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temiizpalace · 7 months ago
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SUMMARY: little things he does that remind you you’re going to marry him someday.
CHARACTERS: all dorms (-ortho)
GENRE: fluff
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is not mentioned to be yuu
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he makes sure you eat RIGHT. no more skipping meals throughout the day on his watch. every lunch he’ll make you a cute little bento box so you don’t have to wait in line. and when i say cute, i mean cute. it doesn’t matter what gender you are your rice balls will have cat ears. dinner? come over to his dorm and he’ll make something for you. don’t feel like it? he’s going to your place and cooking there. breakfast? he makes something quick yet delicious for you. he’s like your own private chef, and you can only imagine what it’d be like to see a ring on his finger someday.
trey, ruggie, azul, jamil, lilia (good luck), silver
CLEANING YOUR ROOM (and everything else)
it doesn’t matter if your room is messy, tidy, or anything in between, every month he’ll make sure it is SPOTLESS. is there dust on your shelves? nuh uh. are there random stains on your floor that you thought were impossible to get out? he’s rushing to your rescue and somehow got the stain out. did you not want to go through your homework? everything is suddenly organized in its respective subject, going from A-Z. you’ve never seen your room so tidy before, it was like an epiphany. please just marry him on the spot, he’s begging.
riddle, deuce, jade, jamil, vil, sebek
without fail, you’ll find a cute little sticky-note on your almost all of your belongings. sure, it gets annoying once in awhile, but reading the sweet message on it changes your mind almost instantly. “you’re going to do great today! stay strong. :)” “don’t forget to drink water! love you 🫶” “can we go out soon? my treat. text me when u see this!” it’s almost frightening to see how much yellow papers you keep inside your desk every time you opening it, but can anyone really blame you? you’re going to keep these til the day you die, and that grand total might be at the very least over 100,000.
ace, deuce, cater, jack, floyd, kalim, epel, rook
expect to see a neatly wrapped gift on your doorstep almost every week. seriously. it’s like a delivery service except the company is literally your boyfriend. “dear, did you get me this?” you ask as you enter the room. he looks up from his phone as he looks at the expensive name brand sweatshirt in your hands. “yeah.” he answered so nonchalantly!! like sir!!! this sweater was 1000000 thaumarks!! what!! while you do appreciate the gesture, you feel bad he’s spending so much money on you. he doesn’t care though!! he’ll spoil you rotten til your very last breath.
leona, azul, floyd, kalim, vil, idia, malleus
depending on who this is, he may not be some gordon ramsay level chef, but he’s definitely more than happy to cut you a some apple slices while you study. sometimes he’ll come into your room with a backpack full of your favorite snacks just left at the side of your desk so you can reach down and grab the one you want to eat that day. sometimes all you need is an energy boost and he’s more than happy to make some coffee or tea for you if you’re busy. he’ll press a kiss or two on your forehead before placing the plate of beautifully cut fruit down and continuing on with his day and going back to his thoughts. now, what will the theme of your wedding be?
ace, deuce, trey, jade, jack, jamil, epel, malleus
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A/N: notice how jamil and deuce are in almost every category. (sorry this one was kinda rushed 😭😭)
date published: 7/30/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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tuna-jsgross · 1 month ago
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Donny being a helpful househusband while Dr.Boyfriend goes to work 💀
(why does it look blurry unless you click for the full view? new to tumblr, if there’s a way to fix it.. help😭) EDIT: Thank you for your replies to my question! You all are very nice :]
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obedientbat · 6 months ago
aspiring boywives/househusbands i see you. may you find someone who treats you like their precious little boywife/househusband and fucks you like a whore <3
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chuckuddin · 10 months ago
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wallflowergirl2006 · 4 months ago
NSFW - House Hubby
Imagine your pathetic needy house husband who was crying when you left him to go to work. He is such a sweetheart but he’s so very clingy and pathetic. He quite literally yearns for you when you're at work. Waiting and counting the seconds when you’d get home. When you finally get home he’s smothering you with hugs and kisses. He’s all over you.. Tell him he’s a good boy after all he cleaned the whole house, made you dinner and looked after the pets/kids. He’s such a good husband which is why you reward with the best pegging of his life. He’s gripping the sheets so tightly while whines and groans escape his pretty lips. Tears in his eyes as you praise him for taking your strap so well. After you're done with he’s so tired and he has the most blissful expression on his face. You just love him so much and he loves you as well.
