#but the main character is also basically a monster. a super nice monster but still. it's vital to have a non-monster character be nonverbal
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giantkillerjack · 8 months ago
Non-verbal folks, if you have a moment to spare, can you please share with me some things you would like to see (or not see) in a non-verbal character in a comic?
I wish to know as much as I can about writing non-verbal characters, as there will be several in my graphic novel. I am and will continue to do my own research, but any tidbit of general or specific input is greatly appreciated!! ^_^
I will add some detail about the character I am making for a side project right now, in case that helps:
So far, I know this character will be a food artist, likely a non-binary femme, East Asian, a hot fat person, bisexual, autistic, kind-hearted, and a user of at least some sign language.
They are one of many romantic interests for the main character in this series, and they will end up happily getting together with the main character (along with pretty much all the other romantic interests in a big big polycule)!
It is a very light-hearted horror-comedy in the style of a cooking manga/harem anime/school otome game. All the characters go to a ridiculously specific cooking college that offers majors like Dinner Theater.
This person is majoring in Art at their cooking college, and they create beautiful edible creations!
(Also, they are an adult, and they will NOT be infantilized by the narrative! They do NOT become verbal in the narrative, nor is this a goal they wish to pursue. They are accepted and accomodated as they are!!!)
I am a physically disabled autistic person, but I am verbal, and so I care very much about hearing firsthand what non-verbal people wish to see in a character that makes them feel proud and seen!
Thank you in advance for any signal boosts, comments, and advice!!! 🙏🙏🙏
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cerastes · 4 months ago
I’ve gotten asks a while ago about my thoughts on those other games but I can’t find them so here:
Wuthering Waves: It has the same strengths and weaknesses as PGR in relation to Honkai: It wants to be Genshin With Good Gameplay so bad that it forgets about everything else. It’s got good gameplay, the systems, the feel, the Nioh 2-esque way you add monster attacks to your moveset, it’s really fun, with a dash of late PGR goodness, like parries (attacking the enemy in precise moments before they launch specific attacks) and cohesive stamina/economy of action balance. Unfortunately, the writing is just so immensely bland and the characters forgettable beyond their One Quirk + Loving The MC that it’s kinda hard to get attached to anyone or anything if you have any standards above No Standards, and it’s all delivered with the charm and prose of a wiki article. Worst offender is Yangyang, who spends the first 60 minutes of gameplay not shutting up about exposition. Devil May Cry if it was Wikipedia out of ten. Designs are pretty nice. Music is very mid, not bad, just mid, which is disappointing coming from the devs that brought us Narwhal. Overall it’s pretty ok and if gameplay is all you care about and you dig it, you’re going to have a good time.
Zenless Zone Zero: If it’s Hoyo, it’s got production values, and that is true for ZZZ, it looks phenomenal, and frankly, I had a pretty good time playing it, so congratulations to Hoyo for making the first game of theirs I don’t hate. Characters are pretty fun and dynamic, it certainly tries with how not everything is about combat, and delivers a pretty cohesive package, all things considered. Biggest complaint would be that it’s still Hoyo on the wheel, so they are god awful greedy with horrible rates on pulls and expensive top-ups. Second biggest complaint is that the main meat of the gameplay, the combat, is pretty barebones; it does a phenomenal job making it look stylish (and I mean that, it’s not a backhanded compliment) and cool, but combat all boils down to dps racing with very basic gimmicks, even if sometimes entertainingly skill demanding (Soldier’s just frame attacks, Alexandrina’s doll management). Writing is very charming, actually, the plot isn’t trying to be super Deep And Complex off the gate and wants you to get to know (thus, care about) the characters through smaller, simpler lead ins onto their bigger plot, and characters don’t exist entirely to tell you how much they love you and how you are the center of the universe, which is pretty cool. So, yeah, I’m actually saying something positive about a Hoyo game, pretty nice integrated package.
NIKKE: Nikke honestly blew my mind, it looks like a maximum coomer game — and in many ways, it is — but the plot twist is that it’s a charming maximum coomer game with plenty of other things going for it. It’s a game where “mixed bag” is used positively: The setting is as generic and braindead as they come, Things Were Nice Until The Threat Attacked, Only The Hottest Women Can Stop Them (And You Are The Only One That Treats Them Well). But then your starting crew is basically anime girls Ed, Edd, and Eddy, legitimately a really fun crew. Events either are — intentionally — simple but fun and low stakes character studies, or higher stakes storylines that usually land. The music direction is also REALLY good: Normal stages have very utilitarian music that is just a compliment to the sounds of combat, boss themes do a 180 and are full of personality and pretty memorable, Ominous Cross lives rent free in my mind. My only complaints is that I personally dislike models where you NEED multiple copies of a character to truly realize their gameplay potential, and Nikke sadly has this, the skill ceiling is pretty low and it all comes down to a numbers game/dps race, and non-boss enemies are pretty uninspired. In fact, battles are just… Really not fun, and where the game shines, boss battles, are really also not that good either. Honestly, the only thing that kept me from sticking with the game is the low skill ceiling, and in a world where Nikke had tighter gameplay, I still play it. On a more personal note, I sincerely love the designs, first and foremost Scarlet Black Shadow.
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cloudysarts · 2 years ago
All right I take the bait. Why do you believe Manel should have accompanied Pacifica at the party
ok. northwest mansion mystery is a great episode obviously. but HERES why i think the episode would've been even better if mabel was in dippers spot!!!!!! its kinda a lot so i put it under a read more
so this episode is sort of the middle-ish of season 2 i think, right before the ford reveal!! its not a super long show anyway so theres not a ton of pacifica appearances, anyway. BUT in EVERY SINGLE OTHER PACIFICA EPISODE, her energy has been bouncing off of mabel!!! from their meeting in double dipper, to irrational treasure, to golf war; they have been established as the main dynamic here. golf war is especially important here, because this is the very first step in pacfica's redemption arc! mabel saves her in this episode, the pines give her a ride home, and it seems like pacifica is going to start being a little more understanding of mabel because she had misjudged her, hence why she was treating her so poorly. it looks like theyre gonna establish a friendship between them!
and then. they dont. they basically never interact again. because the next time we see pacifica, she goes straight to dipper in northwest manor mystery. the cold open implies that the northwests wanted dipper specifically because of his knowlege of how to deal with the supernatural but IN MY OPINION that DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE because we NEVER see dipper fighting these monsters on his own? hes ALWAYS with mabel. at the very least, i think it shouldve been BOTH of them??? we see a brief shot of a newspaper clipping where dipper is fighting a vampire bat or something and i just. when did this happen. where is mabel
that would be a fine argument for it being both of them instead of just mabel so heres one of my bigger points thats gonna come back a lot in this breakdown: dipper. does not like pacifica. he STRAIGHT UP HATES HER. every single interaction theyve had has been negative!!! its even massively negative at the beginning of this ep!!!! though mabel often dislikes pacifica, she TRIES REALLY HARD TO LIKE HER. mabel has a lot of love in her heart, and if she could, shed want to be her friend!!! its always been pacifica whos been rejecting those advances!!! golf war was the start of pacifica understanding that about mabel, and it nmm wouldve been the PERFECT time to wrap up that arc, rather than leaving it!!!
