#but these two are just too poetic
linimoonlight · 4 months
They have been here before. Somehow it always end with them. Not that thats a surprise.
They have said goodbye to a lot of people and universes over the time. Always the last ones standing, together. Being immortal will do that to you.
But this time was different. It hurt so much more this time. Somehow this universe had changed something deep within them. The eggs have taken a piece of their heart with them when they left. They never planned to get attatched to mortals like this and somehow it still happened. And they wouldn't trade the time they had for the world.
And, again, it was just them left. Foolish and BadBoyHalo. And for muffins sake they hoped it wouldn't be them again in the next universe.
(Don't worry, it will be.)
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ultrakill lore enthusiasts (me) when the small machine destroys the very big machine
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claitea · 9 months
breaking free from neotwewy is a very Kieran song i think
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imaginethezeldaverse · 8 months
What do you think of midzel?
Two ethereal sides of the same coin.
And I'm sure they felt that magnetism towards one another. But where Zelda is more diplomatic and calculating, Midna is a little more brash and free-thinking. I imagine Zelda watched on as the impish form of her beloved faded into her full-figured state - fiery locks and crimson eyes a blaze of beauty against the deeper hues of her skin and garb. There was her princess.
I imagine Midna, now renewed in her true form, feels the warmth of Zelda's light and smiles. Her time on the side of light, no matter how brief, always leaves her feeling whole; she basks in the gentle glow of the goddess' chosen, a comfort the realm of Twilight could never give her.
She loved Zelda's honesty. Her ability to never lose hope. The fact that for all of Zelda's poise and perfectionist demeanor, when it came to Midna, there was softness. Zelda adored Midna's mysterious aura. How Twilight gleamed and shimmered even in the shadows. How her laughter held life and love in every note that passed her lips. They complimented each other. They loved each other. The light and shadow exist to keep each other whole.
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lesfir · 7 months
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Dreams that rest behind your watercolor eyes (Sanuso Fic)
Sanji runs one of his nails through the paper and stares intensely at it. He shrugs his shoulders, sighing at the sight. “Nothing. It’s just-” When his eyes meet Usopp’s, the sniper wonders what kissing the hands he takes care of so meticulously would feel like. Random thought, yes, but he wants to try it anyway. “You see it too. The All Blue, I mean. I guess that I’m not so crazy after all, huh?” Sanji smiles, a manta ray they caught a few days ago moving behind his silhouette, and some other sea creatures dancing along to Sanji’s heartbeat. Usopp sees it, then. He understands. It isn’t quite understanding, though. Understanding isn’t the word he’s looking for. But he sees it. - Usopp has never understood what Sanji's dream truly means until now.
This fanfic came to me in a vision when I saw @m0thcl0wn's gorgeous fanart of Sanji. My hand kind of slipped because this wasn't exactly what I was going for and I really, really wanted to make it a short thing... But I don't regret any of it! I loved how it turned out, and I hope you all like it too <3
The fanart btw:
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lilidawnonthemoon · 2 months
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#The Atypical Family#I haven’t enjoyed/ been so moved by a drama in a very long time ❤️#just finished it I cried so much & SO hard haha#I was completely immersed and engaged from beginning to end which is rare (12 eps is a good length too)#I didn’t expect it to have so much depth and be so touching going into it I just wanted something different#mental illnesses complex interesting characters complicated -toxic- family relationships fantasy fated lovers found family...#well written and WONDERFULLY acted!!#the whole cast was amazing but the two leads were just outstanding wow#never saw either of them in big roles and now I’m a huge fan of both#Chun Woo Hee I’m so in love with you#I’m usually more touched by the female lead (actress/character) but the male lead actor was acting his ass off and made me SOB many times#his scenes with his daughter Ina oh I was a MESS and of course the lead couple scenes together <3#I also haven’t been that impressed by romance lately in shows but theirs was truly beautiful (and again: really well acted)#I could relate to parts of most characters: Dahae Donghee Gwiju Ina..#a poetic emotional rollercoaster and my favorite drama this year so far (by far)#now I want to carry on watching Queen of Tears (mainly for my Queen Kim Jiwon I’m her number one fan) and watch Lovely Runner too#but it will be hard to beat this one and I highly recommend it!!#deserved more love & attention#my mom loved it too it standed out to her and she watches ALL the kdramas lol#forgot to mention the magical OST I see you by the oh so great Lee Sora and her bewitching voice <3#I also haven’t been so moved by an ost in a long time it added so much to the atmosphere of the drama & really transported me into its worl#korean drama#2024#shots#cinematography#jang ki yong#cheon wo hee#Claudia Kim#park soyi
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moonlit-quills · 2 months
I feel your absence keenly,
I’ll miss you every day,
I know you’ll be back eventually,
And until then I’ll stay,
Waiting for you.