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myloveobbsessed · 7 months ago
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Character: Tomioka Giyu x fem reader
Prompt: he's your househusband
Notes: Modern AU
Househusband Giyu!: who doesn't mind staying at home and doing all the housework. He actually finds it quite relaxing.
Househusband Giyu!: who wakes up early to make breakfast and pack you a lunch. Putting a small sweet note inside that says “I love you” or “have a nice day”.
Househusband Giyu!: who listens intently giving you his full attention when you go on about how you day was as he massages your shoulders.
Househusband Giyu!: who prepares you're favorite meal and a hot relaxing bath. When he knows you had a long day at work.
Househusband Giyu!: who does all the grocery shopping. Always grabbing youre favorite snacks while he's there.
Househusband Giyu!: who's apart of a knitting circle. Comprised of four grandmas and him.
Househusband Giyu!: who enjoys knitting you lots of things. Such as scarfs, gloves, hats, and sweaters. And can't help the smile and small blush that creeps up on his face when seeing your reaction to them.
Househusband Giyu!: who you discuss about having a baby with. To which he agrees to with a small smile and nod.
Househusband Giyu!: who stays by your side during your pregnancy. The care for you increased ten fold him not wanting you to lift a finger.
Househusband Giyu!: who you know have two beautiful daughters with. giyu now having something else to fill his usual quiet day with.
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couldeatthatgirlforlunch · 7 months ago
Writing a househusband!Jason Todd to confort me before my classes start bc this semester is going to be shit
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whimsijoy · 2 months ago
steve harrington helps his nurse fiancee get ready for work when she's called in too early ☄. *. ⋆
wc: 1.3k
warnings/about: reader gets called in early for a bus crash, no description tho. fluff, breakfast is made, steve harrington my house husband <3 set in like 1989, sorry if there’s inaccuracies i wasn’t born yet lol
a/n: omg its finally winter break, and then I got sick, but it was christmasssss so I got a new laptop. i shall be a menace made of clicky keys
You wake up to the tinny ring of the phone by your and Steve’s bed. You barely have enough time to compute what’s going on, what time it is, before you have the pale green plastic pushed to the side of your face, your own fingers gripping the plastic loosely.
You squint at your alarm clock and make sure that you’re not late for work. Considering the fact that your shift wouldn’t start until 10:00 AM, and the short hand of your alarm clock is hovering around the 5. Unless Steve decided to dose you with a horse tranquilizer, you’re sure you’re being called in early.
“Hello?” You rasp out silently. You’ve learned that Steve sleeps like he’s been given horse tranquilizers. You’re sure that he’s slept through an earthquake before.
“Hello,” You hear a familiar voice drawl through the handset. “—is this Miss [L/N]?” Is it Amy or Priscilla? You’re too tired to compute that information, other than the fact that it’s a coworker.
“Yeah, Mhm.” You say a little more clearly as you prop yourself up on your elbow, your adjacent hip digging into the mattress beneath you. 
“So, unfortunately, there was a bus crash right outside of town, and the nurse-to-patient ratio is just… completely out of whack. Would you be able to come in? We’re willing to pay you overtime for this.” The voice explains through the phone. You figure it’s Priscilla talking since she’s the chattier one. 
You stare at the clock, your log of a fiancée, the ceiling, and then the window before sighing. “Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I’ll be there within the hour or so.” You mumble into the handset with your head hung. 
You know you’ll be abusing that staff room coffee machine the second you get there, so you don’t bother making your way into the kitchen once you get out of bed. You plunk the handset back onto the boxier part of the phone before stretching your body so hard that you have to sit back down on the edge of the bed. 
A few deep breaths and some slower movements later, you’re starting the shower. You strip yourself of the nice pajama set Steve bought you for your most recent birthday before stepping under the shock of the water.
You go about your shower routine for the day, your tired hands grazing the lathered loofah all over your body until you deem yourself clean enough for work. You step out, dry off, and wrap yourself in your robe before venturing into the closet. 
