#cause theyre already down bad for each other cause i said so
imaredshirt · 3 months
It made sense, McCoy thought in a daze, that after all the times beings with telepathic abilities had messed around in his head, something would get left behind.
He doesn't realize it at first. Chalks it up to being a people person, having dealt with enough personal and professional relationships as both a civilian and a physician to just know what a person is thinking and feeling. That's all it is.
Until he's working alone with Spock one night, both bent over microscopes in the lab, and he hears Spock say something quietly, with perhaps a triffle more emotion than he's used to hearing from the Vulcan - "This organism may take longer to classify than I had originally thought. Leonard will be sharing the lab with me for sometime, then. I . . . am not averse to this outcome."
"First of all," McCoy says, having perked up at the sound of his first name - not something Spock often addresses him as while on duty. "Kinda rude to talk about a man as if he's not in the same room, just a few feet away. Second of all-" and he turns, grinning at Spock’s slightly startled expression and raised eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure you just said you're enjoying my company."
The startled expression doesn't disappear. "I beg your pardon?"
"Now Mr. Spock, if you think I'm gonna let you take back what you just said-"
"Doctor," Spock says, clasping his hands behind his back and watching McCoy now with an expression more curious than anything else. "I did not say anything."
McCoy's smile falters. He feels an inkling of worry and growing curiosity not his own - he knows, somehow, that it's coming from Spock. It's then he realizes that his ability to pinpoint a person's thoughts and emotions - something that has seemed to grow stronger over the past few weeks - is not just due to his affinity as a people person.
Somewhere along the way, a telepathic being messed around in his head - and left some of their ability behind.
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tlou-reid · 3 months
spencer!dad with a teen daughter, theyre having an argument (bad grades, behaviour, sassy etc) but in the end she feels bad for her actions and apologises. fluffy/happy ending please <3
the only way to comfort your daughter most of the time was to remind her that spencer was a statistical anomaly.
there was such a small chance of him having such a big, beautiful brain, and it was completely unfair of her to hold herself to the same standards he held himself to. but, she did it anyways. and this caused a lot of tension in the house. especially since she started high school.
claire, your oldest child and only daughter, has been gifted. she was years ahead of her classmates, already taking calculus 1 instead of the algebra her friends were in. but being in these classes came with a lot of work on her part. and you did not mind helping her, but keeping up with the way schools change how they taught or trying to do the hard math she was doing wasn’t going too well.
so, spencer stepped in.
“you’re looking for the derivative here,” spencer spoke, frustrating clear in his voice. “that’s what i just said!” claire exasperated, throwing her arms up and tossing her pencil down the table. “you’re not listening to me!” you could hear the frustration and the hurt in her voice. you wished you could step in, but you knew you’d be no help.
“if you knew that, you shouldn’t have asked for help.” spencer rolled his eyes, growing equally as frustrated. “stop being rude, claire. i’m just trying to help you.” communication had never been spencer’s strong suit.
from your place in the kitchen, you could see the way spencer’s face was getting redder and redder, not liking the way his daughter was talking to him. “hey guys,” you called, quickly hustling around the kitchen to throw together a snack plate, “why don’t we take a break? i have a pre-dinner plate for you guys!” you did your best to cover up the real reason why you were interrupting them. hearing them go back and fourth broke your heart, you knew they didn’t want to argue with each other and it really did upset both of them.
“i gotta get done, mom.” claire deadpanned, once again rolling her eyes. “be kind to your mother.” spencer demanded. “dad!” she shouts, needing spencer to just be quiet.
“claire, go to the living room.” you pushed, shooing her away. they needed space from each other. they were too alike for their own good.
“you didn’t have to do that,” spencer sighs, accepting defeat. “yes, i did, spence. you gotta be nicer when she asks for help.” spencer nods, not really caring for your opinion.
claire had disappeared to her room, working on assignments for other classes. she doesn’t come out until you call everyone down for dinner. she asks her little brother, benny, to switch seats so she could sit next to spencer.
as you’re in the kitchen scooping everyone’s plate, you hear claire talking to her. “dad, i finished the homework.” she says, not elaborating. “yeah, how’d it go?” he smiles at her. the anger he was feeling washed away just as quickly as it came. “yeah, i had mixed up the different variables a few steps up. i had to resolve it like six times.” she explains. “great job, claire bear.” claire smiles.
claire was like her father, never one to apologize despite knowing she was wrong. neither of them would say the words “i’m sorry”, but the way they shared a bowl of chocolate ice cream for dessert was more meaningful anyways.
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rel312 · 1 year
Episode 1:
(My brother actually came into my room to tell me to shut up)
Of course Aziraphale would just forgive 8 months rent
Lmao Gabriel’s just walking down the street ass naked
Gabriel just hugged Aziraphale I can’t
“James. Long for Jim, short for Gabriel”
Crowley knows Aziraphale so well, but poor guy he only calls him for 3 reasons
Poor Crowley is trying so hard not to freak out about the “naked man friend”
The conversation between Crowley and Jim I can’t
Maggie and Nina are trapped together!!
Michael and Uriel are fighting let’s gooo
Crowley just casually let the girls out lmao
Aaaaaand of course it goes immediately wrong
Episode 2:
Gabriel’s wig is atrocious
A jukebox that turns every song into Everyday like the Bentley with Queen, hmmm….
Crowley looks like a doting partner bringing his husband a drink
“Get humans wet and staring into each other’s eyes, vavoom, sorted” sir… are you telling me that’s what did it for you???
Crowley’s so confounded that Jane Austen wrote books
Crowley scaring the kids cause they were brats but not actually killing them aww
The little girl asking to be a blue lizard with her siblings she’s so cute
I cannot believe Aziraphale was the first to talk about sides I love them
Crowley and Aziraphale working together for the first time to save the kids
Aziraphale looks so shaken to have lied poor baby
Crowley babe he’s begging for you to drive him
“Our car” you can’t take it that far lol
Poor Aziraphale really thought he was gonna fall he was about to cry
Crowley was so soft in that last scene
Episode 3:
Jim’s stuff is all labeled
Aziraphale looks like a proud father to Muriel
Crowley’s moving the plants to use the car
They both look like parents I love them
Crowley brought Aziraphale to a cemetery because he thought it would amuse him, that is date behavior
Crowley is about to kill Aziraphale for changing his car
“Operation: Lovebirds” Crowley is such a dork
Aziraphale just is not getting anything lol
Crowley… shrunk himself??? And then grew himself????
Crowley tempted her to be good I love him
I love the very closed sign
Demons can’t enter somewhere uninvited???
He’s so angry Aziraphale might be hurt
Episode 4:
“His type”????
“I remember hearing that you and Crowley were an item” HOLY SHIT
“This office has gone 13 5 0 days without anyone saying ‘THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED’”
Glad to see Aziraphale in his magic era
Crowley’s impression is hilarious
“Someone you can really trust” and his first thought is Crowley 🥹
Aziraphale has a gun and Crowley has never shot one
Crowley was shaking he was so scared and Aziraphale was so proud of his trick
Furfur not knowing how to pronounce Aziraphale lmao
Sleight of hand!
Look at them finding a middle ground in shades of grey!
Lmao Crowley would murder him if he knew Aziraphale didn’t put the brakes
Episode 5:
They’re talking about Doctor Who
Aziraphale’s giving books and Crowley’s playing with crystal balls, I love them
Aziraphale being bad at French is so funny to me
Nina grilling Crowley on his relationship with Aziraphale is everything
Crowley was confronted with his feelings and immediately went out to get a drink with Aziraphale
Crowley’s so mad go off king
The matchbox!
Aww look at Crowley denying he’s nice
The romantic music while Crowley looks at Aziraphale with the chandelier
Oh. My. GOD. Jim’s suit!
Lol that’s not what I was expecting when they said masks will be provided
“Surrender the angle”
Gabriel’s coat!!
“T. O. S. T. E.”
“You’re a good lad” “not actually, either”
“Rescuing me makes him so happy” you can’t just say things like that and expect me to be normal about it
Episode 6:
Crowley’s just bouncing around in heaven
“I’m done with being scared” *flips them the bird*
Oh sweetie, you meant well but no
“Crowley’s emotional support angel” yes, yes that’s exactly what he is
Crowley’s little supportive punch to Muriel was so cute
Gabriel x Beelzebub confirmed??
The fact that Gabriel and Beelzebub were able to sort this out in a few years while it’s taken Crowley and Aziraphale 6000 is insane
And the fact that Aziraphale grabbed Crowley’s arm when he realized that
Crowley’s so impressed with Aziraphale bringing everyone to order
Aziraphale’s face at Crowley talking about Alpha Centauri
Aziraphale looking at Crowley with so much love in his eyes is giving me life
Aziraphale looking to Crowley for permission I can’t
Crowley knowing Aziraphale will come back and saying they need “a little us time” at the Ritz
Crowley getting antsy that Aziraphale’s not back yet
Nina taking inspiration from Crowley and calling Maggie angel my beloved
Crowley looks devastated that Aziraphale interrupted him
Aziraphale looks so incredibly happy at getting Crowley to be an angel again but there’s no way Crowley wants that
Crowley’s getting so emotional
“Just be an us” stooooopppppp
“I need you” I can’t take this!
