#but without the childhood friends to lovers aspect.
head in my hands im trying to come up w prinzhes headcanons but i literally cannot because prinz is like. a pink and less tragic and less headache-inducing version of tesilid.
they're both very gentlemanly, they both can fight, if someone is unfair to them they're more likely to smile and try to smooth it over than to fight back. if hestio is going to find prinz attractive then he'd have found tesilid attractive too, but if he isn't nursing a massive crush on tesilid by the time he meets prinz then it means that tesilid gave him so much blood pressure problems that they're no longer his type.
so anyway in conclusion teshes solos- wait what? how did this turn into teshes propaganda
#i think some part of me will just alway be hung up on teshes sorry this dynamic has me in a CHOKEHOLD#prinzhestio is teshes but healthy#bc theyre not being fucked over by tesilid's role#(falls to my knees and cries... no regression teshes my beloved)#teshes is fun bc their dynamic changes so much as tesilid regresses#early regression teshes is diff from no regression teshes which is diff from mid regression which is diff from late regression teshes which#is diff from 100th round which is diff from#i love!! teshes!!!!#but that was not the point of this post!!!!!!!!!!#like prinzhes dynamic would be diff from teshes actually bc tesilid's rule abiding and doormat tendencies are a little. strong#like even in round 0#hestio would approach him a lot differently from tesilid i think#falling on my knees please consider... hestio falling for a gentlemanly person who is the opposite of his own rude manner of speaking#who can protect him like the very fragile person he is#but without the childhood friends to lovers aspect.#(the answer is i should just write teshes where they meet later in life. but also sometimes i dont want to deal w hestio's blood pressure-#-always on the verge of exploding bc tesilid is being stupid. like take that down a notch to being sometimes only instead of always)#and also the thing abt being strong enough to protect hestio - the thing abt teshes is. tesilid cant actually protect him. lol#tesilid is a tanker which means he shld always be on the other side of the battlefield from hestio#if hestio is in danger it means tesilid didnt do his job right and that he is also too far away to even throw himself in front of hestio#☺️ tesilid watches hestio die from way too far away#like the main reason tesilid is able to protect ailette rn is bc he can just magically transfer her wounds onto himself#and also bc ailette's body is very durable. hestio would die in one hit he doesnt even have aura#and also bc ailette is the Actual Tank most of the time lol she takes the aggro on purpose#so tesilid doesnt need to be on the other side of the field to do his job he just needs to deal dmg by her side
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astro-rainbow777 · 20 days
♊︎ Gemini Through The Houses ♊︎
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🌟Gemini in the first - When gemini encompasses the first house of self and identity, this usually points to a dynamic and versatile personality that can talk up just about anyone they encounter. They leave a charming first impression and can be remembered by their quick wit, banter and something about their voice usually sticks out. The native could be well versed in foreign accents, theatrical movements, or celebrity impersonations. There are many aspects of them that express their dualistic nature in the physical expression as well; maybe they switch back and fourth between contacts and glasses - or flip flop their style often. 
📘 Gemini in the second - In the second house of finances, possessions, and values, gemini can multiple and diverse sources of income to the natives lives. It could be important for them to always have a back up plan whenever it comes to their streams of income. They could spend a lot of their mental energy thinking about their assets, financial endeavors, and stability. When their mind becomes too much for them they could enjoy indulging in activities that get them out of their head and into their body. Another manifestation is impulsive buying & spending, they can fluctuate between being extremely frugal too generous in their purchases. They could invest money into their hobbies, siblings and friends. 
👨‍🎤 Gemini in the third - Expressive and quick, these natives speak their mind freely and honestly. Because Gemini is in it’s natural ruling house, a lot of the times of the third house are taken quite literally. In the matters of mind and communication - these individuals speak without much thought. They focus on the things they’re interested in and have fun debating controversial topics while keeping things light - unless it’s with family lol. They can have a multitude of hobbies, and enjoy activities that allow them to get in touch with their inner child. They can keep long-lasting friends from their childhood, are in frequently in communication with their cousins and siblings. They make friends easily and get along easy with their neighbors.
👯‍♂️ Gemini in the fourth - These natives may come from a communicative family where emotions were approached lightly and unserious. The natives guardians could have flip flopped between logical, serious, opinionated to open, sensitive and immature. The maternal figure could have acted as the natives friend rather than nurturer and while being vocally supportive could have a tendency to b e irresponsible. The family itself could be quite dualistic and at times unpredictable. From their familial environment, the native may learn that the emotions aren’t valid or worth taking seriously. Because of these experiences, this placement may find themselves trying to pick apart their own feelings, attempting to gain a deeper understanding to them or just being genuinely confused and curious of why they are there and what they mean.
🐠 Gemini in the fifth - This placement is known for their diverse array of hobbies and mentally engaging interests. Studying could be quite fun for them, technology, or chatting with friends online, to name a few. They may have a nerdy and quirky style, liking to incorporate the media, hobbies and special interests they have into their self expression. They may like to appear ambiguous, enigmatic, and enjoy the idea of others being confused or curious of them. The native can participate in debate or like to play devils advocate. They may be attracted to others intellectual abilities, sense of humor, and mentally stimulating conversations, especially when first dating. They are known to date their friends or may prefer a friends to lovers romantic trope. 
🦕 Gemini in the sixth - Does well living with others, especially friends, however enjoys their space. They may spend quite a bit of time online, studying, learning new things, chatting with their friends, etc. They may be quite the planner, spending their days in accordance to a written routine or function well with a planner. Their health can be psychosomatic at times or they can struggle with their mental health, with a big focus on anxiety. They may benefit from learning the art of meditation and mindfulness. They may smoke because gemini rules over oral fixations, beware of health issues related to smoking.
🌼 Gemini in the seventh - These individuals aren’t known to have a romantic type and may end up dating a variety of different kinds of people throughout their lives. Commitment can be something that gives them anxiety because of the fear that comes with losing their partner. In the best case scenario their partner is their best friend or they may never move past just friends with others. They enjoy keeping their close connections light and doing the harder things alone. This natives spouse may embody the gemini traits themselves, being communicative, unserious, funny and mentally engaging. 
🎭 Gemini in the eighth - Communication may be something that this native does very little of, or is a very important lesson in their karmic cycles. They may be too curious for their own good, getting into conspiracy theories, and taboo research topics. It can be hard for Gemini in the eighth to express themselves or communicate their feelings. There may be power struggles in communication or feeling verbally cornered through out their life. Mental health struggles, obsessive thoughts, and an intense communication style can also be pertinent with gemini in the eighth.
🛰 Gemini in the ninth - Here, Gemini falls into the opposing house of its naturally ruling house, showing a lifelong student and open minded individual. Their opinions of society could be forever changing or fluid depending on who’s around. It may be hard for the individual to engage in scientific or analytic topics, and while preferring philosophy & theoretical conversations. They may struggle to move from a student role into a teaching position, because the native enjoys being the ponderer and may struggle with feelings of intellectual inferiority. They may learn about their own morality through others, an internal compass is earned for them in this life time, they may have to try on values and see what feels right for them.
🌠 Gemini in the tenth - This native may be known  as a jack of all trades, and are quite quick learners in the work place. They are great at juggling multiple projects, jobs and career paths. They may have many lines of work they get into before finding what fits them. They can make a career out of their hobbies or intellectual interests. They may find that their public persona is quite different that how they actually are in their personal lives - and may struggle with imposter syndrome to some degree. Work may demand a lot of their time and they may make a lot of friends in their career.
🔆 Gemini in the eleventh - Enjoys intellectual, funny and witty friends and social circles. They can have a diverse group of friends and be a part of many different communities. They can belong to communities that correlate to their special interests and bound over shared hobbies. They have a talent for social interaction, adaptability & engagement, drawing the attention from a variety of social groups. They a curious about humanitarian causes, and can be vocally opinionated about the injustices of the world, but may need to watch for being too heavily influenced by the media/news.
🧿 Gemini in the twelfth - With Gemini over the house of secrets, illusions, and the unseen, the native may keep their opinions/ideas to themselves & can be passive in communication. They can spend a good amount of time thinking about life beyond this lifetime. They can be emotional thinkers, may spend a lot of time daydreaming about their hobbies or special interests. This placement makes for good authors, songwriters, and poets. They may struggle with some degree of stage fright or receiving vocal attention. They can appreciate a good fantasy novel and is very comfortable with their head in the clouds.
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Happiest New Moon in Gemini & Season Everyone! Let me know what you think of my post, if you relate, if you don’t relate, things that you notice about your Gemini House placement, ect.
Also, what Gemini placements do y’all have?
I am a Gemini Mercury with Gemini seventh- however my mercury falls into the sixth! Plus Gemini Saturn + North Node in the seventh :) such a fun and dualistic sign!
🌼 Kya 🌼
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Synastry Observations VII
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🤎Mercury conjunct IC is a beautiful aspect that a couple can have. Both will love to talk about the past, their childhood and get to know each other deeply, expect to have long and deep talks. They will be very curious to know the core of their special person, to know even the smallest detail of their heart and they will easily remember everything the other tells them. They will be confidants, best friends, lovers and a safe place in which they will feel safe to discuss issues that others would consider intense or very deep. It seems that they can read each other's minds and they will understand each other perfectly without using a single word. They will be very aware of each other and will always take their emotions and needs into account.
🤎When there’s a Lilith-Mars aspect, it shows a power couple, they stand out for being very ambitious and being each other's partner in crime, there is nothing that this couple cannot achieve. They empower each other and when they are together they feel more confident, more attractive and more capable of facing whatever comes their way. The sex between them is fascinating, passionate and a unique and intense experience, both take the other to new worlds of pleasure and satisfy each other like no other person ever could. Much sexual affinity and desire for the other from the beginning.
🤎Since we talked about Vesta recently, when the North Node-Vesta conjunction is present, it usually indicates that both can bring the other closer to their passions or discover a deeper side of life, they seem to help the other person find a purpose and have a more unique and own vision of life. Vesta person can bring passion to their partner's life and the idea that there are still people you can trust, unconditional and very supportive people. While North Node person can help their partner to focus their passions and realize their potential either in their talents or as a person. They both support each other whenever they can and are happy to have the other in their lives.
🤎Do you want to know what was the first impression of another person when they met you? See which of their houses your MC falls into. Remembering what I have always said, first impressions are ruled by the MC, and the person who always feels the effect of an overlay is the house person. I've noticed that when your MC falls into an Earth house of someone there can be vibes that the person is out of your league.
🤎If your Moon falls in your partner's 6th house, they can see you as a great support in their life, as someone very faithful and reliable. In the same way, they may think that it is difficult for you to open up emotionally and that you can demand a lot of yourself. They may find the way you care about them and their well-being sweet, and they will love getting to know your more emotional and caring side. They will greatly admire your altruism and the delicacy with which you treat both them and other people. They will see you as a strong person who has been through a lot of hard things in life and is going strong. Deep down they can intuit that your emotions are intense and that can attract their attention a lot.
🤎When there is a Uranus-Moon aspect, it indicates that this relationship will be something totally new for you, something very different from the old relationships you had. Uranus person will help your partner to get out of the routine and will bring new things to this person's life, new sensations, new activities and new airs. Moon person will give you stability and the confidence to open up to your partner, a lot of sweetness, support and warmth. These relationships usually start as friendship, like a lighthearted relationship in which they know many things about the other and have fun like never before, but gradually progresses to a slightly more romantic taste, but it doesn't matter if they become a couple, the touch of friendship will continue to be present.
🤎The sextile between Mercury-Mercury facilitates understanding, however different they may seem at first glance, they may have similar opinions and ways of seeing things. The conversations are fluid and something that arises harmoniously, without anything feeling forced or without those awkward silences. They can enjoy spending time together and doing activities that the other has not done that they mostly end up liking.
🤎The opposition between Moon-Venus is an aspect that might seem tense, but it can be the start of something very nice indeed. Both can show the other things or forms of affection that the other did not know or was not used to, but that will undoubtedly make them feel better, comfortable and happy. There is a lot of sweetness, but both are aware of the differences they may have with respect to the other, they will always try to approach these differences with respect, they will be very understanding with the other, especially if they want to take things slowly. A common aspect in slowburn, because they really take the time to understand and be fascinated by what makes the other different from them.
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🤎If your Moon falls in your partner's 5th house, you will make them feel like a child again. They may feel that their life is happier when you are around. You will teach them to take things a little more lightly and help them have a good time. You will evoke in them the most emotional and expressive side even if they do not see themselves that way. You can inspire them a lot if they are into art and are likely to dedicate songs to you. They see you as a fun, warm and expressive person, but above all, honest with what you feel. They can feel that you are very transparent with what you feel and they love that. They find you charming and charismatic.
🤎Your Saturn falling in their 7th house will make them see you as someone who takes relationships seriously, as a committed person looking for something long term. On many occasions this overlay shows that the other person knew that they could have a stable and lasting relationship with you. They see you as a partner who, although somewhat serious at the beginning, gives them stability and a favorable opinion regarding long-term relationships. You give them that trust and feeling of reliability that they could never have. 
🤎Venus trine or sextile Chiron causes this healing through love. Both will be filled with affection and will understand any emotion that the other person feels. They will love each other through thick and thin and seek to support each other to get ahead. Venus person will accompany Chiron person whenever he needs it, without falling into savior complex attitudes, all from a healthy perspective. Venus person will tell Chiron person how proud they are of them and give them a very pure and unconditional love. Chiron person will love every part of their partner, both physically and emotionally, they will speak well of them and support them in whatever is in their power, they can help them have more self-esteem and self-acceptance.
🤎The harmonious aspects between Vesta-Saturn give a lot of devotion to the couple, both work hard for and for the relationship and will always respect their partner. Both will fully trust each other and seek to keep any promises they make, they will support each other even when things are difficult and they will seek to solve any inconvenience that arises. The passion will be lasting and can improve a lot over time, they will not do things without the consent of their partner and they will respect all the boundaries of their beloved. They may think of marriage prematurely but take the time to see how the relationship continues to develop. They may want to have the other person in their life regardless of whatever.
🤎Lilith-Venus aspects generate a fun, hot and very flirtatious dynamic. They will both love to tease each other, they will stare into each other's eyes feeling that burning in their hearts and those hypnotizing effects that they have for the other. Lilith person will be amazed by the beauty of their partner from the beginning, they will fantasize about the idea of ​​being loved and desired by the other person with the same intensity that they do, they will be attentive to the other and pay special attention to what they say and makes your person special. Venus person on the other hand, fascinated by the appeal of their partner, they will find them irresistible and appealing, as well as mysterious and complex, they will be intensely attracted to them and they will love to have their attention and love all to themselves. Both parties will be protective of each other, there will be a lot of attraction from the first meeting and this will not stop over time, it will get bigger and bigger. If the aspect is tense, there may be some jealousy.
🤎If your Rising falls in their 4th house they may see you as a very trustworthy person from the start and in fact it may be very easy for them to open up to you. You will give them a sense of familiarity even without your realizing it, they will not feel judged by you and they will feel understood and "finally at home". They will see you as a person who is looking for things in the long term, someone who takes themselves and others seriously, but above all as a very careful person and attentive to the needs of others, to their needs.
🤎When Chiron aspects their 7th house cusp or falls in their 7th house, it can indicate that you can heal their vision of love, marriage, or relationships in general. Both may have the same fears in love [of infidelity, premature divorce or any type of representation of betrayal], but they may see in you that you are different from everything that torments them in relationships, that you are different from those that they betrayed or lied to them.
🤎If your Venus falls in their 7th house they will find your company charming, they will really like having you around... maybe they will like it too much. You will have them thinking about romance, weddings, love and you will bring out their cheesiest side in such a way that they will look unrecognizable not only to themselves, but also to others. They can see you as a person with whom to have a wonderful serious relationship, a dream come true and above all they will see you as an incredible couple, someone who matches each of their boxes.
🤎When Mars opposites Mars, it shows a relationship with a lot of sexual chemistry, both motivate the other easily and sexually they can understand each other quite well. However, there may be difficulties in agreeing on their day-to-day activities, as they will do things very differently from each other. This can be balanced if Saturn or Venus makes positive aspects with Mars, favoring those who understand each other or at least try to understand each other. This relationship can be favorable if both people are patient and do not want to dominate the other.
🤎When there is an aspect between Saturn-Rising, both can motivate each other to grow as people and continue to improve either personally or academically / at work. They will feel that they must be the best version of themselves and this relationship can bring a lot of maturity and growth to both of them. They will see the other person as very centered, stable, and as someone not to be immature with. They will learn to take themselves and life more seriously. They can be very meaningful to each other regardless of the passage of time.
🤎Venus-Jupiter conjunction, a couple whose love is not only evident to themselves, it is evident to the whole world, it is the classic couple who, before being a couple, were mistaken for one. There was always a romantic tension between them, because no matter how moody or distant they may be with others, between them they were light, joy, love and fantasy. They bring out the best in each other and enjoy spending time with each other, because they not only like each other's physique, they love their way of seeing life, their values ​​and their sense of humor, they seem to be aligned and have been destined to meet. Detailed with the other, loving and always supporting and advising the other.
🤎The couple that has a Mercury trine Pluto in synastry will always be fascinated and intrigued by their partner's way of thinking, delighted to know what goes on in that mind that they like so much. There will be many existential conversations between the two, they will talk until night falls about the past, about good and not so good things that have happened to them, and about any topic that crosses their minds, since trust is the strongest foundation on which the relationship will be built. They will find what the other has to say or think very interesting and they will seek to consult the opinion of the other when they can. Both may have a sense of humor not suitable for the sensitive and they will enjoy sharing it with the other, as they will complement each other just fine.
🤎Your Jupiter falling in your partner's 11th house will help them to have a more positive vision of the future and motivate them to go after their goals and those things that they only see as dreams or desires. You will fill them with energy and bring into their lives positive perspectives that will change their perception of themselves and their potential. Likewise, thier friends may really like you or at least have a positive opinion of you. You can encourage your partner to be more open and connect with lots of nice people in your own circle.
