#ceasefire project
sugas6thtooth · 2 months
Are you an American Citizen?
Are you going to be negatively affected by this year's election but you don't want to vote because both of our candidates support genocide?
Your feelings are valid. However, let's take this opportunity to capitalize on the fact that one of the candidates absolutely needs our vote.
Call Kamala and demand for her to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Demand her to stop allowing our taxes to fund the genocide in Gaza. Follow the instructions in the video, use what OP said as a template for your call. If you don't feel comfortable calling, email.
Palestinians human rights matter just as much as ours, i hope you're willing to fight for both.
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imperiuswrecked · 10 months
Every single person who is trying to shame people into voting for Genocide Joe's re-election because "Trump is worse and Biden is less worse" is disgusting.
As a person who voted Democrat since I could vote, as a person who fought with family or acquaintances to make them see how bad Trump is, the level of shame and guilt that I've been carrying for weeks over the Genocide in Palestine, over every single death that I see on my screen, over every story I read about those brave suffering people, has eaten me alive. To know that my vote put a monster in power.
"We can't live through Trump again". Too bad. Maybe instead of spending all your energy shaming the people, especially the Palestinian-Americans, into voting for the man who is directly responsible, directly to blame, for ongoing aid to fund and support the deaths of thousands of men, women, and children, maybe you should do the work to put a better candidate in office, maybe you should say "hey both these people are horrible, we should pick someone better" and then work towards that instead of saying "anyone who doesn't vote for Biden over the Palestinian Genocide is worse than the people who vote for Trump". I know you all don't care about the lives of people half a world away but I do.
I will never again in my life vote for a single person who supports the atrocities that I've witnessed.
I will not compromise my morals for your comfort.
Fuck you.
For anyone else who cares about making a difference follow and support Project Olive Grove, they are actively working to ensure that this won't ever happen again by having politicians who advocate for the people and not for genocide.
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floorsauce · 1 month
Time is running out and death is getting closer to us😢😥 😭
My children and I live in war and our lives are in danger 😔
My children are suffering and getting sick because of pollution 😭
Don’t hesitate to Donate any amount to save our lives🥹🙏
Please stand by me and don’t leave me alone
Consider my children as your children 👧🧒
Donate to save our lives and re blog🙏🇵🇸
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aemarling · 10 months
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Systems that require continuous colonial extraction and violent imperialism will lead only one direction, into ever-worse apocalypse. It is time to explore another option: solarpunk.
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gazagfmboost · 5 months
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Ahmed Abu shaban, Wife & son Adam
Vetting: GoFundWatermelon / TheLastTurtle #71 Operation Olivebranch #93 & Op Olivebranch Perinatal #149 Instagram: lanaelhellow & ahmed.abu.shaban Fund Currency: € Euro
Pregnancy complication! :( Please consider helping Ahmed's to evacuate his tiny son & wife to escape to receive adequate care.
"He also wants to thank you for your donations and that you prove to him day after day that humanity has not ended." Update - Their fund was frozen for a long time, they've worked out the issues & I hope we can help them feel supported now that they can receive donations again!
Any hearts & re-shares to people in your communities are incredibly appreciated! Thank you so much for your kindness!
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Save me and my family from death. gofund.me/6d513ff5
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fandomsforpalestine · 4 months
FFP artist - Mimibayra
Want to donate money for Palestine? Ask for a commission here.
I'm an illustrator and I have experience in drawing fanart for some time now. I can paint or illustrate something if you so desire!
Pronouns: She/Her
Social media: @mimibayra (Tumblr), mimibayra (Instagram and Bluesky)
Most fantasy or fantasy-adjacent works, or pretty much any speculative fiction, whether video games, comics, films books, etc: Includes but is not limited to, Dragon Age, Pillars of Eternity, Baldur's Gate, Pathfinder, Fallout, Stardew Valley, A Song of Ice and Fire, Project Zomboid, The Walking Dead, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc. I am not averse to drawing non standard fantasy / sci fi work either, I can draw from series ranging to Twin Peaks to The Sopranos if you have a liking to them!
