#but when she’s alone with Terry they become the same
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bucketbender · 5 months ago
Ok, I’ll (probably) stop with the screenshots after that. But I just want to pay a small tribute to Jesse for being done with everyone’s shit this season
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wheneverfeasible · 7 months ago
Because I’m terrible and the plots won’t leave me alone, I’ve now got an idea based on this post about a demon who feasts on pain and suffering being a medical practitioner for the chronically and terminally ill and the patients fully loving it. And then my brain rot had to say “make it Steddie” because I’ve lost all control of my life.
cw: terminal illness, minor and major character death (with a happy ending tho)
But imagine it. Eddie is a demon, a low ranking one at that originally. He gets a job at a medical facility for the chronically/terminally ill. Over time at the happy and consensual feasting he really does become one of the strongest demons because he’s constantly fed to the brim and he even has human worshippers, not that they’re traditional worshippers.
No, his followers are little old senior citizens who slip him butterscotch candies and other sweets they’re not supposed to have, which technically count as offerings. They thank him for his work, because he does actually take care of their bodies as well and even listens to their life stories, which count as praise and worship. They love and are devoted to him and they bring in their friends and family who are suffering too and Eddie’s accidental cult grows.
One day, things change. A young man, an anomaly in his youth, is brought in by parents who no longer wish to be burdened by their disabled son. Steve just shrugs it off and moves in with a smile, seemingly fine with being abandoned by his parents because he dared to be anything other than perfectly healthy.
He puts around the facility in his terry cloth robe and slippers on some days, others he dresses up in polos and slacks or even jeans when he’s feeling more casual, and always with a smile on his face. He makes those around him smile and laugh too, and his cheeks get pinched and he’s slipped candies too and he listens to others’ stories and he seems happy and content.
But Eddie feeds on his pain and suffering all the same, knows that behind that smile is a young boy who was told he probably wouldn’t live to see 30, who listens to the older folks knowing he would never get to live a life like that. Eddie knows that sometimes Steve cries himself to sleep at night.
Over time, Eddie and Steve grow closer. Steve hadn’t believed that Eddie was a demon at first, had thought it all just a joke, until one night Mr. Wozniak was laying in his bed, and Steve hadn’t meant to overhear, but he was passing by and the door was cracked open.
“Will I go to Hell now?” Mr. Wozniak was asking, but he seems peaceful all the same, like the thought wasn’t the terrifying ordeal so many people thought it was.
“No, sweetheart,” Eddie was saying, but his voice sounds a little off, huskier, like…like brimstone sat in his throat. “I’ve never claimed your soul. It’s still your own. Go find Irena. She’s been waiting for you for too long.”
Irena, Steve knew from speaking with Mr. Wozniak, was his young wife who had died decades earlier.
“Will I get to see you again?”
Eddie’s long fingers reach out, his nails long and sharp, dark in a way that was not nail polish. He lightly and gently strokes the papery skin of Mr. Wozniak’s cheek. “You will be at peace. You will find the afterlife is so much more than this Good-vs-Evil rhetoric so popular in this plane of existence. Go in peace, my child, and should you wish it, perhaps one day we might meet again.”
Mr. Wozniak smiles at that, and he closes his eyes with a softly whispered, “Irena, I’m coming…”
A moment later, he was gone.
Steve watches as Eddie seems to grow smaller, appear more normal, and though he knows he should be terrified, he isn’t. Instead he continues on his way, letting the knowledge of more percolate in his brain, though by the next morning when news of Mr. Wozniak’s passing spreads and Eddie assures everyone that he passed away peacefully and in no pain, Steve knows Eddie speaks the truth and he realizes that nothing has changed. Eddie is still Eddie.
They continue to grow closer. He spends more time with Eddie, lets Eddie in fully on how much he hurts, and tells the demon that he wished things had been different and that they could have met under better circumstances.
Eddie tells him that he never enjoyed the taste of regret. It was far too bitter.
They fall in love, encouraged by their friends in the facility new and old, who don’t seem to care that he is a mortal with a short life expectancy and Eddie is an immortal demon lord. What is all that in the face of true love?
And then it happens, and Steve is the one lying in bed, knowing his time has come. He smiles up at Eddie and decides not to regret any of it, not wanting their final moments to be flavored with bitterness.
“Stevie,” Eddie whispers mournfully, and he’s beautiful. It’s not his full true form, but his eyes are a dark blood red, his teeth elongated into sharp fangs, and his pale skin veined with reds and blacks. Horns curl out from his curly hair.
“You said once that I get to be with my loved ones after this,” Steve says, still smiling, and he reaches up to cup Eddie’s jaw with a weakened hand. Eddie nods against him, and Steve wonders if all demons can cry, or if it’s just his. “Then take my soul, darling. It already belongs to you.”
Eddie flinches back, like Steve knew he would, because souls are not little things. Eddie had explained before, after everything, that he didn’t even actually deal in souls, that that wasn’t the sort of demon he was. Steve had asked if he could, on a technicality, and Eddie had paused because saying yes, any demon could, but souls were priceless. When you gave one up to a demon, you gave up everything. You would be theirs until the end of days. Eddie had said he wasn’t that sort of demon.
“Baby, no,” Eddie breathes now, shaking his head gently enough not to dislodge Steve’s hand. “You would be—”
“Yours,” Steve interrupts. “But I already am. You already own my heart. I now willingly give you my soul. All you have to do is accept it.”
And Eddie protests, at first, because Steve is giving him complete control over him for eternity. Steve gives it freely with open arms, and in the end, Eddie can do nothing but accept it. He tells Steve that he doesn’t know if demons have souls or not, but his belongs to Steve just as assuredly as his own heart does.
Steve’s final mortal breath is gifted into Eddie’s crimson mouth, full of peace and love and the understanding that this thing between them will always beat eternal.
It turns out that, whether it was still unknown if all demons had souls, Eddie was the sort that does.
And it also turns out that, when you’re gifted a demon lord’s soul, you become a demon too.
Eddie’s cult ends soon after, disbanded into non-existence. In its place, however, rises a new one that worships not just one demon caretaker, but two as Eddie is soon joined by another with floppy brown hair and sparkling brown eyes that for once smiles without hidden pain. They take care of their charges, gently coax them into eternal rest when it’s their time, and together prove that true love is forever.
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churino · 3 months ago
Design for nightstick (g1 cyclonus' targetmaster real name terry masterson)
Headmaster's underappreciated cousin, terry got the short end of the stick genetically, and got bad eyesight, bad posture and ages really poorly but he's a complete genius when it comes to alien tech even accessing the extranet using earth tech and making a friend.
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Terry masterson is the son of a previous relationship mega (of overlord fame) had with a full human before she met giga and is seen as something of a brown spot in his parent's history, inexperienced with raising children at the time, mega was unable to raise him properly even though she always wanted kids. So in addition to terry's own health issues he developed an inferiority complex and loose morals, which led him to fall in with his criminal uncle for support and cut his mother out of his life,
Under lord Zarak's roof he continued being neglected in favor of Zarak's own son henry until Henry's untimely death. Then the attention started going towards his step sister, making her sever whatever care she had for him before and leaving Terry to work on his projects alone in the dark, eventually he created a signal booster that gave him access to the greater internet-esque superstructure outside of earth that he called the extranet, using it to learn more about alien technology and communicate with other users, he eventually made a friend in the decepticon catfish cyberwarp, never one of her targets, just coincidentally frequenting the same online spaces she did outside of work the two became each other's closest friends (and maybe more) out of shared interests
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With the information terry uncovered within the extranet he began developing weapons that greatly overpowered anything on earth, his most notable creation and the source of his nickname the nightstick was a gun that can snuff out light and radiation, mostly harmless for humans but deadly against transformers as their sparks are made out of light and radiation.
The nightstick can be inserted into a larger superstructure called the nebulon that not only empowers it's beam but also stores the stolen light and radiation within itself, functionally it is a crude spark extractor, and it's use in warfare for the transformers elicits the same reaction mustard gas would to a human which earns him if not direct enemies at least fear and distrust within the sixclan but unbeknownst to him Tarantulas, Ida, and Navi-ko have a certain fondness for him but because of their secretive ways he never benefits from it,
Terry has become a very depressive person, with cyberwarp and a few other online friends inadvertently being the only things keeping him in the path of vilany as his signal booster does take more energy than available on the electric grid, making him dependent on the six clan to be able to talk to his friends. If the autobots could provide him with enough power for his signal booster he'd hop ship immediately. As he doesn't really buy the six clan's mission or decepticon ideology, he just wants to survive
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gemmahale · 8 months ago
WIP Wednesday (6/26/2024)
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot
Working Title: Don't Go Down Easy, Sunshine (Part 1 of Museum Muse)
Pairing: John 'Soap' MacTavish x OFC Darlene 'Daisy' Houghton
Rating: E (Canon compliant violence, blood, language, kink and BDSM, sex)
Part 1 Synopsis: Fix-it for the tragedy that is the end of MWIII. (This can stand alone, but sets everything up for the later story.)
Story Synopsis: An online friendship blossoms between KelpieTinker96 and IrisOfTheLake when they keep finding themselves active in the same online forums - especially a few spicy ones. Shy flirts become outright come-ons, and a tentative relationship blooms.
On the other side of the screen, John MacTavish (KelpieTinker96) is adjusting to a major shift in his work-life balance after a life-saving surgery. The 141 continues mopping up the mess left behind by the Russian Ultranationalists that followed Makarov. Soap's indefinitely benched, stuck working intel with Laswell until further notice. His therapist suggests art classes to keep himself sane and find an outlet for his pent-up energy.
Darlene Houghton (IrisOfTheLake) is struggling with the mundane life of a museum curator, looking for something more. When Terry invites Daisy to pose as the nude model for their "Bodies in Art" live drawing class, she tentatively agrees. She's taken by the handsome Scot that limps into the studio. He's kind and supportive and makes her feel the same way Tinker makes Iris feel - desired and cherished.
Tinker and Iris eventually decide to meet at a coffee shop in person - but can their relationship survive the shift to IRL? Or are they in for the biggest surprise of their life when face to face with reality?
AKA: I fix the bullshit in the tunnel (yes, I'm pulling dialogue from the scene). Soap's healing post-mission is rough. Daisy's in dire need of some lovin'. Both learn to be loved their own ways through art and kink. (yes, puppy play happens 😉)
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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Soap follows his Captain to the large yellow door that marks the entrance to the service tunnel. The warring emotions inside his heart solidify, compressing into next to nothing as he focuses on the work ahead. The grip of his pistol feels familiar in his hands, his mind stilling as he listens for Price’s commands. The beast inside of him roars.
“Bravo-6 to Watcher, we are on the X. Going for Makarov.” Price grins at Soap, blue eyes glinting in the light.
“Solid copy. Go get him, John.” 
Soap can’t still his tongue as Price reaches for the door handle. “This bastard won’t go down easy, Sir.”
Price studies Soap’s face, dropping his guard for a moment. Soap sees the anger, the rage, the simmering emotions he’s shoved away for now clearly reflected in his Captain’s face. He knows he’s not alone in this - they share the same burden.
Makarov needs to die.
“Neither will we, Sunshine.” Those emotions disappear from Price’s face, replaced by stone-cold logic and determination. He pats Soap on the shoulder twice, shifting his rifle in his arms. “A’ight. Come on.”
The yellow door swings open, a yawning maw to what Soap knows is going to be a bloodbath. Hopefully it means the end of this terroristic regime Makarov is seeking to build. The bloodthirsty, revenge-seeking monster surges out of his chest, intent on settling the score.
“On you, sir.”
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multi-muse-transect · 5 months ago
Cyberpunk Jinx AU Headcanons
Basically how I think Jinx's story would go if she ran into Ciri from the Witcher who can travel dimensions and chose to hide in the Cyberpunk universe to start a new life.
Jinx got her new lease on life when she met Ciri who showed her a place to get away and it was the Cyberpunk universe. She arrived in Ohio first and fell in with the Bakker Clan under the name V. There she bonded with the Nomads and even got some chrome until she saw her new family finally disappear after they integrated into Snake Nation thus causing Jinx to head to Night City for a job.
She actually thrives well in Night City with Jackie as she was a natural at fighting. Jackie pointed it out and she says she has chrome in her system when it's really shimmer.
Jackie, Viktor, and Misty are basically Jinx's new family with Viktor remind her of Vander.
After the heist, Johnny looked deep into her mind and thought he was on drugs again when he saw her past then kept quiet about it. It wasn't until he brought it up to her at the motel. My bet is that he would say "You were like me but got cold feet! So when the deed was done, you upped and left everyone!" And that causes Jinx to fall silent with Johnny saying "What? Are you gonna forget me like how you did with Vi, Clogger, and Milo?"
