#new witch
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theantarwitch · 9 minutes ago
Witchcraft have a lot of great things but it have a lot of harsh things too. If was so easy, so great 24/7, so perfect, so 100% bulletproof, everyone would be doing it with a lot of epic success.
But is not. Is like any serious hard profession. Researchers are not finding cures each second, they spend a lot of time breaking their heads, learning, failing non stop, having burnout, getting angry and tired for moments.
We are the neurosurgeons of the magical world, the metaphysician of the no physical, the quantum engineer of the beyond.
Witchcraft sometimes SUCK, and is fine, is good, it is supposed to suck sometimes. Like life itself.
Shout out to the people for whom Witchcraft and the Gods totally fucking suck sometimes
A few years ago, I was being mocked in a Discord server by someone who believed that if I was having a difficult relationship with my primary god, then that was my fault and I needed to "be better."
He's a god of Witchcraft, I tried to say. He's the Folkloric Devil. He can be an asshole. Sometimes, working with him is very difficult.
The person implied it was a phase and that they hoped I "figured it out" because the gods would ~*nEvEr*~ ever behave as complete cunts.
I see great posts around. "Witchcraft isn't supposed to be stressful! Witchcraft shouldn't give you anxiety! If you don't like your witchcraft, stop doing it! Change it!"
It's a great message, in general. But what if you can't? What if you shouldn't?
I see these support posts side-by-side with posts like, "where is all the advanced witchcraft? People should post more of their path!"
I hate to say it out loud and in such a boorish way, but a lot of the time, "advanced witchcraft" is tedious. It's a chore. It's making pacts that you can't back out of, that become burdensome responsibilities.
(Not trying to get into a discussion about what constitutes "advanced witchcraft" so I'm going to stop using that term)
There are a lot of people out there who are now bound to paths that they don't really like, didn't intend to become a part of, are having difficulty changing, or who are going through a phase where everything fucking sucks, but they are still dedicated to seeing it through to the end.
So, anyway. If you feel the gods have betrayed you, if you feel trapped in your practice, if you feel exhausted by the responsibilities you have taken upon yourself, if you feel like things are being taken away from you, if your Craft feels like a chore: you are not alone.
And from time to time I get really burned out on posts that seek to make witchcraft and the gods so accessible for beginners that anything that gets a tiny bit serious, or tedious, or burdensome, or scary, is erased. And called fearmongering. Or called gatekeeping.
I think it would just be nice for time to time that people who are not beginners, and who are struggling, also get community support. And not erased or shut down just because their lived experiences might be scary to a hypothetical beginner.
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foodandfolklore · 10 months ago
Kitchen Witch Cheat Sheet
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It can be so confusing remembering all the different properties of food. Flat out over whelming to be honest. So instead of having a long sheet with every food you cook with and 10 properties it could have, start with this. It'll be a rule of thumb to help remember some basics.
If a food is spicy or has a lot of energy/Passion, it likely has the element Fire. Black Tea, Chocolate, and Jalapenos are examples.
If a food is very light or fragrant, it likely had the element Air. Onions, Herbs, and whipped cream are examples.
If a food is juicy, runny, or comes from the ocean/lake, it likely has the element Water. Apples, Milk, and Fish are examples.
If a food doesn't fit into any of the previous categories, chances are it has the Element Earth since all food comes from the earth.
Any food that has been a backbone staple will have Prosperity properties. Rice, Wheat, Oats, Cabbage, Quinoa; anything that has allowed a people to prosper.
Foods that have spent a lot of time directly in the ground will have strong Grounding properties. Beets, Potatoes, Carrots, and other root vegetables. Additionally, foods that have been through a grounding process also tend to have good Grounding properties. Coffee and Ground Meat for example.
Spicy spices are good for banishing and protection. Black pepper, Cayenne, Chili Flakes, Gochujang ect. If you hate spicy food, stick with Salt and maybe Garlic/Onion powder.
There will be some exceptions and overlap. This is just to help if you're starting.
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lilianasgrimoire · 11 months ago
Witches & Witchcraft: Types & Definitions
There is an abundance of types of witches, some being more common than others, for example, death witch or hedge witch. I have provided the different types of witches with a brief description/definition of what they study, believe and tools most commonly used for each.
