t like the leader didn’t want to take a warm shower to get rid of the sweat and the chill that had settled bone-achingly deep but he was already stressed enough as it was and he knew it would only get more stressful if he wasted time that could better be spent working.
At this point, Felix knew he wouldn’t achieve anything by pestering the older. He’d only make him angry and cause him to hole himself up inside the studio even more, so he relented and watched with a heavy heart as the leader shuffled back to the studio. From around the corner, he heard two painful sounding sneezes and sadly shook his head, walking off into the opposite direction. If he couldn’t get Chan to come home with him, he’d at least get him a fresh t-shirt and hoodie because if the older wasn’t already sick, he’d certainly be after sitting in a room with air conditioning, wearing his sweat-through practice clothes. Unsure about the last time the leader had a decent meal, Felix also took the time to make some soup, pouring it into a thermos and packing a bowl and spoon, so his hyung could eat it at the studio. He grabbed a big sports bag and filled it with fresh clothes, the soup and a thick scarf the older had bought him during the first winter Felix experienced in Korea. Shortly before leaving the dorm again, he remembered to also shove a travel pack of tissues into the bag. If only Chan would take better care of himself.
The leader sat in front of his laptop, suppressing the urge to cry as the screen blurred in front of him. By now, one of his sleeves was constantly pressed against his nose, either to rub at it as he sniffled quietly or to keep him from sneezing all over his keyboard. He couldn’t tell when exactly his nose had gotten so sensitive but it only took as much as one slightly too forceful breath to make it start tickling again, which in turn would make his eyes water more and cause him to see even less of the screen in front of him, yet Chan refused to admit that his attempts of getting something done were unsuccessful. The leader pulled both of his sleeves over his palms to rub at his itchy face, sighing in frustration. His breath started to hitch again and giving into the feeling this time, he simply kept his sleeves over his face, waiting. "h-hESSH! hISH’iew!” He sniffled carefully before he dared to remove his hands, instead swiping his sleeves under his eyes to dry them. When did he start feeling this bad? Sure, he had started to feel this cold coming on earlier, yet he never thought it would cause him more than some congestion. Blinking at his screen, his eyes instantly started to water again, still, he tried to work through it, determined he wouldn’t let a cold keep him from meeting his deadlines.
Chan had taken off his shoes after some time, pulling his legs closer to his body as he curled up in his chair, trying to stay warm. He had already adjusted the air conditioning when he came back to the studio but it didn’t help much. By the time Felix arrived to the studio, it seemed like the leader was staring through his laptop screen rather than at it. He also didn’t notice the younger’s arrival, startling when Felix appeared next to him. The dancer heard him mumble something incoherent, not understanding a word but frowning at how out of it the older was. “Sorry, what was that?”, he hummed, resting a hand on Chan’s shoulder. The leader cleared his throat before repeating: “I said, ‘s never this cold in Australia.” The younger was stunned, to him it felt pretty toasty in the small studio after the air conditioning had been completely turned off. Worriedly he pressed his palm against his hyung’s forehead, causing the older to shudder. He clicked his tongue, stating: “Well, I can tell you why you feel cold. You’re feverish, which I’m pretty sure you knew already.” – “I-I hhh… hh’HDJsHhiew!” – “Mhm, exactly my point. You’re sick and should come home to rest”, Felix emphasized. That seemed to wake Chan. The drowsy fog in his head disappeared as his eyes finally focused on his dongsaeng, arguing: “I can’t. There’s still so much to do, I’m not going to finish this on time. God, I’m already so behind with everything. The comeback is too soon. If I don’t at least finish another three songs tonight, it’ll be a disaster.”
Sighing, Felix turned his chair away from his laptop, so it was facing him instead. “Hyung, it won’t. I know it’s already great as it is and Stay will agree with me. There’s still enough time till the comeback and Binnie-hyung and Sungie can help you. Besides, I don’t think you’re going to get much done with a fever like this”, he tried to reason. Face hardening, Chan got out of his chair, voice raised: “How would you know if the time is enough? You have no idea how many more songs I still have to edit. Those people won’t be Stay anymore if I can’t give him the music they are expecting from us. I could get stuff done tonight if you weren’t distracting me from it!” Voice cracking and giving out towards the end, the leader dropped back into his chair. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he mumbled apologies over and over again. He had never meant to snap at the younger like this and he’d also never raised his voice at Felix like this. Biting his lip, Felix pulled himself out of his dazed stupor. Chan’s outburst had been unexpected but he was sure the older didn’t mean it, so he forced down his shaken-up emotions and embraced the other, who quietly hiccupped, wiping at his eyes.
“Ssh, you’re okay. It’s okay, hyung. Everything’s just a bit too much right now, hm?”, he whispered, running his hand through the other’s disheveled curls. Chan nodded with a wet sniffle, trying to fight back the tears that just continued coming. His bottled-up stress and frustration now bubbling over. Pulling him to his feet, Felix guided the older over to the couch and sat down with him after quickly retrieving the bag he had brought. He pulled out the tissues and handed them to Chan, who messily wiped his cheeks before blowing his nose, irritating it again. “hISH’iew!” – “Bless you”, the dancer hummed, handing him another tissue as the first was already soggy. He kept rubbing his friend’s back, hugging him from time to time as he waited for the older to cry his emotions off of his chest. It took almost twenty minutes for Chan to calm himself down again. He didn’t even know why he was so upset, mainly feeling emotional and sensitive from his fever. Seeing he was still shivering slightly, Felix pulled out the scarf he had brought with him and laid it across the leader’s shoulders before rubbing his arms up and down. The older closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the couch, clearing his throat repeatedly. “Does your throat hurt too?”, the younger asked quietly. Chan shook his head, rasping: “’s jus’ dry from breathing through my mouth.” – “Oh, have some water then”, Felix instructed, handing him the bottle from his desk. He didn’t fully believe his hyung, so he was going to find out the truth differently. Of course, Chan’s wince didn’t go unnoticed as it was obvious swallowing hurt him.
Rolling his eyes at the leader’s stubbornness, Felix handed him the fresh clothes. It took some prodding because Chan was feeling way too cold to take off the shirt he was wearing but he felt much more comfortable in his clean hoodie afterwards. The younger was now wrapping the scarf around his neck to protect his already strained voice from further harm, while Chan was already dozing off in his sitting position. Gently nudging his arm, Felix reminded: “Come on, we still need to go home before you sleep. Did you eat already?” The leader shook his head. “You can either eat a late dinner back at the dorm or I brought you some soup. You could eat here and then go straight to bed when we get back”, he offered. This time Chan nodded. Furrowing his brows, the younger asked: “Yes to which option?” – “Straight to bed”, Chan muttered, barely staying awake. Felix quickly took out the soup he had prepared, glad when he found it still steaming, and agreed: “You can you straight to bed but please eat this first. You can’t run on protein shakes, granola bars and coffee the entire time.” – “That works pretty well”, the older argued, blowing onto the spoon. The dancer rolled his eyes, muttering: “Well, that’s debatable.” They sat in silence, apart from Chan’s soft sniffles, as the leader ate the first warm meal he had had in a week. He didn’t want to admit it but the soup felt nice, warming his sore throat and his entire body from the inside. Plus, His dongsaeng certainly wasn’t a bad cook, at least not as far as he could taste with his nose blocked.
Felix packed up the things he had brought, while Chan saved his files and slid his laptop into his backpack, ready to let the younger take him home. Although the thought of leaving the building into the night didn’t seem too appealing, the leader reminded himself of the warm bed waiting for him at the dorm. A bit lightheaded still, he relied fully on Felix’ arm around his waist, guiding him home as his eyes fought to stay open. He got even more unsteady as his breath hitched and he gripped onto the younger’s shoulder for support. The dancer slowed down even more, steadying his hyung as he brought up his arm sneezing into the crook of his arm twice, almost toppling over. “Bless you. We’re almost there”, Felix promised, dragging a sniffly Chan down another block towards their dorm building. The leader looked dead on his feet as the light in the entrance hall of the building illuminated his face. The younger wince as he grasped just how much the older’s condition had declined since their practice in the afternoon. Quietly whimpering, Chan pulled his hood further over his face to block out the uncomfortably bright light that made his eyes burn and head pound. After what seemed like a whole journey, they made it up to their dorm, kicking off their shoes. As promised, Felix walked the leader straight to his room where all the older did was changing into thicker sweatpants before curling up under his blanket. Felix left the room for a few minutes and returned with some water and medicine, whispering: “Since you ate something earlier, you can take something for your fever and headache now. I’ll leave the water on your nightstand in case you get thirsty or your throat bothers you during the night.” With a grateful but hoarse hum, Chan took the medicine before curling up again and burying his face in his blanket. "hESH! *sniff*” – “Bless you. Do you want cuddles?”, the younger offered. Shaking his head, the older replied pitifully: “Don’t want to get you sick too.” – “I didn’t ask you if you wanted to get me sick, I asked if you wanted cuddles”, Felix chuckled. Letting out a shaky laugh, Chan admitted: “I-I guess I do.” – “Alright, scoot over. Don’t worry if you still feel cold, you’ll get your very personal Australian sun.”
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jesswritesthat · 4 years
Semi Eita: Imperfect
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: angst, fluff
• You both see each other as personifications of perfection, but that doesn’t always translate well into words.
Warnings: cursing, Bungou Stray Dogs reference
A/N: BSD is so good tho?? I watched it and now low-key wanna write for it too 👀
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To you, Semi Eita could embody perfection. A subjective term yes, but it was laced into his deep honeyed vocals when you'd catch him quietly singing thinking no one else was around. It was in the dedication and love he had for Volleyball despite no longer being a starter, and in the careful affection he'd offer as encouragement or comfort when you needed it most.
It made sense that you'd always attempt to return the favour, even if you didn't realise you'd consistently done so in his eyes. Tonight however, tensions were riding high with the Playoffs approaching - being a member of Shiratorizawas' infamous arsenal meant you were not exempt. You were responsible for their strategy, managing to break down and counter any opponent they'd faced so far.
It was getting late, Semi overworking himself to the point of borderline frustration. Now continuously serving with each lessening in precision and irritated curses spewing from his lips which lead you to intervene.
"Semi, what if you tried—"
Instantly your cautious tone was raptured, the remaining third years falling into silence when their Pinch Server venomously bit back.
"We can't all be as effortless as you (L/n)! I had to work so hard to be apart of this team only to be replaced by someone more naturally gifted as a Setter - no matter how much I practice, I'm not good enough, unlike you! You're as perfect as always huh?"
Understandably you remained eerily quiet, swallowing the pained lump in your throat and breathing a forced bittersweet smile - nodding in dangerous acceptance, you snagged your jacket from the bench and brushed the shoulder of a concerned Tendō as you passed him.
The harsh slam of the gym doors mocking the tense atmosphere settled in the gymnasium, not a single word released until the haunting echo faded out.
The following morning, it was Wakatoshi and Satori who approached you with the latter tackling you into a playful embrace - unlike normalcy, it was gentler to translate comfort.
"Don't take it to heart (Y/n)-chan~ The stress is getting to all of us, including Semisemi..."
"I know, here's the notes on Araigawa High, our first opponents. I won't be at practice today since I’m researching other teams - so make sure the others see them okay?"
"Thank you (L/n)." Ushijima took them from you, likely preventing Tendō from making an inconceivable request in the process.
Tendō assumed your diversion was due to the lingering aftermath of the previous practice since you'd successfully avoided Semi all day, so the redhead took the opportunity to confront his friend at the end of training.
