#but truly they are the Most Soul Society of episodes
recurring-polynya · 2 years
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This is one of my favorite reaction shots in all of Bleach because it's literally just all the captains getting cc'd on an email.
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reineyday · 2 years
"how laughable that the head of the soul reapers would awaken the dead" ok wait but. theyre already dead? i thought the whole point of soul society/hueco mundo was that dead souls go there, and yet ur telling me dead souls can get even deader and yet still remain alive enough to be "awakened". is that what ur saying.
#rei rambles#bleach#bleach spoilers#bleach tybw spoilers#i know that the kazui chapter that dropped mentions that all souls that get killed get sent to hell#is there a way u can really truly die in bleach lol#i suppise getting eaten by a hollow...? but then it's like. youre still *technically* a part of that hollow even if ur not in control#obliterated by quincy arrow??? i suppose thatd be it. u just turn into nothing...?#god but that pipeline that is human > soul society > (death by yamjii's sword??) > real actual hell???????#wild#bleach is so wild. it's so great.#also love how most of this episode is literally yamajii explaining how op he is#it's been a thousand years and here are all the cardinal directions of reasons why my fire bankai is terrifying ✌️✨️#like ok old man#kubo just continues making stuff up about the afterlife and it has all these potentially interesting philosophical implications#and then literally none of it gets discussed. they just sword fight.#(and im here for it and support it.)#he also says a lot of things about war and nature that dont really get addressed lol#hollows dont get a choice in eating other souls. they get abandoned and then turned and they cant stop it.#quincies and shinigami need to defend themselves and living humans so killing hollows makes sense there#but then unilaterally deciding to exterminate all hollows? just cuz thats apparently what quincies are supposed to do? not cool.#soul reapers disagreeing w thqt for the balance of the world? makes sense.#soul reapers ALSO unilaterally deciding to mass murder (but it's the *quincies* this time) in defense of that balance? not cool at all.#quincies being afraid of/angry at shinigami? understandable. all this politicking and war :/#but then there are the hollows who yes wreak havoc but they literally dont have a choice like the other two factions do#and then they get taken advantage of by aizen and afterward get invaded and murdered by the quincies???#it's interesting cuz the hollows are initially set up as the 'bad guys' since ichi's the one having to save human souls from them#but they are arguably as a whole the most innocent of the afterlife groups of people#aside from like. the normal konsou'd souls that end up in the seireitei's rukongai.#like *those* souls and hollows are just participating in what the world forced them to take and then all this politics... ugh.
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williamrikers · 1 year
some incoherent thoughts about THE queer rights scene of 2023
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i love that in this episode, kawi had to confront his latent fears about being part of the queer community. notably, we can see his face on "queer people do not have the same rights that straight people do". if he wants to act on his feelings for pisaeng, this is the reality he will have to accept--and this is the reality he has been trying to avoid for A LOT of years at this point.
he spent so much time trying to make fetch happen, conform to society's standards by step 1: romancing a beautiful woman, step 2: ???, step 3: profit. however, even when he did manage to romance pear, he failed to go through with the other ""normal"" heterosexual milestones: he refused to marry her, refused to start a family with her, both of which she explicitly asked him for. kawi never outright says this but i would like to think that the reason he doesn't is because deep down he does not want those milestones for himself. the original plan before he started time traveling was "make pear fall in love with me". the plan never went any further than that. apparently, once she was in love with him, kawi then didn't really know what to do with her.
because all that time, kawi had been deluding himself. had been hiding from the truth of himself because the truth was scary and painful, not just on a personal level but in a "if i admit this about myself, my rights might be taken away, my humanity might be questioned" way. and in this scene, kawi had to confront that. had to be told, yes, this is the risk you are taking. and kawi decided that for pisaeng, that risk is worth it.
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one of kawi's main flaws that he's been struggling to overcome is his tendency to run away. max called him out on this a few episodes ago, and the whole story even starts with kawi running from the bleak reality of his lonely life by escaping into his own past.
kawi, pisaeng and max all have storylines about not running away, about choosing to stay and fight: for pisaeng and max, that choice is mostly geographical, but for kawi, that choice is spiritual. he has to choose to stay by pisaeng's side and fight for him. he has to choose to be honest and upfront about his feelings. he has to choose to live his life in the present and taking on the challenges life throws at him without running away from them.
interestingly, in this episode where he truly starts to embrace that, the episode opens on his father finally and irrevocably dying. some things can't be changed even through magical time travel. some things kawi has to face, no matter how hard he tries to run away from them. (and yes, i am extremely smug about having predicted this correctly.)
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not gonna lie, "love for your body, your soul, or even love for someone else" changed me on the molecular level. queerness as love for our bodies and our souls, man, that just hit me today, especially because i honestly Do Not love my body. i can't bear to look at myself most days. but recontextualizing that desire to change myself into a shape i will be more comfortable in as love... i think this show somehow gave me therapy today?? idk i'm very incoherent about this but man. this is going to stay with me for the rest of my life.
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GOD, my man kawi is so scared. SO SO SO scared. always has been. and him having to confront that along with everything else he's had to confront is just so beautiful. he has to embrace the fear if he wants his life to be better. there's no magical button that's going to take the fear away (ironic, on the show with the magical time traveling device), he has to confront it and power through it, and we see him do just that in the confession scene.
that confession. jesus, kawi is TERRIFIED. he tries to tell pisaeng like three times and can't do it every time, up until pisaeng threatens to leave again and kawi is like. no. not having pisaeng in my life is even worse than telling him the truth, and it just breaks out of him. that confession scene is just utterly brilliant on so many levels, because at this point, kawi has learned to speak gracefully and with purpose, and he does that, but it is so clear that he's also deeply afraid. and pisaeng teasing him about it by letting him believe for a moment that he won't go out with kawi... these two deserve each other. they're both idiots. why am i crying.
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everything in this show has been about growth from the start: pisaeng going from marrying a woman he knew he could never love to outright saying "i'm gay" to his homophobic mother, kawi going from being a cringefail anti-social shut-in to someone who can speak and listen gracefully and with humility (when he tries). and those journeys weren't easy! we saw kawi struggling for eight whole episodes to become a kinder, more sociable person. we saw pisaeng literally flee the gay club the first time he went there.
because love isn't just about feelings for someone else. (max actually mentions those last.) love is, first and foremost, love for ourselves, for our bodies and our souls. and, as max says:
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this show is a love story, but more importantly, it is a story of growth. of kawi and pisaeng loving themselves enough to embrace the fear and the uncertainty and daring to love themselves and each other, daring to live their truth. daring to grow and change and embrace these changes. and some of those changes they go through stem from their love for each other, while others deepen their love for each other (personally, i think we'll see more of the latter in the upcoming episodes).
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pisaeng loved kawi from the very start. he loved him as he was: a shy, awkward loner. in pisaeng's opinion, there was nothing wrong with kawi, no reason not to love him. however, they can only love each other after kawi makes the effort to change himself, makes the effort to "become a better man", as the lyrics of the theme song would have it. because that shy, awkward loner could never stand in front of tall, gorgeous pisaeng and tell him with emotional honesty and complete certainty that he likes him and wants to go out with him. and a relationship can only work if both parties are equally invested in it.
