#cero rating
inature · 2 months
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Death end re;Quest Code Z first details, screenshots
From Gematsu
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Compile Heart has released the first information and screenshots for roguelike RPG Death end re;Quest Code Z, which is due out for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch on September 19 in Japan.
Get the details below.
[Violence/Gore warning; they weren't kidding with that CERO Z rating]
■ Story
A story in which various “parallel worlds” exist. Iris was born in “DE-1 World,” which is the spitting image of Earth in the 2000s. The “spiral” of tragedy that continues to loop created by Iris’ birth is gradually unraveling thanks to the activities of Arata Mizunashi and company. And so Iris, who regained good will, created “DE-1.5 World,” a replica of “DE-1 World.” This was an ideal world where those expected to fight were kind to one another, and where everything was in sync. However, a new crisis drew near even in this world. A mysterious man appears, and the heroines are in danger. And so new protagonist Sayaka Hiwatari must face against a chaotic scene of friends and foes alike. The battle against the upper world is about to enter a new phase…
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■ Key Features
Significantly More Gruesome Expressions in the Series’ First CERO Z-Rated Entry
Death end re;Quest Code Z is loaded with event scenes that vividly depict the characters in bloodshed and after death. Additionally, intense sound effects significantly enhance the game’s sense of realism, which includes bones breaking, flesh tearing, and necks twisting.
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A Completely New Story Featuring a Cast of All-Stars
Featuring numerous popular returning characters from previous entries as well as new characters, Death end re;Quest Code Z is a new story connected to past titles. The player teams up with the cheerful and positive new protagonist Sayaka Hiwatari, and the story advances as they work together. Unravel the inner workings of the world and approach the mastermind.
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A Roguelike RPG That Can Be Played Again and Again
The alternate dimension known as the “Strain Area” is a 3D dungeon that changes structure each time you enter. With terrain, enemies, traps, and items that change upon every entry, unexpected “deaths” await!
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■ Characters
Sayaka Hiwatari (voiced by Yoshino Aoyama)
Shina Ninomiya (voiced by Hisako Tojo)
Mai Toyama (voiced by Chiwa Saitou)
Yurisa Yamamura (voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara)
Order of Aphasis
Liliana Pinnata (voiced by Manaka Iwami)
Artists / Celebrities
Kaede Hizumi (voiced by Marika Kouno)
Chloe Aaron (voiced by Chiyo Tomaru)
Svetlana Amou (voiced by Chinami Hashimoto)
Chosen Citizens
Hinata Morikubo (voiced by Minami Tanaka)
Rotten Dollhart (voiced by Madoka Asahina)
■ Theme Songs
Opening Theme Song
Title: “Over my DEAD copy”
Singer: Gesshoku Kaigi
Writer / Composer / Arrangement: Gesshoku Kaigi
Ending Theme Song
Title: “Zion”
Singer: Gesshoku Kaigi
Writer / Composer / Arrangement: Gesshoku Kaigi
View the screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here.
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negamekos · 2 years
i can't believe a timeline exists where hana awase could get a switch port AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION in the year of our lord 2023
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sukimas · 1 year
nergal is hands down the funniest FE villain because he's a kaga villain wrangled into being E for Everyone and it's a struggle for certain. many parts of fe7's plot are fine but taking Just Guenchaos and making him CERO A so you can tell the game to 5 year olds was bound not to work well from the start.
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kresnikcest · 2 years
I just want Ludger to come back to the PD bloodstained bc Elle’s Key powers mean it won’t just disappear when they destroy the FD
All of Spirius is like “it’s okay, Fractured worlds aren’t real” and Ludger is just there drenched in someone else’s blood like Are You Fucking Kidding Me™
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acsisz · 8 months
About DecaPolice's possible 18+ age rating (TGS info translation)
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*Image above is from Level-5's official website's TGS Report Day 1.
So, back in September during TGS, Akihiro Hino (Level-5's President/CEO) had a stage interview with Danganronpa & Rain Code's creator Kazutaka Kodaka.
The video has since been deleted from Level-5's official channel (since they had said they'd only archive it for 3 months).
But I've rewatched that video so many times I can almost rewind a section of their conversation back in my head 😅.
And that section is about Decapolice's age rating.
Basically, what happened was:
Hino: I like the games made by Western people, it makes me feel like we Japanese people should band up and do our best as well.
Kodaka: Speaking of Western, I know Level-5 usually make family-friendly games, but don't you want to try making a CERO-Z (18+) game like them?
Hino: Well, to be honest, it's not a proclamation or anything, but the game we're currently making, Decapolice, might actually be CERO-Z (18+).
Kodaka: Seriously?
Hino: Yes. It looks cute on the outside, but the inside's just messy (dorodoro). It's hard since, when developing it I'm always told "No, you can't. That's impossible for this country and that country." (As in impossible to sell in some countries AKA banned). When faced with that, it makes me feel like, "Well, should we not then?". But still, I want to stay true to Decapolice's original essence as much as possible.
Kodaka: Then, do you like brutal scenes too?
Hino: No, no, I don't really like brutal scenes. But, I made those scenes so they could in turn elevate other better, more beautiful, scenes.
Kodaka: I've played the demo, but it feels like a team game, full of fun and light-hearted.
Hino: Oh no, the actual thing is super dark. It's filled with things like 'revenge', 'karma', etc.
Kodaka: Is that so?
Hino: Yes, this time (TGS) we're pushing it as another one of Level-5's family-friendly game. Although, in the upcoming future we'll be revealing what the game truly is, little by little.
Kodaka: I see, I'm pretty interested now.
And that's it.
I have confidence in my memory & translation ability, and you can also find the same info from both JP & ENG twitter accounts that were watching the interview, all shocked 😂.
Also, this Famitsu news article that basically wrote down their convos (in Japanese & shortened): https://s.famitsu.com/news/202309/23318239.html
One more thing...
I just want to mention that Decapolice's use of puppet forms is because Level-5 wants to sort of 'side-step' the age rating system, by making them cute puppets and dolls.
Here's a link to that bit of info's translation by user @DartsEnthusiast on twitter (they also post the original article's link there): https://twitter.com/DartsEnthusiast/status/1636145350749704194?t=R9lBFMpto7vC6qUjPqAt8Q&s=19
...And with that, see you guys later 👍🏻
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Did Vesper slept with other Icons? how would he rate them?
[What follows is an excerpt from Vesper's personal ratings notebook.]
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Zizz: Not bad at all, fat cock and cute noises, he'll let me do whatever to him <3! I can probably always get a snack out of him when I'm peckish at meetings. 9/10
Livius: Turns out those twisty limbs really come in handy! I can basically turn him into a pretzel, which is hotter than I imagined. He's very fun to try new positions with. Unfortunately, very whiny and complains often. 7/10
Kalymir: Ouch, super rough, not for casuals. But a very good lay, his knot is fucking brutal and he's LOUD. I'm sure I'll get him to bottom like a total cumslut one day. 9/10
Rinx: Way too expensive... But will do anything for shiny stuff. I like how big his hands are, they feel nice. I'd have him more times if he wasn't so fucking pricey... 6/10
Cero: Plays way too hard to get, won't let me do more than fondle him. Maybe if I make a contract?? But I need to find something he'll want badly first.
Vorticia: I'm pretty sure I can fit all three into that snussy, but I'm not looking forward to getting eaten alive the moment I come. :'((
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fantasyinvader · 2 months
I've been thinking about the problematic elements to Almyra and... I think I got an answer that isn't complete crap.
Almyra was, even in Houses, not meant to be this ideal country. In his supports with Byleth, Claude reveals he came to Fodlan not to tear down boarders and shit, but to learn from Fodlan in order to make Almyra more accepting of outsiders. The unification stuff came about when he arrived, found out that wasn't the case, and then began blaming the Church (with TWSITD slipping him information to turn him against Rhea likely not being an isolated incident).
Claude is meant to be an outsider, someone not from Fodlan just like the player is. His initial suspicion of the Church is meant to reflect that of the player's, and with him learning to see Fodlan for what it is being his own path to enlightenment. I mean, he talks about going to confirm something with his own eyes in his paralogue, and he's the one to point out the diversity at Garreg Mach as well as how the Church doesn't actually teach isolationism.
In short, Claude was always meant to be something of a gullible idiot. Whereas the player may fall into the trap of supporting Edelgard despite the reveals, Claude taking his initial impressions as irrefutable facts are not the way to enlightenment. Hell, going with the Buddhist themes acting as if something is that concrete and being unwilling to budge in the face of more information is not how to do things. As you learn more, you're views are meant to change. Claude's whole thing of being an outsider is actually a hindrance to him, because it reveals how little he actually knows about his new environment.
If Claude is going around being unsubtle about not being from Fodlan, acting based on his initial assumptions when he came to Fodlan and not confirming things with his own eyes... we have a problem. If he's not going to recognize the problems with his own society and insist that he has the solutions for another one, there's also a problem there.