The types of witchcraft is entirely up to the individual which they prefer to do. One person may only follow on type of magick whereas another may follow several. Listed are a handful of the many kinds, but I'm listing the most common/known types of magick/witchcraft that people fall into.
I have grouped some witches together as they fit together under the same or similar definitions.
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Types of Witches
Religious witches;
Christian, Satanic (Theistic), Laveyan Satanic, Hellenic, Celtic and Wiccan, etc. are witches that follow a primary belief system and incorporate their religion into the craft.
Non-Religious witches;
Secular - doesn't work with [a] deity(ies).
Science - (also a craft type), uses metaphysical and scientific fads and theories mixed together.
Other types of witches;
Solitary - works alone and is not part of a coven. Won't typically work with other witches for spell work or any part of their practice.
Eclectic - a practice that includes multiple practises from different areas. A mixture of all practices, may practise one more than another, or all equally.
Hereditary/Generational - a witch who is born into a family whom practice the craft. The term 'Blood witch' is often a hot topic of controversy as to whether it makes one a more powerful witch.
Traditional - a type that is based on honouring the traditional ways of magick, which also ties in nicely with generational/hereditary witches.
Chaotic/Chaos - a witch who utilizes new, non-traditional and unorthodox methods. It's still relatively new and highly individualistic practice while still drawing from common forms of magick.
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Types of Witchcraft/Magick
Green Witch; A witch who uses natural magick, such as creating blends of different plants, or primarily using herbs and/or crystals spells in their craft. Tools mostly consist of herbs, crystals, stones, flowers, soil or other greenery.
Hedge Witch; Also know as an astral witch, this type of magick is orientated around spiritual work such as astral projection, lucid dreaming, spirit work, healing and out-of-body magick. Tools mostly consist tarot cards, runes, pendulum, stones, crystal ball, mirrors & candles.
Dream Witch; Mindful and internal magickal practice mainly based from interpreting dreams and/or engaging in lucid dreaming. Practises used to 'de-code' symbols and messages in the dream world can be used similarly to how one would use divination techniques. Tools mostly consist of dream catchers, candles, books of glossaries of symbols.
Sea/Ocean; Derived from materials and abstract ideas involving ocean and the oceanic world. Sea or ocean magick can be worked with by using things found on or relating to a beach/lagoon. A sea witch might draw their energy from such tools. Tools commonly consist of driftwood, pebbles/stones, seashells, ocean water, bones, seaweed, candles.
Storm/Weather; magick used through combining one's energy with the weather; most commonly rain. Weather witches will collect different ingredients provided by the weather, absorb energy from storms, manipulate winnds, or perhaps predict the weather. Tools most commonly consist of rain/snow water, symbols/weather maps, crystals.
Cottage/Hearth; Magick that is weaved and worked or embedded into mundane tasks around the house or for loved ones. Cottage magick is usually worked into cleaning, hobbies or cooking. Tools commonly consist of essential oils, incense, bells, flowers, cleaning utensils, spices and herbs.
Tea Witch; Creating blends of teas for protection, remedies or even to use for tea-leaf divination. Tools commonly consist of tea, herbs, waters, spices.
Tech Witch; Use of technology in the craft, mostly based through phones or computers. Mostly used for storing of information, grimoires, spell books and Book of Shadows/diaries. Tools consist of apps on the phone, digital sigils, online blogs and pages.
Garden/Flora; Mostly (if not all) focused on herbal and botanical measures. Many garden witches have their own garden and plant flowers and herbs to draw in energy for their home and to include in rituals and spells. Tools commonly consist of flowers, soil, seeds, greenery, twigs/tree branches, leaves.
Elemental; Using all 4 (or 5) elements in an honouring or acknowledging form. A witch can choose to work with all, or singular elements. One may have a dedicated area on their alters to a particular elements. Tools consist of anything related to said element.
Faery/Fae; Magick for those who communicate with, and/or work with the Fae. Those whom work with fae may also leave offerings regularly as thanks for the assistance of a faery in their spell work. Tools commonly consist of anything sweet, sigils, offerings.
