#c. mary macdonald.
princeheir · 1 year
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˙    🐍     This thread takes place in 1976, on that year's Yulle Ball during an interaction between Severus and @vclatiles.
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    Stumbling against the Gryffindors, — that for some reason insisted in standing together even at a dance —, Severus only had one thing in mind. A confrontation. 
    It had been a while since he met Mary Macdonald, back in his first year Herbology class. Instead of ignoring him, she seemed to have made a bet with herself to see how long she’d go before making Severus have a nervous breakdown. He’d say it took her nothing short of a few days, when her sly comments made him want to never go back to Sprout’s class as long as he lived. From there, he’d been tormented endlessly. Well, it wasn’t exactly unprompted, — as he himself would very often try to get a rise out of her —, but he didn’t understand why him. 
    “Oi, Macdonald!” With no back-up, he was the only green bastard meddling around with the lions, a nervous chuckle emerging as soon as she turned to look at him. “Can we talk? Real quick. And maybe, uhm. Closer to the centre of the room.” Where the dance floor was. Was he inviting her to dance? No. No, he wouldn’t do that. Would he? 
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quordleona03 · 21 days
Classic Fantasy in English
250 years, 69 books, 48 writers
Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift - 1726
Fairy Tales Told for Children - Hans Christian Andersen - 1835-1863 tr. Mrs. H. B. Paull 1867-1872
The Water-Babies - Charles Kingsley - 1863
Alice in Wonderland/Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll - 1865/1871
Mopsa The Fairy - Jean Ingelow - 1869
At the Back of the North Wind, George MacDonald - 1871
The Princess and the Goblin/The Princess and Curdie - George MacDonald - 1872/1883
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - R. L. Stevenson - 1886
The Happy Prince and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde - 1888
News from Nowhere - William Morris - 1890
The Book of Dragons - E. Nesbit - 1901
The Just So Stories - Rudyard Kipling - 19021
Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie - 1902-1911
The Enchanted Castle - E. Nesbit - 1907
Puck of Pook's Hill/Rewards and Fairies - Rudyard Kipling - 1906/1910
Lud in the Mist - Hope Mirrlees - 1926
The Midnight Folk - John Masefield - 1927
Dr. Dolittle in the Moon - Hugh Lofting - 1928
Patapoufs et Filifers / Fattypuffs and Thinifers - André Maurois - 1930/tr. Rosemary Benet 1940
The 35th of May, or Conrad's Ride to the South Seas - Erich Kästner - 1931, tr. Cyrus Brooks 1934
Jirel of Joiry - C. L. Moore - 1934-1939
The Tale of the Land of Green Ginger - Noel Langley - 1937
My Friend Mr Leakey - J. B. S. Haldane - 1937
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien - 1937-1955
Le Petit Prince / The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 1943 tr Katherine Woods
The Wind on the Moon - Eric Linklater - 1944
Mistress Masham's Repose - T.H. White - 1946
The Little White Horse - Elizabeth Goudge - 1946
Trollkarlens Hatt / Finn Family Moomintroll - Tove Jansson - 1948 tr. Elizabeth Portch 1950
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell - 1949
Seven Days in New Crete - Robert Graves - 1949
The Borrowers / Afield / Afloat / Aloft / Avenged - Mary Norton - 1952/1955/1959/1961/1982
All You've Ever Wanted / More Than You Bargained For - Joan Aiken - 1953/1955
To the Chapel Perilous - Naomi Mitchison - 1955
Tom's Midnight Garden - Philippa Pearce - 1958
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C. S. Lewis - 1950
The 13 Clocks - James Thurber - 1950
Round the Bend - Neville Shute - 1951
The Armourer's House - Rosemary Sutcliff - 1951
The Once and Future King - T. H. White - 1938-1958
Candy Floss / Impunity Jane / Miss Happiness and Miss Flower - Rumer Godden 1954 / 1960 / 1961
Sword at Sunset - Rosemary Sutcliff - 1963
Book of Heroes - William Mayne - 1966
Tree and Leaf\Smith of Wootton Major - J. R. R. Tolkien - 1945-1967
The Crystal Cave / The Hollow Hills / The Last Enchantment / The Wicked Day - Mary Stewart 1970-1983
Dragonflight - Anne McCaffrey - 1968
A Wizard of Earthsea / The Tombs of Atuan / The Farthest Shore - Ursula K. Le Guin - 1968/1971/1972
Red Moon and Black Mountain - Joy Chant - 1970
Tom Ass or The Second Gift - Ann Lawrence - 1972
The Dark Is Rising/Greenwitch/The Grey King - Susan Cooper - 1973 / 1974 / 1975
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alectocarrowx · 4 months
where: ministry gala who: @healvrs
Alecto had circled the crowd where the muggleborn kept herself confided in, waiting until they would slip away, and she could indulge in some fun. It would be harmless, it had to be, and later, she could let out her true nature.
A smile plastered on her features when the opportunity presented itself. "Mary, right?" There was a kindness to her tone that even surprised her. "You look lovely." She gagged inwardly. She had lost count how long she had been torturing her.
