#capricorn horoscope
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alyjojo · 2 months ago
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Yearly Tarot Reading 2025 🎏 - Capricorn Sun/Rising
Meditation: The Queen of Hearts ♥️ rose up out of the ground and declared “off with their heads!” The little trees surrounding her were covered in white roses, with a large red heart on the top of each one. All of the red hearts were cut from the trees on her command.
General: The Devil
Work: The Wheel of Fortune
Love: Temperance
Well…😬 okay. It’s not going to be easy, The Devil is a continuous battle for all of us, but especially Capricorn. Saturn is discipline and long-term effort, a very practical and fatherlike energy. Where The Devil comes into that is when the vision becomes narrow-minded or tunnel vision with not great intentions…greed, revenge, control especially and that’s what I’m seeing the most here. Control and anger issues are something you’re going to battle in yourself all year long - or at least that’s the general energy. Being tested, poked, triggered - Anger is your Oracle card, and repressed anger could work against you in several cases. Your attitude matters, and it’s showing up as extremely rigid and prideful at its worst. This is shadow work 💯
I’m getting something not being how you want it to be, maybe you have a narrow and well defined vision of what you’re expecting vs. what’s actually happening, or you’ve been doing something a specific way and you’re forced into doing things another way. It’s seriously triggering every anger response you’ve got, at times, some of which may touch on deep insecurities or ingrained habits or behaviors you haven’t consciously addressed.
There’s a potentially damaging control factor in everything you’ve got going on here - that’s what you’re forced to deal with. Triggered, on purpose, by Spirit - through whatever is going on around you. The Devil is spinning its wheels, on a Ferris wheel 🎡, doing the same things with the same results; to a level of toxic. Or obsession, control, materialism, feeling trapped, possibly an addiction for someone. Or a habit/behavior that’s existed for so long that it may as well be an addiction - and the feeling of being unable to escape it, or refusing to. There will be times where you feel out of control, life is out of control, and that could be your instinctive goal; to regain or maintain control, but the lesson shown is patience and rising above this. Inner demons.
This seems to concern…change. Growth. You want things to stay how they are, were, or towards something but *specifically* as you have them defined - and that’s not what’s happening. You’re being transitioned into some new beginning, some major changes that could be significantly different (over time) than it was before, what you’re used to, and you’re extremely resistant to that. Or others are, switch it however. I’m seeing someone managing an office and introducing new methods or training, everyone is resistant to whatever it is - that would fit with this Devil energy as well. Others could block your progress, especially at work, and maybe it’s been that way for a long time. Wheel of Fortune is very positive, lucky even, but it’s change, and it feels forced for most.
With work specifically, there’s been no progress due to inverted Leo, the more negative qualities or shadow of Leo, being that it came out reversed. Arrogance, ego, selfishness, stubbornness, acting like you’re better than the thing asked of you or others being this way towards you, something is “beneath” you or others to get with the program - and it’s being forced now. For some it’s your own attitude, or the people you’re dealing with at work, coworkers or corporate idk. Could definitely be a war over money, you could feel like you’re worth or owed more than you’re getting, and you’re being warned that whatever stance you’re taking with this could get you…well, nowhere. Not where you’re seeking to go anyway, there’s a need for caution. Some of you just need to leave this place, they’re not gonna change and it’s been long enough. Procrastination is shown as The Devil for those that have put up with a job that makes no effort to improve its conditions, pay, environment for someone - I’m seeing a really hot/cold room with no a/c or heat. Some of you will be leaving a job behind because you’ve had enough - but you’re pissed about it. Spirit doesn’t want you to be pissed about it - but open for the new.
