#candlelight diaries
candlelightdiaries · 4 months
Hi, my name is Ember and I’m an alcoholic (“Hi Ember”). I’ve been sober for over 2 years now and I still have no clue what the fuck I am doing. The first year was just surviving and the second year was trying to deal with all of the problems of the adult world now that I actually want to live again. Who would have thought?
Year three is going to be the year of self discovery. All of my traumas and past experiences made me turn towards the “victim mentality” and filled me with self-pity, and I don’t want to live that way. Now that I want to live and am not always 10 seconds away from taking a drink I have realized that I don’t know who the fuck I am. I have things that I do, but it never feels like me. I desperately want to know who I am and eventually grow to love that person.
In AA you learn that you have a higher power of YOUR UNDERSTANDING and that can be whatever you want it to look like, as long as it is outside of yourself and it loves you. Growing up catholic was really hard for me. I was an anxious kid who thought that god was going to send me to hell because I forgot to look both ways before crossing the street. It’s been tough for me to divorce those feelings from my new reality—my new understanding of the powers that be—but we’re getting there. I have the willingness to be willing, and that has to count for something.
I’ve always felt a pull towards witchcraft and paganism. It just seemed so cool and beautiful and I wanted to join. Well, now that I’m going through the steps again it’s time for me to really focus on what my spiritual life looks like, because without it I will drink again. I’ve decided that as of right now, witchcraft and our relationship with all that is is where I want to start. Who knows, maybe this won’t be for me. But I really want it to be.
This blog is a place where I am going to record the process of learning new things and unlearning old things. I hope that my journey through this time of discovery of self is fruitful, and maybe all of my ramblings can help someone else. If there is one thing I do have to say about reading this blog: buckle up and get ready for the wild ride and all of the emotional rollercoasters that come with it while I journey through this phase of life and try to get my shit together.
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life-spire · 8 months
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ssparksflyy · 7 months
shrek the musical has no right to slap as hard as it does
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sacrificethelamb · 2 years
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ghostvvitch · 11 months
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kucukbiroyku · 2 years
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Lmao, so this one is going to be a crazy!
Reader who in fun tries to summon a demon with her friends and ends up proposing a marriage to the demon in joke. Nothing happens. But as soon as her friends left and she is left cleaning there, the demon actually appears and accepts her offer and refuses to leave. The demon is serious about the proposal and considers her his wife. She eventually gives and by time they do adjust and actually end up falling for each other??? (Btw, the demon is only visible to those he wishes to see him. So whenever reader goes to work he accompanies her.)
(you can choose any one between Kokushibo or Akaza to write for this. And I'm sorry if it's too much to ask or causes any issue-)
(warning for demon summoning if that makes you uncomfortable. I just made up some stuff for this based off video games where that happened hope that's ok.)
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"Let's summon a demon!"
A thunderstorm rolled across the sky that night. The sun was just setting over the horizon with the last few rays of daylight disappearing but it was hard to tell when the dark storm clouds took over the sky and claimed them as their own. Thunder shaking the lanes of the windows and lightning sounded off like an angry whip from whatever deity was angrily stomping around the clouded skies, lighting up the sky and city below for nothing but a brief second.
It would've been absolutely dark if you hadn't lit up a few candles inside the comfy room and placed them on the table to light up the room. The warm light comforting against the scary night sky that just appeared as the last few daylights were chased away. The candlelight was pretty but you might be asking yourself one question. Why are you using candles to light up the room when you can just turn on the light switch on the wall or use a flashlight like a normal person?
Well because it wasn't your idea. It was your friend's. 
If it were up to you, your bedroom light would've been on in an instant and you four wouldn't be sitting here in the dark. But as another thunder clap shook the sky outside, her face had scrunched up into a mischievous grin wide enough to let the other three ladies around her know that she had come up with a devious idea. It started when of your friends said that they were bored during the usual sleep over activities and so you suggested watching a scary movie instead! 
"How about The Death Book?"
"What's it about?"
"It's about this girl who finds this blank diary and everything she writes in it becomes true! It turns out the diary is possessed by a demon who becomes obsessed with her and grants her wishes with horrible twists!"
That's when your most devious friend gotten that look before hijacking the convo. "I have a better idea! Y/n, you have any candles?"
"Only scented candles. Why?"
"That'll work! Go get them all and we'll do something that's actually thrilling!"