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swearwolfx-archive · 1 year
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Where: Marauders Flat Who: @vclatiles
Remus scoffed at the paper, the ‘Ask Rita’ section particularly wild this morning. Did people have nothing better to do than write in about other people? And why had he suddenly appeared on people’s radar? He tried to stay out of the limelight, never wanting anyone to pay too close of attention to his comings and goings for fear they might discover something. Poor Mary, her name seemed to be dragged through the mud several times, wondering what she had done to inspire Rita to pair her off with so many possible suitors James included as well as eluding to some possibly shady behaviour. He shook his head tossing the paper aside with a sigh. They had, had their little group at Hogwarts but the fascination with them seemed to have continued outside of its walls though he couldn’t fathom why. At least with himself, his other friends were interesting and had many accomplishments but he always kept to the shadows and had nothing akin to an exciting career or opportunity to rise through the ranks. He was unable to have such a career with his illness.
A knock sounded at the door and he walked over to it curiously, not having been expecting anyone. James and Sirius weren’t home so he doubted it was for them unless someone hadn’t owled ahead to check for them. When he opened the door he was surprised to find Mary, the very one he had been thinking of, one of the others whose names had appeared in the column. “I guess you saw the paper as well then?” he asked a smile appearing on his lips still confounded about how he’d found himself in this situation. “Must really be nothing left to gossip about if she’s dusting off the cobwebs of my love life,” he chuckled ushering Mary inside.
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
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nadiv22 · 10 months
My favorite quotes from civ VI
“No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.” – Plutarch
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers
“I AM FOND OF PIGS. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” – Winston S. Churchill
“Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner?” – Merle Travis
“When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.” – Will Rogers
“I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” – Arthur C. Clarke
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -W. H. Auden
“I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I knew not where.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” -Mark Twain
“I’m also interested in creating a lasting legacy … because bronze will last for thousands of years.” – Richard MacDonald
“MONEA, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.” – Helen Gurley Brown
“A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot.” – John Steinbeck
“The Lord made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel.” – Marie Osmond
“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder … Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that.” – Capt. E.J. Smith, RMS Titanic
“Create with the heart; build with the mind.” – Criss Jami
“One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering.” – Robert Heinlein
“There is no easy way to train an apprentice. My two tools are example and nagging.” – Lemony Snicket
The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle
“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them I shall build my castle.” – Nemo Nox
“Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
“People can have the Model T in any color – so long as it’s black.” – Henry Ford
“The pen might not be mightier than the sword, but maybe the printing press is heavier than the siege weapon. Just a few words can change everything.” – Terry Pratchett
“Astronomy’s much more fun when you’re not an astronomer.” – Brian May
“If facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” – Albert Einstein
“No one starts a war – or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so – without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.” – Karl von Clausewitz
“Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science.” – Lawrence Henderson
“Bolt actions speak louder than words.” – Craig Roberts
“Never criticize a rifleman until you have walked a mile in his shoes. That way, he’ll be barefoot and you’ll be out of range.” – The 2nd Target Company
“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“If you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.” – Chuck Yeager
“Benjamin Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.” – Earl Wilson
“Chemists do not usually stutter. It would be very awkward if they did, seeing that they have at times to get out such words as methylethylamylophenylium.” – Sir William Crookes
“If God had really intended men to fly, He’d make it easier to get to the airport.” – George Winters
“Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets.” – George Patton
“There may be no forgiveness for polyester. On this one matter, Satan and the Lord are in agreement.” – Joe Hill
“I’m a big laser believer – I really think they are the wave of the future.” – Courteney Cox
"Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.” – Mattie Stepanek
“Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.” — Colonel David Hackworth
“A strong economy begins with a strong, well-educated workforce.”– Bill Owens “Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.” – Marcus Aurelius
“It was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down the Roman Empire. With air conditioning their windows were shut; they couldn’t hear the barbarians coming.” – Garrison Keillor
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare
“Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack.” – Sun Tzu
“History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“A good navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“In democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism it’s your count that votes.” – Mogens Jallberg
“There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.” – Anatole France