Spirit; A practice which an individual will perform spell work in conjunction with (or the help of) any manner of spirit, including Ouija, demon spirits, spiritual contact of any kind, working with ancestors. Tools commonly consist of crystals, bells, incense, Ouija boards, tarot cards, pendulums, sigils.
Draconian: The use of dragons and dragon imagery; whether it be trough astral matters or in spells and rituals. May also be connected with dragon spirits on their journey. Tools commonly consist of dragons art, statues, candles.
Seasonal; Utilizing and drawing energy from specific time periods of the year for their magick. One individual may feel more powerful at a particular time of year. It can also be spread out into the 4 seasons. Tools commonly consist of herbs related to certain seasons, stones, ruins and the weather.
Music; Can be through singing, humming, playing an instrument, creating music or having it on during spell work to add energies. Tools consist of speakers, instruments, voice, chimes, lyrics & sheet music.
Art & Craft; Anything from painting to knitting to building something. Tools consist of anything you can craft with.
Sigils; Working majorly with sigils and the intent that can be put into them to activate their power. Tools commonly used are pens, paper, makeup, candles.
Astronomy/Space/Luna; Correlates their belief in conjunction with the planets, stars and/or moon. Versed in moon phases and tend to do spell work at night rather than day time. Tools commonly used are horoscopes, calendars, charts, moonlight, moon water.
Energy; Those who prefer to do magick through energy exercises and manipulation rather than many physical tools or materials. This may also include aura work. The only tools needed for this type is yourself.
Crystal; Magick that is worked commonly with stones and crystals. The practise may include chakra balancing, crystal meditation and even spell work or rituals. Extensive knowledge of stone, including how to identify them. Tools most commonly used are crystals, books, grimoires and stones.
Literacy; Those who practise through books and literature - studying the craft after the 'beginner' phase of learning. Tools are books, poems, written work.
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coinandcandle · 11 months ago
Coin's Resources for Research
Here's a list of my personal favorite resources for researching witchcraft, magic, and the occult!
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Sacred Texts - This site is a collection of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Almost all of it is in the English language (translated) and when possible they give the original language (which is quite often)!
Jstor - Home to thousands of scholarly content. While there are limitations to the open and free content on the site, they still have quite a lot to offer! If you can afford the paid version I highly suggest you do so.
Wikipedia - I don't care what your high school lit teacher told you, Wikipedia is a great resource and a wonderful way to find where to start when you're learning a new topic. 
Encyclopedia Britannica - A fact-checked online encyclopedia with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and more.
Hoopla - A digital library where you can borrow books, audio books, and more! It's connected to your local library so make sure you get a library card!
Libby - Same situation as Hoopla.
Worldcat - A website that helps you track down reliable sources that you can only find in libraries.
PDFDrive - A website with thousands of free pdfs. It doesn't always have what I'm looking for but it's always worth a shot to check!
Esoterica - Run by Dr. Justin Sledge, Esoterica is a channel that discusses the arcane in history, philosophy, and religion.
Angela's Symposium - Dr. Angela Puca's channel where she covers peer-reviewed research and scholarship on magic, witches, esoteric traditions, the occult, Paganism, shamanism and related currents.
ReligionForBreakfast - Dr. Andrew M. Henry's channel that discusses--you guessed it--religion! His goal is to improve the public's religious literacy by exploring humanity's beliefs and rituals through an anthropological, sociological, and archaeological lens. 
Ronald Hutton - Hutton is an invaluable resource and a fantastic historian. He writes the facts without being pretentious and is often quite funny too! 
Wiki's List of Occult Writers
Wiki's List of Occult Terms
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truelittleratboy · 2 years ago
Psa that your witchcraft is tailor made to you. You can obviously adopt practices from others that you like, but your craft is your own. It can be as messy or as organized as you need/want. It can be inconsistent as fuck, or scheduled. Never feel bad for the way you practice. Witchcraft is meant to be tailored to each individual
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thewitchinthecloset35 · 7 months ago
Beginner Witch Starting Points
° . * • ☆ Research starting points ☆ • * . ° The following list is of topics that I believe are good research starting points for beginner witches. I've laid it out in a couple lists of what I consider the most important to research early down to things you may want to research depending on interests.
