#ch jily
mrsaluado · 2 months
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lari from @hotchfiles' archive for fics unrelated to criminal minds.
tags on this post will guide you to works for each character & type of reader.
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curseofaphrodite · 2 months
I want The Last Enemy to show up on every I've-read-ATYD-and-wanna-read-another-marauders-fanfiction-just-as-great person's doorstep so we'd have a bigger fanbase so I could be unhinged with more people.
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memebijin-love · 4 months
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Me imagining Wolfstar scenes in TLE but knowing that maybe not even one will exist... sigh 😭. (Btw I dreamed with new chapter again.)
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chdarling · 2 years
today I broke my own heart working on TLE and fully ugly cried in the kitchen for a silly amount of time about fictional characters with problems I invented in my own stupid little brain
and then I logged onto the world wide web shortly before bed to see that miss swift released a new music video with aggressive jily vibes IN MY HUMBLE AND CORRECT OPINION
so instead of going to bed I did a little swift-inspired jily doodle to make me feel better about the self-imposed sad
here, pls accept this messy snuggle as an advanced apology
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idk how to color yet, I’m gonna learn that next lmao
(James’s glasses fell off btw. It’s fine he’s super not worried about it rn.)
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jamesunderwater · 2 years
Passage - a Jily microfic
Author's note: I know this seems to paint them in a negative light, but I imagine that the mixture of being teenagers (who are inherently not the best communicators and have heightened emotions) and the stress of studying for N.E.W.T.s when you're about to be launched into a world strife with war could lead to a lot of meaningless arguments. So, have a bit of angsty jily and remember that they probably made up in an annoyingly cute way.
“No, it does not make any sense!”
His voice was low, as if trying to coax her to lower hers. “No, Lily, it’s—it does, just—”
“James, I swear to god, if you talk down to me with that tone, I will—”
“I’m not talking down to you!” His voice raised, and he groaned, noticing as they fell into the same old pattern. He threw himself back into his chair, tossing his arms into the air in exasperation. History showed that, by this point, there was no stopping the landslide of the argument.
Lily turned her body towards him, eyes narrowing into daggers. “Oh, what, you’re fed up with me? God, you can be so condescending!” Her delicate hands held down the Transfiguration book, and for a moment he had an image of her chucking at him. Not that he thought she really would, but the anger of Lily Evans was not to be trifled with.
James’s eyebrows flew up at her derision, heat pooling at his cheeks. He’d been trying to help her understand the same damn passage for nearly 45 minutes, and while he understood she was frustrated, his patience was also nearing its end. “I’m being condesce--?” He shook his head, his jaw tightening. “You know what, Evans? Yeah, I’m fed up,” he said icily, standing. The look of shock on her face was a little too satisfying to him, but he shoved his guilt down as he grabbed his satchel. “Feel free to come find me when you’ve got your ego back in check.”
That last bit was really a terrible idea, he knew, but the two of them had a particular way of pushing each other past their limit. He winced as the high-pitched sound of her shriek flew at his back. “My ego?! James Potter!”
He walked out of the library just as Madame Pince started telling off the Head Girl for being such a terrible example. Immediately, any sense of satisfaction soured to shame.
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frenchdispatche · 1 year
told myself im gonna just focus on the One Wolfstar Fic and now im planning an angsty jegulus backstory fic, james/reg reconciliation into romance spinoff, angsty remus wouldve/couldve/shouldve inspired oneshot, and a tangential jily undercover spies power couple 5+1 fic. i cannot do this anymore ive written only 500 words but my brain will not rest
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calmlyerratic · 2 months
Sooo I'm writing a Marauders AU where they (plus Lily & Sev) time travel to OotP in 1996 and meet Harry.
Some background info:
▪︎ this fic has a canon oriented timeline with wolfstar, jily, alternating pov's, & lots of humor (but also an emotional rollercoaster)
▪︎ Snape's Worst Memory and the willow incident haven't happened in 1976 yet, but in 1996 Harry has just seen SWM
▪︎ Dumbledore has just left Hogwarts & Umbridge is Headmisstress
▪︎ anything is possible: older characters meeting their younger selves, character clashing, timeline divergence/resurgence
▪︎ I have a plan for this fic, but I'm wondering...
