#cause he can’t just leave him or the world like this
sluts4stsg · 3 days
ft. gojō satoru, getō suguru, female reader
contains: noncon, father/daughter incest, drugging, somnophilia, manipulation, voyeurism, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, and suguru just being the worst person ever.
word count: ~1.7k
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“i don’t know what came over me, but i… i actually, like… touched her last week, suguru…”
satoru thought he could confide in his friend about this; i mean, he has before when his actions were just intrusive thoughts, and suguru always told him the same thing: “but you know that you’ll never act on those thoughts, right? so don’t worry too much about them—just jerk off if you have to.”
but now suguru’s not telling him anything. 
no, suguru is perfectly silent as he opens the door to satoru’s daughter’s room, not even thirty minutes after you said you were feeling sleepy downstairs, and a chill goes up his spine at how suguru beckons him into the dark room with the smile of a buddha. 
satoru knows his friend, how fucked up and dark his thoughts can be, but nothing could have prepared for the first words to finally come out of suguru’s mouth; “well, she’s all yours.”
his eyes widen, eyebrows furrow, jaw drops at the clear implication of suguru’s words, leaving satoru staring at him in shock. his heart is like a drum in his chest, almost causing a ringing in his ears, as he tries to comprehend the situation at hand. “s… suguru, what do you…” he can't even finish his sentence, his breaths becoming shorter and shorter.
“oh, come on now, you know what i mean,” suguru playfully chides him as he snakes behind satoru, placing his hands on his shoulders and giving them an encouraging squeeze, “and you and i both know that you want to do it. why else would i set this up for you?”
the dryness in his throat becomes all the more noticeable at his words; he should’ve known something was wrong the minute suguru handed you a drink earlier. satoru knows his daughter, knows she doesn’t like carbonated drinks, and yet he didn’t say anything when he saw you gulping down the fizzy juice suguru poured for you. he thought you would have noticed and refused to drink it, but instead, you did and he let you.
even if he wanted to deny it, satoru knew his friend slipped something into your drink, and he relied on you to not fall victim because he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. because, deep down, he wanted something like this to happen.
ever since he caved and touched you in your sleep last week, he hasn’t stopped thinking about going further than just a touch. he wants you so, so bad it drives him insane, but he’s looking for any excuse not to become a monster right now. “suguru, she… she’s my daughter, i-i can’t… do that to her… i can’t hurt her…” 
but leave it to suguru to see through such a lousy excuse. “you’ve already started though, haven’t you? why not take this perfect opportunity to go further?” his voice is barely above a whisper, lips against the cusp of his ear. his broad chest pressed against satoru’s back, his arms wrapping around his waist to reach for his belt. “she won’t know, satoru, and besides, you love her more than anything else in the world—there’s no way you can hurt her.”
satoru knows that’s not true. he knows anyone is capable of hurting the ones they love, intentionally or not, and he’s sure that you will know what he did eventually; once he gets a taste, he knows he won’t be able to stop. 
but suguru’s words are a siren’s call, and as his friend pulls his belt out of the loops, satoru finds himself being drawn in, his body trembling as he climbs onto his daughter’s bed. he looks down at your unconscious body, the rise and fall of your chest, your peaceful face so blissfully unaware of what is about to happen, and his heart hammers with guilt as he feels his cock throb at the sight.
how can he be so turned on with the knowledge that he’s about to violate his own daughter?
the question rings in his ears, but the sound grows quieter as he watches suguru take a seat beside your pillow, his hand coming to wipe the drool threatening to dribble from your lips. “precious, isn’t she?” he laughs as he licks your spit from his thumb, and satoru can feel his breath get shallow from the action.
“yeah… she is…” he mumbles, almost in a trance, as he too brings his hand towards your mouth, fingers ghosting over your lips. such soft, delicate lips that he wants to devour with his own, his face leaning closer down towards yours.
fuck, why can’t he stop?
his fingers move to your cheek, cupping it while his free hand does the same for the other, and he presses his lips against yours, letting out a strangled moan as he finally takes what he wants. “there you go…” suguru praises him, leaning back as he takes in the sight of a father committing possibly the worst sin against his daughter, and he loves it.
it’s impossible to put into words how much he enjoys watching satoru force his tongue into his own daughter’s mouth, the sheer amount of gratification he gets from watching his best friend’s hand sneak under your shirt to grope you. of course, suguru’s aroused by the show, evident by the bulge in his sweatpants, but chalking up everything he’s feeling in this moment to arousal would be incorrect.
it’s only clicks with him what he’s truly feeling when satoru pulls his mouth off of yours and turns to him, his hands moving from under your shirt to your waistband. “suguru, please… please tell me to stop…” he begs between pants, out of breath—the desperation on his face palpable.
suguru feels powerful. he feels in control. “now, why would i do that?” the smile on his face is relaxed, the tone of his voice calm as his hand overlaps one of satoru’s, “you deserve this, satoru. go for it.”
and at those words, satoru breaks, yanking your shorts and underwear off your legs on one fell swoop, and his mouth goes dry as he gazes upon your slit. “fuck, suguru… she… she’s beautiful…” he whispered, voice strained, and he can’t help tracing a finger between your folds, shivering at the faint moistness that coats the digit. there is nothing he can do to stop his tongue from darting out to lick the slick you left on him, but the guilt weighs heavier on him when he involuntarily moans at the taste. “jesus christ, i’m a monster…” he mutters, palming his face with both of his hands as if to hide his shame.
but with the power he feels at this moment, suguru can’t help but push him deeper into this. “no, i’m the monster, satoru,” he reassures his friend, pulling satoru’s hands from his face so he could look him in the eye, “i’m the one who drugged her. i’m the one telling you to do this. it’s not your fault that you love your daughter this much, so don’t blame yourself. blame me, satoru.”
he looks at suguru with his widest eyes yet, astonished by his best friend’s insistence. “suguru, i… i…” he doesn’t understand why he’s doing this for him, but as satoru’s eye shifts between his best friend and his now bottomless daughter, he can only shake his head, “okay.”
there’s no way he can resist any longer. he can’t let his guilt hold him back from what he so desperately needs.
satoru shrugs his pants and boxers down his thighs, letting his painfully hard cock spring free, and doesn’t waste a second settling between your legs. “i’m sorry, baby…” he whispers to you as if you could actually hear him, pressing a kiss to your forehead with the tenderness of a good father, “...this is suguru’s fault, though.”
and with that declaration, he steels his resolve and pushes into you, his eyes rolling back immediately at the tightness; he only managed to get his tip inside, and already he’s struggling not to bust. “h-holy shit…” he practically whimpers as he forces himself deeper and deeper inside you, until his balls are flush against your ass. he doesn’t even want to move as he bottoms out, desiring to savor the sensation, but like a man possessed, his hips move on their own, fucking into his sleeping beauty with reckless abandon.
suguru is almost taken aback at how aggressive satoru immediately got, assuming that his friend’s guilty conscience would make him go easier on his daughter, but he’s not against it in the slightest. in fact, he can feel his own erection throbbing harder at the way you squirm in your drugged sleep, the way satoru moans so loud and uncontrollably like he’s in a bad porno, and he can feel his precum soaking into his briefs when he notices the slightest sheen of your virginal blood coating satoru’s cock as he drives it into you. fuck, does the sight make him want to blow his own load as well.
however, this is satoru’s moment—he’s not going to jerk off as his best friend finally takes everything he’s ever wanted. suguru wants him to savor this moment, and so the most he does is rest his hand over his massive bulge as leans against your headboard, occasionally rubbing it to soothe the ache. 
it’s like he’s viewing daytime television with casually how he continues to watch satoru���s frenzied, insatiable pace as he rapes his daughter, and he’s silent the whole time, even as his best friend buries himself deep inside you and cries out while unloading his balls. 
he was a director watching the final cut of his own creation, even clapping as satoru collapses on top of you. “excellent. i’m proud of you, satoru,” is all he comments before getting up off the bed, leaving the room. leaving him to deal with the aftermath on his own.
and while the guilt returns once suguru leaves, it’s only fleeting because now satoru knows that, if he ever gets this urge again, his best friend will take the blame for it.
he looks down at you, his beautiful and defiled daughter, as he finally pulls out. a pink mix of blood and semen leaks out of you, and satoru smiles at the sight, knowing that it’s suguru who did this to you—not him.
