#c; anne hathaway
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itsnickgalitzine · 2 months ago
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annie, first off — forgive me for vanishing after we spoke and hung out to honour our film together. holidays and then work took my time. however, i'm checking back in because i can't not keep up with my friend and not have us all talking. ( @anne-hathway )
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pdouwes · 5 months ago
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WILLEMIJN VERKAIK as ANNE HATHAWAY in & Julia - Das Musical (Hamburg, 2024)
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psykopaths · 1 year ago
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Love and other drugs, (2010)
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fantastickkay · 5 months ago
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From SuperTeen, January 2000
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itsnickgalitzine · 4 months ago
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disney definitely should allow something more risky, but i'll accept a charming prince who becomes mia's friend for sure. though that other idea wouldn't be bad for a film together, just throwing that out there. well, currently not much but playing the greatest roles of father and husband, aside from that i'm work free for now. i don't think any co-star will beat your as my favourite, and i suppose taylor will always be second now. it was amazing, all of taylor's family came, my sister also came out even. kaitlynn and evelyn stole the show just being so curious about all the food they couldn't really eat. i'll definitely be soon, i have another friend there i also want to see just might not be until after christmas. the twins will be 3 months and i'll feel better traveling with them sometimes. i could sent you a picture now if you'd like though, annie.
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you know what? that's a brilliant thing, mia thermpolis probably tired of her life in the kingdom falls in love with someone younger nad gave a hot affair and a great adventure with him, but it's disney, i don't think they will alllow us to do that so maybe you could play a charming prince very decent who becomes friends with Mia. what is next for you, babe? what are you doing these days? are you having a new favorite costar now? i hope not! and please, tell me how was your thanksgiving? remember that if you are in NYC you better call me up to reunite and catch up and also, you haven't sent me pictures of your beautiful daughters and i'm dying to meet them.
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fellinesca · 1 year ago
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Ladies, ladies, ladies... Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee, 2005)
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dreamcastingbroadway · 9 days ago
Dreamcasting Broadway: SUNSET BLVD.
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"No words can tell the stories my eyes tell."
Dreamcasting Broadway: Sunset Blvd.
Anne Hathaway as Norma Desmond (rumored)
Colton Ryan as Joe Gillis
Jisel Soleil Ayon as Betty Schaefer
Michael C. Hall as Max Von Mayerling
Alizé Cruz as Dorothy/Ensemble (Betty u/s)
Ashley Merritt as Jean/Ensemble
Cait Fairbanks as Mary/Heather/Ensemble (Norma u/s)
Christopher Robert Hanford as Sheldrake/Ensemble
Colin Anderson as DeMille/Stan/Finance Man/Ensemble (Max u/s)
Daniel J. Maldonado as Morino/Hog-Eye/Ensemble (Joe u/s)
Gillian Jackson Harper as Young Norma/Patsy/Ensemble
Jake David Smith as Artie/Ensemble (Joe u/s)
Jenny Mollet as Lisa/Ensemble
Keirsten Hodgens as Joanna/Guard/Ensemble
Michael Ivan Carrier as John/Ensemble
Peli Naomi Woods as Katherine/Camera Operator/Ensemble
Preston Mui as Myron/Jones/Camera Operator/Ensemble
Rachel Simone Webb as Nancy/Ensemble (Betty u/s)
Tristan Hill as Frank/Finance Man/Ensemble
Usman Ali Mughal as Sammy/Ensemble (Max u/s)
Amaya White as Swing
Daniel Thimm as Swing
Emiliano Morales as Swing
Sabrina Imamura as Swing
Taylor Sage Evans as Swing
Travante S. Barker as Swing
Lena Hall as Alternate (Norma Desmond)
Janet Dacal as Standby (Norma Desmond)
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cleo-c-art · 11 months ago
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My favorite girls ❤️ my dnd character Stonearm (left) and her girlfriend (right)
Aitha and Stonearm are both deep gnomes who were part of a punk teen crime group when they were young. After Stonearm being in jail for 33 years they still love each other
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7698 · 1 year ago
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fates-theysband · 1 year ago
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maybe i do have a type
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blogdorogerinho · 5 months ago
Críticas  — Interestelar (2014), 2001 — Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968), 2010 — O Ano Em Que Faremos Contato (1984), Solaris (1972), Solaris (2002)
Assim Caminha a Humanidade “Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade e a vida; ninguém vem ao Pai, senão por mim”. (João, 14: 6). Para Christopher Nolan a humanidade prosperou graças aos ensinamentos do Cristo somados à tecnologia avançada, porque religião e ciência devem caminhar juntas de acordo com a terceira Lei de Clarke: “Qualquer tecnologia suficientemente avançada é indistinguível da magia.”…
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hitchell-mope · 1 year ago
Anyone can whistle fancast.