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sophosoterica · 1 month
If I want to know, I have no choice but to prostrate myself to the idolatry of information. I must devote myself to ingurgitating the most inhuman amounts of material. I have how many years left? How many days? I have wasted time already. Ignoring the necessity of the practice of discipline, I feel as though learning itself is a sacred art. Too many are heretics- defacing the conventions of learning because one is unwilling to learn. The most pitiful, submissive state of them all: the recognition and wholeful acceptance of one’s stupidity. It requires humility. Look around. Do you see humility? We are now cut off from the very thing that makes us human. Mankind explores. We have used our telescopes and equations to chart the passages of space and time - what wonder! No, no longer do we celebrate such things. To do so would be unironic, would fail to dismiss everything that makes us good as everything that makes us, us. Make no mistake: now, to be human is wrong, verging on immoral. We catapult ourselves to the status of God (as individuals and as societies and cultures) while refusing to attempt to reach His intellectual capacity. 
I rebuke it all. These people are high on the drug of ignorance, and I want to be clean. The haziness and comfort of knowing absolutely nothing of are universe come at an insurmountable cost: the beauty of knowledge, and the inexpressibly passionate joy that comes from learning. It is comparable to a religious episode, where once control and pride are relinquished, one is only then able to witness the divinity of their simpleness. The universe teaches us that to be human is good, and therefore learning is too; how else would we have made it this far? Alas, the universe has few pupils. But I have decided I shall never forgo my seat in the lecture hall as long as I live. 
Language, history, literature, mathematics, and the great many sciences that call my name in the night, knowing my soul is wasting. To these I will devote my being. I was obviously never made great by my hands. My mind, though having gotten me this far, is nowhere near exceptional. It is my soul that is unique. I have an emptiness in my heart that is only filled when I convert the unknown to the known, an angelic maneuver that anyone can enjoy. When I was young and truly myself, I studied at an inimitable rate - the voraciousness of my hunger would be directed to my very being if I did not send it after knowledge. It became a well-trained, sinewy beast, one that has fallen into weakness in my current state. No more.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 year
Only Friends Episode 4 - Emergency Contact
Where very much needed conversations between most of the casts are done. And the water becomes murkier with even more messy connections and entangled characters. This is me again just trying to process what I saw and keeping my thoughts straight before the next episode
Mew and Ray
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Well, we learn more about Ray and why he is fixated with Mew. I feel like he has put Mew up in this pedestal of a perfect man/friend. Ray seems to have an obsessive personality and he has the need to be taken care of, which Mew has done so far as his closest friend, bar from one aspect - the one as a lover, and now with Top in the picture, he feels neglected somehow. It doesn’t help his poor self-esteem or his lonely soul.
Khaotung as usual nailed it with his opening performance of someone who was (may still be?) suicidal, using prescription pills and alcohol to numb his sorrows and loneliness. Mew being his emergency contact because he truly has nobody in his corner - no other close friends (maybe Chuem? certainly not Boston), an absent father and a dead mom (who we also learn probably don’t love him when she was alive, and Ray blaming himself for her death 🥲). And so, when Mew saved Ray that night, fiercely reminding him “I’ll always be in your corner. I love you, all our friends love you”, I don’t blame Ray for ditching Sand that night (he could have explain and handle it better but Ray as we now know is a disaster muffin 😫).
In some way, Ray is immature. He loves wholeheartedly but also selfishly, which in turn means he sometimes makes questionable decisions. Like him kissing Mew without consent? - a big 🚫🙅🏾‍♀️.
And I’m glad Mew called him out for it. It was a needed scene. Khao and Book handled the scene impeccably (both the aftermath and Ray’s subsequent sincere apology to Mew in the latter apartment). Similarly, I’m glad Mew made it clear to Ray while he will always think Ray as his dearest friend, that’s all they will ever be - yes it’s heartbreaking for Ray, but it’s a step for Ray to hopefully move forward, although I doubt he will be able to forget Mew as his first love/crush quickly, and my worry is as the episodes progresses and we see RaySand blossoming while TopMew in crisis - Mew calling Ray for help, the latter may again drop Sand (unintentionally or not) like a hot coal 🙃….
Ray and Sand
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Which brings us to my bias couple 😅….Sand was absolutely in his rights to ignore Ray’s messages after being ditch like that on the night. He has enough self-awareness about his burgeoning feelings for Ray but knows Ray is not ready for it (he may not know about Mew (yet),but Ray’s immaturity and selfish nature means Sand is wary to start anything deeper).
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But well, we all know Ray is a persistent gremlin and he is a sweet charmer when he wants to be. Paired that with his effective puppy eyes (gawd…I think we have seen it in effect 3-4 times now!!!), and Sand fold each time (I don’t blame you sir! 😂)
My favourite scenes from this episode (which I’m sure hold true for most SandRay bias) will have to be the guitar 🎸 shop and music record store scenes. The whole conversation between Sand and Ray in the guitar shop was 👌👌👌- Sand making it clear he is uncomfortable with Ray throwing money around, bluntly saying friendship and love cannot be bought and Sand advising Ray should be mindful of other people’s feelings. But we are again reminded how low Ray’s self-esteem is that he asked Sand to yell at him as a “burden to the society”, thinking it will make Sand forgive him. And when Sand does the opposite, I think there is a genuine surprise from Ray, which brought upon the soft scene of which we see Ray admits he cares about Sand feelings, wanting to make amend…
And then we penned to the music store scene where further much needed conversation between these 2 happen - that whole conversation about fav band and music was 🫶. As a metaphor of Ray being stuck and living the past, never taking the opportunity to embrace the future or open up to his present (with Sand again gently but firmly pointing it to him).
Plus the whole scene of them listening to the music record, sneaking glances at each other and their fingers gradually drifting closer while eventually intertwining 🥰🥰🥰(First killed it with his yearning and soft eyes in this episode, and Khao’s genuine smile light up his whole face - I’m a goner for these 2 🫠)
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We finished this episode with Ray now focusing all his energy in wooing Sand (do I think it means he has forgotten Mew as his first love?Not really, and I think that will be a contentious matter once Sand finds out, and I still think Ray alcoholism +/- drug habits will also rear its ugly head soon. Because as we can see, Ray has no interest at present to change or confront his trauma. For now, he is using Sand as a substitute (if I can put it this way? To run away from his problem and loneliness). But I have faith these 2 will hopefully come out relatively unscathed 🤞
Mew and Top
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Sigh…these 2 are so sweet together with Top always so attentive towards Mew. And I do feel he genuinely likes Mew. And Mew likes Top (he said it himself to Ray, Top is the first person his heart beat faster for). But urghhhh, Top’s lies are piling up. Not only did he betray Mew with Boston (and yes he regret it, but he didn’t come clean about the incident, even after finding out MewRay had done nothing more than 1 kiss TWO years ago). He also lied about Beam and his drug habits until Mew pressed it out of him. And yeah, I wasn’t a fan of the whole Top saying he wants a reward if he gave up his drug habits, suggestively indicating to Mew what he truly wanted was the sexual relationship he desired and up until recently being denied. And even when Mew said “no penetration”, he sneakily then volunteer another tidbit about his ex, trying to persuade Mew not to worry about the past.
You know, Mew’s list of what he thinks make a good partner/BF - I don’t think Top filled any of it (he doesn’t get along will ALL of Mew’s friend - Ray being the prime example and Mew knows this, he can see the tension and snide comments whenever these 2 interacts, he doesn’t respect Mew and he had lied countless of times 😩😣).
