#c: webby
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thefacelesssmile · 7 months ago
Happy (belated) birthday @sewers-headmates!! Decided to make you something since you’ve been such an inspiration for us making this blog. You don’t have to do anything with them, of course, since this wasn’t a request, but I hope you like it anyway. - Darkwood
I heard you like Hatchetfield, I heard you like RTC, I heard you like AUs, so I bring you:
Ride the Tearjerker AU Headmate Pack (all level 1s with transids and paras, we wanted to do higher but I think we’d die a little lol- feel free to request any of them upgraded if you like them though!)
Name - Grace Chasity
Pronouns - She/Her/Hers
Gender - Cisgender Woman
Sexuality - Bi, but heavily in the closet
Paras - Teratophilia, Erotophonophilia, Autotheophilia, Peccatiphilia
CisIDs - Christian, Murderer, Autistic, Religious OCD
TransIDs - TransStraight, TransHarmless, TransCultLeader, TransRighteous, TransCelibate, TransNeurotypical
Sys Role - Moral Compass, Belief Holder
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, Ocean O’Connel Rosenberg
Sign Off - ✝️, ❤️‍🩹, 📓, 🫧, 🪓
Name - Alice Woodward
Pronouns - She/Her, They/Them, 🌸/🌸s
Gender - Demigirl, BlossomGender
Sexuality - Lesbian
Paras - Autogratiophilia, Kinemortophilia, Odontophilia, Nyctophilia
CisIDs - Writer, Dyed Hair, GAD, Cottagecore
TransIDs - TransPopular, TransSuccessful, TransRebellious, TransVampire
Sys Role - Social Alter, Creativity Manager, Motivator
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, Noel Gruber
Sign Off - 👩‍💻, 🖊️, 📝, 💗, 🧛‍♀️
Name - Ethan Green
Pronouns - He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Ey/Em, Pine/Pines, Wood/Woods, 🌲/🌲s
Gender - Boyflux, Transmasculine, ForestBoyic
Sexuality - Panromantic Demisexual, femme preference
Paras - Chierophilia, Mechanophilia, Scelerophila, Gratiophilia
CisIDs - Car Fanatic, AuDHD, DPD, Canine Therian, Cyborgkin
TransIDs - TransAlive, TransPhotographer, TransHeight (Taller), TransGamer
Sys Role - Protector
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, Mischa Bachinski
Sign Off - 🧢, 🪓, 🔧, 🚙, 🌲
Name - Richard “Richie” Lipshitz
Pronouns - He/Him, They/Them, Weeb/Weebs, Glitch/Glitches, 👾/👾s
Gender - Trans man, Animegender, Robogender
Sexuality - Gay, Ambiamorous
Paras - Thanatophilia, Poképhilia, Robophilia, Fictophilia (specifically Ficto-Biastophilia)
CisIDs - Cosplayer, Gamer, Anime Obsessed, Otaku, Weep, Lisp, ADHD
TransIDs - TransExchangeStudent, TransJapanese, TransPopular, TransMSpecAttraction
Sys Role - Cringe Culture Holder
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, Ricky Potts
Sign Off - 🤖, 📺, 🦅, 👾, 🎮
Name - Ruth Fleming
Pronouns - She/Her, Shx/Hxr, They/Them, Ey/Em, Star/Stars, ⭐️/⭐️s
Gender - Transfemme Pangender, LoserGirlic
Sexuality - Pansexual Polyamorous HyperRose
Paras - Aptophilia, Agonophilia, Opophilia, Autagonistophilia
CisIDs - Theater Kid, Attention Seeker, Socially Awkward, Loser
TransIDs - TransPretty, TransStarlet, TransAttractive
Sys Role - Trauma Manager, Optimist, HyperRose Holder
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker - Constance Blackwood
Sign Off - ⭐️, 🤩, 🎬, 🎤, 💡
Name - The unidentified body of the Tearjerker Incident, Hannah Foster
Pronouns - They/Them, Shx/Hxr, Hx/Hxm, Web/Webs, Doll/Dolls, 🕸️/🕸️s
Gender - Genderqueer, FluidFlux, Dollic, Black&Whiteic
Sexuality - AroAcespec
Paras - none
CisIDs - Nonverbal, Autistic, Prophet, Ukelele Player, Abused, Spider Therian, Bunny Therian, Lamb Therian, Musician
TransIDs - TransNormal, TransVerbal, TransUnharmed, TransBlack&White, TransAlive, PermaDissociated
Sys Role - Memory Gatekeeper, Dissociation Manager
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, Jane Doe
Sign Off - 🎶, 💭, 🕸️, 🔲, 🧢
Name - The Great Blikotep
Pronouns - It/Its, Eye/Eyes,
Gender - Eyegender, Black&Whiteic
Sexuality - Pansexual, Hypersexual, Voyeur
Sys Role - Observer, Gatekeeper
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, The Great Karnak
