Putting the Tum in Tumblr!
23 posts
[20y/o] Hello! I am an elusive entity that shows up once in a blue moon to post art of chubby men that I think are hot. Sometimes I do fanart. Often, I make OC's or random people that I never draw again.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-occasional-chub-artist · 4 months ago
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I rendered him lovingly! (not the bg, sorry. I refuse) I wrote an essay last time, so I'll condense. I wanted to draw something positive, as many unfortunate events seem to be happening in the world lately. So, I just drew a happy guy. He's happy and healthy, he has a little chub, but he isn't self-conscious about it, because he's healthy and he looks great! Still haven't given him a name. He's 21, runs a smoothie stand or something on the beach, and he loves swimming.
It may be a little weird of me thinking about health as someone who usually posts fat fetish art on Tumblr (not this artwork, I consider this one normal), but despite that, I do think mental and physical health is important. Even just exercising helps me feel so much better mentally.
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the-occasional-chub-artist · 4 months ago
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Drew a guy! I think he's my newest OC. I wanted to draw someone who would be healthy and happy with his own body, with just a bit of fat on him. In my mind, he is peak male performance and health. He is energetic, happy, and lives on the beach (don't mind the rushed bg). I hope that by posting this, I can perhaps contribute to shifting the idea of what health is from looking skinny to feeling your best, eating well, and moderate exercise. I have actually started seeing this shift already, (Hi Laios Dungeon Meshi) so I am very happy about it! I hope this isn't too weird for me to post about health as a 'fat fetish artist,' since health is usually not a concern in this genre of art, but I hope that by drawing him being happy and at his best possible health in his body that isn't what many consider the 'ideal body', I can contribute just a little positivity in a world that feels like everything is going wrong.
More info! He is currently unnamed (feel free to give me names), but I decided he runs a smoothie bar or something on the beach. I think he would be 21 or something. I think he would live somewhere in South America, probably Brazil. I might do some proper research into Brazilian culture, as I want to do him justice. He loves swimming. He's actually really good at swimming. Maybe he could be a professional swimmer? I will leave that to future me to decide. I will flesh his character out bit by bit with each drawing I do of him.
I am definitely drawing him again! I may still render this image properly, but currently not sure. This drawing felt really nice to draw. It was somehow the most fun I have had drawing in a while.
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sketched an OC on actual paper! Enjoy this. I am now going to return to the depths of nothingness for the next 3 months.
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Name Change!
Hello! I have decided to change the name of my tumblr blog! I did this because "random belly kink blog" seems uncreative to me. I am now going by @The-Occasional-Chub-Artist because I will come on here and post art of chubby men once every now and then. I hope you are all cool with the name change!
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Hi! Remember my really bad old Mammon art? Well, I made new art that I think is a lot better! It's a bit sketchy, as I just cleaned up the sketch instead of drawing lineart because I didn't feel like lining. The POV is that you keep giving Mammon cup noodles, and he's starting to get addicted them, so he snatches this one from you. I felt like drawing a smaller belly in this one. Hope you like it.
Also, fun fact! The name of this file is "give that" in reference to the Sonic Adventure 2 fandub where he says "give that, that looks really scrumptious!" And that quote was in my mind for the entirety of me drawing this artwork.
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Stuff it, I’m opening commissions (and a Ko-Fi)!
If you like my art, I am opening up commissions for relatively affordable prices! It’s in AUD, so it will be a little cheaper than the value in USD! All details are on the page, but essentially I will draw fat men for money.
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So.... UH.... I may have made a fully rendered artwork of America from Hetalia?! Uhhh. I hope you like it. I used references and I think I got the proportions pretty good this time! Enjoy this, because I doubt I will ever draw him again haha.
Time to slink back into the depths of the void for the next two months.
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Oh Gosh...
I just got a notification saying my blog is 2 years old. I honestly have no idea what to say, but I am probably drawing a wg drive soon to... celebrate? I don’t know what I am celebrating. But I was going to do one soon anyway, so this works out well haha!
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I swear I never complete spicy artworks. I just make more sketches lol. At least it is helping me with anatomy... I think. If you didn’t notice, I was looking through my old art, realized I had this OC, and then I thought, “hmmmm. I kinda like him. Let’s draw him a second time.” If you scroll down in my page, you will probably find him. He’s the guy with the belts that I didn’t feel like drawing this time around. Anyway, this exists now. 
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Soooo I just realized how many sketches I have made in the past year. These aren’t all of them, these are just the ones I was willing to share. I don’t usually complete my chubby artworks for some reason. So here’s a massive sketch dump of stuff. It’s not all good, but I hope you like it?
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So, I noticed my stuff has gotten likes for some reason, so thank you for that! Anyway, I have been dabbling in pixel art lately, so I decided to draw a random guy. Hope you enjoy this! It was pretty fun drawing with pixels. I am surprised I haven’t seen any other people who do pixel art in the fat fetish community. Feel free to throw some artists my way if you find any. The second image is a screenshot because I realised the pixel art comes out small lol.
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Accidental Himbo?!? I dunno. I was just sketching, and this came out. I like it now, but I will probably see every mistake I made tomorrow lol. Hope you like it too!
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...... Don’t mind me. Just returning after a very long time, with only a sketch to show for it. I may do a lineart/render of this because I actually think it turned out well for a sketch, but no promises! Also, this isn’t necessarily a wg? Or is it? I often like to draw the character at different weights when I do an artwork, because it is fun, and I can see what works best. Also, this isn’t fanart, it’s just a random character I drew, as you do. I also tried doing a head angle, so apologies if it’s not quite right. Although, I have seen people liking my old art, and I am just going “WHYYYYY” because some of it really isn’t good. Seriously. Why do people keep liking Jake?!? (I appreciate it but still) I feel like rolling on the floor and curling up into a ball every time I see it. I at least understand the human Snorlax. It was quite decent for a sketch, especially at the time I made it. But whyyyyy Jake?!
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Uhhhh. So Mammon.. But at a hot dog eating contest because prize money.
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Ok, so you know Damien from Monster Prom? Well yeah. I drew him lol. I think that as he makes a lot of bad decisions, I would not be surprised if he did get fat. I also added fire. You can’t make Damien fanart without fire. I highly recommend the game, because while it is a dating sim, it’s also just super hilarious, and a great play for anyone looking to have a fun time. Anyway, I don’t know if this is any good, but I hope you like it! Also, I noticed there is a deficiency in fat Monster Prom fanart, so I hope this helps at least lol! If you have any other characters you want me to draw, I may draw them for you.
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I drew Arataki Itto from Genshin, but I accidentally rendered him. I had so much fun drawing him, and this is probably one of my best works yet! I used the watercolour brush for shading, and I really liked it, so I may do it again.
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A sketch? Of what I imagine snorlax would look like as a human. I did like a less fat and a more fat version because wynaut! Hope you like it! I know it’s a bit weird making kink art based off pokemon, but I know I am not the first...
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