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bburch65 · 1 day ago
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bburch65 · 2 days ago
Hot Fucking PA
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bburch65 · 2 days ago
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Tonight House Republicans voted 217 to 215 for a budget that'll take $1 TRILLION dollars from Medicaid, attack food benefits for kids, hurt seniors and vets.
but I don't want to talk about that, I want to talk about these two Democratic members of Congress you've never ever heard of.
Democrats, Congressman Kevin Mullin of California and Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen of Colorado.
Congressman Mullin had knee surgery that didn't go well, two surgeries, a life threatening blood clot and a week long stay in the hospital, and the moment he was discharged from the hospital he got on a five hour flight to DC to vote against the Republicans evil budget, using a walker to get to the floor of the House
Congresswoman Pettersen gave birth to her son Sam, in the picture, exactly one month ago on January 25th. They flew from Colorado to DC after Republicans refused to allow her to vote by proxy after having a baby. Congresswoman Pettersen took Sam onto the floor of the House to vote to protect the Health care of 400,000 Colorado kids.
why talk about this? because so much of the conversion is about telling people there's no one good, no one worthy, no one fighting. I promise you there are people undergoing personal hardship to do the right thing.
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bburch65 · 2 days ago
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bburch65 · 3 days ago
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By Clark Wayne
Cade couldn’t wait to shed his uniform fatigues for a few weeks. He had saved up all his leave days and now, leave couldn’t come soon enough. He loved being a Marine but he just came off a six-month tour in Afghanistan and he just wanted to kick back with his buddies, get shit-faced, watch sports and not think about work.
Cade knew his best friend and roommate, Jackson, had a weekend planned for him when he returned. It was an all-expense paid trip into the city, four-star hotel, three nights of boozing and titty-bars. Cade hadn’t had sex in six-months and he was ready to tear into some pussy.
Jackson has been his best friend since boot camp. They had a similar background, farm-boys from small towns, good Christian upbringing, one that they promptly threw by the way side once they left their small towns. They rebelled immediately and made up for lost time with lots of partying, beer and one-night stands. Many drunken nights getting hammered, picking up women and fucking until the sun came up. They had become so close it wasn’t uncommon to fuck girls together in the same room. They were like brothers and there were no secrets, no judgments, no drama between them. Those things combined with being Marine brothers made their bond solid, one nothing could ever break.
Cade walked into his condo that he shared with Jackson and found it quiet. Jackson was still at work for another few hours which gave Cade time to settle in, unpack, shower, do some laundry and take a well-deserved nap. He felt like he could sleep for days.
A few hours later Cade was awoken from a deep sleep when he heard the front door slamming shut. He sat up, rubbed the sleep from his eyes and dragged himself to the living room wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.
“Hey, brother! Missed you, man!” Jackson bellowed as he threw himself on Cade with a big bear hug.
“Hey,” Cade said over Jackson’s shoulder as he hugged him, groggy from his nap. “Missed you too, brother.”
Jackson noticed Cade’s back muscles were rock hard, his shoulders massive.
Jackson stood back and scanned his best friend’s body. “Whoa, dude! You are jacked!”
“We built some homemade Crossfit equipment and worked out when we had time. There was nothing to do over there, you know that,” Cade said with a shrug and a smile. He was generally soft-spoken and not one for the spotlight but he did like attention to his body.  He liked it when people noticed his body and all the hard work he put into it. He had always worked out, was an athlete in high school. He always looked great but now, he was perfect. “Ordered some supps online, ate clean when I could, and body fat just fell off and muscle kept growing.”
“Lookin good, brother. Lookin good!” Jackson always thought he had a leg up on Cade in the muscle department. Last year, Jackson had trained for the post’s natural-bodybuilding competition and took home first place. But he couldn’t have done it without Cade’s help. He motivated Jackson, kept him on schedule with workouts and eating. He woke up at the ass-crack-of-dawn every morning to train with Jackson. By the time the competition rolled around, Jackson was a shoo-in to win and because he trained with Jackson every day, Cade looked even better than he did before he started training with Jackson.
But now, Cade must have put on fifteen to twenty-pounds of muscle, Jackson thought.  Jackson admired his ripped abs, his full pecs, the Adonis-belt on his tiny, tiny waist that pointed down into the front of his tight, black boxer briefs. The briefs could hardly contain those muscled quads. Cade’s jet-black hair was cut regulation, although Cade liked it faded to skin on the sides and kept some length on top. His deep golden tan accentuated his crystal blue eyes and made his snow-white teeth gleam. He was truly the epitome of a Marine.
“What are you, now? Two-ten? Two-fifteen?” asked Jackson about how many pounds of muscle Cade had packed on.
Cade sneered his usual cocky sneer, “Two-twenty.”
“BEAST!” Jackson bellowed as he gave Cade a fist-bump. “Body-fat?”
Cade tried to answer nonchalantly, “five-percent,” he drawled in his Texas accent.
Jackson assumed it was, without a doubt, under 10-percent. The loss of all that body-fat made Cade’s square jaw more pronounced, making him even more handsome. A deep dimple more prominent on his chin.
“Five-percent, “Jackson mocked him in a hillbilly accent as he rolled his eyes. Cade was being cocky, tying to act like it was no big deal. But it was. It made Jackson envious. It was one of the reasons Jackson liked Cade. Cade was cocky like himself, but in a quiet, brooding way but when he drank he was a loud drunk and he liked to fight. It’s like alcohol brought out a whole different person. He was rowdy and lost all his inhibitions. He would rob a bank if you told him to. When he was drunk, he had no fear.
“Ahh, fuck off. Stop sissy-bitching and catch up,” Cade waved him away as he turned and went into the kitchen.
Jackson couldn’t help but notice Cade’s bigger and more improved ass. It was always well developed and tight but now it looked like ten-pounds of the muscle gained went to his ass. It was a big contrast to his 32” waist. The spandex boxers were stretched to the limit.
“Catch up? Fuck you. You’ve finally caught up with ME, big guy” Jackson scoffed.
Cade looked at Jackson in disbelief, his head cocked, a sneer on his lip. “Dude, I’ve surpassed you. I have at least ten-pounds of muscle on you. At least. Maybe fifteen and my body fat is five-percent less.
“It looks like those fifteen-pounds of muscle are in your ass,” Jackson chuckled.
Cade gave himself a slap on the ass and shrugged. “Thanks for noticing,” he winked as he took a pull from a beer he had just grabbed from the fridge. “Looking at my ass? Is there something you need to tell me since I’ve been gone? I’ve been gone a long time,” Cade teased.
“Please, you would be so lucky to be my bitch,” Jackson laughed. “But since we’re talking about that ass. What were you doing over there? Squatting tanks?”
“Nope. Just good old fashioned hard work and lots of squats. I’m going to have to have all my jeans altered.”
