#but your girl has adhd and this shit gives me burn out
softandwildx · 15 days
In my humble opinion, RNG is one of the worst features a video game can have.
Making things "rare drops" and forcing the player to spend so much extra time in your game all for the sake of "replayability" is dumb.
If I can't acquire everything in one playthrough, ESPECIALLY if it's a 40+ hour game, I don't want it.*
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bigmack2go · 10 months
No i dont think u understand!! I love heartstopper with my heart and all and im greatfull for all the representation but theres just so much i will never see myself in tv or media.
I want to see a kid having two(+) crushes and despair bc „why do i have to choose?“
But instead of the kid chOoSiNg ThE BeTtEr PeRsON iN tHe eNd i want to see them end up with BOTH because you dont have to choose! You can love several people in a romantic way and theres NOTHING wrong with it!
I want to see a girl that doesnt get along with other girls or a boy that doesnt get along with boys( or just isnt the same as other boys/girls)
I want to see a kid that just doesn’t belong to either. I dont wanna hear „not boy enough for the girls and not girl enough for the boys“ and have them struggle with the other people. NO! I want them to wonder for themselves who they are! Have them realize they dont belong to both or to either BUT TO NEITHER!
I want to see an outcast that isn’t all „boys at school never look at me. Im just not a main character…“ give me a kid thats an outcast but „WHY??? WHY AM I AN OUTCAST?? IM NOT EVEN THAT BAD WHY CANT NO ONE SEE THAT???“
Give me an authistic kid that doesn’t realize its being picked on until its to late. I want to see then masking and learning to unmask! I dont want to see not because „what is your problem?“ but because What is my problem? I want to see them struggling to name their feelings and even understand themselves! I want them to have to explain themselves and their actions but not being able too because THEY DONT KNOW EITHER!! I want them to be told their not authistic because „if you were authistic [insert authitic stty]“ i want them to accept that they have a disability and learn to live with it, not to say „aUthIsM iS A GiFt“ because for it fuking isnt! Its a condition! But that doesn’t make you less worthy of anything.
I want a kid that gets made fun off and KNOWS it but they cant do anything about it because the bullying is so passive that everyone’s just like „hAvE YoU eVeR cOnsIdeReD tHeyRe NoT aCtuAlLly AgaInSt YoU?” And being told to just engage with them, but of they do that then everyone will know theyre a fool and they fell for the passiveness and „did u actually think we wanted to be your friends ha ha“
I want an adhd kid that wonders „what is wrong with me?“ „why me???“ or „why cant i just be like everyone else“ i want them to struggle with asignments and get burned out and shit! I wanna see them nit asking for help because „istg if one more person asks me what dont you understand im gonna lose it!“ because „HOW AM I SUPOSED TO KNOW WHAT I DONT UNDERSTAND IF I DONT UNDERSTAND IT?!“ i want to see them react negatively when they meet another kid with adhd thats like them instead of „i fInNaLy FoUnd SoMeoNe ThAt UndErStAnDs mE“ because
I want a kid that is of faith but not the same faith that they were raised with.
I want to see a christian kid thats friends with a muslim kid,because w h a t d o i c a r e? Maybe one of us is wrong. Maybe were both wrong. Maybe were both right! There is quite literally no way to find out!
I want to see them both struggle because the musilm kid hears shit like
„you realise that r the same ppl that k!ll3d ourlikes back in the day..“ (but why r they so nice then?) from one side, and „blah blah are you/ your parents terrorist(s)?“ (where’d u get that idea from) from the other
And the other kid hears „you cant be friends with a blasphemer“ and „you realise that everything you stand for is homophobic and what not“
Even better; give me a GAY christian that goes to church on Sundays and to pride on Fridays!
Give me an abuse surviver that was emotionally manipulated. Someone who thought that was normal. Some one who’s been lied to. Someone who has to change their whole worldview because everything they believed to be fact wasn’t. I want to see them growing into the person that did that to them in the first place BUT AGAINST THEIR WILL! I want them to fight against it! I want them to struggle because they don’t wanna hurt anyone but they know they’re toxic. Not in a „im just a burdain anyways i should go kms“ way but in a genuine way where they do genuinely bad things sometimes without realising it. But they can win that fight and the y D O N T have to become the abuser.
Give me an emotionally traumatised kid. A kid that keeps apologising and that panics when things go to good!
I want to hear the story of a bullying victim that changes school and it actually gets better and they panic about it.
I want them to genuinely believe their new friendgroup secretly has a groupchat without them. I want them to genuinely think people are laughing AT THEM when they r laughing in private. I want them to genuinely believe that no one gets it. I want them to genuinely think certain people dont want to do with them and r just being polite every here and there because „they r so cool! There is no possible way they would actually wanna be friends w me“
I want everything in they’re life to grow to be better but they just dont. They just watch their life improving while they dont heal. The damage is done, the glue is dryed. You cant do anything about it anymore. Its to late.
They genuinely think they cant heal anymore
A gifted kid that struggles more than everyone else and „they must have switched something up! Theres no possible way that my iq is barely 10 under einsteins.“ because they keep struggling.
Gimme a dyslexic kid that doesn’t go „why do i not get this“ but instead „why does everyone else get this??“
Give me a discalculatic kid for whom its the other way around! I don’t wanna see the same thing that every kid has with maths like „dO yOu GuYs ActUaLlY UndErStAnd ThIs??“ no! (They dont prolly but thats just normal) they go „how come i dont understand this when everyone else seems to do it somehow“
A kid with generalized anxiety disorder being misjudged as paranoid. A kid that panics because of the most obscure things. „What if a metheor destroys earth“
If your feeling funny connect it with ocd!
„What if everyone in my family is zombies? I cant just ask them that because if i do they know their cover is up and then they dont have a reason to not do zombie stuff anymore“
(I actually genuinely believed that for three years straight and i had so many panic attacks.)
I dont want then to not ask for help because „thats stupid lol! Everyone will think im a dumb kid woth too much fantasy“ but instead „if i ask for help IT’LL GET WORSE!“
A boy that has everything!
His parents have much money, he’s white (dont experience racism), he’s straight (no homophobia), cis, a boy, has friends, nothing stressful in his life „so why do i feel so damn bad?!“
A kid that digs into their past and theyre grandparents and stuff and find something they just didnt wanna know!
This is the representation i need! I need to see the other representation too but it’s not done with that!
There is so much more that kids think they will never see themselves in when watching tv etc. and they WILL grow to belive that they are wrong or not normal for that if that doesn’t change!
I could go on abt this and maybe i will tbh but in the coments lol
(I didnt do anything abt racism because im a white person and i dont experience it! I dont think i should talk about stuff that i dont know about as much as someone who IS experiencing it does)
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
Personal rant
I started my final year of schooling last week and I’ve already missed 9 out of 11 classes so far. I’m burning up all my unexcused absences and I can’t even bring myself to care at all because I don’t want to be in this program getting this degree and I feel incredibly trapped and overwhelmed. I can’t make myself do the readings. I can’t make myself go to class. I can’t make myself care. I can’t seem to do anything at all but lay in bed. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this for another year. Fuck, I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this even just next week when I no longer can miss class without an excusal. And I can’t drop out anymore cause the deadline for full reimbursement passed, but also that was never a real option for me anyway cause dropping out would also likely mean moving home and that’s just as bad for my brain. Even right now I should be doing my readings for my class that’s at 3:30, but instead I’m typing this. Because I’m sad and I don’t care. But because I didn’t do the readings? I feel like I can’t go to class, so I WON’T which in turn is a problem cause I am using all my skips and I’m missing the first two weeks of class so I’m going to go in SO fucking confused next week probably. Shit shit shit shit fuck.
TW: weight discussion, emetophobia, eating disorder mention (just by name nothing specific), ARFID, depression, anxiety, apathy, mention of American politics
Heavier discussion below
I recently realized (i don’t have a scale in my apt) that I lost about 40 pounds in the span of about 5 months all from a combination of stress/my ADHD medication suppressing my appetite (vyvanse bitch ass doesn’t even work) and stress induced vomited and also vomiting because I treat my body like shit (don’t drink water, cope with unhealthy substances a lil too often, don’t eat anything remotely healthy, barely eat at all anymore if I’m being honest). I knew I’d lost some cause clothes were looser. I thought it was like 10. But no I know how much I weighed in March and it was a full difference of 40 and I know part of this stress and the stress induced vomiting are being caused by school and it’s like… I have another year. Am I just gonna keep wasting away? Something’s gotta give here and I know shit has to change but I have absolutely no drive to actually climb out of the hole I’ve buried myself in. I feel like there’s no point and that even if I crawl out, the world is the same and my family is the same and I’m still in this program and so nothing is actually different anyway. I just wanna let the dirt consume me. I wanna lay in my bed with a sitcom playing mindlessly in the background while I work on my silly little fanfictions until everything just stops except I lay in bed and don’t even do those things but am paralyzed by all the things I should be doing instead that I neglected because I didn’t care and I still don’t care enough to do it, but I feel bad enough to not do anything else either in that time. And I know that’s BAD and that having no motivation for anything is obviously super a ‘ur depression is worse girl’ (hi yea i fucking live inside this stupid head so I already fucking know that. @/my psych and parents). but I keep getting cancelled on or stood up by therapists and my psych has told me three appointments now shit like ‘Well what do you want me to do about?’ (Without even fucking considering something like uhhhhh… idk changing the meds I’m on? Since I’m at the max dose for my anti depressant and I’ve been on it for about half a year and I feel it stagnated because while it seemed to help when I started, now I’m worse? Like, I tell you I feel the worst I’ve ever felt in my entire life and you answer ‘And what do you want me to do?’ YOUR FUCKING JOB? Provide me with my options???? Not be a dick?) And she keeps saying I have to find a therapist because the meds only do so much (I had one but she went on maternity leave in January and then when she came back from it I was too broke to pay every week (which is what my bitch ass brain needs) and then when I wasn’t broke any longer she had ghosted me and she also was my provider for two years and never actually gave me any coping mechanisms so I kinda wanted a new one anyway). The psych did not like when I laughed at her and said “And will you fucking pay for it?” in response the first time she said it even though obviously I know she’s right.