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differentclasss · 9 months
She's my Best Friend! Neil Lewis x Reader
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warnings: smut and fem reader :)
a/n: requested by @mrkdvidal1989! thank you so much for the request and thank you for being patient! this was so much fun to write! just a little friends to lovers one shot. cross posted on ao3 0:)
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ
You met Neil Lewis when you still wore pigtails and he still had cartoon bandages on his scraped-up knees. If memory served, it was in Mrs. Jones's fourth-grade class when you met. The two of you were close as can be after that, a duo that was always hip to hip. You grew up with him practically, playing in each other's childhood houses and always being each other's partners in class projects when you shared the class. Compared to other friendships that faltered throughout the years, Neil and yours were unwavering. Throughout odd middle school phases and high school turmoils, you remained friends. It was a nice and comforting friendship. 
When high school came and went, you remained close. He opened up a video store called Gumshoe Video and you ended up near him. It was a little cute, to have a friendship that kept you so close to each other. You worked at the video store part-time once he had opened it. Still being at each other’s hips after all these years safe to say made some people assume you two were dating. Both of you would blush, you always assumed out of embarrassment, and then would quickly dismiss the idea. Waving your hand with a girlish smile, saying, “Oh no, we’re just real close.” Neil usually looked wildly uncomfortable in these situations. 
You didn’t know but Neil had been nursing a crush on you for as long as he could remember. It had been so long that he hardly remembered a time when he didn’t want to kiss you and say nothing but sweet things to you. As these types of stories usually go, however, he would rather die than tell you. It made him anxious to think about telling you and watch your face melt into a look of pity as you started to mumble apologies that you didn’t feel the same way because he was sure that was the only way it would go. Knowing he was too chicken shit to tell you these feelings he had for you, he went for the next best thing and dated girls that reminded him of you. It wasn’t to say he dated girls that were your doppelgangers, they all just had one or two features that were reminiscent of you. Maybe she would have the same hair color or maybe she would have the same taste in music as you, but it still didn’t make up for the fact that they weren’t you. These relationships never lasted long on the account that Neil hoped that one day you would turn to him and confess your love for him. So far that hasn't been the case. With all things considered though, Neil was happy you were his friend. Even if it was painful to know that as deeply as he wanted you, it just wouldn’t work out. He assumed you were interested in someone else or just didn’t feel the same way. He kept it hidden well, you were none the wiser.
You had your own feelings for him. These were so well hidden and repressed that you were pretty sure you could your whole life without him ever knowing. It was how it ought to be, you thought, if he knew everything would be different. There was no use in changing something that good and pure like your friendship with Neil. You choose to let your feelings for him pass you by and focus on other aspects of your life.
Working part-time at Gumshoe was very low-key for you, you would help a few customers, restock tapes and DVDs, and you were always at those themed nights Neil would throw. It was more like you poorly paid time to hang out with Neil. You would tease him and say he was practically paying you to hang out with him. You didn’t mind though, it was fun. You loved film just as much as Neil did, well, maybe a little less but the appreciation for film was there nonetheless. It was one of your favorite things to do when someone would come in asking for recommendations based on one of their favorites. 
On a slow Sunday afternoon, Neil and you were in the store together, you were leaning against the counter with your elbows propping you up as you flipped through a magazine and Neil was going through returned video tapes. The door opened with a ring and a guy you had not seen before walked in. You peeked your head up from the magazine and greeted him with the same spiel you did for all the customers. 
“Hi, welcome to Gumshoe Video.” You chirped. “Anything you’re looking for in particular today?”
“Yeah actually,” The young man responded, stepping towards the counter. “I’m looking for a movie like Requiem for a Dream.”
“Oh,” You hummed and straightened out your back as you thought for a moment. “Have you seen Trainspotting?” 
“I’ve heard of it,” He told you. “Never saw it before, though.”
You nodded and told him you were pretty sure the store had a copy of it. As you went to the aisle it should be in, he followed behind you. You made some small talk with him about films and whatnot as you searched for it. You learned his name was Jack and he had moved here not long ago. He even got a few laughs from you through some easy jokes. You thought he was nice, possibly flirting with you, and he looked alright. The video store normally brought in a very specific type of guy and this Jack character was nothing of the sort. You might’ve described him as charming if he wasn’t a customer. You just couldn’t entertain the idea of that as cute as he was. 
You listened to a few more of his little flirtations and teased him as you got his membership sorted and sent him on his way. He told you he’d be sure to tell you his thoughts on the movie next time he came in. After you had checked him out you went back to your magazine that was still sprawled out on the counter and looked to your right as you felt Neil's presence. 
“Flirting on company time?” He asked with a little irritated tone. 
“I see it as guaranteeing we get that tape back,” You said light-heartedly. “We only have one copy of that one.”
“That guy was a total ass,” Neil said and looked over at the television set that was quietly playing a movie he had already seen a dozen times. “I don’t know why you even entertained him with all that hair twirling and giggling.”
It didn’t occur to you that Neil could be jealous of a guy like that. He surely could’ve seen it was nothing but lighthearted conversation. You were starting to think he was acting strange. It made no sense to you why he was though, you just found the whole thing weird. 
“Well, I’ll let you know when we get a date set for the wedding.” You joked and Neil rolled his eyes. “He proposed to me in the aisle right next to our copy of The Shining. It was so very romantic.”
“Very funny.” He responded with some annoyance that you didn’t understand. 
“You can be the ring bearer if you’d like.” You offered one final joke and watched as he sighed and went to his office, leaving you a bit dumbfounded. 
What the hell was his problem?
The next few days you tried to pay no mind to Neil's moody behavior. He would scoff and sigh when you would even just help a male customer. It was starting to get on your nerves, you thought that maybe he was just nervous and that if you had a romantic suitor that would mean less time spent between you two. His behavior didn’t register to you as jealousy, you just figured he was anxious. In your mind, there was no green-eyed monster here. Just some weird guy thing, you figured. After all, you never would’ve expected Neil to have an inkling of romantic feelings for you. You had your own feelings for him, some that you constantly dismissed. It would ruin the dynamic and ruin a decade-long friendship. That was something you just weren’t willing to fuck up. No way. You instead had long decided to ignore these feelings and focus on others. Sometimes, as much as you resented this attraction, all you wanted to do was kiss him till both of your lips were puffy and sore. 
Neil was acting stranger and stranger, for him these feelings of attraction towards you were just boiling over now. He knew he was acting stupid and that he had no reason to be so full of disdain for guys who came into the video store and made you laugh. 
It wasn’t like you were his, as much as he wanted you to be. Instead of acting on these feelings, he chose to just be dismissive and cold to anyone who was flirting with you or even being friendly. He would sit and brood over you being friendly with customers. It was just such a slap in the face to him to watch you engage in a playful and flirtatious demeanor around other men. 
One night, a little past closing time, you had enough of his pouting. The two of you were cataloging the last of some new films that Neil had found at a garage sale in his office. It was painfully quiet between you two. You would glance up at him and he wouldn’t look up. As you went through a crate and checked a VHS tape for any water damage or cracks, Neil sighed and broke the silence.
“Any updates on how your guy liked Trainspotting?” Neil asked with a bit of a condescending tone.
“Oh, fuck off,” You snapped and quickly dropped the tape back into the box and looked at him in the eyes. “Why are you so bent out of shape over me interacting with customers? Would you rather me be a bitch to them?”
“I'm not.” He snapped back. The gears in his head started to turn as he searched for a proper excuse. “I just don’t think it’s professional, that’s all.” 
“Professional?” You repeated. “God, Neil, You’re being an ass.” You sighed and lifted your hands and then quickly brought them to your thighs with a pat that was followed by a defeated sigh.
“And the guys you flirt with aren’t?” He asked and looked back down at the crate. 
“Jesus Christ.” You muttered and started to walk out of the office. 
As you walked out and opened the door, Neil didn’t stop you, which made the whole thing much worse. You felt like you were losing your best friend with no reason why. In one last effort for him to grab you and tell you that he was sorry, you looked at him before you closed the door. You locked eyes and then he just shrugged and went back to the tapes. With your ego severely diminished you left Gumshoe and already started to worry about the next time you would return.
You avoided Neil like a bad TV movie for the next few days. Honestly, you didn’t know what was going on between you two. What used to be your safe friendship was suddenly falling apart right before your eyes. You couldn’t help but hate yourself for it, even though as far as you knew, Neil was just being a prick. Wherever this sudden bout of moodiness that Neil exerted came from you didn’t know, all you knew was that the friendship was treading into unfamiliar hostile territory. You grew wary of seeing him again on the account that it may turn into another argument, one you didn’t have the patience to withstand. It was childish, you only hoped Neil was aware of that as well. 
Neil waited for you to return to the video store, already having an apology in hand for when you walked in. That never came to fruition. He decided that the best thing to do would be to go to your house without a warning, just in case you decided to leave once you heard his call. On he went, armed with nothing but his words and his feeling of self-loathing for how he acted. You were right of course, he knew he was acting like an ass. He had no idea how he would make it up to you but he was determined. Neil nervously waited outside your small house with his hands in his pocket after he knocked. In a last-minute act of cowardice, he thought to ditch the whole idea and let your friendship figure itself out but he stayed steady once he heard your footsteps approach and the lock open. 
“Neil,” You said somewhat surprised, “What's up?” You looked awkward and tense. He was severely regretting coming without a call ahead.
“Uh, I thought I’d come over and apologize for… You know.” He explained.
“Right,” You nodded. “Come in.”
Neil had been inside your home many times, hell he even helped paint it when you first got it some years ago, but he felt weirdly uninvited as he stepped inside. It wasn’t any different from the last time he had come in, a mix-match of thrift store furniture and your turntable droning in the distance. It was how it always had been yet it felt so different. This all very well could have been psychosomatic on his end. You shut the door behind him and looked up at him curiously. 
“Listen, I know I’ve been acting like a total ass. I’m sorry.” He quickly spoke. “I don’t know why I was even so jealous over random customers and…”
“Jealous?” You asked, turning your head to the side. “Why would you be jealous?”
Neil’s entire face went pink and his eyes went wide. He started to mumble a few words about his poor choice of words. 
“Not like that… I just uh, you know, get nervous about you getting bored of me if you had a boyfriend.” It was a piss-poor excuse but it was all he could come up with. You didn’t say anything in return, just looking up at him with a face of confusion. 
“I wasn’t bored of you when I dated that one guy a few years ago.” You recounted. 
“Yeah, but that was years ago.” He sighed. “Things change and I just don’t want to lose you. Uh, or our friendship.”
“You don’t need to worry about that Neil,” You said and looked up at him with a bashful smile. “I’ll always make time for you.”
Neil looked around as he thought about what to say. He knew if he didn’t get to say what he wanted to, this whole situation would just happen again. You looked up at him as he looked around nervously and you sensed something more through his words. You lightly placed your hand on his and looked up at him.
“Neil…” You said softly, grabbing his attention. “What’s going on here? Is everything okay?”
“I just…” He stammered and then sighed. “I like you a lot and I hate to see you go for guys that are like that.”
“I can manage myself, Neil,” You said with a soft smile. “You don’t have to worry about me.”
You didn’t get what he had said, at least not how he wanted you to get it. He swallowed and cleared his throat.
“No, I know I just…” He trailed off and then gained his train of thought back. “I like you as more than just a friend. I’ve liked you like that since I was like… fifteen.”
To his horror, you didn't respond and you just looked up at him with a face he couldn’t read. He was sure he had screwed it all up now. You were just trying to process everything, it was like a dream come true and you had to make sure you weren’t asleep. Words failed you at the moment. 
“I… Yeah.” He awkwardly responded to your silence. “I can go now if you’d like.”
You grabbed hold of his wrist as he started to walk away, there was no way in hell you would let this chance go or just drop it. You felt the same way and you just had to communicate it. Why was it so hard? You knew you were just scared, scared that this could be a cruel joke or some sort of terrible prank. You tried to be brave and push those thoughts away, Neil wouldn’t do that to you. You remained anxious either way though. 
“No,” You said softly. “Please, stay.”
“I will.” He responded. “Just don’t drag it on, please, do you feel the same way?” 
“I do,” You nodded and felt him step closer to you. “I never… I never thought you liked me like this. I always thought you just saw me as a friend.” You admitted and he looked at you with a rush of relief. 
“You don’t know how happy that makes me, God…” He smiled and shook his head lightly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You practically whispered.
You had told him you loved him before, like all friends do, but this was so much different than all those past lazy declarations of love. There were instances when you had left and just let it slip out, telling him, ‘Love you!’ As you left or parted ways. All those times before you had left out the ‘I’ which had never registered to you as strange till you heard yourself saying the phrase in full. It seemed much more intimate with that single-word inclusion. He must’ve noticed too because he brought you closer, his hands on your hips right above the hem of your jeans, and kissed you softly. You choked on your surprise and melted into it, feeling like everything at that moment was okay. One of his hands sneaked up to the nape of your neck as he guided you along with his kiss. 
“Is this okay?” He asked as he parted from the kiss.
“Yes, of course.” You nodded and chased after another kiss. 
The second kiss seemed to have a lot more passion behind it and way more intent too. You couldn’t help but want this moment to go on forever or at least for as long as it could go on. The whole place was quiet except for your and Neil’s breathing and the little moans of appreciation that would escape your lips from time to time. Neil's hand slipped under your t-shirt and snaked its way to your spine. Feeling his skin on yours made you shiver. You had wanted this for so long and it was finally happening. Your body was pressed against his and you could feel yourself already getting worked up over the small amount of contact. You pulled back with puffy lips coated in saliva and blinked a few times. 
“I can’t believe you feel the same way.” You said in awe. “I wanted this for so long.”
“Me too.” He responded shakily. “I wanted so much with you for a long time.”
“Like what?” You asked innocently, despite already knowing what he wanted based on what was poking you. He laughed breathlessly. 
“You’re such a tease.” He chuckled and brought you in for another kiss.
Words weren’t needed for a while, you had kissed each other and explored over the shirt for a while. Eventually, both of you were so worked up that you stumbled to your room in between kisses and praises. You sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at him as he stood above you, looking at you with total adoration. He held his hand on the bottom of your chin and smiled, it was pretty obvious he couldn’t believe this was happening either. He sat down beside you and kissed you again, you climbed on top of his lap and settled yourself there. As you straddled him, your hips rocked against him, causing him to curse and hold your hips tightly. You playfully rolled your hips again causing him to struggle out a laugh as he tried to compose himself. He roughly kissed your neck and pulled you underneath him, keeping you pushed flat against the mattress. You groaned and exhaled while looking up at him, feeling a sense of excitement for what was to come. 
With the both of you so worked up, it amazed you that your clothing was still on. You grasped at his shirt and tugged it off of him and he returned the favor. Soon both of you were in nothing but your undergarments, seeing him without his clothes on made you blush. You could hardly concentrate on anything else as he kneaded your breast with his hand, making you whimper slightly. 
“Perfect,” He mumbled. “You’re so perfect.”
You moaned out his name and lifted your hips to his, desperate for some sort of friction. You could’ve cried you were so needy already. He hardly touched you and you were this worked up. He slipped one of his hands into your panties and dragged his finger down your slit, feeling how wet you were as his other hand worked on your tit.
“Neil,” You breathlessly responded. “Feels good…”
He seemed pleased to already see you so ready and adoring. He was finally getting what he had got off to for years, it was so much better in person. All of his masturbatory fantasies were nothing compared to this. Feeling you hot under his hands and how you called his name could’ve made him come right there. He held off, focusing on your pleasure more than anything. With a few more circles around your clit and kisses to your neck, he listened as your moans became more struggled and as your body twitched underneath him. He looked up at you as you came because of his fingers.
“I could’ve been doing this ages ago,” He softly purred. “I always wanted to make you come like that.”
“Jesus, Neil…” You said after you had caught your breath. “I need you.”
“I’m right here,” He said softly as he kissed your mouth again and slipped your panties fully off and his boxers down much to your delight. 
He didn’t take long lining himself up with your hips. He slowly entered you, wanting to take his time with it. Your moans and his moans created a soft erotic scene. His hands grabbed your hips as he pulled you closer, wanting there to be limited space between you two. His movements were slow and sweet, hitting you just right every time. He stretched you out beautifully like your body was made just for him. When you scratched at his back, he couldn’t help but let his thrusts grow a bit quicker. You kissed him wherever possible as he fucked you, the kisses growing sloppier and sloppier with every thrust. You were going to come again soon, already feeling that warm sensation growing again. 
“I’m gonna come.” You warned him in a whisper. 
“Me too.” He grunted into your ear. 
Neil started fucking you much faster than before, making you cry out. Your hands moved to grab any part of him you could. As you felt his cock go in and out of you, you grew hot all over. You couldn’t help but cry out and feel like your body was out of your control. 
Neil took one of his hands from your hips and brought it to your clit, causing you to hiss in response as your orgasm approached for the second time. You dropped your head back and came with a rush of moans and curses eliciting from your lips. As you clenched around him, he came too. You felt him come inside, too turned around to care, and watched as his jaw went slack and he panted. His movements slowed as he pumped himself into you, breathing heavily as he came down. 
You both lay in your bed afterward, bodies sweaty and intertwined. You did not worry about the consequences this could bring, all that mattered was that you finally had him. After a long time of not knowing and the anxiety your mutual crush had brought, you were finally together. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing you both wasted so much time not doing what you both had wanted in fear that one of you didn’t feel the same way. You tried to not think about the time that had passed, instead focusing on the current time. Neil was lying beside you, his eyes heavy with sleep, and for that moment, you were all that filled his thoughts. 
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ
thank you for reading!
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fic-heaven · 2 months
Enemies to lovers with König and witty reader? I don't know if you also write about him so imma leave this here
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Answering two anons at the same time lmao
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Say my name (König x witty! Reader)
Pt.2 now!
🐥 The first time König appeared on my drafts was when I was making my last Reyes x Reader fic and um... I kind of wanted to keep doing lmao so here it is. Sorry for my broken English-
Angst/ SOCIAL ANXIETY/ slight nsfw/ open ending (if you guys want a part two and this short gets some attention)
⚠️ I still picture König as Lee Pace ⚠️
They say you transfered from SpecGru to KorTac because you simply wanted a change of airs. But it couldn't be that simple. Why were you so simple?
