#c: genghis
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 days ago
my stupid little super hero au ideas:
- c!techno is a super hero that goes by 'protesilaus' - everyone assumes he wears a pig mask which is true but also he's just a pigman. he only wears the mask 'cause he thinks it's funny - c!dream is a villain and people call him 'nightmare' - he's a former hero who had a sort of slow downturn because of a few mishaps with other heroes - he keeps coming up with increasingly convoluted ways to capture techno which gets him labeled as like, techno's main, personal villain - techno actually doesn't mind being captured because dream's pretty chill and half the time he just seems to want to talk about whatever nonsense has come up in his head - they both have a crush on each other but absolutely have not admitted to it at any point - c!quackity is deeply desperate to paint himself as c!techno's friend and sidekick which techno is at first ambivalent towards but as quackity's questionable tactics come more and more to light, he starts to put a lot of distance between them - c!sam is a cop
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cali-n-fae · 2 years ago
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Undertale belongs Toby Fox
Underfell by Vic the Underfella
From the music Clip Genghis Khan by Miike Snow
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dioslesbianwife · 3 months ago
Here are some jojo villain house headcannons for the TV shows/channels I think jojo villains would enjoy.
Luxury Living Network: Likes to revel in shows about wealth, power, and decadence. Think Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
National Geographic: Enjoys watching predators hunt their prey. He’d identify with the top of the food chain.
The History Channel (Old School): Enjoys historical conquest stories, especially those about rulers like Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan.
Trashy reality shows on TLC would also be a guilty pleasure. He lives for the dramatic betrayals.
Animal Planet: Loves learning about the animal kingdom and biology, particularly predator-prey dynamics. He’d judge how far evolution has come since his era.
Discovery Channel: Loves documentaries about science, geology, and life on earth, though he’d scoff at any inaccuracies.
Sci-Fi channel: He’s secretly amused by humans' imagination of evolution and alien life.
Telenovelas/Soap opera Channels: Enjoys dramatic and over-the-top emotions—his own temper tantrums mirror them perfectly.
Wrestling Channels (WWE for example): Finds the combat entertaining and relates to the theatrical aggression.
Sports Channels (ESPN, Olympic Channel): Drawn to competition and strength. He’s especially invested in combat sports like MMA or wrestling.
Military History Channel: Respects the strategies and honor involved in ancient warfare.
HGTV: Finds peace in watching mundane home improvement or interior design shows, which align with his “quiet” lifestyle.
True Crime channels: Obsessed with watching shows like Forensic Files, hoping to pick up tips on how to avoid getting caught.
Fashion Network: Enjoys looking at high-end clothing.
Old school MTV: Likes the chaotic energy as it aligns with his paranoia.
Crime Networks: Loves anything that teaches him how to cover his tracks and outsmart enemies.
Vogue Network: Secretly enjoys high fashion shows for their eccentric designs (much like his clothing…choices).
Cartoons: Despite being an adult, Doppio has a childlike innocence and would gravitate toward shows like The amazing Spiderman, enjoying the light-heartedness,. I think he’d mostly prefer old school shows like Batman the animated series or the old X-men show. Maybe Arthur, Powerpuff girls, Avengers, Clifford, etc.
Cooking Shows (Food Network): Doppio seems like he craves comfort, so watching cooking shows like those holiday baking ones or Master Chef could offer him a sense of warmth and happiness. I think he’d try to show the boss what he learned from them and try to cook simple things.
Religious Channels: Watches sermons to draw inspiration. Though I do think he’d strongly dislike the kinds of televangelists that scam vulnerable people.
Discovery/Space Channels: Interested in space and time shows, considering his obsession with Heaven and universal perfection.
Classical Music Channel: Finds focus in orchestral music and opera broadcasts. Probably plays it in the background as he reads or annotates his Bible.
Funny Valentine
News Networks (C-SPAN, BBC): Watches political coverage and speeches to stay informed and critique the current state of governance and the world.
History Channel: Studies historical conflicts and leadership tactics.
Classic Movie Channels: Watches patriotic films or period dramas for inspiration and comfort.
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natalieironside · 1 year ago
So I'm watching a c-drama, and Genghis Khan is here, and as per the subtitles he keeps saying "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees," and I don't speak Chinese, but I do know the man's name and it sounds very much like he's repeating it twice when he says that, so it's a very interesting experience being able to understand a pun without understanding it
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months ago
Do you know if there's any initiation process for people to become sworn siblings?
Or do they just say, "You're my sworn sibling now." to each other?
I think it is comparable to the historical practice of "blood brothers" in which close companions would symbolically "mix blood" by pressing opened wounds against one another or drinking one another's blood. In some cultures with a more "eww. blood" attitude, a sacrifice was made in each other's honour to seal the deal instead.
In folklore; the only reason the gods in the Norse pantheon don't get rid of Loki despite their mischief, is because Loki and Odin are blood brothers.
Noted examples in East Asia mainly come from Mongolian and tribal Chinese accounts - in which it was common practice amongst dear friends and their children. One famous example is Temüjin aka Genghis Khan and his childhood friend Jamukha - the latter's betrayal and attempted usurping considered one of the Khan's greatest emotional losses.
For particularly Chinese sources I found this article about traditional Chinese Kinship, though most of the sources come from Taiwan.
The standard ritual was for each sworn sibling to add their names and dates to a contract and ritualistically burn it - as to add it to the infernal and celestial archives. "Can't return me without the receipt" - at it's finest.
Another familiar practice was for each sibling in the pact to add their blood to wine, and pass it around to drink.
It's a bit flexible depending on the individuals. Whether for personal or political reasons. But the "ideal" scenario is people who are so close, that they feel that they might as well by legally recognised as siblings. Sworn brethren could, for example, contribute to the dowry of a sworn sibling's daughter, preform mourning rituals for the others bio family, or becoming legal guardians of your sworn-sibling's kid in case of their death.
Or in the case of Confucian-era China outlawing homosexuality, it was a clever way to facilitate a same-sex marriage. Can't fault two guys for living together and raising their kids when it's a legally recognised practice! A bunch of friends could come together and make a brotherhood pact as a way to cheekily help others in the group be married in spirit when the state wouldn't recognise it.
