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- jake keller - twenty two. ( actor. artist. ) / suburbia /
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kcllers · 8 years ago
[ @kcllers ]
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Colin hasn’t been able to steady his breathing for the last hour, but other than that, Colin should be thankful he’s in one piece.  Hot, sweaty, and incredibly fearful of all his friend’s fates, he’s at least glad that Jake’s been with him the whole time. Blue eyes lock on blue, and he takes in the damage the debris has done to Jake.  “That was the scariest thing I’ve ever been through.”  He admits, voice wavering.  “Are you okay?”
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Jake’s skin stings where it’s been hit by debris. But overall, he and Colin have both managed to get through this disaster relatively unscathed, so a few cuts, scrapes, and slashes shouldn't phase him. What worries him the most is the way Colin’s breathing still hitches, the nervous glances he’s been casting about the room. Jake recognizes these signs and shifts closer, resting his hand atop Colin’s. “Hey now,” he murmurs, giving Colin’s hand a light squeeze. “Don’t you worry ‘bout me.” Slightly bloodied lips curl into a gentle, reassuring smile. “You okay?”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
imsg-- jake [key emoji]
COLIN: hey, you.
COLIN: i just--idk. i thought i should get better at not putting any more distance between people i care about.
COLIN: i'm on set right now but i took a break from gettin' people their coffees and i wanted to say hi.
JAKE: hey, i was actually just thinking bout you. :)
JAKE: how's your day going?
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kcllers · 8 years ago
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It was in that moment that Colin found himself momentarily hating Jake for the second time in his life–but not really hating him at all. The first had been when they were kids, when he inexplicably left.  Colin hated grudges, but still felt like his nine-year old self deserved some semblance of an answer. As for the present time, Colin couldn’t help but curse Jake because of how handsome and sweet he was being, even after Colin had avoided the crap out of him.  “Hey. I brought you somethin’.” He murmured, holding up the covered package of food.  Honestly, he hoped and prayed Jake hadn’t suddenly developed a distaste for cinnamon rolls. “Did–was I interrupting something? I mean–”  And cue the quiet, almost embarrassed laugh. “Yeah, that…I’d like that.” He chewed on his lower lip and immediately brought his hand up to peel his lip from between his teeth–a habit he’d had since childhood. 
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“Interruptin’? No, no, you’re alright. Just script stuff,” Jake assured as he allowed Colin in. He flashed the other male a warm, albeit tired, smile before nudging the door shut behind him. Now, in closer proximity to his friend, Jake was overtaken by a wave of nostalgia. Colin’s presence had quickly become synonymous with comfort -- blame it on their childhood history, or perhaps the vast amount of time they spent with one another in Chicago, but the tension in Jake’s shoulders melted away just with having the blonde in the same room. “You didn’t have to make me anything,” he murmured as he led Colin further into his apartment, toward the living room. “But, for the record, it smells amazing.” Cinnamon, vanilla... If Jake had to guess, he’d assume cinnamon rolls were in that covered package -- just the thought of that warmed his heart. They’d always been his favorite. Still were. “We, uhm.” He didn’t quite know what to do with his hands, and decided that shoving them into the pockets of his skinny jeans would suffice. They didn’t stay stowed away for long though, gesturing just moments later to the couches before them. “We could... sit?” 
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kcllers · 8 years ago
[ @kcllers ]
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Colin was generally good at a lot of things, but the thing he did best was put walls up. It wasn’t like he’d meant to, really–but after Chicago and getting to hang out with Jake a little more, the pitter-patter his heart did nearly scared him to death. The whole ‘hey, we’re best friends, let’s be back in eachother’s lives again’ thing was kind of terrifying.  Even more terrifying were the feelings developing. Romance.  Colin hadn’t had that, ever, so why should he expect Jake to be receptive of it? Still, he felt guilty for avoiding the other, and decided to make it up to Jake by stopping at his place with a tray of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.  Nervously, Colin knocked twice on the front door, shifting his weight from side to side.