Love is a similar vibe…maybe not because of love though, not for everyone. If you’re on and off with someone or you’re waiting on an ex, this is showing love is with someone new not old. If you’re in a well established connection with no issues, then this is showing the need to be patient with your communication and temperament generally…the Caps I’m getting in this reading have a hot head, could be rooted in this job issue - a lack of stability makes an earth sign lose their mind. Cap wants to climb the mountain and succeed, wasting their time with no return on the investment is irritating af. And karmic? Wheel of Fortune can show destiny…this could just be a stepping stone. One to get to the other, a leg up or something. A necessary struggle, or that’s what you’ve heard for years already. Aaand we’re back on work again 😆 I’m hearing “that applies” to your energy - everything is rooted in work issues and the Devil energy that’s coming from that, for most. You hate it but don’t change it out of fear, The Devil, you’ve got bills and something “reliable” (is it?) established - what if this is the best it gets? That’s the wrong attitude 🙏 One of you could have insanely high standards on a job search, like you’re only going for CEO positions or something and that’s not happening, it’s coming in like a side note, not for everyone.
Back to love. Whether it’s a new love or a new start in a current relationship…I keep hearing the name Ann, you’re meant to be Ascending over old issues in any case. Keeping calm, being reconciliatory and patient towards the process or the connection, taking things one day at a time. You’re overcoming issues within yourself, and others could need to be patient as well, it’s important to communicate when you’re feeling off or stressed, pissed off, whatever - so others know when to step up and let you go be moody, relax, decompress, whatever you need. Speaketh your needs dear. Singles are impatient af, when are they coming? When? WHEN? It doesn’t say. The Devil would show obsession and a need for patience and release of whatever is in your head - I assume whoever they are isn’t that. You’re obsessed with finding a cowboy and your soulmate is a surfer, you’re not gonna find (or appreciate) them in this triggered, controlling, obsessed kind of energy. When you’re at peace in yourself, you’ve battled your demons and moved on, then you’ll find them.
The advice is showing to head towards the new. New job, new partner, new hobbies, new something - what life do you want for yourself? Visualize what you want, speak it out loud. If you were free of this Devil, or any restrictions in your life at all, what would you do? Why can’t you do that now? Spirit wants you to stop Procrastinating on taking action where things clearly aren’t improving, stop with any power trips or ego games, addictions, habits, things that keep you stuck - where it’s on your end. You can���t control others but control yourself, your temper, expectations on some level, but also do your part in making this better rather than refusing, with your arms folded, like you’re entitled to that or something. There’s been no movement so far to overcome this Devil, it’s stagnant and stalled - attitude 💯
But if you focus on the new, what you want, and work towards freeing yourself of these behaviors or things, the anger, resentment, endless cycle of no progress, no change, you’ll feel free and better able to actually bring these things into your reality. Meditation could be important for you with Temperance here. Some of you may have been enablers of Devil behavior on some level, with others, that stops now (or needs to or will). Same for if others have been enabling your own addictions, habits, or bad behaviors, where that applies. It’s a year of shadow work and transitioning from that - to what’s healthier, better, less pressure and stress, release and letting go. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked, but don’t see an end goal so specifically that you resist any other change either. Spirit doesn’t tend to work in an A to B way, there are lessons involved, and they tend to know what you need…more than what you want, or before you get it. Again, cowboy and surfer is what I’m seeing. If you’re looking for a CEO job or a cowboy only, you’re going to be disappointed because Spirit is over here sighing like…you’re in your own way. You’d break your surfer’s heart right now, and you’d hate this CEO job actually, your true path is to be a bus 🚌 driver for the child you have later on with the surfer that changes your life, and you’ll love it, you know? All of that is what I’m given here, idk if it’s literal or not, maybe. The goal is to open your mind to other things that maybe aren’t “your” things. Or your way.
That’s why Spirit is showing a need to Visualize, loosely. How do you want to feel? What does happy look like to you? More money? More time? More love? What kind of love? Save the details, that’s for Spirit, it’s more like they’re waiting for you to Ascend over your current situation, process, habits, struggles, learn, and heal (or overcome addiction - that’s big) - and while you’re doing that, the changes that will be occurring within and around you (simultaneously) will ultimately be moving you towards where you want to go. Eventually, but you have work to do on yourself first. You can only control yourself, you’re encouraged to, and “let go and let God”, with your efforts to change. Or when you’re forced into change, know it’s for the best. If you don’t try to flow with the process, and make necessary changes, you’re just in your own way & wasting your own time. There’s a lot of coasting going on, or will be, either because of you & issues you have (I keep seeing addiction) or because of others and you’re losing your shit. Breathe 🧘‍♂️ You’ve got a whole year to process, visualize, change, and “get with the program,” I’m hearing. Your own, the one you don’t even know you want, it all takes time. Time could be why you’re angry.
