#Gemini fifth
astro-rainbow777 · 23 days
♊︎ Gemini Through The Houses ♊︎
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🌟Gemini in the first - When gemini encompasses the first house of self and identity, this usually points to a dynamic and versatile personality that can talk up just about anyone they encounter. They leave a charming first impression and can be remembered by their quick wit, banter and something about their voice usually sticks out. The native could be well versed in foreign accents, theatrical movements, or celebrity impersonations. There are many aspects of them that express their dualistic nature in the physical expression as well; maybe they switch back and fourth between contacts and glasses - or flip flop their style often. 
📘 Gemini in the second - In the second house of finances, possessions, and values, gemini can multiple and diverse sources of income to the natives lives. It could be important for them to always have a back up plan whenever it comes to their streams of income. They could spend a lot of their mental energy thinking about their assets, financial endeavors, and stability. When their mind becomes too much for them they could enjoy indulging in activities that get them out of their head and into their body. Another manifestation is impulsive buying & spending, they can fluctuate between being extremely frugal too generous in their purchases. They could invest money into their hobbies, siblings and friends. 
👨‍🎤 Gemini in the third - Expressive and quick, these natives speak their mind freely and honestly. Because Gemini is in it’s natural ruling house, a lot of the times of the third house are taken quite literally. In the matters of mind and communication - these individuals speak without much thought. They focus on the things they’re interested in and have fun debating controversial topics while keeping things light - unless it’s with family lol. They can have a multitude of hobbies, and enjoy activities that allow them to get in touch with their inner child. They can keep long-lasting friends from their childhood, are in frequently in communication with their cousins and siblings. They make friends easily and get along easy with their neighbors.
👯‍♂️ Gemini in the fourth - These natives may come from a communicative family where emotions were approached lightly and unserious. The natives guardians could have flip flopped between logical, serious, opinionated to open, sensitive and immature. The maternal figure could have acted as the natives friend rather than nurturer and while being vocally supportive could have a tendency to b e irresponsible. The family itself could be quite dualistic and at times unpredictable. From their familial environment, the native may learn that the emotions aren’t valid or worth taking seriously. Because of these experiences, this placement may find themselves trying to pick apart their own feelings, attempting to gain a deeper understanding to them or just being genuinely confused and curious of why they are there and what they mean.
🐠 Gemini in the fifth - This placement is known for their diverse array of hobbies and mentally engaging interests. Studying could be quite fun for them, technology, or chatting with friends online, to name a few. They may have a nerdy and quirky style, liking to incorporate the media, hobbies and special interests they have into their self expression. They may like to appear ambiguous, enigmatic, and enjoy the idea of others being confused or curious of them. The native can participate in debate or like to play devils advocate. They may be attracted to others intellectual abilities, sense of humor, and mentally stimulating conversations, especially when first dating. They are known to date their friends or may prefer a friends to lovers romantic trope. 
🦕 Gemini in the sixth - Does well living with others, especially friends, however enjoys their space. They may spend quite a bit of time online, studying, learning new things, chatting with their friends, etc. They may be quite the planner, spending their days in accordance to a written routine or function well with a planner. Their health can be psychosomatic at times or they can struggle with their mental health, with a big focus on anxiety. They may benefit from learning the art of meditation and mindfulness. They may smoke because gemini rules over oral fixations, beware of health issues related to smoking.
🌼 Gemini in the seventh - These individuals aren’t known to have a romantic type and may end up dating a variety of different kinds of people throughout their lives. Commitment can be something that gives them anxiety because of the fear that comes with losing their partner. In the best case scenario their partner is their best friend or they may never move past just friends with others. They enjoy keeping their close connections light and doing the harder things alone. This natives spouse may embody the gemini traits themselves, being communicative, unserious, funny and mentally engaging. 
🎭 Gemini in the eighth - Communication may be something that this native does very little of, or is a very important lesson in their karmic cycles. They may be too curious for their own good, getting into conspiracy theories, and taboo research topics. It can be hard for Gemini in the eighth to express themselves or communicate their feelings. There may be power struggles in communication or feeling verbally cornered through out their life. Mental health struggles, obsessive thoughts, and an intense communication style can also be pertinent with gemini in the eighth.
