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18. He/Him. This is just a sideblog for whatever my current interest is.
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[ID/ a drawing with two panels separated from a cream background. In the first panel, there are two hands, the rest off screen. One of the hands is Chuuya’s, his knuckles and wrist covered in splatters of blood, and he is reaching down toward’s Dazai’s hand. Dazai’s hand is reaching back for Chuuya, only his fingertips smudged with blood, his bandages dirty and stained. The second panel is set up in a similar way with only the hands being visible, but this time Dazai is the one reaching down to Chuuya, and their hands are already clasped. His bandages are dirty and smudged again, but he only has blood smears on his thumb. Chuuya is wearing his black gloves in this panel, and has small smudges of blood visible on his wrist. There is an artist’s signature reading ‘damianito’ /end ID]
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“you came…” “…you called”
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my favourite type of poster on here—unironically—is the subgroup of people who make long informed thoughtful and obviously passionate analytical posts detailing the various discourses of their media of choice in relation to theory texts or adjacent literary traditions with all the gumption and sincerity and breadth of knowledge of, like, shakespeare scholars; except, and this is the most crucial element, the media of choice has to just kind of suck, like, at least a bit
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Dazai: We all have our demons. Dazai, grabbing Chuuya: This one’s mine.
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Some things about Hawkeye that make me unhinged:
Is a pacifist
Walked around the MASH unit naked on a bet that he started
Has nightmares
Jumps on the furniture when under-stimulated
Reads Gertrude Stein
Knits (the show really ought to give us Hawkeye-socks)
“I’ll heal their wounds, treat their wounds, bind their wounds, but I will not inflict their wounds“
“I’ll carry your books, I’ll carry a torch, I’ll carry a tune, I’ll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash-and-carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, I’ll even ‘hari-kari’ if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun”
Yiddish/Hebrew phrases
Knows nothing about fixing cars
Knows and loves to sing so many jazz songs
laughs with his whole body (also honks, giggles, and guffaws)
Is a wimp about pain, but won’t let it interfere with his moral duties as a doctor
Hates working out + physical labour, but will do the latter for a good cause/to help a friend
Bad at taking care of himself, but goes above and beyond caring for his patients
Is very fond of – and good with – kids
Gets the local newspaper from home
Voted “most likely to work in a free clinic after the war” by Charles
Whenever possible sits like a pretzel – also whenever possible sits with his whole body as far into someone else’s space as possible
Is very thin-skinned about being left out, ignored, disliked, or otherwise unappreciated by his friends
does not care at all if people he doesn’t like dislike him in return and will actively needle those people into disliking him more
Stands up for anyone who’s socially/politically excluded 
Is at times so idealistic in his beliefs that they can veer into black-and-white
Is at times so idealistic in his beliefs that more violent people think he’s naïve 
will go to extreme lengths to win an argument, whether that argument is with a friend or a political system
Does not deny being called gay
Politically limp-wristed (and also just limp-wristed)
Sniffs his food
Brushes his teeth according to A System
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No thoughts, just Steve and Eddie making jokes about Billy being the youngest. “Sorry, you have to sit at the kid’s table for the holidays Billy.” “Yeah, this table is for adults only. No teenagers allowed.” “I’m 19!” “The rules are the rules, baby boy.” “Don’t worry, you can join us next year” “Shut up!” “Now that’s not how you talk to your elders”
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I think I’m absolutely late but anyways it is my firmly held belief that the first time chuuya and dazai ever hugged, chuuya randomly initiated the hug with little to no warning and dazai was standing there completely shellshocked and flabbergasted, literally wordless, mouth open in a little :o expression, mental thought process a loop of ‘oh my god. oh my god it’s chuuya. chuuya is hugging me. he’s doing it he’s hugging me. I have chuuya hugging me oh my god. he’s hugging-‘ and THEN dazai just. experiences sudden pain. And his tongue is bleeding. & chuuya is cackling manically. Bc the only reason he hugged him in the first place was to tuck himself under dazai’s chin and take advantage of his short height to surge upwards and headbutt the bottom of dazai’s jaw as hard as he could. just to be a little shit.
poor dazai can’t get a W..... his crush hugs him but at what cost. and i bet chuuya was so proud of himself too!! we don’t acknowledge it nearly enough that he’s canonically a little shit, oh my god
ty for sending this, you aren’t late at all! I love every part of this wholeheartedly & accept this headcanon forever :D
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No because Dazai was obsessing over Chuuya the moment he saw him and his deranged troll brain wanted to OWN this other kid who didnt take shit from him. He literally dropped the L word on their 2nd day together and got upset when he got shut down on it, threw a whole party for this kid with a massive dinner layout.