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Mcsmtober- Day 4: Character+Mob
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Enderman Soren!! Stylised the enderman aspects cause it’s more fun.
This is actually an AU I’ve been thinking about for the past few days(idk if this has been done before, but I at least hope my au sounds original). Basically, if the order fell out sooner, and Soren spent a lot longer in the end, what effect would that have on him? My answer, he slowly turns into an enderman! When Jessie and co come to get him almost 30 years after his disappearance, he’s lost most of his humanity and memory. Because he isn’t able to make the formidabomb, it takes the gang a lot longer to kill the witherstorm, and they turn to Ivor for help to turn Soren back.
I’ll probably make more about this AU at some point, but I’m happy to finally get this idea down on paper
Prompts by @deadbeatbug
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fastandcarlos · 10 hours
My Favourite Alonso : ̗̀➛ George Russell
summary: after being introduced at last to some of your brother’s fellow drivers, one particular brit captures your attention…
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, landonorris and 1,492,262 others
georgerussell63: another awesome week on the track, disappointed with the result but the car is starting to feel real good 🩵
username1: trust the process george, you got this!!
landonorris: notice how I’m closing the gap in the second photo??
georgerussell63: @/landonorris you keep telling yourself that my friend…
username2: imagine being such good friends with a legend like it’s nothing 😭
fernandoalo_oficial: proudest day of my life making it onto the grid of THE george russell
georgerussell63: @/fernandoalo_oficial: you’ve really made it in life now 😂
username3: have you ever met a more popular driver on the grid??
kimi.antonelli: it was awesome to be there and learn so much from you this weekend 🩵
username4: we’re always so proud of you regardless of the result 👏🏻
lewishamilton: great drive again my friend, we’re on the rise as we finish the season!
username5: how anyone can drive in those conditions is crazy to me 🤯
mercedesamgf1: another great race weekend george 🩵
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55 and 1,483,958 others
georgerussell63: you could be forgiven for thinking my summer holiday involved a lot of food, and you would be absolutely spot on 🥂
username6: forget the food wtf is going on in that middle photo 🤔
charles_leclerc: damn someone’s really dressed to impress their girl over the summer break! 🔥
username7: not even food could distract us from that photo george
landonorris: the secretive post is such an ick btw 😂
georgerussell63: @/landonorris no one is as big of an ick as you are!
username8: I’m so happy to see you enjoying your not so single summer!!
username9: scrolling through socials to see if I’ve missed anything…
maxverstappen1: stop trying to be like the cool kids with your soft launch 🙄
lewishamilton: didn’t even tell your own teammate you had a girlfriend before telling the world 😭
username10: don’t think food was the only thing it involved a lot of judging by these photos 🤨
danielricciardo: stop trying to disguise your gf with food 😂
username11: you can’t just post something like this without telling us more 😫
fernandoalo_oficial: I feel like a proud dad 🥹
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liked by georgerussell63, lancestroll and 59,472 others
ynalonso: he’s a little more soft launch than me 🥺
username12: thank you yn for doing george’s work for him 👏🏻
landonorris: and this is why you’re the favourite compared to george, never leave us hanging!!
oscarpiastri: I knew it was you all along 👀
username13: now this is the sorta partnership I can get behind 😂
iamrebeccad: remember a couple of weeks ago when I asked you if anything was going on and you said no!?
ynalonso: @/iamrebeccad I’m sorry we just weren’t ready to share 😭😭
username14: now it makes sense why he’s suddenly become so much more friendly with fernando…
danielricciardo: george really do he making himself friendly with the alonso family these days 😉
username15: his summer was definitely more than just food…george is a liar 😂
pierregasly: a little bit!? you’ve just come at us outta nowhere yn!!
fernandoalo_oficial: I wanna act surprise but secretly I was rooting for you two all along 🙌🏻
ynalonso: @/fernandoalo_oficial best. brother. ever. 😘
username16: yn is already my best friend simply cause she hard launches!!
lancestroll: you can’t go abandoning your aston martin roots now you know 💚💪🏻
username17: I refuse to believe that there are two better drivers who could make the best brothers in law 🥺🥺🥺
georgerussell63: why did I try so hard to be secretive for the whole summer 😂
ynalonso: @/georgerussell63 I just enjoyed tormenting you 🥰
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liked by lewishamilton, fernandoalo_oficial and 64,968 others
ynalonso: every half an hour I keep switching hats and hoping that no one notices 😂
username18: you can’t have two favourites yn it’s forbidden 😂
georgerussell63: as long as you prefer the blue hat to the green hat idm 🩵
username19: I’ve got images of yn sprinting between the garages all weekend
landonorris: still don’t know why you could pick either of those when you could pick papaya 🧡
carlossainz55: @/landonorris or even better still pick ferrari red ❤️
ynalonso: @/landonorris @/carlossainz55 you’re both far too annoying for me 😂
username20: can’t wait to see fernando vs george to keep yn in their garage 🥊
lancestroll: every time you runaway and go to mercedes I’m sure I hear fernando cry 😂
ynalonso: @/lancestroll he’s always been the dramatic sibling 🙄
username21: their hats are bright blue and bright green ofc we’ll notice 😂
lewishamilton: we’ll give you whatever you want if you pick mercedes instead 😉
username22: this not a sustainable way of living yn 🙃
fernandoalo_oficial: just remember you’ve been green a lot longer than you have blue 💚
username23: you need a makeshift blue and green hat for best of both worlds!!
alex_albon: safe yourself the hassle and come and join lily at williams, she keeps moaning she’s lonely 😂
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 67,593 others
ynalonso: just for all the people wondering how george and nando are such good friends, a collection of photos I’ve taken of the two of them over the years 🩵💚
username24: for everyone saying these two weren’t close before yn…here’s your proof 👆🏻
georgerussell63: I look like I’m about ten years old in that first photo 🥺
ynalonso: @/georgerussell63 still just as handsome now you’re an old man 😂
georgerussell63: @/ynalonso still nowhere near as old as your brother 😝
username25: the friendship these two have had has always been special!
maxverstappen1: now I feel old looking at how old these two now are too
username26: I can imagine fernando being the one to set them up somehow 🤔
fernandoalo_oficial: don’t tell him this now I’m supposed to be the intimidating older brother…but he’s easily my favourite driver 🥹
ynalonso: @/fernandoalo_oficial you are the least intimidating person ik 😂
username27: look at baby george in the first photo 😫
alex_albon: someone explain please how fernando is only getting better with age!?
ynalonso: @/alex_albon it’s those alonso genes 🤩
landonorris: isn’t it about time that george got himself a different haircut!?
username28: fernando watching george grow up right before his very eyes 😭
danielricciardo: the kids grow up so fast 🤧
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liked by alex_albon, lewishamilton and 1,293,068 others
georgerussell63: she’s not used to hugging tall guys 😉
username29: not george calling fernando out like this 😂
fernandoalo_oficial: just because you’re dating my sister don’t think I’ll let you get away with height jokes russell!!
georgerussell63: @/fernandoalo_oficial I’m sorry fernando please don’t hate me 😭
username30: you can’t be mean you’re basically family now 😭
danielricciardo: you’re a brave man making a joke like that 👏🏻
username31: good luck yn dealing with these two together!!
landonorris: nothing wrong with being a little bit on the smaller side 🤨
username32: you’re supposed to get her family to like you george not hate your guts
oscarpiastri: not everyone has the pleasure of walking around like a weird giraffe like you!
username33: can’t believe he’s done fernando dirty like this 😂
ynalonso: he might be small but he sure is mighty, I’d watch your back russell 😫
username34: this dynamic is delivering more than I ever thought it would!