🛰 Gemini in the ninth - Here, Gemini falls into the opposing house of its naturally ruling house, showing a lifelong student and open minded individual. Their opinions of society could be forever changing or fluid depending on who’s around. It may be hard for the individual to engage in scientific or analytic topics, and while preferring philosophy & theoretical conversations. They may struggle to move from a student role into a teaching position, because the native enjoys being the ponderer and may struggle with feelings of intellectual inferiority. They may learn about their own morality through others, an internal compass is earned for them in this life time, they may have to try on values and see what feels right for them.
🌠 Gemini in the tenth - This native may be known  as a jack of all trades, and are quite quick learners in the work place. They are great at juggling multiple projects, jobs and career paths. They may have many lines of work they get into before finding what fits them. They can make a career out of their hobbies or intellectual interests. They may find that their public persona is quite different that how they actually are in their personal lives - and may struggle with imposter syndrome to some degree. Work may demand a lot of their time and they may make a lot of friends in their career.
🔆 Gemini in the eleventh - Enjoys intellectual, funny and witty friends and social circles. They can have a diverse group of friends and be a part of many different communities. They can belong to communities that correlate to their special interests and bound over shared hobbies. They have a talent for social interaction, adaptability & engagement, drawing the attention from a variety of social groups. They a curious about humanitarian causes, and can be vocally opinionated about the injustices of the world, but may need to watch for being too heavily influenced by the media/news.
🧿 Gemini in the twelfth - With Gemini over the house of secrets, illusions, and the unseen, the native may keep their opinions/ideas to themselves & can be passive in communication. They can spend a good amount of time thinking about life beyond this lifetime. They can be emotional thinkers, may spend a lot of time daydreaming about their hobbies or special interests. This placement makes for good authors, songwriters, and poets. They may struggle with some degree of stage fright or receiving vocal attention. They can appreciate a good fantasy novel and is very comfortable with their head in the clouds.
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Happiest New Moon in Gemini & Season Everyone! Let me know what you think of my post, if you relate, if you don’t relate, things that you notice about your Gemini House placement, ect.
Also, what Gemini placements do y’all have?
I am a Gemini Mercury with Gemini seventh- however my mercury falls into the sixth! Plus Gemini Saturn + North Node in the seventh :) such a fun and dualistic sign!
🌼 Kya 🌼
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so i had the honor to help organize this years geminitay birthday art collab!
this year we had 20 gems from 19 contributors (plus lava, our wonderful background artist!!) and despite a few delays, we are pleased to present this! let’s call the few days late-ness just adding an element of surprise!
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casualavocados · 1 year
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It’s our club’s sacred ritual. There are so many rituals in your club. The seniors told us that eating BBQ pork is a celebration after the show. And if the food still tastes good to us, that means...we still want to play music.
MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022-2023) dir. Au Kornprom Niyomsil
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esshetic · 3 months
Solar Eclipse: Leaving Old Wounds Behind!
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Leaving old ways of being behind.
We are having a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries on the 8th of April, packing power and punch, power to the people, with power, literally returning to the people. Which people? Those who are fed up with the oppressive power structures that are. How will it be returned? We take it back, with both hands!
We are the main characters.
The Eclipse is at 19 degrees Aries and according to degree theory, the 19th degree is associated with Libra, so the theme around this eclipse is You and I and We. I see this eclipse energy as a collective power struggle and not singular, meaning you are not alone in your feelings and experiences. We are now active participants on the world stage, rather than passive observers.
This new moon energy feels like an activation, a recharge of your batteries. It feels like you have been living life at 75%. However, with the letting go of the past and healing over the last two years, it now feels like you are living at 90% battery.
This is in part due to the collective healing work we have been doing. The generational wounds of colonialism, and capitalism have played a significant role. Also, those white-washing spiritual wellness capitalists... you get it, sound ridiculous. This spiritual decluttering is why we feel more energized. It is time for the hoarders to declutter their space, clean out the old. New health secrets are being revealed, and a breakthrough for medical science is occurring as we have collectively decided to rid certain diseases from our reality.
Those emotional triggers don't affect us the way they used to, huh?
It takes a village.
For the signs - this is collective healing and transmutation. Western spirituality has focused on the self, self-actualization, and personal manifestation goals, and never on the collective WE. We have been allowed to be selfish and self-serving, using ancient tools from ethnic minorities. No more. What do we collectively want? What do you want to manifest for the collective good?
