#can be seen as elsanna
The Elsanna ship, ten years later...
When I think about the golden days of the Elsanna ship (circa 2013-2015), two images come to mind – this one… 
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…and this one…
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Both pieces of fanart were created to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage nationwide in the US in June 2015 – and both encapsulate the youthful energy, the innocence, the idealism of Elsanna shippers at the time. They might seem silly now to some people, but only because they are so earnest. There is an achingly earnest sincerity here because the Elsanna-shipping community was made up of a bunch of young, queer Disney fans. 
The ship wasn’t created by a bunch of creeps who wanted to “disregard or misunderstand the message of the film.”
The ship was created by a group of young wlw, young lesbians, young queer folks, who were drawn to the film because of its themes of self-acceptance and self-understanding (because they UNDERSTOOD the message of the film.) And they were drawn to the sisters’ bond because, in some way, it resonated with them – a connection between two people that was based on coming to an understanding of shared trauma and pain, a connection rooted in compassion for someone othered by society.
Frozen came out in 2013. Korrasami wouldn’t be canon for a while yet, things like Lumity and Catradora weren’t even a dream, and these naive, earnest, heartfelt kids wanted to see something that reflected themselves so much that they built a ship from the ground up.
I have seen people in recent years express bewilderment about why the Elsanna ship came into being, saying things like, “Why does this ship exist? Elsa and Anna aren’t in love; they’re sisters.” Which… duh. Obviously, they are not in love. Obviously, they are sisters. Such an attempt to say, “Checkmate, creeps!” ignores why ships come into existence in the first place. Non-canon ships emerge because there are aspects of two particular characters that the audience can relate to or project a part of themselves upon/see themselves in; and because there are elements of these characters’ dynamic/interactions that the audience can project upon/see themselves in.
And with Elsa and Anna’s dynamic together and connection throughout the film? There was A LOT that a young queer audience latched onto - NOT because these shippers felt the film was secretly espousing incest subtext, but because the characters were created to be broadly relatable to anyone with a difficult home life, anyone who felt isolated and ostracized from society, and so their narrative together lent itself to a queer reading.
Consider: on the one hand, there is Elsa – a character who exploded across the popular consciousness because so many people related to her individual story, many of them queer young people. Isolated for who she was, taught to repress her identity and her emotions, forced to conform to a society that could harm her. There hardly needs to be any more ink spilled on why Elsa struck such a chord with queer viewers – and the queer viewers who helped to shape the Elsanna ship were among the people who fell in love with her as much as anyone.
On the other hand, there is Anna. Anna’s story is different from Elsa’s, but bears many of the same marks of trauma. Anna is forced to live in a world where the rules feels arbitrary and uncaring, where nothing makes sense but no one will tell her why. Not her sister, who has been taught that she must shut Anna out. Not her parents, the authorities of the society she lives in who put the rules in place. Like many queer young people, Anna is forced to navigate a world where the rules are arbitrary and cruel. And, like her sister, she begins to internalize that pain. “What did I ever do to you?” she cries to Elsa at the coronation because, without the full context, she can’t rule out that this might be her fault – or at least, that societal forces around her tell her that this is her fault even when she did nothing.
There was so much in each character individually that queer young people resonated with.
When you factor in that their connection is something that the powers that be within the film attempt to forbid, that their connection is something that is at first treated as something that needs to be suppressed but that ultimately proves to be a positive force for both of them, then… yeah, it becomes clearer why so many queer young people aching to connect with something would see themselves in that relationship.  
I know of several prominent artists on this site who got their start in the Elsanna fandom, or who were happy to take part in the ship because they saw the way other queer young people connected with it (signatures blotted out to prevent potential harassment of artists over decade-old art):
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People don’t like to remember it, but ten years ago, there were wlw fandom blogs on here that would casually make or reblog Elsanna art – not because they had some secret insidious agenda – but because the ship connected with them on an emotional level or because they understood why it did with others:
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And there were shippers of other queer ships reaching out:
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The Elsanna fandom of 2013-15 was a reflection of a group of queer young people (primarily wlw) – a reflection of their passion, their dedication, their craftsmanship, their creativity, and their longing to be seen. It was a group of queer young people using the pieces that a film they loved gave them to create something of their own, from their hearts, for themselves.
Create something of their own with their own spirit and hopes, reflecting their own aspirations and fears and dreams for the future.
And sure, people now can say, “That’s disgusting! How could anyone do that?” In 2020, someone called out a lovely person on here because she shipped Elsanna nearly a decade ago (even though she HAD LONG SINCE DELETED ALL EA CONTENT FROM HER BLOG, even!):
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This callout is dishonest. It claims that the individual “thinks shipping them is cute” even though, when this was written, the person had not shipped Elsanna in years. It also claims Elsanna is p/*do/ph/ilic when it is not. (It is incest, obviously, and that is inherently problematic.) It also tries to make a connection between the person wanting queer rep and shipping an inherently problematic ship, when those things do not correlate at all. You can ship something and never want it to be canon. You can ship something and not want it to be “representation” – and that’s what being in the Elsanna fandom of 2013-15 was like.
People didn’t want it to be canon. They didn’t want it to be “representation.” Everyone already knows that incest is wrong. People don’t have to ship something as a crusade for representation. But people DID ship it because they saw something of themselves in the ship – and they saw the opportunity to project something of themselves (their queerness, their sense of being othered and isolated by their families, etc.) onto characters that they loved. The ship provided the opportunity for these young people to explore their senses of self and explore their identities.  
And sure, as I’ve said in the past, perhaps that wasn’t ideal – the fact that these young folks were starving for anything that was like them and so had to make a feast from whatever they had available. But I find something BEAUTIFUL in the fact that so many people were able to come together and create such beautiful things because Elsanna inspired them. I know people who met their partners, met their wives, through this ship. I’ve seen firsthand the positive influence it has had.
Like Elsa on the North Mountain, we felt isolated, we were figuring ourselves out. And we built wonders with what was inside of us. The beauty of some of the art in this ship is akin to the beauty of Elsa’s ice palace. The writing I have seen in this ship can be as elegant as any elegantly-sculpted spire Elsa fashioned through her own magic and her own will.   
This ship was ours, is ours. 
We made it for ourselves, to reflect ourselves and our identities and share aspects of those identities with others, the same way people came to ship Elsamaren when F2 came out. It may have been new faces and a new ship, but it was part of the same idea, just for a different time. 
And when you look at the thousands of pieces of Elsanna fanfiction that have been written, and the thousands of pieces of fanart (especially the beautifully diverse styles of early Elsanna fanart) – you don’t get so many people expounding their passion and creativity on something unless it means something to them, and Elsanna meant something to so many people. Mattered to them. Look at the excitement and joy in people’s words in the early days of the fandom if you don’t believe me. 
And I think that’s beautiful.
EDIT: I’ve made another post about this, but I want to add to this post that I regret saying things like “maybe that wasn’t ideal” when I wrote it. It WAS ideal because it was a beautiful to see us create a space for ourselves. 
And it STILL IS beautiful.  It CONTINUES to be beautiful. The fandom still exists and I’m glad that it still exists because it still brings such beautiful things into the world.
Elsanna isn’t just a placeholder until a better, more palatable ship comes along. Elsanna is beautiful in its own right.
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 months
cw: gross shipping weirdo nonsense.
VivziePop stans trying to say Chaifootsteps is a literal irl zoophile for writing an AUToothlessxHiccup fic where Toothless could talk is ridiculous...and that's coming from someone where ToothlessxHiccup is one of my personal absolute NOTPs. Sorry Chai.
tbf I think people are fair to find talking-ToothlessxHiccup stuff creepy in the same way they do HorsexRider from Centaurworld icky- not because there's any irl connotations with animals but because in canon that's just a very nonsexual relationship because it's a pet and it's owner. It crosses that same barrier as incestshipping for me even w all parties are adult and consenting- my aroace spectrum legit can't get over how this particular thing designed to be unsexy by the writers is made by someone watching it to be sexy in different contexts; but, I'll manage. ((also yes I'm implying that if a feral characterxhuman bodied character's canon relationship is portrayed smexual I don't care. mf this has been in fairytales since the dawn of time. Hardmode monsterfucking when the feral can talk and percieve =/= zoophilia, and especially not irl zoophilia. Me and everyone else just prefers anthro for the same reason we wish Lore Olympus Persephone wasn't portrayed so tiny- it just reminds us way too much of the people we've seen with...specific 'interests'))
I hate ToothlessxHiccup and Elsanna but I'm sorry I'll take a person who knows they're being a weirdo and can dial it back once in awhile for the sake of others vs Lily Orchard saying that Elsa and Anna isn't just implied because she legit wanted their relationship* for her and her sister; or the zoos I've met who legit want Ash and Pikachu to bang because "that's the purest expression of love between animal and trainer". If Chai was using anything along the lines of those responses, it'd be different.
And, of course, I can't not point out that the whole reason anyone's going after Chai at all is because he's a critical-person meanwhile prominent Helluvaverse stans have proudly made incest and rape art unapologetically with 0 self awareness. They're doing this as a smear campaign and yes they're also being massively transphobic and abusing an sa survivor while they do it.
my biggest thing with proshippers will always be: 1, do you have boundaries and know how to dial the disturbing shit you've thought up back for the sake of people who can't handle it? and 2, do you know the fictional scenarios are really not okay in real life circumstances, especially when it's sexual shit? Chai respects both of these things. Lay off him. Poppy from ZenaandPoppy has 0 boundaries and calls people who don't like her exposing incest survivors to incest porn "puritans". That's disgusting. That's evil. That's the kind of person that makes sane people throw fits because you should w you hear that.
