sysmedsaresexist · 29 days
Do you have any idea where the myth of "None, OR, Not a lot of amnesia = OSDD" and "blackout amnesia = DID" came from? I heard it since 2016, and posts for a search of "osdd1b amnesia" bring up the same so I guess the idea recently circulates as well. In 2016, me and my friend thought we had OSDD instead of DID because we didn't always have amnesia. I was under the impression OSDD1B has No Amnesia except for emotional, correct me if I'm wrong? (yada yada insert disclaimers about 1B here lol)
Did-research.org is typically the source of these kinds of myths. Did-research is run by another tumblr blogger with a similar educational background to myself.
The site is quite old and the wording is very clunky and unclear in a lot of places. This is also where the myth about osdd 1a alters comes from (if you have full alters, it's 1b, even if they're you at different ages).
So, to clarify for others, osdd 1b (Obligatory "doesn't actually exist") has EMOTIONAL AMNESIA ONLY.
Emotional amnesia is a fancy way to say "dissociation." A disconnect between memory and emotion.
DID can have SO MANY different types of amnesia.
Amnesia only for childhood trauma with full system communication? DID.
Amnesia between some alters and not others? DID.
Blackout amnesia? DID.
Gray out? Probably DID, depending on who's defining it.
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butterednuttered · 9 months
a diverse group of people with different experiences
research papers, case studies, dsm-5 pages, books, etc on dissociation
a silly funny community
an application system for gaining access to channels that discuss personal experiences, questions, and general chat
a screenreader and dyslexic friendly environment!
a syskid safe environment
we accept tons of people into our server!
endos and their supportters are heavily encouraged not to join, as we don't support endos in this server, however, people who are neutral on the topic are fine
if you are found to have been actively fakeclaiming people, especially on r/SystemsCringe, you are still welcome to stay, but you will be perma-banned from social and discussions channels! (we have had to do this before.)
13+ server!! meaning NO NSFW. INVITE: https://discord.com/invite/E2raRCk6QR
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mischiefmanifold · 11 months
okay kind of interested in this so
didn't include an option for neither because I don't want screwy results. also endos do not touch thanks
reblog for reach please 🙏
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cdd-safe-haven · 23 days
Hello, weary traveller!
An exciting update!
So, we're not going to talk about it, but this blog was hidden for a bit. That's okay, though, because it's fixed!
Remember to always keep going, keep trying, keep your chin up. I know we've all taken a lot of hits over our lives already. I know you're tired.
But sometimes the blows don't land.
Remember to find humor in the bad, to laugh, breathe out, relax your shoulders, and let the ones that don't matter roll off of you.
An easy fight is still a battle won.
I bet you've got more wins under your belt than you think.
I mean, you're still here, right?
Enjoy the small things. Take a rest. You deserve it.
You've come a long way, haven't you? ❤️
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Hey! I’m not touching this discourse directly with a 10 foot pole, especially since drama hungry folks are on the prowl for anything with an acronym in it, but!
I started using CDD as an acronym to take the place of DIDOSDD, primarily because CDD felt more obviously inclusive of the disorders often unmentioned. I feel like writing out DIDOSDDDDNOSUDDPDIDMPD would be… a mouthful.
I’ve seen a few folks stirring up this idea that it was being used as a way to exclude traumagenic non-disordered systems or endogenic systems… Nope! I feel like I’m partially why it gained so much popularity in syscourse since I started using it so regularly, and I can attest, it had literally nothing to do with non-disordered individuals. I just wanted a clearer way to abbreviate “any dissociative disorder with a medically complex structure that forms a system.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Girls with DID will be thinking everything is normal until they full blackout switch in the middle of therapy with no idea why they have tears all over their face
It's me im Girls
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korya-elana · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about the discourse around "is bullying bad enough to cause CDDs" and I came to the realization that I think bullying is why the brain created me at all.
Coming to the conclusion that I am not the "original" alter and specifically a fictive, was a very difficult realization for me and it's taken a long time for me to accept it. It still makes me uncomfortable if I think about it for too long. I don't have any memories before first grade. And that school was ... bad.
We grew up in the ghetto. The bus ride to school was an hour and a half. The school (which was eventually shut down for poor testing scores) had barbed wire on top of the fence and frequent creepy men that would walk outside the fence. We were told under no circumstances were we to talk to the people outside the fence that surrounded the playground. My brother and I were two out of the only three white kids at school, so we were picked on and bullied by kids and teachers alike.
I remember frequently sobbing for the entire hour and a half home after school, curled up and huddled as much as I could, because the girls on the bus were actively trying to cut off my hair while the bus driver ignored the situation. The principal herself would tell my family that I was faking illness or injury. I had to read a book for English that dealt with child abuse and that made me extremely uncomfortable (gee wow, I wonder why) and the teacher lectured me in front of the entire class, threatened to send me to detention and forced me to finish the book. I was hit a lot by other kids. The situation was so bad that my brother and I were eventually pulled from the school and we did homeschool for a few years.
All this to say that yes, I do truly believe that bullying when young can create CDDs. If this was adult on kid violence, it would be called child abuse. If it was an adult insulting a kid, it would be verbal and mental abuse. Bullying is just abuse between children and it can go on for years. Very rarely is bullying a single instance.