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liked by ynalonso, landonorris and 1,294,067 others
georgerussell63: happy birthday to my love, turns out the alonso family know how to party too 💞🍾
username35: this might be my favourite post of all time 🤩
oscarpiastri: happy birthday yn, thank you for such an awesome party last night!
ynalonso: I think it’s safe to say I’ll never forget last night, thank you for organising it all babe 💞
username36: who knew fernando and george were actually the double act we all needed
danielricciardo: now share the rest of the photos you have from last nigh!?
georgerussell63: @/danielricciardo if I shared many more of the photos I have I’ll probably get banned by instagram 😂
username37: I can’t stop thinking about this party and these photos 😂😂
landonorris: I can’t erase the image of fernando on the table from my eyes!!!
alex_albon: no one enjoyed themselves at the party last night more than fernando!!
username38: who knew fernando still had all those moves…
maxverstappen1: I don’t think I’ll recover from what I saw last night for a long time hahah
username39: at least now we all know exactly where yn gets it from!!
fernandoalo_oficial: remember what happens at the club stays at the club 😉
georgerussell63: @/fernandoalo_oficial I have a lot more respect for you after last night 🍷
username40: george you have no idea that you’re about to be part of the best family ever 🤩
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adoresia · 2 days
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— Morning Monologue
pairing : Dad!Gojo satoru x reader
synopsis : The comedic chaos of parenthood unfolds as Gojo Satoru rambles on about his dreams for his baby in the early morning light. While Gojo’s enthusiastic monologues flow freely, his little one’s unimpressed expressions provide a humorous contrast. This light-hearted tale captures the blend of love and laughter that defines their bond, showcasing Gojo's playful spirit and the delightful challenges of being a dad.
warnings : nothing just fluff
sierra speaks : based on DDG and Halo cause they’re tooo funny 😭😭
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It was barely dawn, sunlight creeping through the curtains, and the entire apartment was quiet—except for Gojo Satoru, who was wide awake and talking non-stop. He was lounging in bed, his silver hair messy from sleep, but his voice still full of that typical Gojo energy, as he rambled on and on to the tiny baby cradled in his arms.
“Y’know, being the strongest sorcerer in the world is kinda like being the best dad,” Gojo mused, staring at his baby’s wide eyes. “No pressure, just perfection in every department. You’re lucky, kiddo, you’ve got me to show you the ropes. Infinite Void? You’ll be a natural.”
Your baby—still too young to even comprehend the wild words flying over his tiny head—looked up at him, blinking, seemingly processing none of it. Instead, his expression was... well, let’s say less than impressed.
You were laying on the other side of the bed, half-asleep, but listening to this morning monologue unfold. It was a regular occurrence at this point—Gojo waking up, deciding that 6 AM was the perfect time for his fatherly wisdom. The baby had no choice but to listen, a captive audience to Gojo’s self-proclaimed brilliance.
“And you’re gonna have the coolest techniques, just like me. You’ll have all the girls—well, maybe not all the girls, 'cause you know, I’m taken,” he said with a wink in your direction. You let out a soft snore to pretend you were asleep, hoping to dodge the goofiness. Gojo chuckled before turning back to the baby. “But anyway, you’re gonna be the coolest kid in Jujutsu society. And don’t get me started on that hair—everyone’s gonna love it. You got my genes, so we’re basically unbeatable.”
The baby squirmed, still half-listening (if that). But then, there it was—the moment you'd been waiting for: Your baby gave his father the dirtiest side-eye you had ever seen. Even at this young age, your baby had inherited the sass. The look was a mixture of annoyance and “can you not?”—like he was silently begging for some peace.
Gojo froze mid-sentence, his eyes widening in mock horror. “Oh, so that’s how it is, huh?” he said, feigning heartbreak. “You’re already tired of me? My own flesh and blood? I see how it is. Fine, I’ll just—" He dramatically rolled over to the other side of the bed, away from the baby. “I’ll be over here, not talking, since apparently I’m too much for my own child.”
The room was silent for a beat—until you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You burst out laughing, turning over to face them. “Gojo, if you don’t leave my baby alone!”
Gojo rolled back toward you, grinning that signature smile, like he knew exactly what he was doing all along. “Just trying to pass down some of the legendary Gojo wisdom. Can’t help it if my kid’s a little too young to appreciate it.”
You shook your head, still laughing. “He’s not even a year old, Satoru. Give him a break.”
Gojo smirked, leaning in to give the baby a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Alright, alright. I’ll save the life lessons for later. But just wait till he’s old enough to understand—then he’s in for it.”
You smiled, watching them both. Even though Gojo’s constant chatter could be a lot—especially so early in the morning—there was something endearing about it. He was fully committed to this dad thing, and even when the baby wasn’t feeling it, Gojo made sure to bring the fun, every single time.
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steve harrington fucks your boobies.
a/n: kinktober babes!! beware boob fucking and dirty talk! also random lube
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Tender moments are a rare gift when you’re Hawkins. It’s even more sporadic when you are on the battlefield evert day. Therefore, moments like this are made to be burned in the back of your mind, and enjoyed like a lifetime.
Steve is laying on top of you, his hand resting against your chest, arm around your waist. You have one leg intertwined with his as your fingers run through his short hair. The breathing is calm. Surprisingly, not because someone knocked you or Harrington out, or you two got too drunk to have a light sleep. Both of you just happen to have a good day, and now are enjoying the end of it in bed, tangled with each other.
Yet, Steve Harrington is Steve Harrington. End of the world or not, he still got the essence. Don’t get him wrong, relaxing is definitely something he enjoys doing with you, especially when you play with his hair so good. But there’s another part of you that doesn’t let him slide into sleep despite how comfortable he is.
Your boobies.
The brown- eyed man always loved boobs. Big, small, whatever. Any color, any size. If a chick got a pair of boobs, he’d be trying his luck with her - the King Steve reputation proved it just right. Now, Steve doesn’t have to run after them, and this position only makes it better.
He’s laying on your chest, while you are wearing one of your summer pajamas, the red one with a large cleavage. God bless summer nights, he thinks to himself, moving a bit while he glances at your boobs. Your breathing causing them to go up and down slowly. Steve can’t help but imagine getting between them and making his cock follow the movement— nice and squeezed between your breasts in a good tittie fuck.
Harrington leans in, loving the heat of your chest against his cheek before he kisses your right boob. Steve’s so close to your heart, he can almost discern your erratic beating once he kissed there again. A chuckle leaving his lips, gaining a soft groan from you.
He doesn’t stop there, sneak fingers pulling your pajamas shirt down as he starts spreading pecks all over your breast. Sweet kisses soon melting into longing licks, which only appeared to turn into sucking. Steve wants to leave marks, he always does. That man can be possessive when he wants to remember you both you are his and only his, and the thought of hickeys that he made with his own mouth showing on your skin when you are wearing one of your usual tank tops only makes the crotch in his pants harder.
“Steve.” You moan, both hands pulling his head to your breasts to the point Harrington found himself buried between your boobs. This is it, he accepts, I’m in heaven. Heaven of boobs.
He blows on your sensitive nipple, getting a whine of yours back. A lopsided grin on his expression when he notices how much you want him, just like he wants you. His plump lips surround your already hard nipple as Steve sucks your boob, his hand massaging the other one.
The man spends time on it, your sighs and moans encouraging him to keep going. His cock’s only growing more bothered in his pants, the sweat in the air is as natural as your breathless state. You both need more. You often do. It always starts with a sweet giving until you both feel like owning.
Harrington, using all his inner strength, pulls away from your chest. His elbows to the mattress as he lifts his head to look into your eyes.
“We could try a new position.” He suggests.
“What’s it?” You furrow your eyebrows, tilting your head to the side. “I’m telling you beforehand, porn isn’t real life. No woman or man can do those things.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Relax, honey. That one’s very possible.” He bites his bottom lip, looking at your uncovered, dirty with saliva chest before glancing at you. “I wanna fuck your boobs.”
You have to fight yourself not to moan shamelessly at his statement. Steve, with those hungry green eyes and plump lips red from sucking your boob, openly talking in his gruff voice about fucking your breasts. God, you just want to beg him to destroy you.
Instead, you look to the side, a sloppy idea welcoming your mind. You smile devilish as you notice that the half full bottle is still on the table next to bed— ultimately, Harrington's mess would do you good.