Johnny and Jinx would talk about their situations and how they are alike in many ways leading to alternate conversations.
The relic ends up making Jinx even more unstable cause she's basically dying or her mind is getting rewritten.
She would definitely have sick guitar skills when she's playing with Kerry Eurodyne.
Judy and her would do a lot of flirting.
Jinx has PTSD flashbacks when she meets Panam cause her and Vi are alike in so many ways. She fears getting attached to her but ends up getting attached anyway and she gets a new sister.
Jinx just gets too much bad Caitlyn flashbacks when she meets River yet opens up to him in the end. Even solving the whole Peter Pan case with him.
In Phantom Liberty, Solomon Reed does a scan on Jinx only to find out there's no registration or information on her at all which makes him infinitely suspicious cause the NUSA keeps tabs everyone while there's nothing on Jinx. Even Myers is puzzled about this when he tells it to her alongside Songbird who is just as confused.
If Jinx chose the Devil ending, her last memories and words are her sister's name as soulkiller zaps her and turns her consciousness into an engram. She's later brought back in a new body that has shimmer in it then leaves the Cyberpunk universe when she meets Ciri again and returns to her universe where she works at the bar and meets Vi again who of course doesn't recognize her but the two become friends alongside Caitlyn and Ekko. Jinx sees the mural and says goodbye to her former self before heading off.
In the Tower ending, Jinx ends up with no more chrome but still has shimmer inside her veins which grabs the attention of Myers and Reed. She returns to Night City where things have changed but beats the hell out of Terry to showcase her strength and doesn't need combat implants.
The Star ending is Jinx going with the Aldecaldos with a new family to start another life. Jinx makes her peace with her past and finally settles down.
Temperance ending is Johnny who is now Jinx meeting Ciri again as she tells her to find Vi and take her to Night City to the Columbariam where Johnny has set up a niche for her. The niche reads "Powder-the woman who saved and changed many lives. Even mine. Thank you." Vi and Ciri arrive there with Vi finding said niche before sadly and angrily demanding to be left alone with it while Johnny leaves Night City.
Suicide ending is the same as before but Misty implies that she knows where she's from.
In the Sun ending, Mr Blue Eyes hints he knows that Jinx isn't from their universe at all and drops hints to her. Even quoting Silco as well. Jinx takes up the Crystal Palace job and flies off.
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one-rover · 1 year ago
My version of an adult Jesse
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Hello again!
This is the part with adult Jesse:
• She became attached to the Earth in much the same way as Terry, falling in love with the culture and people. Jesse has really become very similar to a very ordinary person (despite her outer shell), who has her own dreams and interests.
• Jess hasn't grown much in height, so she's often asked how old she is, which gets a little tiresome. She tried to wear heels, but these instruments of torture were clearly not to her liking. She eventually came to terms with it.
• Jesse also started wearing glasses. No, there’s nothing wrong with her vision, she just feels absolutely great with this decorative accessory. She began to be more often attracted to human trinkets and things, which worried Korvo a little, but Terrance, as always, advised her to just not worry about it.
• After her brother left (who went to explore the vastness of space), Jesse was left practically alone. She missed her brother, because, despite his lousy character, he supported her and they often fooled around. It was difficult for Jess to make friends, and it was also difficult at school (unfortunately, the bullies did not go on space travel). But, having already graduated from school, everything went smoothly and she found interesting people who were not worried about the girl’s unusual appearance. They were a little weird and goofy, but Jess liked it.
• Jesse likes to attend different events and take part in creative competitions. She, like a sunflower, is drawn to the light and longs to test herself. Jesse doesn't use Sci-Fi as much as she used to, but it wouldn't be solar opposites if she didn't constantly get into trouble. Alien parents often pull their daughter out of various troubles. Even with one child, they manage to find adventures to their ass!..
• The girl is 22 years old and she is engaged in design. Almost all of Jesse and Yumyulak's room became Jess's room. She actively runs some social networks and tries to promote her creativity. It is difficult for the older Slorpians to understand the girl, but they really try to support her in her endeavors.
• And finally, Jesse sees his brother. He can plop down on this planet once, twice or three times every six months to see his family and again talk about the next dangerous pursuit. The girl likes it when Yumyulack visits them, she really misses him sometimes. But Yumyulack promised her to take her with him on one of his trips, which the young designer was extremely happy about. Now they are both waiting for this meeting.
This was my idea of the future Jesse Opposite :)
I really hope that someone can agree with me on something. I'm hooked on this idea for the future and maybe I'll do some more in the future.
I wish everyone a good day/morning/evening/night! ;)
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aemiron-main · 7 months ago
Young and Alone When She Had You vs I Don’t Want To Be Alone Again: Initial Post About ST & TFS vs All You Zombies
Thinking about what James has said re: Patty’s eerie resemblance to her mother versus something I’ve been looking into lately- the parallels between ST and All You Zombies (especially Patty-related parallels) and the idea of Patty being her own mother/being her own child (and possibly her own father too, but that’s a topic for the actual bigger post about this), and how TFS Henry describes Patty’s mother as being “young and alone when she had you”-
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-versus Patty being “young” in TFS (being a freshman in highschool) versus her also using the words “lonely” and “alone” to refer to herself.
Like, not only does she talk about being “lonely,” in the very beginning of TFS-
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-but she also talks about being “alone,”/how she “doesnt want to be alone again,” during that exact scene where Henry says that her mother was “young and alone” (Henry tells her about how Mr Newby stole her and then Patty starts crying about not wanting to be alone after Henry tells her that she’s “nothing”):
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It’s also extra interesting that Henry says that Patty’s “always known it” re: Mr Newby lying to her about her mother/about Patty being stolen:
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It’s interesting because how would Patty know? Sure, I guess she could suspect it, but there’s not really a set precedent re: “Patty just non supernaturally suspects that Mr Newby stole her”, it’s not something that gets brought up prior & Mr Newby treats it like some huge deep secret that Patty doesn’t know about- however it would make sense for Patty’s mom to know about it because she lived through it! And so then, if Patty’s her own mother via time travel, that would explain how Patty “always knew”. Because she lived it as her mother.
Especially since in the screenshot from earlier, Patty says that she doesn’t want to be “alone again”- which, while on the surface, this seemingly connects to her not wanting to lose Henry, it doesnt really fit in that context because the whole context of this discussion is about Patty and her mother and Patty being stolen. So, Patty saying that she doesnt want to be “alone again,” might instead be a reference to the idea that Patty is her own mother and was “alone” when she had herself & it’s like a loop (which, the idea of this whole thing being like an individual person loop is something im going to talk more about in the bigger post about this), and Patty doesn’t want to repeat that loop/doesn’t want to become her own mother again/doesn’t want to go back to being alone.
Patty, quick, are you your own mom??
And did something similar happen with Terry and El/Jane (keeping in mind what James has said re: El and Jane being separate)- is Jane her own mother? Is that where Jane disappeared to & why we haven’t seen Jane, just El? Did she time travel and become Terry the same way the main character of All You Zombies (who is also, hilariously, named Jane) became her own mother?
(staring at Patty being referred to as “Jesus” in TFS/Mr Newby’s stolen baby Jesus vs him stealing baby Patty vs Jesus & immaculate conception vs Patty’s never-mentioned bio father & El’s never-mentioned bio father & Terry “not knowing she was pregnant”…)
(And even with the Henward-El father stuff, I’m talking about how on a surface level, it’s so weird that the topic of El’s bio father just… isn’t brought up IRT to Terry. Becky never mentions it, Jim and Joyce never ask when talking to Becky, Terry never shows El a memory of her bio father, nothing. Just like how it’s never even brought up at all with Patty.)
And I’m also staring at alllll of this/the idea of going through time & becoming your own mother/your own daughter & seemingly “immaculate conception” resulting from that vs all of the time travel stuff with NINA & the TFS NINA stuff vs Becky talking about how the tank that Terry was in was like a “bathtub”/horizontal, like a NINA tank, rather than an upright tank….
And all of this vs then connects to another draft I have re: how Becky makes constant references connected specifically to Patty when she’s talking to Jim and Joyce about Terry & Jane, like how Becky says that “it’s all make-believe,” re: Terry talking about Jane vs the Its Only A Paper Moon “it wouldnt be make-believe if you believed in me,” line that plays when Patty reunites with her mom and how Becky says that Terry said that Jane was “special,” vs Bob calling Patty “special” in TFS…
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lab-trash · 2 years ago
A Few Hot Takes About Elite Force
Bree did not deserve to go to Centium City, nor does it make sense plot-wise
In season four it's jokingly established that Bree is becoming sort of a mom-friend, mom-mentor sort of figure. There is no way in hell that she would've allowed fucking Adam and Leo to run the bionic island. She knows those two knuckle-heads would get into trouble. Don't get me wrong, I love when Adam takes control of the situation and when he takes responsibility for Bob in that one episode, but let's face it: he is not ready for such a large role when it comes to that many kids. Dude is not equipped to be a babysitter. When it comes to Leo, while he is more equipped for the situation, he is very well established to make shit go wrong on fucking accident. We see it time and time and time again, not only in season one, but in season four (read: the whole business card fiasco). She would've known that they would've be able to handle it alone, especially when taking into account that their chaperones would've been fucking Terry Cherry Perry and goddamn Douglas Davenport! Excuse me???? No! She would have not allowed that.
Edit- Also, she just got a sister! I know that she said that the excitement was gone after having to change diapers, but you're telling me that Bree wouldn't want to be a part of her life????
Leo did deserve to go to Centium City, and it would've made more sense plot-wise (especially if they kept it mostly the same story-wise)
Leo, as we all know, gets along great with Kaz. Not only that, but he's a superhero nerd. I guarantee that if Leo just knew wtf the 'secret project' was, he would've been on board faster than the train to Downtown Welkerville. It would've been epic to see him interact with not just Kaz, but Oliver too? Skylar probably would've felt like she fit in more too, because she's definitely one of the boys (not in a pick-me way, in a nonbinary way). It would've been really fun seeing Chase trying to battle Kaz, Oliver and Leo down from playing Topple Tower and whatever other various games. Such as, for example, Leo jumping off the building for Kaz and/or Oliver to catch him before he fucking dies. I know this was more of an Adam and Chase thing, but I still think we should've gotten a prank wars episode, and since it's decidedly canon that Bree is, at best, mid when it comes to pranks, it could've gotten real fucking intense. I love the idea of Oliver and Kaz warning Chase and Leo about Skylar being really amazing at pranks, and then when they don't really notice her being weird or suspicious, they just think it was to mess with their heads (which does or does not work, depending on if you want a Sicillian situation on your hands or not) so they brush it off, only to be bested by the prank master. But I'm getting off topic. The biggest reason that I think that Leo should've gone to Centium City instead of Bree is because of Episode 9 and Episode 10. In episode 9, The Intruder,we are introduced to a character named AJ, who finds Chase and Douglas in the Mission Command (aka, the basement) by mistake. And I know that they often draw comparisons from AJ to Chase, but I think that it would work way better with Leo— Better yet, Leo and Chase. Like Chase, AJ is autistic coded, socially inept, and a tech nerd. But like Leo, he means well. He wants to be a part of the team, even though objectively that maybe shouldn't be allowed. He snuck his way into this family by running into them when he didn't mean to, when he was just exploring where he lived. AJ should've gotten bonding time with Leo. Maybe then, the common headcannon that AJ will/would become Mission Specialist like Leo once was, would be cannon. Next is Episode 10, The Rock. In The Rock, AJ makes a list ranking the most useful/gifted in the Elite Force, to the least. This causes Bree to become insecure when she's placed in the middle, leading her to attempt getting more powers by touching the Arcturian. I will always stand by the fact that this was a fucking stupid idea. But when it's Leo? This idea becomes nearly fucking genius. Leo would likely be placed in a similar place, if not lower, given that only part of him has powers. He is not bionic, he has bionics. And, y'know, he's a superhero nerd; why would he not want superpowers. He also is reckless, which would make sense why he would touch the Arcturian without really thinking about it as much as he probably should. And best of all, this could be a personal secret, instead of a secret between him and someone else, like it was with Bree and Skylar. After all, Leo already has a buffer. His arm. Leo wouldn't need to be endangered to get these powers, he already paid that tax years ago. Leo would finally have powers. Not just partial powers; real, true powers. It makes sense that he would be the first bionic superhero. Leo deserves to be the first bionic superhero.