My roommate told me the other day also that I need to get a therapist and that I have to focus my energy into that because she can’t listen to me say the same complaints anymore (she said it nicely, but like I’m crying rn thinking about it and will likely never feel safe to share with her anymore for worry of annoying her.) She also said she doesn’t think I want to help myself. That she wants me to get better and obviously it’s shit what’s happening but that I’m not doing the (what are to her obvious and to me impossible to actually do because of familial enmeshment and financial dependence) things that could maybe make things better. Even though… I AM trying to help myself. Yea it’s not the best I can be doing, but it’s as much as I can fucking manage given my surety that none of this matters and isn’t that worth something? I’ve been looking for a therapist since MAY. They keep standing me up or cancelling or they’re booked or they don’t take my insurance. I had five (5) telehealths where I got stood up. Starting therapy anew is already terrifying but when the person doesn’t show up it just feels like shit. It made me feel like they looked at my paperwork and decided I wasn’t fucked up enough when the reality is yea I held back slightly but that’s because I needed to know the vibes of the place first. That’s not what happened (for at least three appts anyway. The other two ghosted me also after so I never got explanation so maybe it did) but I still felt that way and for someone who already has a lot of problems with imposter syndrome and deep insecurities around being forgotten it really sucked and was incredibly unprofessional of any worker but especially mental health care professionals to do. I have one on Friday. Let’s hope this one doesn’t stand me up 🤞 Also, back to my ungodly amount of rapid weight loss, I did have 40 pounds that could’ve been shed and I am still not what would be consider ‘skinny’ but an average weight, so the worst part of this whole thing is that people are telling me i look GOOD now. Literally it was my MOM. She always implied I’m overweight and need to lose it and pretends like it’s ‘in your best interest honey’ meanwhile I can’t even do the fucking obligations I’m tied to? You think I can fucking do EXTRA? And yea I should use that kickboxing class that I bought, but not to lose weight mother, but because I’m not physically fit in that I cannot go up stairs without getting winded and because I have all the rage in the world (a portion of which goes to her!) and hitting things makes me feel better and it expires soon and was $40 I won’t get back. None of those reasons have to do with my weight, but if I mention I went to that class to her? She’s going to be SO excited on the phone, for all the wrong reasons thinking it’s me trying to get thin, when it’s me trying to get healthy. That is not equivalent to weight loss necessarily, as clearly evidenced here since I lost a shit ton unhealthily. This weekend I got a ‘Do you lose weight? Cause you look great!’ from her. 🫠🙄And i know that people would even more so do that if I do continue on this path of wasting away even though I’m actually unhealthier than I’ve ever been with my eating habits and the weight loss is a result of my depression and anxiety spiraling worse. How about we as a society stop fucking commenting on other peoples weight period full stop. Also it’s SAYING something that I’m the worst ever rn because food and I have always had a weird vibe. I recently learned what ARFID is and I’m fairly confident I’ve had that my entire life and just never had the name for it so that’s certainly something. Anyway idek what the point of this was other than for me to shout into the void because I was sad. If the void wants to shout back and tell me how I’m supposed to function in this life that’d be great cause I didn’t even HIT the state of the world and how that causes half my lack of motivation for anything in this post, but god the American political and legal landscape fill me dread and anxiety and anger and I can never escape them.
TLDR: I’m sad, I can’t bring myself to go to class at all in these first two weeks of classes. I need a therapist but they keep cancelling when I finally get an appointment and find one that accepts my insurance. My psych is kinda bad and my roommate was trying to help but did it in a way that hurt me more. I wanna drop out but can’t and also school is impacting my mental health so severely that I lost an extreme amount of weight in a short amount of time. Got complimented by mom even though I’m literally unhealthy. Separate from that but intertwined, I might have ARFID, possibly for my whole life and I am genuinely SHOCKED it never once was suggested by a medical professional to my parents when I was a child.
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Hello my friend! I love your matchups and thought I would ask (no pressure at all of course)
I go by she/them pronouns (I really don’t have a preference, whatever makes people the most comfortable) Im asexual and will go after anyone romantically if I find them attractive.
My main fandom is marvel, and I can’t think of anyone I would dislike being matched with (except the widely unliked characters: Odin, thanos, those kind of people) I usually am more interested in guys but I am alright with girls as well.
I have a IQ of 126, I am a ENFP and I am diagnosed with ADHD, but I try not to be super intense around people unless I’m comfortable with the person I am around. I do tend to mask if I’m around people I don’t trust or am not close with. I like to think I’m a very widely excepting person and I tend to give lots of people second chances (this is something that bites me in the butt sometimes), I like to think that I am a very loose and carefree person, I love listening to music, going for walks, and I have a very active imagination.
My main habits are: spinning anything that reminds me of a staff or pencil (I got bored when I was younger and learned how to spin and use a staff and now it’s a unconscious thing), chewing gum, skipping when happy or excited, I will unconsciously start bobbing my head or slightly dancing when listening to songs, if I hear a beat I will match it when tapping my foot (adhd thing), and I tend to fidget when nervous (playing with my hair, picking or biting my nails, tapping or snapping my fingers)
My bad qualities are probably giving people too many chances, being too blunt (I’m bad at reading social situations sometimes), reading into peoples’ body language too much, thinking lowly of myself (even if I do something impressive or hard), disconnecting myself from others when feeling overwhelmed, sad, or angry. I also tend to think people hate me whenever I do something that I think would be annoying (which is often, whoops)
Im 5,6, I have shoulder length dirty blond hair, green eyes, I usually wear things like jeans, sweaters, sweatpants, jean shorts, t-shirts and only wear dress clothes or fancy clothes on special occasions.
Im sorry if I’m confusing and thank you for reading! I love your work!!
Argh! Sorry for the delay queen. I be on that ativan shit. 
=== Marvel ===
I match you up with…
Loki Laufeyson
This romance is a slow-slow-slow burn. You two both have a tendency to mask your true emotions, you due to discomfort, and Loki due to mistrust. And yet, I fully believe the two of you will find one another eventually. 
Loki values honesty in a person, so he’s rather pleased by your bluntness. Even if you offend him, and even when he’s angry, he’ll value your honesty with him, rather than sugarcoating your words. 
Loki doesn’t place value on social aptitude. He doesn’t care much for social scene anyway, and so the two of you will frequently stay out of the way of other people, or simply people watch. 
He’ll teach you a bit about stick fighting! When he finds out you can twirl batons and staffs, he starts to show you offensive ways to catch anyone off guard should they try to attack you. 
Being in a relationship with Loki has some built-in dangers, so he’s got a perpetual layer of guilt about that. But he has faith in you, regardless. 
But the most important aspect here is: FORGIVENESS. You said you give people too many chances? Good, because Loki needs that. That’s why this is such a slow burn: you two are on-and-off until you finally cut him out, and he realizes how much he values you and all your quirks and hobbies. 
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
I had a question.
So, just an hour or two ago, I was going through some sort of “manic high”, sorta like how somebody with bipolar disorder would have (I don’t have BPD). It felt like a bullet train at max speed and completely derailing, and it was incredibly draining. It also got me wondering.
Do people with severe enough ADHD deal with ADHD episodes like this? My search attempts are often futile because all of it is just talking about how to differentiate between BPD and ADHD and BPD manic episodes, but nobody ever mentions ADHD episodes; the only time I’ve seen it mentioned ever was when somebody made a clip of crankgameplays to show what an ADHD episode looked like.
Do they even exist? I’ve got no idea, so I was just wondering if you knew.
Hey! Sorry, I saw your other ask a while ago, but I wanted to talk to my ADHD specialist before I answered because I’d never heard of the term “episode” being used to describe ADHD. I’m also going to splice both questions together here and answer them in segments in the hope it helps :)
So like I said, I’d never heard of the term “episode” with ADHD, and neither has my specialist. Part of ADHD is having a natural ebb and flow between inattention and hyperactivity, sometimes skewed toward one or the other, depending on your ADHD type. (What are the different types of ADHD?)
Your type of ADHD may also fluctuate because of other factors, such as stress, changes in medication, hormonal fluctuations, lack of sleep, overstimulation, or even under-stimulation, to name a few. Another overlooked part of ADHD is emotional dysregulation, which may cause rapid cycling emotions that may look like an “episode” to someone unfamiliar with what that actually qualifies. The way my therapist explained it and using your example of bipolar disorder, “episode” is used in diagnostic criteria to categorize manic or depressive episodes that last X amount of time, are usually severe, potentially requiring hospitalization, and are accompanied by other symptoms not found in ADHD.
Our “bursts” of energy or lack thereof typically don’t last long enough to be considered episodes. This isn’t to say they are not severe or debilitating, especially if you suffer from things like anxiety or depression that ADHD can feed into. Merely that “episode” is not used as part of the language used to discuss ADHD, which is likely why you’re not finding anything.
So, do ADHDers experience intense bursts of energy that are draining afterward? Yeah, we can do, especially if we lean more toward hyperactive than inattentive. (And again, it's normal to fluctuate and also for things to be affected or worsened by secondary factors.)
And I'm going to put the rest under the cut because this is hella long.
I’ve seen some people think that all hyperactivity has to come with fixation, but that’s not how ADHD works. It’s true if something gets us excited or gives us a dopamine boost, we might be more prone to becoming hyperfixated and burn all our energy up on that. But you don’t need something to fixate on to experience hyperactivity. Some of us are just wired to the moon sometimes, and yes, it can be very draining when it ends. Some people find medication helpful in regulating their hyperactivity/preventing it from coming in such big swings and dips.
Speaking personally, when I'm hyper and nothing is grabbing my attention, the world and people around me can feel painfully slow. It's like I'm going a mile a minute doing everything but achieving nothing. The crash that comes after can also be particularly bad, as I also have dysthymia, which can tip over into a major depressive episode depending on other factors in my life at that time. For years I was misdiagnosed as having "probably Bipolar Type II" by a doctor who didn't believe teenage girls could "get" ADHD* and convinced my parents I needed psychoactive drugs. The drugs I was on didn't help, in fact, they made me worse so I was taken off them.
It wasn't until I found an ADHD specialist as an adult a few years ago that I made any real progress. And I'll be honest, I was shocked when she diagnosed me with ADHD, I really didn't think I had it. Right up until we started doing the work and slowly but surely my mental health began to improve and my understanding of myself with it.
Sometimes there are days when I will be wired to the moon and it will derail my entire day because I can't focus on a single thing/I'll focus too much on a single thing. Other times, like when I am closer to my menstrual cycle, I'll crash into inattentiveness and depression because of how my hormones affect my various different conditions, including my ADHD. Medication would likely help with this, but due to medical reasons, that's currently not an option for me so I do the best I can.
That said, if you’re experiencing something more than hyperactivity but it's not mania, you may be experiencing a form of hypomania and you should talk to a doctor about your concerns.
Hypomania typically occurs in Bipolar Type II disorder, which is less severe than the manic episodes in Bipolar I. I’ve experienced both manic and hypomanic episodes in my life due to medication interactions, and they felt very different from ADHD hyperactivity. It's not just derailing mile-a-minute thoughts, it's something usually completely mood-altering and out of control feeling followed by devastating crashes.
If you're on any medications and are worried you are experiencing something like this, you need to talk to your doctor. You might just need a dosage tweak, or you might be better off on a different medication altogether. Also, make a thorough check of any and all medications you are taking to check for any interactions.
I'm on a cocktail of meds for my MCAS, which if I were to combine them with the SSRI one of my doctors wants me to try, would result in serotonin syndrome. The doctor didn't notice this, but the pharmacist sure as shit did!
Some people (ask me how I know) even develop mild hypomania from overusing the sunlamps used to treat SAD (link), which is why brands like Verilux now include warnings in their leaflets about not using the lamps for more than X amount of time a day. Thankfully it goes away once you stop overusing the lamps.
Which actually brings me to something you asked last time about being unable to sleep at night. Insomnia and delayed sleep phase cycles are not uncommon in ADHD. This is likely because our circadian rhythm is thought to be out of whack (link).
You also mentioned having racing thoughts at night too, which is not uncommon either with hyperactivity. I find if I get overstimulated before trying to sleep, I’ll end up lying there awake with what I like to call “radio ADHD” playing in my head. It can range from snippets of songs stuck on repeat, conversations, things I’ve watched on TV, arguments, or if something is happening the next day, fixating on not being late for it. Hence, I end up getting no sleep because you can’t accidentally sleep in if you don’t sleep. *jazz hands of despair.*
Sometimes I find Radio ADHD soothing if it’s fixating on something chill, but it can get annoying fast and even distressing if I’m tired and can’t “change the station.” (I’d say “shut it off,” but as of yet, I’ve never been able to do that. Medication helps some people with this, as can looking into “sleep hygiene” if you haven’t already.) Conversely, if I’m bored or something is too stressful, I will 100% fall asleep because my brain would literally rather just turn off than do something I don’t want to do or is a low dopamine reward task.