Your loss is like a bullet wound,
It’s all too real,
I’m so blue without you,
My heart was of steel,
But then you came and stole my heart.
But now you’re gone,
In shadows, I count it lost,
I took advantage of your love,
For that I have paid the cost,
And I regret it sorely.
I’ll wait for you,
And hope you’ll return to me,
Your love is worth the wait,
With me, many would agree,
That you are worth it all.
But until then I am lost.
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Guys how the hell am I supposed to explain to other people why I love the Antenna Galaxies so fucking much without the “this too is yuri” meme
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ballsballsbowls · 1 year
I realize that many book subgenres are sort of arbitrary, and I realize that the infantilization of books (not exclusively in content but also in words per page, sentence length, etc) may not be exclusive to fantasy, AND I am not out to shame people who are “adults” for reading books that aren’t written for adults (regardless of the reason you would do so) but like...
don’t you ever get tired? 
Do you ever get so fucking tired of searching shit like, “Internet, I would like a recommendation for a fantasy series that came out in the last 12 years that isn’t YA and is an adult fantasy written for adults that ISN’T written by a Mormon. It doesn’t HAVE to have sex and violence, but I’d sure prefer them.”
And it just returns lists RIDDLED with suggestions for books that are assuredly for children. Some of them were even very GOOD books for children but like...
tl;dr if I ask for a Fantasy Series For Adults and the response from a search engine ONE MORE TIME is “Hey, Winternight was really popular adult fantasy series for adults for sure! Have you read it? I was probably procedurally generated and am very intelligent.” I am going to savage someone like a wild dog. 
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qqqqqqqqqqq0 · 1 month
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i did a thing
#crocheting#it was a really shitty day and i don't want to talk about it. i just need to yap#i will probably unknowingly say some borderline deranged traumatizing things further but idk its just the way i am#my existence itself is a major trigger warning so be aware#the only highlight of the day was the (i suppose) wlw couple i saw at the subway while pulling out shit like burdock out of my dress#i won't elaborate on the last piece can i be a little mysterious and less pathetic#so the wlw couple. one girl hugged the arm of the other girl and put the head on her shoulder. i saw that and was like “damn”#if you have a person you can willingly do things like that with you should know i would kill god just to be in your shoes#please cherish it#i didnt really look at them that much but then we got off on the same station and somehow they managed to overtook me#they were right ahead of me still all over each other and then it has striked me#that the girl hugging the arm of the other one was actually disabled and she needed help to walk properly#actually they were faster than me because my legs today are a total mess lol it hurts like hell just to make a step#but this is obviously just a temporary inconvenience and its nowhere near the problem that girl has#i don't compare myself to her in this regard but ive found this parallel kinda poetic#like how i as a relatively healthy individual with no major health issues was envious as fuck of those two#how i was walking in 0.25x with a shit ton of thoughts in my head while she was limping happily with a girl in her hand and smiling#no pity just envy and pure admiration. i want what they have#but im not sure if I deserve it. or actually need it#if i actually had something like that in my hands i don't know whether or not i would crush it into pieces#and then cry over it to the day i die. do you get it. am i too dramatic or too shallow as a person#originally i planned to talk about another thing entirely but this day has crushed my head and heart like a hammer#and now its turned to mush#no i guess it was a mush since long ago. then lets say this day was just crap. or life itself#nothing really happened to me but it reminded me of how helpless i am as a person vs the world and i hate being helpless#maybe ill tell you the story of how i lost the sensation in my fingertips another time when im not that traumatised by life events#(i lost it by saving a damsel in distress after walking out of the night bar a year ago. its a clickbait)
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worldwhampion · 11 months
(spoilers of u haven't done the newest quest line)
(also sorry I haven't sent an ask in so long, I haven't played nms for a bit lol)
I'm really loving all the lore we got! those big Atlantis probe things from the expedition still show up in space, one pretty much outright stated that the probes are actually ancient escape pods from the destruction of korvax prime. And the korvax were in there for so long atlantideum began to grow out of their bodies, creating a structure similar to the ones you mine sentience echoes from!