Your hand grabs his old man's whiskey, the mouth of the bottle meeting yours in a double intentioned kiss. You toss the cap away, dropping the liquid over your chest. You and Steve didn’t have any lube in hand, might as well improvise.
“I guess this will do.” You smirk, savoring the way his mouth is slightly open in surprise. You place the whiskey on its place, wiggling your eyebrows at the hunter. “What are you waiting for, Harrington?”
Steve groans at your teasing. “God. I love you.''
He doesn’t want to waste time, decided to fill up the silent of the night with the sound of his cock fucking your titties. Harrington throws his pants away, his length hitting his belly as soon as it’s free. You lick your lips, watching the magnetic body of his coming closer to yours.
You feel like a prey, cornered by a hunter; the exact minute you know there’s no other way but to give yourself out.
Steve isn’t too far from that either. He hurries to get on his knees, approaching you with a whimper. You look better than any porn, soaked in whiskey and ready to get your boobs fucked by him.
You can’t wait for Harrington to make a feast out of your body. Being with him was like becoming a virgin all over again: each touch of his discovered a new shade of pleasure within you, all you begged to be corrupted.
One of his hands holds the bedpost as Steve finally slides his cock between your breasts. His legs are trembling, mouth slightly open and eyes barely shut; this kind of pleasure, this unique sentiment of being hurried between your boobs is marvelous— and he hasn’t even started fucking them! You aren’t away from that either, pressing your lips together in a dumbfounded attempt to contain a moan… As if you could ever control how your body reacts to Steve Harrington.
Steve licks his lips, looking down to catch a glimpse of your face. God, this is perfect: you, sitting in bed naked, scotch all over your chest, hard nipples, titties waiting to be fucked by his length. He can’t physically wait anymore, even his bones are hurting to get with you. The man's hold on the bedpost intensifies, as if he could crave his fingertips like a lover does with a name. His knuckles are turning white, green eyes watching when his cock starts to go up and down between your boobs like he was fucking your pussy. Heaven.
“God, honey. You take my cock so good with your titties.” He groans, “I love your boobis so much. Always thought about fucking them.”
But then you squeeze your breasts together, trapping his hardness between your titties, Steve realizes how wrong he was. Before was just the golden gates, but this is heaven. He starts moving his hips, increasing the rhythm through each thrust.
“Yeah. Just like that. Fuck my boobs like you are fucking my pussy, Steve. Make me come.” Your words are tangling his arousal, getting a howl out of him as he fucks you rougher.
The smell of whiskey and sweat embrace the atmosphere into pure lust, among your and Harrington's pleading groans. You feel full in places you didn’t even know that were empty, and he can’t wait to come all over you and mark this spot as well.
Your shared bed crying is a beautiful melody, too. Adrenaline rushing inside your veins like blood, making Steve go quicker, making you press your boobs against his cock harder. You can feel his precum mixing with whiskey and sweat, and you can’t wait to taste it somehow. He’s getting tough, your hands are marking your own body. You both want more of this newness.
“I’m gonna come all of your pretty boobs, baby. Is that what you want? Get all dirty with my cum?” Steve says breathlessly, his voice cracking at each other. He can barely hold himself from screaming and coming. Yet, he wants you to come first.
“Yes.” You whimper, looking up to him. He’s on his knees, but you are the only begging. “Please, Steve. Come on my boobs, make me come just fucking my boobs. Please. I need it, please.”
Any vestige of self control is left behind when Steve grunts loudly, moaning to your name as he cums on your breasts.
request for kinktober, babes.
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kitsuga · 2 days
Meticulous. {Asmodeus x Reader/MC}
A fic in which doing MC’s hair turns into something intimate for Asmo. 
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Tags: fluff, asmo doing readers hair, kissing, not beta'd, not edited, gender neutral reader, asmodeus/asmo x reader/mc, obey me!/obm/om, asmodeus/asmo
Word Count: 742
A/N: Written on: May 16, 2021 
I! Just! Wanted some cute Asmo especially since I just keep having only angst ideas for him, the poor boy I promise I love him lmao; short but sweet!
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“If you sat still darling, it wouldn’t hurt.” Asmodeus leaned forward close to their ear, the mixture of his smile and his breath tickled their skin. “Would you like me to kiss you better?” 
“Don’t you mean kiss IT better?” 
“I know what I said.” 
Asmo fixed his posture, his delicate hands deftly working, weaving, one bundle of hair over the other into a tight, intricate design. He hummed to himself, a smile on his face, while he ignored their outbursts every now and again that he had pulled their hair a bit too much. It was a calming action, sitting in (mostly) silence with them sitting between his legs; they spent their time scrolling through their D.D.D., stopping now and again to show Asmo some post on Devilgram that caused him to rant and rave about whatever the picture was of. 
It was fun to play with MC, dressing them up as though they were his own personal doll—but this was different, this was something much more... intimate, than that. It was easy being with them, no need to push to be center of attention because MC’s eyes were always only on him. In his room, in relative peacefulness, he can rest easy knowing their energy, time, and anything in between were all for him; their smiles, their touches, all of it was his and it made him feel as though he were the only one in the world. He wanted to be the only one in their world. 
“Asmo, stop—ow!” 
“I warned you to quit moving!”  
Their hair was so fun to play with; it was calming, really. The pattern of the movements he had to make to braid along with the fun of running his fingers through their hair made him feel like he could close his eyes and do it all day long. One strand here, another there, a quick tie off then he gets to go in for another few strands—the mundane actions that normally would frustrate him brought him a lot of joy so long as they were involved.  
He looked over their shoulder at their phone once more, seeing a text from one of his brothers, asking MC for their time. He pouted, hoping to keep them around for the rest of the night. He tugged a bit on their hair again. 
“Okay-- ouch! Asmo!” they waved his hands away from their hair, leaning their head back so that they could look up at him. “No more, we’re done for the night.” 
“Aw, but my love--” 
“Nope. You’re going to yank my hair out at this rate. We can call it a night—Satan wants to watch this show--” 
Asmo jutted his bottom lip out, gently holding the sides of MC’s face before they moved to leave. Looking down at them, upside down, it was hard to read their face but Asmo didn’t mind. He wanted them to stay and that’s what mattered to him. A soft kiss to the tip of their nose, one to their forehead, and a few to their eyelids that fluttered shut as he leaned in; his voice came out like honey, the hushed tone tickling their face. 
“Can’t Satan record it? I was really hoping that you’d stay.” 
A few more kisses to their face; the apples of their cheeks, underneath their eyes, barely ghosting their lips. He pulled back a bit to look into their eyes, his face screamed pleading more than it did pout anymore. 
They looked lovestruck; he could feel the heat in their face, their half-lidded eyes drunk with love that screamed ‘kiss me’ focused only on his lips, their teeth just slightly tugging on their own bottom lip. The very look caused Asmo’s heart to race, his pulse growing rapid—he was sure MC would feel it as their hands wrapped around his wrists. The smile on his face grew devilish as they gave a slow, slight, drunken nod.  
“Yeah... okay. I’ll stay.” 
He smirked against their lips, his hands now moving down a bit to ghost over their neck, feeling them shiver a bit as they let themselves relax completely in his lap. He kissed them gently—to tease—and let his fingertips dance just underneath the edge of their shirt. Asmo giggled before kissing them over and over again, speaking softly in between. 
“Oh good--I can show you just how meticulous my hands can be.” 
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witchyvibes91 · 2 days
Slytherin Boys Break Up Blurb
TW: A break up post with mentions of alcohol consumption and yelling. Please read with warning.
I'm sorry in advance for this post lol I'm a sucker for heartbreak so this one is for all my fellow sad theme lovers. I hope you enjoy it <3
Mattheo: Things have been different recently. He was more distant, not wanting to hang around you as much. You walked down to the Black Lake where he was smoking a cigarette. 
“Matty? There you are. I feel like I haven’t seen you all week!” You said with a soft giggle but he didn’t respond. At least not in the way you were used to. Instead, he turns to you with his dark eyes that were stained with a red hue. 
“Y/n, we need to talk.” His voice was stern, cold. It was unsettling. You feel your heart breaking already. 