Brains are fun.
Anyway, I uh, I am not sure if any of this is useful to you, but I hope it helps. Mostly I'm just repeating back what my specialist said when I asked her about it lol. Good luck, and I hope you figure things out.
*NB: It's important to note that ADHD and Bipolar Disorder can be comorbid. It's not a one or the other situation. I’m just throwing it out there in case hearing that helps someone else pursue the proper diagnosis!
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myladyofmercy · 3 years
young royals rewatch
episode 2
still don't know why simon is at the breakfast table
and if it's the lunch table why didn't do that thing already at breakfast?
also love the difference between how maddie talks about last night compared to nils retelling
august is such a little shit (NOT affectionately)
wille looks so much younger when he smiles awkwardly in this scene
willes hot lesbian moment
i don't like the fit of felices blouse
also fredrikas naked legs. i would freeze.
felice has her phone connected to a portable charger. the little details in this show
is it hoodie weather? jacket weather? or tshirt weather? i am confused
it's interesting which countries use letter grading on tests and which one use numbers
if wille hadn't told wille about the private tutoring simon wouldn't have given august the drugs to sell and the football field scene and everything after wouldnt have happened
did felice braid her own hair or did maddie do it? and vice versa who does maddies hair?
i wonder if frida had bangs she's growing out or if her fringe is cut like that deliberately
simon looks so lost in the boat
but the lighting is so pretty
not the bro slap
is anyone gonna help simon with that fucking boat?
make rosh sapphic in season 2!
simons bedlamp is the same one my parents had when i was a kid. i had the same one in green. yay ikea!
ayub is giving me ned from spiderman vibes
august looks so much better sweaty because then maltes beautiful curls aren't hidden behind kilos of hair gel
teach august to knock in season 2!
also don't make jokes about your family members masturbating pls
august isn't only cockblocking wille all the time but also brotherblocking
bye erik gotta hang out with my crush
working out would be the last place i would want to hang out with my crush tho
but the eye contact is nice. i wonder how they choose that spot infront of eachother to do planks (is that what they're called?)
wille is getting suspicious
august lives and breathes in turtlenecks
august trying to fake having adhd is the only august scene i will gladly rewatch bc it's just so fucking funny
love all the little stuff they're doing during workies like the ring stuff and such
august cockblocking AGAIN
also someone on instagram finally found simons real actual hoodie but it's sold out
felice inviting simon for wille not knowing what she's going to unleash
that shot of willes naked feet was very unnecessary. no thank you. at least put socks on him
willes red pinterest lights
wille channeling his inner mean girl (iykyk)
jag kommer.
wille not knowing how to ride a bus is me in every social situation
at least simon picked him up from the gas station so he wouldn't get lost
those girls saying hey prince remind me too much of the current yr fangirls
ayub ultimate wingman
(deleted scene where wille or simon notice the other has ketchup in the corner of their mouth and wipes it away)
they are not wearing any helmets. this is unsafe.
august just waiting for wille to come back to put him in his place
fuck you august
sara and drawing should be a bigger part of season 2 i wanna see it again
simon and his clementines (or whatever they are) now i want one too
simons happy mood immediately went sour after that text from wille
also wille sitting with the lights around him. he lives for the aesthetic.
vincent and nils are very fruity in that one scene
but i love all the shots of the students just doing random stuff in the background
simon and his clementines are a very big part of this episode and only this episode right?
both august when talking with sara and simon when talking with august are so loud how doesn't everyone hear them talking about the pills
i hate the nike shirt with a burning passion
those rowing machines look like hell
did simon just stuff the pills in his pants?
augusts speech is so awkward i love it
but did he think that was enough of a repayment?
can't believe august got to give simon a forehead kiss before wille did
i have watched that movie and it was very disturbing
love all the face stuff the girls have on
the finger touching reminds me so much of jude and connor from the fosters
augusts close up in the red and black sweater makes gim look like he's wearing a star trek uniform
on the first watch i thought wille wanted to jump out of the window
wille is wearing ralph lauren pj pants. he really is a prince
i love the loud breathing in this scene
wille.exe has stopped working
can't believe simon scored the prince of sweden in a looney toones tshirt
i love the shot of the outlines of their faces pressed against eachother
hope they didn't get back to the movie tho
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
cw // Abuse mention, ableism mention, drugs mention
No, because I have beef with the fandom about c!Wilbur, and it's gonna involve other characters/people when I talk about this.
People are consistently saying this fandom needs to stop demonizing people for their mental stability or mental state or mental illnesses, extending that to the characters. But people will blast c!Techno for sounding "too boring" or "not having emotion", even though cc!Techno is expressive af and that goes to the chracters, or how people will pick apart how c!Dream is this evil, manipulative mastermind who tortures and abuses kids because he's able think/map out his plan- which a trait extended from cc!Dream (or for some reason make fun of his fucking speech patterns?? As well??)
Or when characters like c!Schlatt are shown to have deteriorating health, they make him out to be this big, strong, ruthless leader, who abuses c!Quackity on the daily. Then there are moments where c!Niki is displaying genuine trauma and anger, like when she burned down the L'Mantree or helped in the destruction of supplies of the fight before Doomsday, or when she tried to kill fucking c!Tommy with c!Jack, the fandom doesn't treat those moments with care?? They treat them as if she's just being a "girlboss". When in reality, those were harmful outlets for all the pain she felt, and was getting desperately ignored.
But with c!Wilbur? Oooooh nononono, guys! He was just in a silly quirky mood when he dragged those kids (another point this fandom likes to hammer on) into war with other people, created L'manburg with the intention of creating a drug monopoly that would take advantage of the lack of potions or "drugs", or- or- when he was spiraling during the Manberg era, guys, he was just mentally ill!! You shouldn't fault him for all of that, even if his actions would've directly hurt other people, like blowing up/killing everyone during the festival that one time! He was just. Mentally. Ill.
Or how people will say that c!Dream and c!Tommy could never, ever, hope to repair the friendship they had between each other, because c!Dream was his abuser! There's no way you could repair a relationship with you abuser!
As there's hundreds of fanart depicting c!Wilbur and c!Tommy in a friendship that makes them brothers/brotherly to one another, despite the amount of c!Wilbur has dragged c!Tommy through, that could be argued to be just as bad as what c!Dream dragged c!Tommy through. (Especially post-c!Wilbur revival, where he decided to try and make L'manburg part 2 , but with a fucking burger van)
Like, what kind of message is it supposed to mean when shit like that is all chalked up to "mental illnesses", but other characters who spiraled just like c!Wilbur, are demonized and heavily criticized in the same breath, hell, in c!Dream's case in particular, are treated as if he's perfectly sound and just wanted to put down "Abuser, specifically of children" in his fucking resume?
God, I'm sorry for clogging your inbox with this, but the way this fandom treats c!Wilbur in the majority state, just pisses me off.
Or someone made a post talking about fun things c!Dream does or whatever just a headcanon post and people said they were giving a villain ADHD which villianaizes the mental illness… it’s like people who think c!George wouldn’t be colorblind.
How the fuck is cc!Dream supposed to play someone without ADHD he has ADHD. CC!George would never be able to play a character without color blindness.
It’s sooo stupid. The CCs in this fandom who aren’t nuerotypical are treated worse than characters who people headcanon to be nuerodivergent.
Because yes the c!Niki shit bothers me so much. She’s not a girlboss. c!Hannah is a girl boss. c!Niki needs to find herself. Or people get upset she’d blame c!Tommy and c!Dream like imagine you live in a country that’s being blown up cause some bitch ass teenager wouldn’t just give over some fucking discs? I’d be pissed too. Who cares that c!Dream was the tyrant he’s never gonna change or anything. Like people refuse to think about how other characters might view things.
C!Wilbur is supposed to be a story of a fall from Grace. People refuse to give him that.
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Season 1, Episode 1: Chapter 1 - The River's Edge These Aren't The People From My Polycule! (They Said What?)
[Ep. Statues: Already Watched/First Time Watching + Remember/Vaguely/Don't Remeber]
First off. It sort of slipped my mind that Jughead narrates the opening of each episode. Doesn't he become like a God type writer in the new season? Very Jensen coded of The CW to only know how to do one (1) thing.
Oh god that nasty "Welcome to Riverdale!" board.
Also I will probably be saying this a lot but what are these outfits? Cheryl and Jason are going for thier stupid little boat ride (really? A boat ride? In the morning? On July 4th?) dress all in white expect for Cheryl's bright red stilettos. Like no wonder first time watcher me though Cheryl killed her brother. All the white, the creepiness of the scene and the "are you scared Jason?" just convinced me Cheryl had ritualisticlly killed her brother in a fucked up horror movie girl kinda way. Instant way to make me stan her. Kinda disappointed she didn't (would now would also be a good time to mention that I completely forgot who actually killed Jason? Oops?). Anyway where is that AU? Where is that show?
"In those last moments I hope he suffered. May Jason Blossom burn in hell" ? Miss girl. Are we sure Betty's mom isn't the real family psychopath?
Also can we talk about Jughead in season 1. With his lil beanie and his camera. I'm like 90% he was written to be a movie nerd/buff then it was retconed to books and they never talk about it again? That was weird.
Lol okay so I forgot how privileged the Lodges are made out to be. But honestly, Veronica's mom? Kind of a MILF. Now that I think about it, aren't they like, the Riverdale Kardashians?
Girl naurrr the gay-bestfriend-ification of Kevin 😭💀. My mortal enemy. I will make Kevin a full fleshed character if it kills me. Kevin walked no-crawled so that Will from Stranger Things could stumble over to Mike only to be called a slur.
Also how old are these bitches supposed to be? 15 year olds do not look like that. What is in the water in Riverdale? Pfffff what am I talking about Archie is Just Like That TM.
Also something about the way the actors deliver thier lines. I can't explain it but it's hilarious. Maybe just cause it's the pilot and everything's a little stilted still.
Also I think Kevin wants to hit that (Archie). #LetKevinHitThat2022 #LetKevinBeArchiesGayAwakening2022
Oh Archie's music passion my beloved. I forgot that one too. Season 1 may not be as batshit as its descendants but it has it's gems.
Betty and Archie: having their disgusting little heterosexual talk
Me looked in the background: omg Pop Tate 😍😍😍
I used to laugh at the sketches of Riverdale on tiktok because the facial expressions were so greatly exaggerated. But nope, it's actually Just Like TM.
Omg Veronica's slow-mo entrance my beloved. Some would say it's over the top but honestly she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment. She deserves this.
Also I know I should be focused on the Archie and Veronica's meet-cute but there's this one shot of Betty's face that is absolutely sending me.
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Betty said gay rights because I'm going to be homophobic towards a straight couple.
Forgot just how... Karen-like Betty's mom was in season 1. I know it's out of worry but I can't wait for her character to flesh out (as much as it can on a CW show). Also I did not know Betty has ADHD?
Archie, honey, what is your handwriting. Okay, if Betty has ADHD then I want Archie to be dyslexic. They bond over being neurodivergent and mistake that comradery for love.
Nasty ass early season Chad Reggie 🤮🤮🤮. Where is my is my mafia bimbo meow meow. Give him to me now.