Also unrelated theory, but I think if the first spawn won they might've destroyed the universe accidentally. They think the universe is not a simulation and is knowable. This combined with their greed and probable lack of environmental concern, means they probably would grab any gravitino balls they can, and with no sentinels around to drive them off and mend the wound in spacetime, the damage would pile up and the simulation would break.
HIII took me long enough to answer your ask, I apologize. I’m free now so let’s get to it!
It’s going to take a while for me to do the autophage quest myself since i actually haven’t finished the artemis path yet (but at this point i do know already it inside out). However i did watch playthroughs and i also made a decent transcript of the quest. And YOU BET i have some thoughts about this. Especially on atlantideum.
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(from world of glass lore archive server)
When you reveal atlantideum to the atlas something very interesting happens. From this piece of lore i’m pretty sure atlantideum is corrupted data- OF THE ABYSS. And the atlas does not react well to this data at all.
ATLANTIDeum. Are you seeing this. It’s literally like parts of the abyss. Call it abyss dust.
I think atlantideum are crystals which contain her (corrupted) data, or in any case you bet it’s related to wog. They’re probably coming straight from the world of glass, seeping into the simulations. These crystals are scattered all over the place, and lore-wise they’re probably multiplying on a pretty concerning rate at the moment. I think this is how the abyss is returning, by hauling her data back into the world. The world of glass is assimilating with the simulations if you will! She’s only able to do this because the atlas is literally falling apart as she proceeds with her girlboss plan. The atlas is weakening while she is growing stronger (she’s probably weakening the atlas too in the proces). They’re probably fighting for control over the systems, and she is definitely going for absolute power. You’re gonna need that if you want to save everything dying along with the computer that runs reality.
The atlas can’t do anything about the crystals (or data), because it does not have access to this data and cannot delete it from its systems. The abyss seems to be an entity acting separately from the system or the atlas, so you can say she is interfering with the simulations like a foreign entity. She is a subroutine of the atlas though, which has now gone rogue (see iii. FIRST SPAWN ACCIDENTAL UNIVERSE DESTRUCTION).
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Thorn summed this up ON POINT. Being atlas… is suffering.
While the atlantideum hit made the atlas have an asthmatic attack, someone else smoked it up like nipnip. Nada took the abyss blunt very well.
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The atlantideum gave nada data of the abyss, to me this is like injecting memories into your mind. Now we know that nada canonically likes smoking atlantideum! While the atlas is pro war on drugs. The traveller can become nada’s abyss blunt dealer.
“And the korvax were in there for so long atlantideum began to grow out of their bodies, creating a structure similar to the ones you mine sentience echoes from!”
Sadly i don’t have that particular dialogue you mentioned about the korvax escape pod so i might miss a few details. I want to read it so if anyone finds it SEND IT TO ME STAT i need my lore like how nada needs their blunt.
The atlantideum item description reads:
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Atlantideum can take over hosts, both mechanical and biological. I see this as the hosts coming under influence or under control of the abyss, probably depending on the amount of crystals they have stuck in their skin.
Finally we have a bit of clarification for the following lines:
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(from the abandoned building logs)
I believe these beings to be the family glass. Sadly they never went beyond name dropping them but that doesn’t stop me from having theories. They are beings that live on in the world of glass who have probably lived in the simulations at first (before they died).
