#but the optics on this look ridiculous
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mtb67 · 1 year ago
We're on the brink of a government shutdown but THIS is what's important enough to get UNANIMOUS bipartisan support? You're shitting me.
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febuwhump · 4 months ago
Idk i kinda like the apples prompt reminds me of old times
im intruiged by what old times are for you but i'm glad you like it! who knows if it will make it through the prompt poll, we will see!
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legionofpotatoes · 2 years ago
there is a. fundamental flaw in horizon's combat design that I can't quite put a finger on, but I definitely feel it reaching a breaking point in burning shores. the jank was palpable
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wantonlywindswept · 1 month ago
release the kraken corries
okay so imagine that like a year or so into the war palpatine thinks 'actually i would prefer to have my future apprentice more nearby for corrupting' so he decides to recall anakin and the 501st to coruscant, because they definitely need their best jedi defending the front and oh wouldn't you look at that, a certain senator is always there too! wins all around!
but now the 501st is bored out of their minds and need something to do and anakin won't let them go back out onto the front because they're his, so the excellent solution?
the 501st replace the corries! clones are interchangeable anyway, right?
and even though the corries haven't seen frontline battle it's fiiine even if they get wiped out, bc palps has what he wants on coruscant now
and it's not like the corries have ever needed a jedi so why would they need one now? so they're given to some whatever-admiral and booted out to go join the frontline rotations, problem solved.
within 3 days the corries have either manipulated the admiral into thinking he's calling all the shots when it's actually fox or they've introduced him to an unfortunate airlock malfunction, so sad, couldn't have happened to a worse person
and with no jedi around they don't have anyone saying ridiculous shit like 'we should try negotiation first' or 'you can't assassinate every political leader on the planet'
(alpha 17 bullies his way on board within a week)
and they start blasting around the galaxy Getting Shit Done and it is maybe not the best in terms of optics but wow those clone death toll numbers sure do go down
and one of the times they (grudgingly) work with another battalion the other clones are going 'what the absolute shit' while the corries steamroll over everything in their path, an absolutely feral group of highly-trained shock troopers used to fighting dirty and utilizing insane tactics from years on coruscant FINALLY able to take out their frustrations on the unsuspecting galaxy separatists
Cody, halfheartedly, the Jedi Council making encouraging motions just out of sight of holocall: Fox could you please tone it down a little.
Fox, sipping a spimosa at some sleezy separatist's castle he just took over: How about no.
Cody, hissing through gritted teeth: I am so fucking envious of you right now.
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lockheed-martin-unofficial · 6 months ago
Decepticon purring headcanons!
There’s no Dreadwing or Airachnid in this. I forgot they existed.
Edit: Dreadwing has been added!
Shockwave: Purring is an emotional response, which means Shockwave cannot do it. At least, not voluntarily. Maybe the shadowplay isn’t 100% successful, or maybe the fact that it represses emotions doesn’t necessarily mean it prevents all physical response resulting from those emotions.
When Shockwave finds himself purring, it is completely out of his control. He doesn’t see it coming, and he cannot stop it.
It would confuse him. He doesn’t know why his frame is responding in this way because he literally doesn’t have the capacity to understand. Shockwave sometimes has trouble distinguishing emotions he sees in others, especially during complex situations or when the person reacts in an unexpected way. It would be even more difficult to understand how and why he reacts to emotions that are no longer there. I can see him alone in his lab, trying to understand where the sound is coming from until it hits him.
He has a very deep voice, very deep purr to match. It’s not a sound you would immediately register as a purr, and if Shockwave heard it post empurata recovery, he wouldn’t recognise it as his own at first.
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Megatron’s purring is very loud and deep. He sounds like an idling tank, the sound alone making you aware of just how mighty he is. However, he does not do it very often, because there isn’t really anyone Megatron can open up to like that. It’s lonely at the top, especially when you’re purposefully building a reputation as someone to be feared even by your own troops. But he’s part of the “purring while recharging” crowd, and sometimes, when he’s really passionate during a speech or particularly enjoying a battle, you will hear the powerful rumbling of his engine.
Fun fact: Predaking would not be able to purr because he doesn’t have an engine, at least not in the way other cybertronians do. Predacons in general would instead show their trust by shutting their optics, the way tigers do because they can’t purr either. Maybe they’d be able to make a similar sound with their voicebox but it wouldn’t be a true purr, more like a growl.
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I think this gif is really funny. He’s looking under his arm because he can’t see around his ridiculous bigass shoulder pads. Stupid bird /affectionate
Starscream, once he feels relaxed and safe, will purr excessively. It’s very easy to draw the sound out of him if he trusts someone. Unfortunately, this doesn’t really happen often. He has a reputation to maintain among the decepticons, and he is very good at hiding his true feelings. Also, most days he can’t really feel at ease on the Nemesis, he’s constantly watching his back for one reason or another. He does it quite often if he’s alone though, it’s a self-soothing thing. (Cats do that when they’re injured or stressed, and those two things happen to Starscream a lot during the show.) Although it would take a lot of time and patience for him to express a possible vulnerability someone by purring, it’s definitely possible. You would know he’s being genuine about his feelings when he does, because he can’t fake a purr.
Soundwave: Cybertronians that don’t speak are still able to purr because the sound comes from the engine, not the voicebox. But for Soundwave specifically, I’m not sure if it’d be considered breaking his vow of silence if he purred. Must be embarrassing either way. He would probably (attempt to) repress it in most situations. When he does purr, it’s barely audible. Probably makes a whirring sound, and you’d be able to feel the vibration all throughout his frame. Similarly to Megs however, Soundwave doesn’t really have anyone to open up to and be chill with. Personally I don’t ship them, but if you do it’d make sense for them to do it together. Being the only person the other can truly open up to and whatnot.
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Knockout is probably the Decepticon who purrs the most openly. He’s not really ashamed to openly express his feelings. Unlike the high command, he has no reason to really hide it. Knockout has quite a powerful engine, and his purrs sound more like revving than idling.
On the other hand, Breakdown is not as loud as him. Actually, he’s surprisingly quiet for a bot his size. That’s not to say he doesn’t purr as often in Knockout’s company as the doc does in his. It’s a gentle, peaceful sound. You could fall asleep to it.
Dreadwing is not ashamed to let his feelings show. He is professional and composed, yes, but he’s never going to try to hide the fact that he’s happy. He considers doing so to be the same as lying. And sure, Decepticons usually aren’t averse to deceiving, but then again he isn’t your average Decepticon. When he purrs he does so proudly, not considering the continuous rumbling of his engine to be an expression of vulnerability. Rather, an expression of passion. His purrs are loud and make his entire frame vibrate.
He never purrs when he is fighting, considering doing so to be disrespectful but able to understand why someone like Megatron would.
That’s all, folks! Might to an Autobots version, but I don’t know them as well as the cons. That’s mostly be general headcanons.
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tinydefector · 7 months ago
Starscream - Rut Cycle
Starscream x Human reader
Warnings: Smut, Porn, Giant/tiny, size difference, Mating cycles, Heat cycle, Oral, fingerings, penetration.
Word count: 2.7k
Wooooo finally got this piece done, I hope you all enjoy how snarky and pissy Starscream is but he's also not willing to ask anyone else for help with his issue.
Request are Open please read my pinned post for rules.