After putting on your starched whites, which Steve so dutifully washed for you, you’re in front of the mirror trying to make it look like you’re not running on an inadequate amount of sleep. It’s easier said than done, or so you’ve figured out. However, you feel lucky that your hospital has allowed you to switch from dresses and skirts to white, open-collared shirts and trousers.  
While brushing your teeth, you watch the bathroom door behind you slowly creak open. By the time Steve shows his tired face in the gap, you’re already making dead eye contact with him in the mirror. You’ve been caught. 
Steve’s too tired to be stern. Instead, he gets clingy. He lets out a yawn before covering your shoulders with his hands, and then pressing the front of his left hip to your right glute. You continue the movement of brushing your teeth and gums as he starts pressing lazy kisses to your neck. 
“What’s with the getup?” He mumbles into your shoulder blade. The corners of your mouth turn up around your toothbrush before you spit out the white foam. 
“They’ve called me in early.” You say matter-of-factly, to his dismay. He lets out a soft whine before returning to his posture to normal. 
“You weren’t going to tell me?” He asks without any heat behind it. For this time of year and time of day, he’s either too soft or tired for it. 
“I was..” You say around your toothbrush before finishing up, going to brush your tongue last. You spit out the last of the water and put your toothbrush back in its holder. “..just before I was going to leave.” 
“Like your foot was going out the door?” He asks as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. Again, there’s no malice in his tone or anything. He wishes you woke him up, but that’s a hard enough feat on a weekend. Oftentimes he wants to rub your shoulders before you even think about moving. 
“Probably.” You say with a brandish smile. You take out your compact and do something quick about the lack of life you have around your eyes. Ooh, shimmery. 
You pin your hair out of your face and tie it up accordingly, then pin your hat on before turning to him with a soft, glossed smile. He doesn’t look as nearly as awake as you do, but, you feel the way he looks. You give him a kiss so that your lips match his, then smile even harder. 
“You should have told them no,” He mumbles out as you leave the bathroom in search of your shoes. “you have a shift later today anyways, so like…” Steve says as he follows you. 
“Yes, but there was a bus crash, and I’m getting paid overtime.” You explain gently as you tie your shoes. You feel your stomach gurgle and growl as you bend to do so, and Steve just can’t have that. 
“Want me to make you something to eat before you leave?” He asks softly, his hand going to the small of your back as you finish the bow.
“Mm.. Something quick. I’m supposed to be there soon.” You say softly as you rub the back of your neck. You feel a kind hand on you, a wave of disappointment, and then hear the sounds of socked feet out of the bedroom, then down the hallway. You stifle a laugh when you hear a thud, and a soft “Ow” come from your significant other. 
One more look over in the mirror later, you’re walking out of your bedroom. You have that awful feeling that you’re forgetting something before you spot your bag on the counter. You smile at Steve and the way he’s standing in front of the toaster like he’s the one that’s running late. 
“Thank you, honey.” You say softly, mirroring his pose. You quit the getup soon enough and go to return some of his clinginess from this morning. Your lips leave behind a glossy ghost on his neck, but he doesn’t wipe it away. 
He grumbles something in response to your words of gratitude, and you only smile wider. You consider sneaking him into work with you. Men can be nurses now, right? You ask yourself. You press a few more kisses to his cheek and neck for good measure before pulling away, still smiling. 
In the dim kitchen light, you trace the shapes on his face with your eyes. The points of his nose, the angle of his jaw. You feel a pit well in your chest when you realize that you have to leave for work in just a few minutes. He’s so kind to you, that you start to feel guilty. You know that he probably wants you back in bed, even more than you do but… duty calls. 
Sooner than later, he has a plate with peanut butter toast and a banana on the side. You eat it happily, but carefully (so as to not stain your uniform), and make sure that you don't have any stray crumbs on your face, or starched whites before you leave. You make light conversation, ask what the rest of his plans for the day are, and put your plate in the dishwasher. 
You make sure that he knows you love him, and that you’ll stay safe. You try to call him once you get to work, but there’s no answer. You smile to yourself, knowing he’s asleep in some uncomfortable position on the couch. You carry on with your day and count the minutes until you get home. (540 and counting.)