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“UUURRRPPP!!!! Rapunzel darling, can you please help your Mother up and take me to the bathroom?”_Mother Gothel “I’ve been so heavier lately, better tell Luz about that later”_Eda Clawthrone
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(Credit to atlasthegargoyle (Mother Gothel and Rapunzel) and sidkid44 (Eda Clawthrone) on DA)
1. Be patient, outside world IRL
2. If you’re fan of Disney Princesses/or Characters, welcome aboard
3. Let me know if my acting are good
4. Read rules again
5. If you have any any girls from Disney or OCs, Please feel free :3
6. Reblog with correct blog, accident happened
7. Enjoy :3
8. If you haven’t seen Disney movies or shows, SPOILER ALERT! Just in case :)
9. If you’re fan of ElsAnna, welcome aboard. If you’re not of fan, turn around, goodbye and have nice day
Kinks: weight gain, slob/piggy messy play, fart/burp, lazy, exhausted/panting, sweat, squashing and romance and sometimes stuck
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let-it-show · 4 years
Make You Feel Pretty Too
So this is the companion piece to “Oh So Pretty” and it ended up going differently than I planned. I thought it may be more angsty, but is more of an exploration of how Elsa views Anna, her thoughts on her sister’s opinion of herself, and wishing she had the confidence to express herself the way she wants to with Anna. It uses the same scene, but I wrote this one in first person. It’s not too angsty/deep, but hopefully conveys her anxiety/insecurity the way I wanted.
I made such a mess of everything.
But everyone took me back and allowed me to apologize and explain. Even if they weren't completely swayed, a few voices shouted out that my powers could protect us all and more than make up for what I've done.
So, I'm not a monster maybe, but I'm a weapon. It's a small condolence. Of the two I would rather be the latter even if I enjoy neither. I want to be queen, just Queen of Arendelle and do what my duties entail. I want to look after my people and I want to spend time with my sister and have a nice life where I don't need to hide.
I'll be a weapon if that's what they want.
Far more important to me right now is what Anna wants. She saved me in every way someone can be saved. I kept her away so long and now I want ony to dedicate my life to her, to this person that saw so much in me that she never left.
I think-I think I did well today.
I paced about in my room after getting up as soon as there was light. I've always been one to get up early in the morning. Getting ready for the day never takes me much time. With concentration it is easy for me to produce clothing of ice, if I want to. Sometimes I put on normal clothing underneath just because I want to and cover that with an ice dress. Oh, the clothing I own is all fine, made by the most skilled seamstresses the kingdom has to offer. It's not that I don't like it. But I can do things with my magic those clothes cannot. I like to wear my cold, glimmering dresses even if it does draw attention....
My clothing isn't the point here.
In the morning I prepare myself quickly, but I know Anna sleeps in. I thought I had waited long enough and went to see her. I knocked. It's strange for me to knock. I do not know how well she would react to me just coming in though, especially if she were in a state of undress.
She let me in. She was not ready. At all.
I don't mind that, but I thought she may ask me to leave. Thinking about it now, that was a ridiculous notion. If anything, Anna is difficult to get rid of. Ah, even thinking that makes me feel cross with myself. I don't want to do that.
Her room was a huge mess. I couldn't stop looking at it at first! I don't care that it was messy, so much, though I may ask later if she'd like help neatening up. I could see her books, her clothes, her perfume bottles, even some toys - Anna's things. Seeing them is really nice. I'm happy she didn't let isolation take over her spirit the way I did. I may ask her if I can borrow some things, in fact - little things, just to add to my room and make me think of her. I really like seeing her things all around me.
She looked to be having trouble with her hair, so I asked if I could help. I'm not sure what I expected! I was scared for her to say no, scared for her to say yes...
Her response was to tell me: “Um sure. If you want I mean I-you can go eat if you want I don’t want to keep you-uhh whatever you wanna do!”
Oh Anna! I laughed. I laughed! She makes me smile so much, just as much if not more than so many years ago. I love that girl. I don't laugh like that usually. I have to admit, it made things less tense and I got to brush her hair.
I don't know when I last touched her hair, really touched it. My fingertips may have felt it during our embraces, but...it's different to feel her hair and her spirit in my hands that way. Her hair is soft and beautiful. It's vibrant. I would have liked to set the brush aside and stay for hours just using my fingers through her strands. Is that how sisters are? Is that normal? I don't think either of us knows, but that's what I wanted to do. If only I could have found the courage to place a kiss on top of her dear head at least when her eyes closed...
Maybe, maybe it is too soon. I didn't do that. I brushed her hair from her face, her face that always feels like it has sunbeams dancing across her freckles. I didn't know what else to do with my hands when finished, so I set them on her shoulders. She had been so unsure before I brushed her hair so I squeezed her and brought my hands down her arms. I would have liked to hug her. She likes to hug and likes to touch I've noticed, so it probably would have been okay, but...
...but what? I don't know. I'm scared.
At the time I did let my emotions overtake me for a moment, she looked perfect and so I called her such. I think she thinks I was congratulating myself on being able to brush her hair. I'm okay with her thinking that. I let myself touch her ends. Once again, my common sense ducked out and I asked if I could braid her hair.
I didn't have time to be scared about it, though Anna did make me nervous with her first reaction. I thought I might be tossed out and then she revealed that she thought I was...too beautiful or too above her somehow to braid her hair. She asked if I'd seen myself and I'm-I'm still in shock.
My skin is so light. There's no good color to it unless I'm embarrassed. I suppose my particular shade of hair is pretty, but it's light again. I'm too thin. I like my hips and I like my chest, my legs are okay too, but staying in isolation and away from any of the sun - the one in the sky or the one in my hands - it's given me a strange and sickly image. I'm a somewhat attractive weapon. How could she find me beautiful and not herself? My beauty is in my ice, but she doesn't need powers.
Anna's very soul is gorgeous with all she has given, her spirit, all the light she shines on those around her. What is mine? I don't really know yet. I do know I could never be as pretty as her, and I wanted to say as much.
“Your hair is beautiful." At least I said something, even if my face felt so warm. "Have you never been told how the sun looks behind it, when it’s lit up and radiant? Has no one ever mentioned the way it cascades over your shoulders?” I made her blush, and it was cute.
I needed to focus, and I did so on gathering her hair when I noticed so much red on her neck from a burn. I don't like seeing injury on her, of any kind, but we are not where we can lecture each other - I think. I did lecture her at my coronation, so perhaps I'm wrong. I told her of her burn, iced it lightly, and informed her that I love her freckles. Who wouldn't?
“You-you like my freckles?” she asked me. She was quiet, maybe she didn't believe me.
I began to feel sad, she was surprised by these compliments. Who would compliment her though, with so little social contact? It was then I remembered that ice harvester she's been rather sweet on. I don't know what to think of him myself - seems to have a good heart. He did help her when I piled snow and ice on the kingdom. From what I hear she was kind of demanding, too. That's just like her...I bit back a smile then, but I'm smiling now.
Still, if he was going to court her, I wasn't okay with someone who won't shower her with kindness. “Of course, Anna, I’ve called you beautiful before, I wasn’t just saying it." I couldn't help myself. "Have you not been told that? What is it that Kristoff says to you?”
Ah, he called her cute. I can feel myself rolling my eyes as I remember that, because she deserves better than that.
I told her she's beautiful, and that he needs to tell her she's beautiful. It was like someone else was talking through me as I told her that-that I would tell her she was beautiful as many times as she needed. I still don't know how I got that courage. I suppose looking at her I felt that same overwhelming affection I felt at the coronation. I felt my love for her barrel through me and seize my nerves in a vice, telling them 'NOT TODAY!' so that I could give her my honest thoughts.
She tried to turn it around on me, tried to tell me I am too. That courage stayed. “This isn’t about me. You’re so very pretty, Anna, there’s not a bit of you I don’t find gorgeous." As soon as I said that, I couldn't believe I had. How did that come out of my mouth? How did I not choke on my words?
I thought maybe I was too bold, that it was too much, and Anna might feel awkward. Every part of me started to launch into a flight response, despite how much work I had done on my own anxieties since the thaw. The last thing I could handle was sounding stupid to her, to make her feel uncomfortable.
She hugged me. She turned right around and she hugged me and she thanked me and I hugged her back. I tried to keep touching her hair, but even now I want to laugh at myself. She stood there saying how good I looked and then she hugged me, it's obvious she wasn't about to push me away, so I hugged her tightly. I wrapped her as tightly as I could. There is no warmth like Anna's warmth against me...I listened to her breathing, I focused on her heartbeat, I absorbed as much as I could, because what if we are torn apart again? What if I were to lose Anna?
I can't think about that.
I don't know when we released each other. I kept her in my arms as long as I could, kept my hands on her as long as I could. I think I may have touched her face and she smiled at me with a radiance I only find in her precious eyes.
I hope we have more mornings like that, many many more. I hope I will always do right by her. Maybe I don't know how to be her sister and best friend yet, but I think, yes, I can learn. I'll do my best to make things wonderful for her. We won't be separated again.
I can't and won't lose her.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
YESS im so happy to know you also ship brumira. what scene made you ship them and what do you like abt them?
It wasn't really one specific scene, but rather the classic "I forgot that doing things as a joke is the gateway drug into doing them for real." I saw some funny memes of them + the somehow 100% legit scene of Bruno full on saying he wrote an incestuous telenovela and went "Hahaha, I totally ship them." Then I watched the movie, cried like a bitch, and the more I thought about it and rewatched their scenes, the more I realized "Oh fuck, I actually DO ship them"
There is just SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL. It's ridiculous. There's just too much to like about the ship (Warning to anyone who has not watched the movie: SPOILERS)
Literally everything Bruno did was for Mirabel. He had his "final" vision to try to figure out why she didn't have a gift like the others, then kept said vision a secret so she wouldn't be blamed for the family losing their miracle, and took the fall for her by disappearing without a word and stay "away" for years, being demonized by the people he loved the most just so she would be spared the same fate. When she comes to him for help, he has another vision even though he is terrified of his own gift, and when everything goes to hell, he's searching for her to make sure she is okay, and finally reveals himself to Abuela, which he was terrified of doing, just so Mirabel wouldn't be blamed for everything that happened.
On her part, Mirabel also shows quite a lot of love for him. She is the only one who was already talking about him before they knew something was wrong with their magic, feels sorry for him when she sees how much pain he has been dealing with, promises to bring him "back" home even though he is weird as fuck, and when Abuela says he didn't care about the family she immediately defends him.
There's just this great chaotic energy in every scene they're in, with them kind of taking turns on being the "deranged one" while the other is the "sane one." Mirabel has that bold confidence of young heroes which can make her reckless and she's still clearly a teenager and Bruno has to be her Tio and try to make her see reason... but he is also an absolute disaster of a human being and a complete mess that Mirabel has to bring back to reality.