Important to research early
♡ How to read critically and cross-reference
> Research is huge in witchcraft, knowing how to find the right information and triple check it's not wrong is very important
♡ Witchcraft vs paganism
♡ History of witchcraft
♡ Open vs closed practices
♡ Cultural appropriation
♡ Discernment/Mundane vs magical
> Always ruling out mundane explanations or options before considering magical
♡ Types of witches
> Such as sea witches, kitchen witches, green witches
♡ Types of magic/practices
> Such as art magic, lunar magic, chaos magic
♡ Types of spells and rituals
> Such as spell jars, candle spells, sprays
♡ Basic spell work
> Such as cleansing, grounding, protection, warding
♡ Understanding Intention
♡ Altars and Tools
> Such as wands, tarot decks, bells
Researching interests
♡ The elements
♡ Symbols and sigils
♡ Item associations and correspondences
> Such as crystals, herbs, colours
♡ Dream interpretation
♡ Religions and deities
♡ Shadow work
♡ Whatever has caught your eye during researching so far, research some more
° . * • ☆ Practice starting points ☆ • * . °
As soon as you feel like you've got a good grasp on witchcraft, you'll want to start practising. With everything you've come across, it might prove overwhelming or confusing as to where to start. Some topics are more advanced than others and aren't considered beginner-friendly. Therefore, having practised and got a hold of some basics is a great way to begin your journey, and is always recommended by other practitioners. That way, if you accidentally step too deep too early, you're already equipped with the information, tools, and experience you need to look after yourself.
It's easy to get excited and rush through it to what you may truly want to do, however, I suggest practising the following topics until it becomes a habit and you can throw up protections and wards like second nature without any notes. It depends on how much time you can dedicate to this daily and whether there are any reasons you might have to slow down, such as being broom-closeted or having children. I would suggest 1 to 2 years overall for researching all the topics in-depth and practising it until you have at least one method of each nailed down confidently with no doubts in your ability or knowledge - and be honest with yourself on that.
Where to begin with practising witchcraft
♡ Grounding and meditation
♡ Cleansing
♡ Protection
♡ Circle casting
♡ Warding
♡ Enchanting items
° . * • ☆ Where to get information and resources ☆ • * . °
The internet is amazing for allowing people to write their own informational posts, blogs, and to make their own videos. Sometimes a simple google search for what you’re after will bring you loads of results, which is also why reading critically and being able to cross-reference is so important. You can find resources and information anywhere, such as:
♡ Youtube
♡ Tumblr
♡ Websites
♡ Books
> Ebooks, audiobooks, physical books
♡ Podcasts
♡ Pinterest infographics
♡ Discord servers
♡ Amino communities
This is an updated version of my old post https://thewitchinthecloset35.tumblr.com/post/656426177696874496/beginner-witch-friendly-research-points
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actiwitch · 6 months ago
I don't know who needs to hear this but YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES IN YOUR PAGANISM AND WITCHCRAFT. We all do, to whatever degrees. Especially at younger ages or newer in our practice!
You will treat deities like Pokémon cards, or appropriate native practices, or lie about signs, or argue over things you are deeply incorrect on, or think every deity is calling out to you, or that you are personally gifted beyond anyone else, or think your dreams are all past lives, or think you can transport back in time, or ffs that youre carrying a gods child, or even beleive you have telekenisis.
You are not broken or incapable, you are learning and cringe and confused (and often a child!) Thats being human. Let go of your mistakes, delete those posts, don't grip on and defend them and kick and claw. You can let it go. Please do.
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loverdeity · 7 months ago
I was thinking on Aphrodite and that I wanted to focus and work with her personally and the ways I could worship her.
Specifically, I thought of writing love letters to my girlfriend and collecting flowers for her shrine and a waft of perfume went into my nose and smelled sweet.
Is this a sign?
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pbg146 · 6 months ago
Baby Witch In Need of Guidance
Gonna start this with I am a Christian witch. I have been a non-denominational Christian my entire life and am not looking to change that.
I'm looking at witchcraft as a way to deepen my relationship with God, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I've been getting help from friends who are also witches, but they don't worship the same God I do.
