#but y’all have also just about completely ruined what it means to have fun online
luvsailor · 1 year
oh man,, being away from tumblr the majority of the time has definitely changed the chemistry of my brain, but now that i’m quite literally forcing myself to use twitter less i wonder if i can sorta change it back
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deluluonmyback · 5 months
impulsivity in bpd can be cutting and dyeing your hair, but it’s also frying and destroying your hair to a point where it’s completely ruined and you’re self conscious of it everyday.
impulsivity in bpd can be having an attitude and saying some petty things to people, but it’s also ruining every good friendship and relationship you’ve ever had and you can’t stop yourself from sabotaging everything, so you end up alone in a deep pit.
impulsivity in bpd can be having some drinks, doing dr*gs, or having a lot of meaningless sex. but it’s also relying on drinking and dr*gs so much that you’re completely off your face all time and it ruins your image and every aspect of your life. and it’s also no one wanting a relationship with you because you “sleep around” or “probably have an std”.
impulsivity in bpd can be browsing an fps facebook. but it’s also stalking their every move online and their every step in the real world constantly because you need them so bad. you can’t live without knowing if they’re okay, knowing what they’re doing, knowing if they’re leaving you for someone else, etc.
the list goes on. us borderlines post a lot of shit about bpd, and in my personal case, laughing it off and sharing it to others makes me feel a bit better and i know that it makes others feel less alone knowing that other people are doing the same horrendous shit. but stop romanticising being obsessive, quirky, impulsive, and having an attitude. it’s fucking painful. the emotional aspect is PHYSICALLY painful. watching the world crumble around us because most of us can’t fucking stop ourselves is painful. the withdrawals from substances, s/h, etc because we are so prone to addiction is PAINFUL. i’m all for supporting our fellow borderlines and cluster b peoples, but STOP self diagnosing to be “trendy”. i’m not on about self diagnosing, etc if you’re certain and it means you’re getting the support that you absolutely need. everyone is deserving of help, whether healthcare wants to agree or not, EVERYONE deserves the help they need. but stop trying to make bpd sound fun. being euphoric is fun, the rest of it IS NOT. ITS FUCKING PAINFUL. thank u bye 💕
(ps. i hate making rant posts about this, but seeing people act like bpd is a “fun choice” in life pisses me the fuck off, every day is just pure fucking suffering. the people romanticising and hyping this shit up are the same people who will talk shit about any cluster b who is showing symptoms or having one hell of an episode. but this NEEDS to be out there x)
(edit: the amount of support i’ve had on this is unreal 😭❤️ i tried to word this the best i can but when i have a lot to say it often comes out making no fucking sense at all or something comes off the wrong way. i saw someone reply about the yanderes shit. I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. i don’t know why the fuck people fetishise it, it makes me feel disgusting to have an fp even if i’m keeping as far away from them as possible. and also the “euphoric is fun”, i still do a lot of embarrassing and over the top shit when i’m euphoric that i regret. but in the moment, the happiness i feel i just embrace now because it’s not been often that i ever get to feel like that. thank you so much for the likes and reblogs, i really hope this post has helped y’all. I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️)
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Game Night! Teku Edition!
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde & Karma Eiss)
+Bonus Round
(Brian Kadeem & Banjee Castillo)
Nolo Pasaro - Growing up, Nolo had a pack of Bicycle brand playing cards and a dream. Now, he can run a whole game night with nothing but that same pack of cards. In fact, he does it regularly. Poker, Rummy, War, you name it. He knows the rules like the back of his hand. His all time favorite however, is Spoons. No matter who’s playing, it always gets absurdly intense. He loves watching everyone scramble to snatch a spoon when a suit of four is thrown down. The Teku are definitely intense, but it only gets worse when the rivalry between them and the Metal Maniac turns friendly, and they start getting invited to join. On the other hand, watching Mark practically throw himself over the table in an effort to snatch a spoon before his brother could grab one has got to be one of the funniest things he’s ever witnessed.
Very Wheeler - Skate 3 connoisseur. Vert fucking LOVES Pictionary. Like I don’t know to explain to y’all how hard this dude laughs watching people’s interpretations of what the original prompt was devolve into sometimes completely unrelated or ridiculous. Vert has even taken to throwing in some of his own prompts just to mix the game up a bit. For example- “Worlds Greatest Driver” was a prompt that Kurt got to start with. Obviously, he drew a stick figure version of himself. Mark was right after him, so seeing the shitty stick version of his brother, he just wrote down “bastard.” It devolved further from there. Another fun one was when Banjee got the prompt “Fast & Furious” and forgot that the movies existed, so he just drew Taro under the pretense that he fit description.
Shirako Takamoto - Shirako is a master at Mario Party. It’s gotten to the point where it’s basically everyone vs. Shirako whenever they play. He’s just too good at all the mini games. They will actively try and sabotage him and it doesn’t even matter, he’ll still end the game with the most stars collected. He has the strats!!! On top of that, he’s also unusually good at Scrabble for some reason. People assume it has something to do with all the music he listens to, but really he just plays it online all the time, so when game night rolls around he just destroys everyone. Vert lost his mind when Shirako played the word “quixotic” once. He was convinced Shirako was just making up words for high scores, but lo and behold, they looked it up and it’s a legal word to play!
Kurt Wylde - King of pit maneuvering people off the track ironically enjoys the game Sorry. The joy he feels booting someone back to the start is only matched by the excitement he feels during a race. He literally is such a rude bastard (lovingly). He is 100% the type of player to always boot the same person back to start just to mess with them. In his mind, less competition means a better chance at winning. Uno is a very close second. He will legit sit on those +2 & +4 cards and just wait to ruin someone’s day. “Oh you’re about to call uno? Go ahead and pick up the whole deck.” Like Vert, he also takes some liberties with those ‘make your own rule’ cards. They’re always so targeted too. Stuff like ‘let Monkey drive your car or pick up 25 cards’ and ‘get Taro to talk for more than 5 minutes or swap a hands with who’s losing.”
Karma Eiss - Battleship baby!! She is the queen of strategy games especially when it comes to stuff that involves reading people. Like, by the time someone hits one of her ships, she’s usually got half their fleet wiped out. People have tells. The closer she is to whoever she’s playing with, the faster the game goes. Particularly with people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Vert and Nolo are the easiest to beat by far. Vert always tries to laugh or talk about something else when Karma hits close to one of his ships and Nolo over compensates. Kurt’s a little harder to beat because he’s got a pretty good poker face, but Shirako is definitely the hardest. Due to him constantly just vibing, he’s nearly impossible to read.
Bonus Round
Brian Kadeem - Kadeem’s a big Jenga guy. It’s so simple, yet so fun. His favorite part is when the tower is getting ridiculous tall and precarious so anytime anyone reachers for a block everyone goes silent and tense, watching to see if they’ll be next person to knock it down. It helps that Kadeem has impressively steady hands too. Like, this dude could have been a doctor if he really wanted to. Twister comes in at a close second. I feel like Kadeem is pretty flexible so the game is more entertaining than it is challenging. He loves being the one to spin the wheel because it gives him time to cackle at his friends getting all twisted up. Seriously, halfway through the game when everyone’s practically stacked on top of each other, Kadeem is usually laughing so hard that he’s on the ground with them.
Banjee Castillo - Banjee is the literal king of Mario Cart. He loves it so much he will unironically put on the Coconut Mall theme song sometimes while he’s driving. He swears it makes him go faster. It definitely doesn’t, but don’t tell him that. Banjee always knows the best cart combos and where all the best short cuts are. He usually finishes WAY ahead of all the other drivers, which always leads to some light hearted banter about how he should be as good as he is in the game on the actual track. Sometimes, he will purposely hang back or false start so that way he can use items to mess with the other players. Red shells are the best but after hours of gameplay, Banjee has gotten deadly accurate with the green shells too. Nobody is safe.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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Prompt: “Can you do a mob!Roman Reigns x Pregnant Reader where they are in a meeting and someone disrespects her?” Requested by the lovely @purpledragon04 (I’m also tagging my girl @ziasaph ‘cuz she wants all Roman related stories...and I can relate babe! Hahaha)
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Mob!Roman Reigns x Pregnant Reader
Warnings: Mob themed related subjects(drugs/gun),cursing,explicit violence,mentions of murder,harassment.
Notes: I’ve always wanted to write something Mob!Roman related but I’ve never had any good ideas,until the amazing @purpledragon04 request this. I’ve had some free time today so I dedicated to write this.So there you have it, I hope you like it babe.🥰 Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I woke up as soon as the smell of fresh toast and scrambled eggs filled the bedroom, I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful man holding a tray fool of food,shirtless and barefooted with his hair down,only in a pair of black sweatpants that hanged dangerously low on his hips.
“Good morning baby girl” He softly smiles
“Good morning Ro”
He placed the tray of food on top of the bed on his empty side and approached me kneeling on one knee,placing one big hand on my round belly,pecking my lips,looking at my bump and asking in a soft voice
“And how are we feeling today?” While he rubbed and gave light pecks all around my belly.
“So far so good!” I answered as I ran my fingers through his thick,silky,dark hair.
“Good” he pecks my lips “ ‘cuz I’ve brought us some food”
He got up and walked to his side of our king size bed,placed the tray next to me so he could sit on the bed.
Ever since we’ve found out I was pregnant Roman did this same morning ritual every day without a fail! He would wake up before me and cook himself our breakfast. And to be honest I don’t know how he could do it,for 6 months straight now,every single day. It mesmerized me how much dedication he had with my and the baby’s well being.
“What did I do to deserve you?To deserve this everyday?” I honestly asked while I pointed to the tray
He shyly smiled and I could swear he blushed before answering “Baby girl,you’re making a big deal out of nothing really,it’s a simple gesture that I like to do,because I love you and our little bundle of joy” He rubbed my bump “I just like to take care of you both that’s all...now let’s eat before the food gets cold”
I smiled and took a good look on the tray,there was scrambled eggs,plain toast and toast with jam,fruit salad,water,coffee and juice. I eagerly reached for the coffee when...
“Nu uh! You’re not drinking that missy!” He took the coffee out of my sight “I’ve made you some peach juice and there’s water.”
I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh before saying “The doctor said that I had do control the amount of caffeine I drink and not to totally quit it,you know?”
“First things first,don’t roll you eyes at me missy. Secondly yours and the baby’s health comes in first place,so that means no caffeine for you”
“But I-“
“There’s no arguing about it! Now drink your juice and eat your breakfast!”
“Whatever you say,dad” I scoffed
He briefly chuckled and said “Don’t you worry baby girl, later tonight, I’m sure the same words will come out of your mouth with a different tone to it” he deviously smirked at me.
I was finishing opening the last package with some of the baby’s items I’ve bought online, to find the one thing I was looking for. A romper with some beautiful and delicate flower patterns on it, with the saying ‘ I may be small,but I’m a one big wish come true’, the same words Roman said to the baby when we’ve found out I was 4 weeks pregnant.
I smiled and made my way to his office, I was so excited to show him what I’ve found that I bursted through the door saying
“Hey Ro,look what I’ve foun-“ I stopped talking as soon as I saw he wasn’t alone “I’m so sorry! I didn’t knew you had a meeting,that was so reckless of me to burst in like that,sorry.”
“It’s ok baby, it’s a last minute meeting, I didn’t even had time to let you know, it’s ok tho, I know you didn’t mean to” He smiled “Besides,we’re pretty much done here.” He stood up from his chair,made his way towards me at the door and whispered “I’m just gonna go grab something really quick,so I can give to David,then I’m all yours ok?”
“Sure,Ro” I answered and he pecked my lips
“I’ll be right back baby” And he quickly went down the stairs.
Personally, I don’t like David, as matter of fact I fucking hate him! He is one of the guys who takes shifts with Ben selling Roman’s product on the streets. And he’s a total pervert.
Every time he sees me he flirts (borderline harass) me, making disgusting comments about me,my body,my clothes..and since I got pregnant it became worst, I once caught him saying that he loved the fact that I’m pregnant now,because it would make my boobs look bigger and I would look so good that way. To say that he’s disgusting and filthy is an understatement, he’s the worst scum bag I’ve ever seen! I never said anything to Roman because I know David is one of his top guys and I didn’t wanted to ruin his business,but I swear that many,many times I wish I had told him.
David stood up and made his way dangerously towards me
“Well, well...what do we have here?Two beautiful girls” He reach his arm to touch my bump and a ferocious mother instinct took over me. I could take care of myself but I’ll be damned if he touches my baby!
“Touch her and I’ll kill you myself” I snarled.
It may sound dumb, since she wasn’t even born yet, to think that he could actually touch her. But he knew that to me touching a woman’s pregnant bump was as intimate as touching her baby. And he would never,ever touch my baby girl!
“Calm down mama” he chuckled “I mean no harm! I gotta say tho Y/N, you look as beautiful as ever” he measured me from head to toe with an aroused look upon his eyes and I had to hold myself from throwing up.
“You know I would give anything for that baby to be mine and not his right?” He approached me carefully
“Stay away from me”
“Calm down tigress!” He lightly laughed
“Don’t you dare to touch me or her! You make me sick!”
“I just wanna give my girls a hug,that’s all”
Pure fear surrounded me and I turned away to run,but he was faster pulling me towards him, wrapping his arms around my belly making my ass rest on his erection.
“See,how I get whenever I see you tigress?” He started to caress my baby bump and hot tears poured down my eyes making my sight completely blurred. I felt someone quickly yank him from me and I cleaned my eyes to see Roman on top of him restlessly throw punch after punch on his face.
“Have you lost your fucking mind motherfucker? You must have a death wish boy!” Roman said while he continued to punch him with such a ferocious rage that I was pretty sure his face was getting unrecognizable.
He started to choke in his own blood, so Roman stopped his actions, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulled the 9mm gun he always kept on his pants back waist. He put the gun nozzle on his cheek close to his lips and David started to cry babbling something along the lines of please and sorry. Roman just ignored saying
“Who the fuck you think you are boy? You live from my money, live in one of my houses, sell my drugs and still you think you can come to my house and mess with my pregnant woman” Roman dragged the nozzle from his cheek to his closed lips “And unborn daughter, under my roof and it will all be ok? Open your mouth” David begin to cry even harder “I said open. your. fucking. mouth boy!” He screamed and David slowly opened his mouth.
Roman places the nozzle inside of David’s mouth and continues to say scaringly calm
“What’s the matter Davie? I thought you liked to touch and talk obscenities to pregnant women. Go on now,continue what you were saying to my wife” David paralyzed “C’mon Dave, don’t be shy! You clearly have no respect for women, specially for my woman, or myself for that matter. So go for it, I’m all ears now!” The light beige rug beneath David started to slowly become a darker beige tone, was he?..