Masterlist and Rules
Rut cycle masterlist
Starscream Masterlist
 Both factions tried their best to avoid each other as much as possible with the many cybertronians. But it's the little human from earlier which catches Starscream's attention. They are peacefully unaware of his burning gaze on them despite the sweet scent that came from their smaller frame, making him nearly snarl with want. Had it been any other time his optics wouldn't even flicker on their frame, but the cybertronian rut had him eager to find a way to let off charge and the organic responsible for igniting such foreign urges within his circuits during the meeting is what he has set his gaze upon.
According to his studies of indigenous species during past orbital observations, he knew rut pheromones held little effect on humans, but they had a constant scent which seemed to almost enhance. It stimulated his circuits, even had his processor strained to restrain. His joints clenched hotly fans blasting full force to try and cool his frame as  hot air blasted from his vents as he musings of folding those smaller limbs beneath his bulk. 
 It was a ridiculous notion, of course. Yet denying base coding risked compromising not only his system functions and level-headed trine, his trine were already on edge within these crowded quarters.
The mech released another steady exvent. Violence wasn't going to solve anything during their rut, as much as Starscream despised cooperation with the Autobots, this truce was meant to benefit all where interests aligned. The Red and blue seeker stalks behind the human waiting for the best opportunity to snatch them up. 
said human look up when they hear the loud steps echoing from behind them, eyes widening almost in horror as Starscream wraps a servo around them before whisking them off into one of the empty offices of the Ark. Their cry falls silent when Starscream shoots them a glare, wiggling in his hold, until they eventually give up.  
Starscream's engine rumbled ominously as his smouldering optics fell upon the lone organic within his grasp. According to his analysis, their frame is rather suited for  interfacing, yes it carried risk mainly to their much smaller frame but due to increasing heat building up in Starscream's system he lacked the time to care. He needed an outlet, and the sweet pheromones teased his nasal systems made a rumble emit from his cockpit. 
“Cease your writhing.” he Grumbles while dropping them on the desk in a corner. “Remain cooperative and no harm shall befall you,” his low voice assured. Optics scaling  down their body as he inspects and finds that they would do. 
They let out a yelp as they are dropped on the table, looking up at him, taking a moment to try and scurry away only for Starscream to grab their leg and drag them back. They shout in shock before their body is still just laying on the table looking up at him. "What screamer do you want? Screamer! " their voice is shaky before the anger seeps throught into their words as they glare up at the seeker. 
Starscream's optics glowed with sadistic amusement as they futilely struggled in his grip. This one had spirit, while limited by its primitive form, offered finer entertainment than most of its inferior kind. He had to admit their frame was rather to his liking, For a fleshling. 
Starscream doesn't even answer before his helm leans down very close to their frame, taking a deep intake of their scent, letting it filter through his systems, another deep rumble leaves him as his digits begin clawing at their clothing. 
They nearly squeal as he leans in closer. "Stop! I'll scream and every Autobot in the Ark will storm in here!" They stammer out, it makes Starscream pause for a moment. optics narrowing as the small creature issued its threat. drawing unnecessary confrontation while in Autobot territory wasn't something he needed less so when his coding was sending him into full rut. 
Removing his face from against their body, Starscream purred disdainfully, "Your posturing amuses me. But alerting your beloved autobot protectors benefits neither of us." His talons idly traced nonthreatening patterns as charged energy lingered in his field. 
Their jaw clenches as they glare up at him, heaving in breaths. "What, do you want Starscream?" They try to sound menacing but due to the size difference they look more like an angry petroabit. Starscream cycled several intakes of air, fans whirring as the organic's enticing pheromones teased his sensors.
Leaning in close once more, Starscream rumbled in a deceptively soft tone, "You know full well what I Need, you were in the meeting i doubt you weren't ears dropping " the two go silent just staring at each other before Starscream continued, "Remain still and silent, I need you frame to sate my needs. Struggle, however, and I make no promises of no injuries." 
They flail, trying to slap his plating, hissing at him. "Have you lost your mind, what makes you think I'd even let a fucking Con touch Me!, you'd likely squish me after!" They shout at him while trying to wiggle out of his hold. "TRACKS!, BLASTER!" They try yelling. 
Starscream snarled as they fruitlessly struggled in his grasp. "Cease your pointless writhing," he spat. While interfacing carried certain risks across their disparate biology, gentler care could satisfy both parties, he wasn't past trying to satisfy them if it meant he could stable his systems. Releasing a steady ventilation, Starscream stated, "Calm your little processor and listen. Perhaps we can find an arrangement... mutually satisfying."
 They go quiet as they lay there in Starscream's servos. Their heart pounding in their chest as they listen to the whirl and pulse from Starscream's frame. "What kind of Arrangement?" They ask, a slight stutter in their voice. Starscream cycled air slowly through his vents as his optics met the organic's gaze.
"One whereby both parties leave in a state of satisfaction, with dignity intact. I'd rather have a willing participant, as much as I dislike your kind I'd be caught dead before interfacing with an Autobot, you help me with my Issue, you leave satisfied and we never speak of this again" he rumbled softly, fans whining as his body shutters as heat pours through his lines, 
 “ Your pheromones are sending my systems haywire, I need release” he grumbles hating the fact that he had to resort to almost begging for a rut partner. They shutter lightly debating the offer. The whines, clangs and mechanism in his frame screech and grind against each other with need. "Fine, I'll help you with your issue" they grumble lightly. Nearly yelping when Starscream begins discarding their clothing. "Jesus! Desperate much!" They snap at him.
Starscream's optics roll as he ignores their grumbled words. Discarding the shredded garments with efficiency, Starscream purred down at its now-exposed form, his digits traced teasing patterns against sensitive flesh as primitive biological functions betrayed the organic's own rising arousal, he could basically taste them. 
 Starscream rumbled smugly, watching as they squirmed under him. A shiver runs through their body as Starscream traces a digit down their body, watching the way they shift under his touch, the goose bumps that prickle their skin. A soft whine leaves them as he moves further down their frame. "God you're so snobby and up yourself" the human huff in annoyance. 
"Your pathetic frame betrays your prudish words, flesh creature," Starscream sneered, tracing his claws around areas already blossoming with coloured lines. Leaning in until his ex-vents teased their naked body, Starscream purred silkily, "Cease your mewling protests." His own circuits buzzed with building need.  
The human shutter as Starscream's digits move down to their thighs, teasingly tracing against their sex, they let out a slight moan only to gasp as Starscream leans down and watches the way they squirm under his rather gentle touch. "prick" they huff. Starscream's crimson optics glinted with a mix of disdain and hunger as the human's teasing gestures. They go to make another snarky remark only to nearly squeal as his glossa presses against their skin, dipping down to press against their entrance. 
With a snarky smirk playing on his lips, Starscream leaned down, relishing the sight of the human squirming under his touch. "Prick, am I? Well, you're not exactly my ideal choice of company either," Starscream retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm and a hint of arousal. A feral hunger surges through him as his glossa pressed into them,  slowly dragging along their walls. 
Their skin tastes sweet like the Energon wine with crystals he loved so much from before the war. It makes the mech groan out in delight and he pulls them flush against his intake, indulging their sweet taste. Small gasps and whimpers leave them, their protest falls silent as Starscream works them open on his glossa. Starscream's optics narrowed at the human's withering frame, a snarky smirk playing on his lips as he continued to indulge in their sweetness. He speaks against their thighs "Oh, the audacity of you. Don't act like you're not enjoying every astrosecond of this," Starscream retorted.
With a predatory gleam in his optics, Starscream worked them open on his glossa, relishing in the way they squirmed and gasped under his ministrations. Despite the human's initial protest, their body betrayed their true desires, succumbing to the intoxicating allure of the Decepticon's touch. The sweet sound of their moans has Starscream contemplating sharing them with his Trine once the rut cycle is over. hes rather sure that the other two would enjoy their tight body as much as he was. 