THEY KISSED!!!!!!!!!
Aziraphale touched his lips after I’m dying
Aziraphale stop being so stupid and get him back
The- the second coming??
Please tell me there will be a season 3 I can’t handle this
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pumpkinsy0 · 18 days
can you make headcanons of the gang learning creole from the shepards??
anon,,,r u,,,,🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹???🤨🤨 /lh
BUT OF COURSE!!!! the gateway to get me to answer any ask is to make it about the shepards and them being haitian i swear
•ponys already ahead of most of em bc he hangs out w curly a lot, hes picked up a few words and phrases
•i already hc that darry knows french bc he learned it in school so hes like the one having the least amount of problems w learing kreyòl
•if u didnt know, kreyòl has some words from spanish and african languages and i hc johnny to be half mexican and steve is african so sometimes they recognize it and theyre like that one wojack of that guy pointing
•im gonna be so fr its rlly only tim taking it seriously and teaching em, angelas only teaching them bad words and curlys flirting w pony, stupid ik but its happening much to the dismay of literally everyone
•when it comes to kreyòl, how u say it is how its spelled and two bit swore he would get this shit the first try and then he didnt, he barely getting it on his tenth bc he had to be explained that its said how its spelled using the HAITIAN alphabet, he was just using the regular ass alphabet the whole time
•then it opened up an argument of “then its not rlly said how its spelled” w two bit and literally everyone else but we’ll ignore that
•darry learned french in high school and he was barely grasping that fuck ass gendered language bc why is a table a girl, and he was so mentally prepared to have to do the same w kreyòl but when tim told him kreyòl isnt gendered and its rlly only context based so to say “he, she, it” is “li” and to say “they” in plural is “yo” , ik he jumped for joy, he was so tired
•back to kreyòl being spelled how u say it, when pony learned that curlys heart jumped to his ass cause ponyb started writing down what curly said and asking tim to translate, everytime he gets caught tim just gives him a look and curly pretends hes smug about it but he is not, hes shitting his pants as we speak
•i hc dallas to be russian and he already has a BIT of an accent when speaking english but when it comes to him actually talking in kreyòl its even more obvious cause ur not rlly supposed to pronounce the r’s but he literally keeps on doing it over and over somewhat in a russian accent on accident, and now tim just chuckles a bit when dally speaks kreyòl
•also i JUST remembered i also hc sylvia as haitian, so dallys also getting some help from her but also hes learning kreyòl bc he wants to know wtf she says under her breath when theyre in arguments
•i would say also bc he wants to know what tim says in arguments, but tim will gladly translate for him, however also some insult r just,meant for kreyòl, it literally only hits hard in kreyòl so he doesnt rlly translate those ones, but when he tells sylvia she laughs at dally and tells him what it means
•she also giggles at dally speaking kreyòl hes getting bullied at every angle
•i say this w sm love but dally and soda cant rlly read all that well, they were those kids that took a bit of time reading during popcorn reading and yknow what, no hate about that here, still love em the same, but sometimes tim lets them read something in kreyòl and theyre stuttering SO bad
•i joke about pony not knowing shit in kreyòl, but pony and curly speaking in kreyòl to each other guys,,,pls,,listen to me here,,,,i need it</333
•angela taught them some songs in kreyòl ill hold onto this hc till i die
okok im stopping myself here before this gets any longer but pls know i will be going insane about this later
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odysseys-blood · 8 months
dumping a bunch of messy whb mc doodles someone take this game from me
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+rambling abt em under the cut:
1(2): drew this one surrounding the feelings of guilt between minhyeok and loyal (mc). idk if they expound on it more bc im stuck on 3-48 but like. its gotta suck feeling like you're the whole reason your best friend is going through it (loyal going to hell to revive minheyok/ minheyok dying because he tried to save loyal) and yet you cant talk at all. i like thinking about the feelings of obligation they both feel for each other. and the fact that theyre both a lil too guilty because none of this is either of their faults but feelings arent exactly logical are they. also did you know minhyeok's cut is in the reverse direction in his halloween event sprites than they should be based on the cg where he gets cut. cause it keeps bothering me.
also not related but since the halloween event i keep playing with the idea of minhyeok having some unknown relation to whatever happened to god (or maybe lilith for that matter but i have less of a support for this one) after he disappeared. i do like him as a "just some guy" character but i do also like the idea of him having that unavoidable bond with you because god adored solomon and having one soul turn back up means its not impossible for the others to appear again. also smthn was up with how the angels liked him
3: please. please stop grinding your teeth it hurts to read. loyal was also a wrestler in highschool so he's even more concious of it and is two seconds from like just putting his arm in the way so he stops. id say maybe we could invest in like lolipops or smthn but i feel like satan would "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop" except he doesnt even lick it he just bites it into smithereens in one go.
4: i think i literally went :0 when solomon first says that devils are idiots not long after the mc does. it rly is like. ik ur different people but u truly are a mirror of solomon huh. except loyal is more grumbly about it
5/6: like i said im stuck on 3-48 so idk how feasible this is but bad end angelification loyal! i was gonna do a demon one too but i think angel mc is more compelling because not only will you have to break your promise and let everyone, especially satan, down, but now they have to kill you too. and that would eat at the devils so badly. they already lost solomon once and now they have to get rid of him personally.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
heyy, hope ur doing well <33
so i have a request for thomas tmr x glader fem!reader, where they both came up together in the box and like the entire time theyre in the glade theyre js inseparable. so when thomas goes into the maze to save minho n alby, reader gets rlly worried and as soon as minho and thomas come back reader feels so relieved and gets emotional and thomas says something like 'dont worry, im never leaving you'. and one of them confesses to the other at the end <333
Oooo finally! I get to write for Tommy boy- that man does not get enough recognition in his own series lmao. He's the main character for a reason.
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, sappy stuff, that's really it.
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Thomas was the first person you ever met. Well, the first person you can remember meeting.
In the Box, screeching metal surrounding you with a (admittedly handsome) teenage boy freaking out, trying to wake you up. For some reason, you were a lot calmer than Thomas was. He was bouncing off of the walls and you were just sat on the floor trying to process what was going on.
Then the ceiling opened and Thomas became a human shield.
The Gladers that you would come to know, treated you like an object and a piece of meat, bar a few exceptions. They'd never seen a girl before, but Thomas was there to protect you and make sure they didn't dare lay a hand on you.
Not that it mattered because the second you were both out of the Box, the boy grabbed your wrist and made a sprint for it.
It had somehow silently been decided that you were going to stick with each other. Which included tripping over him when he fumbled over himself and face-planted, as Newt would say.
Though, after the initial shock, you both started to relax more. Joined at the hip, wherever one of you went, the other wouldn't be too far behind.
You learnt about each other at the same rate you learnt about yourselves.
Thomas is reckless- he acts before he thinks and isn't scared of getting in a fight. He also asks a lot of questions and is more than willing to tell everyone his opinion.
You, however, are calmer. You think things through and explore more options. You prefer to let Thomas do the talking and get himself in trouble whilst you're there to try and solve whatever problem he's caused.
And you learnt this is a very small space of time.
Apart from Thomas, you get along with Newt, probably because he is one of the most respectful, and Alby, because he's more than willing to kill anyone that hurts you. Oh, and Chuck- Thomas thinks he's kind of annoying, but you already adore the small boy.
So, when Thomas gets attacked by Ben and Alby and Minho have to go into the Maze after his Banishment, you have a bad feeling about it.
You join Thomas and Newt at the giant Glade Doors, staring down the incredibly long and daunting corridor that almost feels twisting and nauseating. How Minho spends every day out there is beyond you- not that you've ever actually spoken to the guy.
Chuck stands next to you, anxiously looking between Thomas and a very stoic looking Newt. You put your hand on his shoulder.
"They're gonna be fine, Chuck," you smile at him. "Promise."
Glancing at Thomas, you brush your hand against his, making him look at you before he accepts the gesture. Intertwining his fingers with yours, you attempt to playfully nudge him.
Thomas has already become very passionate and caring about everyone here. And with his determination to be a Runner, you can tell he holds Minho very highly despite neither of you having anything to do with him.
"Whatcha thinkin' about?" He scoffs, taking a second to let your reassuring presence calm him.
He hesitates. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't developed a crush on you. Well, a lot of people have developed a crush on you because you're the only girl, but you and Thomas have some kind of connection. It's obvious the creators see it too, since you came up with him.
And the feeling is mutual.