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What. What was this moment. ONLY The CW. I would only accept this moment if Veronica was wearing a little bi or pan flag. Hold on.
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Guys she sewed them on herself! (her mother taught her!) (I know it looks like shit alright I'm horrible at editing)
JOSIE! AND THE PUSSY CATS. Okay but genuinely they sound really good.
JUSTIN GINGERLAKE ??! Oh she's savage I love her. Also Josie and her girlies all use she/they pronouns because I said so.
Also the way Veronica talks. How does Camilla Mendes pull it off. What ever they're paying her, double it.
"Are you two dating?"
"No we're just friends."
"No he's straight.'
I stand by my earlier statment, #LetKevinHitThat2022
Oh god. The one plot line I wish I could desperately forget is the one where Archie fucks his music teachers. How is nobody noticing these 2 eyes fuck infront of the entire gymnasium.
Oh Fred and Hermione 😔
"Is cheerleading still a thing?"
"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?"
Shots fired. I am loving the mlm wlw hostility. At least The CW got gay on gay violence right.
Cheryl? Body shaming! What year is this?
They're trying to make me like or feel sympathy for Grundy and it's not working. I'm just waiting for her to leave.
Okay no actually I need her to DIE. A student is asking for help because he's feeling guilty and scared of something he's witnessed but your saying no because you fucked him? 🔪🔪🔪
Beronica kiss hello? Young sapphic me blocked this out because they could not deal with the emotions and revelations this brought her. Also this is beginnings/foundation of the Riverdale polycule. Also that kiss was.... a little longer than necessary 😏.
Cheryl is not impressed tho and honestly good for her. But that baiting scene. Sheesh I'm not one to judge be get a better coping mechanism honey. Betty's half moon scars I remember vividly. I wonder if they ever resolved that plotline.
I am losing it. Is this Riverdale's version of "Freedom is a lenght of rope and God wants you to hang yourself"?
Nope, now I've lost it. That scene! Where Veronica is zipping up Betty's cheerleading outfit and the sweet music is playing and they're all smiles and giggles and she turns around and Veronica compliments her and Betty just touches her in the same way Veronica did her even though Veronica was already set! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOODBYE! The entire show could end right here and I wouldn't care. Also, I see you Veronica's black nail polish.
Oh Betty and Veronica's little chat after that felt very very real. Oh no this Supernatural all over again. Shit show, good moments that keep u coming back.
Okay Betty's mom is giving my mom vibes and that is not okay.
Fred's words to Archie about his future are ringing really true and are a really fresh and good twist on the parents dont support the kids passion trope.
Maybe this first season is actually good? Skdjkskdjd nah.
Omg our favourite trouple doing their entrance!
"What does your heart say?"
Archie: *looks over at Grundy*
Me: Come on, Grundy?!
Archie: *demands lessons*
Me: Oh he chose music!
Oh god.... I keep pausing the fantasy couple scene because I just can't.
Veronica and Kevin, mouthing: ask him about the polycule!
Betty, who can't read lips for shit: power couple? 🤔
The absolute silence on Archie's side. WHY did he look at Grunkle what's her face.
Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight? WHO IS WRITING THESE SCRIPTS?
"Who are you asking for, you or Betty?"
Veronica: *doesn't say both*
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Me watching Archie and Veronica kiss even tho the polycule is in shambles before even fully forming:
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Veronica and Hermione's relationship. God I wish I had something like that.
"Archie went looking for the girl next door. Instead he found me." Okayyyy, it's giving Jarchie.
Archie and Jughead's scene. First of all Jughead's dark humor. Love it. The talk to her. It'd go a long way. It'd have went a long way with me. Ooof. But also what did happen? Omg gay coming out went wrong!
Me watching the "I can't give you the answer you want" scene trying to focus on literally anything else but the forced monogamy in front of me: huh the way they shot this reminds me of the "I was there where were you scene".
Okay but let's put a pause on the polycule and talk about Barchie. Archie says something along the lines of "You are always perfect, I could never be good enough for you" and earlier on Betty said she's sick of being perfect, the perfect x,y,z for everyone else. I don't know if she's realised this but that may include being the perfect love interest for Archie. And Archie perceives her as Perfect when Betty just wants to be perceived. So if they were ever to get together, polycule or not they'd need to work past that.
Oh Moose. Didn't he just fade into the background as the show moved on or did I just forget him?
Oh Jason? Neat ig. Was he shot and his body dumped after the lake was searched? I can't even remember.
Unhinged rating: 3/10. There were some moments (mostly from Cheryl) mostly from the dialog and things I'd forgotten but this episode is really tame reconsidering my expectations for later seasons.
Tag list (you can ask to be added [or removed] though I doubt anyone will ask: @youre-only-gay-once
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Hello good sir.
Please rant to me about avian hybrid/ Lion hybrid/ enderman hybrid c!Niki headcanons and au's. I NEED MORE of your c!niki banter cs I have already read your fics 3times over and over again.
i'll give some hcs for each
Avian Niki
niki is either a crow hybrid or an angel hybrid. on one hand crow niki is funny to me on the other hand badass angel
her feathers, ironically, stay white during her 'villain' arc because yaknow symbolism
when she was going out with puffy, she'd let puffy preen them
because she was the only other winged hybrid, quackity trusted her to preen his own wings
in return he preened hers while she was in jail
she used to fly with puffy because love <3
during her isolation arc, she takes out feathers as an unhealthy coping mechanism, reasoning to herself that there's no need to preen if she doesn't have any feathers left (yes it's morbid)
eventually tho she just. doesnt even wear clothes for her wings
she just hides them underneath, which is of course VERY uncomfortable
they get worse and worse and ache more and more and she wants to fly so badly but she can't unless she preens them and she can't because she just can't!
when she joins the syndicate, the first thing phil says during their second meeting is: "hey niki didn't you have wings? what happened to them?"
his voice is tinged with sympathy; he knows what it's like to not be able to fly
she freezes, just stops moving, then starts to cry
phil is worried he's done something wrong, but then she reveals that she's kept her wings hidden under wil's coat and cloak all that time (note the symbolism)
he immediately is like "what the FUCK" when he sees them because there are feathers falling when it's not even shedding season yet?? also there are a few in places they shouldn't be at all? there are some fucking missing?????
long story short it takes multiple hours to get them back in place
niki passes out during it because it's been so long since she hasn't been in constant pain
when she wakes up, phil insists on keeping her there to preen her wings
also the syndicate has a long discussion about what happened and they promise each other and themselves to help her get better
Lion Hybrid Niki
she purrs end tweet
no but seriously this girl will purr to end and back
she purrs louder than ranboo which is SAYING something
she loves the scritchy scratches behind the ears. like REALLY loves 'em. she'll just- once you give her scritches she just. surrenders and leans into it. her purring sounds like a fucking jet plane when she gets the scritchies
she can roar, she only uses it to intimidate people tho
her self-worth is just. deeper than bedrock. she has no self-worth
she and puffy are working on it but she still... needs help
sometimes she gets phantom pain from her declawed fingers. she's found out it hurts less when she massages it, but she can't actually reach it, so she asks puffy to do it, and puffy can't help but feel guilty each time she sees the stumps
also niki hates getting her nails trimmed. like HATES it. even if she doesn't want them growing as long as they did before, the idea of something sharp near her fingers after what happened just makes her blanch
eventually tho she does have to do it
she hugs puffy while ant cuts her nails, and puffy whispers sweet, reassuring comments to her.
"you're doing so good. i'm so proud of you" and "we're almost there. you okay? we're gonna get through this."
sometimes tho niki just.. can't handle it. but she doesn't want to disappoint puffy either so she tries to just get through it anyways.
puffy notices her discomfort and asks her if she wants to stop. niki hesitates before nodding.
"niki, you being comfortable is so much more important than this. we can do it tomorrow, okay?"
Enderman Hybrid Niki
makes littol enderman noises. sometimes when she's stressed, sometimes just idly, sometimes when she's happy!
she has a tail because how can i not give her one
also she has pawsies and hands like magpiebur by @/nightferns (BECAUSE I LOVE THE WAY THEY DRAW WILBUR'S PAWWWS)
can withstand water a little better than ranboo, being more human than him
it still burns though
she just has higher pain tolerance lul
also can touch snow unlike ranboo because she's half human, half enderman
her ears and tail twitch whenever she's anxious
didn't really like eye contact, and the l'manbergians respected that (esp eret who didnt like people staring at their eyes either) until schlatt came along and basically forced it, so she kinda forced herself to do it from then on
unlike ranboo however, she doesnt go into enderwalk. she actually hasn't got an enderwalk because ranboo got it from nervous habit and it 'evolved' from there (my hc anyway), she instead literally gets hurt
like it hurts her to make eye contact
ranboo sees that she makes eye contact despite being an enderman hybrid and is like: "...HOW???"
she's just like "oh i force myself to do it lul. cause everyone expects me to anyways. it hurts after a while but its fine"
he just goes completely silent after that, then tells phil and techno at the syndicate meeting (while niki is admiring steve) not to hold eye contact w/niki because it hurts her
techno: "HEHH??? she seemed fine when i visited her!!" ranboo: "yeah she's been hiding it this whole time because society expects her to do it." techno, an adhd fella: "..phil where are the adoption papers-"
niki's confused by the end. why did nobody look at her? why did nobody maintain eye contact with her??? did they not like her?
but at the end phil explains that they thought that because she was an enderman hybrid she wouldn't like it (they're lying to not throw ranboo under the bus)
niki just stares, then starts to cry because holy Shit they are so nice
used to bite her tail as a way of self-harm. techno was VERY concerned when he saw the bite marks, but niki just lied and said that it was a dog attack
he knows for a fact it wasn't a dog because he's been bitten and his furniture has bites and it didnt look like that
more like that One Time when Ranboo bit him while he was in his enderwalk state
cue him connecting the dots and being like "...WAIT"
niki also really likes blocks. like we all know her city is weird in some parts because it's built with different blocks, signifying niki's jumbled up mind while planning to kill tommy. but in the enderman hybrid niki hc, its also partly because blocks feel nice and she wanted to feel different ones
her tail curls around the legs of people she likes. so far, it's gone around: wilbur, tommy n tubbo (those two specifically during pogtopia), fundy, eret, puffy and the rest of the syndicate
whenever puffy made her flustered she'd blush either green or pink. no inbetween. puffy was very confused and thought niki was disgusted by her at first and was all :(( before niki explained her wack biology
that's all i got for now im afraid!
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just-vibingfr · 3 years
Ok ok I want 23 13, and i forgot the number but it said like I’m sorry I’m such a burden so yea with jj maybank im a sucker for angst
Same! Like mood 25/8 is angst, angst, angst!
WARNINGS: Mentions of rape, suicide, self harm, close friends and family thinking you are a liar, ANGST ANGST ANGST, cursing, reader will be using They/Them pronouns.
A/N: I went really angst in this one, this will be all angst with no fluff, at all, like none. Please do not read if anything mentioned will trigger you. This is going to be one of the last OBX fics for a few weeks, I’m going to finish the other four requests I have then I will be writing some Harry Potter Marauders Era stuff! Thank you all for being so patient! I love you guys ❤️ 💕 Bold will be flashbacks!
Prompts- 13:God I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you. 23:I was kidnapped, I was r@ped! 49: I-I-I’m sorry I’m such a burden
Thirteen weeks. Thirteen fucking weeks. That’s how long it’s been since they went missing. God, all I can think about is our last conversation.
