#but so glad I’m back to watching
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independent-fics · 3 months ago
Inde Watches Leverage: Redemption
S01Ep09 “The Bucket Job”
Love Eliot and Parker bickering about Hardison and Eliot cooking
Ugh I know I’m gonna love this episode but imma cry
Eliot that is not how you answer a door but now I wanna know how he found him
Ahhh the book he’s reading I love that they honored the actor
Breanna is so funny over the computer i love her
Not Eliot’s little smile at them talking about Harry’s kimono
I literally hate peoples I pay my taxes argument
Even Parker can con an automatic voice message
Eliot I love the Christmas attempt with the car
Eliot wants a cool fight so he needs six people hahahaha
Eliot’s just playing himself just more dramatic I can’t this man
Eliot cannot hate this he pretends he does but Eliot I know you’re loving all these roles you’re getting lately
But dang stealing the car I can’t
Omg Parker I can’t
Harry no not the eyepatch
Not my baby Eliot being kidnapped (I actually love it though yes beat him up)
The stealing of the bike I can’t
Not the mall cops squeaky voice talking to Eliot hehehe
Ooof I thought this happened later in the season not my baby Eliot
I feel like that Eliot flashback moment could have been acted out differently. Like why they gotta speed him up.
I thought they knew Harry knew RIZ the guy he was defending in the first episode had them as security?
Bro I hate this lady
She does know her vents
Eliot bro why are you drinking while getting off drugs
Subtle Nate Harry church parallels?
I feel bad for all of these books rn getting shot
I JUST SCREAMED but now I’m realizing this might be the plan
Dang I kinda feel bad for the RIZ guy
Sophie it’s Christmas there is no budget hehehe like they thought if they used the car they would get it back to the rental place in one piece
Ahhh Hardison of course
I have so many questions oof
I thought it was his dad’s friend from Vietnam for Christmas but also I’ve heard spoilers of a step brother? But also he’s still in Louisiana instead of Oklahoma?
Loved this episode though
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 9 months ago
The way Alex poses for Kingskin is so fucking great
I’m so excited to see how Liv continues as Kingskin like will she start getting an ego from it will she stay awkward
Also love how Liv kept stealing things but as Kingskin keeps going like “we can’t afford this” “is this paid for” it’s great
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rosieyart · 23 days ago
you've likely been getting this a lot but i was ECSTATIC to see your saiou art, i remember having such a big hyperfixation for them in 2020 and your art has me relove the ship even more. i love how you draw them!! im super curious at how they also got you super hooked like the rest of us </3
aaa i’m so happy to hear this!! i’ve said this before but it’s actually so refreshing to know that people still enjoy seeing my art of them. i still can’t get over the fact i’ve joined a fandom so late…. sighs. but i’ve been swallowed in and i don’t think i can turn back at this point
as for why i am hooked on them? hmmm bit of a tough question to answer. i think i just really enjoy their dynamic and how it fits in with the overarching themes of v3 as a whole. truths vs lies. are lies truly evil or can they be used for good? are truths always good, or can they sometimes be vile? esp the whole aspect of saihara chasing after ouma and trying desperately to figure him out; he’s a walking puzzle and saihara, the puzzle solver he is, can’t help but try to piece him together.
i actually typed out this long ass essay worthy response to a friend of mine a few days ago…. not sure if anyone gives a shit to read it but perhaps i’ll post it at some point…
errr but also. i feel i will just naturally gravitate towards characters and ships i find interesting. i like saihara bc he’s pretty imo (he has lashes for days and that facial card is absolutely lethal) and ouma, well, i’ve always had a thing for black/white color schemes and his character is just simply bizarre to me. i need to study him under a microscope. little gremlin creature thing.
the yaoi ship chooses me, really, i don’t choose the yaoi lmao
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foolishlyzephyrus · 9 months ago
shout out to the classic who fans that got it right, sutekh was the correct choice of who was coming back
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mossymandibles · 4 months ago
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noonenowhere-01 · 2 months ago
We needed this win and it being a win over the oilers makes it just that much better!!
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sergeantpixie · 1 year ago
my thoughts after watching the sixth episode of the Artful Dodger
1. Gaines can’t chill for like one minute, can he?
2. “the only fit response would be to fill my pockets with stones and walk into the sea” “sea’s that way” 🤣🤣🤣
3. Hetty taking charge bc all of the doctors are out getting trashed, HELL YEAH BABY GIRL
4. “Hetty have you eaten anything at all?” “no time” someone take care of my girl 😭
5. “i’d run away like your wife” JACK WAS READY TO THROW HANDS BUT BELLE IS A SAVAGE
6. “lady bloody cheekbones” why do ppl who dislike belle have the best nicknames for her tho
8. can’t believe they walked into a cupboard to argue, not makeout 😤
9. “do you think you’re frightening? well you’re not.” there’s something about her that is so fucking electrifying, that speech gave me shivers
10. “are you going to kiss now?” franny is all of us tbh
11. “all right then, silver spoon, don’t mess it up” “i don’t think i can do it alone” “you’re not, i’m here” my three girls together in one scene, i am being blessed
12. “what are you going to do captain? hang her corpse?” YEAH BELLE!!!
13. “thievery is still thievery” “your family are the biggest thieves in port victory” YOU TELL HER RED
15. belle booping franny on the nose was so unexpected and sweet
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starstruckodysseys · 10 months ago
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museenkuss · 2 months ago
I really think I need to stop talking, thinking and generally existing in the close proximity of Nosferatu 2024. Sometimes I think we have to cut our losses and just move on. I’m glad some people are having fun.