Some folks even did it so that members in their bio family who were interested in eachother could have "a reason" to be interacting. Imperial gender norms be wildin' so hard that you can't talk to your crush without your dads being legally best bros.
This is why in chinese slang; "sworn brothers" is used as slang for "gay relationship". Aka "oh my god, they were roommates."-vine.
In JTTW: Sun Wukong and the Brotherhood/Seven Sages declare themselves sworn kin at the same time Wukong elects his Marshals and Generals. In this case, they are all close friends who officiate their sworn kinship through partying hard, and making sacrifices to both Heaven and Hell. They even have separate days out together.
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(Source: Anthony C Yu translation)
Who knows, maybe a wedding was thrown in the mix? With all the drinking I wouldn't be shocked if there was some confusion with the ritual contract! XD
Wukong, re-reading the contract years later: "HA! Flood Dragon and Tamarin put themselves down as the other kind of sworn brother! Wonder if they even noticed that?" Bull King, there to check: "I doubt it. I'm just glad I'm not legally married to anyone. Don't want any loose ends before me and Iron Fan get hitched."
Erlang and the Six Lads of Plum Hill/Meishan Brothers are all sworn brothers too - in a more frat-boy/brothers-in-arms sense. They've all likely know each other for decades, and legit see each other equal to siblings. Notably, Erlang shares the bounty he received from capturing Sun Wukong fairly across his brothers (and presumably the remaining odd bit for the dog). Four of the brothers are Marshals while Two are Generals, giving more credence to the headcanon of Wukong's Stalwarts being his sworn family as well. In an odd bit of hilarity amongst the tense fight of Flower Fruit Mountain, the bros even rib Erlang for thinking too hard about Wukong.
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Erlang, trying to be cool and edgy: "What a foul being to dare call himself equal to heaven. I ought to-" Plum Hill Lad: "Aww! Elder Bro has a crush!" Erlang, flustered: "I DO NOT!!" Plum Hill Lads, all cracking up and making kissy faces: "Then why are you thinking about him so much?" "Major sus bro!" "If you wanna fight him so much why don't you just marry him?" (*Invasion is paused as all six Plum Hill lads start rough-housing with their elder bro. Many head-noogies are inflicted.*) Wukong, on the ground: "You know what those guys are talking about Macaque?" Macaque, teasing: "Why, are you interested in him or something?" Wukong, blushing like a schoolgirl: "Oh my gawds! Stahp!"
Curiously, Wukong describes himself and Erlang as "sworn brothers" later in the book; suggesting that they had a close relationship at some point. One of my fave pieces of art (can't find it rn) is Erlang asking Wukong to be his "sworn brother", and Wukong assumes he means "spouse" and gets confused when Erlang mentions having six more. XD
A "lesser" case would be; The Tang Emperor declaring Xuanzang/Tripitaka his oath/sworn brother because the monk is doing him a solid. The Emperor shows his immense gratitude, and Tripitaka gains some political clout that he can throw around if he needs to (the Empress of the Kingdom of Women even sees this as a marriage bonus). Tripitaka def doesn't do the "blood" or sacrificial part of what these rituals imply, as per his Buddhist upbringing, but it's still seen as a binding oath. Rather, they bow to one another and declare their status are sworn bros before an image of the Buddha in the monastery.
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In Tripitaka's case, it's more of Emperor Taizong being like; "Look, this pilgrimage is so important to me that I'm gonna legally and spirtually count you as my little brother so that you understand how much I trust you." Meanwhile the monk is like; "What?Thats a bit much don't you think?"
Later on, the promise of becoming one's sworn brother is passed between characters akin to "If you pull this off for me, I would straight up be your best bro."
And ofc the Pilgrims consider eachother sworn kin/brothers at the end of the story, even if they didn't do a ritual to seal it.
So yeah in summary:
Rituals can be performed but are not 100% required. Even a mutual declaration before an idol/holy image is enough. Whilst the Brotherhood of Sages celebrate their new pact through booze and partying and blood sacrifices - Tripitaka and the Tang Emperor just declared it while in a monastery.
People did it for money and political reasons too.
They also did it cus "It ain't gay if it's brotherhood."
Sworn kinship can be forged overtime.
The celestial and infernal archives have the reciepts.
Btw you can do a "sworn divorce" if you and your bro have a falling out.
Whilst the practice isn't really a thing in modern China, I imagine it's still common amongst yaoguai and/or celestials.
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city-of-ladies · 5 months ago
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Söyembikä, regent of Kazan
"Söyembikä (c. 1516-after 1554), ruler of the khanate of Kazan, one of the successor states to the Turko-Mongol state of the Golden Horde, located in the middle Volga basin around the confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers.
From 1549 until 1551, Söyembikä ruled in the name of her minor son Utamesh-Garay, before Muscovite Russia took Kazan in 1552. In Tatar national history Söyembikä symbolizes her people’s helpless resistance to Russian invaders. She has been the subject of popular stories, tales, epics, and paintings.
Söyembikä was the daughter of Yusuf (d. 1554), the ruler of the Noghay horde, one of the kingdoms that arose from the breakup of the Golden Horde in modern-day southern Russia. Söyembikä lived in a period of great uncertainty: Noghay, Crimean, and Kazan princes competed to revive the Golden Horde, and Muscovite rulers sought to protect and expand their territory beyond the Volga to the southeast. The grand princes of Moscow paid tribute to the successors of their former suzerains, the Golden Horde, but they also involved themselves in their dynastic disputes. 
The Noghay princess Söyembikä became the wife of three successive khans in the middle Volga basin: Jan Ali (or Cangali, r. 1533-1535), Safa-Garay (r. 1536-1549), and Shah Ali (or Şahgali, r.1553). Her marriage to the pro-Muscovite Jan Ali was politically motivated and received the blessing of the Russian grand prince Vasili III (r. 1505-1533), who wished to secure his southern frontier from future Noghay incursions. The anti-Muscovite party in Kazan assassinated Jan Ali, and Söyembikä married the pro-Noghay Crimean Tatar Safa-Garay, a descendant of Genghis Khan. Her new husband ended up alienating non-Tatar indigenous peoples of the middle Volga. 