Edit cont.- I do think that Leo would want to be in Naomi's life too, I understand that. Especially with his dad having been absent in his life, he might want Naomi to grow up with her family around. But at the same time, I really like the idea of him letting Bree have that honour. Like a bit of an emotional moment as they debate who goes to Centium City and who stays on the island/in Mission Creek, and in the end, Leo knows how much Bree's always wanted a sister and decides that she should be allowed to have that.
I have way more, but I can't remember, so this is probably the last one. Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing should've been in Elite Force
They couldn't have invited Auggie Issac back for one episode just to make it feel more like Caldera? Seriously? She is definitely one of the highlights that we get when we visit Caldera in Mighty Med, and without her, it feels disingenuous. Hell, start the episode with a quick video chat with Gus talking about how things are going in Philly and with The Domain, make the universe feel more coherent and put together. And then, if Chase and Leo/Bree see the call, they could later mention how she looks like Gus. And, not only that, but she could help save Skylar. Like, instead of Scarlett just being like 'hey muthafuckas, lemme bring you to ya girl,' it could've had this semi-dramatic, semi-emotional moment with Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing where she explains that she saw Scarlett taking Skylar away. She could've explained the whole rebellion thing to Oliver and his accompaniment. They could've had one of those cross cut scenes where it cuts between Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing and Scarlett explaining what's going on, instead of getting weird feeling, one dimensional exposition from just Scarlett talking to Skylar through an oddly shaped TV. I would've loved to see her and Skylar reunite, even for a little bit. Hell, y'know what, Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing is basically not a pet, which is implied through the numerous jokes of her not responding to things that a normal pet do, and the fact that she speaks english. It would've been epic as fuck if she was like... leading a rebellion army. That would've been so fucking awesome. But that would've been far more difficult to do, and I understand that. But the first part? Cmon, she is the heart and soul of Caldera. She should've been there.
Sorry for the super long post that was basically about nothing, but I was ranting to my friend who knows nothing about the lref universe and I wanted to share these. They're definitely the ones I'm most passionate about— not including how I think that Douglas definitely should've been indited more as their father instead of Donald, especially in Elite Force where Douglas showed up more than Donald did. And that Tasha deserves someone better (and I wouldn't exactly mind if that person were Douglas, but I've been over how I think that Douglas deserves a nice twunk)
Let me know if I should make a part two, and I might rant about a few more things they could've done to make Elite Force better.
Anyway, all in all, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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thelovelydoggycatmadi · 1 year ago
me and lions objectively correct mystreet character ranking (not clickbait fr fr)
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So let me explain the ranks here a bit and why characters are in certain places:
S Tier: Characters that have a solid foundation or general character arcs that both me and Lion liked they’re story and character was enjoyable from beginning to end.
Lucinda is the only S tier character because she managed to remained both consistent character throughout the show. And while she doesn’t have a general arc that really doesn’t make her character any less likable. She’s just a silly little guy that activates the neurons.
A Tier: characters that we found really strong and compelling but have one really big glaring issue from putting them in S.
Rowan is here simply because he was really enjoyable, a genuine healthy father figure, and was just super cool to watch. His problem: lack of screen time.
Zianna has the same problem as Rowan her importance to the plot overall is also a factor.
Zane and Kc have the problems of both certain parts of there stories leaving us feeling icky. Like Zane becoming an over protective incel that sees aph as an object, or KC’s shipping shrine and canonically being a stalker.
B Tier are characters that we liked but just simply couldn’t peek are interest character wise due to one reason or another.
I’m gonna try and speed run the rest of these so:
Garroth: same problem with Zane but worse his obsession with aph even with or without the inclusion of mcd feels unearned and generally problematic. He’s goofy though and has a solid character arc with his brother
Eric and Terry: goofy and likable but nothing much outside of that also besides Rowan they are the only good parental figures in the show. (Eric is higher because he has more screen time)
Daniel: he’s voiced by ross has an interesting character concept, he’s the only werewolf character that didn’t frustrate me personally at some point. He’s just not all that important.
vlyad teony and GF captain: all interesting characters that weren’t in the show enough.
blaze: making in here on charm and charisma alone. (Also because our friend June fell in love with him, you can imagine his reaction to season 6.)
Brandon: mainly here because Lion said so.
C tier is mostly for the meh characters that we didn’t feel super strongly about for the most part.
Travis: didn’t have a decent enough character or story to really make us care in anyway. While pm seymour gave it their all it wasn’t really enough to keep us engaged.
Laurence: he has like one or two really good moments. And some laughs. Didn’t keep me or him engaged, especially after he just vanished.
from Ivy to kai: all these characters have really likable personalities and stories but they all generally had the one thing in common where they just weren’t in the show enough or there character took a direction we agreed wasn’t all that good or interesting.
Ivan: he serves his purpose as a one off villain. That’s all.
White haired girl: she just exist for a bump in the road in Aarmau.
Aphmau: none of her arcs are interesting, her personality isn’t consistent and when Jess does stick to a personality for her it’s generally not that likable.
D Tier: where hitting characters that both of us generally felt were lacking or straight up didn’t like.
Sylvanna: this may shock some of you but I’m going to be brutally honest, half of the reason y’all like her is because you HC her as being overprotective because Aaron is a groomer. Now let me be clear that’s not a problem, however that doesn’t change the fact in the actual show, it’s written more like an emotional incest situation. If Aaron being a groomer was “played straight” as it were she’d be much higher. But the canon reason of her overprotective (at least the reason were given initially) is that Aaron does a better job at taking care of Aph. It’s not because she actually fears Aph is in danger as we come to learn. It leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.
Nicole: didn’t like that Dante was the one punished for their break up. They even mention later that she was being unreasonable. But Dante was at fault don’t get me wrong. But she also wasn’t in the show a hole lot and from what we see of her, just didn’t stick out to us.
Michi: plot device in character form, she could’ve been so much better if her character wasn’t watered down to “Aarmau Speed Bump”
From Kacey to Nekoette: all characters that felt shoved in for plot purposes and didn’t have enough personality to make up for it. They all range of for being added for stupid reasons like another conflict or fan-service. Some of these are even combinations of those reasons plus they just have some really unlikable moments that rubbed us the wrong way or even worse did not help the plot at all by being there.
Katelyn: I’ve made it extremely clear I don’t like this character and she’s at the very bottom because I believe her offenses are worse than most characters before but don’t deserve hell tier. She technically “works through” her fantasy racism and other problems just not in a compelling or even satisfying way. Even her reasons just didn’t justify her actions for us.
HELL: characters that did morally deplorable things therefore we did not like them on principal. ONTOP of being poorly written because in this series they go hand in hand.
Rachel gaslit her son and told Melissa to get Aaron home by any means necessary and that was implied to be the blackmail Melissa got from Michi. She generally invaded his privacy and almost ruined her son and an innocent girls relationship because of toxic traditional family values. (I believe she would’ve done this with or without the ultima curse, remember, that all what I just wrote was something written before that was even conceived.) and then does a 180 when season 5 hits. We all laughed and played crab rave when she was publicly executed.
Elizabeth abandoned her kids don’t care if that part wasn’t her fault because she was sealed away because again that was written before season 4-5 (we also see Zack abandoning his kid so like it’s implied she did it before she was sealed away anyway.) Also allowed a literal demon to do experiment a on her daughter. She doesn’t get any satisfying conclusion to her villain arc and she’s part of the post credit cliffhanger.
Zack cheated on his wife and abandoned his child after experimenting on her and was Michaels right hand only to grow a conscious after the literal child abuser tells him to produce a spine. Was not in the show enough to be a “I love to hate” kinda character.
Garte and Derek are both on the list for basically the same reason neither of there characters end in a satisfying way. Dereks just worse because he directly abused Aaron verbally.
Emmalyn is here because me and Lion took her as a stand in for ghost sense they are the same character. And she SA’s Zane. Ghost also confuses the plot heavily. And made the story so hard to follow in season 6. She actively makes both the story worse both inside and out.
Ein stalked and mind controlled multiple characters and was both indirectly and directly responsible for multiple innocent peoples deaths. There’s more you could say about him but he’s just not a compelling villain. His plans are not his own, the plans he does come up with only work by chance. He’s basically if you took Michi and cranked her up to 11.
Micheal is a really bad uncompelling villain outside of MCD besides killing people and world domination or whatever. He does nothing interesting with the time he’s given.
Balto and Aaron are both different flavors of pedos. Balto tries ask aph to prom, like even if bruh was just doing it for power; what the fuck. Even if was compelling he wouldn’t be any higher.
Gene is also a pedophile and gets Ein to take pictures of her when he graduates college, which is a shame because he actually does have a compelling story but because of how problematic his flaw is we couldn’t rank him any higher.
Aaron has been talked to death about so I won’t repeat what’s been said a hundred times over. But pedophillia, mass genocide, and a general inconsistent characterization is everyone’s main problem.
Ace: Our friend Ace was in call with us, we gave her one chance to save a character from a lower tier.
Melissa: originally in hell tier for enabling her parents and taking black mail from Michi, and just not having a spine when it came to the abuse of Aaron and that part of her character being sweated under the rug as she hardly had any consequences for gaslighting him. Even going so far to say they’ve changed and have gotten better when they clearly had not. Emotionally manipulating him at almost any chance she had. The reason why she rescued her and not her other choice Aphmau is because Ace is a lesbian.
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mouchiiarts · 1 year ago
Okay this is kind of a vent but am I the only one who thought s4 of The Dragon Prince felt really,, off?
Like it was good and well executed and all of this could very well just be a consequence of COVID and Netflix messing with season four's production but something about this season felt really weird. And, truthfully, it's kind of the everything that feels off.
A lot of the characters felt very out of character. I'm sorry but Callum should've been rightfully VERY upset with Rayla. She abandons him on the day of his birthday after he nearly loses her to the moon lake, after she makes a promise to stay with him and get through all of their shit together, and she DOESN'T COME BACK FOR YEARS. And when she does come back, they're suddenly just really awkward but still in love??? HUH??? Did I miss something?? Why are they still in their "awkward, before they get together" phase??? Callum should rightfully be extremely upset with Rayla if not furious with her!! You could have kept them amicable when Rayla comes back! She could be a bit distant but still hopeful that Callum will forgive her easily but realizes Callum is angry and is trying to be kind to her even though he's clearly not happy! Let him tell her off! Why didn't he do that??? You could still have him be nice but there's a bittersweetness to it.
Speaking of Rayla, she felt off too. Idk she just,, wasn't distant enough. You'd think after being alone for years on end she'd be a bit less trusting of others, even the friends she knew. But people change! She shouldn't have been sure how much Callum would've changed. Also her lemur doesn't look right. She noticeably stands out amongst the other characters and creature designs. Bait, although he looks a bit like a plushy, works because he feels like a unique creature to this world. Rayla's lemur just straight up looks like a doll. She doesn't look right. Also she's just a lemur with extra limbs. That's it. And she's kind of purple. Why not get weirder with her and mash her up with another animal? Like a squirrel or maybe a hawk? Idk she just doesn't look right.
Claudia also feels,, very strange. Like yes she's funny and dorky but her antics felt really amped up this season. She feels dumber somehow. And Claudia isn't dumb. She's very smart actually but she can be oblivious sometimes. But I dunno she feels too comedic this season which creates such a whiplash for me. She's the villain and brought her father back from the dead. So why is she so,, dumbed down? Also her boyfriend,, he's fine I suppose? But why would Claudia be dating an elf? HE'S AN ELF. He also doesn't like dark magic?? Huh?? Wouldn't it be more of a novel concept for him to be an elf who also wants to do dark magic? Shouldn't he be in favor of that? Why was he against it? Terry never feels like a proper villain. And outside of dating Claudia, he has no motive to stay with her or her father! He doesn't like dark magic so why is he with Claudia? How did they meet? How did they become friends? What made her like him?? CAUSE HE SEEMS THOROUGHLY ALIGNED WITH THE ELVES in terms of worldviews on magic! Terry also feels out of place in terms of his comedy. The fart joke thing got old fairly quickly for me as well. I get it, it's a kid show, but I dunno it felt a little too much like writer's weird fetish in certain places.
Ezran feels fine though in terms of writing. He still feels in character and like he's evolved. He's wiser and has been ruling as king for a while now. And I like that they kept the friendship with him and Zym the same, that was nice! I just wish Zym could talk now that's he's older. Also, shouldn't he be a bit bigger? Tbh I always thought dragons grew super quickly as adolescents. Ah well, not issues with them. Also Soren. He is still the loml and I can't ever hate him. I do wish he could've bonded with and kept a wyvern though. That would've been cool as hell.