Type of fanworks: Fanart
How many fanworks the artists propose: 10
Price of fanwork: A minimum of 5$ on my b&w illustrations, and a minimum of 35$ on painted artworks.
NSFW possible? : Yes
What can you not ask for: I am not comfortable with drawing polarizing relationships such as Wincest from Supernatural and so on.
Art: A mix of my painted artworks and b&w illustrations
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originalleftist · 26 days
Vote Kamala Harris for Democracy.
Vote Kamala to make sure Trump finally faces consequences for his crimes.
Vote Kamala for gun control.
Vote Kamala for Ukraine.
Vote Kamala for the Climate Crisis.
Vote Kamala for SCOTUS.
Vote Kamala so your body is your's, and not the State's.
And yes- Vote Kamala for Gaza too.
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Dartagnan at Daily Kos:
As anti-Israel protests have spread across many of the country’s most prestigious college campuses this week, several Republicans in Congress have sought to burnish their pro-Israel credentials by calling for the U.S. military to respond.  Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton exhorted President Joe Biden to send in National Guard units, while obliquely encouraging motorists to run over protestors. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley similarly demanded a militarized federal response “to protect Jewish Americans,” while Mitch McConnell and John Thune penned a letter, signed by 25 of their fellow GOP senators, calling the demonstrators “anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist mobs” and demanding that “federal law enforcement” respond.
Meanwhile, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson paid a visit to Columbia University’s campus on Wednesday where he was greeted by catcalls and boos. Upon leaving, Johnson also declared he would be demanding that Biden deploy the National Guard to quell the protests if they continued.  As Adam Serwer, writing for the Atlantic, observes, these reflexive calls by Republicans for a military response to protests seem to be less rooted in genuine concern that the protests pose a serious danger to the public or Jewish people than “because these powerful figures find the protesters and their demands offensive.” Serwer points out that school administrators have, when necessary, called in local police to address potential violence, harassment, and property damage, and thus far, the protests do not evince the kind of “mass violence and unrest” that would normally suggest the need for federal involvement. He also notes that such a deployment of federal troops would likely escalate the protests. 
Without debating the relative merits or lack thereof of the protests themselves, then, it’s important to note that these demands for a federal militarized response are coming almost entirely from one side of the political aisle. As Serwer points out, they echo the same sentiments Republicans expressed in 2020 in response to the protests by Black Lives Matter over the police murder of George Floyd. 
In other words, thus far we have seen a markedly asymmetrical, political response by Republicans to  campus protests this week. But we are also witnessing something else: an explicit acceptance of a militarized solution to protests where Republicans find it politically advantageous. Notably, another well-known Republican has also proposed sending the U.S. military and National Guard units to quell anticipated public protests, albeit of a far different nature, should he be afforded another term in office. That person is Donald Trump, and the people he proposes to target are those Americans he suspects would turn out in the hundreds of thousands to protest the policies he intends to implement.
Prominent Republicans such as Tom Cotton, Donald Trump, and Mike Johnson are demanding a militaristic response to end the pro-Palestinian protests across the nation's campuses as a way of burnishing their pro-Israel Apartheid bona fides.
Such a response would further escalate protests instead of quell them.
See Also:
Vox: Student protests are testing US colleges’ commitment to free speech
The Nation: The Crackdown on Campus Protests Is Happening Everywhere
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foursaints · 7 months
rosekiller would be on the streets protesting for palestine
i find it a bit.. tasteless or at least offensively cavalier to discuss real world genocide through the lens of harry potter characters. but i support you and entirely agree with where you’re coming from
donation link for medical aid for palestine
continuously updating google doc of palestinian escape funds (URGENT)
donation to palestinian children’s relief fund
gaza emergency appeal
donate to arab.org with one click
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chkn-kit · 8 months
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Some of my favorite doodles from the first stream! We've raised over 100 USD so far for PCRF and we're doing another session next week (Thursday 12 PM PST).
You can donate here if you have a request!
If you wanna get an idea of how much detail goes into the dono requests, you can check below the cut with other examples!
$5 and can get you a little doodle like sailor Miku or the pie (if you request it from me)!