“Oh Davie, you filthy motherfucker, you’re pissing on my fucking rug???! Unbelievable! You know I’ll have to discount this from your paycheck right?” Roman was now laughing uncontrollably, he looked at me with amusement on his eyes
“Do you see this Y/N? David is scared...poor thing!” He continued to chuckle “Are you afraid to die Dave?”
“Yes, sir” David barely mumble
“Don’t you worry Davie boy, I’m not gonna kill you...I’ll just make you an example for any dumb motherfucker who thinks he can disrespect my wife or daughter..” Roman smiled
It has been 2 weeks now,since the incident with David. Roman has never once spoken about him since Ben took him out of our house.
I was in the baby’s nursery, organizing some of her clothing in the little lavender and white wardrobe we just bought for her, when Roman came through the door.
“Whatcha doing baby girl?”
“Trying to organize the chaos” I laughed,there were clothes and toys all over the nursery.
He placed one hand on my bump and whispered “And what’s my other baby girl doing,huh?” He kneeled down and nuzzled his nose on my belly, placing his bearded cheek on it right after.
“Oh definitely sleeping!” I chuckled
“I wonder where did she got it from?” He tried to hold back a laugh
“Uh” I gasped, pretending to be offended “Roman, are you trying to imply that I’m the lazy one?”
“No baby! I would never say such thing!” He smiled while pressing his chin to my bump so he could look at me with an amused look on his face.
“Yeah right you wouldn’t!” I laughed while I stroked his bearded cheek. He stood up and sweetly kissed my lips before going to the little wardrobe.
“Oh,this is cute” He said while holding a yellow dress with big black polka dots in it.
I couldn’t stop the thought that lingered on my mind for 2 weeks now, and before I could process what I was saying the words left my mouth.
“Ro, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, baby girl. Whatcha wanna know?” He answered still amused by the baby’s dresses
“What happened with David?”
I could see that his whole body tensed, before relaxing again. He took a small hanger out of the wardrobe, hanged the little yellow dress on it and put it back on the baby’s wardrobe before turning to face me,while calmly answering
I love Roman,although he’s a big guy and all of that I was never afraid of him, but I’ve never seen such a cruel, cold look on his face...and to be honest it was kinda scary.
“David...” I whispered
“I don’t know what you’re talking about baby” He gave me the coldest smile I’ve ever seen in my life.
“Roman...you’re kinda scaring me,love” My voice came out quite shaky
“Y/N, baby girl..” He came to me and cupped my face on his hands “Look at me baby” I did as he asked
“Y/N, I sincerely tell you that I don’t know who this David is or what happened to him. I’ve never met any David baby girl... You look a little flushed, why don’t we go downstairs to the kitchen and I’ll make you a sandwich huh? I need to keep my girls healthy” He leaned one hand down to my belly and the other one stroked my hair.
“What do you say baby?”
“Yeah Ro,that sounds nice”
“Good” He sincerely smiled at me and the warmth was back to his eyes “C’mon” he intertwined our fingers as we went down the stairs to the kitchen “I have to take care of my girls” He said while he looked at me with a smile.
That’s when I realized that whatever happened with David I would never know, and to be honest with you, I don’t even think I wanna know anymore...
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dukeofonions · 3 years
Season Two Episode Ranking
Warning: I get very, very, very, critical in this ranking. Like, angry ranting that’s almost laughable. Should I be getting this worked up over an online series? Eh, probably not. But this is my life and I’ll get outrageously angry over whatever media I want. 
Seriously though, this is all just my personal opinion. I’m not saying you have to agree with me and if you like the episodes that I don’t then that’s perfectly fine. 
I tend to overthink things a lot and I spend most of my time analyzing every little details of this series because what else am I supposed to do at work?
So yeah, this ranking is definitely less positive than the one I did for the first season. But I hope y’all can still have some fun going over it! And if anyone does their own rankings be sure to tag me because I’d love to see them and see how mine compare! 
Anyways, enough of me acting like this is more important than it is, on with the ranking! 
I can’t believe season two only has 12 episodes. Now I went ahead and counted Moving On as one episode in this ranking since my opinions on both parts are pretty similar, but sweet cheese and fish this season started on September 1st, 2017 with Fitting in and right now is left on Putting Others First which came out on May 1st, 2020. And as of me writing this it is now May 2nd, 2021. It’s been a whole year since the last episode and we still have no idea when the finale is coming. 
Like, bruh. 
Also remember how the longest episode in season one was only about 15 minutes long and the shortest one was barely four minutes? 
Well the shortest episode in season two is Crofters- The Musical which is 8:42 seconds. The longest episode is Putting Others First which is a whopping 51:09.
And I wish I could say that the writing was on the same level it was in the first season, but there’s a reason I put that warning up there. 
Well, enough stalling, let’s get this ball rolling.
#11 Embarrassing Phases
There are no words in the English language that can describe the sheer amount of hatred I have for this episode. If I could rank this any lower, I would, which will happen once we finally get the season finale. I don't know how that episode will go but it'll definitely be better than whatever dumpster fire this was.
Like, okay. I have some positives. Roman, Patton, and Virgil's costumes were cool. I won't lie I live for vampire Virgil. And the message about embracing your past "phases" and exploring how they helped made you who you are. That's neat. I like that.
And that's it.
My biggest gripe with this episode is Virgil. He just acts like a complete bitch in this! And I don't mean that in an endearing way he's literally so mean for no reason!
He's all "You guys are trivializing my past!"
In response to them going "Hey Virgil, we're glad you're part of our group now and are proud of how far you've come!"
Like okay, even if it was insensitive to call it a "phase" literally there was no reason for him to get as angry as he did.
Just a simple; "Hey, I don't like it when you refer to what I went through as a phase because it feels like you're not talking it seriously."
Isnt that what this whole show is about? Communication???
It wasn't fun watching him just insulting the others, it was annoying!
Like poor Patton, just trying to help and be encouraging, only for Virgil to keep treating him like dirt.
What did I miss here? Virgil was fine in the last few episodes, so what the heck happened?
Oh and let's not forget the great advice Thomas offers Patton at the end of the episode in regards to handling Virgil: "Don't do anything to get on his bad side or else he'll do bad things to you!"
Okay I'm paraphrasing here but that's basically what he says! And since Virgil is supposed to be a representation of anxiety, this is a horrible message!!!
What happened to finding healthy ways to cope with your anxiety? What happened to keeping it in check so it didn't take over your life?
Yeah I'm definitely gonna make a full post about this one episode later because there's a whole lot more to unpack here. But yeah -10/10
#10 Putting Others First
There is just way too much going on with this episode. They try cramming so much in here that I don't even remember more than half of it.
I remember the opening song, then the Lilypadton fight and everything that happens from there. That's it.
And those are the best parts of this episode, but even that has problems because everything with Janus feels like a completely different episode.
Also the whole way they try to teach about morality is all over the place. How did we go from choosing a wedding over a callback to deciding whether or not you would die for your friends to self care is important?
And while the video game sequences, while utilized well in some places, were way too distracting and it felt like they were just trying to shove as many video game references in as they could.
You could take out just about all of them and the episode wouldn't change. Everything they were used for could have been done just through having the characters talk to each other, and knowing this makes the fact that this video was delayed for so long because of it just makes the whole thing worse.
Like the animations were well done, and I don't want to downplay the hard work the animator did. They were just doing their job after all.
But the trolley scenes (especially the second one) hurt my eyes with all the flashing (would have been nice to have some kind of warning for that) and some of the voice effects (especially on Logan's) were grating and distracting.
I want to rank this episode higher, but it has almost zero rewatch ability and honestly besides the ending, when I first watched this episode I was just kinda let down.
#9 Crofters- The Musical
Okay look, the song is a bop and I adore the fact that Logan and Roman got two episodes in the spotlight, but it's just kinda "meh" to me. Plus I get just a tinge of second hand embarrassment but that's just me.
And I know this is kinda unfair but another reason why this one isn't higher is because of a couple of things. One is that they set up some angst for Roman, he's clearly not doing well and Thomas thinks the best thing to do is tell him that he might get his own jam flavor.
Then he does, and instead of following up on that little plot point from this video, they just rushed out a commercial and completely ignored and potential story telling or character development for Roman.
So yeah "Return of the Jam" is the main reason why I don't like this one as much as I used to. And I actually just got an idea for a new post comparing these two so add that to my to-do list.
#8 Fitting In
I actually skipped this one during my first official watch through for one reason and one reason alone: I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter.
But I realized that my parents wouldn't approve of me of watching a gay man's content either so I just said screw it.
And luckily I understood enough Harry Potter references to get what they were talking about and honestly, this episode is a lot of fun.
It's a good follow up to Accepting Anxiety, and a nice way to kick off season two. Virgil is finding his place among the group and everyone is trying their best to make him feel welcome, it's really sweet.
And of course we get the new costumes (which i hadn't even noticed that they were wearing their old costumes at first) and I dunno it just gives off season one vibes and it makes me happy.
#7 Moving On Part One/Moving On Part Two
Yeah honestly my thoughts on both parts of this episode are the same. What can I say? It's really good.
This definitely one of the more emotionally heavy episodes in the series, and we see the characters at their lowest for really, the first time in this series.
I adore Patton's room and how each side gets their own corners. All the little details they add in, including the changing picture in the background, it really gives off that nostalgia feel they were going for.
What I love most about this episode is how (unlike some other episodes) they actually let the emotional moments sink in and don't throw in a joke immediately after. Like the ending is bittersweet, sad almost, and I love that they stuck with the mood up until the episode ended.
Not to say there weren't some jokes here and there (mostly in the first part) but once the mood shifts and things become more serious they let that mood stay. And when there are jokes they all work really well.
This is one episode I've actually watched the least out of season two, so it'll be interesting when I go watch it again to see if any of this holds up.
#6 Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?
Honestly I only put this one above Moving On because Logan and Roman are my favorites.
This episode is actually one of the weaker ones, which hurts to say because again, favorite characters, but goodness it's all over the place. It feels like a precursor to POF and not in a good way.
Logan and Roman just basically argue back and forth throughout the whole episode, never seeing eye to eye with each other, to the point where I think think the writers realized they couldn't find a way to get these two to agree so they just had Thomas step in and be like, "You guys make a really good team!"
Dude, were you even paying attention? They never even reached a conclusion on their own. And even though they have their little moment at the end, it's all kinda ruined when nothing in their relationship changes.
Yes, in Learning New Things About Ourselves, they acknowledge that there's more work to be done in regards to them, which makes sense. People aren't going to suddenly change overnight.
Yet despite having come to some kind of understanding with each other twice now (both here and LNTAO) in the following episodes they still act like they hate each other! Heck Roman is downright nasty to him for seemingly no reason and I don't really blame him for it.
More like I think the writers just don't know how to develop their relationship and just aren't as interested in them as the others. Logan's been reduced to being Mr. Exposition and apparently Roman's personal issues aren't enough for him to carry a room episode on his own because they felt the need to introduce two new characters before he finally gets it.
Sorry, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the episode.
There's some funny bits here and there and the little animations are cute (even if unnecessary) but really it's only saving grace is being Roman and Logan centered.
Even though they felt the need to include a cameo from literally every other character because apparently no one has any faith that Logan and Roman can carry an episode on their own.
#5 The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas
This episode is just pure fun. Look, I'm not a big fan of Christmas, even less of a fan of Christmas songs, but my gosh this episode almost makes me appreciate the season.
The way they're all just bickering the whole time, being very confused, and how there's just so much personality from each character even when they're not talking/singing and just being in the background is *chef's kiss* perfect.
There's so many fun little details to pick out during the song and it's fun to go back and watch how each side reacts to different things.
#4 Selfishness vs Selflessness
Gonna be real, this used to be my favorite episode. Until my overly critical brain started finding all kinds of problems in the writing department but I think I’ve been negative enough on this post so I’ll save it for another time. 
Janus steals the show in this one, it’s his first official appearance since his debut and he just soaks up the spotlight. It’s refreshing to have an antagonist in the show again, and he’s the perfect foil for each of the original Sides. 
He knows how to play into Roman’s insecurities, know how to feed into his ego and get him on his side. He’s in direct opposition to Patton, who believes that everything Janus represents is wrong. He’s able to silence Logan and take him out of the conversation, speaking over him most of the time. 
And I guess he and Virgil have some beef I dunno. 
The courtroom scenario is fun, and I love how Janus is the only one who sees how ridiculous it is (even though it was your idea in the first place, Jan) and everyone else seeing it as perfectly normal is hilarious. 
I do like some of the more dramatic moments in this episode, especially that final bit with Janus questioning Thomas until he finally gets him to admit the truth. It was intense and reminded me of the scene where Janus confronts Roman in a similar manner. 
While far from perfect this is still a good episode and I can find a lot to love about it, like Janus in a suit. 
#3 Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts
This episode scared the shit out of me and I loved it.
Okay it didn’t actually scare me. But I stayed up to wait for it to be posted, which wasn’t until 2 or 3 in the morning. So by the time I finally watched it I was half awake and not expecting anything that I witnessed. 
The result was me being terrified of Thomas with a mustache and it prevented me from sleeping. I was over it the next day though and had Forbidden Fruit stuck in my head all day. Which isn’t good when you’re running the register at work and you can’t stop singing it. 
There’s a lot of reason why I love this episode, Remus being the primary thing. His entrance is iconic, the first few notes from his theme play as he creeps up behind the TV, him smiling at Roman all creepily until he whacks him over the head and knocks him out for most of the episode. 
Then we get the song, Forbidden Fruit, which is just great. Slight secondhand embarrassment but seeing the finished product and all they put into it, I can’t help but love it. 
Still miffed that Janus hasn’t gotten a song... specifically a villain song... I won’t ever let that go...
Logan is another highlight in this episode (no surprise) and seeing him go head-to-head against his polar opposite without batting an eye was interesting since I was kinda expecting them to show Logan having trouble dealing with Remus but nope. He handled it like a champ and I love them both. 
Now I am kinda wary as to how they’re going to handle Remus in the future, especially with the intrusive thoughts aspect. It’s a sensitive topic and they’re already screwing up anxiety. But Remus has only been in one episode so far which means I can’t make any solid judgments until he’s appeared in more episodes, so I’ll have to wait and see. 
All in all, great episode! Definitely deserves to be in my top three. 
#2 Learning New Things About Ourselves
This episode made me feel so nostalgic. I freaking love puppets and grew up with Sesame Street and the Muppets, so I’m probably biased towards this episode but to me this is really one of the better written episodes. 
Perfect? Heck no. But really, really good. 
I love that we get to explore a bit more with Logan and Roman’s characters, in a lot of ways this is kind of a Logan episode which has him standing against the other Sides, and it’s really interesting to see just how different he is compared to the three of them and it could just be me but it seemed like he’s becoming more of an outsider and isn’t as close with the original four as he used to be, and this episode is what really kicks that idea off. 
