c h a o s
12 posts
Hnikarr Tenebrae | 24 | ex-hunter Asmodeus | 7138 | demon
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arctvs · 8 years ago
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         “i’ve lived here for seven years and today’s the first time i’ve ever seen this place.”  alex’s voice full of surprise as she looked up at the building.  it was abandoned, nonetheless, but it was still there. 
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        “ maybe it was, uhm... ” adrien searches for the word, brows furrowing. “ скрытый? not seen. sorry, i-- i don’t remember what it’s called. ” the teenager gives a shrug of uncertainty, glancing at the building she’d referenced. “ or maybe you just... weren’t looking? ”
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arctvs · 8 years ago
Lucy’s forehead wrinkled as she heard the boy’s request. “Okay, no problem.” She replied placing the bag on the counter before walking behind it herself to get to the cash register. “Yep, you got. This bag should last you for about 3 weeks. That will be twenty-five dollars, please.”
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money, right. he can’t forget about that part. the teenager reaches into his pockets, pulling out a few crumpled bills. “ пять... двенадцать... двадцать три... двадцать пять. here, this should be it. ” adrien pushes the bills across the counter, taking the bag just after. “ um-- thank you. thanks. yeah. i-- that’s right, yeah? the right amount? sorry, i-- i get the numbers wrong sometimes, so... ” it's right, but he has no way of knowing so for sure.
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arctvs · 8 years ago
Soon, she returned with a paper bag in her hand filled with the dry herbs. “You’re welcome. This should help. It’s some tea. You just have to add about a teaspoonful to a hot cup of water. Let it soak for a few minutes and then you can drink it. You should start to feel sleepy almost immediately after finishing the tea.”
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adrien gives another small nod of thanks, gaze drifting to the item in your hand. “ if you could, uh... put that down? that’d be great. sorry, i just-- i can’t grab it from you. ” there would be too high a risk of his hand accidentally brushing past hers, and he really can’t have that happening. “ tea. add a teaspoon. cup of hot water. i-- i got it, yeah. okay. ”
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arctvs · 8 years ago
Lucy just nodded as the man in front of her tried to explain as best he could the medication he took. His last sentence brought her into action as she quickly spoke out, “Okay, stay right here I’ll get something to help.” Lucy knew this man needed some magic that would guarantee him sleep. Grabbing some dried lavender and chamomile, she quickly went into her back room and placed a simple sleeping spell on the herbs. 
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the teenager gives a small nod to her words, shifting his weight from foot to foot while waiting for her to return. “ erm-- thank you, by the way. i really... really need this. ” if he sleeps, even for one night, maybe he’ll be able to function a little better again... for at least a short while. 
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arctvs · 8 years ago
“Oh,” She let out before putting back on a smile. Moving out from behind the counter she began to move toward the aisles. “Well, was it a prescription or just an over the counter pill?” 
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“ i... i think it was prescription? maybe? it was in one of those... ” he gestures with his hands, approximating the size of one of those orange pill bottles. “ ...the things with the cap you have to squeeze, the... um... container? no, the-- the bottle. sorry, i-- ” he’s managed to confuse himself with his own words, and it’s all making his head hurt. “ i haven’t slept in... three nights. i need to sleep. ” that’s probably the most he can manage to convey right now.
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arctvs · 8 years ago
Lucy’s eyes gazed over the nervous man in front of her as he spoke. Maybe, he was just nervous due to his heavy accent but Lucy understood him fine. “Of course. Have you tried anything for your insomnia before?” She asked with a kind smile.
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“ yes... ” he pauses for a few awkward seconds before realising she might need more information than that. “ do you... need to know what kind? i-- they were all medicines. pills. u h m... sorry, i really-- i don’t remember. not at all. ”
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arctvs · 8 years ago
“Hey–” She walked into the room after knocking. “I brought you some breakfast. I found you passed out in the front. Should really be careful and all.” She smiled as she set the tray down. 
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“ i-- i what? no, uh-- don’t-- ” adrien scrambles back in the bed, head shaking back and forth quickly. “ don’t come.. closer. please. ”
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arctvs · 8 years ago
“Um, hi. Do you need anything specific?” Lucy asked as she turned toward the person who entered her small shop. 
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“ hi, yes-- ” his gaze only lands on her for a few seconds before shifting back to the counters, fingers tapping quickly against his leg. “ insomnia. i mean-- i need something. for insomnia. that. ” his english isn’t perfect, and his russian accent is thick, but hopefully it’ll get across well.
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arctvs · 8 years ago
i created an about page for adrien, which can either be found by going to his blog and clicking on the pop-up labelled “information”, going to the bottom of the page and going ‘navigation’ -> ‘information’, or by following this link.
fair warning: his biography has quite a few triggers in it, including paedophilia, incest, rape, sexual abuse, child abuse, physical abuse, and suicide.
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arctvs · 8 years ago
// from adrien, for either character
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arctvs · 8 years ago
// @hildegaards
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                 he’s not ready for this.
        the storm has only just begun, but already it’s too loud, too powerful for the boy of only nineteen to handle. he hates things like this, things that bring his paranoia to a head and leave him too scared to go outside. the only positive so far is that the rain seems to be too much for nearly everyone else in the store, and everyone seems reluctant to leave -- he doesn’t stand out as odd in this situation.
        with extreme reluctance, he turns to a stranger, trying not to be too loud. “ do you think the rain will pass soon? ” he doesn’t think he can spend the night in here, not with all these... people.
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arctvs · 8 years ago
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“what were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and that there was no saving him?” “one word? good.”
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