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Following Chicago, Jake couldn’t help but feel as though, somehow, he’d overstepped and scared Colin away. Since returning from the trip, he’d seen very little of Colin. Sure, he could have sought out an explanation, but Jake Keller simply didn’t operate that way -- if space was what Colin craved, he wouldn’t be the one to stand in his way. Still, he’d found himself glancing down hallways and around corners at Zenith for the past week, hopes dashed when he didn’t happen to see his childhood best friend in the empty spaces. Jake was buried in a new script issued earlier today, but a knock on his door drew his focus away. He stood and crossed the living room, opening the door without sparing a glance through the peep hole -- lack of sleep, after all, hindered his judgment. His expression went blank, however, realizing who stood before him. “Colin, oh. Hey there, stranger.” Jake felt his gaze begin to travel so he blinked, scolded himself for engaging in the behavior that likely drove Colin away in the first place. “How’re you doin’? Wanna come in? I --” A hand traveled up to rub at the back of his neck. He glanced away for a second. “If you want, f’course.”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
     ayana couldn’t help but hold back her laughter at the scene that was unfolding. it was a hilarious scene to be apart of, and she knew it was probably equally ridiculous to witness. ‘ yeah, totally fine. ’ she reassured her friend with a grin, accepting the jacket with a look of appreciation. jake always came through for her. 
          ‘ bless you. what what i do without you ? ’ she murmured as she slipped the jacket on, quirking her eyebrow as she struck a pose. ‘ coffee stains and over-sized jackets ? step over, anna wintour ! ’
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“Want my honest answer to that?” Jake teased with a gentle smile. “You’d flourish.” As Ayana donned her new ensemble, he whistled -- but not loudly enough to call too much attention. “More like get shoved out of the way, right? I’m havin’ coffee with a straight up fox. Anna Wintour’s got nothin’ on you. Tomorrow, coffee stains will be in and normal shirts,” Jake gestured down to his own spotless blue tee, “Will be no more.” He tapped the top of his own coffee cup before meeting Ayana’s eye, a glimmer of mischief in his gaze. “What d’ya say? Should we get me back on trend?”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
          ‘ oh, crap !!! ’ the hiss slipped from her lips as the hot liquid spilled down her shirt. fanning rapidly at the material, ayana danced from one foot to another as if that was enough to alleviate the heat seeping into her skin. with a frown, she stretched out the arm with the offending coffee mug, chucking it into the trash before she sighed. 
          ‘ well, at least this isn’t a COSTUME. ’
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Maybe a rushed coffee crammed in between close call times hadn’t been the brightest idea after all. “Oh, whoa --” Jake’s eyes widened as he quickly set his own mug aside, not particularly caring whether it landed on the table upright or not. He quickly snatched a wad of napkins and handed about half to Ayana before blotting at the mess himself, concerned gaze lifting upwards to meet his friend’s. “Y’alright?” After pretty much saturating the napkins, he tossed them into the trash before shrugging off his jacket and offering it up. “Hey. Something’ tells me coffee stains could be the next big trend, if you’re spotted with ‘em.” A gentle jest to lighten the mood.
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kcllers · 8 years ago
my original plan was to post open starters on most of my babes BUT!! if you want a brief (emphasis on brief lmao) closed starter from cash, jake, liel, lincoln, nikolai, or nix please feel free to message me and specify which muse you’d like one from!! (psst i’m also planning on bringing in dakota (colin ford) and gunner (charlie heaton) within the next few days so if you wanna talk plots with those two -- or any of my current six -- also feel free to shoot me a message!! <3 ily guys a lot and my muse is a bit testy today but i think some shorter threads would do wonders to get it revving again, haha. you can reach me here on jake, or over on nikolai or nix, since i’m working on queuing some muse/inspo posts on those three!