Kept reaching out and grabbing him, initiating skin on skin contact repeatedly despite being obviously uncomfortable with physical touch
Obsessed over him day and night while working together, actually stopped being as much of an asshole and showed genuine concern for what he was going to do and his freedom to choose.
Actually stopped his berserk mode by cupping his face as a touch repulsed teen whose ability works through clothes and then cradled his head in his lap when unconscious for absolutely no reason.
Made plans to specifically seek him out (or get him to find him) after defection and actually had a super civil and surprisingly friendly conversation instead of the vicious behaviour he used towards every other mafia member till that point.
Knew chuuya would be concerned about his well being and used it to annoy him but then actually smiled softly at him instead of being as cold as he was towards other pm members. Proceeded to actually fold his clothes and presumably wipe off the blood from his face.
Planned out a whole double-triple agent thing in a messed up sleeping beauty/snow white metaphor believing Chuuya would come save him from almost certain death and brought him back with a touch to the face and then proceeded to demand why his prince woke snow white (him) up the wrong way. Proceeded to shove his face into his crotch.
How do some people still think he hates Chuuya?
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There are two types on people in One Piece:
1. Everything they do is a way of coping with something tragic in their past but without that context they just come off like a freak
2. Literally just a freak
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[Image id: The “x is something that can actually be so personal” meme of Antoni from Queer Eye edited to say “Eliot’s hair in the baseball episode is something that can actually be so Gender. /end id]
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Season 6 Samguel drama: Can our relationship survive not going to the same college?
Season 6 Keenry drama: Is it going to be awkward if I invite our (mutual) evil karate grandfather who almost strangled your dad twice to our joint high school graduation party at Olive Garden?
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the queen died but honestly nico robin has been through so much more. The hardships she’s faced aren’t even comparable to dying of old age. Until the queen has done what nico robin has done I don’t feel sympathy.
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i hate it when it feels like a character has been designed specifically for me to like them . because then i do like them and it feels like i walked straight into their trap
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[ID/ four drawn panels. In the first is Mihawk from One Piece. He is saying, ‘I have a crush on someone but I’m afraid you won’t like who it is.’ In the second panel, Crocodile from One Piece is responding, ‘rip the bandaid off.’ In the third, Mihawk replies, ‘it’s Buggy.’ He looks very sad to be saying this. In the fourth panel, Crocodile replies, ‘put the bandaid back on.’ He looks deeply disturbed./end ID]
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You guys can’t keep letting me get away with this nonsense
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[ID/ drawing of Ikkaku from One Piece. She is wearing a yellow Beanie and a black strappy tank top. She has yellow round jewelry in both of her first lobe piercings. Her hair is dark brown and curly, coming just past shoulder height down to her collar bones. Her eyes are light brown. She’s smiling very happily, and has a bandage on her right cheek./end ID]
Ikkaku 🔧
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She's the ship mechanic, you can't change my mind
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law having commemorative coin collecting as a hobby tickles me to no end. what do u mean this 6'3 nightmare w eye bags heavier than a cargo jet got a lil coin book somewhere. u mean to tell me hes in his lil yellow fishy submarine 3000 leagues under the sea polishing his favorites. does he make the heart pirates surface whenever he catches an ad for a nearby flea market just in case a coin he's been looking for is there. does he have opinions on the steadily increasing price of coin press machines? generally what is the one piece coin collecting scene like and is he a major player in it under his real name or does he use a pseudonym? this is the real lore that i need.
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zoro: hickies are outdated give your man a blackeye to let them other hoes know you dont fuck around
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[ID/ tweet from John Rogers replying to a tweet from Jim Banks. Jim Banks’ tweet says, ‘student loan forgiveness undermines one of our military’s greatest recruitment tools at a time of dangerously low enlistments.’ John Rogers’ reply says, ‘we…we..worked for five years making a television show about the corruption of capitalism, and he just tweeted it out.’/end ID]
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