Jackson took off his uniform top and threw it on the couch. Under that he was wearing a black compression shirt. He felt a little self-conscious now that he had seen Cade’s gains and it didn’t help that Cade was standing in front of him with a knowing smile. Cade knew Jackson was feeling inferior as he watched him take off the top. Cade loved to make him feel inferior in the looks department. They were competing Alpha males. Everyone knew Cade was an alpha from the second they met him. Jackson was more of a pretty-boy so he had to work a little harder to assert his dominance. Cade was a jeans, t-shirt and cowboy boots guy. Jackson was more trendy. He kept his hair just borderline regulation so he could style it when not at work.  Cade knew Jackson like the back of his hand. Jackson is competitive as hell. Cade could bet a million-bucks that Jackson would be hitting it extra hard at the gym tomorrow morning if not tonight. Cade laughed to himself, Jackson tried to act normal but he was intentionally flexing his muscles to show Cade that he still could keep up.  Cade had to admit, Jackson looked good in that compression shirt. His abs visible and his pecs round and full. The short sleeves tight against his baseball biceps. Cade quietly was impressed with Jackson and his body. It was an Alpha thing. A mutual respect. They tried to not let the other know how much they were impressed with each other. That would compromise their dominance.
Cade was always envious of Jackson and his ability to add muscle so quickly. He was naturally lean so low body-fat was a given.
Like Cade, Jackson was a womanizer. Jackson was a charmer, sweet-talker. He had long eyelashes that reeled in women’s attention. He had charisma that made the all the ladies wet. He had a way of making them feel like they were the only woman in the world when he was with her. Before Cade left for Afghanistan, he made fun of Jackson for always primping in the mirror before they hit the bar on a Saturday night. Jackson’s thick, brown hair had to be just so. His clothes had to be just right. They had to fit a certain way, usually form-fitting, and he wore it well, that was the point. The good thing was that they could wear the same clothes so they basically were doubling their wardrobes. Cade only cared about that when it was time to go out because he did love that attention his body received from women and men alike. He wasn’t big on shopping or the latest trends but Jackson was. He took advantage of that and dressed to impress. But now, he was sure he wore a size bigger than Jackson. With the size of his arms and shoulders alone, he might Hulk out if he tried to squeeze into one of Jackson’s t-shirts.  Still, the two of them walking into a bar together turned heads, women and men alike. Cade was the ruggedly handsome one, Jackson the classically handsome but pretty one with a young frat-boy look. They had their pick of the women in the bar and they left behind a string of women they would ghost immediately which made running into those girls awkward but it wasn’t anything personal, the guys were there to get laid and nothing else.
“So, what’s on tap for the weekend?” Cade asked.
“Friday night, drive into the city. Got a rez at a sweet hotel downtown, stumbling distance from bars and clubs. I got some buddies that are going to join us later. They know the city well; all the bars to go to, where to pick up the hottest girls, where the best booze is.”
“Cool. Sounds fun. Thanks for planning this, man. You didn’t have to. I would have been just fine kicking back here and vegetating. ”
“Hey, nothing’s too good for mi amigo,” Jackson said as he patted Cade on the shoulder.
“What have you got planned tonight?” asked Cade with a yawn.
“Me? Uh…I’m just going to hit the gym,” Jackson replied as a throw-away thought.
Cade laughed, “Thought you would.”
Friday afternoon rolled around and Cade and Jackson were off to the city. Cade had rested up and was ready to drink and, most importantly, to fuck.
“What’s the room sitch?” asked Cade as he drank a Redbull from the passenger seat.
“It’s a suite with two kings. I tried to book two adjoining rooms but they didn’t have any left. Sorry, we gotta share the room,” answered Jackson as he navigated his black F350 through the afternoon rush hour traffic.
Cade grunted,” Hmm. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Jackson laughed, “Yeah! Remember that time at Pendleton? Fourth of July?”
“How could I forget? Sisters, dude,” Cade smirked.
“They were sluts!  Remember? Good thing they were hot. Good genetics, I guess.”
“Sisters that slutty? They got daddy issues, dude. Just like a stripper.”
“Speaking of strippers. My buddy Jess says there’s a sick strip joint a short Uber ride away downtown.”
“I don’t care what she does for a living as long as she sucks dick. Who is this Jess guy?”
“Went to high school with him. He moved here after graduation five years ago. He was a year behind me. Played ball and wrestled together. He’s a good guy.”
“Wrestled together, huh? Are you totally sure you don’t have anything to tell me?” Cade cocked an eyebrow in suspicion then he laughed.
“Hey. Watch it. Jess is gay…or bi, or something.”
“Or something? He needs to pick a lane, dude,” Cade said as he looked out the window.
“Yeah, I don’t get it. A year or so ago he just started fucking dudes. He’s open about it. No big deal. Is it?”
“Dude, I don’t give a shit. You know Jared and Kyle at work are gay. Kate from admin just married her girlfriend. I’d give my life for them.”
“It’s all good. It’s your weekend. It’s all about you. We’ll do anything you want.”
“Right on. It’s all good.”
“So, anyway, you’ll like Jess. He’s a partier. He’s a trip. I’ve seen Jess go home with a chic one night and a guy on the next night.”
“Sounds like he’s bi, dude.”
“Yeah. I guess. I don’t get it,” Jackson shrugged it off.
“To each his own.”
Cade was very impressed with the hotel. It turns out Jackson’s buddy, Jess, knows one of the managers at the hotel and got them a thousand-dollar a night suite for nothing. The manager, a former Marine, jumped at the chance to help a fellow Marine and give him a great homecoming.
The suite was modern, lots of glass, lots of color, mirrors and marble, not Cade’s style but still impressive. He’d be fine in any old hotel as long as it had a bed and a place to fuck. Centered in the middle of the living room were two light gray, plush, L-shaped couches with a huge white/gray, swirled marble coffee table in the middle. A glass wet-bar against the wall to the right as you came in the door. The carpet was deep purple shag with red undertones. Cade marveled at the floor-to-ceiling white marble fireplace offset by two picture windows of equal height that looked out over the bright lights of the city.
Two sets of white, floor-to-ceiling, double-doors on either side of the living room opened to master bedrooms, the same size as the living room. In each room, the bed was on a pedestal making it appear as if it were floating. The bed was the biggest he’d ever seen. It looked to be the size of two king-sized beds. The room had a Seventy’s vibe as far as he could tell from seeing old pictures online. The walls were red and gold paisley wallpaper, the carpet was orange shag, the bedspread was avocado-green.  The lamps and accents were brass. He laughed when he looked up to see gold veined mirrors on the ceiling above the bed. Another fireplace like the one in the living room set next to another picture window with a view of the city.
Another set of massive double-doors opened to a massive master bath. The bathroom was all black marble. The walk-in shower was big enough for at least six people to share. The bathtub, a carved-out chunk of shiny, black rock. Over the black marble vanity was nothing but mirror.
“What the fuck?” Cade said when he saw Jackson’s reflection in the window he was standing in front, admiring the view.