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kcllers · 8 years ago
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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kcllers · 8 years ago
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“I figured you wouldn’t be, but–I wanted to impress you. Or somethin’.” Colin’s cheeks were flushed bright red as he came to realize the implications of his words. Was that laying the icing on too thick? He didn’t have too much time to mull over that, though, blue eyes lifting to meet Jake’s after a moment as if to will himself to maybe not be such a damn chicken. “Outdoing myself would’ve been with eggs benedict and cinnamon rolls.  Unfortunately, being away from my kitchen means I severely lack those tools.” He smiled, though, a real live grin that reached his eyes. “Not gonna lie, I miss my bed back in LA….and I also haven’t been attacked by puppy kisses the last few days, so aside from those changes, yeah. I did. What about you? Not working too hard, I hope.” But god, did Jake look beautiful considering all the night shoots he had to endure. Colin immediately fiddled with his glasses–he wasn’t wearing a hoodie, and therefore couldn’t fool around with the strings as a way to calm his nerves. Thus brought a new question–why the hell was he still nervous? 
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“Hey, you don’t have to try to impress me. All those bike tricks you showed me in second grade have me forever dazzled,” Jake teased with a smile and a playful wink. He noted Colin’s slight blush, and it caused his heartbeat to quicken. “And you cook? Hell, anyone who dates you’s got something special, huh?” Was it a crafty way to check if Colin was single? Maybe. “I’ll embellish and say I’ve gotten maybe... four hours of solid sleep.” Cue a soft chuckle. He shifted his weight a bit, a hand brushing along the surface of the dresser he leaned against. Jake scanned Colin’s features and he couldn’t help but notice a hint of... nervousness? Not that he couldn’t understand its presence, of course: they’d just reconnected after years of being apart. “I like those,” he blurted out without thought, raising a hand to card through his hair. “I -- your glasses. They’re nice. Y’look nice.”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
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The knock almost startled Colin–or, at least, it would’ve if he hadn’t expected it. But because it was Jake, because there was still so much for them to talk about, Colin’s nerves were at an all time high. He wondered if he’d always get this shaky around Jake–it wasn’t like he was a total stranger. With one shaky hand, Colin pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before he opened the door. He was very careful not to stare–although he could hear Harry just telling him to make a damn move already. Colin wasn’t bold by any means, so he stuck to offering Jake a sheepish smile as he stepped back. “I tried to clean up as much as I could. Luckily, we’re all kinda’ neat.” He glanced over his shoulder at Jake, marvelling at how great he looked. God, Colin was too damn far gone. “I–I don’t think it’ll ever not feel surreal that you’re here.” He admitted softly, turning away to unpack their bagels before Jake could catch his blush.
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Jake caught his eyes traveling up and down Colin’s figure as the door opened and he quickly forced himself to blink a few times and drew his gaze upwards. He could only hope Colin hadn’t noticed. “I’m not picky about venues,” Jake assured with a gentle smile, entering the room and closing the door behind him. “Besides, this room puts mine to shame. Makes me seem like a freakin’ slob.” When Colin’s back was turned, he found himself admiring again. The young man bit his lip and forced himself to look away, cheeks dusted a light rose. “Me too,” he replied a beat too late for it to seem natural. Jake leaned against one of the dressers, giving an added air of serenity and poise to his presence -- in all actuality, his heart threatened to beat its way through his ribcage. “Bagels and coffee? You’ve outdone yourself, Redford. Color me impressed.” And checking him out again. Jesus. The brunet rubbed at his neck, glancing toward the window. “How’s your mornin’ by the way? Sleep well?”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
[ @kcllers ]