But I guess, love is blind and Mew may think he can change Top’s behaviour? (Kudos to Force and Book though, their actings were also amazing to watch! Can’t believe a sweetie like Force acting so arrogantly on screen that it made me want to throw my remote to the TV👌)
Top and Boston
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Which then comes to Top and his strenuous relationship with Boston. If anything, I’m at least glad Top expressed his regret about his lapse of judgment - having that ill-advised encounter with Boston. And I’m so glad he finally confronted Boston in the lift, putting a stop on Boston frankly disgusting behaviour (isn’t it twice now he sexually harassed Top? Once in the shower cubicle when he said No as well). No means No and Boston doesn’t seem to have learn his lesson (which frankly worries me about his other sexual conquests, are they all consensus??? And now we learn his father is into politics, so a scandal of any sorts by Boston will be a disaster; plus him taking pictures/videos without consent, like what he did with RayMew and using it to spin a web of lies on Top - yeah this guy is a massive red flag 🚩)
Boston and Nick
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Another big sigh from me. Nick is now realising how much of an asshole Boston can be, but I guess Boston has never really hid his intention. He has bluntly told Nick that he is not looking for a relationship - at most, FWB and I don’t think he promise exclusivity as well. Boston is promiscous and proud of it - his friends know it, and even Sand as an outsider has heard of his reputation.
But what I’m truly devastated for Nick is that how manipulative Boston can be. He knows how to twist words and sweet talk to placate Nick (not that Nick is trying hard to go against him because he loves Boston even if everyone of us here can agree he deserves better 😣). Boston gives false sense of hope to Nick, in order to basically have someone at his back to fulfill his sexual needs. Does that mean Boston stop his other “relationship?” I don’t think so, in fact, I won’t be surprised if he had other sexual partners (other than Nick) going on at the same time.
We can also agree Nick is not truly innocent in all of this mess - his obsessive love for Boston is spiraling out of control and bringing the worst in him. Him bugging Boston’s car? (A big 🙅🏾‍♀️), and then snooping on Boston’s phone (also not good behaviour). Plus, him listening to the sound of TopBoston going at it in his room (yeah..that’s a worrying sign 😫)…
(Again kudos to Neo and Mark, they played their roles 🫡🫡🫡 that I’m cursing everytime Boston opened his mouth and shaking my head whenever these 2 are on screen 😅)
Nick and Top
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Which brings to the scene of Nick confronting Top, asking Top to stop meeting Boston. And when Top clarified and say, it has always been Boston who did the chasing despite Top being uninterested, well…you can see Nick face fell.
And Top giving some advice on how Nick should be careful with Boston as he is truly a piece of work (well, it’s warranted but it’s like the pot calling kettle black, yeah?)
However, I think it’s truly sad (and quite ominous) when Nick calmly say he knows how nasty Boston can be, because he is nasty too (is that a foreshadow that Nick will seek revenge and destroy Boston’s future? esp now we know Boston dislikes getting his pictures taken with Nick for the fear of the scandal ruining his dad’s political aspiration??)
Top and Sand
It’s alluded in previous episodes that these 2 had a connection. And now we know, Top seduced (Is that the right word for it?) Sand’s ex. Sand is obviously still bitter about it but I’m thinking if your ex dump you for someone like Top, Sand is better off without him (just saying 💁‍♀️). But I am curious if the ex will come crawling back to Sand and cause havoc in SandRay newly blossoming relationship??? Or even to TopMew? - Esp with Top finally informing Mew about Boeing (seriously what’s with Thai’s nickname??? I snorted when Top said this out loud), an ex who gave him the plane model, which Top reassure Mew is no longer of consequence (if he is not that important, why did Top keep the plane? I might be wrong but I do think Boeing is the ex of both Sand and Ray??)
Sand and Nick
Ahhhhh, finally with all the headaches and mess from the rest of the characters, I’m glad to see some friendly, brotherhood like relationship between at least 2 of the characters 🥹🥹🥹🥹
I love their easy banter and the way they tease each other about their crushes (although said crushes are essentially disastrous in different ways). In a way, both Sand and Nick are also lonely individuals (or at the very least, we don’t see much outside of Sand/Nick working in their respective jobs and uni (presumably). So, having a genuine friendship that is not complicated - 🙌 I am super glad for them!!!
(Also, I’m still petitioning for Sand at some stage to go all protective bear on Nick and use the baseball bat that we saw in the pilot trailer to destroy Boston +/- Top’s car(s)?)
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(This episode was I think a pivotal one, where we are starting to see everyone’s motivation and character development - be it good or bad…as usual, I can’t wait for the next episode…is it Saturday yet?)
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yepthatsacowalright · 9 months
Doctor Who, The Process Of Healing From Trauma, and Me: A Text Post Essay No One Asked For
Back in 2006ish, when I first started watching Doctor Who as a teenager in late high school/early college, it captivated me mind, body, and soul. I ate that early 2000s, broody-complex-hero shit up.
I loved that the Doctor grappled with the guilt and regret from some truly fucked up shit he did, and I loved that he gave the middle finger to it by going on wild, ridiculous-special-effects-ed adventures instead of attempting the mortifying ordeal of opening up about it.
I'm sure, judging by how popular the 2005 version of the show became, a lot of my generation felt similar. 9/11 hadn’t been that long ago. We were coming of age and starting to sense that the world kind of sucked major ass, and perhaps the older generations had been super lying to us about most things this whole time.
As such, Rose Tyler was living the dream as far as I was concerned. Abandoning her place in this bullshit society to go help people and save lives with someone who never settled, who always ran towards the darkness, who found ways to laugh and dance in it even…Rose's lifestyle was goals.
Not only did the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's struggle to opening up about what they'd been through or forgive themselves for it not bother teen me at all, I preferred it. It was understandable and relatable. I wasn't ready to actually look at and deal with any of my own problems either, I just didn't want to pretend like I had none. Admitting there's a problem is the first step, and that's where Nine, Ten, Rose, and me all hung out and had fun.
Rose’s "death" was when I started to feel differently. It wasn't that I didn't still enjoy the show - I kept watching through Martha and Donna's seasons, and also a little bit into Eleven's run - but it wasn't the same. I could never quite get over the loss of Rose, or how the Doctor chose to get over it by doing what he always did - ignore and repress.
It had been much easier to watch the Doctor do this with trauma when I didn't know much about what he'd been through, but every time he avoided the topic of Rose, or minimized who she was, it pissed me off. It felt bad to watch him do that to the memory of someone who mattered.
I was starting to realize that just admitting you had problems wasn't sustainable. I couldn't stay on that first step indefinitely, and Doctor Who didn't feel like it was my show anymore, which was fine. After all, it's a family-friendly series. An episode on intergalactic talk therapy is not going to be a hit with the kids.
I was off to have the one adventure the Doctor never could - to understand and manage my own mental health. Learning about psychology, learning about trauma, going to therapy. I processed, I surprised myself, I found new stories to obsess over that resonated with a different, older version of me.
Whenever I popped back into Doctor Who, it felt more nostalgic than anything else. It reminded me of how I used to feel, and how far I'd come. I had that bittersweet feeling of wishing I could connect with it the way I used to, but being grateful that the reason I couldn't was a positive, therapeutic one.
And then…the 60th Anniversary Specials.
David Tennant didn’t even do anything that different in his performance, and he admits as much in interviews. Trying to replicate what he did as the Tenth wouldn't make sense because he isn't the Tenth, and trying to do something completely new wouldn't make sense because then why bring back David at all?
He just played the role as an actor who's lived 10 more years since the last time he played the role, and brother that shit hit me hard.
All the natural, subtle, perhaps subconscious changes in him made me feel the weight of slightly too many years passing. Despite knowing I am relatively young, l’m at a point in my life where I, for the first time, feel old.
