The Outsiders and Lore Olympus❤️
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My name is C and I’m a 20 year old girl*Requests open* I do The Outsiders and Lore Olympus headcanons/fanfics! Feel free to request😊I’ll do anything as long as it’s not incest or illegal
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loreolympus2 · 2 years ago
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loreolympus2 · 2 years ago
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anyways look at this art project from when i was in grade two
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loreolympus2 · 2 years ago
Dally and Mia’s first date
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Mia walked out of the bathroom and saw Dally walking out of the theater.
“Hey, Dal! Where are ya goin’?” She asked.
“Just goin’ outside to wait for you,” he said, “Are ya ready to go?”
“Yes!” she said.
They spent the short walk to the Dingo talking about the two soc girls Dally decided to bother at the movies. Mia thought that it was hilarious how angry and scared they got when Dally bothered them. Cherry didn’t like Mia because her boyfriend, Bob would often flirt with Mia in English class even though Mia didn’t like it and always told him to leave her alone. Mia thought that Cherry was stuck-up and she didn’t know anything about Marcia, except that her boyfriend was Bob’s best friend.
When they reached the Dingo, they went inside and sat at a booth across from each other. A waitress came over and they both ordered cokes.
“School’s been real tough this week for me, Dal. I didn’t even tell you when I came to visit you, the socs on my debate team tried to jump me after practice but I held them off with the switchblade Two-Bit gave me and they all ran away.” Mia said.
“How many socs did you hold off?” Dally asked, intrigued.
“Five, I think.” Mia said.
Dally nodded, “That’s real tuff, Mia.”
Mia smiled.
Dally looked at Mia, her mini dress hugged her body. He glanced at her cleavage, “You know, you look real good in that dress, Mia.”
“Thank you,” she said. Mia was used to compliments from guys. Both greaser and soc guys flirted with her and complimented her constantly.
“I’m happy you got outta the cooler, Dal.” Mia said.
“Yeah, me too.” He said, putting his hand on her thigh, just above her knee and rubbing it.
The waitress came over with the cokes and put them down. Mia and Dally ordered cheeseburgers and French fries. Mia took a sip of her coke and Dally stirred the straw around in the cup. He looked at Mia’s cleavage again.
“I still can’t believe you held off five socs!” Dally said, smirking and laughing.
“Well, believe it! I may be short but I can handle myself, Dallas.” Mia said. She giggled after she said Dallas, she never called Dally by his full name except for when she was angry at him and she wasn’t angry.
“This coming from the same girl who I had to save from a group of socs two years ago?” Dally teased.
“Well I’m 14 now and that’s not the only time I’ve fought socs.” Mia said.
The waitress came back over and put the food out. Mia grabbed her cheeseburger and took a big bite out of it. Dally ate a few French fries and then took a bite of his cheeseburger. Mia looked at her watch.
“Seeing what time curfew is?” Dally asked, he took a long sip of his coke.
“No, my brothers don’t even know I’m here. No one does except you and you know I can be secretive about where I go. I didn’t tell them when I see you in jail, remember?” Mia said.
“Yes, of course I remember that!” Dally said, smirking, “You didn’t tell anyone that I was taking you out?”
Mia nodded and sipped her coke, “You know how they are. Darry would kill me and the rest would tell me that I can do better. Maybe I can, but I wanted you to take me out. Also Steve would get jealous, he’s definitely into me. Ever since Two-bit dared us to kiss like 3 months ago during that game of truth or dare, he’s been flirting with me and Soda gets annoyed.”
“Yeah.” Dally nodded and took another bite of his burger, “they would all definitely flip out if they found out that we’re on a date.”
Mia giggled. They finished their meal and Dally insisted on paying for both of them. They got up out of the booth and walked out of the restaurant.
“Let me walk you home, doll,” Dally said, putting his arm around Mia.
She smiled and nodded. “So, are you and Sylvia really done forever because you have broken up like 7 times,” Mia said.
“Yeah. I like someone else,” Dally said, smirking.
Mia looked at him, confused. They were standing in front of her house.
“So, are we doing this again?” Dally asked.
“Yes!” Mia said, smiling.
He cupped her face with his hand and leaned in to kiss her. She leaned in closer and her lips melted into his. The kiss was passionate and his lips were soft. His tongue explored her mouth and she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled away and said “Goodnight, doll.”
“Goodnight, Dally!” She said, waving and walking into her house.