“You can’t go around arresting the Thieves’ Guild. I mean, we’d be at it all day!” – Terry Pratchett
“Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government … You can’t expect to wield supreme power just ‘cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” – Monty Python
“In diplomacy there are two kinds of problems: small ones and large ones. The small ones will go away by themselves, and the large ones you will not be able to do anything about.” – Patrick McGuinness
“A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” – Robert Frost
“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.” – John Locke
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” – Douglas Adams
“Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” – Edward Wilson
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” -Mark Twain
“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun
“A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – John F. Kennedy
“Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first?” -Jane Austen
“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” –Albert Einstein
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marcmarcmomarc · 10 days
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse
Shameik Moore as Miles Morales
Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy
Oscar Isaac as Miguel O’Hara
Mahershala Ali as Uncle Aaron
Brian Tyree Henry as Jefferson Davis
Luna Lauren Vélez as Rio Morales
Jharrel Jerome as Miles G. Morales
Jason Schwartzman as Spot
Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker
John Mulaney as Spider-Ham
Kimiko Glenn as Peni Parker
Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir
Issa Rae as Jessica Drew
Daniel Kaluuya as Hobie Brown
Karan Soni as Pavitr Prabhakar
Amandla Stenberg as Margo Kess
Masi Oka as Takuya Yamashiro
Shea Whigham as George Stacy
Greta Lee as LYLA
Lily Tomlin as Aunt May
Andy Samberg as Ben Reilly
Pedro Pascal as Otto Octavius
Marc Maron as Adrian Toomes
Liam Neeson as MacDonald Gargan
Bobby Cannavale as Aleksei Sytsevich
Mark Hamill as Maxwell Dillon
Keanu Reeves as Flint Marko
Melissa Sturm as Mary Jane
Michelle Ruff as Mayday
Kathryn Hahn as Doc Ock
Liev Schreiber as Wilson Fisk
Peter Sohn as Ganke
Rachel Dratch as Ms. Weber
Natalie Morales as Miss Calleros
Ziggy Marley as Lenny
Erick Avari as Inspector Singh
Priyanka Chopra as Gayatri
Elizabeth Perkins as May
Atsuko Okatsuka as Yuri
Jack Quaid as Peter Parker
Freida Pinto as Maya Auntie
J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
Zoë Kravitz as Mary Jane Watson-Parker
Edwin H. Bravo as C. Salas (Visions Academy Guard)
Lorraine Vélez as Maria
Ayo Edeberi as Glory
Nicole Delaney as MJ
Antonina Lentini as Betty
Anthony Ramos as Benny
Chris Pine as Spider-Man
Marvin Jones III as Tombstone
Joaquín Cosio as Scorpion
Jorma Taccone as Adriano Tumino / ‘67
Jorge Gutiérrez as Officer Gutierrez
Donald Glover as Aaron Davis
Stan Lee as Stan
Lake Bell as Vanessa Fisk
Kim Yarbough as Alchemax Scientist
Nic Novicki as LEGO Spider-Man
Sofia Barclay as Malala Windsor
Taran Killam as Web-Slinger
Danielle Perez as Charlotte Webber
Michael Rianda as Max Borne / Ezekiel Sims / Spider-Man Patient
Leland “Metro Boomin” Wayne as Metro Spider-Man
Yuri Lowenthal as Insomniac Spider-Man
Josh Keaton as Spectacular Spider-Man
Rino Romano as Spider-Man Unlimited
Grey DeLisle as Spinneret
Meg Turney as Annie-May Parker
Paola Andino as Anya Corazón
Ryan O’Flanagan as Tarantula
Lauren Ash as Cyborg Spider-Woman
Daran Norris as Spidercide
Tara Strong as Spider-Canada
Jess Harnell as Officer Parker
Robbie Daymond as Ultimate Spider-Man
Post Malone as Brooklyn Bystander
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t1oui · 7 months
hc that james potter and mary macdonald are best friends
like obviously they have their own friend groups too, james has the marauders and mary has lily and marlene but these groups have always sort of coexisted
mary and james are childhood friends and grew up in the same neighborhood or something
they’re the it boy and girl of gryffindor
they’re both bi. james first complained to mary about how sirius and remus were so obviously in love and just couldn’t see it and then he realized he was so obviously in love with regulus and ranted to her about that too
meanwhile mary talks to him about being in love with lily
mary keeps james and his mild insanity when it comes to pretty people (regulus) in check
meanwhile james pushes mary out of her comfort zone and eventually helps her ask lily out (he’s so proud)
james is usually really happy and sunshiny and so when he’s upset (like really upset) sometimes the marauders don’t know how to deal with it and they get mary
mary and james can get each other to open up when no one else can
james insists he brings out mary’s “inner quidditch fan”. mary insists this is not a thing.
(it is.)
everyone finds out she is a liar when she paints her face red and gold for the end-of-year match and cheers herself hoarse after gryffindor wins the quidditch cup.
mary gets along pretty well with dorcas once they’re in the order together and james fangirls about it b/c he loves seeing regulus’s friends getting on with his friends
(dorcas, mary, and reg all call him a sop for this)
mary is usually very very chill but when she and lily kiss for the first time she runs into james’s room squealing
mary and sirius competing to be the better sibling to james (they take it very… siriusly.)
their birthdays are within a week of each other but mary’s is first and she will not let james forget it
she’s the cool aunt. to who? idk. teddy maybe. whoever it is, she’s the coolest. (james is very jealous.)
mary and regulus are also friends, because as scary as she may seem, she’s a good ally, and reg knows not to turn that down.
mary and james are just as related as james and sirius are, and together, they’re gonna kick voldemort’s ass.
hi again. i just wanted to tell you all that most of these headcanons (except marylily 0_0) appear in one of my fics, and while mary hasn’t shown up a lot yet, she will later! if you’re interested, feel free to go check it out :)
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little-mary-marauders · 10 months
My thoughts on characters I remembered in math class.