Albeit, peculiarly.
"(Y/n) is like Dazai, only less suicidal."
Semi stifled his movements, the statement completely irrelevant to the previous conversation and furrowed his brows with a questioning tone.
"That means nothing to me..."
"So uncultured Semisemi, he's a detective from Bungo Stray Dogs, but can predict behaviours and events scarily well." Satori dramatically explained, the intuition regarding others linking to you quite agreeably.
"I suppose (Y/n) does that—"
"By talking to others, learning characteristics, investigating leads and working for it. For the most part anyway, he's pretty ingenious - but that's besides my point~" Knowing the blocker well meant Semi understood he was trying to subtly tell him something without actually doing so. An ambiguous hint to a puzzle of sorts - though Eita didn't have the patience to deduce it right now.
"Satori, what are you saying? That I was wrong to speak to (Y/n) the way I did - because I already know that."
"I’m saying~ that maybe, you should do some investigating of your own. Later Semisemi!"
The alluring hues of a Miyagi sunset streamed through the window, illuminating your living space rather pleasant for late evening but you were not in the mood for a solemn knock on your front door.
"Tendō it's late, the manga ca- Semi?" Rubbing your eyes upon opening the door, you began speaking on assumption, only correcting yourself in surprise once meeting the guilty gaze of your Setter.
"This won't take long, I promise."
"No uh, it's fine, come in." Knocking you out of your awestruck stupor, you shook your head and stepped aside.
"I need to tell you this first, please." However, Semi Instictively grasped your wrist to hold you in place, grip softening alongside his tone.
"What I said the other day, it was out of order and inconsiderate, I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on you. I'm sorry for that, and plea-"
"You're forgiven, the moment it happened I forgave you. Everyone can get stressed and say things they don't mean." A tilt of your head and flawless smile caught him off guard, the Setter deadpan staring at you before sighing in a mix of agitation and relief.
"I did mean part of it though, I truly think you're perfect and about Shirabu..."
Once he trailed off you interlaced your digits with the hand still encircling your wrist and tugged him inside with you.
"Eita, let me show you something."
You’d reached your room and gestured to the paused screen, Semi investigating more closely from yo ur side before meeting your gaze in curiosity.
"Kesenike West High School? They're in our block."
"Yeah, I watch past games to determine the movements and instincts of the players to form counterattacks for you guys. I calculate they'll be our semifinal opponents.” Was your upbeat explanation, Eitas irises lingering on your relaxed figure filled with sheer appreciation of your dedication to them. There was a reason you were classed as a valuable member of Shiratorizawas’ VBC after all.
"You work hard for us, again I'm sorry, I didn't realise you did all this, I just assumed you were naturally gifted— uh, you make it look so effortlessly perfect."
"But I'm not perfect, and neither are you. That doesn't make you any less talented, and... I always liked your setting style better anyway."
The nonchalance of it, the playful tone dancing on your tongue only left him smirking with a whisper you wouldn’t have heard of you weren’t so in-tune with him.
"To me, you're pretty damn close."
“I could say the same about you. I know your build, your strength, your measurements, your skills but there’s one thing I haven’t worked out...” You were opposite him now, gaze looking up and down his body before you stepped closer.
“And what’s that?” He knew the subliminal meaning explicitly, only emphasised by gingerly brushing his lips against yours like a teasing dare.
Smirking and taking the bait, you closed the distance, humming in satisfaction as he gladly reciprocated the passionate gesture.
“Mmm, you’re perfect at that too~”
[ Masterlist ]
101 notes · View notes
krsnbgirl · 4 years
Fly High! || Kageyama x Fem!Reader || Part 1
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Summary: Attending Karasuno High School was your way of starting over and moving on from your injury in middle school. What you didn’t expect was to be pulled back into the world that you tried so hard to stay away from. Along the journey of recovery, you didn’t think you would grow close to Karasuno’s Boys Volleyball Team. Also falling in love with a certain setter was definitely something you didn’t expect at all. There’s one thing in common that you two share and that it’s wanting to fly as high as you can. 
Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Fem!Reader
Genre: Rom-Com, Slice of Life, Sports 
Word Count: ~3.4k
Warnings: Slight swearing, smoking (for Ukai), Signs of Anxiety from Reader, Timeline heavily based on the anime
Author’s Note: Hello, hello lovelies! This is my first fanfiction for Haikyuu!! so please be easy on me ^^; Watching the series and anticipating for the next part of Season 4 has me wanting to write a series while waiting for it to come out. As you can see it’s based off of the anime, but I’m slowly getting through the manga! Let me know what you guys think and hope you all enjoy this! Also if you want me to start a taglist for this, let me know too hehe! xoxo, Ren  ❤
Part 1 || Part 2 || Masterlist 
It was a typical day at Karasuno High School as you made your way through the gates and towards your locker. There was still time before the first bell rang so you took your time reaching your destination, putting your hands into the pockets of your blazer. Your mind began to drift towards what you wanted for lunch that day since the new school week meant a new rotation of dishes to choose from. As you continued your way through the school, you noticed that the hallways were filled with more buzz than usual. Curiosity picked at you as you rested your hands behind your neck and tried to listen in on some of the conversations around you. Humming to yourself, you heard the latest gossip float by as your ears perked up at certain names you knew. 
“They made it through?” 
“Wait, they were that close?” “Were we they that good?” 
“So I guess they’re not The Fallen Champions anymore…” 
‘Ah…so that’s what everyone’s talking about.’ You thought as you turned a corner. 
Smiling to yourself, you finally reached your locker and began to change into your school shoes. Karasuno High’s boys volleyball team used to be its pride until their previous coach retired. The team lost its shine and you experienced first hand the toll it took on its members. They were left with no coach and the remaining upperclassmen on the team had to step up as coach in order to keep the club active. There was some hope for them when Coach Ukai returned and they were doing pretty okay but it was sad to see them go back to square one when their coach overworked himself and had to go into retirement once more. Now with recent changes, you were glad to hear that things were finally looking up for the boys. 
As you were going through your mental checklist for the day and braiding your hair to keep it out of your face, someone leaned against the lockers beside you. 
“Good morning (Y/N)-chan!” 
You looked behind your locker door to see who greeted you and gave your childhood and best friend a warm smile. 
“Yu-nii, how did the Inter High tournament go?” 
You arched an eyebrow as you noticed the dark look on his face and he grew silent. He was always so upbeat whenever you two were together, so something must have happened at their game. You sighed knowing that it was a habit of his whenever he grew frustrated or angry. Once you finished tying the elastic band at the end of your braid, you glared at him before flicking his forehead. 
“(Y/N)-chan, what was that for?!” he exclaimed and rubbed his forehead, pouting at you.. 
“Don’t let it get the best of you, nii-chan.” 
After closing your locker shut, you began to walk away and towards your classroom with Nishinoya falling into step beside you. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he clenched his jaw, his mind filled with thoughts of their previous match. 
“If only you were there then you would’ve seen how cocky those bastards were. We were so close to beating them. Aoba Johsai ended up beating us by two points during the third set.” he grumbled. 
Your mind flashed back to your post practice conversations with Nishinoya whenever he was invited over for dinner. He was always so fired up whenever he talked about the teams he wanted to beat, especially Aoba Johsai. They were one of the top teams in their prefecture and he swore revenge after Karasuno went against them for a practice match. Looking back at Nishinoya and taking in his frustrated features, you gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze as you reached your classroom. He looked at you as you gave him an encouraging smile with a familiar determined glint in your eyes. 
Nishinoya’s eyes widened a bit as you tilted your head to the side with a cheeky smirk and said, “That just means you guys have to work twice as hard to beat them at the next tournament, right?” 
The familiar burning passion rushed through his bones as he met your eyes and you slightly nodded, giving him a knowing look.
You chuckled underneath your breath as your fellow classmates gave him a weird look. With another scream he winked at you before running towards his own class. You playfully rolled your eyes with a small smile and watched him turn around with a new determined look on his face, smiling  brightly. “I’ll see you later (Y/N)-chan!” 
The bell for the day ended as you stretched your arms to relieve some of the stress from constantly writing notes. Your classmates greeted you as they walked past you and you took your time to gather your things. You weren’t popular in your grade, but you were well known to be that one person who easily got along with everyone and always lent a helping hand. You sighed to yourself as you slung your bag over your shoulder and took out your phone. Usually after school time was used to hang out with friends or attend club activities, but you decided that once you got to Karasuno that you would just take time for yourself. After what had happened to you in middle school, you wanted to make up for the lost time you didn’t put towards yourself. 
You hummed in thought as your phone began to buzz in the middle of scrolling through social media. Pressing the green button, you answered the phone and leaned against the wall by your classroom door.
“(Y/N)-chan, I know you’re probably busy right now but do you think you can stop by the gym?” 
“Eh? Kiyoko-san? Did you need anything?” 
“I wanted to talk to you about something, if you don’t mind. I would come to you but the boys are about to start practice, so would mind meeting me here?” 
“ I don’t know Kiyoko-san …” 
“Please? I just need to talk to you in person about this.” 
Based on Shimizu’s tone, you knew that this was going to be important and reluctantly agreed. With a groan, you shoved your phone into your pocket and went to meet up with your older friend. As you grew closer towards the gym, the familiar knotted feeling in your throat and stomach began to settle in. You slightly tighten your grip on the handles of your bag as Shimizu caught her eye and gave her a small smile. You followed Shimizu into the gym and a sense of familiarity crashed over you. The faint scent of salonpas filled the gym and the familiar sound of shoes squeaking against the court managed to calm you down for a bit. Two shouts disrupted your concentration and before you knew it, two boys were hugging you. 
“(Y/N)-chan, you finally decided to visit us! You’re so mean to have us wait for that long. You didn’t even come see me after school on your first day here.” Nishinoya pouted. 
“Yeah (Y/N)-chan, Nishinoya is right. We never thought you’d step back into the gym but here you are.” Tanaka smiled widely as he affectionately ruffled your hair. 
“Ryu-nii you’re going to ruin my hair and I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Kiyoko-san.” You  huffed before elbowing the both of them and made your way towards Shimizu who was standing by the bench on the side of the court.
The two boys’ eyes got teary-eyed and gave two thumbs up towards the girls and exclaimed, “That’s our Kiyoko-san!” 
“Um...Nishinoya-senpai who’s that?” Hinata asked as he and Kageyama went up to them. The four of them watched as the third years went up to greet the girls.
“Ah that’s right you haven’t properly met her yet. She’s (L/N) (F/N), my childhood friend. We grew up together since we live on the same street. I think you guys might have seen her since she’s in your grade.��� Nishinoya said as he crossed his arms and gave them a proud smile. 
“Eh, she is?” Kageyama asked as he took a good look at her. He analyzed your looks and noticed that you had this welcoming aura around you. You were  laughing at something that Asahi said and casually looked towards their direction. Your eyes met his and he stiffened for a second. You smiled at him before turning your direction back to Asahi’s story about how he accidentally scared the first years with his hair down. 
“I don’t think we’ve ever crossed paths with her.” Hinata murmured as he tried to rack his brain to see if they had ever seen her in the hallways. 
“Ah maybe it’s because she’s in Class 5.” Tanaka piped in and the boys’ eyes went wide. 
“She’s in Class 5?!” they exclaimed. Kageyama’s eyes went back towards you and there was something about you that drew his attention. He wasn’t sure if it was the way that you carried yourself or if it was because you were in the college prep class.