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loreolympus2 · 2 years ago
Dally asks Mia out on a date
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Steve and Mia both looked at Dally’s hand. His ring, which he had rolled a drunk senior to get, was back on his finger.
“You break up with Sylvia again?” Steve asked
“Yeah, and this time it’s for good. That little broad was two-timin’ me again while I was in jail.” Dally replied, starting to leave.
The other guys went inside. Mia felt a rush of both anger and relief. Dally deserved so much better, he deserved someone who was loyal and a good listener, unlike Sylvia. Mia hated Sylvia. She cheated on Dally four times and kept sweet-talking Johnny while Dally was in reform school. She also never visited Dally while he was in jail and Mia went every week to visit him.
“Dal, wait!” Mia said, walking towards him.
Dally turned around and looked into Mia's dark brown eyes with longing.
“You deserve so much better than her,” She said, firmly.
He turned around, “Can I buy you a coke after the movie tomorrow night, doll?” Dally tried to hide how nervous he was. He had a crush on Mia since she bandaged him up after he got in a fight with a group of socs that tried to attack her, two years ago. This was the first time he asked her to go on a date with him.
“I’d like that,” Mia said, smiling.
Dally smirked, “See you tomorrow.” He started walking away.
“Bye, Dal,” Mia, walking towards her house with a smile on her face.
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loreolympus2 · 2 years ago
So I’ve had this idea since I first read the Outsiders back in 7th grade (7 years ago) to create a twin sister for Ponyboy. I’ve always wanted there to be a girl in the Curtis family!!
Her full name is Amelia Mary Curtis (she goes by Mia).
She is an introvert. She’s very smart (she’s in all advanced classes) and loves school/learning (her favorite class is history). She’s a straight-A student. She’s extremely kind and determined. She’s very sensitive and is often bullied by Socs and other female greasers for being different. She has few friends outside the Curtis gang and no female friends. She is very girly and tends to not dress like a greaser girl at all (she wears light/natural makeup and skirts with blouses or dresses and her converse). Her favorite singer is Elvis Presley and her favorite movies are Cinderella and Casablanca. She loves going to the movies and being with the Curtis gang. Her favorite foods are mac and cheese and ice cream. She aspires to be the first female POTUS.
She is short (about 5’1) with armpit length blonde curls and bangs. She has a pale/rosy complexion with freckles across her nose and cheeks and has brown eyes.
**More fanfiction (headcanons, imagines, etc.) with Mia coming soon!!**
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loreolympus2 · 3 years ago
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I'm not emotional, you're emotional
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
This is amazing!!! @jaywrites80s is so talented! 😊
One of Us
Summary: Your boyfriend is still trying to adjust to having someone around who actually knows how to help. Pairing: Darry Curtis x Reader Word Count: 1,200 Warning(s): None Request: I was wondering if you could do another Darry x reader but like a part 2 to the last one where the gang is getting used to her being around and Darry is getting used being taken care of after taking care of the boys for so long.
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You enjoyed meeting Darry's brothers, they were sweet; you wound up going over to visit with the three of them fairly often after the initial introduction. Meeting their friends had been an entirely different battle though. They had ambushed you and Darry during a date at the drive-in. It started awkwardly and a little uncomfortable but after they finally stopped asking you a dozen questions, they settled down and all eight of you got to enjoy the movie together. That was two months ago. Now, you spent almost all of your free time at the Curtis house doing one thing or another; making food so Darry could relax when he got home from work, helping Ponyboy and Johnny out with their homework, cleaning them up anytime someone came home after a fight, there were even a few times where you helped Sodapop or Steve or Two-Bit get ready for dates. You started spending a few nights a week there (everyone made it a point to tell you two not to have sex unless the house was empty, you both chose to ignore that rule most of the time).
Another busy morning sent the house into overdrive, everyone was rushing around trying to get ready. "(Y/n) have you seen my paper? The one I was workin' on for English? I can't find it in my bag," Ponyboy asked as he frantically searched around in his backpack and on the coffee table. "Try lookin' on your desk, you took it up there last night when Keith kept disturbin' you with Mickey," you answered as you nudged the fridge shut with your foot, going back to the stove. "Sodapop your pants and work shirt are in the laundry room, I think Steve's shirt is in there too," you said when he stepped foot in the kitchen after his shower before he could even ask. "Doll have you-" Darry started to ask before you cut him off "tools are already in your truck, baby." Steve groaned as he watched you and Darry kiss, taking the piece of bacon out of Darry's hand when he picked it up. You heard a groan coming from the couch and grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge, handing them to Johnny as he passed by "would you set these and the bottle of aspirin next to Dallas and Two?"