I can also relate to the “Well that’s nice but what do you do for a living?” message, except in my case it’s more like I want to quit my “real job” to pursue what I’m passionate about while people tell me it’ll probably never happen or “Yeah that’s a nice hobby!” So this episode really struck close to home and I just have a lot of sentimental feelings towards this one. 
I love all of the designs for the puppets, they all just fit perfectly and I wouldn’t mind seeing them make a comeback one day. I know that’d be difficult since they’d need a professional to puppet them but hey, one can dream right?
And oh my gosh the song, it just gives off the same feel from Sesame Street and Muppet songs with it’s jazzy feel. And I won’t lie I flipped my lid when Logan and Thomas were in the same shot together. We hadn’t seen any of the Sides share the screen with Thomas yet and the fact that it was Logan, and he was arguing with Thomas and they were singing over each other? Ah I love it!
Also don’t get me started on how Logan’s bit in the song sounds more villainous than the others. I’m not saying anything just a neat little observation. 
I have a lot of happy feelings attached to this episode, so despite the few problems I have with it I could never bring myself to hate it. The only one that tops it is...
#1 Can Lying Be Good?
The episode that started it all. The one that caught my attention and sparked my new fixation on this little series that I had just glossed over before.
I really don’t know what prompted me to watch this episode, other than I wasn’t in the best place and it just happened to pop into my recommendations one day and I figured, “Huh, haven’t watched this guy for awhile. Let’s see what he’s been up to.”
Once the episode was finished my first thought was “Holy shit when did this series start having lore?!”
This episode is probably the closest thing to perfect out of all the season two episodes so far. The writing is clever, pretty much all of the jokes land, and oh my gosh the editing in this one is phenomenal. 
The way they show Roman shifting between himself and Joan throughout the episode is what sticks out the most. Having Roman’s voice coming from Joan, or having them briefly change back to Roman, I love it so much. 
Not to mention Thomas’s ever changing shirt that reflects what he’s thinking/feeling is a neat little detail.
Did I mention this episode is hilarious? The ridiculousness of each scenario that they act out, with all the little inputs from Logan and Virgil who are both trying their best to do their jobs besides not even wanting to be part of it in the first place is adorable. 
And of course, the man of the hour, Deceit. Or Janus as we now know him as. 
Is it weird that I like Deceit more as a name? Probably, but that’s just because I don’t like how early his name was revealed. 
Okay that was my last negative comment. Promise.
Now since I hadn’t watched Sanders Sides in a while I didn’t notice anything off about “Patton” during my first watch. But going back after seeing the rest of the series helped me catch all the little hints they added to clue in the audience that something wasn’t right. 
A lot of it is really subtle, mostly in the acting department, but once you’ve caught on to everything it makes you wonder how you didn’t notice the first time. You can even see Logan and Virgil throughout the episode, knowing that something is off with “Patton” but holding back their concerns until Virgil finally calls Deceit out. 
I’ve rewatched Deceit’s reveal so many times. When he finally drops the act after Thomas makes up his mind not to lie, you can just tell he no longer cares whether Thomas knows or not. Then things get even more tense when Logan is silenced, and everyone knows what’s going on except Thomas. 
The music starts to build up, Thomas is flipping out, then after Deceit taunts him again he finally demands to know what’s going on and BAM there he is!
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I love everything about this. 
Like, what else can I say? This episode is brilliant. It really shows exactly what this team is capable of when they’re at their best. The pacing, the build up, the writing, all of it combined together to make the perfect episode.
Season Two has been, interesting. The long waits have caused some problems with the pacing and characters, not to mention the departure of Joan from the writing team with new writers entering the room, not to mention the first welcome now unwelcome arrival of Asides, and with only the season finale left before season three, it makes me wonder just where this series is headed.
I know this series is capable of doing incredible things, season one is still solid and it really holds up even after all this time. But season two just feels like a jumbled mess. Sure, it’s easy to enjoy the episodes individually, but once you try to fit them all together it’s like trying to jam a puzzle piece into a place where it doesn’t fit. 
The best way to describe this season is as an experimental season. Each episode has the team trying something new, sometimes it seems these gimmicks take precedence over the story itself. Of course, some of these can work to the episode’s advantage, while others are just distracting and you’d know you wouldn’t miss them if they were gone. 
It’s a mixed bag that’s for sure. One that has me watching in morbid curiosity as I wait to see whether it’ll crash in the end or blow my expectations out of the water. It really is fun to analyze these episodes, and yes I know I can be very harsh but believe it or not this is how I engage with media that I love.
My hope is that team will learn from season two and try to take a more simple approach with their production once season three roles around. Because if they continue at the same pace they are now I doubt there will be many people around to see this series through. 
And on that note, that was my ranking of season two! I’m actually kinda excited now to go back and rewatch everything, I hope I don’t have to wait much longer to do so but that all depends on when the season two finale comes. Whether it ends up exceeding my expectations or just being “meh” I know it’ll be interesting regardless and I can’t wait to see just how they plan on wrapping this all up before the final season arrives. 
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writingonjorvik · 4 years
Can We Discuss Day Blockers?
With the Jorvik Divined deck release around the corner, I’m likely going to be absent for all of next month to organize that launch. With that said, I wanted to leave y’all with a head scratcher I’ve been thinking on since my post on SSO’s genre split and that’s the topic of day blockers.
I said in my previous post briefly that I don’t think day blockers should be fully removed, but that how they’re currently implemented hurts the feeling of the game. Now, I haven’t replayed the game on an account with membership since the team implemented the changes to day blockers, but the biggest issue I remember in the quests is in how they break up content and how paying for a reset only resets regular quests, not dailies.
The suggestion I made in my last post as a quick solution was the idea that SSO’s daily reset change to resetting every 4 hours. This is an amount of time that makes it still possible to get more than one current set of daily activities in in a day, but for most folks it’s not going to be the full six. That said, the reason I made this suggestion is largely because of the issues with “log-on content” that the Soul Riding gameplay is highlighting.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Soul Riding and I still think SSO should add daily rewards. But the reason most games add those is to add an incentive for logging on, because the goal is to get players on and to play for a while. This is a big problem that SSO has with retaining their players and keeping them online for a while, particularly to make the game world look lived in. Like I said before, even if the Soul Riding gets players on every day to do their quests, they aren’t interacting with anyone else online, even passively making the world look lived in, since training hides other players and missions are largely out of the way of populated regions. Not that missions should be in populated regions or that I want a hundred people on top of me while I do training, but it defeats the point of getting on every day.
An obvious solution to this is having multiplayer quests. I’m more and more disappointed as we get further into the missions that we never actually unlocked more types of missions, or a higher max to the ones we can do in a day. This has less to do with getting the Rune Runner faster and more to do with this task becoming incredibly grindy, taking a lot of the enjoyment out of what is legitimately a fun mechanic. Considering that there seem to be a lot of bugs with how the missions currently operate with horses that can run through trees and up cliffs, I’d like to believe there was a deadline to get this out and because of Covid some content had to be cut until later, potentially as people start getting the Rune Runner, to bring more people back into the system. But based on the fact that hovering over the missions tab says that you only will get a max of two missions now, I have my doubts.
However, if the game reset more often, some of that can be negated. I’ve talked about it a lot, but making reputation and horse exp feel uncapped I think is very important to people feeling like they don’t have to grind in the game. Right now, if you want to get the max experience or reputation in a day, you have to do absolutely every quest for that area, even if that quest is less than enjoyable. However, if the game resets more often, that feeling starts to go down. Sure, you could do every quest available OR you could do the ones you find easier and then wait one or two hours for the next reset and repeat.
I think it’s also important for this discussion to bring up the conversation about the pumpkins and the Yule goats because it highlights this exact problem. Yes, the issue of having to be online should be resolved, but people generally liked the pumpkins more because even if there was a limit to how many you could get in a day due to timers, people seemed to feel a lot more in control of that grind. Meanwhile, the long investment time and visible hard limit of the goats really got on people’s nerves because they felt like they had to get on everyday, and it ruined what was mechanically a very interesting mechanic. And while there’s no time cap on the Rune Runner, I can see a similar mentality applying here, and the frustration with training has been the same for a long time.
But the benefit too of the pumpkins was the “I might as well” argument. With the pumpkins, most folks I knew got on, found the first five and then ran a timer while they went and did other things like training or dailies. But usually if after they finished those chores they had a short-ish period of time left on the timer, they would stay on to get that one more pumpkin. That should be what log on rewards are for. I might as well stay on to play this new content or meet up with a friend or go on this adventure, etc. If there’s a reason for people to stay on a little longer for a reset, then they might as well keep playing. And when they do that, they’re at least visible to other players to make the world look alive if not going and doing something.
I understand that this would mean that training could potentially be done in a day, which makes horses have even less content, but considering SSO has been really willing to put lots and lots of horse experience into the game recently with Starshine Ranch, it has to be accepted that at some point that’s just going to be a reality even in this current system. Messing with levels too much isn’t something the team is leaning into based on the interview. So being able to get a horse and train it in a day will eventually happen and honestly should be something players can do if they have the time. If we’re dropping $30 USD on a horse, we should be able to get the max experience out of it mechanics/stats-wise as soon as we can to use that horse competitively. There should still be other content to continue supporting that content AFTER the horse becomes max level, like building prestige levels in a particular riding discipline or personality systems or bonding your horses on some Soul Rider mission, but that content needs those horses to have the mechanical benefit of maxed stats.
Also, I know a lot of people who, if training were faster and as it’s gotten faster, have gotten more horses. Which, with horses being the prime source of income for SSO, seems like maybe that’s something they should gather more data on.
There’s also the fact that, despite that SSO isn’t doing this narratively, I know a lot of people feel like the number of days in which it takes you to complete the story without skips is equal to the narrative length of the story. And I think that has a lot to do with how long it takes to actually get through the story. If people could get through the story faster for free like this, I think it would help with that discrepancy.
I also think a huge part of this has to do with the faction system, and I want to go really in depth with an overhaul to that as well, but having more frequent resets means a faction system could more easily be really intractable without long term consequences. I really like the idea of helping one faction hurting another, and the idea of working for the G.E.D. upsetting local factions is something a lot more manageable of an idea if you can wait four hours and then reset that work.
Well, now I want to ramble about factions, but I think that really covers all my points on day blockers. I think they should reset more often for a lot of reasons, but these are the big ones. And in doing so, I think it opens up the room for a lot more interesting dynamics between other mechanics. I also just think it’s a happy medium between letting kids just binge games without forcing adults with free time to have to be babied or payout. And there’s also the fact that I think SSO really needs to step up the idea of utilizing their player base and people playing as a resource on equal footing to outright paying in an MMO atmosphere without putting caps on that, because they should want people to be on a lot. That’s the draw of MMOs.
But that’s my bit for a month-ish. Unless I get around to that factions piece, I’ll see y’all after the deck’s release. In the mean time, what do y’all think?
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ixnova · 5 years
Pathfinder x SO hcs
He’s your friend first, boyfriend second.
Like he just genuinely cares about you romantic or not.
Literally info dumped everything on you the first day you two met, explained APEX, his goal to find his creator, etc.
Get’s a lot of dating advice from Mirage and the interwebs, is completely cheesy with it because of this.
Gives you flowers and gifts in excess amounts until he kinda learns for himself how to handle a relationship.
You’re his first and probably only.
Will take you on dinner dates and such even though he can’t eat. He just enjoys watching you eat and chatting to you while you eat.
Great for Netflix and chill, he loves watching new tv shows and such. He really wants to know what happens next but will wait for you.
Probably does too much “research” online and becomes paranoid about losing you sometimes.
Doesn’t get the concept of sleep but knows you need it and will keep you company while you sleep. Maybe move his charging station into the bedroom.
He can be cold or warm depending. Metal is naturally cooler to the touch but he’s warmer towards his core where his computer screen is. You can hear his fans going if you listen closely enough.
Not actually comfy to cuddle with, but you’d get used to it and find a position that works. Very chunky and bulky. Sometimes he puts pillows and such between himself so you can rest better.
He can actually wear certain clothing even tho he doesn’t need it. Got a few jackets from APEX and such, but they have to be oversized to fit him, so bonus for you when you steal them.
Honestly why steal them though just ask and he will give them to you, he doesn’t need them.
He’s not one to scare easily by normal means but he has his limits, will hide behind you and curl up with you when he does feel threatened. Lightning storms are one of the niche things that gets to him.
Always down to make you laugh, Will rehash jokes constantly, borderlines on telling dad jokes. Somehow he manages to get a chuckle out of you every goddamn time.
You love it though, you know you do.
He’s completely infatuated with you simply because you’re human. He likes seeing how you react to things, learning how you operate. He’s just interested in humans in general, but something’s special about you.
He’s not really sure what the emotions he feels really are, but he supposed based on research, “love” might be the closest thing to describe it.
Not many would expect it from his bubbly personality but he’s actually easily jealous when others flirt with you.
We’re talking rehashing some trash talk insults he learned online telling someone to leave you alone and go away when he’s had just about enough of them pestering you.
one of the few times hes actually mean, instantly feels bad about it later though... but not sorry.
You’re his. He doesn’t mean to be possessive and he doesn’t freak out when you’re out alone without him, but it’s just like, he’d like for you to be his.
He’d take you ziplining for fun sometimes, if you’re not afraid of heights.
Prepare for having to answer lots of questions, he’s curious about everything and if you’re spending time with him you’re gonna get the brunt of it.
Also expect to be told completely random facts, he loves learning about stuff!
“Turtles can breathe through their butts, how interesting!”
Would probably tell everyone that he’s dating you, even random strangers.
He’s called out to you live on APEX a few times making sure you’re watching or dedicating a win to you.
It’s a bit embarrassing but he means well.
“Everyone! This is my girlfriend!”
He’s just proud of you man.
He’d also be super supportive of you and whatever you’d want to do in life.
and when that doesn’t work out he’d be there to cheer you up.
Brings you all of your favorite things, including himself of course.
No more tears, let’s go watch our favorite Netflix show.
Takes pictures of you all the time without you even knowing, benefits of being a robot.
He just saves them for personal use, to look at when he misses you. Nothing weird though, its not like he watches you sleep or anything!
He thinks you’re beautiful all the time, even when you know you’re not at your best.
He just really, really likes you. He hopes you feel the same.
There that should fill the void for awhile. But while I’m here.... NSFW under cut.
As we all know, it’s canon that he can fuck. Of course he’d put that knowledge to use in a relationship if you were okay with it.
Probably learned about sexual intercourse while browsing the web and found porn or something.
Maybe picked it up from just learning about humans in general and with that comes information on mating patterns.