“I can’t be with you anymore.” He says firmly. The tears are already on your waterline. You’re speechless. You wanted to yell, scream. You wanted to ask him why but you didn’t. You couldn’t. As you walk away, Matt watches you leave. He watches the one thing he loved most in this world leave him, knowing that he can never have it. All because of his father.
Theo: Life with Theo was fun. Keyword, was. Recently he had been so moody. The two of you were constantly bickering, something you weren’t used to. You were pacing around the common room having yet another argument. 
“What do you want me to do, Theo? You complain so much. What do you want me to do?” You shouted through frustration. He rolled his eyes as he waved his hand towards the common room entrance.
“Leave!” He shouted back at you. The words caught you by surprise. It wasn’t what you were expecting in the least. 
“What? You don’t mean that.” You muttered, your voice shaking as you spoke. Theo let out a loud sigh as he ran both hands through his hair. 
“I mean it! Just get out already!” He groaned out but before he could say another word you were gone. When Theo sat back straight, he half expected you to still be there. When he realized you were gone, he was instantly regretting the pain he just caused.
Lorenzo: Your back slid down the cold stone wall of the castle. Tears were running down your face. There wasn’t much else you could do. The image was seared into your mind. Enzo with another woman. Everyone warned you about this but he was different with you. He was attentive. He was sweet. Was. 
“Come on, Y/n. Don’t act like that.” He said through a soft tone. It was a tone that, combined with any other words, would come across as sweet. But with these, it was manipulative. 
“You were with another woman, Enzo!” You shouted at him. He stood right in front of you as he tucked his hands into his pockets. His eyes stared down at the mess he had created. A smirk teased on his lips as he looked at you. 
“You knew this day would come soon enough, Y/n. You had to.” He snarled at you. Your eyes stared up at the man who was now a stranger to you. He gave you one last look before walking away, his shoes carefully clicking against the stone floors. Your heart was broken. But hey, at least you were the top in his book. For now.
Draco: Draco Malfoy was by all means not the easiest person to date. But boy did he know how to shower you with affection. He wined and dined you. He bought endless gifts and flowers. He always had stocks of your favorite candy. But the one thing he wouldn’t do is open up. Even after months of dating. The conversations between the two of you always felt stale and shallow. 
“Come on, Dray. Just one thing! One little talk. That’s all.” You said one October afternoon as your head lay in his lap. His hand ran through your hair, the silver rings stroking your sun kissed strands. 
“Why are you always pushing me? Why do we need to talk at all?” He mumbled. You sat up as you looked at him. 
“Why do we need to talk at all? To communicate? To have healthy conversations and build trust?” You said through a shocked tone. Draco rolled his eyes. He was acting childish and it was pushing you with every second. 
“If you want all of that then you’re with the wrong person.” He said as his icy gray eyes met yours. You felt your heart sinking. He was being pretentious about this. 
“So you’re saying we shouldn’t be together?” You asked, hoping he’d defend you. Defend your relationship. 
“Yeah. Maybe I am.” They were words you never thought you’d hear. You jumped up and immediately stormed off. Draco watched you walk away before slamming his head against the tree he was leaning on. He cursed his upbringing for costing him yet another joy in life.
Blaise: Blaise was the life of the party no matter where you went. Everyone knew him. Students. Friends of friends. Even the shop workers knew his name. You felt as if you couldn’t ever truly get alone time with you. The two of you were in his room getting ready for yet another party. 
“I just don’t understand why we can’t do some one on one time?” You asked as you combed through your hair. Blaise was buttoning his shirt while staring in the mirror. 
“What’s gotten into you? You used to be so fun.” He said through a groan. You stopped the comb halfway through and immediately turned to him. 
“Used to be? Are you implying that I’m no longer fun?” You asked, pulling the comb through and tossing it onto the bed. Blaise looked at you through the mirror, his eyes meeting yours from over his shoulder. 
“I mean, yeah, Ma. You used to love going out. You’re not the same as when we first started dating.” His words stung. They were hurtful. Did he mean this? 
“So what, you want someone more fun than me?” You asked thinking he would just roll his eyes at your dumb question. Instead he turned around, his hands falling to his side as his half buttoned shirt stayed slightly open. 
“I guess I am.” He said sternly. The pain was too much. You stormed out of the room, leaving Blaise alone. He went to the party that night but no matter how much he drank, he couldn’t get you off his mind. He knew he messed up. And he would forever regret that night.
Regulus: You were sitting in your room, holding the letter in your hands. The tears were rolling from your cheek onto the parchment. You had read it over and over again, but the words didn’t change, no matter how much you wanted them to. 
“I can’t defeat the dark lord while with you. I can’t have him use you against me. I’m sorry, Y/n. This is the only way.” That line ran over your eyes over and over again. Regulus had left and there was a good chance he would never return again. 
Meanwhile, miles away, Regulus was making his way towards his battle. The pain he felt while writing that letter was practically unbearable, but it was needed. He knew he needed to break up with you to protect you. 
And that’s exactly what it did. It protected you. But it didn’t stop him from thinking about you. He would spend the rest of his life wondering if he made the right decision that night. You would forever be in his mind, a constant reminder of the life he could have had. The person who he wanted to spend forever with and yet never would, no matter how much he wanted to do just that.
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zvouyage · 3 days
“I think we’ll have bad chemistry..”
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pairing.ᐟ ; maki x gn!reader . . . established relationships – fluffy fluff && slight suggestive && angst ? . . . précis.ᐟ ; just some headcanons about him being your super duper awesome boyfriend.
w.c.ᐟ ; approximately 500 - 1000 ( 𝒷ack 𝓉o 𝒷log ? )
warnings.ᐟ ; not proofread , lowercase intended , mentions of arguments and insecurities.
zeynep’s 💭.ᐟ ; srry for the sudden disappearance , i had to process everything after not answering on my math exam again … anyways , hope u enjoy my loves !
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• boyfriend!maki who is all about subtle yet romantic and meaningful gestures, from leaving you little notes in random places – reminding you to smile or offering sweet compliments for such a pretty person like you !
• boyfriend!maki who loves loves to surprise you with your favourite snacks or drinks without you even asking – he’s always observing what you like!
• boyfriend!maki who enjoys planning low-key but thoughtful dates/activities, like taking you to a quiet spot to watch the stars and connect away from the world.
• boyfriend!maki who’s naturally playful and has a teasing edge when he flirts with you, he loves making you flustered – whether it’s by sending you winks across the room or making cheeky comments that both catch you off-guard.
• boyfriend!maki who’s also surprisingly smooth at times, leaning in close to whisper something sweet in your ear – making your heart race.
• boyfriend!maki who you should expect some light and playful banter from him – he likes to playfully challenge you but it’s all in good fun!
• boyfriend!maki who shows his affection through small touches (this only applies whenever you’re both outside, indoors … you’re piggybacking him cause he doesn’t want to be left alone), like brushing your hair behind your ears, holding your hand when you least expect it or linking your pinky fingers while you walk.
• boyfriend!maki who sometimes leans into you, resting his head on your shoulder, especially when’s he tired but still wants to be close – please dot on the sleepy puppy!
• boyfriend!maki who’d die for back hugs !! you’d often find him wrapping his arms around you from behind when you’re doing something, his face tucked against your neck.
• boyfriend!maki who isn’t one to raise his voice during arguments ; he prefers staying calm but you can tell when he’s upset because he’ll get quieter and more withdrawn.
• boyfriend!maki who after some reflection, he’ll be the first to reach out (cause he can’t stand you not talking to him for longer duh), gently initiating a conversation to resolve the issue. he can not stand leaving things unresolved between you two.
• boyfriend!maki who’s usually really good at apologising and understanding your feelings, he’ll hold you tight after making up, reassuring you that everything’s fine.
• boyfriend!maki who absolutely loves showing you off, loudly announcing you as his partner wherever he goes.
• boyfriend!maki who’s attentive and always knows how to cheer you up or support you when you’re feeling down, his sense of humour is one of the biggest tools in making you feel better.
• boyfriend!maki who’s incredibly supportive of your passions and dreams, he’s the first one to cheer you on and would always offer a listening ear when you need to talk. and if you’re ever caught doubting yourself, he’d gently remind you of your strengths, giving you the confidence boost that you need.