You passed plates of bacon and eggs to anyone who passed by in all the chaos that was a typical morning at the house. "Finish breakfast so I can get dressed for work?" You asked Ponyboy when he brought his plate to the sink. You kissed the top of his head quickly on your way by when he nodded. You were back downstairs fifteen minutes later, grabbing your bag and keys as you called out "anyone going to school has exactly one minute to get in my car." "Same for people goin' to work," Darry called as pulled his work shirt on. You both had to step back when the stampede rushed out of the house. "You're the best, darlin'," he said, giving you a quick kiss before going to his truck. "Trust me, I know," you answered back with a cheeky grin, making sure the screen door didn't slam shut behind you.
Nine hours later and everyone was back at the house after going about their day. They were more than happy to see you walk inside with a couple of boxes of pizza from the place across the street from where you worked. You and Darry ate your pieces outside; your head rested on his shoulder and his feet kicked up on the porch railing. He was being quiet so you asked: "what's goin' on in that head of yours?" "Nothin', baby, I'm just thinkin' about all the things I still gotta do. There's laundry, grocery shopping, gotta call back one of Ponyboy's teachers and his track coach," he tiredly ran his fingers through his hair. "Relax, I took care of laundry last night and I'm not workin' tomorrow so I can take care of groceries. You need to stop stressin' yourself out so much, the pressure doesn't all fall on you anymore," you said softly as you looked up at him.
"I know, doll, I do and I appreciate it, I'm still just tryin' to get used to it is all, and I don't want to scare you away by askin' too much of you," he said before taking a bite of his piece. "Darry, if they haven't scared me away by now, there's nothing that'll scare me. I love you and I like the guys well enough," you added the last part as a joke, grinning at him. He chuckled softly "I'm pretty sure that's the best I can hope for, for them, but are you sure?" You nodded "positive, Darry, so suck it up and let me help you out." He shook his head as he chuckled before looking at you curiously "wait a minute, did you say you loved me?" "I did," you said with a hum before taking a sip of your beer. He stared at you for a solid thirty seconds before you looked up at him and met his gaze "what?" "I guess I'm just surprised, doll, you sure you wanna keep goin' with me? I don't exactly have the calmest life," he admitted and shrugged sheepishly. You returned the shrug and snuggled into his side, intertwining your fingers together "maybe, but you make me laugh, you make me feel safe, you're the sweetest guy I've ever met. I love bein' with you, Darry, I love you and everything and everyone that comes with you, that includes your brothers and your friends."
"I love you too, baby," he said quietly, leaning down to kiss you softly. You lightly stroke his cheek as you kissed, smiling some. You pulled away from each other when someone cleared their throat "not on the porch y'all, we hang out there." You both looked at a smirking Steve, Darry threw a wadded-up napkin at him "will you go somewhere else and be annoying?" "Pfft, no," Steve scoffed and snickered to himself. "Go back inside," Soda mumbled as he pulled his friend back into the house, sending them a sheepish grin "there's only a couple pieces left, he was supposed to ask if y'all wanted anymore." "I'll take one," Darry said grinning. You shook your head "I'm fine, thank you though, Soda." He nodded and started to go back in but stopped "we're all glad to have you around, by the way. We appreciate you helpin' all of us and Darry. You're one of us now." You blushed at his words and grinned from ear to ear "I'm glad to be here too, Sodapop, that really means a lot to me." You watched him go back inside and snuggled into Darry's side. Darry pressed a kiss to the top of your head and let out a happy sigh, taking a sip of his own beer. After Soda brought another piece for Darry, the two of you went back to watching the night sky, pointing out different things you both saw in the stars.
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
Whats the context for this.. She deserves it. Fuck that old lady. This proves that Two-Bit is so underrated I love him 😋
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
We should learn how to apply to jobs in school
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
cherry valance was right. i could fall in love with dallas winston
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
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Matt Dillon ❤
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
Dallas would be the fucker to say "Yeah if i were a city id be Tulsa"
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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loreolympus2 · 4 years ago
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Tom Cruise before he became a Scientologist is honestly so fucking hot like can I go back in time to the 80s and date him😍🤤
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