We have know seen the effects of glass/atlantideum on both mechanical and biological beings. For mechanical beings (like nada and the atlas) simply coming into close contact with the crystals is already enough to have an effect, while for biological beings they have to literally shove the shards into their flesh. Just like piercings. Except these piercings drain your life and also may or may not keep hurting forever. However in the end it’s all worth it for the eldritch knowledge.
It’s not said whether these crystals are really atlantideum (crystals containing data of the abyss specifically?), but this is probably what happens when you put it under your skin while also being biological. you get a cool piercing, AND you also become a vessel for intelligences unlike us (void milves).
The abyss can exert influence/control through not only nanites (in the water), but through atlantideum too? Well it is a literal substance named after her. The korvax in the escape pod definitely came under her influence too and became divergent by extension. She is pretty much the divergence personified. As for how the atlantideum got there, i’m thinking the abyss messed a little with the nanites in their body? I mean she is a master nanite bender, arguably the best one the simulations have ever seen. Not everyone can infest half the water in the known multiverse with nanites every day like she does casually.
The abyss does a lot of polluting, in water it’s nanites, on land it’s atlantideum crystals. She really just decided that environmental pollution is the best way to spread her presence everywhere. And you cannot deny that she is completely right since it’s working that well. This is like spreading microplastics which have the power to change reality itself.
In game you can refine atlantideum into nanites, by first refining it into pugneum and then to nanites. So nanites and atlantideum are pretty closely related.
“Also unrelated theory, but I think if the first spawn won they might've destroyed the universe accidentally. They think the universe is not a simulation and is knowable. This combined with their greed and probable lack of environmental concern, means they probably would grab any gravitino balls they can, and with no sentinels around to drive them off and mend the wound in spacetime, the damage would pile up and the simulation would break.”
Oh man i have something for you.
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(boundary failure logs)
The first spawn exploited a whole subroutine (ie the convergence) for their personal interests- on a multiversal scale. Since a subroutine is like a working part of the atlas itself, the exploitation might’ve done some damage to the system in terms of software (?) i mean can you still carry out whatever tasks you should be doing properly if you were subjected to gruesome slavery across the multiverse. you’d need godly multitasking skills for this. Not sure to what extent it really affected the system, but it would have done at least something.
Telamon did say that the entire enslavement of the korvax is a reflection of the atlas breaking down. The convergence, being modeled after earlier forms of the atlas, is kind of the atlas personified in the simulations. Now when you’re enslaved, you do break down mentally and physically. The korvax suffered because the atlas itself was suffering. And the first spawn might’ve been a reflection of the harm the atlas was facing. In the end the first spawn was genetically engineered into the gek, not completely wiped out but “mitigated” using their nanites. this could apply to the harm too, it’ll never be removed, only lessened. I find it very interesting how the korvax polluting the gek spawning pools with nanites is very much parallel with the abyss infesting the water with nanites as well. Both do this to get out of hard times, by trying to lessen the harm but never able to remove it completely. This does seems to be what the atlas is doing to try saving itself. The repeated universe resets are also a reflection in the simulations except it is more meta.
Now onto the balls!
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If the first spawn did start grabbing gravitino balls left and right without a single care unchecked, then that means the atlas is. royally fucked. I’d say then it’s literally not able to keep running simulations anymore. Like they would end prematurely because it’d crash halfway through, as reflected by the reality weakening from unrestrained gravitino ball harvesting once they get to that part in history. whatever horrors the atlas is facing at the moment isn’t enough for this to happen. Recovering from brutal enslavement does sound better than the whole simulation straight up crashing down. You could always have it worse! Sparkle on!