Now for the animation. It was too smooth for me. I love the choppy uneven Spiderverse inspired look of the second and third season so much! But in s4, I could barely find spots where the animation wasn't super smooth. The colors of this season are also way off. We spend a majority of the time in (what I am assuming is) Earthblood elf territory but the colors don't look right. They don't gel together very well. This is especially noticeable in the cave scene towards the end of the season. All of those crystals were so deeply saturated and NONE of those colors looked nice together. Especially on gray speckled rock. It was hard for me to see what I was supposed to be looking at! Emphasis and focus were two aspects which this show really seemed to struggle with this season in terms of visuals. The updated character designs look nice though, I don't have any qualms there (aside from the lemur).
Except for the Earthblood elves. WHY DID YOU TAKE AWAY THEIR COOL TREE BRANCH HORNS CONCEPT ART. They had moss and leaves on their shoulders and bodies. And cool swirly carvings. Why did they take that away :(
Idk maybe all of my issues with this season will be remedied by s5 which I still need to watch. Just needed to vent this out. I still like this show and I'll keep watching it but man, it's gained some problems for me I can't really seem to ignore. Especially since the first 3 seasons were so well paced.
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taoofshigeru · 9 months ago
Okay, tell me about that Partitio AU. I don't have specific questions. Tell me anything you want to talk about. 👀
[cracks knuckles] Okay, so.
Partitio is now a business tycoon, a steam cowboy who's known the world over. He's loaded with wealth and looking for ways to invest it to benefit people. And he's got world's most competent guy™️ Thurston on some investigations into how he can put that to work. Among other things, this leads him to an interest in canal sanitation, which is how he finds out about the mysterious amnesiac apothecary. Thurston's efforts to locate her only succeed on the day of the attempted mass poisoning at Timberain, where he helps Edmund persuade the guards to evacuate and joins Castti in the rooftop struggle versus Trousseau.
In the course of dealing with corrupt officials demanding bribes, Thurston notices many of the same issues in the judicial system writ large, and reform becomes one of Partitio's civic projects. Pulling on this thread (ala The Court of Last Resort) uncovers some key irregularities in the trial of one Osvald V. Vanstein. When attempts to overturn the conviction stall in court, Partitio takes matters into his own hands. A trip to Terry's shipyards in Toto'haha and a chance encounter with Ochette later, he sails the Grand Terry to Frigid Isle and exposes the brutality behind the system. This happens to be the same day that Osvald and Emerald are staging their escape. They get past the warden, but Partitio stops them on the docks, offering to take both with him and forge new passports for both, on the condition they work for Partitio & Roque. Of course, he praises the innovative nature of their attempt, and the careful planning. Osvald is not candid about his revenge quest, but does use his new job to gather information.
Now Partitio's party is going to help Ochette in her journey to stormhail. The Glacis situation is dealt with, but they decide to linger while Thurston and Floyd try testing some new machinery that works best in cold weather. While stuck there they encounter both Hikari and Temenos. Hikari is met in a bar, and Partitio and Osvald persuade him to not go and persuade Rai Mei alone. Meanwhile, Ochette and Castti encounter Temenos on the day of Crick's death and follow him after Ochette notices something about the cleric's smell.
Castti, Osvald, and Temenos putting their heads together afterwards makes it clear there might well be a greater force at work behind many of their problems. In this AU, Ori has become Partitio's executive secretary. Though conflicted, she still works for the moonshades. Throughout the story, sometimes important calls for help/assistance get conveniently dropped to the bottom of the pile. She gets more and more conflicted seeing Partitio do more good and get upset when he's unable to help his new friends out. Eventually someone who's not Partitio confronts her, and she cracks. Castti, Temenos, and Osvald probably would be close to catching on. But the one who clocks the mole first is actually Ochette, and she confronts Ori about the interference she's been running. Cue Orichette hours.
After the events of Stormhail, everyone needs a break and Partito takes the group down to Merry Hills for the festival. Watching Agnea and Dolcinea's competition from front-row seats, Partitio is smitten with the redhead and the entire rest of the gang prods him to go backstage and introduce himself. She also falls for his dorky cowboy personality, and decides to tag along.
At this point, Ori has been spilling the beans and the gang immediately decide to head down to Lifeseed to confront Claude, one of the chief masterminds behind the conspiracy. They get there only to find he's already been killed at the hands of Throné Anguis, an eleventh hour addition to the team.
…From there, the journey for the dawn unfolds as follows. -Arcanette sacrifices herself once she gets word Claude has died to douse the Flamechurch flame. Ochette confronts Petrichor directly before the night of the scarlet moon starts, but just barely fails to prevent the dark hunter's sacrifice. -Tanzy extinguishes the Crackridge flame, fulfilling Arcanette's last command. -The travelers, now knowing there's only one flame left keeping the seal, race to Ku to find Mugen's troops arrayed outside the tranquil grotto, waiting in a trap set by Oboro. Partitio and his army of mercenaries fight to break through, while Hikari and Ori both end up confronting Oboro at the sacred flame with the darkblood blade ready to slice his stomach. The two make one last, desperate attempt to save him from his despair.
In one branch of the timeline, the Hikari/Ori duo are able to talk him out of it and Vide's resurrection is thwarted.
In the other, Harvey is the one waiting for them at Vidania, and challenges Osvald to a duel with Elena on the line. Elena is trapped by a magical curse that will only be lifted if Harvey dies and will kill her if anyone interferes with the duel. Upon failing to defeat his archrival, Harvey spits and curses with his last breath before tossing himself into the fire pit. Then Vide is fought more or less the same way as in the main story.
Addenda: The other travelers, ranked by how well they could fit into such an AU after the outcome of their main story:
1) Agnea - She tours all over as a diva and has plenty of time to get mixed up in local affairs like the other travelers' main paths, and she'd be happy to lend her celebrity to their causes. 2) Osvald - There's unanswered questions about why Harvey bribed the judge to spare his life, versus other forces who wanted him dead. And, like it or not, being the wielder of the one true magic makes him a target for the moonshades. It's possible one of the other travelers witnesses an attempted hit on Osvald and steps in to nurse the stranger back to health, leading to them getting mixed up. He's still a man on the run, and that would lead to a dramatic tension when he struggles to decide whether to be honest with another traveler he decided to help. [It's just Urasawa Naoki's Monster. [It's just The Fugitive, created by Roy Huggins.]] 3) Temenos - [Unsolved Mysteries theme intensifies] 4) Castti - There are questions remaining about the man who corrupted Trousseau, but I think she'd be more interested in rebuilding Healeaks than continuing to travel. 5) Ochette - The new guardian of the village, she has responsibilities that keep her there unless some new ill omen forced her to leave again. 6) Hikari - He is now a head of state, confined to a localized region in the outskirts of the map. 7) Throné - She wants to leave the continent, and there's no real attachments left to stop her from doing so immediately. More likely she winds up finding her way to Orsterra and mixed up with the crows. (Throné x Primrose AU: She's tired of murders, she can't get enough. They become queerplatonic travel buddies.)
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bi-lavelent · 9 months ago
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem-Reader part 7)
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Warning: Fluff, Angst, Cussing, Bullying, Smut
We were all sat in the auditorium. Everybody except for me was watching Sue and Mr.Schue fight. I needed to talk to Sue after practice she needed to take the glee club down and I was ready to help. You see since the other day Quinn still has not talked to me. I overheard that she giving the baby to Terry. This highschool had never been this dramatic til now. It may or may have not also been the fact that I haven’t gotten layed recently. With glee I didn’t have time to go Cruising lately so I had to stay on home turf. Which wouldn’t had been an issue my freshman year when I was I had more confidence or any of the other years when there was ladies willing to do a little lady on top of lady stuff. But instead I’ve had to use my message gun and my fingers. It’s not the same I understand why Sue is always angry. I have gone full out against the glee club not only due to me not having friends except for the freshman. I’ve got nothing Santana won’t even flirt with me anymore. Which she started freshman year before all this Glee club shit. Sue had decided to turn the minorities against the others. As the meeting ended I ran up to Sue
“Hay sue” I said
“Yes Y/N” Sue said
“Can we talk in you office” I asked
“Sure” Sue said
As we both walked to her office together
“I can help you destroy Glee club. But you have to promise me two things one you won’t get kick Quinn off the Cheerios and two you’ll protect me if they come after me.” I said
“What do you got?” Sue asked
“I got things that will tear each of them apart. I’m tired of them bashing kids with special needs.” I told her.
The next day, I was sitting in the choir room as everybody entered. As Sue called out the names for her special club. Called Sues Special kids
“K just take the football players and your Cheerios” Mr.Schue said
“K when you hear your name cross over to my side of the black shiny thing.” Sue said
“That’s called the piano Sue.” Schue said
“Santana, Wheels, Gay kid, Asian, other Asian, Arthea, Shaft and Y/n” Sue said
As I was sitting in the glee room waiting for sue Santana came in.
“Hey” I said
“Don’t talk to me” Santana said
“Look I know we were never friends. But we at-least talked. We were becoming friends.” I said
“Okay than what’s going on with you and Puck.” She said
“Nothings going on I’m not flirting with him I’m mad at him. He got Quinn kicked off the Cheerios cause he blabbed to coach Sue about her pregnancy.” I said
“Why would he care? Why would either of you care?” she asked
“Because Finn isn’t the father he is she felt shitty about herself and he got her extremely drunk and took advantage of her. Oh yeah all of this was while you two were together.” I said
“Okay that does not answer why you’re helping Quinn.” She said
“What I’m about to tell you only two people in this school know. Sue and Quinn and know you. Freshman year I went worlds on the schools boxing team I was dating a Lacrosse, football player who was a senior. I got pregnant 6 months before school ended. The dad left for college I have never seen him since I then had the baby all alone no one was there for me. Because I had pushed everyone I cared about away. My daughter lives on a farm in Kansas. It was an open adoption so she can find me when she turns 18. But that’s why helping Quinn I was Quinn. I was popular I wasn’t a cheerleader I’m not hot or sexy enough to be one. But I was popular I lost everything so since Puck told Sue I’ve been trying everything to save Quinn’s reputation at this school. I even agreed to help you guys destroy Glee club. I care okay.” I said
“Wait that’s actually really nice.” Santana said “Wait do you think I’m hot?”
“Maybe I guess you will never know” I said
“Look When Sue told me to take glee club down. She also said that if I needed to get credit for a source to take you guys down too.” I said
“Of course she did” she said
“I really like you guys, you’re nice to my sister. I’m glad she has you guys as friends.” I said
“Thanks your not to bad yourself and hey I won’t get offended when you come at us. You’re actually kinda nice. This doesn't make us friends though” She said
“Oh trust me we will be friends one day.” I said
“Okay when pigs fly.” She said
As everyone else came in including sue went to sit next to each other she sprawled out on two chairs her head was on my feet as I was also sprawled out on two chairs.
Me and Santana sat up and danced together and sang along to song that Sue had chosen. What apparently connected to us being minorities.
The next day in glee we all were sat in there singing rid with me
Where they at? Where they at? Where they at? Where they at? Where they at? Where they at? Where they at? Where they at? (Come on, now)
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money)
In the club on the late night, feeling right Looking, trying to spot something real nice Looking for a little shorty I noticed so that I can take home (I can take home) She can be 18 (18) with an attitude Or 19, kinda snotty, acting real rude But as long as you a thicky-thicky-thick girl You know that it's on (you know that it's on)
I peep something coming towards me on the dance floor Sexy and real slow Saying she was peeping and I dig the last video "So when Nelly, can we go?" How could I tell her no? Her measurements were 36-25-34 "I like the way you brush your hair And I like those stylish clothes you wear I like the way the light hit the ice and glare And I can see you, boo, from way over there"
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money)
Face and body Frontenac, don't know how to act Without no vouchers on her boots she's bringing nothing back You should feel the impact, shop on plastic When the sky's the limit and them haters can't get past that Watch me as I gas that 4 dot 6 Range Watch the candy paint change, every time I switch lanes It feel strange now Making a living off my brain, instead of 'caine now I got the title from my momma, put the whip in my own name now Damn, shit done changed now Running credit checks with no shame now I feel the fame now (come on), I can't complain now (no more) Shit, I'm the mayne now, in and out my own town I'm getting pages out of New Jersey from Courtney B Telling me about a party up in NYC And can I make it? Damn right, I be on the next flight Paying cash, first class, sitting next to Vanna White, c'mon
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money)
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money)
Check, check, yo, I know something you don't know And I've got something to tell ya You won't believe how many people straight doubted the flow Most said that I was a failure But now the same motherfuckers asking me for dough And I'm yelling, "I can't help ya" "But Nelly can we get tickets to the next show?" Hell no (what's witchyou?), you for real?