and i would argue that could STILL LEAD INTO A DIPCIFICA ARC, if thats what the showrunners/fans wanted? most of why dipper hates pacifica to begin with is because shes so terrible to mabel. he only agrees to go to the party in canon because MABEL wants to!!! imo, i think the lead in to them being a couple would be a million times better if that massive problem in their relationship was solved first
i dont PERSONALLY like dipcifica but im trying to stay unbiased about this if you cant tell
i would also argue that like. dipper just seems really out of character. the reason i picked some of the scenes i did for my redraws, was because they were scenes that i think his behavior would fit mabel a lot better. examples:
why do the northwests have a suit in dippers size anyway. he literally doesnt even like wearing it sjkfhkj in a potential re-write of this ep, i considered that mabel would come in wearing her super extravagent home made dress, and it would 'violate dress code', so she would be forced to wear one of pacificas we could still have that cute dress-up expo scene that we do AND have some fun commentary/symbolism about pacifica being nervous about having her in the dress because its NICE and TOO GOOD FOR HER and she looked FINE BEFORE ANYWAY
mabels empathy is a recurring theme in the show. shed WANT to give pacifica the benefit of the doubt, and would be VERY betrayed when finding out her and her family already knew about the ghosts and knew what he wanted. i understand that dipper was so upset because it seemed like pacifica was changing for the better just to find out that she wasnt, but i think this fits so much better with mabel, because shes always WANTED to believe that shes secretly a good person. she would be glad to see her turn a corner, and would be upset when finding out she was 'wrong', and that she really was mean deep down. whcih would obviously lead to her comforting her later/finding out the truth about her etc etc. on the other hand, dipper literally never believed she had good in her. from the first interaction we see of them, he thinks shes as terrible as her family. he ISNT as interested in giving her the benefit of the doubt and if it wasnt a life or death situation i dont think he wouldve forgiven her. IDK i just think its more in character for her
the dancing scene!!! honestly this works fine as is (i can see both dipper and mabel being excited to make a mess on a fancy carptet) but idk i just think it carries so much more weight if its these two girls. silly moments for mabel!!!! pacifica getting to really be a kid and not just a sparkly prop!!!!!!! pacifica finally indulging in her sillyness that she mocked in irrational treasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok moving on. one of the bigger things that bother me about it being dipper here instead of mabel is one teeny tiny (honestly really irrational) scene at the party. in it, dipper is confronted by fiddleford, who tells him he has big news about the author/the laptop and the towns in danger and its vitally important and dipper just. shrugs him off???!!?!?!?! i cannot even IMAGINE. in alex hirschs words "the first season is about dipper being in love with wendy, and the second is about him being in love with the author" meaning that. those are the TWO things that dipper is completely and totally obsessed with. hes clearly not over wendy (as we see in later episodes) and this is not long after sock opera/society of the blind eye so youd THINK hed be more depserate for answers than ever!??!?! this child was willing to sell out his great uncle and raise the dead and stay up for several nights in a row for answers, and the second he is offered some (from a man who WORKED WITH THE AUTHOR btw) hes like like 'whatevr'?!?!?! it is so out of character and it drives me fucking nuts every time. i know hes starting to like pacifica now but as we see in the comics (if you chose to think those are canon) HE DOESNT EVEN SEEM TO LIKE HER THAT MUCH!??!?! hes STILL convinced shes vain, and mean, and selfish!!!! he DOES start to have a little arc with her but jksdfjksf IDK i just cant in a million years see him passing up the chance for answers to the biggest mystery in gravity falls to hang out with a girl he tolerates
but yknow who i CAN see doing that? MABEL!!!!!!!! mabel would be concerned when mcgucket comes up to her, and starts talking like this!!!! i can totally see her suggesting that he relax for a little while and enjoy the party like dipper did, and then forgetting to come back to talk/not running into him later!!!! ESPECIALLY since i can see mabel WANTING to spend time with pacifica where dipper just. really doesnt seem to want to MOST of the time
ok ill admit that this last one is sort of a personal opinion. but i just. i really dont like the B plot of this episode with mabel and the girls. IDK its just so annoying and pointless to me to have a plot where its just a bunch of girls turning against each other over a guy. im not gonna say its mysoginistic bc i know little girls can be boy crazy but i just. dont see why there was a need to make them fight/turn against grenda briefly??? even when they rekindled and it was all ok in the end its just. in comparison to the A plot its so. Nothing.
in my head i have a rewrite of this episode and how it goes is that pacifica approaches dipper and asks for help and he turns it down (like he does in canon). mabel suggests that they do it anyway, but he refuses, as he wants nothing to do with her. when dippers gone, mabel agrees to help (and pacifica begrudgingly accepts bc it seems like the only option) and so she steals the journal when dippers not looking. she goes to the party, and events go pretty much the same?? only major difference i can think of is that the B plot is replaced by one where dipper realizes mabel and the journal are missing, so he sneaks into the manor/sneaks around the house trying to find he rand get it back (and its so massive he has no luck). the reason i think THAT works is because we can even still have the scene where dipper turns to wood like shifty prophesied!!!! and i would even argue it makes more sense this way because wasnt shiftys warning that "if you keep digging so deep into the secrets of gravity falls, this will be the last form youll ever take" ?
OK IM SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG im probably forgetting points too so i might edit it later but THANKS FOR ASKING
tldr: pacifica and mabels friendship plotline was left on a total cliffhanger after golf war and if mabel replaced dipper in nmm it would've been a good resolution to it
edit: check the reblogs if youre still interested! i added another list of reasons i think this (mostly in response to people disagreeing)
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months ago
Solarpunk Game Ideas: Visual Novels + Dating Sims
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Okay, yes, I will admit: This list of games for the most part is mostly about putting out some ideas for games that are less slow and more fast paced. Because so far we had mostly very, very slow games in this. Still, I do want to make one post about VNs, because I still think that the VN genre is a super fun one, that is way to underused and undervalued. Also Romance games or Dating Sims, that sadly mostly get hated on for no reason.
The Issue:
Especially on itch.io there are a couple of Visual Novels for Solarpunk and nearly a third of the games on Steam are also tagged for it, but I feel that for a big part this once more suffers from the same issue as the Solarpunk novel writing: People struggle with coming up with a proper conflict, especially here for having the branching paths that often are a big part of VNs. And Dating Sims often are kinda a subgenre of Visual Novels (their origin is from a crossover of VNs with finance games, which is still so wild to me).
Like yesterday, just three little ideas what one could do within this mix of genres.
Idea #1: A Scientific Horror Story
My favorite subgenre of VN is the horror VN. Even though it kinda gets more attention only recently. And as some who follow me for a while know that I love the idea of Solarpunk horror. As I have said before: Horror - especially Supernatural Horror - is perfect for Solarpunk. Because ghosts, demons and monsters do not care whether or not you have an utopian world. They will still haunt you!
So, here is the idea: A group of scientists start their work in some remote location. My general idea is either some scientists for natural stuff (biodiversity?) or something historical (maybe of dead cultures). But while they are there isolated in their small group, strange things keep happening at the station. And it turns out that the area their new station is set up in is in fact haunted.
I personally would probably link the haunting to some sort of dark history. Maybe colonialism, given that Solarpunk is also very anti-colonialist and such. Though I am going to leave it at that.
Idea #2: Murder in a Solarpunk Commune
I think one of the most common genres of VNs is actually the Mystery genre. A lot of VNs are somewhere in the mystery genre. Maybe in crossover with another genre, but a lot of Mystery is there. Which kinda makes sense. And as I said before: Even in a Solarpunk world murders will happen. They will be less, but they will happen.
So, here is my idea. We have a Solarpunk future where most people live either in city or in rural communes. There are also a whole bunch of people who will just travel as a sort of futuristic bards. This is the player character. And this futuristic bard comes to a rural commune to stay for a few days - when a murder happens. And somehow everyone errupts in accusations, because the murder victim has clearly been a bit of an asshole. So now the people ask the travelling main character to be the one to solve the murder. And hence the player needs to talk to people and try to find out what is happening in this place.
Idea #3: Polyamorous Dating Sim
Lastly, let me talk Dating Sim. Admittedly, I have only played so many Dating Sims, but let me talk about the thing that annoys me about them: All of them are mononormative. There is basically no Dating Sim that is polyamorous. Sure, there are a handful indie poly dating sims, but it is pretty rare. Which, yes, I am very aware that this is also for technical limitations. But hear me out.
Just make a sweet little dating game of a person getting into a nice solarpunk setting. Maybe into a rural commune, maybe into a science center, something like that. Does not really matter, but they are gonna date. But this is a world were polyamory is pretty normalized, so some of the people you are dating are actually already in a relationship - at times with each other. And depending on the kinds of constellations you could play around with the outcomes for this.
Again, just have not seen a lot in this direction and man, I would do a lot for it!
And if you are interested in creative Solarpunk endeavors, I would love to invite you into the Solarpunk Creatives community! :)
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pukei-pukei · 20 days ago
Spoiler-Free Wilds Review
I've played through the bulk of Wilds content available at launch and figured I'd share my thoughts on it here. My platform is Steam/PC. TLDR at the bottom!
The fights are great - which is good, considering that's the main point of the game! I can't recall a time I got really frustrated or bored during a hunt; hitboxes were good, movesets were fun (and often visually incredible), and the difficulty felt pretty reasonable. I didn't cart once in Low Rank and I cart rarely in High Rank, but I've been around the block with these games and I know what I'm doing. I can imagine Rey Dau and Arkveld are wiping the floor with new hunters.
I've only used Insect Glaive so far and I quite like this iteration of it. The wound breaking focus attack gets you all three Kinsect essences, which chains very well into the new flashy Super Spin attack that costs all Kinsect essences. I gotta say it feels bizarre to use charge attacks on IG, but I do love the Super Spin. (That's not what it's actually called but it's what I'm calling it.)
The Seikret is very cute and very convenient. Almost too convenient. I've been making an effort to learn the layout of the locales, but you can absolutely just have AutoBird take you everywhere and practically not interact with the environment at all. You gotta change the control scheme to manual though, trying to go anywhere with the default control type feels like trying to tame a wild horse. Horrible.
The Palico is also very good in this entry. Almost too good. From the start of the game they basically have every gadget from World equipped simultaneously, and upgrading to have things like Vigorwasp Revive or a damn mini airship is as easy as hunting one monster or catching a bug. They can even clear status ailments now!