I'm hoping someone who believes in the same God as I can help me out and point me in the right direction. Or just give some general advice. I know part of this is being stuck in an "old" way of thinking and I'd just really like some help.
I've done tarot reading, have and deck and all. And it's going really well. I'll continue in that direction. But spells and other things I am so hesitant on.
Witchcraft may not even be the thing I need to do! I know there's other magic out there, but some of the stuff online is confusing.
I just would really like some help.
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natthehorsewitch · 2 months ago
A story in manifestation
Let me tell you a story about witchcraft and manifestation:
On November 9, my beautiful Jake (Del Mar WSS) was found deceased in his stall. The day was filled with grief and tears, phone calls no one should have to make to his insurance, trying to organize a necropsy on a holiday weekend, and then trying to find transport for his remains to the university so he could get the necropsy done.
Jake’s breeder (we’ll call her K) was in disbelief when I called and told her the news but she (from over an hour away) managed to organize transport for Jake AND get the necropsy started on a Saturday of a holiday weekend (have I mentioned it was a holiday weekend?) During one of our many phone calls back and forth this day I had made a joke about Kyle, Jake’s full brother from this year and how I could buy him now. (She’s produced two horses I’ve called in love with on sight and they were Jake and Kyle. And both times I was unable to buy them right away because life).
After all the chaos was over and I was at home the breeder called me and told me that someone had flown from Texas to California to look at Kyle and she was sending her trainer to look at him the following Thursday and organizing a PPE for him. Nothing was expected to pop on the PPE and nothing really did. There was apparently one anomaly that our vet didn’t think was a big deal. He’s only 5 months old there’s a good chance he’s going to grow out of it. (I personally think rads on baby babies are pretty pointless as so much can change as they grow.)
Ok. Well, if it’s meant to happen it will, I thought. Over the next two days, in my grief I became physically ill at the idea of Kyle going to another home if I didn’t throw my hat in the ring, so I did. I told K I was interested and I would match the offer and waive a PPE. She of course refused to sell him out from under these folks (because she’s a good and moral person which is why we are friends). The trainer came out and seemed to like him as well and was impressed with my friend’s breeding program. At this point, there was no reason to believe he wouldn’t sell. I went to check out her other babies last Saturday and there was no zing with any of them except Kyle. Kyle was so much like his brother but not like him at all, but the most attractive thing: his brain works the same way as his brother’s. They weren’t the same horse but they were similar in the ways that mattered to me. That caused me to buy Jake in the first place.
I immediately went home and did a manifestation meditation. I did a meditation where I envisioned I owned Kyle and what that would look like. Then I wrote his name and birthdate and my name and birthdate on a bay leaf, both sides. Wrote his name on a black chime candle (he is black). And lit it.
I prepared a jar, cleansed with with dragon’s blood incense, and in my cauldron mixed lotus (lock opening) rose (luck) star anise (luck) dandelion(wishes, also represents Hecate and it was her night!), a “fortune” mixture I was given (Haven’t the foggiest what was in it but I needed some “Fortune” and thus it made its way into the spell), and some of his brother’s hair. I put that mixture in a small jar with a small piece of green aventurine and tiger’s eye. I sealed the jar with the wax from the candle over the cauldron, burned the bay leaf and used it to light the remnants of the spell herbs and hair on fire. Then I let the candle burn all the way down and placed the jar near my token of Epona and my hematite horse carving on my altar. I did all this with him in my mind, envisioning him coming home to me.
By Monday I still hadn’t heard. I charged a citrine shaped like a moon. I carried Ehwaz, Jera and Uruz in my pocket with the citrine. And Monday night I came home and did a repeat of the spell (sans hair though because that’s now a precious commodity), put my tokens around a black chime candle carved with his name and my name to charge them and let the candle burn all the way down.
Yesterday, I carried my tokens again and K called me around 10am to tell me that against all odds, the buyers mysteriously passed on him and did I want to work out a deal. I did and I signed a contract and now I own Kyle!
Everyone: meet Kyle (registered as Divination WSS because how I got him was ~ m a g i c k ~)
I was thinking about changing his name to Death Valley WSS (the breeder’s name theme is places in California and his sire’s name begins with a D) but that gets mixed reviews and my mom is absolutely against it and he’s her grandchild now .