Encounters of the Future Sort by CalmlyErratic on ao3, ch 16 just posted :)
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yallthemwitches · 26 days
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sideprince · 5 months
Speaking of James, what do you think of him in the prequel + Lily’s letter? She mentioned him not having the chance to go on excursions without the cloak, despite them being in hiding.
I've been thinking about this question and funnily enough it came up in another post where I had a fun back and forth with @seriousbrat! I should probably preface my answer by saying that I haven't put that much thought into James or Lily in general, and I don't really spend time in the parts of the fandom that discuss them at length, so my thoughts are based on a cursory revisiting of the text. Some of what I say may be basic stuff for the Jily/Marauders/¯\_(ツ)_/¯ parts of the fandom, some of it may be stuff that has already been counter argued with points I haven't thought of, etc. This isn't my area of interest, but your question is interesting! Tl;dr proceed with caution I guess lol.
The first thing that comes to mind about the letter from Lily to Sirius is why she wrote it in the first place. My own reading of it is that it's meant to be exposition more than something that has to do with a thought out relationship between these characters. Like many others, I'm frustrated with the minimal and flat way Lily is written. We get very few insights into who she was, most of them through descriptions from other characters like Slughorn. To me it's clear that Rowling held back on her for the sake of the big reveal at the end of DH, and I think a lot of Lily's character development got thrown under the bus as a result. But it could also just be that Lily is writing a thank you to Sirius for Harry's birthday present and it was the only time she ever sent him anything, but in the process she's giving him an update since they know each other as well as anyone knows their spouse's best friend.
In her letter she writes:
James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell - also, Dumbledore’s still got his Invisibility Cloak, so no chance of little excursions. If you could visit, it would cheer him up so much.
Deathly Hallows Ch. 10
Lily is showing a lot of sympathy for James here, while also acknowledging that if he had his Invisibility Cloak he would probably be sneaking out under it. I know that this implication is contentious across fandoms, and my own thoughts on it are: it falls within James' character to do something like that and be reckless, but while I think it's irresponsible and shitty, I also don't think he's satan incarnate for it, by any means. To me it - and how young James tends to be written - shows that he's an immature guy in a war where he spends most of his time shut up in a comfortable house instead of fighting (ie. his ideals aren't tested or challenged by trauma), and the first chance he gets to do something brave he forgets his wand on the couch and is immediately killed. I think James had very good intentions but kind of bad follow through.
In her letter, Lily is also asking Sirius to come visit to cheer James up, which I find strange, given the two men are such close friends. Why should Lily have to ask Sirius to visit? Are he and James not in touch? Or is Lily being thoughtful and identifying James needs and trying to meet them when he hasn't done so himself? Again, I think this letter is more about exposition, so I don't think there's any significant meaning here, just that the author was a bit careless. Lily then goes on to say:
Wormy was here last weekend, I thought he seemed down, but that was probably the news about the McKinnons; I cried all evening when I heard.
For me there's a conspicuous absence of any note referring to what a comfort James was. I talked about this in my other ask, but I think a lot of James, and as an extension his relationship with Lily, is the author's projection of her own experience in an abusive relationship and what she wishes it had been. That isn't to say I think James abused Lily, but rather that Rowling transferred some of her abusive husband's qualities onto James, while also projecting a fantasy of what she wished he had been onto the character too, ie. a devoted, loving father onto him who would - and did - die for his family. A lot of James' actions, mannerisms, and words - his arrogance, dismissiveness, and enjoyment of cruelty towards select people he has dehumanized - raises my own red flags as an abuse survivor. While I think he was a bully at school - and bullying is a form of abuse - I don't think he was abusive to his wife or child. I could draw a parallel with the phenomenon of the prison guard who enacts cruelty on his charges freely and then goes home and is a loving, doting husband and father who wouldn't hurt a fly, because he only abuses those he dehumanizes. Instead, though, what I think is going on is that Rowling is projecting a lot of her first husband onto James, and unconsciously and unintentionally leaving a trail of abuser red flags written into his character.