As antisocial as he seemed to be, König was well aware that a bond between teammates was needed in order to sync and function properly during missions. He wasn't the best at striking up conversations and never intended to improve on this aspect either, often trying to figure people out from the distance, he only approached them if he had questions about their character. Horangi once said it was weird but König frankly didn't care about what was socially accepted or not, he just made the effort to know his team because it was expected of him, and as great as it would be to have friends, he struggled socializing and had given up trying ages ago. König was paid to kill, not to make friends. And as far as his interactions went with his teammates, the only one who gets his game and could be considered his friend is Horangi. But you?
He had tried to investigate you, even going as far as using his position as colonel to gather as much information from your background to understand you without having to make any awkward approach. But nothing he found explained why you changed factions or why you behaved the way you did. You had a normal childhood, went to a good school, graduated being top of your class... Jesus you had a rabbit called Mr. Whiskers, even the deepest info given was borely normal. No trace of trauma or any mental disorder.
König begun studying you like a biologist would to a newfound species and got more and more invested and frustrated the more information he gathered, because he simply couldn't excuse your... Well, your everything.
He approaches you one time during morning drills, looks you up and down as you stretched, ignores the flirty comment you shot his way, because what the fuck is your problem? You don't know him. Then König proceeded to mouth the first thing he ever said to you, one of the main questions he had on his head as to why you would behave so strangely. And it goes like this: "Do you have any mental illness, hm?"
"I might have, yeah."
And you said it so casually. Do you, though? Are you being sarcastic or... God he hates you. Why can't he figure you out!? Why do you smile at him so much? Why do you flirt so much with him? Do you flirt with the others the way you do with him?
That new question made him observe your body language around others and listen carefully to any interaction you had and found nothing but your enchanting witty self. Of course you teased other members, but never so bluntly like the way you flirt with him. The colonel felt weirdly relieved at this. Maybe he liked the attention given? Scratch that, or course not!
One time after a tiring mission in Barcelona, Spain, König approached you with a bottle of water, you thanked him with a wink and he watched you swallow the whole thing before he proceeded to ask you the second question that plagued his mind: "Do you perhaps hide some secret trauma that permanently changed your behaviour, using sarcasm, smirks and jokes to protect your scared inner child in order to not get hurt again?"
"Hmmm... The day I found out my mother was Santa Claus I went bananas, but I wouldn't say it scarred me for life. Do ya want an M&M, colonel?"
He fucking hates you. He hates you. König aggressively snatched a handful of M&M's and stormed away. That night he swore he could hear your laugh echoing inside his head. Why couldn't you leave his fucking mind? What was it with you? Were you doing it on purpose?
You were definitely doing it on purpose.
You have to be patient with König. But he was so hilarious and scary, it thrilled you to watch the two meter tall behemoth of a man walk near you and sneak watchful, calculated glances your way when he thought you weren't looking. If someone dared to ask, you'd easily answer with the honesty everyone knew you posses: You'd fuck König without a thought.
He's so feral in battle, so demanding and intimidating on the comms. His ridiculous voice made him all the more adorable contrasting with his appearance. Oh fuck that. Even his appearance was ridiculous, he looked like the red guy from that creepy show called "Don't hug me, I'm scared" or one of those executioners from the Shrek movie. But he was HOT, with that slutty waist accentuated by his bulky back, those long slender arms that could lift anything on his way, you saw him lift a fucking car a few inches so an injured woman could scape, and as she cried of relief you could feel your pussy crying as well at the sight. And oh his hands... The way he used them, so elegantly but rough, they'd make a beautiful necklace. His voice, as unfitting as it sounded coming from this KorTac monster, made you itch to hear more, his accent was so attractive that it quickly made you addicted to sound of it and your brain pondered on how he'd sound while doing other things. Lucky you, when the stars aligned and you two coincided in the gym you made sure to be close enough to hear the quiet grunts and sighs from the colonel as he trained, to your surprise he never moved away as if he knew what you were doing and thought nothing much of it. Safe to say, you'd gladly eat whatever interaction König graced you with with a speck of salt.
Though, when you begun paying attention to the details (because it was hard to guess his deal without seeing his face) You noticed a few hints about the colonel that indicated he had a severe case of social anxiety. The way he self isolated, how he forced himself to interact with people resulting in very awkward conversations that led to him coming up as rude to what he got frustrated and scaped the situation, how he loved his job because you were convinced that he thought he was only good at killing.
That made you wonder if he had other hobbies... It's funny to imagine a tall, muscly guy like him baking or making origamis.
Today you saw the ultimate sign that your big crush wasn't a people's person.
You directed all the attention to König by asking a number of things, (obviously work related) that caught the attention of everyone in the room taking the poor colonel by surprise, his cristal blue eyes widened for a minute before he composed himself answering everything you asked with a professional tone until you spotted the tremble on his hands, poor König noticed your attention drift to his hands so he slid them under the table. That's how you knew it. He couldn't handle being the center of attention for prolonged amounts of time. Your poor baby...
You two were on a meeting with some other KorTac members. König was peeling an apple and had finished it rather quickly as all of you spoke, but he spent ten minutes with the carcass of the fruit slowly browning and drying on his hand, so you decided to test your theory by walking to the near trashcan to throw a random paper you crumbled quickly, after a few seconds König abruptly stood up to throw the dried fruit remnant, the tall Austrian glanced your way before he sat again and kept to himself.
Okay, so judging by this and how stiff he looks, König doesn't know exactly what to do with his body around people, he needed an excuse to stand up and throw the finished apple so he waited for anyone to use the trashcan to go after, BUT he waited a few seconds to stand so he wouldn't look like he was waiting. Must be stressful to be on his shoes. Interesting, but maybe you were overthinking too much, so you decided to do a final test that would definitely tell you if what you thought was right. You didn't want to come to this unless it was really necessary... But you'll probably have to apologize later.
You gave him a sympathetic look that again took him by surprise, but by that time König had called the meeting over, gathered his things and walked out before you could approach him.
Damn you and your stupidly beautiful voice and worried eyes trying to comfort him discreetly.
Gloved hands fidgeted with the bracelet on his wrist. König remembers the little girl who gifted him said thing. The day him and his team rescued her and some other orphans from a building about to explode, the worried colonel spent a few minutes comforting the little girl until she pulled the orange bracelet from her small SpongeBob backpack, he chuckled at the gesture and had never taken it off since. They even shared some letters from time to time, he held a piece of little Astrid in the form of a cute bracelet and she held a piece of him in the form of sweet spoken letters.
König saw her kind eyes in yours and it squeezed his heart so much he felt suffocated. Why would a teasing little vixen like you have such kind, gorgeous eyes? It was weirdly comforting that someone would look at him so softly like he wasn't a monster for once after so long.
His heart begun beating faster, his head was so full of questions about you it infuriated him. Long legs carried the colonel to the gym absentmindedly, like his body craved to ease some tension, but at the last minute he turned to the left corridor further from the gym, went to the right and finally approached the shooting range's door.
"Scheibe..." König cursed lowly, he could have very well bursted the door out of it's hinges, his gloved hand (still a bit shaky) took his favorite riffle from the top right corner of the shelf while he shot a backward kick to push the metallic door closed. He spent fourteen minutes shooting targets while mauling at your last interaction, rage swirled his insides and yet he couldn't fully hate you for asking questions, after all it was work-related, and the last soft gaze you gave him spoke volumes that you didn't want to advert all the attention to him out of malice. König was reloading his sniper rifle when he heard a gentle thud indicating someone had entered the room.
"You'd make an amazing sniper." You spoke softly trying not to startle the tense man.
"You come to mock me? Laugh all you like. I'm well aware I'm too huge to be a sniper." He spoke in resentment over his shoulder before redirecting his focused gaze to the target ahead.
"I always say size doesn't matter! As long as you know how to handle your weapon, you'll make any girl blush."
Your dark humour takes König by surprise and he misses the dummy's head, he tries to hold back the chuckle that threatened to spill from his hidden lips. Luckily the shirt he wore as a mask shielded his face enough to make it look like he was holding in a cough or a sneeze but you weren't stupid. When he turns to face you placing the riffle to the near table he gets startled by how close you are, the smirk accompanying your lips as you weaseled close to his very sacred personal space made him curse lowly in his mother's tongue. The tall Austrian stepped back and you rose your hands in mocking defeat.
"Alright, I get it, personal space. Jus' wanted to hear ya laugh..."
"I didn't." He hisses.
"Didn't ya? I thought I heard it, must have been the wind."
Your sarcasm often infuriated König who never seemed to get a good grip on his English, so it was hard for him to detect when you were being serious or just pulling his leg. His hands flex on his sides, tiny waist move side to side as he balances his weight before he crosses his arms and leans his back to the wall. König raises a brow when your smirk morphed into a sincere apologetic smile as you admired his stance six feet apart from him.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there." You said honestly, he sucked in a breath. "Didn't want t' put ya on the spot."
König wasn't shy, he wasn't, but that last line of yours made him feel like it, and it wasn't an ugly feeling? But it was a little uncomfortable, foreign, it squeezed his heart in a weird way, his hands were clammy, he felt strangely light like if it wasn't for his tapping foot on the floor he'd float away. König understood what you were saying and it comforted him that you were on the same page, the weird unsteadiness between the two of you becoming rather unbearable and a constant topic on both your minds, it was relieving that you thought the same way. Suddenly the ugly, unexcused anger he had for you quieted down.
The Colonel's cerulean eyes widen before lowering his gaze to your tank top blinking rapidly. It was easier to listen if he wasn't looking directly at your eyes.
"König..." Your voice was honey making shivers run up his spine and his skin erupt in goosebumps, his hands trembled even when he fisted them on his crossed stance. "Why don't we start again? Call me paranoid, but I feel like there's tension between us and not the type I'd like."
The colonel lifted his hand your way offering you a handshake you took with mirth.
"I'm colonel König. Y-you are...?"
"Goddamn. Ain't your parents bit' egotistical? Namin' their baby boy 'king' in german." You say with a snicker shaking his hand. He takes it back abruptly but you don't flinch. "I'm Sargeant (c/n). My name is (y/n) (l/n). Is König the name written on your birth certificate or were you called somethin' else?" You press teasingly but wary and a bit nervous thinking you were pushing too far.
König is taken aback by this. When was the last time someone had asked the colonel his name?
"I am..." It tasted foreign on his tongue, like he had forgotten the sound of it, the taste of his own name on his tongue. "My name is Andreas Dobler." He said, his eyes meeting yours. "That's... That's my name." His name wasn't König, he remembers the man he left behind all those years back, the man under the dark cloak, before things went to shit, before becoming colonel König.
"Andreas. What a curious name, never heard of it-"
"Say my name again." König interrupts. His voice weak but demanding and desperate. He loved it. He loved the sound of his name on your lips. It was strange, sweet... Arousing, even.
You blinked angling your head up to take a better look at his half-lid eyes. This time König didn't look away, your eyes met and suddenly the ugly tension from before was morphing into another type of tension, your heart beats faster in sync with his. You didn't know you were getting closer until König placed a hand on your waist and then the other, not pushing, not pulling, he simply laid them there and it came so naturally, your playful smile wavered slightly as your hands landed on his shoulders, he shivers. You tilted your head to the side and he was so lost in you, your aroma, your eyes, your lips, your touch, he didn't realize he was returning the head tilt.
Your lips parted, pink tongue darting to hydrate your dry lips until your pearls were visible from the gap, and his eyes catch every movement your mouth makes when you whisper "Andreas."
"...Andreas..." Your hands slowly move to his chest, his breath hitches. His name has never sounded so sensual whispered by anyone's mouth. You were... You...
"You..." He isn't sure what to say. You are not sure either, suddenly your wit has abandoned you it seems. "You intrigue me." He decides to huff out, accent heavily pronounced.
There's a thousand thoughts swirling on König's mind, he has shared his name but it suddenly didn't feel enough, he wanted to show you who he was, his past, his thoughts, his hopes and dreams, even his face. How can a simple woman like you make König feel so much? Because you were no simple woman. That's why when he felt your small hands slide up his chest to the hem of the shirt that composed his mask, König didn't tense up, in fact, his shoulders relaxed embracing the touch of your fingers gently feeling his neck under the cloth, his stubble, his chin, his high cheeks... Gloved hands grab your wrists.
You stop, still looking up at him noticing the heaving of his chest and how lost in awe his gaze seemed.
"Not yet?"
"I-i... Do not..." Mind. He didn't want to refuse your touch but at the same time it was so overwhelming.
You give a small nod, König lets go of your wrists and you take this opportunity to nuzzle his cheeks, he gasps landing his hands on your waist once more, squeezing the flesh over your tank top. The feeling of your fingers on his face was so foreign it felt like you were touching a piece of his soul.
"Shy lil' thing... Aren't you pretty hiding under there? Maybe you are too beautiful to allow anyone the pleasure of a simple look. Like a sweet Ferrero Roche firmly wrapped and ready to be eaten." You whisper, voice raspy before you chuckle when his Adam's apple bobs with a swallow. Your body is now pressed compleatly against his, your dear colonel's hands tremble on your sides as he fists your tank top. He's nervous, he's shy, but you know he is enjoying this judging by the way his teary, half-lid eyes blink slowly every time you feel and scratch a new inch of skin.
"Don't you worry, darling..." König lets out a small whimper at this. "I'm rushing things ain' I? We were just getting on the first name basis and I had to screw it all..." You wanted to sound apologetic, you promise, but it was so hard when your colonel was practically purring at the feeling of your soft hands scratching his stubble. König was putty on your hands, he has never felt this way. His cheeks burn in embarrassment, he tries to move back but remembers he's already against the wall, and you, a small thing like you have him cornered like a honey badger hunting a mountain lion. His lip wobbles and he tilts his head to the side as he feels your hands massage and explore his neck and jaw in long, gentle motions. The pads of your fingers gracing every inch of his neck muscles.
"...Sag bitte mehr, ich flehe dich an..." (Say more please, I beg you.) König moans out, his german accent sounding strong masking how weak he was feeling at the moment.
He loved your voice, your touch... Your everything. The colonel ran his fingers on your lower back encouraging to continue, meanwhile he very slowly tilted his head higher allowing you more space on his neck to massage and scratch. You chuckle darkly feeling his member poking at your belly, your body instantly pressing harder against his cornered torso.
"You like the sound of my voice, colonel?" You humm, he makes a small noise. "Andreas...?"
His shoulders shake with the force of his shiver, nails digging deliciously on your lower back, you chuckle delighted at the sight tilting his chin to the other side to feel his nape, his ear and some locks of hair. "ich begehre dich..." The Austrian groans, his member now fully erect twitched delighted by the delicious pressure of your torso against it and your soft ministrations to his neck.
Both your radios churr alive until a voice breaks the static, a random operator checking on the comms. König almost knocks you over with how fast he straightened his back and the way his strong grip held you back, his chest heaving fast, eyes wide and vulnerable. You take the opportunity to grab him by the hem of the shirt he uses as a mask.
König freezes when he feels cold air hit the heated skin from his neck. You had lifted a portion of the cloth revealing the part you were previously massaging, caressing and scratching just under his chin, careful not to reveal his face. His head moves up to the side trying to hide from your touch, his hands shoot backwards planting on the wall as if a force had taken them from the previous grip he had on you. In truth he was afraid he'd crush your waist.
"I hope you can forgive me colonel... Can't help it..."
There's a long gash on his neck, a very old scar that seemed to be product of a knife fight or even a bullet, it's crocked and it goes up probably to his right ear. You lean close on tiptoes because he couldn't crouch due to how shocked he still felt, and you planted your wet lips on the surface of the sensitive scar. König's throat rumbles with a groan, his powerful hands finally make the move to take you, to cage your body impossible closer to his. A hard roll of his hips make him gasp in relief and you loudly huff when he twirls you to where he was previously caged, his hands soon making small effort to lift you up, both legs wrapped around his waist and he THRUSTS stabbing your cargo pants. You are still kissing, licking and nibbling his neck, your hands explore the long bulky surface of his back, König moans delighted at one particular bite until-
"Oh. Shit."
König turned his head back so fast you are sure it made his neck rotatory, two pairs of eyes look in shock at Horangi who is standing there holding the rifle König had previously left before all of this happened. Your colonel was frozen in embarrassment his shaking hands still held you up and his boner was no longer stabbing you, the thing died at the speed of light when the Korean made presence.
"Jesus Christ. You gonna keep staring or you wanna join us, tiger?"
König snaps his head back at you comically fast, icy eyes glare in surprise, horror and astonishment.
"As fun as that sounds I'll leave you two to your games... 'sides, I don't think you'll be able to handle König alone, imagine the two of us. We'd ruin you." The Korean's response made you laugh enchanted by his wit, he walked out the door in quick strides leaving you two alone once more.
König huffs glaring at the wall behind you. The sudden unwelcome presence of his friend seemed to had robbed the magic from the moment. Your Colonel's body shagged slowly lowering your body, and the moment your heels touched the ground his head leaned down falling to the crock of your neck, the feeling of the warm cloth of his mask made you humm. He kissed your clavicle over his mask and you ran your hands to his shoulders until König slowly retrieved.
He took two steps back, with a very noticeable defeated look.
"Hey. We can keep going whenever yer up to. Don't look at me like that, sweet thing." Your voice carried a playfulness that comforted him from the sudden feeling of defeat.
König couldn't meet your eyes, his voice was shaky "I'm just not like this-..."
"DON'T -...!" He barked, startling you both.
It was too much, too sudden, too weird, too suffocating. He liked it at first but... König couldn't put into words what he was feeling right now. He hated that the moment was cut short, he hated that he felt like it was his fault and he hated the way you are looking at him with so much concern like when you two were at the meeting.
"Verzeihen Sie mir." He muttered giving you a final short glance before he rushed out of the place leaving the door open and your startled self still leaning on the wall.
You recognized those words even if you didn't know much of German.
"Forgive me." You translated in a whisper.
Will you?
