#capitalist pig
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roxyandtheroxies · 5 months ago
Maoism-Third Worldism is based y'all, the revolutionary potential in all of these bad boys is simply, divine!
Our boy Mao was pretty much on the money, common Mao W.
But we gotta figure out how to get that Left Globalization thing going y'all...
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violent-femmess · 2 years ago
capitalism ruined the meaning of life by brainwashing people into thinking life has any meaning at all
we are born to live, as is everything on this planet and everything on every other planet, the planets themselves were formed purely to exist, because they have the capability to exist in this universe, no other reason.
Plants do not exist to give us oxygen or food or any resources at all, they exist because theyre meant to, they thrive in earths soil and grow purely because the environment allows it to, a seeds only purpose is to grow, and after that the only purpose is to live. the resources from plants are there to aid nature in its growth, to aid the lives of everything naturally on this earth. the same with animals, and the same can be applied to humans.
generosity is the only thing we need to survive, what one person lacks another has spare, a task one person cannot perform another can. we should all aim to give people as many useful things to them as we can, memories, resources, time.
money is a meaningless concept corrupted by greed and neglectful of compassion.
memories cannot be escaped, the one thing we will have for the (majority) of our lives, memories unite all of us, people, animals, plants. memories have no language, they exist within every sense and exist within the lack of senses. history is a mandatory subject based purely on memories and keeping memories alive. memories have more meaning than money ever will.
a million pounds makes you rich in greed.
a million memories makes you rich in experiences, in knowledge and in life.
we exist to live, and we remember the ones that have lived before us, and we will continue to remember the lives of others because the meaning of life is to live it, remember it and keep those memories alive.
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nando161mando · 2 years ago
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negative-five-diopter · 2 years ago
What I haven’t seen anyone speaking about is the new twitter policy (and everything else that musky boy has changed about twitter) is really indicative of how “capitalists” view the concept of the marketplace of ideas.
Despite a lot of flaws with the concept, the “marketplace of ideas” is a concept that everyone gets to shout their opinion, and that the “correct” take will be accepted by everyone because it’s the most popular. (Simplified greatly)
With these changes, you see what insecure man children like elon do when they’re not “winning” the marketplace. Unlike what billionaires and those weird fans think, people don’t like to pay money for previously free things. People also generally don’t enjoy blatant hate speech, or billionaire dick riders be boosted in their dash, or even just every 3am thought elon has show up first on their homepage.
Weirdos like musk genuinely believe in the concept of the marketplace of ideas, but are so up their own ass that they cannot fathom that their shitty ideas are not going to flourish in said marketplace. They’re so deluded in the idea that wealth is indicative of intelligence that they don’t know how stupid they are. When thrust into the marketplace of ideas, a place where they (hypothetically) are equal for the first time, their ideas fail.
So what do capitalists do? They buy twitter. They force their employees to boost their tweets. They ban anyone who dissents. They fundamentally change the marketplace.
Again, the ideology of the marketplace of ideas is not super great, like fascists and people who do not want to be killed by said fascists shouldn’t have equal voices, obviously, but it is a commonly accepted idea in western culture, particularly by capitalists. It’s seen as an extension of the “free market” idea that they like to tout (often in defence of monopolies or price gouging, ie “it’s fine, the free market will have someone undercut them! we don’t need government intervention!”).
But there is something deeply ironic that these capitalists, when given a true “free market” / true “marketplace if ideas” they feel the need to change it so much so they they will always be on top.
Not only does it further reveal how much these people are losers, it reveals how their system is so flawed that they need to cheat at their own system that they prop up. They’re not popular, they’re just losers with money.
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gorkloum · 1 year ago
And NSFW version of my previous comics, with Capitalist Pig, because we are all adults and sleep without nightlights, I hope so??? >:3
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travelingtwentysomething · 3 months ago
We also realized they literally are not dropping prices, they're just putting new tags on that say the original price was 30% higher than it actually was. So you're not even getting a discount. It's all bologna bullshit
Black Friday is such a joke nowadays. “Don’t miss out on 30% off” don’t piss me the fuck off. People used to hit each other over the head for a microwave that’s how low the prices were. People literally died. We used to be a country
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defilerwyrm · 11 months ago
Growth capitalism is a deranged fantasy for lunatics.
Year 1, your business makes a million dollars in profit. Great start!
Year 2, you make another million. Oh no! Your business is failing because you didn't make more than last year!
Okay, say year 2 you make $2 mil. Now you're profitable!
Then year 3 you make $3 mil. Oh no! Your business is failing! But wait, you made more money than last year right? Sure, but you didn't make ENOUGH more than last year so actually your business is actively tanking! Time to sell off shares and dismantle it for parts! You should have made $4 mil in profit to be profitable, you fool!
If you're not making more money every year by an ever-increasing exponent, the business is failing!
Absolute degenerate LUNACY
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fanaticalthings · 4 months ago
Jason Todd with his goons:
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drmonkeysetroscans · 2 months ago
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Oppressing workers.
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violent-femmess · 2 years ago
imagine if we put the kings coronation money towards fixing food poverty in the UK, the cost of the queens funeral + the coronation is enough to solve the child food poverty crisis in the UK but instead tax payers money was wasted on a dead woman and a dying princess in a golden fucking cart. the potholes in the road were temporarily filled with sand because they "didnt have the funds" because apparently £100 MILLION POUNDS of TAXPAYERS MONEY is better spent on a cunt in a cart than itd be if it was spent on fixing our roads for our safety or saving children in poverty from dying due to malnutrition, they wont get a fucking gold cart, they wont even get their gcses because the government DONT CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE THEY CARE ABOUT THE PROFIT.
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aesthetically0b5essed · 1 year ago
one of those automated food robot services but they run ice cream truck routes instead of delivering.
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 2 years ago
if you're replying to this post saying I'm as bad as the billionaires I criticise, pls consider that I don't kill people, I just make silly jokes on the internet, go take a walk :)))
if billionaires refuse to see me as human, why tf would I see them as human back
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katerina-zoonce · 2 years ago
Random sketch hours
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popeilovesyou · 2 years ago
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snail-speed · 7 months ago
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please let the little shithead flower be evil
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onlinemgc · 1 month ago
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