Following the death of Safa-Garay in 1549, Söyembikä became regent for their two-year-old son, Utamesh-Garay. Russian chroniclers described Soyembika as a “lioness” who was energetic, beautiful, and wise. As regent she sought military help from neighboring Muslim states to resist Russian encroachment. Despite all her efforts she was caught between pro-Muscovite and pro-Crimean parties inside her government and proved unable to stop Ivan the Terrible of Moscow (r. 1533-1584) from gaining the support of the non-Tatar peoples of the Volga basin and Tatars who resented the presence of Crimeans on their soil.
In August 1551 a new pro-Muscovite government arrested both mother and son and sent them to Moscow. A year later Ivan the Terrible took Kazan. Exiled in Kasimov, Söyembikä was forced to marry Shah Ali, the pro-Russian khan of Kasimov, and separate herself from her son, who was baptized under the name of Alexander. Her son died in 1566; Söyembikä’s date of death is still unknown, as is the site of her grave.
Numerous Tatar traditions kept her memory alive, praising her for her strong opposition to Moscow. Some stories affirm that she warned Safa-Garay of the imminent fall of the kingdom and brought poisoned food and a poisoned shirt to the pro-Muscovite Shah Ali. Others say that in 1550 she appeared in arms to defend the city of Kazan. Others claim that Ivan the Terrible had heard of Söyembikä’s beauty and wanted to marry her, but the proud queen refused and the tsar took Kazan, imprisoned her, and asked for her hand again. Söyembikä promised to marry him only if he built her a high tower in the kremlin in seven days. With the help of the finest artisans, Ivan fulfilled her demand, but when the tower was finished, Söyembikä climbed to the top and jumped to her death. The Tower of Söyembikä, a former watchtower or minaret, still stands in the Kazan kremlin, but it was probably built in the seventeenth or eighteenth century, long after the queen’s death. The monument may bear Söyembikä’s name because she prayed at her husband’s nearby tomb before she left the city. 
The Tatar historian Hadi Atlasi (1876-1938), who presented Söyembikä as a model of courage and piety for all girls, indicated that women liked to read the Qur an at this sacred place and make wishes. Finally, the well-known “Lament of Söyembikä,” written in the first person, has long symbolized the historical fate of the Tatars, who became the subjects of a non-Muslim state after the conquest of Kazan in 1552."
Kefeli Agnes, Smith Bonnie G. (eds.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History
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artifacts-and-arthropods · 2 years ago
Stone Turtle of Karakorum, Mongolia, c. 1235-1260 CE: this statue is one of the only surviving features of Karakorum, which was once the capital city of the Mongol Empire
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The statue is decorated with a ceremonial scarf known as a khadag (or khata), which is part of a Buddhist custom that is also found in Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. The scarves are often left atop shrines and sacred artifacts as a way to express respect and/or reverence. In Mongolia, this tradition also contains elements of Tengrism/shamanism.
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The city of Karakorum was originally established by Genghis Khan in 1220 CE, when it was used as a base for the Mongol invasion of China. It then became the capital of the Mongol Empire in 1235 CE, and quickly developed into a thriving center for trade/cultural exchange between the Eastern and Western worlds.
The city attracted merchants of many different nationalities and faiths, and Medieval sources note that the city displayed an unusual degree of diversity and religious tolerance. It contained 12 different temples devoted to pagan and/or shamanistic traditions, two mosques, one church, and at least one Buddhist temple.
As this article explains:
The city might have been compact, but it was cosmopolitan, with residents including Mongols, Steppe tribes, Han Chinese, Persians, Armenians, and captives from Europe who included a master goldsmith from Paris named William Buchier, a woman from Metz, one Paquette, and an Englishman known only as Basil. There were, too, scribes and translators from diverse Asian nations to work in the bureaucracy, and official representatives from various foreign courts such as the Sultanates of Rum and India.
This diversity was reflected in the various religions practised there and, in time, the construction of many fine stone buildings by followers of Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.
The prosperous days of Karakorum were very short-lived, however. The Mongol capital was moved to Xanadu in 1263, and then to Khanbaliq (modern-day Beijing) in 1267, under the leadership of Kublai Khan; Karakorum lost most of its power, authority, and leadership in the process. Without the resources and support that it had previously received from the leaders of the Mongol Empire, the city was left in a very vulnerable position. The residents of Karakorum began leaving the site in large numbers, until the city had eventually become almost entirely abandoned.
There were a few scattered attempts to revive the city in the years that followed, but any hope of restoring Karakorum to its former glory was then finally shattered in 1380, when the entire city was razed to the ground by Ming Dynasty troops.
The Erdene Zuu Monastery was later built near the site where Karakorum once stood, and pieces of the ruins were taken to be used as building materials during the construction of the monastery. The Erdene Zuu Monastery is also believed to be the oldest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia.
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There is very little left of the ruined city today, and this statue is one of the few remaining features that can still be seen at the site. It originally formed the base of an inscribed stele, but the pillar section was somehow lost/destroyed, leaving nothing but the base (which may be a depiction of the mythological dragon-turtle, Bixi, from Chinese mythology).
This statue and the site in general always kinda remind me of the Ozymandias poem (the version by Horace Smith, not the one by Percy Bysshe Shelley):
In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
stands a gigantic leg
which far off throws the only shadow
that the desert knows.
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"the King of Kings; this mighty city shows
the wonders of my hand."
The city's gone —
naught but the leg remaining
to disclose the site
of this forgotten Babylon.
We wonder —
and some Hunter may express wonder like ours,
when thro' the wilderness where London stood,
holding the wolf in chace,
he meets some fragment huge
and stops to guess
what powerful but unrecorded race
once dwelt in that annihilated place
Sources & More Info:
University of Washington: Karakorum, Capital of the Mongol Empire
Encyclopedia Britannica: Entry for Karakorum
World History: Karakorum
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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A Gallery of Mughal Paintings
In this gallery, we present many fine examples of paintings from the Mughal Empire (1526-1857). Espoused and cultivated by the Mughal court, the artform married the bold styles of classical Indian miniature painting, dating as far back as the 9th century, with the more delicate aesthetic of Persian and Deccani artists and European influences from artists such as Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528).