This isn't just Claude, this is also a message to the players. I've talked before how some of what Edelgard says lands differently in Japan. Japan is a meritocratic society, one where people are less inclined to help those in need because they haven't “earned it.” This kind of outlook has led to various issues within Japanese society, yet Edelgard wants to implement them herself. At the same time, the game hints that the society Edelgard wants to create isn't too far different from Almyra, the society Claude wants to fix, especially with Caspar's Japanese endings.
The game is telling you to see Fodlan, a land it's own creators said they wanted us to immerse ourselves in, for what it truly is. To not just believe the words of Edelgard and TWSITD, but to see things with our own eyes and realize the truth. To simply listen to what the game is actually trying to say, to look at what it is saying is right for Fodlan rather than assert our own beliefs on Fodlan much like Edelgard and the translators do. Because... we're outsiders intruding on Fodlan too, yet we have the power to derail the story in the BE route.
I think that's the point. Claude is supposed to be a parallel for us, the players. Almyra being presented as it is serves as a reminder that our world, our cultures, aren't perfect themselves. We are outsiders to the story, and as such we should look at what the story is saying is the answer rather than forcing our own views onto the game. Fodlan is telling us Edelgard isn't the answer, so that is what we should be acting on. Just like Claude eventually realizes that keeping Fodlan and Almyra separate is the way to go rather than forcing them together and instead learns from Fodlan, we the players should do the same. Keep Fodlan and IRL separate, but take the lessons from Houses back with us to the real world. Because, once more I must remind people, this is a game for middle-schoolers. CERO rating B, ages 12+.
You really think Nintendo is going to tell kids the stuff Edelgard does is good? Even NoA had to change stuff to make her appear more “heroic.” And isn't that really what storytelling is about? passing on messages and morals to the audience? Kinda hard to do that when the audience (or translators) is trying to twist things to suit their own beliefs.
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chaoticgouda · 2 years
Triptych of the Temptation
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's) & Reader, Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's) & Reader, Eclipse (Five Nights at Freddy's) & Reader Characters: Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's), Eclipse (Five Nights at Freddy's), Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Organized Crime, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Sun and Moon are Separate Animatronics (Five Nights at Freddy's), Gift Fic Summary:
Three encounters. Three gifts. Three forces pulling you in different directions, making you question where your loyalties truly lie.
Was the choice ever truly yours to make?
---- A secret santa gift fic for cero-sleep, based on their amazing Illusion of Choice AU.
@cero-sleep Hahaha, surprise...! I was your secret santa this year :’] And as always I flew WAYY too close to the sun with this one.
I was really inspired by your incredible Illusion of Choice AU. I hope I was able to do your world justice.. I learned a lot while writing this, and it was a lot more fun than I expected! <3
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multyeverything · 5 months
Roomates are not boyfriend material .2
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Autor: multyeverything
TW: Uso de insultos, insinuaciones a la violencia.
Rating: 16+
Sinopsis: La ira es uno de los sentimientos que los hombres no pueden controlar. Así como el amor cuando verdaderamente lo sientes. De esa manera estarán dispuestos a hacer lo que sea que tengan que hacer para recuperar a quien más aman. Así sea perder la dignidad o amigos en el camino.
AU: Romance / Roomates / Universidad
Emparejando: Lee Jeno X TN
Conteo: 3k palabras
Parte 1
El golpeteo incesante en la puerta principal sobresale de entre el silencio previo. Un ritmo en aumento de fuerza hace que corra a abrir. Pienso que probablemente Linda esta afuera con las bolsas pesadas de compras o su material de arquitectura que carga día a día; con esta lluvia debe estarse empapando ahí fuera. Deshago los pestillos de seguridad y abro a toda amplitud.
- ¿Por qué tengo que pagar yo por la mierda de Jaehyun? -
Fue lo primero que dijo apenas y abrí la puerta. Delante se encontraba un muy afectado Jeno; ojos rojos e hinchados, pelo negro completamente enmarañado, nariz herida de tanto limpiarla, y sus labios con marcas de haber sido mordidos con fuerza.
No hace nada, solo solloza. Sus lágrimas se confunden con los chorros de lluvia que caen en su cabeza.
- Fui bueno, he sido el mejor de los chicos. Pensé en ti y lo que habrías querido aunque no me lo pidieras, no toqué un solo pelo de su cabeza. Te dejé ir y no te molesté porque dijiste que estaríamos bien. Pero tú... tú rompiste tu promesa TN. Han pasado semanas desde tu último mensaje. Prometiste que seríamos tu y yo un equipo, como siempre. Pero me viste la cara de tonto.-
Busco entre mil excusas que puedo decirle. Pero nada sale de mi. No hay nada en el repertorio que pueda justificar el incumplimiento de mi promesa a mi mejor amigo. Y la profundidad de su mirada no me permite pensar más allá de mis pies; tantas emociones son expresadas que abruman con cada segundo que corre el reloj.
- ¿Estás enojado? - cavo un poco más profundo mi propia tumba.
- ¿Qué? ¿Aparezco así de la nada con esta pinta y todavía lo preguntas? - sorbe su nariz por el resfriado que está cogiendo- Pues si, estoy furioso. Me hierve la sangre tan solo compartir espacio con Jaehyun. Ver su estúpida cara o como quiere pretender que nada pasa entre el y yo. Las invitaciones a salir o que vaya sin avisar a los entrenamientos. Como si fuésemos los de antes. He estado a nada de abalanzarme a él y golpearlo solo porque me sirve mi plato de comida. - miles de facciones moldean su rostro para denotar lo iracundo que esta. -Pero estoy aún más decepcionado... herido. -
Entonces no han charlado al respecto... Ni han solucionado nada al parecer...
Una decepción que no debería sentir a estas alturas me inunda. Inhabilita cualquier otro pensamiento que pudiera tener. Tras algunas semanas de contacto cero y mucha introspección, creí que cuando alguien lo mencionara o eventualmente lo viera en la universidad, sería más fácil lidiar con ello. Con suerte lo odiaría y sentiría nada más que repugnancia. Pero no, apenas y menciona su nombre me derrumbo mentalmente. Aún más sabiendo que intenta seguir con su rutina tal como si nada.
Efectivamente, tampoco supe nada de él o recibí un texto/llamada. No había profundizado el motivo del porqué. Di por sentado que había comprendido el mensaje cuando hubo la confrontación. Pero con lo que acabo de escuchar, pareciera que ni siquiera le tomó importancia. O no la que yo habría deseado.
- Sé que yo te hice lo mismo alguna vez. Y tal vez me merezca esto por mandar nuestra amistad al olvido por un tiempo. Pero... - empieza a llorar con mayor intensidad. Sin pensármelo dos veces, lo tomo de la mano y meto a la casa. Con evidente confusión, Jeno lo toma como una invitación a un abrazo. Por lo que se abalanza a mi mucho menor figura a estrujarme. - Pero yo te amo TN, te lo dije en serio. No puedo vivir una vida sin tu presencia... sin tu risa, tu olor, tus ojos, tu sonrisa, todo de ti. Es un maldito infierno no poder buscarte y aun más ni verte. No creas que no me he dado cuenta que no has ido a clases tampoco. Parece que huyes de mi por igual, ¿Qué he hecho? Te rogué que te quedaras conmigo. -
- No has hecho nada malo. No te confundas, es que ha sido un periodo de cambio para mi, cariño. - reacciona como si de un shock de electricidad se tratara, intenso y sin espera. Las ventanas de su alma, sus ojos, se iluminan en añoranza. Añoranza a la costumbre de nunca llamarlo por su nombre sino por apodos tiernos.
- Soy demasiado egoísta TN. Demasiado para dejarte ir y sanar. Porque temo que puedas enterrarme a mi junto a su recuerdo. Que para dejarlo atrás, tengas que dejarme a mi y nuestra historia. No tolero más. Te necesito, soy un dependiente de ti. Soy egoísta porque no quiero que hagas tu vida sin mi, así como yo no puedo hacerla sin ti. Quiero que me necesites tanto como yo a todo tu ser. -
- No digas eso, jamás te dejaría atrás... -
- ¡Pero es que lo estabas haciendo! - responde en un rugido
Por fin que ha soltado su agarre despiadado, logro separarnos. Tomo de sus manos para que no sienta la severidad de mi alejamiento.
- Perdóname. De corazón. Efectivamente no cumplí a mi promesa. Independiente a que te hayas alejado cuando estabas en tu relación, eso es punto y aparte. No pienses que es algún tipo de retribución. Tu no eras ni eres culpable de nada relacionado con Jaehyun, y por eso quiero disculparme por desquitarme de alguna forma contigo. No es excusa, pero necesitaba llevarlo sola. Tu revelación fue una sorpresa para mí, y estaba abrumada. Lo sigo un poco pero también te he extrañado como loca. -
Y cada palabra que salía de mi boca era verdad. En las noches de insomnio y sobrepensar, no podía evitar recordar los días que vivimos juntos. Los pequeños detalles que tomas por cotidianos pero demuestran cariño. Tener la opción de compañía siempre. Poder tocar su puerta en total confianza cuando sintiera soledad o aburrimiento. Tener un plan fijo entre semana o un amigo que finja ser cliente en el trabajo para no pasarme sola los turnos.