They're both the black sheeps of the family, and are desperate to feel like they belong - and even though they haven't seen each other in years, they just instantly click.
He is her uncle and told her about the forbidden romance he wrote about a woman with amnesia falling in love with her own nephew. This actually happened. Five minutes into their first interaction.
It's incest and age-gap romance, man, I live for that kind of thing.
THE YELLOW BUTTERFLIES! They were quite clearly one the aspects of the movie that were based on the novel 100 Years Of Solitude - they symbolized magic, destruction, change, and forbidden (INCESTUOUS) love. The song "Dos Oruguitas" (Two Caterpillars) plays at the end of the movie, showing Abuela losing her husband and her grief creating the miracle, and the yellow butterflies show up right as the lyrics has the caterpillars becoming butterflies, with Alma and Mirabel reconciling, taking the first step to save the miracle - and with Bruno showing up to sacrifice himself for Mirabel (AGAIN), just like Pedro sacrificed himself for his wife and kids, only this time, this third and final time, the sacrifice isn't leaving, but coming back. Add in the fact that Alma and Mirabel are the only Madrigal women without a gift, and the parallels between them become even more obvious. The scene is not just the Madrigal family being saved, or even Bruno returning to his family and to his mother, it's a symbol of a doomed/long lost love having another chance by being "reborn" in a different form, with Bruno and Mirabel replacing Pedro and Alma.
So yeah, I love this movie, these characters and this amazing ship - Brumira is almost Elsanna levels of obvious incest.
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twinsmoochies-moved · 3 years
Sometimes I Write things too!
My Ao3!
Feel free to ask me for fic for:
-Leveilleur Twins (Final Fantasy XIV)
-Elsanna (Frozen)
-Snow/Charming/Emma [or Charming/Emma or Snow/Emma] (Once Upon a Time)
-Ruby/Yang (RWBY)
-Winter/Weiss (RWBY)
-Honestly, pretty much any RWBY based incest
-Ana/Elsie (Destiny)
-Eda/Lilith (The Owl House)
-Ed/Em [and Ed/Hunter/Em!] (The Owl House)
-Isabela/Mirabel (Encanto)
If it's not on here but you've seen me posting about it, ask! Worst I can do is say no and I'll always be nice about it!
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fireandfolds · 3 years
about me
tldr: yujung 유정, he/they, 20s
butch, aroace, lesbian, asian, korean united statesian, woman, menswear enthusiast
-> yes, i am a woman and a lesbian. yes, my pronouns are not she/her. these facts can coexist.
-> i prefer he/him but feel free to sprinkle in a they/them occasionally. surprise me. ALSO v important please use the pronouns separately! altho i do use more than one set of pronouns i do not like to use them interchangeably :)
i go in depth here about this
do not interact
-> if you ship elsanna, kara/monel, amalia true/horatio cousens, penance/augustus; if you like incest, age-gap relationships, genderswaps
-> mcyt stans, if you claim to have undiagnosed DID/alters/systems, if you claim other fake disorder stuff
-> cop/military apologists, republicans, conservatives, right wing ppl, fascists, bigots, christians, homophobes, ableists, etc can go away
-> fetish/nsfw/bdsm/kink pages. nothing against yall but i explain below
-> see my carrd for more DNI criteria
aroace lesbian + sex-repulsed
-> sexual content will not be found on this page, i don’t write smut and even people kissing makes me uncomfortable and grossed out.
-> my writing tends to focus on the more platonic or “innocent” romantic stuff. my fics could be seen as friendship or some other kind of relationship. i ship people in queerplatonic relationships usually.
-> my full sexual & romantic identity would be aromantic asexual lesbian. i keep things platonic mostly, but no matter the type of relationship i will always prefer women.
-> no i am not a liberal or democrat, and obviously not a conservative or republican or any other right-wing political group. yes, liberals/dems are still right-wing. fuck all of you.
-> fuck cops, the military, capitalism, private insurance/healthcare, political parties, people who want the status quo, etc.
-> haven’t read any theory but I’d align myself most closely with marxism or marxism-leninism, based on the research and reading i’ve done. commie/leftist yeet yeet
-> anti-zionist. not jewish by any means. zionism is colonialism.
-> atheist, with a background in the presbyterian branch of christianity. fuck organised religion, they’re all cults, but especially christianity.
-> you can find me on ao3, i write silly little fanfics involving my favorite sapphics. send requests if you want to see something specifically.
-> the nevers, supergirl, the haunting of bly manor, motherland: fort salem, hacks, mare of easttown, dickinson, rizzoli & isles, anything involving wlw or pretty women really. yell at me if you’d like to become mutuals and bond over a favourite show <3
-> my favourite characters: penny haywood, emily kaldwin, junlei tennyson, penance adair, lena luthor, maura isles, amalia true, jamie taylor, deborah vance, helen fahey, sue gilbert, tally craven, cristina yang
-> wouldn’t necessarily say i’m in fandoms for this, but i love sketch/improv/stand up comedy. i DO NOT like (most) sitcoms—the only exceptions being the golden girls and designing women. big fan of saturday night live, a black lady sketch show, whose line is it anyway?, etc.
-> my favourite comedians: hannah gadsby, river butcher, john mulaney, tig notaro, robin williams, taylor tomlinson, hannah einbinder, gilda radner
-> i love katie mcgrath, sandra oh, sasha alexander, laura donnelly, ann skelly, lily tomlin, jean smart, amelia eve, and gilda radner. i hate melissa benoist, jodie comer, angie harmon, chris wood, mehcad brooks, jeremy jordan, and david harewood
-> favourite musicians: hippo campus, lupin, brotherkenzie, baby boys, whistler isaiah, hozier, half•alive, early eyes, grandson, sylvan esso, peach pit, the greeting committee, still woozy, i don't know how but they found me, glass animals, ashe, phoebe bridgers, japanese breakfast, sub urban
-> favourite games: the outer worlds, dishonored ii, cyberpunk 2077, harry potter hogwarts mystery
-> i’m not a man-hater or a misandrist. i just…do not care about men. they aren’t interesting to me. and i’m not attracted to them. i will only focus on women, because i literally have zero things to say about men. if you’re not down, you don’t need to follow.
-> i love talking about tv shows! one thing about me is if i start a show, no matter what happens i have to finish it. if you want to stalk me and see what shows i am watching and have watched, i’m fireandfolds on tvtime. i don’t really do films.
-> my carrd (you’ll find my social media and ways to support/follow my creative work)
-> join my sapphic-centered discord if you want
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April 2021 feedback and reviews
Before we release the June stories (please be patient with this - we need some time to work through A LOT of technical issues. This month’s been crazy in this aspect!) we probably should release the feedback for April. Yes, April. Yes, in July. And yes, we forgot about this post - but to be fair, nobody reminded us either.
Below the cut you will find: a run-down of the bonus restriction points, individual feedback for the stories from the voters and a link to a sheet containing detailed reviews of every April submission, courtesy of our Monthlies Reviewing Club (for those of you who already read them on discord: do go in the link, there are some new reviews to see!)
Points were being awarded for completing three different criteria: including a body of water, limiting the title to 2-3 words long and including a quote. Each restriction was worth one bonus favorite point for up to three extra points.
Stories awarded 3 extra points: Morning Break, whisper to me, Stupid For You, Love and Sunflowers, Those new feelings, River Rockman, Shocking Confessions, Green Like Flowers, The Seal-Wife, Crack Shatter Repair, Your Worth, Sea of Time
Stories awarded 2 extra points: Prism of White, Staying Close, I'm Sorry, Waves and Wonders, Lake Town Sunrise, After Thaw, Surface Tension, Break Free, Captain's Holiday, Chocolate is Love, A Clean Break
Stories awarded 1 extra point: Rewrite The Stars, One Last Heist, A Break From Normalcy, Break A Leg, Schrodinger's break, Break Me Off
The extra points have already been included on the results graph.
This month’s roster of 17 reviewers included: balambfish, cabanotchi, @djupcake, @dont-tell-them-its-me, @elsanndra, @pitchperfect-lostgirl-rizzles, Jelly, LILI, @nymphaeaceae-noire, Matjojo, NoahRhino, Reina, @adoraslastbraincell, ArendelleFrostfall, Space Alien, @itstooshy and Vergasi.
Due to the amount of submissions, most of the reviewers were assigned a random selection of stories to review. Big thanks to @djupcake, @dont-tell-them-its-me, Reina and ArendelleFrostfall for reviewing EVERY story.
The reviews can be read here. The nicknames listed above and on the sheet might not be the same, but the people are in the same order.
Individual stories feedback from the voters: f = favorite vote, k = kudos vote
1: Morning Break Style 3 (3f) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 5 (4f 1k) Dialogues 3 (2f 1k) Tone 3 (2f 1k) Flow 1 (1k) Plot 2 (2f) The story's Anna 2 (2f)
2: whisper to me Style 5 (1f 4k) Fits the prompt best 2 (1f 1k) Characterisation 2 (2k) Dialogues 3 (3k) Tone 2 (1f 1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 2 (2k) Grammar 1 (1k) The story's Elsa 3 (3k) The story's Anna 3 (3k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
3: Prism of White Style 6 (3f 3k) Characterisation 6 (4f 2k) Dialogues 6 (3f 3k) Tone 7 (4f 3k) Flow 4 (1f 3k) Plot 5 (3f 2k) Grammar 4 (1f 3k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 2 (1f 1k) Other (1k): - I actually really genuinely like the settings and I love the dialogue. It's like really hard to keep me focused and this fic was able to do it even with it's length, also it was written very neatly.
4: Stupid For You Style 8 (5f 3k) Characterisation 9 (7f 2k) Dialogues 9 (6f 3k) Tone 7 (5f 2k) Flow 5 (3f 2k) Plot 10 (8f 2k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 5 (3f 2k) The story's Anna 7 (4f 3k) Setting/Universe 3 (3f) Total other: 5 Other (3f): - Age Gap - MILF ELSA HYPE - the girl is adorkable Other (2k): - also got my second fav vote - Love those dorks omg
5: Love and Sunflowers Style 9 (6f 3k) Fits the prompt best 2 (1f 1k) Characterisation 8 (6f 2k) Dialogues 6 (4f 2k) Tone 5 (3f 2k) Flow 8 (6f 2k) Plot 12 (6f 6k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 3 (2f 1k) The story's Anna 7 (4f 3k) Setting/Universe 3 (2f 1k) Other (3f): - just a nice cute story with light tension, a nice spring day read - absolutely wonderful - The thrill! The longing! The grief! The resolution!