The multiplayer mechanics are, uh... something. Once you're in a quest together it's the same as usual, though wound management can be a hassle sometimes. I need them and my teammates also need them and there's not that many to go around.
However, actually getting in the same session with friends is way more of a hassle than it needs to be. There's like three or four different ways to join each other and none of them are intuitive. Link party? Lobby? Environment link? Huh??? I miss the sessions from World, especially the fact you could just set it so your Steam friends can easily join but no one else can. The ability to add friends in the game is really nice, though, and I love the Online Singleplayer option. Finally! A PAUSE BUTTON!
The environments are one of the main selling points of the game and they definitely don't fall short. The locales are massive and spectacular with very unique takes on the classic Monster Hunter biomes. (The final locale is even more unique, but that's big spoiler territory.)
The seasons look incredible, but they don't seem to have much of an actual impact on hunts, honestly. They do absolutely have gameplay impacts, but not quite as much as I'd hoped. Mostly tweaks to the kinds of monsters and gathering nodes. Not sure what I'd change about them, though; maybe altering the map a bit for certain seasons, like having certain paths blocked off or opened up depending on the season.
I will say it's bizarre that they kept the tracks system from World, but just show you where every monster is on the map anyway. This entry is supposed to focus on hunting immersion, there's tracks implemented, but they kept the omniscient map from Rise? Huh?? I miss having to actually track stuff instead of the bird just Knowing.
Also you can catch critters but not put them anywhere. Why??
Surprisingly for a MH game, the story is actually decent this time around. Nothing to write home about, this still isn't a story-centric game, but a few moments did hit me hard and I liked a lot of the characters. Its integration into the gameplay was a bit annoying at times with a lot of scripted sequences, but overall I enjoyed it.
The implications are wild(heh) for the series lore as a whole, though; the final boss is one of my new favorite monsters purely because of how monumental it is! If you know, you know. Even if you're not familiar with The Lore the cutscene before the fight is sick as hell. (I'm suspecting we got a Rise situation here where the real HR final boss is coming in a Title Update, though...)
I would die for Nata. He is my son
Everyone's probably heard of the beta origami monsters by now, and I'm very disappointed to say they remain in the full game. Granted, it's not on every hunt and then it's only for a minute or two before the models load in, but that's just one of a lot of pretty grievous graphical and performance issues.
It's not unplayable (for me) by any means, but there's stupidly long loading times. Even once I'm in a locale, everything (monsters, terrain, NPCs, etc.) often looks like a blurry polygonal mess while everything actually loads in. It can take like thirty seconds to load the map or a conversation with an NPC.
My computer (which is, admittedly, a laptop) is pretty good, I can consistently get 60fps on World with close to max graphics, but this is all happening with Wilds on low settings! Hopefully most of this will get fixed with later patches.
EDIT: I managed to cram the game onto my laptop's SSD and that seems to have fixed a lot of the graphics issues. Haven't played a ton with it on this drive yet but I'm optimistic.
Must-play for any series fan, but has way more than its fair share of jank for the price. The story is decent, fights are awesome, and the difficulty is reasonable and fun for LR/HR. Designs for monsters and environments are incredible - when they load properly.
Definitely recommend, but if you're not set on playing it ASAP it's reasonable if you want to wait for performance patches and/or a sale.
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probably-mae · 19 days ago
I am not a writer, english is not m'y first language, i never wrote anything, yet something possesed me to spend 3hrs writing this in m'y notes app, its probably bad
When i opened m'y eyes i already knew.
M'y existence was the copy of another.
And that other was in another universe living a (mostly) peacfull life.
While that didnt exactly bother me i was mostly curious on how in the hell i had gained awarness of m'y situation, i mean, i was supposed to be a Silly idea poorly written down in the note app of m'y phone, nothing more, nothing else. No one exept myself knew the existence of the little self-insert one-shot...
Gosh i never tougth i'd say that one day but m'y life beforehand didnt suck that much knowing what is to come.
If it we're in any other universe i could have decided to stay far away from the plot, faint ignorance of m'y origins and live peacefully in corner of the story but no. M'y idiotic ass had to have a fixation on a World in ruin where the only guaranty for survival whould be sticking around the plot armors (main characters). i am also painfully aware that part of why i even exist is to interact with those people so there is a chance that i will disapear if i dont, wich even if i am not actually real (probably) , i'd rather avoid. I migth not be the real deal but her and i are both humans and we agree on the fact that death is not an option.
M'y first reflex was to look at m'y environnent, as expected i was standing in the visibly ruined remnents of Seoul, while not verry familiar with Korean cities i knew i was standing in what used to be a pretty Big street before most of the buildings were turned into rubble, wich made the road more look more like an abandoned construction site. It was rather calm for a ruined city full with monsters, wich meant i probably was ethier in a rather empty area or arrived in the cooldown between two senarios. There was no one in sigth wich was honestly for the best as rigth now m'y main concern whould be stranger danger.
While the street seemed safe it still felt wierd to be in a such exposed area alone so m'y first moove was to go in the nearestest somehow safe looking alley.
The alley was a small dead end, dark enough to hide me from any eyes outside of it but bright enough for me to see where i put m'y feet.
I wasnt sure how to open those damn menu windows or however they were called and regreted the fact that she never got into the story itself enough to know more on how interfaces worked. seriously why did the characters have to be so well written, i sighed, what is done is done. After one or two tries i got the hang of it, seems like those window things actually went that hard to figure out. Luckily for me i actually could read m'y own atribute window (unlike the damn main character sucks to suck lol) and the content of it while not beeing shocking wasnt that bad with the average stats and basic survival skills and, ahhhh, the famous "special ability" granted by the plot to make the story interesting.
"Painfully aware ?"
Well if that isnt a fun name.
-> Painfully aware [lvl.1]
unique ability
Grants the user awarness over their situation.
Thats it? Seriously? Well thats just boring! No super cool power??? Also how the Fuck do i level up beeing aware ????
Ughhhh the original really has it good.
After a while of me messing with atribute window stuff i realised a few things, first of all one of m'y skills let me understand most languages and be able to speak them, wich whould be life saving due to the fact that i dont speak Korean at all, props to beeing bilangual ig, secondly i dont have a sponsor wich i wasnt sure if its was a good thing or not and tird it was just a few days before the scenario with the flood catastrofy wich could be an oportunity or just hell due to how late in the scenarios and how early it was. Be damned author.
Beeing lost m'y tougths is nice and all but i better find the main group as soon as i Can so i start moving, finding people is m'y first step.
After runing for a bit, as much as i hate to admit it those damn stats are a huge help for m'y horrible endurance, i finally found a group of people, the area is vaguely familiar and pray that im rigth when i guesse where i am. Looking in the crowd i look for one specific little girl-
[A constellation is curious about you]
A constellation ? Rigth. I wasnt expecting to see a message this early on tho. I didnt even think about it to be honest. Will i get to see more constellations then the ones i read about ? Its whould be cool ! Tho m'y life is kinda at risk rigth now so, back to looking for,, oh. Well that makes it easier, just a few metters away here they are two womans a man and a kid in a building, seems like sooyoung didnt ditch them just yet. Uh. Now what? So far beeing here didnt need any human interactions so it was fine, but now? Its kinda nerve wrecking, i mean all of them are scarily strong and on edge of strangers, wich is totally fair and i in all honesty got nothing going for them to keep me alive. I didnt think of that. Ughhhh,,
[A constellation is asking why are you just standing around]
Rigth. From an outside perspective i probably look wierd, im surprised theres still a constellation looking what at im doing, i only have been walking so far.
",, im not sure either"
"Hey rat" Sooyoung called
"Theres a wierdo just standing outside" she pointed toward a seemingly zoning out teenager
Dokja stoped watching his incarnation training to look at what she was pointing
A foreigner? How unlucky. Tho they probably knew Korean since they survived until now.
"Should we do something about them?" Sooyoung's question reminded him of the situation tho it didnt seem like the teen whould be a potential treat, they were alone and didnt look like any major characters in the novel
"They dont seems like a treat" Sangah chimed in
Sooyoung just started at her then looked back at him
"Sanga's rigth, they dont even look like they noticed us"
As if to just proove him grong the teen started walking toward them
They all got on guard as the stranger aproached.
They, no, she seemed wierdly as surprised as them when she spoke. Her Korean was wierdly almost perfect with no aparent accent.
"Hum, please put the weapons down, i dont have one and im not looking for a fight."
"What are you then? A beggar? I knew sharing food was a bad idea!" Sooyoung took a step closer to the strange girl
"Uh, well not exactly? I mean some food whould be nice but im not here for that, i uh,, got info?"
"Info? Then i think you should go see Somewhere else, we got everything we need." Dokja didnt know what but something about this was wierd. Other than what the teen was saying, there was something telling him that she wasnt supposed to be here.
The teen took a minute to think of an answer the spoke confidently
"I know about the novel."