Hey yo, now that I'm a fly guy, and I fly high Niggas want to know why, why I fly by But yo, it's all good, Range Rover all wood Do me like you should, fuck me good, suck me good We be them stud niggas, 'wishing you was' niggas Popping like we drug dealers, sipping Crissy, bubb' macking Honey in the club, me in the Benz Icy grip, telling me to leave with you and your friends
So if shorty wanna knock, we knocking to this And if shorty wanna rock, we rocking to this And if shorty wanna pop, we popping the Crist' Shorty wanna see the ice, then I ice the wrist City talk, Nelly listen, Nelly talk, city listen When I fuck fly bitches, when I walk pay attention See the ice and the glist', niggas staring, know they diss Honies looking all "They wish, " come on boo, gimme kiss, c'mon
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money)
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money)
Hey, must be the money Hey, must be the money Hey, must be the money Must be the money
If you want to go and take a ride with me We 3-wheeling in the fo' with the gold D's Oh, why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money) If you wanna go and get high with me Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-E Oh, why must I feel this-
After the song ended
Rachel said “I miss us all being together”
“I hope we don’t get in trouble for our covert jam session” Artie said
we all laughed
“If sue catches us mingling we’re cooked. She told me if I even talked to one of Mr.Schues kid that she would shave my head and I just can’t rock that look. Even Justin Timberlake is growing his frow back.” Kurt said
“Well we gotta go you guys Mrs.Sylvester is expecting us in ten minutes. In the dance studio.” Mercedes said
I started to walk down and waited for Santana to finish her hug with Brittnay.
we all said bye and left
“Bye white people” Artie said
“hey what are you guys doing here” Mr.Schue said
“oh we’re just stopping bye to say hello.” Tina said
“Hey at-least I still get you Freshman” I said after we had left
“Hey what minority are you?” Matt asked
“yeah” everyone said
“I’ll tell you guys just not right now okay. Let’s go get to Sue before she yells at us for being late.” I said
I wrapped my arms around Mercedes and Kurt shoulders as we walked to the classroom.
Two days later in glee club. We all got sat down after Mr.Schue
“You’ll all minorities cause your in the glee club now there’s only 14 of you so it doesn’t matter that Rachel is Jewish or that Finn is” Mr.schue said
“unable to tell my rights from my lefts” Finn said
we all laugh
“or that Santana is Latina or that Quinn is” Mr. Schue says
“pregnant” Sue said
“Sorry Q it will be all over the blogosphere this afternoon. Now everybody knows. Including me.” Sue said
I meet Jacob leaving school. “Jacob no I don’t care what Sue made you do. I told you not to run that story. Hell Rachael even gave you her underwear. I gave you everything you wanted. One day you’re going to have to realize that the things you write can destroy peoples lives. Your not a journalists Jacob you’re a nerd who’s a bully. You just ruined Quinn’s life and she needs friends right now so I’m not gonna hurt you. But if you ever come after someone in Glee again and destroy their life I will burn your house down and kill you. Do you understand me.” I asked
“yes can I go know” he asked running off
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year ago
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The Golden Heart’s Regret and His New White Light
Alana sat beneath a tree in the Sweet Amouris High Courtyard while reading Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett when Rosalaya appeared before her. “Alana?” She asked. “Yes?”  Alana inquired as she closed her book and looked up at Rosa. Rosalaya looked at her very seriously. “Someone wants to talk to you.” Alana’s heart instantly began to pound with anticipation. “Please be Nathaniel... Please be Nathaniel...” She thought. Rosa stepped aside and revealed a very remorseful and nervous looking blonde boy. “I’ll leave you two alone. Try not to rip each other apart this time!” Rosa winked as she walked away.
“Rosa is quite confident... Its hard to say “no” to her.” Nathaniel laughed. Alana looked at him very seriously, stood up, and dusted herself off. “Let me guess... She forced you to come see me, didn’t she?” She sternly asked. “Let’s just say that she encouraged me quite a bit.” He replied. “If you’re coming to me simply out of obligation, then I’d rather you not.” She sharply stated. “I would have come on my own, eventually. I think that I owe you an... Apology.” He blushed. “Damn, I didn’t see that coming.” The voice in Alana’s head piped up. “What you did must not have been easy. You must have needed lots of courage and lots of... Support from the ones you love. And, I refused to admit it. I’m sorry... Are you still mad?” He apologized. Alana looked down and thought for a couple of minutes. “I understand if you don’t want to forgive me, right away, for what I said to you... But please, promise me you will think about it...” He pleaded. After thinking for a couple of minutes, Alana looked back up at him and stared deep into his golden eyes. “I have been thinking about it... For several days now... I have actually been hoping that you might come and apologize to me... But, before I give you my answer as to whether or not I will forgive you, I’d like to make a few things clear. You were horrible. You didn’t just patronize me and belittle me. You knew why I was doing what I did and you were still a monster to me for it. I don’t like being called an idiot Nathaniel... Let alone being treated like an insect... And you did both....” She began. “Alana...” He sadly sighed. “Honestly? I shouldn’t forgive you for what you did! I really shouldn’t! However, I am going to forgive you. Nathaniel Jacott, in your darkest moment, you lashed out and treated those who care about you like they were less than the feces in the sewers. But, I understand where I might have been out of line. You begged me to not go to Social Services... And I did anyway. That does not absolve you... At all. But, I care enough about you to look past that and hope that those actions were simply out of pain and despair. I forgive you.” She explained as she took his hand. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Yes! You beautiful idiot! I just explained that I care enough about you to not only do all of that, but forgive you in spite of how you acted!” She blurted out as tears came to her eyes. Nathaniel looked at her for a minute as wave after wave of relief crashed into him, consuming his body language. “I’m so relieved... I was terrified that you wouldn’t wanna talk to me after... After all of this...” He sighed. “Well...  Are things getting better for you now? Is your dad facing consequences?” She asked. “I don’t live with my parents anymore. Castiel suggested that I become legally independent. I hate having to say it, but... His idea was a great one.” Nathaniel explained. “So you got emancipated? That’s amazing! I’m just glad he didn’t have you do something illegal!” Alana cheered. “At the same time, its logical that this solution came from him. Even if... I still don’t understand why he helped me.” He added. “Maybe because, even though he is a huge jackass, there is at least a little bit of good in him? Or, maybe there’s the chance that even he doesn’t know why he helped you?” She shrugged. “It’s possible, yes.” He chuckled. “In any case... He did the right thing. So, what were the parameters of your emancipation?” She asked. “My parents had to give their accord to a judge.” He began. “And they just caved? Just like that?” She interrupted. “I didn’t really leave them a choice. If they didn’t give their accord, I had decided to tell Social Services everything. In the end, everyone got out unharmed...” He explained. “I suppose that is a good compromise...” Alana shrugged. “That’s the deal, yeah. They pay my apartment and costs. I also told my dad that he had better not express his anger on Amber. I couldn’t tolerate that and would have to intervene for good.” He continued. “I get that. No one deserves that abuse.” She nodded. “Well.... I never thought I would get to this point, but I threatened my parents. And now, I live alone.” He sighed. “Did you find a place in town?” She asked. “Yes. It’s modest, but pretty nice.” Nathaniel smiled. “Well... Can I come over one day?” She smirked. “Oh, uh... Yeah, why not... One day...” He stuttered.
It didn’t take long for things to get back to normal around Sweet Amoris High School since Nathaniel’s return. However, Alana instantly began noticing the man making a few changes about himself. He began acting more relaxed and open towards people. He changed his clothes to a pair of white button pants, and long sleeved, blue, v neck shirt. He even got his hair cut a bit shorter. The new shirt he had begun wearing also revealed that, in his spare time, Nathaniel had begun to work out, as his muscles were starting to become more prominent. “Damn it girl! You need to stop staring at his tits!” the voice in Alana’s head ordered when she watched him passing out papers in History Class one day. “I’m not!” She thought back.
News of his emancipation and the events surrounding it spread through the school like wildfire, however, Nathaniel took it with his head held high. It took all of Alana’s strength to keep herself from running up to Melody and gloating about it. But, that didn’t stop Sam from popping off to the girl when she had heard her making snarky comments at Alana’s expense. “Hey, at least my sister DID something! You would have just let it continue!” Sam shot. “Sam... Don’t bother, she’s not worth it.” Alana sighed as she shot Melody a look that said “I told you so.”. 
To say that Amber was not okay with the events that had transpired was a severe understatement. Her little gaggle of flying monkeys continued to support her, but even Sam could tell that it wasn’t enough. Each time Alana would look at Amber and see her continued distress towards the situation, a tsunami of regret and pity crashed into her. “Don’t feel sorry for that wretch! She needs to work through this just like everyone else does!” Sam scoffed when Alana expressed her guilt towards Amber’s pain. At one point, Alana even tried to talk to Amber, but Amber refused to listen to her. “Leave me alone Alana! Haven’t you done enough?!” Amber yelled. “But Amber... I’m sorry... I...” Alana blubbered. “No, you��re not sorry! You ruined my family!” Amber cut her off. “Amber...” Alana gasped. “You’d better watch your back from here on out. Because, the second I get a chance to “return the favor”, I’m taking it!” Amber snarled as she walked off.
"Nathaniel! You’ve changed your look! I’m happy to see you’re doing better!” Lynne cheered as she opened the door and found him standing before her. “Ah, yes... Thank you Ms. Roster.” Nathaniel nervously smiled. “Mels is home... Would you like to come in?” Lynne offered. “May I?” He asked. “Sure! Melody! Nathaniel is here!” Lynne called as she let him into the apartment. “Coming!” Alana called. Minutes later, she entered the living room wearing a pair of black Sailor Moon shorts, a black sports bra, and a black Sailor Moon tank top. “Hey!” She smiled. “H-Hey Alana...” Nathaniel blushed. “What’s up? Did you wanna hang out with Sylvester? Study? Or did Armin get you into anime and videogames?” She mused. “Well... We do have a history test this Friday.” He smiled. “But you don’t have your books. Good thing I have mine!” She cheered as she began walking towards her bedroom. “Come on!” She cooed when she looked back him. “Keep the door open!” Lynne called. “Alright mom!” Alana called back.
“He’s in your room... Hot as fuck... Here to study... But has no books.... If your mom wasn’t here...” The voice in her head began to huff. “Stop it!” She thought back. “So... Hey... At school, you mentioned that you wanted to talk to me about something... What’s up with that?” She blushed as she sat on her bed and turned on some music. Nathaniel sat down in Alana’s desk chair and faced her. “Now that I live on my own, I’m allowed to do things that I wasn’t able to do when I lived with my parents...” He started. “You mean... Like having a girl over to your place and making her scream out in pleasure so much that the neighbors call in a noise complaint?” The voice in her head instantly popped off. “Stop it! He doesn’t think of me like that!” Alana angrily thought back. “Oh? And what are you wanting to do that you couldn’t do before?” She nervously asked. “I’d like to adopt a cat.” He smiled. “Fantastic! But, I guess that means you won’t wanna come visit Sylvester anymore... Right?” Alana chuckled. “Of course not! I always wanna come see this little guy...” Nathaniel cooed as the tuxedo cat entered the room and hopped up in his lap. “I know... I was just joking! I think you should get yourself a furry friend! You already know you’re great with them!” Alana mused. “I’m glad you think that... Because I was wondering... Would you like to go to the Pet Shop with me? I heard they’re having an adoption event soon.” He blushed. “Sure! I’d love to!” She cheered. “Great! We’ll go this weekend!” He beamed.
A couple of hours later, Lynne knocked on the cracked door. “Mels? Nathaniel?” She politely asked. The pair looked up from Alana’s computer. “Yes, mom?” Alana inquired. “What are you two looking at?” Lynne pondered out loud. “Cat trees! Nath is getting a kitty soon!” Alana beamed. “Good for you Nathaniel! I’m happy that you’re able to be your true self now!” Lynne cheered. “Thanks Ms. Roster.” Nathaniel grinned. “Well, dinner is ready. Come on kids. There’s a place at the table for you Nathaniel.” Lynne smiled. “Are you sure? I can go home if I need to.” Nathaniel nervously asked. “Nonsense! You’re not leaving this home without a full belly!” Lynne insisted as she headed towards the kitchen. “Come on. Best not to argue with her... That’s Sam’s and my job.” Alana shrugged. “Alright.” Nathaniel chuckled. 
As the week passed, Alana couldn’t help but get more and more excited for the Pet Shop’s adoption event. “It’s like a date!” The voice in her head cheered. “Its NOT a date!” She thought back. “But its like one!” The voice in her head snapped back. Nathaniel had begun to come over to the apartment almost every day with the excuse of “wanting to continue researching what he needed for a cat”. It got to the point to where Lynne had started to call Nathaniel Alana’s boyfriend whenever he wasn’t around... Much to Alana’s embarrassment.