'Buenos días, preparé el desayuno pero no calculé las cantidades correctas, ¿Quieres un poco?'
Era una mentira, conocía la receta de huevos y papas a la perfección, desde que era un pequeño tenía que valerse por si mismo si quería comer. Ambos sabíamos que ha hecho la cantidad ideal para los dos, incluso un poquito extra si quedaba un hueco en el estómago.
'Buenos días, con mucho gusto NoNo, dame cinco minutos para salir de la cama'
'¿Te desperté?'
'Algo así, te veo fuera'
Tendría ese tipo de detalles todo el tiempo conmigo. Hacer actos de servicio, detalles o regalos solo porque se cruzaron en su camino o por casualidad. Aunque no fueran así nunca, diría que lo son debido a su timidez.
Al tomar asiento, podría ver una pequeña cantidad extra de comida todavía en la barra. Correría de su lugar para ayudarme a sentar y recorrer la silla a su lugar para mi comodidad. Su estado físico o actualizaciones en sus deportes favoritos serían el tema de plática, pero no me molestaba, tomé cierto gusto por cómo va el Tottenham en la liga inglesa o si su entrenador le ha colocado parches térmicos porque son mejores. También era lo menos que podía hacer si me alimentaba de su bolsillo por lo menos 3 días a la semana.
Si, lo extraño. Pero extraño más aún como me hace sentir y lo feliz que es con solo el hecho de complacerme. ¿Egoísta? Claro que no, Jeno es la persona menos egoísta en todo esto.
- Quiero estar para ti, ayudarte. No me importa ser el clavo que saca a otro. -
- ¡Cállate! No digas eso, no lo repitas jamás. -
- Por ti lo sería. -
- Jeno tu jamás serias un clavo, eres la persona la unica persona que podria comprender realmente lo que pasó en ese departamento. Me llena de vergüenza pensar todo lo que te hice vivir con nosotros dos y nuestra aventura. - me arden las mejillas y orejas en señal de deshonra - Jamás tuve la consideración de pensar en como eso te haría sentir. -
- Eran paredes algo delgadas. No te lo negaré. Pero yo sabía que el no te hacía tan genuinamente feliz como yo, sobrellevé todo eso porque sabía que podría hacerte sonreír de maneras que él no. Nunca perdí la esperanza de que lo vieras. -
- Si podía notarlo... -
- No, que había quedado estúpida y perdidamente enamorado de ti. Nunca tuve el valor de decirlo, y me culpo por eso. De haber tenido el valor de expresarte mis sentimientos, estoy segura que jamás habrías visto a Jae más que como un amigo. Él se adelantó, y de cierta forma, es también mi culpa que hayas pasado por esos meses de mierda. -
- Ninguno podría haber visto eso venir. Ni el cómo se comportaría. Fui yo la estúpida idiota imbecil sin dignidad... -
- Shhh no, no digas nada de esas mentiras. Le entregaste un cariño que no se merecía porque tu pulcro corazón esperaba un cambio. Créeme que comprendo eso, yo más que nadie. - la melancolía es evidente hasta en su tono al hablar, esos ojitos brillantes se apagan al terminar de hablar. Son como una daga directo al corazón, duele más cada segundo que observo su rostro. - Pero ya no estoy dispuesto a rendirme, a dejarme llevar por las reglas de este jueguito de hermandad entre hombres. Él fue una basura contigo, mereces un verdadero hombre. Uno que te ame, perdone, ayude a salir adelante, no te esconda, que te respete y te haga sentir como una verdadera mujer en cada sentido de la palabra. -
El calor corporal aumenta tras terminar de hablar. Luce con una seguridad que jamás había visto. Sólo pequeños atisbos de ese carácter fuerte y dominante que se ven únicamente en sus partidos. Decisión inquebrantable. Roba mi respiración ese inesperado cambio de corderito en preocupación a un hombre sin miedo y listo para luchar a puño y garra por lo que desea. Puedo ver un matiz perfecto y hermoso de una personalidad tan versátil. Un hombre sin limitaciones o miedos a mostrar sus matices.
- No voy a irme sin ti, así tenga que quedarme hasta la madrugada para convencerte. No está en mis convicciones el seder. Así que si fallaste a tu promesa es el momento de que las cumplas, comprendo que necesitabas tiempo, pero no permitiré que te hundas en tu tristeza. Eres mucho mejor que eso y lo sé... o te convertirás en una mentirosa, ¿Acaso lo eres? -
Con cada palabra me confronta y pone la espalda contra la pared. No deja espacio a pensamientos de otro tipo más que confrontación con la realidad. Estoy contra las cuerdas ahora mismo.
- No lo soy. -
- Bien, ¿Y estas dispuesta a seguir hundida por una basura como el? -
- No... - titubeo al responder, lo irrita
- ¿Seguirás llorando por un tipejo que entregó anillo de promesa a Mercedes a los pocos días de tu partida? -
Algo se rompe en mi interior tras terminar. Caigo de esa frágil cubierta de cristal donde me encontraba,la cubierta de la autocompasión, y caigo brutalmente contra el fondo. Lo último a lo que tenemos que llegar antes de sentar cabeza, un golpe tan doloroso que pierdo el aire como si de un golpe físico se tratara.
El gran hijo de puta quería que siguiera siendo su amante... su puta a domicilio..
- No seguiré hundiéndome. Tienes razón, he sido una gran estúpida. Pero bajo ninguna circunstancia en esta tierra volveré al mismo lugar, prefiero vivir en la basura o debajo de un puente antes que ahí. -
- Me encargué de ese hijo de puta. Le dije que se fuera el y su prometida al infierno, si tanto la amaba, podría largarse de una vez a vivir con ella. -
- ¿Se fue? - contento espero que el atisbo de tristeza pase sin ser visto
- Lo vi largarse con sus cosas antes de venir. -
- ok, me iré contigo. Pero necesito un poco de ayuda con mis maletas. Siguen en mi cuarto de allá, están casi intactas, no las toqué casi en lo absoluto, pero son muy pesadas para mi ahora que... - cayo
- No te preocupes, también te regresaré a tu peso y belleza usual. Me encargaré de ti de ahora en adelante en todo aspecto. Lo juro. -
Nos perdemos en las miradas por instantes. Noto su deseo y contención por besarme. Una lucha real contra sus impulsos que no oculta. Instantes que son eternidades. Pero no hace nada, es demasiado caballero para besarme si lograba ver mi duda ante un beso de cualquier tipo.
- Espera en lo que guardo y traigo todo. Llama un transporte mientras tanto. Por fin regresarás a tu casa. -
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ikemenfangirl · 1 year
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🦋 Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains - English Version (Steam PC / Steam Deck)
โอโตเมะเกมคอม พิษรักผีเสื้อ Chou no Doku, Hana no Kusari (蝶の毒 華の鎖) แปลอังกฤษ
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Title: Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains
Languages: English, Japanese
Rated : Mature, Cero D (17+)
Steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/2249450/Butterflys_Poison_Blood_Chains/
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Junichi Shiba CV: Chasuke
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Mizuhito Nomiya CV: Tatsuya Hirai
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Hitoshi Fujita CV: Sandayu Chianoze
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Hideo Ozaki CV: Kiya Suga
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Yoshiki Majima CV: Keizo Oishi
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Kyoko Amami CV: Nekomiai
(Fully voiced)
Tokyo, 1918.
World War I is coming to an end. Yuriko Nomiya, aristocratic by birth, is suddenly struck by a series of misfortunes.
Is this fate brought about by the changing times, or is someone plotting against her? The dark, bittersweet tale of Yuriko and five young men is about to unfold...
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inature · 3 months
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Death end re;Quest CodeZ launches September 19 in Japan
From Gematsu
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Death end re;Quest CodeZ, formerly known as Death end re;Quest Code:Zion, will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch on September 19 in Japan for 8,580 yen, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals. It will also be available in 10,780 yen and 16,280 yen limited editions.
Death end re;Quest CodeZ is a roguelike RPG with Shiren the Wanderer-like 3D dungeons. It features a brand-new story in which all the all-stars from the series appear, and over 100 Death Ends. New character Sayaka Hiwatari is voiced by Yoshino Aoyama.
As a CERO Z-rated game, Death end re;Quest CodeZ has a significantly higher level of brutality. Scenes like bones breaking, flesh tearing, and necks twisting are vividly depicted with realistic sound effects.
An official reveal for Death end re;Quest CodeZ is planned for later today.
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churchofthesluttyknee · 10 months
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A Series of Firsts: Chapter 5 - First Reversal
Author(s): A collaboration amongst smutty parishioners of The Church of the Slutty Knee
Pairing(s): Pedro x Oscar
Rating: E18+ MDNI
Word Count: pending
Series Warnings: explicit sexual content, including, but not limited to BDSM, choking, anal, oral, masturbation (self/mutual), toys, public sex
Chapter Summary: Pedro and Oscar celebrate their birthdays in Brooklyn and Los Angeles. Pedro asks permission to take control, Oscar accepts the request with a little bit of hesitation.