The new is on the horizon, and it doesn’t seem like anything that’s going to crash through your wall one day. Slow moving, patience, daily effort; over time you’ll be in another headspace where you’ll see how a new path is more beneficial to you than this current one, whatever keeps you stuck, even if it’s you. Or it just happens and you don’t even realize it till it’s here, you just kept moving and it showed up naturally. Spirit wants you to get there too but “it’s a process.” Shadow work is very difficult, The Devil is no joke. One day at a time leads to progress if you’re consistently tackling your/any demons. One day at a time leads to same shit different day if you don’t ❤️ Procrastination shows both applying.
Zodiac Signs: Heavy Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini & inverted Leo
Numbers: 54, 71, 28, 7, and 2.
10’s, things needing to end. No Aces & that’s what’s needed: inspiration, vision, clarity, “cutting off heads” if it’s Swords like your meditation, and then moving towards the 2. Cooperation, partnership, a decision, a plan, actually taking shape and moving forward. Natural progression. Handle what needs handling to move to the next stage, it’s simple in theory…but it’s The Devil, the most intense challenges. There’s no rush or time limits I can see, plenty of time, it’s up to you/Spirit/circumstances to decide when/how you release yourself from this. New things in all forms will bring you closer to the energy, mind set, inspiration or motivation that will bring you what you want. A change in you is what’s important, then all the other stuff will fall into place it looks like.
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starcrazypie · 6 months ago
September 2024 Horoscope: The Month Ahead
The September 2024 horoscope signals that it's time to change. The planets show it - and you know it. Deep down, this is a key moment...
Before I started writing the September 2024 horoscope, I reminded myself of this month’s major themes by re-reading the forecast for September 2024 that I wrote for the 2024 Big Horoscope. That was published in December 2023, so what did I predict way back then? The major theme I picked up on was a generational shift; that process (one way or another) reaches a conclusion this month. There is…
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paulinawoodpecker · 4 months ago
Introduction to Capricorn in Zodiac Genesis
Voiced by Cree summers
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Capricorn: Success isn’t about speed. It’s about perseverance. Keep your head high, and your goals even higher.
Aries: How do you stay so… patient, Capricorn?
Capricorn: It’s not about rushing, Aries. Every step counts when you’re climbing to the top.
Taurus: You get it, Capricorn. Real strength is in staying grounded.
Capricorn: And in building something that lasts, Taurus. We both know the value of stability.
Gemini Doesn’t staying focused get… I don’t know…boring?
Capricorn: Not when you see the rewards, Gemini. Focus is what turns dreams into reality.
Cancer: You make me feel safe, Capricorn.
Capricorn: That’s what family does, Cancer. Lean on me—I’ll always be here.
Leo: You have this… quiet fire, Capricorn. I like that.
Capricorn: And you’re fearless, Leo. But remember, strength isn’t just loud. Sometimes, it’s silent and steady.
Virgo: You’re always so… steady. It’s admirable.
Capricorn: We both know it takes patience, Virgo. The best things in life are worth building slowly.
Libra: Doesn’t it get hard, being so… focused?
Capricorn: Challenges only make us stronger, Libra. Balance is in persistence, too.
Scorpio: You’re solid as a rock, Capricorn. That’s rare.
Capricorn: And you’re unbreakable, Scorpio. True strength is knowing where you stand.
Sagittarius: Don’t you ever want to just… let go?
Capricorn: I’m always aiming higher, Sagittarius. But every journey has its steps.
Aquarius: You’re like… a rock, Capricorn. Unshakeable.
Capricorn: And you’re the wind, Aquarius. Together, we create something new.
Pisces: You make me feel… anchored, Capricorn.
Capricorn: And you remind me to dream, Pisces. Sometimes, strength is in embracing what’s beyond reach.
The scene ends with Capricorn standing at the center of the Zodiac circle, her deep green aura illuminating her like an ancient tree rooted in wisdom and resilience. She stands firm, surrounded by the twelve Zodiac signs, who each respect her for her calm strength, patience, and unwavering dedication.