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Having only caught glimpses here and there of his best friend during their time thus far in Chicago, it was safe to say that Colin’s nerves were getting the best of him. He’d barely had time to adjust to Jake being in LA before they were whisked off to Chicago with everyone else at Zenith. He’d kept to himself for the most part, save for his conversation with Harry, where he realized he really just had to grab life by the horns. The weather had warmed considerably, causing Colin to feel slightly naked in just jeans and a t-shirt. Having just finished his errands for the morning, Colin took it upon himself to buy bagels and coffee–iced, of course– to bring to his room. His roommates were presumably working, so for the time being, the room was empty. He’d sent a quick text to Jake, inviting him over because (as an intern, of course) he had made pretty much everyone’s schedule his business. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t overcome with jitters over the prospect of seeing Jake, really being with him, but they did need to talk. Asked around about ur coffee order. V glad Hollyweird never changed u. Come to my room? I have sustenance for ur busy evening. :)
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Chicago was one of the few places Jake had yet to set foot in, so upon arriving, he’d made it his mission to scope out the city on foot. Of course, his busy filming schedule left little free time for such adventures, but so far, he’d managed to fit in whatever exploring he could: for instance, last night he roamed from bar to bar until around 4am with a few locals. It would be an understatement to say that Colin’s text didn’t put a bit more pep in his step -- he was called later in the day, and he’d need to shake this mild hangover sometime before then. After firing back a quick, My hero. Be there soon :), Jake found his way to Colin’s room. Given the warm temperatures, he settled for simple black jeans and a dark tank top. It wasn’t like he’d be greeting any press anyway. The brunet knocked on Colin’s door before running a hand through his hair, blinking away the grogginess that still loomed over him like a light fog. The actor shifted his weight from foot to foot, hands shoved into his pockets as he awaited the door’s opening.
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kcllers · 8 years ago
😘 talk about your crush or partner
“Oh, gosh.” Jake ducked his head, cheeks tinged a faint rosy pink. “Well. I’m not sure how to answer this one, if I’m honest... I... It may be a crush, I’m not dead sure yet. But either way, they’re gorgeous. Smile of a true stunner. Beautiful baby blues to match. And their laugh... I swear, it could probably stop birds from chirping because they’d rather listen.”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
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“Um. Probably something along the lines of… Keep your head up, kiddo. Things… Things are gonna get a little interesting. Nothin’ you can’t handle, but… Don’t take these early years for granted. You’re gonna be hit with some absolute shit. But you’ll get through. And… Probably learn to perfect your right hook sooner rather ‘n later, though. Insurance policy.”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
emoji asks 💫 (must be answered truthfully)
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kcllers · 8 years ago
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The second Jake started speaking again, Colin was hit by how much he missed home. Texas hadn’t felt like home only because of the numerous times he’d changed homes for his family to accommodate all the hell he’d gone through at school. It was frightening to have the knowledge that Jake was less than aware of that stage of his life. The male scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, chewing on the corner of his lower lip. Jake had really evolved into a beautiful damn human. It kind of made Colin’s knees weak. “Y–yeah, puberty kinda…happened.” He blushed, looking over his shoulder to see if he was blocking anyone behind him. Luckily, there was no one in their way. Not this time, anyway, and he was already scared of how long or how short that statement would remain true for.  “I’ve been really…good. I mean–you know, graduated community college, changed schools a few time.” There was one thought on the tip of his tongue, and being friends with Jake at such a young age had taught him to be bold more than anything, which of course he wouldn’t be with anyone else. “I missed you, Jake. A–are you good? You okay?”
