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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
Should We Use the Term “Non-Verbal”?
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Mrs Speechie P
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thecouncil-aac · 5 months ago
Our super cool low-tech AAC devices from when we were in-patient <3
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They (the nurses and other patients) were fortunately pretty patient and accommodating
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sickly-sapphic · 9 months ago
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[ID: A background with deep blue in the centre, which fades to a lighter blue. Text reads; background by valerianknows (pinterest). This disability pride month don't forget about...
this disability pride month don't forget about... high & medium support needs autistics.
this disability pride month don't forget about... Full time AAC users.
this disability pride month don't forget about... high & medium support needs autistics. (Full Time) Nonverbal or non-speaking autistics.
this disability pride month don't forget about... autistics with speech delays and/or speech impairments.
this disability pride month don't forget about... autistics who LIKE using functioning, level, support needs, etc. labels.
this disability pride month don't forget about... autistics that cannot type in "complete" sentences.
this disability pride month don't forget about... autistic people of colour and indigenous autistics.
this disability pride month don't forget about... intellectually disabled people.
this disability pride month don't forget about... developmentally disabled people. End ID]
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giantkillerjack · 8 months ago
Non-verbal folks, if you have a moment to spare, can you please share with me some things you would like to see (or not see) in a non-verbal character in a comic?
I wish to know as much as I can about writing non-verbal characters, as there will be several in my graphic novel. I am and will continue to do my own research, but any tidbit of general or specific input is greatly appreciated!! ^_^
I will add some detail about the character I am making for a side project right now, in case that helps:
So far, I know this character will be a food artist, likely a non-binary femme, East Asian, a hot fat person, bisexual, autistic, kind-hearted, and a user of at least some sign language.
They are one of many romantic interests for the main character in this series, and they will end up happily getting together with the main character (along with pretty much all the other romantic interests in a big big polycule)!
It is a very light-hearted horror-comedy in the style of a cooking manga/harem anime/school otome game. All the characters go to a ridiculously specific cooking college that offers majors like Dinner Theater.
This person is majoring in Art at their cooking college, and they create beautiful edible creations!
(Also, they are an adult, and they will NOT be infantilized by the narrative! They do NOT become verbal in the narrative, nor is this a goal they wish to pursue. They are accepted and accomodated as they are!!!)
I am a physically disabled autistic person, but I am verbal, and so I care very much about hearing firsthand what non-verbal people wish to see in a character that makes them feel proud and seen!
Thank you in advance for any signal boosts, comments, and advice!!! 🙏🙏🙏
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Ok so this might sound really stupid to some people but I hate that when you learn another language, people say that you can speak it. People ask how many languages can you speak. I can understand and communicate in many languages. Some people I know can understand and communicate in many languages. Speaking is not what shows your understanding. I’m semi-verbal and I have friends who are mute and non-speaking. Again this may sound stupid but your language is not inclusive. “What languages do you understand?” is a much better way of asking. There are also languages where you do not have to speak (sign languages) where you take away their position as a language just because they are silent. Understanding a language is much more clear than speaking it. Being able to communicate in a language doesn’t just mean speaking it. Stop making mute/ non-speaking people not included in multilingual spaces.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Chell from Portal is a non-speaking disabled gender apathetic objectum technoum robosexual lesbian with a shortened Achilles tendon and chronic migraines who was born deaf and received a cochlear implant later in life and uses she/her or any pronouns!
She's in a relationship with GLaDOS, an agender creatifemale electromantic cupiosexual lesbian who uses she/her and it/its pronouns!
Wheatley is a shadowgay bi gay man who uses he/him and it/its pronouns!
Chell is platonically attached to the Companion Cube, which is agender and unlabeled and uses any pronouns!
The Adventure Sphere is a bisexual FTM man who uses he/him pronouns!
The Fact Sphere is a bigender trans aroace gay man who uses he/him and it/its pronouns!
Wheatley is dating the Space Sphere, an aroace gai cupio stargender panspacegender pangender sphere who uses xe/xem and it/its pronouns!
The Anger Core is an agender genderfuck hatebeing who uses it/its pronouns!
The Curiosity Core is a genderfluid core that uses all pronouns!
