#this au has me in a choke hold
Slight NSFW, its all just METNIONS nothing to much. IF you are uncomfortable with that then scroll away but this is your warning
Will also be using the other names for the newsies for this one, sometimes their newsie name will be their nickname
David turned the corner and glared at the popular boy. He sighed angrily and walked to him; pushing him against his locker. “What the hell were you doing Jack. I was trying to answer the teacher.”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Oh is Mr.perfect mad that I interrupted him.” 
“I could care less about that.” He gripped tighter on him. David could hear a few kids gather around them. “Why do you always mess with me? Can’t you go after someone else.”
Jack looked behind him, seeing the kids leave. Then he moved his eyes to his feet,"You're just- your life's so perfect, why are you so- so-" Jack just grumbles and looks away, again trying to get out of his grip.
"Well it's not so different from your life Mr. Popular. " David rolls his eyes.
Jack's eyes widened, "I'm not- you're- god you're so annoying. Always run ya mouth."
David then glares at him, "Excuse me for wanting to talk I guess." 
"Oh sure. Just talk” Jack scoffs, “Not like ya wanna subtly brag about how perfect you are with your brain and ya family and ya face-"
David debates it but decides to lean forward and kiss Jack. He cupped both his cheeks and softly yet forcefully let his lips collide with Jacks. 
For a moment he thinks now he's messed up completely, since Jack is just standing there, unmoving, but before he can pull back Jack sighs into the kiss and kisses back just as desperately, clinging onto David with all he has.
David pulled away and took in a deep breath, he looked to Jack who had swollen lips and wide questing eyes.
"Shut up Jack, use your brain for once." David then leaned forward to kiss him again.
And Jack seemed to do so, as he stopped trying to question things and just kissed him back, one arm around David's waist and leaning down. David could finally clamp his hand in his stupid soft brown hair, could run his hands over his arm and back.
Then the bell went off for their next class. David pulled away, "Fuck!" He grabbed his bag but quickly turned around and kissed Jack, "Meet me after class at my locker okay." 
Jack blinked and paused for a few seconds, "O-ok." He stuttered out.
It wasn't like Jack was a bad student on purpose. Most of the time he really tried to pay attention, but today? After Dave fucking Jacobs smooched his brains to mush? Jack wasn't even sure what class he had, only remembering how the preppy boy had kissed him and pressed him against the wall. Not to mention that he'd actually cursed after.
David made sure his lie was convincing to his teacher and tried to stop blushing. Although when he sat down his friends gave him questioning looks that he just shook off. If he didn't concentrate during the lesson then who's to know. He'll just steal his friend's notes. But his head couldn't shake the image of him pinning Jack up against the locker. He just hoped this class period would end soon.
Jack only got out of his wonderful dreamland the second the bell rang. Then he almost ran to the damned blue eyed nerd's locker to lean coolly against it, as if he hadn't spent the last hour daydreaming about another makeout session. 
"Jack, are you busy after school?" David asked while he pulled a book from his locker. 
"No, why?" Jack asked quickly, he may have daydreamed about this but- 
"Wanna come to my place...we could ya know-" 
“Yes!" Jack then panicked at his outburst, "Yes sorry I can, I-"
 David kissed his lips, "Cool...meet me here after your last class cowboy." David smiled and began to walk to his next class hoping the school day would get over sooner.
Jack could somehow concentrate even less after that. David Jacobs, smartest guy in school, pain in the ass extraordinaire had actually asked him on a... date? Meet? Well whatever it was he had asked and it hopefully included more kissing as they had done before.
David couldn't help but let his mind wonder as he tried to work on his sheet of homework. He didn't know Jack Kelly could have nice lips. Soft ones at that, maybe a bit chapped but who didn't have chap lips. "David?" David snapped back into reality, "Oh sorry Dominic, what did you need." 
Bumlets shrugged, "Just wanted to know what you got for an answer on number twelve…but what's going on inside your head." 
"Nothing, just thinking about homework." 
Bumlets' eyebrow raised and he looked in disbelief at David over the edge of his glasses. "No, that looks different. Just tell me." He then turned in his desk looking at him. 
Shuffling his feet, David felt his face flush as he thought once more about the only thing that was on his mind today. "I...had another argument with cowboy"
Bumlets scoffed, "He sure likes to pick fights with you. What was it over this time?" 
David sighed,  what was it over? Between the kisses he didn't remember, "Just cowboy being himself." He shrugged. Bumlets raised an eyebrow again; he didn't know if he should press the issue or not.
