tuuna-jsgross · 5 days
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im just gunna post sketches similar to these- just a heads up
i don’t know what else to post here lol
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tuuna-jsgross · 8 days
Donny Lore
(I don’t ever use this account so I’m going to spam my brain rot here)
-Parents divorced when he was in elementary school. His mom cheated and moved to her parents farm house in New Jersey. She wanted zero custody, but took them for summers only to keep what was left of her reputation afloat.
-Louise, who was 15 when it began, hated her and wasn’t afraid to show it. Everytime their mom would verbally abuse Donny (at the time was 12), Louise stood ground, snapping right back at her.
-Donny was more often than not put down for his size. He was overweight as a kid, and even though at school he was popular for his charming personality, his mom would destroy that confidence every summer. School and Dads house was his safe haven- he wasn’t seen as an inconvenience for how tall he was, how big he was, how loud he was.
-To get away from his mom and her all-around destructive behavior, he stayed outside all summer, taking up running to cope with everything. Back at school he took weight class and found he really enjoyed working out and gaining muscle.
-Donny has a huge sweet tooth. Because of the damage done by his mom he’ll never fully admit it, but he’d never refused ruhbarb pie and loves putting a lot of honey in his tea.
-By 11 years old, Donny was 6’ foot. He was always slightly embarrassed, but his friends at school thought he was cool for how tall he was. Then summer would come around.
-By his 20’s he was over 6’6, possibly 6’7.
-He only allowed himself to gain weight after he became a dad. Dad bod don 💪💪
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