The Mughal Empire, established in 1526 by Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1482- 1530) inaugurated 22 emperors, all linked by male descendants to the blood of Babur and through him to his great Central Asian ancestors, Timur Lane (d.1405) on his father’s side and Genghis Khan (c.1162 – 1227) on his mother’s.
Babur, when he came to replace his father on the throne of Fergana at the tender age of twelve, was already well versed in the art of politics, securing immediately the cooperation of his father’s aides and some of his enemies, over the course of his manifold forays into Samarkand and Bukhara. However, unable to conquer the stronghold of Samarkand, he turned southeast towards Afghanistan and took Kabul in a sea of bloodshed. A born strategist, he then claimed dominion over Hindustan (India).
He advised his sons to maintain the respect he, himself, had shown to the religious and cultural sensibilities of the local peoples, especially the ruling classes. This is how the Mughals formed alliances with both Hindu and Muslim feudal rulers, effectively co-opting them as participants in the new empire. The Mughals did not see themselves as imperialists and or conquerors – rather they were princes looking for a homeland; a place where they could live and cultivate what would become a thriving civilization.
The Mughal warrior-politician-strategist-prince was also endowed with an artistic and poetic disposition, as evidenced in their founder Babur’s memoirs, the Baburnama. Thus Mughal emperors, perhaps Emperor Akbar chief among them, promoted a new aesthetic for their court: one that mirrored their commitment to an India that embraced the cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity of its peoples. Craftsmen from northern India (then known as Hindustan) – Hindu and Muslim, came together with Iranian and Deccani masters at Mughal workshops to create a new cosmopolitan style of painting that mirrored the cosmopolitan ethos of its rulers.
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years ago
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Porsche Pachara Kittisawatd
dedicated to lovely @domsaysstuff whom I have endlessly ranted to when working on these web weaves
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler/Keith Ablow/Unknown/Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven/Kiera Cass, The Heir/ J.K. Rowling/John Mark Green/G. N. Solomon, Blood So Black/ Sorcery & Cecelia, Caroline Stevermer/Richelle Mead, Last Sacrifice/Haruki Murakami/Anais Nin/Carrol Bryant/Hanif Kureishi/C.J. Carlyon, The Cherry House/Che Guevara/Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls/Glenn van Dekken/Tony Kushner/Unknown/Unknown/John Green/John Irving/Obert Skye, Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo (Leven Thumps, #1)/Victor Hugo/Jack Weatherford, The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire/Becky Chambers, To Be Taught, If Fortunate/Shane Koyczan/Elie Wiesel/Natalie C. Parker, Steel Tide (Seafire, #2)
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mosthomoeroticenemies · 2 years ago
The Contestants
Cherik (Professor X/Magneto) - X-Men
Fuffy (Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Megop (Optimus Prime/Megatron) - Transformers
Curtwen (Curt Mega/Owen Carvour) - Spies are Forever
Thoschei (The Doctor/The Master) - Doctor Who
Perryshmirtz (Perry the Platypus/Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) - Phineas and Ferb
Catradora (Adora/Catra) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Soukoku (Osamu Dazai/Chuuya Nakahara) - Bungo Stray Dogs
c!TnTDuo (c!Quackity/c!Wilbur Soot) - Dream SMP
Spy/Supervillain - Genghis Khan by Miike Snow
Batman/Joker - Lego Batman
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth) - Ace Attorney
Batjokes (Batman/Joker) - Batman
Lawlight (L/Light Yagami) - Death Note
Bowiugi (Bowser/Luigi) - Mario
Stanarrator (Narrator/Stanley) - The Stanley Parable
Kidlaw (Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law) - One Piece
Shuake (Goro Akechi/Akira Kurusu) - Persona 5
Cuttletavio (Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio) - Splatoon
Gethan (Rupert Giles/Ethan Rayne) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Zosan (Roronoa Zoro/Sanji) - One Piece
ChellDOS (Chell/GLaDOS) - Portal
Jesus Christ/Judas Iscariot - The New Testament
Gwensuzie (Gwen Cooper/Suzie Costello) - Torchwood
Krisnix (Phoenix Wright/Kristoph Gavin) - Ace Attorney
Griffguts (Guts/Griffith) - Berserk
Hannigram (Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter) - Hannibal
Ghiralink (Ghirahim/Link) - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Valvert (Javert/Jean Valjean) - Les Miserables
Abestache (Detective Abe Lincoln/Wilford Warfstache) - Markiplier Cinematic Universe
Sasunaru (Naruto/Sasuke) - Naruto
Jedediah/Octavius - Night at the Museum
Nami/Kalifa - One Piece
Gabv1el (V1/Gabriel) - Ultrakill
Kazumaji (Kazuma Kiryu/Goro Majima) - Yakuza
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka) - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley) - Good Omens
Billford (Bill Cipher/Stanford Pines) - Gravity Falls
Evelyn Deavor/Elastigirl - Incredibles 2
Jennifer Check/Needy Lesnicki - Jennifer’s Body
Kigo (Kim Possible/Shego) - Kim Possible
Sportarobbie (Sportacus/Robbie Rotten) - Lazy Town
Swan Queen (Emma Swan/Regina Mills) - Once Upon a Time
Hardenshipping (Magma Leader Maxie/Aqua Leader Archie) -Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire
Westley/Inigo Montoya - Princess Bride
Sonadow (Sonic/Shadow) - Sonic the Hedgehog
Plabs (Plankton/Mr. Krabs) - SpongeBob SquarePants
Kylux (General Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren) - Star Wars
Johnchurch (Merle Highchurch/John Hunger) - The Adventure Zone: Balance
Basigan (Professor Ratigan/Basil of Baker Street) - The Great Mouse Detective