As David almost seemed to slip into his thoughts again, Bumlets rushed out his question, not wanting to think about it further: "There's more, isn't there? Did it get into a fight or-" His eyes widened at the unlikely option. "Was it...something else?"
David his cheeks heat up, "N-no it was nothing." 
"Your stuttering David." Bumlets said unamused. 
"I-well it just escalated a bit..."
Bumlets leaned forward on his arms, "David, if you and Jack-" 
"Nothing happened, okay?", David snapped and then immediately felt bad as he saw his friend flinch back a bit. He took a few calming breaths. Bumlets wouldn't care... probably
"Look...I-" he looked around to see other kids working on their homework and the teacher seemed to be typing away at the computer. He sighed and wrote on top of the page for Bumlets to read 'we kissed'
He saw Bumlets' eyes widen. He blinked a few times and then wrote: 'who started?' David hesitated before pointing at himself. 
Bumlets just grinned and wrote 'how was it?' Under it.”
David blushed again, 'very nice' he paused then wrote again 'he's a really good kisser' 
'And you're going to do it again?' 
'I invited him over tonight' His cheeks began to flush. 
Bumlets snickered and shook his head. "Can't believe you'd kiss the Cowboy. And how did he react?"
 David smiled at the memory and the blush deepend. "Puddy in my hands."
"David! Dominic! Stop disrupting the class and get to work." The teacher yelled at them. 
"Yes sir." David put his face into the palm of his hand. 
"Text me about it later K?"
David just gave him a nod and went back to his work trying not to think of the stupid boy who made his stomach do a flip. 
Later at lunch Bumlets watched as David sat down. "Now you can tell me all about how it felt to kiss Mr. Popular himself."
Snitch and Dutchy shared a look then both said, "You did what now?!"
"Dominic, that wasn't public knowledge!" David glared 
"Well you're the one who decided to kiss him." Bumlets shot back, leaning backwards into his seat.
"Because he was infuriating!” David huffed, “He just-it was-I had to!" 
Snitch pushed his food on his tray, "Ya know, kinda saw it coming, you two did fight a lot."
David gasped, "Steven! No-what-”
Dutchy nodded. "Rivals to lovers. Not the first time the tension brings people together. Is he your Mr. Darcy then?"
David rolled his eyes. "No, Zach. I don't know yet. We'll be talking later."
"Oh you're taking him to your house then?" Bumlets smirked. 
 "Well-yeah, I guess so but just so we can talk!" David pinched the bridge of his nose. 
Dutchy stabbed his food with his fork,"You guys can also talk during sex." He said it so nonchalantly.
"Zacharias, I didn't invite him over so we could have- No!" 
Dutchy shrugged. "Your loss." 
"What, you got experience in the field?", asked Snitch not really knowing that he could have been in one. 
The blond just smiled mysteriously. "Maybe a project at my place escalated once or twice.”
Snitch placed his face on his hands and peered over at Dutchy,"Oh? Wanna tell us more?” 
Dutchy rolled his eyes, "This isn't show and tell Snitch." 
"I say it's fair since I had to tell mine." David leaned forward with a glare. Now thankful to not be the subject of the conversation. 
"I don't kiss and tell." Dutchy shoved some of his mashed potatoes.
 "Doesn't sound like it was only kissing." Remarked Bumlets while tapping his fork on his tray. 
 "No." Dutchy grinned and looked over to where the goths sat, one of the boys there quickly turning away from him again. 
"You fucked Victor," Hissed David, still almost forgetting about his own affair. “Maybe possibly a few times."
Dutchys eyes snapped to his, "Why don't you say it a little louder, he might hear you." 
"Zach if you're being true about this...How did you do that? Because...."Snitch trialed off 
"What just because we have different sets of friends we can't talk to each other." Dutchy said angrily. 
"No! No..." Snitch held up his hands in surrender. "I was just... you don't hang out in school, that's all." 
"We meet after school, even after that project was done. It's not just sex either. And if you have something against that-" 
"Hey, Zach, calm down." Bumlets held down one of the blond's hands that was slightly shaking. "We're just surprised. As long as you're happy with him there's no problem here."
"You sure? It seems like you were ready to kick me out a minute ago." Dutchy glared at his tray..
"Zach, we would never do that. And you know how we feel about these clicks, they're not doing us any good either." David paused and now realized he kissed one of the popular people, "Be who you wanna be with okay it shouldn't matter."