Nishinoya and Tanaka burst out laughing, pointing their fingers at them. “She’s out of your league dudes. You guys are dumb.” 
“Well so are you two, so let’s get back to practice alright?” Daichi interrupted and put his hands on their shoulders. 
The four of them gulped as they noticed the look on Daichi’s face while Asahi and Sugawara joined to guide them back onto the court with the rest of the team laughing at their antics. 
You sighed to yourself as you watched the boys gather into a circle to start their stretching routine. It was true that it’s been a while since you stepped onto the court, much less the gym too. The court used to be a safe haven for you but now, you weren't sure how you felt being back on the floor. You weren’t going to lie yourself; it felt nice being back in a familiar setting after so long. After swearing to never be on the court again, there was a huge part of you screaming to just grab a ball and hit it. Shimizu gave you a comforting smile before tapping the empty spot next to her on the bench. 
“So what did you want to talk about, Kiyoko-san?” You asked as you sat down and turned towards her.
“After we came back from the Inter High tournament, Takeda-sensei called us into his office. He told us that we needed to start thinking about what our next step would be.” 
“Oh yeah, you guys are graduating soon…” you murmured as the both of you watched the boys began to do dives across the floor.
“As third years and being in charge of the team, we also needed to figure out what to do with the boys. And as you can see, there’s no one else to be in charge of them once I’m gone.” 
Your breathing hitched as you caught on to what Shimizu was asking you. You bit your lip and looked down at your lap. Fiddling with your hands, a sense of doubt began to wash over you. 
“Kiyoko-san, I know you mean well but I don’t know if I’m worth it.” 
“I know it’s been hard for you, but I saw the look on your face when you stepped into the gym. You still have the spark in your eye, (Y/N)-chan. And if there’s anyone I know that I can trust the club with, it would be you. You know what these boys are going through because you’ve been in their shoes before.” 
You pursed your lips as many thoughts began to race in your head and a short silence fell between you two. It’s true that volleyball was something that you loved with all your heart, but you knew you weren't ready to get back into it just yet. The familiar weighted feeling in your chest began to creep into you and in order to try to calm yourself down, you decided to distract yourself by concentrating on the boys. Your attention naturally gravitated towards the guy that you met eyes with. It was his turn to serve and your eyes widened as he had perfectly gotten the ball over to the other wide with a jump serve. 
“(Y/N)-chan, you don’t have to answer right away but at least take it into consideration.” Shimizu softly said as she gave her the form to fill out. 
You smiled at Shimizu for giving you time and grabbed the form. Looking down at it, you did feel a part of yourself wanting to fill out the form but the other part just hasn’t found the will to move forward. 
“Yeah...I’ll think about it.”
“Thanks for listening to me, (Y/N)-chan. You’re more than welcome to stay, I need to go find Takeda-sensei and discuss some things for their upcoming weekend training camp.” Shimizu smiled before patting your head and walking away. 
“Oi, (Y/N)-chan~ do you want to go home together? It’s been awhile since we’ve done that.” Nishinoya asked as the boys headed towards you for a water break after completing their warm up drills.
You looked up in thought and seeing that you had nothing better to do, you might as well make your best friend happy by staying. Plus you wouldn’t admit it out loud, but watching Nishinoya toss and hit the ball  made you feel like you were playing through him. You smiled at him and nodded. “I’ll just do homework while waiting for you then.” 
“Eh? So this is what Shimizu’s been up to. Boys we might have our future manager right in front of us!” Daichi smiled as he bent over and grabbed the form out of your hands. 
“Daichi, give that back to me!” You huffed as you stood up and Daichi immediately held the paper over his head. He laughed as he watched you jump around, trying to get the paper back. 
“Screw you guys for being so tall.” 
“Don’t you want to become our manager, (Y/N)-chan? It’d be a relief to know that the team is in good hands next year.” Asahi joined in as he slung his arm over Daichi’s shoulders and gave you a cheeky smile. They laughed as you blew some stray hairs away from your face.
“Eh? Manager?” Hinata asked as they all stared at you.
Rolling your eyes, you finally managed to snatch the form from Daichi and folded it before putting it into your pocket. You shrugged and said, “I don’t know yet.” 
“What do you mean you don’t know yet, you’d be perfect for it!” Tanaka claimed. 
“I think it would help you, (Y/N)-chan.” Nishinoya said as he gave her a pointed look. 
You scowled under Nishinoya’s gaze and Tanaka joined in on him trying to corner you. A vein popped out of the corner of your temple and Sugawara stepped in to diffuse the situation. You were just about to approach the two and give them a hard knock on the head, when you felt him tug the edge of your blazer.
“Now, let’s not forget that it’s her choice at the end of the day. Whatever your decision is Haya-chan, I’m sure these two idiots will support you either way.” 
You sighed in relief and  threw your arms around Sugawara’s waist sticking your tongue out at Tanaka and Nishinoya. 
“This is why I like you better than them, Suga.” You snickered. 
“Oh and who might this be?” 
Everyone turned around to see Coach Ukai step into the gym with Takeda-sensei and Shimizu. You and the boys bowed before Sugawara hugged you closer to him. 
“Coach Ukai, meet (L/N) (F/N), our possible new manager.” 
You sighed and slumped your shoulders. You should’ve known that Sugawara would also try to lock you in like the rest of the boys. Ukai looked at you and realized who you were right off the bat. He rubbed his chin in thought as you nodded in response. You shrugged and said, “I’m not sure yet but it’s nice to meet you.” 
“A-Ah yes, nice to meet you. Did Shimizu recruit you?” 
You nodded and Ukai smiled widely at her. “Well it’d be nice to have another person that can tame these boys so I hope you stop by frequently. Or better yet, become a part of the family here. I’m pretty sure you’ll easily fit in, hm?” 
A shiver went up her spine as Haya looked behind her to see the entire team giving her expectant smiles. Turning your attention back towards the faculty, you suspiciously looked at the coach after noticing his tone. Ukai met your gaze and he gave you a smirk. He shrugged and said, “We’ll talk later, kiddo. There’s some stuff I need to ask you.” 
Reluctantly, you agreed and started to grow annoyed with how everyone was staring at you. You sat back down on the bench and looked at Nishinoya for help. He sighed and started to push the team back onto the court.
“Alright boys, give it a break and let’s just continue with practice, alright?” 
You let out a relieved breath as the boys went for their jog and the others stepped outside to talk about the other things needed for the team. Having left to your own for a bit, you let yourself move by instinct. Your eyes landed on the stray volleyball that was by the bench and you picked it up. Walking up to the serving line, you bounced it a couple of times. Everything began to slowly disappear around you and faint cheers filled the background as your senses flashed back  to the day you played in the finals with Chidoriyama Junior High’s girl volleyball team. You were tied with your opponents and  it would’ve been the set point for your team. The ball was served and your team tried to spike the ball but it was received by your opponent. When it was your turn to spike the ball over the net once again, you had managed just barely to get the ball passed its block. Then before you knew it, you had landed wrong and pain began to shoot up your leg, right in the knee. You were on the floor curled up in a ball as everything began to slow down. and later found out she had torn her ACL. After the game came to an end and you went to the doctor for a proper check-up, it was then that you found out that you tore your ACL.
Clutching the ball in your hand, you took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. You were still going to therapy to strengthen your knee after getting surgery, but your return to fully playing was never going to happen in your  mind. You weren't going to lie to yourself though; having the ball in your hands once again felt nice. It made you happy as your body moved on its own. Twirling it in your palms, you felt yourself clock in on your concentration. Eyeing the other side of the court, you took a couple of steps back. Everything else was blocked from your sight as you zeroed in on the spot you wanted the ball to land. 
Without you knowing, the boys had already returned but Nishinoya and the third years stopped the rest of the team from interrupting you. They all watched as you tossed the ball up in the air before running towards it and did a jump serve. Their eyes widened as the ball easily landed on the other side and could have been considered an ace if you were playing in a real game. 
You hissed as you felt the familiar sting in your right knee and clenched your fists as you slowly walked back to the bench. 
“(Y/N)-SAN THAT WAS AMAZING!!” Hinata exclaimed. 
You gasped and turned around to see the boys looking at you with wide smiles. Hinata and Nishinoya were  already making their way towards you with bright smiles and arms spread wide to jump on you.
‘Uh oh...’  You thought as you felt them tackle you with a hug.
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thefinalcinderella · 4 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 3 - Practice Begins (Part 5)
This chapter took a lifetime lol
List of translations here
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Students who were earnestly tackling long-distance ran at least six-hundred kilometers in a month. When it was time for the final stretch, it was common for some to run more than a thousand kilometers a month. Kakeru did long training runs, aiming for that level. He wished the residents of Chikusei-sou success, but that didn’t mean he intended to match his own training to the level of a newly-formed team.
“Kakeru, you ran a little too much.”
Kiyose, who was checking the training diaries, told him that after the main training. It was when everyone was working on leisurely cooling down while changing clothes and stretching on the grass of the field.
For the first two weeks, everyone struggled to make it through the regimen, in dire straits with muscle pain, blood blisters and awful foot blisters. However, the members had potential from the beginning. Now, it seemed that their bodies were adjusting little by little: running was becoming a bit more fun, and they had managed to assimilate the regimen written on the training table.
Inwardly, Kakeru was surprised at the high adaptability of the residents, but it was ultimately just beginner’s training. He was pursuing running on a whole different level. Unless someone stopped him, he tended to run for as long and as far as he liked.
“Even at your age, your body isn’t fully matured yet, so you can’t push yourself too hard. What will you do if you overwork your body now and injure it?”
Lately, Kakeru’s body felt very light. He felt that the more he ran, the stronger he got, and the more his speed improved. That was why in actuality, Kiyose’s warning didn’t hit home for him. Even so, he obediently answered, “Yes.”
“On the other hand, Prince is running too little.”
In Prince’s training diary, the word “treadmill” was written once every two days instead of “evening jog”.
“I thought that honesty was one of your best points but…this is actually just ‘I skipped jogging and read manga’, right?”
Even if Kiyose invited Prince to jog with him in the evening, Prince had built a barricade out of manga and stubbornly refused to open the door to his room.
Pursued by Kiyose, Prince desperately explained himself. “That’s true, but I really do read manga while using the treadmill. Lately, I feel like I’ve been gaining some muscle on my legs.”
“Let me see.”
Kiyose touched Prince’s calves to confirm. Seeing that, Yuki warned him, “Haiji, you should really stop that leg-touching habit of yours soon.”
Kiyose got up with a “hmm”.
“It’s true that you’ve made some progress in morning jogging and main practice. But working out on a treadmill while reading manga isn’t a good idea; it’ll ruin your form and it won’t help you develop the sensation of running on a road. I hope that you’ll join the evening jogs every day as well.”
Before Kiyose’s quiet, forceful power, Prince had no choice but to swear, “I will join.” As for Kakeru, he was relieved: he wanted Prince to run outside as much as possible. The treadmill was installed in his room, which was already bearing a lot of weight, and every time Prince trained there, Kakeru’s ceiling creaked like it was going to burst open.
“Unlike our honest Prince, there’s a king who is submitting a diary that’s filled with lies and embellishments.”
At Kiyose’s words, everyone looked at King and laughed. “You found out?” King asked, picking at the dirt with the toe of his shoe like he was embarrassed. “It’s because I can’t run at all and my times aren’t getting any better. I thought that was bad, so I showed off a little in my report.”