Regulus Black: Aka the better Black. Pandora Lovegood: PLEASE PLEASE MOMMY. Barty Crouch JR: Fruity asf. Evan Rosier: Lowkey manipulative sometimes (I WAS MAD AT HIM BCZ OF A FICT) James Potter: LOML,HUSBAND. Sirius Black: B for leaving reg but aesthetic>>> Remus (moony) Lupin: Moony>>> Entire Marauders/HP Universe. Peter Pettingrew: Young Peter>>> Older Peter Marlene McKinnon: She can do whatever she wants to me. Run me over and I'll apologize for being in the way. Mary Macdonald: Cute asf. Lily Evans: Sometimes my girl needs to calm down. (IDK OKAY SHES THE LOML MATH CLASS FUCKS ME UP) Alice Prewitt: Older sis Frank Longbottom: ILY, Older brother. Dorcas Meadows: Ur hand in marriage darling. Harry Potter: Child of Reg and Jamie, Lily = Surrogate mother. Also fuck head for naming his son that. Ron Weasley: Stfu not everything has to be abt u, ily tho. Hermione Granger: Remus 2.0 Ginny Weasley: BAMF AKA Dorcas Meadows reincarnate. Bellatrix Black/Lestrange: Someone save her from the Rudolph the red nose deer wannabe. Narcissa Black/Malfoy: Deserved love. Andromeda Black/Tonks: Slayed when she ran. W*llb*rga Black (burnt burger): The devil doesn't even like you. Or*on Black: Hell won't accept your sorry ass. L*c*us Malfoy: I hope you rot in hell, if satan lets you in. Avery: Bitch. Mulicber: Mother Fucker. Snivellus: Needs to wash his hair. Draco Malfoy: Needs to stop saying "My father will-" Mathew Riddle: Hot. Blaise Zabini: Eh, nice, depends tho. Crabbe: Idk, stupid and somehow turned black. Goyle: Idiot. Theodore Nott: Cute, Hot, Rich, Daddy issues. Pansy: Dora the explorer wannabe. Albus Severus Potter: Deserves a better father.
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yaggy031910 · 1 year
The napoleonic marshal‘s children
After seeing @josefavomjaaga’s and @northernmariette’s marshal calendar, I wanted to do a similar thing for all the marshal’s children! So I did! I hope you like it. c: I listed them in more or less chronological order but categorised them in years (especially because we don‘t know all their birthdays). At the end of this post you are going to find remarks about some of the marshals because not every child is listed! ^^“ To the question about the sources: I mostly googled it and searched their dates in Wikipedia, ahaha. Nevertheless, I also found this website. However, I would be careful with it. We are talking about history and different sources can have different dates. I am always open for corrections. Just correct me in the comments if you find or know a trustful source which would show that one or some of the dates are incorrect. At the end of the day it is harmless fun and research. :) Pre 1790
François Étienne Kellermann (4 August 1770- 2 June 1835) 
Marguerite Cécile Kellermann (15 March 1773 - 12 August 1850)
Ernestine Grouchy (1787–1866)
Mélanie Marie Josèphe de Pérignon (1788 - 1858)
Alphonse Grouchy (1789–1864)
Jean-Baptiste Sophie Pierre de Pérignon (1789- 14 January 1807)
Marie Françoise Germaine de Pérignon (1789 - 15 May 1844)
Angélique Catherine Jourdan (1789 or 1791 - 7 March 1879)
1790 - 1791
Marie-Louise Oudinot (1790–1832)
Marie-Anne Masséna (8 July 1790 - 1794)
Charles Oudinot (1791 - 1863)
Aimee-Clementine Grouchy (1791–1826)
Anne-Francoise Moncey (1791–1842)
1792 - 1793
Bon-Louis Moncey (1792–1817)
Victorine Perrin (1792–1822)
Anne-Charlotte Macdonald (1792–1870)
François Henri de Pérignon (23 February 1793 - 19 October 1841)
Jacques Prosper Masséna (25 June 1793 - 13 May 1821)
1794 - 1795
Victoire Thècle Masséna (28 September 1794 - 18 March 1857)
Adele-Elisabeth Macdonald (1794–1822)
Marguerite-Félécité Desprez (1795-1854); adopted by Sérurier
Nicolette Oudinot (1795–1865)
Charles Perrin (1795–15 March 1827)
1796 - 1997
Emilie Oudinot (1796–1805)
Victor Grouchy (1796–1864)
Napoleon-Victor Perrin (24 October 1796 - 2 December 1853)
Jeanne Madeleine Delphine Jourdan (1797-1839)
François Victor Masséna (2 April 1799 - 16 April 1863)
Joseph François Oscar Bernadotte (4 July 1799 – 8 July 1859)
Auguste Oudinot (1799–1835)
Caroline de Pérignon (1799-1819)
Eugene Perrin (1799–1852)
Nina Jourdan (1800-1833)
Caroline Mortier de Trevise (1800–1842)
Achille Charles Louis Napoléon Murat (21 January 1801 - 15 April 1847)
Louis Napoléon Lannes (30 July 1801 – 19 July 1874)
Elise Oudinot (1801–1882)
Marie Letizia Joséphine Annonciade Murat (26 April 1802 - 12 March 1859)
Alfred-Jean Lannes (11 July 1802 – 20 June 1861)
Napoléon Bessière (2 August 1802 - 21 July 1856)
Paul Davout (1802–1803)
Napoléon Soult (1802–1857)
Marie-Agnès Irma de Pérignon (5 April 1803 - 16 December 1849)
Joseph Napoléon Ney (8 May 1803 – 25 July 1857)
Lucien Charles Joseph Napoléon Murat (16 May 1803 - 10 April 1878)
Jean-Ernest Lannes (20 July 1803 – 24 November 1882)
Alexandrine-Aimee Macdonald (1803–1869)
Sophie Malvina Joséphine Mortier de Trévise ( 1803 - ???)