You had no idea what she was talking about but decided to humor her and go get them and matches she asked for. You had a few scented candles collecting up space in your closet, most were Christmas gifts you were just planning on regifting that year anyways since you never really used them. But you were curious about what your friend was up too so you grabbed up all the bars, the different scents making your nose snort, and brought them out to everyone watching you take them out of your closet and plopping them down on your bed. Your friend then proceeded to grab a glass jar containing a 'holiday sugar cookie' scented white candle, lit it, and then got up to turn off the lights and ask you to close the curtains. 
Oh! She wanted to do the classic ghost story telling in the dark game! Nope. As soon as you turned around and you along with your other two friends looked at her, the statement left her mouth.
"Let's summon a demon!"
The three of you stared at her and her smile lit up by the scented candle, a nice scent of sugar cookies in the air. The only sounds being the thunder still rumbling outside. Eventually one of you broke the weird silence.
"You mean like...Use a ouija board? That's something everyone does at sleepovers-"
"No! I meant actually summon a demon!," she corrected excitedly clenching a fist!
"Uh..Have you lost your dam mind?"
"Oh come on! We all know that ghosts and stuff don't exist anyways!" She waved a hand dismissively. "We've tried using a ouija board since we were ten but nothing ever happened so why not try taking it up a notch!"
"Because it sounds like a waste of time." You deadpanned raising a brow. "Why go through all the effort to do something when we already KNOW that it's just stupid Hollywood stuff?"
"For the thrill of it!" You three looked at each other. Two of you having bored looks while the third looked worried. "Come on! Just this once! And if nothing happens I'll pay for two pizzas from that pizza place we all like!"
"...Throw in those chicken tenders and a couple sodas and you have a deal," your bored friend bluntly stated.
"I don't know.." Your friend that looked worried frowned. "This is how a bunch of horror stories start. What if something really happens?"
"PSH. It won't. If nothing happened when we used a ouija board then we got nothing to worry about!"
"And you just magically happen to know how to summon a demon how?"
"Not just a demon!" Her hand pointed up as she grinned. "A Yokai!"
"A yo-..What?"
"A Yokai! Or oni if you prefer to call it that instead! It's a Japanese spirit!"
"We know what that is! And you happen to know that how?"
"During my culture studies at school I was studying the local folklore and stumbled onto an old legend of the area! They say that a night monster used to roam the lands and strike down people every full moon until a shrine was put up for him. It's still there now! I visited it during a school trip!" She explained excitedly. "I did an interview with the caretaker for my extra credit report and it turns out his family's descendants of the shrine maidens that used to be there!"
"That's good and all but that still doesn't answer my question."
Your friend groaned loudly and slumped her shoulders with an eye roll. "He said the shrine maidens used to have a symbiotic relationship with the specific oni. They'd perform a ritual once a year on a new moon or full moon to summon him and leave him really good offerings. If he liked it enough he might grant you something in return!"
"And he told you how to summon this thing?"
"Yeah because he didn't believe in it. I don't either since ghosts and goblins only exist in books and movies. But what's the harm? If nothing happens I'm buying everyone food and we can have a good laugh if we do happen to summon something we might get a wish granted! Whaddya say?"
There was more silence from you three until your bored friend sighed and rolled her eyes from where she sat. "Fine I guess. Sounds like a win win situation. And I wouldn't mind getting an A on my next math exam."
You sighed. "Alright. Let's just get this over with."
"That's the spirit! But first thing's first!.. Does anyone know if it's a new or full moon tonight?"
Your nervous friend, who still looked nervous, had to pull out her phone and look it up online. The glow of the screen making her face light up in the dark as the thunder still rang out and the first few raindrops began hitting the roof of your home.
"Full moon b-b-but does it count if the storm is blocking out the sky?"
"He only told me it has to be a full of new moon, not that you had to see the moon. We're also gonna  need right white candles to represent the right moon phases, something red to draw the symbols in, and an offering from each of us that has some kind of connection to our wishes!" Her eyes lit up in excitement. "Let's try it out!"
If it got you free food and your rowdiest friend to be quiet, then you weren't going to complain. So you four got to work. A friend found an extra red lipstick when she dug out her bag and like you said before, you had a bunch of scented candles you weren't using....but that begs the question.
"Does scented candles even count?" You gazed down at two white scented candles with the scents labeled 'fresh morning snow' and 'shortbread blast'. 
"He just said that the candles had to be white, not that they couldn't be scented."
"Yeah. But there's another problem. I only have seven white candles. .." Your eyes looked around the mini candle collection. The others were different colors like the red one that smelt like cinnamon and the purplish-black one labeled 'midnight lilacs'. Eventually you found a glimmer of white in the limited darkness with only your phone to see, and pulled out a candle that was half white half brown labeled 'chocolate and vanilla delight'. "I got a brown and white one. Does that count?"