Gray hairs and smile lines that were only on the faces of grownups are now on the faces of me and my friends. I know I don't know it all, and also realize I know even less than I thought I did. Love feels deeper, loss feels heavier. I'm compelled to express feelings of gratitude and affection I used to always keep to myself. Oh, is that who I am now?
I love that the Doctor's body didn't just go back to Ten's face, but to an aged version of Ten's face. A version that would align with the aged version of Donna's. I know this was not a creative choice, it was literally just what David and Catherine look like now, but how perfect for time itself to play a role in the story, too.
I love that the Doctor, at last, had to catch up with what his body was telling him. To notice his feelings and learn what those feelings meant. Like the title of one of my favorite (and extremely relevant to this this post) books says, the body keeps the score.
And I loved the bi-generation.
I loved that Fourteen made the choice to stop and ask his friends to help him do it.
I know that RTD proposed a theory that in that moment all the previous regenerations became bi-generations as well, but I like the idea that all the others could have bi-generated, but didn't. They weren't ready to look at themselves, or ask for that help from anyone. Not until now.
And I love love LOVE Ncuti Gatwa as Fifteen. I love that the healed next Doctor is a millennial. That he is a Doctor who can freely say he loved his friends, he loved Rose, can tell his former self, "I love you."
The show's become such a beautiful portrayal of generational trauma and healing that did not know that's what it was until its end.
And now, it begins again.
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rainmacaroni · 28 days
@coldinfluencerbeliever , ‘ Urahara dried Ichigo’s rain ’ And in your reblog of my other IR post , it’s just you writing about Urahara’s role to Ichigo as his mentor and master just before the Soul Society arc – and you somehow equating that on the same level as Rukia drying Ichigo’s rain I’ve probably said this a hundred times now – I may never understand why exactly the ‘ real and true ’ Bleach fans say and do everything they can to try and undermine how truly significant and special the bond is between Ichigo and Rukia : the most important relationship ; heart and core of your own series Couldn’t be me , ha , I have basic common sense and media literacy To be a bit kinder to you , your reblog of my other IR post is simply just your head-canon Here’s what was actually written and given to us by Kubo himself It seems I must also present these to you as if we’re on an episode of Dora the Explorer or something – so I’ll do just that ,
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‘ the rain dried by white moon ’ , who does Kubo give this title to ? Who is the ‘ white moon ’ ? Is it , A , Kisuke Urahara B , Satoru Gojo C , Rukia Kuchiki or D , Elsa of Arendelle Now , I don’t mean to lead you to the answer or anything , ha , but hey , you know what they say with multiple choice questions , ‘ when you’re uncertain , your best bet is probably C ’
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‘ because of you , the rain has finally stopped ’ , who does Kubo have Ichigo thank and say this to ? If Urahara ever dried Ichigo’s rain , why doesn’t Ichigo say , ‘ because of you AND Urahara ’ ?   If Urahara ever dried Ichigo’s rain , why does Kubo , not a single time , throughout his own entire series , ever allude to or have Ichigo simply thank Urahara for doing something so powerful and monumental like that for him ?   Simple , and as I had quickly said in my other IR post , it’s because there is 1 , and has only ever been 1 person who has the power to dry Ichigo’s rain CASE CLOSED   You may try again   But maybe next time , how about you try and answer if Orihime ever dried Ichigo’s rain ; If Ichigo ever thanked her for doing something so powerful and monumental and on that level for him BONUS question , if Kubo ever gave Orihime any titles in relation to Ichigo   Ha , SPOILER ALERT – he never did ; she has none   IR canonically has 3 !   Death and Strawberry / Deathberry   Black Sun and White Moon   Sand and Rotator   The first 2 , I’ve seen a number of IH fans try and of course massively fail to claim them as their own   What’s more hilarious is that they must then result to coming up with their own fan titles , and they’ve , for whatever shallow reason , collectively all decided on calling Orihime ‘ bread ’ of all things – ha , which I suppose is fitting given that her overall character is stale and dry as bread can quickly get if not stored properly   But I digress   I’m not looking to have this eventuate into a hate post or something , so I’ll end things off here in my late reply to you
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animebw · 26 days
Man, what a shitty way to end the season.
Well, that's Superstar Season 2 finished. And for whatever reason, the thought I keep coming back to is this one line from Bojack Horseman where he calls himself "A xerox of a xerox of a xerox." When something is copied over and over again, each new copy gets a little duller, a little vaguer, a little less certain of what it used to be in the first place. Love Live has been going on for over a decade now, with new installments almost every year. It is no longer the firework bursting spectacularly in open air; it's the leftover ash from that fireworks as it descends of the sky, still vainly trying to shine just as brightly as before.
And it feels tired.
For all the wonderful energy of Superstar, all the gorgeous art direction and animation and direction, it feels so, so tired.
There are absolutely things I like about this season. Even things I love. Keke and Sumire's episode alone prevents me from calling this a bad season of Love Live. Not to mention how wonderful Shiki and Mei are. But every new iteration of this series feels like more and more of its magic is draining away. School Idol Project was nothing short of a miracle, a lightning-in-a-bottle conflagration of optimistic euphoria that made me believe in the power of idols like nothing had ever done before. But Sunshine struggled all throughout its run to match up to that miracle, and it only really managed to do so when its movie finale came around. Nijigasaki swung for the fences to try something fresh and interesting, but all it resulted in was a crushingly hollow disaster. And even with Superstar bringing back SIP's director, Jukki Hanada in the writer's chair, it only ever feels like it's playing the hits without justifying its own existence. It has no idea how to make this new self, this new chance, a worthy contender to stand on the same stage as its ancestors. And if even the best creative team to ever work on Love Live can't figure out how to keep Love Live from stagnating... then what hope is there for anyone else?
Truthfully, part of me wonders if Hanada is just tired of it all. He's been writing original scripts for this franchise for over a decade, and even with someone else handling Nijigasaki, there are still very few gaps between the entries he has a hand in. That's a long time to write the same kind of story, trapped in the same kind of formula, no doubt with countless corporate mandates to prioritize lest he "tarnish" the pristine image of idols with anything too dangerous or exciting. As much as I love Hanada's work, I can't help but think that sounds like the most soul-crushing cycle to be stuck in. And if you think that's just me projecting, well... do you remember that other original music anime Hanada just came out with? The one that's all about angst and punk spirit and shouting in defiance of society's norms? A series that, in contrast to Superstar, feels truly electric and explosive and bursting with the undeniable spirit of something born of passion too powerful to contain? Where one of the co-protagonists' backstory is her old band was forced to rebrand with specifically idol aesthetics to stay marketable in a world with little place for the scrappy, raw, unapologetic honesty of the rock music they started out with?
Yeah, suffice to say, I wouldn't be surprised if Hanada saved all his best ideas and creative passion for the start of something new and special instead of spending it all on his third rodeo at a steady paycheck.
So where does Superstar go from here? I honestly don't know. We've got a third season coming up just this October- a first for this franchise- so there's no telling what to expect. Personally, I hope it leans fully into that cartoon-world magical-girl energy I talked about before; the more it can stake its own identity, the better chance it will have to justify itself when all is said and done. But more than anything, I wonder how long it will be before Love Live just... stops being special entirely. Until the magic is truly all used up and the horrific emptiness of Nijigasaki becomes the rule rather than the exception. Until this series that truly made me believe in something starts to leave me feeling just as hollow about idols as I was before I picked it up.
And that is far too tragic a fate for me to accept.