What? No way, he tougth all the other readers were dead, well exept one or two but how did she know they also knew?
"What." Sooyoung said before he could
"Yoosung, Sangah please wait we need to talk with her privatly"
GOSH THIS IS NERVE WRECKING. HOW DID THE SQUID DO IT SO SMOOTHLY??? Rigth the fucking 4th wall, lucky bastard is lucky his author at least gave him something usefull as an ability. Like what. Ghhhh welp what mattered was the fact that is that i got them to not instant kill me. Wich is good! But now im cornered between two fully capable of killing me adult suspicious of me.
"So. When are you gonna speak?" Sooyoung is scary gosh
"You're scaring the kid" Dokja stated, thanks blury face but you are also scary with your fake polite smile.
"Still, she's rigth, how did know we also knew?"
"I could lie and say that it was a lucky guesse but its whouldnt be effective since sooyoung's here" that made both of them react
"How the Fuck do you know m'y name and m'y ability?!" She was almost screaming at this point, Dokja looked surprised aswell but didnt speak
"As i was gonna say, i have info about a bunch of stuff. Future, past, present and not only the ones from the novel. The one from this timeline or however you wanna call it."
"How?" Is all the white jacket said while the other one was still processing
"I am painfully aware of whats going on" is all i said, trying to stop myself from laughing at m'y own joke, knowing im the only one that could get it
[Han sooyoung comfirms you're telling the truth]
"Thats not an answer! You just gave me more questions!!" Damn she is pissed,, i whouldnt have name dropped her,,,
"So what do you want with us?" Thank you for going back on track Dokja
" Keep me alive in exange of info, i wont reveal things that change things too much, dont change any of your plans, just make sure to give me food and i wont bother you." I dont want my existence to change the plot. Is what i didnt add
"Why are you asking us help if you have all that info?" Rigth, good question main character
"I may have info but im still a teen with no group."
"Fair, whats your name? " Ah. Yes. M'y name. Should i use her name? No. It whouldnt be fair. I was created in image of her, yes but i have a mind of m'y own, i think.
"Also before you Ask i wont reveal anything about major events due to the fact that so far, your doing pretty good changing the original plot" i Hope they wont get cocky cuz of it tho. No the 4th wall should enough and Han sooyoung,, uh she'll be fine.
I was introduced to the two other after a few more questions and signing a contract of non agresion with Dokja like the one he used with Sooyoung. So far Yoosung seems wary of me but i dont blame her, i try m'y best not to disturb everyone while they do their things, Sangah, just like what i expected is polite and acomodating while not really knowing how to interact, wich i Can totally relate to. I spent most of the day trying skills that didnt need a target around the area.
I ate and slept, avoiding the penalty. Good! First day beeing created survived! That nigth i also discovered that i get tranfered the memories of m'y 'creator's' day in m'y sleep, good, it means i whould get updates on the story, and well my memories migth be a copy but i still care about whats going on over there. Im not a source reader, i read the webtoon, so i dont know everything, but i know enough to survive for now.
Thats it, im never writing again 😭
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letmelickyoureyeballs · 10 months ago
whatever I still prefer henry cavill as geralt. Just cause the book version was ugly doesn't mean he always has to be.
Referencing this post. This is basically a long rant about hot actors in media, and adapting books to media. I love The Witcher in all forms, so please don't think I'm hating on the show.
Just want to start off by saying I absolutely loved Henry Cavill as Geralt and I'm super sad and disappointed that he left. He is a huge Witcher lover and played all the games and read all the books, so his performances were always spot on and he really put all his love in the role. Kudos to him and honestly I can't imagine a better actor to play Geralt.
Now for the main part of this ask. I know when a book or whatever gets adapted that it won't always be the same. I know there will be differences that either improve the story or not, and that some things work better in books vs movies and vice versa. The main gripe that I talked about in that post(that was just an observation; I'm not hating on the games or show) was that the games and show made Geralt hot when in the books he really isn't. Granted people keep wanting to fuck him in the books, so there must be some appeal, but generally, he isn't described as handsome and is ostracized a lot from society for his looks and who he is. He's a mutant. Plain and simple.
I do think the show was able to show this whenever he drank a potion with the black eyes and veins, and how pale he became, which was pretty spot on.
But what I was trying to get at is how every piece of media seems to have to have a hot/attractive protagonist or characters. The audience I guess needs someone that they are attracted to, to like the story and want to watch it. Would half the movies and TV shows out there be as popular as they are with ugly/unattractive actors? Not saying that ugly actors are bad and shouldn't be cast. Just that attractive actors seem to be the default, even when the story is based around the opposite of that.
Like I stated in that post, a big part of the books(besides the main plots) is how people treat Geralt for his mutations and looks, and how that view changes as they get to know him. Yes, he looks freakish and non-human and scary at times, but he isn't all of that. He is a nice, caring, and protective person who does the right thing, even when he doesn't have to. He goes against his looks and it's growth for him and the people around him. This in my opinion is not reflected in the games or show with a hot actor.
How is the message of "Don't judge a book by its cover" supposed to be seen with a hot actor who doesn't look "evil" or "ugly"? How is the audience or the people around Geralt supposed to grow in their understanding of him when the only "weird" looking things about him are his white hair and barely yellow cat eyes that you can't really see? Again I know that not everything from the books would be in the show, but I wish this was one thing they kept in, or at least made more of an effort to replicate.
Another thing that someone else mentioned that I'll link here, is the fact that Geralt would not be ripped like Cavill, and if he did have a six pack it would be from malnourishment. A big thing with Witchers is that they are pretty much dirt-poor. Therefore Geralt would not be able to buy enough food to replace the calories he was losing from traveling and fighting. Another thing that was kinda ignored when adapting the books, and instead getting an actor who is ripped.
To conclude this anon, no he doesn't always have to be ugly just cause the book version was, but I wish that he was, or at least was more freakish looking. Henry Cavill was a good pick, but was he the best one? Depends on what you want to watch I guess. Do you want a hot actor who can use a sword and kill things? Then he's perfect. Do you want more of a story realizing that looks don't matter(random examples: The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Deadpool) who also swordfight and kills monsters? Then maybe Henry Cavill isn't the best.
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collectorcookie · 11 months ago
OMG I never thought I'd find another person who's obsessed with Northfam... I think about them waaaay too much. Please I need to hear you talk about them more...
oh anon dear, i don't feel like you understand that you just hit a fire hydrant (me) with your car. God, where do I even begin.
keep in mind that i do not ship anyone with anyone else here. If you see me use "snowhi", "ozfi" or any other name combination, i am simply lazy.
Ok so, starting with appearances. It does make me feel a way when I see northfam being the only exception of "most wizards' bodies stop aging at basically 20-30 since that is the age they usually reach their maximum magic potential at". But snowhi are the only ones in the cast that look like children (i'm gonna assume 10 y.o.) and ozfi are also the only ones in the cast that read as old men to me (like...maybe 40 y.o.?). And it's because the twins were all alone and nobody protected them, they had to protect themselves. They had to grow up too young and now they're children forever. However, they got to watch their disciples grow up in ways that was simply never possible for them.
And just...anon idk if you have ever read any extras before. But there is one extra which is just them getting interviewed. And they're just so, so annoying in the most affectionate way possible. I love it when they bicker. They're really funny.
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This also happens in main story one, when figaro scolds oz for summoning him out of nowhere, or when oz was like "You're leaving me for chestnuts?" and figaro retorts with "I'm not leaving you for chestnuts, i can get that from any merchant, i'm leaving you for the flores brothers" like ashdjskdhjd the ozfi arguing like siblings for 2000 years is so funny to me.
Also the way ozfi are forever snowhi's babies, they will never stop being annoying mentors to them. It's so funny how affectionately the twins refer to ozfi when ozfi have, like, literally tried to take over the world in the most classic evil villain fashion possible. Behold, ozzyboo and figgypoo:
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Yeah? Yeah.
In general, only about the twins now, I think the number one reason why they are so interesting to me is the huge contrast of how nice they are but also their cruel nature as northerners. Like, everything they do goes STRONGLY against northern culture, but at the same time, at the end of the day, they still are very much stereotypical northern wizards to their core. It's this very careful balance of them having human morals and monster principles. It's this weird aura where, if you are around them, you can trust them and let your guard down, but also, there will always be this eerie feeling that you are in danger. That they themselves are something you don't really fully understand.