“Come on Mels! If he won’t ask you out, then you need to ask him out!” Sam insisted. “Sam! Nath and I still aren’t over what happened with his father. If anything, it’s going to take time for our friendship to heal from that!” Alana spat. “The way he’s always over here, it seems like the friendship is more than healing.” Lynne cooed as she sat the food down on the table. “See! Mom sees it! As it is, Mels, you have a harem! Viktor wants you back. Castiel is always sniffing around you. Armin looks for excuses to hang out and play Pokémon And now Nathaniel spends an awful lot of time in your room with you “researching”. At some point, you’re gonna need to pick one of them.” Sam explained. “Viktor KNOWS we can’t be together. Castiel, Armin and I are all JUST FRIENDS... As for Nathaniel, if we WERE to get together, it wouldn’t be appropriate for it to happen while he’s first starting out away from his father!” Alana shot back. “Viktor will most likely end up in an arranged marriage with Severina because of their fathers....” Lynne muttered. “And that is complete crap! They should be allowed to find love!” Sam boomed. “Its part of the aristocracy, girls. If our family were to ever take the titles that the Astier clan offers us each year, we’d be forced to live by at least a few of their rules...” Lynne explained. “Anywho... Mels, you can’t always wait for the guy to ask you out! Ask Nathaniel out! We all now you’ve been undressing him with your eyes ever since he changed his clothes and started bulking up.” Sam cheered. “Give your sister time, Sam! Not everyone can pick the guy and tell him to “get in there”, like you did!” Lynne chuckled.
When the day of the Adoption Event finally arrived, Alana woke up and got ready for the day very early. Sylvester was not happy being woken up by Alana getting out of bed. The tuxedo cat stretched his body out as long as he could, let out a long yawn and looked at her with a face that said “There had better be a good reason why you have disturbed my slumber.”. “Oh, calm down Sylvester... Today is the day that I help Nathaniel go pick out his own little furry friend!” Alana beamed. “Is Nathaniel going to be joining us for breakfast?” Lynne asked as she passed by Alana’s bedroom door and saw her texting on her bed. “He won’t be. He and I are going to the café for lunch, then to the event.” Alana replied.
Right as she finished doing her homework for the weekend, there was a knock on the door. “Always timely, that boy.” Lynne chuckled as Alana dashed from her room. “Isn’t it great?” Alana quickly cooed. She straightened herself and rapidly looked in a small mirror before opening the door. “Hey Alana! You ready?” Nathaniel asked. “Yeah!” Alana beamed. She turned to her mom. “I’ll be back later! Don’t wait up!” She cheered. “Just keep your phone on you and be safe! Let me know if you need anything!” Lynne called. “I will!” Alana called back as the door closed behind her. “Thank you for coming with me for this. I really appreciate it.” Nathaniel smiled as they began their walk to the Café. “Of course! I’m happy that you invited me!” She cheered. “This is feeling very much like a date!” The voice in her head piped up. “Its not!” She thought back. “But what if it was? It’d be so romantic!” The voice in her head mused. “Even if he did like me, its too early for us to date. He JUST got away from his father!” She sharply thought back. “So... I know its been a few days since we had that talk... But, are you sure you’ve forgiven me?” Nathaniel asked. Alana was instantly caught off guard. “Why are you bringing that up now?” She nervously blurted out. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since then... And this is the first time we’ve been fully alone without anyone listening in to our conversation.” He sighed. “Ah...” Alana replied. “So, have you thought about it?” He inquired, a little pain in his voice. “I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t... Yes, I’ve thought about it... And I stand by what I said then. You messed up big time, but you did it out of a place of agony and were lashing out. And, ever since then, we’ve made an effort to make it up to each other. So, yes, I’m sure that I’ve forgiven you.” She smiled. Nathaniel became relaxed and grinned. “I appreciate that.” He blushed as they continued walking.
The Pet Store was a relatively large shop in the small shopping district. Each set of animals had their own section. When they walked towards the cats, they passed a very large spider in a container. “Keep your eyes on me, Alana. I’ve got you.” Nathaniel ordered when he felt her cling to him out of fear. “T-thank y-you.” She stuttered as she followed his orders. Despite her best efforts, her body continued to tense up as fear of the arachnid overcame her instincts. Suddenly, she felt him take her hands off of his arm and slide his hand to her back. “You cover your back when your phobia gets triggered, right?” He soothingly inquired. “Y-yes.” She nervously nodded. “Its okay, we’re almost to the cats.” He cooed. The Cat Section of the store was at the very back and had a room with a large plastic window to the kennels for each kitty that they had up for adoption. Alana’s body began to relax at the sight of the little felines. “Cats are better.” She sighed. “Yeah, they are.” Nathaniel smiled. “I don’t understand why people even keep spiders as pets... They may have their uses in nature, but they are horrifying...” Alana muttered. “I’m sure there are people out there who say the same thing about cats. Some people like spiders enough to keep them as pets.” Nathaniel quietly shrugged.
A little white kitten in one of the cages looked right at Nathaniel, perked it’s ears up and walked right to the front where it could see him more. “Ah, hello little one.” Nathaniel cooed as he walked over to the cage and petted the kitten through one of the holes in the plastic. “Is this her? The kitten you’ve been visiting lately?” Alana asked. “Yes it is. Alana, this is Blanche. She’s the one we’re here to see. Blanche, this is dear friend Alana. She’s the girl I told you about.” He motioned between the kitten and Alana as he made the introductions. “Ah! Young man! You’re back! Are you here to visit, or are you here to finally take little Blanche home?” The store manager asked. She was a middle aged woman with tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes. “I’m finally here to take her home! I’ve got everything ready at my apartment and its time for me to bring her to her forever home.” Nathaniel beamed. “Do you have a carrier?” The manager asked. A wave of realization crashed into him. I knew I was forgetting something! No, I don’t. Do you have any for purchase?” Nathaniel facepalmed. “We do! If you two will come with me. We have a wide variety of carriers.” The manager explained as she motioned for the two of them to follow her. Nathaniel began looking at each and every pet carrier very closely, a little bit of panic started to slowly make it’s way into his eyes. Suddenly, Alana could hear her mother’s voice in her head. “I added a bit of extra money to your card, sweetie. Get something nice for Nathaniel and his new furry friend as a gift from the family!” Lynne’s voice cooed. She took out her phone and looked up her bank account. Lynne had added a lot of extra gold to her account. “A bit excessive, isn’t it mom?” She thought. Alana looked at the pet carriers, noticed one that looked familiar and walked over to it. “This looks like the newest version of the one we have for Sylvester.” She commented. “Its out of my price range.” Nathaniel sighed when he looked at the tag. “Don’t worry about it. Its on me.” Alana grinned. She turned back to Nathaniel, then to the manager. “Do you have a machine to make pet tags for collars?” She asked. “Yes, we do. It’s over by the registers.” The manager replied. “Fantastic! Get little Blanche ready for Nathaniel to take her home. I will be right back.” Alana commanded.
As she walked towards the register, a sparkly blue collar caught her eye from a shelf near the tag machine. “Obviously I’m getting that.” She thought to herself. The tags could be personalized on the front and back and were on display at the registers. A little blue heart caught her eye, so she instinctively put it on register belt with the rest of her purchases. “Adopting a new friend today?” The cashier asked. “My friend is, its his first.” She mused. “That cute blonde guy that walked in earlier?” The cashier asked. “Yeah.” Alana nodded. “Honestly thought you two were a couple, the way you guys hung onto each other when you walked in.” The cashier commented. “Ah, well... We’re just friends...” Alana blushed. “I know its not my place to say this, but you guys would make a cute couple. Go for it.” The cashier grinned as he scanned the last item. “Yeah... People say that a lot...” Alana rushed as she looked at the screen. “Oh dear... That’s under budget... My mom sent me a specific amount to spend on him this time... Are there any cushions for pet carriers around here?” She nervously observed. “Yeah, let me get one for you real quick.” The cashier smiled as he ran off. Seconds later, they had returned, scanned the cushion and put it in the carrier. “There we go.” Alana smiled. “Your mom gave you money to spend on this guy? Sounds like your family really likes him.” The cashier commented. “Look, I’m not sure if he likes me like that... And I’m not gonna pressure him, okay?” Alana nervously huffed. “I here ya. Don’t worry. Just know, I’m rooting for ya!” He cheered. “Okay, so how do I use the machine?” She asked. “Your friend just has to take the tag and the receipt to the machine, scan the receipt and it’ll walk ya right through the next steps.” He explained. “Okay, thank you.” Alana smiled as she quickly ran back to Nathaniel’s side.
“Alana! What took you so long? Are you okay?” Nathaniel worriedly asked. “Sorry! I might have gotten a little carried away!” Alana beamed as she handed the carrier, collar and tag to him. “I’m keeping the receipt until you need to personalize the tag.” She smiled. “Alana! This is so sweet! You didn’t have to!” Tears began to come to Nathaniel’s eyes as he took the purchases. “Nonsense! Oh, and its not just from me... Mom wanted me to make sure to get you something from the family.” She explained. “Thank you, you and your family! This means the world to me!” He cheered. “Well, I think its time to take little Blanche home, don’t you think?” The manager delightedly cooed. “Yes, I think so!” Nathaniel nodded. “Now, the adoption package comes with a few of the essentials. A small litter box, small bags of litter and food, and a handful of toys” The manager explained as she pulled out a large cardboard box with a handle.
Nathaniel finished the adoption process in utter bliss. Alana couldn’t help but feel a TWANG in her heart as she watched him. “Yeahhh.... You’ve forgiven him.” The voice in her head piped up. “Yeah, I have.” She thought back. “I should be disappointed in you... But, you’re a teenage girl and he’s a hot guy...” The voice replied. “A hot guy who is really smart and sweet and who just adopted a cute little kitten.” She thought back. “Welp... So much for Nathaniel continuing to see Metal Melody.... Then again, I should have realized that the second you let him into your room without kicking his ass...” The voice sighed. “I can’t spend the rest of high school being pissed at him.” She thought back. “Yeah you can... But I know you’re not gonna...” The voice sighed. “Alana, I can’t thank you enough for this!” Nathaniel cheered as he rejoined her side. “There is no thanking me! Its what friends are for!” She cooed.
When Alana finally happily stumbled through the front door of the apartment later that evening, both Lynne and Sam were waiting for her in the living room. “Someone had a great time!” Lynne snickered. “Awe, did our little Mels get more than time with her golden boy?!” Sam smirked. “You guys aren’t funny! And, by the way, he was very appreciative of the stuff we got him!” Alana shot as she did her best to hide the blush that had begun taking over her face. “How appreciative? Did he finally kiss you? Did he take you back to his apartment and give you more than a kiss?!” Sam sneered. “Okay Sam, I think you’ve gone too far... They haven’t even gone on their first actual date yet.” Lynne rolled her eyes as she turned back to Alana. “I am happy that you two have made up, and that he appreciated everything. Its good to see that boy is doing better.” She cooed. “I am too...” Alana sighed. “Now, both of you, go to bed. You’ve got school in the morning.” Lynne ordered.
“Mels! Your prince charming is here! He wants to walk to school with you!” Sam called as she stood at the open door. “Sam!” Nathaniel nervously hissed. “Oh calm down! We all know that you and my sister are “just friends”.” Sam laughed. “And on that note... Hey Nathaniel! Let’s go before my mom jumps in on the teasing!” Alana smiled as she rushed towards the door with her bags in hand. “I won’t be teasing any of you until later today! I’ve got a book signing to take care of!” Lynne beamed. “Wait, what? A “Lynne Roster Book Signing” without her two biggest trophies?!” Sam cackled. “You two go to school, I can do this by myself.” Lynne assured. “Are you sure Mom?” Alana asked. “Yes! Now go! You don’t wanna be late!” Lynne barked. “Alright, love you! Let us know how things go!” Alana mused as she left the apartment.