“I slept with her okay?! I cheated on you and I don’t regret it. At all. You have been nothing but a pain in my ass trying to fix me. Setting me in a path to what, redemption?! Well guess what it’s never gonna fucking happen because I’m a no good, dirty, pogue! My whole family has been doomed to live here, always poor, always a bunch of dead beat losers! I cant be fixed, this is my destiny, so go fuck yourself and you pathetic hopes and dreams and morals! Because none of us liked you anyways, we were only using you to help us grieve after we lost John B. He’s back now, so we don’t fucking need you okay?! I don’t need you! I never have and I never will!”, I ranted. I’m angry at my dad, angry at myself for cheating, angry at Rafe for getting away with everything, angry at Ward for being a bastard, angry at Y/N for making me fall in love with them. I am just so angry. I didn’t mean to take it out on them, but they were there. They’ve always been there even when I treated them like shit. That’s the problem, they were there. I don’t know what to do, I’m so used to pointless hook ups, empty relationships, and abusive behavior, that when someone puts me in a freaking pedestal like I’m actually worth something I flip. I have been looking down for the past five minutes. All I know is their muffled sobs, how their eyes are probably red rimmed and bloodshot, how they’re probably pulling on their wrists like they do when they’re stressed. If I look up I might just crack. “God I wish that you had thought this the before I went and fell in love with you!”, they screamed, letting out all of their emotions. “You said I was different, you said you saw a future together! You told me you fucking loves me! You fucking piece of shit! I hope you get everything you want in the sickest sense! I hope you remember me and feel nothing but pain and guilt! I’m done with you Maybank!”,Those words cut deeper than any blade or bullet could. Being told those venomous words by the person I love most in the world hurts, but I deserve it. I hurt them more than anything, I broke them.
But, now I see truth in their words. Every time I think of them all I can feel is pain, guilt, and remorse. It was all my fault.
I stumbled through woods. Safety. That’s all I can think. Safety. Safety. I kept stumbling around going anywhere, anywhere as long as it’s away from fucking Jules. That’s what they would call my kidnapper and rapist, Jules. He earned that name because he would take a piece of jewelry off of every virgin he raped. Pathetic. My lower half ached, my mind fuzzy, my wrists scarred. Thirteen weeks, that’s how long I’ve been missing. Thirteen weeks or rape and abuse. Twelve weeks of self harm. I started slitting vanes on my ankles, and the back of my knees, to feel something. Something other than the pain he caused. Self inflicted pain was a way out, a way to still have freedom and independence. Sick and twisted, I know, but it was my way of rebellion. I started to break down crying in the middle of, woods?! It these woods are familiar and I can hear the sound of the ocean. Outer Banks… Outer Banks! Thank God! I’m home. I’m safer, I’m back. I kept stumbling around, my tears making it harder to see. Up ahead I saw what looked like porch lights. “Help! Help!”, I yelled out, although the dryness of my throat mad it extremely difficult.I sped up, basically running to reach a sense of haven. Once I arrived at the house I realized where I was. The Chateau. Anywhere but here. But I needed help, and I was lucky I even found my way here. I knocked on the door, actually I pounded on the door. I was desperate. I heard shuffling and then the door opened revealing a very disheveled Pope, Kiara, Sarah, John B, and JJ.
“Y/N?! How-What-! Just- just come in!” Pope said frantically .
“What happened?!”, Kiara and Sarah said in unison. The boys nodding their heads in agreement to the question.
“I-erm- I was kidnapped, I was raped. I was held in a where house with the other girls. This bitch named Jules was the one in charge. He would take turn with the girls. It was terrifying. I thought he was going to kill me once he saw me helping one of the girls with her miscarriage. I had already had three or four myself and a few of the girls actually gave birth in that where house. The youngest to have a baby was eleven. Eleven fucking years old. I just ran out of the door one day, I got shot. It’s been a few days, maybe five or six? All I know is that I had to burn the wound to stop the bleeding. And I feel really sick right now. I think I’m going to vomit.”, I said before passing out.
I woke up in a hospital bed. The lights burning my eyes. The sheets clean. Someone had bathed me and changed my clothes. I felt clean, it felt good. Everyone scrambled to get up at my sudden consciousness. Looking at me with that pity in their eyes. That pitiful look that made me regret telling them. I didn’t want their fucking pity, I just wanted them to know I have new boundaries, and as my friends they deserved to know. The doctor came rushing in, asking me to explain what happened. I explained everything, the trauma bringing ugly sobs. I didn’t care. I had just been through hell and back, I was allowed to shed some god damn tears.
I was discharged later that day when they had diagnosed me with PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, and self harm. Yay. Weeks went by with my friends checking up on me, never leaving my side: I loved them all for it, but I could see the look of boredom in their eyes, the look that said as soon as I was good enough to be on my own they would leave me to my own devices. It hurt, everything did. I didn’t deserve to put them through this, watching me fall apart. I didn’t deserve this. I needed to end the pain. I had to. And I needed to do it now. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, went to the nearest flat surface and began writing.
“ I’m sorry I’m such a burden. But thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for supporting me. I didn’t really get to know you before John B and Sarah, I see that I really missed out on some good people. Kie, you have been nothing but amazing to me. I can’t thank you enough. Pope, you are like a workers mix of older brother, younger brother, and dad. It always amazes me how you can be protective as fuck, need protecting, and are always prepared with that mind of yours. JJ, I’m sorry. Sorry that we ended things on such terrible terms. You deserve the world and I couldn’t give that to you, I truly apologize for holding you back. But you did break me that night, I was going to end it then, but I was abducted. Ironic how I’m ending it now. I love you all and wish you the best! “
Love, Y/N ❤️
I folded the letter and set it on the island with the pen. Then I crawled into the tub, slit my wrists, and let the darkness take over, sweet, safe, darkness.
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polandspringz · 3 years
Going to liveblog watching Wishmaker since it’s in English:
First off it’s been so long since hearing everyone’s english voices it sounds so WEIRD now
Can’t wait for the headcanons about what job Adrien would have as an adult since most of us just made him Marinette’s model in our future fics/art
NO I knew we were going to get more clarity on Adrien’s thoughts this season about Ladybug not trusting him/choosing more heroes but NOT LIKE THIS
Plagg and Adrien... cheese shop AU
I’m sorry but all the Kwamis annoy me, like everytime they pop up to talk to Marinette girl must be so tired
ROAST HIM ANDRE- oh no is alec going to be akumatized
god the animation looks so good
shut up about the inner voice SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR INNER VOICE
who let this bitch in the career fair (alec)
where the fuck has this beach w palm trees been this whole time
okay what the fuck why is this episode so pretty
Luka you sound like a kingdom hearts character
the animation is so good! i can see the fabric detail on Luka’s soft denim jacket! everything is so good!
girl now is not the time to have a romantic crisis you can put your feelings on hold to talk to your friends
I’m kinning the three of them
Oh so Marinette got the Kwami of Creation bc she always wants to make “new things”
Luka when did you have an ahoge
OKay he has some rights he’s just way too poetic
oh violin time is it?
wow youtube apology levels here
is it just me or do the akuma’s look different now? like the markings on the wings?
Again the ANIMATION looks spectacular that even with
plot twist: luka dies from protecting them 
this lightning is too good something big is going to happen
(the parts i was watching skipped so I know Luka happens but they just said that)
If they have Luka to turn back time does that mean Luka is... going to see who is who- ONE FEAR
wow full transformation FUCK YEAH
Please tell me they actually use second chance, please tell me they actually use second hand PLEASE TELL ME-
fuck you luka i wanted a reveal
im so scared why do i feel like he’s going to refuse to be a mirauclous user ever again bc of this- or he’s going to DOUBLE DOWN on protecting both of them, geez luka and marientte and luka and adrien shippers won this episode
geez hawkmoth u overdramatic man
sass and tiki have to have a talk later
Marinette sounds like me- diagnosed with ADHD
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theonetrueemo · 4 years
⚠️Spoilers to Rocky Horror⚠️
Pointing out everything wrong (and right) with the 2016 Rocky Horror Picture Show, both my own opinion and actually compared to the original
I typed these as it was happening so they are all my first thoughts
Wrong: They didn’t have the iconic lips singing at the beginning.
Right: Ryan McCartan is Brad.
Wrong: It’s more modern.
Wrong: It’s too clean.
Right: They seem to have kept the original songs, and they gave credit to my boi for the shit.
Wrong: Riff Raff and Magenta didn’t sing the “Janet” and “Oh Brad” parts in the first song.
Right: Tim Curry is in this.
Wrong: They try too hard to talk like the right time period. It sounds unrealistic.
[(At Over At The Frankenstein Place) Oh he’s almost here my boiiiii Oh he sounds so good fuuuck]
[I can’t wait to hear Reeve sing Time Warp they better do it right fuuuck]
Wrong: They changed the music for time warp
Right: Reeve Carney
Right: Reeve Carney
Right: Reeve/Riff plays a guitar. Now that’s not in the og but holy shit, Reeve playing it as Riff ugh
[Reeve just got in that guys crotch the fuck...?]
[Reeve’s Riff Raff gives me major ADHD vibes]
Wrong: The songs are all different
[Its good as an adaptation, not a remake]
[Riff seems more attached to Frank’n’Furter in this than this original]
Right: Riff Raff is 100% babie
[Did Riff Raff just smack Frank’n’Furters butt???? Like, sexually?? I- What????]
[I genuinely think they were going for Riff has a crush on Frank’n’Futer. And that’s not a weird headcanon, it really does seeem like he was going for Frank’Futer. They way Riff looks at him and acts, and he looks at Rocky with a burning hatred in his eyes when rocky is with Frank’n’Futer. It’s weird. I’ll provide evidence in another post, and when I do I’ll link it here]
[Riff seems more sensitive. He has more raw emotions. Like he gets really excited and overly excited and he gets scared. In the og if I remember correctly he didn’t have as much emotion as Reeve does.]
[Like I said before, it’s good as an adaptation, not a remake]
Right: It has similar vibes to the og
Wrong: Rocky acts too animated and weird
Wrong: In the og it was Riff, Magenta and Columbia singing the backup vocals, not the entire ensemble.
Wrong: Casting Adam Lambert as Eddie was not a great choice. I love Adam Lambert but Eddie doesn’t fit him at all.
Wrong: Eddie is stabbed and falls out the window instead of being chopped up in a freezer.
[Riff just smacked Rocky’s ass lmao]
[Poor Riff he looked very uncomfortable in the elevator with Rocky and Frank’n’Furter]
Wrong: They really oversexualized this movie. It was already sexual but they really bumped it up a lot.
Right: Riff reading the que card lmao
[Hes reading fucking que cards lmfao it’s so obvious it’s hilarious]
Wrong: The scenes with Janet/Brad with Frank’n’Furter are just the same scene with the different partner
Wrong: I know this is an odd complain but Rocky’s shorts are wrong. In the original the shorts were iconic to the character and they changed them.
[I wonder how Richard O’Brien feels about this]
Wrong: They didn’t do the part where a bunch of characters say creature of the night wtf
[Poor riff getting his ass whipped lmao. In the og it was on his back not his butt]
[Heres something fun, the way Riff Raff dresses in this is very similar to how Reeve dresses in real life]
[Riff is me at birthdays lmao just mouthing the words and not singing]
[Okay here’s something. In the original movie I don’t think they ever say Riff’s name? And they never say he’s magenta’s brother in the actual movie. But in this one they do. To quote “Oh magenta I’m so great full for you and your brother Riff Raff”]
Wrong: Columbias singing voice is wrong.