"We're gonna have to make due with it. Well just put the white half facing the center and maybe that'll help."
Well if that's all you had then you four really were going to have to make due with what you had on hand. One friend helped you cleared up space in your room at least a yard and a half clear, while your devious friend drew red lipstick marks onto your floor and the fourth began placing the candles in a circle around her lighting them up as she went until both stepped away and you four were left looking down at the circle of eight candles and three symbols in the center of them. Lightning clashed outside behind the curtains barely lighting up the room but you managed to make out three words written in Japanese kanji in red lipstick.
Upper. Moon. And One.
You didn't know what that meant but it was ominous in your eyes. The room smelt far too heavy with the pretty scents of sugar cookies, vanilla, daisies, and a few other scents. It was overwhelming and one of you snorted from it all.
"Dam. It smells like someone spilt the entire isle of Fabreath from Wallace-Market in here." She waved a hand before pinching her nose and turning to her. "So what now?"
"Now we put down an offering related to what we want to wish for? Like if you wanted to wish for a million dollars you put down like some rare collector coins or something! Just look around and see what you got!"
While the others looked through their bags, you mindlessly searched around the room for something meaningless you could just throw meaninglessly into the circle. Your eyes gazed over at your jewelry box...and you shrugged. Why not? You had a pair of thick hooped silver earrings your uncle gave you for your birthday last year. They were even real silver, just cheap copper ones painted to look silver. You never wore them anyways so they'd be perfect for this. You opened up the lid narrowing your eyes into a squint. Despite the light of your phone, it was hard to see in the dark. Your hand moved things around inside the box. Old necklaces and things jingling until you saw them. Ah! There they were! Right next to your great grandparents' wedding rings. Now THOSE were actually worth a lot. Real gold and studded with real diamonds. You inherited them box along with their old jewelry box but that didn't matter right now. You wanted the useless tacky earrings next to them. Even now most of the shiny silver paint had peeled off revealing the cheap copper hoops underneath.
"C'mon Y/n! Hurry up! I want that pizza as soon as possible!"
You looked around mindlessly just reaching in and grabbing two round things into your hand. "Coming!"
"What did you grab?" Her brow rose as you just rolled your eyes. 
"Just some old jewelry. What about you?"
She held up an ink stone. Probably got it from her school bag. "I was gonna use it for an art project but since I want an A for my exam and I have to write on the test, it was a good enough match."
"Sounds like a good start."
Your other two friends pulled out a book on rare poetry and a small bag of store bought mochi candy. ...Strange offering but you guessed it was the only thing that they could find. Your friend instructed you all placed the offerings on the strange words in Japanese and stepped back without a second thought to look at them....And you four stood there in your pajamas with nothing but the candles to light up the darkness and the rain still pounding at your rooftop.
Silence other than the storm rang out and you four looked around the room exchanging looks sometimes.
".....Is that it?"
"I told you it was a waste of time! Let's just get some food now. I'm starving!"
"Wait! I forgot about the last important step!" She held up her hands as your mutual grumpy and hungry friend turned to go flip on the light switch. "I need to chant the incantation and then we have to say what we want!"
Her arms folded. "Well get on with it! I'm hungry and this is really not fun!"
"Alright, alright! Let me try to remember what the guy told me!"
She stood there staring at the mess of lit candles and lipstick smeared kanji scrunching her brows in deep thought. You and your grumpy friend exchanged mirrored deadpanned looks before she cleared her throat and held her arms out.
"Full moon on the rise. New moon hides from eyes. Abyss of darkness conquering the skies! We summon, summon him from the ground. To our circle lit and round. Oh one who walks the path of Moon, we come once more to ask you soon! Come from slumber, to seek out what we offer! Great one of Moon bound light, we ask for you to once more walk the night!"
Her voice shouted out loud enough that you were sure you'd be getting a complaint from the neighbors tomorrow morning. As she finished her chant, a lightning bolt struck out temporarily lighting up the sky outside as the rain poured out...As you all waited looking around more.
"Would you look at that? Nothing happened again. NOW can we get food?"
"Wait! We didn't say what we wanted yet!," she protested to her, "The wish is a part of the ritual so let's complete it ok?!" Your friend groaned but she quickly excitedly exclaimed. "I wish my mom would finally give me the secrets to famous udon recipe so I can start selling it myself!"
"Um..." You nervous friend cautiously and worriedly looked around the dark room. "C-Can I m-meet my favorite author please? O-Only if that's ok! I'm fine if nothing happens really!"
"Oh what the hell. I want an A on my next exam."