Sign Off - 💜, 🎢, 🔌, 🧿, 👁️
Name - Webby the Spider
Pronouns - She/Her, They/Them, Web/Webs, Mys/Tery/Mysterys, Wi/Witch, 🕸️/🕸️s, 🕷️/🕷️s,❔/❔s
Gender - Agender, Femmeflux, Black&Whiteic
Sexuality - Aromantic, Queer, Unlabeled
Sys Role - Gatekeeper, Internal Protector
Source (if applicable) - Ride the Tearjerker, Virgil the Rat
Sign Off - 🕷️, 🕸️, ❔, 🤍, 💤
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smartcookie27 · 1 year ago
Possibility – DuckTales
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drawingducktalesducks · 2 years ago
that feeling when you're drawing Webby smooching Lena on the cheek bc you remembered that technically DID happen in canon already, even if Lena was asleep at the time, but then you get distracted writing several paragraphs to yourself explaining how THIS PARTICULAR CHEEK SMOOCH you're drawing could not only fit into existing canon but explain several small but annoying things about the series final end credits that have been bugging you for a while such as why Lena and Violet suddenly were separated when they were holding hands a moment before and Webby being the last to join the trio's hand holding circle after Scrooge even though she was right next to them a second ago, and-
oh wait. Right. you were drawing something, weren't you? hmm what was it...
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webbyghost · 1 year ago
me, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position:
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royaltyrules816 · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Boosie Badazz‼️
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quelenolxansquait · 2 years ago
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Name a better duo
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puffywuffy8904 · 11 months ago
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Wanted to try my hand at designing some slightly older duck kiddos!!! Headcanons and insane ramblings under the cut:
I designed these to be around 14-15, so early high school age (y'know in a hypothetical scenario where they actually end up going to high school). I imagine they still adventure with Scrooge and the fam, just moreso on the weekends (cut to Huey on the floor of the Sunchaser frantically trying to finish his biology homework while they're being shot at by sky pirates). Donald and Della are also both a part of the school PTA. Nobody else in the PTA is happy about this. Now for individual headcanons:
Straight A student that's kinda neurotic about his grades, will freak out if any of them drop to a B.
I like to think of his hat as his comfort item so he still has the same one and if it was up to me he would also wear it to adulthood. even if a grown ass man in a lil baseball cap looks silly.
He's sooo mad about Dewey being taller than him lol.
Solid B student with the occasional C.
Couldn't join the drama club and the basketball team at the same time so he chose the drama club (the actual reason is that he tried out for the basketball team and didn't make it but he won't admit that). He still likes to carry around a basketball and practice on the court by himself.
Grows cheek fluff like the others he just cuts his off out of insecurity.
He's the tallest.
Has pretty shitty grades, not because he's not smart, but because he doesn't really try (I mean, kid already has it made, why bother?).
Still wears the same green hoodie every day like he did as a kid but this time it's a little bit bigger and baggier. Does he wear the same clothes underneath too???? We will never know.
He's the shortest.
Also a straight A student like Huey but seemingly puts in way less effort than him (which bothers Huey greatly).
Has to carry all her supplies in her arms because she's not allowed to bring a bag to school anymore (she kept trying to bring weapons in. Not because she planned on using them, but because you can never be too prepared.)
In at least 5 different clubs, probably started like 3 of them.