LonelyEyes (Elias Buchard/Peter Lukas) - The Magnus Archives
Johnjack (Jack Harkness/John Hart) - Torchwood
Blicy (Bloom/Icy) - Winx Club
Riddlebat (Batman/The Riddler) - Batman comics
Shin Soukoku (Atsushi Nakajima/Ryuunosuke Akutagawa) - Bungo Stray Dogs
Snowbaz (Baz Pitch/Simon Snow) - Carry On
Komahina (Nagito Komaeda/Hajime Hinata) - Danganronpa
Wonder Woman/Cheetah - DC
Spamvil (Jevil/Spamton) - Deltarune
Rk1000 (Connor/Markus) - Detroit: Become Human
John McClane/Hans Gruber - Die Hard
Fenders (Fenris/Anders) - Dragon Age 2
Vegekaka (Goku/Vegeta) - Dragon Ball Z
Rapple (Apple White/Raven Queen) - Ever After High
Billdip (Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines) - Gravity Falls
Radiostatic (Vox/Alastor) - Hazbin Hotel
Sirdust (Angel Dust/Sir Pretious) - Hazbin Hotel
Fengqing (Feng Xin/Mu Qing) - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Blitzer (Blitzø/Striker) - Helluva Boss
Martha May Whovier/Betty Lou Who - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
ZaDr (Zim/Dib) - Invader Zim
Sarumi (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) - K Project
Metadede (King Dedede/Meta Knight) - Kirby
Gandalf/Sauron - Lord of the Rings
Island Husbands (Ben Linus/John Locke) - Lost
Metromind (Megamind/Metro Man) - Megamind
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty) - Moriarty the Patriot
Bujeet (Buford/Bajeet) - Phineas and Ferb
Grovyle/Dusknoir - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
Shassie (Shawn Spencer/Carlton “Lassie” Lassiter) - Psych
Rayaari (Raya/Namaari) - Raya and the Last Dragon
Tycutio (Mercutio/Tybalt) - Romeo and Juliet
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes/James Moriarty) - Sherlock
Obikin (Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi) - Star Wars
Obimaul (Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul) - Star Wars
Oncelax (The Onceler/The Lorax) - The Lorax
Owen Harper/Mark Lynch - Torchwood
Lord Hater/Wander - Wander Over Yonder
Gelphie (Elphaba/Galinda) - Wicked
Cruellanita (Cruella de Vil/Anita) - 101 Dalmations
Angelo Lagusa/Nero Vanetti - 91 Days
Discotrain (The Conductor/DJ Grooves) - A Hat in Time
Klapollo (Klavier Gavin/Apollo Justice) - Ace Attorney
Wrightdot (Godot/Phoenix Wright) - Ace Attorney
Kaneda/Tetsuo - Akira
Sydney Bristow/Lauren Reed - Alias
Ellen Ripley/The Xenomorph - Alien
Zadison (Zoe Benson/Madison Montgomery) - American Horror Story: Coven
Sterling Archer/Barry Dylan - Archer
Y’all (The Poll Takers)/Me (The Poll Maker) - askeletonwar
Just Walk Out!/Papyrus - askeletonwar
Londo Mollari/G’kar - Babylon 5
Rampage/Depth Charge - Beast Wars: Transformers
Pinariz (Riz/Pina) - Beastars
Kunieda Aoi/Hildegarde - Beezlebub
Sebagrell (Grell/Sebastian) - Black Butler
Gus Fring/Walter White - Breaking Bad
Spangel (Spike/Angel) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spuffy (Spike/Buffy) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Winteriron (Tony Stark/The Winter Soldier) - Captain America: Civil War
Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Carulia (Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent) - Carmen Sandiego
Macavity/Munkustrap - Cats (1998)
Caius Marcius Coriolanus/Tullus Aufidius - Coriolanus
Dean Pelton/Dean Spreck - Community
Shadowghast (Caleb Widogast/Essek Thelyss) - Critical Role
Blumentrio (Caleb Widogast/Eadwulf Grieve/Astrid Becke) -Critical Role
Theopin (Lapin Cadbury/Sir Theobald Gumbar) - D20: A Crown of Candy
Hero/Villain - dannyphantom.exe
Clex (Superman/Lex Luthor) - DC
Babsquinn (Batgirl/Harley Quinn) - DC
Seavil (Jevil/Seam) - Deltarune
Rengoku Kyoujurou/Akaza - Demon Slayer
Mal/Uma - Descendants
Reed800 (Connor/Gavin Reed) - Detroit: Become Human
Ryokira (Akira/Ryo) - Devilman
Maxwil (Maxwell/Wilson) - Don't Starve
Nikki/Mackenzie - Dork Diaries
Gell/Frisky - Dot X
Dr. Horrible/Captain Hammer - Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Count Dracula/Jonathan Harker - Dracula
Joan Watson/Jamie Moriarty - Elementary
Zerxus Ilerez/Asmodeus - Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
Gratsu (Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster) - Fairy Tail
Gary/John - Faith
Peter Griffin/The Chicken - Family Guy
John Crichton/Scorpius - Farscape
Emiya Archer/Cu Chulainn - Fate Stay Night
Angeal Hewley/Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
Cidnero (Nero tol Scaeva/Cid Garlond) - Final Fantasy XIV
Willry (Henry Emily/William Afton) - Five Nights at Freddy’s
Victor Frankenstein/The Monster - Frankenstein
Cure Peach/Eas - Fresh Pretty Cure!
Haikaveh (Alhaitham/Kaveh) - Genshin Impact
Sugio (Sugimoto/Ogata) - Golden Kamuy
Nygmobblepot (Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot) - Gotham
Mabifica (Mabel Pines/Pacifica Northwest) - Gravity Falls
Kagehina (Hinata/Kageyama) - Haikyuu!
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rametarin · 10 months ago
Angry about something
Please, please, please, let movements be horrible on their own without saying, "The're the [previous thing] of [subject]"
We don't say the Nazis were the modern Napoleonic Imperialists. We don't say the Napoleonic Imperialists were their day's Golden Horde of Genghis Khan. We don't say Muslim pirates and abductors from Tripoli cruising Europe for slaves and conquests were "totally Trans Atlantic Slave Trading it." Muslims were abducting Europeans for slave applications for centuries before Europeans did it for
And when people talk about modern day Intersectional Feminists, capital P Progressives and oldschool TERF-flavor feminists get nasty in accordance with their values all over a pasttime, a hobby, or a group of people that enjoys something and tells them they're doing it wrong thanks to a VERY unreliably narrated assessment of what they are and why they are, they tend to treat their behavior as if it's the same stock mindset of previous experience related to Christian puritainism and religious evangelism.