Cora Hoover Hooper. Anne Hathaway.
Fay Apple. Zooey Deschanel.
J. Bowden Hapgood. Adam DeVine.
Comptroller Schub. Andy Samberg.
Treasurer Cooley. Jake Gyllenhaal.
Police Chief Magruder. Jim Sturgess
Mrs. Schroeder. Kristen Bell.
Dr. Detmold. Michael C Hall.
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pdouwes · 2 months ago
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psykopaths · 1 year ago
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Interstellar, (2015)
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merylstreep-fame · 3 months ago
You too. I spent it with the family. What about you? As for the awards season, who knows. Maybe you will, maybe you won't.
Meryl! happy holidays!! how did you spend these days? and most importantly, am i seeing you during the awards season? i wish i could be there to see you in case you are attending to all of them.
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icyg4l · 7 months ago
PAC: September 2024 Predictions
Hello beautiful people! I am finally back and I feel wonderful! I hope you all do too! I am just getting settled into school and I feel very confident about what's to come! It has been a long time coming but I feel ready to launch into this new fall era! I hope you all are too! My booking site is officially open so I will link it here in order for you all to have access to it. I will be taking readings starting Friday. So without further ado, please select the photo that aligns with you and don't forget to tell your friends about me! I hope that you all enjoy!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You are in a bit of a pickle, I can tell. Just remember this: the choice is always yours. You can choose what reality you want to make yours. I am channeling the movie ‘Look Both Ways’ starring Lili Reinhart and Danny Ramirez. You will have difficulties coming to a decision. Watching this movie can help with your indecision quite a bit. It also feels as though you need to cut certain things out. I am especially picking up on overspending and overeating. You also need to cut down on screen time and any other distractions that may be capturing your attention. For those of you that are attracted to men, you should stop hooking up with them. A potential pregnancy/STD scare could occur. Overall, it seems that you should be working on improving your health. Virgo energy is significant. By the end of October, you should see the results that you want to see. I am also channeling the movie ‘The Princess Diaries’ starring Anne Hathaway. You are on the brink of transformation. There is a reason why your body is not digesting foods properly at this time. There is a reason why you feel out of place at the moment socially. Your body is rejecting your current environment because you are being prepared for a new one. You may meet someone who you aspire to be like. They will help you get aligned with your goals (personal, career, financial, etc). Do not be afraid to use your connections. Networking will be helpful for you to do. Remember, a closed mouth never gets fed and plan accordingly for your upcoming journey. You know what to do. 
Cards Used: Page of Swords, 7 of Cups, 2 of Discs, The Hanged Man, Queen of Swords, 9 of Swords, The Magician, The Chariot, Princess of Discs 
extras: cutting out certain foods. resisting temptation. random dancing. struggling with internalized fatphobia/homophobia. halloween costume. myriad.