6: Those new feelings Style 1 (1f) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 1 (1f) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 2 (2f) Flow 2 (2f) Plot 2 (2f) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 1 (1f) The story's Anna 1 (1f) Other (1f): - I love the Paragraph Breaks, made Frozen 2 sting hurt less.
7: Rewrite The Stars Style 5 (1f 4k) Characterisation 3 (2f 1k) Dialogues 4 (2f 2k) Tone 3 (3k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 6 (2f 4k) The story's Elsa 1 (1f) The story's Anna 2 (1f 1k) Setting/Universe 3 (2f 1k)
8: River Rockman Style 2 (1f 1k) Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 1 (1f) Plot 2 (1f 1k) Setting/Universe 1 (1f)
9: Shocking Confessions Style 6 (3f 3k) Fits the prompt best 2 (1f 1k) Characterisation 3 (2f 1k) Dialogues 4 (3f 1k) Tone 1 (1f) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 4 (3f 1k) The story's Elsa 3 (3f) The story's Anna 2 (2f) Setting/Universe 5 (4f 1k) Other (1f): - I like the premise, also even in it's premise it's a breath of fresh air. It did something I've never seen before and therefore gets a lot of points for it in my book.
10: Green Like Flowers Style 11 (7f 4k) Fits the prompt best 2 (2f) Characterisation 14 (8f 6k) Dialogues 9 (5f 4k) Tone 12 (9f 3k) Flow 9 (6f 3k) Plot 13 (9f 4k) Grammar 1 (1k) The story's Elsa 7 (5f 2k) The story's Anna 6 (4f 2k) Setting/Universe 5 (4f 1k) Total other: 4 Other (2f): - I like trains - this was a beautiful story, the descriptions and us of different words was just wow, I've never read a fan fiction story like this before and I loved it. This needs polishing but wow is this story amazing already Other (2k): - Train Setting - This one really stuck with me... loved it
11: One Last Heist Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 1 (1k) Flow 1 (1k) Plot 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 2 (2f)
12: The Seal-Wife Style 6 (3f 3k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 3 (2f 1k) Dialogues 5 (3f 2k) Tone 6 (3f 3k) Flow 4 (2f 2k) Plot 7 (3f 4k) Grammar 4 (2f 2k) The story's Elsa 2 (1f 1k) The story's Anna 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 7 (4f 3k) Other (2f): - Writing style pretty - I am a sucker for Elsanna myths ok. Also well written.
13: A Break From Normalcy Style 12 (8f 4k) Fits the prompt best 4 (4f) Characterisation 11 (9f 2k) Dialogues 9 (6f 3k) Tone 8 (6f 2k) Flow 8 (7f 1k) Plot 12 (10f 2k) Grammar 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 6 (5f 1k) The story's Anna 6 (5f 1k) Setting/Universe 5 (4f 1k) Total other: 3 Other (2f): - Absolutely in love with this story. Will bookmark if author decides to post this on AO3 or FFN. - I really liked the detailed schedule details at the begnning Other (1k): - it was nice
14: Break A Leg Style 1 (1k) Fits the prompt best 3 (3k) Characterisation 2 (2k) Dialogues 3 (3k) Flow 2 (2k) Plot 1 (1k) Grammar 1 (1k) The story's Elsa 3 (3k) The story's Anna 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k) Other (1k): - I like the premise and the execution is good. There is a bit part where I'm a sort of put off, not the injury but rest assured it's most likely just a me thing. Also too short lol.
15: Schrödinger’s break Characterisation 1 (1k) Plot 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 1 (1k)
16: Crack, Shatter, Repair Style 3 (1f 2k) Characterisation 2 (2k) Dialogues 2 (2k) Tone 2 (1f 1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 2 (2k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 1 (1k)
17: Staying Close Style 5 (1f 4k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1k) Characterisation 4 (2f 2k) Dialogues 5 (2f 3k) Tone 4 (4k) Flow 5 (1f 4k) Plot 4 (1f 3k) Grammar 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 3 (1f 2k) The story's Anna 3 (1f 2k) Setting/Universe 3 (1f 2k) Other (1f): - The final couple of lines that leave you with a great way to end a story off of, i dont know the technical term. Maybe closure.
18: I'm Sorry Style 2 (1f 1k) Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 2 (1f 1k) Tone 2 (1f 1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 1 (1f)
19: Your Worth Style 2 (1f 1k) Fits the prompt best 2 (1f 1k) Tone 1 (1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 4 (2f 2k)
20: Waves and Wonders Tone 1 (1k) Flow 1 (1f) Plot 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
21: Sea of time Style 10 (5f 5k) Fits the prompt best 2 (2f) Characterisation 6 (5f 1k) Dialogues 5 (3f 2k) Tone 8 (6f 2k) Flow 4 (3f 1k) Plot 6 (4f 2k) Grammar 2 (2f) The story's Elsa 3 (3f) The story's Anna 8 (6f 2k) Setting/Universe 8 (5f 3k) Total other: 3 Other (2f): - Role reversal - Immortal!Anna instead of Elsa - This one BROKE me and it’s all I’ve been able to think about since Other (1k): - I am a sucker for Spanish ok
22: Lake Town Sunrise Style 5 (4f 1k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 5 (3f 2k) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 5 (2f 3k) Flow 4 (2f 2k) Plot 6 (4f 2k) Grammar 3 (2f 1k) The story's Elsa 4 (1f 3k) The story's Anna 3 (1f 2k) Setting/Universe 2 (1f 1k) Other (1k): - The garage was really nice (cough overachiever elsa cough)
23: After Thaw Style 2 (2k) Characterisation 3 (2f 1k) Dialogues 2 (2f) Tone 2 (2k) Flow 1 (1k) Plot 3 (1f 2k) Setting/Universe 2 (1f 1k)
24: Surface Tension Style 7 (3f 4k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1k) Characterisation 6 (3f 3k) Dialogues 8 (4f 4k) Tone 5 (3f 2k) Flow 4 (3f 1k) Plot 6 (4f 2k) Grammar 3 (2f 1k) The story's Elsa 2 (2k) The story's Anna 2 (2k) Setting/Universe 3 (2f 1k)
26: Captain's Holiday The story's Elsa 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
27: Chocolate is Love Style 2 (1f 1k) Fits the prompt best 3 (1f 2k) Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 1 (1k) Tone 3 (1f 2k) Flow 4 (1f 3k) Plot 4 (1f 3k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 2 (2k) The story's Anna 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
29: A Clean Break Style 1 (1f) Characterisation 1 (1f) Dialogues 1 (1f) Plot 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 1 (1f) Other (1f): - interesting setting
30: Break Me Off Style 12 (6f 6k) Fits the prompt best 8 (5f 3k) Characterisation 13 (6f 7k) Dialogues 11 (7f 4k) Tone 6 (4f 2k) Flow 6 (4f 2k) Plot 14 (8f 6k) Grammar 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 7 (5f 2k) The story's Anna 10 (6f 4k) Setting/Universe 2 (2f) Total other: 3 Other (2f): - Kit Kat Kissing - The simpleness of a nestle treat being the catalyst for elsanna is really funny and heartwarming. Other (1k): - I dont like chocolate, but the love for chocolate was amusing
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ahhhsami · 3 years
Hey just a heads up since I’m guessing you weren’t aware. But be careful reblogging stuff from a source called ‘elisebel’. They ship/post/make art about (or at least used to) frozen inc*st shit. 🤢
Hey, so I debated whether to respond to this or to delete it, but obviously you can see my choice.
I've seen some other anonymous messages like this and personally I don't think it's the best thing to do. Their blog hasn't had any Elsanna content on it since 2014. On top of this the person hasn't even been active on tumblr since June. They're clearly not harming anyone and if they were then I'd have a different reaction to this.
I'd recommend letting go of whatever is making you want to go into people's asks and sending them anonymous messages about this.
Feel free to unfollow as you see fit.
PS: If this troubles you so much then there's a lot of other blogs and mainstream media you're going to need to cancel as well.
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Your Elsanna lament, it's something...something.
You are saying this: "You can ship something and not want it to be “representation” – and that’s what being in the Elsanna fandom of 2013-15 was like"
You literally wrote this after you have already written paragraphs in this very text about how Elsanna speaks to "young queer wlw", how you are Elsa on the mountain, how you are Anna and her abandonment issues et cetera. You literally wrote that you see themselves in this relationship, that it's your reflection. And this is it! The representation. But if your "queers" feel incest representative to them, it can be very queer, you know.
By the way, your label is not an indulgence.
I made very clear in my post what I was saying, anon, and the only way you could have misinterpreted my words was if you approached them in bad faith.
I said that people can ship something and not want it to be canon. No one wanted Elsanna to be canon. No one wanted Elsanna to be an example of "media representations of lesbians" by being made canon. No one wanted Elsa and Anna to literally commit incest onscreen in a Disney film and for the wider world to see this as "media representation of lesbians."
That is what I was saying, anon. When I spoke of "representation," I was referring to "representation of lesbians and other queer people in media" and how no one wanted Elsanna to be made canon and be seen as an example of "media representation."
It was a ship that existed in the sphere of fanart and fanfiction, with no intention of going beyond that point. In recent years, there have been campaigns for other unproblematic ships to be made canon because they would be "good representation," but the Elsanna ship was not created with that in mind.
A quick google search leads to the definition of media representation from James Madison University: "Media representation refers to how the media portrays particular groups, communities, and experiences." My point was that no one wanted Elsanna to be made canon and be seen as mainstream media representation of lesbians.
It was a personal community of fans that had no intention of "breaching containment" beyond the fannish sphere.
This does not change the fact that countless young lesbians, bisexual women, and other wlw from 2013-15 saw themselves in the relationship between the sisters. That is a fact. It does not change the fact that this ship was instrumental in building a community of wlw who bonded based upon their shared experiences. That is a fact. It does not change the fact that countless individuals had positive experiences because of this ship, and some even met their wives through this ship. That is fact.