And to an extent, this goes for ozfi as well. I mean, ozfi weren't as isolated from the rest of the world while growing up as much as snowhi, but still. Wait there was another interview, but this time about the authors and what they keep in mind when writing the characters. lemme just
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Like GOOOOOD THE "Perhaps there's a trick somewhere for Northern Wizards to have a long, continuing relationship" LIKE DO YOU WANT ME TO CRY.
yeah idk. You'd expect world's most ancient wizards to have huge castles and be super bougie and what not (and i mean eventually ozzy does make his own castle in the north) but it's the idea that there was once a time where northern twins, killing machines devoid of human morality, picked up fifi, their first ever contact to the outside world, and taught him everything they know. And then they did the same thing to oz, the literal personification of the north, a beast that does not understand affection in the slightest. Do you understand what i'm getting at. It's the twins (who were never loved by anyone before) and figaro (who was distantly worshipped) trying to love oz unconditionally (who does not even know how to receive love at all) that really gets me. They have no idea what they are doing but THEY'RE TRYING. They're so close to each other but so, sooo far away. Northfam is so soft and warm but also so cruel and cold to me, idk. Not to mention that snowhifi have raised oz KNOWING OZ CAN LITERALLY KILL ALL OF THEM. Accidentally or not. Like. Talk about unconditional love. Can you imagine raising a baby that may or may not kill you if it cries too loud.
They're not really family or adoptive family or even found family but more like, creatures trying their best to learn how to love in a world that really, really doesn't want for them to love at all.
I have a soft spot for non human characters trying their best to learn okay.
And arthur. Man, arthur. The way he singlehandedly changed oz. Northfam also got a lot closer to each other once arthur got picked up by oz. That's also funny to me. I get the feeling that northies can never really let their guard down so the fact that throwing a central baby (with no sense for self preservation) onto the most ancient, powerful, terrifying wizards is aaaall it took to reduce them to certified Dads™️ and Grandpas™️ is honestly great. Lemme also just
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Oz trying to keep his distance to arthur because he's scared uuuuuuuueeeeee
In general, northfam consists of:
Snow and white: generational trauma while being first generation of anything ever. Not the best parents but they get a star for trying
Figaro: eldest daughter core
Oz: high maintenance forever baby
Arthur: precious angel who is nowhere as mentally ill as he should be tbh
Also anon, i have like three other northfam posts i wanted to make and i guess this is my sign to actually post them now. If you wanna come off anon, my dms are open for talking about wizards always.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 months ago
An ending i once thought for Doom was if Doomguy killed Hell once and for all, mankind would just stop having any sort of evil.
Like imagine a cutscene showing a robber about to steal from an old lady and then something happens and suddenly he acts nice towards her.
Like humanity's capacity for evil vanishes because Doomguy killed the dimension that represents all evil.
This idea seems goofy but i like to think it goes with the absurdity of Doom's setting.
And also because of some things to consider about Doomguy and the UAC.
I might've said it before stuff about how the "fantasy" behind Doomguy could be less of a power one and more of a moral one.
(Besides me saying that the Doomslayer as a concept is based of fanservice considering potential sources of inspiration)
Because there's always someone saying that "Doomguy doesn't care about people, he just wants to kill" or stuff like that.
When he's putting all that effort into fighting creatures of evil.
Regardless of whether he's the most powerfull thing or still has weakness, it's moreso the persistent part of his character and stuff like that which could make him as an example.
Maybe a role model even, despite this being a series whose creators made it to focus more on the gameplay/tech part while the setting was "it sounds cool, dude".
Naturally, Hell being the dimension of evil makes it make sense as the main antagonistic force, meaning it can be weird when there's other antagonistic characters unless they're influenced by Hell one way or another.
The UAC is a special case, considering that, at least in previous material, they're a company founded by humans and were rather incompetent at most with someone like Betruger becoming evil due to Hell's influence.
But in 2016, they get more evil and maybe have a darker backstory.
Though if you consider how some people dislike the "we are the real monsters" in zombie apocalypse stories (Even Left 4 Dead made fun of that), it can be weird adding a plot about an evil company in a setting with creatures that represent evil itself and whose evil homeworld might as well be the source of evil.
Because Hell is evil at a super cosmic level, that it renders humanity's evil at an irrelevant level.
Basically, think of all the worst people in history and put them next to a demon: Somehow, the demon's mere existence and maybe what they could do beats the actions that an evil person from history did.
Sounds absurd but that's what can make a demon terrifying: They're evil incarnate.
2016 also makes the UAC responsible for cybernetic demons and DE establishes more on the UAC cultist side of things (But also on the ARC and some of the UAC fighting demons).
Not sure what else to add, other than maybe how people felt about Immora and the Dark Lord, but i made like a million posts about those already.
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coconutcows · 4 months ago
*slowly chanting in increasingly excited volume* monsterwash! Monsterwash! MONSTERWASH!! I'd love to see what the characters would look/act like in an AU like that! And Daisuke as a more aquatic monster makes so much sense; god, Gil and him are twinning and winning for sure. Oh! Since Daisuke would get along with Lagoona, who would the other characters get on best with? Are all the Mouthwash characters a friend group, or are they more impersonal- like, they're classmates and ONLY classmates?
Aaahhh!!! I’m so excited someone else has interest!!!! I will post the designs I have once I get Daisuke done, unfortunately I can’t draw digitally until I get a laptop or I get the space to set up my computer so until then crappy pictures on my phone of physical drawings will have to suffice.
For my idea, they’re all members of the staff!!! They seem to have dealings with each other more than other staff members though so they’re kind of their own little clique like it or not (I’d also have no problem with them attending MH together in the past and peoples ideas on that!! Except Daisuke since he’s still the youngest here lol). Basically like a mirror to their canon selves, but being staff also lets the canon MH characters be there too in a more natural way.
So my ideas for them are:
Anya: is a simulacrum or “Frankenstein-Monster” like Frankie, and Frankie adores her because of this since they don’t know many creatures like them, but she is also very nice and always willing to help students so it’s no wonder she’s well liked. She’s the school nurse, or A school nurse and she still wears her socks and sandals (Frankie thinks it’s really cool and trendy, their friends especially clawdeen and Cleo do not). The rest of her outfit I really like, it’s simple and maybe obvious but I’m proud of the design.
Swansea: an Executioner a la Mr. Hack from Gen1, but unlike Hack he’s most likely also a spirit. He works maintenance because MH has a lot of moving parts and dangers that need to be looked after. His hood gives him glowing eyes when he wears it but without it he looks normal. Thinking he’ll have scars in the spots Jimmy shot him in the game, with the implication they’re the injuries that caused his death.
Daisuke: an aquatic creature who’s new and interning under Swansea same as the game. But since it’s not just five of them and he’s only a few years graduated himself he has more freedom here. I think he’ll have a warmer palette to contrast Gil’s, but people still confuse them. Daisuke is still super positive and bright, but he gets distracted frequently, Swansea will often go looking for him to find him sitting in classes listening to lessons. He attended an all aquatic school and really wishes he could’ve gone to a school that’s diverse like Monster High. I think he’ll also shift to a more aquatic form when in water vs out, like the mermaids from H2O or the sea creatures in Luca.
Curly: a teacher and a shapeshifter in the same vein as The Thing or the creature from the game Carrion, with a few of my own ideas. Basically a pile of meat and bones that breaks things down and builds them back up on a chemical and molecular level to shift forms. So the pile of meat is their default form and it takes a lot of energy and focus to shapeshift and maintain it. This works off a MH OC I’ve had for a couple years named Scera, they’re the same species but since she’s younger she has a harder time maintaining forms so she mostly looks like awkwardly proportioned muscles most of the time. This way I get both pre crash Curly in his main form, but also my beloved post crash Curly as he resembles this when resting. These creatures rest in jars of fluid to help moisten their bodies as they dont produce their own and can run out quickly the more they shift.
And Jimmy: Jimmy is a janitor, and a werewolf. Curly helped him get the job on Janitorial Staff and Jimmy hates it. He’s bitter, selfish, standoffish and just generally a bit of a dick. He is however not a danger to anyone!!! Jimmy here is how I think he was before the events of the game. I’ve thought a lot about this, this for me would be a dive into his character, not a brushing off of his canon actions. That said Jimmy’s a werewolf as a play on the whole “lone wolf” ideal. There’s debate amongst students as to what he is actually, some think he’s a “diversity hire” (human), a vampire, or a werewolf, his only tells are some slightly larger pointed ears and small fangs, which aren’t obvious all the time. Other werewolf’s know he’s one of them tho, and some other were creatures can detect it. A slight tangent here- the werewolves of monster high are based off the old Wolfman werewolf, mostly humanoid with canine features to the face, it’s why they lack tails and things. Jimmy is a more modern werewolf, humanoid mostly and shifts to a bestial form. Were students get a weird vibe off him so they don’t trust him. They can sense his selfishness so they don’t trust him the way pack creatures should.
So here’s some points for now, I do have some more I’ll save for when I post their designs!! I never have the energy for full AUs but I’d love to occasionally post some doodles of ideas or if anyone had questions or anything here and there :3 🌡️🪓🌺💫🐺
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sunset-serenity · 1 year ago
AU Idea #2
| HorrificShift |
Unlike HorrorShift which is
StoryShift but Horrortale.