Don't fucking do this. Their values are not the same. They come from a different place, and you doing this helps them do something they SPECIFICALLY like to do. First, muck around acting like assholes in self-righteous quests to control how people interpret reality and see things, and when called out for it, have their own controlled mea culpa where they apologize because, "that's just the old Christian White Supremacist in me, the feminism part of me isn't like that and can't be like that because feminism is just good and can't be bad. I'm sowwy. :C"
No. Fucking no. Do NOT fucking allow that to happen. Feminism is not a simple act of seeing women as equal, it's an entire dogmatic baggage that necessitates Class Struggle Theory, the willful adoption of the idea the only thing that matters in sexual politics is that "Women Are Oppressed (TM)" even when circumstances and culture are entirely equal and even handed with them, and that society owes them something to compensate for this inherent oppression- at the expense of men. And that Society is the third wheel in their relationship, automatically there to redistribute from the man.
Feminism bills itself as simply a phenomenon of 'equality'... for women.. but it is no more this than Christianity is synonymous with The Good(tm). It certainly is a shitty way to see the world, but it is not the definition of seeing the world. It boils down to making some very very intensely specific logical leaps and shortcuts out of convenience and then dogmatically insisting these values are immutable and unquestionable.
From that position, we come to the other little black box in the equation. The idea that something that exists in culture that represents an icon or concept, oppresses and exploits that icon, object or group, and that it is specifically wrong to objectify that, but only if it's a woman, a group that is "oppressed." (it's however perfectly justifiable to objectify an 'oppressor.' See how that works.) Right before they say some apologetics like, "It's not MY fault cisheterosexual Judeo-Christian Patriarchy is sexually binary! Maybe if you agreed in more options we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
And it's because of this shitty point of view, they argue that even having big booby fictional characters that are female, boobily boobing down the stairs for the appreciation of the audience, they jump to the next facet of their belief system. Male Gaze Theory.
Built off their idea that Classes Struggle (tm) and Women Are the Obligate Oppressed Class(tm), and that any reference or participation by women is inherently an act of an oppressed political group in bondage to and beholden to their oppressive captors, AND that works of fiction and literature are part of culture, these facets of culture give groups their marching orders, programming and ideas on what they are, mean and even their existence. They believe, uncompromisingly, that your very perception and understanding of reality is built solely upon what books written by the state have to say about what is real and what isn't. That if society writes books about a murderer and don't go out of their way to omnipotently, omnipresently dictate with no ambiguity that, "Murder is bad, ackshully," that you endorse a society where murder happens. And, no joke, this is how they imagine murder, theft and antisocial behavior happening. Because it exists in that cultural bubble like evil waves of energy, just going unneutralized to warp the minds of unprepared people who haven't been told what is right and wrong by society, making them rapists, murderers and exploiters of those weaker than them (and they only care when the person exploits someone weaker than them.)
So they see sexy drawn women as depictions of an oppressed minority being reveled over by a slavemaster class, exploiting their image and the idea of that group for profit (which they also despise) and believe the women should also be profitting off their "exploitation" in fiction, and some sort of state council should exist that oversees the expression or interpretation of women in fiction, or else abolish the work from existing for not fitting their moral and social view of how literature and culture are "allowed" to see women. Seeing this very dour, extreme interpretation about how all men depicting women is exploitation, and by default society is meant for a male, oppressor perspective, is called, "Male Gaze Theory."
At no point in this equation did their greviance or conceptual principles cross over with Puritainism or Christians. They are their own totalitarian beasts, and like the Nazis are not Napoleonics are not The Mongol Horde, FUCKING TELL IT LIKE IT IS AND ACCEPT RADICAL FEMINISM IS JUST LIKE THIS.
You can somehow see one radical conservative and condemn the entire conservative or right-wing party as inherently racist, white supremacist and homophobic, but you can't acknowledge that radical feminism has more Ls to its name and more bad ideas and more bad values than rejecting the idea that trans men and women aren't men and women. All their ideological supremacism, all their logical leaps, all of their antagonistic marching into any fandom and demanding the fandom most conform to their ideas of what is mentally, emotionally an socially healthy, are their own. They are not Puritans, they're fucking radical feminists. Do not use the bad behavior of past groups as an ablative shield when you fucking mean what you mean.
"Well complaining about feminism makes me sound like some kind of CHUD..."
That's a you problem. In the past, complaining about the Church when it was synonymous with power would've made you a "pagan" or an "unbeliever." And before the T in LGBT got traction, it was just "anti-feminist" for a biological man to argue with a woman, giving them infinite instant Ls, even if they did identify as a woman. It starts somewhere.
Call it like it is and just realize radical feminism is rotten from the top windows of the attic to the foundations.
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illogicallylogicalthoughts · 7 months ago
Yo, Lancerblr
Figured I'd toss a few of these your way, grab some feedback. Haven't actually had a chance to play and stress test 'em yet, so I've got no clue how they'd fare in a combat situation, or if any of them are any good, really. Just threw together what I felt'd be neat in concept.
Even if this only gets one or two notes, I'm fine with that. Just felt like sharin'.
Personally, my favorite's split between Carrion Courier and Fog.
Beware, there are a LOT of words beneath the thing. Like, a-lot-a-lot-a-lot.
Here's Jane Doe, callsign Misnomer, with her mech Fog. She's a favorite, if you couldn't tell. Wanted for knowing a helluva lot more than she should and stealing a truly remarkable amount of prototype tech.
Mech Note:
"It's in the clouds! It's in the goddamn clouds!"
"Bank right, bank right, fuckfuckfuck FUCK-"
"I can't see, it's screaming, why is it so loud-"
"Sensors dead, I'm falling, shit, can't pull up!"
"Come into my parlor, said the crow to the spider to the fly."