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It wasn’t as if thought of finding Colin hadn’t crossed his mind over the years. But as he jumped from home to home, state to state, the feat seemed less and less feasible. Phone privileges at the group homes were mostly given to the children who actually had relatives to call, and since Jake didn’t qualify, he’d received none. By the time he was out on his own, well... He’d figured Colin would have surely forgotten about him. Evidently, that wasn’t the case. And for that, he would be forever grateful. “Puberty, hm?” Jake teased with a warm smile. “Treated you well.” He listened intently to Colin’s short description of the years he’d missed out on. The brunet sensed that, perhaps, something else lingered below the surface, but he wasn’t about to question it. “I missed you too. A damn lot.” He hesitated to answer the second bit, thinking back through the trials and tribulations of his younger life. “I... Yeah. Y’know, worked my way through the system. Showed ‘em who’s boss. And now there’s this whole... fame nonsense. I’m doin’ fine.” The actor found himself inching forward a bit, a hand rising to rest lightly upon Colin’s shoulder. “Oh, good. You’re real,” he teased, as if the gesture was just to check. His hand lingered. “It’s real good to see you, Colin. I -- ” Jake’s words cut off abruptly as he lost himself in Colin’s gaze. “I’d ask you to pinch me, make sure this isn’t some type’a dream, but... I don’t think I’d really want to wake up anyway, if I’m honest.”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
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Colin froze, almost with terror–because, really, he had introduced himself successfully to maybe a total of three people at Zenith Studios in the short time he’d been an intern. He was only vaguely aware that goosebumps were prominently spreading as his name was sounded out by the person he’d crashed right into. At least they hadn’t both taken a hard tumble to the ground. And that very person was someone he’d owed his security to for a brief period in elementary school, someone he’d actually cried over losing (even if it wasn’t voluntary or really explained, save for a few 3 Musketeers bars in his desk). “I–” He croaked, blinking a few times just to be sure he wasn’t dreaming. “Jake Keller, as I live and breathe.” Colin swallowed the small imaginary blockage that had formed in his throat. “How did I–and you–” He struggled to form another sentence, his mind practically blown. Fate was definitely handing him somethin’–what it was, he couldn’t quite tell. It was hard to believe they were in the same spot once again after all that time had gone by. “I…Didn’t think I’d s-see you again.” He admitted quietly, fiddling with the wire that held his notebook together.
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Jake had to blink a few times to convince himself this was actually some facet of reality. The urge to reach out, to touch, to hug -- it tingled across his skin. But he was no stranger to boundaries, and perhaps they’d shifted in their time apart. So he settled for casting Colin a breathless smile instead. “I didn’t either... I... Wow.” He carded a hand through his hair, unable to help his gaze from wandering briefly up and down Colin’s frame. “Y’look amazing. I mean -- it’s amazing to see you. And --” Jake ducked his head, a near-silent laugh bubbling past his lips. “Sorry, I’m just... I’m flippin’ shocked. You’re... It’s really you.” He shifted his weight from foot to foot; he couldn’t help but grow a bit giddy. This was the last place he’d ever have guessed to find Colin. And that prospect, how they’d somehow defied the odds pitted against this moment existing? It made his smile grow even wider. “How... How are you? How’ve you been?”
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kcllers · 8 years ago
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Colin was honestly more than relieved when he was allowed to step away from the behind the scenes action. He wa pretty sure he had a Starbucks run to make in about an hour, but until then, he could review his notes and keep to himself. He almost got a little too lost in the scribbles and doodles, though, and it took him a good few seconds before he realized he’d collided with someone else. “Oh no.” He clapped his hand to his forehead, immediately flushing bright red. “Shit, let me help you. I’m so sorry. It’s a bad habit–walking and notetaking–it’s like the pedestrian form of texting and driving. Can I–um, can I help you with anything? Are you hurt?”
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Hand it to Jake Keller to think he could navigate the halls while tangled in a hoodie. Arms twisted over his head, he could only see a thin sliver of the space in front of him. Still, he marched on, shrugging and twisting his shoulders in an attempt to get the stupid thing over his head. If he could just figure out how the hell he’d gotten himself so trapped, then -- He felt himself collide with someone and just barely managed to keep his balance. “Bw-whoa,” he gushed before letting out a laugh, staggering back to an upright position. “No, it’s fine, I -- I’m the one with the hoodie obscuring my vision.” He tugged on the fabric then, finally breaking free. His hair stuck out in several tufts, evidence of the previous battle between man and clothing. It was then, once he laid eyes on the person who’d spoken, that his brows lifted and his lips fell slightly agape. “I...” Recognition flooded his senses, warmed its way through his veins. He’d recognize those eyes, that blush, anywhere. Even over a decade later. “Are you --” He meant to say okay. But what came out, instead, was a breathless name. “Colin?”
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