As the collection of moans fall from their lips, their hips arch up into his intake. They refuse to call out his name. Even as he presses his glossa deeper into them, a deep purr rumbling from his frame. A small whimper leaves them and it makes Starscream rather smug over the situation. With a haughty tilt of his helm, Starscream pressed his glossa deeper into them, relishing in the small whimper that escaped their lips. Their defiance only fueled his desire to dominate. 
A loud moan falls from their lips as they throw a hand over their mouth, but it was too late now, Starscream had heard the moan. Despite their feeble attempt to stifle their sounds of pleasure. "No need to be shy now,” he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance and amusement.
"Shut up" they grumble. Everything about the human has his systems surged with old coding, a need to take and claim them. Starscream's optics flashed with a mix of irritation and amusement as the human grumbled and pushed him away, attempting to assert some form of control over the situation. "Oh, touchy, are we now?" he retorted, his tone snarky and laced with impatience.
His modesty panel slides away as his Spike pressurises. His movements became deliberate and calculated. Running a digit down their thigh, savouring the contrast between the cold steel of his touch and the warmth of their skin. The choked mew that escaped the human only fueled his desire further, a smirk playing on his lips as he slowly pressed his digit into their tight opening, relishing in the sensation.
 he picks up pace of his thrusting his digit into them, admiring the way their smaller body eagerly takes it. As the human's eyes fell closed in a mix of pleasure and surrender, Starscream's movements became more assertive and dominant. Each thrust was calculated to elicit a response, his actions a blend of pleasure and power. "You're enjoying this more than you'd like to admit, aren't you?" he taunted, his voice laced with snark and condescension.
The human's moans increased in intensity, a symphony of desire that only fueled Starscream's own satisfaction. As Starscream retracts his digits he makes himself comfortable between their thighs, enjoying the mess he had made of them so far. Despite their fight before they seemed much more manageable and cooperative now. A loud gasp escapes them as his spike lays against their skin. Horror and fear flashes before their eyes.
Starscream couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before him, the human's initial resistance now giving way to a more compliant state. A loud gasp escaped the human as his spike laid against their thigh, a playful glint in his optics as he leaned in closer. "Oh, what's the matter, little one? Scared of a spike?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery and condescension.
"That's not going to fit" they state breathlessly as he slowly grinds against them. A soft whine leaves them as Starscream slowly rocks against them. He enjoys every second of it, the sweet scent from the human, the way their body responds to him so eagerly despite how much of a fight they have put up.
"Oh, you underestimate me," he taunted, he dragged the tip of his spike down to their entrance, Starscream revealed in the anticipation and control of the moment. Starscream's voice dripped with smug satisfaction as a loud gasp escaped the human upon feeling him slowly pressing his spike into them. With a loud groan and the static of Cybertronian leaving him, he firmly grasped their hips, keeping them steady as he worked his spike inside them. A smirk played on his lips as he relished in the moment.
"What was that about not fitting?" Starscream's taunting words filled their tight body, Whimpers, whines and moans fell from their lips as Starscream began picking up pace, enjoying how tight they felt around his spike, he hadn't interfaced with anything like this. And he was starting to see the appeal of such a soft and plush body. 
"Such delightful little sounds," he murmured, his voice laced with a newfound appreciation for the human's form. His optics flicker down to watcha s his spike slides into their tight hole, enjoying the wait their body almost moulds around his spike, relishing in the tightness and the softness that enveloped him, savouring every moment. 
They cling to him with each thrust, a symphony of moans leaving them. He continued to move with purpose, Starscream relished in the sounds of their shared pleasure, his coding singing in delight as his Spike swells locking them in place as he hunches over them, digits digging into the metal table and he snarls loudly. 
Starscream's frame trembled as the human's fingers dug into his plating, sending a shudder up his struts that resonated through his core. The intensity of their touch, combined with the overwhelming pleasure of how tight they are around his spike pushed Starscream into a feral state, his instincts taking over. 
He ruts his spike deeper into their smaller body as he overloads and coats their insides in a vibrant hue of fluorescent pink that pours out of their smaller body onto the table around them. His optics flicker down to watch the fluid drip and leak from the human's smaller frame, his optics darkening with a primal hunger. The sight of the shimmering pink fluid only fueled his desire further, his fans and vents blast hot air as they try to cool his systems. He doesn't move from his position taking time for his frame to reset and cool down from interfacing. 
The human lay under him in a panting mess, eyes closed trying to catch their breath in the aftermath of their coupling. "You're quite the pathetic sight, struggling to even breathe properly," Starscream remarked, his tone laced with a mix of irritation and amusement. They shoot him a glare before flipping him off. “Go fuck yourself” the huff out, chest heaving as sweat sticks to their skin.  
"You're lucky to have experienced such a moment with me. Cherish it, for it may be the closest you'll ever come to true power," Starscream's words dripped with condescension, a hint of sadistic pleasure colouring his voice. “go suck a spike” they grumble out trying to get the last word in over their argument. “I'd much rather feast on you” he rumbled, slowly pulling out, another flood of transfluid gushes out of their smaller body which makes them gasp and shutter. 
A smug satisfaction washes over Starscream before he drops back down between their tights. Glossa runs over their abused sex as he pulls them back to his intake. 
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deceptibots · 2 months ago
“Not Blushing” - Ratchet x Reader
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“Oh, just shut up, I’m not blushing!”
Prompt by @/creativepromptsforwriting
Pairings -> Ratchet x Y/N
Warnings -> None
Genre/Theme -> fluff, teasing
Note -> n/a
Word count -> 562 words
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It had been a slow day in the med bay, a rare occurrence in the middle of a war. With no injured Autobots to tend to and everything already cleaned and organized, you were left with nothing to do but lean against a counter and watch Ratchet work.
He was, of course, busy tinkering with a piece of Cybertronian tech that looked far too delicate for someone with hands the size of a truck. Yet he worked with the precision of a surgeon, his massive digits moving with surprising grace.
“You know,” you said casually, breaking the comfortable silence, “it’s kind of unfair how good you are at that.”
He didn’t look up. “At what?”
“Everything,” you replied, smirking.
That made him pause. He glanced at you, optics narrowing. “Are you trying to distract me, Y/N?”
“Always,” you replied with a grin.
He huffed, returning his attention to his work. “Your tactics need improvement.”
You weren’t one to back down easily. If anything, his calm dismissal only fueled your determination.
“Seriously, though,” you said, walking over to lean against his workstation. “You’re like a jack-of-all-trades. Medic, engineer, strategist…” You tilted your head, grinning. “Kind of makes you the perfect Autobot, huh?”
He snorted, setting down the delicate tool in his hand. “Hardly. There are plenty more qualified for such a title.”
You arched a brow. “Oh, come on. You’re telling me you don’t think you’re even a little impressive?”
“I prefer to focus on results, not compliments,” he replied, his tone clipped but betraying the faintest hint of embarrassment.
Your grin widened. “Humble and talented. No wonder everyone’s intimidated by you.”
That earned you a sharp look. “Y/N…”
“What?” you asked innocently. “I’m just saying what everyone else is too scared to admit.”
You could see it then—a faint flicker in his optics, a slight shift in his posture. Ratchet, the ever-serious, no-nonsense Autobot, was flustered. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but you’d spent enough time around him to notice.
“Are you blushing?” you asked, your voice filled with mock surprise.
His optics widened slightly. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped, his servos tightening around the tool in his hand.