It hits hard for me that Lily is concerned enough about James, and empathetic enough of him, that she shares her worry about his frustration and cabin fever with his best friend, and asks him to come visit, because she wants to cheer James up - yet she makes no mention of James being a comfort to her when she spends all night crying about her friend being murdered. In short, Lily is identifying and attending to James' needs but we see no indication that this is reciprocated. It doesn't feel out of line for an abuse victim to describe a relationship like this, especially since it would be so simple to have added something like, "as difficult as it is being shut up in this cottage, it was a great comfort to have James that night."
It's odd to me that someone thoughtful enough to attend to their spouse's emotional needs would forgo expression appreciation for them doing the same, so my reading of this is that James doesn't provide Lily with the same kind of comfort. More importantly, it doesn't seem to be on Rowling's radar to mention how James reacted to his wife outright crying for a whole evening, which tracks with how a lot of abuse victims understand relationships, ie. it often doesn't occur to them that they should be reciprocal. And so, Rowling forgets to add in the bit where James offers Lily comfort, perhaps because it was something she lacked experience of and therefore didn't think to write. And while I feel the need to include the requisite statement of "fuck JKR and her transphobic, bigoted views" I also feel that despite that, I won't sink to her level and dehumanize others, and therefore feel it's still important to balance that view with sympathy for her experiences as an abuse victim.
As for the prequel, the implication seems to be that two muggle cops got in the middle of James and Sirius escaping from some Death Eaters. It's a fun little piece but also reveals that Rowling really benefits from having an editor, because the prose is overwrought and a bit clumsy. In terms of what it says about James' and Sirius' character, they don't seem at all concerned with violating the Statute of Secrecy in front of muggles, or with protecting those muggles from the three wizards who are presumably Death Eaters. James and Sirius were described by Rowling as "bad boys" and she talked about how this was something sexy that all women loved in men (which I find problematic for a number of reasons), however she doesn't seem to differentiate between youthful rebelliousness and selfish destructiveness. It's something Lupin talks about in PoA when he reflects on their youthful adventures. In any case, James and Sirius weren't rebellious - not in their bullying at school, not in their animagi nights, and not in the prequel. They weren't challenging an unfair authority or status quo, but instead were pursuing their own fun for fun's sake, and other people often get hurt, or come dangerously close to it.
In the prequel they leave the cops vulnerable and without defense with the three DEs who are knocked out and might be back on their feet any minute. Given that Death Eaters torture muggles for sport in canon, this seems like a careless and callous move. I also feel like the Phoenix shirts are a bit cheesy... Dumbledore would never? Is the idea that James and Sirius made the shirts themselves? Or is this just another clumsy literary device that exists for the sake of exposition but doesn't fit the characters all that well? I feel like if the Order did have some kind of gear with their emblem on it, it would be more subtle and also a bit more refined than a t-shirt. The idea of these besties wearing matching shirts is cute, it just feels out of character.
I'm not sure if this was the parallel you meant to draw or were asking about, but as to whether the prequel story takes place while James and Lily are in hiding, I don't think it does. James and Sirius are described as looking like they're in their "late teens" and this seems to be a pretty clear indication from the author that this is the age they're at. James and Lily are killed when they're 21, and they'd been in hiding for about a year according to @said-snape-softly's calcutations in this amazing post (though I need to adjust the timeline a bit because @saintsenara had some great thoughts too in this other post). So even if it was just a year or six months in between, I think the prequel story is set before James and Lily go into hiding.
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charmsandtealeaves · 7 months
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Well despite a very busy week, I actually also managed a lot of reading! Big win for me personally. This week is still predominantly Jily (no surprises there - especially with gift exchange fics dropped)
Read This Week:
Pinkest Bluestocking of the Ton by @wearingaberetinparis (Ch.11-)
WIP, Regency Jily, Rated M
Dearest Reader, the ton are abuzz with the latest gossip, and so it is my honour to impart to you the news that the Duke of Peverell has returned to London at last! A year after setting off on his tour of Europe, Lady Peverell's son has returned and rumour has it that his mother is preparing for the most joyous of occasions: a late summer wedding that sees her son wed the next Duchess of Peverell. It is my sincere hope that you have stored a bottle of wine for this most delightful of upcoming events for if ever there were a more determined mama, this writer is Icarus and this society paper has been scorched for flying too close to the sun. A Jily Regency Romance inspired by Shondaland's "Bridgerton".
