#and done!
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shanastoryteller · 5 days ago
Percy gets a floo call from his brother and is instantly concerned. First because his brother's rarely bother to reach out to him for anything, and second because George shouldn't have access to a floo at all considering he's still in school. He's not sure what he'd prefer - if he'd snuck into a teacher's room or if he'd just bribed Rosmerta like everyone does.
He means to ask, but as soon as he accepts the call and his brother's head is floating in the fireplace, he says, "Does your girlfriend having a soulmark bother you?"
"She's not my girlfriend," he says automatically, realizes that knowing exactly who George is talking about is probably too telling, and scowls. Having Tonks with him had made chaperoning the Yule Ball marginally less terrible, but it had also meant his brother's becoming privy to that aspect of his work life. Or personal life. He's not really sure at this point, the two are rather starting to blur. "Why?"
George rolls his eyes. "If she wasn't your girlfriend, you wouldn't put up with her saying she was." That's not true. Probably. Talking to any of his younger siblings is always such a trial. "Is that why you're trying to pretend she isn't your girlfriend? Because she has a soulmark?"
He hasn't discussed his love life - or lack thereof - with George ever, and he's disinclined to start now, but he wouldn't go to all this trouble to ask if it wasn't important to him. "Tonks having a soulmate is inconsequential. She and Cedric aren't involved and they don't plan to be."
"If she hadn't met Cedric yet, would that matter?" he asks.
Percy understands the conversation they're having. "If someone isn't interested in you because you have a soulmark, they're probably not worth it."
Instead of being reassured, George scowls and snaps, "I don't need relationship advice from you!"
That might be hurtful if it wasn't so blatantly incorrect. Still, "Well, I have a girlfriend and you don't, so."
George narrows his eyes in a way that Percy knows he'd be flipping him off if he had hands.
"It wouldn't matter to me if she hadn't met her soulmark yet," he says, taking mercy on him. "If I didn't trust her enough to know her own wants and her own mind, I wouldn't be interested in her at all."
There's a moment where George's face settles into contemplative seriousness, then it's gone, his little brother grinning as he asks, "So you're admitting you're interested in her?"
Percy ends the call.
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imaredshirt · 11 months ago
It made sense, McCoy thought in a daze, that after all the times beings with telepathic abilities had messed around in his head, something would get left behind.
He doesn't realize it at first. Chalks it up to being a people person, having dealt with enough personal and professional relationships as both a civilian and a physician to just know what a person is thinking and feeling. That's all it is.
Until he's working alone with Spock one night, both bent over microscopes in the lab, and he hears Spock say something quietly, with perhaps a triffle more emotion than he's used to hearing from the Vulcan - "This organism may take longer to classify than I had originally thought. Leonard will be sharing the lab with me for sometime, then. I . . . am not averse to this outcome."
"First of all," McCoy says, having perked up at the sound of his first name - not something Spock often addresses him as while on duty. "Kinda rude to talk about a man as if he's not in the same room, just a few feet away. Second of all-" and he turns, grinning at Spock’s slightly startled expression and raised eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure you just said you're enjoying my company."
The startled expression doesn't disappear. "I beg your pardon?"
"Now Mr. Spock, if you think I'm gonna let you take back what you just said-"
"Doctor," Spock says, clasping his hands behind his back and watching McCoy now with an expression more curious than anything else. "I did not say anything."
McCoy's smile falters. He feels an inkling of worry and growing curiosity not his own - he knows, somehow, that it's coming from Spock. It's then he realizes that his ability to pinpoint a person's thoughts and emotions - something that has seemed to grow stronger over the past few weeks - is not just due to his affinity as a people person.
Somewhere along the way, a telepathic being messed around in his head - and left some of their ability behind.
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omelevateart · 1 month ago
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Oh! That's a pretty big lad!
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umbral-stigmata-unbound · 8 days ago
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: strifentine, vinkura Characters: Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, following characters are involved but only for key points, Galian Beast, Hell Masker, Death Gigas, following characters are only involved for one chapter or brief background reference, Tifa Lockhart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Marlene Wallace, Denzel (Compilation of FFVII), Lucrecia Crescent, Hojo, Grimoire Valentine, Chaos (Compilation of FFVII) Additional Tags: Hurt and comfort, Tough Love, Kindred Spirits, chaos vessel headcanon heavy, vincent headcanons, cloud headcanons, silent pining/yearning, Mutual Pining, but they don't know until the last second, chaos vessel void power shenanigans, Memory Journey, vincent head mates headcanons, occasional and mild body horror mentions, (flashes of memory but never in great detail), mental distress, pent up emotions, loss of sense of self ---
Day 7: Monster
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Finished the first sleeve!
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finerandbonnier · 1 year ago
In the Basement of those Cabins is a Princess
100 words for each face of The Princess.
The Shifting Mound; The Princess (Again) - [AO3]
The Shifting Mound
You wait for another fragile vessel. Another piece of you.
A tiny fragment of a greater whole; brittle and empty, ready to be filled with you and fill you up in return.
Warm and fierce and trusting and scared and loving and hurt and wilful and betrayed – more variants than there are words to describe them. All fragile.
All hidden somewhere through space and time in The Long Quiet where you cannot reach them with your grasping hands, cannot pull them into yourself and consume them, subsume them.
So, you wait in the cold and the dark and the quiet.
The Princess (Again)
You’re back in the basement of the cabin. The original cabin. The ur-cabin. The cabin from which all other cabins deviate.
You’re not a god this time. Nor a beast, nor a witch, nor a wood. You’re not even a princess. You are The Princess. You are the image that word conjures in their mind absent all other adjectives or descriptors.
But perhaps you do not have to be for much longer, perhaps this time the pair of you will walk through that cabin door and shed your labels together. Not the princess. Not the hero. Just you and them.
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bronzeagepizzeria · 1 year ago
He tucks a finger inside his daughter’s palm, watching in awe as it curls around him. The world is hazy, narrowed down only to the two people he holds in his arms. Had he known, then, on that fateful day? The other him? Known what he’d never get a taste of? What he was losing? He doesn’t know. He’ll never know, and he’s eternally grateful.
Part 2 is up!!
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thebirdarts · 2 years ago
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Riju, Queen of the Gerudo and Sage of Lightning
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broodsys · 1 year ago
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sprawling marionberry; closeup of the strawberry groundcover that spreads all across the side yard; peach tree; nectarine tree; bucket pond; hawthorne tree
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paintedcrows · 6 months ago
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They do this every year...
Happy 25th to Dipdop and Lebam!! and Happy 17th to Hatsune Miku!! 🎉🎉
(comic continued: The M&M stands for...)
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skipppppy · 5 months ago
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I was cooking on twitter today
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szczekaczz · 1 month ago
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Henriëtte Ronner-Knip, A dog and her puppies
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tawnysoup · 2 months ago
Found my fav Slay the Princess route recently. Dragon my beloved. Your horrifying beak mouth was an impossible-to-refuse lip syncing challenge 💖
Shoutouts to @blacktabbygames for making such a cool game!
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nb-marceline · 7 months ago
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(full article here)
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noodles-07 · 3 months ago
to be fair to Cain if nobody had ever died before and I didn't know it was possible I would probably also hit my brother over the head with a rock if he was being really annoying
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