“You are!” you said, leaning closer to inspect his face plate. “Primus, Ratchet, I didn’t think it was possible, but you’re actually blushing.”
“Oh, just shut up, I’m not blushing!” he barked, his tone far sharper than necessary.
That only made you laugh. “You totally are. Look at you, all flustered.”
He turned away abruptly, his frame stiffening as he muttered something unintelligible in Cybertronian.
“Relax, Doc,” you said, still smiling as you reached out to touch his arm. “I’m just messing with you. It’s kind of cute, actually.”
His frame tensed under your touch, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he glanced at you out of the corner of his optic, his expression unreadable.
“You’re insufferable,” he muttered, though there was no real venom in his tone.
“And yet you put up with me,” you replied, your grin softening into something more genuine. “Admit it—you’d miss me if I wasn’t around.”
He sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “I wouldn’t admit such a thing even under duress.”
“Uh-huh,” you said, leaning back with a knowing look. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
He shook his head, returning to his work, but you caught the faintest trace of a smile on his face plate.
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transformers-spike · 4 months ago
Hello ummm can I order a uhh wholesome Starscream x human!SO with the SO being into praising him and caring for him? And he of course is drinking it all up because he needs love and reassurance more than he could ever admit
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Yet again my brain decided to go for a full length novel, so I had to pull back and came up with this. Think of this as them before they got together:
“Are you alright?” “Of course I am! Why would you think otherwise?” he snarks, puffing up like a disgruntled cockatiel. You squint and look him up and down with the most “dude, just admit it” expression you can muster. He glares at you for what feels like ages, ridiculous brow plates knitted into a “fucking try me” V. You sigh, take off the welding mask and put down the torch. “I’m worried about you.” Those very same brow plates shoot up to the sky. “Pah! I don’t need your worry!” he scoffs like he isn’t bleeding out in the middle of the woods. “Sure you don’t, but I’ll have you know there’s only so much I can do! We should call Ratchet.” His fist slams to the ground, you stumble but manage to catch yourself before falling face first into the deadly spikes adorning his stiletto. Death by high heel isn’t on your “appropriately ironic deaths” list, but you should add it. If your brain didn’t slosh inside your skull like a snowglobe in the hands of a petulant two year old, you could have sworn the mighty ex-commander of the Decepticons looked apologetic for a split second. “I would rather not deal with the likes of the Autobot medic,” he declares in a slightly softer voice, although not without his usual amount of scorn. “After all, you’re doing just fine,” he croons in a sly, buttering tone. Maybe you could have believed him if he hadn’t been constantly berating you for fucking up the impromptu surgery. You are not a medic, goddammit! Much less well-versed in the art of welding shut a metal alien from a planet light years away! You’re just some car junky with pyromaniac inclinations! But seeing him this way… covered in grime and energon, wings hanging low and servos shaking. You’re glad you didn’t send him to voicemail.
You pat his leg. “Thanks, but if this happens again I’m calling Bulkhead to haul your ass back to base whether you like it or not.” Putting on your welding mask, you keep working. Starscream stays oddly quiet, not even bothering to beep at you indignantly when your torch falls out of line. It’s no Picasso, but the bleeding has stopped. After you step back to give him some space, he tests out his leg, standing up and shifting his weight from side to side. The injured leg strains but does not collapse. “Good?” you ask. “Manageable,” he mumbles in his typical “it kinda sucks but I have to be grateful” way.
Pride fills you up like a single mom downing martinis during happy hour. Although not the best compliment, it’s a Ritz-Carlton coming from him.
“Do you want to go back to base? Or just… hang out here? In the middle of the woods?” He wrinkles his optical ridge at you but doesn’t answer.
“Okay,” you drawl out, taking a seat on possibly the most comfortable rock in Nevada. Years pass by – or so it feels like – waiting for the usually extremely bitchy (thus chatty) bot to break the silence. He does not. “I think I should go,” you sit up and thumb at your car, parked all the way across the woods on the main road, a good hike from where you’re currently at. “Don’t,” he hisses. His expression is almost… forlorn if not for his angry brows. Oh fuck off, the emotionally constipated airplane war criminal can’t ask you to hang out without hurting his pride. Which makes you the responsible adult of the situation compared to the billion year old metal chicken. And by God, you are the least responsible person you know (excluding Starscream).
So you sit your ass back down and lock eyes with said chicken. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about what happened?” you ask, fully expecting him to shut you down by calling you fleshling and waving your humanity over your head like a shitty “begone” charm.
Instead, he thinks about it, averting his gaze from you and turning it to the vast wilderness beyond the trees. “Vehicons,” he states bitterly. “Either it was a purely coincidental dogfight or… Megatron is after me.” His whole frame shudders, wings sinking as low as they can go.
“I see.” You pause to take a deep breath. “Do you want to tell the Autobots?”
He shakes his helm and loosens a self-deprecating chuckle from his vocalizer. “Like they would listen to me.” You scrunch up your nose. “How about I tell them? Would that be easier for you?” His optics widen for a brief moment before returning to their perpetually conniving state. “I’m not delighted with the option, but it’s preferable considering their propensity for gathering unsolicited information.” The silence returns. “Hey, I know it’s not the best time to bring this up. But you don’t even have to answer, just please hear me out.” He peers at you wordlessly. “You’ve been through-” you gesture at dry neon blue energon adorning his frame “-a lot lately. I’m not asking you to talk about your feelings or anything like that, but if you ever need someone to just… be around, I’m here.” His expression hasn’t shifted one bit. It’s completely unreadable. You continue on with gritted teeth. “Personally, I’ve never defected from an extremely violent faction and been hunted down through the sky, but I find it’s easier to suffer around friends and family. They help shoulder the pain.”
He arches a metal brow. “Are you implying we’re friends?” “I mean-” you stammer, “I definitely consider you a friend. If you don’t, that’s fine, I’m not forcing you or anything. To each their own. But that’s beside the point-” A lengthy chuckle cuts you off. “Does a friend answer their comm in the middle of the night cycle and perform surgery with sub-optimal tools?” You’re not sure if he’s insulting you or trying to make a meaningful point. Maybe both. “If so,” he continues, lips quirking into an intimidating but somehow genuine smile, “we are friends.” Your brain flatlines. “Oh,” you whisper. “OH,” it hits you like an F-15 Fighting Falcon at full speed. “I… okay. So, um, if you want to hang out and stuff, I can stick around until five o’clock. Then I’ll have to leave and get ready for work.”
“Good enough,” he scoffs good-naturedly, having returned to his bitchy old self with slightly less bitchiness. But the smile he doesn’t bother hiding betrays something deeper. Starscream is your friend. Starscream called himself your friend. Holy shit, you think you’re going to have an aneurysm.
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revelboo · 3 months ago
Possibly more of My Favorite Accident? Please, and thank you!
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My Favorite Accident Pt 5
TFP Knockout x Reader
• “Nothing should surprise me anymore, but here we are,” he mutters, pulling into the lot you’d indicated. Shifting on his shocks as a man bends over the railing on the porch of the building and retches noisily in a bush. Nearly falling into the same bush. And he can’t decide if he’s more horrified or furious. The lock clicking firmly down when you try to open the door. “This is the part where you admit to messing with me.” Because this has to be a terrible joke in poor taste. Every second he sits here, the closer to furious he’s getting.