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astraysimp · 5 months
Meant to Be-9mitm
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♡ Hi everyone! I am back with, what is sadly, the last chapter of 9mitm. 🙁
This has been truly such a joy for me to write and I have thoroughly looked forward to each Friday to put these pieces out for you guys. I want to say thank you to everyone who has shown both @straykeedz and I love on this collaboration. It really does mean the world to both of us. HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean that dad!skz is over. No no, there is so much more to come! I hope you guys will look forward to it! (also me and ms. straykeedz and one of our other dear friends may or may not be planning a collab that will be on my smut page @singsangseung– please look forward to it, IF YOU ARE OF AGE) 
I want to give my pookie bear bestie @straykeedz a MASSIVE MASSIVE shoutout though. So, Bee, my bestie, my pookie bear…thank you so so so so much for making this collaboration happen. I remember us initially planning and discussing this baby MONTHS ago and to have finally finished her has been such a dream come true. It has been such a dream and honor and pleasure to work with you on this, pookie. Not only in the writing and collab aspect, but thank you for being my best friend. I genuinely am so glad that we made this happen and have become such close friends, even if we live so far apart. Your writing is so beautiful and i can only hope to be as amazing as you are,  one day. You are such a lovely person, through and through.  You hold such a dear place in my heart, the binnie to my minnie forever. I love you so so so much, pooks. Hopefully maybe, we shall collab again in the future. But, big big bug hugs and lots of love from me to you, bee!( please don’t cry reading this…..or I’ll cry too….or maybe let’s cry together)
OKAY OKAY OKAY BACK TO THE WRITING,.......just had to simp for my pookie real quick ….DEUCES 
♡Summary: you didn’t mean to fall in love with your childhood best friend…much less did you expect to have a baby with him
♡Warnings: childhood best friends to lovers! Jeongin, dad!innie, pet names, MARSHMALLOW FLUFF, kinda angst( if you count exes giving I.N and y/n ultimatums), fem!reader, mad I.N, cursing, italicized text refers to the past 
There was never a point in your life where Jeongin wasn’t there. In fact, he had been in your life since the two of you were still in the womb. Your mothers were best friends, and had somehow gotten pregnant at the same time. That, obviously, meant that the babies(you and Jeongin) would be best friends, as well. Heck, your mothers had a shared baby shower, shared gender reveal party and had managed to give birth a day apart.
So, all in all, you and Jeongin have always been attached at the hip inseparable. (And, your mothers secretly hoped you two would date some day)
Growing up, you were each others’ first friends, other than your siblings. Of course you would be, you two were raised together, practically siblings at that point. It never bothered you, how close you two were. The two of you were two peas in a pod, the peanut butter to the other’s jelly. You were always playing together, laughing together, crying together, sticking up for one another.
The thing was, the older you grew, the more friendly affectionate you got– cuddling, hugs, hand holding, him defending you from bullies– but it was platonic.Or so it seemed at the time, which you wouldn’t realize until later on. You and Jeongin were always adamant on that. But, what you and him saw as platonic others saw as flirting. It being “too close to be just friendly.” 
When you and jeongin were in high school, you each had a couple of boyfriends or girlfriends. And, every time they had given you or him the ultimatum of me or them. And without a shadow of a doubt, every time, you had chosen one another. Claiming, “boyfriends and girlfriends come and go. But, we’re forever,” and forever, you were. 
One memory, however, was clear in your mind.  Jeongin had been dating his girlfriend, Hyerin, for about 2 months. She never liked you, but never up front would tell you why. You just felt it. In the way she looked at you, tried to separate you and Jeongin, excluded you from plans. It was clear as day. Jeongin hated the fact that his girlfriend didn’t like his best friend. The reasons she wouldn’t tell you, she did tell Jeongin, though. “You and y/n are way too close.” “She's so into you, and you don’t tell her to stop.” “You’re always with her, more than with me.” all of which, he argued back with, “we’ve literally grown up together, of course we’re close,” “I’m with you all the time, Hyerin,” “she’s not into me, we’re just friends. I’ve already told you that!” 
That one day, it was the end of school and you had been making your way to where Jeongin’s locker was located, excited to hang out and grab snacks at the local convenience store. But, as you were approaching, you could see Jeongin standing there, his back turned to you, while Hyerin stood opposite of him. They were arguing and luckily you had been out of eyesight.
“Jeong, she’s way too close to you for you to be just friends!” She had yelled, venom laced in her voice. You never thought you were ‘too’ close, you and Jeongin had been friends since in the womb.
“Hyerin! We are just friends! How many times do I have to go over this with you?! I am dating YOU!” Jeongin yelled back, frustratedly running a hand through his straight black hair. He sounded just as angry and heated as she did. “Does she think there’s something going on between us?” You thought to yourself.
“It doesn’t feel like it! Wherever you go, she goes with. A date for us turns into you two in the light and me being a third wheel on a date with my own boyfriend!” Hyerin complained, her fists balled up, at her sides. “Whenever I go to your house, she’s there and if you’re not home then you're at HER house!” her voice boomed. But it was true. You and Jeongin were always either at one another’s houses or out chilling somewhere. You just hadn’t known it was this problematic, because she never voiced these issues to you or pulled you aside for a conversation. You would’ve understood her frustrations.
Even just seeing how his shoulders were squared, and how tense his body seemed, you knew that he was pissed, more pissed than you’ve ever seen him before. “Well, what the fuck do you want me to do?! What is it that you want Hyerin?!” He barked, making overly obnoxious hand gestures at her.
Oh, she knew exactly what she wanted…
“Choose. Me or y/n, Jeong. “
..but she wasn’t expecting the answer she got
Jeongin always knew his answer would be you, and you would always choose him. That choice was as easy as breathing. So, with a light scoff, he gave her his answer
Hyerin’s jaw positively dropped. She was gobsmacked. “Really?! Really?! Are you fucking serious, Jeongin?!” Dead serious, he was dead serious. So he laughed, “Of course I’m being serious. I’ll always choose y/n. Hyerin, we’re done.” He laughed out, venomously. 
Well damn, she was at a loss for words. Storming off, she spotted you and rolled her eyes. “There’s your precious y/n, Jeongin,” was all she got out before she turned the corner.
Timidly, you approached him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Innie, you okay?” You asked, running a hand through his soft hair. That alone, had managed to take his level of anger from a boil to a simmer. Sighing, he nodded and pulled you into his chest, asking with a quiet voice. “I’m okay. Are you okay? How much did you hear?”
Even through his bad moments, which you’ve seen a lot of , he was always concerned for you. Rubbing a hand up and down the expanse of his back, you sighed. “I should be the one asking if you’re okay. You and your girlfriend just broke up……because of me,” you whispered, tucking your face into his chest, inhaling his sweet woodsy scent. 
“Bun, I know. But, if she can’t accept our friendship, then it would have never worked out. I’m always always always going to choose you, bun.” He whispered, cupping your cheeks in his large hands, and swiping the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks, before he closed his fox-like eyes, before pressing his slightly chapped lips against your strawberry lip balm flavored ones.
That was how your relationship started, a whopping year and a half ago. . You didn’t plan on falling in love with your best friend. Honestly, you had never expected to, and neither did he. But, of course neither of you regretted it and the more you thought about it……maybe you and Jeongin had always had those romantic feelings all along and were too afraid to take the plunge, afraid that it could ruin the friendship you sustained. 
When you think about it, the hand holding, cuddling, protectiveness, longing to constantly be near one another, ‘platonic’ kisses did seem a little more romantic and a little less platonic.Your moms always wanted you two to end up dating. Saying that “it  would be perfect, we’re best friends, and you’re best friends so it makes sense. You two know each other so well already!” But, you had always brushed it aside, telling them “we’re just friends, mom.Nothing more, just two best friends. Maybe, they knew all along that you two would end up together. Call it mother’s intuition.
As you and Jeongin grew up and your bond only grew, you were even confused as a couple on numerous occasions. One of your favorite memories being  when you two went to Lotte land together. You wore a coordinating outfit. His was a pair of cream colored  pants, a white tee shirt with a short sleeved soft blue plaid overshirt, finished with a pair of sneakers. You wore a dress in the same color and pattern as his overshirt, with a white tee-shirt underneath with a matching pair of sneakers. Large happy smiles on your faces, as you walked the park,hand in hand.
“Ah, what a lovely couple you make,” an older lady complimented the pair of you. This was a normal thing for you, so neither of you minded it–maybe even liked it. Being mistaken as a couple had happened to you and Jeongin so many times that you both had just started accepting the compliment and not even trying to rebuttal with, “oh. We’re just friends.” Maybe you two liked being mistaken for a couple, so happily in love. Politely, you both nodded and bowed at the older woman. “Thank you,” you replied, a soft blush tinting your cheeks. With that, Jeongin squeezed your hand, a soft giggle escaping his lips. “ We do make a pretty cute couple don’t we, bun?”
But getting to love your best friend was as easy as breathing. You knew everything there was to know about each other. You knew how he liked his eggs–scrambled with bell peppers,cheese, with salt and pepper to taste. Jeongin knew how you liked your iced coffee– light ice, chocolate caramel flavoring, extra syrup and extra creamer (because you don’t like the taste of coffee). You knew how he used to eat sand, or that he tried to run away from home when he was 7.Jeongin knew that you hated brussel sprouts and broccoli, so whenever you had them on your plate he would eat them for you. Conversely, you knew that he loved  tteokbokki, cheese tteokbokki specifically. So, as a true best friend would, you learned how  to make it or would always stop at a local food stand to pick him up a fresh order.  He knew that you were scared of the dark until you were 11. that you had a massive fear of heights and spiders–or just bugs in general, but you liked fireflies because their butts glowed and it reminded you of the movie Princess and the Frog, even though your favorite movie was Tangled. 
When he got braces? You were there. In fact, you were the first person to see him with them, outside of his family. “I hate them, bun. They hurt and look stupid,” he whined, trying to conceal his new smile. “Aish, Innie. You’ll be okay and in fact…I think they look nice.” You consoled him, pulling his hands away from his mouth so you could rub wax over the metal wires that would straighten his teeth out. 
Two years later, when he got his braces off, you accompanied him to the appointment. Hand in hand, you watched as his orthodontist clipped the brackets, pulled out the wire, and smoothed his newly straightened teeth. “Wah, my innie-ah! You look so good! Smile, smile, smile!” You cheered, gently pulling him to sit up in his chair. “Aigo, don’t embarrass me, we’re in public, bun.” He blushed, nonetheless flashing you a bright smile, that you had captured through a picture. “I don’t care! You look so nice, Jeongie!’ The compliment fell from your lips and through his ears, only further reddening his cheeks and causing him to grab your hand to pull you from the orthodontists office. He apologized for making a fuss. But, how could you not? He was too cute and handsome.
Nothing was a secret when it came to you and Jeongin. It was kind of impossible, when you were friends since you were in the womb. For every step, story and milestone you reached; you were there witnessing it all or would tell each other about it. You also knew that the both of you wanted to have kids, one day. He wanted a boy and a girl and you wanted the same.
Baby names were a conversation you’d had many times. It always came up in conversation, at least, once a week. It started when you were younger, playing house with your baby dolls. They had to have names.
“Jeongieeeeeee, we have to name our baby.” you whined, holding the baby doll in your hands. “Whyyyyy?” A then 10 year old, Jeongin complained, as if the answer wasn’t obvious. Baffled, you drew your eyebrows up. “Why? What do you mean why? We can;’t just call our baby bean, or baby or peanut! The baby needs a name, you pabo!” the words drawled from your lips as you pouted. “Yes we can! I never call you by your name, just by a nickname. We can do the same for our baby.” He complained, his fox eyes turning into small slivers as he sighed. All the while, your eyes were turning into big brown puppy ones. “Nooooooo, innieeeeee! We have to name the babbbbyyyyy. I didn’t carry and birth our baby for him to not have a nameeeeeee,” you dragged on, even going as far as to stomp your feet. “Fine fine fine, aigoo, bun.” He sighed, patting you on the head. “How about Mi-rae?” the name fell from his lips, so easily. “I like it, baby Yang Mi-rae.” 
Mi-rae…it meant future. Funnily enough, a real baby was in your future. And yes….. You took playing house very seriously. 
Little did you know, you would go from playing house to living together in a house, with your baby.
But, you never would have expected to have a baby together. Playing house and raising a baby doll was a very stark contrast to raising a real living, breathing, crying, eating, sleeping, peeing, pooping baby.  Finding out that you were expecting, was quite the surprise for you and jeongin. On the other hand, your moms were ecstatic, over the moon, excited, jumping for joy.
“I knew this would happen. It’s about time! Our babies are having a baby!” Your mom had squealed, when you told her the news. “I know! Oh my gosh! Ah!” his mom had smiled in return. While they were celebrating, you and Jeongin stood looking at each other with a puzzled and befuddled look on your faces. “ What do you mean about time? You knew this would happen?” you blinked blankly at your mother’s. 
Had it not clicked to you before? Turning to you, Jeongin’s mom, softly, placed her hands on your cheeks. “Oh my dear. You two have been closer than atoms and completely inseparable since you have been in the womb. It was only a matter of time before you and Jeongin got together and gave us a baby.” She cooed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of joy. Similarly, your own mother had pulled you into a warm comforting embrace. “Pumpkin, it’s true. Yes, you and Innie may have denied the feelings when you were younger, but you always choose each other, you two are attached at the hip, act like a couple. We’re so so happy for you two.”
As you named your play baby when you were ten years old, your son was named Mi-rae. He was your pride and joy and a complete carbon copy of his dad, at least in looks. As a baby, Jeongin was naughty, mischievous, always keeping your parents on edge– thankfully, he mellowed out throughout the years. Jeongin always valued his personal space, not being one to enjoy in skinship– unless it was with you. Mi-rae on the other hand was calm, peaceful, and the cuddliest little bun.
He may have looked like Jeongin– sleek ebony hair, dark brown fox like eyes, deep dimples– but his personality mimicked yours. Cuddly, loves skinship, always tired, loving. Interestingly enough, Mi-rae only accepted cuddles from you or Jeongin. Much like how Jeongin only took cuddles from you, even if he acted annoyed at the times you plopped your body on him. 
At the moment, Mi-rae is 9 months old and it is currently 7:30 pm. Which is his bedtime,  since you and Jeongin wanted him to be on a steady and consistent sleep schedule. Thankfully, he was also a heavy sleeper ( like his dad) and had no issues sleeping throughout the night. You were holding him in your arms,gently rocking him. Something that helped  put him at ease and signaled his body that it was time to sleep. “My little love, it’s bedtime. Is mommy’s angel boy ready to sleep?” You cooed, looking down at him with the purest love in your eyes. 
With a pacifier tucked in his mouth, he looked up at you, slow blinks fluttering his eyes. Quietly, Jeongin walked up behind you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Hi, honey love. Is angel boy asleep,yet?” His voice resonated, his timbre soft and gentle. Shaking your head, you carefully ran the back of your knuckle along the soft plump expanse of Mi-rae’s cheek. “Not yet, Innie. Think he’s getting there, though.” You whispered, seeing Mi-rae’s eyes flutter once more, as the grip he had on your shirt loosened slightly. “Sleepy boy, our sleepy boy.” Jeongin mumbled, leaning to press a kiss to the babe’s forehead. “Our sleepy boy,” you smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Jeongin’s lips. 
Blinking his eyes, Mi-rae fell asleep, his breathing becoming steady and slow. “There he goes. Sleep tight, angel.” Jeongin chuckled, watching the steady rise and fall of Mi-rae’s chest. Although you knew that co-sleeping wasn’t the best, you really truly couldn’t help it. What do you mean put Mi-rae in his crib when he was so peacefully captured by dreamland? No, no, no. Risking him waking up when you put him in his crib? Again,no.
Admittedly, you and Jeongin used to be pretty bad with your co-sleeping habits. But, neither you nor Jeongin wanted to be away from Mi-rae, always making sure he was safe, at peace and surrounded by love. It was hard to let him sleep in his bassinet; the same bassinet that was right next to your bed. For the first 5 months of Mi-rae’s life, he slept in that bassinet. Even harder was when you moved Mi-rae on from his bassinet to his crib. His crib was in a completely separate room–separated by its own walls and a door. For you and Jeongin, that was a big jump. It seemed so far(it was literally 10 feet away). 
Mi-rae’s nursery–warm, simple, soothing, calm. The small home you and jeongin shared was modern yet cozy. New yet familiar. So, similarly you wanted Mi-rae’s nursery to have the same feeling and aura. That took bright colors out of the equation. Dark colors? A no– Mi-rae was a happy baby and so were you and Jeongin. No bright colors and no dark colors. Neutrals, and warmth.  Off whites, creams, soft tinged colors. But, not pastel, just muted. 
Three of the walls of the nursery were an eggshell ivory color. A muted sage green accent wall, framing the soft ash colored crib. On the accent wall were bold cut out letters of his name, painted in an antique gold color- so it stood out, but not too much. 
The crib was slightly warm in tone, the color of its grain matching the color of the three remaining walls. Wanting to keep the tones and vibes as similar and cohesive as possible, the mattress was dressed in an off white bedsheet, a handmade sage green blanket thrown over its rail and a simple cloud mobile hanging over the top. Seeing as you spent a lot of time in the nursery: it was a wise decision to have a reclining chair in the corner, with a lamp nestled in the corner and a sage blanket, for cold nights and napping.
Simplistic, so there were a few toys lingering, but not too many.  Sure, Mi-rae had a lot of toys, but you and jeongin didn’t like clutter. He was also mostly in the warm loving embrace of his mother or father most of the time, anyways. So, wisely a majority of the toys were stored in a toy box, being kept on a rotation on a regular basis. There was a bookshelf against the wall, next to it a changing table with a small garbage can. Only keeping the essentials out, and leaving the room to feel open.
As good as you and Jeongin have been co-sleeping, in the past, one night wouldn’t hurt. Peering up at jeongin, your eyes locking with his fox-like ones, there was a silent agreement made. Just tonight, then in the crib tomorrow. That look was all the two of you needed, as you made your way to your shared bedroom; which was, funnily enough, decorated in the same color scheme as Mi-rae’s nursery. That wasn’t even planned, just sheer coincidence. 
By that time of night, the pair of you had already exchanged your day clothes for warm loungewear, sweats or pajamas. Today hadn’t been necessarily tiring or strenuous or stressful. It’s just that raising a baby took a lot out of you both, so you were ready to climb into bed earlier than most people did. Exchanging all nighters and energy drinks for early nights in and dirty diapers was your new routine, new life, new normal and you loved it. It was calm, peaceful, full of love and filled your heart with warmth.