He’s extremely inexperienced though, so you’d have to personally show him how things are done.
He’d draw comparisons to videos and such he’d seen online, so at least he’d be aware if he was hurting you or not. Which he’d never do intentionally.
Your first time was probably extremely silly and awkward, but it was alright.
He doesn’t exactly have a dick or anything, naturally anyway, but he does have hands.
If you like being fingered you’re in for a real treat, he’s surprisingly good at that.
He’s always intrigued by your moans and like seeing how your body reacts to his touch. Sometimes he tries new things just to see how you’d react.
Even though he doesn’t really get much out of it, knowing you’re enjoying it is all he needs.
Extremely lame at dirty talk, he’s just too nice. He will read scripts and repeat quotes from online porno to try and get you going but it just falls flat because its rehearsed.
Probably would be best as a dom, no, he’s decided from watching videos and such that he wants to be the dom. Submissive just doesn’t suit him.
I can’t express how bad he is at dirty talk though, its funny. “I’ve been very bad.” “What? Who said that? I think you are doing wonderful, friend!”
Maybe later on you’d experiment with strap ons, or maybe someone in this wild universe can customize him a dick attachment. 
That’d get a bit more interesting, he’d again reference what he’d seen online and try to go down on you.
He gets to be closer to you this way, and its odd because he likes it though he can’t explain why.
Those handles around his screen and such are GREAT to hold onto while riding, FYI.
He’s a robot so he never runs out of energy so he can go for as long as you want to, and then some.
He might forget himself once or twice, perhaps get a bit too into it, but all you have to do is say stop and he will instantly drop everything.
He loves your body, he loves every inch of you, expect metal hands to explore and violate every part of your being.
Oddly enough, sexual intercourse really gets his motors going. Perhaps another one of his many emotions is possible arousal.
You’re often going at it above the sheets or in a colder room, he WILL overheat eventually.
You’ll have to pay attention sometimes, he won’t tell you he’s overheating for fear of ruining the mood, or interrupting your enjoyment.
Bondage? BDSM, yeah he’s heard of it. Maybe he’s itching to try a few things with you, if you wanted.
He’s not into the cuffs and whips though. Oh no he has a very special kind of kink.
Ropes are fantastic, you can zipline with them, grapple onto stuff... Tie people up.
You ever seen those very intricate rope art porno? Yeah.
Yes he uses the ziplines rope.
He’ll never tie it too tight though, just enough to keep you in place.
He makes cute patterns with it while he’s tying. small hearts, sometimes ties roses into the design.
You are a canvas and he is the artist, he’s quite proud of the tie when he’s done.
He’d much rather gaze at you and admire his work than fuck you sometimes when you play like this.
Extremely big on after care. He’ll cuddle you and tell you how well you did and that he enjoyed it too. He’d make sure you’re okay and tell you that he loves you!
Although he’d never hurt you purposely, sex is always a bit rough with him no matter how gentle he is. You’ll always have a few bruises here and there. Around the hips, thighs, wrists, it’s just the nature of the beast.
You kind of dig the markings though.
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svmmerdays · 4 years
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( 01 / muse 2 / cis male & he/him ) contrary to what the campers might tell you, that’s not timothee chalamet. that’s kc thain! this is their 6th year working here and they’re a counselor. they’re 23, and i just found out during ice breakers they’re a sagittarius. at first they might seem pretty oblivious, but they’re actually really creative. when they have down time, you can usually catch them getting high on the roof. try to get to know them for yourself this summer!
MEET THE MUN.  i expect i’ll be able to solve a lot of my problems once my baby brain falls out & my adult brain grows in
hello all, my name is pepper and i have never been on time for anything in my life skjsdkj i feel like all my intros start that way but it’s simply a fact, i cannot tell time. that said i just got off from work so !!! this time i have a bit of an excuse. but omg Anyways, i am v excited for this rp, like i’ve already said in the gc,,, your girls never been to camp so i am LIVING FOR THIS! a bit about me ~cAmP tHEMED~ kinda, i have never actually gone camping but i really wanna go glamping one time so hit me up if you’re interested, whenever i am in the wilderness bugs like to try to fly directly into my eyes and idk why although i do have a theory i was an exterminator in a past life or something and now they’re getting their revenge for the their fallen ancestors yk?? i hate marshmallows because when i was like six some girl told me that gelatin was made of horse hooves and i believed her and i have not really eaten a marshmallow since with the exception of the one time i microwaved a smore in my microwave when i was like eight? but then again when i was really young i used to think god looked like king triton so i’m a gullible hoe y’all i’ll believe anything. but okay i think that’s enough, moving on to the man of the hour, kronk child thain!
BIO. what do people do when they’re not stoned?  drug tw !
 kc was an accident. and honestly, he was probably a bit too aware of that way too early. to start, when kc was conceived kc’s father was married to his mother’s best friend. and well, that’s not usually the kind of thing that you do on purpose. furthermore kc was conceived in a bounce house at his half older brother’s first birthday party. again, not the kind of thing you plan. you might ask how and why kc knows this information, and that would be the third reason why kc knows with absolute surety he was an accident. because his mother has been telling him all of this frankly intimate and scarring information with absolutely no shame pretty much from the moment kc could comprehend the words coming out of her mouth, and honestly likely before that. and well, that isn’t exactly the behavior of a woman who planned to have kids is it. at least not in kc’s mind. 
frankly moira thain has been treating kc like more than a pet than a son pretty much from the moment kc can remember. she didn’t treat him badly by any means. she just wasn’t really a mom. she was a weird older friend who whined until kc made her breakfast and left for days on end to go to music festivals. she was the kind of friend who teased you ruthlessly rather than offering any good advice and embarrassed you just for fun. the kind of friend who shrugged when you asked them for help with your homework and who none of your other friends (or their parents) really liked. honestly, she was kind of a bad friend if kc was honest but he doesn’t know what else to compare her to. for a long, long time his mother, as unusual as she was, was all he had. that was until kc was about seven and he didn’t even have that anymore. 
when kc was seven a lot of shit went down at once. to start, his mother nearly overdosed, and that was the big thing. it was a traumatizing experience overall as that kind of thing would be for a seven year old, but kc would like to think he handled it like a champ. called the police, made sure his mother didn’t choke on her own vomit, and all that. but CPS was called and kc was promptly shipped out to live with a father had never met, which went as well as could be expected (refer to how and when kc was conceived above). kc stayed with them for all of six months, but well, all kc really had to do was breathe to completely ruin their marriage. even if kace was a bit dull at times even he understood that. so he wasn’t surprised when 'the boys trip’ his father took him on ended up just being a complicated ruse to dump him at his grandfather’s house for as long as he could get away with. considering it was near the end of the school year, it was a while.
now at that point as you can imagine kc was pretty drained emotionally. his mother was officially in rehab. his dad didn’t want him around. his stepmother and half siblings treated him like some kind of leper. and all of this happened within less than a year. that’s a lot for anyone to take let alone a seven year old. little kc was filled to the brim with a lot of emotions he didn’t know what to do with so for the most part he had shut down. barely spoke unless spoken to. very rarely smiled or expressed any sort of emotion really. his grandfather played a big part in fixing that. 
grandpa thain lived in a cottage in the forest and worked for a camp not too far from his cabin. he dealt with the upkeep of the grounds during the school year as well as some handyman duties when needed. and for the most part he dragged his grandson along with him as his ‘assistant’. which mostly meant that kc pulled out the weeds his grandfather told him to or passed him the tools he asked for. just simple things like that. but to kc’s surprise he really liked it. he also really liked living with his grandfather in the middle of nowhere and being able to hear the birds in the morning or take naps in fields. 
kc’s father paid for his first summer at dagwood. his half siblings came to the camp as well, in fact they had been coming longer than kc had. however, at the end of the summer, unlike his eager half siblings, kc didn’t want to leave again. dagwood had become this safe have for him of sorts, a place where he was slowly able to heal at his own pace, and he knew the moment he went back to his father’s house he would be returning to an environment he was unwanted. his grandfather made it so he didn’t have to return at all by offering to take kc in permanently. 
it took some time and a lot of legal paperwork but kc’s grandfather ended up becoming his legal guardian. his grandfather home schooled him to the best of his capability during the school year, and during the summer’s kc attended camp dagwood and helped out his grandfather in whatever way he could. he continued to do so even after he turned eighteen, even going as far as to help out in between the online art school classes that he decided to take on a whim. his grandfather regretfully had to retire from dagwood, after working every day since the camps opening day. he retired with a lot of pride and kc is really proud of him honestly, and he has every plan to take his grandfather’s place once he gets promoted from counsellor. his grandfather insists that he doesn’t need to, and that he wants kc to do whatever he wants to do but kc is too stubborn and loyal to hear any of it. he’s determined to continue the legacy his grandfather is so proud of, and stay at the place that brought him so much comfort and peace, even though honestly it’s probably not the best thing for him. it’s honestly probably time for kc to move on to bigger and better things but he hasn’t realized that yet so until then, dagwood it is. 
PERSONALITY. me as a hotel receptionist: *greets guests by playing hotel california but cutting it off right before they say california*
LOYAL. listen if you’re kc’s friend he would die for you and that’s just a fact. he is honestly loyal to fault. he will screw himself over for his friends because he’s dumb. theyt won’t even ask him to do it! he’ll do it anyways! he’s a fool 
STUBBORN. not in an obvious way like generally kc is very flexible, go with the flow? will generally not hold an opinion in most arguments and is pretty happy to follow rather than lead. but when it comes to things that kc is passionate about?? oof. a bulldozer couldn’t move him. he’s a pain in the ass.
OBLIVIOUS. he’s a fool. kc will be the last one to know about his own damn feelings. kc will be the last one to know about anyone else’ feelings too. it could be so obvious. SO SO DAMN OBVIOUS, and yet kc??? has no idea. he’s that scene from juno where juno’s like ‘i like you’ and michael cera’s like ‘as a friend?’ jkdsdjk
CREATIVE. the only thing kc’s good at is creating things. he can make pretty much anything if he puts his mind to it. probably makes his own clothes honestly. can mend and repair yours. just as a weird brain tbh, if you ever want a different perspective on something go to kc because he’ll say something so wild sdjkdfkj 
COMPASSIONATE. a kind boy tbh. wouldn’t hurt a fly. catches spiders in his hands and takes them outside. is a vegetarian. will listen to your problems any time and at least offer help even if he has no idea what to do. 
LAZY. will fall asleep standing up with his eyes open. has fallen asleep on buses and ended up in different states. is terrible when it comes to getting up in the morning. eats his breakfast half asleep every day. like he’s a hard worker when it comes down to it, but if the options are playing with the campers or taking a nap in a warm patch of sun kc knows what he’s choosing... honestly kc is good with little kids but he would vastly prefer his grandfathers job, cause his gramps just worked by himself for the most part, and working with kids is so much more exhausting rip. 
HEADCANNONS. you’re in her dms im daydreaming about her on public transport we are not the same. 
loves all branches of art honestly, is also a big fan of music. can play the guitar, the drums and bass, all skills he mostly picked up on his own while being home schooled by his grandfather. tends to be rather humble about it but he’s actually pretty talented. will play the acoustic guitar by the campfire, is one hundred percent that guy 
when doing art activity counselling kc has the energy of that one pottery guy from tiktok always. like that’s kc straight up. 
has a bunch of tattoos that are mostly doodles that he made himself, sometimes doodles his friends have made too if he likes them enough. will put pretty much anything on body and tends to think of it as his canvas. wants to be that old man covered head to toe in tats by the time he’s ninety. 
has been stung by wasps on fourteen different occasions over the years. literally kc has been stung every summer since he’s come here and it’s pretty much tradition at this point. like he hates it, but if too long goes by without him being stung he starts to get paranoid. 
loves to climb things like trees and buildings. chills out in the branches/on top of roofs a LOT. would be the guy to fall asleep in a hammock and get a mustache drawn on his face by the campers. honestly that has probably happened. 
jewish! kc’s religion wasn’t really a big part of his life when he was living with his mother but by the time he moved in with his grandfather that changed. they go to the synagogue together and everything even if it’s a bit out of the way. 
might be narcoleptic honestly. is sleeping 99% of the time. if you don’t know where kc is check his bed tbh
will never tell anyone what kc stands for honestly, he thinks it’s amusing for people to guess. will answer to any version of k____ c____ you call him though. also accepts kace which is just a nickname for a pair of initials but skjsdm still he will answer to it 
a hard worker even if he doesn’t look it. weirdly functional while working high? kc is one of those people who you never know is high cause he just acts as he normally does for the most part. 
that said he is the most focused and like alert when drawing or painting or doing anything with his hands. takes his art incredibly seriously. has probably drawn up a mural for the camp, and literally stayed up three days and three nights to do it. very talented but doesn’t really think he’s talented enough to do anything with it? could get into art school if he tried, but he’s too loyal to ever leave his grandfather or the camp behind to do it. 
very good at wood working surprisingly. this boy will make you a sexy ass chair. honestly kc is one of the those frustrating people who like you show him how to do something creative one time and he’s got it, his brain has tapped into it, he remembers. but don’t worry, give him one math problem and he completely shuts down sdkjsdjk 
hates wearing shoes. will take his shoes off the moment he has the opportunity. straight up leaves his shoes places and then’ll be like ??? fuck where did i put those ??? 
can cook surprisingly well. makes bomb weed brownies but like just in general kace makes good food. always forgets to grocery shop until his fridge is empty though
dresses like a hippie. his general aesthetic makes it look like he was in nineties movie. wears wire rimmed glasses because they were his grandfather’s and he’s too broke to buy new frames. most hipsters see him and are like !!! cause they think he’s one of them but kc knows nothing about movies or coffee or like... anything but art really so they’re pretty quickly disappointed. 
used to have hella long hair when he was younger, like he was usually picked on for looking kind of girly because of it. didn’t really care that much, or at least convinced himself he didn’t really care that much eventually. was glad when he got home schooled though cause at least then he didn’t have to deal with that anymore, 
has a scar through his eyebrow from when he fell out of a tree his first summer. 
has several ear piercings. 
i forgot to mention, kc’s mother used to be a drug dealer before her overdose but he doesn’t really know what she does now. he doesn’t talk to her very often but he talks to his dad even less. whenever his mom contacts him it’s cause she’s gotten out of rehab and needs money. kc will usually give it to her because he’s soft. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS.  it takes me 3-7 business days to process my feelings
i am so tired so we’re doing this in a blob but i would love LOVE some exes from summers past, some ex flings, his first bf/gf, idk his first kiss would also be cool, someone who hates him like maybe an enemy or an old rival of some sort? an old stupid rivalry from when they were campers that they still can’t let go of now? just sayin. uh, an fwb or ewb situation maybe, another childhood friend would be cute, an opposites attract situation like i would love for kc to have a dynamic with someone who really has their shit together yk like completely different from his sleepy ass, a smoking buddy maybe! a family friend! godsibling! first love! someone who kc accidentally set on fire with a flaming marshmallow when they were thirteen! anything and everything please and thank you. 