The first Love Live was special. It will always be special. And I think Sunshine was, eventually, able to earn its place by SIP's side. But Muse themselves knew that sometimes, the only way to be special is to put everything you have into a single beautiful moment and leave everything else behind when you're done. I'll still watch Superstar season 3, and hopefully it's good, but after that? It might be time for me to leave this franchise behind. The memories of this series at its best will always matter more then endless failed attempts to measure up to that high bar. Cherish the magic we've made, and don't let time and exhaustion steal that away from you.
To those who found me through my Love Live posting, thank you for being here. I hope you enjoyed my thoughts, positive and negative alike, and I hope you stick around as my journey through anime's history continues. I will always celebrate Love Live for what its best efforts mean to me; whatever the future holds, that will never change. I can only hope whatever comes next for these creators will be just as singular and special. But Superstar season 2, for all its charms, is getting no higher score than 5.5/10 from me. The dream is coming to an end soon; and I, for one, am ready to wake up and see what new sights await in the light of day.
Speaking of, I think I have another poll to make...
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ryansjane · 1 year
Heyyy girl! Not sure if you’ve answered this before but what are your fave non gmmtv bls/Thai dramas?🪷💗
hi anon! I don't think I actually have, all in the same post! let's go <3
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I've talked about this show about a thousand times already, so I'll keep it short: this is the only show I consider truly perfect, from its writing, cinematography, acting, chemistry, storyline, soundtrack, etc. it's not for everyone bc it's VERY angsty but it's deffo my cup of tea & I'm gonna be honest teh's coming out storyline was extremely important to me as it came right before I also finally accepted my bisexuality. overall just my favorite show, so important & beautiful with deeply flawed characters <3
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this show is the only other one with itsay I've rated a 10/10 in my life, even though it's not perfect, because it literally changed my life. the last sentence of the show literally helped me get over the worst depressive episode of my life, which is a pretty goddamn beautiful result for a show about depression. even though it's not entirely perfect, it's still an extremely well written show, has a gorgeous cinematography full of neons, incredible performances & a story that was so important to tell. I couldn't recommend it more!
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in also a near flawless show, we have this show. it's a very touching story that will make you cry, tries to understand all of its characters, with stunning acting performances from everyone, and it's just the kind of shows I don't see anyone disliking tbh. very well executed & definitely an all time favorite of mine :)
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probably the most underrated show on this list, this is actually the show I'm the most upset about being underrated lol, bc it's literally SO GOOD. if it was a korean show it'd go viral type of good. this is a very fucked up story so not for the faint of heart but it's executed extremely well, and honestly I don't have much negative to say about this show. flawless performances, an extremely impactful show, and forever one of my favorite thai dramas ever made!
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another highly underrated thai drama that no one has watched. this is female-led, touches on politics & corruption, has a very different setting from usual & a great plot through and through. the ending is also super iconic & stays on my mind to this day. I really encourage anyone to watch it!
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if you like love sick or my school president, I think my ride will be your cup of tea. it's a pretty simple story but with such lovable characters & a beautiful healthy ship that it immediately became one of my favorite comfort shows. it's the ultimate proof that even a more simple story can be beautiful if given enough soul, quirkiness & love :)
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in family we trust is a lakorn, but it doesn't feel like a lakorn. apart from the obviously beyond iconic cast at every level, the writing & cinematography are leagues above any other lakorns. for a murder story that should be pretty straightforward, they managed to weave in the interpersonal relationships of the characters perfectly, and this is the kind of show that you can put down once you start. if you've never watched lakorns before, I'd recommend this one to start with since it's quite similar to regular series.
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another lakorn, another slay! this one is way more lakorn-y so I don't think it's for everyone, but it's literally the only lakorn that treats its queer characters fairly lol & it's such a beautiful love story. it's very dramatic bc 1) lakorn & 2) historical drama with repressed queer characters, but everything in this drama just HITS. you care for the characters so much, and the brother relationship is also so supportive & beautiful and I'm so glad the show never compromised it for some petty drama. overall this show put me through all the emotions & I loved it so much for it lol
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this show is the proof of the kind of imagination thai film makers have when they get a good budget. the world building of that show is so vibrant & fun, but more than that the writing is really good with endearing characters, good interpersonal relationships, and a really beautiful love story & plot. this is just such a nice show to watch, even with its kind of childish aspect, and once again the cast is great since it's the same as in in family we trust lol. watch both shows back to back & be shook at how drastically different yet so good they both are :)
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another super underrated show that no one has watched but fucking slaps. not only is it female-led with amazing performances (and a great cast!), but this show really is so well written, with a mystery & a plot twist that will pull you in and make you bingewatch it. the cinematography & colors also slap, and overall it's such a good show that I wish more people would watch.
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docgold13 · 6 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
More Talia al Ghul 
Although he had lived for centuries thanks to the rejuvenating powers of the Lazarus Pits, Ra’s al Ghul knew that he was not immortal and that he would eventually require an heir to continue the work of the Society of Shadows in his wake.  Ra’s had sired many sons over his long life yet none measured up and each proved a disappointment.  
Meanwhile, Ra’s daughter, Talia, had proven herself far an away to be the most competent, loyal, shrewd and effective of her father's lieutenants.  It was only Ra’s deeply seated sexism that prevented him from seeing Talia as the obvious choice to ultimately replace him as the Demon’s Head and leader of the Society of Shadows.  
Despite his flaws Talia remained dutiful to her father.  When Ra's desperation to extend his life led him down a ruinous path, Talia recruited Batman to assist her in saving her father from himself.  
Some time later, Talia aided her father in a new venture that sought to use a magical talisman to steal the powers of Superman and transfer them into Ra’s.  The plan nearly succeeded yet Batman interceded so to save Superman.  Both Talia and Ra’s appeared to perish in the ensuring struggle yet both managed to survive and would later return.  
In the end, Talia’s loyalty to her father was awarded with the cruelest twist of them all.  Talia agreed to sacrifice her own life so that Ra’s could transfer his sentience into her youthful body.   Talia's mind, her soul, was essentially erased, covered over by that of her father’s.  And now occupying a fresh, younger body, Ra’s was once more able to use the Lazarus Pits to maintain his youth and vigor.   
Many years past yet Ra’s sexist notions persisted.  He wanted to be a man again; yet not just any man but rather the one man whom he ever truly respected.  Hence he had his agents track down Bruce Wayne, who had long since retired from his role as Batman.  Posing as Talia, he invited Bruce to regain his vitality by way of the Lazarus Pit.  Ra’s ultimate plot was to restore Bruce to youth and then take over his body, transferring his essence into Bruce’s corporal form in the same way that he had taken over Talia.  
Aided by his new protégé, Terry McGinnis, Bruce was able to ferret out this terrible truth.  Talia was dead and her father's madness had finally consumed him beyond the point of no return.  A struggle ensued when Ra’s tried to force Bruce into the Lazarus Pit.  Terry rescued Bruce just as an electrical line fell into the pit, incinerated Ra’s.  Thus bringing a final ending to the tempestuous ordeals of both Talia al Ghul and her villainous father.    
Actresses Helen Slater and Olivia Hussey each provided the voice for Talia al Ghul with the tragic character first appearing in the forty-fourth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Off Balance.’        
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mageofseven · 1 year
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 17
Tag list: @astroseuss @zarakem @brielle043 @missloserqueen
Lucifer called a doctor, just like he promised his son.
Diavolo led him out of the blonde's room to to let the doctor do his job without Lucifer hovering over him and criticizing every little thing.
How could he not though? That was his son. He watched his son going through this confusing and painful episode where his entire body blurred and Satan screamed in agony. The Avatar of Pride needed to make sure this doctor was doing everything for his son.