#i have not been engaging with nms for a while and now once the fall break had just hit. the steam engine has started running hot again#while writing this i swear i just came up with two other theories barely related to the subject#1. every time you go through portals you die temporarily as you pass through wog. because when you're in wog that means you're dead!#it's the literal hell and heaven of nms#artemis however died permanently since they did not get out at the other side. their pathway collapsed and left them stranded.#2. in wog you can live on in death. i think this is the goal of the abyss by trying to bring wog into the simulations#or the other way around#(IF THAT'S WHAT'S ACTUALLY GOING ONNNNN. i believe in it though :33333)#also wog stands for world of glass just in case#like there's this line that says we will not die a second time which is probably referencing atlas' death that spells doom for everyone#well guess what#when you are in wog you are dead. and you cannot die again. not for a second time#for the longest time this line was completely beyond me man i think i have figured this out#it is pretty poetic. you can live on in death#a very hard pill for null to swallow. being able to accept this would've made a big difference in their life#also the atlas canonically has a sister now. telamon too#one enforced obligatory multiversal babysitting million on another#now the sister wishes to take over all of you and your simulations#by taking advantage of you literally dying#you cannot stop her and it might actually be the better choice to surrender#and she is your LITTLE sister. SHE IS AN EARLIER VERSION OF YOURSELF.#this is like being bested by your 9 year old self#siblinghood is so beautiful#no man's sky#nms lore#nms atlas#nms abyss#asks
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Saoirse, Champion of Soul
Regrowth AU vs Flourish AU
Revenant (Vindicator) -> Guardian (Firebrand)
What if one choice could change the world? What if when you looked into the mirror of time, you could not recognize the face on the other side? She could have been the hero. She could have saved the world.
She could have been one of a set of three. But this is not that world.
In one reflection, she would burn as brightly as the flames she wielded, a Guardian, a protector of any who needed her shield and blazing, furious power. Where darkness stirred, she would bring the light. And so she would be chosen by the winding paths of fate, and become so much more than a Champion of the Pale Tree; one day, she would fight alongside Aurene. The light they shared would bring hope to Tyria when all seemed lost. Not even the deepest, darkest nightmare could stand before the shine that comes from within.
Yet, in the other, pain and loss would turn her flames caustic and sharp, fueled by a raw power that not even the finest technology could contain. This would be the Saoirse who knows only how to run-- to charge forward into calamity, and leap from the ashes her choices leave behind. The blades that should bring hope would instead herald a darkness so much greater and more terrible than her. She, too, would be chosen by an Elder Dragon-- for better and for worse. A shining beacon, stifled into the deepest shadow.
Yet no matter her history, one constant remains.
The three will meet again... And they will change the world.
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Evermore anon, I just reblogged @wavesoutbeingtossed’s brilliant posts of that exact theme! YES something about all of this and the weight of forever, the reality of a a future that forces a person to get truly philosophical about joining together two humans in such a final and intimate ceremony. That introspection can recomtextualize a lot of relationship stuff that maybe felt more symbolic or abstract until it’s Happening.
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lululeighsworld · 2 years
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i really do be thinking about this moment from the end of s2 where hannah curls up with claude's corpse a completely unhealthy amount
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truly-sincerely · 8 months
Dark Star Falling (6 of ?)
Darling can tell this saccharine sentimentality is grating on Gortash. It’s hard enough for Darling, whose memories of Alfira are all wrapped up in guilt and regret, and of course there’s the Urge.
The thought is interrupted by another groundquake. Each of them reaches for the same candelabra instinctively. Darling swings their legs off the table and smirks at Gortash as the tremors subside. “This is the part where you tell me I should go.”
“You shouldn’t be wasting your time here. Orin has your–what was it?”
“My bear. She stole my bear,” they say, pretending to be hurt.
“Distracting me isn’t going to get your bear or our netherstone from Orin,” he growls, tiring of whatever this is. “Return to your little adventurer friends, clean yourself up, get some sleep, and make your father proud, or whatever it is you do in that gory ossuary.”
Sharp, hard laughter splits the room like a lightning strike. A wholly different laugh from earlier, but still Darling. They’re on their feet so fast their chair falls over. “That’s the answer! I figured it out! Fuck me, I really am that good,” they crow, their tail lashing back and forth behind them. They slap the table with both hands, “I know why this is all falling apart.”
“Get a hold of yourself, Dearest,” Gortash says. The guards have all taken half a step forward in alarm. He doesn’t look at them.