When they got to school, everyone noticed the four of them arriving together. “Almost as if Nathaniel and Alana are dating!” one of the students mused. “Nonsense! She just helped him get away from his father, they’re probably just walking together as friends!” another student commented. “As if Nathaniel would date Alana! Spreading those lies about him and his family the way she did!” Melody scoffed. “You actually think Alana is spreading lies about Nathaniel’s family?” Sharon asked. “Of course! I think she did it to get closer to him!” Melody huffed. “Then you’re more of an idiot than he is.” Castiel shot as he walked past her. “And you’re in on the lie, Castiel!” Melody called after him. “Come on Melody, we know you have a thing for Nathaniel. But slandering Alana is beneath you.” Iris lightly scolded. “I mean... He did get emancipated from his family with Castiel’s help. I don’t think Nathaniel would have done that for no reason...” Kim pointed out. “Oh, come on! If Nathaniel was actually being abused by his father, surely he would have told someone!” Melody argued. “Awe, is the little brat just pissed off that she’s not the one who helped Nathaniel?” Sam sneered as she walked up to the group. “Its none of your business, Samantha!” Melody spat. “Really? You’re the one talking shit about my sister.... All because the boy you like is paying attention to her and not you! Oh, and its “Sam” to you, not “Samantha”. Keep that in mind!” Sam taunted. “Sam...” Iris started. “Of course you would protect your sister! I’d almost say it’s honorable, but your family is anything but!” Melody scoffed. Sam took a couple of steps towards the girl, a devilish grin spreading across her face. “First of all, the only person in this school who is allowed to give my sister shit is ME. Not you. Not Amber. Not Amber’s gaggle of bumbling idiots. ME. Secondly, I don’t remember reading anything in our nation’s history books about your family. But I know for a fact that there is an entire chapter on The Roster Clan. Not only is there an entire chapter in the history books dedicated to us, but Weathering hosts a festival thanking our family for founding the city each year and has done so for centuries. The Astier Clan has been BEGGING us to accept the titles and nobility that they’ve been wanting to present us since Astaria’s inception. In fact, over the years, it became a tradition for a member of our clan to go to the capital each year on Founding Day to formally decline the titles. Not only that, but almost every generation of the Astier Clan has tried to get us to marry into their family and have us join our nation’s royalty. In closing, if you wanna talk shit about me, that’s fine. If you wanna talk shit about my family, you will learn your place! If you wish to talk shit about my sister, you will keep her name out of your mouth. If you refuse to abide by this warning... I promise you that I will escalate things. And no amount of “good PR” will save you from that embarrassment! Am I clear?” Sam warned. “Is that a threat?!” Melody asked, a hint of fear making itself clear in her voice. “Its a warning and a promise. Now, AM I CLEAR?!” Sam snarled. “Crystal.” Melody spat. “Good. Later ladies!” Sam smiled as she walked off. “Sam is such a bitch!” Melody spat when she noticed that Sam was out of earshot. “You were spreading lies about her sister and then you insulted their family! You’re lucky that she didn’t beat you up!” Sharon snapped. “Yeah... Melody, that was out of line... You should really be thankful that all Sam did was give you a warning and a history lesson.” Iris sighed. “Come on Kim, you’re not on Sam’s side here... Are you?” Melody sputtered. “I think you were both out of line. But, you really shouldn’t have done that. All Alana wanted to do was help Nathaniel and you let your jealousy get the better of you. As it is, he turned you down and this isn’t how a friend would want to be treated.” Kim reprimanded.
“Everyone thinks we’re dating now.” Alana muttered as she and Nathaniel sat down to lunch. “Would that really be a bad thing?” He quietly responded. “What?!” Alana gasped, her face quickly turning a deep shade of red. “N-Nothing! I m-mean... We’re not. W-We’re just f-friends.” Nathaniel blushed as he nervously stuttered. “I mean, its not like you two act like more than friends or anything.” Sam laughed as she and Ken took their seats at the table. “I wouldn’t mind it. Although, I kinda think Alana would be good with Armin.” Alexy chuckled. “You just want Alana as your sister-in-law!” Rosalaya rolled her eyes. “Yeah! Alana and I are just friends!” Armin nervously scoffed. “Isn’t Castiel in love with her?” Ken asked. “You noticed it too? I think he is, he just doesn’t wanna admit it.” Rosa commented. “As it is, I think Viktor is still holding out hope that he can, one day, override his family’s orders and get back with my sister rather than potentially be stuck in an arranged marriage with Severina.” Sam stated. “What?!” Nathaniel gasped. “Yeah, we’ve told you guys that our mom is best friends with Aunt Verity and Aunt Cosima. Well, while Aunt Cosima was alive, Viktor and Severina were more free to do what they wanted. Which meant that Viktor and my sister were in a cute little relationship for several years when we were all kids. Viktor promised that he would, one day, “break the spell” and return to Mels’ side. Even though his mom tried to tell him that it wasn’t gonna happen. We’re not, formally, aristocracy, and we have no intention of becoming part of that system. But, it was cute while it lasted. Viktor was even responsible for Mels’ first kiss. You should have seen their faces when mom took a picture of them reenacting the famous “Spider-Man Kiss” at one point.” Sam explained. “Oh my god! That’s soo cute!” Rosa and Alexy mused in unison. “Viktor was even dressed as Spider-Man!” Sam gushed. “Alana, I didn’t know you were someone’s Mary Jane at some point! Why have you never mentioned this?” Armin inquired. “It was years ago! Aunt Cosima died not long after the photo was taken. Viktor and Rini were shipped off to boarding school and now their dads have that agreement to breed them like they’re prize winning horses. I am free to be with anyone else... And I would appreciate it if my friends and sister didn’t take part in a shipping war over who I’m gonna end up with!” Alana blurted out. “Well, my money is on Armin!” Alexy piped up. “Honestly, I see Alana with Nathaniel or Castiel. But, I wouldn’t mind seeing her end up with Lysander! I NEED a good sister-in-law!” Rosa cheered. “Its gonna come down to Nathaniel or Castiel.” Sam nodded. “You people do realize that whoever I want to be with also has to want to be with me, right? Now, quit making bets on my love life!” Alana huffed as she got up from the table, grabbed her stuff, tossed the remainder of her food in the trash, and ran to the restroom.
Several days later, Nathaniel, Armin, Alexy, and Kentin were gathered in the hall. “Are we interrupting a special “boys club” meeting?” Sam asked as she and Alana walked up to them. “Hey girls! We’re talking about our little trip to the Pet Shop last night!” Alexy mused. “That’s what you guys did last night?! I thought ya’ll were just hanging out!” Sam exclaimed. “We were at first... But then Ken adopted a little German Sheppard puppy and my brother got a ferret!” Alexy cheered. “Alexy! I was gonna surprise her with Cookie tonight!” Ken hissed. “Oh, my bad!” Alexy gasped. “You named your puppy Cookie? I thought your dad didn’t want a dog?” Sam asked. “He’s got strict requirements for me to keep her. As long as I keep up with them, she’s mine.” Ken clarified. “You got a ferret?” Alana asked Armin. “Yeah, I named him Rocket.” Armin smiled. “Let me guess, Guardians of the Galaxy?” Alana raised an eyebrow. “Yep! Mainly because I can’t, legally, have a raccoon as a pet!” Armin looked so proud as he spoke. “Raccoons are gross anyway!” Alexy spat. “No they’re not! They’re cute little trash pandas!” Alana chimed in. “See! Alana likes them!” Armin stuck his tongue out. “Did you go with them?” Alana asked as she turned to Nathaniel. “Yeah. I wanted to get more supplies for Blanche. It was really fun!” Nathaniel mused. 
As the day went on, the school became filled with more and more chatter. “Something is changing.” Alana commented. “Peggy, do you know?” Rosa asked as Peggy rushed past them in the hallway. “Know what?” Peggy inquired. “Why everyone is talking more about something new.” Alana clarified. “No. You might ask Sharon. I’ve been forced to cover more of what the sports clubs are doing and the Tennis Club is currently on their practice field.” Peggy replied as she rushed off. “You’d think that that little “future paparazzo” would know if something was up.” Alana commented. “I know, it’s weird.” Rosalaya shrugged.
“Hey, Sharon, what’s going on? I heard the principal make an announcement, but I couldn’t hear it clearly.” Alana asked when she came upon Sharon in one of the classrooms. “Oh, we’re getting a new Science Teacher.” Sharon replied. “So, Mrs. Cooper isn’t coming back? I know she had the baby not long after I got here.” Alana questioned. “Nope! Turns out her husband recently got a promotion at his job and now he can afford to take care of them on only one income. She’s gonna stay with the baby until the kid is old enough to go to school and then she might come back to teaching.” Sharon explained. “Good for her. I’m happy that she has the ability to spend that time with her kid.” Alana mused. “Its a shame really. Such a bright and brilliant woman falling to the institution of motherhood.” Sharon commented. “Not gonna lie, you sound like Cruella de Vil.” Alana chuckled. “She had a point in that movie.” Sharon smiled. “Do you think that the new teacher will be a good one? The substitutes have been kind of sub par lately.” Alana asked. “I hope so. I hope that, whoever we get, will be someone smart enough to not fall in line with the path that society set before them. Someone brilliant, and hopefully a little snarky.” Sharon articulated.
The day went on as normally as it could. The halls of Sweet Amouris filled with the chatter concerning the new science teacher. Amber continued to avoid Alana like the plague. However, since the conversation about everyone wanting to see Alana with various boys took place, she couldn’t help but keep her mind on what everyone said. “Rosa and Sam already know that I like Nathaniel! Why is my love life up for debate!” She thought. “Because its something mundane that takes their minds off of the daily bullshit.” The voice in her head piped up. “Nathaniel asked if us being together would really be a bad thing...” She thought. “If he does like you back, then you should just wait for him to make his move. He knows you’re there if you need him.” The voice in her head responded. “I really wanna kiss him...” She thought. “No, you wanna do a lot more than kiss him...” The voice in her head replied. “Okay... But we are NOWHERE NEAR that point.” She thought. “But one day you might be!” The voice in her head clapped back.
Later that night, her usual dreams of being a Sailor Scout were interrupted by a vision of Nathaniel managing to climb through her window, kissing her passionately and whispering very spicy sentiments into her ear with his low, gruff voice. She could feel his hot breath on her throat as he spoke. “I want you My Melody.” He growled. “I want you too, Nathaniel” She sighed. “If this is a dream, please let me enjoy it for a good while!” She thought.
This was going to be a combination of Episodes 24 & 25.... But it turned into just Episode 24....
Mrs. Cooper is a reference to The Big Bang Theory.
The movie referenced by Sharon and Alana in the last section is the live action 101 Dalmatians that stars Glenn Close as Cruella de Vil.
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vukovich · 2 years ago
V: video 👀
--I missed this from a prompt game, and now I can't find the prompt list, so it is hereby bequeathed the status of a Peculiar Prompt--
It Happened in a Blockbuster (as was the style at the time)
Y2K was probably all made up, Draco figured as he passed the news stand. The cover stories were nonsense about computers, and those, as far as he could tell, were actually magical.
But it was nothing to worry about. Or that's what Pansy had said when he mentioned it a few months ago. In October? No, September. Had it been that long?
The bell above the video store door jingled as he entered. He'd half-expected it to be closed at 8 PM on New Year's Eve.
After he slid his DVD returns through the slot, he took a deep breath. It always smelled the same. Something like socks, rubber, and artificial butter. The decor was bold blue and yellow, or had been before a decade's sun and slush, and maybe under the shelves, the carpet was still bright.
The clerk gave him a passing wave and went back to his magazine. His name was Terry, but Draco had never addressed him as such, because learning someone's name via their nametag felt illicit. He wouldn't call him by his name unless they'd properly introduced themselves, which they hadn't. And probably wouldn't.
Draco went days at a time without speaking to anyone. Not because he wanted to, it was just that there was rarely someone to talk to.
New releases first, right by the door, but Draco had already watched them. To the right, the children's movies with their covers like sweets boxes. To the left, in tidy alphabetical order, were films that had been in the store for between one and three months, precisely, and then they'd be shelved forevermore by genre and title.
Documentaries were what he rented most, but they weren't his favorite. They were good for when he wanted to feel as though he were sitting in companionable silence with someone. Action films were best for when his thoughts were too loud and needed to be drowned out by car chases and explosions. Romance movies were his favorite, but he was rarely in a state to watch them.
He'd never climb Mt Everest like in a documentary, or take down a rival car thief gang, but love? Unfortunately, love was something he could have, and the fact that he didn't was too much to sit with.
The wedding invitations started coming in like junk mail last year. Draco had tossed them all in his building's dumpster. Not many people had noticed his missing RSVPs.
He didn't need to witness romance in a church or on a television screen. Not if he could help it.
And especially on New Year's Eve. Alone.
He hadn't planned on becoming a film junkie. And maybe he wasn't really. He rarely remembered an actor or producer's name. He couldn't say what was a "bad" film versus a "good" one. Everything he knew about films was subjective. He liked blonde leads, either all romance or no romance, because a romance taking second booking to an action plot was an insult to both.
But having watched most of the local Blockbuster's stock hadn't been in his post-war plans. Well, assuming he'd had post-war plans. Which he didn't. Everyone else did, and they'd gone out and done them.
He thumbed through copies of Muppets from Space to see if one might be an extended edition. It wasn't.