Aries, Happy New Moon Eclipse! What better way to start the new world than with the brave first out-the-gate sign. You are first, taking the unbeaten path, and you will manifest for us the truth and the way by being brave and going first towards the unknown. This new moon is the new beginning that you have been waiting for, for a while. Walk in faith and not sight; the opportunities will arise when you are expectant of solutions to come.
Taurus, Happy New Moon Eclipse! The energy is dancing around in your 12th house, where you sleep, your cave of hibernation. The curtains are normally drawn, but it's wide open and the windows are open with the fresh air and sun rays streaming in unapologetically. You will hold space for us and manifest opportunities for wealth building for the new collective who are awakened and receptive to this new energy and new ways of being.
Gemini, Happy New Moon Eclipse! You are happy and excited like a labradoodle. This new moon is opening up your 11th house of earned income and collective efforts and community. This door has been closed off for a long time, Gemini, and with this new moon energy, you are creating for the collective fun, artwork that will inspire the world.
Cancer, Happy New Moon Eclipse! You are oh so tired, physically. This eclipse season has been an emotional rollercoaster, and you just want to sleep through it all. You are the ones who feel it all for us, transmuting the emotional highs and lows quietly for those of us who can’t, and we don't even notice! This new moon, you will get your flowers and be recognized for the emotional force that you are.
Leo, Happy New Moon Eclipse! The eclipse is in your 9th house, which will feel like a sunray blinding you. This energetic gateway is happening in your external reality; new horizons and opportunities are starting to take form. You, Leo, are a shining light in the hours of darkness for those who have lost their way. As you take a stand and shine, take pride in the positive effect you have on them.
Virgo, Happy New Moon Eclipse! This energy is bubbling under your 8th house. On the surface, on the day-to-day, things will look normal, but all the change is happening beneath the surface. You can feel it and have an instinct to do something different one day, which will bring a serendipitous exchange. Virgo, you are manifesting, trusting the process of change for us.
Libra, Happy New Moon Eclipse! This new moon has the opportunity to bring into your life a very important significant relationship. The energy is expanding your 7th house, making space for more opportunities. Live life outside the self-imposed box of what you think you are meant to do and be. Dear Libra, you are manifesting the element of surprise for the collective and creating more space for more good to enter our reality.
Scorpio, Happy New Moon Eclipse! The energy around this new moon for you guys is a little dark internally. Feelings of self-loathing and hate are bubbling to the surface for you to face. This new energy that is coming through in your 6th house needs to clean house first, hence why these emotions are coming through to be detoxed and released. You are manifesting deep change for the collective and are a transmuting powerhouse, allowing the old to go in peace.
Sagittarius, Happy New Moon Eclipse! This new moon is opening up your 5th house, of play, fun, and children. This energy feels like an ending or contracting, going into a ball, the way certain animals create these shapes when they want to appear small. This Aries energy does feel different this time around, and resistance is futile as change is inevitable here. You are manifesting grace for the collective who are struggling with letting go.
Capricorn, Happy New Moon Eclipse! This new moon is in your 4th house and I see a new home beckoning. If you have not signed the deed already, with a new home comes a new routine to get adapted to and a new neighborhood to explore. You are excited because you are ready and feel confident that you know what you are looking for and have decided what you want, which will allow things to manifest rapidly. Capricorn, you are helping the collective stand in conviction and confidence.
Aquarius, Happy New Moon Eclipse! The new moon is in your 3rd house, and I am seeing something coming full circle, and you are happy about it. Like the novel "The Alchemist," the protagonist finds the treasure back at his home, but you had to go on the journey to get to that point anyway! Something that you buried away is the treasure you have been looking externally for. The energy of wisdom earned is what you are manifesting for the collective.
Pisces, Happy New Moon Eclipse! This new moon is in your 2nd house, and I see a treasure chest, and you have the key in your hand, but you have not tried the lock yet. This is because the key in your hand opens a lock within and not the box in front of you. Material pursuits are not worth as much as godly spiritual growth, and this new moon is helping you go within to the immaterial. It makes no sense to choose the unknown, but you are manifesting dreams that money cannot buy and teaching the collective to dream bigger than capitalism.
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cinnamonnangel · 1 year
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(The First House is ruled by Aries and Mars.)