Capricorn: Growth takes time, and strength comes from within. With patience, anything is possible.
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ask-leo-alpha-leonis · 2 years ago
Aquarius: While I'm gone, Leo is in charge.
Leo: Yay!
Aquarius, whispering: Capricorn, you're secretly in charge.
Capricorn, sighing: Obviously.
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ashadowofburnedoutstardust · 2 months ago
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Capricorn horoscope for January
A compliment you receive this month could be quite defining of how you see yourself, dear Capricorn. Someone may make a very kind remark about how impressive they find you to be, as though it's just a given, and that may take you aback. You don't always believe in yourself as you should, and someone's offhand observation about your brilliance in some area of your life should be taken to heart and kept in your memory to continue to remind you how special you are. January is a month you have not been looking forward to because of certain obligations that are coming up this month that you don't really want to deal with. However, if you approach everything you have to do in the weeks ahead with a better attitude, you will find something good in everything that you do. You will also find that as you choose to meet each moment with a can-do attitude, you will feel hope and enthusiasm burgeoning. Later on in the month, someone may come to you trying to trick you into helping them with something. They may attempt this through flattery, but it will be obvious to you. Even so, that doesn't mean this wouldn't be a great opportunity for you anyway. Yes, they may be manipulating you to get what they want, but this can work out for you very well through related opportunities.
Copyright © Daily Horoscope.
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humnooshop · 2 months ago
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Happy Capricorn season! (December 22 - January 19)
Mug and other products available on my Redbubble :)
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olympic-reader · 5 months ago
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Capricorn Horoscope
October 21-27, 2024
This week, Capricorn, you are navigating a complex astrological landscape. With the Sun transitioning from Libra into Scorpio on October 23rd, you may feel a shift in focus towards deeper, more introspective matters. The Moon's journey from Gemini to Virgo suggests a need for adaptability and attention to detail in your emotional life.
Key Influences
Mercury in Scorpio: This transit encourages deep thinking and communication. It's a good time to delve into research or have meaningful conversations.
Venus in Sagittarius: This brings a sense of adventure and optimism in relationships. You might feel more inclined to explore new social circles or cultural experiences.
Mars at 25° Cancer: This position can stir emotions and drive you to focus on home and family matters.
Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini: Reflect on past learning and communication. It's a time to reassess your beliefs and ideas.
Saturn Retrograde in Pisces: This continues to ask you to review your long-term goals and responsibilities, especially in creative or spiritual areas.
How This Week Differs from Last Week
Last week, the focus was more on balancing social interactions and personal ambitions. This week, the energy shifts towards introspection and emotional depth, particularly with the Sun moving into Scorpio.
Looking Forward to Next Week
Next week, expect a continuation of introspective themes, but with a growing emphasis on transformation and renewal as the Scorpio energy deepens. This is a time to embrace change and let go of what no longer serves you.
Navigating the Autumn Season
As an Earth sign, Capricorn, you are naturally grounded and practical. Use these qualities to navigate the emotional and introspective energies of this week. Focus on organizing your thoughts and setting realistic goals.
Element and Modality
Capricorn is an Earth sign with a Cardinal modality, meaning you are practical, ambitious, and a natural leader. Use these traits to take charge of your personal growth and navigate the week's challenges with confidence.
This week offers a rich tapestry of introspection and emotional exploration. Embrace the changes and use your natural Capricorn strengths to navigate these influences effectively.
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taarene · 5 months ago
Capricorn Taroscope for New Moon in Libra
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The New Moon can be inspiring for setting goals that our mind, heart, and soul truly need. The energy of the New Moon in Libra brings balance, harmony, and diplomacy, inviting us to look at relationships in a new light and strive for inner peace as well as cooperation with others.
1 External factors, the energy surrounding Capricorn: Queen of Wands + The Fool The energy around you is intense, possibly with a sexual undertone. There may be a strong feminine figure adding dynamic energy to your life. It might feel exciting but also chaotic and untamed, as if events are happening beyond your control. The Fool highlights a sense of being lost in this situation – you may fear making mistakes or feel uncertain in the face of new challenges. Some of you might even experience a brief connection that leaves you feeling unstable. Despite the fiery impulses brought by the Queen of Wands, you internally feel the need to find balance and direction.