...All three looked at you expectantly. "What?"
"Say something, Y/n." 
"Like what?"
"I don't know. What did you put down?"
You shrugged. "Some cheap jewelry I don't want honestly."
"OOOH. Wish for something good then! Oh! Oh! I see you always sitting by yourself! Ask him to get you a boyfriend?," you friend teased making you laugh.
"Really? We summon a Yokai just for me to ask him for a boyfriend? If he was real, he'd probably think I was crazy."
"Well it doesn't have to be a boyfriend. You can ask for a sign of who you're meant to be with." That devious smile returned again. "Y'know that caretaker guy told me a lot of maidens would pay the shrine maidens to do rituals and summon the onis as offered brides in exchange for good fortune for their villages. Why don't you ask him to put a ring on it? You'd be the first person to be get a real life monster boyfriend. All the monster lovers on the Internet would be so jealous."
"Plus you're beautiful," your grumpy friend added also with a teasing grin. "You made home coming and prom queen in highschool!"
You laughed again. "Looks aren't everything." You could barely contain the giggles. You then rolled your eyes sarcastically. "But sure." Your hands clasped together and pressed against your chest as you spoke. "Oh great Oni please hear my pleas for your heart!" Even your nervous friend giggled along now as you dramatically fell to your knees. "Bind our blood in ceremony and let me share your name." A hand outstretched to no one as you fake acted out processing your love to an invisible imaginary person. "Under the stars of the heavens, I solemly swear, that this hand will always be kind and never cruel. That my voice will only speak truth. That this life is now forever yours." The outstretched hand pretended to take the imaginary person's hand. "Now as yours is mine."
A loud snort went off as one of your friends fell back on your bed where she sat giggling out the cheesy lines you were making up on the fly.
"Bind our souls to infinity and I will promise you love and devotion through sickness and health and beyond the realms of death." You continued to speak remembering some lines from a rom com chick flick you saw last night. "I will love you in all your forms now and forever. Through several lifetimes and back." Your voice was low and smooth now speaking it like you meant it with pride. "From now to infinity. Unyielding. Untainted. Undeniable. With this voice I promise you my love and heart. With this offering, I ask you to be mine!" You then bowed your forehead to the floor as everyone continued to giggle loudly. 
You all continued to laugh and laugh and laugh as you finally broke into laughs again too and sat back up- 
And then all the candles went out at the same time.
Pitch black immediately enveloped the room and at once all laughs ceased. Nothing but silence rang out other than the rain and thunder and occasional strike of lightning. You four stayed silent as you all say there in the dark before your friend became grumpy again.
"Ok. Haha. Very funny, Y/n. Now we can't see shit!"
"That..w-wasnt me," you stuttered out staring at the floor in front of you silently and wide eyed.
"Sure it wasn't. You're literally kneeling in front of them!"
"I don't have the ability to blow out right giant candles at once! Besides some of them were out of my reached! I'd have to crawl over! It wasn't me!" 
"Well it's not me! I'm standing up!"
"It wasn't me!" "I'm sitting all the way over here on the bed."
Silence fell Once Again as you all sat there 
"....It must've just been a draft! There's no such thing as ghosts and demons! Get the light! I'm tired of this game now!"
Someone was heard stumbling and shuffling around in the dark before you heard hands patting along the wall and then a serious of clicks as someone tried turning on the lights. "It won't turn on!"
"No one panic!" Someone finally turned on the flashlight on their phone and lit up the room. "The storm just cut out the power supply. Let's just get some food and call it a night!"
"Wait! The offerings!"
The light shines towards the middle of the circle. One bag of mochi candy, an ink stone, and a book still laid there. Where was your earrings? You pushed the book aside and froze as you realized that it wasn't a cheap pair of earrings that greeted you..but one beautiful gold ring. 
"My great grandmother's ring!" You quickly snatched it up safely into your hands in horror. "I-I must've grabbed them by mistake!" Wait. You remembered feeling two hoops in your hands. "My great grandfather's ring!" Quickly you pushed aside everything else and was horrified to discover that it was gone. "IT'S MISSING!!"
"Calm down. It must've rolled away or someone accidentally kicked it in the dark. It's still around here."
"Yeah. And so is everything else. I CALLED IT! I TOLD you it wasn't gonna work! Now order the food!"
"B-But my ring!"
"It's too dark to look with the power out. Let's just wait until it's day time and then we'll look around. Ok?"
"I-...*sigh* Alright."
"GREAT! Now let's eat. And don't forget the chicken and drinks!"