The first moment you open your eyes to the world, first breath, first sight, first intention and first experience
General appearance, form and shape, physical body, general health, vitality and energy, action
Character, identity, self image, personality, mask, self interest, how others perceive you, self expression, independence, behavior, name, attitude, fame
How you see the world, how the world sees you
Spirit, life, ego, soul body
First impressions, beginnings
Head, face, eyes, blood, brain, muscular system
The moment of birth and people around you, place of birth and atmosphere, birth experiences, mother’s health and experiences during childbirth
(The Second House is ruled by Taurus and Venus.)
Material and non-material resources, attitude toward possessions,
How you make money or meet obligations, self worth
Personal finances, money matters, sense of value, stocks and share, trade, jewelry, documents, cash money, valuables, wealth, possessions, trade, material possessions, luxuries, banking activities, loans, economic situation, wares, rank, guarantee, financial security, artworks
Talents, comfort zone, security, self esteem, valuables, sense of values, resourcefulness, nutrition
Face, neck, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, metabolic system, voice and vocal talents
Economy, sovereign debt, colonies, fees, trade, banks, internal debts, artistic approaches of a country
(The Third House is ruled by Gemini and Mercury.)
Conscious mind, memory, mental confusion, communication, intellect, mentation, thinking
Skillfulness, study, ability, writing, speaking, researching, learning, reading, perceiving, adaptability, ability to learn foreign languages
Depthless thoughts and informations, smattering
Elementary and primary education, puberty
Siblings, brothers, sisters, cousins, close relatives and neighbors
Short trips, tour, daily travel, neighborhood, public transports, vehicles, motorbike, cars, train, bus, boats, urban roads
TV, radio, telephone, computer, mails, messages, text, communication network and channels, short correspondence on social media, weather forecast
Shoulders, collar bone, arms, hands, fingers, lungs, nerves, the nervous system
Bookstore, library, school, post office, educational institution, streets, telephone kiosk
(The Fourth House is ruled by Cancer and Moon.)
The place where we live with the family, home atmosphere, home life, house, mother, family, lineage, family matters, ancestry, custom, femininity
Subconscious, things we hide about ourselves, emotional problems, early childhood, depression, personal commitment, the deepest and the darkest point of the chart
Old age, the end of the life, diseases, grave
Land, realty, genetic heritage, underground sources
Chest, breaths, stomach, uterus, diaphragm, upper alimentary system
Agricultural enterprise, historical values, mining site, real estate, refuge facilities, farmers, cemeteries
(The Fifth House is ruled by Leo and Sun.)
Actions and activities we do for ourselves, things we like to do, hobbies, how do we spend our free time, creativity, activities we enjoy, pleasure, self expression, risk taking, leisure time, artistic talents,
Love, romance, dating, courtship, love affairs, the way we flirt
Children, birthing and creation, the character of our children
Acting, drama, dance, music, sports, artists, celebrities, stage
Games, cards, puzzles, fun, amusement, games of chance, gambling, speculative investment
Chest, upper back, heart, spine, cardiac system
Hotels, entertainment centers, casino, beauty shops, coiffeur, resort, amusement park, cinema, theatre, sports center, park, art exhibition
(The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo and Mercury.)
What we do to survive, daily work, everyday routine, details, skills
Work routines, where we specialize our skills, workers, competition, employment, workmates
House of sickness, exhaustion, disease, allergies, health, physical body, physical condition
Issues that tire us and weaken us, drugs and addictions
Pets and animals
Abdomen, intestines, lower liver, alimentary canal, spleen, digestive nerves
Hospitals, health care providers, employees, service sector, trade unions, state employees, restaurants, food and beverage services, enemies, soldiers, police, military, army, security guard, navy, animal clinic
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saylessastrology · 4 months
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yeona-blackpink · 11 months
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Stage Name: Yeona (연아)
Birth Name: Yang Yeona (양연아)
English Name: Yelena Yang
Nicknames: Yuyu, The 'Y' Girl, Human Versace
Position: Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Sub Rapper, Songwriter, Producer, Maknae
Birthday: June 2, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 1.67 m (5'6'')
Weight: 44 kg (96 lbs)
Blood Type: B
MBTI Type: ISFP (Her previous results were INFJ, ESFP & INTP)
Instagram: tell.me.yyy_.