"If Minho and Alby don't come back, what are our chances of actually getting out of here?" Thomas says. You understand what he means. Minho knows the Maze better than anyone, and Alby has survived all this time.
"They're gonna make it." Newt repeats himself for what must be the fifth time.
"Newt, they-"
"He's right," you cut Thomas off. "They're gonna make it."
Over time, a crowd begins to form, and Thomas is starting to squeeze your hand a lot harder, shifting on his feet and fiddling with anything he can find. The boy is stressed. At some point, Chuck decided to hold your other hand, so now your holding the hands of two very anxious teenage boys, acting like their mother.
The Doors closing time is drawing dangerous near, and you're starting to get stressed yourself. You stare at the ground, only for your breath to catch in your throat when you look back up.
"There!" You shout, a blur of motion catching your attention as Minho struggles to carry your unconscious leader.
Almost as soon as they emerge, the Doors start to move.
"They're not gonna make it," Newt mumbles. You and Chuck exchange glances, seemingly having the same idea. Letting go of both boys, you cup your hands around your mouth.
"Minho! Come on!" You shout. "You can do it!"
"Come on, Minho!" Chuck joins in, and soon the entire Glade is cheering on the Keeper to return. Some people even telling him to leave Alby, and it doesn't take a genius to tell that Minho isn't going to do that.
"I'm sorry," Thomas grabs your wrist, making you look at him.
Without warning, Thomas bolts forward into the Maze. Newt tries to grab him but misses as he squeezes through the Doors, which close with a thud as he just about makes it to the other side.
The crowd stands there in a stunned silence.
You, Newt and Chuck all remain where you stand, almost like if you move, what just happened will become real.
You look at Newt, who stands with his fists balled. Your hand comes to the Doors, your face crunshing as you touch the stone, almost like you're willing it to open.
Newt takes a deep breath. "Everyone bed, now." He commands.
"But, Newt-" Zart starts.
"Now." He sighs. "We can't do anything about this now- and Alby's left me in charge. Bed. Go!"
The crowd disperses, slowly, until it's just you and Chuck left, with Newt standing just behind you.
Your forehead bumps against the stone as a sob shakes your body. The situation has finally set in and you can't stop the tears.
"Hey," Newt puts his hand on your shoulder, "if anyone can survive out there; it's Minho." You raise your head, looking at him and pushing your lips into a thin line. "Get some rest." He gives you a friendly boyish tap and turns to leave.
You look at Chuck, who is sitting on the floor now.
Thomas was the first person you ever met and the only person here you actually trust, so the weird feeling of loneliness and presumptuous guilt hits more than you expected.
You also sit down, taking your place next to Chuck and ignoring Newt's orders.
"They might make it," Chuck says. "Minho knows the Maze more than anyone- if Thomas is with him, he might be okay."
You sit there for what feels like forever, but you have no intention of leaving. Neither does Chuck.
Newt comes over several times in an attempt to get either of you to move, which falls completely flat and he eventually gives up. Though, he does bring you both blankets.
Chuck falls asleep after a while, and you let him use your leg as a pillow. But you stay awake.
You've known Thomas for only a few days but it feels like your whole entire life. You, for some reason, even liked Thomas when he was just a random boy you were trapped in a box with that didn't even know his name.
And now he was gone.
You were drifting in and out of consciousness when Chuck jumps up. That and the loud sounds of the Doors opening startles you back to reality. Sitting in the same position all night definitely wasn't good for your back but you have different priorities.
Scrambling to your feet, Chuck gets the other Gladers' attention and a small crowd forms, Newt leading the group.
It's like your surroundings become static and nothing feels real as the corridor remains empty.
People start to move away, with Newt putting his hand on the small of your back in an attempt to comfort you, making you look at him.
"No way," Zart mumbles, making your attention snap back to the Maze. Rounding the corner is Thomas and Minho, both exhausted and struggling to drag Alby back to the Maze.
You freeze, relief and shock overwhelming you as you stare at them. Cheers break out as they reach the Glade, dropping to their knees and panting.
"Did you see a Griever?" Chuck asks- because of course he does.
"Yeah," Thomas pants, "I saw one."
"He didn't just see it; he killed it." Minho adds, causing a new air of unease to spread across the crowd.
"Alright," Newt clears his throat, "get to the Med hut- all of you. We gotta make sure you're not shuckin' dyin' or some klunk."
Clint and Jeff help grab Alby. Minho and Thomas pick themselves up.
Thomas pauses, looking at you.
"You're a fucking idiot," you say, watching as Thomas nervously swallows, opening his mouth but he doesn't get chance to speak.
"Oi, Greenie," Minho calls after him, "let's go!"
You jolt your head in the direction of the Keeper, silently telling Thomas to go.
"Are you happy to see him or do you wanna se him?" Chuck asks, clearly more chipper than you.
He laughs.
You leave them to it as Thomas and Minho get patched up. But it's a weird feeling. You replayed it in your head- you expected to dive into his arms, confess your feelings or some shit.
But you just stood there.
Unmoving. And unsure what to do.
You watch Thomas leave the hut, talking briefly to Newt before making a beline for you as you sit at the edge of the Deadheads.
You look up at him from your seat in front of an old tree, pushing your lips into a thin line.
"Hi." He says.
"Hey." You respond.
"Newt wants us to have some Gathering in Council Hall." He awkwardly rocks on his heels. "He wants us all there. The Glade' goin' crazy."
"Why would you do that?"
"Run into the Maze?"
"I had to help," he sighs, "I couldn't just leave them-"
"You could've died!" You snap, making Thomas jump. Your voice breaks slightly, the emotions of last night coming back up. "I would've lost you." The last part comes out as more of a whisper.
Thomas sighs, moving and crouching so he can sit next to you.
"Don't worry," he looks at you, slipping his fingers into yours as your arms fall falt at your sides. "I'm never leaving you."
You look at him out of the corner of your eye. Overwhelmed by feelings and unsure what else to do, you lean in.
Kissing him in the cheek, Thomas' body immediately tenses and his skin quickly becomes warm and red. You pull back, struggling to repress the smirk of your flustered friend.
"You know," he mumbles, facing you properly, "Minho ran off and left me, and all I could do was think about getting back to you. I was going to get back to you- whatever it took."
Your heart beat picks up as he glances at your lips for a second. "I like you, (Y/N). I feel... connected to you. I don't get it and I don't remember why, but you're all I think about even though I spend all my time with you. And I guess nearly dying has made me say it."
You smiles, and the images somehow makes him more flustered. "I- uh, I want- I mean-"
"Shut up, Thomas," you lean in, brushing you nose against his and giving him a hint, which he takes.
Your body feels on fire when he kisses you, and the relief that he's still here hits you all over again. He's safe here, and he's not going anywhere.
"Oi!" Newt's voice scares the shit out of you both. "I told you shanks we have a Gathering! Quit makin' out and get your sorry butts to Council Hall!"
You sit there, both of you blinking at Newt, who clearly isn't properly equipped to deal with this because he leaves pretty quick.
Thomas chuckles, standing up and offering you a hand. You smile, taking it and allowing him to help you up.
He isn't going anywhere, and he's yours.
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Woooooo Thomas request- Done! I absolutely adore Minho, but it is nice to write for other characters sometimes.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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astr1dblogs · 1 year
helloooo!! i hope youre having a nice week! :D
i’m not the best person to explain things but i hope this works!! i was thinking about maybe lo’ak with a gn! reader (if possible) who are his little “partner in crime” like if hes doing the most horrendous prank someone could ever think of reader is right there hyping him up or helping him with his plans
stop i cant explain how much i love this request. also thank you anon! i hope you’re having a nice week aswell 🥰
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partner in crime
pairing: lo’ak x gn!reader
requested: yes
summary: lo’ak and reader are always seen with each other. you will never catch one without the other. problem is, reader is just like lo’ak — mischievous. but what could go wrong?
type: fluff
warnings: just lo’ak and reader pranking neteyam, use of partner/boyfriend (since theyre too young to mate), au where the rda doesn’t come back
a/n: so sorry to keep changing the plot to my fics guys — it just honestly makes my life easier so i dont have to explain shit (im a bit lazy if you couldnt tell), i already said this but i love this request so much, gif is not mine!
word count: 358
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y/n stifles a laugh as they and Lo’ak sneak glances at Neteyam. Lo’ak and y/n had previously snuck in some different seasonings and ingredients to Neteyam’s food, and at the moment they were waiting for him to take a bite.
Lo’ak and y/n glanced at each other before looking back at Neteyam. Neteyam looked at them both before seeing y/n trying not to laugh.
“Okay, what’s going on with you two?” Neteyam sets down his food and glares at them as the rest of the Sully’s look at the two.
“What? What do you mean?” Lo’ak looks around ‘innocently’.
“Nothing’s going on!” y/n said looking at anything but Lo’ak or Neteyam, knowing they’d laugh if they did.