Notes: This chapter takes place 5 and 6 months after Chapter 1 in present day and via flashback.
Tag line: “I want to fuck you, Daddy.”
[Oscar narrates]: “Las palabras se volvieron miradas. Las sonrisas permiso para seguir adelante y disfrutar de lo que tenemos juntos. Nuestra conexión llegó a un nivel de confianza y de total entrega. Confieso que te confío cada molécula de mi cuerpo y mi alma. Sé que no me harás daño…empiezo de cero contigo , dejando mis miedos y recuerdos atrás. Tus ojos tiernos,  y a la vez llenos de candela, guían mi corazón.  Sí, soy todo tuyo, mi Pedrito.”
(“Words became glances. Smiles permission to move forward and enjoy what we have together. Our connection reached a level of trust and total surrender. I confess I trust you with every molecule of my body and my soul. I know you won’t hurt me... I’m starting from scratch with you, leaving my fears and memories behind. Your eyes tender, yet full of fire, guide my heart. Yes, I’m all yours, my Pedro.”)
Act I: The Admission
<exterior: outdoor patio of a quaint coffee shop>
The sun has started to set, turning the horizon a brilliant shade of orange-red. Strings of Edison bulbs flicker to life in crisscrossing patterns above the patio while fairy lights twinkle in potted trees scattered throughout the dining area. Most of the tables are occupied as Pedro and Oscar exit the cafe. They make a bee line to an empty table near the center of the enclosed area. A few minutes later a barista leaves two cups of coffee and two pastries on the table. Pedro and Oscar are deep in conversation.
“He was being so bossy! If things weren’t going exactly his way, he’d start barking out orders left and right. You know me, I try really hard to get along with everybody, but the whole time I was sitting there thinking ‘I only take orders from one person, and it’s definitely not you, sir.’ I mean, where does he get off being so… I dunno, bitchy?”
Oscar looks at Pedro with a sly, knowing, grin when Pedro says there’s only one person he takes orders from.
“And you’re such an obedient boy, mi tigre. What did you say to him? What did you do?”
“I didn’t say, or do, anything. You know how I am about confrontation. It gives my anxiety anxiety!” Pedro sighs.
“You’ve got to work on being more assertive. I know you have it in you.”
“Speaking of being more assertive…” Pedro begins shyly.
Oscar looks at Pedro with a sideways glance, waiting for him to gather the courage to push forward.
“I… I was thinking. Maybe… if you wanted to, um… Maybe we could try something?”
“I’m listening, mi tigre,” Oscar says patiently.
Oscar already has a pretty good idea of Pedro’s train of thought, and is happy to indulge him. In fact, he’s more than willing to indulge Pedro in any of his desires, as he’s told him several times before. All Pedro has to do is ask. That was the only stipulation Oscar wasn’t willing to compromise on as they’d learned the in’s and out’s of their relationship over the past six months. 
After Pedro is quiet for a few more moments, biting his lip in that bashful way he does, Oscar leans in and whispers softly, but with a firm edge to his tone, “Mi Pedrito, you know the rules. You have to ask for it. How can you take something if you aren’t willing to ask for it?”
Taking another moment to find his courage, Pedro finally speaks.
“You know I absolutely love our dynamic. Having to ask permission, the thrill of knowing I could be refused, it turns me on so fucking much. But…” Pedro leans in close to Oscar, who is now sitting with his chin resting on his palms. “I want to fuck you, Daddy. I want to feel you clenching around my cock as I make you cum,” he says quietly, his words so soft they’re almost lost in the ambiance of the crowded patio.
Oscar reaches a hand across the table, placing it over Pedro’s. The smile that spreads across his face makes Pedro grin in turn.
“I won’t lie to you, Pedrito, I’ve not been in a submissive position in a long time. The last time I was, it wasn’t a healthy relationship, and it burned me on the idea of ever giving up control again. But for you, mi amore, I’m willing to give it another try.”
As they leave the cafe Pedro takes Oscar’s hand, fingers intertwining. They’ve been so careful not to show public displays of affection, for fear of the paparazzi seeing, but Pedro is feeling very bold tonight.
Looking at Pedro with a surprised expression Oscar asks “Are you sure?”
“Nunca he estado más seguro de nada en mi vida, mi luna y estrellas,” Pedro whispers into Oscar’s ear. (“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, my moon and stars.”)
Act II: The Drive and the Storm That Followed
The drive back to Pedro’s place isn’t long, but it is long enough for them to start a discussion about this new dimension of their shared journey. Oscar goes into great detail about the toxic relationship he’d been in. It was his first time being with another man, and his first experience with BDSM. Oscar explains how his naivety, and eagerness to please, was ultimately the reason the relationship failed.
“That’s why I was so upset with myself in those first few days we were together. I felt like I was being just as manipulative and uncaring as he was. I’d always told myself that, if I ever got into another serious relationship again, I’d be better than that. Yet, there I was, doing the exact same shit to you that he did to me,” Oscar says, his voice rising in his frustration.
“But Oscar, you didn’t manipulate me! Everything we did those first few nights…” Pedro sighs contentedly. “I was a very willing, and eager, participant! And you were so gentle and patient with me. Allowing me to come into this in my own time, under my own terms. Baby, don’t ever compare yourself to him. You are the most amazing, beautiful, caring person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And I’m so thankful to be able to share this journey with you.”
While Oscar explained to Pedro that it was a very traumatic time in his life, he assured him that it also helped him understand what not to do going forward, even if he almost messed it all up right from the start. The more in-depth the discussion became, the more Pedro realized just how lucky he was, having someone as caring and generous as Oscar to help him navigate this new path.
As Pedro parks the car, the sun sets behind the horizon, allowing the city lights to take center stage. He grins as he unlocks and opens the door, gesturing Oscar inside. It feels just like that night, oh so many eons ago, when they stumbled into this same room at one in the morning. The air crackles with the same electricity, the same feeling of anticipation. The only real difference is that this time, they are only drunk on love.
Standing in almost the exact same spot as where it all began, Oscar gazes out into the city below before finally opening the sliding glass door and stepping outside. The night is filled with the chorus of hundreds of crickets, and the air is sweetened by the delicate scent of golden currant. Pedro joins Oscar on the balcony, encircling him in a warm embrace and tenderly bestowing kisses upon the nape of Oscar’s neck. 
“God, I still can’t get over how amazing this view is babe. How are you not sitting on the balcony every night watching the city move?”
“On the nights I’m actually home I do sit out here for several hours. But my schedule has been so hectic, and it’s going to get even more so soon. But on the nights I can’t sleep, I’ll lie in bed and stare out into the night. Doesn’t happen so much anymore, because these past six months I’ve been sleeping very well,” Pedro says softly, resting his chin on Oscar’s shoulder. Their eyes reflect the sparkling lights of a city that never seems to sleep.
“I hope I’m at least partly responsible for you finally being able to get a good nights sleep.”
Kissing Oscar gently on the cheek, Pedro breathes softly in his ear, “You absolutely are, mi luna.”
Oscar takes Pedro’s hand and gently kisses the back of it several times before turning to face him. Caressing his face, Oscar pulls Pedro into a soft kiss that quickly turns fevered. Pedro strengthens his grip on Oscar’s hips, urging him closer. Obeying his unspoken command, Oscar steps into him, walking them backwards, until Pedro is flush against the glass wall and Oscar’s body.
With a firm and commanding grip, Oscar seizes Pedro’s wrists, elevating them above his head. The action radiates a sense of dominance and control. Oscar’s fingers intertwine around Pedro’s wrists, restraining any movement below. Oscar keeps his hands suspended in the air, rendering Pedro vulnerable and powerless. Oscar knows Pedro wants to take control, and he will absolutely let him. But not tonight, not yet. 
Continuing to hold their hands high above Pedro’s head, Oscar bites Pedro’s neck and pants into his ear, “Fuck baby, I need you so badly, need to be inside you.”
The atmosphere crackles with tension as static electricity builds. Suddenly, jagged streaks of lightning slash across the heavens, illuminating the landscape in brilliant, fleeting bursts. Thunder follows, a deafening roar that shakes the very foundations beneath their feet. Torrential rain suddenly pours down in unrelenting sheets, reducing the city to a mere blur of distorted shapes. The wind howls and screams. Like the storms sudden appearance and building intensity, Oscar can feel the passion, desire and longing igniting deep within. Their passionate kiss ends, leaving them both breathless, gasping for air. They scramble inside, closing the door behind them.
“Holy shit! Where did that st—,” Pedro begins, but is cut short when Oscar’s lips crash into his, somehow more fervent than before.
Gripping Pedro’s face in his hands once more, his touch neither delicate nor painful, Oscar kisses Pedro hard as he blindly navigates them to the bedroom. They’re both soaking wet from the sudden rain, their clothes clinging to them like a second skin. Once in the bedroom, Oscar begins to remove Pedro’s clothes, and then his own, with a palpable, frantic urgency. Sensing the desperation in Oscar’s movements Pedro yields to the whirlwind he’s found himself in. His lover has always been passionate, but this was beyond passion. This was primal, carnal. Pedro allows himself to be swept up into the storm as it reaches a feverish pitch.