Weibo: yyy.2697
Youtube: yeona.yelana.yang OFFICIAL
Representative Animal: CAT
Yeona Facts :
-She has an older sister (Ahn-jeong) a video game developer
-Her favorite color is black
-She debuted on 3rd February 2022 with the single 'Vengeance'
-She is known as 'THE LETHAL WEAPON OF YG' due to her being an extraordinary ace
-She has awesome fashion and is considered to be A fashion icon
-She has many colabs
-Her favorite fourth gen group Is STRAY KIDS since they worked together numerous times
-She was the last member to be revealed
-According to Rosé, Yeona is the most Fluent in English
-Lisa and Yeona are the most closest
-She is a polygot since she can speak Mandarin, Japanese, Thai, English, Spanish, Korean, Latin and Bengali mixed with Hindi.
-She was really weak in studies in Middle school
-If she was not a kpop idol, she would've become a Lawyer
-She debuted in acting with the drama 'Vincenzo' (2021)
-She has 2 dogs (Boots & Rocket), 4 cats (Mili, Bella, Minni & Bibi) and a snake (Levi)
-She is an MC with Stray Kid's Lee Know and Jung-woo of NCT
-She has a Black belt in Karate and A brown in Jujutsu
-She is currently learning boxing
-She is going to star in Squid Game (season 2)
-She loves to eat
-She likes surfing, even though she almost drowned once
-She cried when she got to know TITANIC wasn't based on a real story
-She can play the Drums, Guitar, Violin, Flute and Piano
-She loves anime
-She is known as the 'CF QUEEN'
-Ranked 31st on TC Candler’s “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2020”.
-Ranked 21th on TC Candler’s “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2021”.
-Ranked 12th TC Candler’s “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2022”.
-She is the most followed person on Instagram with followers of 104 million
-YEONA'S IDEAL TYPE : "Someone who can cook, but loves to eat too. Overall prioritize the free time we have together, has to be someone passionate and keeps up with my Princess behavior"
Show more fun facts about YEONA...
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starsworldd · 1 year
what are ur thoughts on libra sun, cancer moon, and gemini rising?? ^^
hello! sorry this is a late reply but here are my opinions:
libra sun - these natives often have a good knack for artistic things such as fashion, music, or aesthetics. they are often considerate of others and best express themselves in one to one situations. they are also pretty approachable i find! 💖
cancer moon - another approachable placement, from how relatable they are. these people are experts on making people feel safe and welcome. this is a really magnetic placement to have and can show someone who’s very sentimental. 🎊
gemini rising - i’ve found that this placement is eccentric (in a good way seriously) and often have niche interests. they’re not often the most extroverted in the room, but when you get in conversations with them they are very good in keeping you engaged. when it comes to fashion, they are really good at expressing themselves in this way, not one is the same from the other! 🌺
overall - definitely approachable and easy to talk to. you seem like the type to be everybody’s friend honestly. wholesome vibes for sure! i think you are also pretty sensitive and adaptable to the environment you’re in as well. kind, considerate, and expressive!
i hope this resonated! i appreciate your submission <3
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beacarrot · 22 days
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callmebrycelee · 29 days
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aquamoonastrology · 1 year
Gemini House Cusp
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Whatever house cusp Gemini sits on, it’s where you need to experience variety. When you think of Gemini, you think of communication, the mind, and movement. These experiences will open your mind to a higher consciousness. You’ll see life with different eyes and gain knowledge through your everyday experiences.
Think of this house (or area of life) that you should be open to many different ways of communicating. Communication isn’t always verbal. Sometimes you have to see pass the physical and recognize the spiritual nature behind life. Or even read the mental energy of the person or situation. Gemini is an interesting, diverse, and fun energy.
For example: 5th House Gemini Cusp - experiencing different forms of creativity. Experiencing different ways to enjoy life or have fun. Learning how to communicate through creativity in various ways. Even promiscuous tendencies lol or just trying new things sexually. Could also be possible changes of your overall lifestyle.
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stepmom · 2 years
well! my aquarius man survived another season against all odds!
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casualavocados · 1 year
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MOONLIGHT CHICKEN EP4 | The Midnight of Lifetime
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esshetic · 3 months
MARS IN PISCES : Water Rollercoaster
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Mars entered Pisces on the 22nd or 23rd of March, depending on where you are in the world. It is a time of change in focus and direction of energy!
Having been in the sign of Aquarius, where our focus was on the bigger picture, life felt zoomed out a little too far. Now it's time to zoom back in and get down to earth.