“Ready for bed, bun?” Jeongin’s voice resonated, from his spot on his designated side of the bed– it was closer to the door and it made him feel as though he was protecting you. Nodding your head softly, you adjusted your hold on a sleeping Mi-rae as you managed to climb your way on your bed.
Bun, your favorite nickname from Jeongin. The main reason he called you bun was because you loved to eat sugar coated bread rolls. They were your favorite snack, leaving a coat of white sugar crystals on your fingertips. “Jeongie, they’re so good!” You always exclaimed, trying to get him to try one. Even with his lack of a sweet tooth, he would admit they were good. So, he just started to call you bun and from that day it stuck. Yeah, he had other nicknames for you– y/nnie, tiny, mini– but bun was the one he used most predominantly. You were his bun and he was your Jeongie, your innie. You were his and he was yours.
 “I am, honey love.” The soft honey-esque sound of your melodious cadence replied to him. A smile tugged on the corners of his lips, turning them into a soft grin, he held his arms open for you waiting for you to be in his safe, secure and loving hold. “Come here, then. I know you’re tired.” A tired titter left him, his chest slightly vibrating as he saw you scooch closer to him. Once in reach of his arms, you were pulled tightly to his chest. A soft sage green duvet being cast over your bodies, as a kiss as soft as a butterfly’s wing was placed to your temple. “Can you believe it? Who knew that we’d be here?” Another soft chortle escaped his pink lips as he looked down at the babe in your arms. “ I know. It’s pretty crazy. But do you ever think our moms were right? That,maybe, we did have feelings for one another all along but we just couldn’t recognise it?” You pondered, relaxing your body and melting to fit the shape of his. 
“It makes sense, bun. We’ve always been close. We always have chosen each other.” Jeongin whispered back, his voice laced with the want to sleep, and a yawn spilling from his lips. As yawns do, his yawn triggered one to be pulled from your own body. “Mmmm. I mean, that’s true,” you echoed back, your ear pressed to his chest to hear his heartbeat. “I’m glad they were though….I think we would’ve ended up together eventually one day,bun.” He cooed, gently caressing your cheek with the knuckle of his middle finger. “I think so too. We’re just meant to be, in all ways, shapes, forms, and universes. We’ve always been tied together…cut from the same cloth.” You sleepily acknowledged, voice starting to become slurred with sleep as your words started to drift away to your own dreamland. Kissing your forehead, Jeongin flicked the light on your nightstand off so he too could fall into dreamland. “You’re my future. You have always been my future. I love you, my bun,” he tenderly expressed, his own eyes finally falling shut.His mind calmed and he was welcomed to his world of dreams, filled with you and Mi-rae, but he could still hear you let out the faintest whisper. 
“I love you too, my forever.”
♡Please don’t steal,repost on any website, paraphrase, or in anyway claim my works as yours♡ ©AStraySimp2023 ♡ 
🏷️ @mellhwang ; @autumn583 ; @hyunsvngs ; @hotchnrz ; @galamxy ; @ebbaskz ; @turtledove824 ; @galaxycatdrawz ; @fawnpeaks ; @bigsobs4skz ; @143lix ; @bangchans-babygirlgirl ; @aaasia111 ; @reid-deiri ; @tenshimara ; @dancerachaslut ; @peachygirlsthings ; @saturnandgold ; @justscrollinthrough ; @jesuisstay ; @shinywolfbears ; @lewoh-ot8-wh0re ; @alnex05 ; @mixtape-racha ; @shujohajohaminnie ; @heartheartisa ; @skzstaykatsy ; @manuosorioh ; @whosanaanyway ; @cvntywonyo ; @notastraykid ; @jinnie-ret♡
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vampirae · 5 months
Astrology knowledge + personal notes
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Disclaimer! Some paragraphs are pure astrological knowledge, others are just mine personal opinions and experiences. Experiences aren't universal, it may apply to some and not to others.
You don't feel like the 4th house is accurately describing your family dynamics or traumas? Nice, then look at your 2nd house. The 4th house talks about your family, but mostly about your roots, generational trauma, your country, your literal home etc. Meanwhile the infamous 2nd house associated always exclusively with money, in reality is linked directly to your childhood, your family dynamics/setting, values or traumas they gave you, also your literal future family etc. E.g. Venus in the 2nd house is associated with being spoiled or likely to be giving gifts or favours, but why? Probably because in their childhood caregivers tried to "buy their love" so they associate gifts to being loved. Look at the planets in your 2nd house, its ruler, and the aspects etc.
Cancer sun men, usually tend to be cheap or stingy, literally, never met a Cancer sun man in my life who isn't so, if they behave differently it's usually because it suits their own personal agenda, or try to manipulate you.
Aries moon women tend to post absolutely gorgeous photos, they're so artistic, and know how to take or edit photos or videos.
Cancer rising is so funny, relatable or friendly, they naturally attract people or masses, they're charismatic in their own way, but they tend to be private and dislike when people invade too much of their personal space without permission; some will cut you immediately off, others will be waiting patiently for you to finally understand you're being inappropriate, literally no in between.
Moon in the 12th house, from my own personal experiences, terrible friends. Likely to be great companions if you want to get high or drink or talk about whatever without being judged, but literally avoid them in "no chill time". Extremely manipulative, always victim of the circumstances, helpless and problematic. Briefly, if you don't want to find yourself being a free therapist for hours, a free ATM or parenting a whole ass adult, just avoid getting closer to them. On the other hand, great and sacrificial lovers, but vampiric succubus as friends. (To the people asking me which 12th house moon hurt me, well too many my darling, this is why they're on my blacklist).
When it comes to raw sexual libido mars in fall and detriment are the ones most usually labelled with low libido, which is true, but still in my opinion and experiences they're not on the same level. Mars is Cancer is the one with the highest libido between the three, then Libra and last Taurus. Furthermore men with this mars (the aforementioned) are more prone to have issues with their, ahem, "friend". But, gladly, they also have wild fantasies and are more prone to compromise or satisfy their partner's desires. E.g. if you want them to be dominant, they'll try their best to be your Master/Daddy etc. Last but not least, despite being "shy" and at first look traditional, they're more open to use toys or try new sex positions if it's your will, but won't share you (so threesome or orges literally it's a big NO if they truly love you).
Sagittarius and Cancer placements are competitive AF, but the last one will give up if they're gonna lose or act uninterested, or just whine in the corner about how life is unjust with them. Sagittarius placements, will look chill and playful, but they're extremely competitive, not only because of the prize, but it's a great opportunity to learn something new, or master some of their skills, or just an adrenaline shot. Literally, they're second to Aries when it comes to competing, yet people are unaware of this nature because of their nonchalant and sometimes dumbass vibes/behaviour.
Talking about Sagittarius placements again, when they're labeled as funny, don't think they're master at telling jokes or giving clever clapbacks, in fact, earth signs are masters of this type of humour. Sagittarius placements are funny because of their spontaneous nature: like saying some weird or shocking things with a serious face, or doing some WTF stuff, literally they're funny in original ways and something you never expected. With time they'll acquire a more "normal" sense of humour, but usually they're memorable for their unexpected humour.
Virgo really needs some structure or specific goals or tasks. They could have a hard time with unspecific projects, games or work, they'll literally stay there like a NPC waiting for your interaction or order, analysing the situations, outcomes and necessities.
Libra placements are charming and a good company, their indecisiveness is forgivable most of the time, until you have to work with them. It can be so stressful sometimes to work with or under a Libra (sun, rising or mars), you never know when they'll change their idea again or return to an old project, or what you have to do. I'm sorry to say it, but they're problematic bosses and owners. To lift yourself from this curse, there are few options, like changing job or aggressive yet polite confrontation, just to make it clear, next time you won't forgive and neither make you lose your time again, because it's the only resource you can't buy or restore.
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Are their any sort of social norms pertaining to age gaps in a relationship, and if so what are they? (I know the only basis we really have is for political marriages, but I think those would actually be the best examples considering they would be under the most public and political scrutiny)
Are There Any Social Norms Pertaining to Age Gaps in Gallifreyan Relationships?
There's nothing particularly established about this, but the norms and expectations around relationships will differ greatly from Human social preoccupations about age gaps.
📅 Lifespans and Perceptions of Age
Gallifreyans live for millennia, making age gaps largely irrelevant in their society. While an age difference of a few decades might be significant for humans, it’s just a blink of an eye for a Time Lord.
Childhood and Maturity: Up to around age 200, Gallifreyans are still socially considered immature despite reaching full physical maturity around age 100. This extended period of 'childhood' normally ends on graduation from the Academy.
Social Norms: Age differences in relationships are generally not a focal point in Gallifreyan society. Given their long lifespans, the difference of a few centuries might be as inconsequential as a few years would be to humans. If a 400-year-old Time Lord dates a 700-year-old, it's probably just considered a charming Mayfly-December romance.
👑 Political Marriages
Political marriages are a significant aspect of Gallifreyan culture, especially among the ruling elite. These marriages will come under public and political scrutiny, yet age is probably not a primary concern even here.
Strategic Alliances: Marriages are typically arranged for political gain or to form strategic alliances. The primary focus is on the benefits such unions can bring rather than the age of the individuals involved.
Public Scrutiny: Despite the potential for public scrutiny, the emphasis remains on the political and social advantages of marriage.
🧐 Practical Considerations
For Gallifreyans, the concept of age gaps in relationships might seem quaint or irrelevant. The extensive lifespan and the different stages of maturity make these concerns minor.
Longevity: With lifespans stretching across millennia, a few centuries’ difference in age doesn't carry the same weight. Relationships are more likely judged on the individuals' compatibility and mutual benefits rather than their ages. When you can live for thousands of years, what's a couple of centuries between friends (or lovers)?
Social and Personal Growth: Time Lords have the opportunity for significant personal and social growth over their extended lifetimes. This growth means that relationships can be formed at various stages of life without the usual constraints humans might face.
🏫 So ...
Age gaps in Gallifreyan relationships are probably largely inconsequential due to their long lifespans and unique perceptions of age and maturity. While political marriages might come under public scrutiny, the focus remains on the strategic advantages rather than the ages of the individuals involved.
Hope that helped! 😃
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eerna · 16 days
Enemies to lovers or foes romance could be so interesting if it is done right and the character process of falling in love is done right. The big problem with this trope (I think tropes aren't as bad as some people make them to be since every book has tropes; the problem is they have to be earned) is that authors can't distinguish enemies to lovers from abusers and victims/bully romances. I always thought that to make the pair more credible, you needed to give them a history or something. One of the best and unused tropes is childhood friends to enemies to lovers. This could have so much angst.
Yeah, it's a really fun trope IF done right, but honestly that's true for every trope. It is a more difficult dynamic to pull off, as I think there's only 2ish enemies to lovers romances I like. However, both include some degree of bullying or toxicity, so MY reason for why I mostly dislike the trope is that it's rarely given much thought past "waaaaa they HATE each other which makes it SEXYYYY". I also don't like it when the conscious attraction begins while the enemy phase is still going on, because I simply can't take it seriously. "They're soooo evil but sooooo hot" is the most annoying inner monologue in history of inner monologues. I say conscious attraction because there's ways to make them want each other without spelling it out, and THAT'S where the fun is. Basically if it's "body VS mind" it's boring to me, but if it's "one aspect of someone's personality VS another" it's fun. One way of doing it is to give them history, but you can also pull it off by making them foils in their beliefs and convictions and narrative arcs etc. It's about the REPRESSION the DICHOTOMY the WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN
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229zmi · 1 year
PAIRING: Miya Atsumu/Reader
CONTENT: brief mention of blood + mild violence (not toward reader or Atsumu), they/them pronouns used for reader, rushed ending, lots of run-on sentences 😁, childhood friends to lovers
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bestfriend!Atsumu who, on a hot summer day many years ago, crashes into your life both unceremoniously and literally. He’s nine and rash in the way that nine year old children tend to be, though that certain aspect for him was enhanced simply for the fact that he’s Miya Atsumu and words like vigilant and sensible aren’t quite in his vocabulary yet (and perhaps they never would be).
bestfriend!Atsumu who’s nine and rash in the way that shows in his appearance, his russet hair dishevelled and his elbows red and burning not from the sun but from the bits of gravel still stuck onto his skin after a nasty fall off his bike earlier — and rash in the way that he crashes into your life by first crashing the aforementioned bike into the fence outside your house, before tumbling at your feet.
bestfriend!Atsumu who at the time is just stranger!Atsumu to you and someone you peer down at for some time as if you’re staring at a glob of bird poop on the ground rather than something at least a little more worthy than that. For a while, he doesn’t know what to do or say except glance at what remains of his bike with a dejected face and then literally run for his life.
stranger!Atsumu who sees you at school the next day, surprisingly. He doesn’t recall if he’s ever seen you in the hallways before, but that doesn’t matter anyway because when he sees you, you’re staring at him with the same creepy look you had yesterday afternoon. Osamu is next to him and asks if he knows you.
“I crashed my bike into a fence in their yard. Dunno what they want from me now — you think they like-like me or somethin’?”
His brother doesn’t look too shocked when he says this — just mildly disappointed, but Atsumu’s used to that from him anyway, in the same way that Osamu’s used to him and all his shenanigans. Nonetheless, as the slightly more reasonable twin, he says in a tone that could almost be considered scolding, “I think you should apologise.”
stranger!Atsumu who, despite his pride, apologises to you with a tear-stained crumpled up note and a pack of gummy bears dropped promptly onto your desk, wearing what’s intended to be an apologetic expression, although it looks more like he’s holding in the urge to call you a poopiehead to your face and then run away again. But for you, that’s good enough.
stranger!Atsumu who, by some sort of unspoken agreement between the two of you paired along with the fact that you’re eight and making friends is as shallow as simply asking Do you want to be friends?, becomes your acquaintance after you so graciously accept his apology.
friend!Atsumu whom you now exchange toothy smiles and brief high-fives with whenever you pass each other in the hallways.
friend!Atsumu whom you hang out with almost every day of summer break a couple weeks later because turns out, he lives just a little further down the street, so you have no trouble going on the three-minute journey it takes to get to his house.
friend!Atsumu whom you spend so much time with without ever getting the slightest bit bored, squandering most days away with attempts at defeating each other at all the video games he has stored in the room he shares with Osamu, who occasionally joins in but most often opts to pray on his brother’s downfall from the sidelines.
friend!Atsumu whom you build mud pies with for his brother to pretend-eat and judge as if they’re actually edible; who’s naturally competitive and tries to catch more bugs than you in the backyard until an inky canopy stretches over you and the street lamps turn on, signalling that it’s time for you to go home.
friend!Atsumu who — as rowdy as he is — surprisingly is a gentleman and has no trouble going on the six-minute journey it takes to walk you home and head back himself.
bestfriend!Atsumu whose friendship with you is still undeterred by the fact that you’re in different classes once you reach middle school, often going to the restroom during class just to stop by your classroom on the way back and catch a glimpse of what you’re doing.
bestfriend!Atsumu who spots you in your seat, your eyelids drooping as if you can hardly manage to keep them up as well as yourself awake during the teacher’s boring lecture.
bestfriend!Atsumu who presses his nose close against the window of the door, catching the attention of a few of your classmates but most importantly you, and starts making funny faces that elicit a sharp laugh out of you, which in turn leads to you getting scolded by the teacher for being a ‘disruption.’ Whoops.
bestfriend!Atsumu who, as some sort of compensation, exhales to make the glass foggy and then with his pointer finger draws a heart shape before he returns to class.
bestfriend!Atsumu who never fails to make you smile even during your lowest days; who keeps a diary tracking all the times he’s made you laugh, just to look over all the notes scribbled down in the margins later whenever he’s feeling down himself.
bestfriend!Atsumu whose hair is dry to the touch the first time you see him after spring break in your first year of high school. Your fingers are carding through his hair, and even though you’re telling him his hair follicles feel and look like hay, Atsumu isn’t paying attention to a single word of it because he’s too busy relishing in your closeness to him.
bestfriend!Atsumu who’s used to compliments and flattery all the time, yet still he nearly explodes into a million pieces of flesh when you mention offhandedly at some point, “It suits you though. Looks good.”
bestfriend!Atsumu who, from that day on, starts developing all symptoms of heart failure oddly enough, finding difficulty with breathing paired with an erratic heartbeat whenever he’s around you. And despite Osamu and his ma and even Google all saying it’s totally not heart failure, he’s not entirely convinced.
bestfriend!Atsumu who’s always liked showing off in front of people, but even more so in front of you now, going out of his way to show off his strength by popping open soda cans for you with a cheeky smile, although the feat can hardly be considered impressive; carrying your backpack during the walk home from school, once again to show off his strength; and holding the door open for you every chance he gets.
bestfriend!Atsumu who’s shocked when one day, you tell him you’ve been talking to one of your classmates a lot lately and that you’re going on a date with him to some kind of museum this weekend. You say all this with a smile you’re struggling to contain as you lay stomach facing down on Atsumu’s bed, your chin resting in the palm of your hand and your feet leisurely kicking the air.
bestfriend!Atsumu who spins around his room in a rolly chair and grumbles, “What’s so special about him? Sounds to me like he’s just some boring ol’ guy.”
“He is not some boring ol’ guy,” you argue, reaching over to slap his knee once he’s close enough for you to do so. “He’s nice and smart, and he’s in the school’s orchestra. Second-chair viola,” you add, like that makes him seem any more interesting.
Nonetheless, all you get from Atsumu is a two-in-one package of disapproval: a yawn that goes on for way too long to be believable, and an over-exaggerated thumbs down.
bestfriend!Atsumu who does not like your new boyfriend a couple of weeks later but is civil enough with him so that you do not notice. It turns out that he’s right for the most part in calling your boyfriend boring; he’s so ordinary that there isn’t really anything to actually like or dislike about him, yet the less rational part of Atsumu can’t help but secretly pray on his downfall, especially when the amount of time you used to spend watching your best friend at volleyball practice after school starts ebbing away and redistributing to cutesy hangouts with Mr. Second-Chair Viola.
bestfriend!Atsumu who wears his heart on his sleeve even if he doesn’t intend to, and within the first week of introducing your boyfriend to your bestfriend, you decide to confront him about your suspicions.