Kissing him once more on the lips, Oscar grunts loudly, spins Pedro around and bites his neck again. Placing a hand between Pedro’s shoulder blades Oscar bends Pedro over the bed and grabs the lube from the nightstand. Moving with precision and speed, Oscar has them both sufficiently lubed and is ready to push forward when he hears Pedro whimper softly. He’s unsure if the sound is eager anticipation or if Pedro’s bracing himself for unwelcome pain. 
“Breathe baby, breathe,” Oscar purrs as he positions himself against Pedro and gently penetrates. “I give you my word that I won’t exceed your pain threshold… unless you want me to.”
Pedro pants heavily as Oscar moves achingly slowly within him. The feeling of chaos still hangs heavy in the air, and Pedro doesn’t want it to dissipate because Oscar is afraid of going too hard. 
Gripping the comforter, Pedro moans desperately, “Faster, Daddy! Ride me hard, and don’t you fucking dare slow down until you hear me screaming ‘nova’!“
Oscar grips Pedro’s hips, increasing his tempo, his thrusts almost in sync with the brilliant lightning that continues to illuminate the sky. Thunder crashes with every breath as rain continues to thrash the glass walls overlooking the city. Oscar leans in and kisses Pedro’s shoulder before licking a line to his neck, which he kisses and licks until he leaves a bruise. One hand firmly gripping Pedro’s hip, Oscar raises his other to Pedro’s neck, covering the fresh bluish purple spot. His fingers flex and release around Pedro’s throat.
“Fuck,” Oscar gasps as he continues to ram into Pedro. “I need you to check in, baby. Talk to me.”
Panting raggedly, Pedro responds, “Moonlight, moonlight! Don’t stop Daddy, please!”
Oscar’s hand still around Pedro’s throat, he turns Pedro’s head to the right, kissing him hungrily. Releasing his grip, Oscar slides his hand across Pedro’s shoulder and around to his chest. He applies firm pressure there, signaling Pedro to lean back, enabling them both to stand upright. His hand remains still for several moments, sensing the rhythm of Pedro’s racing heart mirroring his own. Moving slowly, Oscar's hand travels at a languid pace across Pedro's abdomen, the muscles rippling beneath his touch. His fingers continue to roam, spreading gently as they pass over Pedro’s naval, before finally wrapping themselves around his cock. Pedro covers Oscar’s hand with his own, and they move in unison up and down Pedro’s shaft.
As the storm reaches its crescendo Pedro and Oscar reach their climax. Oscar gently kisses Pedro’s neck and shoulder, murmuring terms of endearment softly against his glistening skin. Legs weak, Pedro pulls two pillows and the comforter from the bed, which they spread out on the floor. Oscar lies down on his back, and pats the spot beside him. Pedro lays down, snuggling in closely, and rests his head against Oscar’s chest. He listens to the strong beat of Oscar’s heart as it begins to slow to a steady rhythm. Oscar runs his fingers through Pedro’s wet hair, twirling little curls around them. As the rain begins to ease they fall asleep wrapped in each other’s embrace.
Act III: The Dawn
Delicate rays of sunlight filter through a heavy fog, gently illuminating the dimly lit bedroom. Oscar and Pedro nestle beneath a cozy comforter on the floor beside an unoccupied bed. Metallic surfaces catch a glint of sunlight, causing Oscar to blink rapidly as he attempts to adapt to the shifting play of shadows. Pedro lies on his back, sound asleep and snoring softly. Oscar props himself up on his left elbow and stares at his sleeping Pedrito. He lets out a profound sigh, experiencing a sense of contentment he hasn't felt in ages. Oscar gently lays his right hand upon his lover's chest, finding solace in the reassuring, unhurried rhythm of Pedro’s heartbeat.
His fingers trace delicate lines over bare chest and stomach, drawing nonsensical letters and messages in an unspoken language. Pedro shifts in his sleep, a grin stretching his lips, yet remains undisturbed in slumber. Distant thunder rumbles as rain begins to fall. Oscar gazes at Pedro with a crooked half grin of his own while he continues to draw. With careful and deliberate intent, his fingers trace a slow path down Pedro's torso before vanishing from sight. A salacious grin curves his lips as his wandering fingers are met with taut, unyielding flesh that twitches under his caress. Running his middle finger gently up and down his length Oscar inclines closer, tracing languid circles with his tongue around Pedro's aroused nipple before enveloping it with his lips. 
A gentle moan escaping Pedro’s lips, he adjusts his body slightly, but still does not wake. Oscar wraps his fingers fully around Pedro’s hard cock and begins to stroke him slowly. As Oscar ascends, his tongue charts a course towards the underside of Pedro’s chin, delicately grazing his nose against the tender skin, gently nudging upwards. Turning his focus to Pedro's exquisite neck, Oscar plants kisses and applies gentle suction until a fresh, darker bruise emerges, nearly mirroring the one he left the night before.
Pedro purrs quietly, turning his face slightly left, unconsciously allowing Oscar better access. Oscar places gentle kisses on heart shaped patches of exposed jawline before moving back down the column of his neck. Before he moves on, Oscar leaves a third love bite on Pedro’s exposed neck. Placing individual kisses, at equal intervals, his path continues down Pedro’s rising and falling chest and along the centerline of his stomach, until he reaches the edge of the comforter, which rises and falls in time with Pedro’s breathing. 
Oscar shifts his weight, moving from his elbow to his hand, before pausing briefly to pull the comforter back. He licks his lips hungrily, staring at his lover on full display. He stares for a moment, captivated, before moving back slightly to sit on his knees. Ones he’s comfortable he takes Pedro’s cock into his hand and gently kisses the tip before running his tongue along its length, from base to tip. Moaning in anticipation, Oscar takes him fully into his mouth. He proceeds deliberately, relishing each moment with an unhurried rhythm. Balancing with his left hand, Oscar delicately cradles Pedro's balls, rhythmically flexing and easing his fingers while his tongue maintains its caressing strokes along the shaft.
Pedro's passionate groan fills the air as he weaves his fingers into Oscar's hair, giving a soft, controlled tug. Encouraged by the sounds he’s eliciting, Oscar increases his pace slightly, taking him deeper with each descent. Pedro is half awake, but remains still, not wanting to accidentally startle Oscar into stopping. Feeling that marvelous tension starting to hum in his core, radiating through him like volts of electricity, Pedro begins to roll his hips in time with Oscar’s movements. Wide awake now, Pedro moans loudly as his cock twitches inside Oscar’s mouth, his orgasm rocking him so fiercely his entire body vibrates.
“Well, good morning to you too, beautiful. Wish you’d wake me up like this every morning,” he says with a satisfied smile.
‘That can definitely be arranged, mi tigre,” Oscar purrs, wiping his chin clean.
Propping himself up, Pedro takes Oscar’s fingers, glistening with his own cum, into his mouth, licking them clean.  Oscar grips Pedro’s chin gently with those same fingers and kisses him deeply.
“What time is it?”
“Just after 7:30.”
“That’s so early, mi Luna. Can we go back to sleep for a little while longer?”
Lying back down, Oscar envelops Pedro in a gentle embrace as Pedro snuggles up against Oscar’s chest, his favorite spot. They’re both asleep in minutres.
Act IV: The Assignment
When they awake a few hours later the sun has disappeared behind a blanket of dull, gray April clouds. The heaviness of the air promises more rain. Pedro sits on an outdoor sofa with a cup of coffee. Oscar lays beside him, his head resting on Pedro’s lap. Oscar strums an unrecognizable, but hauntingly beautiful tune on his new guitar. A gift from Pedro to celebrate Oscar’s 40th birthday, they had spotted it in the window of a vintage music store in Manhattan. A 1931 Gibson L-1 Custom with gold flowers and vines, Oscar had fallen in love with it instantly, practically dragging Pedro across the busy street to look at it. They had almost been hit by no less than three cars and were cursed at in just as many languages, but they made it across in one piece. 
Oscar had protested when Pedro told the shop owner to pack it up, but Pedro had insisted, telling him he could always pay him back in moonlight serenades. And Oscar had done just that. After attending the opening night of a new off-broadway production they had returned to Oscar’s place, an old apartment building he’d completely renovated himself. On the rooftop Oscar played several songs for Pedro, some that were widely known, some he made up on the spot. The waning crescent moon and a sea of stars shone upon them as they made love on the rooftop for what seemed like an eternity, before falling asleep under the stars.
It wasn’t until the following morning that Pedro first floated the idea of experimenting with their dominant and submissive roles. Pedro explained that when he was with a woman his dominance was always assumed. While he did enjoy that assumption of power he found it wasn’t as satisfying as what he shared with Oscar. With Oscar it was the thrill of the give and take, and he found that being ‘allowed’ felt more liberating than knowing he ‘could’ just because he wanted to.