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ebonytails · 2 years ago
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revenge on @ebonytails ! :3
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thezoe611 · 7 months ago
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"Nega-Scrooge looked at the little mouse with confusion, not understanding what he wanted to get to… …But it all made sense when Timothy pulled out a pink bow, worn with time… The old duck felt that he lost his speech when he saw that treasure that he thought he had lost. -… I'm sorry… You told me that if I stole again, they would beat the scientist… but I couldn't help it… - Timothy confessed, with his ears down-… I'm so sorry…- he apologized, holding the cloth object closer. Nega-Scrooge looked at him with shining eyes, unable to control his emotions when he saw his treasure again. With trembling hands, the old man held up the faded pink bow, while his mind was invaded by little Webby's memories of him. The girl always smiled mischievously, with her black bear teddy in her arms, as she ran alongside the triplets, wanting to participate in some training, to which Donald scolded them, saying they weren't ready, watched by Launchpad, Fenton, Gyro and several members of the clan… … Oh… His family… The old duck clung to the pink bow as if his life depended on it, eyes squeezed shut, unable to hold back the tears, overwhelmed with pain… and relief… …He didn’t lose his last treasure… Gosalyn looked at the mobster from where she was… The old duck who always watched with a smirk as Nega-Launchpad hit her, now cried like a heartbroken old man… … She was never going to forgive him for everything that Nega-Scrooge put her through… but… but she couldn't help but feel sorry for that poor old man… The young woman looked at Negaduck, who was staring at his enemy, serious. She took his hand, which he immediately clung to, not looking at her. -I-I'm sorry… Don't cry… I know you're mean… but don't cry…- Timothy asked, moving closer to the wheelchair. -Oh… Timothy Cratchit…- Nega-Scrooge looked at the little boy, smiling despite the tears running down his cheeks- What you have done… has been cruelty- -Eh?! B-But…!- the kid was confused, but the old man chuckled, tired. -As I told you before… You have great potential, lad… You could become a fearsome villain when you grow up- Nega-Scrooge told him, stroking his head, making Timothy blink-… But also so much empathy… That's what makes children so wonderful… They never cease to amaze you… - he assured, lowering his arm, and looking at his counterpart, who had approached, placing his hand on Timothy's shoulder. -… You don't deserve any empathy for what you did, and you know it…- the billionaire told him- But you have my understanding… If that can be worth anything…- -… Stingy… - the mobster smiled tiredly, leaning his back on the chair…"
Okay, this week marks 3 years since Unstoppable! I still have a lot of love for that project… even though I almost went crazy translating everything to English (and I know there are still spelling mistakes, I still apologize for that^^') (I guess that has put me behind with the "The Beauty and the Beast" project. I know I'll suffer when I finish and have to translate, but I'm not giving up yet!)
The thing is, I wanted to draw one of my favorite scenes, when Nega-Scrooge gets back the only thing he has left of his little Webby. I find his situation so profound and tragic. Yes, he should never have used Gosalyn to hurt Negaduck, and he was the one who tricked the villain in the past and tried to kill him… but losing practically his entire clan… The loss of the triplets, Webby, Donald, Gyro… It hurt him too much, and it gave him a great desire for revenge.
And Timothy appears. A child who, didn't change the mind of Mafia Boss McDuck, but made him remember how wonderful and mischievous children can be… opening once again the horrible wound of loss.
And although in the story Negaduck confesses [SPOILER] that he didn't kill the kids, that it was an accident caused by them, that would not have changed Nega-Scrooge. He would still blame Negaduck, he would still want revenge on him, and he would use the most precious thing for the villain for it: his love for Gosalyn, the closest thing he has to a daughter.
So yes, a rather complex character, one that I would have liked to write more about, I don't deny it.
I thank @rebellingstagnationblog again for allowing me to write this story. And also for the entire Geronimo Saga. Those stories helped me in a very stressful moment, to the point that this tumblr page is dedicated only to drawing random things from the story^^'
So that's it, three years since such a project in English. Thanks for reading^^!
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alex31624 · 5 months ago
Webby: Time for plan G.
Lena: Don’t you mean plan B?
Webby: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Gosalyn: What about plan D?
Violet: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
May: What about plan E?
Webby: I’m hoping not to use it. Doofus dies in plan E.
B.O.Y.D.: I like plan E.
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story-blossom · 4 months ago
I fell down a Webby themed rabbit hole.
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How come they gave Webby this adorable hat and then immediately took it away?
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This next image implies many possibilities:
a. her bow can warp through matter
b. she has at least two identical bows (but come on, we all know that cartoon characters have like 100 copies of their signiture accessories and clothing items) and she put one on the hat and wore another one underneath.
c. a third thing!