“It’s still only two weeks since you started training. Results won’t show that quickly,” Kiyose told King gently. “To become the quiz king, you need to steadily build up your knowledge and skills to hit the buzzer fast, right? It’s the same with track; cheap tricks won’t work. The physical strength and skills are acquired through daily training. Then, the courage to look at your true ability straight on is what will save you in the end in the actual event. I know that you’ve been training seriously, so you can just write down the truth.”
King nodded. “I’ll do that.”
“There’s no particular problems with anyone else so far. But, Nico-chan-senpai.”
“Yeah?” Nico-chan, called by Kiyose, stopped fixing his shoelaces and looked up.
“You haven’t been eating a lot lately.”
“That’s not true.”
“Don’t lie. Who do you think is making your food?”
It was Kiyose. Nothing could be hidden from the master of Chikusei-sou, who not only made the training plans but also the residents’ food.
Nico-chan explained himself while scratching his cheek. “Look, I’m stocky, you know? I need to lose some weight.”
“There’s no need for that,” Kiyose cut him off flatly. “You work your body during training, so you’ll lose weight even if you continue to eat the way you have until now. An unreasonable diet can cause your body to break down, so please eat a balanced and proper diet.”
“Got it. But if I can’t tighten up my body well in training, then I’ll go on a diet.”
“I’ve calculated that you should be able to tighten up over the summer for sure,” Kiyose conceded. “If it looks like it’s not working out, then we’ll think about it then. Don’t do anything reckless on your own.”
 “Is it advantageous to be lighter?” Shindou, who was listening to the conversation, asked, tilting his head. “Won’t you have less energy if you lose weight?”
The theorist Yuki answered his question.
“Of course, unreasonable diets are banned. You’ll get anemia, and if you have that, it’ll be dangerous for your heart since that’ll put a burden on it. But fundamentally, you should tighten up your body—whittle away the extra fat and improve your cardiopulmonary functions. Even racing cars have their bodies as light as possible to make their engines more powerful. It’s the same as that.”
“I see.” Shindou withdrew in understanding.
“It’s just as Yuki said.” Kiyose looked over everyone. “Just like racing cars, where the body’s balance is confirmed and the engine’s performance is enhanced through repeatedly doing test drives, a runner also builds up their body by running every day. The backlash will be big if you seek a sudden change, so I want you all to be careful.”
Icing your muscles immediately if they seem to be staying hot after training, even just a little bit. Never missing stretches and massages. Taking supplements for iron and other nutrients which people tend to lack.
After teaching them the various ways of preventing injuries and maintaining their health, Kiyose said, “Now, you’re all dismissed.”
On the way back to Chikusei-sou, Kakeru ended up running next to Nico-chan by chance. Nico-chan was worried about his weight and currently abstaining from smoking, and he didn’t seem to be able to relieve his stress well. He looked somewhat somber.
At times like these, one should provide a fun and lighthearted topic of conversation. However, Kakeru tried thinking of all sorts of things, but couldn’t come up with anything.
“Kakeru, what’s for dinner today?”
In the end, Nico-chan was the one who started talking. I really am no good at anything other than running. Kakeru was dejected indeed.
“It’s probably curry. Haiji-san asked me to go to the shopping district to buy curry powder before the main practice.”
Something flickered at the back of Kakeru’s mind. That’s right, the shopping district. Didn’t Musa invite me to go and see his evening jog? Maybe it could be a diversion for Nico-chan.
“Nico-chan-senpai, would you like to run with me tonight?”
“Why are you talking like you’re picking me up all of a sudden?”
Yuki, who was a bit ahead of them, turned back. “Where are you taking me, darling?” he teasingly cut into the conversation with an expressionless face, as though he was wearing an iron mask.
“The shopping district,” Kakeru answered seriously. The three of them were the members who jogged on their own. It was perfect, so they decided to take a look at the “interesting thing” happening to the group jogging together.
As expected, dinner was curry. Kiyose’s personality of not cutting corners was demonstrated in his cooking as well. Before the main training, he boiled the onions until they were soft and tender, and adjusted the taste by uniquely blending the several commercially available curry powders that Kakeru bought.
But no one noticed the depth of the flavor of the curry sauce; everyone seemed more joyful at the fact that the curry contained a lot of boneless pork ribs. Even the colorfully arranged salads were devoured in an instant without a single chance to be visually appreciated.
“It wasn’t worth making this.” Kiyose, with an expression that was halfway between resentment and sadness, put the empty plates in the sink. 
Nico-chan, who seemed to have decided to eat properly, said, “I’ll just have a little more.” He stood before the rice cooker. “More than taste or anything else, just let these guys eat meat.”
The kitchen didn’t fit a table for everyone to eat at. When the dining table was filled, the people who came to eat later would get out a small tea table and sit in the hallway in front of the kitchen.
Shindou and Musa arrived when Kakeru was still eating his curry. The dining table was completely filled, and though the twins were nearing dessert, they didn’t attempt to clear their seats. They were currently in a fierce argument over whether to cover strawberries in condensed milk or milk and sugar.
Kakeru, who was mindful of hierarchical relationships no matter what, held his spoon in his mouth and picked up his curry-filled plate, about to give up his seat at the table. Shindou hurriedly stopped him. “It’s fine, Kakeru.”
“Senpai-kouhai relationships do not matter in Aotake,” Musa said. “That is why it is so comfortable, right?”
Kakeru sat back down at the table and ate the rest of his curry. For him, who had spent his three years of high school in his track and field club’s dorm, the fact that the upperclassmen ate in the hallway and the underclassmen ate at the table was unbelievable.
From his experience, as an underclassman he had to attend to his seniors’ personal needs, such as washing their shoes and doing their laundry. And of course his turn for the bath was near the end. That was the extent of it, and he didn’t really mind it as long as he could devote himself to practice without his seniors getting jealous of him.
Conversely, when he became an upperclassman, Kakeru didn’t want to let his underclassmen wash his shoes; they were important objects that were required for running. How his former senpai could so easily leave their shoes in someone else’s hands, he had no idea. His teammates in the same grade as him gossiped about him behind his back, saying things like “He’s messing up the order of things” and “Don’t try to look cool”. Kakeru ignored it all. No one could catch up to his speed, and if he could run without reservations when he became an upperclassman, then he was satisfied with just that. He thought he would let them say whatever they wanted.
Within the club, Kakeru had come to be kept at a distance, treated as an aloof and solitary existence. To put it another way, he was somewhat isolated.
But in Chikusei-sou, it was easy to breathe. Nobody cared about the difference between the years of their birth. They said what they wanted to say to each other. Even now, Nico-chan had just put an end to the twins’ fight. It was done forcefully by throwing both condensed milk and milk and sugar into the two’s strawberry bowls.
“You’re awful, Nico-chan-senpai! I wanted to eat it with milk and sugar!”
“I put it in for you, didn’t I.”
“I definitely prefer condensed milk.”
“I said I put it in, didn’t I.”
Leaving the exchange between the twins—who were far from reaching an agreement—and Nico-chan aside, Kakeru helped Kiyose in cleaning up. They stood next to each other at the sink, washing the dishes.
“Haiji-san, what time do you run near the shopping district?”
“Around eight. Why?”
“No, it’s nothing.”
Musa, who had come to put his plate away, winked at Kakeru.
Kakeru, Nico-chan, and Yuki went to the children’s playground at the entrance to the shopping district. Running in circles between the sandbox, swings, and slide was monotonous, but there was no other way to keep an eye on the shopping district while jogging.
They ran around thirty laps beneath the dim outside lights in the park, and just when they were feeling pretty dizzy, Kiyose and the others from Chikusei-sou appeared. They turned the corner and entered the large shopping district that led to the station. Their running abilities varied, so the procession was long and stretched out, but Prince somehow managed to keep up.
“They’re here.”
“Let’s try following them secretly.”
Kakeru and the others left the park and entered the shopping district.
There were many private shops lining both sides of the narrow street: the bakery, which had its shutters down after finishing a day’s work; the fish dealer, shouting loudly to sell the last of their wares before closing time; the snack bar, where customers were starting to come in for the night.
Lamps that imitated paper-covered lanterns cast an orange light over the street. People walking home from the station and shoppers aiming for limited-time sales crowded the shopping district.
“No matter how you look at it, Prince is too slow,” Yuki grumbled. “It’ll be hard to run without passing him.”
Kakeru and the others hid behind the passersby and slipped past Prince. When King’s back became visible, they also managed to pass him without being noticed.
“It’s Haiji.” Yuki indicated forward with his chin. Kiyose was running towards them.
“Why’s he coming back?”
“It’s too soon for him to have turned back from the station.”
The three tried to slip past by looking down, but Kiyose didn’t fail to notice them.
“Why are you guys sneaking around?” Kiyose turned and ran next to Kakeru and the others, who were running towards the station, to accompany them.
“What are you doing, Haiji-san?” Kakeru asked.
“I came to see how the guys running in the back are doing,” Kiyose answered.
His management abilities were flawless as usual. Kakeru wondered just how far he was running to keep an eye on everyone. He was a bit worried; his legs weren’t even fully recovered yet, apparently.
Meanwhile, Kiyose was carrying on the conversation with Yuki.
“Kakeru said something interesting was happening with you guys, so we came to see.”
“Oh, you mean that?”
Kiyose pointed straight ahead, where Shindou and Musa were running side by side.
“What are they doing?”
It was understandable that Nico-chan was puzzled. Shindou and Musa were wearing white T-shirts, but there were words written on their backs in jet black permanent marker. Kakeru strained his eyes and read the words on the two’s backs as they were running through the middle of the shopping district.
We’re aiming for the Hakone Ekiden!!
Supporters wanted for Kansei University Track and Field Club
“…That’s some proper lettering,” Yuki commented.
“Apparently, Shindou did it by hand,” Kiyose explained matter-of-factly, his breathing not even disturbed. “I told him to stop since it’s embarrassing, but he insisted that we needed it to raise funds. He actually made enough for everyone, supposedly.”
I’m definitely not wearing it, Kakeru thought. Shindou was always quiet and calm, with an air of aloofness like he wasn’t connected to this earthly world, but he seemed to be quite practical.
“That’s surprising. To think that Shindou-san would collect money so actively.”
“Through running, you can see unexpected sides of people,” Kiyose said with a smile. “Shindou, Musa,” he called out to the two running ahead.
“It seems that these three want to cooperate with your business activities.”
We never said that, we never said that! Kakeru and the others shook their heads in unison. Musa raised his hand a little towards Kakeru, who joined them.
“I will give you one of Shindou-san’s handmade T-shirts as well, Kakeru. Also, please take a look at that person.”
There was a bicycle weaving through the crowd of people in the shopping district. The person riding it was a girl around the same age as them. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was peddling her bike with all her might, her eyes fixed on something. Even from a distance, it was clear that her profile, which could be seen occasionally, was refined and beautiful.
“That’s the daughter of the owner of Yaokatsu,” Kiyose said.
“How do you know her?” Kakeru, who was preoccupied with the girl’s profile, moved his gaze to Kiyose running next to him.
“I’ve been coming here to buy food to cook for everyone at Aotake for a long time now, so I’ve seen her around.”
“Then have you ever chatted with her?”
“Just stuff like ‘these daikon have very nice leaves’ and ‘here’s your two-hundred yen change,’” Kiyose laughed from the corner of his mouth. “Are you curious about her, Kakeru?”
“No, not really.”
He returned his gaze forward. The bike was still heading for the station, popping in and out of the crowd.