PIle Two: I feel like this pile works with older women or have the tendency to surround themselves with older women. Perhaps, you get along with them better? You are wise beyond your years. Seeking knowledge from them about a situation that deeply concerns you will not hurt. This month will be all about retribution. Some of you want to learn more about casting spells. Others of you could be trying to seek justice in the courts. Some of you want to perform street justice. However, you should weigh out the pros and cons. Does your idea of punishment match the actions of the person that has harmed you? This is exactly why you will need to reach out to someone older than you. This month, you may be spending more time with a mother figure especially if she is sick. During this time, you may find that your support system isn’t as supportive as you thought they were. It’s time to cut them loose. Also, if you’ve been lurking on their page hoping for an apology, you will not get it. It is best that you move forward so that you do not go crazy. Be prepared to take extra precautions this month so that you don’t get sick. Hydrate and moisturize. Take Vitamin C. Go for a light jog or a walk after you eat so that you can avoid throwing up. Also, you should go out to the city more often to admire the sights. Lastly, some of you will be getting pulled over by the police this month. I also heard “search warrant”. If you’re doing something that is questionable, nothing will be found. If you just get pulled over, you will be free to go. I suggest paying off any parking tickets like now though, just to be safe. 
Cards Used: The Empress, 10 of Cups, The Moon, The Hermit, 6 of Discs, 8 of Cups, Princess of Swords, 6 of Cups, 4 of Discs 
extras: fast track. appreciation day. MLK boulevard. sweet sixteen. i declare thumb war. swear jar. every kiss begins with kay. beauty queen. travesty. marshawn lynch. salty cravings. that time of the month.
Pile Three: Smiling through the pain, huh, lovely? You might not understand the significance of what you’re going through right now but you will get it later. For those of you who are in on/off again situations/romantic relationships in general, you need to know that communication is key! It’s so cliche to say but knowing that you have someone to depend on when things get rough can be what grounds us. You need to trust that whatever you are going through, you will get through this; the both of you. For those of you that are single, you have to be open to the process of getting to know other people. You are about to be in a soulmate connection but in order for you to meet them, you have to let them in! There is a reason why you are meeting them now. They will serve their purpose. No time will be wasted here. You are a very logical/analytical person, but there is no reason why you should be locking yourself in your room all the time. You need to be out with other humans. It’s a very good time for you to go out to clubs, restaurants, bars, clubs, jazz lounges, sip and paints, speakeasies, poetry slams, etc. Allow yourself to exist in the moment so that you don’t have to think about your problems. Be an escapist for once, and this brings me to my last point! You need to balance out your realism and your imagination. There is something that you have wanted since you were a child, but you are suppressing it. It could be wanting to try out a certain food, wanting to go to a different country, wanting to go to a specific artist’s concert, but you have been too busy to do so. You need to spoil yourself! Allow your inner child to be healed by actually listening to them. You can get your work done while also being fun! What’s the point in living if you don’t actually live, babe?
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, 3 of Cups, The Tower, The Lovers, The Star, The Hierophant, The Hanged Man, The Chariot, 8 of Pentacles 
extras: kitchen salon. ass-kisser. por favor. typing up papers. graphs. mathematics major. public health/public relations/humanities major. sour candy.
Pile Four: There are so many opportunities for you to market yourself, Pile Four. If you’ve been trying to expand your market/business, there will be plenty of opportunities coming toward you. If you have been trying to get a fellowship/grant/scholarship/loan, there will be an opportunity that fits you perfectly. But before you get involved with anyone, be sure that you read any contracts fully before signing so that you do not get involved in anything you don’t want to. I feel like right now, you may be experiencing boredom or a “cool down” period. That is fine, but prepare yourself to actually get up and take action. You will not be sitting for much longer. If there is a situation where you are looking for the resolution to play out in your favor, it will. It could be a familial/friend fight. It could be someone admitting to their wrongdoings. It could be a simple miscommunication being resolved in person instead of over the phone. Make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row so that no one can call you out on being neglectful. I feel like this pile needs to spend more time with their family members as well, lol. September will be the month for you to do that especially if it’s Grandma’s birthday. If you wish to quit your job, don’t. It will set you up for the future. You could potentially meet a client or a business partner at your job, so don’t blow it off just yet. You could also connect with someone who you will look forward to seeing everyday as well very soon. 
Cards Used: The Magician, 2 of Wands, 10 of Discs, Princess of Discs, 4 of Cups, Justice, Temperance, 8 of Wands, King of Cups, The Hermit.
extras: resistance. princess diana. dragonfruit. time tables. shifting gears. gta 6. pomegranate. pizza. oopsie daisy. thin veil. rising gas prices. california.
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