Little did all of you know that the curtains were moved back on their own. Six eyes staring at your beautiful face and a glittering gold band wrapped around his ring finger.
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zablife · 3 months
Lee congratulations on 2.5K!!!
🎉👏🏻🙌🏻 for your celebration, can I request a story with this gif? 🥰xxx
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Thanks, Mar! I love the GIF you chose! Even in profile his baby blues are striking 😍 For this one, I chose to write about a young Tommy going to pick up his gf. As promised, the blurb took a naughty turn which I hope you'll find entertaining.
18+ MDNI
Just a Peek
Tommy held his breath until his lungs burned for oxygen, listening for the sounds of your household to quiet for the evening. When he finally heard your father's rumbled snoring reverberating through the wall, he knew his time had come. With crisp blue eyes eagerly darting back and forth, he ventured a hand between the lace curtains at your window to beckon you away for a night of revelry.
Ready to hoist you over the peeled and cracking windowsill as he'd done many nights before, he hesitated at the sight of your nakedness. Suddenly his mouth went dry, a lump anxiously forming in his throat, as he found himself unable to announce his presence. He knew a gentleman would look away, but somehow he couldn't stop himself from having just a small peek. Stepping back into shadow, he watched you move about the room in silent awe.
The way the flickering, orange candlelight illuminated the soft curves of your body made his heartbeat quicken in his chest, pulse rising steadily as you shifted to reveal the pebbled flesh of your breasts, nipples hardened from the cool night air. A slight breeze carried the notes of jasmine in your perfume toward him, filling his senses with a desperate need to hold you close, feeling those stiff peaks press against his shirtfront.
With every toss of your hair, he imagined gathering fistfuls in his hand as he took you in his lap, a languid fuck that would make you moan in sweet, breathy gasps. The pleasure so overwhelming you might shed a tear onto his shoulder. Thinking of you in the throes of passion made his breathing grow irregular, made worse when you decided to bend forward to retrieve your dress. Tommy gulped harshly at the sight of your glistening core, a throbbing ache growing in his trousers as his fantasies ran wild. He couldn't help but picture himself behind you, fingers clutching your hips as he buried himself in your tightness.
Despite the chill outside, he felt heat rising in his cheeks as he remembered anyone could find him there leaking into his pants like a schoolboy. Leaning down to rearrange himself, he heard the distinct lilt of your voice and his head shot up to find you leaning out to greet him.
"Have you been here long?" you asked nonchalantly, toying with the buttons of his shirt.
He cleared his throat, wondering if he should say. Shifting his weight nervously, he finally asked, "Did you know I was watching?"
Stroking a manicured hand down his face, you flashed a wicked smile. "I wanted you to."
Zablife Sleepover
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coqxettee · 8 months
Lipstick stained love letters, cups of warm coffee, red splashed everywhere, winter bleeding into Spring, slow evenings by candlelight, dark chocolate and rom-com movie marathons. Early Sunday baking, pyjama days, writing in your diary about your latest crush, romance novel reading, candy hearts and pink skies at dusk ༄₊♡⋆
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candlelightdiaries · 3 months
This blog is likely going to have more than one post per day. I just got a lot of thoughts, ya know?
I just had an amazing spiritual experience with a friend of mine who is pagan, and I think I understand a little bit better what serenity feels like. We were drawing tarot cards to see what our topic of conversation should be after our AA meeting tomorrow morning and she pulled a card and I lit a candle on my alter then pulled the tower. At first I was scared because I was like “oh shit, more crazy shit is about to be happening in my life, idk if I can handle this”. I started reflecting to her about how I’ve been having these mini mental breakdowns lately and how overwhelmed I feel about change, and how stressed out I’ve been even just thinking about the concept of my higher power. I told her that I’m afraid I’m not a witch or pagan because I really want to be. I’ve always felt drawn to it. I told her about how I don’t know what is right and what is wrong to believe and while I know there is no right or wrong but I’m scared there is. I’ve had so much stress and change lately but I didn’t realize I needed to get thi out. I feel like she is one of the few people I can talk to about the Powers That Be because there aren’t a ton of pagans/witches in AA, at the very least that I know about in my area. I left the candle on the whole conversation because I wanted to invite the Powers That Be into the conversation. I felt such a sense of peace and continued to meditate after we ended the call. My friend said she would help me as much as she can on my journey into a spiritual practice and it feels so good to know that I’m not alone in figuring this out. I’m so stuck on doing everything “right” that I’m keeping myself from actually practicing my beliefs. I need to start reading the books that I have on witchcraft and paganism and actually figure out my beliefs and what my options are. I like having something organized and structured to go off of when it comes to the Powers That Be but I think I need to accept that I need to make my own structure. That doesn’t mean I can’t have help from those around me but I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I want a sense of comfort from my higher power and to not feel alone in a spiritual sense. I don’t want a “me vs them” attitude, I want a “we’re in this together” attitude with the Powers That Be.