My words were clear, anon, and although I know you are baiting me, I am responding to publicly criticize your bad faith argumentative techniques and your callousness.
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weaselbeaselpants · 9 months
Cont. my point from my last rb:
If you want a case of genuine RED flags about people given how they consume fiction/bark about it, I have more than a few anecdotes:
My sister had a co-worker who really liked to hook up but was also SUPER judgmental and sl*tshammy of woman in relationships when she wasn't in one. She outright admitted she wouldn't watch/read something "unless there was a love story" in it and unironically quoted LadyGaga "when it's love if it isn't rough it isn't fun"/"Belle and Beast ended happy too" in regards to her many broken one-off relationships. It was...uncomfortable and it was made all the worse by her not caring about other people's boundaries while she did that.
E.L. James snapping at a r*pe survivor about how there was "No Rape in Fifty Shades". You're into noncon fiction, E.L. Just admit it and leave the BDSM communities alone. Also don't write. You suck at it.
Ben Shapiro (need I say more?) making comments about other people's sex lives and happiness based on their media input. Especially when anything dare be about non traditional sex in marriage or about a woman's enjoyment of sex DEAR GOD
Everything about Poppy from ZenaandPoppy. A PROUD proshipper+therapist who also likes kink art, none of which is a problem. Except when it comes to flashing her roommates and demanding that they accept it and shaming them for their "asexual shit", posting nsfw art everywhere, and most importantly saying there's nothing wrong with real-life incest outside of "breeding"; to the point that Poppy even tried to convince an incest survivor to enjoy incest porn in order to not "see it as a bad thing".
Lily Orchard just REALLY wanting to talk about incest and happy incest and how games that feature incest don't feature "consensual" incest more often and how it's actually technically pure just WEEKS after her sibling came out and accused her of sexually abusing them into their teens. Lily Orchard saying those accusations are false because said sibling is "not fuckable" to her. Lily Orchard still not apologizing or really doing anything other than deflecting onto others when it comes to shipping Elsanna and HARD and insisting it is/should be canon in a Disney movie.
Cosmodore trying to excuse his abuse of an underage victim with the anime he was reviewing being about redemption and 'forgiveness' and overall just being a LITTLE too eager to mention age-of-consent laws in other countries. Bleh.
And so many more I skipped out on.
By all accounts there are worrisome things consumed and argued that tell you a lot about the person doing the consuming. But, unless you have some idea of any of that or the thing being argued for is unambigously wrong, I think it's really heinous to make assumptions like that.
People can write about the happiest, healthiest wish-fufillment things and be terrible to partners; people can write about weird or awful things happening in the world but be committed and good partners. I think it's really vile to imply otherwise unless you've actually seen some red flags about them personality-wise.
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hereisisa · 4 years
The new Frozen magazine has a new story, it’s called “The Winter Festival”.
It’s in italian but I’ll try to translate it in english (ignore my mistakes please...and my comments if you don’t like them).
You can repost them but pls...be nice about it? Last time I’ve found pics on twitter with “have you seen this? an elsanna fan posted it so I’m not gonna credit cause...ew!” and that’s a big NO. If you don’t like me, don’t take my stuff ;) 
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Introduction to the story: Elsa is back in Arendelle for a special event! She couldn’t miss the winter festival, an opportunity to play games with everyone in town. Laughs and voices will fill the air! Everything is ready for days of fun, games, activities and music.
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Anna and Olaf are in the council room.
Olaf: Have you visited all these places? Anna: No. The world is huge and there are always new places to explore... Olaf: The winter is almost over, when can we leave for the next trip? Anna: Soon Olaf,...But now I want to organize something very special!
- So Elsa already spent a whole season away and Anna + the gang take trips without her. -
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Usually, at the end of winter season, the queen organizes a special event.
Olaf: why? Anna: In few days there’s my mother’s birthday. Anna: Some years ago Elsa and I organized the winter festival in her honor. Olaf: I remember! I cooked snowman-shaped cookies for everyone! *Olaf falls* Anna: Are you ok? Olaf: Yes, all right! Can you stop the room please? It’s still moving!
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Olaf: You want to organize the festival this year too? Anna: I would love it, but it wouldn’t be the same without Elsa. Olaf: Maybe you can invite her? I think she can come to Arendelle for such a special occasion... Anna: You’re right Olaf! She can’t miss this event! I’ll write right away. A bit later... Anna: Thanks Gale! Olaf: bye bye
- Elsa goes back home only on special occasions -
more under the cut....
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The day after.
Anna: I’m so happy you’re here! Elsa: It’s nice to see you! Olaf: I’m happy too! Kristoff: Hi Elsa. Elsa: what do you have in mind for the festival? Anna: I was thinking about an outdoor competition like a sled or skate competition... Elsa: That’s great! But why don’t we do something we never did before? Anna: for exemple? Elsa: Uhm, let me think... Olaf: Hello, what’s your name?
- wow such a warm welcome back! -
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Little girl: His name is Einar and I’m Anette. Olaf: I’m Olaf! Nice to meet you! Little girl: will you help me to finish it? Olaf: Sure! Take my nose! Kristoff: Excuse me but...Olaf is making...a snowman? Elsa: it seems like he’s having fun! Anna: I love snowmen... Anna: It’s what we need for the festival: a snowmen competition! Elsa: Great idea, Anna. The partecipants will be divided in teams of 2 people, and they’ll have to make snowmen of different sizes. Anna: the more original the better! Kristoff: We’ll play together Sven, it will be easy to win! Little girl: A snowman competition? Can I take part, your majesty? Anna: Sure! Who do you want to play with?
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Little girl: Do you want to play with me, Olaf? Olaf: I’ll be happy to do it, I never made a snowman but I can try! Kristoff: I’m sure the people of Arendelle will like this game! Anna: I wish I could take part to the game... Elsa: me too! Kristoff: But it wouldn’t be right, with your powers... Els: Don’t worry Kristoff! Anna and I, we’ll make a snowman without using my magic, and to pick a winner, every competitor will give one point to their favorite snowman! Anna: That’s amazing Elsa! Olaf: I can’t wait to start!
- Elsa had the idea of doing something different, Anna had the idea of which competition to do, and Elsa set the rules. They work perfectly TOGETHER -
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let-it-show · 4 years
Oh So Pretty
I...almost feel like I’m spamming with fic, I’m sorry, I just keep wanting to write... Anyway this idea came to mind yesterday when listening to this song at work! To sort of work with the duet/mashup I’m currently working up a companion piece that might be a bit angsty. But anyway- I don’t think Anna thinks she’s ugly or anything quite like that, but teenage Anna with Elsa back in her life may have had this struggle. Let’s all hug her!
"Wonder if hers ever did this."
Anna fussed with her fuzzy, messy bedhead and glared at the mirror. She'd tried to get a comb through a couple of minutes before and only managed to get it stuck. It was far from an unusual occurrence and she usually just shrugged and kept working through the knots but that morning she found herself unable to go about her usual way.
The past couple of months had been spent in her sister's company as she had finally opened her doors to Anna and the kingdom as a whole. Elsa was still immensely shy - Anna had dragged her outside several times at the start for walks in the town and to see the people Elsa had sure would be wanting to banish her after the eternal winter.
Turned out, even though there had been pretty widespread property damage, Arendellians were a very forgiving bunch.
It helped that Elsa was so very charming. She was dignified and held herself well and on top of it all? She was devastatingly beautiful. When Anna had seen her for the first time in her ice palace she hadn't known what the hell she was looking at - a real person, or a divine spirit? Past that day she continued to be awed by her sister's beauty, enhanced by her newfound sense of freedom. Elsa practically glowed at times.
And then there was Anna, with a comb lodged in her hair, her skin dotted by numerous freckles and splotchy in a few areas where she had accidentally let the sun scorch her too long. Her hair was pretty, but the light didn't illuminate it like it did Elsa's.
"Come on, behave," Anna whispered with a tired sigh as she reached for the comb. She really just wanted to go back to bed, too. The morning sun sparkled through her room as if to tell her to stay awake but she was so sleepy! She worked the comb out of her red strands and stared at it. Maybe she needed her brush...
A soft knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts and she looked at it. She knew immediately who it was. No one else knocked so quietly. "Come in!"she chirped and a second later Elsa slowly pushed open the door and stepped in.
As usual, she looked perfect, but she had made her own draping blue gown of ice, she frosted her hair back in a perfect wildness that Anna envied. Her eyeshadow was applied with no error as if the color was natural and the little freckles on her face didn't stand out too much. Her blue eyes centered their gaze on Anna.
"Oh-oh, sorry, I thought you were ready," she said quickly, making to step back. Sometimes she was still surprisingly timid and it perplexed Anna.
Anna, who stood with her untamed hair and still in a light green nightgown. "Nono come in! I promise I'll be ready soon, I'm really hungry and I know breakfast will be ready any minute!" Whenever Elsa was around her she had to restrain herself from hugging her, clinging on for dear life. Any time spent with her sister was valuable.
"Okay." Elsa stood awkwardly at first and looked around the room. It was a nightmare of scattered belongings and Anna was suddenly very aware of it. Her cheeks colored and she was glad Elsa was looking away.
Anna picked up the brush she wanted and looked at herself again, glancing quickly at Elsa before back at the mirror. Boy she...she was a huge mess, from her room to her entire being. Anna didn't think herself ugly and Kristoff called her cute. But next to Elsa...and how she must look when she walked with her, the normal, average looking spare sister attached to the queen's side like a secret admirer.
Elsa had walked out of isolation looking like a damn goddess.
"Anna, would you like some help?"
"Huh? Oh..." Anna had been staring at the brush. She quickly looked to Elsa, who was watching her. It was kind of embarrassing to have help with her hair but at the same time, maybe Elsa could help her look just as beautiful. "Um sure. If you want I mean I-you can go eat if you want I don't want to keep you-uhh whatever you wanna do!" she babbled.
At her words Elsa burst into a smile and a quiet laugh. She walked over to Anna and held her hand out for the brush. "I want to," she assured her and curled her pale fingers around the handle of the brush.
After assessing where to start she began to carefully de-tangle Anna's hair, fingers working through the ratty areas followed by the brush. She was clearly trying not to pull and Anna tried not to wince when any of her hair tugged at her scalp. She didn't want Elsa to feel bad. Still, it was a fruitless effort as she still twitched at some of the rougher areas.