“We’ve become a bit famous thanks to this.” Shindou pulled at the hem of his T-shirt. “Every day, we form a line and run like this, and the shopkeepers who recognize Haiji-san call out to us. ‘You’re a student staying in that shabby apartment, aren’t you? Looks like you’re starting something interesting,’ they say.”
“The landlord is a regular at the go parlor here,” Kiyose said. “Apparently, he’s going around spreading word that the ‘residents of Aotake are aiming for the Hakone Ekiden’.”
It was probably a strategy to get the locals involved in the plan so they wouldn’t be able to say “I quit” so easily. Kakeru was impressed with Kiyose and the landlord’s abilities to steadily remove the obstacles in their way. Since he was the first to announce his participation, it seemed that Shindou also intended to take the initiative in doing publicity. The carefree and easygoing residents were rapidly getting carried along by the flow towards the Hakone Ekiden. Will it be okay? Kakeru felt uneasy. However, it was nice and heartening that the people outside of Chikusei-sou showed interest in Kakeru and the others aiming for the Hakone Ekiden.
“She has been showing up when we are jogging recently,” Musa lightly pointed at the daughter of Yaokatsu who was riding her bike. “Her goal is…”
Drawn in, Kakeru, Nico-chan and Yuki’s gazes looked further ahead of the bike. The person who was running there was…
“The twins!?” Kakeru shouted in shock.
“Which one!?” Nico-chan also moaned. Musa shrugged.
“Well, I don’t know.”
“It doesn’t matter, they’re identical,” Yuki coolly pointed out.
I’m sensing love in the air, Kakeru thought. Jouta and Jouji, running next to each other, didn’t seem like they noticed at all. He would have to advise them to take a proper bath as soon as possible.
For now, it seemed certain that the residents of Chikusei-sou, who worked hard to jog every morning and evening, were becoming familiar to the people of the shopping district.
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christmasgeek2010 · 4 years
My Girl; Bang Chan One-Shot
Genre: Angst
Synopsis: You start to drown in your college work, and as a result, question your credibility and worth. Luckily, your boyfriend comes home just in time to catch you as you fall and remind you of who you are and what you’re worth.
Warnings: Self deprecating thoughts, mentions of nudity, established relationship.
A/N: Hello! This is my first work published here, and I’ve debated posting this for a few months, but figured if it gets no traction at least I had the balls to post it. If you have any feedback or want me to write something for you, don’t hesitate to send in an ask, or comment, or even DM me! I hope you enjoy!
You had always loved your balcony. Your french door balcony was your release. It was your relief from the world’s problems and your escape from any stress or tension you ever had. You had come onto this balcony when you had fights with your parents or friends, when you needed relaxation when doing homework, when you had a bad day at college or work, or when you found yourself longing for your boyfriend, Chan.
Chan. Christopher Bang. God, you loved Chan. He had asked you out in sophomore year of high school after you two met in middle school, and you two had been a team ever since. You two had the same friend group, watching as people came and went and cried and laughed together for almost ten years now. You two had gone to great lengths for each other, never giving up on each other or your relationship. You never knew how you got lucky to be able to know the man for almost a decade, let alone call him yours for a little over half that time. And he felt the exact same way about you. You were his world, his light, his muse. He admired how you carried yourself, always holding your head high and looking for the positives in any given situation. You always found something good to say, about anyone or anything. Even the most despised teachers on your college campus had been spoken about in a light manner from you. It was incredible how you could do something so easily that not many people can do with ease like you do. Yet, he didn’t see you breaking. 
You hid your bad days from Chan. You trusted him with everything you had in you, but he was the leader of an 8 man group that was currently on a steady incline in fame. His group, Stray Kids, was constantly releasing content, let alone music, and he had a hand in producing almost all of it. Plus, you can’t forget about all the variety shows the group does, the interviews, the music show performances, and not to mention his weekly Vlive show “Chan’s Room” he does on Sundays for Stays that last almost 2 hours sometimes. You went with them every chance you got, as you two were public for a while. JYP himself had come to accept the relationship. Mainly because he saw how much talent and potential Chan had, but he refused to break up with you for his career. You three compromised, and every day after college you go to JYP entertainment and help around as much as possible as your end of the deal. JYP told you a few years ago it was no longer necessary, but you insisted. You knew how much of a risk he took letting Chan date you through his trainee days into debut, and you felt like you owed the man a lot, even if he overworked your boyfriend and his group. You also went in because you got to see the boys often. You had grown a huge soft spot for them all, especially Jisung and Jeongin. 
Your dedication to your end of the deal, however, is the reason you’re on your balcony at 1:48am in the freezing rain. JYP told you to take a few weeks off to focus on your studies as he was sure you were falling behind, and falling behind you were. You had a massive stack of work that was overdue, and another of stuff that’s due soon. You had always been good at your studies and well advanced in education, but even this was overwhelming for you. It’s not like it was hard, it was all rather easily. However, even looking at the stack of work piling into both your laptop and at your desk made you uneasy and lightheaded. You had already eliminated half of the stack within the last 3 days, but it was so much. You wanted to hide from the world and shut it all out, run away from it all. The demons in your head constantly were at war. Convincing you that you weren’t worth Chan or your scholarships, that you weren’t worth the risk taken on you by JYP, that you weren’t worth being so close to such kind and selfless souls as Stray Kids. That you were a failure. That you should’ve been kicked to the curb by your lover long ago and he should be with someone far more better than you. It didn’t help that your boyfriend hadn’t been around for a day or two, having to spend more time than usual on producing for the group and making sure choreography was being made for the comeback that would be announced in a few months.
You leaned against your balcony’s railing, your hair sticking to your face as the flannel, Chan’s flannel, was sticking to your small frame along with the rest of your clothes. You didn’t hear the front door to your apartment open, didn’t hear the footsteps coming down the hallway, didn’t hear the voice calling out for you, didn’t hear the bedroom door open, didn’t realize you had tears cascading down your face until you felt a warm and slightly calloused hand brush against your cheek, wiping away one of many droplets, rain or tear, before two arms wrapped around your body, immediately filling you with a sense of safety, warmth, and peace of mind.
“Why are you out here in the pouring rain, baby, and how long have you even been out here? Your clothes are completely soaked through. Talk to me, my girl.” The second name made you crack a small hint of a smile. You always loved when Chan called you his girl, it reminded you that he was your home, and that you were the luckiest woman in the world. You sniffled, only realizing you had been crying for a while when your nose was stuffed from crying, placing one of your hands gently on Chan’s arms and rubbing soft circles on the skin with your thumb.
“College has just been rough, Channie. That’s all it is. I have it handled.”
“You clearly don’t if you're in the freezing rain unconsciously crying, my love.” Chan tugged you inside, ever so grateful that your bedroom was carpeted as you two walked in soaked. He asked you to go into the bathroom and get undressed for a warm shower, grabbing a pair of panties and one of his shirts for you since he knew how much you loved wearing his clothes when you were upset. You did as he asked, knowing he was tired from work. He walked in and undressed with you, turning on the shower and getting the water to a desirable heat before helping you in, getting in behind you as he grabbed the shampoo and started scrubbing your hair gently. 
“Seriously, Y/N, what’s wrong? You know I won’t judge you, whatever it is.” You sighed and rubbed your arms, still warming up from the cold outside. 
“I’m overwhelmed with college. I’m way more behind in work than I realized, and even though I got through so much work while you were gone, it’s still so much, and that’s without what’s not past due. Looking at all of it makes me feel uneasy, like I’m a failure for having that much backwork. I don’t feel like I deserve you because of it. You work so incredibly hard, for the boys and for us, and here I am struggling to get my shit together like a responsible adult before graduating college this year.” Chan couldn’t help but frown as you told him your honest feelings. He was grateful that you didn’t hide stuff from him often, especially when it got really bad, but he also felt his heart ache at your pain. You were his best friend, his girlfriend, his partner in crime, and dare he say his soulmate, and he had seen you basically grow up. You were his other half. You both had similar work ethics and similar viewpoints in life, which meant you both tore yourselves down when you didn’t succeed how you wanted, and sometimes you both forgot that the other would never love you any less for not jumping over a hurdle with ease. 
“My girl, your struggles will never make me love you any less. You’ve always been my number one supporter, and I will always be yours. Your struggles are what make you human, and what make you who you are. And I love who you are. I still can’t fathom how I’m able to call someone who’s as understanding and patient as you. Anyone else would’ve left as soon as I started working the way I do, but you stayed. You stayed because you know that this is my dream, and you’re willing to live my dream with me. I couldn’t be more proud of how hard you work. You’re a full time college student, work part time at the company doing basically everything, you help me care for the boys, and tend to me when I’ve had a bad day at work or get stressed from being unable to finish songs. You’re truly amazing, and I couldn’t ask for a better person to call mine than you. The boys love you, and I love you a million times over. I could never be ashamed of you, or disappointed in a little bump in the road. You’ll always be my everything, understand?” Chan rinses your hair before turning you around. Hot tears start streaming down your face again, this time mixing with the warm shower instead of the rain. You gently wrap your arms around your sweet boyfriend, squeezing his torso as he can’t help but smile and hold you against him. His fingers comb through your hair gently, knowing that’s your best relaxing tactic. Your breath is shaky as you look up at him, nothing but appreciation and love in your eyes.
“I love you, Chan. I’m so lucky that you’re a part of my life. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to put into words how much you mean to me and how much you’ve influenced me over the years.” Chan’s smile only grows at your words, knowing that you’re going to be okay. Chan’s been your rock for what feels like a lifetime. He’s not perfect, and neither are you. Neither of you expect the other to be perfect. The two of you have always only asked for the other to try, and try you do. You both steady each other, make each other whole. Any one else would see your position, bare bodies embracing the other as a promiscuous moment, but to you two, it’s another moment in your relationship that makes you realize how much you love the other. There will be more, much more for you two to face, but that’s for another day. A day that will end with the both of you hand in hand ready to face whatever the world throws at you once more. A day that will only make Chan more certain that he wants to marry you, have kids with you, and grow old with you. That he wants you by his side when his group makes it even bigger worldwide, when they eventually disband, when he retires from the entertainment industry, when he only writes songs for you as gifts. When he releases his first love song inspired solely by you, when his best friends get married, when his parents are no longer a part of this world. He wants you, only you, forever you.
“I love you too, my girl. I’ll always be the luckiest man in the world, as long as I have you by my side.”
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blisslilywrites · 5 years
Hi! Can I ask fluff about Kirisaki Daichi? Their girl doesn't sleep for several nights because of a school project. Please.
A/N: Hii, sorry this took so long 😅it was actually a little difficult to write too cuz we aren’t really familiar with the kirisaki daiichi boys BUT we tried so we hope you like it UwU
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You stretched in your seat, letting a yawn escape you. 24 hours until the due date. You groaned as you looked at your laptop. This research project was a disaster and you knew it. But you’ve spent the last few nights working on it, so you couldn’t exactly give up now.
Your boyfriend had offered you some help when you first told him about the project. 
“I just so happen to be an expert at [subject name]”
You refused though. You wanted to finish this project and prove to him you were good enough to do it on your own.
“Just let me help you y/n.” 
“No, it’s fine,” you protested with a yawn. “I’m almost done anyway.”
“Yeah almost done being alive.”
You stifled a yawn and blinked at your computer screen before yawning yet again.
Hanamiya sighed. It was honestly cute to see you try so hard. It stopped being cute when you looked like you were going to collapse from exhaustion. 
