#calendar system
dustbunnyprophet · 2 years
Mandalorian Dating Systems and Calendars
After spending the whole afternoon developing a dating and calendar system for the Mando-centric fic I’m currently writing, I ended up with not one, but two different systems (and some headcanons about the Galactic Republic dating system).
For simplicity’s sake let’s assume the Galactic Republic uses predominantly the year of the Ruusan Reformation epoch for their dating system. The year 0 ARR (After the Ruusan Reformation) corresponds to the year 1000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). The calendar system is the Coruscant-based standard one with the year’s length being 368 days. The date notation is yyyy.ddd (e.g. 948.126 ARR is the 126th day of the year 948 After the Ruusan Reformation).
Mandalore was founded in 9991 BBY so they began their dating system with the Founding of Mandalore (FoM). I headcanon the Taungs decided to keep their calendar system unchanged after leaving Coruscant and eventually colonizing Mandalore which means a Mandalorian year has 368 days just like the Galactic Republic one. Unlike the latter, however, the Mandalorian year begins 67 days later (e.g. 9253.1 FoM, the first day of the year 9253 since the Founding of Mandalore would be 262.68 ARR). 
Why a 67 days discrepancy? It would be weirder if they were synchronised.
Since I cannot imagine the New Mandalorians would want to use the FoM as their dating system, and considering the movement began after the Mandalorian Excision, the New Mandalorian Calendar (NMC) system will use the Excision (738 BBY, 262 ARR, 9253 FoM) as year 0. The length of the year and the New Year are identical to the traditional Mandalorian calendar system.
So basically
0 BBY = 9991 FoM = 738 NMC = 1000 ARR
Cheat sheet:
BBY: Before the Battle of Yavin
FoM: Foundation of Mandalore
NMC: New Mandalorian Calendar
ARR: After the Ruusan Reformation
Some notable dates of Legend/Disney canon events in the various dating systems:
934 ARR (9925 FoM, 672 NMC, 66 BBY) Jango Fett is born
940 ARR (9931 FoM, 678 NMC, 60 BBY) the Mandalorian Civil War begins
943 ARR (9934 FoM, 681 NMC, 57 BBY) Obi-wan Kenobi is born
948 ARR (9939 FoM, 686 NMC, 52 BBY) the Battle of Korda VI is fought; Sheev Palpatine is elected Senator
955 ARR (9946 FoM, 693 NMC, 45 BBY) Obi-wan Kenobi becomes Master Jinn’s padawan
956 ARR (9947 FoM, 694 NMC, 44 BBY) the Battle of Galidraan is fought; the Stark Hyperspace War begins
959 ARR (9950 FoM, 697 NMC, 41 BBY) Anakin Skywalker is born
961 ARR (9952 FoM, 699 NMC, 39 BBY) Anakin and Shmi Skywalker are sold to Gardulla and begin their lives on Tatooine
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
Archaeologists have found that a straight stone causeway on Mount Ttlaloc in Mexico aligns with the rising sun on February 23rd/24th.
The long causeway at the summit strongly suggests that the ceremonial structure was used as a solar landmark, aligning very precisely with the rising sun on February 23 to 24 and October 19 to 20. The same alignment is found if Mount Tlaloc is viewed from Mount Tepeyac, a holy site whose use as a sacred mount and solar observation post preceded the establishment of the Mexica civilization in the Basin.”
The mountain was worshiped by the Aztecs, who associated it with the rain god Tlaloc as one of his earthly dwelling places, called Tlalocan.
Extravagant ceremonies, plentiful offerings, and the lives of young Mesoamericans were all offered to Tlaloc in order to appease him at the beginning of the rain season.
The researchers state in their paper: “Many early codices seem to validate the working hypothesis that Mount Tlaloc was instrumental in the establishment of the date of the Basin’s new year and in the adjustments necessary to keep the agricultural calendar in synchrony with the solar year.”
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gitzette · 7 months
Ready to make the most of this extra day? Dive into our guide on Leap Day Deals 2024! 🎉 Discover unique ways to celebrate Feb. 29 with special celebrations, amazing discounts, and treats you won't want to miss. Make this leap year truly memorable! #LeapDayDeals
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maggiecheungs · 1 year
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emperornorton47 · 2 years
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kystenmehr · 2 years
I'm going to invent my own (obviously better) calendar system and no one can stop me. The Gregorian calendar is a total mess we are just used to.
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egophiliac · 2 years
Wait, is Lilia canonically 700? I thought he was thousands of years old. Did I miss something in Chapter 7....