Still, he allowed his fiancé to lead him out of the room. Lucifer knew he was only thinking with his emotions at this stage so when his love suggested that they step out, he trusted the other man's judgement.
Audriana was downstairs with the twins. All of House of Lamentation was quiet, the loudest sound of all being Lucifer's footsteps as he paced back and forth outside Satan's room.
Diavolo felt powerless. Neither words nor his touches could sooth his Light's pain and fear. That didn't stop the prince from trying however. His fiancé needed him after all.
Eventually, the doctor came out and nothing could have prepared Lucifer for the words that were spoken.
Satan...well, beings like him and Audriana were very rare and demonic society didn't have a lot of information to go off of.
What Satan is going through though...it's been documented to have occurred in the past, but there is no name for his condition.
His body...his very existence...it was unraveling.
Demons born like he and Audriana were different than others down to their very souls. Most demons develop in their parent's womb, absorbing dark magick for their souls as their body grows.
Special demons like his children grow much more rapidly and don't have time to absorb their own dark magick; along with the emotions that caused the pregnancy, the child rips off pieces of their parent's soul to become their own.
This is nothing to worry about on Lucifer's end because as long as he still has some parts within in him, his soul will grow back, albeit slowly. Honestly, the man's soul had probably only just healed from Satan's birth when he became pregnant with Audriana.
Satan's condition has to do with how his body formed his soul with pieces of Lucifer's. The blonde's soul, just like Audriana's, is kept together by the emotions they inherited from their dad.
Imagine their souls are glass balls that have shattered. The emotions are the glue that sticks the pieces back together. However, the glue is poisonous and the glass ball still has sharp edges, which causes them both physical and emotional pain.
What's happening to Satan is...he's worked through most of the painful emotions his father passed on to him and has nothing new and strong enough to take it's place. The glue is evaporating, the glass ball is falling apart.
His soul, his very existence is unraveling.
Satan...is dying.
Not enough is known about his condition for the doctor to truly help. Their is no known cure; just a comfort that can give his son more time.
Demon's with this condition crave interaction and exposure to their birth parent. Most children aren't lucky enough to have the option though.
Children like Satan and Audriana are often abandoned directly after birth; no one wants to raise a child born from their trauma after all. Most die alone when they develop this condition.
This is why Satan was trying to form a relationship with him, why he visited the day after Audriana was born. The deathly pain his son has been hiding for three months was soothed by his presence.
Lucifer's legs gave out from under him and all that kept him standing was Diavolo. He cried. He cursed. He didn't care that the doctor was still there, that a stranger was seeing him like this.
The Avatar of Pride had no pride left in him.
What was originally supposed to be a quick pick up of their daughter turned into an all day affair at HoL.
It felt like all of the men's lives were falling apart; even the loudest of the brothers couldn't bring themselves to utter a word.
The atmosphere of the home had a strong affect on Audriana. The small girl didn't understand anything that was going on.
Why is everyone sad? Papa, why is Daddy crying? Where's Tay Tay? I need Tay Tay 🥺
Eventually, they had to wrap the very overwhelmed child in blanket, as tightly as was needed, and put the headphones over her ears. Diavolo was busy trying to comfort Lucifer so it was Beel who offered to rock her and hold her tight as small tears dripped down her face.
It was decided between the two parents that Satan would move into the castle with them so he could always be with Lucifer.
It won't solve the problem, but it will give both father and son a bit of peace and ease some of the pain Satan has been feeling.
Later, when Satan woke up...Lucifer had everyone leave the room, including Diavolo. Lucifer had to be the one to tell his son and he needed to do it alone.
After he broke the news, Lucifer lowered himself to his knees and laid his head against the mattress.
The day Satan was born... Lucifer was afraid. Confused. In pain.
But when he looked down into his new son's tearful eyes...he felt like a failure, like it was only natural that he would fail the small frail baby in his arms.
Satan was born not long after he and his brothers moved to the Devildom, not long after he lost Lilith; not long after he failed her. He promised he'd keep her safe. He promised both her and their brothers that he'd keep her safe.
Yet she still got shot. Yet she still almost died. Yet she still left them...all because he failed her.
From failing his sister to the pressures of keeping his brothers safe in a realm that actively protested for their removal, he felt like a failure that was doomed to have the trend spread
And it was true. Here he was, failing his son just as he predicted.
Lucifer's wet eyes went wide and he raised his head.
Satan's face was red from uttering the title. This was the only time in his life he had actually referred to Lucifer as such. At best, he'd use a mocking tone in the past when he'd call him his 'brother', but otherwise tried so hard to distance himself from the pride demon.
"You did everything you were capable of back then; I know this now." The blonde told him. "Just like I know you're doing everything for me now."
But no words could heal this guilty man's conscience. Still, he treasured hearing his son call him 'Dad'.
Eventually, Lucifer asked Satan if he would move into the castle with him so he could...help the younger demon with his pain management, so to speak.
To move out of the home he's lived in for hundreds of years, the only one he's ever had in his life...this did not sit well with the blonde
But he wanted all the time he could get with his father and sister. If moving in will give him more time and extend his life a bit then so be it.
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daystarvoyage · 2 months
What do you think about animation’s respectability politics?
Oh man oh man where to begin with this Good one, this topic might make me emotional, Nostalgic, and transparent.
Now, I'll try to articulate as much as possible, cause there's a lot going on with today's society and how we Poc or Bipoc Are seen.
(Meaning People of Color & Black Indigenous People of color.)
This will not only affect my way or others' views of today's media from the 80s and today's 2000s cause as a person born in the 90s.
i have alot to say on how we come along way from today's media, watching all forms of animation, be it episodic or story-driven shows, of every genre, but theres one topic no one dont want to open about is how we see each other in forms of media so where gonna get donw to the first years of my life and how it effected me
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The Raging 80s & 90s (The open space for resolving politics & steppingstone to cultural appreciation.)
This was the pinnacale of golden age animation that trailblazed so many ideas, great shows and driven packed series & francshies, i feel this was a excellent time to see.Which had very provactive engaging storytelling made up for it,
(without the whole lgbt themes getting in the way be it good or bad we'll get to that soon.)
however There were certain times we never had premoninet characters, main main characters if you will, never gained any limelinght or just a magic or Token black being a side piece or disposable best friend without reasonnig leaving the show,
(Disney shows im looking at you with a bomb bastic SIDE EYES later on.)
that are underused to a degree in 80s animation which atsome point were depicted good.
(exception of kid n play show in the 90s being a prominent cast of colorful cast & movie series or fat albert being a first main character howver he has at times can promote harmful stereotypes.)
check out this beautiful empowerment article
but anything girl theme like jem from the 80s where i saw shana was ago to for black girl empowerment.
but however we have 90s example had harmful ones done in the most gaudy ways say example family matters urkel, & Great Exhibits of good poc rep Like Storm From Xmen,
may i say it was a truly a good time to be beautiful in my own skin and how to love yourself if you saw yourself in said character in your favorite show, where you had so much freedom seeing black people be powerful yet building the road for beautiful melanin folk to rise being happy in there skin.