$10 will get you something a little cleaner like Kaeya or Emu
$20 will get you something like Kazuha on the left
$50 will get you something fully colored like my OC on the right
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I'm not the only one drawing the requests by the way! My wonderful friends are participating in this with me. We'd really appreciate it if you checked out the campaign. If you can't donate, then sharing it would also be an immense help! <3
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chiekodivine · 5 months
new york city is a shit show right now and not because of the students peacefully protesting. i’m so sick of fucking cops. research the history of the police force in america. tear-gassing students and snipers on rooftops. we all know this will escalate. it’s just when. it’s ironic, when you grow up with school shootings and no gun laws you become pretty desensitized. if the government thinks a shooting will scare people then they’re just plain stupid. ivy league students being shot at on the grounds of campus. all i can think about is the kent state massacre. everyone attending protests please be safe and mask up!!! those not attending, if you can, drop off food and water to protestors fighting for our rights. you don’t need to be palestinian to care about the genocide in gaza, you just need to be human. they don’t just want to ban tiktok because of the mass spread of unregulated information. they want to ban tiktok because of the mass spread of empathy. billions of videos depicting the human experience. i have cried so many tears and laughed until my stomach hurt all for strangers i’ll never meet. when we care about each other more than we care about the dollars in our pockets it scares them. it scares them because they feed and live off of human suffering and exploitation. they’ve manipulated our minds so much we believe we are dependent on them when really they are dependent on us. they’ve divided us so much we’ve forgotten what it’s like to love each other. they’ve allowed so much violence and so much hatred that it’s become all we know. but a heart full of empathy and love will always want to share that love. that’s what they fear. capitalism is just a circle jerk of who has the deepest pockets and billionaires can’t exist without the exploitation of the working class. calculate how many hours you’d need to work earning minimum wage in order to be a billionaire. look up the recent layoffs of thousands of hiring recruiters across the country. research the nationwide implementation of AI that accepts your résumé based on buzzwords and not actual experience. did i mention homelessness is illegal and i’m pretty sure social security is like gone now? How many hours would it take to be billionaire?
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wybawienia · 3 days
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please reblog my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. Also with ⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249/(212) on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
please donate my loves🤲🤍
and if you can’t, just reblog & send it to your friends and family
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floorsauce · 1 month
Hello friends!
I am Lina from Gaza🇵🇸🍉
I have two children, one of them was born in the genocide. Please, I need a donation of 20 or 25 euros. I know that my request for help is unusual for me, but I really need you. The donation link is in my bio. Every small donation makes a difference. Help my children and my family. We lost everything and we need this money urgently
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toalwaysbeme · 7 months
Fuck leeway, fuck compromise - there is no middle ground for freedom. You can't steal shit then offer to give the worst third of it back and pretend it's a compromise. Fuck offfffffff.
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gazagfmboost · 5 months
Groups actively fundraising & vetting funds for Palestinians All Linked Here - linktr.ee/prudenthermit
Operation Olivebranch Instagram: instagram.com/operationolivebranch/ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch Fund list: http://tinyurl.com/opolivebranch Operation Poppyflower Instagram: instagram.com/operationpoppyflower/ Website: https://www.operationpoppyflower.com/ Fund list: https://www.operationpoppyflower.com/full-campaign-directory Operation Watermelon Website: https://operationwatermelon.com/ Fund highlight: https://operationwatermelon.com/pages/fundraisers
Project Watermelon Instagram: instagram.com/projectwater.melon/ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/projectwatermelon Fund list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16XhzsCbsRV-cMAzRA8gTNxaYt_FAbf6nq3ZNGP4Q9U8/edit#gid=888841877
TheLastTurtle Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thelastturtle Fund list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o_kH9RnGmKOXmEcMUBTWcMhgdTKIequ__xiPym7RGtE/edit#gid=0
Flowers from Falasteen Instagram: instagram.com/flowersfromfalasteen/ Fund list: https://linktr.ee/HoldPalestinianHands ESims for Palestinians https://gazaesims.com/
Raffle & handmade goods for Palestine: https://makers4palestine.com/
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squeesquoo · 7 months
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Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now.
- Aaron Bushnell, 2024.
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