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Recap of Ika’s IG Live June 15, 2019
Ika did about an hour long IG live and saved it. But figured I’d put this here for future reference and in case someone can’t watch for whatever reason. Mostly was general chit chat, she was in a good mood. 
She’s doing her makeup so she figured she’d do a live. She likes the smaller lives so she can be herself.
Her hair is getting healthy again, they keep cutting off the relaxed pieces so they’ll eventually be gone completely.
Ika just watched part two of the swayleigh documentary. She mentions that Swaggy and Bay contacted her asking if she would be part of the video. They sent her a long message asking and she didn’t want to – not because she doesn’t like them or believe in them, but because she didn’t think the project was a good idea, she thought it would only bring more haters. In the end she thinks the product was really good and is glad they did it. She actually didn’t respond to the message right away because she wanted to respond appropriately and time kept passing, she felt so bad. Bay and Swaggy really respect her nad vice versa; they always reach out for advice.
She figures she might as well answer the questions that Swaggy asked her to answer. So he asked what her first impression of Swaggy was. She says extra. She feels as if she let him down because she wants to bring out all sides of people and she couldn’t get the softer side out of him. But it was the first interview of the day. She also thought he was too loyal to a fault, and that would be his downfall.
Her first impression of Bayleigh was that she gave her upperclass, black, like Uncle Phil and Ashley vibes, debutant vibes; someone who was raised well, has a great family. Extra a bit, but sweet. Ika never thought her and Swaggy would get together, didn’t think they’d be compatible; Ika also got the vibe that Swaggy was more into white girls.
After Swaggy got evicted, he and Ika spoke and she knew he respected her opinion, and she grew to like him as a person. She doesn’t agree with everything he puts out, but he’s a good person. She also sees Bay and Swaggy as kids, they’re younger.
Ika says she has a regret with Bayleigh. During the season Bay was telling a story about Ika’s time on season two and it was off. Ika saw the clip and the fans reaction and took it the wrong way and got mad. But afterwards Ika realized that she didn’t mean it that way, she wishes she could take back being so upset at that time. Swaggy reached out and asked if everything was okay, he didn’t get upset that she wasn’t loving Bay and that meant a lot.
She’s glad they were able to get things off their chest and tell their story. It hurts her to see them get hate, because they’re kids trying to live their lives. Ika says at their age she didn’t have it as together as they do, but they’re still young. She also loved seeing Bay’s family take Swaggy in, he’s good for her family and vice versa.
Ika notes that she’s grown a lot too and she doesn’t want to use her platform to tear someone down when everyone else is already tearing them down, it’s easy to do that but she doesn’t want to, she wants to stand her ground.
She hopes that Haleigh and Fessy can work things out with Swayleigh, there seems to be a lot of hurt there and sometimes you just don’t know how to handle situations.
Ika notes that Swaggy had no chill when calling out people. Also notes that everyone is thirsty, the internet is about attention, even her doing lives. “There’s a difference between being thirsty… some are real parched. Some are dehydrated.” There are levels. She notes that there are people who do nothing on their season and then try to be a bad bitch online. They’re thirs-ty. Then there’s cringe. They think they’re something special, she never wants that. Then you have the parched, “they’re in the desert, the thirst cannot be quenched. I’m watching this and never knew that was a level.” Some thirst is more bearable than others. She even says looking back, she thinks her and Dem were cringe with lives sometimes, so everyone is guilty on different levels, but she never wants to be on the parched level. She sees people being thirsty that we don’t even see.
After BB it’s a whole new experience learning about things and she’s able to pick up on things differently. She’s so cautious about hanging out with BB people because of this sometimes. It takes energy to be around people and have to watch everything you say so it’s easier to stay away. Notes she had a great time hanging with Este and Anthony, and maybe she’ll be more open with hanging with others. She doesn’t talk about others, if she hears something, “I’ll tell Demetres, but that’s a given. It’s Demetres, and he doesn’t tell anyone anything.” But most people aren’t like that so she’s always worried about what she may have said to someone who may spread or twist it. That is why she tends to keep to herself.
BB21 interviews. She wants some really good questions to ask the HGs, outside the box ones. Send them on her last IG pic or on twitter, her DMs are too full. “It’s two years later and y’all still have my DMs looking crazy. I feel so special.”
Someone asks about youtube. She says they are going to put out a video, they will. She says when Dem first moved there, no one told them there was an adjustment period. He was now in a new city, they were living together for the first time in this situation, it was so hard. Dem was having a really hard time adjusting to Toronto for the first few months. He would wake up in the worst mood, putting her in the worst mood, and she would get annoyed that he was bringing her down. But he couldn’t help but feel that way, and she didn’t understand how big of a deal moving to Toronto was. He had no friends, no family, it’s a new city, it’s big, there’s a lot of money in it but it’s hard to make money in it. “I think he loves money a little more than me. Actually no, if he did he would have stayed in Edmonton, so I do think he loves me more than money. But we’re pretty much up there together!” He’s always seen a certain kind of life for himself, and he didn’t know how he would be able to provide for them and make that life for them that he had in his mind. “After we sat and talked and I really heard what he was saying, this guy was carrying the pressure of moving here.” She notes Toronto is huge, you have to learn the different pockets, meet different people, etc.
You are making more on commission in Toronto but you’re also giving out a lot more money. He also had his business in Alberta that he had to dissolve. He was really worried how they were going to live this life he envisioned, and it was all on his shoulders and it was so hard. She was just looking at how miserable he was and how miserable he was making her by being miserable, she wasn’t looking at all the pressures he had. He was a little depressed, he was sad for a while and that was really hard to talk about. So when it comes to youtube, it was hard to film when they were going through that as a couple and they didn’t want to tell us at that time.
Ika notes that Dem is past that period, he’s doing really well, he’s with a new team, he’s doing amazing. “So then we were in the mindset that if you don’t work on your relationship, it can go left real fast and we wanted to take the time to focus on that.” She notes that they did miss youtube, they have fun with it and us. They know that they will have to give an explanation and they didn’t feel comfortable being honest yet, “saying we were over here really going through it, it was so hard. But being honest is the best way, you can’t be perfect all the time.” “It was a really hard period, but not he’s a lot more confident, he’s selling places, he’s getting clients. And Demtres is crazy because he’s been here for six months and only licensed for four months, and this guy is already killing it. And he thinks he’s doing so bad. I don’t think he gets that there’s like 52k realtors in Toronto and half of them are barely working, and you got here with no friends, no family and you’re killing it. It’s crazy. But that’s just Demetres. He’s just really hard on himself. He’s not the average worker, he’s crazy. He’ll make any hard worker feel lazy.”
They’ll do a video and touch on it.
Reminds people to send her some real good questions for bb21. And tell her what you like and don’t like from past interviews. She wants unique stuff. The role playing can be funny but so awkward.
She notes that if you’re on bb you have to be fake and phony sometimes, and if you don’t do it, it will be really hard for you.
She goes on a rant about people who don’t fake cry when she asks them to, all she wants is the content but they go on and on about how they won’t have to, but they just ruined what she needs and now she needs to figure out how to get good content ET and fans will like.
She notes that interviewing the bbcan HGs was hard, they wouldn’t let loose and give her content, they were concerned with their image. But Sam was not that way, which is why she really likes Sam. She gave her energy and content, “she saved my job.” Her interviews do play into how she feels about people all season long.
She ends the live because Dem called, so she wants to call him back.
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The Good Life: Chapter 4
Hello, my lovelies! I’ve been working hard this week to get caught back up on my writing and to get ahead a little bit so I can post new chapters on a regular basis going forward, so I’m beyond proud that I was able to finish this chapter and post it earlier than I had initially expected to!
Need to get caught up? The Good Life: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
If you want to be added (or removed) from the tags list for this story, just feel free to let me know!
@pink-royaute @believethaticanandiwill @milllott @likeashootingstarfades @i-dream-of-emus
The Good Life: Chapter 4
The sun was already beginning to set as Rae and Finn arrived at the last apartment for rent that they had included on the list they made while having dinner the previous evening.
“Feel free to walk around the apartment and let me know if either of you have any questions!” called the landlord for this apartment from where he stood near the entryway.
Rae and Finn went in different directions to look around the vacant apartment and trying to make mental notes about what they thought.
“Hey, Rae! Come look at this!” Finn called from one side of the apartment while Rae had been looking at the bedrooms.
Rae walked into the other room and noticed Finn standing in front of a sliding glass door that led to the balcony of the apartment.
“Holy shit,” Rae muttered as she slid open the door and stepped out onto the spacious balcony.
“Does this fulfill your request for some type of balcony-like space?”
“This balcony is huge! And look at the view from here!” Rae replied as she walked closer to the stone wall of the balcony that overlooked the city.
“I think overall this may be one of the best apartments that we were able to tour today,” Finn mused as he looked out at the city beside Rae.
“I think so too,” Rae agreed, “I was getting a bit worried after the first three places were nothing like how they were described online, but this one and the last one have both been great.”
Rae and Finn went back inside the apartment and continued their inspections of the apartment.
“Did either of you have any questions for me?” the landlord asked when Finn and Rae had rejoined him near the entryway.
“I do have a question, actually,” Rae said, “Online it said that there were classic layouts available but you mentioned that this is an updated model. Does that mean that the price for this apartment will be different as well?”
“We are in the process of remodeling all of our apartments, actually, so the price listed online is the correct amount for all of our open layouts, since none of the classic layouts are going to be rented out anymore.”
“Oh! Okay, perfect.”
“I have a question as well,” Finn replied, “When is the earliest that this apartment would be available for move-in?”
“It’s available now, so once all the paperwork and official business gets sorted out, you would be able to move in if you would like to. If you’re not ready to move in yet, you could still secure your position by filling out the paperwork sooner rather than later and letting us know when you intend to move in.”
“Thank you!” Finn replied as he considered what the landlord had told them.
“Were there any other questions that the two of you would like me to answer for you? You’re more than welcome to continue looking around the apartment or touring the community if you’d like. I’ll still be available to answer any questions either of you may have.”
“I think that’s all the questions we had for you today,” Rae replied after looking over at Finn to ensure that he did not have any pressing questions, “Thank you for letting us take a look at the apartment. All the information you provided was very helpful.”
“I’m glad I could help the two of you out. If you have any other questions or would like to move forward with the paperwork if you’re interested in living here, please do not hesitate to call or email us,” the landlord added as he handed Rae a business card with the contact information printed on it.
Rae and Finn followed the landlord out of the apartment but continued wandering around the rest of the apartment community after thanking the landlord once again for his help.
“So, what’s your opinion of this apartment?”
“I liked it,”
“Did you ‘like’ it enough to picture us living here?”
“I’ve pictured living with you in the last three apartments we visited,” Finn said before stammering and clearing his throat, “I mean...I could picture us being roommates in the last few apartments we saw, but overall I think you liked this one the best. I guess the real question is, can you picture living in this apartment?”
“Yeah, I think I could see you and I living together here,” Rae replied with a small chuckle at the blush that crept back into Finn’s cheeks as her words sunk in.
“Uh, cool. That’s, uh, really good. I guess we can give the landlord a call tomorrow and arrange a time to sign all the paperwork and get that whole process started, right?”
“Yeah, that sounds good to me!”
Finn and Rae walked to where his car was parked and Finn began driving Rae back to her apartment.
“I’d say today was a fairly productive day! It took most of the day, but I’m really glad that we were able to find an apartment that I think will work out well for both of us.”
“I’ve gotta admit, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed at first, but now I’m just excited and ready to get this process moving along and actually move into the apartment.”
“That’s completely understandable.”
“So, do you have any fun plans for the rest of your weekend?”
“Well, it appears that I’m gonna be moving sooner rather than later, so I should probably finish packing up my current apartment so I’ll be ready to move once all the paperwork goes through for the apartment.”
“Why? Do you have plans?”
“I was just gonna say that I’m going to need to get some new furniture because my da wants to turn my current room into a guest bedroom, so I was going to ask if you wanted to join me for some furniture shopping, but I’m sure you’ll be pretty busy all day with packing, so never mind,”
“I’d love to come furniture shopping with you, Finn! We could also look around for some furniture and decorations for the common areas of the apartment.”
“Oh, okay, perfect,” Finn replied with a smile as he pulled into a parking space in front of Rae’s apartment building, “I’ll text you tomorrow to find a time that would work for you to go look at furniture, alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine with me. Have a nice night, Finn, and I’ll see you tomorrow!” Rae replied as she climbed out of Finn’s car.
“See you tomorrow, Rae!” Finn replied as he waited for Rae to unlock the door of her apartment before driving away.
A/N: I initially wanted to make the previous chapter the last one before they *officially* become roommates and this chapter was combined with the previous one, but I didn’t like how it flowed so I broke them into two chapters, which I like a lot more. I had a lot of unexpected time to write this week, so I’ve gotten a decent start on the chapters to come and I really like them and think they are a lot of fun, so hopefully you all agree with me and enjoy where this story is going? Maybe...perhaps?
What are your thoughts about Rae and Finn living together? Will it work out well? Will it ruin their friendship? Will it lead to more than just friendship between these two?
Truth be told, idk exactly where I want this story to go in the grand scheme of things quite yet, but with each chapter I’m planning and reading the responses from readers and trying to determine what I want to do/what y’all expect I’m gonna do and try to make things feel fun and new...fingers crossed that I don’t fuck it up! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Until next time: Stay awesome, my friends! :)
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warletscitch · 6 years
Bad Things [ 3 ]
Pairing: Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, ANGST, like one sexual reference
Summary: Y/n is so hypnotized with Tom, it’s effecting her relationship with Harrison
A/N: Ok so Tumblr is trash and it won’t let me add a title for some reason so I had to do this weird huge ass font. But anyway, thank you all so much to those giving me feedback on this story. I hope y’all know I work so hard on my writings and to know that at least one person likes them means the whole world. Anyway, this chapter was hella fun to write. Also my taglist is growing which I’m super excited about! Just message me or shoot me an ask if you’d like to be added
Chapter 1, 2
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Don’t forget to brush your hair, you thought to yourself as you scurried around the kitchen searching for something small and quick to eat. You were running behind because you slept in and now you had less time to get ready for work. The only good thing about waking up early at this moment was that Harrison and Tom were still sleeping. Haz didn’t have work until later and you didn’t know about Tom but you also didn’t really care. Whenever you slept at Harrison’s, you would set an alarm to wake up and go back to your apartment that was downstairs and you’d get ready for work at home but today was not working like that. So you wore the same shorts you did the day before and stole one of Harrison’s tee shirts and cinched it up, attempting to make it look cute. After grabbing a water bottle and a granola bar, you were finally in your car driving to the studio you worked at. You ran your hands through your hair in distress only to realize you completely forgot to brush it. Well, at least you weren’t going to be late.