HorrificShift would be like
Horrortale but StoryShift.
Horrific instead of Horror, less Horror and just Horrific, while Shift actually makes sense and isn’t just a “Swap” as the story and character roles are more shifted than swapped.
Short-Basic explanations;
(1) Frisk would be the protagonist.
(2) Aliza would take StoryShift Chara’s role
(3) Flowey would still be Flowey taking in StoryShift Asirel’s role.
(4) Sans would take Horror Undyne’s role and the ruler of the underground and the main antagonist.
(5) Undyne would take Horror’s Sans’s role
(6) Papyrus would still be caretaker of the ruins (in a way)
(7) Toriel will take Papyrus’s role as the random social anarchist that wants to take Sans’s rule despite their difference in power and social influence.
(8) Alphys and Asgore are long gone.
(9) Clover is the reason why the underground is more of a mess even if they fallen into Sans’s hands despite their genocidal actions against monsterkind that only strengthened Sans’s social influence more.
(10) Chara is still the first fallen human while Aliza is the second.
(11) Chara straight up died from the fall and their soul was imediately taken in by Sans who was watering the flower bed.
(12) It’s 8 human souls, no human eating except the corpses of the 5 humans that fell.
(13) Asirel died and became Flowey during the war
(14) Grillby is the Royal Scientist after Gaster and Alphys.
(15) Fill in the blanks as I go along for the long-story explanations.
Long-story explanation
Aliza fell into the underground, met up with a seemingly gleeful yet withered talking one-eyed flower, and while walking through the ruins, she was taken in as a prisoner by Papyrus by surprise and taken all the way into Sans’s palace, which she then was imprisoned instead of dying to Sans’s hand, due to Papyrus’s commands to Sans and Aliza’s fearful cries and pleas, still, even when temporarily spared, there was much to worry about the first human falling here and a hopeful way of getting out using other souls, however Aliza, the 2nd human. was mercifully let go from good behavior and even life-threatening sacrifices they made that shocked many others, they were also granted citizenship into the underground by Sans. Instead of taking her soul for the underground, Sans saw promise in Aliza and her potential to capture other humans because of her seemingly loyal and scared nature Sans found amusement in.
She was let go of all charges but was forced to comply to the capturing of other humans. Before that, she decided to live a little, getting some new clothes suggested by Flowey who thought it looked “awesome” and “super cool” with a sigh and a smile she bought new equipment to start off her journey,
After that, many human souls were captured for Sans’s irresponsible yet obviously manipulatively playful plan of freeing all monster kind. Aliza was sacred and damage and barley getting by from Flowey’s scraps he found (not even getting payed mind you)
But now.
it was time that they met Frisk,
In a Pacifst route, Frisk will have to fight her, but after many respawns, she gives up realizing Frisk is the first human she knows that has determination despite being scared out of her mind of the consequences of not capturing the human she spares you, after sparing Aliza, Aliza would go into hiding with Flowey making sure no one rats her out and she gets caught for not capturing the human only to probably be beheaded by Sans. Howeever you can find Aliza, and when you find Aliza you can talk to her and get some lore and nice moments with Aliza about her situation, life, Sans, the residents, rules, etc. You can talk to her at any time in the story and whenever a main story situation happens you can get new info from her about it.
In Genocide she sees the genocide and decides to help but after seeing some monsters she actually somewhat cared about begging for mercy, she steps in realizing that both sides are in the wrong in this war, and with her final breath after going all out in a grueling fight giving it her all, her last words are “I hope you still make the right decision.. no one should deserve this, should they?…please…tell me..” (This of course happens if you are quick enough before Aliza realizes your basically immortal and flees away to survive another day)
She can be very fearful because of Sans’s rule over her, but when she isn’t scared she can be extremely too chill for her own good, juggling forks around with just a few fingers and doing knife tricks with a literal butter knife whenever she’s bored and can make corny wholesome words of comfort and encouragement whenever she can.
Similar to Storyshift except her Hp and Def are lower while her Atk and speed are much higher.
She would wear simple purple dress that resembles her old one but with a added hood and pockets. (that would later get more worn, ripped, and tattered after every human capture) And for her main weapon of choice, It would be sycthe half her own height. After some Royal Guard training and special lessons in human abilities including her own, she was finally prepared.
In battle she would use her Sycthe, some different design of blasters made by Sans for her to use, limited telekinesis that makes her eye glow purple from under the hood she usually has on. And maybe some modified utensils and spikes as some basic weapons used during her battle.
Unlike in Undertale, Frisk is pretty much entering the underground willfully out of much talk in their home town and found it interesting.
In Pacifist, Sans takes the human souls in one last showdown but after beating him and sparing him, he is conflicted on why you’re sparing him, but despite this Frisk takes the human souls, after seeing the humanity still left in these monsters, they took it upon themselves to take every human soul and break the barrier themselves. But warns Sans that if he harms humanity, humanity will harm back and won’t be merciful.
In Genocide, Chara is revived (in a way) like in Undertale, and the usual genocide stuff happens just like in Undertale.
Their appearance is somewhat the same but instead of two stripes it’s one, colors are more faded, the blue looking more grey and the purple stripand their pants down to their shoes are black with fingerless black gloves meant for heavy duty, and a utility belt that gives them/you the player, more storage for items.
During the war many had fallen, including Asgore in battle, and Alphys by an invasion in a secret human laboratory they took control of at the time. Before Asgore fell, Undyne and Sans had a argument while hiding out during a mission, they argued about the war and why he is forced to fight out there, Undyne (who is more cruel in this version from stress of the war and loss of Alphys) filled with anger shot at Sans with a spear, nearly killing him and leaving him for dead. Saying to him “If you’re too weak to fight you’re as useful and strong as a dead body! Coward..” After that, Undyne finishes the mission and falsely states that Sans had died bravely in battle with Papyrus in disbelief (No pun intended) However after one last stand and a sorrowful sacrifice from Asgore in battle, Papyrus had evacuated everyone. With a dead king everyone picks who should be leader, Toriel declines stating she isnt prepared for this role yet even if she has to but Undyne charged foward to state that she’s strong enough to be the leader but was immediately interrupted by a manical laughter that filled the storage room full of soldiers with dread as the spear is still in his head, with a shocked Undyne, Sans says “You’re right Undyne, I was a coward…but you, you still are. And I ….I just held back..”
Of course, after much discussion Sans, with less than a fraction of hp left becomes the king of the underground
“I’ll keep your stick..fish. Heheh.. it suits the new me quite well.. I haven’t actually realized how much I could do…”
After being healed he still has the crack on his head and the spear now somewhat submerged to his head while blood still remains there both the blood and spear and crack as a reminder to himself everyday on what he should’ve done long ago and what he should do now.
Undyne was hunted down for treason and hides away, even when all the monsters were sealed she kept a good disguise on while using human technology to modify her voice.
Sans in this AU is both StoryShift Sans and Horrortale Sans equally, he doesn’t care much for the monsters anymore until he’s reminded of his brother, then he goes in circles about what he’s doing if it’s right or wrong, then a mental snap kicks in and his sick plan of how he enjoys life and frees monster kind while a nice human meal comes in every blue moon. Continues foward.
In the Pacifist route, he is remorseful and watchful of Frisk and humanity, allowing monsters to breathe and find freedom in the surface again, and once he meets Papyrus again, it all starts to put together pieces of a puzzle once broken.
In the Genocide route he goes all out using everything against you and having two main weapons, a spear and a bone spike that changes color, and even in death threatens, warns , makes fun of Frisk every chance he gets until his last moments.
[One important thing to note, while staying alive from Undyne’s attack, he slowly and silently woke up to a human soldier who was checking the area he was still in, Sans kills them in desperation and tested a theory his almost forgotten pal G once had and absorbed half their soul, letting the other half shatter, this soul was a soul called Perseverance that had minor amounts of Determination. Since the story is shifted, I’ll shift it in a way that it takes like probably 10+ human souls more or less to make a monster into a almost unstoppable being instead of just 1, thus also why Sans is strong enough to be the lead role of the underground in complete and almost dictatorship since no one knew they could absorb souls except him and G.]
Twisted, messed up in the head quite literally, Sickening, disturbing, kinda evil kinda broken inside and outside, very causal about almost everything. Very threatening and scary in power and demeanor and voice. Also very careless and reckless which led to the sealing of the underground still happen. Likes to be imposing as much as possible, but when that doesn’t work he threatens and pretty much tries every tactic in the book until you spare him enough.
Atleast twice more in stamina making the fight be atleast 2x longer than normal Sans.
Hp is 1.5 or 2. Atk and Def atleast 10x stronger from free time training and the human soul he still has absorbed until the Pacifst route.
Sans wears more refined clothes than his StoryShift counterpart while also having some dried blood on his clothes that cant be washed away anymore. His cracked injury that he keeps substained as a reminder, the spear on his eye and the disturbing damaged look on his face.