The Intelligence Core is a genderfluix transfeminine pangender core who uses she/her, he/him, and it/its pronouns!
The Morality Core is bigender and uses they/them pronouns!
dni link
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kpopwerewolf · 2 years ago
Situationally Mute
So, I recently saw a post about how we as mostly-verbal-but-sometimes-struggle people shouldn't use the terms "nonverbal" or "non-speaking" to refer to ourselves ass those terms are used by the never-speaking or have-great-difficulty-speaking autistic community.
The term that was proposed (I'd provide the link, but I don't know how to link to the post and I'm not up for figuring it out rn) was "verbal shutdown."
There's nothing wrong with this term as it is a good description of what happens when a speaking person who loses speech when overwhelmed/stressed/anxious loses speech.
The problem I had with it though, is that "verbal shutdown" only describes about half off my not-speaking experience. In addition to losing speech due to stress or anxiety, there are also many instances when I'm in neutral or even in the best mood ever, and yet speech is still just out of reach. I don't have to be upset to be unable to communicate verbally, so the term "verbal shutdown" doesn't really fit me. Especially considering how there are also times when I could speak if I forced myself, but it's just so much easier to not speak and just communicate via gestures or whatever. (Which means it's in no definition a "shutdown.")
As such I propose the term "situationally mute" as another alternative. It is separate from selective mutism and would only be applied to people who occasionally struggle with/lose speech, whether due to stress or it just being easier to not speak or whatever it is.
Please leave your thoughts in the comments below!
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birdofmay · 2 years ago
11 April: If you never learned to speak, did it take you a while to find a good communication method (for example sign language didn't work, communication board was too confusing, but AAC device is ok)?
It took me a while to realise that 1. I can communicate and 2. it's necessary to communicate 😄
So in my case it wasn't so much about finding a good communication method, it was about realising that I actually have to communicate sometimes.
As for what we tried: As far as I know we tried PECS, but I didn't understand that I needed to communicate at that point, so.... It was pointless 😂 But it worked to tell me what will be next. For example to make me aware of transitions: "You'll have to stop doing what you're doing right now, we'll go to the bathroom now and make you ready for bed" for example.
When I started to understand spoken language, pictures with words started to make more sense, and around 4 we started sign language, which was just right because I could express myself according to the pictures in my mind, not according to grammar rules.
Before school I got my first AAC device, which was confusing at first, but I started to like it soon.
- until my typing improved. At some point I was frustrated that my AAC devices had many restrictions compared to what I could type - that was when we switched to text-to-speech.
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accessible-tumbling · 6 months ago
ID: A drawing of a Black person with a serious expression, holding up a phone. Text above reads: "8. Non-Speaking" and text on the phone screen reads: "I know I don't really talk, but that doesn't mean I have nothing to say. So please just listen to me."
End ID.
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DAY 8 - Non-Speaking
There are many autistic people who cannot (or will not) speak for all sorts of reasons. That doesn't mean they can't think, feel, learn or communicate at all, and they deserve the same dignity & understanding as anyone else.
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ramyeonpng · 4 months ago
Teighlor McGee (she/they) was an incredible advocate who fought for a better world. She founded and ran the Black Disability Collective, a group which advocates for and champions the lives of Black disabled people. During the 2020 protests against police brutality, Teighlor coordinated information and resources and conveyed that information to people on the ground. She wrote essays and articles, advocated for change at her college campus, and worked in multiple advocacy positions, including at ASAN. Teighlor’s dedication and their fierce love for their communities was apparent to anyone who knew them. During their time at ASAN, Teighlor was a crucial part of creating and planning for mini-grants and we have named the program in their honor. Teighlor passed away in 2022. 
Mini Grants for project proposals for autistic people of colour, non-speaking autistic people, autistic people who are LGBTQ+, autistic people with intellectual disabilities -- more info on the website!
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thecouncil-aac · 5 months ago
Is any other psychosis friend have word scramble more when not brain good?
Or is autism?
Council not sure, is not anxiety select mute because is not only speech lose, is thought scramble mess
Maybe psychosis disjoint thought episode, but usual have no reason, not when sad
Maybe is coincidence?