Deciding he wasn’t just gonna sit back anymore, he took a blanket from the bed and walked over to you. 
“Mako-chan? What--” before you could finish, he wrapped the blanket around your body.
You protested but could slowly feel your body lean into the warmth and comfort of the blanket. Your eyes snapped shut and you drifted off as Hanamiya picked you up off the chair you were in and carried you to the bed. He gently set you down and gave you a soft smile, one he'd never admit to giving. 
“Don't overwork yourself again, OK?” he mumbled, patting your hair. 
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As every second passed by, you felt somnolence slowly conquering you. You felt lifeless as you forced your eyes wide awake but your body tells otherwise. Beside you in your work station was Kazuya who had just finished the boss battle of a super mario video game, seeing your boyfriend in a carefree state made you feel envious, more stressed and insulted for an unknown reason. You wanted to cry, but your eyes were too tired to even comprehend your surroundings. 
"Okay, 10 down. 15 more." You let out an exhausted sigh. 
"Y/N," You heard Kazuya calling you, but you couldn't just get your attention off your work. You had been working for 8 hours straight, and Hara had called you many times but you just couldn't risk your time for a "meaningless" conversation. 
You heard a sound of applause, knowing that your boyfriend had already defeated another boss level. With him who was finished with his game, went to your side. 
"Y/N, you're already too tired. You should rest." He advised, yet you ignored. 
"Heyyy, let's sleep first. It's bad for your health." You maintained your silence. 
"Y/N, please." And for the last time you just wished he would shut up. You slammed your palm against the lumbers of your work station, turned to him with wobbly eyes and well, cracked. 
"It's easy for you to say! Well, I wish I could also defeat the final level of this project. You were just playing there being carefree while me?! I just want to pass, that's all. So please Kazuya.. just.. just.." Your face shimmered with tears rolling down your cheeks. Your voice desired one thing: to get your project over with. You wiped your tears away with shaky hands whilst your tears kept on flowing.
Hara didn't reply. In fact, he turned and walked away then you heard the sound of a door being shut.
You ate your tears and enervation and continued to do your work.
Hara didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he never did. 
Five minutes had passed and you barely progressed. But also within five minutes, Hara came back. He took a seat then placed it next to you with your work station. He brought your favorite food, his own laptop and a pillow neck. 
"Y/N.. so I'm sorry for earlier.. I know you are stressed and all but your assignment would lose its point if you die. So please, tell me anything you need to do and I'll help."
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You were sitting in bed next to your boyfriend. A pencil in hand, a notebook on your lap, and a pile of papers scattered around you. It wasn’t exactly your fault your teacher decided to make your week hell by giving you a nearly impossible assignment to complete by Friday. You were extremely annoyed and upset and angry and mad and tired and sleepy.
You shook your head in an attempt to drive the sleepiness away.
“Y/n. Why can’t you forget about your homework and go to sleep?”
“Koji, it’s not just some homework. It’s a quarterly project that’s not supposed to be this hard,” you groaned.
He gave you a small look. You knew what he was trying to say though. And you’re just gonna work yourself to the brink of death over some project?
“Look I need to pass this class ok? So just let me work on this for a few more hours.”
You weren’t sure if you could last a few more hours though. Your eyelids have been heavy all day, and you’ve been yawning non-stop.
Guess there’s no choice but to muscle through, you thought to yourself.
At that moment, you felt his arms wrap around your waist, softly pulling you towards him.
“I told you just let me work on this for a bit more,” you protested, trying to sound angry.
“We both know you’re not gonna last, so do yourself a favor and get some rest for now. You can continue it in the morning.”
He pulled you closer.
You tried to find an excuse to stay up but your brain was beyond exhausted.
“Ok,” you replied softly.
With that, he wrapped his arms fully around you and hugged you tight to his chest. You fell asleep within minutes. Once he made sure you were asleep, he quietly cleaned up and organized all your work before climbing back into bed with you.
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Seto Kentaro always liked your intelligence and the stubbornness that came with it. However, he wasn't liking it very much now when he came over to your house in the morning to find you buried in a pile of papers and notebooks. You had bags under your eyes and a huge thermos of coffee beside you. In all honesty, he could only sit and stare at you in disbelief.
‘No, you did not just spend the entire night working on that stupid project,’ he thought to himself.
“Huh? Ken-chan?” you said in a soft voice. You could barely keep your eyes open. “What time is it?”
He let out a deep sigh.
“It's time for you to go to sleep babe.”
“But...I’m not yet done,” you protested weakly. 
“Then I’ll finish it for you.”
He lifted you up from the chair and carried a protesting-you over to the bed.
“But what? You already wrote out everything in your notebook right? I just have to type it up for you that’s all.”
He plopped you down and you looked at him with tired eyes.
“I won’t even change that terrible grammar of yours,” he added with a wink.
“Excuse me?”
“Look here, you’re extremely tired and I know how much your studies mean to you. So here I am telling you to shut up and go sleep while I help you finish it. Don’t look at me like that, I’m actually a really nice and helpful guy.”
You snickered. “Yeah right. Go tell that to the guys you play basketball against.”
“Are you gonna accept my help or not?” he said with a serious face.
You sighed in defeat, fatigue and exhaustion slowly taking over your body.
“Thank you Ken-chan,” you muttered, pulling the blanket over your body.
He let out a small smile.
“Goodnight y/n”
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You slapped yourself awake for the millionth time. It was well past midnight but you still had a lot to do. That essay wasn’t going to write itself and you weren’t resting until it was finished.
But I guess it's fine if I just close my eyes for one second…
SLAP. Nope I gotta finish this. Just a few paragraphs left.
You stared at your notes thoughtlessly and took another sip of coffee before starting to type. The bedroom door creaked open and you heard the soft footsteps of your boyfriend walking in.
“Still not done?”
You shook your head and continued typing.
What felt like an eternity had passed and you had finished about three-quarters of the paper.
“Y/n,” Yamazaki said in a soft voice.
You hadn’t really been paying much attention to your surroundings and was a little startled by him. You turned around to look at him and saw him holding out a metal flask towards you.
“Some more coffee.”
When he saw the confusion on your face, he added, “This one’s pretty strong. It should keep you up until morning.”
You took it from him with a small smile and quickly went back to work.
After a few more hours, you finally finished it, submitted it, and crawled into bed to get whatever little sleep you could before school started.
When you woke up you realized two things. First, your boyfriend had already left. Second, you were extremely late for school.
You quickly got ready and rushed to school.
In between one of your classes, you ran into Yamazaki in the hallway.
“Hiro-chan, thanks for that coffee last night, but you know, you didn’t have to stay up.”
“Don’t worry about it. I took that class last year so you could say I’ve been through it too...” You could tell he was trying his best to play it off cool. But instead of saying anything, you just gave him a big smile and a quick peck on the cheek before running off to your next class.
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The sun had already set when you and Matsumoto left the library. It had been one long afternoon of tedious researching, but now you were confident that you could finish the assignment by tomorrow.
“Y/N, it's getting a little late. Wanna grab something to eat before we go home?” 
“Hmm sure,” you replied absentmindedly, too focused on the notes on your phone.
Once you two were finished eating and arrived home, you immediately went back to work putting your 100% into finishing this assignment. 
About a few hours later, you realized you had left your bag with a lot of important information in the library. You started panicking slightly. There was still so much to do. You couldn't afford to waste time by going all the way back to the library.
Some things can't be helped I guess…
You quickly grabbed a coat and rushed to the front door. Before you reached it though, you felt a strong hand grab your arm.
“Woah y/n, where are you going?”
“The library. I left my bag there and I really need it…”
“Oh, well it's not safe for you to go alone. I'll go with you.”
“OK…” you said hesitantly.
“What? Is there something wrong?” he asked with concerned eyes.
“No, it's just that I still have a lot left to finish and I'm not sure if I can make it through tonight that's all,” you answered softly.
Truth is this assignment has drained you both physically and mentally. At this point, you weren't sure how much longer you would last.
Matsumoto suddenly engulfed you in a tight hug.
“Y/N, if you're feeling too stressed you can just go to sleep. I'll go talk to your teacher tomorrow. Maybe ask if you could submit it later instead.”
You smiled at his words. He really was too sweet. Knowing how much he cared kind of re-lit that drive to finish this project.
“It's fine Tsuki-chan. You don't have to do that for me. I'll finish it.”
He looked at you skeptically. “Then I'll go get your bag and you stay here and continue whatever part of the project you can. Is that OK?”
Your tired eyes met his and you gave him a small smile and a nod.
“Thank you, Tsuki-chan.”
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
03:13am ||| Chan x Reader
Summary: Chan is always overworking himself at the studio, so you decide to keep him some company Genre: Fluff, some attempts at humour Warning(s): Cryptids, especially the mothman Word Count: 1265 Theme Song: Call Out - Astro AN: It was unintentional but YN is fascinated by cryptids in this one. I don’t blame them, I find them really interesting even though I don’t believe in them but yeah. Meet one of the oldest drafts I have!
Glancing away from his desk at the sound of a text message, Chan’s eyes were plunged into darkness. The lamp was so bright in comparison that it left him squinting for his phone somewhere in his bag. 
Blinking then at the even harsher brightness of his phone screen he found a text from you.
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Scoffing at your use at the meme, he was stumbling through the cold rooms of his studio without even thinking about it. His thoughts came slowly together as he went, eventually feeling very worried at why you were at the door and not at home sleeping as you should have been.
Rubbing his eyes as he fumbled with the lock, the door finally swung open to reveal your shivering figure wearing clothes that were nowhere near warm enough to protect you against the night.
“Y/N?” he spluttered. He was familiar with your strange escapades—he’d heard of them from the others accidentally letting it slip—but he’d never experienced one. Yet here you were, hair loose and shining in the automatic light above you and gifting you a strangely ethereal air.
“Hi!” you grinned, as if nothing was strange at all.
“It’s 3 in the morning?” He couldn’t help but feel the need to chide you as he spotted the damp speckles upon your jumper. It was raining, and you’d walked all the way here in it. He wanted you to stay safe and healthy, but he couldn’t deny how adorable you looked with your blushed cheeks and flushed nose that the cool wind had caught.
“I got sad after fever-writing an essay on why Area 51 contains aliens and why they’re hiding it from us—can I come in?”
He stepped aside without hesitation, letting you in and immediately leading you through the halls towards the only place with some heat. He rambled on and on about how it wasn’t smart to stay up so late and how you should be wary of overworking yourself as you went. Meanwhile you merely chuckled at him—a sound he secretly prized above all others.
“I knew you’d still be awake,” you said, as you finally reached his little lair, coming to perch on the armchair the furthest away from the buttons on the expensive equipment—you knew he would stress out even more if you didn’t, specifically after last time. You looked up at his figure in the dark, the lights dim and sinking into the soundproofed walls.
“And you shouldn’t be,” he insisted weakly.
“Don’t want my company?” You pouted, watching him fluster and quickly deny his words, before eventually chuckling at him. “Relax, I’m not going to leave you. I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake the kids. Besides, I figured you could do with some conversation, if you’re pulling an all-nighter again.”
He rolled his eyes at you, not that he was irritated in the slightest and it showed in the dimples that refused to leave his cheeks. His day was always brightened by your presence, and this evening—morning?—was no different.
“Well, if you’re staying, you’d better come over to the side room.” He began to step towards the door that he’d left ajar, cocking his head in a beckoning manner.