"No it doesn't.", murmured Dutchy before looking to the other clique again, Specs this time not looking at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to kill the mood. It was only supposed to be a little comment."
"It's fine Zach, we don't have to talk about it anymore." Bumlets patted his hand.
"He's right let's just change the topic, did you see the substitute for geometry?" Snitch began.
Dutchy put his thoughts into it as well, soon forgetting what had happened. 
David looked at his own food, slightly untouched. Taking a bite he looked at the clock on the wall then to the popular table, Jack caught his eye and quickly looked away but David smiled because he could see a hint of blush on the boy.
will post the other rest tomorrow, for the timeline decs is next
this is part 1!
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burnt-pheonix · 1 year
Another thing I made for @ratwhowrites and I's Haunted House AU! I don't have brain rot... I have no idea what you're talking about.
The characters from left to right are Ren, Romero, and Henry. Anyways, I hope you like it lol :b
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gh0st-b0und · 8 months
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I’m so in love with this small interaction i just had to draw it
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From @bamsara ‘s fic :]
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nonomives · 1 year
I've been coping with this mob AU made by @/clownsuu a while now jajdhjd
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She never lets anybody else touch her hair ever again lol (this isn't a Wally x oc moment btw--bc their relationship will get pretty bad pretty soon--)
Okok so I wanted to talk a bit about how Dolly works in this AU
So, in exchange for saving her life, she joins Wally's "family" and becomes a shadowmam, in a sense. Her main missions revolve around sabotage and stealth-based assassinations.
How she manages to fight is basically through taking advantage of her good hearing and agility. She's a melee type fighter so she's a lot more advantageous in close range battles. Her main weapon is the sword concealed in her cane (a gift from Wally), but she can utilize whatever blade or blunt object she has on hand too.
Babe is literally the definition of "brings a knife to a gun fight." On rare occasions, she'll use a gun as a last resort because it gets pretty destructive, which is the opposite of discrete.
I might actually draw it when I have some time BC fighting strategies Dolly uses is pretty fun to think about lol
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ahkylous · 2 months
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Gonna be a part of @lorryicious poster/card/fancy piece of paper to Alex!!
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
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Goth Vaggie because how could you let her be so tasteless in the gothness bro. Please... atleast one hint at goth vaggie 😔
My other non related Vaggie redesign sort of expression sheet + goth vaggie x Charlie under cut vvvv
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Didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to. I think I rushed out the sketch and tried to fix it in line art as best as I could. Soo... I love Vaggie guys. Like a normal amount yknow? So normal. (It's crazy. I kin Charlie ofc but Vaggie is literally so mmmff)
Still trying to find a consistent head shape for Vaggie sooo I'll jst practice I guess
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Very VERY messy and quick doodle I shit out. Might finish one day, these new nails make digital art hard (i draw on phone and am too pussy for computer and I'm too poor for traditional art lmao so expect shit art for a bit maybe unless i thug it out fr)
I love these goobers so much 💜💜
Charlie tryinna not look at booba, respect women even tho they is in bed wit you 🗣🔥
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goldetrash · 1 year
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Ayo been dead online LMAO, been working on a bunch of LMK AUs and stuff for the couple of weeks, but got blindsighted by Childe's banner. This is probs the last you'll see LMK for the next month, Have some Kawaii!Macaque art before ur feed gets congested with Genshin o7
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lilliancdoodles · 5 months
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Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down by @tastytoastz (Click for better quality, master post of all my art for this fic)
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rani-ki · 2 years
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more dragon & snake bfs!
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The real reason I posted the pets, shhhh (@chaosfairy18)
Swifty rubbed his eyes as commercials began to play on the tv. He looked down at his lap to see Skittery had fallen asleep during the show. He wasn't far off either. He leaned on the armrest of the couch and saw Bumlets still awake and reading a book in the arm chair.
“Hey Bum, Skits fell asleep.” He let out a yawn after.
“I see you're about to as well,” Bumlets closed his book. “Do you wanna wake him?” 
Swifty hummed, “Sure, I don’t think I could sleep like this.” Bumlets laughed softly and turned off their TV. He got up and collected their cups and went to the kitchen. Swifty began to run his fingers up and down Skitterys arm, shaking him a little. “Skits, wake up. We gotta go to bed.”
Skittery didn’t move and Swifty lightly shook him again. This time the boy only groaned and tried to shove his face into Swifty's thighs. “Micha we gotta go to bed. We can cuddle there.” 
“M’no. Stay” Skittery answered.