• boyfriend!maki who believes in growing together, so he’d always encourage you to pursue your goals, even if it means you’re busy or apart for awhile, he’s secure in the relationship and trusts you completely.
• boyfriend!maki who’s the type to giggle, blush and kick his feet when reading your flirty texts, looking at the photos you’ve sent him or listening to your voice messages whilst he’s away on tour.
• boyfriend!maki who’s the type to video call you one night when you told him that you weren’t feeling the best lately with your looks, he’d nonstop compliment you all night, reassuring you’re pretty inside and out.
• boyfriend!maki who lets you do what’re you want, as long as you’re enjoying. and yes, that means putting snario and bows in his hair, maybe tie a bow around his bicep aswell while you’re at it.
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@zvouyage. 24/plagiarism won't be tolerated on my page.
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hxltic · 6 hours
Choso is a munch
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He wasn’t completely clueless about sex, how to do it, or the results—but there were still some deeper things he didn’t understand like the looks, the touches, and the sayings.
The looks before you both acted on your feelings where it seemed like the whole world would stop, leaving you two searching for answers as to why in each others eyes, knowing that your souls are connected in some way that was unable to be pinpointed until someone else explained it from an outside point of view.
Gradually, as his emotional intelligence grew and he knew when he was aroused and what would cause it, he did come to understand your eyes flickering up at him. Your eyelashes batting and your slight pout. He hadn’t known what you wanted at first. Now that he does, the signal is his brain catalyzes the thoughts that will ultimately swell the tent in his pants.
The touches, well, he didn’t understand why you would insist on pressing his knee against yours under the table. Or why you would brush his arm while you walk. But now, it’s all he wants. When you run your fingers through his hair, relieved from its rubber bands in the ponytails, he feels the most content. Or even when you drag your nails down his v-line. He now knows you do some things deliberately with an intended outcome in mind.
But the sayings were the worst because it took a while to get used to the slang. The first time you both were getting intimate, the sexual innuendos you were dropping hadn’t seemed to work, and you knew he wanted it too.
“Choso?” You call from your position comfortably laid atop his chest on the couch. Honestly, he didn’t even know you were still awake.
“Hmm?” He feels you shuffle around a bit before sitting up and facing him, criss cross with your hands fiddling in the middle. The man before you put down his book on the coffee table and awaited an answer.
His body language perception got better, because he could tell you were nervous. “I want you to fuck me.”
There’s a beat of silence. An almost imperceptible blush picked up his features in the darkness, and it takes you squinting to see him pushing a strand of his dark hair out of his face. You were getting antsy and impatient.
“You want me to…what?” He thinks he knows what you mean, but he wants to be sure.
You shift in your spot uncomfortably, the words feeling foreign coming from your mouth. “I want you to touch me. Sexually.”
He finally understands what you mean. “Is that what this has been about?”
You sit up and turn to look at him. “So you haven’t been ignoring me?”
His brows furrow as if he’d ever do such a thing. “No?”
Ever since then, he doesn’t even need to hear you say you’re in the mood. When your eyes hang low and you just can’t seem to resist being near him or having his lips on yours, he knows immediately.
You’d just gotten home and he was fresh out of the shower. With a tired sigh, you drop off your keys by the door, kick off your heels, and make your way to his bedroom.
He’s on his way out the bathroom when you jump into his arms—not entirely surprising him since he first detected you with the pitter patter of your feet on the hardwood—and you wrap your legs around his torso so you’re clinging to his body. He walks you to the bed and lays you down gently onto your back.
“Bad day?” He asks quietly, grabbing a hair tie from his bedside table. He’d only had time to put on a pair of loose sweats before you’d ambushed him. His muscles slide and take their form when he puts his dark, slightly damp hair up and out of his face.
You sigh, staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah.”
He stalks back over to you, his natural tattoos on display.
With a practiced ease, he undoes a single button and slides your soft work pants down your legs. His fingers glide along your bare thighs, his touch light and purposeful when he hums in his naturally gentle tone.
“Tell me about it.”
And you do just that while he crouches, beginning your story with your irritating coworker. He hikes your legs up from under your knees, kissing them softly before pulling your panties off.
Talking about it riles you up, but he simultaneously calms you down, most of the time by rendering you unable to remember what you were going to say next.
“A-And she,” you breathe, squirming and lifting your head to see him nose deep in your folds. He tilts his head to a 45 degree angle as he swirls his tongue through you, only pulling away just a bit to suggest that you keep speaking.
His arms surround your thighs the further he digs in. Despite advising you to talk some more, he does the one thing keeping you from doing so with double the effort while groaning deeply, as if he was aware of the juxtapose situation he’s got you in. The sound reverberates through your core.
Your hands come to glide gently through his loosely contained hair while you praise him, “Ughh, t-that’s so good, Cho.”
He calmly continues his ministrations, only pulling one hand off to palm himself through the fabric of his sweats.
When the friction isn’t enough he stands completely against the bed, his fingers tight around your ankles. You don’t have to uncomfortably lift your head to see his dark, furrowed brows as he concentrates on how you taste; you don’t have to focus to hear the sloppy sounds his mouth involuntarily creates; and you don’t have to fight it to know that there was no way to get out of this folded position if you tried.
Your knees were by your ears while his groin had to be at the edge of the bed. It wasn’t enough to soothe the heat swimming through his body, not nearly enough, not even when he catches himself grinding his hips forward.
Choso knows you love when his chin glistens with your slick, and he doesn’t mind. Honestly, he doesn’t mind anything. It’s all nothing to him.
The first time you did this—the first time he ate you out, you warned that it wouldn’t be strawberries and rainbows. He shrugged in response, even though you didn’t believe him. You do now.
Or the time you had to grab his hair and move his head back and forth. He just let you, and if you say so yourself, he enjoyed it.
It gets to a point where you can’t keep still. He holds your body down and chuckles with his glossy lips that shine if you look at them a certain way. “Why are you running from me?”
You’ve passed all the innocuous stages in the relationship. He can use his innocence against you now, so he shines a “shy,” crooked smile, not bothering to wait for your answer as he scoots you back down to him.
“Y-You…” you attempt, your head falling back down to the mattress. He just chuckles deeply, deciding to ignore how uncomfortably you’re contorted on the bed.
“Don’t mind me. I’m just helping you relax,” he mutters knowingly, taking two of his fingers and spreading your folds apart for himself. He licks an intricate path upwards. “You want to beat her ass, because…?”
“Fuck.” You shut your eyes. “I can’t…not like this.”
He perks up when he decides to stop teasing, tilting his head slightly. His hair is now practically spilling out of the tie. “Not like this?”
And you feel a little guilty because you’re sure he thinks he is doing something wrong, but it’s hard to focus on a growing orgasm when you’re practically upside down, losing blood. You’re already out of it, you were definitely going to pass out. You shake your head and twist to your stomach with relief, sighing.
He comes from behind with a gentle hand on your hip. “Are you alright?”
You nod weakly, gathering your thoughts and leveling the throb in your core.
“Great.” He replies monotonously, using both hands to tug your hips up as he bends down, his elbows dug in the sheets, resuming with his actions.
a little something just to get me back into writing :’)
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©️ hxltic
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dykedvonte · 6 months
If Ulysses has a million haters, then I'm one of them. If Ulysses has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE. If Ulysses has no haters, that means I'm dead. If the world is with Ulysses than I’m against the world.