I sat and watched the candle after we got off the phone and the flame remained steady. This made me feel a sense of comfort, knowing that things would be okay and the Powers That Be were and still are with me. Drawing the tower card feels like a blessing. I thought that our conversation tomorrow would have to be about more shit that’s going to happen in my life, but in reality I just needed to talk about the chaos and change that is going on currently in my life, I just needed to let it out today. The right time for the conversation was tonight and I am so thankful to the Powers That Be for guiding me and helping me to be open with my friend, because it has helped me so much. Thank you, whatever is out there.
I feel like I could write forever about this. I have so many feelings and thoughts but I think it might be best to just have a quiet night to reflect. I feel like I’m in this meditative and spiritual state and I don’t want to lose it because it feels amazing. My friend and I are going to meet sometime soon one-on-one to talk more about this and I’m actually really exited to. I want this to be a fun journey of learning and finding my beliefs.
What I’ve learned tonight is that I am not alone with my thoughts and there is so much value in sharing them with other people. I am so grateful for my friend and I’m grateful to whatever is out there that I will come to believe in. It’s okay to not know what’s going on and it’s okay to talk about those things. I have a taste of peacefulness and comfort and I want to keep it around. I got this, I am going to be okay. Maybe this is what I need to help give up control and follow the will of the Powers That Be. Goodnight.
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gojoroui · 5 months
what do your moots remind you of?
tysm for turning this in nonnie, i was really exited to try this <3 & the fact i thought i had NO MOOTS when i literally have like 33 💀
@wvnrqs — ribbons & bows, old newspapers, pretty swans, tulips, bubbles during a summer day, vintage books
@ode2rin — cats, plushies, desserts, pillow sheets, clouds during a sunset, slice of life vlogs
@yuzurins — chirping birds in pretty meadows, bubble tea, spring mornings, green tea, flowers, plants
@okkalo — golden coins, rainbows, duckies, cardigans, soft breeze at night, lakes, cherries
@noomon — the sun, diaries, simple yet beautiful things, love letters, projectors, mini fireworks
@yoisami — serenity, raindrops falling down a window, youth, modeling posters, strawberries, bunnies
@mikareo — twinkling stars, lattes, romance k dramas, museum of arts, recording studios, eclipse
@rinzsu — instagram posts, cookies, snowman, masquerade balls, photo albums, the beach
@hanrinz — stars, k-pop concerts, snowflakes, headphones, mini skirts, candles on a rainy day
@rosequarzo — japanese folktale, lucky money, headphones, fantasize by ariana grande, toast, waking up at 2am for a snack
@adoregojo — modern universities, polaroids, black & white manga, hairclips, milk tea, bonnets
@riekiss — winter wonderland, snow angels, jewelry, dolphins bumping noses, mini skirts, slowly plucking petals off a flower
@popponn — frogs ofc, matcha, perfectly healthy & straight grass, keroppi, bootcut jeans, chanel soap
@rewh0re — autumn leaves, wooden instruments, music notes, greek & rome mythology, poetry, sacred monuments
@y2kuromi — sand castles, colorful ice cream flavors, perfect pair by beabadoobee, staying up to talk with friends until 1am, pretty seashells, butterflies
@pokkomi — glitter & sparkles, staring at clouds, fantasy genre, cargos, hello kitty, angels
@yunymphs — models, laufey, coquette aesthetic, anything gucci, attractive girls, money
@520cafe — sparrows, cats chasing after yarn strings, thirsty by aespa, picture frames, rice with soy sauce, playlists
@etoiile — lipstick, fashion, staring at the starry night sky, french cookies, milk, daisies
@moonswolfie — coffee, studying with a candlelight during a rainy day, scarves, autumn breeze, biscuits, puppies
@kyoghurts — saturn, friendly aliens, lipstick stains on a white shirt, peach eyes by wave to earth, carp streamers, chalk
@kxttqi — lilies, sunrise & sunsets, lion cubs, melting candles, strawberries, pretty instagram posts
@kaiser1ns — book shelves, j-pop, cheesecake, birthday streamers, lucky money, tigers
@rninies — aventurine, unforgiven by le sserefim, pochacco, mangoes, flip phones, figurine boxes
@iluvies — kaomoji, koi ponds, expensive restaurants, red velvet cake, pottery, bunnies that have their nose scrunched up
@lovedazai — sweet bananas, lily of the valley, bouquet of roses, the smell when you walk into a bakery, prom nights, fairytales
@scopuo — jjk theme song, video games, dvds, tote bags, japanese apartments, thrift stores
@culturity — watching edits at 3am, stargirl, cleared remix by lilithzplug, nokia phone, laces, ramen
@myuroll — my melody, rubber duckies, alice from wonderland, koi fishes, cake rolls, the feeling when when someone gives you a compliment
@noirflms — flower petals, cherry blossoms, coquette clothing, hoodies, pinterest whispers, apocalypse by cigs after sex
@wishmemel — wish me mell, chocolate covered strawberries, the moon, pretty nails, new york at night, mcdonald’s chicken nuggets
@saelique — ocean waves, san-x, doves, kindergarteners (bc ur cute & fun ^^), friends to lovers trope, headphones, staying in bed for 5 more minutes b4 school
@yeritos — pudding, iced coffee, pearl necklaces, mesmerizing color palettes, skipping rocks, mary jane shoes, lamp
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Dates and Rewards Translations (2023-24)
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“And if you set this brain of mine afire, upon my blood I then will carry you.”