Neteyam simply shook his head and picked up his food, taking a bite of out it. y/n and Lo’ak watched as Neteyam’s eyes widened and he spit out his food.
Neytiri furrowed her eyebrows at her eldest son. “Neteyam? What’s the matter?” Neteyam wiped his tomgue with his hands and glared at the two culprits.
“Them! Those two did something to my food!” He pointed at Lo’ak and y/n.
y/n leaned over and whispered into Lo’ak’s ear, “I think that’s our queue to run.” Their boyfriend nodded and stood up, reaching a hand out. as soon as y/n took it, they ran. Neteyam stood up as well and began to run after them.
“You’re so dead, little bro! You and your partner in crime!” Neteyam shouted at them.
y/n laughed as they continued to hold hands with Lo’ak and slow down, “Partner in crime?”
Neteyam smiled and slowed down as well, “Yeah, partner in crime! You know, since you and Lo’ak are always pranking people and getting into trouble.”
Lo’ak spoke up and smiled at his partner, “I think it’s very fitting.”
y/n smiled and squeezed Lo’ak’s hand, “should we get back to your parents? We kind of left without saying anything…”
Neteyam nodded, “Yeah, I don’t want to get in trouble cause of you two idiots.” Neteyam flicked both of them on the foreheads.
“Ouch!” they said in unison.
Lo’ak rubbed his head with his free hand, “let’s just go.”
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a/n: this is so bad im so sorry i can totally redo it if you want!
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vampire-bite · 1 year
“Who did this to you” with Sam and Bright Eyes?
hi so fun fact i was not here for the frederick videos, i never saw them. but i love found family so i read through some recaps and. did my best. idk man, this isnt great but its self indulgent!
i guess im a bright eyes apologist now? i tried to make this pretty neutral cause I havent seen the videos but. i guess im an apologist
i also guess the end of this is open? sam and bright are not completely good with each other by the end of this theyve just started to open up to the idea that theyre more similar than they thought
if you prefer reading on AO3, its over here
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By the time Bright decided to show back up, the sun had already started to rise, enough that—although Frederick had only agreed to rest if he continued to look—Sam could do little more than stand on his porch and watch the woods around him for any sight of the unruly newborn vampire.
They'd stormed off the previous night, and despite the undeniable tension between the two, Frederick had nearly driven himself mad looking for them all day. He still cared about them, and probably always would, no matter what they were like. Sam really couldn't bring himself to be surprised, but he also knew that it wasn't safe for Bright to be out on their own when they were still in the bloodlust.
It had been over twenty-four hours since they’d disappeared, and they were bound to need blood soon. From the less-than-close eye he’d kept on them, he knew they left more time than ideal between feedings, but he hadn’t said anything. 
He recognized the actions, remembered doing them himself, but this was different. The situation was their own fault, and they should have known better.
The light from the rising sun filtered through the trees, meaning they would’ve had no real way of getting back even if they wanted to. He was getting ready to call Vincent and ask if he’d seen anything, when a figure broke through the treeline and practically threw themselves onto the porch to get out of the sun. 
Bright was panting heavily, had burns running down their arms and legs, and, most concerningly, was drenched in blood.
Sam felt his stomach drop at the sight of them, soaked in blood, and he wondered how much of a mess they’d left in their wake. He stared at them, feeling anger bubble up inside of him, and reached forward to grab their arm. “Where have you been? What the hell did you do?”
They just glared at him, yanking their arm away and scowling; it just made his annoyance rise. He wasn’t the one who had run off to god–only-knew where, likely leaving a trail of destruction.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You ran off. Do you know how worried Frederick was?”
Their expression darkened in response, and they snarled, something dangerous crossing their features. “Fuck that,” They cursed, trying to brush past him in a swift movement only for him to grab onto their arm hard enough that they yelped when his hand closed around a burn. 
He couldn’t even bring himself to feel bad, caught up in the anger he felt. “You’ve already been told that you can’t just run off on your own, and this is exactly why.”
“What does it matter? I came back. I’m still alive.” They tried to wrench their arm free from his grasp, and just glared at him when they failed, “I’m not listening to another lecture.”
His voice was darker when he spoke next, angry and harsh, “What. Did. You. Do?”
For a moment, he thought they weren’t going to respond at all, from the way they bared their teeth—fangs out—and how he could practically see their walls going further up. There was a long moment of silence.
Then, before he could say anything else, their bitter voice muttered, “Why don’t you just kill me already, since that’s clearly what you want?”
The words made his blood go cold. They were just trying to provoke a reaction, he knew it, but the words were still disturbing; as much as he didn’t want to dignify it with a response, he couldn’t help himself.
“You think that?”
They paused, eyeing him cautiously for a moment before they nodded and gave him a look like it was obvious. 
“I know it. I can see it in the way you act,” They said, no doubt or even anger left in their tone, just resignation, and it gave him pause, “You want to hit me.”
He reeled back, letting go of their arm and staring at them in horror. Of course he didn’t want that. It was hard to tell whether they were being serious or just trying to provoke him further, but their tone made him lean towards the latter. The words were chilling.
Their eyes were fixed on the ground, so he reached forward to put a hand on their shoulder to try to get their attention.
Once they saw his hand coming towards them, they flinched away, making him freeze.
Suddenly—with all the anger and resentment stripped away from them, without Frederick’s pain and his own self-hatred weighing down on him—it seemed like he was seeing, really seeing, them for the first time. And the person standing in front of him wasn’t the bitter, wrathful newborn who had bitten off more than they could chew. No, in front of him, their body trembling slightly, was a frightened kid.
“Shit,” He muttered, watching them shrink further away from him, “Kid—”
“I’m not a kid! Stop treating me like one!” They snapped, the venom in their voice falling short of hiding the hurt and fear behind it. Sam wondered whether that pain had always been there; if he’d just missed it because they’d done better at concealing it.
He remembered how he’d acted as a newborn, the anger that filled every moment, the pain and hate he’d felt. And suddenly, their actions seemed like more than just a bad attitude. 
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Their eyes barely flickered up to him, a scowl forming at the words. “You know that, right?” He spoke slowly, forcing himself to seem much calmer than he felt despite the guilt starting to build.
He stepped towards them, and they responded by continuing to back away, only stopping when they had almost gotten into the sun. They glanced back, clearly calculating, and then took another step back—apparently unconcerned about getting burned again as they got ready to bolt.
Rushing forward, Sam grabbed their arm and pulled them back against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them to keep them from running.
They fought against his hold, screaming at and fighting against him, but he didn’t budge.
Finally, when they found themselves completely unable to get free, their body went limp, legs giving way beneath them. And then they were crying, sobbing loudly and openly, and all he could do was hold them up as they broke apart.
All the fight had left them; they buried their face into his shoulder as they shook more intensely than before, clinging to him in a way that left him clueless of what to do. Something inside of him twisted violently at the sight of them so torn apart.
“I’m sorry…” They sobbed, tears soaking into the sleeve of his jacket, “It’s all my fault. You’re right to hate me.”
His heart twisted further at the words. The look they gave him, hopeless with guilt, made him feel sick. So he just held them tighter, resting his chin on top of their head and holding them to try to give them any sense of security he could.
Bright continued to shake in his arms, though their sobbing died down into whimpers that sounded like they were in pain; and Sam realized with even more clarity that they were just a kid. A kid who was scared, and angry, and resentful of having their life taken from them. A kid who was hurting just as deeply as he had been. As he still was. 
A kid who he had been failing since they were turned.
And, most pressingly now, a kid who was hyperventilating, breath coming out in short, rough bursts of air.
"It’s okay, kid. I’ve gotcha. Just—” Both blood and tears were soaking his clothes, he felt horribly out of his depth. His voice dropped to a quiet murmur as he tried to be soothing, “You've gotta breathe for me.”
For all of their fronting, when they were like this, he could see how utterly drained they were. He knew they hadn’t been feeding as often as they needed to be, and he was willing to bet they hadn’t been sleeping. They might’ve not needed to, technically speaking, but they were so clearly exhausted that he knew it’d do them good. 
They shook their head, wheezing as they grabbed at the back of Sam’s jacket desperately. He gently rubbed their back to try to get them calm, feeling obligated to at least do that much. “With me. In….And out…”
Their breathing began to even out slowly, still coming out in shaky hiccups but being more steady than the gasping they’d been doing before.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” They just sounded defeated, frame still trembling. “I don’t deserve it. And I don’t want you to pity me.”
He’d be the first to admit that he hadn’t kept as close of an eye on them.
It was just easier, letting them handle themselves with the bitterness they showed everyone. Besides, with the way they isolated themselves, the pain and hurt they caused Frederick couldn’t slip through their bond. But he was beginning to realize that it was likely a mistake.
He shook his head and frowned. “I ain’t pitying you. I don’t hate you, either.”