If Elsa noticed, she didn't say anything, but she did begin to lay the back of her fingers and pet against Anna's hair when she responded to pulls. There began to be a big improvement as her hair went from frightening to soft looking. Elsa seemed so very focused, biting her lip as she continued her work.
Under her touches Anna felt calmer. She felt more at ease, her insecurities starting to quiet though not going silent. Elsa being that close with her and assisting her was something she had only dreamt of for most of her life. Elsa brushed Anna's hair behind her ears and out of her face with her fingertips and Anna felt her cold nails ghosting the skin on her hairline. Her eyes fell closed - watching herself be cared for in the mirror was almost overwhelming to the poor princess and she had begun to feel she might explode with joy.
"There," Elsa finally said and Anna heard the brush set on the table by her. Her eyes opened slowly as Elsa's hands settled on her shoulders, squeezed gently, and stroked down her arms. "Perfect," she said, a fond smile on her face as she looked down at Anna.
Anna's hair was fully brushed and laid down against her back, her bangs poofy but behaving against her forehead. She looked alright. "Thank you," she said, a bit at a loss for words after Elsa had been even the smallest bit affectionate with her.
"Can I braid it?" Elsa asked, toying with the ends of Anna's hair. "Please?"
"You want to braid MY hair!?" Anna asked and looked over her shoulder at Elsa in complete shock. Elsa wanted to keep doing her hair? Elsa wanted to help her get ready for the day?
Elsa recoiled almost immediately as if she thought she had gone too far. "I can leave it alone! Sorry I-"
"Nono Elsa I'M sorry! Of course you can braid it, I'm just surprised you want to!" Anna told her and reached out her hand for her. She half turned as she grasped Elsa's wrist loosely. "Go for it!" she encouraged.
Elsa relaxed and touched her hair again, visibly relieved. Anna turned her face back to the mirror as she watched Elsa's gaze combing through her hair. "Okay. I...why are you surprised? Why wouldn't I want to?" she asked.
It took that question for Anna to feel kind of ridiculous. "I'm just - my hair is just kind of eh, its red, but have you seen you? That was stupid of course you-"
"Anna!" Elsa had started to reach for the comb but she paused. "Your hair is beautiful. Have you never been told how the sun looks behind it, when it's lit up and radiant? Has no one ever mentioned the way it cascades over your shoulders?" she asked softly, and Anna noticed they were both blushing in the mirror.
The sun was shining through the window in Anna's room and she had never wanted to go stand in front of it so badly.
She didn't, though. She stood there. "Um..."
"Though perhaps you shouldn't stand in the sun so much," Elsa said as she brushed Anna's hair to the side. "I love the way you freckle, it decorates you so well, but I've noticed a burn on the back of your neck," she said and Anna felt cool air wash over the irritated skin.
As nice as that felt, she was hanging on Elsa's every word. "You-you like my freckles?" she asked quietly.
"Of course, Anna, I've called you beautiful before, I wasn't just saying it. Have you not been told that? What is it that Kristoff says to you?" she asked and Anna heard mild irritation in her voice.
"Um well he-he does say I'm cute..."
Elsa tsked and rolled her eyes a bit. "That may certainly be, I don't disagree, but he should be calling you beautiful as well. Because, Anna, you are, and I'll tell you that as many times as you need to hear it."
"O-oh." Anna's face was still red where Elsa's had faded to a light pink. Elsa even looked more confident. If she liked saying nice things to Anna, she wasn't going to fight it. "You are too," she said, her mouth dry and heart racing. She had no idea how to respond to what Elsa was saying. She never thought her big sister would brush her hair and speak such lovely words.
"This isn't about me. You're so very pretty, Anna, there's not a bit of you I don't find gorgeous."
At that, Anna couldn't restrain herself. She was bursting. Her energy had skyrocketed and she was going to cry or run in a circle to burn it off. She settled for spinning suddenly and accidentally knocking the comb from Elsa's hand as she pulled her into a big hug. She rested her head on her shoulder while her eyes teared up. Anna snuggled right up to her as Elsa returned the embrace.
"Anna?" Elsa asked softly, and her fingers still sought out Anna's locks to play with.
It only made Anna happier, and she sighed. "Thank you, Elsa."
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Update to Soft Cover: Of A Feather, a story about an ice church at the bottom of the world and some angels, one fallen, one demoted. Request by @snowmanmelting that I am very VERY late on, but hopefully that will all be forgiven after reading xD
Can also be read below
Anna breathes deeply in the freezing, near arctic air of the church around her. The chill settles in her lungs, pooling in swirls before the heat of her body changes her exhale into a foggy cloud. She repeats the action again, focusing on the divine energy in her veins, the radiance of her feathers, and the glow of the halo above her head.
Anything to distract her from how ungodly cold her butt is on this literal ice floor.
Distracted, a chill leaps up Anna’s spine. Goosebumps shiver down her arms and she sighs, opening her eyes. The deep blue of the ice encompasses her, a place of worship carved from the glacier itself. Marvelous and stunning, a true feat of engineering, sculpting, and faith. Remarkable, beautiful.
As more shivers rack her celestial body, Anna’s teeth begin to chatter. Repositioning herself a little, Anna attempts to resume her solitary meditation and prayer, but with a glum pout, she recalls instead the warmth of summer air and rustle of leaves in trees full of life and vigor. So different from her current surroundings - where once she enjoyed a place of open space and sunlight against skin, now Anna trembles in the cold and dark, where the sun holds no warmth and blinds instead of caresses.
And it’s all her fault.
But it’s fine. A century or so of consistent devotion and guidance for humanity will put Anna right back where she was, enjoying the breeze under her wings and the sparkles of the stars over the water. Patience is a virtue, she reminds herself as she closes her eyes once more, one that she has in spades. Or she will if she simply asks - being an angel and all, it would be granted immediately. Anna reaches for the tether to her divinity, a golden Light in her mind’s eye, feeling herself settle back to recharging the church with holy presence and serenity.
Until the resounding clack of steel-toed boots echoes throughout the chamber, shattering her focus and winking out the Light like a candle.
Anna scrambles to her feet, heart in her throat. Quickly she checks her glamor (a hand at her head, wrist, and knee) and adjusts the hang of her clothes. Simple white cloth, pinned at her shoulder, cinched at her waist. Her feet are bare as they press against the ice floor. The echoes continue and a shadow moves down the hall where the main room becomes a long hallway leading to the outside. The church is hardly ever  closed and people come and go as they please in the days between services, but it is unusual that Anna would not sense them. Unusual also to not hear the heavy wooden doors groan open to admit the visitor.
Regardless, Anna concentrates on making herself presentable. Be they godly, then Anna is prepared; be they human they will find an empty hall for them to do what they need, unaware of the angel in the room, ready to assist.
The shadow proceeds across the wall, closer with every step. Anna tilts her head at a curious sound. Thick boots for crunching through ice and snow are typical this far beneath Earth’s equator, but these shoes don’t sound… right. They are loud for certain, but light, with a rhythmic one-two as opposed to the heavy clump of the whole boot. Perhaps a wanderer, Anna thinks, or a tourist.
But tourists typically gasp and “ooooh” and “aaaah” at the decor, walls, and sacred objects on display.
Not hopscotch back and forth on their toes while muttering curses.
Suddenly, Anna knows who this is. It’s really a shame she didn’t get around to asking for that Patience, because right now, she’s going to need every ounce that God has ever produced.
“Helloooooo!” Comes a cheery, high pitched voice. “Anyone home?”
A woman arrives around the corner. About average in height, slim in build, with pale skin, gleeful blue eyes, and long, unbound white hair. The strange footfall Anna had heard made perfect sense now as the woman steps further into the room, head turning this way and that, as her heels click and rebound in the icy chamber. She is certainly NOT dressed for the weather. No thick coat or furred gloves, no goggles or padded leggings - nothing at all remarkable - in fact she wears a similar outfit to Anna’s except in black. Simple cloth, pinned at her shoulder, cinched at her waist, baring her arms and calves.
No. Not a visitor at all.
A trespasser.
Anna folds her arms and scowls. With a mighty and decisive huff of air, she drags the Light from within her and fills the chamber with holy energy.
The woman notices immediately, yelping in surprise as though she’s been pinched.
“Unnecessary,” the woman grouses, her eyes tightening slightly in pain, “but I knew you’d be here. Hiding as usual.” She scans the room again, eyes roaming past Anna once, then twice, before a grin breaks out on the woman’s face. “Where are you, little angel?”
Anna will not play this game. This woman’s actions and appearance bely her nature, and her presence in this place is not only unwelcome but forbidden. Ire rises in Anna and she pushes it out, raising the temperature in the room and causing the interloper peering between the pews to wince.
Even a demoted angel does not allow a demon to wander into her home so casually.
The woman continues her search, even as the seconds tick by and the energy in the room gives the icy walls an ethereal inner glow. The floor becomes too hot for her tastes and she hops up on a pew, balancing herself, arms out to her sides as she continues wandering around the room, making smaller and smaller concentric circles. She gets closer, despite the angel’s best efforts. With one last shove, Anna manifests her wings, all seven feet of bright white glory nearly burning to the touch, fills the room with crackling energy - and this time the woman does stop. She loses her footing mid-step, dropping to one knee. Sweat beads on her brow and as Anna watches the trespasser struggles briefly to raise her eyes in Anna’s general direction.
“Ah, there you are,” she gasps, grunting as she rises and makes her way forward. Anna’s focus drops for a moment, surprised, and this is all the confirmation the woman needs. In hardly a moment, she is right before Anna, nearly eye to eye, though she looks right through the angel because of her glamor. Invisible. Unbreachable. Unflappable.
“Hello, angel,” the woman says, raising her hand and pressing her pointer finger smartly on the tip of Anna’s nose.
Not un-boopable, apparently.
In an instant Anna’s glamor falls away, the heat and energy she’d gathered flooding into the floors and walls.
“What’s with that face?” The woman smiles with good humored teasing.
Anna shakes her touch off and backs up a step. “How did you know where I was?”
The woman shrugs carelessly, “You were the angriest spot in the room. Pretty easy, all things considered.”