“Is that where you’ve set up camp?” You pursed your lips at him playfully, “I don’t know, Channie, I think you should take a break before you get to work again.”
He sighed, raising his eyebrows at you and biting his lip, desperately trying to pretend to be cross. “Not even a minute in my studio and you’re already trying to distract me from my work!”
You didn’t answer him, because you both knew that you were doing it for his own good, and so instead you outstretched your arms, giving him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
And he knew he couldn’t. However, he also had to consider the ever-encroaching deadline, and soon his brain had worked out a way for him to have his cake and eat it.
He narrowed his eyes at you with a smirk, once again beckoning you to where he’d been working. He rarely resisted your charms so smoothly, and so, out of pure curiosity, you followed him to the tiny offshoot room—that was more of a glorified closet—to see what he had in store for you.
“Comfy, love?” he enquired, to which you muffled a ‘yes’ into his shoulder.
Chan had sat you on his lap where he sat at his desk, your feet slipped through the gaps in the chair and left swinging inches off the floorboards. It was more comfortable for you than you’d expected, and after nuzzling yourself into his chest for mere moments, you’d already felt yourself drifting off.
After having a quick nap, you’d awoken and leant back against the wood, slipping crisps between his lips every so often as in when you weren’t scoffing them yourself. 
Even though you were most likely his biggest distraction, you were simultaneously his biggest aide, as well as inspiration. You kept an eye on ihs breaks, made sure he didn’t stress too much, and always offered sound advice.
Having settled back against his chest, hand stroking the base of his neck as the other scrolled through your phone.
“Apparently there’s a new cryptid on the loose,” you piped up, “in Massachusetts. It rifles through bins and scares the local kids when they loose their basketball all ‘It’-like.”
Chan exhaled, discarding his mouse upon its mat haphazardly as he leant back into the plastic of the chair, shifting your weight on his thighs as his arms wrapped around your waist. Warm hands nestled into your sides he let his eyes close as he rested his head against your shoulder. “I bet you it’s a fox.”
You chuckled, eyes scouring over the grainy photo. “Probably.”
After a few seconds of comfortable silence, Chan spoke up, his voice clearly drowsy, “Do you believe these cryptids are real?”
A sly smile played on your lips as you shrugged. “I have to believe they are.”
“How come?”
You pulled away so you could meet your boyfriend’s gaze, your fingers gracing his jaw softly. “Because I’ve met one.”
He frowned at you, not entirely convinced. “A whole year of knowing you and hearing you ramble about cryptids and not once I’ve heard about your personal encounter? Something doesn’t seem right, love.”
“Don’t you want to know what I met?” you urged, starting to slightly worry he was warming up to your tricks and wasn’t going to allow for any execution of this one.
He pretended to think for a moment, though his mind was made up all along. Taking a hand and drawing circles upon the small of your back gently he finally answered, “Go on then.”
Your grin was as bright as the sun as you spoke. “You!”
Your boyfriend was stunned to say the least. “What?!”
“I met you,” you reiterated, finding probably too much joy in his bemused features.
“Why am I a cryptid?”
“You’re too handsome.”
He smushed his lips together as he grimaced, letting his head tip back in faux disappointment. “Oh what...? No! No, Y/N, aiishh...”
“Yes, Channie, yes,” you sang, sinking to rest your chin on his chest.
“And there was me thinking you were going to say that you’d met real goblins before because you know Jeongin and Seungmin,” he sighed exasperatedly.
“You really thought you’d caught up with me yet? Oh baby,” you squished his cheeks, giggling as he groaned. “Though I’ll admit you’re right there too.”
“See! I’ll catch up with you one day,” he declared, sitting up and prodding your cheeks in return.
And that’s the story of how the janitor, after investigating strange noises with a broom in hand just in case, found out that there were no cryptids or ghosts lurking in the siderooms, only two strange insomniacs canoodling at a desk at 5:50 in the morning.
AN: I’ve had this prompt in my drafts for so long—from before I knew how to make proper em dashes on here—and it’s finally seeing the light of day, I’m so happy
i hope it was worth the wait ?
[photo used in profile pic is not mine i sourced it from pinterest]
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hyunbaes · 5 years
chan as your boyfriend 💌
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genre: fluffy mcfluff
warnings: none owo
a/n: theres TOO many gifs of blonde/strawberry chan, i bawled trying to pick ONE
- would be very loving like 100%
- you’re his entire world, he adores you so much
- like he’s the type of boyfriend that you can call at 3am because you can’t sleep and he’d sing to you or something
- he’s super affectionate
- kisses all the time because he thinks you’re the cutest 🥺🥺
- would give you kisses on the top of your head while you are studying or working on something important like chores
- you’d smile to yourself because your boyfriend is the cutest dude ever
- when he asked if you wanted to be his partner, he asked you with a song
- you cried cause this dude really wrote you a whole ass song about how much he liked you
- moving on! i feel like he’d leave his hoodies at your house whenever you hung out
- because he likes seeing his partner wear his clothes esp if his partner is small cause they’d be drowning in his clothes
- would take you on very fancy dates
- like ‘ill pick you up at 8’ kind of dates
- he’d say “let me take you to a restaurant” im so sorry
- but is also down for a night in just watching movies and stuff ^___^ <3
- would let you stay in the studio while he worked on music but wouldn’t let you listen ahead of time
- he said you would be cheating
- and you stayed like this ;0; for a good 5 minutes because you really thought you’d get that sneak peek
- chan loves u, he really does but even you can’t get that preview mr bang chan what is the REASON
- he gives really nice back hugs like
- you just feel at home in his arms, ya know? because his arms are so comforting and you just feel secure
- if anything were to happen to you, he’d drop everything just to make sure you’re alright
- if there are cases where he’s busy though, he’d try to finish his work asap just to be with you
- like if you’re sick, he’ll come to yours to make sure you rest and don’t do anything stressful
- that being said, i feel that he’d also would want someone to take care of him and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself bc he needs lots of rest !!
- for cuddling purposes, he would like to be the big spoon cause he likes holding you uwu
- but i could also see him occasionally giving in to being the little spoon because then you coddle him and he can’t help but go like ♥️____♥️
- if you can’t sleep, he’ll sing you an endless collection of Ed Sheeran songs
- he loves singing songs with you at the top of your lungs
- you swear you’re no good but chan adores your voice
- he tells you time after time
- chan: “your voice is amazing love”
- you: “you’re just saying that, we all know you’re the better of us two”
- chan: “i beg to differ,, i wish you heard your voice the way i did, it’s my favorite sound, next to your laugh, next to your regular voice, i just love hearing you”
- HES SO SWEET IM ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
- it’s time like those where you’re so lucky to have him around
- and he knows youre the world for him and vice versa
- the rest of the boys are like “ew chan is in love 🥺💗” SDHFJFJ
- jk but honestly,,,
- the boys love u for making their bro so happy and keeping him grounded and reminding him to sleep and all that affectionate stuff so they all love u just the same
- im crying writing this chan is the only dude ever
- i say as i also say the same thing for the other 7 members of skz
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kachuwritings · 6 years
Stray Kids reaction to their s/o overworking themselves
anonymous asked: Could you maybe do a skz reaction to their s/o overworking themselves in their studies? Like not taking breaks to rest and stuff? Thanks~
a/n: sorry for writing so much I feel like it turned out extremely crappy sjsjsjsk I hope you still like it :(♡
- gender neutral -
Woojin lived that busy idol life and always tried his best to make time for you. He knew you worked hard on your studies and were very busy as well but he had never seen nor realized the full extent of how hard you really worked. When he came home early in the morning, ready to take a shower and collapse in bed, he noticed you weren't in bed yet. Walking through the apartment he found you passed out on the kitchen chair, with your head resting on your text books. Now it hit him that you must be overworking yourself in order for that to happen. Looking at you with sympathy in his eyes, he lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom and tuck you into your blanket. Giving you a small kiss on the forehead before heading for the shower.
"Please rest, Jagi. We'll talk about your situation later and try to find a way to make life easier for you."
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Chan is such a hardworking member and would definitely know how you felt like. He works so hard to produce Stray Kids' songs and gets barely any sleep, so therefore it would break his heart to see you overworking yourself. When he came home one night around 5am only to see you still up and studying despite having to leave for school/college in around 2 hours, he realized how you've been overworking yourself all this time when he was still at the jyp building, practicing. He would get extremely concerned about you and worry for your health.
"Jagi, you shouldn't work all night without taking breaks or sleep, you will collapse if you continue like that. Please, rest a bit and tell me if I can help you somehow."
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Minho came over to your place despite you having told him you had to study, yet he claimed to be missing you and needing to see you now. When he was in your apartment you placed him on the couch and told him not to disrupt you until you finished studying to what he was pouting of course. While you were studying he watched TV, played with his phone, ordered takeout and even read a book, yet you still hadn't looked up from your textbooks nor took a break or had a conversation with him. The hours ticked by and Minho realized that what you're doing and if you're doing this on a daily basis, will make you sick eventually. Concerned for your health he got up and walked over to you only to snatch away your textbook. "No more studying, you need a break." He didn't let you complain or fight him on it, so you could only comply. He placed you on the couch and made you a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, telling you how studying hard isn't necessarily a bad thing but not taking breaks at all may damage your health.
"Next time, you'll set an alarm to take a mini break once every hour, go drink or eat something, get up and stretch, get some fresh air and loosen up your tense muscles and empty out your brain a bit. You need that, babe. And believe me, studying will get easier that way, okay?"
ignore the caption lol
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Changbin realized something was up when the amount of two on two time you shared would get less and less. Of course he knew it was hard to hang out with each other with him being and idol and all but it seemed like you were just as busy as him and if he had time to see you, you always told him no because you had to study, do homework, prepare a presentation or work on a project. He noticed how you texted him less and less even though you used to always find time to talk to him. At first he got worried, thinking you might not love him anymore but then he decided not to jump to conclusions and find out the truth. So one evening he'd get to your apartment with takeout from your favourite place and when you didn't open the door, he used the spare key you once gave him to let himself in. In the living room he'd find you asleep on the couch, books, papers and pens laying scattered around on the coffee table and on the floor. When he came closer to clean up the mess, you would wake up and look at him with a sleepy smile and that's when it hit him, you were overworking yourself and he had to so something now.
"Baby, you can't do this anymore. Look how tired and exhausted your body already is. Studying is by no means bad but please don't overwork yourself and put your studies before your health. Let's get you to relax now, okay? I brought your favourite food."
every time I use "okay?" for them to say, I imagine them to be pouting while saying "알겠죠?" skksksslbx
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Hyunjin was so happy to finally see you again. It had been a while with promotions keeping him busy and your work/school/college keeping you busy. You met up at a nice little coffee shop, the one you loved going to together because it wasn't very popular so you were still in a quite intimate setting and had enough time for yourself. When he approached you and sat down at a table with you, he noticed how you looked tired even though you were happy and smiling upon seeing him. He noticed the bags under your eyes and how you seemed to have gotten a bit weaker e.g you had less energy and seemed exhausted. Of course he would get concerned and after taking your cold hands in his, he'd ask if everything's alright. You tried to shake it off but with him looking into your eyes so sincerely you couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying and telling him about how much work you had to complete all day every day. Hyunjin understood you were buried in work and you seemed to be overworking yourself to a point where it was damaging to both your physical and mental health and therefore he knew he needed to help you and show you some support and love.
