#but then tumblr yeets my tags
I am so so so normal about tagging things and I'm not going to get upset because of punctuation inconsistencies in my tags (repeating over and over)
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lenle-g · 21 days
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Inspired by these Scott and John words by the amazing @scribbles97 who knows I adore the idea of John's Oxford stint and couldn't resist this gem <3
The letter’s weight hadn’t changed in his hands, even if it’s appearance had. Once crisp sharp edges were now crumpled and the two folds were starting to rip where he had folded and unfolded it so many times.  Practically, he knew the letter was exactly the same weight as it had been when his course supervisor had handed it to him. Except, as days had become a week, the weight had felt heavier in John’s chest. He only had another week to think about it, his supervisor had warned it would take all summer to make the appropriate arrangements. His professors had all seemed convinced that he would go, it wasn’t every day you got invited to study at Oxford University after all. 
It would only be for a year, Ffion had insisted at study group, an interim that would still count towards his degree. He had only part jokingly asked if she wanted to go in his place. She would be much better suited to making friends in a new place. 
There was no denying it though, Oxford was tempting. The British University had always been in close competition with Harvard, each trying to outdo one another year on year with improved facilities and support. The only reason John hadn’t considered the other University had been the same reason he was still hesitating with the offer. 
Oxford was a long way away. 
To get home from Harvard, at best, was a four hour flight, at worst a two day drive. 
Oxford was transatlantic, at least double the flight time. 
He wouldn’t see his family for a whole year. 
Looking up he watched the gentle sway of the apple tree in the breeze, listened to the gentle creak of the barn doors. He wouldn’t see home for a whole year. 
“Whatcha doing out here, Johnny?” 
His eyes widened as he looked over his shoulder to the door back into the kitchen. Scott was leaning against the frame, the knowing cocky smile familiar as always. 
“You’re an hour early.”
Scott was meant to have flown in from Virginia, his flight was meant to have just landed. They all knew how long it took from landing to get home, they’d all done it enough times. 
Big brother sighed as he stepped out onto the verandah, hands shoved in his jean pockets as he leant on the railing next to the step where John was sitting. 
“Dad left a jet in DC and took the new rail line up to New York, said I could fly myself home. You do the math.”
He already had. 
“So, your turn to answer my question.” Scott continued, nodding at the letter, “What you got there?”
He was grateful really, Scott had been the one he had wanted to talk to about the whole thing. Scott would know what to say, his biggest brother somehow just always did. There wasn’t the same pressure from Scott as there was from Dad, he just understood differently. 
“Oxford University have invited me to complete my research year over there.” He admitted, reading over the words he already had memorised, “I could spend the next academic year in England.”
“Nice one.” Scott grinned, “I’ll tell Dad to pick up a bottle of something on his way in so we can ce--”
“I don’t know if I’m going to accept it.” He cut him off forcefully. Just like Dad, Scott had a habit of getting ahead of himself. 
The message seemed to get through though as his big brother plopped down next to him on the step. His frown was obvious confusion. 
“John, that’s one hell of an offer, Oxford is… it’s Oxford.”
“At present they have the better facilities over Harvard.” He filled in, not taking his eyes off of the paper, “They’ve just spent six million upgrading their Offshore Observatory. That’s as well as the Royal Observatory which is as good as what we’ve got at Harvard.”
On paper, comparing the facilities left it as a no brainer. 
“So what’s the hang up?” Scott asked, reaching for the letter to read for himself. 
Still John’s eyes didn’t leave the paper, still firmly fixed in place as his big brother read over the words for him. 
“Oxford is in England.”
Scott looked up, eyebrow raised, “So?”
“I don’t know anybody in England.” He sighed, “You guys all worry that I spend too much time on my own now if I go over there I’ll spend even less time with people.”
Scott shrugged at he leant against the railing of the steps, “You like being on your own though. I thought you would have jumped at the chance.” 
A glance back towards the kitchen apparently gave Scott all the answers he needed as John pursed his lips. 
“I know I’m not as close as the rest of you,” He admitted softly, “But you’re still my family.”
Scott shuffled over until their shoulders were pressed together. John expected him to sling an arm across his back, but was grateful when he didn’t. Instead big brother handed back the letter, nodding as he did so.
“And you’re still our brother, moving across an ocean isn’t going to change that. I’d come and visit when I’m on leave. Hell, I could bring Alan with me and you could show off the observatories.”