Anna bites her tongue, a boiling explicative at it’s tip. Swearing isn’t particularly Godly, and it would probably just make the woman laugh.
“I thought I would come and check up on you,” the demon continues, “because I haven’t seen you in some time. Not since the penguins had their chicks.” Anna looks down, pretending to find some interesting crack in the ice floor.
So she’d noticed Anna’s presence back then. Watching over a bouldered hill as the demon meandered around the flock like they were her own family and neighbors. Huh…
“Well it’s been nice seeing you,” Anna replies abruptly, “but you’d better leave.”
“So soon?” The woman blinks innocently. “But I just got here.”
“You’re not even allowed in here. Besides, I’m busy,” Anna scowls. She hopes her expression is enough to convince the demon to leave her, and this place, alone. Still waiting on that Patience virtue, and Anna’s personal reserves are already running on empty.
The woman tilts her head, and Anna has to remind herself that any compassion she might see in those eyes is a lie. “Still trying to summon enough power to charge this place? You’ve been trying for, let’s see, a few months now? With how low attendance has been lately, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.”
Church is more than just a place, but one of it’s core requirements is members. People who come and go and frequent, creating a routine, a rhythm, a recognized space. A guardian angel assigned to a church takes over for generating that energy when the members are gone. The ice church had very few visitors to begin with, and tourists didn’t tend to devote time to energizing a place. So Anna often spent her days locked in meditation, channeling her divinity into the ice around her.
A grueling, thankless task.
“Well you should be done by now,” the woman muses aloud, taking stock of the room.
“I would be,” Anna growls, her hands balling into fists, “if someone didn’t keep interrupting me!”
“If you just looked--”
Anna sighs and draws her hand down her face. “Elsa…” Then she flinches. Between her fingers, Anna peeks at the woman in front of her.
Oh, if that was ever a Chesire grin.
“In honor of you using my name, I’ll stop beating around the snow mound,” Elsa beams, her ice blue eyes sparkling with merriment and cheer. She points to the ceiling, other hand cocked confidently on her hip. “See anything new up there, angel?”
Surely this demon has to be pulling her wing, but Anna complies and looks up, expecting the blank, dark surface of the thick oceanic ice.
Not so.
The ceiling is alive with Light, shimmering like the Aurora Australis. The ice seems lit from within by winking stars, the deep blue shot through with purples and greens and golds. The greatest Light of them all gathers in the center of the ceiling above their heads, bright and full. The sign of a fully charged house.
“When did…?” Anna murmurs.
“You always have trouble focusing,” Elsa says, turning Anna’s attention back to her. “Except for when you’re trying to kick me out.” The demon holds up her hands, “Rules are rules, I get it, but I thought, ‘Why not give her a little nudge and see if that helps.’” She looks up at the ceiling again, a soft expression on her face. “Seems like a resounding success.”
Anna doesn’t have an argument, so she stays quiet. Giving Elsa the satisfaction of thinking she played a part in divine dealings may be a mistake, one she doesn’t want to make.
“Now that you’re done,” Elsa turned and beckoned over her shoulder. “How about a break?”
“Angels don’t take breaks,” Anna says haughtily, crossing her arms. “Demons might: Disconnected and all that, aimless. But  we have more important things to do.”
Elsa pouts, her lower lip full and pitiful. “Trying to hurt my feelings, angel? Think I’ll try something if you step one foot out of here? You give me too much credit.”
“What would I even do ‘taking a break’? Walk around the ice until the frozen wind takes my wings?” Anna shakes her head. “No thank you. It might not always be warm in here, but it’s way better than out there.”
Elsa regards Anna over her shoulder before turning back. “You don’t like it here, that much is clear. And I know you’re trying to leave.” Anna darts her eyes away. “You hate it down here. Cold and dark, the sun only shining a few months out of the year. You’re lonely--”
“And it’s none of your business!” Anna snaps. This demon was edging dangerously close to a wound that was still fresh, even after all these years, all this time. A memory of warm sunlight dances in Anna’s mind and she wills herself to believe it’s just the wings on her back.
“Don’t lie,” Elsa says gently, “we can both feel it.”
Anna takes a deep breath in through her nose and exhales out her mouth. Steadily, she says, “Get out, demon.”
“Come with me, Anna.”
Her name echoes between them. Anger bubbles in Anna’s chest but dies just as quickly. She’s tired. Wary, but tired of always trying, always watching her best not being enough. But she has to push through, endure.
“I haven’t seen any other angel but you in one hundred years, Anna.” The demon turns her back and begins walking down the hall towards the entrance. “You don’t have to take up my offer, but know that I have no other motive than seeing you achieve your goal. I just want you to be able to enjoy it when that reward finally comes, and not be a burnt out pile of nerves and worry. I’ll be outside.”
Anna watches her go, heels clicking against the ice until they don’t. Silence descends again, absolute.
She should let her go, Anna thinks.
And she continues to think, even as her feet move and fingers trace the walls to check that the energy in the room won’t dissipate when she leaves. Not too much anyway. While the demon’s methods may annoy Anna to no end, she can’t ignore their effectiveness.
The wind howls outside, ripping at the fabric of Anna’s clothing in swift gusts. She slams the heavy door shut and shields her eyes with a hand, looking around for the demon who enticed her out here. Anna’s regret is immediate and grand. She’s stationed in the arctic, or practically anyway. Sunlight a few hours a day when they get it, or all day, never once setting, without the heat to match. Shadows rush in between bursts of snow, obscuring everything more than a few feet away.
“Demon!” Anna shouts, one eye shut as a snowflake flies in, stinging and cold. “Where are you?”
“Right here, angel.” A voice next to her says, appearing at her side almost instantly. “I must say, I knew you’d follow, but not this fast.”
“Tease me any more and you’ll enjoy this beautiful weather alone,” Anna gripes, unconsciously stepping into Elsa’s shadow. If Elsa had any opposition to Anna using her as a living snow shield, she didn’t say so. Even still, what little warmth Anna’s body had stored indoors was quickly being lost, and with the chill biting into her very bones, there was little hope of calling upon her divine power for relief.
In a last ditch effort, Anna’s wings puff up like a bird’s, thick and fluffed, blocking the majority of the wind and snow from hitting her torso. Anna didn’t bother looking at Elsa’s face. She could feel the humor in the very air itself.
“You got me out here de--.... Elsa. What now?”
“I thought perhaps a change of scenery would do you good,” Elsa shouts above the wind, close to Anna’s ear.
Guarded, Anna asks, “Where to?”
Elsa nudges Anna’s shoulder with her own, then walks a few steps out into the weather before facing the church entrance. “I was thinking up there,” Elsa points. Anna frowns, walking out to join her, realizing that Elsa had indicated a spot far above the gables and eaves of the church roof.
“You’re joking.”
“I am not,” Elsa responds flatly. “Have you ever been up there? Perhaps the view won’t be all that much right now, but I promise, it has it’s value, just out of sight.” Anna eyes her skeptically, but she supposed if Elsa did anything odd, she could alway just ask God to smite her. A few extra feet up may actually just make the shot easier.
Satisfied, Anna steps away from Elsa, fanning out her wings in preparation to jump. No more than a story or two, a leap as easy as breathing for someone used to soaring higher than clouds.
A quiet cough stops her short. “I’m happy that you’re eager, angel,” Elsa squints against the snow. It blows around her in circles, almost a bubble, unable to pass too close. A control Anna doesn’t have, or perhaps a tactic she would only resort to without her Light. “But if you want company, you’ll have to stoop low and assist the enemy.”
Behind her back something appears, like watercolor paint bleeding and blooming into shape, spreading out from her clothed shoulders to the ground. Feathers the color of oil, of moonless nights and obsidian shards. They weigh heavy against the demon, dragging beyond her feet, stuck marred and running with clumps of snow.
The chains of course, don’t make them any lighter.
Binding and unbreakable, the unearthly metal presses tightly against every shift the wings make, the occasional clink heard even over the gale. The limbs are lashed close to Elsa’s spine, tight and uncomfortable with no padlock to be seen, no reference to freedom or release, and Anna knows that there never will be.
Once fallen, always Bound.
“Dead weight,” Elsa says with a nonchalance that doesn’t quite meet her eyes. She flexes the muscles in her flightless wings, which rise an inch or two before dropping laboriously. “But their weight is only mine to bear. Carry me up, and I’ll show you what I meant earlier about there being more to this place than meets the eye. Heavenly or otherwise.”
Anna looks between their destination and her companion, then back again. “Alright,” she says at length, “but only this once. And it better be worth it.”
“Excellent!” Elsa drapes an arm suddenly around Anna’s shoulders and grips her tightly before kicking both feet off the ground. On reflex, Anna widens her stance and gets an arm under Elsa’s legs so she doesn’t get pulled down by Elsa’s gravity. She stumbles a bit under the weight of a body in her arms, relief washing through her that she’d managed to catch Elsa before they both fell… until she realizes  exactly  how Elsa desires to be carried, and dumps the demon unceremoniously to the ice cold ground.
“Ow!” Elsa gripes, rubbing her lower back. “What was that for?”
“No way,” Anna cuts her hands decisively through the air. “Absolutely no way am I carrying you like that.”
“Have a problem with bridal style, angel?” Elsa asks with a raised eyebrow, wiping snow from her black tunic. “Honestly, I thought it was just efficient.”
“Oh,” Anna’s mouth curls mischievously. “If it’s efficiency you’re looking for then how about this?” Without waiting for an answer, Anna hitches Elsa bodily over her shoulder, the demon’s legs kicking wildly in her face. As she grinds her feet into the ice, Anna thinks she hears a shout of protest but it is lost to the whistle of wind during take off.
Perhaps she should have taken heed, because Anna only gets about one floor up before Elsa’s heel smacks against the underside of her chin with force, snapping her head up and making her vision go even whiter than the blizzard outside. They crash into a snowdrift that had accumulated on the side of the church, dense, freezing, and muffled. Well, except for the grunting and digging to get back to the surface.
“What’s your problem!?” Anna bursts out, wiping snow out of her hair.
“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Elsa spits back, breathing heavily as she hauls herself out onto flat ground. Her shoulders slump with effort, and for the first time, Anna can see how much Elsa’s bound wings affect her. Like she can’t get enough air, or stand to her full height. How their presence smothers her, a weighted blanket with hundred pound plates, constricting her spine and dragging her down, down, down. Chained to the earth, shackled from the sky.