"Please turn it down a notch, baby. I know you're great at what you're doing but this is very unhealthy and you should rest a bit more. Try to take breaks and relax, do something you love and get your mind off of the work. It hurts to see you breaking down like that."
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When you were on the phone with Jisung one night and he asked you whether you had eaten, you said no what confused him. He'd ask you further questions like why you hadn't eaten yet and if you had eaten anything throughout the day. When you would tell him that you couldn't eat because you had so much stuff to do and that it's been like that for a while, he'd feel a pang in his heart. Jisung has a lot of empathy so he'd totally feel the pain and stress you were going through and he wouldn't like it one bit. Your voice sounded tired and weak over the phone and having you not eat because of so much work to complete was so messed up for him. He'd tell you to stay right where you are because he'd come over and bring food and that no matter how much you had to do, it had to wait because your health was more important now. When you let him into your apartment he'd get the second shock that night, you definitely seemed thinner and paler than last time he had seen you and the sight of you like that brought tears to his eyes because he couldn't bear seeing the person he loved suffering like that. He couldn't help but take you in his arms straight away before he'd eat the food with you.
"Jagi, we have to do something, you can't continue like that. You need to eat, especially when you're so busy with work. You need energy or you'll get sick. Don't worry now, first we'll eat and then we'll find a solution, okay?"
him on the phone with you sjsjsjsj
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Felix would notice you seemed to have become distant, not with your feelings towards him but with your thoughts. It seemed to him like something was constantly bothering you and on your mind. Whenever he hung out with you, you tended to zone out quite often and not hear what he would say to you. He'd need to pull you back into reality and repeat his question over and over and it started to worry him. He wondered why you didn't talk to him about what was troubling you and why you didn't let him try to help. So therefore he decided to confront you about it. You didn't see each other very often but the next time he came over to your place he dropped his concerns and asked you what was troubling you so bad. You'd realize he caught onto your strange behaviour but you didn't say anything because you didn't want to burden him when he was so busy himself. So you explained that to him and told him how your work/studies/school had been keeping you restless and that you worked so much you couldn't seem to relax anymore and whenever you did something else than what you were supposed to, your mind kept tormenting you with thoughts which in turn made you space out. Felix would look at you with big, sad eyes and sympathetically nod along to what you were saying until you finished talking.
"Is there any chance you could take a break? You need to recover before your health gets worse. Overworking yourself like that is horrible and you shouldn't have to experience it all the time."
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Seungmin noticed something was going on due to your lack of texts. Whenever he'd send you a message, asking about your day or how you were, he wouldn't get a reply back until late at night. He found it strange how you seemed not to reply during the day but at 3am when you were supposed to be sound asleep. He would text you more often, trying to get you to text back, which you wouldn't until late at night, as usual. He would start asking questions as to why you only ever replied after midnight. When he realized it's no use trying to get you to talk to him over text, he decided to visit you and see for himself what was going on. So one afternoon he'd find himself knocking at your door without any luck because you weren't answering. He then took the spare key he knew you hid inside the fake plant right next to your door and let himself in. When he didn't find you in the living room, he'd enter your bedroom and find you hunched over your textbooks, trying to get some formulas into your head while listening to music with your headphones. Your body looked extremely tense and like you were in some sort of pain. He approached you slowly in order not to scare you and when he saw your tired eyes, he knew you were working way too hard and it's been taking a toll on you.
"Oh my god, Jagi. You look so tired, have you been studying like this all day every day? Please take it slower and save some time of your day to relax. We're not made to work constantly without breaks and you deserve to get some time to yourself to recharge."
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Jeongin knew you were really busy but he didn't know how bad it actually was. Being busy himself he couldn't watch your every move and notice the change in demeanour earlier. It was only until you met up for lunch that he realized you're tiring yourself out way too much and that he had to do something to stop you or else you'd end up sick. You were at the table in a nice little restaurant and you sat opposite him. You didn't seem as energetic and happy as you usually were around him and constantly rested your chin on your hand with your elbow propped up on the table. Whenever he looked away for a short moment you dozed off only to wake up a few seconds after. At first Jeongin wouldn't notice but then he saw you dozing off and immediately realized you'd been struggling to stay awake all this time. He would ask you about your life and work/studies/school and ask if it was hard. You would explain to him the amount of work you already put in and how you seemed not to get a free minute to yourself anymore. He'd get so sad hearing you say that and sounding so exhausted.
"I'll help you relax, sweetheart. I know you need to get your work done but we'll organize everything and plan in breaks and resting time. You need to eat meals regularly and get enough sleep to stay energized. Please don't worry too much about it now, I'll help you because I love you and I don't want to see you get sick because of stress."
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a/n 2.0:That's basically what happened to me and now look at me, I've been trying to deal with my mental health for so long and my physical health also doesn't seem to get better. Stress, exhaustion and generally overworking yourself makes you sick not just mentally but physically as well. There's just a point when your body can't take it anymore and shuts down. Recovering from that takes a long time. For me it's already been more than two years and I'm still suffering from various problems every day. But I won't lose hope and hold onto the wish of recovery.
💖💖Please take care of yourselves lovelies.💖💖
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littlefallenrebel · 6 years
My love and feels for Skz 🌹🖤
I was tagged by my dear @pikachulein (thank you for doing that btw) to do a post about my feels for Skz so here it is! 
I’m just gonna say that this post is probably a bit cringy and makes zero sense because I have a hard time putting my feelings/thoughts into words :p Also... this ended up being.......1,2k+ words long, whoops 😌
I see Woojin as an older brother he’s 3 years older than me so there we go even tho it’s not that much, anyway so with him it’s definitely brotherly and sibling-like love. It would be awesome to have him as my older brother can i swap my annoying bro with him please and I feel like he would be someone who I can rant about stuff and ask advice. Since he’s also super loving towards his members and takes care of them, I can sort of relate to that since I’m lowkey the mom-friend in my friend group. He’s such a sweetheart and I’m so soft ;-;
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Bang Chan:
Ah, it’s mister ”here to wreck your bias list once again”. Chan is probably the one who confuses me the most, I mean he’s my bias but at the same time he’s my bias wrecker and I really don’t know how I feel about him?? I just feel drawn and very attracted to him. But despite being attracted to him, I seriously admire and respect Chan a lot. To me, he’s such an inspirational person and I would love to spend time with him talking about lyrics meanings and deep things. I think we're both that sort of people who sometimes think about stuff too deeply and maybe stress over small things. He's still so young and has a lot on his shoulders and i just sjdhsh. I would probably say my love for Chan is intellectual/magnetical type of love.
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Lee Know:
Ohlord it’s the pisces+scorpio duo  with minho it’s definitely the best friends/playful type of love, absolutely. I feel like if we two were best friends we would be that super salty duo who throws shade at everyone. Minho is someone who I would love to just hang out with and share some hot tea ☕ about stuff. Also, I feel like minho would appreciate my super bad jokes and puns no one ever likes my puns and i bet my friends are ashamed of me lmao and we could throw awful pickup lines at each other. I would love to just go on a random shopping spree with him or mess around in a park in the middle of the night. Where do I get a best friend like minho?
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Another sweet child o’ mine, my fellow Pisces son. I relate to Hyunjin a lot on an emotional level since I feel like we’re both emotionally sensitive so I’ll say I have this similar people/affectionate type of love towards him. I want to watch those overly sappy and cheesy movies/dramas with and cry together when something bad happens. Also, you know that face he does when he thinks his face is bloated?? I swear to god I do that exact same face 24/7. he's an affectionate person imo so i think he would make a nice hug/cuddle buddy, heh. and we both have a thing for weird noises too Hyunjin is probably the member who I relate the most to and he’s sometimes such a mood.
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oof, the ultimate bias wrecker. My love for Jisung is probably the affectionate kind of love and he is another member, who I admire.  Jisung is quite deep and poetic person in my opinion and I’d love to discuss and write lyrics with him. I adore his positive and goofy personality and his shenanigans always make me giggle and lift up my mood. I sometimes just get distracted by him and then I find myself thinking “what an adorable bean you are”. He’s such a kind-hearted and sweet person, I just want to squish his cheeks and ruffle his hair. But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t really feel that confident about himself, so I would want to just comfort and support him. I want him to know he’s doing well, that he’s talented and he’s more than just the mood-maker of the group. I just want to cheer him up with my very shitty jokes and drag him to the nearest arcade. Yeah, I just want to be friends with Jisung and have a blast.
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Felix, my sweet sunshine baby boi, a precious puppy with a deep ancient God voice, I love him so much i might cry. Felix was my first skz bias and is now my second bias, so I do have a sort of special soft spot for him. I would say my love for him is a mix of affectionate and pure love. Felix is such a soft sweetheart and pure, I just want to hold and cuddle him. Like?? i just can’t imagine anything bad or nasty about him??? that boy just radiates sunshine and happiness ;_; Like I would just love to play video games and make goddamn vine references with him, that would be life.
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With Seungmin it’s friendship like love. I just see him as a good friend who I would have a blast hanging out with I lowkey wanna have a roast battle with him, don’t ask why i just do also, as a fellow myday, we two could just scream and fangirl about Day6 together lmao. me and seungmin singing more like screaming the lyrics to shoot me at 2am? sign me up. He’s such a cutie squish. Seungmin is kind of a mischievious person and he lowkey brings out the mischief in me too, so I kinda want to prank the other members with him lmao.
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Okay, Jeongin is not that much younger than me but he feels like a younger brother to me, so with him, it’s probably sibling-like love I would say. He’s so cute and precious and I just want to look after him and I’ll fight anyone who dares to corrupt this smol bean.  I also lowkey want to have that friendly, sibling rivalry -like relationship with him, idk why. I want to make sure he’s doing well and offer my help if he needs it. Jeongin is such a pure baby and his smile is worth fighting for.
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baby boy culture uwu
this next part is gonna be the cheesiest thing ever and probably a bit cringy so you've been warned. bear with me and my feels
oh my god, where do I even start with seo changbin. I'm sure everyone and their ancestors know that my love for him is definitely romantic/true type of love. That boy makes my heart burst and I'm just so damn whipped. im so sorry but i must expose myself and admit that there is some sexual love here too sometimes cuz boi i've had some rather heated thoughts/dreams with bin, anYWAY BACK TO BEING SOFT I love that we share the same kind of aesthetic with all the "i love dark" stuff and wearing mostly black, but then actually being the softest. Since we both have had the thought of becoming a tattoo artist, it would be so cool to draw and design tattoos together! andthengetacoupletattoo I would want to spend time with him at the studio, bring him food and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself and even though I don’t know much about making music but I would love to help him with writing lyrics too. I would support and hype him all the way and make sure he’s healthy. I want to make sure he’s eating and resting properly. Also! Since I love the height difference between me and Bin, I just want to give him all my hoodies to see how smol and soft he would look in them!!  I honestly just love everything he does, every little thing. His aegyo, his cute nose crunch, his adorable laugh, his smile,  his fierce stage presence,…. I could go on forever. I want him to know he’s doing well and I want to be there for him. I want to have those random, sleepy 3am conversations with and hold each other close. I want ruffle and run my hands through his hair and boop is cute nose. I want to share soft kisses with him and kiss that jaw goddamit. I just can't properly put it into words how much I love Changbin and how much he means to me. I could honestly just spend hours talking about him and he just makes me go all ajdhshswg. This got rly long and it's very cheesy and cringy sorry. I just love Seo Changbin with all my heart ♡
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so yeah, here it is then. this post is a goddamn mess tbh but so am i so 🤷
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