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is it normal for people with cdd's to have less dissociative barriers or more disociative barriers ? or just the same amount as an adult ?
it’s definitely normal for people with cdds to have more dissociative barriers than their peers without dissociative disorders.
that’s a big part of the nature of dissociative disorders. these disorders create dissociative barriers between alters which in turn blocks alters and memories off from each other.
we’re not certain about the existence of dissociative barriers in singlets, but we have a strong feeling that people without dissociative disorders deal with dissociative barriers incredibly rarely, if at all.
you can learn more about dissociative disorders in our resource post for questioning systems. there is a whole section with links to articles and info on dissociative disorders.
🐢 kip, 💫 parker, and 🌸 margo
edit: it’s also true that people with ptsd and other trauma disorders may struggle with dissociation and dissociative barriers!
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circular-bircular · 2 years
Reassurance for those out there: Emotional amnesia is absolutely valid, real, and something many systems experience. You’re valid if that’s your primary form of amnesia.
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possessed-pack · 1 month
In-system relationships can be so intimate.
Waking up together, opening the same eyes, and stretching the same limbs. Yawning in time and saying a good morning that only you who are involved can understand what it's for.
Sharing a meal, not only from the same plate, but with the same hands and the same senses. Deciding what to eat together, something that fits all of your tastes.
Curled in the same bed, in the same blankets, in the same body, drowzily mumbling about nothing and everything to each other. Joking around and feeling their sleepy laugh as if it were your own.
Living life, and inviting them to share yours and your time in it--performing your daily tasks in the unison of cofront. Seeing and hearing and feeling everything together.
Feeling them blush when you flirt or compliment them. Feeling their joy when you get them a gift, or how safe you make them feel simply when you're around them.
Enveloped in the same love, from the same brain, with the same feeling of care for each other palpable between you. Feeling the emotions you feel yourself, coming from the other person. Feeling their love for you, in the rawest, most direct possible way.
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sysmedsaresexist · 25 days
is it true DID dx takes several years (ive heard 8-10)? i haven't yet went to individual psychotherapy (have been psych. hospitalized several times) but im scared of it taking years for the therapist to understand me and my symptoms fully to the point of being capable of making a dx (despite my extensive journaling + last time i spoke to staff they seemed to truly understand me, but im afraid of the diagnostic process taking years because of um, risk of harm to self and all that)
I'm sorry it took so long to get to this! I've answered something similar in depth before.
If you already have some of your symptoms figured out, the process does NOT take that long. That figure includes a HUGE number of systems that were completely unaware. As I said in the linked post, it's someone going in with symptoms of depression and coming out 12 years later with a CDD diagnosis after very heavy therapy.
This figure is MUCH smaller these days, it won't take that long. Be patient with the process, though. It can still take longer than you'd like, but the process needs to be followed.
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butterednuttered · 8 months
a diverse group of people with different experiences
research papers, case studies, dsm-5 pages, books, etc on dissociation
a silly funny community
an application system for gaining access to channels that discuss personal experiences, questions, and general chat
a pretty good middle ground for people who use typing quirks and keep proxies for comfort as well as people who use screen readers and/or are dyslexic
a syskid safe and non-infantilizing environment
endos and their supporters are heavily encouraged not to join, as we don't support endos in this server, however, people who are neutral on the topic are fine
if you are found to have been actively fakeclaiming people, especially on r/SystemsCringe and r/FakeDisorderCringe, you will be perma-banned from social and discussions channels, or even the entire server. (we have had to do this before.)
13+ server!! meaning NO NSFW. INVITE: https://discord.com/invite/E2raRCk6QR
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
Uh, small correction on your last post, different alters can hold symptoms for different disorders (like personality disorders and stuff) but they don't have the disorder on their own. the brain itself has the disorder, that alter just holds symptoms for it (making it seem like they're the only one who has it even if that technically isnt true)
while this is true for disorders that are genetic or occur from birth (e.g. autism, cerebral palsy, ehlers-danlos syndrome), it’s different for disorders that are acquired by stress or trauma.
there is evidence that different alters can have different visual prescriptions, medication response, allergies, heart rate, blood pressure readings, muscle tension, EEG readings (brain activity readings), immune function, and more [source]. there are even accounts of alters having diabetes when the rest of the system doesn’t and reacting wildly differently to anesthesia depending on the alter fronting [source].
it’s common knowledge that alters can have different gaits, handwriting, handedness, styles, music tastes, literal tastes, sensory issues, etc., and it’s also pretty widely known that we don’t actually know all that much about the brain and how it works.
disorders like autism are present from birth and so are always present in every single alter no matter when they split off because they’re splitting off from a wholly autistic brain. when different alters experience different traumas (e.g. specific alters being forced out to be abused in ritual abuse), they develop their own trauma responses and their own coping skills that are separate to the other alters. if they get severe enough there’s no reason why one alter can’t have a specific mental disorder like agoraphobia or narcissistic personality disorder.
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candyrain-collective · 3 months
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a comic about my experience with other people's perception of my DID/OSDD. might do more pages in the future? we'll see.
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aurangg · 4 months
Something really not talked about with trauma disorders is the paranoia.
Being scared and jumping to conclusions when people stand a little too close to you, not believing people’s compliments and thinking they have hidden motives, not believing when people tell you they like/love you, thinking that strangers you see on the street want to hurt you, etc.
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blooming-foliage · 5 months
apparently theres 5 threat responses documented now!
from a trauma & dissociation workbook page our therapist shared
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