“Y/n someone just came in, asking for you.” You whipped around to face your co-worker who tapped your shoulder. You worked as an assistant to a fashion photographer. Why would someone be looking for you? It couldn’t be Harrison because everyone in the studio knows him because of how often he stops by to bring you lunch, or pick you up. You gave your co-worker Laura, a weird look and then walked over to the front door. Standing behind the front desk was Tom. This fucking boy, you wished you could scream but you just smiled at him, “Hey?”
“I want some headshots.” His hands were stuffed in his pockets but he stood still with confidence. The confidence you’d find in a narcissist.
“Did you schedule a shoot?” He easily could’ve gone online and planned something or even called the studio but there’s no way he did. That would make your life easier so why would he?
“I figured our chat last night counted as a scheduling.” You look at him with anger and even though you want to yell at him for being so childish, you also want to give him everything he wants. His golden eyes shine onto you like sunlight and it burns, it hurts but it also feels good, warm and comfortable. But you don’t say anything, you just walk towards the back space of the room where another small studio is set up. It was a good thing you were friends with almost everyone at the studio or else you wouldn’t know how to explain yourself.
“My friend Sadie will take some pictures of you, just go over to her when she’s done with her client and tell her I sent you.” You pointed to Sadie who wore a bright yellow flowy tank top with flowers on it.
“She’s cute.” Tom said before slowly walking over to her. You just rolled your eyes knowing that Sadie wouldn’t even look twice at him since she had a boyfriend. You stood in the corner of the room, near a closet filled with props and clothes. Watching Tom walk and talk with other people was interesting. You could clearly see manipulation in his hand movements and the way he titled his head when he spoke. He was definitely attractive and that’s probably why he so easily got what he wanted all the time. He changed into a few different outfits at Sadie’s request. There was something about the way black looked on him that was enthralling. It matched his dark aura, but you liked it. Sadie took pictures of him and giving you looks after each shot, with an expression that basically said “What the fuck?” After she took the headshots she directed Tom to the changing room where he could put back on his normal clothes. As soon as he was gone Sadie was running right up to you.
“Is he your boyfriend? He’s an ass, but he’s definitely cute.” Sadie talked fast and you tried to keep up. Sad to see that Sadie could already tell he was a douche bag in the short amount of time she had to deal with him.
“No he’s not my boyfriend. He is an ass though and I’m sorry I just threw him at you. It’s a long story.”
“He said you slept at his place last night?” Of course he did. Of course he told some twisted truth just to start drama.
“No, oh my gosh, no! We both slept at Harrison’s last night. He’s calling it his place because he’s staying with Haz. Like I said, long story.” Sadie just gave you a nervous look and you told her you would tell her more later. Soon enough Tom came rolling out of the changing rooms and leaned against the wall, looking right at you.
“If you go on our website and type in this code, you can find your headshots there.” You handed him a piece of paper with the code on it. He smiled, taking the paper and shoving it in his pocket. It felt a little like Tom didn’t actually want pictures of himself and he just wanted to see you. You didn’t want to think like that, but that’s how it felt.
“What time do you get off?” You could feel his eyes on you and you wanted to look back, with your head high and shoulders back but you couldn’t so you just looked at his forehead, the space between his eyebrows. It was a stupid trick but it worked whenever you didn’t want to look someone in the eye. For you, it was risky business making eye contact, especially with someone like Tom.
“I have a lunch break in five minutes actually and then I’ll be home around 3.” You looked at the clock on the wall behind Tom, 11:55.
“Lunch break. Let me get you lunch. Since you got me pictures.” Tom was leaning closer and closer towards you, his smile widening. You leaned further away even though you didn’t mind being close to him. His energy was somehow soft, but in a dangerous way. Danger. Tom wasn’t anything dangerous, just a fuckboy with a rude attitude. You had to stop thinking so badly of him. There’s no reason for you to be afraid, right? The walls around you and him were getting smaller and it was like you were in this tiny space with only Tom. You moved backward, your shoulder hitting the wall behind you before calmly saying, “You don’t have to.” He touched your shoulder, moving it away from the wall. His grip on your shoulder was strong but his hands were soft on your bare skin. It was...nice. His touch was cooling, as if it relaxed all the tense muscles in your arm.
“It’s okay love, I want to.” And you couldn’t say no to his honey dripping voice, so the only word left was yes.
“You can leave the building for your break right?” Yes.
“Do you like coffee?” Yes.
Tom’s car was surprisingly clean, it even smelled nice. He drove pretty fast and you clung onto the leather seat below you, trying to look collected. So you opened your window and relaxed, letting the wind toss around your hair. The conversation in the car was small and short. He asked you about how long you worked at the studio and how long you knew Harrison. It wasn’t until the ride was over that you noticed he was only asking you questions and you didn’t get to learn anything about him. You hoped that would change though as you entered the small coffee shop.
“So, what’s your story?” It may have been blunt but you wanted to know so you figured you would just ask instead of trying to dance around certain topics in conversation.
“Don’t really have one. Just your average guy, living life the best he can.” He sat right across from you, his arms crossed. He was lying.
“Everyone has a story. Why’d you get kicked out of your apartment?” You said, pretending that you didn’t hear what he said to Harrison last night about how people didn’t like his lifestyle. Well what the hell lifestyle was that?
“Wouldn’t you like to know. Don’t worry, it was nothing illegal.” You just frowned wishing he’d tell you more.
“How was sleeping with Haz last night? You guys have any fun?” Tom grinned, propping his elbows up on the table.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You mocked him, laughing. The rest of the time spent at the coffee shop was actually good. He payed for everything like he said he would, he even opened the car door for you. It wasn’t until you finally made it back to the studio that you pulled out your phone to see 6 texts and 3 missed calls from Harrison. You read the first one you saw.
You still wanting pizza for lunch? Cuz I was thinking about sandwiches tbh. I’ll be at the studio around 12.
Shit. Harrison was going to pick you up for lunch today. How could you forget about the plans you two had made yesterday? You both wanted to go check out that new pizza place down the road from the studio. Although Harrison apparently wanted a sandwich now. The events that happened last night seemed to throw you way off. You honestly couldn’t even remember what happened yesterday, you only remembered last night when your high school dreams of kissing Harrison were about to come true, only for Tom to ruin them. But how could you be so forgetful and irresponsible?
“Everything okay?” Tom’s voice took you out of your thoughts as he opened the door for you. You walked into the building of the studio.
“I was supposed to get lunch with Haz. Ugh, he’s gunna be wondering where I am.”
“You don’t have to tell him where you are or what you do. He doesn’t control you.” Tom started slowly walking away and you just looked at him with your jaw dropped. It wasn’t like that with Harrison at all. Why would Tom say that? You went to say something but your phone screen lit up with another text. You looked down to see Harrison’s name on the screen.
Wow. Thanks for telling me. Hope you had fun with Tom.
How did he know you were with Tom? You looked up from your phone to ask Tom if he told Harrison, but he wasn’t in sight.
Taglist: @johnmurphys-sass @lemirabitur @noodleboylester @nerdy-devil @slut-for-fandoms @ironspydey @hifriendssss @sighspidey @foodlyhallows
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exscurus · 6 years
get to know me, i guess? | @letaunloved​
1. the meaning behind my url
To be honest, the meaning behind my url is layered. A big part is the “ex” at the beginning. Exscurus embodies my hopes for Credence in a way. I want him to be able to put being an obscurus behind him. I want him to be able to heal to the point that being fragmented, so fragmented that it threatens his life and in a sense traps him in fear and unhappiness, is no longer necessary for him to survive. So in essence, I want him to find acceptance. I want him to find love so he’s an ex obscurus. Dumbledore has implied that’s possible and I want it to happen more than anything. I went through a lot of url ideas before I found one that both sounded cool to me and actually had a lot of meaning to me, and I feel like this one really hits the nail on the head.
2. a picture of me
Please forgive my face but boy do I love a good suit…
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3. tattoos i have
Shamefully? No tattoos. Not yet, at least. I’m working on that, though
4. last time i cried and why
Oh, god. I think the last time I cried was at work on Friday. So I work in a gas station that also has a kitchen (thankfully I’m a cashier, I can’t handle kitchen work with my anxiety), and we’ve been having some extremely serious staffing issues recently. On Thursday, the team lead (who admittedly never does her job to the fullest capacity, and most of the time doesn’t do it at all) straight up didn’t come in - didn’t call, and didn’t bother showing up. So that night I spent the entire shift running registers essentially by myself while the two kitchen workers took turns occasionally popping out of the kitchen to help me out. That’s fine, I can survive that.On Friday it was way worse than that, though. That same lead had the nerve to actually bother to call off that day, and then because when we’d gotten off work in the morning the managers had said something about us not doing enough, another coworker called off because she was upset. (How the hell could we do more when there were only three of us??) Then, my third coworker stayed for only three hours of the shift and left. The help who stayed past her shift left maybe thirty minutes later.I ended up completely alone for four hours and I had to turn people away from our kitchen because I couldn’t run registers and kitchen at the same time. A few people got angry because I haven’t been trained to give refunds for online orders, either, so when those went through despite everything else in the kitchen being shut down, that was also a nightmare. Oh and someone came in with what the security guard was 99% sure was a gun and asked for one of my coworkers and left when he found out he wasn’t there. Overall that night was horrific and I cried like three times.
5. piercings i have
I have the tops of my ears pierced. I think that’s my only piercing now, honestly, though I used to have a septum piercing and I very briefly had my tongue pierced - though fun fact that one almost killed me.
6. favorite band
Hands down Panic! at the Disco. I’m actually going to a concert on the 30th in Cleveland, OH with one of my best friends. I am ready to ruin my throat scream singing.
7. biggest turn off(s)
Uhhh. Belly buttons. Do not touch me there. Don’t. Doooon’t. Don’t ask me to touch you there. Do not. I am absolutely repulsed by every form of belly button there is out there. I don’t know why but I just… No. No no no. I’m also much more mildly turned off by anatomy mistakes people make with me because I’m trans.
8. top 5 books
Harry Potter (obviously), Eragon, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Inkheart, Chronicles of Narnia
9. tattoos i want
I’m getting this soon, but! I’m getting a tattoo of Panic! lyrics from the newest album on my hip along with the album symbol underneath. This tattoo may be one of like two that I really want that’ll have some pretty deep emotional significance beyond “wow lol this is cool”. The lyrics are “Mama said don’t give up, it’s a little complicated.”
10. biggest turn on(s)
To be completely honest, there’s a lot of little things that get to me. I’m weak in general to attractive people and even more weak when it comes to attractive men because I have… a preference, but. People with intense looks. Really beautiful eyes. People who are incredibly tactile in a casual setting but don’t make me uncomfortable with it. I’m trying to stay safe for work here ahaha.
11. age
I’m 23, but I’ll be 24 in March.
12. ideas of a perfect date
My favorite date idea that I’ve never had a chance to put into practice is…Going out together to the downtown area of a city where there’s a lot of things to do and a lot of restaurants and just going on an adventure. Stopping in little shops that look interesting and when we get hungry stopping in a little hole in the wall restaurant neither of us has heard of or been to before. New experiences and new memories with a person I like just sounds…  Great? But I’m a huge romantic, so.
13. life goal(s)
I want to be a childhood therapist or maybe a social worker. I want to make sure children don’t grow up the way I did, or at the very least have the support they need to grow up and feel like they have the tools to survive after everything’s already been said and done. I also want a house of my own - maybe a tree house? A super functional tree house full of lots of fantasy books. Also with internet and video games. And someone who loves me.
14. piercings i want
I want dermal hip piercings. I have. A thing for hips.
15. relationship status
Single. My last relationship was kind of garbage and it put me in a position for a long time where I was not emotionally healthy enough to enter into a new one. I feel like I’m okay now, but. I don’t want to rush things.
16. favorite movie
Anastasia (1997)
17. a fact about my life
I have lived in a total of seven states in my entire life. Five of those I’ve moved around to and from since I turned eighteen. I moved around a lot when I first moved out on my own.
18. phobia
Nyctophobia. I’m afraid of the dark. Deathly afraid of the dark. I don’t like not being able to see. Though if I were to go into more depth, It’s more.. Scotomaphobia, which is a fear of going blind or visual disturbances in field of view. I have full blown panic attacks when I’m unable to see, and because I’m night-blind, I can’t see in the dark. I have really terrible vision and I’m really afraid of it escalating to a point where I can’t see because the majority of the things I enjoy in life rely on my vision.
19. middle name
Tracey. Y’all don’t even know my first name but there’s that. Ya boi’s middle name.
20. anything you want to ask
I did them all and I feel like a windbag but afkhdsgdjh AAAAAA
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First of all, i just want to thank all of you for all the nice comments for all the hate that group of people has been sending me and trying to ruin my appearance and career online! I can’t thank you all enough for your kindness and i am so lucky to have all of you as friends!
I’ve said this before and i took a break for awhile but i’ve been feeling different lately as of late than last time. Ever since this whole shit storm i’ve lost big interest in Brigitte completely. I kept playing as her because y’all seemed to like my portrayal and i love interacting with you all. Meaning i broke my own rule i made for myself where i only rp for fun not a chore haha oops!
The reason for my dislike for Brigitte now due to said toxic person believe it or not. We used to be close friends, would rp brigitte x tracer all the time, play overwatch and other shit Not to mention they force ships especially gay ones and guess what. You dislike a certain ship that is gay they brand you as homophobic along using my dyslexia asa   way of bullying me too and send their little army after. So, after this big event i just don’t want to rp brigitte but for me it’s not a big loss since there are so many Brigittes out there. I’m dropping brigitte as a character i rp as i don’t want any memories of that person.
I know this blog has undergone so many changes but this last character swap to a character i adore and main, which is Sombra by the way will be final and i can get back to doing rp as a fun hobby. I know those who have stayed with me and know what that person has said n shit will  forgive me through this final blog change!
I love Sombra to death no matter how much shit she gets so i would have a blast rping her here, so expect to see changes on this blog very soon! This means the jagardinskold is open for any brigitte rper to take as well as my icons  they shouldn’t just go to waste! Message me if you want them, don’t forget to credit icons somewhere on your blog too!
Again thank you all for sticking with me and reading this and i can’t wait to start moving passed this and portraying the wonderful Sombra now! I also will be continuing all current rps as Brigitte so do not worry about me dropping threads!