Napoléon Mortier de Trévise (6 August 1804 - 29 December 1869)
Michel Louis Félix Ney (24 August 1804 – 14 July 1854)
Gustave-Olivier Lannes (4 December 1804 – 25 August 1875)
Joséphine Davout (1804–1805)
Hortense Soult (1804–1862)
Octavie de Pérignon (1804-1847)
Louise Julie Caroline Murat (21 March 1805 - 1 December 1889)
Antoinette Joséphine Davout (1805 – 19 August 1821)
Stephanie-Josephine Perrin (1805–1832)
Josephine-Louise Lannes (4 March 1806 – 8 November 1889)
Eugène Michel Ney (12 July 1806 – 25 October 1845)
Edouard Moriter de Trévise (1806–1815)
Léopold de Pérignon (1806-1862)
Adèle Napoleone Davout (June 1807 – 21 January 1885)
Jeanne-Francoise Moncey (1807–1853)
1808: Stephanie Oudinot (1808-1893) 1809: Napoleon Davout (1809–1810)
1810: Napoleon Alexander Berthier (11 September 1810 – 10 February 1887)
Napoleon Louis Davout (6 January 1811 - 13 June 1853)
Louise-Honorine Suchet (1811 – 1885)
Louise Mortier de Trévise (1811–1831)
Edgar Napoléon Henry Ney (12 April 1812 – 4 October 1882)
Caroline-Joséphine Berthier (22 August 1812 – 1905)
Jules Davout (December 1812 - 1813)
1813: Louis-Napoleon Suchet (23 May 1813- 22 July 1867/77)
1814: Eve-Stéphanie Mortier de Trévise (1814–1831) 1815
Marie Anne Berthier (February 1815 - 23 July 1878)
Adelaide Louise Davout (8 July 1815 – 6 October 1892)
Laurent François or Laurent-Camille Saint-Cyr (I found two almost similar names with the same date so) (30 December 1815 – 30 January 1904)
1816: Louise Marie Oudinot (1816 - 1909)
Caroline Oudinot (1817–1896)
Caroline Soult (1817–1817)
1819: Charles-Joseph Oudinot (1819–1858)
1820: Anne-Marie Suchet (1820 - 27 May 1835) 1822: Henri Oudinot ( 3 February 1822 – 29 July 1891) 1824: Louis Marie Macdonald (11 November 1824 - 6 April 1881.) 1830: Noemie Grouchy (1830–1843) —————— Children without clear birthdays:
Camille Jourdan (died in 1842)
Sophie Jourdan (died in 1820)
Additional remarks: - Marshal Berthier died 8.5 months before his last daughter‘s birth. - Marshal Oudinot had 11 children and the age difference between his first and last child is around 32 years. - The age difference between marshal Grouchy‘s first and last child is around 43 years. - Marshal Lefebvre had fourteen children (12 sons, 2 daughters) but I couldn‘t find anything kind of reliable about them so they are not listed above. I am aware that two sons of him were listed in the link above. Nevertheless, I was uncertain to name them in my list because I thought that his last living son died in the Russian campaign while the website writes about the possibility of another son dying in 1817. - Marshal Augerau had no children. - Marshal Brune had apparently adopted two daughters whose names are unknown. - Marshal Pérignon: I couldn‘t find anything about his daughters, Justine, Elisabeth and Adèle, except that they died in infancy. - Marshal Sérurier had no biological children but adopted Marguerite-Félécité Desprez in 1814. - Marshal Marmont had no children. - I found out that marshal Saint-Cyr married his first cousin, lol. - I didn‘t find anything about marshal Poniatowski having children. Apparently, he wasn‘t married either (thank you, @northernmariette for the correction of this fact! c:)
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manyfandomocs · 5 days
WBW + Daniel?