• “Sorry to disappoint, but I work here.” Aware that you’re not getting out until he lets you, there’s nothing to do but wait. Situated on the outskirts of town, the bar had been a small motel at one point and had been several other failed businesses before settling firmly on its current iteration. Because no matter how bad the economy is, alcohol always sells. Actually growling at you, he unlocks the door and you get out. Freezing when you spot that stupid holomatter avatar glitching into existence and pretending to get out of the passenger side. Apparently deciding to take his uncanny-valley freak show of a fake human for a test drive. “Where are you going?”
• “Might as well get the full experience,” he sneers as you shudder at him. “The avatar is fine.” Even if its expression is stuck in a perpetual blank stare. It looks human and he’d already found out racing that humans have an amazing capacity for ignoring anything that doesn’t perfectly line up with their conception of reality. If his avatar glitches out of existence for half a second, it’s fine. Humans will just refuse to acknowledge anything weird happened, preferring to second guess themselves instead. Their wet, little brains seeing the impossible and just going ‘nope, not today.’
• “It looks like a body snatcher in a B movie.” Striding toward the bar, you’re aware of him following you. And that unlike your boots, his feet make no sound whatsoever. The drunk leaning on the rail slides down to an awkward sit, staring blearily at you both as you ignore him. Inside, the stink of cheap cigars and the acidic reek of vomit compete to be the most offensive. Mostly empty aside from a couple of old men sitting at the bar nursing beers as you go around the bar. And still managing to convey his utter disgust for your life even without being able to change that creepy, dead expression, Knockout slides onto a barstool. You can feel his glare behind those stupid fake sunglasses.
• Trying to decide if the old men are annoying flirt drunk or will be fighting in an hour drunk, you grab an apron to relieve the older woman with her frizzed out perm. Watching her eye Knockout before heading to a corner to smoke. “You take me to the nicest places,” he mutters as you start wiping down the counter, aware that one of the drunks is leaning forward to watch you. Trying to gauge if he’s drunk enough to try and grab whatever’s in reach, while you ignore Knockout. It’s not like you asked him to camp in your apartment parking lot like a creeper. You had asked him to drive you here, though. Leaning drunk makes a clumsy fumble for your wrist and then goes tumbling from his barstool when it’s pulled back. Knockout’s avatar blurring slightly as he moves too quickly to track. “This is ridiculous.”
• Watching you fight a smile as the human stumbles to his feet and looks around belligerently, Knockout stares him down until he gets back on his stool. Keeping his wrinkled hands to himself this time at least. And keeping an optic on you, because he can understand why you’re all attitude now. Why you carry that pitiful little knife. Because you’re scared most of the time, but you’re used to it and know that if you let it show, you don’t stand a chance. And something about that, about how you live bothers him. Rubbing him the wrong way even though he shouldn’t care. It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t matter. Your attitude you hide behind, that impulsive mouth that only gets you in trouble, that stubborn determination he almost admires. None of it should mean a thing to him.
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bnsni · 6 months ago
part one
(tfo. sentinel x gn.miner.reader )
spoilers! just in case. nothing plot heavy spoilers but yk just in case.
one, two, three
CHAINS clinked against the ground. Ones, you realize that were yours as you try to lift up your pedes, only for it to stop short a few centimeters high and drag back down again with a hackle. Alright, so you're shackled. Easy, just flip over and see where I am.
You tried. Tried. To flip over, but all you could manage was a wiggle and that's just about it. Your servos were chained to your back. And your neck was sore bent at a position for so long. The ground was grimy and dark and your cheek — Primus it was sore —was pressed against the floor.
Where am I?
A migraine pulsed behind your optics, coupled with a familiar faint ache thrumming from your abdomen, freshly sore.
Oh, right.
A kick to the shin and one to the helm. A blur of colors. Then, a throttle. Darkwing, you grimaced. You should've known better than to play hero and help. A creak sounded, hinges of a metal door opening and your neck strained from frantic ways of trying to look over your shoulder.
—Proved futile.
"Oh, you don't have to run." A voice echoed, a cave-like resonance that trilled and bounced off the walls of the cell. "I've already made sure that you couldn't."
The shadow stretched across the floor. It became larger, molding in size. Into shape. You try to speak, but all that came out were incoherent slurs of sentences. Each one increased with panic. Intake, slack, faceplate numb. And that, to your unfortunate demise, amused the Prime.
"No worries, though, Airachnid's venom aren't usually that fatal. Well, usually. But this time I advised, and I'm glad she listened, to use her lesser death-inducing ones. Ones that take an instant. Its a bit of a mess when anomalies die."
His pedes stopped beside your helm. "And you know that... don't, you?" Another babble from you made him laugh. "Hah. You look ridiculous. Here, allow me."
A harsh tug on your back flipped you over and you grunted, finally able to relish some light from the ceiling. Sentinel prime loomed above you, a grin on his face.
Oh, Primus.
You never thought this was how you'd meet your beloved Prime. Besides, any other way would result your spark snuffed and churned into energon. The ache in your abdomen pierced into a searing pain. You winced.
"You know what that is? Its a kind of paralysis that only affects your body, not your helm." He tapped your forehead.
"Your mind still works. You can think, you can feel. I can see your optics are still bright." He tips his helm, curiously amused. " Still got that little fire in you, huh. And you're scared. You're scared, yes?"
Silence. You only stared back, chassis pumped with andrenaline. What else you were suppose to say, blegh blegh blegh?
" Silly me. Blink twice if you're scared."
You blinked once.
Then another slow blink.
"That's what I thought. Now," he knelt beside your helm. The tight smile on his face was nothing genial. " What did I tell you about miners going around creating troubles for me to fix. "
Sir! It wasn't what it was! You rustled, moving you mouth. Nothing came out. Whether Sentinel was aware of the incident or not, it seemed he chose to ignore the possibility that you might be right.
" Not only you defied a supervisor, you also kicked him and destroyed — let me see," He tapped your cheek, tink tink tink, optics to the ceiling, thinking. "Oh yes, almost blew up crates worth of decades use. Injured five of my gaurds. Many more, probably. And, why is that? To make a point nobody will understand. To make a point that's virtually worthless?"
You shook your head.
We couldn't go on any longer. Sir, please.
We are free.
We need to be free.
"Your little speech was adorable. That mineer you saved, oh how melodramatic. Unfortunately like you, he's not going to have the opportunity of choosing his punishment."
Your optics widened and you froze. That look on your face seemed to please him and he lunged forward. You choked as he grabbed your face, pulling your head up to his level.
"It's a shame." He crooned. " You miners are so delicate. Its a miracle you managed this much through the mines already." The other servo grabbed your throat. He sighed, and tightened both grips.
The accumulating andrenaline allowed you to kick below in panic. The venom was dissapating. You feel a little pulse in your pedes, as well as the sensors blooming back on your digits.
"Now, I'll give you two options" He leaned closer. "And I'll only say this once. You can serve Cybertron and it's people — or,"
The servo clutching your throat released and glided down, down and lower...
" Or, you can serve me. Your Prime. Your leader — What will that be?"
Your optics flickered, staring back into his blue ones.
You faintly reminisced bumping into a miner on the street while heading down to the main square of iacon. You've just had your pay, a few hundred shanix clutched in your servos and the collision smeared them across the ground. Frantic, you tried to pick them up, ignoring the several laughters from the bots above — and the miner did too. They were just like you, except...
"Here," They said.
You look up.
They were pretty. Well kempt. A gentle smile on their face. Their platings were shiny, glossy. Without a scratch.
You were confused.
They were just like you. No cogs. No nothing.
"Oh, you're at a different sector, then?" You remember asking.
The miner blinked and frown, chagrined as he handed the last slip of shanix and looked away. You couldn't asked more. A mech with gleaming gold platings dragged them away.