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Little details from her room. Teddy bears, a tea set, typewriter, sword and globe, nesting dolls.
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It's safe to assume these are hers.
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Also came across a DuckTales fandub. First one of these I've seen for DuckTales.
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sundewhasaudhd · 6 months ago
I think ur rly cool so ima ask u a bunch of random questions
thoughts on curly fries????
favourite will wood song
favourite color?
Have you ever done a game of darts??
will wood, tally hall, or lemon demon??
pipe cleaners, hm?
(you dont know me haha SUFFER)
I’ve only had them I few times in Junior High, but they were pretty good
FUCK THIS IS SOOOOO HARRRRRRRRD! It changes constantly, but currently it’s Cotard’s Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca) [2020 Remastered Version]
Blood red/wine red
A little, when my parents used to take me and my little sibling to their office on the weekends. I was REALLY shit at it though
I haven’t given the headcanon too much thought tbh, I don’t PERSONALLY headcanon it, but I fw it
Will Wood
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NOSTALGIA INCARNATE! Also, I wanna hold a blue one, a purple one, a yellow one, a pink one, a green one, and a white one all in one hand and go “teehee, it’s the Lords in Black :3”
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hatchetfielddiscord · 3 months ago
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|| HAPPY BLACK FRIDAY BITCHES!! You may be wondering what are we in the Hatchetfield rp server doing for Black Friday? We are going to do an rp and watch Black Friday ofc! If you wanna know more about the rp check out the last post or join the server.
|| So what is your deal this Black Friday? Well if you join our rp server today you get a special role! And 100% off on a joining fee (there is no actual fee anyways 🤫). So, if you're bored and lonely on Black Friday come check us out!
;; ;; Linda M
;; Lex F
;; Ruth F
;; Max J
;; webby
;; alice w
;; steph L
; richie L
;; Hannah F
;; Grace C
;; Pete S
;; Ted S
;; Frank P
;; Prof H
;; Pokey
;; Ethan G
;; Jason J
Tinky = to torture Ted 😋😋
Jenny ? = Ik I said we gotta torture Ted but also gotta get that angst in yk
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hollowwish · 6 months ago
List of arosepc headcanons I have below (it is quite long) (list subject to future updates/suggestions (you can send me propaganda for your blorbo))
Ford Pines - he literally just has the vibes tbh. Crazy uncle who doesn't want anyone bc he's aromantic and obsessed with portals. also it would make billford worse.
Mable Pines - she literally picks her crushes and then stops 'liking' them in week. Do you know how many aromantic people have done this.
Hollyleaf warrior cats - fallen leaves was her qpp. Okay. The website family tree is lying to you. If Lionblaze asked her when she would get married she'd respond with "I'm already married to the warrior code."
Sonic T. Hedgehog - it's in character. Sega themsleves said he would hate settling down.... (I also think hes bi)
huey dewey louie or webby duck(tales) - at least one of them is arosepc I just can't figure out which one. Or maybe it's all of them
Della duck - cool aromantic lesbian mom. She does not need a husband or a partner she just needs her ducklings (and donald ig)
lapis lazuil - ngl I was rewatching steven universe and I just had a Feeling. Also she's one of my favorite characters, so.
Rise Leo - he's like Mabel he's doing comphet. (I think he's gay aromantic specifically and just keeps mistaking "I want to be friends with this guy/wow they're attractive" with "I want to date him") (also makes the fandom wide headcanon of aro donnie really funny. Wrong twin guys..)
C!pearl and c!gem - especially empires s1. Pearl being aroace and gem being arospec but she hasn't figured that out yet (insert "I'm probably nonbinary but I have a job" image)
On that note, empires 1 fwhip has and will always be demiromantic in my mind
No idea what e2 fwhip has going on but he is somewhere on the aro spectrum. Maybe it's why he's so weird abt jimmy.
ONE Jimmy solidarity character is also arosepc I just don't know which one. But one of them is i know it in my bones.
grian and scar - they are both aros who fuck and 3rd life was world shattering platonic love.