When Oscar had asked Pedro what he imagined doing in a dominant role, however, Pedro had come up short. In his other relationships he was more or less there to meet his own needs for physical contact. A quick release was just a bonus. The reciprocity with Oscar was something he hadn’t realized he needed as much as he did, so he wanted to do it right, less he disrupt their delicate balance. So they spent the rest of the morning, and early afternoon, talking about what they wanted from each other and how they wanted to achieve those desires. Even then Oscar was hesitant about giving over control, but did his best to hide it. Pedro was finally growing more confident in his role and Oscar didn’t want to discourage him by telling him the loss of control scared him.
“Let’s take this one step at a time, baby steps. The first thing you need to do is to ask yourself if you want to take control. Once you’re sure that’s what you want, we can figure out the semantics. There’s nothing wrong with wanting that control, but the thing about control is you have to be willing, and able, to take it, but also be careful to wield it properly. Dominance and submission are like a symphony. They require trust, harmony, and a shared rhythm between partners. Each note, a gesture of power or surrender, creates a beautiful composition of intimacy and connection.”
Oscar pauses, searching for the words to best convey his feelings. They’re back on the rooftop and Oscar is strumming an idle tune as he speaks. Pedro sits across from him, a dreamy look in his eyes. When Oscar starts speaking again Pedro blinks rapidly, drawing his attention back to Oscar’s soothing voice.
“Communication becomes the conductor, guiding our movements and tempo. As the conductor, you listen, interpret, and respond to the cues, ensuring that we’re both attuned to each other's desires, but also each other’s limits and boundaries. As the music swells, so does the intensity of the connection. It's a dance of vulnerability and strength, where each of us finds our unique role and power within the dynamic, creating this masterpiece of intimacy that resonates long after the final note fades into the night.”
“Wow, that was beautiful. Expressing it that way makes it a lot easier to understand.”
“I wish I could say it was all me, but I read it somewhere a while back, and it just kinda stuck with me. The beauty of it all is how it ebbs and flows, ever changing and evolving. Sometimes it’s hard to remember, outside of this, that submission can be just as liberating as control is empowering.”
“I definitely think it’s something I’d like to try, if that’s ok?” Pedro asks meekly.
“Mi Pedrito, you have such baby girl energy. We’re gonna need to work on being more assertive. I’m gonna give you a homework assignment of sorts. For the rest of the time we’re in the city, I want you to assume that anything you want to do to me, with me, or have me do to, or with you, is allowed. If it’s not, I’ll tap out with a safe word.”
“Anything? Are you sure?” he asks in an uncertain tone.
“Anything darling. I might just surprise you with what I’ll let you do to me,” Oscar purrs.
For the remaining two weeks they spent in Brooklyn, Pedro started a slow, but steady, movement from asking, to telling, Oscar what he wanted. It started small, such as telling Oscar to make him breakfast, gradually progressing to telling Oscar what he wanted him to do to him during their scenes. These things included, but were not limited to, be restrained with soft ribbons and some light choking. By time they were ready to go back to LA the week before Pedro’s 44th birthday, Pedro was telling Oscar to blindfold him and have his way with him. A week after returning to LA Pedro told Oscar he wanted to use toys with him and be in charge of the remote control. Oscar eagerly agreed to all of these things when Pedro commanded them.
Act V: The Reversal
A gentle rain begins to fall as Oscar softly sings an acoustic version of ‘(I Can’t Help) Falling In Love With You’. Pedro continues to sip his coffee, running his fingers lazily through Oscar’s hair. When the song is over Oscar continues to strum idly, turning his head slightly to look up at Pedro.
“Happy birthday, mi tigre. What did you want to do today? I know we’re going out Saturday with your family and Sarah, but what about today?”
Pedro considers this for a few moments before a wicked grin curls his lips. “I want you to do a strip tease for me, baby. Then I’m gonna fuck you. And later, you’re gonna make love to me under the stars.”
Oscar rests his guitar carefully against the sofa. Propping himself up on one elbow he reaches for Pedro’s neck with his free hand, pulling him down for a tender kiss.
“Qué rico, mi Pedrito travieso (How delicious, my naughty Pedrito),” Oscar purrs softly, licking Pedro’s bottom lip before resting his head on Pedro’s lap once more.
They continue to sit outside in the gentle rain for another hour, enjoying the quietness of the day. The gentle rain eventually becomes hard and steady, resulting in a significant drop in temperature. When Oscar feels Pedro shudder beneath him, he quickly and carefully packs his guitar away, taking it, along with Pedro’s empty coffee cup, inside. When he comes back out he pulls Pedro to his feet, gripping his hips to pull him close. Burying his face into the crook of Pedro’s neck, he kisses a slow path to Pedro’s ear.
“Are you ready, mi tigre?” he whispers softly before gently biting Pedro’s earlobe.
He feels Pedro shudder against him and that deliciously familiar twitch against his lower abdomen as Pedro’s cock responds to his touch. Oscar kisses Pedro’s jaw line, pulling him tighter against his own growing erection. Standing practically nose to nose Oscar traces Pedro’s lower lip with his thumb before cupping his chin and sinking into a hungry, heated kiss. Moaning against his lips, Oscar grips the front of Pedro’s shirt and guides him inside. The steady drumming of rain through the open door sets a backdrop as he motions Pedro to sit in a chair he has turned to face the balcony. 
Pedro grins impishly as Oscar takes out his phone and queues up a song. When the synthesized intro of ‘Pony’ begins Oscar starts to roll his hips in languid circles, raising his arms above his head, crossing them at the wrist. As his hips move his entire body falls into sync. He runs his fingers through his loose curls, down his face, neck and chest. Stepping in front of Pedro’s knees, Oscar grips his legs firmly and spreads them apart. Crouching between them, he runs his fingers up and down the length of Pedro’s thighs before cupping Pedro’s straining bulge through his pants. Leaning in, Oscar kisses Pedro’s neck, nipping the bruises he left the night before. Gliding his fingers over his lovers torso, he takes Pedro’s bottom lip gently between his teeth, panting heavily into Pedro’s mouth, before rising and taking a small step back. 
Still feeling the music, Oscar undoes his belt with one hand, removing it in one quick, smooth motion. The leather snaps loudly as it coils upon itself before falling to the floor. Pedro bites his bottom lip and grips the arms of the chair, fingers flexing over the velvety surface. As Oscar untucks his shirt Pedro reaches for the waistband of Oscar’s pants. Oscar slaps his hand away playfully, shaking his head and wagging his finger.
“No, mi Pedrito! This is a tease, remember?’ Oscar laughs.
“I can’t help myself, baby. I want to touch you so badly. My body aches for the feel of your skin against mine.”
A Cheshire Cat grin slowly curves Oscar’s lips as he teasingly lifts his shirt, inch by inch, exposing his stomach, before removing it fully and tossing it onto his discarded belt. Stepping into the space between Pedro’s still spread legs, Oscar takes Pedro’s hands, placing them on his pecks. He guides them down his torso, stopping at the waistline. Hands still covered, Pedro slowly undoes the button and zipper, pulling Oscar’s pants over his hips. They fall to the floor as Pedro grips Oscar’s hips, pulling him close. Oscar steps out of his pants and hastily kicks them to the side as Pedro licks and kisses his stomach, starting to tug at the waistband of Oscar’s boxer briefs.
Stepping back just far enough to be out of Pedro’s reach, Oscar hooks his thumb into his waistband and teasingly pulls his boxers down just enough to expose the base of his cock. His other hand snakes inside, cupping his balls and giving them a light squeeze. His hand glides over his now erect cock as he pulls it out of his boxers. Taking Pedro’s hand, he places it over his throbbing member, pressing it hard against his erection.
“Baby, you make me so fucking hard,” Oscar whispers as he slowly pulls his boxers down, kicking them onto the pile of discarded clothes as Pedro starts to stroke him languidly.
Oscar straddles Pedro in the chair, kissing him with an unspoken, urgent need. He grinds his hips into Pedro as he works to remove Pedro’s shirt, breaking their kiss just long enough to pull it over Pedro’s head. Their lips reconnect instantly as Oscar’s fingers weave into Pedro’s soft, unruly hair, gripping it tightly. Pedro squeezes Oscar’s ass with one hand, while continuing to stroke his hard cock with the other. Oscar swiftly unbuttons and unzips Pedro’s pants, but when he goes to pull them down, he realizes he’ll have to stand up to remove them. Gripping the back of the chair firmly, Oscar pulls himself to a standing position, feet planted on the edges of the chair, allowing Pedro to shimmy off his remaining clothes.
As soon as Pedro’s hands are free again he possessively grips Oscar’s cock and licks the length from base to tip before swirling his tongue around the head and taking him fully. Oscar’s hips roll in small circles, the heat and texture of Pedro’s tongue eliciting deep moans.
“Fuck baby,” Oscar pants. “Oh yeah, just like that. I love it when you do that with that filthy little tongue of yours.” Gripping the back of the chair with one hand, Oscar buries his fingers in Pedro’s hair, gently guiding Pedro’s head. “I see you’re using the technique I taught you. You’ve gotten very good at it, baby,” Oscar moans softly.