In the fight he rips off the spear using his right hand which then starts the usual Asgore fight. In which he bleeds from his injury; from the eye to the teeth. This is also why he lost 0.5 of his 2 hp In the fight. In battle, he uses a wide variety of bones, normal, sharp, all having dried blood on it, there would also be blue and orange bones, and a cracked bone which can be destroyed without taking any damage. He uses the spear he ripped out of his eye socket with his right hand and sometimes used a bone spike on his right hand that he would occasionally throw at you/Frisk. Also of course gaster blasters that look like normal Gaster blasters except a few modifications to them.
He will also use determination and perseverance related abilities in battle but this happens every rare chance and it’s usually one attack.
Lone puppy in a wolf’s fur taken almost literally. Wears nice robes that suits her character while also mysterious, new gaunlets and boots, anything that covers her skin and nice skull looking mask that can be switched for a more stealthy dollish rabbit looking one.
Changed her spears into energy swords that resemble a Falchion.
Very reserved, somewhat bitter and resentful, angry, emotional in her alone time, very bold and harsh even when disguised. She spends a lot of time alone and really likes punching rocks, trains a lot on her own.
Atleast 0.5X stronger and higher than normal.
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For anyone who finished reading this incredibly long AU I came up with thanks.
I seriously do not know how to give thanks for this but thanks, it would be a surprise if anyone genuinely reads through this let alone thinks this is a good AU idea and if I made a good story out of it. ☕️🤍
I could write more and go on and on explaining every lore detail but this already a google document too long haha.
Let me know if you have any questions about it or anything. (That’s if anyone even sees this)
[Got the Sans sprite from a google image search, it’s not mine but can give a good idea on how a HorrificShift Sans would look like, good sprite made by the person who made it though, credit to them plz.]
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midnightclover · 1 year ago
what's summon night swordcraft story? :o
love how everyone wants to learn more about swordcraft story once they learn its hella gay. i mean. same. thats why i played it
summon night: swordcraft story is an rpg (not turnbased) series for the gba and a spinoff of summon night. though i know jack shit about summon night lol.
swordcraft story (1) is about being a Craftknight, basically a blacksmith that fights with weapons they've forged. you compete in a tournament to become a Craftlord (basically an extra cool Craftknight) and explore labyrinths and fight monsters for materials.
you also get a summon creature to act as your Guardian Beast, basically theyll help you with forging and do magic stuff in battle! and one of them just so happens to be super gay if you pick the female protag. like its so blatent. she literally kisses the protag. the protag does a bit of no homo stuff but its still very gay, and she warms up to her. she (the protag) even just randomly calls some other girls pretty.
the story, characters, and writing are all pretty good too! though i dont want to say too much about them for like spoilers. especially dont want to spoil the jokes, theyre fantastic.
the combat's pretty fun too! kinda like kh chain of memories if you removed the card shit? also you can equip 3 different weapons in combat to switch between at will, so you can have something to take down whatever enemy's in your way, as well as calling in your guardian beast for spells n shit. btw there are only like 5 main weapon types, but theyre so different and the individual weapons can be kinda different so its still pretty nice. you can even make some fancy enchanted weapons
uhh so yeah. games pretty damn good! its got a couple flaws but it was so fun i couldnt stop playing it (and was thinking about replaying it the whole time. its that damn good)
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lastoneout · 2 years ago
Hey there! Sorry it's kind of late, but I just remembered I said I'd send you a follow up ask about your dislike for the monster mom from Undertale when you had more time. But if you still don't have the time or just aren't feeling up to it, absolutely no worries! Hope you have a nice Friday!
But yeah I really don't like her at all and it's maybe bcs I'm projecting some baggage onto her or smthn, but basically I went into Undertale completely blind bcs my friend told me I should experience it as fresh as possible, the only hint I got was "try not to kill anyone", so from my perspective here's what the beginning of the game was like(also forgive me if anything is out of order plot wise, I've only played the game once and it was seven years ago):
- Okay, the main character I'm playing as has clearly fallen into some sort of fantasy world, alright, games probably gonna be about us finding our way home then, cool!
- Oh, there's a goat lady?? Who's....acting like she's my mom??? Weird, I don't know her at all, and I super don't trust her bcs in fantasy stories like this you gotta watch out for characters who seem super nice but secretly want to keep you trapped "for your own good". It's a classic trope, so I'm :/ about her.
- Oh god she's being so overbearing and way too nice ugh I already don't like pushy tutorial npcs and she's def giving me bad vibes now, she's probably going to try to trap me here. All of this nice stuff feels culty and dangerous and weird, and there's this creeping dread, eugh...
- I hate butterscotch. I told her I preferred cinnamon bcs I don't like butterscotch, but now I have to eat it anyway, so she's not listening to me. So she's acting like my mom while creating an environment where my desires and preferences are not prioritized. This sucks.
- There were other kids down here maybe? What happened to them? Hmmm I think I'm in Danger.
- Eh, her house is nice but it's so empty...I don't like it here. She's refusing to talk to me about where I am or tell me how to leave, and she's kinda like demanding I just give up and live here with her and absolutely acting like she's my mom now, so yeah def trying to trap me here, I guess I'm a kidnapping victim. We gotta figure out a way to get the fuck out of here this place is culty and weird and too happy and I hate it.
- And she's trying to stop us! I knew it.
- And now she's kinda guilt tripping me! Wow yeah we REALLY need to leave.
- Fight time, but I'm not supposed to kill so I guess we just push forward? Eugh she's trying to make me feel bad for her but I don't. I just want to leave!
- Oh okay the fight is over? And she's telling me...that I can never come back?? This lady full on kidnapped me and started acting like my mom and now she's ditching me?? Bcs SHE'S too sad?? Oh my god, that's so fucking mean! I'm not even allowed to call her? Not that I wanted to, but she's just full on cutting me off?? Listen you either want to be my mom or you don't, if you're gonna commit, then fucking commit! You don't get to just act like you love me and then rip it all away! Jesus, this sucks. Okay, well fuck you too lady, I'm leaving, see ya never I hope!
And then I got really emotionally invested in everyone else and especially Asgore bcs I love a tragic king who is trying to do what's right even if it involves horrible things and losing every thing and everyone he loves, but hey at least he's being up front about it! And not lying to me or anything! I appreciate the honesty.
But then she showed up at the end of the game and I was just like oh god she's back fucking yikes. And she's acting like she's better than Asgore?? And he's listening?? Damn also she's totally okay with murder since she just told him he could have taken one human soul and crossed the barrier, so she doesn't even have the moral high ground on that, so she's a coward and so fake wtf, oh god now she's acting like my mom again, fucking great. I'm running as soon as the credits roll.
So yeah....I was VERY surprised when I went online and saw how everyone loved her so much, cuz to me she's just a rude weird control freak lady who tried to trap me in purgatory alone with her forever and then acted like I was the bad guy for asking to leave before Completely Abandoning me. And maybe it's due to some trauma I've been through or smthn, I think it probably is tbh, but I just cannot bring myself to see her as anything but a weirdo who pretended to love me and then abandoned me the second I asserted a single boundary.
And that's why I don't like Toriel.
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popculturebuffet · 8 months ago
Since it was fun doing Cartoon Network, let's try another network of shows. You already talked about The Hub/Discovery Family original cartoons on another ask, so gonna try Nickelodeon original cartoons next (split up by era). Who is your favorite character from each of the Nicktoons from the first half of the 90s from the shows you've seen like: Doug, Rugrats 1991, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Rocko's Modern Life, Aaahh Real Monsters, Hey Arnold, and KaBlam?
LIke last time (Which wasn't commented on) I'll also give my general thoughts but I was hoping this would happen. Doug: Doug himself, a relatable likeable guy and one of Billy West's breakout roles. Though Roger is a close second as while he's an ass, he's one of the better bully characters out there. The show itself was nice, calming and pretty decent all things considered, a grounded slice of life show that paved the way for others. IT's outclassed by some later ones to be sure, but it's still pretty neat. Rugrats: Chucky. He was this when I was a kid, he still is now. I love this neurotic little mess. The show as a whole was pretty great.. I went through a phase of not liking it and while I still like most other nicktoons on this block better, I can't deny Rugrats staying power, classic characters or all time banger episodes. The Movies are also pretty good and something we may be covering at some point. The Ren and Stimpy Show: Not sure if I have a faviorite here. As for the show I didn't really watch it much as a kid or as an adult: I can admire it's craft, and the gag from sven hoek "BUT FIRST, BUT FIRST, BUT FIIIIRRRSSST I"m gonna take a whiz! Don't you go anywhere", was a thing with me and my friend mars back in the day but I just never was that attached. Which is probably good as John K is a monster, but the rest of his crew did a good job as was the voice acting. It was just never really for me.