“I know, right?” Jackson was almost giddy as he entered the room with a bellboy in tow with their luggage. He knew he was getting a good room but this was beyond anything he imagined. Neither of them had ever stayed in a hotel this expensive and trendy.
“It looks like three different time eras exploded in here,” Cade said with a chuckle. This was way too much. This wasn’t exactly his style but he knew Jackson had worked hard to get this room for him and he wasn’t about to spoil it by telling him how much he thought the place was hideous. Besides, Jackson was all about trend and this place, well, it was trend.
“I know it’s a bit much but we’re just here to sleep, right?” Jackson said as he tipped the cute, blonde, twink bellboy.
“And to fuck,” Cade added.
The bellboy flinched at what Cade just said. His eyebrows raised in a “ah-ha” expression. With a big grin, he looked from Jackson to Cade and let his eyes roam over their muscular bodies. “Please, let me know if either of you…or both of you need anything,” the bellboy said with a wink before he closed the door behind him.
Cade turned back to the window. He couldn’t get over the view.
Jackson laughed as he locked the door.
“What’s so funny?” Cade asked.
“The bellboy thinks we’re a couple,” Jackson mused.
Cade turned and looked confused. “Huh?”
“The bellboy thinks we’re fucking.”
“You just implied we were. Dude, you are so clueless sometimes.”
“He seems more like your type,” Cade said sarcastically.
“My type?”
“Yeah, a preppy pretty-boy.”
“So, you think if I were into dudes it would be someone like him?” Jackson asked as he roamed the suite taking in the eclectic design.
“If the high-heel fits,” Cade shrugged one of his shoulders towards his ears with a slight tilt of his head.
Jackson tried out an over-stuffed chair in the corner. “Fuck off, dick-head. If I were gay, that little dude would not be my first choice.”
“So, you’ve thought about it?” Cade teased.
Jackson jumped out of the chair.
“You’re an idiot,” replied Jackson, checking out the wet bar. “You spend way too much time thinking about my sexuality. You do you, dude,” Jackson said as he held up a glass of bourbon as if to say “Cheers.”
Just then there was a knock at the door. Jackson jogged to the door and looked through the peephole and then excitedly opened the door. A tall, dark-haired guy about twenty-one or twenty-two years old, very handsome, with a lean, muscular build entered. Jackson brought him in for a hug and then shut the door. Cade noticed the guy was well dressed in form-fitting clothes. A tight, silky black polo shirt that accentuated his biceps and his round pecs. His matching black skinny-cut dress pants had a sheen to them, like his shirt. They hugged his quads and were tight around his calves. A pair of black leather dress boots with a slightly pointed toe finished off the look. Cade was secure in his masculinity to admit he knew when a guy was attractive. The newcomer was handsome but not pretty. He was muscular but not like a bodybuilder, more like an underwear model. Wide shoulders, tiny waist, the outline of his abs seen through the tight material of his shirt. Cade rolled his eyes though when the guy turned around, because, of course, the dude had a nice bubble-shaped ass. Once again, Cade was not oblivious to what a nice ass looks like on a man. His own was spectacular and he knew it. This guy wore clothes like they were designed just for him.
Cade felt a surge inside. He suddenly saw the guy as competition. It was like an alpha wolf catching the scent of another. The Alpha urge to stake his territory. The urge to size up the competition and assess the threat. The dude could cock-block him at every turn if he wanted to. Jackson was a great wingman but this guy, this guy was his own wingman.
The man saw Cade and made a bee-line to him with his hand out with confidence. “Ah, the infamous Cade,” he said. Cade looked down at man’s hand as if he were unsure to take it, like it could explode if he touched it. Finally, Cade took the other man’s hand and shook it aggressively, firm.
“I’m Jess,” the man said as he glanced down at their clasped hands, felt the tight grip and then looked up into Cade’s stone-like expression.
This was Jess? For some reason, Cade assumed Jess would be…smaller? He didn’t expect him to be so…masculine and this good-looking? Not that a gay or bi dude couldn’t be masculine or good-looking, he just wasn’t expecting this guy. He had an Alpha aura. Three Alphas in the room? This was going to be intense, Cade thought.
“Nice to meet you, man,” Cade said as he squeezed Jess’s hand tight. Jess cocked an eyebrow and squeezed tighter which in turn, made Cade squeeze even tighter. Both men trying to keep a straight face, trying not to show signs of pain. Their muscular forearms flexing. Cade was trying to “alpha” Jess but Jess was giving it right back. Their cold stares penetrating the other’s.
Jackson rolled his eyes. He knew they were challenging each other. “Guys, guys, give it rest. Next, you’ll be measuring dicks. Don’t bother. You’ll both lose,” Jackson laughed as he grabbed his own junk.
Cade and Jess released their tight grip but both still sizing the other up with their eyes.
Jess wasn’t sure he liked Cade. The instant show of dominance from Cade after a polite hello from himself instantly sent Jess into dominance mode. At first, when he walked in and saw Cade standing by the window, Jess was instantly attracted to him. He also sensed his Alpha presence. It was thick in the air. It might have been because there were three Alphas in the room but Cade exuded something more. Cade, wearing a ball cap, a tight, worn-out t-shirt, snug faded blue jeans and cowboy boots, all showing off an intensely muscular physique was the poster boy of a good ole’ boy Marine from Texas. To top it off, Cade, not only hot as fuck but had such a masculine, rugged face. A square jaw, dark blue eyes, roman nose and thick black eyebrows. His eyelashes were so thick it almost appeared he was wearing eye-liner which made his eyes even more beautiful. And who couldn’t notice the two melons that were supposed to be his ass trying to fight their way through the seams of his jeans.  If Jess wasn’t so pissed, he might fall in love with that ass.
“Jess, it’s so great to see you! It’s been way too long, dude,” Jackson exclaimed as he grasped Jess’s shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze.
Jess continued to stare down Cade as he replied, “You too, buddy.” He then broke the stare and turned to Jess with a smile. “It has been too long. Now that we live closer, we need to hang out more.”
“Definitely, dude. I’ll…WE’LL take you up on that offer. Won’t we, CADE?” Jackson asked Cade with a “be nice, you, asshole” expression.
Jackson had seen Cade act this way before. Usually, when he felt threatened. Cade wasn’t much for words but his eyes told you exactly what he was thinking. When he felt another aggressive presence in the room, he automatically went into alpha-mode. But then, it seemed like Cade was always in some stage of alpha-mode. It sucked because Jackson thought they both would have more friends if Cade didn’t look like he was pissed-off all the time. The dude had resting-bitch-face.
“I’m going to take a shower,” Cade stated as he turned and left the room.
Jess and Jackson looked at each other in silence.
“What the fuck is his problem?” Jess nodded once towards the bathroom.
“Don’t mind him. He’s always that way. Takes a while for him to warm up to someone he just met.”
“Thought you said he was a cool guy. You said you are like brothers?” Jess questioned.
