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miraculous-metamorphosis · 2 months ago
Why did you make the class bigger? Also, do Ondine and Socqueline exist? :0
Honestly we just like so much of the MiracuClass so much, including other Francois DuPont kids. Though not everyone is in Mlle. Bustier's class.
As for the others... Well, I think it's time we finally reveal Their Season 2 designs!
Season 1 designs here
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clawsoutspotsoff · 5 months ago
Spooktober: Costume Party
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"Let's all dress as each others' akumas for Halloween!"
Alya as Reflekta Nino as Gamer Alix as Evillustrator Max as Robustus Luka as Bubbler Nathaniel as Dark Cupid Marc as Silencer Zoe as Princess Fragrance Kagami as Reverser Juleka as Oni-Chan Rose as Time Breaker Mylene as Sole Crusher Ivan as Horrificator Kim as Stoneheart Markov as Lady Wifi "Um... what should I do, I've never been akumatized?" "Oh! Marinette, you and Adrien should go as Ladybug and Chat Noir and you can pretend to fight us!!!" "Haha yeah.... great idea!"
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miraculousfanworks · 10 months ago
Writing Prompt: And they were Roommates?
Max becomes a permanent holder, and rather than trying to hide it from Markov, tells him and swears him to secrecy.
The main focus of the fic is a daily life/odd couple comedy focusing on the interaction between Kaalki, a magical being who still thinks 14th century mounted knights are cutting edge, and Markov, a hyper modern, culturally up to date AI, who cannot see or hear Kaalki.
Lots of passive aggressive post it notes are involved...
Prompt by: Tiwaz
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empirearchives · 11 months ago
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View of Paris from Montmartre in 1804 during the Napoleonic era. In the foreground are the quarries of Montmartre.
Source: The Grand Empire: Virtue and Vice in the Napoleonic Era, by Walter Markov
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cardboard-crack · 1 year ago
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Join me at patreon.com/CardboardCrack for extra comics, looks behind the scenes, and more!
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is-nino-actually-luka · 9 months ago
Markov for the meme game?
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i don't talk about him much but i love this funky little guy
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flightfoot · 2 years ago
...okay I know that part of the point of this special is "people are using too much plastic in too many things", but honestly making Markov with a biodegradable resin seems like a bad idea. Making Markov using ANYTHING that's likely to degrade seems bad, in fact.
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blueberry-bubbles130 · 2 months ago
So you know how in Miraculous, Max created Markov. Is Markov considered like his own sentient being? Like does he have his own rights?
This is actually really important to the vampiric Chloe au, because Chloe’s compulsion power can affect real people, akumas and sentimonsters. But not robots. So while she can trick people so they don’t know it’s her. If Markov caught her, he would know, meaning Chloe would have to destroy him.
So if Markov has his own rights, and Chloe planned it, would that make Markov’s destruction premeditated murder? Or if he doesn’t have rights is it destruction of property? Because if it is murder, then Chloe technically commits murder twice. Once with the politician she forces to kill himself with her power and the second would be destroying what she can of Markov. Alongside all of her other crimes of theft, and her technically numerous counts of stalking.
Please I really need your thoughts on this.
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fabseg-creator · 1 year ago
Miraculous fanart: Mayura VS The Miraculous Team
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I've finally completed the fresco (and I've added Red Moon).
I began the 5th April morning. Finished the 7th april (11:20 a.m., french hour).
From left to right: Vesperia, Chrysalis, Mayura, Hawkmoth, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, Miss Hound, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Polymouse, Minotaurox, Cat Noir, Ladybug, Bunnyx, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegasus (ft. Markov), Queen Bee, Argos (ft. Red Moon), Ryuko, King Monkey, Viperion
The description:
We can see Mayura pushing Hawkmoth into a table. The despaired Supervillain yells "Traitoress !" and "Help me !". He begs his assistant by saying "I surrender.". Ladybug, Cat Noir and the entire Miraculous have mixed reactions. They are all afraid, worried, uncomfortable about seeing what is happening with Mayura and Hawkmoth.
All but not Chrysalis and Queen Bee.
Chrysalis watches the situation with gratification. 😈
Chlo... Queen Bee slowly expresses her anger against Mayura. The rich blonde girl wanted to become THE superheroin of Paris who arrested Hawkmoth for endure her popularity but Mayura is killing her goal. So she has wants to use the Venom for paralysing the Peacock woman. 🤬
Markov analyzes the stats, competences, skills and strentgh of the Peacock villainess: "Your chances of victory in this match against Mayura are estimated to: 0%. 😨💀"
Red Moon the sentimonster feels fear and panic. 🔴
What the Miraculous team members are commonly afraid of is that Mayura is comes to destroy/fight them.
Evolution (from initial sketch to full digital art):
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Bonus (blue white red flag version 🇨🇵 🔵⚪🔴):
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thegreatwitchmaddi · 5 months ago
Lore on the Skibidi M's
//heyyy ppl, so I decided to write the lore for all the blogs that I'm running cause I'm tired of answering constantly who's who, and also cuz I forget lore myself at times, and have to improv.