Now for the dark days of todays
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Todays depiction of black media 2000s So on THE DARK DAYS but theres light
with black animators and viewers finally seeing the great stamp that shows our culture being on televison shows put into media set the tone and bar in todays media but,
This is the years wear we as people have been see or degraded in the disrespected, from black face on youtubers to freaking damn controversys on stars wars casting its first black warrior along the african ariel debuncle ( which i find stupid)
I feel in todays media they really dumb down our self worth to try to make a profit off our culture, seeing it done beforehand on animation
YOU GUESS IT DISNEY (which understandable they had there controversys coming,)
which there some shows that show good represnetation with bad and flawed stories that dont paced well or just written in the white eyes for the audience, cause in todays world anything can be fixed with lgbt themes at the cause of proper stories to for the sake of appealing for profit, out of our pockets. so i feel todays media run these types of steroetypes to filth 247 in media.
heres a the gloriyfied tropes they try to depct on us that are harmful to this day everyone even social meda and tiktok
At the point i feel theres alot of work for todays future animators, creators to have better inclusion and open minded options to appease to other viewrs and true fans of great storytelling to tell for generations
But it have been great positive lgbt tropes which sometimes can make or break a show
Article here
Hope this answers all Thanks from The Daystar Voyage
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our-lady-of-haymakers · 11 months
Private detective fiction is the peak of autistic fantasy, tbh. Oh, I'm a weird little creature in freakishly comfy clothes who gets highly passionate about the tiny details of insignificant things I have been quietly rotating in my mind since before I entered this country, and you're telling me this is key to solving giant puzzle boxes crammed with Characters and Situations that regularly spawn around the world?
I can just waltz into these ornate mansions peopled by society's wealthiest, chuckling as their disdain for my eccentricities is gradually eroded by immense shame at the consequences of their greed and arrogance?
I'm terrible at reading social cues, but in a really sexy and kinda minmaxed way that lets me periodically gain insights into the fabric of people's souls?
I am late to meetings and reluctant to get out of bed, but only because my episodes of deep dissociation have in fact helped me predict events occuring far into next week with pinpoint accuracy?
I encounter places filled with the most thoroughly inscrutable and recalcitrant people I've ever seen, but they eventually have to explain everything they think and feel and have done and expect to happen to me in excruciating detail as many times as I demand because otherwise they'll literally be murdered in their beds or have their darkest secrets revealed?
I can issue orders for the most seemingly unrelated and irrelevant books that correspond to my latest hyperfixations and rest assured that they shall in fact turn out to be tangentially-yet-vitally related to matters of international importance and endow me with the knowledge necessary to outfox billionaire grifters?
I cultivate a host of assistants and helpers who respect and adore me, occasionally in highly homoerotic ways, and are willing to keep track of my sensitivities and vulnerabilities and pet peeves and sudden needs, running for me every conceivable errand because they truly believe that I am an indispensable agent in the pursuit of higher truths and grand ideals? And they sometimes take bullets for me and passionately intercede on my behalf against the haters, only to turn around and stare ardently into my eyes and call me a loser and a freak in a loving whisper that signifies their profound authority on the topic?
I sometimes get paid for all this?
Please never wake me up.
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 5 Review
-Let’s get into the most important character this episode: Elan. He’s a genetically engineered clone created specifically to handle the strain of using Gundam technology. I always had a suspicion that he wasn’t fully organic due to the gloves he wears, but he’s a full test tube baby, not just part robot. I feel bad for him, all he wants is companionship and sought that in Suletta, but when he saw that she doesn’t struggle like him, he realized he’s truly alone. Of course, that doesn’t excuse making Suletta cry, but his feelings are understandable. I’m going to guess he’ll be a part one antagonist before either switching sides or dying.
-Now for the MVP, Guel! Immediately sliding into the rescue and defending his lady’s honor. But then he got his ass kicked lol. This might be a hot take, but personally, I think Guel is the best pilot we’ve seen so far. He piloted a mecha he wasn’t used to that was stuck in the ground and he still did a great job against Elan. Especially that scene of him dodging the lasers. Once he gets his Darilblade back and learns to control his anger, I expect him to be the Badass Normal of the group. Taking names while not piloting a Gundam.
-Another great thing about Guel is his attitude. It’s clear he’s still struggling with the misogynistic ideals planted in him, but he’s gone from looking down on Suletta to genuinely liking her. You can see his attitude change when he realizes she’s crying. He also went directly against his father once again, but since he lost, I don’t see him getting out unscathed. He’ll probably be disowned and kicked out of the Jeturk House. But then, maybe Suletta will take him into Earth House. It’d do wonders on his personality if he started working and living with more humble people and those willing to call him out. I see Mio and Guel being real frosty towards each other but after a deep talk they both work together to protect Suletta
-This episode really seems to be pushing the Eri=Aerial theory. Suletta apparently has a sibling, and she doesn’t remember her father which is weird since she was four years old when he died, not a baby. Elan also mentions that she might have somebody else’s face, and who else could it be but Eri. Finally, I think the reason Aerial doesn’t put a strain on the user is because it’s the one taking the strain, or more accurately, Eri is taking on all the pain so Suletta can pilot normally. Now of course there are problems with this theory, but I think this is the most probable explanation so far.
-Peil Technology seems to get pass the Gundam argument by making clones that can handle the mecha’s strain. Therefore you can’t say it’s damaging to the pilot and human rights if the pilot isn’t human. Of course I doubt Delling “I say it’s a Gundam” Rembraun would let this slide, but since they’re a big money maker, an under the table deal will get them out of hot water. Ah, the beauties of capitalism
-Finally, I want to talk about the male-centered dueling that this episode pushes. While Guel is trying to help Suletta, he undermines her own agency by creating a duel for her. The story seems to be pushing the same theme Utena did, that chauvinistic males take away a woman’s agency to her own body or soul. I expect Guel to grow out of these themes as the story goes on, but the society as a whole still remains locked in this male-centered combat. Hell, the only female in the dueling committee just sits around and paints her nails. I hope the series takes the route of allowing Suletta to make her own decisions without being pressured, just like what her mother is doing to her.
-I expect the next episode to be Elan and Suletta’s duel. With the title “A gloomy song” I’m going to guess it’ll reference back to the prologue when Eri’s dad sung Happy Birthday. Maybe Suletta will hear that song while she’s fighting and either she or Aerial will go berserk. As to whether she wins or loses, I think there’s a 50/50 chance of both options. If she does lose, I can see her only getting Aerial back on the part 1 finale, with the down time being used to strengthen her piloting skills with other mechas and to bolden her personality.
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tuliharja · 1 year
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation episode 11 (short) review
What an exciting episode! We finally got to see Zero Squad on action, plus, that little bit of past at the beginning of the episode? It was a very nice addition the animation team added as it didn't happen in the manga. It actually explained very well the stand of current affairs of Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and World of the Living and the reason why Yhwach started the whole war. However, because of the knowledge I've thanks to manga and somewhat light novels, might play a part in this all as some things that happened at the beginning are foreshadowed events...
However, I must admit I was a bit surprised by how openly Ichibe admitted he more and less ruled things. While yes, he seemed to act like a spoke person of Soul King, that whole scene made me wonder if that is true. Especially when Yhwach stated how his father is at the moment. So, who is the true ruler? The one who guards or the one who is guarded? Not to mention, the fact Yhwach wants to bring peace...I've always found that concept interesting as most in fictional works it means eternal peace. Is that truly a good thing? Not to mention, 'the world was before one before Soul King separated it and installed fear'. Such things always give me massive religious vibes, not to mention wanting to bring 'eternal peace'...
Anyway, moving on~. Senjumaru was so, so, so cool! (Yes, I'm her fangirl.) I really loved how sassy she was against Yhwach and his posse. That brief battle against Nianzol Weizol was quite a wicked one. Not to mention it was nice to see how Senjumaru all but dominated that battle.