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tanema123 · 2 months ago
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He is "effectively retired"...
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roguecorvidlover · 3 months ago
Want her to slap my butt and grope me while I'm making her breakfast, pretty plz with chocolate chip pancakes
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phongdraws · 11 months ago
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I started reading The Way of the Househusband..
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walnutcake69 · 1 month ago
little favors (Hwoarang x gn reader HCs)
yo its 3am n I'm feelin eepy rn so y'all get this beauty even tho it kinda just turned into househusband Hwoarang.
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Hwoarang would get up early in the morning to make the two of you breakfast.
He'd also go out of his way to pack a for you to take with you to work if you're too busy to make it yourself.
He KNOWS how to cook.
He's like a tsundere version of Tatsu from way of the househusband.
Although you typically clean up after yourself, he'll do any house maintenance like cleaning the dishes in the sink or dusting some bookshelves that need attention without a second thought.
It has become a tradition between you two to clean up the house on occasion as a gift for each other.
One time, you made Hwoarang's lunch to give him the opportunity to sleep in. He looked up at you with the cutest sleepy smile from bed before you kissed his forehead and he went back to sleep.
Hwoarang will always be an anchor for you. He'll provide support and comfort you, and listen to your problems.
Hwoarang is unironically a MASTER in planning things.
No matter what you have in mind, Hwoarang will plan it. He will never disappoint.
One time, you and Hwoarang were playing video games to cool down after you had a long day at work. You ended up falling asleep on his shoulder beside him since you were so tired.
On the same subject, Hwoarang seems like the dude to play with really weird custom controls for some reason. Like he'll play Minecraft with q to open inventory and e to drop item.
(A/N: I am getting sidetracked as hell here-)
Whenever one of you goes grocery shopping, the other will always help bring the bags inside.
Hwoarang will give you a massage if your muscles are feeling tense after a long day.
Hwoarang is blessed with the opportunity to receive many little notes from you. Whether you leave them in his lunch, leave a sticky note on his laptop, or leave him a note on his pillow. He loves these little notes you leave for him, even if the contents of them aren't of much meaning.
If you take any medication, Hwoarang will easily manage that and give you your medication during the correct time and make sure you take it.
Hwoarang definitely keeps track of your favorite show's schedules.
Had a bad day? Hwoarang will help you take it easy and give you a comforting hug. Hugging him is the closest feeling to physically melting away.
A/N: Did y'all know that I am in fact the storm that is approaching?? Provoking black clouds and isolation?? I am reclaimer of my name, born in flames, I have been blessed, my family crest is a demon of death??? (I am obsessed with DMC I am so sorry-)
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pretty-little-fools · 3 months ago
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kitkatmochi · 10 months ago
Yan! Darling: how hard is it to just take what is yours when you're denied your birth right?
Yan! Darling: That's simply what I did, dear, why are you so afraid?
Yan! Darling: It is what a sensible woman would do when she's told that she can't have her father's company simply because she's a woman
Yan! Darling: and you? You don't deserve it, you won't get it, so what if I had to murder that old fart?
Yan! Darling: look what I have now... a pretty little househusband... and my own company, and I would burn the world if God were to take either away from me.
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touya-and-crim · 7 months ago
My husband has been acting like such a little slut recently. I need some new punishment ideas. Something that sticks so he doesn’t get it in his dumb little brain that he’s equal to me.
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heian-era-househusband · 5 months ago
01000111 01110010 01100101 01100101 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 01110011 00100000 01001000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01110011
Call me the Hubs.
30 going on ancient • He/Him/Babygirl
Not sure how I got here, but I've been entrusted, forced I've been forced, to guard this page.
Inbox is open, but I speak mostly in math. Asks submitted in binary code and/or formulaic expression will be answered first *if at all*. Beeps and boops are also acceptable.
Mostly here to support my wife. I have been known to like the occasional post. Reblogging causes me physical pain. (But we're working on it! -Yuri) The lurk game is strong.
Apologies in advance if you've chosen to follow. Not much to offer in the way of content. When I'm not at work (playing rocket scientist! -Yuri), or mowing the lawn, my time is devoted to loving my wife.
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