#by *henry viii*
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natequarter · 8 months ago
Henry [VII] spared Richard's nephew and designated heir, John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, and made the Yorkist heiress [from 1499] Margaret Plantagenet Countess of Salisbury suo jure.
unless i'm very much mistaken... wrong henry
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emma-ofnormandy · 9 months ago
“King Henry, renowned shit head that he was
I think more history books need to open with this line.
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fashion-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Annika Caswell a student from the Wimbledon School of Art wardrobe department, dressed as Catherine Parr, next to her portrait attributed to Master John, c. 1545 in the National Portrait Gallery, London. * The students are recreating portraits dating from the Tudor period to the 19th century which have been inspiration for their lavish costumes . (Photo by Rebecca Naden - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)
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jamesfrain · 4 months ago
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Lady Mary Tudor reunites with her father after their reconciliation. The Tudors 3x01 | Wolf Hall: The Mirror and The Light 2x01
Mary's capitulation was greeted with "incredible rejoicing" at court. Restored to favor, she was acknowledged as the king’s daughter once more and offered a sumptuous new wardrobe and a choice of servants. Cromwell returned to Hunsdon with “a most gracious letter” from the king and, “kneeling on the ground,” begged Mary’s pardon for his former harsh conduct.
Three weeks later, Mary journeyed to Hackney for a secret reunion with her father. It was their first meeting for five years. She had been a young teenager when Henry last saw her, and she was now a woman of twenty. Chapuys wrote that the kindness shown by the king to the princess was “inconceivable, regretting that he had been so long separated from her.” He showed her “such love and affection, and such brilliant promises for the future that no father could have behaved better towards his daughter.” Jane Seymour gave Mary a diamond ring and Henry 1,000 crowns for her “many pleasures.” They spent one night together and parted on Friday, July 7, with Henry promising that she would be brought to court to take her place immediately after the queen. (Whitelock, Anna. (2009) Mary Tudor: Princess, bastard, queen. London: Bloomsbury.)
edit suggested by @fideidefenswhore (you're the best)
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dfox1987 · 4 months ago
Look at my schmoopie right now, dare I say pookie supreme Soundwave
I honestly forgot what number wife he is
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onscreenkisses · 5 months ago
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THE TUDORS, 1x08 - "Truth and Justice"
requested by anon
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highladyofterrasen7 · 1 year ago
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And catholic for short (time)
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bunniesandbeheadings · 2 months ago
Having an argument with my husband help me settle this.
No nuance. Pick your favorite problematic monarch and die with your boots on. I’d appreciate reblogs because I’m a French Revolution blogger so I fear a biased ratio
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periodcostumefantasylover · 8 months ago
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Perioddrama Appreciation Week
Day 1: Favorite Tv Show: The Tudors
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year ago
I time/space travelled to a Henry the 8th royal ball and was using my magic powers to just mess with people and brought my boyfriend along to enjoy the banquet. But then a mysterious person asked me for a dance.. and while dancing they told me that they were the court wizard and asked me what the fuck I was doing here, so I escaped back to my own time.
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austin-friars · 7 months ago
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The "Lucky" One
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knighthelm · 10 months ago
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The Boleyn sisters, side by side
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dxcstrange-stuff · 3 months ago
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The first half of teaser stills for my upcoming Wolf Hall animatic! It will be released early 2025, so keep an eye out if you're a fan of my entirely beloved Cromwell, Wolf Hall, and all that this wonderful series brought to us! It's been in the works for some months now and I am so elated it is finally finished. I cannot wait to share it with you all 💖
Part II
(I also started working on it way before the first trailer for s2 got released, and I kid you not when I say that I predicted some scenes almost exactly like they were shot in the show. No one will believe me this lmao)
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violaobanion · 3 months ago
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jamesfrain · 4 months ago
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Wolf Hall + Art (2/2) Henry VII, Elizabeth of York, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour Remigius van Leemput | circa 1667 Wolf Hall: The Mirror and The Light | Episode three 'Defiance'
This small painting was copied by the Flemish artist Remigius van Leemput for Charles II from the life-size mural on the wall of the Privy Chamber in Whitehall which was painted by Holbein for Henry VIII in 1537. The wall-painting was destroyed by the fire at Whitehall Palace on 4 January 1698 and this is the only complete record of the mural. Holbein's original preparatory cartoon for the left half of the composition is in the National Portrait Gallery. The first part of the Latin inscription on the plinth in the centre of the composition translates: ‘If it pleases you to see the illustrious images of heroes, look on these: no picture ever bore greater. The great debate, competition and great question is whether father or son is the victor. For both, indeed, were supreme'. The painting appears in Pyne's illustrated 'Royal Residences' of 1819, hanging in The Queen's Closet at Kensington Palace. (source)
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starlightsuffered · 9 months ago
Make Her Finish (Hal)
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Info - possessive Hal, horny Hal, discussing waiting till marriage to have sex, high sex drive, Hal being insecure, discussing faking orgasms, Hal not being verbal during sex, knife play, carving initials in skin, cutting away clothing, spitting in mouth, demanding praise, unprotected sex, accusing someone of faking an orgasm, ass slapping, slapping cock on body, injury, licking blood
"It is so good to see you sister," I said smiling.
