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maxxmaxxing · 9 months ago
oough i love carrots i want to wwa want to nwant want to eat a ccraart
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ccattre · 2 months ago
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halfapersob · 2 years ago
QAAAAAhahhahaaaaqqa, I wish I wasn't allergic to cats
*pets the cat
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Did I go searching for a cat picture for 40minutes,... yes, but this cat
Persob 🥹 I love that cat so much<33
This is you to me I think:
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Not quite, but. Close enough:D
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catclimbingstructures · 2 years ago
*10 Best Cat Trees For Maine Coons [Cat Tree Guide for Large Cats]* | Cat Climbing Structures
Hey there! Do you have a Maine coon or other large cat that climbs all over the furniture, fridge, TV stand and pretty much everywhere they’re not supposed to be?
Is it enough to drive you insane cuz they won't listen! I know. I can relate because it was the same for me too until I installed a couple of these in my house!
Click the link below to learn more! :)
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soap-askblog · 1 month ago
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This is my cat Gabby, we named her that because she likes to meow at people, she loves laying in the bathroom sink when I’m doing my makeup and she likes attacking toes
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softenedsunbeams · 1 month ago
i love my cattr i love himm he will live forever
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ursa-ironii · 7 months ago
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r2-whitedeer · 1 year ago
230923 - Bailu's information station Weibo
Station shares clips of her previous works (2015 -2016) with Cattre.
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iyoopon · 2 years ago
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letsgethaunted · 2 years ago
Episode 62: Colobraro, Italy’s Most Cursed Village Photodump
Image 01: This haunted village of Italy is so cursed that locals don’t even say the name of their town aloud. If you do accidentally say the town’s name , you must immediately touch wood to diffuse any bad luck. Image 02 : Colobraro’s police don’t give speeding tickets on the village’s winding roads for fear that they will be cursed by the town. Image 03: The village is located on top of a mountain in a region plagued by ghost towns with macabre histories. Image 04: Residents pose with Colobraro’s most famed ( suspected ) witch - La Cattre. Image 05: Woodcut of a werewolf attack , 1512. Seems fine. Image 06-08 :Torre Del Lupomino - a 12th century building which translates to “Werewolf Tower” - is known in the region to be the ancestral home of a noble family rumored to be werewolves and known by “Lupis” WHICH MEANS WOLF!!! Image 09: The Lupis family shield has a wolf on it. Werewolves confirmed. Image 10: Malocchio or “bad eye” is a belief popular throughout southern Italy. According to the tradition, if someone is envious of you, their hateful gaze will curse you with bad luck!
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crimeboys · 1 year ago
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ccrime were dancing to the shape of you by ed sheeran
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blitzey · 6 years ago
A rolly poly MANS
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ccattre · 10 months ago
All the artwork for the FanGamer Jnd vinyl! The artist needs a fat kiss on the lips for this.
The vinyl colors are yellow, and orange mixed with yellow.
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444names · 3 years ago
names of dwarves in the warhammer universe