Down Comes The Night by Wearingaberetinparis (Ch.1-)
WIP, Hogwarts Jily, Different Houses, Rated M
As the Wizarding World grows ever darker, the threat of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters looming, James Potter – Gryffindor at heart, pure of blood, traitor by nature – and Lily Evans – Ravenclaw of mind, Muggle by birth, solitary of soul – are appointed Head Boy and Girl.
To Bring Down A Kingdom by @mppmaraudergirl (Ch.1-)
WIP, Forbidden Love Jily, Rated M
“If we do this…” “For all of time, they will say it was our love that brought down a kingdom.” A story about forbidden lovers, the battle between duty and love, and the cost of betrayal. Inspired by the film Tristan and Isolde.
Your Friend, James by @thelighthousestale
Complete (5.3k), Letters, Hogwarts Jily, Rated T
It is the summer before their 7th year, and Lily and James spend the entire holiday writing letters to each other as their relationship slowly changes from friends to something more.
Miss Evans and the Impossible Task (of finding a husband) by @annasghosts (Ch.9)
Complete (22.2K), Regency Era Jily, Rated T
Miss Lily Evans, the youngest daughter of a widow with a modest fortune, at one and twenty years of age knows what is required of her: to find a husband willing to support her and her mother. The problem? Men of the London society aren’t swayed by her lack of a dowry and brazen attitude. Luckily for her Mr James Potter has just come home from Cambridge and she can enlist his help to find out what men really want.
A Tale of Two Sisters by Annasghosts
Complete (2k) Lily and Petunia Evans, Rated G
This is the story of Lily and Petunia Evans, two sisters who couldn't be more different, but once upon a time, when they were little girls, thought their bond unbreakable.
Theogony by @clare-with-no-i
Complete (120k), Ancient Greece/Time Travel Jily, Rated M
The trip that Lily Evans expects to go on is the annual pre-dissertation jaunt to Athens with the rest of her Classical Civilizations PhD program. The trip she does not expect to go on is to 479 BCE, right on the cusp of one of the most important battles in the Greco-Persian war. Now, she has to navigate antiquity as she tries to find her way back to the 21st Century, God—or gods—help her. James wants to win this war. No, James needs to win this war. He is a man of honor and duty, and even if it means dying a gruesome, bloody death, he will go down in history as one of Athens's great warriors. He will suffer no distractions; not even beautiful ones who speak strangely and refuse to listen to his orders.
Drunk on You by @kay-elle-cee
Complete (4.3k), jily in a tub, Rated E
While on a weekend getaway with some friends, Lily steals away somewhere private to cool down from the sweltering heat and the alcohol in her system. James Potter, a (very fit) friend-of-a-friend who's tagged along, has a similar idea. Spilled wine, bare skin, and bold flirting do not help them cool down one bit.
Accidental Magic by @missgryffin
Complete (9.1k), Jily smut, Rated E
What else is there to do after confessing feelings in the middle of the night than spend a lazy Saturday in bed?
The Three-Minute Initiative by @annabtg
Complete (1.9k), Jily Speed Dating, Rated T
The first bloke Lily meets at the speed dating event is too cold and distant; the second one lacks enthusiasm; the third one doesn’t look like the type to take initiative. The fourth bloke is when she stops counting.
The Couch Chronicles by @jamesunderwater
Complete (3.1k), jily/jilypad cuteness, Rated G
Lily Evans thought Sirius Black wasn't her friend, but she also thought James Potter was just her colleague. She was wrong on both accounts. written for the lovely AnnaBtG as part of @jilymicrofic's 2024 Jily Gift Exchange, and inspired by this fanart.
Loose Ends by @abihastastybeans
Complete (1.7k), Enemies to Lovers, Thieves Jily, Rated M
Written for Jilymicrofics' Valentine's Gift Exchange 2024!! "He walked up behind Lupin and scanned the map, tracing his finger over the hand drawn lines, determinedly. “You’re part of the team now and you’re going to help me show Lily Evans who’s who.”"