2. What is out of harmony within me? 5 of Cups You might be stuck in sadness or grief, avoiding the difficult emotions that need to be processed. It may feel comfortable to remain in this state, as it is familiar to you. It’s a situation where, paradoxically, the sorrow can feel safe simply because you know it, while change brings discomfort.
3. What steps should I take to heal my inner self? 3 of Pentacles Focus on long-term goals. It might be important now to move forward step by step, creating something stable and lasting. Working on something together with others (or alone) will give you a sense that your efforts are being appreciated.
4. What parts of my personality need acceptance? The Chariot + 6 of Wands Your determination and persistence are qualities you can be proud of. You are respected and valued by others, so now it’s time to accept your achievements and see yourself in a more positive light. Trust your judgement.
5. What thoughts do I need to release to regain peace? The Tower It’s time to cool down. Also gaining control over negative instincts will help you regain balance.
6. What New Moon intentions will help me achieve inner harmony? 9 of Swords Reversed + Knight of Swords + Ace of Pentacles Reversed You need to calm your mind and organize your thoughts. You may not be ready for some of the changes that are coming. 9 of Swords Reversed suggests that you need to distance yourself from the mental noise and fears overwhelming you. Separate yourself from people who overwhelm you.
Oracle card: Midnight Rose - Confidence, Listen, Guidance
This is actually a good accompaniment to Tarot. Listen to your intuition, because now is the time when you get clues and your psychic senses are high.
Bianco Nero Tarot and Victoria Frances Oracle Cards
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tarotchariot · 5 months ago
Capricorn October-scope
Hello cappys, hope you’re all doing good. Let’s see what October has in store for you with a Halloween card.
Your card:
Double whammy for you too.
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Two of imps, knight of pumpkins.
Your October:
I’m seeing arguments or disagreements this month to do with more practical things. This is stuff like obligations, chores, who is in charge of what, who owes money, that kind of stuff.
If you work, there could be a hubbub regarding who is responsible for what. There could be frustration on your part that maybe you’re stuck with work that you see as someone else’s job. Maybe you feel that budgets and money aren’t being worked with practically, or that what you value isn’t what other people are valuing.
At home this could be annoyance at doing all the chores, why isn’t this other person doing their bit. There could be stubbornness and someone is confused why they should do something. This needs to be ironed out, the concerns are valid and its only fair tasks are distributed equally.
If there is a partner, there could be unfulfilled promises or a feeling that they don’t come through, or deliver this month. Perhaps it’s the housework task situation even.
This could even be a friend that there is a money owing issue with.
There are lots of things to get done and in order, and I feel you will be successful because you’re just that kind of person. But I do see the need for someone (whether professional or personal) to pull their socks up.
I’m also seeing enjoying the Halloween festivities. You might be one of those that enjoy decorating or having themed nights out or even just having music on. I think you’ll have a great opportunity this Halloween season to have a nice time.
I hope that you take it a bit easy on yourself this October, it looks like you might want to handle everything but try and call out people and keep them accountable for their fair share. Look after yourself.
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astrologiaxo · 8 months ago
♑️ CAPRICORN: Be Proud of Yourself For How Far You’ve Come On Your Healing Journey! - Tarot Reading
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sapionic · 2 years ago
Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra Readings
Readings for the Cardinal Signs of the zodiac.
Cancer - There may be some misunderstandings about your worklife/career. You may have to assertive yourself more. You may even have to write or send a particular email to someone or communicate to someone in support about a situation. This can be making you feel some type of sensitivity. Something may be more innocent or genuine than you thought as well.
Your intuition/gut may be leading you towards something more passionate or interesting. You just have to tune in or seek guidance from within via meditation, dreams, or spiritual advisory.
Capricorn - Someone could be giving you information or advice that can or will help you improve some aspect in your life. This could be a family member or woman with a family, herself. You also could be into meditation or heightened spiritual capabilities. There is so much you know or are finding out. Some of you are even claircognizant. Things may not seem completely fair in certain matters right now, but you need not worry. Things will balance out. You can also in the mean time be as genuine and honest as possible.