He had to smile at the thought. Watching the stars with Alan was one of his favourite pastimes, to be able to show his brother the best in star watching technology would perhaps be the biggest bonus of the trip. 
“Don’t let a fear of the unknown stop you from jumping in.” Scott grinned, his shoulder bumping John’s lightly, “You might love it.” 
“You sound like Dad.” 
Scott laughed as he stood, “Yeah, a few people have told me that recently.” 
Pausing on the top step as he frowned again, “And I wouldn’t worry about being on your own, doesn’t Dad have a friend over in London? That Lord guy?” 
“Yeah,” John nodded, suddenly remembering himself, “Yeah he does.” 
“So, you gonna go?” 
Taking a breath, he straightened his shoulders. His chest still felt heavy with the fear of not knowing what would come next. Scott seemed to have every faith though, and John knew he needed to have the same sort of faith in himself. 
“Yeah.” He swallowed, finally smiling as he looked up to his big brother, “I’m going to Oxford.”
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
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anyway see y’all at the tit soon 🥵
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zylphiacrowley · 5 months
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I like the sound of your heartbeat // your pulse is pushing against me // I'm good when you are around // you keep me warm in your bloodstream // you keep me calm when you breathe in ♫
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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Someone in the tags of my last Xero post (you know who you are) talked about the similarities between a doodle and Hollow so naturally I couldn’t stop thinking about Xero and Hollow.
I love the idea that Xero was a loved and respected knight. The idea he saw Hollow as a child and knew, knew, this was a child. And Hollow so, so young, feeling guilt about even letting this knight show kindness and love to them - when they were meant to be hollow (oh but they couldn’t be)
Do you think they felt guilty? When they overheard Xero raise his voice at the King, quickly hushed, because he dared suggest Hollow was a child? When they started seeing this knight less and less, scared that their father was furious at him? When suddenly this knight was executed, for betraying the king? Was it their fault? Should they have never allowed him to be himself, ran to avoid indulging in the tiny moments of someone looking at them as a person? Did they even know Xero was falling to the infection? Would that make it feel worse?
They were both victims of an infection, bound by gods with their own desires. No one wins in a gods game.
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chimera-dolls · 22 days
Cos I saw someone 'defending' their misuse of the dollblr tag after receiving an ask about it because 'other people do it' - this is why it's a fucking problem in the first place. It is against TOS. It is unrelated to your post, it is spam, and don't be surprised if everything you post gets reported.
Just because other people spam the tag too, doesn't magically excempt it from TOS or user guidelines. Like at this point I am straight up breaking this down to bare bones website operation here, what's so hard to understand? It's shit like this that literally degrades website quality because as you spread your crap over multiple tags that are accumulating like a goddamn snowball, people stop actually using those tags for the topic they were meant for. People stop posting. People leave. Welcome to dead internet.
It doesn't matter if you see other people doing it, rules are rules. There is a reason WHY tag spam is against the rules and that's to keep a website useable. Actual Dollbr-bloggers? Keep reporting guys.
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Finally free from exams prison, am i too late?
Also yes they picked drinks that reminded them of each other
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floralstorms · 6 months
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Oh yea... Posting stuff. I forgot. Well. I'll start with this Ig. Probably going to post the rest chronologically (oldest to newest) too, at some point that I'll try to make sooner than ..not
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daphnalia · 1 year
tori was fucking awesome but giving hermie/anthony/the literal joker a 4 is factually incorrect
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
dear body: when I complained about being So Very Tired for no reason, what I meant was that I wanted to wake feeling rested after a long night’s sleep, not that I wanted you to wake me up at 2:30 am and keep me awake.
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white-hyacinths · 2 years
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Spare Parts by @ingo-ingoing-ingone
Ei by @fourphoenixfeathers
Happy birthday kat!! Thank you for the wonderful fic jedi :D
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thenocturnalblossom · 12 days
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This may sound weird but you have no idea how happy it makes me that you're still around sharing your interests like SM, that's it hope you have a great dayy <3
That's so sweet??? Idk you are anon but thank you <333
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 4 months
so dnp are fully on here looking at our posts that we aren’t even tagging them in on the one platform that phannies don’t wanna be interacted with or perceived on and then sticking them in videos cool. that’s cool. that’s fine. i don’t feel nauseous and paranoid at all. i’m not locking all my doors and checking my attic and pulling down my blinds. i’m fine and normal.
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mu1tiverse-arch · 7 months
sofia m.antega / wind d.ancer - m.arvel comics (h.umberly gonzález)
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