“We talked about this. You said we discussed why our predecessors failed, so we could succeed. No, I still don’t remember. But I solved it. Like the sphinx’s riddle.” Darling climbs up onto the table, completely losing themself in their revelry. He can see all of their sharp teeth when they say, “Now it’s my turn. I get to eat the sphinx. You’re so fucking clever but everyone has a blindspot.”
“Even you,” he keeps his voice firm as they advance on him on their hands and knees, spilling books and papers onto the floor. The candelabra they saved earlier goes too, but its everburning candles are harmless. It’s the tiefling on the table that seems surrounded by a halo of heat.
“Yesss,” they purr, sliding their hands over the embellishments on his lapels, pressing him against the chairback. They smell like sulfur, blood, and soot. “My blindspot got me killed and yours brought me back.”
They’re above him now, face as close as a kiss but only heat and breath pass between them. All of their weight comes down on him as one leg and then the other transfers from the table to the chair.
“Perhaps we should remove your armor,” he suggests, as the front of their chain skirt grinds into his lap. They snicker at him and slide their hands apart, pulling his jacket down around his elbows, ostensibly pinning his arms to his sides. Their hips sway, pushing the mail up against him rhythmically, and very quickly there’s even less room between the two of them.
“Don’t you want to know?” they whisper into his hair.
“You want to tell me, so go on.”
“People. You are utterly incurious about people. I misjudged Orin once but you misjudge everyone. They’re all statistics for you, and generalities. They have to be, don’t they? Anything else would be self-destruction,” Darling punctuates their sentences with little nips at his ear and neck. “Even me. We were partners for a decade or more, weren’t we? I’m sure of it. You didn’t mourn my loss. You went on without me. As tho I’d never been here. You let me be replaced. That’s when the plan failed.”
“You sound like a scorned, jealous lover.”
“This is why you need a poet too. What am I jealous of? You? Your praise? Your love for me? No. At the coronation it was our hard work, our plan. Did you mean any of what you said?” They’re pawing at his chest like a cat. If they weren’t wearing gloves he’d be in ribbons.
“I meant every word,” he says, taking one of their arms by the elbow and pulling the glove off.
“I wasn’t merely scorned. I was dead. Gone. A failure. A weakness that was excised,” they say with confidence, describing his rationale with unpleasant accuracy. “But without me you had no one to tell you that you were wrong. Ketheric was a self-important scold and Orin had nothing to contribute except as a warm body. Neither of them could’ve warned you not to send the Emperor after the prism. What was even the point of any of this without me to see it thru? You think you can rule your kingdom of ash, little tyrant? If anyone else had walked into that throne room with Ketheric’s stone you’d be lost already.”
Dearest had never said any of this to Gortash. They had never been this combative. They had never needed to prove anything with words–their actions were always enough. This desperate need to convince him of their competency is bordering on pathetic, but he can’t find fault in their words, as hard as those words are to hear.
They cup his chin in their hand, pulling his gaze back towards their face. “You can’t do that again,” they insist and the look in their eyes is so intense, so familiar, it doesn’t matter that they don’t remember. It doesn’t matter how much they’ve changed. Nothing matters.
“You’re making it sound as tho you’re going to disappear again,” he says. Darling slashes him across the chest in response. He groans and buckles, leaning into them and clenching his fists. They wrap their arms around his shoulders, using one to pull the glove off the other, while looking straight at the guard standing a few meters behind Gortash’s chair. Some idiot in a mask, probably called a Black Hand or something like that. Hard to tell thru the mask what they’re thinking about this turn of events.
“Were you around before? Do you remember me?” they ask rhetorically, knowing the goon won’t answer. They only answer to Banites. Darling’s expression is a challenge. The guards are all stock still. It’s kind of fun, having an audience. Darling sits up again and pushes Gortash’s shoulders back against the chair. “And what if I do?”
He clutches his chest, blood oozing thru his fingers, sliding off gold, coating skin. “I would wait for you,” he says, looking up with some effort, thru his fringe at Darling. They run bloody fingers thru his hair and loop their arms around his neck and wonder if it’s going to come to that.
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