However, when Yhwach brought his Schutzstaffel (Elite/Imperial guards) and Lille Barro attacked Senjumaru, that scene made me feel really bad for Senjumaru. Even though it turned out to be an illusion, for a moment it felt very bad. And the whole scene of Pernida Parnkgjas turning Senjumaru's remains into a ball? That made something in my stomach twist and not in a good way. Dx But it was very wicked when Senjumaru revealed her trick which was a combination of effort with Ichibe. Though, considering the future...it felt a bit odd, as while Kirio's Cage of Life seemed quite OP...well, like we saw, it wasn't fully seal-proof. After all, Yhwach got away from there rather easily.
But even so, it was nice almost every Zero Squad member got to show their skills when came to battling. First the two ladies and then Oetsu. I'm sure in the next episode Ichibe will get to show his skills against Yhwach, but I also hope we'll get to see the rest of the Zero Squad going against Jugram and Uryuu. After all, Oetsu brought down quite quickly Yhwach's elite guards...or did he? But yes. I can imagine the last two episodes will be super action-packed!
Not to mention, we'll probably see how Ichigo and company arrive at the scene and maybe go against Yhwach. If not anything, I hope this season won't end up with a too big cliffhanger, or if it does, it'll at least be a thrilling one!
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popculturebuffet · 19 days
Next up for Warner Bros Animation, favorite character from the first wave of shows they produced for Cartoon Network from 2001-06 (don't worry, the Kids WB half will be in another ask): Justice League, Baby Looney Tunes, 3-South (okay, that was made for MTV but gonna throw it in this batch anyway), Teen Titans, Duck Dodgers, Justice League Unlimited, Firehouse Tales, and Krypto the Superdog?
Fair enough. I woudln't mind doing mtv but since it was part of warner animation it gets thrown in here anyway...
Justice League: Martian Mahunter. I thought this would be hard, the big 7 are damn great in this series and the sequel.. but no. This is the series that made me love Jonn who despite, as i've realized being out of focus, is one of the most intresting characters, someone out of place in his new home but damn well ready to fight for it. A soft nurturing soul and the heart of the team. The Flash is a close second as it made me love wally west before I even knew who was under the mask or that there was more than one.
Justice League holds a special place in my heart. While I did watch the other dc shows as a kid, Justice League was one I followed week to week with rapt attention and the one I saw almost all of (still haven't seen starcrossed) and one I need to rewatch. It was my introduction to a lot of the dc universe, being the reason i'm a fan of Jonn Jones, John Stewart GL, metamorpho, lex luthor , and gorilla grodd. It took these characters and brought me in, had tons of creativity from a horrifying take on the justice society (so bad they had to change them to mildly original characters), to the sobering a new world two parter, to the chilling two pater with dr destiny, taking his more horrror tinged later self and putting him against the league. I cannot say enough good about the series. It's not AS consitant as say BTAS, but it's still something truly special. It's ont perfect in everything it brings forward from the comics, but what it brings itself is amazing.
Baby Looney Tunes: I'm not sure honestly, possibly Lola. But the show itself was adorable and a decently done spinoff babies. It's not really looney or tooney, but it is sweet and is really only shown up by the fact the new muppet babies show managed to do both this and keep the zany insanity of the muppets in there.
3-South: I thought I was wrong I thought I was right, I thought it better not to fight. The show itself I dont' have a faviorite for but I did enjoy. IT's creator would sadly make bordertown
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But 3 south is a fun dumb show with some good voice acting, a killer theme song and a gag about what's the captial of thailand that stuck with me for some reason and took me years to find what mtv show it was from.
Teen Titans: 3 2 1 GO TEEN TITANS! Weird pick but i'm going with Cyborg. He's a nice mix of comic relief and a geninely compelling character who struggles with the normal life he can't have, the only titan who really.. misses being a normal person. He puts the anger of his comic self early on aside for instead just some sadness and had some of the best episodes of the show. Sasdly not the best arc but it at least gave us bumblbee and cyborg's hilarious version of the theme.
As for the show itself it's one I need to rewatch in full (I've only rewatched season 1) and easily one of the best dc cartoons, best warner cartoons and possibly best cartoons period. It's energetic, and like the DCAU that's come up a LOT (and will wrap up talking abou tshortly), it takes the key strategy of stripping away the continuity glut down to what makes these characters special, with it's versions often being better than the original: raven is still largely defined by her cartoon self and i'm okay with that.
The show wasn't perfect: Brother blood started well but petered out, the brotherhood of evil, while awesome didn't quite fit as the final foes and the last episode can eat my ass, but the show deftly ballanced comedy and action, had one of the best villians in all of animation who while not really that acurate to the comics , still fucking slaps (Who is slade indeed), and pitch perfect animation, with trouble in tokyo making a better finale than the actual final episode. A childhood faviorite that holds up well for the most part, this ones well worth checking out if you somehow haven't. TEEN TITANS.. GO!
Duck Dodgers: IN THE 24TH AND 1/2 CENTURRRRYYYY. Look having tom jones sing your theme song feels like a cheat. Also the martian queen.. for.. reasons. Moving on.
Duck Dodgers is one I also need to rewatch but remember absolutely loving: funny, on point and a nice update of looney tunes taking a one off flash gordon parody and making an honestly fun flash gordon reboot out of it.
Justice League Unlimited; DUH DUH DUH DUH DUN DUN DUN DUNNNN WHOM WHOM WHOM WHOM WHOM WHOM wha wha wha wha wha shooom. Yeah that was embarassing but damn if it wasn't fun. So faviorite character is hard as Unlimited has a ton to choose from and unlike league wasn't as focused on a main cast. THe big 7 are still important, but others get the spotlight. Out of the new crop I'm ending up going with the question as while I like their ollie and a lot of their interprtations, jeffery combs stole the whole damn show before I even knew who that was, taking a forgetable character with an unfortgetable look and making him a fan faviorite overnight.
The show itself I only saw seasons 1 and 2 of (and like league proper need to rewatch) but it might just suprass the original. It exchanges a tight cast of 7 for a large cast that could be too large in theory but in practice get tons of focus and said focus still largely rests on a few key members: the big 7 (minus jonn who sadly gets bonked down to mission control and Diana who isn't as present), Green Arrow, Supergirl, and Question. But by expanding the league it also allows for bigger stories including a GIANT buffet of cameos from across dc history. The cartoon threw in dead man, had a whole episode for the seven soldiers of victory, stargirl and STRIPE , Wildcat. The series could easily double as a jsa cartoon and I welcome it.
The show's largely anchored by it's overarching plot: Cadamus, asking the question of SHOULD th eleague have all the poewr their amassing, with neither side being entirely right, all capped by an awesome finale and a solid epilogue.. then it kept going but apparently is still pretty good.
JLU is a glorious expansion of an already great show. it's not quite as consitant, but picks up for it by a sheer love for the dcu it gets to explore in earnest.. unless your a batman character. Godddamn bat embargo.
Firehouse Tales; I have no idea what this is
Krypto: KRYPTO THE SUPER DOG! And it's the dog stars. BARK FOR JUSTICE BOW WOW WOW. I loved them at the time for being fun, later for thinking they were a legion of superheroes fill in and now for finding out their actually their own obscure legion of superheroes knockoff the series expanded.
The show itself is unfairly forgotten: despite being aimed at younger kids, I dearly loved it, a fun campy take on a fun campy concept. It just has this energy to it that makes it work, this silver age give no fucks energy merged with great art and a spotlight on characters who probably won't get it again because that super pets movie looked like it missed the boat.
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