Absolutely (tagging @daughter-of-melpomene)
full name: Daniel Archer Potter
gender: Cisgender Male
sexuality: ??? (I mean probably most likely gay but like I told you he would have some exceptions)
pronouns: He/Him
family: James Potter (father), Lily Potter née Evans (mother), Harry Potter (younger brother), Petunia Dursley (aunt), Vernon Dursley (uncle), Dudley Dursley (cousin), Mary Macdonald (godmother/guardian), Peter Pettigrew (godfather)
birthplace: Godric's Hollow, England
job: Student, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes co-owner, Maaaybe Professional Quidditch Player?
phobias: Voldemort, spiders
guilty pleasures: Red velvet cake
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Daniel/George
ot3: Daniel/George/Lee
brotp: Daniel/Fred
notp: Daniel/Cedric
Send WBW and an oc for…
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alectocarrowx · 4 months
where: alecto's dungeon who: @healvrs
Alecto had perfected her art form. Great detail went into knowing Mary's routine, where it would be the ideal place to make the witch sleep, covered by shadows, to take to her home. Not many knew what laid beneath, a dungeon used to torture those she wished.
She dressed in her death eater attire, mask covering her face, waiting for the sleeping beauty to wake from her slumber. Magical invisible ropes kept her wrists and ankles bound to the slab of stone, a wicked smirk forming behind her mask, the tip of her wand running alone the witches side.
"Have you missed me?" They have been playing this game for almost a year now. Once a month the girl would disappear for the night, left to her devices. "I've missed you," her words dripping of honey.
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
mary macdonald x lily evans
word count: 535
warnings: SMUT, sub/dom, dom!mary macdonald, sub!lily evans, cunnilingus, overstimulation
summary: mary tastes like cherries and lily tastes like peaches. (inspired by the song by lana del rey)
taglist: @gg-is-a-loser @yesshewrites1 @regulusblackswhorecrux @sw34terw34ther @puppy-coded @starstruckwillows @katsukis1wife @manyfandomsfanvergent
a/n: this is like my first time writing smut so please be nice!! also this was requested by @goosetheluce <3
mary’s room was the colour of cherries. dark, crimson, seductive, mary. lily couldn’t breathe.
she was laid out on silk sheets—white-gold like honey mead—with mary hovering above her. the sheets were cold on her hot, bare skin, and she trembled as mary’s eyes raked over her.
“you’re so fucking beautiful,” she murmured, staring into lily’s eyes. lily whimpered and mary’s expression darkened. “i want to ruin you.”
her lips devoured lily’s at last, and lily fell instantly to pieces.
lily would never make it to heaven. she didn’t care. this, this right here—nothing could be better than it. nothing could be better than mary’s soft sweet lips moving passionately against hers; her cherry-flavoured tongue inside lily’s mouth. nothing could be better than mary’s hands on her breasts, on her sides, on her waist. nothing could be better than mary’s lips trailing down her body, painting her red and purple and blue. nothing could be better than mary’s tongue striping up her soaked pussy, eliciting moans and trembles and pleas for more.
“shit, lily, you taste so good,” mary moaned. “like peaches, i swear.”
lily tried to laugh, but she was so overtaken with pleasure it sounded pained. “m-mary—“ she begged.
“i know, darling, i know.” mary pressed a kiss to lily’s clit and lily moaned, loudly. mary licked up her juices before inserting her tongue in lily’s slit. lily screamed out in pleasure.
mary’s motions were fluid, gentle, passionate. lily felt like she was floating, like the world had drifted away and all that was left was her, mary, and sweet, sweet pleasure.
“more, mary, more, please!” lily gasped out.
“patience, sweet girl, ‘m gonna make you feel good.” she pressed a quick, gentle kiss to lily’s inner thigh before returning to her work.
“mary, mary, mary,” lily whimpered. “mary, i’m getting close.”
“okay, baby, hold on.” mary removed herself from lily’s cunt and lily whined in protest. “hold on, m’love.” she leaned up and kissed lily softly, slowly, transporting the juices from lily’s heat into lily’s mouth. “you taste good, don’t you, darling?” she said sweetly.
lily shook her head, not in objection, but in desperation for mary to go back to her cunt.
mary chuckled and kissed her forehead. “okay, honey, here we go.” she moved back down to lily’s lower region and slipped her tongue back into her pussy.
lily groaned out, grabbing onto mary’s hair and pulling as she shook. mary went faster this time, tongue pointed and moving intricately inside her; lily felt herself near blacking out from the pleasure.
“oh, f-fuck, mary, i’m so c-close,” she managed.
mary went harder. lily moaned and screamed and shouted her name until she couldn’t any longer, reduced to a whimpering sweaty mess on the silk sheets.
mary pulled out and sighed, licking her lips. she crawled up beside her girlfriend and gently brushed away the hair sticking to her face. “you okay, my love?” she asked, kissing her forehead.
“mhm,” lily hummed, clearly exhausted from the overstimulation. “y’make me feel so good.”
mary smiled. “i’m glad. you wanna take a nap now?”
lily nodded sleepily, cuddling into her. “love you, mary.”
mary kissed the top of her head. “love you too, lily.”