Rocko's Modern Life: Rocko Himself. Yes once again i'm picking the main character though out of the side cast, you all know who my boy is
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But Rocko is such a relatable shy little guy he's hard not to love. Though again Wild Pig will always be goat too so they can share it I suppose. Point is Rocko is the best: a relatable show that hits for both adults and kids. As a Kid I watched it but wasn't really in love with it. As a young adult on the n, this thing became my religion and remains one of my faviorite nicktoons. A true classic with humor, relatablity and a whole lotta 90's nostalgia while still being mostly relevant. Watch this one if you haven't. Aaaah Real Monsters: Hard to say as it's been too long. I like Ickis design but all the design work here is awesome. The show itself is one worth revisiting, with great designs and a truly unique style. Wish I had more to say about it as I don't think Kid me was super on board.
Hey Arnold: Honestly? Harold. I thought this would be hard as the cast for Hey Arnold is truly one of the best in animation history, no exageration the amount of spotlight episodes means just about everyone's fleshed out. But Harold's tend to stick out the most with his Kitten Hostage Situation, Bar Mitzfah and especailly his job with Mr Green being some of the series best episodes. The kid was the right mix of obnoxious jerk and heart of gold. Also before we move on can we just.. appricate that the show has an episode where a child basically kidnaps a kitten, has the police called.. and he's STILL the most sympathetic one in the room next to the kitten's owner? It's a tesitament to the show's power: Hey Arnold is a charming, wonderful little show, one of the best slice of life shows period. Part of the reason doug isn't as good as it was in it's heyday.. is it made room for shows like Hey Arnold to exist. A truly wonderful show that gave depth to just about every damn character it had over time, had a lot of heart, charm and creativity. It's honestly one of the best cartoons period and I stand by that, also having a knack for atmsophere along with it's wonderful cast and shocking maturity (Seriously I had no idead Miriam was an alcholic as a kid or Mr Simmons was gay and had a homophobic mom but both are handled well for the time). True classic.
KaBlam: Character wise let's go by short: June (If Narrowly), The Chief (Tends to get the best lines and is enjoyably Da Chief type character boiled down to it's most hliaroius form), Sniz, Prometheus, Loopy Herself, Race Rabbit, and Tommy. As for the show I did a whole ass retrospective, but in short, it's fantastic. Not the biggest fan of prometheus and bob, but the rest of the recurring segments are all bangers on some level, though P and B is still gorgeously animated, it's simply not for me. It's a fantastic show, animation showcase and time capsule and well worth your time.
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crystalelemental · 1 year ago
Okay last thing to keep up on. I finished Volume 5 of MagiRevo.
I like MagiRevo. I think it's fun, Euphyllia is my girl, but it's had some problems. A big one being that it's kinda...slow and dry at times? Like, when we hit a scene that is Euphie and Anis being cute, it's fantastic. When we have a serious character moment, it generally does pretty alright. But those feel like infrequent occurrences, around a mountain of text that is worldbuilding and politics, and while the author creates a cohesive story, they also made a boring one. There's a reason I read the entirety of WataOshi between volumes 3 and 4, and then went like three months before getting to volume 5. Book 4 in particular felt really dry. Barring the one excellent Lainie chapter and a few sporadic scenes (Euphie's coronation, Duke Magenta experiencing a typewriter and going insane), it's almost entirely dry politics talk that does not land.
Book 5, I think, hits a much, much better balance. In part because the big politics stuff is kinda over, now that the next queen is decided. They still dabble a bit in political stuff, but it's (1) much shorter worldbuilding around what the eastern frontier is like, and (2) tied in to Anis' parents and the vaguely understood coup plan from her father's day, which makes it a lot more emotionally salient than the usual explanations. Around this, we get a two pretty fun fights that honestly feel more like character building than just descriptions of what's happening, some incredibly cute scenes of Euphie and Anis, and the dread return of Algard.
Which is, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, the best part. Algard comes back, but is now accompanied by his wolf-girl...friend? Their relationship isn't super clear, but "friend" best encapsulates the present moment. Acryl (like Acryllic, do you get it?) is a pretty interesting character to bring in, both in the sense of an outsider being a good companion for Algard in general, and for the lore she ropes in. There are wolf-people that descend from monsters? There's a whole-ass vampire clan? The vampires try to enslave the wolf-people to fight some unspecified fucked up super monster that seems to be building up as a major boss later? Shit dude, consider me invested. Algard's character is honestly pretty nice here, having essentially let go of the obligations he felt before, and being much more open and honest about what it was he really wanted. His reconciliation with Anis is really heartfelt and I like it a lot. Acryl, by comparison, being a character that hates Anis but for like normal human reasons is kinda refreshing. We've had a lot of "people don't really like Anis" touted in the background, while everyone we meet loves her and is, at worse, kind of a conservative about things and doesn't like her research. But Acryl legitimately just does not like Anis as a person on principle, even as she recognizes Anis isn't a bad person, and I cannot tell you how nice it is to have that. I feel like your main PoV character needs at least someone who just dislikes them.
If there's any major complaint, it's...the usual. Side characters in this story do not get a lot of play. Lainie got one really good chapter, and that led me to hope she and Ilia might get more play, but they're barely around and contribute basically nothing. Tilty doesn't even show up, which is really bothersome to me personally. Gark and Navre are around, but mostly as knights to highlight that yeah, we're trained warriors, who cannot possibly keep up with how strong Euphie and Anis are. Which like. Fine. I just wish they had more to do if they were gonna be here, you know?
This one was really good, though, I tore through it in like three or four hours. Very much enjoyed, excited to see about volume 6 in March.
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napkinzilla · 2 years ago
Godzilla vs. Megalon 50th Anniversary and the Origin of Jaguarposting
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I started this account in November when my Godzilla hyperfixation was in full force thanks to a series rewatch I was doing and G-Fest. A lot of that hyperfixation was focused on Anguirus, Baragon, and Jet Jaguar.
I don’t exactly think they’re great characters or anything, I just kind of gravitated towards them for some reason. I know why for all of them, Anguirus having an off-screen reconciliation with Godzilla while forced to live together on Monster Island was actually sort of neat, I don’t like that we never get to see it and are forced to just assume it happened but its also nice to see something interesting and new, especially since this was at a point where the Showa era just kind of felt like it had grown entirely creatively bankrupt (The last truly creative Showa film is Hedorah, ik its a polarizing movie and I think that actually kind of proves my point a little). For Baragon, its that I just found it funny how they paired him with two far more popular monsters for this movie and then had him get his shit wrecked really quickly (he also has the most creative fight in the movie but I’m pretty sure I just liked him cause he’s a jobber). And for Jet Jaguar, its sort of hard to say. I know most of the western fanbase for the character likes him because of MST3K, but I never watched the GvM episode (except the Jet Jaguar song sub but that was after the hyperfixation kicked in).
The only reason I can think of is that he’s just funny to me. He’s basically the star character of this movie he isn’t in the title of and his plot just goes all over the place. He starts the movie as the invention of an engineer who wants to protect the world by piloting a robotic suit (which, considering there is an island full of monsters that is so poorly secured they could just leave anytime they wanted if they can swim or fly (almost all of them can), which they did in the last movie, its understandable why he’d do this). And by the end the suit has gained full sentience, befriended Godzilla, and defeated a bunch of underground men who control a giant bug with a drill head and drill hands. There isn’t that much explanation for most of these things either, they just sort of happen suddenly. Godzilla vs. Megalon is a terrible, terrible movie, and Jet Jaguar is the central character. Godzilla vs. Megalon is also an immensely enjoyable movie that I have subjected multiple people to so that I could see their reactions. I love it, its so fun, and Jet Jaguar is a big part of why the movie is so fun. He’s so fucking silly and stupid, I love him.
I said its hard to say why I like Jet Jaguar as much as I do, but its not impossible, in fact I basically just did. This overly long post has been mostly me saying why I like Jet Jaguar. But I haven’t really talked about Jaguarposting. Why the fuck do I post this guy? Because he’s funny to me, I made Baragon my Discord pfp for a while because he’s funny to me to. Its not super complicated, I am a very simple man. I main Blanka and Faust because they’re goofy guys, and in the same vein, I fixate on Jet Jaguar because he’s a goofy guy. The legacy of Godzilla vs. Megalon is that its a stupid fucking movie. Jaguarposting is a celebration of that movie’s stupidity, the idea that a post is funny solely because it features a character from the film.
I didn’t realize March 17th was Megalon’s birthday, I didn’t see any posts about it on the day and didn’t have the date committed to memory. So this post is late. But I still want to wish GvM a happy 50th. Maybe go watch it in it’s honor and hopefully see what I’ve been rambling on about for this long.
If you don’t know what Jaguarposting is, don’t worry, I’ve only ever used the term once and made like 5 posts in the genre across all social media. However its my first post on Tumblr, so I felt it was about time to explain myself.
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