"Yes, I was gone a long time, but it was well worth it. Edward is the love of my life. You must thank Hal for introducing us," she smiled.
"That's wonderful. I know you were waiting for your wedding night," I said. With how voracious Hal's sex drive was that hadn't been a possibility for us and I was happier for it. My sister had saved herself. "Was it all you dreamed?"
Her expression soured and she looked out the window. The grip on her tea cup tightened.
"He has, he has yet to me make me finish," she said dismally.
"What have you done?" | asked in genuine fascination. Hal never had this issue. I wondered what he would do if I didn't?
"I've been faking," she sighed.
"Faking? How would one even do that?"
"You moan and say you feel good and make your walls contract, it seems to work well," she said sheepishly.
"You need to tell him!" | urged.
"Why?" She asked. "He'll only be upset."
"Or he would try to get better," | offered.
"But, can you get better?"
"Absolutely, I've told Hal everything I like and he's given into my requests. I'm not sure what the monarch would do if he had found l'd faked an orgasm," | chuckled.
Very soon after my last sentence my husband came stalking into the room. I knew the lust filled look in his eyes.
"Do you need me your highness?" | asked immediately.
"Yes!" He said, and dragged me from the room. My sister seemed astonished but Hal was like this. He wasn't used to having his desires ignored. If he wanted something, he went and got it.
Once in his chambers I was thrown against the wall. He was always rough with me and I adored it. He kissed me hard and I gave him the same force. He lifted my skirts and harshly pressed my clit. He swallowed my whimper.
He broke our kiss to get his sword.
"You know, one day you'll empty the crown's treasury with all the dresses of mine you need to replace," ! chuckled. He loved cutting my clothing away instead of dealing with the skirts and lacing.
I could finally breath properly with the corset slit. Sure a little more belly protruded, but Hal often went on and on about my natural form. He was disrobing quickly.
He threw me over his shoulder, landing a smack to my ass. I adored it when he threw me down and was over me in an instant. His eyes were darker than I'd ever seen.
He grabbed my jaw, forcing open my mouth. He spat into my mouth, but kept it open so he could speak his words into it.
"Im going to fuck you, and all the the while you will tell me how good I feel," he said darkly into my mouth. I nodded obediently. He let go and I swallowed his saliva.
"Yes my King," I swore. He sheathed himself inside me after slapping both my thighs with my cock.
"Hal, you're so deep," | whined as he began to rut into me at a nearly unimaginable speed. He plunged in and out of my hurriedly. I heard his little grunt of effort and traced his popping veins. He was really pushing himself.
"You're so good at this. You were made for sex my lord, the length and girth of your cock, the speed you always have, the selflessness of the pleasure you provide," | praised him.
"Oh, fuck, your cock is the only thing that could make the Queen swear," I moaned as I writhed. He pulled out with a wet sound and I whined.
"Hal, what's going on?" I asked. He got his dagger. His eyes looked wild, he was in a different mind frame than me obviously. He was all desperation. He didn't even have the foresight to use the handle, instead he gripped the blade of the dagger, and without pushing too hard, carved his initials into my upper thigh. It only stung a little and his possessiveness made it worth it. He threw the dagger away and plunged back into me.
"Oh yes my king I'm yours, brand me if you like," I said bringing his injured hand to me. I let my tongue flick over the two parallel bloody lines. He let out a whimper at the sight.
'So good to me Hal, how do you outdo yourself every time?" | asked and he began to come, his expression bliss filled. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as his cock hit my g spot over and over. My walls clenched him. I sucked on his bloody hand as I came undone, my walls convulsing uncontrollably.
"That was amazing my King, but I do wish you would have talked more, I love your voice. I must ask though, it seemed like you were trying to prove something. Is there something on your mind?" I asked.
"You told your sister you faked an orgasm with me," he said softly.
"I did not!"
"You said you didn't know what l'd do if I knew," he countered.
"That was hypothetical. I've never NEVER had to fake with you. Every one is incredibly real. Her husband wasn't pleasing her and I was in wonder because you always do it perfectly," I said.
"Oh, sorry about your leg then," he said and bent to kiss the spot he'd cut.
"I don't mind," I smirked. "I like being marked as yours."
"I love you," he moaned.
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