Swifty sighed lovingly. He then heard Bumlets come back to the living room. “Dom help me. He won’t move.” 
Bumlets smiled as he shook his head, “I think we should watch TV in the bedroom next time.” He kissed Swifty on the cheek who nodded in agreement. Bumlets knelt down and kissed Skitterys forehead. 
“Michael, do you want me to carry you to bed?” Bumlets kissed him again. Skittery opened his eyes a little. “Hello beautiful.” Bumlets brushed some of his bangs back. 
“Dom?” Skittery whisper. 
“Right here doll. We gotta go to bed now. I’ll just carry you okay.” Bumlets then began to push him up.
Swifty watched as Skitterys eyes closed again. He only laughed quietly and helped Bumlets get him into position to carry him. Bumlets picked him up and it looked as if Skittery was a koala clinging to Bumlets. 
“Swifts?” Skittery reached out for him. His eyes opened again. 
Swifty followed and grabbed his hand, “I’m here doll.” 
Skittery only nuzzled into Bumlets and kept his hand with Swiftys. Bumlets brought him to their room and Swifty pulled back the covers so they could lay him down. Bumlets softly worked the death grip Skittery had on him and went to Bailey who laid on the edge of the bed and accepted the pets and kisses from Bumlets before going back to sleep. 
As Bumlets came back Skittery reached for him. “I’m here Micha, don’t worry.” He then wrapped his arms around him and closed his eyes. Swifty walked back from the bathroom and saw the two boys, he instantly pulled out his phone getting a photo. Swifty then made sure the door was ajar for Skittles and went to his side of the bed. 
After turning off the lamp Swifty felt Skittery reach for him. Swifty smiled and kissed his shoulder as they intertwined their fingers together. Swifty then heard a small bell ringing and Skittles was up on their bed in a short second. She meowed and Swifty used his free hand to pet her. 
Then after searching for Skittery she pawed at the pillow case by him and between Swifty. With that being done she laid down curled up and began to purr. Swifty let his hand pet Skittles till he felt himself fall asleep. He still held on to Skitterys hand and Bumlets moved his arm a little to hold both of them. So they could all be cuddling no matter what.
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literally can't stop thinking about mafia!bernard and police informant!tim
it got too long for the tags
bear's in the mafia for whatever reason
and tim is part of a police team called idfk the bats
anyway bear's mafia is getting too big and they need sm1 on the inside. enter tim.
tim is a police legacy. his dad was a policeman and so was his father's father and on it goes
and he might've made it onto captain wayne's team but he's desperate to prove to the force that he's not a fuckin nepo baby
so he takes the job. enter bernard who only meets tim after he's been on the mission for a year now.
bear quickly takes a liking to this new recruit who's efficient and smart and has the tiniest waist he's ever seen.
and tim goes along with this liking cause hey information from the top will be more valuable right?
and they fall into this fuckbuddies relationship that quickly becomes way more. because like fuck bear looks at tim like he's worth smth
like he's more than what his parents have set out for him. like he's somebody. like he loves tim for tim. and not for what tim can do for him.
and fuck he loves bear and his smiles. the way his eyes crinkle and his gums show. he loves the way bear looks with a gun in his hands and he knows that's fucked up but the first time he saw bear with a gun in his hands and blood splattered across his face he had to actively stop himself from jumping bear in front of the mafia. and no matter how rough bear is when he's on the field he always caresses tim's cheeks with a softness tim didn't know was possible
and fuck his dick is massive and it's really not helping tim's feelings. and he knows he's compromised and fuck cpt. wayne probs knows too
but shit bear holds him like he's precious. bear looks at him like he loves him. bear twines their bodies together like he'll die if they part
bear whispers sweet nothings into his ears as they fall asleep and it'll break him when he has to give bear up but he's always been selfish
he'll keep this for as long as he can. (please lord let him have this.)
and on bear's end he really only becomes interested in this new recruit when he watches the boy deliver 10 backhanded compliments in a row
and nobody pick up on it. it takes 3 months before bear figures out that tim's a spy and still he keeps seeing him
bc it doesn't matter that tim'll be his downfall. it doesnt matter that tim doesnt really love him or care about him. that it's only a mission for tim bc tim is the best thing bear's life.
he is the sun to bear's moon. the first word on his lips when he wakes up and the last when he goes to sleep.
and he loves every version of tim -- when he's caustic and biting, when he's blissed out in bed covered in the marks bernard left, when he's laughing, when he's crying
every version on tim is a version he likes. and one of these days, his pretty bird is going to have to leave their nest but at least bear can hold tim until then
at least bear can press promises into his thighs. at least he can whisper his devotion into the crook of tim's neck. at least he can leave marks on tim -- lovebites on his neck, handprints on his thighs and hips -- a tapestry that says "i was here. and i loved him. i love him and i am here."
but until that day comes, bear will work on quitting smoking and turning his favorite safehouse into a home for them.