» Jane Doe // MISNOMER « Spec Ops, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Act Unseen or Unheard (+6), Charm (+4), Get a Hold of Something (+2), Pull Rank (+2), Show Off (+2), Stay Cool (+6), Survive (+4) [ GEAR ] Light Hardsuit, Light Signature, Light A/C, Corrective, SSC Sylph Undersuit, Subjectivity-Enhancement Suite [ BOND ] THE BROKER Powers: SPIDER, CONTINGENCY PLANS, THE LEDGER
[ TALENTS ] Technophile 3, Hacker 2, Infiltrator 2, Ace 2, Skirmisher 2, Empath 1 [ LICENSES ] HORUS Goblin 2, HORUS Lich 1, IPS-N Caliban 3, SSC Dusk Wing 1, SSC Atlas 2 [ CORE BONUSES ] Kai Bioplating, Improved Armament, Mount Retrofitting [ MECH ] « FOG » IPS-N Caliban H:2 A:5 S:4 E:0 SIZE:0.5 STRUCTURE:4/4 HP:15/15 ARMOR:2 STRESS:4/4 HEAT:0/5 REPAIR:6/6 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:2 LTD BONUS:0 SPD:5 EVA:13 EDEF:12 SENS:3 SAVE:16 [ WEAPONS ] INTEGRATED MOUNT: HHS-075 “Flayer” Shotgun FLEX MOUNT: Autopod / Thermal Pistol // Mount Retrofitting HEAVY MOUNT: HHS-155 CANNIBAL [ SYSTEMS ] Wandering Nightmare, Rapid Maneuver Jets, Neurospike, H0R_OS System Upgrade II, H0R_OS System Upgrade I
And here we have Jane's former co-worker/war-buddy/mortal-enemy, John Blackacre, piloting the Carrion Courier. Spider-cowboy-mech. All the auxiliaries, all the close range brawl.
Mech Note:
"Okay, he's reloading, we can-"
"Okay, now he's reloading, get-"
"... Wait for it."
"And he's reloaded. Fuck."
"How many of those things does he have?"
"... One, two, three-"
"Oh, christ."
» John Blackacre // SPUR « Spec Ops, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Act Unseen or Unheard (+4), Blow Something Up (+2), Charm (+2), Get Somewhere Quickly (+6), Read a Situation (+4), Stay Cool (+6), Word on the Street (+2) [ GEAR ] Assault Hardsuit, Archaic Melee, Light Signature, Smart Scope, Frag Grenades, Thermite Charge [ BOND ] THE WOLF Powers: GO FOR A WALK, BLOOD SCENT, POUNCE
[ TALENTS ] Gunslinger 3, Combined Arms 3, Exemplar 2, Tactician 2, Bonded 1, Grease Monkey 1 [ LICENSES ] IPS-N Raleigh 3, IPS-N Blackbeard 3, HA Iskander 1, HA Barbarossa 1, HA Genghis 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] Gyges Frame, Integrated Weapon, Mount Retrofitting [ MECH ] « CARRION COURIER » IPS-N Raleigh H:2 A:3 S:0 E:6 SIZE:1 STRUCTURE:4 HP:21 ARMOR:1 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:6 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:-1 LTD BONUS:3 SPD:5 EVA:11 EDEF:7 SENS:10 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] INTEGRATED MOUNT: M35 Mjolnir INTEGRATED WEAPON: Chain Axe / Hand Cannon // Mount Retrofitting AUX/AUX MOUNT: Hand Cannon / Stub Cannon FLEX MOUNT: Hand Cannon / Hand Cannon HEAVY MOUNT: Kinetic Hammer [ SYSTEMS ] “Roland” Chamber, Grounding Charges, “Roller” Directed Payload Charges, Reinforced Cabling, Personalizations
And here we have Anne Queen, codename Wreken, former pirate warlord and currently freelance mercenary. Finds both Jane and John creepy as all get-out-of-fuck and yet enjoys scaring the shit out of grunts. Absolutely charming.
Mech Note:
Exerpt from training exercise no.55638, JUN-30, 0537, begin play::>>
"... Hey, where'd squad five go?"
The sergeant answers with another question. "Y'see that big red circle that just popped up on your map reticle, private?"
The old Tortuga's head nods and extends a hand, holding up five fingers, slowly putting them down one after the other.
On the final finger, thunder splits the skies in the distance, once, twice, thrice, and then with a final sundering THOOM, the circle disappears, along with the markers within it denoting the remains of squad 8.
The older mech crosses its arms. "Yes, private. Oh."
Out of the corner of his eye, his face lights up red, and he feels the color drain from it.
"We're in the circle, sergeant."
The sergeant nods, again. "Correct, private. Now, what we do in this situation?"
He doesn't even wait for the order. The circle was very, very, very big, and his Saladin's legs weren't the fastest.
» Anne Queen // WREKEN « Outlaw, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Act Unseen or Unheard (+2), Assault (+6), Blow Something Up (+6), Pull Rank (+2), Stay Cool (+4), Survive (+6) [ GEAR ] Light Hardsuit, Heavy Signature, Heavy A/C, Frag Grenades, Stims, Thermite Charge [ BOND ] THE TITAN Powers: TRUE GRIT, NOTHING TO FUCK WITH, ABSOLUTE MEAT
[ TALENTS ] House Guard 3, Siege Specialist 3, Heavy Gunner 3, Walking Armory 3 [ LICENSES ] HA Barbarossa 3, IPS-N Caliban 1, IPS-N Raleigh 2, IPS-N Drake 3 [ CORE BONUSES ] Integrated Ammo Feeds, Briareos Frame, Reinforced Frame [ MECH ] « WARSPITE » HA Barbarossa H:5 A:1 S:0 E:5 SIZE:3 STRUCTURE:4 HP:30 ARMOR:2 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:6 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:-2 LTD BONUS:4 SPD:2 EVA:7 EDEF:6 SENS:10 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] INTEGRATED MOUNT: Apocalypse Rail MAIN MOUNT: Mortar MAIN MOUNT: Mortar HEAVY MOUNT: Howitzer [ SYSTEMS ] Ammo Case III, External Ammo Feed, Autoloader Drone, “Roland” Chamber, Siege Stabilizers, Armament Redundancy
This is Cal Dera, callsign Crepescule. Nothing about her is reminiscent of faint rays of sunlight, more akin to its boiling surface. She specializes in punching straight through the frontline and making herself a very large fucking problem for everybody involved behind it. Walk into her zone? Melt. Attempt to go around or leave it? Get shotgunned to death.