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quoththemaven · 8 months
2023 Favoritest Book Reads
Vineland - Pynchon, Thomas
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Prophet - Blaché, Sin & Helen Macdonald
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And the Ass Saw the Angel - Cave, Nick
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Lou Reed: The King of New York - Hermes, Will 
The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind, #1) - Pratchett, Terry
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative - Kleon, Austin 
Sonic Life: A Memoir - Moore, Thurston
The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1) - Jemisin, N.K. 
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Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law - Roach, Mary
Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too - Sun, Jonny
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The Night Masquerade (Binti, #3) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Home (Binti, #2) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Binti: Sacred Fire (Binti, #1.5) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Binti (Binti, #1) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Black Paradox - Ito, Junji
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David Bowie's Low (33 1/3) - Wilcken, Hugo
Faith, Hope and Carnage - Cave, Nick
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The Sirens of Titan - Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
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Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth - Aslan, Reza
Smashed - Ito, Junji
Time Shelter - Gospodinov, Georgi
Brian Eno's Another Green World (33 1/3) - Dayal, Geeta
Armageddon in Retrospect - Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
Neverwhere (London Below, #1) - Gaiman, Neil 
The Committed (The Sympathizer #2) - Nguyen, Viet Thanh 
Into the Great Wide Open - Canty, Kevin 
Mongrels - Jones, Stephen Graham 
DisneyWar - Stewart, James B.
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex - Roach, Mary
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The Left Hand of Darkness - Le Guin, Ursula K.
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless (33 1/3) - McGonigal, Mike 
Suttree - McCarthy, Cormac
Life's Work: A Memoir - Milch, David
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Schwab, V.E.
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Against the Day - Pynchon, Thomas
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Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood - Ryan, Maureen 
Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA (33 1/3) - Himes, Geoffrey
La Moustache - Carrère, Emmanuel
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Janelle Monáe’s The ArchAndroid (33 1/3) - Favreau, Alyssa 
Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea - Pinsker, Sarah 
The Man Without a Shadow - Oates, Joyce Carol
The City & the City - Miéville, China 
Mem - Morrow, Bethany C. 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Harari, Yuval Noah
Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs (33 1/3) - Eidelstein, Eric
Gutshot - Gray, Amelia 
The Price of Time (Watch What You Wish For #1) - Tigner, Tim 
The Revolution Was Televised: The Cops, Crooks, Slingers and Slayers Who Changed TV Drama Forever - Sepinwall, Alan 
Just Kids - Smith, Patti 
Sounds Like Titanic: A Memoir - Hindman, Jessica Chiccehitto 
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Flicker - Roszak, Theodore
Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers - Miller, James Andrew 
Flashback - Simmons, Dan
Flaming Lips' Zaireeka (33 1/3) - Richardson, Mark 
The Sympathizer (The Sympathizer #1) - Nguyen, Viet Thanh 
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Pavement's Wowee Zowee (33 1/3) - Charles, Bryan
Neuromancer (Sprawl, #1) - Gibson, William
Invisible Cities - Calvino, Italo
Don't Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #2) - Jones, Stephen Graham 
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The Wes Anderson Collection - Seitz, Matt Zoller
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Dick, Philip K.
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Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly (33 1/3) - Maner, Sequoia
The Nineties - Klosterman, Chuck
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Zevin, Gabrielle 
Wanderlust: An Eccentric Explorer, an Epic Journey, a Lost Age - Mitenbuler, Reid
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A Heart That Works - Delaney, Rob 
Imago (Xenogenesis, #3) - Butler, Octavia E.
Cryptonomicon (Crypto, #1) - Stephenson, Neal 
Blacktop Wasteland - Cosby, S.A. 
Pearl Jam's Vs. (33 1/3) - Brownlee, Clint
Tracy Flick Can't Win - Perrotta, Tom
Devil House - Darnielle, John 
Adulthood Rites (Xenogenesis, #2) - Butler, Octavia E.
Heat 2 - Mann, Michael & Meg Gardiner
Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures (33 1/3) - Ott, Chris
Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) - Butler, Octavia E.
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The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer - Stephenson, Neal 
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The Republic of Thieves (Gentleman Bastard, #3) - Lynch, Scott 
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The Year of the Flood (MaddAddam, #2) - Atwood, Margaret 
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libraryleopard · 10 months
November reads
Swimming Through Mountains by Calla James
Body Grammar by Jules Ohman
And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliott
The Night Eaters vol. 1: She Eats the Night by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda
Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada
Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers by Jake Skeets
House of Slaughter vol. 1: The Butcher’s Mark by James Tynion IV et al 
House of Slaughter vol. 2: Scarlet by James Tynion et al
Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater*
They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody
The Sea Knows My Name by Laura Brooke Robson
The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec
Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha
Lucha of the Night Forest by Tehlor Kay Mejia
All You Can Ever Know by Nicole Chung
The Zones of Paradise by Lynn Powell
My Flawless Life by Yvonne Woon
The Twenty-Ninth Year by Hala Alyan
Endpapers by Jennifer Savran Kelly
The Tiny Journalist by Naomi Shihab Nye
The Spirit Glass by Roshani Chokshi
Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas
Above Ground by Clint Smith
Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds
Prophet by Sin Blaché and Helen MacDonald
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappé
As If a Song Could Save You by Betsy Sholl
Biting the Hand: Growing Up Asian in Black and White America by Julia Lee
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner
You Can Be the Last Leaf by Maya Abu Al-Hayyat
The Call-Out by Cat Fitzpatrick
The Art of Scandal by Regina Black
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
Currently reading
Blood to Poison by Mary Watson
The Mossheart's Promise by Rebecca Mix
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis
The Body's Question by Tracy K. Smith
Rosewater by Liv Little
Night of the Living Rez by Morgan Talty
The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan
How We Do It: Black Writers on Craft, Skill, and Practice edited by Jericho Brown
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
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derekfoxwit · 2 years
The Best Picture Oscar My Way (1980-1999)
Here’s Part 2 of Best Picture My Way (as started here). All information about my approach with this category can be found on that linked first part.