“Do you hate my boyfriend or something?”
bestfriend!Atsumu who initially plasters on a clueless act, glancing around him as if you’re talking to someone else. The only problem is, you’ve known him for so long that by this point, you can pick out his bluffs almost as easily as picking your nose — not that you pick your nose.
“He told me you keep giving him the Kubrick stare in the hallways.”
“No way… Must’ve gotten me mixed up with my brother. ‘Samu’s the one blessed with the resting-bitch-face, ya know.”
“Uh-huh,” you say slowly, clearly unconvinced.
bestfriend!Atsumu who’s relieved when you let the topic go anyway and back off, deciding to go search for your boyfriend, who you’re sure is somewhere else on the school grounds.
bestfriend!Atsumu who, having nothing else to do with practice being cancelled today, tags along with you on your search. He’s right behind you, tapping away on his phone, when you suddenly halt in your tracks, the tip of his nose hitting the back of your head as he wasn’t really expecting you to do that, before he tilts to the side to see what’s the problem, eyebrows raised comically.
bestfriend!Atsumu who sees exactly what the issue is: your boyfriend, in the midst of locking lips with some other student near the vending machine.
bestfriend!Atsumu whose gaze immediately averts to you, trying to gauge your reaction. A downcast expression shadows your face, and you look like you’re between either bursting into tears or vomiting all over the ground. Maybe both.
bestfriend!Atsumu who doesn’t stop to think before yanking your now ex-boyfriend (hopefully) out of his heavy make out session and socking him in the face, rendering him kind of pathetic with blood gushing out of his nostrils as he stares back and forth between you and the fake-blond, stunned by the fact that he’s been caught.
“Scram,” Atsumu sneers at him, chivalrously. Mr. Second-Chair Viola obliges.
bestfriend!Atsumu who does his best to cheer you up during the days that follow after the unfortunate situation. It’s almost impressive how much of his allowance money he manages to splurge over the span of less than a week on all your favourite snacks and drinks, along with stuffed animals to keep you company while you mull over the tragic end of your relationship, a bouquet of fake flowers because the last thing he’d want you to worry about at the moment is trying to keep them alive, and anything else he believes’ll make you feel even just a little bit better.
bestfriend!Atsumu whose hair you help re-bleach in your final week before graduation because you know how insecure he gets when his roots are showing.
bestfriend!Atsumu who can’t stop himself from admiring the way you look as you’re carefully sectioning his hair. The sight of you being all focused sends his heart in a frenzy, and he finds that the warmth in his face is becoming almost too much to ignore.
bestfriend!Atsumu who impulsively confesses to you underneath the fluorescent lights of his bathroom. By then, he’s eighteen and rash in the way that he’s always been, the words spilling out before his brain fully processes them.
bestfriend!Atsumu who doesn’t quite believe his own ears when he hears you say the words I love you, too back to him, who only believes it when you gather up enough courage to press your lips against his, and who is uncharacteristically gentle when it comes to you, placing a tender hand against the base of your neck to pull you closer.
boyfriend!Atsumu who adores you more than anyone else in the world — so much that he ignores Osamu’s angry protests from outside the bathroom, saying he needs to pee.
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majesticwren · 9 months
being in love with MJF headcanons:
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✨friends to lovers✨ dynamic - may you be aware of it or completely oblivious just as Max is, this thing would be going on from and for forever. slow burning, pining and bittersweet. you'd possibly be childhood friends. the kind of friends that met by chance, maybe during a class assignment or at a b-day party, and just stuck together. but you might as well have met recently, the bond between the two of you would be the same.
you'd be the kind of friends that finish each other sentences as you speak.
you'd order each other food just because you know exactly each other taste.
one of you would message or call at the same time as the other is checking their phone only because you tend to think about the other, or miss them, at the same time.
no one ever wants to play the mr & mrs game with you because you two are annoyingly unbeatable. and you always team up. like always. even when you are with someone else.
you rock at giving each other the best presents. birthdays, christmas/hanukkah, random events, they are perfect every time. there's no competition. if you had been involved with someone else at the time, this particular event had caused problems in the relationship. no partner likes to be outshined by the person who is supposed to be "just a friend".
on this note, in his private life, Max is absolutely terrible at remembering dates, events or even appointments. unless it involves you. not that he had been involved much, but when he had been, something like this would never be easily forgotten or ignored by his partners.
you spend so much time together. like an impossible amount of time. you are so used to it that you move around each other's houses like it's your own. not only that, in each other house you've got a spare toothbrush, phone charger, some clothes and your favourite pillow - just in case. you've got each other spare key and the freedom to drop unattended.
you are so used to spending time together being apart for more than a few days is painful.
and with Maxwell's job happens often.
but you get invited to follow him as often as possible.
you are his number one supporter, of course, always. and you must enjoy wrestling just as much as Max does. you have to be careful saying you've got other favourite wrestlers though, especially if they are Max's colleagues in AEW because he can be jealous.
he is jealous regardless.
never once he liked one of your partners and every time it wouldn't work out he would arrogantly say "I told you so", offering one of his cocky smiles, never realising no relationship ever worked for either of you because you were basically involved with each other.
see the thing is, Max is completely emotionally unavailable. He is totally terrified of getting attached to people, which makes him a prime example of the avoidant type - which makes him a walking red flag.
he stuck with you though.
your friends don't like him. they know your relationship with the guy isn't healthy but trying to get you away from Max is impossible.
his friends, instead, adore you just cause they can tell what you mean to him. but getting him to realise as well is impossible - he's just dumb and blind.
and it goes without saying you are basically part of each other's families.
it's tradition for you to spend the holidays with Max's family and more often than not, whenever there's a family gathering, you are also invited.
he has definitely brought you as his plus one at more than one wedding or bar mitzvah.
ever since you danced to fallingforyou, by the 1975, that has become your song. you both listen to it thinking about each other. but you're just friends.
everyone knows you are completely and desperately in love with each other, but you got so good at pretending you were only friends you had no ears for any of it. both of you.
you'd be the kind of friends that are actually a couple in everything but the sexual aspect of things.
he is that kind of guy. he likes to fuck around without getting involved. that's the way he likes it. every relationship he had has been brief and without strings.
that's the way he feels safe and in control.
you know well about all of his conquests and are extremely good at hiding how much it hurts that his choice, in the end, is never you. you are only friends after all.
he doesn't consider the possibility of being attracted to you. not because he is totally unaware of the fact that deep down he is, but because getting there with you would possibly mean ruining what you have.
as already noted, he is big, dumb and blind.
he'd never admit what he feels for you because the fear of being rejected petrifies him.
and you wouldn't do anything to change it either because of a similar fear. to lose him would mean to lose your sun.
you are the kind of friends that hold hands and cuddles, even in public. Max often has his arm around your shoulders and you, naturally, have your hand in the back pocket of his pants. in crowded places, where sits run low, you sit on his lap with ease and zero embarrassments.
you are even used to kissing each other on the lips. not so regularly to be something you are used to, but it is not uncommon either.
you had never fully made out though, that falls into sexual stuff.
you don't do it often. it's generally more of a goodbye thing you do when you know you won't see each other for a long time - just in case.
it all started as a bet someone had thrown and both of you were so stubborn to prove to be just friends you did, in fact, kiss.
And then you kept doing it. softly though, like keeping a secret.
deep down you both know it means something. it leaves behind an undertone of guilt and desire that you both can't shake.
but you are just friends.
a/n1: these headcanons are g/n and can suit anyone. it is absolutely compatible with mjfxadam cole if you like. because it's so totally canon you can't tell me otherwise but i've decided to focus on mjfxyou in general.
a/n2: i've dreamed about mjf and this dynamic last night and couldn't take it out my fucking mind all day. had to write it down. I can't afford to fall into another fanfic - even when this could totally be one and I am cheeky and I've left out all the best parts - but I also do not have time to throw myself into another project and I'm notorious for struggling finishing fics :')
a/n3: don't ask me what this brainrot is. I do not know. don't hold me accountable. sorry about the typos. as I said my brain is rotting away. bye ✨
a/n4: i've fallen into another fic - this is now happening, find it here
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violetelderberry · 5 months
Sims 4: Wonderful Faults Legacy Challenge
General Rules and Requirements:
- There are no pack or mod requirements for this challenge, but you are welcome to use mods to make the gameplay more realistic. - Minimal money cheats allowed; you can use cheats to pay for your first starter home, but otherwise they should be avoided. - Set lifespan to normal; I usually play most of my games on long lifespan, but it could get excessive with the number of generations, so the normal lifespan is a recommendation more than anything. - And lastly, follow all generation requirements, but otherwise decide your own stories or paths for the character for things left unspecified. This challenge was designed to give inspiration while also giving the player certain creative freedoms aside from the main storyline. Have fun with it!
Generation One: The Lonely Author
Your sim has always been a lonely person who was dedicated to their work; they aren't in contact with their parents, and they overwork themselves from the lack of financial help. They struggle to pay for everything on their own, and when they eventually meet their soulmate, they are skeptical to actually engage with them because of their previously lonely life.
Generation Requirements:
- Must start off generation as an independently living teenager - Must have the creative and gloomy traits - Must write at least ten books in your lifespan - Must complete either a romantic or a creative aspiration in young adulthood - Must meet your soulmate but not immediately enter a relationship with them. Must be friends for an extended period of time first. - Must have at least two kids
Generation Two: The Sickly BusinessSim
Your parents tried their hardest at raising you, but they were extremely strict and had a few faults in their relationship, causing you to be an anxious child. You had a few creative talents of your own but decided that you didn't want to pursue a creative career after learning of your parents' struggle, and you eventually settled on going into business.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the clumsy and erratic traits - Must max the business career - Must max guitar, logic, and charisma skills - Must adopt at least one child - Must have at least two failed relationships and never get married
Generation Three: The Exaggerative Lover
You were never really taught much about non-familial relationships in your childhood, so as you got older, you decided to surround yourself with people. You would frequently go out to parties and always make time with your friends, even if there was something that should've prevented you from doing so. You also continued this behavior into your romantic relationships, longing for connection with other people to the point where it got in the way of other aspects of your life.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the romantic and outgoing traits - Must never decline a social gathering or phone call - Must get fired from at least one job due to skipping work to hang out with friends - Must max the charisma skill - Must have at least five long-term friends - Must never go more than a week without a partner after getting their first romantic partner
Generation Four: The Athletic Scholar
You always felt content within the social scene because your parents' openness, and because of this, you had a lot of friends to play basketball with when you were younger. You found a passion for fitness at a young age and never let your academics slip. You balanced your social, academic, and work life very gracefully, but as you really settled into the life of business, you couldn't help but feel like you wanted something more personal and passionate for your career as well.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the active and genius traits - Must be an A student in middle and high school - Must get to level three of the business career before switching over into the athletic career - Must at least get to level five of the athletic career - Must max the fitness skill - Must get married as a young adult and never divorce - Must have a group of life-long friends
Generation Five: The Shy Chef
Your parents' openness and excitement always made you a little bit nervous, but you were thankful for the way they would always help you grow. You started cooking at a young age to find a positive outlet for your emotions, and you absolutely fell in love with it, deciding upon graduation that you wanted to turn your love for culinary skill into a full-blown career, your parents still supporting you every step of the way.
Generation Requirements:
- Must live with your parents until you decide which branch of the culinary career you want to pursue - Must have the loner trait - Must max the culinary career - Must max cooking and mixology skills - Must complete the Master Chef aspiration - Must not have any non-romantic close friends - Must not become interested in flirting until young adulthood
Generation Six: The Snobby Agent
You were always a fan of mischief as a child, pranking and tricking people at every chance you got. Your parents were never very strict, causing you to go unpunished for your behavior. As a young adult, you decided to go into the secret agent career field, the aspect of not being able to tell anyone giving you a thrill, but you weren't aware of the less enthusiastic secrets that would be brought on because of your life path.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the mean and snob traits - Must max the secret agent career - Must max mischief, logic, and athletic skills - Must have at least five enemies and one best friend - Must have a child with a married sim - Must have a negative relationship with at least one family member
Generation Seven: The Gloomy Comedian
You went non-contact with both of your parents as soon as you entered young adulthood, causing you to be pretty financially unstable early on in your life. You were a very unhappy person during your younger years, so you decided to enter the entertainer career to make other people, and hopefully yourself, smile.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the gloomy and goofball traits - Must enter the comedian branch of the entertainer career - Must max the charisma and comedy skills - Must live with a roommate for your entire young adult life - Must not speak to parents (after young adulthood) until you are an adult with your own children - Must marry your best friend and complete the soulmate aspiration
Generation Eight: The Gluttonous Painter
You always allowed yourself to over-enjoy life's pleasantries. You started off life in a very poor position, but your parents earning more money as you grew older caused you to indulge more in the things that you once had an absence of. You are completely content with your life and the cheerfulness that it allows you, but sometimes your indulgence allows other sims to grow frustrated with you.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the glutton, cheerful, and art lover traits - Must reach at least level seven of the painter career - Must have a failed relationship because of the constant need for more - Must take frequent trips to the bar after or before work - Must max the comedy and painting skills and get to level five of three more skills of your choice - Must get married to a sim in the culinary career - Must have the max number of sims in a household by the end of the generation (via children and/or animals)
Generation Nine: The Bored House-Spouse
You were raised to believe that you always deserved everything that you wanted, but as you got older, you realized that you never really knew what you wanted in the first place. Your parents were both very creative, career-oriented people who had so much going on in their lives, but you ended up being a stay-at-home parent with a rich spouse. Although you were thankful that you didn't have to do much, you found yourself not wanting to do anything around the house at all, finding much more entertainment with sneaking out while your spouse was at work and going to hang out with people you knew you shouldn't be around.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the lazy and kleptomaniac traits - Must marry a rich sim (can use cheats to give spouse a good career and house) with the jealous trait - Must have a low (but not negative) relationship with all children - Must befriend a sim in the criminal career - Must never have an official job - Must have a temporarily negative relationship with spouse once they realize that you're never home - Must make up with spouse only after arguing brings your platonic bar into the red
Generation Ten: The Loyal Gamer
You never had a close relationship with your parents. One was always at work, and the other was always running off somewhere else instead of interacting with you, but you know what you did have? A computer. You got into gaming at a really early age, and it wasn't long before you got into programming as well and realized that you could make some money off of it. However, you had another revelation later on in life after you fell in love for the first time: you didn't only want to be motivated by money and excitement like your parents, you wanted to be a good parent and partner while still maintaining your financial and career life.
Generation Requirements:
- Must have the geek, materialistic, and family-oriented traits - Must complete a parenting aspiration - Must only be with one sim for your entire life - Must hack for money as a teenager at least twice - Must max the gaming and programming skills and get the cooking skill to at least level four - Must not have a high relationship with either parent - Must be good friends with all children and pets (if you have that expansion) - Must have both biological and adoptive children - Must either join the eSports section of the Tech Guru career, or the streamer career if you have the High School Years expansion pack - All children must be at least B students in middle or high school by the end of the generation and have their own unique trait combinations and personalities
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ok those cove screenshots are too good and I've heard good things about him on other polls too so I'll bite. what is our life and where can i play it. are you or any of your followers willing to write up a short pitch on why you like the game? im like 1 small push away from looking into and/or buying it for real he looks so squiggly
OK SO Our Life is a free visual novel dating sim on Steam. There's DLCs but they're cheap and not obligatory to enjoy the game.
You're 8. You live near the beach with your moms and your older sister. There's no other kid around cause all the other people living there are old. And then one day a dad moves in in the house accross the street with his kid that's the same age as you. And the dad is like "I'll give you 10 bucks to be friends with my son". And without knowing it you end up inseparable with the boy as you grow up with him.
I absolutely love Our Life because it's one of the few dating sims where you can customize ever single aspect about yourself. Appearance? Check. Sexuality and gender? Check. Whether you know how to dance or like mayonnaise? Check. You don't want to romance him and just be his friend? Check.
It's really a cute childhood friends to lovers that made me cry more than once. The visuals and music are so pretty and it's so so heartwarming. It also really change from otome games where it's just drama after drama. This story is believable and you can really lose yourself in it, and not play as just some chick that's put into wacky situations. Just be yourself and kiss your cute neighbor that's also your best friend who loves you so so so much.
110 notes · View notes
wangxianficfinder · 1 year
Tumblr media
In the mood for...
1. hi! could i ask for fics that describe the long and logistically-nightmarish aspects of the SSC? mayyybe acknowledging how without wwx it would've been even more horrific? (i read along with flute in wartime and its absolutely gorgeous but annoyingly my brain refuses to enjoy top wwx and/or bottom lwj so that limits the request a bit re: the explicit fics...) thank you a lot!!
we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Golden Core Reveal, Burial Mounds, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Starvation, emaciation, Cannibalism, Self-Harm, Amputation, Suicidal Thoughts, Sunshot Campaign, let JZX and WWX be friends club)
2. Hello again, thank you for the last time you guys recommended me fics , they were amazing and i loved reading them and i am back with another request. Can you please recommend A) some wangxian arranged marriage au before the sun shit like the war didn't happen in the au , and wei ying doesn't lose his golden core , canon divergent and they make their marriage work out , happy ending. Thank you in advance 💗🫂
B) Hello, it's not been 24 hours and i am back with yet another request, can you please help me look for something where wei ying and lan zhan are childhood friends and are absolutely smitten with each other and wei ying's parents are alive and them and lans have friendly relationship. Thank you:) @sineofu​
Give Me a Chance to Fall by brooklinegirl (E, 37k, wangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage)
Into the Oubliette by Ruixx (M, 122k, WIP, wangxian, JYL/JZX, growing up, fix-it of sorts, time travel, arranged marriage, sibling bonding, adopted sibling relationship, light bdsm, sunshot campaign, war, politics, hostage JYL, visions, LXC redemption, good uncle LQR, empire building)
Lead Me On Through by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 54k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Practice Kissing, practice other things, horny boys in love, questionable logic, Questionable Choices, they’re dumb but cute) they're arranged to marry each other but don't know that...