A shorter man took down a copy of Never Been Kissed and turned it over in his hands. Drew Barrymore was one of Draco's least favorite lead actresses, so the fact that she mainly did romantic comedies was just fine by him. If he ever had to sit though her narrating a documentary, he'd-
"Malfoy?" Harry Potter was standing there, holding Drew Barrymore in his hands. "Hey, cool. I didn't know you lived around here."
He reached out to vaguely shake Draco's hand, skirted it into an almost-high five, then smoothed his hair back.
It was surreal seeing him somewhere like this. Arguably a bigger celebrity than anyone on that movie box, but Muggles didn't know. It was no big deal when he ran into Neville in the grocery store, or Granger at the bank. They weren't Harry Potter.
"Yeah," was all Draco said. "On Wilson Ave."
"Okay, well," Harry said, "Um, see you around?"
He waved the movie box as he turned to leave, but only made it a few paces before he stopped.
Draco quirked an eyebrow in question.
Harry bit the inside of his lip, then eventually said, "People talk about you." Before Draco could react, Harry shook his head, then added, "Not like, in a bad way. Like, we check in on you."
Draco's brow furrowed. "What?"
"It just comes up sometimes, you know? Has anyone seen Malfoy lately? How's he doing? What's he up to? You know, just stuff like that."
"Oh," Draco said.
"I just..." Harry smoothed his hair back with the movie box. "I just thought you might like knowing, you know?"
Draco looked down at the geometric patterns in the faded carpet. Did it matter that his classmates kept tabs on him? Like a surveillance web. Some kind of watchful net.
It made a certain warmth spread through his chest, because it did matter.
"Thanks," he said, swallowing thickly. He nodded towards Harry's hand. "That's probably an awful film. You'll have to believe in the kissability of Drew Barrymore."
Harry pulled a face and put it back on the shelf. "Dodged a bullet. Want to help me pick something else out? I'm not in a hurry."
Draco's lips cracked a smile. "Sure."
Three days later, he returned Austin Powers: the Spy Who Shagged Me, and took copies of Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, GoldenEye, License to Kill,and Romeo + Juliet up to the desk.
"Hi, Terry," he said.
Terry rolled his eyes and scanned Draco's Blockbuster card. "You've got a late fee of... " he squinted at the computer monitor. "Two hundred thousand, five hundred, and thirty-seven pounds?"
Draco gasped. That Y2K nonsense really had turned all the computers evil.
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year ago
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Phantom Transplants
Sonny Graham was on the verge of death in 1955 due to congestive heart failure, he had been given just six months to live. It was a happy day when he received word that a heart had become available. It belonged to a 33-year-old man, Terry Cottle who had committed suicide by one shot to the brain, leaving his young bride behind.
After Graham was informed who his donor was, he began to write Cottle’s widow in appreciation. The two met, fell in love and married.
Love for this young woman wasn’t the only thing these two men shared. Graham discovered that he now craved beer and hot dogs, which were Cottle’s favorites.
Twelve years after his successful transplant, Graham took his own life by shooting himself in the head. Leaving this wife to mourn twice.
The cravings and personality changes that occurred in Sonny Graham’s life are actually often everyday experiences among transplant recipients.
Organ transplants, including heart, liver, kidney, and lung have saved many lives. There were more than half a million performed in the U.S. alone, between 1988 and 2016.
There are countless stories about the unusual side effects that occur after these transplants.
Claire Sylvia had a heart transplant at the age of 44. She believes that along with this vital organ that saved her life, she also received her donors tastes and memories.
After her operation, she was asked what she would like to do first. Without hesitation, she answered, “I am dying for a beer right now.” This was strange for Sylvia had always hated the taste of beer.
Over the next few months, she began to have a variety of strange food cravings. Most notably McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets, something she had never desired.
Sylvia now had allergies that she did not have in the past as well as a heightened empathic ability. She also became extremely moody, which was not like her. She had a series of odd dreams where a thin, tall young man talked to her. He told her his name was Tim.
Her curiosity peaked, Sylvia did some research and discovered that a young man named Timothy Lamirande was involved in a motorcycle accident on the same day she received her heart transplant.
He was her donor.
She met his family and they confirmed all the cravings she was having were Tim’s favorite foods, especially beer.
Oddly, they told her he had just gone to McDonald’s the day of the accident and a sack of Chicken McNuggets had been found next to his body.
Scientists put forth the idea of cell memory. Where cells within organs retain the original owner’s memories and pass them along.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years ago
The North Star - Part Twenty Two: New York - Terry Bruno x Reader (feat: Mike Duarte)
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Welcome to mine and @the-hinky-panda The Bronx universe featuring our favs Terry Bruno & Mike Duarte.
This story takes place several years after ‘Blood Out’. Terry still lives in the Bronx and works in Manhatten SVU.
Following on from @the-hinky-panda story 'The Dog' Mike has retired from the NYPD on medical grounds due to seizures causes by the attack. He has a therapy dog called Bono and lives with @the-hinky-panda character Meredith.
Tagging: @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @callsignartemis @kmc1989  @legit9thlunaticwarrior     @the-adzukibean   @beardedbarba  @wooshwastaken   @justreblogginfics   @im-just-a-mississippi-girl  @storiesofsvu  @anime-weeb-4-life @witches-unruly-heart    @spaghettificationandpretzels    @chavez-ashley @kiwiithecrazybird 
The North Star Series - Part of The Bronx Universe
Part One: Moments (NSFW)
Part Two: Case of the Ex
Part Three: Her Worse Half
Part Four: Always
Part Five: Ask Me Again (NSFW) 
 Part Six: Degas
Part Seven: The Heist
Part Eight: A Part to Play
Part Nine: Home
Part Ten: Safe Space 
Part Eleven: Weak
Part Twelve: Got Your Back
Part Thirteen: Familia
 Part Fourteen: Gunplay
Part Fifteen: Friendly Fire
Part Sixteen: Alive (NSFW)
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You fly home alone; you return to your apartment, and you lie in your bed and stare at the ceiling. You don’t check your phone, you don’t tell anybody that you’re back, you simply stay in the apartment, replaying the entire conversation over and over again in your head.
“I’m sorry.” Terry had said as he kissed your cheek at the airport.
You hadn’t spoken to him since you’d booked your ticket. You’d simply got on the plane and spent the entire flight in a state of numbness.
For the first time in forever you take the compass off and put it on the nightstand. It hurts too much to have it close to your heart, to think about how you used to depend on it, depend on him. You sleep alone for the first time in forever, a pillow tucked against your chest, and you cry, you cry because out of everything that has happened to you this is the worst, this is the thing that leaves you fucking wrecked.
When you go to work, you don’t tell a soul the truth about what happened in Italy. You don’t answer Meredith’s texts about coming over with Terry to show off your photos, or your tan. Sinclair makes a joke about expecting to see a ring on your finger and it cuts so fucking deep because even though the two of you were never going to get married, it’s a testament to everybody else’s expectations.
You take up smoking again despite the fact the doctors have warned you it can increase your chances of another pneumothorax. You pick up a guy in a bar, and then the next night a girl, but it does nothing to fill the hole in your chest because the person that loved you is gone, and you don’t know what to do with that.
You don’t speak to Meredith or Mike, but you assume that Terry fills them in because a week later Meredith let’s herself into your apartment as you’re fooling around on the couch with a girl you’ve just met. She sends the woman packing with money for a cab before she surveys the wreckage of your place and demands you pack a bag because out of everyone in your life, she’s the one that knows what it looks like when you’re starting to spiral.
You stay in Meredith’s house; in the bed you’ve shared with Terry a thousand times and stare at the wall. If you close your eyes, you can pretend that he’s here with you, just an inch or two out of reach.
Everything becomes mechanical after that; you exist in a haze of automation. You go to work, do the job, come home. You’re quiet at dinner, pushing your food around your plate, you go up to you room and sit with your headphones on to block out the world. You smoke out of the window, the same way you did as a teenager and sneak out the same way too. Mike catches you one night, drunk on one too many bourbons and you can’t stand to see the disappointment in his eyes.
It's the next morning that he catches up with you. You’re sitting in the garden with a cup of coffee and a cigarette watching Shasta sniff around the flowerbeds, chasing a phantom scent. He drops down on the decking along side of you, Bono taking up residence on the opposite side.
“This has to stop.” He tells you, picking up the cigarette carton and shaking it from side to side. “All of it, the drinking, the smoking, the men and the women, you aren’t being safe...”
“I’m using condoms.” You inform him, blowing out a stream of smoke into the air.
“That’s not what I’m talking about.” He snaps. He’s relieved though, that you have enough presence of mind to make sure there are no long-term consequences to your actions in that department.
“Yea, I know.” You tell him, stubbing the cigarette out into an empty plant pot. “They’re all unhealthy risk-taking behaviours, you’re not the only one that’s been in therapy.”
It’s the fact you know what you’re doing that pisses him off, that you’re not just putting yourself through hell but Meredith and him too. Meredith, whose up all hours of the night listening for you to come back in after you ‘sneak out’. Meredith, who is at her wits end because you won’t talk to any of them about what happened with Terry.
Bruno had been the one to tell them you’d come home early, to explain that he’d decided to retire, that he’d offered you a home with him in Italy and you’d bolted at the first fucking mention of it. Mike wants to understand, he really does but you are not making it easy on any of them.
“Why are you doing this?” He asks you, shaking his head. “Why are you blowing up your future?”
“Terry wanted to retire.” You tell him. “This way he gets his happy ending, he gets the winery in Tuscany, he gets to spend his nights doing whatever the fuck he wants in another country. This is what he wanted.”
There’s ire in your voice, so much fucking anger boiling across the surface but underneath it Mike recognises the fear, he sees the self loathing. You’ve done this to yourself and you know it. It’s the reason why you’re self destructing. Your history has taught you that you don’t get to be happy, it taints your rhetoric. You don’t get to sail off into the sunset. You get to scramble on the rocks, you get to bleed, to feel the salt in your wounds because that’s what you deserve.
“He didn’t want this.” Mike tells you.
If Bruno knew about any of this, Mike thinks it would kill him.  
“Neither did I.” You say as you withdraw another cigarette and light it up. “I wanted the house around the corner with the man I love and a Staffy named Sacha. I built up this future in my head, Dutch taking her for walks while we’re at work, BBQs with you and Meredith in the yard. The three dogs playing in the grass… What a crock of shit right?”
He sees the tears in your eyes, and he knows what it’s like to imagine a future for yourself, to hold it in your hands and have it snatched away. You blink them away furiously before taking another drag on the cigarette.
“I wish he’d fucking killed me.”
It takes him a second to realise you’re talking about Paul, about the bullet that had almost ended your life.
“I felt that way too after what happened to me.” Mike confides, rubbing his palms together as he watches Bono trail after Shasta, studying the garden. “I wished they’d fucking killed me, I was in so much pain, mentally, physically. I couldn’t look ahead; I could only live in the moment. It’s a survival instinct you know?”
You say nothing so he continues.
“You don’t have to fight anymore, the person that hurt you is gone.” He reminds you. “And the person who loves you is doing his best, but you have to meet him half way. This thing, it happened to you but it happened to him too and after all the shit he’s been though, all the blood he’s spilt, the years he’s spent being punished for doing the right thing don’t you think he deserves to have something for himself?”
“I don’t begrudge him for wanting that, Italy was…” You trail off, raising your eyes to the sky as you try to select the words. “…it agreed with him. The way of life, the pace of it, there’s something about it that feeds your soul. It feels like there’s a beauty in everything, like there’s more.”
“And why wouldn’t you want that?” Mike asks you.
You don’t really have an answer because until that last day, it agreed with you too. You’d thought about what it would be like to live there, to go to the market every day and shop for fresh flowers and food. To tour the country, drinking in the culture, the language, the art.
“A few months ago you were talking about leaving the job. You said that you weren’t sure if it outweighed the personal cost.” Mike reminds you. “You’ve been back almost a month now and can you honestly tell me that that has changed? That you don’t feel the same way you did when we had that conversation.”
“No.” You say quietly. “I can’t.”
There’s a disconnect now. There was a balance before, between justice and hope but now all you see is death. People killing each other over the stupidest shit. A neighbour not turning down his TV, a husband late home again, a child not putting his toys away while told to. It feels futile, like you’re fighting a battle that can’t be won, because when one case is closed, there’s always another. It’s exhausting, endless and you think it might just be destroying you.
“Maybe it’s time to move on hermanita.” Mike says patting your knee. “There’s a whole wide world out there and Bruno is offering you a place in it, maybe it’s time to cut your losses and take it.”
Love Terry Bruno? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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