In deep sea, underwater, down-to-earth Pisces, our collective dreams and reality collide, and it does start to become more apparent how we are literally all the same and going through the same things at the same time.
Mars is our life force, our will, passion, sex drive, where we have courage and take initiative. Our relationship to our Mars placements may not be well-documented, explained, or easy to describe because we are in it most of the time and not observing it. Our Mars energy is second nature and instinctual, with not much time to think or feel.
Oh, the feels in Pisces! Mars will feel rather than act. Mars is commonly referred to as bringing action over an area of our life where it is placed in your natal chart, and in a transit, it will be used as a conductor of a specific energy and how we wish to direct that energy in a particular direction.
We are always living with our Mars in the moment, whether passive, assertive, or aggressive; we are in it all the time. How deep can you go? How deep can you dive into it?
Every action is Mars, including rest, boredom, or sleep, which is what we may enjoy doing more intentionally and finding joy in the minimal and mundane moments of life.
Mars in Pisces is asking us to take life moment to moment, breath from breath. Reality changes very fast, and let's move through it
Let's journey through the signs read for your Sun and Rising.
Aries, Mars will be asking you to move in flow in your 12 house however quickly the tide changes your only requirement is to move in it, dance in the rain and feel every moment without a filter of your mind.
Taurus Mars will be asking you in your 11th house to let it go, the plan the way you think the work is going to go, social intelligence, empathy and a winning smile is all the tools you need to get through your grueling schedule. Exchanging smiles will energise your light more than rest will.
Gemini Mars will be swimming around in circles in your 10th house, you are spinning your wheels and extending your energy just for the fun of it, you know you have nothing to prove right now its all fun, you have got your mojo back.
Cancer Mars is opening a heavy door into new progress with how you relate to others in your life. Those who sin differently to you are still worthy of your love Cancer, in your 9th house you are laying on the beach watching the waves lap on the shore. You have finally let it go.
Leo Mars will be dancing in your 8th house, and showing you the dance moves that you thought you could never learn, courage to learn, try fail and try again, this is a you moment, time with yourself well spent. You feel worried or anxious because you feel challenged and comfort zone threatened. This period you will learn to have trust in yourself.
Virgo Mars will be pulling you through your 7th house, there may be a lot of distractions trying to pull your directing away into a different path but Mars will give your mind a laser focus to mute out all the distractions and see yourself through to the finish line.
Libra Mars will be slow dancing in your 6th house, you may feel like being more active and doing something different like taking a Salsa dance class or pole dancing class, you may want to tap into your sensuality.
Scorpio Mars will be punching your 5th house, there is a lot of aggressive energy here with this transit in your 5th house, you will be expressing your anger more freely, the lesson is to see how you can channel the anger into something productive for you.
Sagittarius Mars will be swaying through your 4th house of your maternal energy you are someones guardian or you have a few people who are are responsible for their survival and ability to thrive, weather a mother or not you take the role of nurturer seriously and feel extremely proud about this.
Capricorn Mars will be hitting up your 3rd house I see an influx of communication and being front/ people facing, through networking or public speaking, this time you are being helped to have the courage to speak from your heart and not from your practical mind.
Aquarius Mars will be high five - ing your 2nd house there is not much information I am downloading about this transit for you, take the easy way out, chill, play video games, utilise this energy to play and not work you will thank yourself for it further down the line.
Pisces Mars will be closing out your 1st house, its an ending that this energy is helping you push that door shut, allow the feelings of grief to show up and even show out but the ending is final and fated don't want the old thing back. Focus on what God is doing in your life currently and not what has gone.
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Venus go into Leo so I can have a fun sexy time please idk taurus isn’t cutting it for me rn
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inlakinslabyrinth · 1 month
What Are the Qualities in Astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable?
Similar to the idea of each zodiac sign being under the rule of an element, they are also influenced by, what we Astrologers call, qualities. Each of these qualities give the signs, (guess what), different qualities! In this post, we're going to talk abou
Similar to the idea of each zodiac sign being under the rule of an element, they are also influenced by, what we Astrologers call, qualities. Each of these qualities give the signs, (guess what), different qualities! In this post, we’re going to talk about the three qualities known as cardinal, mutable, and fixed, and see what makes them important to astrology and your zodiac sign. Elements…
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