#call barging
vertagedialer · 4 months
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Call Barging and Call Whispering
Call barging and call whispering are features commonly found in call center and customer service phone systems. They are used to facilitate real-time communication between agents, supervisors, and managers during customer calls.
Call Barging:
Call barging is a feature that allows a supervisor or manager to join an ongoing phone call between a customer and an agent.
When a supervisor barges in, they can actively participate in the conversation, listen to both the agent and the customer, and even speak to either party.
This feature is often used for training and quality control purposes. Supervisors can monitor calls, provide guidance to agents, and step in when necessary to resolve issues or provide assistance to the agent or the customer.
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Call Whispering:
Call whispering is a more discreet feature where a supervisor or manager can listen to an ongoing call between an agent and a customer without the knowledge of the agent or customer.
The supervisor can provide real-time feedback or coaching to the agent through a separate channel, typically through a headset or messaging system.
This feature is useful for training and improving agent performance without the customer's awareness.
In summary, call barging involves a supervisor actively participating in a live call, while call whispering allows a supervisor to listen to a call and provide feedback to an agent without the customer's knowledge. Both features are valuable tools for enhancing the quality of customer service in call center environments.
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leadsrain-blog · 1 year
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isjasz · 9 months
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[Day 182]
Grian mentions Hollow Knight on phasmo stream and gave it a 10/10 the crowd goes wild HOLLOW KNIGHT AU LETSGOOOOOOOOOOO
Inspired from this!
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 171
Danny would like everyone to know it was a complete accident. Look, normally he was really good at not altering the timeline! He was! 
But the dude was definitely not in the right Time, and he had to get his trust which took so long, like damn he thought he had anxiety. Seriously though, kevlar in the 1700s? Yeah that wasn’t right, and Peepaw always complained about the messes that the speedsters caused, so he was trying to prevent a mess by tugging the dude away and helping him out. 
Falling in love maybe a little, was not in the plan. But honestly the man had a worse sense of self preservation than he did as a teen and was also straight up adorable, in a wet cat  who could kill you sort of way. 
So maybe he helped the dude grab a child that was going to be drowned. It wasn’t like anyone else saw them! Even if similar situations might’ve happened a few different times. 
Still, no one saw them! 
So why is there now a small cult who worships the Shadowed one and Radiant one, aka his companion (who would not give his name save for B, which, fair, probably didn’t want to accidentally wreck the timeline either) and well, him?! At least they worship them as guardians of children, but uh. Should he maybe, perhaps, fix this…? 
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kacievvbbbb · 27 days
Mihawk is such a capricious dude, oh my god. The only dude you know who is always itching for a fight but only ever a specific kind of fight so he goes out of his way to take the path of least resistance for everything else.
Like he would rather leave than fight Don krieg, Sail away than decimate the marines, live in peace instead of challenging the other emperors for the one piece. And when they do he’d rather follow buggy’s idea of just being smarter about how they go about it instead of brute forcing it like the rest. He is constantly leaving fights but then a swordsman of mild repute and an interesting technique engages him in a battle and suddenly you have his whole attention. Like with vista it was obvious that he could have just cleared him like he did everyone else but he’d never seen the flower sword techinque and by god was he going to miss this chance. And so he engages him in what is essentially a spare.
Because Mans isn’t looking for a fight, instead, like a middle aged director of a short indie film, he’s chasing a feeling.
He wants to feel like his 19 year old self did when he was strong but there were people stronger. When there were still obstacles to overcome limits to exceed. When the world was large and exciting and he wasn’t just waiting for it to catch up with him. When he could look at Shanks as the person he is instead of the person he could have been.
He wants to look at Shanks and not see visions of a grinning red haired boy with 2 arms and a strawhat laughing in the dirt and asking for “just one more round Hawky I swear I’ll beat you this time”
But there is nowhere Mihawk can run that that boy won’t haunt him.
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anonymouscheeses · 6 months
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Art dump/chaggily stuff below cut <3 vvvv
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Yes this is an excuse to show off my designs *sigh* 😔
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shotmrmiller · 1 month
quick sidenote because ik ps!ghost is sending a msg on one of reader's onlyfan vids of her edging herself with a toy or something and he's just very upset that his meal's been made and he can't eat it :(
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purrvaire · 10 months
the master once they get out the golden tooth, after watching the doctor dancing with another man and then offering the same man to go off with him to dance in the cosmos:
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killerpancakeburger · 3 months
Silly "interactive" teaser for Pull Me Closer:
(Final part of my depressed!civilian!reader x Soap series, which includes Breaking Point and Knight in Shining Khaki)
*A wild Soap appears*
You use Avoidance.
"It's not very effective..."