“He is. He’s rough around the edges but I swear, he’s a great guy,” Jackson said, defending Cade.
Jess cocked his head to one side, squinting at Jackson. “Did you tell Cade I’m bi?”
Jackson winced. “It might have come up in conversation.” He hoped Jess wouldn’t get mad.
“Is that why he’s being an asshole to me?”
“No…NO! Heck, no. We’ve got gay friends. He has no issues with the guy on guy thing.”
“Well, it’s been my experience with guys like him, they feel threatened not by the guy on guy thing, but the fact that I can go either way. It makes them uncomfortable knowing that if I strike out with a dude, I can score with a chic and it may be the one they’re trying to pick up. Or they think I’ll play gay to get close to the girl and then turn straight and fuck her. It’s a trust issue. They never know what I’m thinking or who I’m scoping out.”
“Cade is hard to read. He’s quiet, more of an observer. He sees what he wants, weighs his options and then strikes when the time is right. He rarely fails to get what he wants,” Jackson said. He poured a bourbon from the wet bar and handed it to Jess.
Jess took the bourbon and swigged it down. “He’s got issues, dude. Maybe it’s PTSD or something but anyone threatened so easily has got to figure his shit out.”
Jackson had a few choice words to say to Cade as they were getting dressed for the night out. Cade apologized for being an ass to Jess and promised it wouldn’t happen again. Cade felt bad dissing his best friend’s buddy after he had gone to all the trouble of getting them the hotel room and setting them up for a fun weekend.
Jackson went so far as to lay out Cade’s clothes for the evening. He had packed enough clothes for the two of them. They were going to some high-end clubs and bars and he wanted Cade to fit in. If he didn’t pack trendy clothes for him, Cade would show up in a baseball cap and shit-kickers. He didn’t care.
Cade didn’t argue with the selection Jackson made. He knew Jackson knew what he was doing and that Cade would be dressed to impress. Like Jackson feared, the clothes were a tad bit tight on Cade with all the new muscle he’d put on. Cade, on the other hand, liked the tight look and he admired his body in the mirror. Cade turned to the side to see see how the pants molded to the globes that were his ass. His flat stomach along with a naturally arched back and tiny waist made his glutes stick out higher and tighter. He flexed his bicep and smiled as he watched the sleeve stretch to accommodate the eighteen-inch muscle. Now, this was going to be a good night, he thought. His body will get plenty of attention.
Jackson stood back and admired his work. Damn, he did good work. Cade looked amazing and he was bound to have the time of his life this weekend.  He laughed as Cade couldn’t rip himself away from the mirror. “Dude, stop admiring your ass and let’s get going. Jess is waiting downstairs in the bar.”
Cade and Jackson took the elevator down to meet Jess who was waiting in the bar. Jess caught sight of them walking through the marble lobby and he about spilled his drink. Damn, if Cade didn’t clean up well. He was hot before dressed as a redneck cowboy but now, Jess was speechless. Cade, strutted through the lobby, showing off his superior physique in the expensive, form-fitting clothing. His hair trimmed with a part, the top longer and swept back, just enough to tell he was a Marine which is always a pussy magnet, not to mention a gay dude magnet as well. There is nothing sexier than a big muscular Marine dressed to the nine’s in civilian clothes. The snug, stretch, maroon polo was tight in all the right places. The biceps, the shoulders, the pillow-like pecs. The way the black, designer dress pants hugged his quads and molded to that muscular ass. Jackson looked equally as sexy. He wore a more preppy outfit. Slim-fit navy jeans with a light blue, slim-fit button down topped off with a gray suit-vest and light gray oxford boots.  He looked very dapper and sexy as fuck. Too bad they were such good friends. He would totally try to turn him. He always thought Jackson was a little too metrosexual to be completely straight.
Jess discarded his drink, half drank, and met them at the lobby door. He ushered the two outside where a black SUV awaited them to take them to the first bar.
Fast forward two hours. They were at their fourth bar and drinking more than they should at every stop. Shamelessly hitting on every girl, they saw. Jess was hitting on any man or woman that strikes his fancy. He got some digits from a guy and two girls. They decided to leave and venture to another club where Jess said some friends of his wanted to meet up. Cade was drunk and when he gets drunk, he gets rowdy and loud.
“The more the merrier!” Cade yelled with a toast of shots that magically appeared. Obviously, bought for them by some anonymous admirer.
Cade had followed through with his promise to Jackson and was cordial to Jess all night. He started to like him and found they had more in common than he thought. He thought maybe this guy wasn’t a threat after all. He was up to party and that was enough for Cade. Yes, Jess picked up on the attitude change in Cade and felt it was ok to flirt. Cade was aware of the flirtation and welcomed it. It inflated his ego even more than it was already. A hot guy thought he was hot too. He liked it. Jess was growing on him and he found it easy to talk to him, could have been the alcohol but he didn’t pull away when Jess got handsy from time to time. He definitely thought they could be good friends.
The next club was loud with hard-thumping dance music. The dancefloor was a sea of bodies, hot and sweaty, dancing and drinking. The club was dark with mirror ball lights and lasers. They met Jess’s friends outside on the outdoor patio. Jess introduced them to two guys, just as hot as Jess, just as drunk too. Ian, a built, blonde hair Nordic god was at least six-foot-four and a mountain of muscle. The other, Alex, was also built, but shorter, five-ten, maybe. He was the shortest of all in the group but it fit his tight, muscular gymnast body. His floppy brown hair and his smaller stature made him look younger than he was.
Cade should have known Jess’s friends would be equally as attractive as Jess. The first thing he thought was if they were straight or gay because they didn’t seem gay. He didn’t want to assume they were gay but they were flawless, perfectly groomed, clothes on point. It was then that Cade looked around the patio and noticed most of it was filled with dudes. The thumping dance music, the perfectly quaffed hair and the clean-cut, sleek muscular bodies should have given him the first clue. He’d been in gay dance clubs before so it wasn’t his first time. He dated a few girls that liked to dance at gay clubs. Jackson had always been right there along with him. If he hadn’t been hammered, he would have noticed sooner there were in a gay club.
“Jax,” Cade said as he tapped Jackson on the shoulder, “Is this a gay club?”
“Yeah, for the most part. You know how it is, straight chics go to gay bars to dance because they don’t get hit on, so for us, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel!” Jackson laughed.
“Right you are, son!” answered Cade while patting his friend on the back. Jess was a genius for bringing them here.
“Hey, Jess and I got you covered, big guy.” Jackson patted Cade on the back.
Ian and Alex turned out to be cool. Cade still couldn’t tell if they were gay or bi or straight. It didn’t matter. They seemed like good guys and they knew how to party. They talked football and even hunting with Cade. Both guys grew up in rural areas and fled to the big city after college. They’d been friends since college and so it was logical to get a place and rent it together. Alright, finally some guys he could relate too in addition to Jackson he thought.