The last look he gave was a somber look before looking ahead. Never back.
You remember being confused. A little irritated at such a display the senator took them away.
But, now. Now, it all made sense.
Is that what it was?
A toy for them to play with?
"I'll...serve....you...." You croaked out.
But even so, at least you're able to live.
"Good mech."
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nuttyhatter · 17 days ago
People keep making fanarts of D-16 meeting TfP Optimus and being absolutely enamoured with him. And, honestly? Understandable, D-16, you poor, little mech.
And I've seen one of Orion also meeting Megatron and calling him ugly, which was hilarious.
But consider:
The four meet, just like in the fanart I mentioned, and D-16 is practically drooling at the sigh of Optimus while having a mayor internal freak out because somehow Orion went from chaotic and ridiculously pretty rebel to some sort of beautiful and incredible hero. At the same time he looks at Megatron, who appears so fearsome and angry, even hateful, and then at Orion, sweet, kind Orion, watching Megatron unblinking.
"You're incredible," breathed Orion, smiling up softly at the tall mech.
And both D-16 and Megatron flinched, stunned because how could he? How could Orion Pax say that? Worst of all, how could he mean it?
Megatron knew that tone of voice, he knew that look in the small mech eyes. He was being honest, he said what he thought, just the way he thought it. That awed note on his voice, the amazed spark on his optics, it was all so painfully truthful and Megatron didn't know what to do with it all.
Then he turned to his old self, the one who had finally stopped staring at Optimus to look at his best friend with confusion, paired with adoration and barely concealed longing.
Orion finally noticed D's yellow optics on him. He turned and smiled, bright and happy.
Megatron knew then that Orion hadn't understood. And it made sense, after all Pax would never expect D-16 to turn into... Into Megatron.
But maybe, the most surprising part was just how much it hurt, to realise that Orion could still look at him like this, and that if he could do it, then maybe...
Nah, that was impossible.
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quixotical-lymbo · 6 months ago
I saw that your requests were open and rushed over here as quick as I could!
I would LOVE to see more D-16 and Orion Pax, maybe a poly relationship of how they would act as a dynamic. Reader would be whatever you'd like for them to be and a miner as well, maybe they are the balance for the two to keep them in check? Can be fluff or angst, I'm not picky!
Im so excited to see what you do! Keep up the amazing work!
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Pairing: D-16 x Orion Pax x mech!Reader Rating: SFW-ish Summary: When a balanced duo meets a like-minded bot like them, how will this shake the dynamic between the newly formed trio? Warnings/Tags: Pre-canon, does this count as spoilers?, angst, fluff, romantic gesture(s), oil baths, secret relationship(s), Elita-1 cameo, Orion gives you a nickname, reader is an archivist (lmao WAS an archivist).  Word Count: 1600+ words 
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How did you three meet?
It was a normal day sorting through the records and making sure everything was in its proper place. You adjusted your spectacles before moving the box from your hip into two servos. The corridor you were walking in was long, empty, and cold. Not a single spark in sight and you preferred it that way. 
As you pressed a button, the doors to a room slid open and you carried the box inside. Whistling a small tune, you placed the box on a table and paused when something clicked.
Looking over your shoulder, you found two pairs of optics staring at you. One as blue as the sky, the other as bright as the sun. 
First Impressions:
🟡 Thought you were rather skittish and weird, especially after you almost got them both in trouble had it not been for Orion shushing you with his servo.
🟡 Thankfully, you were rather understanding, a bit naive, but understanding of their innocent intentions.
Orion Pax 
🔵 You seemed like a nice mech.
🔵 A really nice mech when you didn't rat him and his buddy out to the guards when they approached the room to investigate the scream from earlier. 
🔵 Your derpy spectacles and timid mannerism (he caught onto your nervous tics) made him believe you were one of those uptight bookworms. Not the bad kind or snobbish, but not a social type of bot.
🔵 He was proved wrong twice when you had the opportunity to turn them in, but choose not to after hearing the purpose of their 'visit.' 
Shared interests: 
Oh boy, who knew you were a fan of Megatronus? Orion had a 'pleasant' time hearing D-16 and their new acquaintance ramble on about how cool and awesome the Prime was. 
When the conversation (more like fangirling) about Megatronus turned on Orion, the aforementioned mech spoke about the matrix and his goal in helping seek the location of it. 
Cue flapping servos and a squeal that was shushed by D-16's servo over your intake.
Not only were you interested in learning about the Primes, mainly Megatronus, but you also were interested in finding the lost lore of the Matrix and any information you could get your servos on. 
A friendship blossomed on that day and the three of you agreed to meet up at a bar or park whenever all of you had the time to do so. 
Overall dynamic a friends: 
You fit in pretty well with the duo. 
Your eagerness to learn more despite the consequences and sometimes good judgment was a nice balance to D-16 sticking to protocol and Orion Pax's exasperating ideas. 
Although your time spent with the two wasn't a lot compared to them working together in the mines, it didn't stop the bond from strengthening between you three. 
You were D-16's backup whenever Orion had a ridiculous plan that could lead him getting demoted severely.
You were Orion's hype mech and source of information whenever the two of you felt like you had a lead in your goals. 
You tend to call the red and blue mech Pax, even after being assured that you can call him Orion. After a while, Orion didn't mind the way you said his name, it felt…nice, like a 'special' thing between himself and you. 
Overall, I'd say the three of you were great friends. 
You picked up your pace and rubbed the glass of your spectacles from the smudge that happened to get on it. It was your off day and you wanted to spend as much of it with your friends as possible, especially when you had exciting news to share with them. 
You nearly bumped into a few bots, apologizing to them anyway, as you maneuvered around the busy streets of Iacon. It did not take long for you to arrive at the mines. You skidded to a halt when you spotted a pink femme chatting with a few other bots. 
You approached and before you could raise a digit to gain her attention she had long since spotted you. 
Elita-1 rolled an optic and jabbed a digit in one direction, then you were off--scurrying towards the showers to find your friends. 
"D? Pax?" You called as you stepped into the communal showers. The showers, which you've seen in some blueprints, were a shared space with only one or two baths built in. 
Mutterings echoed off the tiled area that appeared vacant. If it wasn't for the sound of oil, you would've assumed so. You rose a ridge before continuing to walk deeper into the area, only to stop when the murmurs grew clearer. 
"...Orion, we're going to be late…"
"C'mon, a little fun isn't going to make us late."
When you heard your designation spill from D-16's intake and more reassurance from Orion, you quickened your pace and rounded the corner to find a…well…sight to behold. 
Orion was partially submerged in the bath with D-16 straddling him. Their gazes were filled with a passion you never saw whenever the three of you were hanging out. For some reason, a pang seized your spark and you took a step back but bumped into the wall. 
The noise caused Orion and D to separate. 
Energon shot to your faceplate added with the heat of the bath fogging up your spectacles caused you to stutter out a 'quick' sorry while attempting to escape. Oil splashed around as D-16 moved to the other end of the bath to cover his flushed face and Orion ran out of the bath to catch up…or rather, catch you.
Running in a slippery area was not a good idea. 
You crashed onto the floor and shrieked when your ankles were snatched and you were pulled back toward the bath. Clawing at the floor, your futile attempts at breaking free caused Orion to drop your ankles and walk around to your front to grab both sides of your helm. D-16 watched as he leaned against the edge of the bath.
"Yes?" You squawked. 
Orion smashed his dermas against yours. You felt weak and nearly melted into the kiss had it not been for the 'd'aww' coming from your other friend. You found the strength to withdraw from Orion and scoot back until you were a reasonable distance from both. 