#this is slightly joking but like also not but also like am mixed on Ulysses on many factors#infuriating because i sympathize with his pain but it’s like#he is a well written and fundamentally flawed character whose hypocrisy I found doubly in#black characters I can tell were designed by white people with a semblance of an understanding of activism and bipoc oppression#but not enough for the character to not feel like hand holding for the majority white audience#plus personal grips with the whole twisted hairs thing and reference to slave braiding patterns#Ulysses irks me as a black person on a weird personal level and I can go into debt on why him being black is a big detractor for him to me#like he continues this cycle of distancing himself from his roots before remembering over and over again through his actions#he leave so much in his wake that the courier ends up correcting or helping like in honest hearts and old world blues because he’s self#righteous in a subtle way even to himself that he believes he stand out of his one man rule when he does not play an active hand#saw a post talk about how you choose to continue moving through his story and can leave at any moment and this it is partially your fault#but what of the oath that is set before you and is forced to take that he set up#I do not have to walk it but when I do the steps are not my own but those taken for me#you have to go out of your way to change it which is not something he expects because he’s playing by a story he’s been perpetuating in his#head about you two and the effect one man has when he’s continually been that one man more so than you as many of his actions directly lead#to the one you go through also the irony in the flag he continues to bear being the real reason he has no home#like he reps it when the package is likely enclave and thus use the same symbol#also still can’t get over how anyone could have delivered the package and he tries so hard to act like it was the couriers destiny or fate#when this was the one case of chance and that once man was likely a enclave engineer and how it’s really is never one man#it the process and he’s so annoying about it like he’s a cool character but if you don’t believe in his philosophy or already went through#these ideas cause they are very common talking points in poc especially BIPOC spaces he’s just old hashings and stunted#fallout#fallout new vegas#Ulysses you upset me but I’m like I feel you could be better if you weren’t so incessant#I don’t think I ever want to make a serious post stating this about him just because I’d start yapping and it’d never get finished#ulysses fnv#fnv ulysses#lonesome road
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solace-seekers · 4 months
screaming into the void <3
#my best friends boyfriend (who i’ve also been friends with for years) is just. not himself rn#we think it’s a manic episode but we don’t really know but it’s. terrifying lowkey#he thinks he’s genuinely jesus and that he’s conquered time and that he and my bsf are adam and eve#he’s been sending my bsf liek hundreds of texts per day since tuesday but it got really really bad and incoherent yesterday#and i woke up this morning to see multiple texts from gcs he created w me in them#and he keeps being like ‘because it’s 6:20 this is true’ and like ‘i know that at 9 pm everyone is gonna understand’#and he’ll text like 5 times then send a sc of what he just texted like that proves something but it’s all nonsense#i’m just really really concerned cause he really needs help but i don’t know how to ensure that happens cause he’s 19. not a minor#he’s just. not him rn. he’s called my bsf multiple times yesterday when he HATES calling normally#he had his band and his mom over in his apartment yesterday cause my bsf called his mom and h went to his bands show but was visibly not ok#and he saw nothing weird about it even tho he hates having ppl over normally and never without warning#and you can’t get him to see logic because everything you say he just twists around to work for him#to be clear it was not this bad when it started. when it started it seemed like normally maybe slightly out there conclusions he was drawing#but it just got worse and worse like exponential decay and really bad yesterday#he also didn’t sleep at all yesterday night and idk if he slept tonight#i know his mom took his phone at one point but he texted me and gcs w me in it starting at like 6:20 this morning#and my bsf and i and friends are on a trip out of state rn but we’re leaving today and i don’t wanna wake her up until i have to because#this is literally hell for her. but it’s just. scary. i don’t know what to do. i don’t think there’s any good options really for me rn#i want to warn ppl and try to explain he’s Not Him rn so they don’t get concerned but who knows if they’ll understand what i’m trying to say#i know it’s not the end of the world but it really feels like the end of my world as i know it if that makes sense#and my bsf lives with him in an apartment near their college and they just signed the lease for the next year#but she can’t stay there with him alone. not until he gets help. we’re all too scared it’s going in the directon where he thinks it’s better#for ppl to go to the afterlife. which like he never would normally. but he’s Not Him and so like. who knows#he keeps talking about all these different dimensions and how you need to travel to the 7th dimension to understand#my bsf was crying yesterday and she called her mom to explain and she keeps saying that she just wants her jake back it’s really scary#cause he will probably never be the same again. he’ll be similar but different but she wants his comfort but he’s Not Him. and can’t give it#i just. really want this to get better but it’s so hard to see that happening rn
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manygreetingsfriend · 2 years
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sammygender · 1 year
if i was shiv roy my anger would be biblical
#she’s terrible too but like#jesus fucking christ. can u imagine your whole life youve been raised to think ur lesser cause of ur gender ur fathers both consistently#underestimated you and excluded you due to your gender (and also his general manipulativeness) while in a way being his ‘favourite child’#and the most like him. and you only have brothers and you have to be soooo careful that everyone just doesn’t see u as the crazy woman. and#your dad FINALLY lets u in on the company but obviously it’s just another bargaining tactic and he doesn’t really and your brothers still#leave you out of everything. then he dies and you’re the one he SAID he actualtl WANTED as ceo to your face but for some reason kendall and#roman get to be joint ceo and promise promise promise they’ll let you in on it all but OBVIOUSLY they don’t and they try and screw the deal#you’ve been trying so hard to get without telling you#so yeah you get a little angry and you work with the guy they were screwing over and go behind their back with him. sure i would too. and#your brother wants to elect a fascist who’d probably make it illegal for you to abort that baby you’re pregnant with#(not that you seem to want to and not that you couldn’t anyway even if it was illegal you’re rich; but the point stands)#and your other brother is ‘morally against it’ but still goes along with it all#and ur just in a room and everyone around you is a white guy who will never really be affected by these policies that the president theyre#putting in power is going to enact that are going to kill people#and no one at all will listen to you especially not when they find out you ‘betrayed’ them EVEN THOUGH TBEY DID IT FIRST. and you’re#literally just a hysterical woman to them and you can see it happening and you’re like the most powerful person in the world but you can’t#seem to.. DO anything?#ANYWWY. jesus normally i love yelling at shiv. but jesus fucking christ#i can’t even begin to describe how angry i would be#i felt so angry on her behalf#oliver talks#succession
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froggibus · 2 months
Short! S/O - Logan Howlett & Wade Wilson
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x short! gn! reader x Wade Wilson
Genre: fluff
CW: poly relationship, teasing, short jokes, Logan picks us up, protective boys, size diff
| Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman are both 6’2 so I am gonna go off of that (i know Logan is short in the comics but just let me dream pls :,) |
YES YES OF COURSE!!! there’s almost nothing I love more than writing a short/small reader cause I myself am not short :,) but it’s nice to pretend. god both of them are so tall I just wanna stand between them & feel safe ^^ thank you so much for the req!!
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they’re such bullies i’m so sorry
expect a TON of short jokes (mostly Wade) 
and expect them to parry anything you say with “you’re short” (mostly Logan)
you will always be their arm rest, you have no say in it
standing in line? Logan’s leaning his arm on your shoulder. 
at a party? Wade’s propping himself up on the top of your head 
Logan LOVES how short you are too and manhandles you at any opportunity 
if you’re being a brat, he won’t hesitate to remind you that he is bigger than you
whether that’s him throwing you over his shoulder or just standing real close to you so you can see the height difference up close & personal 
as soon as Wade sees Logan in, he can’t help himself—he’ll slide up on your other side and smush you between the two of them 
they’re such teases they’ll talk about you like you’re not completely stuck between them
“nice weather we’re having, hey?”
“oh yeah, real nice bub”
they’ll keep chatting until you’re whining and pushing against them to just get out 
Wade LOVES putting things on shelves too high for you to reach just so he can watch you struggle 
and Logan the absolute menace will lean against the wall with his arms crossed and watch you hop to reach your phone charger 
they’ll sit there and watch you struggle until you turn on them with sad eyes and suddenly they’re racing to get it down for you 
these mfs are so protective they will not leave your side whenever you go to parties/the bar
one of them is glued to you 24/7 (even when they’re not physically with you, they’re watching you too) 
and anyone in the general area (07) knows not to fuck with you
on especially hard days, your size is just what they need 
coming home from fighting crazy strong villains & mutants to their cute short s/o? nothing better in the whole world
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if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way!! likes, comments & rbs are always appreciated ^^
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veritasangel · 2 months
⋆ 。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: suggestive mention of a leash / allusions to wedding night ↣ {wc: 1.1k}
older knight! simon - one︱two ︱three ︱four︱five︱six
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Simon doesn’t think he’s ever heard the word, “No” so much in his entire life. The sound is a constant on your tongue, echoing through the halls of the castle like a battle cry and the two of you weren’t even married yet.