Alarim Alategaka Alayer Aldalist Aldors Aldotr Aleaxe Alebeart Alebiter Alfriksson Alfsson Alrim Alrin Alron Anvil Anvillin Anvilver Anvitehamm Anviter Anviterst Anvitzhe Arkaiteheak Arkatanya Arkrim Arkrimgonna Balaisson Balar Balasdot Balayer Balbrek Balbrenna Balegorri Balfhammer Balfharnir Balfist Balganul Balgrim Baliker Balina Balki Balkran Balkraneerf Balkric Balkrin Baragg Barak Barbrokrin Bardina Barern Barfist Barggillric Baric Barim Bazedma Bazorgaker Bazri Bazrin Beaker Bearic Beldarst Belderson Belhar Bellrok Belly Bolasdokk Bolayer Bolgri Bolgrik Borik Borrnorist Brack Bradrik Braganbrer Braganya Bragar Brago Bragona Brand Branya Braze Brombrek Bronson Brund Brundottr Brunehammen Buggan Buggilver Bugma Bulssone Bulssong Burgrod Burgsdorson Burin Burnisdotr Byrric Byrrim Byrrison Byrrisson Byrrnin Catala Caton Cattr Crago Crand Craninarson Dalengrek Dalik Dalkrack Dalkrik Dammenst Dammer Dammerf Dengi Dengplarson Dorst Dracterf Dragelgaker Dragornden Dragri Dragrio Draki Dranesh Drearagri Drekk Drenn Drokkson Drokson Dromer Dronfist Durgs Durin Durloki Durnin Durzadrin Dwalarkaize Dwalatouard Dwalear Dwalf Dwalki Dward Dwardrim Dwaringina Dwarlow Edottir Edouristin Edoutbelm Elaiterfist Elarim Elarnotr Elatanefist Elayer Elayerfist Elgande Elganson Elgard Elgor Elgric Elgrind Enging Engronhard Falaker Falgorgrim Feldad Felly Foomer Foottinsson Furimna Furlokrim Furndt Furnir Furnist Garbric Gardorson Garearkrik Garison Garlistir Golechback Golgarn Gorgrikson Gorgrim Goric Gothellhamm Gotrikson Gotrim Gottielgi Grageld Gragon Grand Grandottock Grernissonn Grikaize Grikeldbrek Grimnars Grimnir Grissong Groarkrik Grokk Groksone Gronhammin Grudgebeard Grunchaizek Grunchback Gurakk Gurakksson Gurlik Gurlist Gurlokk Gurnin Halammeng Halardum Halaspesmin Halbrik Halbromen Halen Halgorsonn Halin Halinsongi Halkina Halkrim Hamingri Hamman Hammanya Hammenbring Hammeng Hammenne Hammer Hamnin Hamnine Haran Haranya Hardin Hardina Hardum Harina Harnison Heggarlok Hegonson Hegorego Hegorgario Helde Helder Heldesmin Heleak Helgake Helgard Helgidul Helgornina Helgric Helgrimgan Helhaize Hellokk Helly Hewers Hundoring Irokin Iromengrokk Irone Jorim Joringi Jorio Jorrnin Josefist Josefistock Jugganisson Juggon Jugma Kadorgar Kadot Kadragi Kadrek Kandotrim Kanin Kanully Kanya Karaze Karek Katalfsson Kater Kazorinson Kazorst Kazragelm Kazragori Kazrim Kazrinstock Kemmer Kemmerson Khammerf Kharegg Kingul Kragart Kragdinson Kragelm Kragidum Kragnin Kragnisdotr Kragon Kragrik Kragrune Krand Krandadrim Kranef Krangrim Kranya Krazadok Krazed Krazorsonn Krazri Krudgellak Krudgelm Kurggan Kurlikson Kurlow Lardin Laver Lonbacter Lonbornist Lonehe Lonsh Lonslarek Lonspik Madragrim Madrik Maker Malamin Malebeakelm Malikson Malison Malkrago Matouar Molammerson Molar Molgart Molgorgard Morek Morensson Morikson Morimgors Morin Mornin Morrndadrek Morrning Morrnir Nokksson Norek Norgrin Nosebeak Nosebitegon Nurgg Nurgric Nurlokk Oaker Randt Ranstin Ravengebits Raverf Raverfootr Razed Redma Rhund Rhunne Rhupearagri Rhupearer Rhupeshits Rogelenn Rokson Rorgrik Rornist Shiellok Silbrakaize Silbron Silveng Silvensongi Silver Silverson Skegorsong Slaizek Slatart Snorgarf Snorgon Snorinsonef Snotri Snottieldar Sorggardin Sorgorek Spanbrerf Standordrek Stargrik Starina Stockhammer Stockhar Stokingi Stonesh Stong Stouar Stourlik Stournottr Svillri Targrik Tarim Tarlok Theakai Thelhe Thorgarlow Thorgo Thorgrok Thori Thorik Thorim Thorrikai Thorrinson Thors Thorsonback Thregar Threk Threkk Thunchback Thunn Thunna Thupeard Thupesmiter Ulgrinaron Ulthranist Ulths Ungdin Valik Valing Valist Valki Vilbren Villy Vilvenbear Vilvenssone Vilver Whieldbrom Whieldot Whits Yellarfoom Yellist Zareart Zarek Zargg Zarik Zarlok
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sayitaliano · 5 years ago
Sayitaliano Random Italian Answering - Question n.3, part 4: “Tell us about some Italian spooky urban legends” 
10 leggende metropolitane italiane (part 2)
Leggende metropolitane italiane parte seconda. Passiamo alle case infestate: oggi ci muoviamo tra la Liguria e l’Emilia Romagna. Vicino a Genova c’è La Ca’ delle Anime, un tempo gestita (sorry, I lost the camera lol) da una coppia di coniugi che uccideva e derubava i propri clienti per poi seppellirli nelle vicinanze; vicino a La Spezia, nella Casa del Violino, si può ancora udire il fantasma di un violinista morto suicida che suona il suo strumento; mentre Villa Magnoni, vicino a Ferrara, è un edificio abbandonato che nessuno vuole più esplorare: tutti quelli che l’hanno visitato sono poi morti in un incidente definito “casuale”.