Really, when it came down to it, he didn’t. Attitude or not, he couldn’t bring himself to truly hate them.  And they were his responsibility.
“And you don’t need to deserve anything. I’m not doing anything except keeping you from having a damn panic attack.”
They didn’t seem convinced. 
Trembling fingers pulled up the bottom of their shirt, revealing several wounds on their torso and stomach, including one that looked like they’d been stabbed and another that looked like the imprint of teeth.
“The blood is mine,” They whispered, voice filled with shame and so quiet he could barely hear it even with his enhanced hearing, “Mostly, at least.”
Oh. Oh.
Suddenly, his earlier harshness seemed cruel. He’d assumed the worst of them. It wasn’t an unreasonable assumption, exactly, but he didn’t know if he’d have jumped so immediately if it had been anyone else.
They looked up at him, expression unreadable, and shrugged. "Someone attacked me."
Nonchalant. Stoic. It was like this was a regular occurrence, like they’d grown used to it.
“Who? Who did this to you?”
They frowned, looking hesitant to answer him.
“Who did this to you?” He pressed, trying to be at least slightly gentle with his pushing at them so that they wouldn’t bolt or panic again despite the force in his voice.
A protective feeling was flaring up in him, something he didn't expect to feel towards the sour teenager. And yet, he couldn't deny the urge to hold them close, make them feel safe; and he knew he had a responsibility towards them in this situation, no matter how either of them felt about it.
Even as he tried to be gentle, they still seemed panicked, shaking against him. He sighed softly, shaking his head and gently placing a hand on the stab wound on their stomach to start healing it. 
“I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do. But I can at least get the bleeding to stop,” He said, voice staying as soft as he could manage, “Talk to me, kid. If someone hurt you…”
They pushed at his chest, scowling once more, “What? You’ll pat them on the back?”
He rolled his eyes in response to their reply, but paused after a moment, a bit of guilt returning as he realized they were being completely genuine. It was almost hurtful that they thought so low of him. But he supposed he hadn’t given them much of a reason to think otherwise.
Keeping his hands firmly against them, one still healing them while the other rubbed soothing circles against their back, he watched them glance down at his hand and go to speak, only to just bite their lip and drop their gaze to the ground.
Their breath stuttered out, uneven as they seemed to melt into the gentle touch. Yet, despite how it was clearly easing them, they pulled away and sat on the edge of the porch. Their legs hung down, dangerously close to the sunlight, for only a moment before they pulled up their legs to their chest. 
A long silence fell between the two before they finally spoke.
“Don’t,” They started, a small whimper leaving them as they pressed their forehead to their knees, “Don’t do that.”
He reached his free hand out, hesitating before placing it against their jaw; he began rubbing his thumb along their jawline as they took another deep, shuddering breath.  They rubbed at their eyes as tears began to form again, and he swallowed thickly. 
Pulling the hand he was using to heal away from them, he looked over the—admittedly messily—healed wounds. The stab wound, at least, was completely healed, as well as the bite mark. Many slashes were scabbed over, but several smaller cuts were still open even if not actively bleeding. 
Brushing their hair out of their face felt like far too gentle of an action, considering their tumultuous relationship, but he did it anyway. “Do what?”
They sniffled, angrily wiping at their eyes once again before pulling their legs closer to themselves, arms wrapped around them tightly as they hugged their legs against their chest. “Pretend to care. I can’t stand it.”
That stung more than he wanted to admit, more than he understood, but he just nodded.
“Not pretending, kid.” The denial came easier than he’d expected, and quicker than Bright had expected if the look on their face was anything to go by. 
Still, they just scoffed, curling in on themselves more as they stared at the sun shining on the ground. They reached out one of their hands, tracing a finger along the edge of the light and staring at it longingly. Sam just watched, frowning, as moving forward and getting the slightest bit of sun on their skin made them wince and recoil before trying again.
Moving closer, he gently placed one of his hands over theirs, holding them down and out of the light. He squeezed them lightly, both to help keep them out of the shade, and to try and offer some form of comfort.
“Can you at least tell me why they did it?” They stubbornly shook their head and he sighed. “C’mon, kid. You’ve gotta give me something to work with here. I want to help you.”
The last part seemed to break them, but the response he got just left him more confused. “Everyone here thinks I’m just a screw up.” Muttered beneath their breath and dripping with unconcealed resentment. Yet, they didn’t look at him, eyes still firmly fixed on the light that they couldn’t truly feel on their skin ever again.
He knew the look in their eyes. He’d felt that same longing for over a decade now.
“There’s something wrong with me,” They whispered, voice breaking slightly, “And I don’t know what it is. But I know everyone can see it. And I know I can’t fix it.”
For all that they had tried to seem strong and rageful, there was an undeniable pain in them that he hadn’t seen before. Now that he had, he couldn’t believe that he’d ever missed it.
Then again, maybe he just hadn’t wanted to see it. It was too similar to the same pain that he had become intimately familiar with; that he felt every day since he was turned.
“I don’t want this. I never would have chosen this.”
He had been feeling thick, stinging guilt the whole time, and it had clouded his mind. It still did. But the sinking feeling that their two situations weren’t so different was starting to weigh down on him as strongly as an anchor. Now he was just feeling sick.  All he could manage was shaking his head and sighing. 
“Let’s get you inside,” Grabbing their hand and helping them to their feet, he tried extremely hard not to think about the realizations he was having, “And out of those clothes.”
As he shrugged off his jacket, they watched him with something like suspicion, which only worsened when he put it onto them. It practically swallowed them, and they just scowled and pulled it around themselves.  
He led them inside, his arm around their shoulder as they wordlessly followed and let themselves be set down on the couch. They looked lost, and smaller than he’d ever seen them; the sight made him pause.
They looked up at him questioningly, head tilting slightly to the side. 
“I don’t hate you. And whatever might’ve happened…. You didn’t deserve this. For whatever that’s worth.”
Their gaze softened, the change slight but distinctly noticeable due to their usual scowl and glare. He turned around before they could see his small smile, leaving to go get them clean clothes.
Luckily, Frederick was still asleep when he slipped into the room, and even with his conflicted emotions, Sam couldn’t stop himself from gently ruffling his hair with a fond look.
“Shit, kid. What have I gotten myself into?” He muttered, staying quiet to not wake him up.
That thought was only intensified when, by the time he had gone back to the living room, he found that Bright was also asleep. Curled up into a ball on the couch and holding tightly onto his jacket that was still around their body.
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 7 months
i said on a post if it gets one note I’d make an essay on why Dancing in the Street by Stephen Day fits Nuzi rlly well so hear is my midnight ramblings on aforementioned topic.
First let us go through the lyrics of the song and address it line by line:
It was coming to down in sheets
(not only can this be used for rain, but snow. Copper-9 where the show takes place is a snowy wasteland)
You were staring back at me in the middle of the street that night
(not perfect, but remember that scene in the Promening where N and Uzi meet up again after the end of Heartbeat? Where they’re awkward and just kinda stutter and stare at each other? Not to mention, eye contact throughout the show holds up pretty well.)
It was dark but I could see it
In the morning I’d see you in a different light
(See in a different light huh? This could be a metaphor for N finally giving in to being in love with Uzi even after Tessa told him he needs to kill her. The dark being his mind clouded by his own desires, and the morning with different light could be his clearer mind screaming, “WHYD YOU DO THAT TESSA WILL KILL YOU!”)
I knew better I saw your feet off the ground
I knew better something was holding me down
I knew better, yet still I spun you around
(Again, he knew better than to just let himself be with Uzi bc of Tessa, yet still gave in)
and for a moment
we were dancing in the street like people do
(prom scene anyone? Dancing in an inopportune moment, such as in the middle of a street or a fight?)
dancing in the street hiding the truth
(Uzi and N kept their feelings hidden from each other for a hot minute! Especially with our little tsundere Uzi trying her darndest hardest to not be in love with N)
dancing in the street like people do
when they’re in love
*sick guitar solo*
There in the streetlight we both knew
(During the holding hands scene in Dead End, although they never explicitly say anything about each other, the holding hands does most of the talking and they know)
It was coming down in sheets
You were staring back at me like you didn’t want to leave that night
(we already see that N is Uzi’s first friend and vice versa. I think it’s safe to say parting is already bad enough while they’re bffs)
holding tight cause you could feel it
(N and Uzi give very tight hugs to each other. Also, Uzi and N do cling to each other. They like being near each other, whether you interpret it as platonic or romantic)
in the morning I’d see you in a different light
(The “you could feel it” from the last line combined with this can be Uzi knowing Tess would be really mad and N might feel guilty about it, but is just trying to preserve the moment)
You knew better and still you kept me around
(insecurity and gratitude that can go both ways, Uzi or N)
You knew better something was holding me down
You knew better, and still I spun you around
(Tessa says no, but eh.)
and for a moment
we were dancing in the street like people do
dancing in the street hiding the truth
dancing in the street like people do
when they’re in love
(repeats chorus for a hot sec)
Suddenly morning came, and all the rain had gone away
(once they realize what they did)
and when we woke from the dream darling everything had changed
(dream, like this was a nearly impossible thing, yet still good. A good thing.)
and though it’s over and we know it would you know that I care
(they care about each other. They do. It’s undeniable. Also, the being over part could be Uzi being nearly fully possessed by the Absolute Solver, making the relationship impossible)
would you know that i care?