[The dates are listed chronologically, from the newest to the oldest]
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✦ Candlelight (烛火之约)
Subbed Video
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✦ Canned (罐头之约)
Translation Thread + Tidbits
Subbed Video
✦ Mundane (琐碎约会)
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✦ Reliance (依靠之约)
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✦ MQ: Burning Imprints (灼痕)
Mind Quest: Part 1 || Part 2
Accompanying ASMR
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✦ Former Times (昔年约会)
Birthday Date
Subbed Video
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✦ Metropolis (都会之约)
Subbed Video
✦ Cold Mountain (凛冬之约)
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✦ Luolan (楼兰之约)
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✦ Carefree Years (岁月无忧)
Carbon Pen and Glass Beads Event Stories: Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || Day 7
✦ Nostalgic Memories (旧忆之约)
Subbed Video
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✦ Enthrallment (着迷之约)
✦ MQ: Melding Into You (纵融流入你)
Mind Quest
Accompanying ASMR
Subbed Video
✦ Sea Voyage (寻海之约)
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✦ Confrontation (对抗之约)
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✦ Endearing (可爱之约)
Event stories: mum’s smile || little gentleman || art and love || mum’s companionship || endearing thoughts
Home Decoration Model
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✦ Springtime Revival (逢春之约)
Prologue and Day 1
Diary entries: Day 2 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || Day 7 || Day 8 || Day 9 || Day 10 || Day 11 || Day 12
✦ Heart in Flames (心焰之约)
Calls and Moments
Subbed Video
✦ Sweet Tangerine Date (蜜橘之约)
✦ MQ: Not the Slightest Gap (至无隙无间)
Mind Quest
Exclusive Radio
Subbed Video
✦ Snowy (漫雪之约)
Birthday Story
Birthday Epilogue
Birthday Video Call
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sacrificethelamb · 2 years
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Relaxing ✨
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selmasemlan · 3 months
Epic encounters - A Marcel Gerard FanFic
Series master list
This is a story about a girl, who finds herself in a world filled with all sorts of powerful creatures. And while she's at it, she meets a prince trying to become a king. And their love would be known by all.
Pairing: Marcel Gerard x Luna Salvatore (OFC)
Univers: Crossover of The Vampire Diaries + Teen Wolf (+ very lightly Supernatural)
Author note: I'll try to put everything in chronological order of the story. This will include random moments in the lives of Luna and Marcel. It's a story about two individuals in love who grow together and separately as people. With some changes, the plot will follow the shows Teen Wolf and The Originals. There will be a lot of original (my own) plot.
If you guys have any requests for this series, let me know. I'm open to everything.
Warning: Elena bashing (never liked her, so won't even pretend here), angst, light Scott bashing (have a hate-love to him), softness of soft, series situations and conversations, PTSD, mental health, betrayal, mention of abuse and harassment.
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Info about the universe
Info we have right now
Couples in Marcel x Luna Universe
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The Story
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Before season 3 of Teen Wolf and season 3 of The Vampire Diaries
Crash into something epic - The First Meeting
Summary: Stefan, facing his mortality, implores Damon to promise to spend the summer with Luna for her happiness. Reluctantly agreeing, Damon and Luna's journey to New Orleans unfolds, leading to an unexpected encounter with Marcel Gerard, marking the beginning of a potentially life-changing adventure.