Right: Ryan McCartan is really good as Brad. His voice is perfect.
Right: The girl that plays Janet isn’t bad
Wrong: there’s a band in the iconic radio thingy scene.
Wrong: Frank’n’Furter is a male or genderqueer presenting fem with male pronouns. The girl that played him is good and I think, again, as an adaptation it’s good. But not accurate to the original movie, that’s why I’m putting it as a wrong.
[Brad kissed Rocky...? Brad??? Brad?!]
Wrong: There’s too many people in the ending song. It should just be Columbia Rocky Brad Janet Frank’n’Furter and Dr Scott, then Riff and Magenta at the end, not the entire ensemble.
Wrong: The entrance wasn’t as dramatic but I’m willing to forgive because Reeve Carney
[Did riff try to look up Frank’n’Furter’s skirt and then shake his head like “No homo no homo-“]
Right: Reeve Carney is perfect as Riff, couldn’t choose anyone better.
Right: Riff Raff has more lines
[Riff Raff: Say goodbye to all of... *gesture to his ass* This~]
Wrong and right???: Riff is a lot more sensitive. He has more motivation to kill them because they always hurt him when he just wanted them to like him.
Right: Magenta and Riff do a little time warp reprise
Wrong: They should end the movie when Riff and Megenta leave, not with a final song from Brad and Janet
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cranehusbands · 4 years
for a charming guy, you suck at date nights
mirage | elliott witt/octane | octavio silva; established relationship; fluff; movie nights; adhd headcanons; 1388 words
a/n: 3 FOR 3! these just keep getting posted later and later, im so sorry about that, but i was trying out crossplay on apex today (!!!) and having a blast, i forgot how much fun this game can be with friends, hehe
anyways, day 3 for @apex-rarepairweek, movie night! featuring my very specific octane hcs about his hyperfixations where i am (we irritating) we Projecting. thank you again for these prompts guys, these were super fun!
likes < reblogs, any comments in the tags are appreciated
ao3 mirror in the reblogs!
Preview: “Uh, knock knock, comin’ through.” Octavio looked up, only just realising how badly he was chewing at his fingers as he saw Elliott struggling into the room, two drinks in hand and a bowl under his arm. “Oh, shit- sorry, didn’t hear you askin’ for help.” “You’re fine, babe, but thanks.” He gave a small smile of relief as the runner took the bowl from him, only for that to turn into a light scowl as he watched him scoop a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “C’mon, at least save it.” “S’good.” “Too hot?” Octavio didn’t reply, only slightly winced and turned away to put the bowl on the coffee table, and that was enough for the trickster to soften again, joining him on the loveseat (fitting, for a date night) as he slid the soda over to Octavio’s side, and kept the coffee for himself.
“You can sit down, you know that, right?”
The voice from the kitchen made Octavio look up from his shoes, kicking at the linoleum of the apartment’s entrance. He’d been standing there since Elliott had let him in a few minutes before, before he’d left to go make them drinks. “Uh, sí, just… waiting for you.”
“You, the Octane? Waiting? Thought hell’d freeze over before that happened.”
Though the legend scowled momentarily, hearing his boyfriend chuckle to himself from a distance was enough for him to relax the shoulders he didn’t know he was tensing, pulling his hands out of the pockets of his jacket to wring his hands. So he was a little nervous, sure. And he wasn’t coping well with it, yeah. But it was Elliott - just Elliott, not charming funny guy Mirage - and him here… though even that seemed like it was going to be a little too much.
 Like a lost and bewildered dog, he wandered into the living room, putting his bag down by the side of the sofa tossing his leather jacket across the back of it, fiddling with his gloves as he looked around. He’d been in this front room many times before, especially since they’d gotten together, though more often than not it had just been a segway to go out on a date, or further into the apartment, either option leading to a great time… but not tonight. Elliott wanted to stay in, do something cute (‘like normal couples do’ he’d said, as if they were anything close to normal), and had suggested watching a movie together. “You have a lot of those.” he’d chipped in, but he didn’t even know the half of it. 
 For a long time, Octavio had wasted his money on any old earth horror movie he could find. He had enough of it, seeing how as soon as he burned a hole in his pocket he earned back almost twice as much, but it made him happy - almost as happy as risking his life. He was sure Ajay was happy with the alternative, though impulsive spending was hardly an improvement. But for Octavio, the rush of happiness that came with another order or just watching the same movie over and over again was what he always needed, a tie over until the game the next day, or the stunt live on stream in the afternoon. 
 Maybe that’s why he was so wound up - he was baring his heart out here, and that wasn’t something he liked to do. He was the kind of guy to keep his cards close to his chest, and locked behind threads of chains, and the persona of a man who didn’t care what people thought of him, but still had no interests outside of what he did. And though, yes, the adrenaline rush and the cheer of the crowds was enough for him… movies like these kept him company on lonely nights with a nanny he didn’t care for, when his father had his nose too deep in work or another set of divorce papers.
 “Uh, knock knock, comin’ through.”
Octavio looked up, only just realising how badly he was chewing at his fingers as he saw Elliott struggling into the room, two drinks in hand and a bowl under his arm. “Oh, shit- sorry, didn’t hear you askin’ for help.”
“You’re fine, babe, but thanks.” He gave a small smile of relief as the runner took the bowl from him, only for that to turn into a light scowl as he watched him scoop a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “C’mon, at least save it.”
“Too hot?”
Octavio didn’t reply, only slightly winced and turned away to put the bowl on the coffee table, and that was enough for the trickster to soften again, joining him on the loveseat (fitting, for a date night) as he slid the soda over to Octavio’s side, and kept the coffee for himself.
“So, you wanted to be in charge of picking, right?”
“Uh, heh… yeah.” He twiddled his thumbs a little, before reaching over the side of the arm to grab his backpack, self-branded and decorated with merchandise of himself and his fellow legends, zipping it open and showing the contents, almost entirely packed with old DVDs.
“Oh, uh… woah.”
“I… couldn’t decide.”
“Yeah, clearly.” Elliott chuckled a little, looking up at Octavio’s slight frown, which really didn’t sit right on his face. “N-not that that’s bad, it’s just very… fitting, for you. Well, let’s see ‘em and then come to a decm- decrom- ...we can pick together.”
 He did as he was told, slowly giving a basic synopsis of each movie he found, recalling odd details and memories he associated with each one, almost forgetting that when it came to these things, he always revealed his full hand and heart in his excitement.
“Oh, this one is a three-parter, kinda like Saw in that it got criticised a lot for being ‘torture porn’ - it’s not… actually porn, it’s just a term for movies with a lot of graphic violence - b-but the endorsement of the first one from this director dude really carried it to cult status with some people. Oh, this one’s a Wes Craven classic- he did, uh-”
“Uhhhh, Elm Street, and Scream, yeah?”
“Sí, sí! This one kinda flopped, though. I still think it’s neat. Little boring sometimes.” He shuffled in his seat a little, carrying on digging through his bag. “Ah, this is a good one! Aliens in the school faculty tryin’ to kill everyone. Oh, oh, and this one’s got alien’s too, but it’s like… British, so there’s that - think it was important back then, ‘cos of stereotypes and- ah, shit, I brought Saw 6 but not Saw 7, I didn’t bring ‘em all ‘cos the first one is boring-”
“Tav, Tav, relax, buddy. Catch a breath.” Elliott laughed, watching Octavio’s expression shift to one of embarrassment as he deflated a little, movies still in his hands, leg bouncing.
“...Sorry, mi amor, you probably don’t-”
“Hey, of course I care. C’mere.” He wrapped his arms around the runner before he could finish, leaning in to pepper his cheek with kisses, making the man giggle a little, though still somewhat sheepish from his unhinged ramblings. “You’re so cute when you get excited, you know that, right?”
“You remind me every day, amigo.”
“I better. Just look at you.” Giving Octavio a playful cheek pinch, Elliott only laughed when the gesture was returned in kind by a soft shove. “Listen, we have all the time in the world. Just you and me tonight, remember? Pick your favourite, and let’s go from there, for as long as we can go. Sound good?”
Octavio slowly nodded, leaning into his boyfriend’s touch, the tension in his body relaxing a little at the comfort, sifting through the rest of the DVDs that he could barely fit into his backpack before he pulled one out from the back, a small grin on his face, showing the pumpkin on the cover to Elliott. “This one?”
“Gotta love the classics. You know where the player is.”
He practically shot off the sofa, almost dragging Elliott with him with the force as he launched himself towards the TV cabinet, pulling open the glass door where the old DVD player sat and prying open the case, barely able to contain himself as he put the disc inside and watched the machine eat it up. He’d seen this movie thousands of times before, he practically knew it by heart at this point, and his impression of the final girl was top-notch, but somehow, he knew watching it with Elliott would be so much better.
 Octavio crawled his way back onto the trickster’s arms, resting himself against his chest with his knees curled up, brought closer by an arm around his shoulder. He felt a gentle kiss on the top of his head and grinned to himself, focused on the moving image on the screen, any worries he had before seeming to drain away. Elliott has that effect, it seemed - enough that in the fourth movie in, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, even the sounds of snuff film murder and screams down the phone not enough to wake them from a lover’s embrace.