(the repeat is important with this one bc it really emphasizes, “you know i fucking care and love you so much, right?”)
*repeats chorus again*
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micamone · 1 month
the thing about liking an almost 30 year old show is I'm not sure as much about what went on behind the scenes. and a significant part of that is how awesome it was that the fans were just more separate from creators then, like there was no social media and junk for us to to badger them on about things. but the from their side there wasnt a place they could just dump shit on us for fun. things were told through dvd commentaries and magazines published back then or panels and stuff at conventions or even TV specials and those are all very... ephemeral. like I'm sure its all recorded somewhere but it takes a little more digging and hoping fan websites have the info. and thats doable I'm not asking anyone to help me with that btw i just havent done it yet cause i wanna get thru the show first or I'll have one billion spoilers from not being able to stop reading.
but i think the biggest thing for me rn on stargate is, again i watched atlantis first. and that started in and branched off of like season 8 of sg1. so i know a lot about The Ancients, since they were a big player in SGA, and every time something tangenally related to them comes up in SG1 i get super excited and wave my arms and jump up and down for Daniels attention cause i want him to discover Atlantis so bad. im so excited for him and oh god he has his earpods in he cant hear me-
anyways. connecting these two points..... i have to wonder watching things progress how much they planned ahead. how much did they set up like "... yeah we'll decide to make something of that later" and how much of it was "oh dude the fans are gonna FLIP when we make this reveal in two seasons" you know????? i can listen to stuff about gravity falls when hirch and co talk about how they had no idea where they were going. they were like "well he has a twin somewhere. for some reason. and hes..... well hes there." and they literally came up with the everything on the fly. and then even in Gargoyles, which is old like stargate too, i read apparently the writers called each other once like "WAIT HEY THIS CHARACTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING FIRST EPISODE? HOLY SHIT WHAT IF HE WAS THIS GUY-" sort of twist like.... way into the show lol
was that what was going on with The Ancients? and their whole..... ascended business? Orlin in this episode was very interesting cause i definitely recognized Oma D from a while back as an ancient, so i was glad Sam compared Orlin to her, but this was the first time theyre REALLY like "yup, that monk and myths of the jaffa werent just talk. this ascension biz is for real and a bigger deal than you thought" BUT! they still havent really connected it to the ancients. at all. i dont think daniel even said the writing on the machine Orlin helped build was ancient, and it didn't look like it, but then like.... Orlin also just said he was Human.
and was that true? WAS he human? humans can ascended, sure. but he also made a freakin stargate. in sam's basement. (Obadiah Stane voice) WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAPS!
... he already was the cause of death for people he cared about once for giving away too much information, i wouldnt be surprised if he lied about being human. but also wouldnt be surprised if the writers were like..... unsure and didnt care cause it doesnt matter lmao they were just vibing. you know. idk im sure Orlin and even Oma will get brought up AGAIN later, im only in the beginnings of season 5 after all and know some spoilers that the ascension thing ans ancients become a big deal later but. yeah its just interesting. i like picking apart creators minds for their stories and its just not possible in the same way on such an old show. even if i could ask them, they'd be having to recall through decades of memories that change as they have over the years. and that provides an interesting color on things as well but... its not the same as knowing what they were thinking back then.
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Episode 4 thoughts
Also nikolais mum is really pushing the whole he’s legitimate thing isn’t she
“It would bring me some comfort to know that you’re with me” my kanej heart is being fed
Kaz just wanting Inej to be safe if he dies versus Inej just wanting to get revenge for Kaz if he dies
The patron Saint of brewers
We like to keep our expectations low!
Nina bestie don’t knock out Kaz
Also there’s no way we’re getting a soc spin off for crooked kingdom cause they’re using half the plotline
David’s little wave 😭I love him
Oh god David feels so bad about genya
Whoever I saw on here that called the sword a round of applause for you
So know nikolais gonna hire the crows right?
Mal calling Nikolai out on the third person
Nina bestie stop it. He’s probably just gonna kill you anyway
Can’t really blame Kaz for Nina not being loyal they’ve known each other a week
Yes Inej slay
This is how she’s gonna find her purpose
She’s not gonna get her ship at the end of this season is she? She might
This is when Kaz is gonna bring up his son ain’t it
See they’ve already used the plague thing so we literally cannot get a crooked kingdom spin off
Ahah that where the shiner comes from
Omg no not Jordie already having the plague when the sirens went off
Slay Kaz
Ngl kinda prefer when Kaz didn’t use his name cause then pekka was just being gullible
Calling pekka weak as if he’s not in love with Inej
Also shout out to whoever said Kaz was gonna use alby in every monstrous thing
Kaz saying all of this with blood running down his face really makes it
Nina and Jesper just watching this shitshow go down
He better get on his knees
ngl I kinda forgot they were being framed for murder
Omg yeah the bitch is dead
Ok but this means that he didn’t liquidate all his assets to free her
It also means they can’t really do six of crows either cause heleens the one who recognises them at the ice court
Thick as thieves, lol
Where was Inej in that scene with pekka though?
Shit okay vasily really wanted rid of mal
Alinas dress looks gorgeous
Slay Alina
Bitch you talking a hell of a lot for someone who gets himself killed
Also I forgot vasily proposed 😭
We love Alina wiping her hand on her dress
What’s actually in the grave though
Hahahahahaha alby
We better get the just girls scene in a flashback or something
My heart is beating so fucking fast right now
Wait hold up does wylan know about the stablehand?!
Jesus that is a big rock
‘If my mother was as put off by commoners as she claimed I wouldn’t be here now would I?”
Lol vasilys dead
Darkling honestly needs to die already
Genya smashing things as she deserves
I did not expect that to be the context of ‘I’ll destroy the only thing you have left’ and honestly im a bit disappointed she wasn’t threatening him
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cloudslostlibrary · 2 years
A new book has been found !
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Book Title: Maybe You’re Not So Bad After All… Part Three
Characters: CC! Wilbur Soot, Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary: After your failed minecraft date, you agree to go on a real date with Wilbur.
TWs: Stalkerish ex, crying, a few swear words
Author’s Note: This is the third and final part of this series, the others can be found below.
Part One Part Two
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“I’ll pick you up in half an hour?”
“Sounds good.” You answered before saying your goodbyes, leaving the discord call.
“Wow,” you thought aloud to yourself. “I’m going on a real date with Wilbur in thirty minutes.”
“Oh God! Thirty minutes?!” You rushed around your house to get ready.
“What am I supposed to wear when I know absolutely nothing about what we’re going to do?” You stood in front of your closet, sorting through your clothes aimlessly for a while.
“Oh I’ve got nothing to wear! This is horrible!” Your full closet just didn’t seem to hold anything you wanted.
“Ding, dong, ding, dong.” Your doorbell rang.
“WHAT?” You looked down at your phone to check the time and all the color drained from your face at the realization that you had spent the whole thirty minutes just staring into your closet.
“Well, I guess what I’m already wearing will have to do.” You whispered to yourself, “I feel like I’m forgetting something though…”
You walked out of your bedroom and to your front door, taking a deep breath before opening it.
“Hey!” You opened the door, greeting Wilbur.
“Hey Y/n! You look great!” He responded.
You almost walk out the door then remember that your keys are still inside.
“Oh crap wait I almost forgot my keys! That would’ve sucked oh wow. Uh, come in, you can wait on the couch or something while I find them” You walked back inside, Wilbur following close behind.
“The couch is right over there,” you pointed, “make yourself at home.”
Wilbur walked into your living room and sat on the couch, putting his feet on the coffee table before quickly deciding against it and taking them off.
You were searching around for your keys when you heard the doorbell ring again.
“I thought you said you didn’t have any plans for today?”
“I didn’t…” You responded as you opened the door
“What are you doing here??”
Your ex, Sam, stood in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers in their hand, quickly inviting themselves in.
“I’m so sorry for everything I said to you, I know you and Wilbur are just friends. I didn’t mean it, I was just upset. When I saw you blocked me I knew I had to come right over here and apologize-”
Wilbur walked out of the living room to see you standing in front of Sam with flowers in their hand, his jaw clenching when he remembered who they were.
“What the fuck is he doing here??” Your ex asked, raising his volume noticeably. “Jesus! Everytime I think you might be good for me you immediately prove me wrong with that fuck hanging around!”
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to,” Wilbur shot back, stepping up to Sam who was considerably shorter than him.