Serendipity in the Crescent City
Summary: Marcel knows there is something between him and Luna, he just needs a chance.
Echoes of Love
Summary: Marcel asks Luna about her past before the Salvatores
Be mine
Summary: In the enchanting summer air of New Orleans, Marcel and Luna's deepening friendship blossoms into a romantic relationship when Marcel asks Luna to be his girlfriend
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During Season 3 of Teen Wolf and Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries
The Bond That Isn't Broken
Summary: How is it that Klaus knows and respects Luna. You're about to find out.
Too Soon, But So Right
Summary: A night that almost leads to more, but those that wait, never wait too long
One call away
Summary: A video call between Luna and Marcel brings comfort and love, bridging the distance between them on a challenging day.
Introducing the partner to the brothers
Summary: Luna introduces Stiles and Isaac to Marcel
Shadows of Betrayal
Summary: Possessed by the Nogitsune, Luna unleashes a wave of dark energy against her friends, her vision blurred and actions twisted by a sinister force. In a moment of lucidity, she pleads for a way to stop the destruction, but Scott's harsh decision to knock her out leaves Isaac determined to save her, his heart heavy with sorrow and resolve.
Luna's Triumph Over Shadows
Summary: In a harrowing mental battle against the Nogitsune, Luna Salvatore confronts her deepest fears and emerges victorious, fortified by her inner strength and the unwavering support of her loved ones. Her resolve to face the future is strengthened, knowing she is no longer alone in her fight against the darkness.
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During season 1 of The Originals, season 4 of Teen Wolf and a little of season 4 of The Vampire Diaries
In the Arms of New Orleans Part 2
Summary: Stefan and Rebekah rush Luna to Marcel's arms in New Orleans after a near-fatal attack, finding solace and protection in his embrace.
The Queen of New Orleans
Summary: As Elijah tries to make peace across the supernatural community of New Orleans, an important factor joins the game
Summary: In a cozy evening setting, Luna playfully prompts Marcel to share about his past relationships, leading to a heartfelt conversation where they both open up about their exes and reflect on the importance of trust and respect in their budding romance. Amidst candlelight and shared vulnerabilities, they deepen their bond and solidify their commitment to each other, finding solace and strength in their mutual honesty and connection.
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During season 2 of The Originals
A trip to France
Summary: A trip to Paris with the troublesome trio, leaders to, you guessed it, trouble.
Moonlight Conversations
Summary: A conversation about the future shows us how much Marcel and Luna love each other.
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During season 3 of The Originals
Reunited at Marcel's Loft
Summary: Luna and Marcel, reunited in the warmth of his loft after time apart, share a deeply emotional and intimate night, reaffirming their unbreakable bond through tender embraces, passionate kisses, and whispered declarations of love.
Dance of Shadows
Summary: The Strix has arrived, and Marcel and Luna face them together.
A Parents approval 
Summary: In the depths of the Mikaelson mansion, Luna's earnest defense of Marcel's loyalty leads to a rare moment of understanding and approval between Klaus and Marcel, ultimately strengthening their bond and affirming Luna's place in the family.
Promises Made
Summary: A tense evening unfolds as Luna's deep anxiety leads her to urge Marcel to take extreme precautions before a dangerous meeting, fearing for his safety and their future together.
Near death's door (Part 2 of Promises Made)
Summary: Luna's worst fears almost come true as she and Klaus face a terrifying moment of grief, but luck is still on their side
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Random moments across the timeline
Playing Cupid - Damon x Bonnie
Summary: When your siblings decide to play cupid, but it doesn't go as planned
Playing Cupid 2
Summary: Over winter break, Luna, Stiles, and Isaac visit Mystic Falls and, while staying with Damon and Stefan Salvatore, they concoct humorous and heartfelt plans to bring Stefan and Rebekah together, navigating mishaps and comedic failures along the way, only to ultimately succeed in strengthening their bond.
Moonlight in New Orleans
Summary: Marcel and Luna share a tender, moonlit dance in his New Orleans loft, finding solace and reaffirming their love amidst the city's vibrant energy and their own recent turmoil.
4 moments Luna flinched
Summary: 4 moments where Luna shows how her trauma effects her in her everyday life
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More coming soon.......
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ghostvvitch · 11 months
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Celebrating All Saints’ Day 🕯️
Instead of Halloween most people in my country celebrate All Saints’ Day. There are Halloween parties and all that, but we don’t do trick or treating.
I love it because there’s always so many candles burning and taking a walk in cemeteries in the evening is supremely beautiful and calm.
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pussywinegirl · 5 months
The feminine urge to write in a diary by candlelight
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