💖 sweet chaos by eachandeverydimension (G, 86k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Romance, Light Angst, Falling In Love, Different First Meeting, Qīnghéng-jūn’s A+ Parenting, Night Hunts, Chinese Language, Good Sibling LXC, Good Sibling JYL, POV LWJ, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Chinese Culture, Slow Burn, No Homophobia AU, Chinese festivals)
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Cartwheels In Cloud Recesses Series  by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 23k, WangXian, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR and WCZ Live, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans)
tall as the mountains that sheltered us  by thelastdboy (M, 4k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, wangxian, canon divergence, CSSR & WCZ live, crack treated seriously,   childhood friends to lovers, genius WWX, inventor WWX, bg character death, happy ending, WCZ pov)
3. ITMF lwj seducing wwx
got your way with me by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 51k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends With Benefits, Fuckbuddies, wangxian/others very briefly, otherwise it’s OTP all the way, lwj FUCKS) the "lan zhan fucks" tag on ao3 has some good ones
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Light Angst, Crime Boss LWJ, Rogue criminal genius WWX)
4. Hey!!! How are you guys doing? I hope you're healthy:) Hi! Aside from allergies been fine 😊 ~Mod L
This is an IITMF request : fic where WangXian fall in love at first sight. Angst is fine but not too much. I'm in the mood for sweet fluff lately.
Thank you for your hard work✨✨✨ @tinyfoxpeach​
Hello!! This is #4 from the recent IITMF. Thank you for your rec!! I'm gonna read them now ♡♡♡
I know what my heart wants by yakuso5u (Not Rated, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Father LWJ, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Accidental Child Acquisition, Domestic, Slice of Life, Christmas references)   does love at first site but stupid pining for a bit count? These are all super fluffy either way
box your errors by mellowflicker (T, 42k, WangXian, Modern AU, single dad lwj, Domestic Fluff, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, let lwj have friends agenda, Hurt/Comfort, Pining)
And They Were Quarantined series by thunderwear (E, 49k, 3 works (complete), wangxian, 3zun)
joined delight by RoseThorne (M, 1k, WangXian, fast burn, Marking, Frottage, Marathon Sex, Implied Sexual Content, Love at First Sight, POV Third Person, POV LWJ, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses Study Arc)
Blooming Days by Atsushiis (G, 7k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, MM & LWJ, modern, college) university au, meet-cute, first dates, first kiss, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, romance, falling in love, gratuitous handholding, LWJ protection squad)
5. Hi! For the next ITMF can you recommend me a fic where JYL (and JZX if possible) lives after WWX dies? Either she survives the wound/in coma/the Jin lies. Preferably if it's yunmeng trio feels (no jiang bashing i mean). It didn't have to be the focus of the story, i just want them meet and have a talk. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Arrayed by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 5k, WangXian, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective JZX, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Supernatural Elements, Post-First Siege of the Burial Mounds) has jzx and jy live with it revealed right after their death. Wip. Feels. If comments are to be believed, it made many people cry. Um, I know there's another long fic I think might work with this where jc is married to wq and I think they had twin daughters? Idk
6. Hello!! First time doing this lol. I'm in the mood for a fic that's mainly LWJ angst or whump fics where he's very hurt and/or grieving and everyone around him is worried about his wellbeing. Maybe set during the 13 years or before the ending. Preferably, anyone else's POV but not LWJ's. Unfortunately, I love seeing my favorite characters sad lol.
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (Gunmetal_Crown)  (G, 19k, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Father-Son Relationship, inquiry, Music, Angst, Fluff, Found Family, mostly CQL verse, Podfic available) not sure if this is what OP is looking for since whump isn't the focus, but this is indirectly A-Yuan's POV of LWJs mourning
7. Itmf fics where wwx's silver mask features prominently, with secret identity/double identity vibes. Esp if set during sunshot campaign/any time prior to wwx's death in canon timeline. Bonus points if key players (like lz or Jiang siblings) don't know the masked identity is him and/or didn't know him previously.
Impossible by Theladyofravenclaw (G, 11k, WangXian, ChengQing, Cinderella (Fairy Tale) Fusion, Cinderella AU, Misunderstandings, Oblivious WWX, Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives Nobody dies, Happy Ending)
Mask by BurningTea (M, 30k, WangXian, Non con tag refers to activity between WWX and LWJ which WWX believes to be consensual, Bottom LWJ, War Prize LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Canon Divergence, Canon Setting, dubcon)
The Scarlet Lotus by rainbowninja167 (M, 127k, WIP, WangXian, Marriage of Convenience, Secret Identity, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical war crimes, Yunmeng Bros, the mortifying ordeal of getting seduced by your own husband, nonlinear chronology we die like cql, just kidding nobody dies in this fic, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication)
Tumblr fic by shanastoryteller
8. For the next ITMF, please recommend me the filthiest and dirtiest wangxian fic you ever read! Preverably the one that you can read in one sitting
P.s. no bottomji please. Thank you
Febrific by tailor31415 (E, 2k, WangXian, post-novel, PWP, Figging) There was one involving peeled ginger root object insertion that was really good but I can't find it. / found it
Making Mouths at Dragons by athena_crikey (E, 10k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mpreg, baby fever, near PWP, Dragon sex, also human sex, Rimming, Size Kink, Egg Laying, Feel-good, hints of self-worth issues, Dragon LWJ)
Fentao-laoshi's Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures by occultings (microcomets) (E, 31k, wangxian, canon divergence, pining while fucking, friends with benefits, first time, cloud recesses study arc, practice kissing, sharing a bed, jealousy, getting together, confessions, happy ending)
dreaming and getting a glimmer by verseau (E, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU,, College/University, Glory Hole, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Internalized Homophobia, Humiliation, Slut Shaming, Identity Porn, Objectification Kink, Mildly Dubious Consent, Mild Feminization)
eating sugar out of your hand by azuresummer (E, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, A/B/O Roleplay, Dom/sub, Dominant LWJ, Submissive WWX, Established Relationship, Roleplay, Consensual Non-Consent, Under-negotiated Kink, degradation kink, Praise Kink, Light Bondage, Size Kink, Size Difference, Spit Kink, Hair-pulling, Daddy Kink, Slight Crossdressing, Lingerie, Creampie, Feminizing Language, Dirty Talk, Overstimulation, Prostate Milking, slight breathplay, Facials, Snowballing, Finger Sucking, Panty Kink, Spanking, Crying, Mentions of Face-Slapping, Drunk Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, PWP)
I Won't Tell If You Won't by anxiousTypist (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Masturbation, Public Masturbation, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, but not really, no one sees, Coming In Pants, Wet & Messyish, Mildly Dubious Consent, lwj involves wwx in his masturbation without his consent and also enjoys secretly getting cum on him, PWP)
The Amber Hairpin by may10baby (E, 7k, wangxian, f/m, female LWJ, male WWX, top LWJ, bottom WWX, canon divergence, arranged marriage, courtship, CSSR & WCZ live, bondage, smut, possessive LWJ) Oh! I just remembered! /yes/ this is tagged both het!Wangxian with fem!Lan Zhan AND Top!Lan Zhan, and DAMN did she do so
after the crash landing left me stranded (on an abandoned oceanic planet) by fenaly (E, 4k, wangxian, Alien!LWJ, Sci-Fi AU, Breeding Kink, Oviposition, Explicit Smut, Non-Human Genitalia, Monsterfucking, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Non-Consensual Oviposition, Lots of Cum, alienji feeds wei ying some nutrition eggies and takes care of him until he heals okay, egg vore, Ambiguous/Open Ending)
9. Hii do you guys have any fic recs with lwj's ribbon and the meaning behind it like misunderstandings etc both mdzs or cql
A Mother's Love by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 168k, WIP, WangXian, ChengQing, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Mostly combo of the Untamed and MoDaoZuShi timelines, Unreliable Narrator, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Miscommunication, Family Feels, PTSD, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Political Intrigue, Mystery, POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Genderbent WWX, Intersex WWX, not a/b/o, POV Original Character, Expanded Universe, Unplanned Pregnancy, Golden Core Reveal, WWX Has No Golden Core, YLLZ WWX, Getting Together, MXY Lives) wwx (and others) not knowing what the ribbon means gets brought up a few times. Nor does he recognize its significance (and implied acceptance) when he let's lz tie it around his wrist off screen in the first chapter.
10. Itmf A) foxxian and dragonji, esp ones which have baby half fox half dragon kids (more plotty stories than smutty please) or ones where one of them finds an orphaned baby from not their magical race (so like foxxian finds a random dragon egg, dragonji finds a random foxkit, etc) B) any animal or spirit/fantasy creature shapeshifter stories.
Our Shape-shifter AU might have something you’d like ^^
Foxxian/Dragonji thread by @/cerbykerby (wangxian, cw: dubcon, mpreg, memory loss)
11. Could you recommend A) a fic when weiying reincarnated and marry lan zhan but then due to some curse or something he died again but with a happy ending he came back again or something like that 🤭 and B) also some darkji fic where he's obsessed with weiying 🥺😘 @friedsublimeface
All Old Things are New Again series by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 59k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators, cultivators can   recognize important people from previous lives, vaguely, this started out as a cute sugar fantasy and got just incredibly horny very fast, blame LWJ) lwj meets reincarnated wwx in a modern setting, so i think it counts? very post canon? if the modern era doesnt bother you, it fits well with the request
A Matter of Time by mrcformoso (M, <1k, WIP, wangxian, time travel fix-it, graphic depictions of violence, underage, LWJ pov, JC pov, dark LWJ, manipulation, grooming, teen body adult mind for LWJ, happy ending for wangxian, problematic consensual underage sex, blood & violence, insane LWJ, manic LWJ) I only just saw this at the start of looking through the time travel fix-it tag, but I think it might fit? I haven't actually read it
12. Hiya! Firstly, thank you so much for all you do for this fandom. I can't tell you how many amazing fics I've discovered because of your blog. 🙇‍♀️💖 For your next ITMF post, I'm curious if there are any modern AUs out there where WWX lives with LWJ's family or WWX lives with LWJ's family (as a couple). I remember a threadifc exploring that concept a while back...Ty! @morecolorfulmetaphors​
paired wings soaring by typefortydeductions (E, 33k, WangXian, Modern AU, Domestic Bliss, Slice of Life, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, both physically and emotionally, Kissing, BDSM, one instance of car sex, Light Somnophilia, Suspension, subspace AND domspace, Comeplay, very loving and consensual degradation) LWJ and WWX move in with LWJ's mother
The Fifth Type of Non-Contact Force by Caixx (Not Rated, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor, Actually Somewhat Canon, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Smut) exchange student wwx lives with lwj lxc and his uncle
13. hurt comfort @cribisfringu
Our Sick Fic / Hurt/Comfort comp posted just in time 😄
14. I have found the best modern aus almost always make me cry SO I’m itmf angst w happy ending (important!) modern fics that you think might fit that! Preferably wangxian but other is also OK as long as it’s not JC or XY, I just don’t find them that interesting usually.
Zero by theladyofravenclaw (G, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates AU, Musicians, Friends to Lovers, Reincarnation)
see you yesterday by glyphic (M, 138k, WIP,  WangXian, Modern with Magic, Ghost Hunters, Time Loop, Case Fic,   Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn) technically I don't yet know if it's a happy ending since it's still a WIP but it's so so good and I have high hopes for a happy ending!
one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 26k, wangian, modern, ghost wwx, fluff & angst, happy ending, alarming number of rabbits, Podfic available)
the best of you by sysrae (E, 41k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, slightly undernegotiated kink, but in a very soft and consensual way, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, JFM and YZY’s A+ parenting, Dysfunctional Family, Mental Health Issues, therapy is good actually, Reference to animal attacks/animal cruelty, descriptions of past violence)
this river runs to you by sundiscus (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending) 
💙 Wish I could forget the taste of your skin and the feel of your hands pinning me down  by KizuKatana (E, 63k, wangxian, WQ & WWX & WN, modern w/ cultivation, getting back together, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, case fic, pining)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, lesbian wq rights, Music, Orchestra, platonic and romantic pining, Podfic available)
You Bring the Colour by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (G, 12k, wangxian, art school, art restoration) 
Night Bus by Suspicious_Popsicle (G, 3k, wangxian, modern)
Let the streetlights guide you home by tellthemstories (M, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, so much UST, references to drink drugs and underage driving, wwx’s a mess but what else is new?, Car Racing, Street Racing, [podfic] Let the Streetlights Guide You Home by jellyfishfire)
Your Heart, My Table by Spodumene (G, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canada, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family Dynamics, Parent Death, Supporting Character Death, Chinese New Year, Comfort Food, food is love, Getting Together, food as a love language)
Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink)
When You Wake, 怎能当梦一场 by MouSanRen (T, 39k, WangXian, Modern AU, WWX is in a coma, Angst with a Happy Ending, Modern AU, Single Dad LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Parenthood, YZY's A+ Parenting, JFM's A+ parenting)
A Well-Heeled Man by littlelightbeams (E, 52k, WangXian, XiYao, XuanLi, Past ChengQing, Modern AU, Inspired by Crazy Rich Asians, Morning Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Sneaking Around, Mistaken Identity, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Declarations Of Love, Sibling Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romantic Comedy)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing)
The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 61k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mood Whiplash, musician LWJ, nanny wwx, Developing Relationship, Breakup, Texting, Pining, Eventual Happy Ending, Adoption, Child Abuse, abuse intervention, Miscommunication)
The Fifth Type of Non-Contact Force by Caixx (Not Rated, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor, Actually Somewhat Canon, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Smut)
take my hand, will you share this with me Series by doodlebutt (E, 137k, wangxian, JC/WQ, modern, figure skating, hurt/comfort, pining, angst w happy ending, major character injury, recovery, getting together, past trauma)
undone (the spreadsheet song) Series by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 282k, WangXian, XiYaoSang, LWJ/OMC, Modern AU, Artists, Communication Failure, Mutual Pining, mutual obliviousness, Demisexual WWX, Eventual Smut, Getting Together, Mentions of Past Lan Wangji/OMCs, Crack Treated Seriously, Friends to Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Linear Narrative, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Separation Anxiety, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, Self-Worth Issues, Casual Sex, College/University, Temporary Long Distance Relationships, Relationship Pressures and Stresses, Insecurity)
15. In the mood for some aloof Wei Wuxian!!
16. ITMF helpful/smart JGY? Could be any genre, canon or modern, I just want to see his cunning used to aid his friends rather than for villainy.
The Edge of Night by Hobbsy3 (M, 277k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, Zombie Apocalypse, Yúnmèng Siblings Dynamics, Accidental Baby Acquisition During a Zombie Apocalypse, Junior Quartet, (except they're all babies), Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Gore, Ensemble Cast, Worst Zombie Fighting Team Ever, Found Family) I'm still only at chapter 22 and so far JGY has been very loyal and helpful! It's a modern/zombie apocalypse au and it's so good!
there's this forced arranged marriage fic immediately post sunshot between jgy and wwx (jgs's idea) which leads jgy to switch to Jiang side on ao3.
shades of grey spill from my veins (bleeding ink all over the page) by cl410 (M, 58k, WangXian, POV NMJ, Canon Divergence, Joining the "WWX raised by the Nie Sect" Club, Hurt/Comfort, Accidental Sibling Acquisition, Single Dad NMJ, NHS & WWX Friendship, Fluff, Humor, Happy Ending, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Protective NMJ, Sunshot Campaign, Some angst, Blood and Injury, Kidnapping, Protective Siblings, Found Family) Another fic where wwx was raised nie, mightve included a chapter with sword spirits pov, think had "grey" in the name but was later changed, where jgy stays a loyal deputy. (This fic? - Mod C)
what builds a home by Stratisphyre (T, 46k, wangxian, meng yao & wei wuxian) Another fic where jgy mama takes bby jgy and runs from abusive jgs and adopts bby wwx along the way maybe called '2 for price of 1'? They're like brothers in that. (Were you thinking of this one? Afaik the fic you named is about WWX adopting baby MXY, but I could be wrong. - Mod C)
#13 of This post has some Good JGY fic recs that might be helpful ^^ - Mod C
Peony to Lotus series by Deriliarch (T, 65k, JYL/JGY, wangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, demisexual character, demiromantic character, fix-it, slice of life, angst)
for want of a fox series by DangerousCommieSubversive (T/E, 34k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, canon divergence, creatures & monsters au, Fox spirit WWX, minor character death, espionage, sunshot campaign, scheming JGY, scheming NHS, slow romance, war, happy ending, not everyone dies au, first time, dual cultivation, poetry, smut, marriage proposal)
17. Itmf Bitchy LZ, like in pentimento maybe? I really like when he makes petty little jokes about others with WY (or just with wwx in general) or like just him generally being the politest little bitch about things. Thank you! @desperation-is-my-middle-name
卧薪尝胆 by RoseThorne (G, 978, WangXian, Petty LWJ, Bunnies, False Accusations, scapegoating, Cultivation Sect Politics, Chief Cultivator LWJ, POV Third Person, POV WWX) might fit
mating rituals by detectorist (E, 16k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Humour, Pining, Getting Together, Idiots in Love)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
the change to Stolas' VA has another unintended problem, too: previously all three Goetias had pretty noticeable British accents (old Stolas and current Stella more than Via). It's cliche but it marked them as a set and it worked for the whole posh nobility vibe
Now Stolas doesn't have much of a British accent at all. it's like every aspect of the character that he would naturally have from being raised royal has been scrubbed clean.
this kind of thing happens with writers but especially mid liberal ones a lot - they want to have a privileged or powerful character or have a setting in the past but the writers are either worried the audience won't like them or are uncomfortable interrogating the politics of power themselves, so they write that character as having the same attitudes and education levels as everyone else.
it really broke my immersion how hard they do this for Stolas. he's literally dressed and waited on by imp butlers from childhood but he's magically enlightened enough that he bows to Blitz and talks to him like an equal? at that age he would already know that he's higher on Hell's pecking order without the show heavy-handedly having Paimon drill the notion into him, kids aren't dumb about that kind of thing. even if we want to pass the buck and say Paimon raised him into the kind of attitudes he displayed in s1, he never learnt better he just magically ditched all of that offscreen when Blitz didn't immediately love him back by the time Ozzie's happened
I agree with your earlier response about JKR's writing at least being more consistent than Vivzie's, but the framing of class issues reminded me of it again. HP has this notion that keeping house elf slavery going is fine and only Dobby can be freed from it because he's the one elf the audience knows and cares about, and everyone else will just have to stick with it because they aren't Harry Potter's one special friend. The way HB is going, Blitz will become Stolas' consort/lover and be compensated for being stuck with Stolas forever by getting some of Stolas' protections/luxuries in his life while the rest of the imps stay stuck on the bottom & the show will do its best to act like this is acceptable & hide the fact that Stolas still has imp servants (and has no intentions of giving them up) who don't get treated any better but who just have to lump it because they didn't realize getting better treatment means having to let Stolas fuck them literally on top of the way he already does economically
sorry for the long ask! this rant ended up in a waaaay different place than where it started
I mean, both Stolas voices gave him British accents, but I always preferred Brock's and there's a very good reason for that. It's because Brock's Stolas was basically Brock doing his best Anthony Head impression, and that's fucking glorious to me.