Thrice Defied by abihastastybeans
Complete (2.4k), First Wizarding War Jily, Rated M
Written for Jilymicrofics' Valentine's Gift Exchange 2024! James and Lily defying Voldemort three times
there's nothin' like a mad man by @athenasparrow
Complete (1k), Jily smut, Rated E
Order Jily love confessions
Never Far Behind (Those Vivid Knuckles) by @uncertainwallflower
Complete (742), protective jily, Rated E
To wrong Lily Evans is to face James Potter's wrath.
As Good A Reason by @fiendishfyre
Complete (9k), jily enemies to lovers, rated G
James and Lily enter a competition to become apprentices to a famed Potion master.
Operation Jily by @nena-96
Complete (3k), jily, meddling friends, Rated T
Marlene is tired of putting up with James and Lily, so she seeks the help from Sirius and Remus in order to get those two idiots together. Operation Jily is set and ready for action.
Sweethearts’ Special by @tinyluminaryzombie
Complete (1.6k), Jily Coffee Shop AU, Rated T
What happens when your coffee shop nemesis, asks you to pretend to be a couple? "I’ve been staring at the stupid cupcakes for the past hour, and they look way too good. Anyways, would you be willing to join forces and pretend to be together for the free cupcake and coffee?”
Hell is Empty (and all the devils are here) by @nodirectionhome-ao3
Complete (11.4k), canon divergent Order! Jily, Rated M
When an Order mission takes an unexpected turn, James and Lily find themselves stranded together. In the aftermath of the chaos, sheltering together through the storm, a fire catches between them.
Between the Desire and the Spasm by @uncertainwallflower (ch.10)
WIP, canon divergent, modern with magic jily, Rated M
Trains are arguably the centre of everything. The sinew of civilisation for muggles and wizards alike. They are where all walks of life converge. Congregate. In synchronised traversal. Shared agony inflicted by the piercing screech of metal on metal, bonding all patrons aboard a carriage. And outside. A passing glimpse of someone you thought you’d never see again. Trains. They change everything.
Quest For Camelot by @petalsinwoodvale (Ch.10-11)
WIP, Quest for Camelot Jily AU, Rated T
All Lily has ever wanted is to be a knight, like her father, Sir Lionel. After Camelot is attacked and the magical sword Excalibur is stolen, she finds herself teaming up with James, a young blind hermit, as they embark on a quest to find the lost sword. Together, they face the threat of the evil Ruber, navigate challenges with a two-headed dragon and an ogre, and discover that they're more alike than they initially thought. Will they manage to return the sword to Arthur in time, or will they lose not only each other but also their dreams and the precious Excalibur? Based on the 1998 movie Quest for Camelot, but more plot and less singing.
The Librarian of Hogsmeade Village by @ohmygodshesinsane
Complete (8.2k), modern jily AU, Rated T
Lily's work as a librarian in the small village of Hogsmeade has kept her occupied for the past six years, forever keeping the wheels of the town on the track. As the holidays approach, she prepares to settle in with a nice mug of tea and a well-thumbed old book. When a new resident and his son arrive at her weekly story-reading, with cheeky smiles and big hearts, those plans are tossed out the window in favour of chasing love, for once - not escaping it.
Heart Transfiguration by @siriuslychessi
Complete (2.8k), Hogwarts Jily, Rated G
James and Lily have a study session on their 6th year where James starts to notice some changes in Lily's behaviour.
Get a Room by @chierafied
Complete (1.3k), Modern Jily AU, Rated T
The long-awaited trip to London goes awry when Marlene chooses to spend time with her boyfriend - forcing Lily to share their room with none other than James Potter.
The Duel by @reality-exodus
Complete (3k), First Wizarding War, Rated G
While the Marauders are studying in Hogwarts the first wizarding world blooms on their societies with the threat towards Muggleborns getting greater, unfortunately Hogwarts its not a safe place anymore, as the slytherins carry on the believes of their families in school grounds. What happens when Lilly is a targeted Muggle?
Just The Two Of Us by @arianatwycross
Complete (10.2k), Hogwarts Jily, Rated T
Head Students James and Lily face a perilous twist when a malicious potion surfaces in hate mail directed at Lily. Dumbledore orders a week-long quarantine in the Head Students' suite. With unspoken crushes lingering, the duo navigates close quarters, leading to unexpected revelations, lingering looks and forehead kisses.