Cade and Jackson learned that getting hit on by dudes had benefits, more so than it was when they had gone to gay bars with dates. Now, they weren’t with any females, just a group of hot guys who got noticed.  They got free drinks all night from guys trying to get on them. Cade loved the constant onslaught of compliments and cat-calls. He probably wouldn’t be as comfortable with it if he were sober since he’s low key and quiet when not drinking. He’s much more bold and uninhibited with his emotions when he’s drunk. The most flattering was getting a compliment from a guy who was in prime condition, muscular and equally as hot. That turned his crank because another hot dude wanting to fuck another him just because he’s hot, that’s the best a compliment can get.
“Hey! You guys stumble in here on accident?” asked some random guy, an attractive, younger, tight body, yelling his question to Cade over the loud music.
“What?” Cade responded loudly.
“Straight bars are a block down but hey, we don’t mind some hot straight Marines to look at,” the buff guy said as he put his hand on Cade’s bicep and squeezed. Cade flexed when he felt the guy’s warm hand. The guy’s eyebrows raised as he stroked Cade’s arm. Cade noticed the guy had some nice arms on him as well. Cade loved the attention. Plus, he was drunk so he was uninhibited. He playfully squeezed his admirer’s bicep.
“Nice guns,” Cade said with flirty smile.
“Unless my gaydar is wrong? It didn’t go off with you,” the guy questioned with hope in his voice.
“Nope, sorry, little man, I’m straight. Here with some buddies,” Cade replied as he flexed more.
The guy pointed at the other guys in the group. “Don’t tell me you guys are ALL straight.”
“Well, that’s a good question,” Cade laughed. “This one is for sure,” he said as he pointed to Jackson.
“The other Marine? You sure? He dresses too nice for a straight guy,” the guy cocked his eyebrow.
Cade laughed, “yeah I know. I tease him all the time. No, he’s straight.”
“What about the other three?”
“That one is bi,” Cade said as he pointed at Jess. “The other two I’m still trying to figure out!” Cade smiled as he put his hand on the guy’s shoulder. He squeezed and noticed the guy’s shoulder was hard and well developed. Respect, he said to himself.
The guy turned his head and looked down at Cade’s hand on his shoulder. “You’re handsy for a straight guy,” he said.
“Nah, just friendly,” Cade winked.
They chatted for a while longer. Cade loved flirting with the gay guy. The more he flirted the more attention the guy gave him. Cade didn’t even get his name. He didn’t care. He just liked the guy feeling him up. The guy introduced him to his gay friends who gave him the pleasure of feeling his muscles. They couldn’t get enough of the straight handsome Marine letting them have their way with his body.
“You suck, man,” one man said. “You come in here with this jacked body and tease us. It’s like dangling a candy bar in front of a fat kid.”
Cade laughed. “Hey, I’m letting you look AND touch. This is farther than any other guy has gotten with me so enjoy it while you can.”
Jackson watched Cade show off for the group of admirers. Sometimes Cade surprised him and this was one of those times. He knew Cade was cocky about his body but this was amusing. He couldn’t wait to tease him about tomorrow when he was sober.  Who knows if he would even remember letting a bunch of gay dudes molest him all night. Just in case, he snapped a few pics with his phone.
About three o’clock in the morning when the bars closed, having struck out with numerous girls, and having their fill of free drinks at the gay bar, Jackson invited everyone back to the hotel room to continue the nights partying. Ian and Alex were impressed with the hotel room and instantly made themselves some drinks and kicked back on the deep couches. Jess turned on some music and they all sat down in the couches and chilled.
Conversation turned to Cade and Jackson as they were asked questions about serving in the Marines. Cade was glad to talk about his job. He had become so animated in the last few hours, Jess swore Cade was a different person when he drank. He wished some of that behavior would seep into his normal behavior.
Jackson was having the time of his life. He was hanging with his best friend, partying with fun people and enjoying the bonding with Cade. He missed Cade when he was gone. Jackson was so used to doing everything with Cade, and when he left, Jackson felt like a lost puppy. Too many one-night-stands with faceless girls in the last six-months and no wingman. Tonight, he was making up for lost time. He sat back and just watched Cade and got a kick of how boisterous and loud he was being. Such a different side of Cade that he missed.
He loved when Cade told stories when he drank. He exaggerated and stretched the truth but he knew how to tell a story.
“…so, this sniper shot me in the thigh and I go down. Jax, my best buddy here, pulls me by the arm to safety and we limp back to the check point,” Cade hugged his best friend. “I love you, man. You saved my life. You’re the best,” Cade slurred as he threw his arm around Jackson and playfully kissed him on the cheek.
Jackson pushed him away and wiped his cheek. “Get off me, you loser.”
“What? Come on, Jax. You like it,” Cade laughed and tried to kiss him again to which Jackson let him kiss him on the cheek.
“So, you got shot? How much does that hurt?” Ian asked.
“Worst pain I’ve ever felt. I can’t think of anything more painful,” Cade answered after a gulp of whiskey.
“Oh, I don’t know about that. You haven’t been on the receiving end of his fat cock,” Alex said, pointing at Jess.
“Fuck off. I didn’t hear you complaining,” Jess exclaimed as he threw a throw-pillow at Alex.
Well I guess that answers the question of how Jess knows Ian and Alex. Fuck buddies, Cade thought.
“Dude, taking a bullet is a little different than taking a dick up the ass,” Cade guffawed.
“Really, have you tried it?” Jess asked, teasing with an eyebrow raised in suspicion.
“What? No. I’m not gay. No offense,” Cade said as he threw his hands up at Jess and his friends.
“Then how do you know it hurts less?” Alex asked in a teasing tone.
“Maybe because I wouldn’t want to get shot every day, whereas, I would want to get fucked every day,” Cade smiled and then realized what he said. “Wait…”
“So, you would rather get fucked in the ass then take a bullet?” Jess laughed.
“Well, yeah. No! I mean, yeah…if I were into dudes,” Cade stammered, too drunk to make his thoughts clear.
“You’re a big, bad Marine, if you can take the pain of being shot, surly you can take the pain of a dick in your ass,” Jess said.
Jackson got the feeling Jess was challenging Cade. He thought, now it was about to get fun. He liked seeing Cade challenged when he drank. It always turned into some hilarious event to laugh about later.
“Yeah, you’re telling me you wouldn’t take a cock over a bullet wound?” asked Alex.
Cade snapped his head to Alex, brow furrowed, eyes bloodshot, anger in his eyes.
“I can take whatever pain you throw at me, motherfucker,” Cade growled.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. Taking dick is not as easy as it would seem,” Jess said as he looked back and winked at Ian and Alex. Both guys shook their heads indicating what Jess was saying is true.
“Fuck you. I’m a fucking Marine!” Cade yelled at the top of his lungs. “I’ve served three tours in Afghanistan, received a Purple Heart and killed terrorists. Don’t you fucking tell me what you think I can’t do. I’ll fucking mess up your pretty little face, princess. Fucking cocksuckers!”