I thought so too! the stuff about his real birthday being lost to time, the way he talks about the planetary alignment thing that only happens every 100 years, and other things like that made me think he was waaaay older than he is. but nope, in 7-26 he says he's just shy of turning 700! (so he's actually like. 699.) his particular type of fae can live to around 1000, but he's running down early because he pushed himself too much when he was younger (and also he plays too many online games) (he was probably not serious about that but c'mon, man, at least use a blue-light filter or something).
meanwhile, Mal is from a much longer-lived race that doesn't even reach adulthood until 1000 (500 is young adult, and 200 is still a little fledgeling dragon baby). Lilia doesn't say exactly how old he is, except that he's developmentally a "little" older than the third-years (so like about 20 in dragon years? ...can Leona sense this. is this part of why he sees Malleus as his Eternal Rival.) which means he's probably somewhere around or just under 500.
...I just realized that, depending on when it happened, this means Lilia might've been, like, mentally a teenager during the flashback of The Time Baby Malleus Almost Killed Everybody. he's just had Dad Instincts his entire life, I guess.
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coquelicoq · 10 months
System Collapse, ch. 3, p. 39: "I saw I had four private messages waiting from Arada, Amena, Overse, and Pin-Lee. I can’t do that right now. Pretending I’m fine for Mensah was hard enough."
8, 165: "Then he sent me a note back: So, you may not know this, but I read your letter to Dr. Mensah, the one you sent when you left Port FreeCommerce. I think you’re absolutely the right person to write this. I can’t handle that right now so I’m just going to archive it for later."
10, 212: "As I led the humans into the hangar, the contact with AdaCol2 started to drop. I sent, End session, acknowledge. It sent back, End session. There was a pause, then: Be safe. I can’t deal with that right now."
emotions: install "people respect and care about me" updates now!
murderbot: remind me later, remind me later, remind me later--
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I’m trying to write a “quick” reference doc of in-universe common knowledge for the players in my ttrpg campaign but every time I sit down to edit, it expands by another 200 words. The section on orbital dynamics is now almost a full page. There should not be a section on orbital dynamics. Why do I have chronic terminal writer brain. H e l p
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starrynyxa · 3 months
patrick stump being the White Dad at the Asian Family Function is really important to me and because of that, i cant ever imagine a world where he's not in love married to his wife. sorry.....
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mxtxfoodzine · 1 year
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Get ready! The 2023 edition of the MXTX food zine is coming soon. 👀👀
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sotiredmostnights · 2 months
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runawaymarbles · 3 months
I love it when my prescriptions triple in price completely at random
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ton-618-ton-618 · 6 months
2024 March 30
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Medieval Astronomy from Melk Abbey
Image Credit: Paul Beck (Univ. Vienna), Georg Zotti (Vienna Inst. Arch. Science)
Copyright: Library of Melk Abbey, Frag. 229
Explanation: Discovered by accident, this manuscript page provides graphical insight to astronomy in medieval times, before the Renaissance and the influence of Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho de Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo. The intriguing page is from lecture notes on astronomy compiled by the monk Magister Wolfgang de Styria before the year 1490. The top panels clearly illustrate the necessary geometry for a lunar (left) and solar eclipse in the Earth-centered Ptolemaic system. At lower left is a diagram of the Ptolemaic view of the Solar System with text at the upper right to explain the movement of the planets according to Ptolemy's geocentric model. At the lower right is a chart to calculate the date of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar. The illustrated manuscript page was found at historic Melk Abbey in Austria.
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thenegoteator · 1 month
since like three people asked and I don't want to derail the other post - yes, the Ethiopian calendar is also solar and has thirteen months!
There are 12 months of 30 days each (meskerem, tikimt, hidar, tahsas, tir, yekatit, meggabit, miyazya, ginbot, sene, hamle, nehasa) and then all the extra days in a wee 5-day month at the end (pagume). This month also gets an extra day during leap years.
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oflgtfol · 7 months
i have like a severe interest in archaeoastronomy and firsthand observations of the night sky and the techniques that humans have been using to observe for like utter millennia. and so this had led me to a weird position where even among my fellow astronomy people i'm like, too knowledgeable about certain aspects of it such that none of them know wtf i'm talking about. like yeah my one coworker will make a metaphor and say that something is like an oscilloscope, and we all nod our heads and agree because we all know what an oscilloscope is and have done experiments using one. but if i mention like, the nebra sky disc. i'm the only one who gets it
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