The Wait Was Worth It by @rose-of-the-grave
Complete (3.3k), Hogwarts Jily, Rated G
James is trying to move on. Lily thinks it's too late. With some help from their friends them might finally be on the same page.
The Boy (In The Bedroom) Next Door by @eastwindmlk (Ch.1-5)
WIP, Canon Divergent Jily, Rated T
1986 Lily Evans has to move in with her new potion's teacher to finish her apprenticeship. There is one small issue, said teacher? Fleamont Potter, father of infinitely annoying and frustratingly fit former rival James Potter. Who she has not seen after leaving Hogwarts after her third year.
The Queen of the Quills (Jily Edition) by @elliemarchetti
WIP, Regency Jily, Rated T
James Potter, London's most evasive bachelor, an impertinent libertine, has decided to get married. He has also already chosen his wife, the debutante Lily Evans, a self-confident young woman who has not the slightest intention of being seduced by such a man.
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
so at the risk of sounding like an idiot…for whatever reason i thought this was going to be jegulily but has it actually been regulily bffs with jily/jegulus in a love triangle situation??? not asking in an angry or rude way but in an “am i so dense i missed this the entire time?’ way
(pls ignore me if you got this ask twice but my wife crapped out right as i sent this the first time)
yeahhh it’s not an easily categorizable relationship which is why the fic is not tagged jily or jegulus or jegulily bc it is. none of those. hang on i’ll explain under the cut don’t think it’s quite as much of a spoiler anymore but just in case
ok here’s the breakdown: regulus is in love with james. lily is in love with james. they first bonded when they realized they were both in love with james & both knew that nothing would ever come of it & both agreed not 2 sleep w him bc they knew it would just break their hearts etc. james is not in love with either of them. he loves them very much, but it is not the romantic love either of them desire. however he doesn’t view sex as a big deal just a fun thing to do with people, including people you love.
so like. in ch 20 what happened is that james + lily went home together, both kinda drunk, and in a moment of poor judgment & high emotion (they all might die the next day!) lily decided to sleep with james despite knowing it would mean something different for each of them & would probably make her feel like shit the next morning. james was down 2 clown & was just like aw my friend who i love of course i wanna have sex let’s have a good time! regulus walked in on them & got mad at lily bc he felt like she had betrayed their pact not to sleep with james & also bc he is jealous (he’s not being entirely fair to her, but emotions are messy sometimes, & lily understands why he’s upset). so in his anger he basically told james “u idiot she’s in love with u” & james, who thought he & lily were on the same page feelings-wise, realized that they were not & he slept with her even though he doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, which will hurt her.
so now lily feels shitty bc she sort of promised regulus she wouldn’t sleep w james and then did, and also bc james now knows she’s been in love w him 4 years which will irrevocably change & possibly destroy the once close friendship they had. and also she’s upset w regulus 4 telling james she was in love w him even if she understands why he did it. regulus feels shitty bc he walked in on his best friend sleeping w the man he’s in love with after she said she wouldn’t & he’s jealous & he’s angry at james 4 hurting lily even tho it wasn’t intentional & he’s angry at lily 4 putting herself in that situation knowing she’d get hurt & that it would hurt him & he feels guilty 4 telling james lily was in love w him bc he knows he just did it 2 hurt them both back so he’s angry at himself as well. james feels shitty bc he thought regulus & lily were both happy just being friends but is realizing that they’re actually in love with him and thus that his inability to reciprocate those feelings hurts them both deeply & there’s nothing he can do about it. & even if he could this is not a situation where either of them would be happy if he loved them both back like if he was in love with lily it would hurt regulus if he was in love with regulus it would hurt lily so. it’s a mess & everyone feels bad yayyyy who else cheered
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introducing my debut fic That Odd Melancholy Feeling.
canon compliant (as much as it can be with a non-canon ship)
marylily centric but their character exploration as individuals is my priority
all the valkaries + marauders are there
dorlene & wolfstar is also there!!
switches between mary & lily's povs
ends with jily because of canon compliance (and btw i love jily very much, there's no jily/james bashing at all, just cruel realism)
title based on an abba song, what else do you need??