Jackson’s jaw dropped. He was sure Cade was going to start throwing punches. He was suddenly aware that Cade was TOO drunk and Jackson didn’t need him throwing down and beating up three guys who were just messing with him. Any other guy would laugh it off but Cade, he never backed down when being challenged. It was the Alpha in him. Jackson knew because he was the same way himself. Never back down from a bet or a challenge and win at all costs. This is one of those times Cade felt threatened, his masculinity challenged, his character questioned and he wasn’t thinking clearly. At least he knew Cade would never take a cock in the ass. He was just blowing smoke. I’m sure there was about to be something crazy suggested by Cade to prove his pain tolerance.
“Prove it,” Jess demands, staring Cade down and Cade doing the same back.
Cade sat up on the edge of the couch as if crouched like a tiger ready to pounce. This guy was pissing him off, questioning his masculinity, his duty as a Marine, his high tolerance for physical pain.
Likewise, Jess crouched at the edge of the couch where he was sitting across from Cade.
Jackson put down his drink. “Cade, don’t…”
Cade put his palm up at Jackson which shut him up immediately. Ian and Alex watched from the other end of the couch from Jess, both focused intensely on the two alphas in the room.
Jess gave Cade a tilt of his head as if to say, “Let’s go, asshole.”
They both continued to stare each other down. Jess knew Cade wouldn’t back down. He was a Marine, an Alpha, he couldn’t show weakness. Marines were bred to show no fear and take orders from authority no matter how dominate Cade thought he was. This was not Jess’s first time fucking with a Marine, not by a long shot.  Jess was going to be relentless to get this rugged, masculine, beautiful man to submit. Even if it meant humiliating him in the process.
Cade slowly stood up, still staring down into Jess’s eyes. Jess slowly stood up, toe to toe with Cade, defiant. Both knew not to break eye contact. That would be a show of weakness. Still, Jess couldn’t help but be in awe of the muscular, animalistic aura Cade projected. It urged him on. It turned him on. There was electricity in the air. Cade felt it too. He felt a jump in his pulse. He felt an attraction that he couldn’t explain. For the first time, he was experiencing a power equal to his own. Jackson glanced over at Ian and Alex who just shrugged their shoulders in disbelief of what was happening.
Jess crossed his muscular arms over his chest, waiting for the next move. Cade took that as an official challenge.
“I’m not gay,” Cade stated laser focused on Jess’s blue eyes making sure Jess knew the deal.
“Didn’t say you were,” Jess answered back arrogantly but questioning at the same time.
Cade squinted his eyes a bit, trying not to blink. Alright, he had had enough of this son-of-a-bitch. He took a very deep breath, stuck out his chest and asked with confidence in his baritone voice, “Who’s first?”
Cade was so confident in his masculinity that he could take on the whole room if he had to, damn it, although he didn’t expect a scenario like that to play out.  He needed Jess to know that he was going to win this challenge. He looked around the room at all the other guys.  They looked at Jess but Cade knew damn well who’s dick was going in. Of course, Jess knew this all along too.
Jess smirked and waved his hand towards the bedroom. “Shall we?”
Cade slowly turned and quietly walked to the bedroom and Jess followed. Jess watched that big, muscular ass strut into the bedroom, his own dick stiffening knowing it would soon be in the hot Marine ass.
Jackson watched them leave, speechless.
“Dude, is Cade into dudes?” Alex asked Jackson in a whisper.
“Um…no. I don’t think so?” he answered with confusion.
Alex looked at Ian and they both started laughing. Jackson looked back at the bedroom door and then back at Ian and Alex.
“Were you being serious about the size of Jess’s dick?” Jackson asked them.
Alex raised on hand, “Trust me, I can attest to the size of his dick.”
“Me too. Dude is big,” Ian confirmed. “Why, do you really think he’ll do it?” Ian asked Jackson.
“You don’t know Cade like I do. He’ll do it,” Jackson said, confident.
They all looked at each other again and as if thinking the same thing, they jumped off the couch and scurried to the the bedroom to watch from the doorway.
Cade and Jess stood in front of the bed.
“How do you want to do this, pretty boy?” Cade sneered.
“Clothes off. On the bed, hands and knees, Marine.” Jess answered, egging the bigger man on.
Cade sneered again before slowly taking off his clothes in a sort of striptease. He wanted to show Jess he wasn’t afraid. He wanted to tease Jess with his superior physique, intimidate him. Deep down, he questioned what he was doing but the alcohol made him want to show this arrogant asshole who was the real man in the room. He also questioned if Jess would actually do it. He knew Jess thought he was hot. There was enough flirtation throughout the night that it was obvious. He wanted to turn Jess on. See him get hard.
Cade, nude, crawled onto the bed as Jess took off his clothes, his eyes focused on the muscle-ass in front of him. Cade turned his head back and watched Jess as he went through Jackson’s shaving kit that was sitting on the night stand. He pulled out a small bottle of lube that he knew Jackson would have.
Cade watched Jess’s eyes as they lay focused on Cade’s upturned ass. He could see Jess was looking forward to sticking him in the ass. He started to wonder who was actually winning this challenge; the rough, aggressive Marine trying to defend his honor or the arrogant, handsome bisexual dude who would love to get a crack at an ass like Cade’s and is going to no matter what happened? Cade’s thoughts were mushy, his brain infected with alcohol and the bad choices that comes with it. He also knew that he liked knowing his ass was so hot it would turn a guy on.
“Lay flat,” Jess ordered.
Cade sneered his “Whatever, dude” sneer.
Cade heard the cap flip open and the sound of lube being squirted out. Then he felt something cold touch his hole.
“What are you doing back there, princess?” Cade asked, trying not to sound concerned.
“I’m doing you a favor. I’m loosening your hole. Or do you want me to go in dry? Because I can, tough guy.”
“Do what you have to do, princess,” Cade said as he settled in for the ride. There is no way this could hurt as much as they say it does. Unless…unless they were lying? Which would mean Jess is going to love fucking his ass. This wasn’t a fair challenge after all.
He felt Jess’s finger swirl lube around his hole and then a little pressure. Cade’s breathing quickened. Then he felt more pressure and he tensed.
“Relax, Marine,” he heard from behind.
Jess’s finger popped through and Cade flinched. His muscle’s stiffened and a grunt came from his throat. “Ugh!”
“I said, RELAX, Marine!” Jess ordered.
Cade felt the finger continue its dive into his tight hole. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly and willed himself to relax. As he did, he felt the finger slide inside farther.
“Fuuuccckkk,” Cade growled in a quiet whisper through clenched teeth. It was painful. “Oh, fucking shit,” he mumbled.
“Only knuckle deep, tough guy,” Jess whispered seductively.
Cade held his breath, not wanting Jess to hear how much pain he was in.