"What..why…huh??" You pointed to the two of them, you and Orion, and then to your dermas. 
"We've…been meaning to tell you," D-16 started. 
"Just hadn't found the right moment, but now that you know…we can finally tell you how much we like you!" 
"Whaaat? ___ deserves to know about us and how we feel about them! All these secrets just felt..wrong, anyway-" Orion turned to look at you with a wide smile. "Whaddya say, starlight? You in?" 
"Call a medic cause  I'm about to have a spark attack." 
Cue them panicking along with you. 
And that's how you managed to become more than friends with your…well, friends. 
First date? 
A bar :) 
Twas a fun time walking the two of them back to your home when they were drunk off of their processors  
In the morning, you all comforted each other with the hangover pains 
First kiss? 
Orion already stole your first official kiss.
You and D's first kiss happened on the second date when you managed to 'borrow' some merch of his favorite Prime at a invite-only Iacon event. D legit swept you off your peds and kissed you hard enough you felt like you were seeing stars.
Yeah…courting a mech who's becoming notorious for sneaking into archives to look at restricted and sensitive data did not go over well with your higher ups. 
You were demoted to a lower title that stripped you off your access to most records. 
To say you were devastated was an understatement. 
You couldn't even look at Orion in the optics for a while. 
This incident definitely caused a few disagreements in your relationship
First, D stopping Orion from visiting you too much so that you could have the space you needed 
You felt like scrap for the boiling resentment you were feeling toward yourself, the relationship, and with Orion.
It all boiled over when Orion disregarded D's warning  to stay away and managed to catch you during your working shift. 
And…it didn't end nicely. 
Names were called, not-so-good things were brought up, and you even called Orion a fragging screw up.
Making up 
After the big fight and 'cold war' that was going on between you three, mainly you and D-16 vs Orion. Things…settled down when all of you sat down to talk about it for once. 
Starting the conversation wasn't the easy part, discussion and apologizing was, especially when you and Orion were 'fighting' over how sorry you two were. D-16 had to shut the two of you up by holding you two idiots close in a hug.
Lots of servo-holding and cuddles happened that day :3
 Overall dynamic as a polycule: 
Healthy when communication isn't disrupted.
It's easy to play mediator if something does arise between two of you, but when all three of you are angry at each other? Eh, let's say there is a rule in the relationship to never bottle up your emotions for too long and communicate if you're upset about anything.
Jealousy….ohhhh, it doesn't happen often, but when someone gets a little too close Orion and D are on you like a starved bot on a pile of energon cubes. 
Your relationship is discrete, only a few bots (including your higher ups) know of the true nature of your relationship with D-16 and Orion Pax. 
Overall, it's a beautiful relationship....hopefully nothing bad will happen in the future wink wink.
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😼 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. banner(s) by @dollywons !!
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reader-from-nowhere · 5 months ago
Hoh boy, another part? It's so over. This au is by the great @yuukirita! Check out their stuff!! Part 1 here :)
The first thing he felt upon waking up was that it was unreasonably cold. That and it was really, really dark. Bright blue optics blink, adjusting to the sight of the mouth of a trash chute, at least, that’s what he thinks is one.
Seeing as something is falling rapidly down and heading right towards him at max speed.
Wait. “OWW!” Metal hits metal, the sound echoes across the empty, dusty place, bouncing off the walls.
He held his face, the pain flared up multiple warning pop-ups, notifying him of the damage. He shifted upright, with another sudden flare of pain, felt something hitting his shoulder pad and falling down next to his hand with a small ‘clank’. Looking down, lo and behold, a yellow triangle-shaped piece of metal laid there.
A hand shot up his head to check, patting around, he felt another similarly shaped thing on the left side, nothing on the other side. Damn.
He sniffs, optics blurring with tears threatening to fall at any point.
It’s just a small little piece, sure, but it hurts. Ridiculous, really, he shouldn’t be tearing up at this, especially when he should’ve seen that junk falling down coming.
Wait, but how would he even know that?
He knows that, he knows this place.
Quickly, he decides to get out of the bin, you know, before another piece of trash comes down and knocks out the remaining triangle thing on his head.
He reached up at the rim of the trash bin and hauls himself out, landing on the ground with a huff. Just in time to hear another loud slam of trash falling down, hitting at where he had initially activated, phew.
Looking around, with every movement, he kicked up more and more dust from the floor. He sneezed and scrambled upright, stumbling a few times whilst trying to get used to his new, shaky limbs. Why is even standing difficult?
He doesn’t know, he doesn’t know a lot of things. Like his name, for example. Or designation, what does that word even mean? That’s a long word, feels something like a name, but not really. What he does know, though, is that he is familiar with this place.
As he stumbled about, his bright, round optics awed at everything, eventually reaching a tall, looming door blocking the way out (?). It looks worn down, dented in many places and looking like someone rammed multiple times into the center of it, creating a small crack at the bottom corner.
He blinked, looking up, the panel next to the half-destroyed door was way too high up for him to reach, what would he even put in it anyways?
How does he even know what that is?
What the pit is going ON?
Letting out a frustrated sound, he crouched down on the dirt ground and squeezed his body through the crack, scratching the yellow paint on his body in the process, not that he minds.
With a few more wiggling, he finally got himself out and through the other side. He huffed, blowing the dust that is floating around away as he stands up, exploring the new area he just got access to.
It’s…the exact same as the other room. Blank, gray walls, looking old and in a similar state with the door. There were a few pictures lining the right wall, this time, all plastered with a blue and golden mech grinning and throwing a thumbs-up. He stares at the words along the pictures, ’Work hard for the Iacon cause!’.
Which, disappointing, but not too bad, he presumed. Pretty boring, if someone asks him.
And empty, and lonely. Cold, quiet.
He found that he hated the silence.
Luckily, he didn’t need to deal with the quietness for too long, because a voice rang out, jolting him into a squeak.
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techhiz · 2 months ago
G1 starscream with femme autobot reader who’s like the only nice one to him pls! And when they secretly meet up she gives him kisses hehe
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Winds of Affection.
The war between Autobots and Decepticons painted the galaxy in endless conflict, where camaraderie was rare and alliances tenuous. Yet, even amidst the chaos, some bonds flourished in the shadows.
Starscream, the cunning and ambitious second-in-command of the Decepticons, found himself drawn to an unlikely figure: you, a kind and compassionate femme Autobot. You were the only one who treated him with genuine kindness, a stark contrast to the scorn and ridicule he often endured from both sides.
It had been during a standoff on a distant planet when you first showed Starscream kindness. He had been injured, his wing scorched from a failed maneuver, and while others would have taken the opportunity to eliminate him, you hesitated.
“Hold still,” you’d said softly, offering him a small dose of Energon.
Starscream had stared at you in disbelief. “You… you’re helping me? Why?”
You’d simply shrugged. “You looked like you needed it.”
That moment had lingered in his mind, the memory of your warm optics and gentle touch etched into his spark.
Since then, you and Starscream had found ways to meet in secret. It wasn’t easy; the risk of discovery loomed over both of you like a shadow. But the fleeting moments you shared were worth the danger.
One night, the two of you met in a secluded valley, far from the prying optics of your factions. The moonlight bathed the landscape in a soft glow, and the air hummed with a rare sense of peace.
“You’re late,” Starscream said as you approached, though his tone was more teasing than accusatory.
You chuckled. “Blame the Decepticon patrols. They’re getting better at their job.”
“Unlikely,” he scoffed, though a smirk tugged at his lips.