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panticwritten · 7 years
Tag Game - 10 Questions x 3
I was tagged by @kclenhartnovels, @luminahart, and @yourbitchystudentwriter for this one, and I’ll answer all 30 questions in this one post! That way I don’t spam anyone’s dash and I also only have to think of 10 questions instead of 30 when I’m done haha.
Thank you so much, you three, for tagging me! I love these questions!
Rules: The Rules: answer these ten questions, create ten of you own, then tag ten people.
I’ll answer the questions under the break!
Round One!
1. What is your OC’s biggest pet peeve?
I’ll just answer for the three OCs of mine that have shown up in Breaking Furnace so far!
Sawyer hates unexpected changes in plan and unnecessarily repetitive noises. Like. Stop knocking after a couple seconds, they promise they heard you. Please condense those hundreds of tiny short messages into one longer one the pings are gonna drive them crazy.
Connor has a problem with people bad mouthing Sawyer, if you didn’t get that from Chapter 5 of Breaking Furnace lmao.
Dominic is touchy about topics dealing with family (”family is so important!” “you can always turn to your family!”). Basically, keep your perfect family narrative away from him or he’ll be forced to remind you that his father was the leader of a human trafficking cartel, which certainly won’t ruin your day as much as you’ve ruined his.
2. What book that you’ve read did you wish you had written, or think you could have written better?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man this is a hard one. When it comes to wishing I had written a book like “Dammit, I wish I’d had that idea!” I would probably say Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry. I still haven’t finished that series, but DAMN that was a good zombie book.
If it’s like “Wow, that’s a good concept but bad execution” hand me the rights to Twilight and Fifty Shades. Please let someone make these relationships healthy and not completely terrifying. Please.
With both, I think I would say Hunger Games. Like, the execution wasn’t BAD, but I read those books and see places where like. It could have been better. Better plot decisions could have been made.
You took Rue from us, Collins, why did you have to take Prim, too?
3. Which OC is smarter than you? What research did you have to do because of it?
Oh boy.
Notably, Jay is smarter than me. I haven’t written a ton with them in it so I haven’t had to do much research at all. They were created through a cloning process in which the Cube was manipulated to make them smarter and able to synthesize information faster than should be possible imo. They don’t have much formal education because of their unusual upbringing (see: Dominic’s father’s trafficking cartel), but they have sizable knowledge in biology, biochemistry, engineering, bio-engineering, nuclear sciences, psychology, pharmacology, computer sciences, geology, topography, and have been doing a lot of research into the way the Cube works (specifically the memory sectors). They’re also continuing looking into cloning. There’s a ton I’m missing but like?? I don’t really think I’m welcome in their labs these days haha.
Also, J (not Jay, easy mistake) is a lot better at thinking on their feet than I am haha. They’re like a prodigy with a sword, grew up learning how to fight and lie. I would die in a fight, whether with fists, swords, or any other weapons. And I’m only a good liar when I take too long to respond to a text/email.
4. If you were doing immersive research for your book, where/when would you have to travel?
I’ll do this one for Savior/Destroy, 100 Shades, and TS because those are the ones that doesn’t take place in a concept of a place. BF and SORH both take place in concepts because of the nature of those daydreams. 
For Savior/Destroy, I would really just need to be a fly on the wall of business happenings (same for 100 Shades, ugh), to get a feel for how that field actually works. There’s a lot you can’t research online effectively.
For 100 Shades, I would really need to spend some time in Seattle and Denver. I know little to nothing about either area, and I’ve been putting off research since I’m not writing it yet.
Trollhunters: Subverted would suck because I would have to go on a nice timeline trip starting around 500 BCE in what is now Bulgaria. There’s a lot of running around in that general area for a time. Starting around 1400 CE, I would want to be in Britain. Also, it would be nice to know exactly what happened at Roanoke. And knowing exactly how the woods were in southern Oregon and northern California in the 1600-1800 would be rad.
5. Which character is most like you?
I’ll say. Other than the characters that are me.
Humphrey. He’s nice and sweet and kind of bad at lying except for that one thing that he’s been lying about for so long that it doesn’t even feel like a lie before. My daydreaming is just a much more innocuous secret than his. And he had to switch schools in the middle of a school year, he struggles with mental illness, he’s really not good at talking to people.
The thing is, he doesn’t write and he likes math so who the hell does he think he is?
6. What is your favorite scented candle and why?
There’s like a blood orange Glade candle that I smelled at Target the other day?? It was really nice, but i haven’t really let myself think about scented candles since I’m not allowed to have candles at all in my dorm (doesn’t stop me from having some tealights for my altar but eh).
I like incense, though, and I love voodoo (because it smells like chocolate and death. like, in a good way) and fizzee pop (because it’s like the scent version of carbonation). Coconut is my favorite for writing because it’s the one my sister and I burn when we have writing parties, so it’s just one that I like.
7. Do you have a bookshelf or library? What’s your ideal library look like?
I have a bookshelf over my bed with all of the books I brought to university with me. If I could have my ideal library, like, think Beauty and the Beast scale library full of informational texts, classics that I’ll probably never even read, ongoing series. It should have a faint scent of dust and paper fresh off a printer. There would be a full section for all the books published by the folks in the writeblr community.
It should have an air of being similar to how the Gryffindor common room is described as feeling.
Everyone would be invited to come and complain about writing whenever they want to. It would be warm, with tea and coffee provided in the very back where the books I don’t remember buying are shelved.
8. Who is your biggest tumblr fan of your writing?
Oh man. I would be stuck between maybe?? @breakeven2007 or @jade-island-lives. You two have responded to so much of my writing, and it’s so cool. I know there are others, and I’m gonna take this opportunity to thank all of y’all so much for everything. It means a lot to get these tags and to get responses to things that I’ve written.
9. What tv show/movie has influenced your writing the most? Or, which series do you wish you could help write?
Honestly. Probably. Pokemon. I grew up watching that show and it probably has a lot of influence on how I form stories and how I view different kinds of conflicts.
I want there to be a Harry Potter TV series and I would 100% want to help write it.
10. How do you feel about fanfiction of your work?
Fuck me up.
Round Two!
1. Describe your WIP in such a lamest way possible.
An idiot gets themself thrown in prison because they regret not killing someone.
2. Describe your WIP in the most epic way possible.
A group of friends return to a nightmare of their past to face it head on, but nothing is what it seems. Most of the group has ulterior motives and the monsters lurking in the shadows have plans of their own.
3. What do you usually wear when you write?
Gay clothes. Because I’m gay.
In all seriousness, I have a hard time getting into the mindset of writing if I’m not wearing my ring (which I got from a candle, it has a connection with the Trollhunters daydream), my nostalgia necklace (has my pentacle, a charm from a friend when I graduated, and a vial of my cat’s ashes), and my string of keys (my daydreams tie heavily in with keys and it feels wrong to write about them without the keys on my person). Loose, comfy clothes are also a plus but not a requirement.
4. What part of your story do you enjoy writing the most (action, dialouge, description etc.)? Why?
I like writing tender moments and dialogue. Like, I love writing scenes between me and Connor. I love finding the balance between what needs to be said and what should be left unsaid.
5. Do you prefer to write female or male protagonists? Why?
I prefer to write nonbinary protagonists, but that’s just because I’m nonbinary haha. I don’t really write women, men, or nonbinary folk any differently. 
6. What are your plans for your WIP after you have finished writing it?
I kind of want to get it bound so I can have physical copies of it, even if I’ll never be able to publish it.
7. Have you, or would you participate in NaNoWriMo?
I have, sort of. I never got more than a couple thousand words in, but eh. It was fun. My projects just weren’t viable for a quick-write. I want to try again in the future, but November is just such an inconvenient month. It’s the worst month of the year for me, and I don’t see myself being able to work through that enough to write a 50,000 word novel in a month.
8. What do you enjoy the most about your genre?
Haha, that would make it sound like I stick to one genre. I think a lot of it has mystery, thriller, supernatural, and urban fantasy qualities, though, so?? I love the flexibility. “They separated their consciousness from their body?” sure, it’s my universe so that can happen.
9. What was your favourite read of 2017?
I didn’t really read a lot in 2017, which is tragic. My favorite book of the year was The Square Root of Summer by Herriet Reuter Hapgood. I had to race the clock to read this one because I started reading it really close to the end of my senior year. It was so good, and it surprised me in a million different ways. The protagonist had to admit to herself her own shortcomings in the process of facing an uncertain future, an old childhood friend, and crazy physics.
It was a great book, and if you like YA novels without all of the unacknowledged unhealthy relationships I would really recommend it.
10. What are your hopes for your writing in 2018?
I want to finish Breaking Furnace, goddamn it.
Round Three!
1. What inspired your current WIP?
Breaking Furnace is inspired by Escape From Furnace and the daydreams I’ve had in that universe. I have no idea?? Why this universe is the one I got fascinated enough with to live through the events of the original series in different ways 8 times, though, so that’s whatever.
2. what would you describe your writing style?
According to my roommate, “Almost cynical. It’s like the dark parts of your brain mixed with your humor and have this big fucked up baby. But in a good way. Like, a really good way. Like, you wouldn’t actually stab someone, but you would.”
And I think that’s beautiful.
3. What is an Au that you would love to see written about your OCs?
Literally anything where they are happy. Just let them have peace.
4. tell us a funny writing story.
Okay, so. I have a couple.
I’m sure we all remember the ‘eghit’ debacle, when I was trying to type ‘height’ and realized I needed to go to SLEEP.
And also that drunk writing party. Where I drank a single Mike’s Harder Lemonade (not to be confused with the much wimpier Mike’s Hard Lemonade). And really underestimated how much alcohol was in it.
So, here’s the whole story.
My mom doesn’t like cranberry juice, and I poked fun that she had cranberry Mike’s Harder Lemonade. And out of that conversation I obtained permission to have it. So, my brilliant self decided that since sober me, exhausted me, and depressed me can’t get any writing done, maybe tipsy me could.
And I ended up practically chugging it because I drink everything way too fast. And so I was writing, doing some outlining, and after I started to fuck up way more than I wanted to I actually went and checked how much drinking that in less than an hour would raise my BAC and it p much drove me over .04 so I laughed at myself for a solid ten minutes then went to sleep.
When I looked the next day, I wrote a paragraph, outlined ~4 pages of content, and a lot of it was good. If you can discount the typos.
5. do you listen to music while you write? if so what kind typically?
I do! When I’m writing new content, I listen to playlists I’ve made for each of my projects. When I’m editing, I listen to a classical Pandora station because I can not have words in my ears counteracting the words in my eyes.
6. when did you start writing?
A year or so after my sister started writing (or, when she started letting me read her writing), so maybe fourth grade?
7.who’s you favourite OC?
HHHHHH probably Connor. Definitely Connor.
8. who’s your least favourite OC?
9. do you prefer 1st 2nd or 3rd person perspective?
First person. I haven’t written in third person in awhile, and I’m assuming I would still not hate it, but I like being in a character’s head.
I write in second person if I’m writing creepypastas, which I haven’t done in a couple years.
10. uhhh….IDk just talk about anything wip or writing related, you decide!
I! Am really excited about getting to the point in Breaking Furnace where it completely breaks from the plot of the original series. I grew so much throughout this daydream, and it’s gonna be really cool to share that with everyone. 
I really don’t want to spoil anything, but I also really want to talk about everything to do with Breaking Furnace.
I’ll tag @panismightier, @breakeven2007, @jade-island-lives, @perringcentral, @angrymagicgirlmarsette, @vwritesfiction, @christinawritesfiction, @cadewrites, @happyk44, @lux-scriptum, but definitely don’t feel obligated to do it!
My questions for you!
1. How much research do you put into your projects, usually?
2. What do you draw the most inspiration from?
3. Favorite candy? How about your OC’s?
4. What are your OC’s star signs, and do their personalities fit their sign?
5. Which OC(s) secretly still have stuffed animals? Which one(s) have them, not so secretly?
6. Does your space have to be clean for you to write/draw?
7. What kind of view would you like to have from your desk?
8. Do you have an OC that doesn’t like to talk about their past? What do they have to hide?
9. Daytime writer or nighttime writer?
10. What trait do you least like in your favorite OC?
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kcllers · 7 years
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Introducing JAKE KELLER -- the product of Linc’s late-night journey through GIFs of sad boys™ earlier this week! Below the cut you will find a brief history, fun facts, and my general blurbs about this artsy lil mofo. ( Also me being a trash biscuit but honestly what’s new. )
Once upon a time, an infant boy was given up for adoption in Texas by a nineteen year old mother who, after much thought and consideration, deemed that her abilities to parent wouldn’t suffice. It was, perhaps, a selfless act in guaranteeing her child a shot at the best life -- but that doesn’t mean said child, now twenty-two and in the spotlight, can’t resent her for it.
With striking green-blue eyes, the child was taken in by foster parents in the suburbs of Austin within a few weeks, and that baby boy came to be known as Jake Keller. Bright-eyed and curious, he dazzled the Keller family and their friends, even managing to befriend their neighbor’s parakeet after it escaped. Synopsis: young Jake Keller was a fucking charmer. Intelligent, adventurous, observant -- by the time he was three, the Kellers had led him to memorize all of the major world capitals. And, quite impressively, the young boy began to give whimsical water color paintings to anyone and everyone with whom he crossed paths. ( One day, when Jake was five, he got screamed at by a neighbor for riding his bike on their lawn and crushing their flower bed. The next day, he tacked a painting of nearly identical flowers onto the ground he’d ruined. )
In elementary school, Jake was the type to draw on his friends’ hands, arms, and jeans. Layla King even asked him to doodle in Sharpie on the toes of her brand new hightops. Pictionary was Jake’s calling -- the other kids loved when it was his turn to draw.
Up until his ninth birthday, his family life and school life couldn’t be better. That is, until his foster parents noticed how much time he was spending with Colin Redford and caught them linking pinkies in the back yard. To the Kellers’ dismay, other parents at the fourth grade open house gushed about how strange it was when their children, bewildered, came home on the first day of school describing how Jake had kissed Colin on the cheek at recess.
So, what’s a foster family to do when they discover shit they don’t like? Play the system. When Jake returned home from riding his bike around one night, he overheard his foster parents -- really parents, to him -- frantically discussing what to do with him. “We’ll get him gone, Karen,” his foster father had reasoned, “I’ve got a plan.” The next day was Jake’s last day at school before he was taken away by DCF and plunked into a group home for children struggling aggression. The nine-year-old was asked to testify, on record, about attacking his foster mother -- allegations, of course, he truthfully denied. However, the agent overseeing his case didn’t believe him, so in the group home he stayed. Forced to grow a thick skin, Jake learned that the only way not to get hurt was to burn through people before they’d attempt to burn him. He became involved in numerous fights, often sporting scraped knuckles, black eyes, split lips. Because of this, he was moved from the group home to another foster care situation when he was 12, after his social worker finally deemed him “unfit for group life.” At his subsequent foster homes, however, Jake never lasted long -- being without a real family led to teasing, to threats of harm, and... well. He learned not to let people push him around.