Donatello tmnt - I haven't seen every tmnt iteration but like. ONE of them is aro and it is NOT rise donnie
Scott smajor - @/funkily suggested he was cupio and it made way too much sense
Saiki kusuo - do I even need to explain this one. It's basically canon (unless it is canon and I just missed something)
Wednesday Addams - most aromantic coded girl ever and I'm going to fight netflix for making her kiss barista boy
Shadow the Hedgehog - he's arospec but has no idea bc he sucks at recognizing his own emotions. ("Im probably aromantic but i have a job and trauma")
Twilight Sparkle - if you asked her what love is she would give you the dictionary definition
Rainbow Dash - it came to me in a vision
Silver the Hedgehog - also came to me in a vision
Byakuya togami - I've never seen a more romance repulsed fictional character tbh
Kyoko kirigiri - she is demiromantic to meeee
Rantaro amami - he has the weed smoking aro energy. Also hes green
Korekiyo shinguji - aromantism would save him i think
Honorable mentions -
Oli theorionsound (suggested by sage thinkingabout-girls)
Whatever the fuck was going on with divorce quartet in double life specifically
Violet and lena saberwing ducktales
Also ducktales gosalyn
At least one of the powerpuff girls
Adrien agreste because (iirc) he sucks at romance and I need to escape love square hell
Mumbo jumbo
Arospec mythicalsausage
Maud Pie (I think if I finished mlp she'd be on the list)
Someone in the danganronpa 2 cast
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eye-coded-rat · 7 months ago
Early access episode released at midnight for me and I listened 3 times before going to sleep I am invaded by THOUGHTS
read at your own risk!
These thoughts are all related to the post-statement section between Celia and Sam btw!
Jonathan "cycling accident" Sims and Martin "some kind of heart thing" Blackwood what the HELL happened to you.
The casefile says 18042024, so the episode takes place 18th of April 2024 and "they died, separately, nearly twenty years ago." so c. 2004 maybe 2005, and these two were "close to the right age" which I guess depends on how accurately Celia could remember/describe they're ages.
Going off of TMA (born c.1987) they would have been somewhere around 16/17/18 when they died,,,,, which is really sad especially for HEART PROBLEMS?
in TMA (mentioned in MAG056) 17 is when Martin dropped out of school to take care of his mum, and nothing notable was ever mentioned for Jon around this age.
also thinking about the fact that this Jon never wouldve encountered the spider book :))) this universe probably had some other horror in store for him but. still. i choose to believe that without the Web being present in this universe he had a perfectly normal relationship with spiders. TMAGP's version of webby horror goodness better not have touched him (however the entities choose to manifest here, the alchemy / the desires, they better have left this poor boy alone)
Also Very Much looking forward to possible Basira and Helen (is she... you know...) (that's actually kinda funny,,, if the only other person (besides Georgie) Celia can find is Not-Spiral-Helen and finds out she was a TERRIBLE person before joining Michael Distortion and is like "nah nvm, I don't wanna know you here, spooky Helen was better")
also also, was talking to my sister about the episode and who else Celia could bring up,,,, if they find Basira will they find Daisy? and will she still be "Daisy"? could it be an Alice Tonner with no childhood spook encounter that scarred her and gave her the nickname? or something wacky related to this universe's spooky shenanigans gave her different childhood trauma that resulted in the nickname. the possibilities are endless
BUT for my very last Also, seeing Gerry and "Gee Gee" I will totally convince myself everyone is Happy Here. Jon and Martin HAD GOOD LIVES BEFORE THEY DIED LET ME BELIEVE THIS.
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zhenni12 · 8 months ago
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so…these are sketchy ideas for a cover of a dt17 fancomic I could make, but I can’t pick one, so I’m letting fate decide through the magic of polls. I already planned out most of them (or some of most of them)…but i probably wont make them all because of time…
ik the cover options are rlly messy, so explanations of them under the cut.
A: I love all the parenting dynamics that happen in the show and the newer ones with Scrooge and Daisy, so this one would be about Dewey trying to make a reality tv show about all the adults in the mansion. B: MAY AND JUNE DESERVE TO BE A PART OF THIS FAMILY OK 😭 😭 but yeah, this one’s about webby’s sisters trying to make themselves at home.
C: It’s a Dwd comic about DarkWing and Gos and LP living and fighting crime and all the stuff that should’ve happened in the spin-off. Or most of it, anyways. D: Reality gets warped and the Ducks lose their memories, thinking they’re fairy tale characters. They have to find each other, somehow remember everything, and escape (like that quam pack episode of dt17) (but fantasy).
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