Like, come on. Tell me this wouldn't have made the best Stolas and Via MVs after it became common knowledge that that's what Brock was going for.
Agreed about the house elves though, and your prediction for the future. It's just going to get grosser from here on out.
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gnabnahc-143 · 10 months
Love is what we make of it pt.2 | L.K
Pairing: Lee know x reader
Summary: you knew love with him wouldn’t be easy but you never knew you’d break so fast, now living in a new city, months after your heavy decision, you start to realize you couldn’t love anyone else.
Genre: hurt/comfort, childhood friends to lovers, angst, fluff
wc: 4.0k
Song suggestion: Someone to stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Notes: I couldn’t help but model the couple with semantic error cause I love that show but here is a part 2 cause I couldn’t just leave it at that. Thank you @antoniorhinothethird for the request, I hope you like it <3
Part 1
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Music blared as heavy lights blinded you, too in your own head to move along the bodies crashing against you. It had been months since your departure, impulsively moving to a new city as you couldn’t handle the memories that flashed around whilst doing daily chores, just hoping one day all aspects of who you were would burn because thats the only remnant left reminding you of what you had let go. There is not a moment of the past that you could remember without him, whether it was as friends or lovers, all your life you thought he’d be the only constant, and yet here you were trying to cling on to the memory of his voice as it started fade. You knew with a quick google search, you’d easily be able to hear it again, but you thought you didn’t deserve that.
Now in a sea of people with your new-found friends mingling against you, all eyeing different people they hope to take home, you found it impossible to do the same. Your heart has only ever beat for him, even during your school years as you and minho both attracted your own line of suitors, never once did you look at them, keeping your eyes on your supposed best friend. Looking back you wondered how you both never noticed that fact, that no matter what, your eyes never strayed and neither did his. Yet only after decades of knowing each other, and a small fluffy creature came into your lives, did your relationship grew. You chuckled bitterly at the thought, maybe if you had the courage to make the first move, the relationship with a man you considered your first and only love could have lasted longer, living only for a few months.
‘Not a even a year and I already broke’ you thought, cursing yourself for hurting the man you’ve always loved.
Suddenly you felt the atmosphere suffocate you, desperately needing an escape. “Hey, I’m gonna get another drink” you shouted over the loud music, yelling the statement aimlessly to any of your friends but it seemed to fall to deaf ears as they were too preoccupied eyeing their targets for the night. Rolling your eyes you decided they wouldn’t look for you anyways, hastily shoving your way to the quiet-in-comparison bar. You waved at the bartender to order another drink whilst your thoughts continued to consume you.
“Penny for your thoughts” you heard someone mutter beside you
You sucked in a breath as the man beside you seemed to pop out of nowhere, he was extremely good looking, you couldn’t lie, his figure was tall with broad shoulders complimented with a soft yet chiseled face, his monolided eyes holding a certain kindness that made you almost consider pouring your heart out to him.
“Just a lot on my mind” you replied, smiling tightly, hoping he’d take the hint that you were unavailable…even if you unhappily were
“Who better to let it out on than a stranger, you’ll know I won’t snitch since I wouldn’t know who to” he chuckled “plus if you think this is a coy plan to hit on you, I promise I do have a boyfriend who is currently in the toilet but I saw you look troubled and couldn’t help but see if you’re alright” At this point you were desperate for another opinion, as all your friends currently on the dance floor who had heard about the break up had replied with a generic “it’s been months, men are shit, lets go clubbing to take your mind off it”. So you caved, thinking about where you should start when suddenly you heard a blunt voice speak beside you
“He's gay” a shorter man had said wrapping his arms around the taller man beside you, his eyes glaring at you thinking you had been the one to approach his boyfriend. Chuckling the other man ruffled his hair, “I approached her baby, she seemed in distress” he replied “don’t mind him, a bit of a possessive one he is”
“It’s okay, I think its cute, I could use two opinions if your ears are still open” you replied
“Try us?” the shorter man said seemingly understanding the situation quickly, his face now softened as he noticed the blankness in your eyes.
“It’s been months since I broke up with my boyfriend and I am suffering every moment of it” you chuckled, though it soon died as tears came up to your eyes as you retold your story, starting from your childhood up to the break up. Tears were streaming down your face by the end of it, “I just-, the minute I turned my phone back on I got hundreds of messages from him, from his friends, and I- I knew I regretted it, and that even years forward when I find another man to love- If I find another man to love. One word from him and I’d think about it, think about leaving everything for him, and god it hurt to know that I caused him so much pain in just one moment that I couldn’t bare to see his messages. So I blocked him cause any thought of messaging him comes with multiple reasons to stop myself, one including the fact that I hurt him, I don’t deserve that kind of comfort…I loved him so much, I still do and I don’t think I’ll ever stop but although I loved him first, I also think that someone could love him better. God now I'm crying to two strangers about it” you laughed bitterly.
Both of the men looked at each other, eyebrows furrowed thinking of a response to help ease your sobbing self. The shorter man came to rest his hand on your shoulder carefully, nodding to his boyfriend. He told me to come with both of them to take a breather. Now as we sat on the dirty ground of the clubs alley, me inbetween them with a bottle of water, my tears finally dried and my hiccups quietened.
“You alright now?” the taller one said with a comforting smile, his hand rubbed your back as you nodded.
“Okay then let me tell you something, I know how you feel, me and sangwoo started off on a very rough start” they both chuckled, you catching on to sangwoo being the shorter man next to you “to be fair to him, I was an annoying menace trying to get back at him for making me stay back instead of graduating, but as we became friends and work partners, he was…well difficult to read” the man teased
“Hyung” sangwoo whined “I just…my emotions were all over the place and yet I was also showing none of it, I admit I played push and pull, until one day I pushed it too far and it almost led to us never happening and him moving to paris. I was so dead set on the fact that I couldn’t ruin his career and that I could push all of these emotions down and one day move on…but I realized I couldn’t and well he knew”
“I was never gonna leave him, I just made it seem like I was and that gave him the push to finally let him love me. The point is, sangwoo was just like minho but if I had never shown a discomfort in the way he treated me, acting as if he had no feelings for me, then we would’ve never happened” the still unnamed man smiled at his boyfriend “I’m not saying to run back to your guy or that your decision wasn’t completely valid- because it was, but from what I can tell from your story, you’re still in love with him and you shouldn’t push it all down because you think it’s whats better for him. At the end of the day, you never know, it might've been whats WORSE for him”
“Yeah I thought I knew what was better for Jae-young hyung but I ended up being wrong, I realized that, now we’re the happiest couple I know with a succesful game design from that one little project” sangwoo smiled comfortingly “Give it a think at least, if you truly think this is whats best for the BOTH of you, then try to let him go but I think all three of us know, none of this is doing you any good”
You looked at both of them feeling a sense of relief for a surprisingly genuine response, different to everything you've heard recently, finally smiling genuinely for the first time in this whole night. “Thank you both of you, I'll think about it” you replied.
Both of the men smiled at you and you felt you finally gain true friends in this new city, “do you have a ride home? I don’t think you should be driving in this state” Jae-young asked worriedly.
“I’ll probably just walk, my place is pretty near” you replied, smiling to ease his worries.
“We’ll walk you home then? Unless you’re too uncomfortable with that?” Sangwoo added on.
“I’m not uncomfortable nor do I think any of you would hurt me but It’s just across the street and a walk alone might help me with my thoughts” you answered “but if you guys don’t mind can I have your numbers? I feel like we could be friends and I could text you when I’m home safe to ease your worries”
“That’d be great! Here put your number in my phone, jae-young forgot his” Sangwoo rolled his eyes as he handed you his phone, texting you when he saved your number to make sure you had his.
Waving them goodbye, you started your walk back to your apartment, your thoughts running wild to the point you hadn’t noticed when you arrived. Shrugging of your jacket and shoes, you checked your phone to text the guys that you had arrived home safely, when you saw what Sangwoo had texted to save his number.
Unknown: Even from just your stories I could tell he loved you too, at the very least give both of you closure. Just a thought :) - Sangwoo
Your thoughts ran rampantly, you knew he was right, you thought calling him was an option that was least cruel but thinking back ignoring minhos cries might’ve been more cruel than not hearing them. You sighed as you decided maybe the first step to knowing what to do was checking how he was going, you saw a video from an interview around the time of your breakup when you hesitated.
‘Fuck it, I need to hear his voice anyways’ you thought, finally clicking on the video. As it played you noticed his quietness, how his eyes seemed consistently glossy, playing with his fingers the whole way through. He was never good at showing emotion and yet throughout this 10 minute video you could read every single one of them. You watched countless of videos of him after that, each one showing that he was never the same, over time obviously he had become more talkative, the smiles and jokes returning, but the spark dulled and your heart hurt knowing you had caused that.
At that moment, you heard the pitter-patter of small feet, turning your head to see your fluffy grown kitten moving its way to your lap, now feeling a sense of deja vu. ‘He needs closure’ you thought firmly ‘I need closure’.
One month later…
It had been a month since your revelation, you wanted to talk to minho, you needed to, but considering you had broken up through the phone, it seemed cruel to try to fix it the same way. You knew he was currently in Korea, but he was also in a different city, so you started slow, unblocking him and stray kids hoping that maybe he still tries to contact you. Ofcourse considering it had been months, he doesn’t, so you had settled with reading their messages from before you blocked him.
Loml <3: Please y/n just listen
Loml <3: I love you so much, I can show it just please give me another chance to
Loml <3: Answer my calls…please?
Loml <3: I dont know if you’re sleeping or just ignoring my texts but I’ll always love you y/n, and I’ll wait life times for you back.
Felix: y/n? Are you and hyung okay? He isn’t coming out of his room :(
Seungmin: don’t tell him I texted you but you need to check on minho hyung
Chan: He’s not doing well y/n, please text him back
Countless of other messages from him and the boys plagued your mind for the whole month. You heard a knock on your door, you rushed to open it knowing who it was.
“Sorry we’re late” Sangwoo said whilst smiling, you smiled back and ruffled his hair you went to grab your luggage as you headed out to the car outside. You had become quick friends with the couple, they became a source of comfort in the city your other friends couldn’t provide. As you told them your decision to get closure, they supported you the whole way through, helping you through the decision to the end even now coming with you to the city you used to live, prepared to help you through any heart break to come. To be honest you also knew they took this as an opportunity to have a vacation but you digressed and was just happy for the company.
After hours of road tripping you finally arrived at your hotel, ofcourse getting your own room to avoid disturbing the couple. As you got ready for bed you heard your phone ding with a notification, you went to check your phone your eyes widened as you saw who it was.
Han: I know you probably still have us blocked but I really do hope one day you come back…
You stilled, shocked that any of them had texted, you were always close to the boys and had been sad to lose them too when you had broken it off, but what had always scared you was the thought that they probably hated you. Resenting you for breaking their members heart. Before you could reply his texts continued.
Han: I thought I’d give it a shot but I didn’t know it would actualy send
Han: unless you got a new number and now I’m texting a stranger, shit that would be awkward
Han: Whoever this is I can see you reading this
Han: REPLY?!?!
Y/N: Hi Jisung…
You were awaiting his reply when instead you saw him calling you, hesitating on whether or not you should answer, you decided you had to know whether or not minho was still living at your old apartment anyways and thus you clicked on ‘accept’ putting the phone to your ear and immediately regretting it.
“IS IT ACTUALLY YOU!” you heard jisung shout over the phone, flinching at the volume. “Yes it is me- before you say anything please don’t tell minho yet” you replied speaking quickly as you knew all to well what the boys next move would be.
“And why should I do that?” he said back, you could feel his tone shift to a serious yet soft tone “He’s still not over you y’know, you broke his heart and as much as I’d like to believe your this cruel person to break up with him over the phone for no reason, I know you better than that and I know you had your reasons. It doesn’t stop me from wanting him to be happy though”
“I’m back in town Ji…I want to give us closure, I want to talk to him. But I have to do it in real life and I know if he knew he could text me he would, I want to be the one to come to him.” you replied. Silence took over the call, both of you contemplating your next words. After a minute of it, you decided to break the silence with a question that would hurt your heart to hear any answer.
“Does he…still live there?” you asked
“He couldn’t bare himself to leave, hoping one day you’d come back” he answered quietly “I always thought he was crazy but now I guess he was right”
“I’m gonna go there tomorrow. I don’t expect him to take me back but I thought that at the very least we both need closure” you said. The call quickly ended after that, he told you good luck and that he was sure Minho just wanted you back but that didn’t ease your worries. You finished getting ready for bed, hoping to sleep your worries away, getting ready for the next day ahead knowing, no matther the outcome, tears would be shed.
The next day came quicker than you’d like as your sleep was restless, stirring in and out of it due to worry. You took a shower and got ready for the day trying your best to keep your worries at bay, checking your phone you saw messages from your friends and Han all wishing you good luck and to text them when its all over. You smiled as you saw Han’s message, truly missing the friendship you had with the boys.
Now walking to what used to be your shared apartment you thought over each possible outcome, he could accept your apology and take you back or he could listen to it and accept closure but reject your advances to get back together. The most dreaded outcome being if he slammed the door upon seeing your face. Trying to calm your thoughts you thought back to what Han said, hoping he was right, that Minho still loves you, the way you still love him. Once again your running thoughts made it so you failed to notice that you were now standing in front of your his apartment door. Breathing in a deep breath you started to knock, covering the peep hole to increase your chance of him even opening the door. After a few moments you heard the door unlock, opening slightly, minho cautiously looked at who it was. Upon seeing it was you his eyes widened, fully opening the door giving you hope as he didn’t just slam it shut.
You looked at him, his hair was messy as if he had just woken up, eye bags heavy you assumed from his hectic schedule, and yet he still looked as beautiful as ever. He remained unmoving, not even blinking, in fear that if he did you’d disappear. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something but no words were said and instead he let out a shaky breath, eyes becoming glossy at the overwhelming emotions. You almost mirrored his expression, your own eyes having tears threatening to spill, words choked up in your throat as you tried to figure out the right things to say as all your previous plans were forgotten, your mind blanking the minute you saw him.
“Hi” was all you could muster, your voice shaking awaiting his response and yet nothing came. His expression remained the same, still not believing you were actually there. “I’m sorry minho-” you decided to continue, wanting to get everything out before he could possibly come to his senses and shut the door, but before you could say anything else he cut you off.
“Don’t.” was all he said, you looked down as you heard that. This is what you should’ve expected, you don’t deserve his forgiveness, hell you don’t even deserve to clear yourself out you thought. Before your mind could go rampant you heard him speak up once again,
“Don’t call me that.” he said, you grew confused not expecting and understanding his words “Don’t call me by my name.” he clarified
Your eyes met, still confused by his words. He continued quietly, eyes unbreaking “Even as friends you’ve never called me by my name, just because we broke up doesn’t mean you can start”
At those words tears started to stream down your face as you saw what you had truly lost or rather what you had let go, a man who even through a breaking of his heart, could still know you better than anyone else. Seeing your tears he pulled you into the apartment shutting the door behind him and instantly welcoming you into his embrace.
“God I don’t understand you, you should hate me, you should’ve slammed the door in my face, you-” he cut you off once again with a hush, petting your hair as he heard your hiccups
“Please” he scoffed “I could never hate you and you know that, you understand me more than anyone has. If anyone were to be sorry it should be me, I know how hard it must’ve been to deal with me and every day I thought back to everything I did wrong and everything I could’ve done to show you I love you the way you deserved to be loved”
“Don’t say that” you replied, shaking your head whilst still tightly in his embrace “I was selfish, I knew you loved me and you did show it but…I was so wrapped up in the idea of a conventional affection, I ignored every sign of your own. Everyday I look back at those moments and I regret everything because you were right, I shouldve said something, and I realize that you promised me to try and yet all this time I never realized how much I needed to. That I never tried to say I wanted more, to even notice your efforts, and I will forever be sorry for that. I love you so much that I thought I couldn’t ask you to change when in reality I never truly wanted you to cause thinking back…you made me feel a love that I know no one else could”
He pulled away, now cupping your face lightly, in a way still afraid this would all be a dream and you’d disappear. His silence was unnerving but the look in his eyes comforted you as you felt that nothing he could say would hurt you if he continued to look at you this way. “Love?”
“What?” You replied confused.
“You said love, not loved. You still- you still love me?” He choked.
“I think I’ll always love you min.” You answered back, eyes unmoving.
“But are you still in love with me?” He broke eye contact looking down at his feet, in sudden fear of your answer
“Yes” you answered shakily “even if I know I don’t deserve to. Even if we both go back to our lives and eventually you fall in love with another person, I would still love you and only you. You’re it min, I don’t want anyone else, and I’m sorry I only came back now to admit that”
“I wouldn’t- I couldn’t fall in love with another person if I tried” he chuckled. “it’s always been you, even as kids it was you” He continued. Now looking back into your eyes you fell deeper into his hold, tears drying as now all you felt was a familiar comfort you knew you could only feel with him. Pressing his forehead on to yours, he recalled his last message to you “and I’d wait lifetimes for you, you know that”
You smiled happily, relishing in the arms of the only man you could ever love. “Give me one more chance to love you?” You asked, quickly wanting to be his again once knowing he still loves you
“If you give me one more chance to show it” he replied, finally meeting your lips, relaxing into the kiss as it had been the final confirmation that this was all real.
Love is what we make of it, and you were prepared to see through conventions to make his love shown, because you couldn’t bear to lose him again, not after knowing what his love actually felt like once decoded.
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