“I think break time is over,” Elsa says, adjusting her clothing back to rights, or as right as they could get for now. “I’ll let you get back to your study and meditation, since that seems to be what you’d prefer.”
“No I--, I’m sorry,” Anna stammers. Elsa seems surprised by her confession, and if Anna’s honest, so is she. “I want to see this view you speak so highly of. It must be… special.”
Elsa accepts her words with a nod. A beat passes before she asks, “So, how are we getting up there?”
“You’ll have to climb.” Anna smiles softly at Elsa’s weary expression. “Don’t worry, I’ll be with you.”
The slope of the snow bank makes the first part fairly simple, and before too long, Elsa is scaling the side of the building as quickly, though carefully, as she can. Every handhold is slick with ice, but Anna melts and evaporates them in quick succession so Elsa doesn’t slip. Certainly slower than flying, but it’s a decent compromise.
And… it gives Anna some time to think.
Why does Elsa care that Anna succeeds? In her tasks, her goals. In leaving this place behind for good. Elsa is a demon, she should be trying to pull Anna further, demotion after demotion until there was nothing less but the permanent boot down to hell. A great achievement that would be, felling an angel. Perhaps Elsa is playing the long game, biding her time, but Anna was stuck in this lonely, frozen landscape anyway, shouldn’t that make Elsa’s job easier? To prey on the mortals that came here, less guarded if their protector angel was distracted?
Anna unfreezes and dries another foothold for Elsa, hovering just behind her in case she falls. Elsa flashes her a grateful smile before concentrating once more. Anna remembers that demons lie, are expert deceivers, and will tell you anything you want to get you to slip, to tempt and to taunt.
But… everything? Even the small things, the inconsequential? The silent ‘thank yous’ for doing a favor?
These thoughts swirl around Anna’s head until Elsa clears her throat, breaking through the fog. She sits atop the roof, safely ascended. “We’re here.”
There is a valley, a cubby really, made between three steeply slanted roofs. Were this the type of geographic location to have a rainy season, this would most certainly be the most uncomfortable place to be - slick with water and grime that washed off the tiles. But with densely packed snow and ice creating a buffer, it’s actually rather quaint. Elsa walks forward, the snow lifting up in glittering heaps of flakes. A space is carved before Anna’s eyes, just big enough for the two of them. “I used to come up here all the time,” Elsa says as the hovering snowflakes settle among the rest of the rooftop piles. “When it was first settled and built. I liked to hear people's voices from below, even if it was faint. The energy of their Light wasn’t small by any means, but it was human, and easier to bear. Of course, with the arrival of a certain someone, I wasn’t quite so cozy anymore, unless I wanted to feel like my clothing was burning off.” Elsa tosses a forgiving look behind her. “Don’t worry, I’d say the price of meeting you was well worth losing a little hang out spot.”
She motions for Anna to sit down. As she does, Anna feels the chill of the air seep into her bones again. Exhaustion has crept up on her; using her power to charge the church, then fly, then help Elsa climb, had been more taxing than she’d realized. She settles in the crux of the roofs, surprisingly snug and comfortable. And on any other day, it might have been.
But the below freezing temperatures send shivers down Anna’s spine and raise gooseflesh on her skin. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes, looking for that tether of Light, that candle of warmth within her. But it’s gone, or so low it hides. Even her wings barely glow anymore, their protection offered only in the fluff of celestial feathers. Cold wraps around her, its erratic touch scattering every attempt at concentrating.
Punishment. For taking pity on the enemy. For failing her duties. For falling from grace. That sunlight in Anna’s memory would stay there, forever.
Suddenly Elsa is beside her, blocking the wind with her body and more. Her wings, damaged and curtailed, stretch over their heads to the extent that they could, chains restricting more than the bare minimum of mobility. They take up the spaces that Anna’s wings cannot fill, a black and white barrier against the storm. Free from the brunt of the gale, warmth seeps back into Anna’s limbs and her breath begins to fog in the air.
“Better, angel?” Elsa asks without looking at her. Her expression is inscrutable, and it's all Anna can do to nod and try looking for her Light once more. The candle catches faintly in her chest, further heating the air around them. She lowers it gently as she hears Elsa’s breath hitch next to her, unwilling to harm the demon anymore.
The world outside shrinks away, the space inside quiet and content. Not perfect, but comfortable enough. “I can see why you’d like it up here,” Anna comments. “Like this it’s almost serene.”
“I thought you’d like it, too,” and Elsa’s tone of voice is knowing, back to light teasing. “Did you really think I’d drag you all the way up here for some scheme? As you could see, it would have hardly been worth the effort on my part.”
“Perhaps,” Anna replies, “but you never know with demons.”
"You never know with demons, but that’s a conversation for another day.” Elsa settles again, their sides touching. “Now I really do think break time is over. You should try meditating up here, perhaps it will be easier.”
Anna laughs. “Trying to find a partner for eternity, are we, Elsa?”
Elsa doesn’t respond to the jest, merely reiterating that Anna should try meditating again.
Anna tries...but she doesn’t succeed. Instead those thoughts from before return to her, about Elsa, about what the demon means to her. About what Elsa wants. What she, Anna,… wants.
To leave, right? Go back to favored, back to freedom and the Earth stretching beneath her wings. To the warmth and the sun.
Actually… now that she thinks about it, she’s pretty warm. The clouds part overhead and the sun’s light filters through their feathers, shining on her skin instead of being blocked by ten layers of ocean ice. She’s warm, and as Anna relishes that feeling she sinks further into her meditative posture until there’s nothing but soft, comfortable darkness.
Elsa feels Anna drift off under her wing. The angel’s breath ruffles the dead feathers, mimicking a flight long forgotten. Anna’s soft exhales flee into the surrounding winds but Elsa hears them in the cocoon on their own making. As Anna succumbs to sleep her head rests on Elsa’s shoulder.
“Even angels need to rest,” she says quietly, tucking Anna more securely against her. Sleep laps at her too, the climb taking more out of her than she’d bargained for. She’d hoped for… well, she wasn’t entirely sure. A conversation. A common moment. A shared space. Elsa supposes she has that last one, just not how she’d expected.
But she learned long ago that the world didn’t always work on expectations.
Before too much longer, Elsa is asleep as well, her head on top of Anna’s, feathers fluttering in the wind. Two detach and dance in a shared current. One black, one white. They disappear amongst the ice.
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the-blue-fairie · 4 years
*sighs in exhaustion* And now I’ve seen someone sending an Elsanna shipper anon hate saying that “EA shippers do have something wrong with them as a whole.” People, please don’t don’t do that. It’s a horrible and inaccurate thing to say and sending anon hate is always wrong. And cruel comments about Elsanna shippers and Covid-19 is horrible.
And if anyone thinks I’m “playing both sides” because I just wrote a number of posts/comments venting about the hostility and negativity of BEH types, no, I’m not. I still believe that the aggressiveness of the rhetoric around BEH, the tagging of filmmakers, the sense of hostility, is bad and I speak up against it. I just speak out against sending anon hate to EA shippers too and suggesting that we suffer is also bad.
I made my comments earlier hoping to de-escalate the situation, pointing out that broadly generalizing Elsanna shippers is a bad thing. Anons like that seek to escalate it again - and also, as an Elsanna shipper, I find the negativity towards the ship from people outside it as demoralizing as I find the aggression from certain people within the ship. (That’s not me trying to shy away from the badness of spamming filmmakers with negativity - doing that to the filmmakers crosses a line and hurts my heart.)
But seeing people condemn Elsanna as a ship generally or try to escalate the situation even more with anons also hurts.
Both things can be bad and I can speak out about both of them. It’s not duplicity on my part. In fact, it’s openness and frankness about my thoughts.
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reminaissance · 4 years
any elsanna artists recs???
ohh OH oHHH! YES.
(now please keep in mind that the amount of artists out there is humongous and they’re all talented but also hard to track so I’d suggest you follow blogs like @elsanna-art-archive and @xx-lastshadow-xx who are constantly reblogging and posting elsanna goodies with accurate sources--you can also check out Twitter bc there’s a lot of fanart there but I’m not on Twitter so I can’t really guide you). Now BEHOLD my own personal recs!!!
@gracepago0314 - special, honorific mention. she’s been in the fandom for quite a while and her art is beautiful and immersive and she will give you the feels without doubt. gorgeous art. stupid amount of talent.
@ice-bjorn - beautiful, chefs kiss kind of art. they will slay you just because they can and you will thank them anyway.
@vago-art​ - this girl has so much talent that whenever she posts new art many people in the fandom are like adfgadufoaudfgpaduf--we lose it.
@patronustrip​ - I swear they’ve made fanart of every fandom I’ve ever been in and I just.. fucking can’t get over it because they are mad mad mad talented. Gorgeous and realistic and fluffy and amazing all around. PREACH.
@anotherpersondrawing​ - I dont even know... if you wanna die of laughter this artist is the one to go to. Not precisely blatant elsanna (i think--kent remember) but yo, you’re missing out either way if you havent checked out their art. it’s genius comedy and I fucking love them.
@constable-frozen​ - it’s constable. you never know wtf is gonna come out of their minds. that’s all.
@lorelei-lilyprincess​ - not only do they make stand-alone pieces of fanart but they also make comics and they’re beautiful--every single one of them.
@giuliaciulia89​ - another incredible italian artist (what do they put in the water of Italy??????????), you won’t regret checking out their blog. Super great art.
@comickergirl​ i cant recall right now if it’s elsanna or snow sisters or just frozen, but same as with anotherpersondrawing, I laugh often and their art is like a gift from heaven. It just cheers me up without failure. 
@nyamo-nyamo​ - precious art all around. both elsanna and snow sisters, I can guarantee you you’ve seen their art before. 
A-KA - same as Nyamo, if you’ve been in the elsanna fandom long enough I am sure you’ve seen their art. They’ve stopped creating for it ever since and I urge you NOT to reach out to them about it. That’s a very gentle, but stern request. Either way, their art is still often reblogged and I personally consider it a treasure in the elsanna fandom.
And I think that’s it for now. I know for a fact that I’m missing many artists so if anyone sees this and feels the need to add, please please do so!! 
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