Libra - You may feel like you are facing some career troubles and you may not know what to do. You may feel loss and emotional. Your drive and ambition can be up and down as well. Your intuition is always active, you just have to pay attention to it. Don't let yourself go or do things that can cause body issues just because you feel lost. Things always get better and you are being encouraged to not fall away and trickle into LaLa Land. Some of you have been dealing with body dysmorphia or just not feeling like you look good, but you do. Spending time around people you love is important this time around as you are more sensitive.
Aries - You may have an opportunity opening up within the next few months. You may have even already received a glimpse. There could also be this newfound way of living that you step into. You will have the opportunity to learn how to use your practical side and there is a possibility you can gain a lot from this. If or when things are getting out of hand, you will have to try to stand on point so that you can correctly articulate how to move forward. You also could end up feeling stressed if you just have a lot to take care of. Could be bills or expenses, but it will be taken care of. You also could be learning how to end things or let go of things like careers or jobs where you are not receiving back the energy you give. You could learn that a career is over or something that cause you to want to make a change based on your own personal reasons. There could also be something about your body/weight that is significant as well.
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socialdragonflytarot27 · 2 years ago
You are truly UNSTOPPABLE. The universe is about to grant you a wish.✨You’ve had the purest intentions, and have sacrificed so much to get to where you are. Now it’s your turn to receive the true favor of God. 😇 Because you kept your intentions pure and truly did the work to heal your subconscious programming to best of your ability-your desires and manifestations are being fully supported by the divine. There’s a female who has been spying on you trying to figure out how to block this blessing that’s coming in for you by manipulating energies with spellwork. They’ve tried everything under the sun to destroy you, and to cause others to look down on you. They see your divine favor and the way you treasure your calling to be of service to the collective and they hold so much jealousy and envy in their heart. They wish they were as protected and connected to spirit as you are. They wish they were able to inspire people with their stories and testimonies of healing/personal strength the way you do. The truth is, neither of you are perfect. You are no better than them; you just take responsibility for your own karma, held onto your integrity, and have done so much healing that you are being given authority, seniority, and the power to triumph over whatever negative energy they try throwing at you. The more they try to stop you and resist their own shadow work, the more elevated and divinely favored you’ll be. 🪬💯
•throat chakra•law of compensation•spiritual court•dignity•influencer•death spell•pardon•accusations•retaliation•shoulder pain•attitude adjustment•Luke 16:10•exercise
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mapleshadesrevenge · 2 years ago
Capricorn horoscope of Tue April 25
You wake up with a sense of something new. You will get done more then possible and achieve your wishes. You breathe in life and exhale your darkest places. You find friends in the most unlikely of times and your enemies will hide and hunt under your ground
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goodvibescreativeave · 2 months ago
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shepherdingthepie · 9 months ago
alright tumblr, I need to know
Hey uh do me a favor and reblog this! I wanna reach as many users as possible with this one
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Capricorn horoscope for November
An awkward moment or a faux pas that occurs during the month of November could actually be quite liberating for you, dear Capricorn. This may involve someone you look up to or someone with whom you share a very stiff, formal relationship - perhaps a client or someone in business. But this will breakthrough in the way you interact with each other, and the level of comfort will be much better. What goes around comes around. We humans love saying this when someone cheats us or treats us badly. We want to believe that the offender will feel the full wrath of revenge, or that they will at least suffer the same pain they inflicted. You may be in that state of mind due to an issue you had with someone earlier this month. You may feel hurt, excluded, or wronged in some other way. But don't concentrate on that. To truly get beyond this and see that it has nothing to do with you personally, you need to let it roll off your back. Don't be affected. That's really the best "revenge." A challenge at work - something you really want to do - may push you and force you to come out of your shell around someone who has decision-making power. This could be a breakthrough for you, making you feel freer to express yourself. A slight shift in a friendship in your neighborhood or community could cause a bit of discomfort late in the month. There may be a difference of opinion that causes hard feelings, and that may lead to a bit of estrangement or distance. Let it ride for now and see if there is some way to patch things up through compromise.
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