For convenience sake, I’ll relay this message. Only the films I add onto here as nominees will have listed nominated producers next to the movie’s title. (Here’s the Wikipedia page for the rest.)
The Empire Strikes Back - Gary Kurtz
Raging Bull
The Elephant Man
Coal Miner’s Daughter
Ordinary People
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Das Boot - Gunter Rohrbach; Michael Bittins
On the Golden Pond
Chariots of Fire
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
Fitzcarraldo - Werner Herzog; Willi Segler; Lucki Stipetic
Fanny and Alexander - Jorn Donner
Terms of Endearment
Scarface - Martin Bregman
Mender Mercies
The Right Stuff
Amadeus (still)
The Terminator - Gale Anne Hurd
Love Streams - Yoram Globus; Menahem Golan
Ghostbusters - Ivan Reitman
A Passage to India
Back to the Future - Neil Canton; Bob Gale
The Color Purple
After Hours - Robert F. Colesberry; Griffin Dunne; Amy Robinson
Ran - Masato Hara; Serge Silberman
Platoon (still)
Misery - Rob Reiner; Andrew Scheinman
Hannah and Her Sisters
A Room with a View
Blue Velvet - Fred C. Caruso
The Last Emperor (still)
The Princess Bride - Rob Reiner; Andrew Scheinman
Broadcast News
Fatal Attraction
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Frank Marshall; Robert Watts
Rain Man
Dangerous Liaisons
Mississippi Burning
The Last Temptation of Christ - Barbara De Fina
Do The Right Thing - Spike Lee
Driving Miss Daisy
Dead Poets Society
My Left Foot
Cinema Paradiso - Giovanna Romagnoli
Dances with Wolves
Edward Scissorhands - Tim Burton; Denise Di Novi
The Godfather Part III
The Silence of the Lambs (still)
Thelma & Louise - Ridley Scott
Beauty and the Beast
Boyz in the Hood - Steve Nicolaides
Unforgiven (still)
A Few Good Men
Malcolm X - Spike Lee; Marvin Worth
Reservoir Dogs - Lawrence Bender; Harvey Keitel
Aladdin - Ron Clements; John Musker
Schindler’s List (still)
The Piano
Philadelphia - Jonathan Demme; Edward Saxon
In The Name of the Father
The Fugitive
The Lion King - Don Hahn
Forrest Gump
Pulp Fiction
The Shawshank Redemption
Eat Drink Man Woman - Kong Hsu; Li-Kong Hsu
Toy Story - Bonnie Arnold; Ralph Guggenheim
Se7en - Phyllis Carlyle; Arnold Kopelson
The Postman (Il Postino)
Before Sunrise - Anne Walker-McBay
Trainspotting - Andrew Macdonald
Secrets & Lies
Jerry Maguire
The English Patient
Titanic (still)
Good Will Hunting
L.A. Confidential
Princess Mononoke - Toshio Suzuki
Boogie Nights - Paul Thomas Anderson; Lloyd Levin; John S. Lyons; JoAnne Sellar
Lost Highway - Deepak Nayar; Tom Sternberg; Mary Sweeney
As Good as It Gets
The Full Monty
Saving Private Ryan
Life is Beautiful
The Thin Red Line
The Big Lebowski - Joel and Ethan Coen
Mulan - Pam Coats
Central Station - Arthur Cohn; Martine de Clermont-Tonnerre; Robert Redford; Walter Salles
The Truman Show - Edward S. Feldman; Andrew Niccol; Scott Rudin; Adam Schroeder
Rushmore - Barry Mendel; Paul Schiff
Shakespeare in Love
The Matrix - Joel Silver
American Beauty
The Green Mile
The Sixth Sense
Magnolia - Paul Thomas Anderson; JoAnne Sellar
The Straight Story - Neal Edelstein; Mary Sweeney
Man on the Moon - Danny DeVito; Michael Shamberg; Stacey Sher
Being John Malkovich - Steve Golin; Vincent Landay; Sandy Stern; Michael Stipe
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