“You think I’m scared of you tough guy?”
“You should be,” Wilbur responded.
They got in each other’s faces and Sam shoved Wilbur before you quickly yelled at them to stop, “Sam get out! I don’t know why you thought it would be okay to come here but you need to leave right now.”
“I’m not going anywhere, doll” Your ex tried to push a strand of hair out of your face but you dodged it.
“Don’t fucking talk to me like that, GET OUT before I call the cops !” You yelled, standing your ground.
They scoffed and started walking towards the door, throwing the flowers on the ground causing petals to fly everywhere.
“Wilbur won’t always be here doll, and I’ll be back to win you over again.”
You slammed the door in their face and slid down it, breaking into a sob once you hit the floor.
“Theyre such a fucking creep!” Wilbur yelled in frustration.
You didn’t respond so Wilbur grabbed the bunch of flowers and put them in the trash, grabbing a broom to sweep up the rest that scattered the floor.
“I don’t think you should spend the night here until you can get a restraining order Y/n.” He advised.
“Where else would I go? I can’t afford a hotel room until then, the courts are so behind right now from COVID-”
“Uhh,” he thought for a second, “you can stay at my place till then, if you’d like?” Wilbur offered.
“You really don’t have to do that Wilbur, you’ve done so much for me already.”
“I insist. They don’t know where I live, and my place is much safer than a hotel anyhow.”
You thought about it for a second before sighing, “yeah I guess you’re right. Let me pack a bag real quick.”
You walked back to your room sniffling. You quickly filled a bag with all the things you would need for at least a week and walked back out to your living room where Wilbur stood.
“Ready to go?”
The drive to Wilbur’s was a quick one. Comfortable silence filled the air as you stared out the window. The only noise was an occasional sniff to clear your stuffy nose.
Wilbur’s knuckles were white from the force he was holding the steering wheel with.
A few minutes later Wilbur pulled into his driveway.
“Your house is closer than I thought it was,” you thought aloud.
“Yeah, It’s crazy we haven’t at least met up before this,” he added.
“Sucks that this is your first impression of meeting me. I promise it’s not usually this crazy”
“What’s been happening is not your fault at all Y/n,” Wilbur said before stepping out the car and walking around to open your door for you. Grabbing your bag so you could stand up before closing your door and handing you back your bag.
“Beep, beep” the car sounded when Wilbur locked it as you both walked inside.
Wilbur’s house was simply decorated but filled with many tiny meaningful details on the inside. A Polaroid of him, Tommy, and Phil on the fridge, a Youtoos of Niki on the bookshelf in the living room. Simple things to make it look more lived in.
“Where should I put my bag?” You asked him, looking around the room.
“Oh here let me show you the guest room real quick”
Wilbur walked you down the hallway and opened a door revealing a decent sized room with a queen sized bed, a dresser, and a desk.
“It’s not much but it will work for now,” He glanced around the humble room.
You set down your bags and sat on the bed, “No it’s lovely, thank you again. For everything.”
“Of course, I’m going to let you settle in for a bit while I cook something for dinner alright? We can watch a movie or something afterwards.”
And with that Wilbur left like he said he would and you leaned back into the soft bed, letting it absorb you while you pondered your thoughts for a moment before deciding to put some things away. You put your clothes in the drawers and a few other things you brought on the desk before Wilbur knocked on the door.
“Dinners ready if you want to eat,” he announced.
“Oh good, I’m starving.”
Wilbur brought you to the dinner table and you both ate your food, simple conversations being thrown about in between bites. Once you were done eating Wilbur grabbed your plate and put it in the dishwasher before starting it up.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” He asked after clicking start.
“I’m actually really tired,” you admitted. “Would you mind if I went to bed?”
“No of course not,” Wilbur looked at the stove’s time, “it is getting pretty late actually, I think I’ll go to sleep as well.”
You told each other goodnight and went your separate ways, him to his room and you to yours.
Hours later you were stuck staring at the ceiling, restless. You had been trying to fall asleep for hours with no luck.
“I wonder if Wilbur is still up?” You thought to yourself before throwing off the covers and stepping out of bed.
Careful not to make the floorboards creak, you softly walked across the hall to Wilbur’s room. His door was shut and his lights were off. Without thinking you twisted the door knob and looked inside.
“Wilbur?” You whispered, peaking your head in.
“Yeah?” Wilbur’s response was clouded by his groggy voice.
“Are you awake?” You stared at the floor and waited for a response.
“I am now, what’s up?” Wilbur sat up in his bed and turned on a dim lamp on his nightstand.
“I can’t sleep. Do you think- Um…” Your voice trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
“Can I sleep in here tonight?” Your voice was hardly audible, barely a whisper. “I can sleep on the floor or something-“
“Come on,” Wilbur flipped the covers off the opposite side of his bed inviting you to lay down.
You smiled and walked over, climbing in but maintaining the space between the two of you.
“Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Wilbur.” You quickly fell asleep in the comfort of your friend’s presence.
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@graymoon2 @allywritesforfun @wrenqueenisboss @graymoonspam @bi-narystars @toodeepintofandoms
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missfingers · 1 year
ok i don't know much about yakuza but i gotta know for the choose violence ask game: 3, 8, 11, 16, 22, 24? (you can also do these about another fandom instead if you want, i just chose yakuza bc those are ur little guys)
HI AUSTIIINNN. forgive me this will get long
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ohh my god theres been so many. but okay i will specifically pull up an example from the server i run. no screenshots cause the conversation was way too long but essentially yakuza has a massive misogyny problem with its female characters (of which there are. barely any). the conversation was specifically about the hostess mechanic, which is this minigame that appears in almost every game where you go to a hostess club and have a date there (a hostess club if ur unaware is basically softcore sex work its paying a woman to talk to you at a club). ofc nothing wrong with hostessing but people were specifically talking about how it was Kind Of Creepy that all the protags are like.... 40+ and all the hostesses / other female love interests are a lot younger.
and then this guy came in saying something along the lines of... if you criticise the way hostesses are objectified in yakuza then actually you hate women and sex workers and youre saying its not a real career .....? NO ONE WAS SAYING THAT. it was really one of those situations where the person was acting like these fictional female characters have their own agency to do sex work and flirt with older men ignoring completely the Old Men Writing The Series. they are not real people making their own decisions these are women written by men. it was bizarre. this guy also eventually said that if you criticise panty shots in anime youre racist or something because "japanese culture is like that" okay.
already answered 8 here! <3
just realised i completely got switched up on numbers and i already answered 11 and thought it was 10, so my answer for 11 is here but i will also answer 10 for @kasugas since i fucking. didnt.
10. worst part of fanon
majima woobification. and the worst part is its in the games now too like they straight up woobified him in kiwami and i cant STAND IITTTT. hes literally a yakuza boss he violently beats up his men he canonically married an 18 year old and hit her when she aborted their fetus hes not a good guy and i love when canon shows that. but then fanon is just like solely fucking majima everywhere characterisation of ooo hes just a silly little faggot who loves kiryu and kiryu hates him <333 (even though kiryu. does not. and finds his antics hilarious in every other game. and treats him as his closest friend.) and also the uncle majima stuff....... i like thinking about his relationship with haruka as much as the next guy but when people just. slap them together with no consideration to the fact he KIDNAPPED HER. AT 10 YEARS OLD. like dude shes going to be traumatised you cant just Ignore that for the sake of giving her two dads?