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allkindsofadvocacy · 6 months ago
Find Me Friday: Nelly, Gabe, & Maeve!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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needycatboy · 1 year ago
missionary where your hands are cuffed above you, and your lover is leaning over you with a possessive hand holding your jaw, their thrusts slow. every time he pulls out he watches your face curiously, and every time he pushes back in he smiles as it pulls a cry out of you. they've got a feral look in their eye as they ask you, "yeah? right there, baby? that feel good kitten?" and you just have to gasp and whimper and take it and
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canadda-uk · 1 year ago
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thecouncil-aac · 6 months ago
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i made this instagram post !!! there isn't as big of a community of AAC users on instagram so I thought I would share this on my instagram (@cytochromesea).
EDIT: i got an ask that states that not everyone knows what AAC is which is an oversight on my part, it stands for alternative and augmentative communication!
Image ID:
A light blue background with a rainbow and a cloud and some stars. There is a blue border collie with wings holding an aac tablet that says I love you! Text reads: AAC etiquette. Do’s, Don’ts, and other stuff. By cytochrome sea.
The same background appears in every following slide. Text reads:
AAC is my voice! It is not a toy or accessory
Don’t touch my AAC without my permission
Don’t take my AAC away from me, for any reason (joke, punishment, etc)
Don’t press buttons randomly or flip through my communication cards without permission
How would you like it if I randomly poked you on the mouth and throat (or on your hands if you sign)? It would be unpleasant, so don’t do that to me
Some AAC users can speak sometimes. It is not your business why someone can or cannot talk
Don’t ask questions about why an AAC user cannot speak. 
Do let us communicate however is best for us in that moment
Don’t ask us if or when we will be able to speak verbally. It’s not your business 
Do not value verbal speech more highly than AAC. Any communication is good communication
Some of us never talk, either, and that’s ok! Those of us who can talk sometimes are not better than those of us who can’t. None of us owe you an explanation for our use of AAC.
Don’t look at my screen until I show you. It feels really invasive!
It feels like when someone is looking at your phone screen over your shoulder, so please don’t do this
This applies to low tech AAC as well, don’t look at someone’s cards or letter board until they show you
You have the dignity of forming your thoughts in your head before you say them, whereas my thoughts are all on display. Please afford me the same dignity that you get automatically.
Don’t shame someone for not being able to speak verbally. It makes us feel horrible
We are real people with thoughts and feelings. Please treat us with kindness. 
We are trying our best
Don’t shame someone if their device mispronounces a word. It’s quite literally out of our control.
Other Don’ts. Don’t
Don't Treat an AAC user as childish or stupid for not being able to speak. Our ability to speak does not define our worth
Don't Show frustration at the way someone communicates
Don't Make comments about how fast or slow we communicate
Also don’t…
don't Act surprised when we swear or talk about adult topics like sex, drugs, or violence. We are not pure uwu precious smol beans, we are normal fucking people
don't Assume what is “wrong” with us. There are about a hundred reasons for someone to use AAC and you probably aren’t the expert in any of them.
“OK, so what CAN i do?” im glad you asked! When interacting with an AAC user, DO…
Ask us how we prefer to communicate and support us as you are able
Assume that we are competent
Talk to us with the same respect, tone and vocabulary that you would for any one else
Give us money (this one is a joke)
Understand that AAC grammar isn’t perfect and we are doing our best
Is it rude if…
I can’t understand your device? Not rude! Misunderstandings happen all the time in any conversation, just be patient as you would normally. 
I want to complement your AAC? Not rude!
I ask to see your AAC and understand how it works? This isn’t rude if you are already talking about AAC, but don’t ask random strangers this. They don’t owe you an AAC tour. 
Thank you for listening! This post is for the community! If you are an AAC user, let me know if I missed something in the comments and I will pin it! I hope you are filled with peace and love and I hope something good happens to you today! End ID. 
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years ago
just saw a clip where f1nn5ter was saying how at this point, he can’t be cis, but at the same time, he doesn’t feel like he’s trans—he’s just neither. and someone in chat was like “you can’t be neither cis nor trans that’s not how it works” i love finn but why is his chat so fucking bad 😭 stop recreating binaries for the love of god, identity does not have to fall into these neat little boxes for you to police
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