Soap noticed movement.
You have activated Soap's thrill of the chase skill.
Soap is now chasing you.
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vertagedialer · 4 months
Call barging software
Call barging software is a feature of many modern call center solutions that allows supervisors to listen in on calls between agents and customers. This feature provides supervisors with the ability to monitor the quality of customer interactions and intervene if necessary. Call barging software typically includes features such as call recording, call monitoring, and call whispering.
Request for Demo  - https://www.vert-age.com/try-free-demo  
Content Writer & SEO - Jai
All right reserved - Vert Age
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rockingrobin69 · 7 months
“I've been informed,” Harry Potter burst through the door with his habitual earth-quake of a shout, “that you don’t even like peppers!”
“Good morning,” Draco said dryly. Harry Potter glared.
With a sigh, Draco retreated to the kitchen to fetch the biscuits from the cupboard.
Around his third one, an insistent crumb hanging to his upper lip with all its tiny might: “Peppers, Malfoy!”
Draco blinked. “If you’ll be so kind as to tell me what on earth you’re on about.”
“Pansy said you hate them!”
He looked absolutely outraged. Draco sipped his long-cold tea.
“Do I?”
“She said you’re allergic!”
“Am I?”
“Stop—fucking with me.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t dare.” But the corner of his lips was twitching. “I’m not allergic. I was simply a horribly dramatic child and she still naïve back when we were, what, six. Seven. I’m fine with peppers now.”
Harry Potter pouted, terribly chipmunk-ish, and even put the biscuit pack down. Down to business. “I cooked the—bloody hell, Malfoy, just, honestly. Why wouldn’t you say? That you hate peppers. I would’ve made something else. I would have happily—why?”
Utterly bemused, “I am. Honest, I mean. I don’t mind peppers anymore.”
“That’s a fucking lie and we both know it.”
Grasping at straws and failing, at least managing to stop the wobble of his stupid mouth, the automatic turning downwards. Went for his cup instead. The tea was ice-cold and flavourless and Draco poured it down his throat like it could cure him.
“Your hair’s a mess,” he then said, venomous, and turned his eyes back to the wall, where they refused to stay. It was always like this when Harry Potter barged into his flat. Even the water stains on the ceiling lost their usual allure and could not hold his attention. “If it’s raining, cast a bloody Impervious. Or take an umbrella.”
Harry Potter took a deep breath instead, sounding awfully, weirdly small. Some of the tension bled out of him in increments, his shoulders first, then the fists unclenching, then his belly un-hardening. His jaw was last. Draco was helplessly mesmerised by the transformation.
“You’re impossible,” but his voice finally not straining, his fingers not twitching towards the biscuits. No longer needing the obvious distraction. “Next time, if I make something you dislike, you have to tell me.”
“An order,” Draco huffed. “How sweet.”
Harry Potter could blush all the way to the roots of his hair. It was such a stunning, breath-stealing wonder to witness.
“It’s not a… fuck you.”
They sat there in strangely amicable silence. The oven still gave that choking, desperate cough every ten seconds, and it set a nice framework for their breathing, for the non-fidgeting. Harry Potter was always fidgety, but not when he sat in Draco’s kitchen like this.
“What’s your schedule? For today. Nev said you’re doing overtime again.” Leaning back, giving Draco that look all his friends liked to wear, the one on the border of a telling-off. It didn’t usually work on him, but Harry Potter had a slight edge to his disappointment that made Draco’s skin crawl.
“Not—exactly. Shouldn’t be so late. I’ll be home for bedtime, Mother, I promise.”
Even his mother didn’t glare like that. “Third time this week? I kind of want to strangle your boss.”
“Ha. I should inform you that violence is usually frowned upon in the workplace.”
He didn’t smile, but he came near it. Draco could tell, because the corners of his eyes were dancing. “Does it count if it's not my workplace?”
“Mm. Fair enough. Strangle away.”   
Now he was smiling. “When d’you start? Want a ride?”
And Draco was so grateful he didn’t launch yet another tirade about how Draco should quit that he said, “Why not.” (Only because he was distracted and rather tired, and not because sitting behind Harry Potter on his motorbike was in itself half-punishment, and not because clinging to his waist on tight turns at far-too-quick was—anything at all). On the downside, it made Harry Potter practically beam, and Draco still needed his eyes.
“Great! I mean. That’s good. That you won’t be late. Bad for your, er, record, and stuff, and you might not get a—bonus or something.”
They didn’t do bonuses at McMillan & McMillan, but that was neither here nor there. Draco nodded, pushed himself up on not so flimsy legs, collected his coat from where it was crumpled on the back of a chair.
“What about lunch?”
“You didn’t take. Any lunch.”