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
oh i fucking know. i KNOW why they like it and the answer is theyre uncreative yaoi loving freaks but so much nishitani content is just him acting like some borderline rapey daddydom and its soooooo Eugh. they make majima into this uwu baby who doesnt want any of his advances until the relationship is literally liek something out of a fucking yaoi where he "really wants it deep down but hes going to act like he doesnt so its going to feel so uncomfortable and hes going to get borderline assaulted". the entire appeal of nishimaji to me is that nishitani is literally so down horrifically bad for majima and majima actually likes him back even if he thinks hes weird as shit. theyre both insane for each other.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ok im going to sound deranged here but his relationship with mirei. thats the 18 year old i mentioned. a lot of people choose to ignore he did that and like.... i get it its very uncomfortable to accept your favourite dude would prey on a kid like that but like. i feel like it does a disservice to his character to ignore that? it shows how he perpetuates the cycle of abuse and its so incredibly interesting to me but so many people just say "he wouldnt do that!!!!" when like.... yes he would. im sorry but he would.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
fuckig hell idk theres so much horrible yakuza discourse. ig its relevant rn but like whenever anyone genuinely critiques how fandom acts (misogyny, racism, woobifying a genuinely morally reprehensible character, ableism, just anything) and then the people who do this shit get all up in arms about it and act like its pointless infighting when its... genuine shit that makes a community unsafe
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wanderrlust0 · 2 months
sudden rant turned spiral lol oops
my friend got tickets to see hozier aka andrew their wife and basically got them for us since i said id be down to go. personally im not like a fan where id go see him but id say im a casual listener. like i knew a good amount of songs. i loveee cherry wine and others. now that we have this concert coming up on june 7, ive become a listener. i gotta prepare and all that yknow. cant go to andrew unprepared. also..idk how?! but i was not aware of his thick irish accent.. loll and i mean, even in his new album, he sings with a clear accent?? idk how i never noticed before honestly. so yeah, im curious to know what a hozier concert will be liikeeee. this will be my second concert this yr and they both involve me going bc a friend asked me to go for company lol. i am going to another in august w my bf to see porter robinson and thats actually one i will really enjoy!! itll also be our first like “edm” dance music type concert so itll be so cool. its at the same stadium that hozier will be at as welllll..but you see, what im procrastinating is telling my bf im going w my friend. my friend who hes not a fan of. the one who he thinks is a Threat! D: ive been knowing for likee 2 weeksish and havent said a single word about it agdjfkfl but i am calling it now.. i. will. tell. him. tomorrow. period. no ifs ands or buts. i need to stop worrying and just rip the bandaid off. once i do tho, im still gonna feel anxious bc literally The NEXt WEEk we will most likely go to my (ex)coworkers second party. (the one who threw a halloween party and i didnt know if wed go but we were already hanging out that day so i mentioned it prior and we ended up having enough time and the girls house was very close to me so we ended up dropping by and i told elias right then and there so it was very last minute and kind of fucked up of me but ive developed an avoidance thing towards him if it has to do with snow bc of everything and thats why now i cant help myself from feeling nervous to ever bring them up around him bc im scared he’ll revert back and not love me and start resenting me and leave me and be mean to me and make me feel lonely and accuse me of things and say its my fault i started the friendship in the first place and that im not committed to him and dont love him anymore and everything else under the sun bc hes got trust issues which is a pain and he’ll go from loving me so hard to not in a quick minute if he starts thinking the worst possibilities and i just cant handle all of that and tbh its nothing new so ive grown to understand the process and that itll pass but it really does suckk and it can turn into a turn off and then he becomes emotionally unavailable and then i become emotionally annoyed and then its a constant reoccurring cycle that doesnt always look the same but they follow the same theme which is trust and every time it happens i want to shout at his ex for causing him to develop this issue and this is me spiraling right now bc im nervous and to be crystal clear its not bc im doing anything shady at all or anything with this friend but i just wanna feel the freedom to just casually hang out with them without it feeling so taboo or whatever bc we still have so many plans that wed like to do and idk if he will ever be okay with me going to their house and idk when he’ll ever get better where he wont care how many times we hang out or how often we talk and i just want him to chill about them bc theyre not a bad person at all theyre not this homewrecker girlfriend stealer he makes it out to beeee were literally just existinggg were literally just two friends who enjoy each others company and existence and have become very open and genuine with fairly quickly and we somehow just connected and i truly do love them as a friend and im happy weve crossed paths and stayed in touch and its just something he cant and wont fully understand about us but hes been trying to at least a little but is mainly just dealing with it bc he knows he cant stop me and im not gonna stop my friendship bc hes telling me to so,
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
And we have a few things happen here in Charlotte county
-what is that we go ahead and remove people who are troublemakers and that was math and the max theyre going to do it today
-the other is said they feed our properly
-also are insisting on removing all the Bullock and get them out and to go after them
-they put out words and APB and warrants and stan and several active warrants on him. Who is fidgeting this morning I just saw the notice and it said that there's a warrant on you for the missiles so there you know that and said go back to sleep. But the warrant is real and it is for a stan and Sherry, and they're actively seeking them and going after them and they probably won't be around today and so our son is going to wait and he'll have to. Stands people will flow back in over the next weekend or this weekend it is
-other things going on. They are laying off the last percentages still you're working on 5% of Private industry to bring it to 10% and 5% of government workers bring it to 5% from 10% and they're working on the higher ups 2100 they want to bring it to 1500 still hasn't happened they are also working on letting people go from the State Assembly and the federal assembly and their support people are being let go and they're looking too far the actual Representatives several of them have gotten fired in the past few weeks for real there no longer the assembly and I keep trying to get back in and others don't allow it so they fight them. There's other notable events this being fairly notable
-they took the planning department and the building department yesterday and gutted it. That is they got rid of all the support workers and the building department and it's in Charlotte county in the two towns have them, it's already strapped and already over its limit and they can't even get to the stuff they have now they don't know where it is or what it is oh it stages in and I can't answer the phone so today is already started out very bad for them they're sitting in the office running around making faces at each other and they have no idea what to do it's way too much work there's too many people telling them what to do and it didn't know what to do with all the plans in the first place so they're calling up there are people asking what to do. And the orders are to do nothing so bja and Trump tell him to use it against them and just sit there and if they can't go home so sitting there for the past hour and they can't figure out what to do so they went home they've done it like 50 times just shut it down and then no inspectors going out so they're going to get fired and by their own people cuz they never do anything. We heard that this morning and they're planning on firing them this afternoon or tomorrow
-have some more lock in town are gone half of them. Yes. Half the others will be gone today from a variety of causes mostly they leave. And the neighborhood is at 110 and today we expected to fall my natural causes. It's a huge day there's a lot happening more shortly
Thor Freya
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iguinn · 1 year
hi hello I want the divorce arc deets pls 🤲 (+ whatever you wanna share! Free card to gush abt your wol!)
ok so first two very important facts:
1 - Arenvald is Berry's adoptive son and by proxy also Ilberd's adoptive son and he cares about both his adoptive dads a lot like obviously and thats important to how fucked up this was for everyone involved
2 - Berry and Ilberd werent dating before griffin griffin on the wall, everyone thought they were and they were obviously in love with each other but they werent dating so calling it divorce arc might not be accurate but its so break up/divorce vibes were calling it that anyway
ok so when all that first started they had a fight, mostly on Berry's part because Ilberd knew this would happen. he knew she would be upset enough to make a scene right there and then because it would hurt her a lot because of course it would she loves him. she said she hated him multiple times and he just took it cause he really had no right to argue back or ask her to not be mad because well he did all that well aware of how badly it would affect her emotionally and unlike in the game she was actually just removed from the premises fairly easily cause after all the yelling she was just too emotionally devastated to react to anything until she was sitting outside the city and had a crying breakdown because by the gods what was she to do now? what was she to tell her son about any of that? what could anyone tell their child in this situation? it was a shitty fucking situation for her and Ilberd too but at that point Ilberd knew all of that would hurt like a bitch he would just have to push down his feelings cause eventually it wouldnt matter anyway which was a choice on his part considering every fucking time they met after that ended in some of the most tense fucking moments of their life specially after Berry began to have her future sight dreams more and more often and it dawned on her what Ilberd was going to do and it she didnt want to tell anyone because it would get him in even more trouble but its not as if she could act as if she knew nothing about it. she would have crying fits and would ask to sleep in her father's bed because it was horrible and stressful for her. Ilberd just couldnt sleep at all for the most part during that it weighed on him at every waking moment making him unable to even rest. it was horrible emotionally for the both of them and each time they met each other after that it was horribly tense and yeah a lot of yelling happened and Berry did bring up Arenvald in an almost weaponized way to make Ilberd feel more guilty about all this shit because what he put her through? bad it sucked! but what her no THEIR son was feeling? it was worse and he should feel awful for it! (was she perhaps being too harsh? yes but u really cant blame her for being upset) and like Ilberd already felt pretty shit about hurting her and their son and that really just made it worse and he got upset and yelled back at her which is understandable, but in a way Berry knew there was nothing anyone else could do to fix the problem Ilberd wanted to fix cause no one gave enough of a fuck about it. and that hurt even more cause she knew there wasnt really nothing she could tell him to make him stop cause he also knew there was no other way. but she just wanted him to stop and come back home to her which btw she did ask him directly when she saw him in griffin outfit for the first time cause in the gayest most faggy moment they had so far she recognize him simply by the way he walked and carried himself. because thats just how gays act. but yeah a lot of nasty very parents going through a messy divorce fights going on there sometimes and well if u want al elaboration on how it traumatized Alphi and Alisaie... well theyre both very close to Berry. and we actually write them very often so they bond with Ilberd due to all three of them having lost family they deeply cared about during the calamity (partly cause we like to shove the people Berry cares about the most towards Ilberd cause Berry wants everyone she likes to get along obviously) so u can imagine what it was like for those two literal kids to see two people they cared about we were obviously having the worst fucking time of their lives get into awful fights that they both knew would lead no where just so they could pretend they had some semblance of control over their own messy feeling over this messy situation that shit stays with kids all the way to adulthood we know this as a child of divorce. they gave the twins child of divorce trauma when they arent even their parents. Arenvald got fucked up over it too! three traumatized teens in one fell swoop!
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