You stepped closer, your servos brushing against his as you leaned in. “I missed you.”
Starscream’s optics softened, a vulnerability in them he showed only to you. “I… missed you too,” he admitted, his voice quieter.
Leaning up, you pressed a kiss to his cheek plating. His optics widened briefly before he closed them, leaning into the affection like a starved mech savoring the warmth.
“Why are you so good to me?” he murmured.
“Because you deserve it,” you replied, pressing another kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Despite the joy your meetings brought, the weight of keeping your relationship secret was heavy. Both Autobots and Decepticons would view your bond as a betrayal.
“You know we can’t keep this up forever,” Starscream said one night, his tone unusually somber.
“I know,” you said, resting your helm against his chest. “But I’m not ready to let go. Are you?”
Starscream hesitated before wrapping his arms around you. “Never.”
The sound of his spark pulsing beneath his armor was soothing, a reminder of the connection you shared.
One evening, as you parted ways, Starscream surprised you by pulling you into a deep kiss. His lips met yours with a mix of desperation and longing, as though he feared it might be the last time.
When you pulled back, you were breathless, your optics wide.
“What was that for?” you asked, a soft laugh escaping you.
Starscream smirked, though his optics betrayed his nervousness. “Consider it… a promise. That no matter what happens, you’ll always have me.”
You smiled, your spark swelling with affection. “I’ll hold you to that.”
As the two of you went your separate ways once more, you couldn’t help but feel that, despite the war raging around you, you’d found something worth fighting for.
And Starscream, for all his bravado and ambition, knew he’d found the one being who truly saw him—not as a power-hungry Decepticon, but as a mech capable of love.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month ago
I have to wonder if anyone questions Cloud freakish strength before he got JENOVA-ed since he was able to use the Buster sword and pick up Sephiroth by Masamune, which he was impaled by, before throwing his ass like a Ragdoll.
Due to this, I offer the following scenarios to you.
Angeal asks Zack to hand him the Buster Sword, instead this blonde twink is holding it out to him with one hand.
Zack drops something and rolls under the couch. Cloud promptly picks up the couch and Genesis who is sitting on it.
Zack continuously asks him for arm wrestling contests. He owes him several thousand Gil.
Sephiroth swears on his mother that he once saw Cloud punch a hole through a picture of Hojo and the wall it was on.
I'm still firmly convinced that Cloud was already ridiculously strong because of the mako exposure and other elements in Nibelheim, and that's why he and Tifa were tough as hell as teenagers.
*Zack and Cloud round a corner and find Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal standing around a massive desk, getting ready to move it*
Angeal: Zack, perfect timing. Help us haul Lazard's old desk to storage. But be careful, it's heavy.
Zack: Why not let Cloud help? He's freakishly strong!
*Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal collectively turn to look at tiny cadet Cloud*
Sephiroth: A generous offer, and we do appreciate it. However, this desk is an unholy fusion of stone and reinforced wood. We cannot, in good conscience, endanger a cadet.
Genesis: Yes, dearest, best leave this to the professionals.
*Cloud walks over, lifts the desk effortlessly, bounces it in his hands to test the weight, and sets it back down*
Cloud: …You guys need three people for this?
Sephiroth: Ah, I see what happened. What we perceive as Cloud lifting the desk with ease is merely a trick of angles and force distribution. If we account for leverage, balance, and momentum, then logically, he did not, in fact, lift the desk at all. It was an optical illusion.
*Cloud picks Sephiroth up*
Sephiroth: !? <3 …!? <3
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jweekgoji · 3 months ago
more yandere d-16 !!!
Yandere!D-16/Reader [hcs]
tw: unhealthy obsession, possessiveness, overprotectiveness, jealousy, yandere themes word count: ~880 additional tags: gender-neutral reader, cogless!reader. a/n: I think other writers already made various posts about yandere!D but why not have 2 cakes?
D-16 is one of the individuals from the main 4 that you would never suspect of having an unhealthy obsession with you. I mean, look at him, a total sweetheart! He would never become a cruel and ruthless tyrant in the future, nuh-uh.
Just like Orion, if he sets his optics on someone, D-16 will make sure that no harm will be caused to you. He lacks some strength to stand up for himself at the beginning, but if someone he deeply adores needs his help, he lets himself forget about the protocols and rush in to help you.
Once he checks that you're okay, that is the moment he has to lecture you about your own safety. He has a little grumpy side, grumbling 'you shouldn't have disobeyed our supervisor!' when the bigger bot accused you of slacking off, but it is actually because he's concerned. The side of his face still hurts, too, after getting punched for sticking his nose into someone else's business.
Yandere D-16 is nothing like Megatron. Never, never expect him to be violent with you or with someone else. He is still innocent, in some way, uncorrupted from the yet-to-be realization of the truth.
Like I mention in the first sentence in the beginning paragraph, D-16 doesn't show any bright yandere traits. It somehow parallels with the style of his life and how he looks in the society of the lower class bots. The grayish paint job, the way he tries to stay out of trouble and follow the rules set by the higher-ups. Even when he's jealous or insecure, which is tied to the object of his obsession, he's not the mech to jump into the fight right away.
^ I think he'd rather stay silent and keep up with his responsibilities if he notices some other bot being a little too affectionate with you. He knows there's not much time for all the relationship stuff; therefore, it will be ridiculous to demand anything from you. It's even harder when you're a close friend of his, someone close enough to stay around but not enough to develop the feelings into something more.
Yandere!D-16 is overprotective with a tiny bit of jealousy. He wants to tell you how much he adores you. The way you lighten up his mood after the last incident Orion put him through, this just makes him all warm and happy inside. These feelings only motivate him to work even harder since he believes that in the future, in much better circumstances, it is the best time to finally confess. It might be a little insecure if you think about that, but probably just realistic, as he thinks.
^ The more time passes, the harder it gets to keep his own emotions in control. At one point, if you continue being a reckless cogless bot, causing trouble here and there, or maybe you're that weak-willed, that can't clearly tell 'no' to others (especially if they're all flirty and too nice with you!) he'd confront you about it, pressing in the corner.
^ How could you be so blind! Can't you see the obvious? You're so, so infuriating sometimes. It doesn't help that sometimes his own thoughts get darker. He never acts upon them, but even thinking about doing something violent towards someone who hurt you in any way...One day, he might snap and tell you everything he thinks about it. The question is, will you take him seriously?
^ At the same moment, his overprotective side wants to smack some sense into you. He can't keep his optics on both Orion and you now; give him some break! When he tells you to stop doing whatever the problem is, his jealous side also shows up. If only you could be his, all of that wouldn't happen. He'd keep you close to his side forever; he would make sure that no one will hurt you once you tell him that 'I love you too'.
Until then, he's content with just looking at you from far, far away. You might now even spare a glance at him during the whole day, and he would already be on cloud nine just because he saw you today. D's optics truly are the mirror of his spark. The way those big, bright orange optics widen the moment you walk past Orion and him, his friend is already having that knowing smirk. Oh yes, D-16 is so screwed.
Yandere!D-16 will idolize someone he loves so deeply. He just believes you're so...so perfect for him. It's like he is blessed by Primus himself every time he's in your presence. He can't explain why his spark beats faster every time you're in his sight, but Primes, help him! He's not even sure he deserves you at that point. Of course, you're both in lower class, but for him, it doesn't make sense at all. He can't do much as just a miner with no cog, but his loyalty, dedication and protection towards you are guaranteed. Good thing he's one of the strongest bots among the other miners; he's willing to be at your service any time of the day.
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