slow & irregular updates but will be updating nonetheless (student duties unfortunately)
lily is not a goddamn mary sue (and she doesn't need to be perfect to be lovable)
tw: realistically complex female characters
ch-1 is up!!
can read on ao3 or wattpad
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Hello darling x
Just wondering if youd be open to the idea of writing a Jily x reader series after Guilded Constellations with reader as a half-breed?? (but its public knowledge instead of hidden like GC reader) Maybe a veela or vampire. I know itll still be a while until GC finishes and you should take a break afterwards but id love to read your take on this grouping as well. Youve done Wolfstar so well, and Wednesdays cant go fast enough to give me my fix (i live in Australia so ch are released late at night mostly)
I mean, after GC I already have another Marauders series planned out, It's called Point of Know Return, I talked a little bit about it on this ask. But I would love to do a Jilly x reader fic. Maybe not a full-fleshed series, but something slightly smaller with a bit more casual entries.
I'd love to explore especially the hald-bread aspect of reader being public, since I'm sure there would be a lot of nasty bullying thrown in there but she would probably fight back, even more if it's about trying to bring Lily down, like she really would be her Dark Knight.
Also both Veela and Vampire sound fun, Veela bc I love mermaids and Vampire because let's be honest, fangs are hot af. Imagine her having slightly sharper fangs that she's self-conscious about, accidentally drawing bIood when kissing someone? I mean I'm so, so down!
Clearly, I like the idea, of course, there are a lot of details I'd have to flesh out and analyse, but I'd try to map the full plan of the story ready so I don't end up overwriting (as much) as I ended up doing it with GC, but this one seems fun, perhaps, if I had enough time, I could work on it when GC is about to end or while working on POKR.
Would you guys be interested in this one? What else would you like to see happen?
Read Gilded Constellations
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jfleamont · 1 year
sorry if you get this message twice, I don't know if this actually sent earlier cos it glitched.
do you have any recommendations for long jily fics similar to the last enemy project by ch darling?
Hello dear, I'm so sorry for the suuuper late reply!
You sent this on the 18th of May and I wanted to reply right away but I had an exam the next day and two days later I got a wisdom tooth removed but I'm all good now!
I haven't read The Last Enemy yet because it's quite long but I'm going to do it sooner or later! I think I know what you're looking for, though :) I made a list of similar fics: I haven't read them but I've only heard great things about them, hope that works for you!
I've talked about The Life And Times maaaany times (check my #tlat tag) and yeah, it was my introduction to Jily and probably the only long canon fic I've read so this is my first recommendation (I'm sure you're already familiar with it but I wanted to include it anyway)
Commentarius by @bcdaily another similar fic! It starts in 7th year and it's an old school Jily fic and one of the most popular ones. It's not complete yet but I believe the author is planning to update it :)
Come Together by @thequibblah is great, too! It starts in 6th year and so far I've only read a one-shot that takes place in the same universe but I fell in love with the style and the characters!
Bond and Free by @clare-with-no-i is one of the fics I've been trying to read but I can't seem to find the time; I've read other works by the same author so I definitely recommend it!
These are the ones that come to mind at the moment, but as always I encourage people to add their recs in the notes/reblogs. If this is not what you were asking for let me know and I'll see what I can do!
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imsiriuslyreading · 7 months
Are you the person who has that giant spreadsheet of different marauders fics organized by pairing
If yes:
Can I have it 🙏
If not:
1) sorry
2) do you know who I’m talking about? Can you point me in the right direction, o patron of marauders fandom?
there's lots of us with spreadsheets floating around, and mine isn't giant... *yet*, although I've got about 300ish fics to add to it so I'll start on that this weekend.
but yes
here is my incomplete list of fics I've read and have been recommended :)
like i said i've got LOADS TO ADD but theres wolfstar, jily, jegulus, rosekiller, dorlene, dramione, drarry, panville and lots of other pairings on there so ENJOY <3
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rose-of-the-grave · 12 days
Update on WIPs:
I am currently working on a fic for eris week which should be out Saturday, it's a follow up to castle. I also have a jily request that I will start working on when I'm done with that and then I'm going to do my best to finish ch.4 of TGW in the next week or two. It's slow going now with work and school but I do have it partially written so keep on the lookout.
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