After being suspended from school for breaking another kid’s nose and arm, Jake entered school-mandated anger management classes. He completed his GED through online courses, moved again from group home to group home with stricter, more militant rules. In the anger management courses and meetings, Jake rekindled his love for art.
One of Jake’s few friends from foster care reached out to him about a trip to California when they turned 18 and were finally out of the system. They road tripped from Colorado, where they’d both ended up. On a whim, Jake auditioned for the role of Charlie Taylor in Zenith’s Suburbia. It was more of a joke than anything, but just before they were about to leave California a week later, Jake got a call saying he’d received the role. So he scrounged up enough money from his savings to buy a small studio apartment in Hollywood and began living life as an actor.
The fame has been interesting for him. He’s always been charismatic, but due to his childhood/teen years, negative press advances put him on edge. He’s come close to smacking paparazzi a few times for getting too close, but so far he’s been in the clear. Still has a short fuse, though.
Recently he upgraded to a larger loft apartment, designating the largest room to be a studio where he paints, sketches, and creates regularly. It’s a hobby for him more than recognition, but a few of his paintings have been sold and circulated.
He loves cinnamon rolls? His fave breakfast in the history of ever, I swear. He’ll never admit it, but it’s because that’s what he’d always have with his first foster family on Sunday mornings, before things went to shit and he, well... went through hell and back.
Um like I don’t wanna make a big deal out of this bUT! HEHASANADORABLETEXANACCENT. <3
Loves hugs. 99.99% chance he will hug you unless you attempt to slight his honor.
Allergic to pet dander? He gets all sniffly and his eyes get itchy. Not anything a Benadryl won’t fix, so.... Yes. He will still snuggle with your dog. He’ll just be sniffling a lot later.
~~~~ [Insert Southern charm here] ~~~~ (I’m still not over it) He doesn’t say howdy but he does say y’all. Obviously his character on the show doesn’t have it though so a lot of times on set he’ll speak with a plain, blank slate American accent. But once he’s off set? Southern charmer. At the bars, people eat it up. This ain’t his first rodeo. (Tbh I don’t even think that fits, I just wanted to say it... @me please stop.)
Wanted Connections:
People he met along the way as he hopped from group home to foster home, etc. I feel this this would’ve taken him all around the Midwest. 
That friend from foster care!! One of the very few people he kept around from his past, honestly.
Someone who gets under his skin. Jake tries very hard not to lash out but this person really pushes his buttons.
Squad!!! He’s like, really charismatic most of the time? Sociable. Especially now, since the fame’s more of a chill fact of life.
PR relationship. Jake is good at separating his personal life from his professional life, but it’d be cool if we could fuck with that a little. Cause some #drama.
Coffeeshop/thrift shop/general excursion pals. I imagine Jake’s really into the #aesthetic of photographs, even though painting/sketching is his main thing? So someone who’s willing to scope out dope photoshoot places and pose 15 billion times for him -- and vice versa.
But yes that is the basic rundown!! I whipped this up so fast so pls don’t !me. @ :”) 
If you wanna plot with this lil beb ( or any of my other bebs tbh ) smash that like !!11!111! Am I a YouTuber yet? Subscribe to my channel and let me know if you’d like me to make more videos like this in the future! :O If we get to 200,000 likes maybe I’ll make a sequel duN DUN DUNNNN. ( Jk we all know I will because my self-restraint is trash and I already have a Colin Ford in mind named Dakota. #LINCISTRASH2kALWAYS )
<3 Ily all! xoxo Gossip Linc 💋
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
Well, a creppy boy started talking to me on the Tumblr chat saying weird shit and asked me to be his valentine out of the blue, so.. Yeah can I request RFA+V+Saeran reacting to that? A creep talking to MC and saying creppy stuff lol. Love ur blog 💕
Is he still bothering you? If he is PM me and his ass is grassOr if you’re just in need of a fake girlfriend/boyfriend/SO also say the word I’m there y’all don’t even know how good I look in drag
Forreal tho, if someone online is ever making you feel uncomfortable don’t be afraid to get assertive or reach out for help.
 RFA+V+Saeran react to a Creep creepin on MC
Yandere Yoosung: ACTIVATED i imagine a magical girl animation sequence whenever I say that
You had shown him the messages immediately because you two were playing games on an online server together when you got random, creepy PMs from GameFreak90
‘hey there, I see you’re a high level. U must be pretty good with your hands
want 2 play a game together sometime? it doesn’t have to be online ;)
its almost valentines day you know. we can hang out. ‘
You were so uncomfortable, and it went from uncomfortable to freaked out when you asked GameFreak90 to stop messaging you and he kept going, starting to talk about all the things he’d like to do to you
Yoosung searched the guys name immediately and pulled up his profile
His hands never moved so fast
‘Hey. Quit messaging MC28. She’s a good friend of mine and you’re freaking her out. -ShootingStar’
‘fuck off’
Yoosung was not having it. He didn’t have Seven’s hacking skills, or Jumins money, or Jaehee’s wit or anything the others had
But what he did have was his games
He pulled up TeamSpeak for his LOLOL guild immediately
“Guys, I need backup for an emergency raid”
It was over in minutes
Yoosung’s guild had raided and completely emptied GameFreak90′s base
Yoosung got a string of messages immediately after
hey man what the fuck
dude give me my shit back
fine im sorry im sorry give me my shit please
dude please
Yoosung just turned his mic on and with one last request of his guild “Hey, can everyone here flag this guy for inappropriate behavior”
In about 10 mins Yoosung went to pull up GameFreak90′s profile
It had been deleted
Yoosung had the smuggest of smirks on his face
“My hero” You giggled and kissed him on the cheek
He went from war hero Shooting Star to blushing, stuttering, Yoosung real quick
It was a slow day in the coffee shop so you were just sitting at a table playing on your phone and sipping coffee
Huh? New message.
Ding ding ding
You had a bad feeling before even opening your Fumblr app 
When you did open the little social media site, you were met with a bunch of unwelcomed advances from some strange follower
Hey valentines is coming up and im lonely
r u lonely to?
how about u be my valentine and we can go out??
You grimaced and replied with a curt “I’m sorry but no thanks”
come on babe
dont b like that
we can have fun
Jaehee had noticed to look on your face and immediately popped to your side
“Mc is everything alright?
“Yeah..I’m just getting creepy messages from some guy on Fumblr.” You handed her the phone so she could read them and her nose crinkled in distaste almost instantly
“Well your first problem is you apologized.” 
Jaehee started tapping away as she spoke “Don’t apologize for not being interested. When you apologize it makes you seem more …docile. Submissive. If these creeps think you have an ounce of shyness or even politeness in you they’ll try to exploit it.”
“o-oh.” You stammered, surprised by how irritated Jaehee suddenly seemed
“Secondly,” Her expression softened a bit with a final tap on the screen “You didn’t block him immediately” She looked to you with a smile on her face, pleased with herself for whatever she said to your Fumblr follower
She handed the phone back to you and a light blush fell across your cheeks. Jaehee never seemed to be the protector type but when it comes down to it
Baehee isn’t letting anyone bother you
He’s gotten his fair share of creepy fan mail, but he understands it comes with the job
But when you get creepy mail from his followers
You two have all the fan mail sent to a P.O. Box so fans don’t have your home address
One time when you went to get the batch, the two of you found a handful of letters with your name on them
“My fans must see us together all the time” Zen said as he handed the letters to you, a cautious look on his face. He was worried it was going to be some fangirl writing a mean letter about how she deserves Zen instead of you
It was much creepier
It was a bunch of letters from some guy 
‘My sister is a big fan of Zen so I have to watch TV shows with him on them all the time. One time there was a news story about him, but you were in the picture with him…’
The letters go on to say how once the writer saw you with Zen he started searching you more and claimed you two would be a perfect match. He started suggesting you break up with Zen (offering for him to date his sister) and for the two of you to get together.
You have to literally hold Zen back so he doesnt march to the return address and beat the shit out of sender
“Zen it’ll be such bad press do not do not do not”
20 mins later
He’s not calm, but he’s not bum rushing the door so…calm enough
“Let’s think of a reasonable way to handle this” You slump into a chair, exhausted from being the only thing standing between Zen and a physical assault charge
After a few minutes of silence
..”I have an idea.”
Zen pulled out a pad and started scribbling. “He said his sister is a fan of me? Well I’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse.”
Zen ended up writing a very heartfelt note to the sister of the sender, explaining the situation and how uncomfortable you were feeling because of the brother. And if the sincerity of the letter wasn’t enough to get her to make her brother stop, the VIP pass to Zen’s next show was a good bribe. 
He sent it out the next morning, and a few days later you guys checked the PO box to find a letter from her apologizing profusely for her brother’s behavior and how she’d handle it. And about 10 pages of ‘thank you’s and compliments for Zen of course. 
Elizabeth would only chase a laser pointer for so long, so you had a lot of free time whenever Jumin was at work
You were no stranger to social media sites as they were the best way to distract yourself for hours at a time until you had something entertaining to do
And you’ve gotten spam bots before, but never a human who was actually so forward enough to send you enough messages to make you a small novel
you look really nice in your profile picture
is that designer? man you got money to
you’re a rich bitch. wanna come see what its like on the other side of town?
You were appalled. 
“Leave me alone” was the best you could muster since you were in such a state of disgusted shock. 
The messages continued, and you ended up just blocking the guy. But even after that just looking at your phone made you a little nervous that you were going to see more messages from another douchebag
But nope
Same douchebag. Different site. 
why’d you block me? playing hard to get?
“How’d you find my profile?”
it’s not hard to figure it out since I saw your name on the other one ;*
You just blocked him again and put your phone down, resolving to entertain yourself with anything else that wasn’t social media.
Eventually Jumin came home, and the first thing he noticed was your phone sitting on the coffee table and a specific lack of…you.
He went into a panic for a moment before you stepped into the hall, freshly showered. 
“Oh, MC, there you are. I was worried for a second. You’re usually not far from your phone.” 
“Yeah..” You muttered. “Some guy just keeps bugging me”
What do you mean
What guy
You explain the situation to Jumin and his phone is to his ear almost immediately as he picks up yours with his free hand.
“Luciel? I’m cashing in on a favor….”
You knew immediately where this was going and you had a slight grin on your face, knowing the creep who kept messaging you wasn’t going to be bothering you or anyone else anytime soon
You don’t even waste time
The second you get the first creepy message
hey hot stuff
You hand your phone to Seven
He just looks down at the screen, and a devious smile spreads across his face
Sure he could mess with anyone he wanted, but this time he has an excuse to go all out and ruin this Creeps life.
Seven whips up a program in a matter of minutes, connects a USB from his computer to your phone, then texts the man back
‘Hey cutie…wanna see a picture? ;)’ and he attached a file 
It says the message was received and viewed, but no response was given.
“What’d you do?” You ask as Seven hands your phone back
With a big smirk on his face:
“Once he opens that file his phone is going to run through his chat logs and play back all his creepy messages  on a permanent loop on his screen. And if he has any wireless connection to his computer, say, cloud storage, it’s going to happen to his computer too. And every few minutes he’s going to get a picture of me dressed as a maid, because I have to deliver, you know?”
You give Seven a huge hug “Ugh, thank you. How will I every pay you back”
“You already did” He laughs
“You’ll see” He winks and goes back to his computer.
You shrug and walk away, figuring you’d find out soon enough
And you did
The next time you opened your phone, your background was a nonstop slideshow of 707′s Greatest Crossdressing Pics
And all your app icons were selfies
And your gallery was filled with pictures of the red headed hacker
V was sitting on the couch and you were upstairs cleaning up and putzing around
V looked to see your phone light up on the table 
“MC, I think someone messaged you!” V yelled up the stairs
“Will you check it for me? It’s probably just a guest with a question about the party.” You called back 
“Sure.” And with that he opened your phone to find a rather crude picture  “What in the world”
my friend gave me ur number, thought you’d like this ;)
V was horrified that someone meant for you to open this 
‘I dont’ He typed back.
awww come on. you can tell from the pic im a good looking guy and my friend says ur cute. why dont we hang out
“No.” V glared at the number displayed at the top of the message board
playing hard to get? i like
V realized there was no reasoning with this idiot, and he thought it would be a waste of time trying to further communicate with a fool like his, so he bit down his better instinct and just sent a picture of himself glaring at the phone camera and typed “You’re talking to a man”
there was no reply for a moment
my friend said this was a girl
“I can assure I am not a female. Your friend gave you the wrong number. Go away”
There was no response but V was sure he could feel the embarrassment from the other side of the connection
With a satisfied huff he deleted the messages and number, figuring it best if you never have to worry about the situation
He also plans to find out which one of your friends would give your number to such a vulgar creep. 
You two were watching a video on your phone when you got a sudden chat request on Kiik, a messaging app
Saeran cast a quizzical look at you and you return it with a shrug, signalling you had no clue
When you open it up theres just a bunch of weird messages
hey babe
wanna be my valentine
i dont want to be lonely and i bet you dont either
we can keep each other company ;)
You didn’t even have a chance to respond before Saeran took the phone from your hand
“Fuck off” He was holding your phone so tight you thought he was gonna snap it in half
wow ur not very polite
“I said. Fuck. Off.” Saeran let out a breath that sounded like a growl
come on baby dont be like that
You could see a fire in your friend’s eyes and you knew things were about to get bad
“Send one more message and I’ll end your miserable existence, Scum.” 
“Saeran let’s just ignore it” You tried to take your phone back but he wouldn’t let go, too hyper focused on the screen. Instead he looked at you and said “He shouldn’t be talking to you this way.”
Both your eyes shot back to the screen
so you’ll come see me ;)
Whoever was on the other line had nooo clue who they were taunting
Saeran got up slowly, so slow it was a little creepy, when you looked at him you could see the gears running in his head
He walked over to his computer and started typing away, looking to the phone every now and then.
After about 20 minutes he finally came back to sit with you and handed your phone back.
“You….You good, Saeran?” You asked, surprised at how calmed he seemed.
He looked to you with a smile on his face and a glint in his eye. “I’m very good.”
You were almost worried to ask but “What’d you do?”
“Not much. But he’ll leave you alone soon enough.”
You stopped asking questions, he wouldn’t tell you the details anyways.
That night you were awoken to 
You fumbled around in the dark and eventually opened your phone to see messages from the Kiik app
please helpfehofejijeqiue
I’m very sorry for what I said to you earlier. I will never contact you again. If I do my fingers will be broken.
You knew immediately. 
“Saeran what’d you do???” You sent the text
All you got back was “:)” 
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