Jess left his finger in so Cade could get used to it. After Cade seemed to relax a bit and Jess didn’t hear muffled grunts, he slowly pulled his finger out to the tip and then slid it back in. He could hear Cade hiss through clenched teeth. He pulled out and slid back in again, a little bit faster each time. Cade was still hissing with each push in of Jess’s finger.
Jess, Ian and Alex watched from the doorway. Each speechless. Jackson stunned at what his best friend would do to save face. Ian and Alex, on the other hand, were hard as a rock. Seeing this big, muscled-up Marine taking Jess’s finger was so hot they couldn’t wait to watch them fuck.
“Get ready,” Jess whispered again. He hooked his finger and found Cade’s prostate and applied pressure.
Cade’s eyes shot open and his head came up off the bed. He cried out as he felt a jolt of electrical pleasure course through his ass.
Jess smiled with an evil grin. “There it is, tough guy,” he cooed as he began to massage Cade’s button.
Cade was thrashing on the bed. He arched his back as he came up on his elbows. His head thrown back as he howled at the ceiling.
Jackson watched Cade roll and thrash in ecstasy as Jess took control of Cade and made him bend to his will.
“Fuck, yeah.” Jackson heard Ian whisper. He looked over and the two guys had their arms around the other, rubbing their cocks through their pants.
Jackson had to admit that it was arousing to see the alpha stud getting finger fucked by another guy. It made Cade seem more…human.
“That’s it, tough guy. You like it?” Jess asked with a soft whisper into Cade’s ear.
Cade fucking loved it. He never experienced pleasure like this before. He wasn’t going to tell Jess that, though.
Jess started to aggressively massage Cade’s prostate. Cade’s dick was solid and his ass was pushing back to get more finger inside.
“Cade? I got my finger in you, tough guy. Got my finger in your hole. You fucking love it, don’t you?”
Cade clenched his teeth and eyes shut. No, he wouldn’t give in.
“Cade? I’m finger-banging you, dude. I’m finger-banging a fucking Marine hole,” Jess said as he waited for Cade to admit he liked it.
Cade heard what Jess said and felt his heart race. “He’s finger-banging me? This fucker is fingering me like a chic. No, this has to fucking stop,” he yelled inside his own head.
“Stop…” Cade grunted out loud.
Jess laughed and inserted another finger and pressed down on the magic spot. Cade went insane with pleasure. His lower back arched again as he came up on his elbows. His triceps flexing, his traps flaring and his head back, eyes wide open.
Jess thrust his forearm down onto Cade’s rippling upper back and pushed him flat on the bed and slipped in a third finger. He pounded that prostate with lightning speed and Cade was howling loud enough that Jackson thought someone would call the cops.
Jess turned and smiled at Ian and Alex and gestured with his head for them to come over to the bed. Jackson watched them walk as if hypnotized to the side of the bed. Jackson was just as hypnotized. He was seeing Cade in a whole different light. The big, muscular beast, smooth and tan, rugged, clenched in pleasure, being pleasured by his other friend, another beautiful, aggressive masculine man. Jess reached down and stroked his cock realizing he was already hard.
Jess continued to three-finger-bang Cade, massaging his prostate, pausing briefly only to spread his fingers apart to open Cade’s hole even more. As he did this, he watched Cade experience the bliss of having his insides worked over. He was experiencing a pleasure he never thought possible. He watched the muscles in Cade’s back flex and pop. He marveled at Cade’s thick neck and developed traps heave in synch to his grunts and moans. Jess realized that loosening Cade up was defeating the purpose of him feeling the most pain when Jess finally penetrates him with his dick, which was the challenge: the pain of having a dick inside your ass. If he wanted that, he would have just lubed up his cock and stuck it in but he wanted Cade to enjoy getting fucked. He, in no way, wanted Cade to hate getting fucked by a guy because he intended to fuck Cade many more times in the future.
Jackson, in a state of somewhere between confusion and curiosity, moved to the side of the bed opposite of the other three men. He looked down at Cade’s face. It was still clenched but at the same time, a slight smile forming. His breath was hissing with each thrust of Jess’s fingers. Jackson moved his gaze to Jess who was smiling at him with bright white teeth, his eyebrows fluttered up and down twice.  Jess was teasing Cade with his magic fingers he made it obvious to Jackson that this was his plan all along.
Jackson has known Jess for a very long time. He knew Cade was Jess’s type but never dreamed the guy would actually try to bed the guy. The more Jackson thought about it the more he realized Cade and Jess were very much alike. They knew what they wanted and they both got what they wanted. When Jackson found out Jess was into dudes, he was shocked. What he wasn’t shock at was how easy it was for Jess to admit that he was bisexual. He brought it up as if it had always been known.  Jess had no filter. He casually mentioned that he had been fucking a guy from college. That was it. Jackson sat there and looked at him not knowing if he heard him right. He asked Jess to reiterate. Again, casually telling him he was fucking a guy from college and that was that. After that it was just a toss-up as to if he was dating a girl or a guy. It seemed to change every time they spoke.
Cade opened his eyes and saw Jackson looking down at him. For a split-second Cade was freaked out that Jackson was seeing him like this. Jackson slowly lowered himself to his knees beside the bed until he was eye level with Cade. Jackson studied his face, tried to read him. He didn’t know what Cade was thinking, he just knew he was in heaven. Cade didn’t know what Jackson was thinking either but he didn’t care at this point in time. His face was red and sweating and he tried not to look like he was enjoying it too much.
Jackson rested his chin on the bed and smiled.
Before he could say a word, Cade spoke first, “Don’t say anything.”
“What? What was I going to say?” Jackson said smugly.
Cade moved his head to look back at Jess. “No pain,” he said, gloating.
Jess snickered, “Oh, dude. This is nothing. I haven’t stuck you yet.”
“I can take it. Princess,” Cade slurred.
“Buddy, you look like you’re having a good time,” Jackson said with a smile as he patted Cade on the shoulder.
“Not so bad,” was all Cade could say before he must have received another jolt from his joy button.
“Boys, I think my Marine here is ready,” Jess announced to Ian and Alex who were in various stages of undress. Both guys had their shirts off and their dicks out as they stroked them. They both agreed with Jess.
Jess pulled his fingers out of Cade’s tight hole. Cade instantly stopped humping the mattress and looked back again at Jess. He wanted Jess to keep going but was also anticipating something bigger.
Jess straddled Cade and aimed his fat cock at the hole below him. Cade felt the blunt head push in.  Jess eased in slowly. Cade felt a shot of intense pain and clenched his teeth and eyes shut, hissing through his teeth and breathing hard in and out. His hands turned into fists as they grabbed onto the sheets, knuckles white.
“FUCK!” Cade screamed with made Jackson jump.
“Jess! Stop!” Jackson barked at Jess.
“NO!” Cade exclaimed. “Keep going. I can do this! OH, FUCK! SHIT!” Cade was feeling the pain Jess told him he would encounter. It felt like Jess was sticking his fist in his ass.
“Dude, Cade, are you ok?” Jackson asked his buddy with concern.