(please lord, just let him have this. just let him have tim.)
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yet again, i end up making the first time i talk about an au on my tumble be a meme redraw without any context for the au, though it also doubles as both an excuse to figure out how to write in Ancient Tongue and as propaganda for my Naesala is bilingual headcanon the outfit isn't what he wears in the au btw i just felt like being silly oh yeah i'll only do this for my side meme shit for aus with Ancient Tongue, because yes the hypothetical comic will have some of that there, but the text is meant to translate to "Remember when...?" No! I dont remember anything thats ever happened to me!
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veiwryn · 22 days
My obsession with Alien Stage is back (it's mainly the music and Sua, but yk)
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poppet-seed · 2 years
Um, sooo normally I'm not one to send asks, as they make me real nervous. But um, I was wondering a couple of things about your pirate au because it has a choke hold on me.
Say someone wanted to write something for said au, would that be ok? And if so, would..it would be ok if it was done with a twist? As I personally love to try my hand at writing something for it, but I've found..I do better writing like found family stuff. Soo I was wondering if you would be cool with a found family sort of version? I had an idea for one, with pirate boys coming across some siren children in need of help. But I wanted to make sure just writing for your au is something you're ok with in general.
And second, going off the note of the pirate boys, my curiosity needs me to ask. What would the three do if they came across lone Siren children in need of help? Would they even help them? Would they be morally conflicted? Or what have you?
Sorry this got so long, hopefully it makes sense. And you don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
You have no idea the brain rot you have unleashed on me.
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I'm sorry I took forever to get back to you on this ask. I just wanted to think in depth about it. Because GENUINELY IT GAVE ME SO MANY BRAIN WORMS!
So here's what I got~
- mother sirens aren't that maternal unlike mermaids
- pups can usually fend for themselves after a few months and go off to be independent
- a mother siren usually has a pup a year (there's only one mating season every year), but can have twins in rare situations. It dosent go beyond that.
- sirens are solitary unless mated for life
- the pup will live on its own and separate from any siblings (rare situations have been recorded of twins staying together)
- mum and dad will stay together but abandon the kids after a few months
- if a predator approaches and the male can't fight it off the female may get a boost of maternal instincts to defend her young (this only applies if the pups aren't big enough to fend for themselves
- in an unlikely situation both parents die before the pup/s are ready, the pup will usually seek out merfolk.
- merfolk have been known to help raise siren pups untill they can fend for themselves.
- Once again though, they won't stay with the mers as they are solitary and will want to be independent.
- pup hood lasts untill their first birthday.
- sirens grow much faster than mers.
- they are more feral than Mers
- a siren pup is more likely to die after it becomes independent but before it reaches its first birthday.
- it's is unlikely for a pup to surface before it's first birthday. It will typically stay in a coral reef and feed of small fish
- however if chased from its hunting grounds the pup will be forced into deeper water
- the only way I can see the boys helping out a siren pup is if the child is in clear distress. (Caught in a net, injured and circled by predators)
- it would have to be a life or death situation for morality to questioned.
- the boys are extremely passionate towards kids, but like all that sail the sea, not willing to get tangled up with sirens.
- moon is terrified of sirens 
- but in this case. They're likely to help.
- that question of "its just a kid and needs our help"
- it would mostly be sun arguing to help. Eclipse being the middle ground and moon against helping.
- Sun is very persuasive and would get eclipse to agree and basically outnumber moon
- the crew also love kids and would be a lot more willing to help the pup (probably one of them that pointed it out)
- probably put the pup in quarantine.
- Good thing about siren pups tho, is that they can be domesticated and loose their aggression if treated right. (Persistence is key)
The mental image of a tiny baby guppy lives in my head rent free.
Thankyou so much for blessing me with this idea.
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I've had a lot of fun with this idea.
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Gnawing thru several layers of dirt hrhhhehh
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dglvr1760 · 1 year
Oh ya-
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not me listening to my bf vent and doing this angst stuff in my last post. I was listening to home by cavetown-
Bleh, niiiight
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