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Survey #439
“all the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, outrun my gun”
Have you written a letter to a soldier? No. Ever been in a perfect relationship? I thought so. But no, those don't exist. The last song you listened to? "Broadcasting From Beyond" by Motionless In White. Have you ever wished you could hurt somebody as much as they hurt you? I... have, but I don't wish that at all anymore. Has a dentist ever screwed up on anything when working on you? No. Would you rather be a successful writer or artist? Artist. Who are you in love with? Nobody. Does someone’s view on homosexuality affect how you feel about them in any way? It sure as fuck does. How about someone’s view on religion? Nah. Well, usually. It depends on the beliefs themselves and to what extremity. What is something you wear that others might consider unfashionable? Flipflops, like... year-round, lmao. What kind of pill did you last take? It's called Lamictal, the catalyst for my primary mood stabilizer. Do you like wearing glasses? No. I'd wear contacts if I had the patience and non-shaky hands. What first comes to mind when thinking of 10th grade? Jason. -_- That's the year we started dating. What’s the scariest thing that’s happened to you? A traumatic breakup. Has an ambulance ever came to your house? Yes, for my mother. The person you’re thinking about - what are you thinking about them? Well, because you mentioned him, I'm thinking about Jason and just how I fucked shit up 'n stuff. How many different cars have you driven? Uhhhh I want to say two? But maybe just one? Was the last person you hung out with single? I guess that would be my mom, in which case yes. Have you ever attended a private school? My last college was a private school, yes. Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No, and for that I am incredibly grateful. Have you ever cooked for anyone other than yourself? Yeah. I've made scrambled eggs for my family before as breakfast, and I did the same for Sara, too. Would you rather live in the city, the suburbs, or the rural area? Ugh, take me back to the middle of nowhere, please. :/ Do you know someone who is really ambidextrous? Sara! Are you adopted? No. Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Probably one of my nieces or nephew. Can you write your name in a foreign language? Uh, I think? In the German alphabet, "y" isn't actually a letter, and my name is Brittany, so I'm not entirely sure if it would be spelled that same way or not, but I think so. Who is the person you often go to for venting? My mom. Was the last person you kissed male or female? Female. Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? No. That shit can scar people (aka me) so goddamn deep when they don't mean it anymore. What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? Things I wrote to Jason in letters after the breakup. I would literally give a limb (no, I'm not exaggerating) to take it back. There are times I actually do wonder if we would've gotten back together if I wasn't just... a bitter and ridiculously hurt fuck that took it all out on him. Do you like vanilla? Yes. Do you own a bean bag chair? No. I actually do want one for my extra room/"office," though, to read on. Have you kissed any friends on your Facebook? Yeah. Do you get snow where you live? Occasionally, but it's very rarely a lot. What’s your favorite flavor of Doritos? Cool Ranch. Do you ever worry about what the world will be like when you have kids? Good thing I ain't havin' 'em. Have you ever seen a hippo in person? Yes. Do you like the band A Skylit Drive? I've actually only heard their "Love The Way You Lie" cover, which I do like. Have you ever been to any professional sports games? Yeah, with my dad. What’s the most boring sport to watch? Golf. But I don't particularly enjoy any. Do you like lip rings on the opposite sex? MHMMMMMMMMMMMMM. If you suddenly went deaf, what would be your most missed sound? Music. Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? If I actually wanted a dog, a Rottweiler. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional, for sure. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Zoo. Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? I know damn well I'd say yes to Jason in a heartbeat. Literally before even getting to know the current him. That's how emotionally attached I am to him, even with the trauma. I'd get back together with Sara if/when we both are more stable emotionally and with clear direction, which is mostly on my end now. I also don't think I'd be ready until one of us is able to move for the other. Is there a certain quote you live by? No. Do you have any tattoos? I have some, but not nearly enough. :( Are you friends with the last person you kissed? She's my bestie! :') Green or purple grapes? I don't really have much of a preference, so long as they're crisp. What is your ringtone? Just something that came with the phone. If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? Fuck no. What is something you wish you had more of? Adventure, for one. Have you ever trusted someone too much? JASON. HOLY FUCK. It was FACT to me that we would, could, never break up. It just... wasn't possible in my head. It was like breaking the laws of the world. When he told me he loved me and would never leave, I believed that shit as if it was God himself promising that. I've never and will never trust someone like that ever again, because it wasn't healthy in the slightest. Do you sleep with your window open? Noooo, that would freak me out. Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? Yeah; Tyler had snakebites. Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No; we live in different states. Whose was the last funeral you attended? Ummm I'm actually not sure. Do you avoid using public restrooms? Yes. Do you like eggnog? Nooooo. Who is the person you dislike the most? It's so fucking stupid... I know it is STILL the girl Jason dated after me. I don't even think they're together anymore, so why the fuck does it matter? I know NOTHING about this poor girl that just found someone she really liked and got dumped FOR THE SAME REASON AS ME. It shouldn't fucking matter, at all, but it still does in my head. Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? No, because I don't have an income. What is your favourite way to eat rice? As pork fried rice. What is the longest relationship you’ve ever been in? Over 3 1/2 years with Jason. Do you currently have any alarms set? No. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Barely even two. What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Pokemon. Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? I don't like chili. Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? Not EVERYTHING, no. I wouldn't tell her anything at all unless she asked. I don't like talking about that stuff. Have you ever been in a car wreck? Yes. Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? Yes, which was absolutely, utterly ridiculous. Has anyone ever called you a sociopath before? No. Has anyone ever taken your own clothes off you before? Yes. Is there someone you want to kiss right now? Probably always will. -_- Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one? Ha ha no, but my little sister used to love to have little ones with her Disney princesses plastic tea set. She would always ask Mom or me to have one with her. Have you been called a tease? Only playfully. Did you kiss the last person you really wanted to kiss? Yes. Would you ever go to a protest or be involved in a protest? So long as it was peaceful, yes. When playing rock, paper, scissors, which do you usually pick? Scissors. Have you ever tried to write a book? Yes, when I was younger. Have you ever been hit by a chunk of hail? No. Is it true that if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love another? Absofuckinglutely not. I'm proof of that. That idea is such bullshit. Do you share a bed with anyone? Just my cat. Who is one very unique celebrity/musician/whatever that you love? MARKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Could you handle babysitting two small children at once, such as two children under three years old? OH FUCK NO. Would you say that people consider you a major flirt? Definitely not. Do any of your friends have children? Yes. Would you rather cry in public or make someone else cry in public? I would FAR rather cry myself. I would feel so, so bad for making someone else cry, not even just in public. Would you rather re-live today forever or not live? Not live. Would you rather be just rich or rich and famous? Just rich. Who was the last person of the opposite sex to be in your bedroom? My nephew, I believe. He and Aubree wanted to see the snake. What’s your favourite kind of Cap’N Crunch? The "All Berries" one. What is your favourite Pepsi product? Mountain Dew. Is the computer you’re using yours? Yes. Do you get upset when a dog jumps on you? Not at all. I got used to that, and besides, it's cute to see them so excited. Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? World of Warcraft, sometimes. I usually play it daily, but there are some days where I just am not interested in it. What do you like on your pizza? Meats and/or jalapenos. Do you get breadsticks with your pizza? Mom usually gets 'em, yeah. Did you ever have a waterbed? Yeah. Not one anyone slept on regularly, but just like, a plastic one or whatever the material was to sleep in if someone was staying over. What toy from your childhood do you miss? I wish I didn't get rid of my big crocodile toy that I was obsessed with. :'( He was like the main character in the world I made up for him and his family. Have you ever been to a rock concert? Yeah. \m/ What is your religion? None. Do you like listening to love songs? Meh, I have to be in the mood, plus it depends on the song. A lot of them trigger me. What is one meal that you like to eat while sick? I'm nervous to eat when I'm sick, so I mostly just have saltine crackers and ginger ale. Have you ever fed bread to ducks or geese? Yeah, when I was a kid and didn't know it was bad for them and the water. I never would now. The name of the last board game that you played? I think it was "Sorry!" with the kids. Has anyone ever commented on your weight? I mean, doctors, but not in a judgmental, belittling way. Just in a way that expressed concern for my health. Have you ever thought about joining the military? NOOOOOOOOOO. Have you ever felt like you were going out of your mind? Yes. And I don't mean that as an exaggeration; I believe I've literally qualified as insane at a point after the breakup. I was so fucking delusional and desperate and just going in circles. Are you ever jealous of happy couples? Meh, sometimes. Lately, who has spent the most time on your mind? Take a guess. .-. It's been pretty bad lately. Do you ever feel like someone would be disappointed to see your body or are you comfortable with your body enough where you don’t think that? I have a HORRIBLE body image. My body fucking disgusts me. I don't even like my mother seeing me get changed or anything like that. I don't want ANYBODY seeing me naked. What is your favorite flavor of Monster? I don't like any that I've ever had a sip of. Have you ever ran from the police? No. That never goes well. Do you have any trophies? Yeah. Do you like screamo music? No. What does your wallet look like? It's a checkered Harley Quinn one. Is there something nobody knows about you (and what)? Yes. Why would I share that if I don't want anyone to know? Does your family have a secret? No. Do you do anything to help the environment? We recycle. Mom also cuts up those plastic things that come with soda bottles packed together, as well as some other plastic wrappings. We are both disgusted by people who litter, so we avoid that. I also try to conserve water where I can, like by turning the sink off when I brush my teeth. There are other little things, but I wish I did even more. Do you like to take pictures of yourself? FUCK NO. It is so rare I do that nowadays. When/where are you most likely to sing? The car. Would you ever wish to explore a cave? OH MY GOD, PLEEEEEAAAAASE <3 What is the most illegal thing you’ve done? Pirated an expensive editing software, oops. :x Have you ever seen somebody get shot? LKJ;ALSDJFA;JWELKRJLW;Q NOOOOOOOOO.
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strykingback · 3 years
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Ok... Gotta say my Farewell to Vol 8. So If you dont like  what Im about to say best click off now or ignore it.
Ok so you decided to click on it,  Alrighty brace yourself 
This entire Arc was just fucking horrendous. No joke, this entire arc was just garbage entirely, no joke. The way how they made Ironwood into a cartoon villain making him into some albeist joke of people who are diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, Actual Amputees’, etc. This was meant to be A FUCKING WAR ARC!!!
Which means I expected these few things from this Arc even though I was not watching it.
- Plenty of Character Deaths ranging from Main, Secondary, and Tertiary Characters.
- Stakes at An All New High. 
- Characters being forced to make tough decisions or risks that fail or pay off.
- Uneasy Alliances being forged.
- Tensions between Team RWBY, Ironwoods Group, and Salems. 
Instead We Got: 
- Ironwood being “villainized” even further instead of turning him into a morally-grey villain. 
- Team RWBY “winning” through plot armor and bad writing like the Mary Sues they are. 
- Bumbleby Ship-Baiting... AGAIN. (Seriously. . . fuck off) (No hate to anyone who ships BB but at this point it was seriously getting annoying and tiring)
- Salem Just Getting Merked... NOT ONCE FOLKS. BUT TWICE!!!
- The Hound Getting Merked.....
Seriously no joke, this was such a bullshit, deadbeat volume. No joke it makes me so frustrated to see that this entire Volume was fucked up to no end. Yangs and Rubys argument did not feel like an actual fucking argument. 
What I expect from an argument was four things.
- Calling them Out On Their Actions. 
- Person A and B Debating About their Actions/Decisions which said argument intensifies. 
- Person A or B Starts a fight after saying something that pisses one of them off
-  Fight Between A and B, Totally Optional to have a bystander such as C or D end the Fight. 
Instead we get....a simple Argument that barely intensifies and only has Yang calling Ruby out on her abilities being a leader of a team. We should have Ruby also calling out Yang for sharing the information to Robyn and her “Happy Huntresses.” Which should’ve escalated to the point where Ruby says.  “Well that Gung-Ho Attitude is what caused you to lose your Arm!!” 
or Yang saying: 
“Well If you didn’t decide to...Oh I dont know have our faces pasted on EVERY VIRTUAL BOARD IN ATLAS FOR YOUR SHIT DECISIONS!” 
Not to mention to have Blake ,Weiss, and the Rest of ORNJ just look in awe or shock.... at seeing them argue to the point where they start fighting SERIOUSLY THATS WHAT A FUCKING ARGUMENT IS MEANT TO FEEL LIKE IN A WAR ARC!!!!
Moving on from that... anyways Cinders Past was just so so so SO LAZY.....
No joke her past was so boring it was to the point where I found it just uninteresting at all. Yet that brings up a good point hat I said once and I will say again. “How Come the FNDM praises Women that get beaten and show love to them rather than Men who also get abused like Adam whose EYE WAS BRANDED and MERCURY WHOSE LEGS WERE BROKEN BY THE FEMUR NO LESS.”
No joke for her it was just... a shock collar and she was berated verbally.....You know this actually makes Ellie from Last of Us Part 2 Look Better than Cinders. (Yeah I went there!)
Like if you want to do Twisted Cinderella with some RWBY Vibes.... heres how you do it. 
- Have Cinder be in Awe at the Sight of a Huntsman or Huntress fighting which inspires her to be a Huntress when Reeves finally tells her she can be one. 
- Show that Reeves does care about her and when he falls ill and dies Cinder is berated even more by the twins and the proprietor where she was enslaved. 
- What Finally causes her to snap and kill everyone was when she finds out her “sisters” burned her Academy Approval letter on their mothers order causing her to kill and murder which she is later on arrested and then bailed out by Watts who leads her to Salem. 