“No, I’m not attending that dinner.”
“No, I will not bow to the whims of the court on this matter. It’s our wedding, not theirs.”
“No, Simon, I refuse to wear that.”
The nobles constantly whisper about the turbulent nature of the union, wondering how long the old knight can endure the storm that is his future bride. But Simon knows he’ll be just fine, he’s never shied away from a challenge before and back then the only reward was food and a nice bed. With you as his prize? He’d gladly weather any storm you came at him with.
For Simon, there was no sweeter victory, than you.
After settling the arrangement with the King, he quickly discovered your troublesome character. He knew you were a force to be reckoned with, but what he hadn’t expected, was the pride that swells in his chest every time you stand your ground, even against him.
Simon finds himself standing in awe of you and your stubborn will. And in the eye of your storm, he discovers a woman who is greatly independent and loyal to those she cares for.
“Don’t worry... I’m sure it’s not too late to back out of this arrangement.” an older man speaks, tearing him from his thoughts.
“Back out? Why?” Simon questions, puzzled, as he looks away from the man. He watches as you command the attention of a group of pretentious rich folks, their names already long forgotten.
“Haven’t you heard?” the man tuts, shaking his head in disapproval. “The princess is notoriously difficult. She’ll have you on a leash before you know it!”
Simon’s eyes follow you, taking in the graceful sway of your hips as you move through the ballroom. “Is that meant to deter me?” he replies, a little too bluntly. “I have no problem letting my future wife take the reins, she is royalty, after all.”
He pauses, gaze lingering on your elegant form, admiring your curves. “Besides, I am a knight- or was. Following orders is second nature to me. If my wife wished to put me on a leash, I’d get on my knees and play the role with pride.”
In Simon’s eyes, you were not nearly a nightmare at all. Challenging? Yes, but in a way that ignited his passion. You were intelligent and valued your autonomy. Those who found you demanding were simply the ones who didn’t give you the respect you deserved, and Simon had come to realise that your responses were always justified.
To him, you were a graceful princess, who would one day make a great Queen. Though you stood apart from your family. You always voiced your displeasure for outdated customs and refused to be confined by them. You challenge Simon, but your spirit also inspires him, pushing him to be better and push past the traditions that he was once familiar with in his knighthood.
“Come, come—I want to dance with you.” you beamed, excitement evident as you rushed over to him. Simon instantly rises to follow you, as if it were the most instinctive thing in the world for him. He knows that he would follow you anywhere with no hesitation, if you were to just smile at him like that.
A soft melody fills the room as you lead him to the centre of the ballroom. A small laugh leaves your lips as you see his apprehension. Your laughter was its own symphony, one he could listen to endlessly without growing tired of, even if it was at his expense. 
Both of your eyes gleam under the cascading glow of the lights and Simon can’t help but smile, a rare softness gracing his features. The two of you dance, lost in the feeling. Simon’s strong, yet gentle grip, holds you steady. One hand respectfully roams along your lower back, causing a slight shiver to run across your skin. 
In this moment, it was just the two of you, he wasn’t a hardened knight, just Simon. You were just two souls, enjoying this dance.
And maybe his soul was always yours because here with you, he feels like he belongs, more than he ever has in his entire life. Everything around you fades to nothing as he twirls you around, your movements fluid as you both melt into each other, like a stream of water. Your steps were effortless and he tried his hardest to keep up.
“You’ve been practising the dance.” you smirk at him, admiring the glint in his eyes. “Well I can’t embarrass my darling wife on our wedding day, can I? I have to get my practice in.” He chuckles darkly. It’s a sound that goes straight to your core and right now as you look at him, you curse yourself for insisting the two of you wait until the wedding night.
You looked at him like he was the only person in the room and it was something he hadn’t known he was missing. There was a slight flutter in his chest that he’d never felt before and he wouldn't have ever imagined the first time would be with the royal princess- no- his wife to be.
The music flowed and there was not a single worry in your mind. It was just pure bliss as you felt the warmth of his hand in yours, the other one lovingly caressing your waist.
The night slowly winds down as you rest your head on Simon’s chest, a sigh of pure contentment escaping your lips. He held you close, his heart swelling with a tenderness that he would never be able to voice. His touch felt natural, familiar. It was as if you two were already years into marriage, nobody would guess that the wedding was still a few weeks away with how you two looked at each other now.
“I’m grateful to be the man you marry.” he says, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You smiled at him, and he felt he could die a happy man, then and there.
“I am too.” you whisper.
No more words were needed. The answer was in the way you held him tighter, the way you looked up at him adoringly and in the way your heartbeat matched his.
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༄ tags: @alucardsdaddyissues @nijiru @honethatty12
༄ cod m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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chuluoyi · 6 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 03:12 A.M 」
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tw: pregnancy. just a little something based on ask~ gojo annoys you on daily basis, so now you return the favor and he can't refuse it bc you're his baby mama😋
a part of gojo's love entries
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“satoru— your baby is hungry,” you pouted, poking his cheek repeatedly. “sa-to-ru!!”
it was 3 in the morning, and ideally, you would have been sleeping... only that suddenly you were awoken by rumbles from your growing belly.
yet your husband was still sound asleep without any care in the world, prompting you to poke him until you succeeded in making him hear you out.
satoru begrudgingly cracked his eyes open, still having his face tucked under the blanket and yawning. “ngh, sweets… what is it?”
his sleepy voice was thick, low and raspy. usually you’d swoon and leave a hickey or two on his neck but not now, as the overwhelming hunger made you almost curl.
“baby is craving mochi,” you said, eyes shining up to him ever so innocently. “get it for me, satoruuu.”
“oh?” if he wasn’t awake before, now he was after hearing your nagging tone drawling his name. he faced you and drew you closer. “what do you want again, hmm?”
“ice cream mochi!!”
“oooh that.” satoru scratched his head at the memory of him eating the last of it yesterday. “but we ran out of them, sweetheart… wait till morning, yeah? i’ll go to market to get some.”
“can’t baby wait a few more hours, hmm?”
“no! want it— now!”
satoru blinked at your insistence. you looked positively adorable while sulking at him too.
“why mochi all of sudden, huh?” he decided to humor you. “you used to say they taste bland.”
“that’s because of your sperm infecting me,” you sullenly accused. “and don’t pretend you haven’t been feeding me mochi for weeks. baby likes it more than i thought.”
“hey! don’t bash my sperm! they did no wrong and completed the deed splendidly!”
“you’re just a one-time donor, don’t be smug.”
he whined and you huffed, before suddenly your stomach grumbled loudly and you curled up. “mmhm.”
“hey… what’s wrong?” satoru quickly sat up and placed his hand on your baby bump. “really hungry? wait, i’ll get you something to nibble on first.”
he rummaged through his work uniform and found several bite-sized chocolate bars he brought around, and unwrapped the foil. “here.”
you immediately devoured the treat to sate your hunger, but still, your baby longed for more—
“mochi…” you mumbled despondently, your expression turning heartbroken. and one second later satoru realized how much he wanted to squeeze your cheeks, and relented.
“okay, okay, sweets~” he gave your head several comforting pats, making you look up. “i’ll go and get the mochi, yeah? you stay put and wait for me, 'kay?”
“yay.” a little smile bloomed in your face and satoru chuckled, finding you so unbearably endearing.
and so, for you, he ventured out to the closest 24-hour convenience store, picking up some ice cream mochi along with other treats to replenish your stock, before teleporting back home.
he was expecting that you'd still be all sulky while waiting for him, but instead, he found you peacefully asleep, hogging his pillow.
each breath that caused your chest to rise and fall made you appear all the more vulnerable and soft in his eyes.
you looked so irrevocably precious to him. his sweet little wife... in that moment, satoru felt like he was the luckiest man alive, getting to have you as his.
“you naughty girl.” he let out an amused laugh before reclaiming his spot next to you. the hold you had over him— you made him go through the cold night air, and now you were monopolizing his pillow and he had to resume sleeping without one at all.
and yet all he could feel was love. for you and your baby, as he pulled you close to his chest.
“both of you sure love teaming up against me, huh?”
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