Why was he so obsessed with food? It was dangerously endearing. “I have an apple in my bag. Come now, you promised I won’t be late.”
“An—” Harry Potter shook his head, loosening even more curls out of his bun. They were rain-flat and miserable and still entirely too sweet. “I’ll buy you a sandwich at that poor excuse for a cafeteria you got there. And so help me god, Malfoy, you’ll eat it, or—”
“All right,” both hands up, “no need to shout. Your wish is my command, etcetera.”
He pouted so hard it was almost comical. But there was something still wounded there, so Draco added, “As long as there’s peppers, you know,” and then he was fuming again, bouncing on the balls of his feet and ready to deliver yet-another lecture. Draco watched him, amused, and forgot to lock the door behind him, and forgot his scarf.
Did remember his umbrella, which he Leviosa-ed to follow the Death Machine, stuck it against the silly jacket's back when they reached the office. It wasn’t raining anymore, thankfully allowing Draco to arrive not wet-dog for a change, and it made absolutely no difference.
Harry Potter took off his helmet to watch Draco enter the building. Didn’t follow him inside (wise, to prevent a murder), and so Draco completely forgot about the sandwich threat until it was roughly lunchtime. At which point, a drawer in his desk suddenly jumped open, and a far-too-fancy £12 bready tower appeared. On it a note that scrawled pepper-free, git.
Harry Potter had a lot to answer for. Draco, distracted, chipped away at the sandwich all the same, and was only shouted at twice, and didn’t even spill coffee on his keyboard.
‘Not exactly overtime’ at the office meant staying after everyone else to take note of stock and arrange all the impossible paperwork. That Draco was given this task was already hilarious, and always a disaster: that his boss insisted on continuing to give it to him, possibly commendable. Maybe he thought Draco was being stubborn. Maybe he thought, nobody could really be this bad without actively trying. Well, he didn’t know Draco yet! There was always time to learn.
Stock was stocked. The backroom was stuffy and still smelling slightly of smoke (not Draco’s fault, probably), the sweet dusty smell of paperwork going to rot. It made his head spin, not unpleasantly, made him inhale a little brokenly and laugh to himself. The sandwich from all the way back lunch sat heavy in his belly, sweating. Everything was so incredibly laughable.
When he finally finished (after only forgetting three steps in the protocol), the sun had long set and the streetlights were humming. Not worrying, Draco thought, going back to the office (forgot his bag). Not worrying at all (back to the office, to check he locked the door). (Why would anyone give him the keys?) (Some disasters were just asking to happen).
On his way home he stopped by the corner shop for another pack of biscuits. Some disasters, sure, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t prepare in advance. Harry Potter would surge in soon enough with another grievance. Draco was giddy by nature, and so the shakiness was not necessarily to do with this.
To the crescent moon drowning in cloud he wondered, do I hate peppers?
Couldn’t remember to decide by the time he made it back.
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lostuntothisworld · 5 months
Perfection is The Episode of all time
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Cat Noir: Utterly, absolutely, totally in love! She's so amazing; I could talk about her for hours! I mean, I won't, because that would put our secret identity at risk. Ladybug: It doesn't really matter who she is, what matters the most is that she loves you back. (grunts) So, does she?
I can't believe they straight up reenact Ikari Gozen's fishing rod thing with the point of beginning for Marigami (the TV show friendship game), and then ended at City Hall (That's where all legal weddings take place) and then they pull up a barge, and the Liberty is where Kagami accidentally discovers Maribug's identity. And then we get this:
Cat Noir: What matters isn't what you tell me, it's what you tell him. (breaks the akumatized object, releasing the Megakuma inside.) Did you tell him how you feel? Ladybug: (upon capturing the Megakuma) Oh... (laughs awkwardly) everything's so natural between us we don't even need to say anything. Miraculous Ladybug! (throws the small kettle in the air and chuckles)
And the rest of the episode is Marinette fretting about Kagami for hours and not communicating because she doesn't want to disappoint her.
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isjasz · 9 months
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[Day 183]
More hk au goes bonkers (still in the process of watching the gameplay im getting there💥)
From these screenshots in game YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH
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divinekangaroo · 6 months
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000marie198 · 11 months
Hypothetically speaking, if Sonic does manage to keep Tails, Nine, Sails and Mangey alive, do you think Nine will get jealous when Sonic hangs out with Tails, Sails or Mangey?
The better question would be, how much will he get jealous compared to the other three?
Ever been an eldest cousin or sibling stuck amongst excited little ones with each of them grabbing your attention to show you something and you keep getting pulled into all directions? That's Sonic
All little brothers would be pettily jealous of each other when they want Sonic's attention
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