If you read this whole thing, please comment because you deserve a cookie.
alt text for all photos: photo of a black colt with three white socks
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theantarwitch · 2 months ago
Idea of Oracle Cards that are not actually Oracle? Just an idea...
I have a project of idea that sound good but not that good, but I will share it anyway because some of you maybe find it useful or it inspire you to something else.
Hear me out. Take some paper, do some simple af oracle cards with the name of the herbs you use frequently on your spells. You can use them when you are unsure about what spell you need most (Like, if 5 cards come with calming herbs? Or cleansing herbs?)
If you work with several deities or you are trying to figure out one, use them to help you to find correspondence. Like, it picks Roses? Which deity is related to Roses?
You can also use them if you work with the spirit of a tree, or to figure out about which tree is trying to speak to you.
Or maybe you can add crystals to make it extra? Or kitchen materials if you are a kitchen witch?
I don’t really know, I just have that idea of oracle cards as ingredients of a recipe, because I like to made up with weird methods, and maybe it gives inspiration to some of you. Best Wishes!
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wickedherbgrimoire · 2 months ago
Nutmeg spice is great for spiritual connection, as it can help you open up your third eye and increase your psychic powers. Nutmeg is also fantastic for protection, stability, and money.
Element: Fire Deities: Aries, Mars Zodiacs: Aries Planet: Mars Crystals: Citrine, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline Good For: Abundance, stability, passion, protection, psychic abilities, & more!
Protects Against: Negative forces, poverty mindset, & third eye blockages.
For more tips, tricks, tonics, and tintures check out the Wicked Witch's Web! 🌛🖤🌜
Source: The Wicked Witch of the Web
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agirlnamedthom-blog · 1 month ago
Why witches write in magical languages!
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wickedwitch-oftheweb · 5 months ago
✨The Air Element✨
Direction: East
Correspondences: Speed, strength, clarity, lightness, movement, momentum, communication
Air is a powerful element that represents change and movement.
As humans, we would not be able to survive without Air, but as witches, we would not be able to craft without it.
Air is responsible for carrying our intentions to the Source so that they can be heard by the Universe. The element of Air allows us to send our magick across the globe and through the cosmos, and it aids us in creating change.
Air generates power and movement. When we’re working with the Air element we can use it to create momentum in our lives and in our rituals. Air can bring us clarity and help us connect with the Gods and Source. Mercury is representative of the air element as a planet, a metal, and a deity. Mercury is the planet of the mind and it rules over communication and technology. From the breath we draw in to the breath we release to speak, we would not be able to communicate without the power of air.
Visit the Wicked Witche's Web 🌛🖤🌜
Source: The Wicked Witch of the Web
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coinandcandle · 2 years ago
Coin's New Witch Research List
New to witchcraft? Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t know where to start? I’ve got you covered! This is a list of things I personally think are worth checking out when first getting into witchcraft.
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Most of these are my own posts, so please keep in mind that they are often subject to my personal opinions and experiences. Feel free to take inspiration from the topics of the posts for your personal research list.
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Magical Misconceptions
Intention and Magic
Definitions in Modern Magical Context
5 Forms of Divination
Wheel of the Year: A Comprehensive Guide
Types of Altars (ask)
Coin’s Research Tips
Witchy Red Flags
Deity Work
Tips for Discernment by @will-o-the-witch
Spell Crafting
Spell Types - Physical types of spells.
Anatomy of a Spell - What a spell needs to be a spell. Plus the Anatomy of a Spell infographic.
Questions for Spell Crafting - Questions to ask yourself when crafting a spell.
7-Day Spell Creation Practice - Practice for spell creation.
Spell Oils - Simple way to make spell oils.
Hex vs Curse - The difference between a hex and a curse.
Origin of Tarot
Angel Numbers and Pythagorean Numerology
Familiar Spirits and the Witches’ Familiar
Elemental Magic
Herbal Correspondences - Focus on five to ten to start out, then go from there.
Crystal/rock Correspondences - Same as herbals, start small
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girl-and-her-cat · 6 months ago
Just remembered when I burned sage for the first time to rid my room of negative energy and an hour later I threw up.
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