“Oh, he’s fine,” Jess said condescendingly. “He’s a real man. He can take it. Can’t you, tough guy?”
“Give it all you got, princess,” Cade growled.
Jess laughed. “You asked for it.”
Jess pushed all the way in without stopping. Cade’s head flew up and he screamed again, louder. Jackson could swear Cade was being torn apart. Cade slammed a fist into the mattress as he groaned from deep in his throat. A string of swear words poured from his mouth and Jess began to pull out to the tip.
“Had enough, tough guy?” Jess taunted.
“Have you?” Cade answered, his voice broke as he tried to talk.
“Not even close,” Jess answered as he jammed back in to the hilt. Cade screamed again.
“Dude. Don’t fucking kill him,” Ian warned.
“No shit, Jess,” said Alex.
“Fuck off. He said he can take it. He can take it.” Jess scowled.
Jess began pulling out and pushing back in. Cade’s fists were red, his legs were stiff, straightened out behind him as Jess was in push-up position, fucking into his ass.
“Cade. Dude, relax, man. You have to relax or it will just hurt more,” said Alex.
Jackson couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. He never thought he would be in a hotel room watching his best friend and Marine brother getting fucked up the ass by another guy. He never thought he would be watching two guys fuck, period.
“Cade, brother, relax your fucking asshole,” Jackson pleaded.
Cade looked at him with tears in his eyes. His jaw flexing. He looked at Jackson like he was asking for help.
“Relax,” Jackson whispered as he massaged Cade’s shoulder.
Jess began to pick up the pace. “Open up that ass, bitch.” Jess taunted again.
Cade closed his eyes and willed himself to relax. Ignore the outside. Go to a place in his head and tune out the words spewing from Jess’s lips.
Jess felt the warm tight muscle around his cock loosen. He heard Cade expel a deep breath and then a low moan.
“Good boy,” said Jess. “Good boy. Be a good Marine and do as you’re told.”
Cade felt the invading dick slide across his prostate and instantly felt the happy vibes tingle up his spine. “Fuck, yeah.”
Jackson flinched at the way Cade said that. It was a good way. He watched Cade’s face transition from pain to pleasure in an instant. Jess was fucking Cade with gusto and Cade was loving it. Jackson heard a flood of moans and groans seep through the grin on Cade’s face.
Ian and Alex where jacking their dicks while commenting on how well the big muscular Marine was taking cock.
“Fucking take that cock,” Ian said. “Fucking hot, bro.”
“So, fucking hot. Fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” said Alex as he turned to Ian and engaged him in a kiss and then an all-out make out session.
Jess was concentrating hard on fucking Cade’s ass. He worked in some corkscrewing with his hips, some quick jabs as well as some slow pulls. This was the best fuck he had had by far. Just looking down at the tan, hard body of the butch, straight Marine under him made him want to bust his nut inside but he wasn’t done with him yet.
“Arch your back, Marine,” Jess commanded with a slap on Cade’s ass. Cade flinched and hiked up his ass. Jess’s eyes rolled back in his head as he felt his dick sink in farther. It wasn’t enough, though. He pushed in and stayed put as he put his knees between Cade’s legs and spread them out wide making his back arch more and his ass open wider.
Jackson continued to watch his buddy hump the mattress. He watched in awe as Cade lifted himself up until he was on hands and knees and he arched his back as much as he could. His head flopping up and down with every thrust he received from Jess’s onslaught.
“Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah,” was all Cade could say, over and over again.
Jackson could now see that Cade’s big dick was as hard as a crowbar. The more Jess pounded, the more Cade seemed to want more.
Cade wasn’t ready for what was about to happen next. He was kneeling on the bed, getting fucked by another guy, and he felt a hand on his cock. When he felt that warm hand squeeze and begin to jack him off, he couldn’t hold back. Jess was fucking him while doing a reach-around. Cade could feel his balls churning. Then another shocker as Jess wrapped his other arm around Cade’s throat and pulled him back until they were both on their knees, Jess pulling Cade’s back against his chest while his other hand was around Cade’s big dick. Cade’s back arched, his head thrown back onto Jess’s shoulder and with one hard slam Jess released a gush of cum into Cade’s perfect muscular ass. Cade shot jets of cum on to the headboard as he felt Jess’s dick in his gut and his hand milking his cock for every drop of cum. They both let loose with a loud barbaric yawp that for sure woke up the neighboring guests.
Jackson watched the intensely, animalistic act as his best friend shot loads and loads of cum across the bed and onto the wall. Jess’s arms flexed with thick cords of muscle as he held Cade against him, shooting his cum into the virgin ass.
Ian and Alex both came at the same time, shooting onto Cade and Jess. Jackson watched all four men get off and found himself feeling like he needed to cum as well. But he didn’t. He was confused as how to react but it didn’t seem to faze Cade as he dropped his chin to his chest, breathing hard, catching his breath while Jess ran his hands up and down Cade’s abs and chest, smearing cum all over. Cade’s body was sweat covered. His muscles looked as pumped as they do after a good hard workout. Jess pulled him in tighter, his dick still inside the muscled Marine. He put his chin on Cade’s shoulder, his mouth next to Cade’s ear.
“No pain, no gain, huh, Marine?” Jess whispered.
Cade was still breathing hard. His ass still full of cock. He was frozen, impaled, he didn’t want to move. He loved this cock inside of him. Cade still couldn’t speak.
“I came inside you, tough guy. You feel that? I fucking came in your ass and you fucking loved it,” Jess taunted in his ear. He licked Cade’s ear. “I’m going to do it again. You want that?”
Cade swallowed hard. “Thought it was supposed to hurt,” he said between breaths but still not making an effort to expel the dick inside him.
Jess chuckled in his ear, “Oh, I didn’t want to hurt you, tough guy. I wanted you to enjoy it. I wanted you to want it. And you did.”
Jackson watched Cade, the conflict in his expression. Cade still had Jess’s dick in his ass.
“Want me to pull out?” Jess asked seductively.
Cade didn’t want to admit that he loved getting fucked by Jess. He also didn’t want him to pull out.
“I guess you’ve had enough,” Jess stated as he began to slide out.
“NO! Wait!” Cade stopped him.
Jess chuckled again as he slowly pushed back in making Cade lose his breath. Cade grabbed and held on to Jess arms that were wrapped around his torso.
“Want some more, tough guy?” Jess gave another pump. “Want more of my boys inside you?”
Cade reached back and cupped Jess’s ass and pulled him in. Both men let out heavy sighs.
“I got you, fucker,” Jess whispered. “Your ass is mine.”
“Shut up and fuck me, asshole,” Cade whispered back and then Jess wrapped his arms under Cade’s armpits and locked his hands around the back of his neck. He had him in lock, Cade’s arms hanging in mid-air to the sides as Jess started another onslaught into Cade’s not-so-virgin ass.
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(via lubosworld, lubosworld, pikacku0617)
Hot Sack Daddy
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