Mech Note:
The 'tech stares. "What the fuck."
His co-shift nods. "Yeah, that tends to be what people say when they see her for the first time."
"I can feel the fucking heat from here, and we're behind triple reinforced walls in a vacuum. It's not even on yet?"
The co-shift shakes his head. "Nope. Reactor's not even burning yet."
"How the hell does this thing work near civilian centers?"
The co-shift paused in his preparations before eventually offering two words. "It doesn't."
He felt his mouth dry. "Ah."
» Cal Dera // CREPESCULE « Freelancer, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Assault (+6), Blow Something Up (+2), Spot (+4), Take Control (+6), Threaten (+6), Word on the Street (+2) [ GEAR ] Assault Hardsuit, Medium Signature, Heavy A/C, Thermite Charge, Personal Drone, Stims [ BOND ] THE PATHFINDER Powers: FREESOUL, LIGHTSPEED, MOMENTUM
[ TALENTS ] Ace 3, Vanguard 3, Nuclear Cavalier 2, Spaceborn 2, Pankrati 2 [ LICENSES ] HA Genghis 3, IPS-N Blackbeard 3, IPS-N Nelson 2, IPS-N Tortuga 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] Superior by Design, Reinforced Frame, Sloped Plating [ MECH ] « BEHEMOTH » HA “Worldkiller” Genghis Mk I H:3 A:0 S:2 E:6 SIZE:2 STRUCTURE:4 HP:22 ARMOR:4 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:5 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:0 LTD BONUS:3 SPD:3 EVA:6 EDEF:10 SENS:5 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] MAIN MOUNT: SUPERHEAVY WEAPON BRACING MAIN MOUNT: Deck-Sweeper Automatic Shotgun HEAVY MOUNT: Plasma Thrower [ SYSTEMS ] Spaceborn EVA, Explosive Vents, Auto-Cooler, AGNI-Class NHP, Reinforced Cabling, Siege Ram
And since this is already quite fucking long, I think I'm going to stop here and leave whoever's willing to read through this word-vomit-spaghetti to chew through it.
Ciao, all. Let me know if any of these sound feasible, if you want.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months ago
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Sausage and Kraut Day
Since November 3 is Sausage and Kraut Day, it’s time to load up on the facts about sauerkraut!
• The word “sauerkraut” has its origins in the German language, translating “sour cabbage.” However, the food itself traces its roots to China, where cooks were pickling cabbage in rice wine as early as 200 B.C. It’s believed that Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan brought sauerkraut west during his invasions that conquered most of Eurasia around the year 1237. Fermented sauerkraut stayed fresh during long journeys.
• Sauerkraut was brought to North America by German immigrants, and became a Pennsylvania Dutch specialty. Because the Pennsylvania Dutch believed the food brought good luck, a tradition was started there, eating sauerkraut on New Year’s Day to bring luck for the upcoming year. It’s first mentioned in American writings in 1776.
• To make sauerkraut, cabbage is finely shredded and layered into stone jars, with salt placed between each layer. The amount of salt is equal to 2% of the cabbage’s weight. It is then tamped down with a wooden masher until the juice rises above the cabbage. If the cabbage is low in juice, water is added to the jar until it reaches the desired depth, with the cabbage fully covered.
• The cabbage is then left to ferment at 60 degrees F for several weeks. The proper temperature is vital for the best quality product and to prevent mold and yeast from growing. As it ferments, acid-forming bacteria flourish and convert the cabbage’s sugars into acetic and lactic acids, which will act as preservatives. Refrigeration isn’t required during fermentation, although sometimes the stone jars must be immersed in a tub of cold water to maintain the temperature. Exposure to heat during the process will kill the bacteria that produce the fermentation.
• In many countries, sauerkraut is more than just cabbage. Poland, Russia, and Ukraine add shredded carrots to the brine, and might also include quartered apples or cranberries. Bell pepper and beets are also added ingredients. German cooks might flavor their sauerkraut with juniper berries or caraway seeds, adding white wine to the mix. In the Netherlands, sauerkraut is known as “zuurkool,” while the French call in “choucroute.”
• Commercial manufacturers can or jar sauerkraut by using heat, and some use vinegar in the fermentation process. Unfortunately, much of the nutritional value is lost once the cabbage is cooked, and raw sauerkraut is a much more nutritious product.
• Sauerkraut is filled with health benefits, including its ability to aid in digestion and increase blood circulation. During fermentation, beneficial probiotics that promote gastrointestinal health are produced. It’s also rich in Vitamins A, C, K, and B complex, along with minerals like iron, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as being a good source of fiber. It provides an increase in energy and metabolism levels and boosts the immune system.
• However, even with all the healthy benefits, sauerkraut isn’t for everyone. Due to the salty brine, it’s very high in sodium, which can be a dangerous thing for those suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases.
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natalieironside · 1 year ago
What was the name of the C-drama you were watching with the Genghis Khan pun?
Legend of the Condor Heroes (2017)
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creativecuquilu · 2 years ago
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Hey, dudes! This month (including today, for I absolutely love this film) I've watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and guess what? It's absolutely triumphant! Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter sure make a most excellent pair of dudes who have no idea of history. But what's bogus - Young Reeves was supremely triumphant in the role of Ted! It is no wonder he'll soon try a red pill from a stranger, and in 20 years, he'll also have to avenge the murder of his dog... I'll also tell you - I loved Joan's moves, Beethoven's jams, Genghis' discovery of aluminium and most importantly - Socrates' innocence. This movie also introduced me to the father of psycology himself - Sigmund Freud! He knows like no one how to heal your deepest traumas and family issues. But yeah...Napoleon was my least favorite in the movie (and I am also pretty sure that about a 82% of people dislike him as well...not just in movies, but in real life) Recapping, I loved every single bit of this movie. I hope to watch the Bogus Journey pretty soon! Party on, dudes! Artwork (c) @CreativeCuquiLu Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (c) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Nelson Entertainment WATCH IT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvp8BV3mABM
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year ago
INACCURATE BIRD ALERT northern cardinals (North American) caged at the court of the Chinese emperor c. 1200 AD in the movie Genghis Khan
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