Pedro continues to go down on Oscar, hollowing his cheeks to take him deeper. Still gripping the back of the chair for support, Oscar tightly grips Pedro’s throat, feeling his girth fill and expand it beneath his hand. After several minutes Oscar leans back slightly, loosening his grip on Pedro’s throat and looks down at him, cupping his face in his hands. 
“Damn baby, you’re fucking incredible. Give me a second to catch my breath, otherwise I’m gonna paint that beautiful throat of yours before you’ve had a chance to play.”
Oscar sits on Pedro’s lap and begins to stroke his cock slowly. Pedro mewls under Oscar’s touch. Grabbing the lube from the small table beside them, Oscar applies liberal amounts to Pedro’s cock as Pedro applies in kind to Oscar’s entrance.
“Baby, can I change my mind?” Oscar asks playfully.
“No,” Pedro responds in a low tone with a devilish grin. “Are you ready for me, gatito?”
Oscar nods, a half smile curling his lips. Resting his hand on Pedro’s side, Oscar caresses Pedro’s cheek.
“Slide down a little bit baby,” he whispers gently into Pedro’s ear.
Gripping Pedro’s shoulders for support he lifts himself up so Pedro can slide down in the seat. 
“Slide down a little more baby, and lay back. Yeah, just like that.” Oscar says in a soft, encouraging tone.
A look of nervousness overcomes Pedro as he grips his own cock and prepares to penetrate Oscar for the first time. 
“Relax baby, it’s ok. Just take it nice and slow. I’ll help guide you.” Pedro looks at him with concern and uncertainty. “You won’t hurt me, mi tigre, I promise. If something doesn’t feel right let me know and we’ll make adjustments.” Oscar soothes, placing a reassuring hand on Pedro’s chest, right above his rapidly beating heart.
Placing his hand over Pedro’s they move slowly, allowing Pedro time to steady his nerves. Oscar accepts him with little resistance, a shuddering moan escaping him as Pedro goes deeper. They sit in silence for several seconds as Pedro’s breath gradually returns to a calm, steady rhythm.
Resting his hands on Pedro’s shoulders, Oscar leans into him, kissing him softly on the lips. He starts to roll his hips slowly, allowing Pedro to become acclimated before he gradually increases his tempo. Pedro quickly matches Oscar’s pace, lifting his hips to penetrate deeper. 
“Fuck, mi tigre, you feel so god damn good inside me. Stroke my cock while you fuck me, baby. I wanna feel you inside and out. I want you to consume me entirely.”
Oscar moans loudly as Pedro fills him and strokes him simultaneously. Oscar’s moans and heavy breathing help Pedro find his groove.  He begins to thrust with more force, his hips slapping against Oscar’s ass.
“Daddy, can I—,” Pedro begins, but is immediately cut off by Oscar placing a finger over Pedro’s lips.
“Don’t ask, baby…,” Oscar pants heavily. He gasps when Pedro’s free hand finds his throat a few seconds later. “Harder, baby. Like you fucking mean it!”
Pedro’s grip tightens around Oscar’s throat, causing Oscar’s breath to come in hollow, gasping shudders. Pedro moans loudly, the sounds from Oscar driving his courage. Pedro’s hips keep slamming against Oscar’s ass as he ruts himself harder and deeper into Oscar, hitting his sweet spot over and over.
Breath hitching in his chest, Oscar pants eagerly, “Fuck! Right there, baby, right there!”
Slowing down, Pedro presses his hand firmly against Oscar’s chest, indicating him to lean back slightly. Pedro leans down and kisses the tip of Oscar’s cock, which is already moist with pre-cum, swirling his tongue along the slit. He licks his lips, allowing Oscar’s essence to create a slick sheen on them. 
The sight and sensation causes Oscar to jerk forward, involuntarily chasing Pedro’s lips. A feral groan escapes as Pedro finally wraps his lips around Oscar’s hard, aching cock.  As his concentration shifts Pedro’s speed falters. Oscar picks up the slack, controlling both the depth and speed of penetration. 
“I’m getting close, mi tigre. Where do you want it?” Oscar asks softly.
Pedro stops just long enough to answer, “In my mouth. Let me taste you, gatito.”
Gripping Pedro’s throat tightly Oscar releases his load, feeling his orgasm pour down Pedro’s throat, a quivering sensation rippling below his grip. Pedro gasps as he tries to catch his breath. 
As Oscar continues to rock his hips, taking Pedro as deep as he can, his breath comes in ragged gasps as he rides Pedro hard. He leans in closely, hands traveling up Pedro’s sweat slicked torso, and bites Pedro’s shoulder hard enough to elicit a gasp. 
Pedro shudders as he tries to hold off his release. Oscar gazes at him intensely, instantly knowing that he’s trained his Pedrito very well. Even taking on a dominant role, Pedro still seeks Oscar’s approval before he can find his release.
In a soft whisper, Oscar breathes against Pedro’s ear, “It’s okay, baby. Cum for me, cum inside me.”
Pedro arches his back as he cums deep inside Oscar, moaning with relief as his orgasm pulses through him in waves. Oscar sighs heavily as Pedro fills him. Cupping his chin, Oscar leans in and kisses Pedro tenderly, running his fingers through Pedro’s damp hair. As if a switch was flipped, Pedro almost immediately falls back into a submissive state. 
“Was that ok, Daddy?” Pedro asks quietly, looking down into the space between them shyly.
“You did beautifully, mi tigre,” Oscar purrs, kissing the tip of Pedro’s nose. “I enjoyed it very much. I hope you enjoyed it too?”
“Yes, Daddy, I enjoyed it very much. I would love to do it again. Soon.”
“Of course, mi Pedrito. Sabes que haría cualquier cosa por ti, mi amor (you know I would do anything for you, my love). Let’s take a quick shower, then we can snuggle a little. And you can tell me where you want to go once it’s dark. Is there anywhere you know of that has privacy and good star visibility?”
“Hmm, there’s an observatory at Mt. Wilson. I think that would be perfect. There are some trails nearby. We could take a blanket, maybe some wine?”
“That sounds perfect, darling.”
After they shower they fall asleep while snuggled up to each other in bed, satisfied and pleasantly tired. A few hours later they dress, go to Pedro’s favorite restaurant, then head out to Mt. Wilson, where they gaze at the stars through the observatory telescopes while waiting for the park to officially close. Once they’re sure they’re relatively alone they lay out a blanket and sip wine while gazing at the night sky. They make love under the stars, just like they did during the nights they’d spent in Brooklyn.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
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doomxdriven · 3 months
The Ōin (王印, King’s Seal) An artifact of great power that once belonged to the Soul King, said to be forged from their own flesh and spirit. Through means still unknown to him, the Ōin was responsible for reviving Kusaka after their execution in Central 46, and is also responsible for the transformation that occurred within him after that rebirth-- his newly acquired Hollow nature, that is.
Kusaka would go on to attain physical ownership of this artifact after an event known as the Diamond Dust Incident, and he has used his tenuous partnership with Jin Kariya to unlock its full potential (opting into a sort of power-sharing agreement with them).
The Ōin confers great power to the hands of its user, allowing them to meld and shape all aspects of reality to their will, but it also possesses a consciousness of its own, and despite its full potential being unlocked, it can often decide against the demands of its wielder, should it believe they are asking too much or are not worthy, a problem Jin and Kusaka have run into more times than they can count.
Unlike with Jin, however, the Ōin seems more fond of Kusaka, and sometimes he can swear it speaks to him, that it holds conversations with him, though he can never quite remember what they speak about....
Hyōrinmaru When sealed, Hyōrinmaru looks just like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is shaped like a four-pointed flower and a light purple handle. The sheath is red and disappears whenever the sword is drawn. It bears a striking resemblance to the Zanpakuto of Toshiro Hitsugaya, bearing the same name and sharing many of the same techniques and abilities as well, though with many subtle differences, or variations unique to Kusaka's. Some physical variations of Kusaka's Hyorinmaru are it's shorter size compared to Toshiro's, and it's hollow hilt.
Kusaka has not achieved Bankai with his Hyōrinmaru, and due to factors currently unknown to him, he likely never will, but he has something equally, if not more useful at his disposal....
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Power Augmentation: While wearing his mask, Kusaka's Hollow powers supplement his Shinigami abilities, giving him a vast increase in both strength and speed. Due to the unique nature of Kusaka's Hollowfication (his Shinigami Soul being reborn and melded with Hollow Reiryoku in Hueco Mundo plus his interactions with a certain figure, making him a 'perfect Hybrid' akin to Tosen, or Bansui), he has no time limit when utilizing his Hollow abilities, either, unlike the Visored.
Enhanced Strength and Durability (Hierro): While wearing his Hollow mask, Kusaka gains greater strength, and gains the ability to condense his Reiryoku in a way that makes his skin as hard steel, more than strong enough to fend off Zanpakutō, or other weaponry/effects, also known as Hierro, an ability usually possessed by Arrancar.
Enhanced Speed (Sonído): While wearing his Hollow mask, Kusaka gains enhanced speed through the usage of Sonído, which, when mixed with his Shunpo, allows him to keep up with Master's of both arts, and completely outclass everyone else.