Finally SALEM. Oh God how did they fuck up with Salem?! I will admit there was some moments that spooked me. However it was not enough to make me feel nervous for the characters as a whole. 
Like for example I expected her to wipe the floor with Atlas’ forces and just seriously showing destruction and chaos arriving. Instead last season it looked like she was JUST APPROACHING THE CITY. 
Which would have been a “Race Against The Clock/War” Volume since Salem would have begun her destruction of Atlas and even forcing her way into Atlas.... and then suddenly Hazel performs a Heel-Face-Turn that suddenly screams BS because seriously he should’ve had some sort of a better redemption that felt built up, then she gets  BURNED THEN NUKED BY OZPINS MAGICAL CANE OF SUPERPOWERED BULLSHIT. Which Held enough magic to unleash it....which could have been used during the BATTLE OF BEACON. However, I wont complain about it why?
Cause, I think the major reason is because If he were to use it in there he would be revealing Beacon’s Relic Vault as well to Cinder which she can use to open it and take the Relic of Choice. Which I believe was a pragmatic choice because you also have to think of the people who are still trying to escape or evacuating at the moment. 
Now the ultimate disrespectful thing the CRWBY did for their “Design a Grimm” contest was the Sulfur Fish. 
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However what does CRWBY do instead of giving a Full Scene where we see its Forms or attacking other soldiers/people. 
It gets... *Drumroll*
A Cameo sequence...thats it. A Cameo....Wow CRWBY you are shit. Just absolutely shit at writing and even giving the winner of the Design-A-Grimm Contest Winner an actual shot...while you overwork your animators giving Anxiety Disorders or PTSD. Great Show. 
 TL;DR: RWBY Volume 8 was one of the most boring, shittiest, and a snoozefest of a volume with such bad writing that it makes even watching The Last of Us Part II look good! 
If you are planning on dropping RWBY let me offer you an Alternative. 
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Say hello to Meta Runner! A series that I find to be a favorite of mine and one that is actually better than RWBY’s garbage ass bullshit writing. 
To give you a brief synopsis, This series follows Tari a girl who wakes up in Silica City without any memory of what has happened except some brief flashbacks. To which TasCorp the antagonistic corporation seeks to use her for entertainment, while there is a mystery element about a famous gamer gone missing... and its up to Tari and the help of a Resistance force to find out this mystery. 
This series is done by Glitch Studios which many do know them as...drumroll please!  *drumroll*
The Youtubers SMG4! Who is well known for doing GMOD Shitposts! 
Its actually quite relieving to see a series that these two brothers actually want to share with us! They dont want to do it for money or for anything just for the sake of a good story! 
Oh did I forget to mention that Meta Runner is backed by:  Epic Games
AMD Lastly.... and hold onto your butts...
You know you hit it big WHEN THE GOVERNMENT BACKS YOUR SERIES!!! Come On you cant help but smile at that! So far the Third Season is being worked on at the moment but no release date at the moment so it could be sometime this year or next year. 
So if you have any plans on watching that I highly recommend giving it a watch. Anyways 
Fuck RWBY Volume 8. Fuck the Canon. Fuck Everything about RWBY!
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The thing is, I’m not entirely sure I remember how to dream. How to write. How to imagine anything independently of a world created by someone else, in their mind.
I’ve grown so used to hanging my dreams on what other people have created for me that I don’t know if that person is still in there.
That weird little girl, who peeled acorns for squirrels, and walked in circles over and over and over again on the roots of the big oak tree. She had a big imagination. She told herself all sorts of stories.
Was it just because I couldn’t play the other games? Too slow - reflexes and running. Too weak - climbing, throwing, running, playing.
(Or was it because I wasn’t allowed to — couldn’t — play those games? I have a few dim memories of trying to play and being sent away. They’re dim though. I stopped asking.)
Or was it simply that I was filling time? Waiting until I could go back into a world I could navigate a little better than the playground?
Sometimes, though, I was waiting. Hoping, really.
More than a few times.
A lot.
I hoped, I thought, maybe - maybe if I walk in the right way, I’ll hear the trees laughing, like Anne told Diana about. Maybe they’ll talk to me. Maybe a faerie will come creeping out from a little crevice and wave, winking. Maybe a squirrel will come crawling down the wrinkled bark while I watch, and take the little heap of acorn meat I’d left for him. Maybe there’s a tiny scrap of magic somewhere in the world that I just haven’t found yet.
I haven’t had dreams for a long time. That’s what happens when your dreams have expiration dates. I’ve already missed most of mine.
Never really even came close.
I had a “schedule” that makes me want to cry to think of it. Meet someone in college or shortly after. Get married by 25, so we would have a few years together after college. Have our first child by 27, because mom always said I should start having babies by 30 if I really wanted to have more than one and space them out.
I’m 28. I’ve never had a real relationship with anyone, romantic or platonic. I’ve never had a best friend who would place me on the same importance as I would them.
I have borderline personality disorder. I have adhd. I am on the autism spectrum. I have depression and anxiety so severe they cripple me. More than one of these things may be false. The symptoms are nearly indistinguishable once you have more than 2. No one will give me a straight answer, and no two doctors can agree.
Added onto years of emotional and mental abuse - which is what it was, wasn’t it. Maybe because I’m autistic, maybe it really was that bad. Neglect, sure. Public humiliation, that happened too, I’m pretty sure. Being told flat out that I was stupid and fat and ugly and I was lucky to have any friends at all so maybe I should just shut up and sit down before I ended up with none.
I’m pretty sure that happened. I don’t really remember it though. I don’t really have any memories at all.
Supposedly that’s something that happens with “complex post traumatic stress disorder,” which generally crops up when a person is systematically ground down for a long time until there is nothing left but the stories they told themselves when they tried to explain to the fake audience in their head who they were. How they got that way.
I don’t know who I was, who I could have been if I hadn’t had the life I did. Maybe my memories are skewed.
My therapist didn’t seem to think so, but she also sometimes seemed to think I was full of shit. That’s probably me reading too much into things again. That’s what I do.
Was it really that bad? I remember a lot of screaming, and crying, and hiding, and wishing I was dead or that someone would just hit me already so I would have something to say, to tell people other than “they yell at me and make me cry and sometimes they grab my arms and shake me and sometimes they tell me they’ll throw me out onto the street to fend for myself and sometimes they tell me they love me so much they’re so sorry and then sometimes they cry”.
But how much of that was me? How much was that my perception of things? Am I really that crazy, or have I really been gaslit that much? Is it gaslighting if they didn’t even realize how much pain they caused you, which is why they say “it wasn’t that bad stop exaggerating”?
Did I imagine all of it?
If I did, if I didn’t, what was real? What had the weight I felt it carry? What should have been a minor blip in my life but instead metastasized into a catastrophe?
I don’t know. Maybe I never knew. Reality hasn’t ever been my friend.
Fantasy is so much better.
It’s painful now, though. To read some of these stories, these books I used to adore.
Stories about Mature Adult Women of 25! Whole! Years! Going on adventures and meeting their soulmates and having wonderful happy lives.
I’m spiraling. It’s late. I’m tired and a little high, wishing I was higher and maybe I wouldn’t be so bored.
Bilbo was middle aged, wasn’t he? When he went on his adventure? He had an adventure, and then he came home and had a long, rich, happy, lonely, bitter life. Hmm. Perhaps the one ring is not the best foundation for a guiding principle.
I went to law school because I’d come to the end of every plan I actually had. (You don’t really plan for a future when you’ve been suicidal since before puberty.) I figured I’d get to read and write at least reasonably interesting things, make good money, maybe even make a difference.
I’ve been a paralegal for the same law firm I worked for right out of college for two years now and I have never felt more like a shambling corpse.
When I graduated from college, I couldn’t get a job. Could I have tried harder? Sure. Is executive dysfunction a bitch? You bet.
So I worked for a family friend’s law firm. Personal injury and medical malpractice. She’s the mother of my older sister’s oldest best friend and has employed all of my mother’s three daughters.
She’s also a heinous bitch and a terrible boss. Her employees have a shelf life of about 2 years. I’ve hit my expiration date. Once you’ve audibly cried during a phone conference, you’re really near the bottom. Once she decides you suck at your job, there’s no coming back. Either you quit or you get fired. She prefers when people quit so she can blame them and not feel guilty. So she just increasingly treats people worse and worse until they quit in self defense.
I worked for her for a year. It was awful. I became an alcoholic and gained 25+ lbs.
I decided to go to law school.
I moved to New Orleans.
I made friends. I had an apartment all to myself. I had a life I actually enjoyed.
Then I graduated.
And I couldn’t get a job again.
(Of course, all of this is underpinned with my cyclical periods of intense illness, often accompanied by being hospitalized and missing long periods of school. In college and in law school, actually.)
(All the cocaine and drinking didn’t help either.)
(Ah, New Orleans. How I miss thee.)
So I ended up at the same firm again. Living with my parents. Again.
Then I passed the bar.
Now I’m doing the same work as my younger sister, for the same amount of money. (When she graduated from her masters program and was unemployed for 6 months, I convinced my boss to hire my younger sister again, and my sister to work for my boss again after a semi-disastrous summer job.)
(To be fair, while I’m technically a licensed attorney, she has a masters in education, so it’s not like there’s a massive education disparity here.)
(It doesn’t help that I’m barred in a different jurisdiction than the one my firm typically works in, so there aren’t any cases I can really work on as an attorney, and then on top of that my bosses don’t want to pay for malpractice insurance for me so I’m not allowed to practice as an attorney or put that I’m an attorney or call myself an attorney or even put in my letterhead that I’m licensed in the District of Columbia.)
Then there was a pandemic, and I decided I probably shouldn’t try to make a huge life change during a pandemic.
The pandemic is still fucking here. Nearly. Two. Years. Later.
So I guess I have to make a new plan.
Can I be a lawyer? I guess we’ll see.
I don’t really want to, though. I’m burned out and I wasn’t even practicing.
I want to move to a beach and write a novel and actually have a life I enjoy.
The problems with this plan are numerous. Not only is inertia an incredibly powerful enemy of mine, but I’ve lost all imagination.
I cannot imagine a future in which I am happy. Will I kill myself? Probably not, at least not for a long while. I’ve thought too long and hard about the long-lasting, far-reaching repercussions it would have. (Say what I will about my family, at least it’s always been clear that my death is NOT an acceptable outcome.)
I want to find my imagination again. I want to be able to imagine not only a future in which I am happy, but other futures, other worlds. I want to be able to dream, not only for me, not only for reality, but for unreality. I want to create worlds in my mind again, and allow them to take whatever shapes they wish.
I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if all those horrible teachers, all those “peer editors” in fucking elementary school were right, and my story ideas are hackneyed and overwrought.
Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if they were wrong. Wouldn’t it be nice, to start writing, and to find that my imagination didn’t go so very far.
It’s been hiding in the intertwined branches of a birch grove, slim and tall and ringing with laughter. In the space between stars. Down the path shaded with wisteria and jasmine and honeysuckle, where the scent and the heat and the humidity are so thick you can feel the heavy perfume coating your lungs. Tucked away, safe, waiting to peek out. Waiting to creep down the wrinkled bark of a huge old oak and wink at the little girl playing among its roots.
I hope it is there. I hope I can find it.
I’ll keep you posted.
This is my own personal void to yell into, after all.
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