Le farfalle dei morti: si dice, soprattutto in Sicilia, che le farfalle potrebbero non essere semplici insetti, ma essere una manifestazione delle anime dei morti di passaggio da un mondo all’altro. Per questo motivo, e perché porterebbe sfortuna, è assolutamente vietato calpestarle.
I Morkies: i Morkies sono delle creature simili a dei nani che infestano soprattutto i boschi del Trentino Alto Adige. Essi sono capaci di trasformarsi in radici e rami inquietanti che possono rendere difficile e pericoloso il passaggio degli escursionisti.
Il paese più sfortunato d’Italia si trova vicino a Matera. A Colobraro, viveva un gruppo di streghe, tra cui la famosa Cattre di cui abbiamo testimonianza. Per questo viene definito fin da prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale il paese più sfortunato d’Italia (forse quello a cui si viene mandati quando ci viene detto “Ma vai a quel paese!”)
Per ultimo: la vecchina fantasma. Nel centro storico di Genova, ogni 5 anni appare una vecchina che cerca una via che purtroppo non esiste più. La prima apparizione di cui si ha notizia risale al 1989, quando questa vecchina fermò delle persone per chiedere loro, in dialetto genovese, dove si trovasse questa via. Arrivò addirittura a pagare un ragazzo con una moneta da 100 lire del 1943, per avere una risposta.
Vi sono piaciute queste leggende metropolitane dell’Italia? Fatemi sapere!
ENG: Urban legends part two.
6- Let’s talk again about haunted houses: today we’re moving between Liguria and Emilia Romagna. Close to Genova there’s the House of the Souls, it has been once run by a couple of married people that used to kill and rob their clients, and then bury them near there; close to La Spezia, in the House of the Violin we can still hear the ghost of a suicidal violin player playing his instrument; while Villa Magnoni, near Ferrara, is an abandoned house that nobody wants to explore anymore: all those who have been there, have then died in a “casual” accident.
7- The butterflies of the deads: it’s a common saying that, especially in Sicily, butterflies might not be just insects but also a manifestation of the souls of the deads moving from a wolrd to the other. For this reason, and because it could bring bad luck, it’s severely forbidden to step on them.
8- Morkies. Morkies are creatures that look like dwarves especially haunting the forests in Trentino Alto Adige. They’re able to transform in roots or unsettling branches that can make difficult and dangerous the passage of the hikers.
9- The unluckiest Italian village can be found near Matera. In Colobraro, used to live many witches, included the famous Cattre, of which we have proof. For this reason it’s defined the unluckiest Italian village since before the start of WWII (maybe it’s the village to which we are all sent when we’re told to fuck off --literally:“but go to that village!”-- )
10- the little old ghost lady: in the historical center of Genova, every 5 years, a little old ghost lady appears, and search for an old street that doesn’t exist anymore. Her first apparition is dated in 1989, when this old lay stopped a few people to ask them, in Genova’s dialect, where this street was. She even gave a coin of the value of 100 lires dated 1943 to a guy to have a reply.
Did you like these Italian urban legends? Let me know!
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catclimbingstructures · 7 years ago
The Best Wall Mounted Cat Tree | Cat Climbing Structures
The best cat tree for any cat are ones that are mounted to the wall. The trouble is finding or being able to build ones that are versatile, sturdy and look at least halfway decent.
CatastrophicCreations makes the best wall mounted cat tree. They are super sturdy and designed with your cat in mind. Get more details by clicking here now!https://catclimbingstructures.com/best-wall-mounted-cat-tree
#cattree #cat #cats #catcare #largecats #kitty #caturday
(via The Best Wall Mounted Cat Tree [CatastrophicCreation Review])
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