Altered Spiritual Power/Reiatsu: When donning his mask, Kusaka's Reiryoku and Reiatsu change dramatically, both in terms of intensity and its overall impact. The color and composition of Kusaka's Reiatsu also undergoes a change, becoming a very dark violet color, and gaining an ice-like quality that chills the area around him.
High-Speed Regeneration: While wearing his Hollow mask, Kusaka is able to heal at an alarming rate-- even when losing whole limbs or sections of his body, he is able to regenerate from said damage nearly instantly. Damage to crucial organs is harder for Kusaka to heal while donning his mask, but as long as he isn't dealt a serious enough blow to the heart or brain (or isn't decapitated), he will survive whatever damage is thrown at him.
Cero: While wearing his Hollow mask, Kusaka gains access to the Hollow ability of Cero, with his being a lilac-purple color. The power behind Kusaka's Cero is great, and harbors a unique 'icy' composition, allowing it to freeze whatever it touches. Furthermore, by adding his blood to the blast, Kusaka can produce a Cero that is as powerful as the famed 'Gran Rey Cero' used by the Espada.
Bala: With his Hollow Mask on, Kusaka can unleash Bala, which are smaller and weaker blasts than Cero, though what they lack in power and range they make up for in speed, since they can be rapidly fired off at a moments notice. Like Kusaka's Cero, his Bala carry an 'icy' composition, and will inflict intense freezing damage on whatever they hit.
Descorrer: While wearing his Hollow Mask, Kusaka can open up Garganta, pathways that lead to the void between worlds, where he and anyone with him can freely traverse to a location of his choosing between the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the World of the Living.
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‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ RESURRECCIÓN Hyōrinmaru Gishiki Yashinteki: Dragón del Norte (Ice Ring Ambitious Ritual: Dragon of the North) While donning his Hollow Mask, Kusaka can hold his Zanpakuto upside down and chant a secret phrase to himself, which will engage this special ability. Upon activation, Kusaka's Zanpakuto will vanish, and he will become surrounded by, and then encased in, a large crystal of lilac-colored ice, which will then shatter to reveal his transformation into a Hollow; a large, humanoid-shaped dragon that is comprised of violet-colored ice and bone.
Resurrección Special Abilities
— Augmented Hollow Powers While his Resurrección is active, Kusaka's baser Hollow abilities like Cero, High Speed Regeneration, Sonido, and Hierro, are enhanced even further.
— Immense Strength, & Durability With his Resurrección active, by virture of his new form, Kusaka's physical strength and durability grow exponentially.
— Descorrer: Garganta Insaciable While in this state, Kusaka can open up special Garganta that he can then summon swarms of Hollows from. These Hollows may not be under Kusaka's direct control, but they will not attack him, and will instead set their sights on whoever else happens to be around.
— Fragor After forming a lilac sphere of energy within their maw (similar to the charging of his Cero), Kusaka launches it toward his target. Upon impact, the lilac sphere explodes with enough force to create a large crater and releases a giant shockwave which can be felt miles away from the blast site. It is multiple degrees more powerful than even Kusaka's most powerful Cero, though it takes much longer to charge.
— Subyugación de la Tormenta A mirroring of his Zanpakuto's Tensō Jūrin, this ability allows Kusaka to control the weather in the immediate vicinity, or more specifically, the water in the surrounding atmosphere, for the purposes of generating ice and other related techniques.
— Ala de Hielo Kusaka can gather large amounts of ice upon his wings, which he can then unleash in a showering blast that will cover a large area in shards of deadly shards.
— Gran Viento Helado Kusaka opens his maw to unleash a massive whirlwind of chilling wind that will freeze anything it manages to pass over.
— Navajas del Dragón del Norte While engaging his Resurrección, Kusaka's claws, tail, and teeth will be coated in a slick yet icy-substance that will freeze (or at the very least inundate with ice) whatever they cut into, be it stone, steel, flesh, or blood.
— Dragón del Norte: Ventisca Interminable While utilizing his Resurrección, Kusaka gathers a great amount of ice around him, which he then disperses in a large blast. The ice then coalesces into a fierce blizzard that envelops the general area, steadily dropping the temperature further and further as time goes on, while sapping the strength of those caught within. Weaker foes caught within the blizzard will quickly succumb to the elements, though even stronger opponents will find it hard to fight in these conditions for very long. Trying to escape the blizzard is one's best option, though navigating it is no easy task.
— Dragón del Norte: Congelación Ineludible Truly the most concerning, and powerful ability granted to Kusaka while utilizing his Resurrección, it allows the ice produced by his Hollowfication to effectively 'freeze' whatever it comes in contact with on both a literal and fundamental level, giving him Absolute control over Ice as an element-- objects like weapons or walls or things like flesh and blood can naturally be frozen, but so can less physical or more abstract things like Kido, Reishi, Reiatsu, and the like.
The effectiveness Kusaka's Resurrección-fueled ice has when it comes to freezing things like Kido or Reishi or Reiatsu or special abilities like Quincy Schrifts, Arrancar Resurrección's etc etc, will vary depending on the source behind them, but its potential to overwhelm such things at all is incredible. It can be seen as a corruption of the ability Kusaka's Hyōrinmaru would possess, should Kusaka have achieved Bankai.
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wanou-dorm · 8 months
DAC- Trois
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Name : Trois Vineyard ,it's just Trois 
Name origin: Trois is Three in French goes with his Brothers.trend of Names being  Number and matches the Number of the Character
Twisted from: Sanji Vinsmoke 
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Age: he's at least 19 old enough  to Smoke he's Lied about his age trying away from his family 
Species : Genetically Modified Human, Monsterborn
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Birthday : March 3rd
Hair color: Blonde with Orange Highlights, Blonde with Black highlights naturally 
Eye color: Blue 
Build: ,slim, Muscular,Androgynous, about 180cm( 5’11), often mistaken for a very handsome Girl 
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Dorm:  Nakakumi @fumikomiyasaki
School year: 2nd 
Class: 2-D
Best Class : Hand to Hand Combat
Worst Class: poisons and Potions - he can make potions Exceptionally well, but Poisons are against his Morals 
Favorite Food :Stuff that Pairs well with Black tea, Seafood, Mellorine 
Least Favorite Food: Konjac 
Likes: Cooking, Hot People , Zariah( despite the Fact They yell and Fight Constantly) 
Dislikes:Foods with No Nutritional value, People Tampering  with his Food ( Make your Own!! And don't Wreck mine!), being mistaken for a Woman , his Real Family except for Zero , Erina at Times ,I'm so sorry Twst!Zoro he Hated yo ass from conception , Being called a Pervert even though he is 
Unique Magic:
A Magical ability that basically allows him to “walk or Stand  on Air “ Allowing him to Travel long Distances that should be on impossible 
Personality and Background:
Trois on the Surface is a rather Cool headed individual  ,a Flirt with princely demanor that can Pull any Woman he Desire . 
Anyone from Deaths Academy of Combat  will say  that Trois is a walking Doormat and Would let anyone he Finds Hot walk all over him and also kinda mean to people he Dosent find Attractive and a Massive  pervert.
But Nakakumi  knows that Trois is more Complicated,
Trois is an individual who doesn't Share much of his past knowing how Nakakumi would react to finding out that he's a Genetically modified Human with Monster Blood DNA , who Escaped a Life of Experimentation from a Moving Military state with Twst!M.Bison for A stepmother. And that's not even the worst of his backstory, he was a man who was Punished for being Human and Having humanity.
Therefore, Trois Pushes himself away from others so that people don't know or Care about him.Trois dose Care for people  enough that in his First year of being in the Dorm as he Saw how meh the Kitchens Food took Charge and made Delicious meal after Having Gordon Ramsay level fit about the food in dorm having no Nutritional value, no taste and having a horrible Texture.
Trois Escaped with the Help of Zariah (Zeff) a young Soldier at the Time Who Didn't like His Stepmom she saw the Young boy Suffering and Basically committed An Act of Treason in the Moving Military State. She's now a Chef and Thier Restaurant is popular Enough that She and Trois are Concerned 
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Trois in Recent Years Has not been Since at all in RSA, Because his brothers are In Incremina ..I'm sorry Barry and Francine , that you have to Deal with Genetically modified Super Sentai bullies except Cero Atleast you can hide behind Acer.
He once made a sweet  Pudding out of Oysters and told nobody until Erina asked .They still have no Idea How he made oysters into a delicious Sweet Pudding .
Sanji would have A Heart attack Seeing Trois  fighting  Women . Trois’s Legs are Rated E for Everyone Sanji his Stepmother Experimented on him .
Trois said his Stepmother was going to use him as a Vessel to basically erase his Personality .
Trois 's Sense of Pain is Dulled due the Experiments.
Due to technically began a monster blood he has a Monster form.
his Hair highlights are actually Black he dyes it Orange cause he hates how dull They make his Hair look .
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Voice Claim:CY YU
Theme song:
Picrews I',ve found and Remembered so far
Gacha Life 2
Tsui's Picrews
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