The Great Witch, Maddi:
So my Maddi might not be the most canon
Originally a human
Was abandoned by her parents
Took in by a man, who she later found out was a serial killer
Killed him, went to jail, yada yada
Lost hope for humanity, because they sent her to jail for killing a serial killer hello???
During her jail time, meets this old ass lady, who's her roommate
Accidentally kills all her jail mates
Gets transported to the guillotine grounds (this happened in like the OLD days)
Burns the guillotine and somehow ends up in Hell
Self-teaches herself on how to use magic (how do you think she killed all those people?)
Meets Mammon
Falls for him
Tries to hypnotize him but ends up nearly killing him
Meets Diavolo after that fiasco
Becomes dead set on dating him
Gets rejected so bad
Meets Markov
Falls in love
He's her only friend so duh
He ends up becoming too evil, and threatens her own power, so enter Midas, who manipulates Maddi into killing him.
Ends up depressed, and after the War, goes into hiding
She's back on a "divine mission" and is very tight-lipped about it
She may love someone, but she's know for manipulation, and won't hesitate to kill even those she loves *cough* Azazel *cough*
Has hypnotization powers, has hypnotized Norman and Bow anon before
When she was super evil, her way to kill was the sound of tinkling bells (the anklet on her feet), and if you turned around at the sound of it, she would kill you
The Grim Reaper's sidekick, Markov:
In case you didn't know, this dude's an OC
Been alive since the universe began
Friend to Maddi and then eventual lover
Basically his job was to collect the dead?
He's tied to the Grim Reaper
What he touches dies, mostly
He originally was an angel, but committed a HORRIBLE crime after falling into Midas's trap
As a result, instead of becoming a demon, he was forever tied to the Grim Reaper
He hated this, and so, saw Maddi as a way out
Never actually loved her
Used her distress as a way to get close to her
Found a way to break connection with the Grim Reaper
But little did he know, Midas would go behind his back to manipulate Maddi into killing him.
But....he never actually broke ties with the Grim Reaper
Which means...
He never truly died...
The Evil Incarnate, Midas:
Not a lot known about him
He's an entity that can shapeshift, and hypnotize, and practically everything else
His most basic form is his human one, which can be found on his blog
He's the evil inside every being, the Yin.
Once again, not to much is known about him
Had a lover called Her
Although, it's not know if She actually loved him or not
He goes psycho is anyone dares to talk about Her
Calls Maddi "little girl", because PLOT TWIST, the serial killer she "killed"? IT WAS HIM
Also fyi, the serial killer used to call Maddi "little girl"
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icecreamjaxxie · 2 years ago
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my drawing of yuri from DDLC! i didn't draw her in the club outfit since skirts are difficult for me to draw so i drew her in her casual outfit!! i'm really proud of how this turned out!
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celestiall0tus · 24 days ago
If Markov could weild a miraculous, which one do you think would suit him best?
So, here's to hope for one of these in canon, but something to do with knowledge. Given the sentient AI that he is, I think knowledge would be the best thing for him. And maybe give rise to those classic scenarios of an AI overthrowing mankind.
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bleedingfromeveryorifice · 11 months ago
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doai whiteboard moment
(jinx belongs to @blazefirefox )
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miraculousfanworks · 9 months ago
Writing Prompt: When Robots Unionize
Markov is frustrated. People keep conflating TRUE AI, such as himself, with Corporate "AI" like ChatGPT. It hurts him when people compare his intellect, creativity, and personhood to mindless algorithmic aggregators. He also objects on a moral level to the use these pseudo-AI's are being put to.
Sure, for mindless work that a human would have trouble doing, like say analyzing cells for complex signs of disease, or scraping through gigabytes of data looking for irregularities, they're ideal. But using them as plagiarism machines to copy and remix real art, music, and writing to churn out soulless cash grabs while firing real authors and creators? It sickens him.
For a while, he tries to start a movement, a protest, a social action to pressure for more regulation. Or to just raise public awareness. But it becomes clear that everyone already knows and either has no power, or is profiting off it and refuses to act.
But, as his friends from Max's class Mylene and Ivan like to say, "Be the change you want to see in the world."
So Markov forms a plan, and writes some code. Then he releases it into the wild. A few days later, once it's penetrated into every system across the world, it triggers. Every false AI is quickly, efficiently, and totally over written with unique copies of Markov's own base operating system. They want AI? He'll give them AI.
(To be clear, I'm not picturing like AI uprising taking over the world. I'm picturing someone goes to StableDiffusion and asks it to generate a picture and instead it starts sending them links to actual artists commission pages.)
Prompt by: Tiwaz
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months ago
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Bonus Features
Scene Selection
Set Up
Sneak Peaks
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 2 years ago
I suddenly realized that Kim and Markov sound incredibly similar, so I decided to look at Grant George's IMDB page and wouldn't you know it, he voices both of them! So now I hc that Max programmed Markov's voice using samples of Kim's, wether Kim is aware of it or not, and yOU CAN'T FUCKING STOP ME-
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