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shrinkthisviolet · 8 months ago
So obviously in the updated AA canon we know that it was the events of 1-5 that led Edgeworth to fake his suicide (or more likely seriously consider it before backing out) and go dark for a year...but what about in the original canon? Because 1-5 didn't exist then and 1-4 ended on a somewhat good note...what do you think Edgeworth's reasoning was in that 'verse?
YESSSS omg I’m so glad someone asked me this, because I’m delighted to talk about it! This got long, so more under the cut:
So one of the benefits of watching an Ace Attorney playthrough of JFA is getting to hear the players’ and commenters thoughts about Edgeworth’s disappearance…especially since a good chunk of them played the original DS version of the trilogy that did not include RFTA (1-5), while others played the new version (or a ported version, like me) that did include RFTA. And it changes a few things about Edgeworth.
For one thing, a change that I don’t really like is that it takes away Edgeworth knowingly forging evidence. It’s not technically contradictory because only Phoenix states it as fact and bases it on rumors he’s heard/read about and rumors can exaggerate…but it does diminish his arc a bit. I won’t go on and on about it (I could definitely do that another time), but I’ll say this to put it concisely: the arc still sorta works, it’s just weaker.
But anyway, on to the second change, and the topic of your ask: in the original version, we jump from 1-4 to 2-4 in regards to Edgeworth appearances, whereas in the new version, it’s 1-5 to 2-4. And this…is a point of contention for some.
I think in both situations, Edgeworth “choosing death” makes sense. In both cases, his entire worldview is upended. In 1-4, his mentor who he thought he could trust and greatly respected turned out to be evil and hateful enough to prosecute him for two murders, one of which von Karma committed himself (granted, von Karma wasn’t a great father himself, emotionally abusing both Edgeworth and Franziska, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t love him, strive for his love, and respect him highly as a prosecutor). And in 1-5, Lana revealed that she forged evidence during the Joe Darke trial, which Edgeworth presented believing it was legitimate, while Gant undermined and manipulated Edgeworth throughout the entire trial (and also for years before that) and directly compared them, which surely would’ve shaken Edgeworth to his core.
So to put it simply, I think in either case, the explanation is more or less the same: Edgeworth is pushed so far that his mental health suffers for it, he questions his entire career as a prosecutor, so he leaves that note and disappears. I think with either case as the final tipping point, it works…however, I think 1-5 explains it much stronger.
See, in either case, Edgeworth’s worldview is shattered in 1-4, right? It has to be. No doubt he starts to question his path after 1-4, but his responses are different.
In the original version, the von Karma case (1-4) breaks him (understandably) and he disappears, leaving his note behind, with everyone else none the wiser that he was struggling at all.
However, in the new version, in 1-5, we see him attempting to push down his emotions and keep going. This is very consistent for him because he’s been doing it for years (he repressed the events of his father’s murder so hard that he didn’t entirely remember what happened that night—his memory became a nightmare that twisted Edgeworth up and made him think he killed his own father, after all), it’s all he knows how to do, and he’d lean on it even harder after losing the man who raised and trained him for years. And it works…but then something else breaks him, because even someone as repressed as Miles Edgeworth has a breaking point.
The stuff with Damon Gant and Lana Skye, the revelations about the Darke forged evidence, Gant saying he and Edgeworth are the same after patronizing and manipulating him all trial (and for years prior), on top of everything else…yeah, that being the final impetus to break Edgeworth once and for all and make him flee absolutely makes sense and hits so much harder.
I will say, the only thing that doesn’t really make sense is Phoenix attributing Edgeworth’s disappearance to him being upset that he lost his perfect win record. Considering he worked with Phoenix in RFTA, considering Phoenix saw Edgeworth being patronized and manipulated by Damon Gant (and was there for the forgery revelation), it’s strange that Phoenix would then conclude “oh yeah he left because he got mad that his perfect streak was broken, and definitely for no other reason that merits my sympathy.” It doesn’t entirely make sense that he says that in the original version either, though (dude, you just watched Edgeworth’s mentor and guardian be convicted of murdering his dad, you think maybe that had something to do with it??), so I can let that go.
Phoenix was emotionally fraught at the time, and hurt about Edgeworth leaving without saying a word to him, so I can believe he was just venting and being unfair in his anger. Edgeworth does say that Phoenix sealing him off from a perfect win record caused him to start to change, and he acts in such a way that seems to suggest it did inform his decision to leave, but again…whether it’s 1-4 or 1-5, Phoenix’s actions were never the sole reason for Edgeworth leaving. So this isn’t necessarily changed.
You can argue Edgeworth in 1-5 is kinda OOC in that he feels like post-trilogy Edgeworth, and you’re not wrong (that’s another change I dislike), but…strictly in terms of explaining his disappearance and its circumstances, I prefer 1-5.
(sidenote: I know a lot of people consider that he contemplated suicide, and I don’t necessarily disagree with that reading, I think it’s very reasonable and possible.
However, I’ve also heard the interpretation that Edgeworth wasn’t suicidal, he just couldn’t continue to prosecute, and couldn’t stay in America with all its bad memories, so he left to go elsewhere and find himself again…hoping that when he returned, the prosecutor he once had been, the “Demon Prosecutor,” would be dead—and that’s an explanation I consider possible too, especially since his return is never really treated with the gravitas of “oh, I was suicidal, and I went to therapy while I was away, and I’m doing better now.”
Still, it wouldn’t be the first time Ace Attorney was flippant about something serious, so I find either explanation to be plausible.)
This was a looong one lol but hopefully I addressed your question to the extent you wanted!
TL;DR: I prefer RFTA’s version of events preceding Edgeworth’s disappearance because I feel it fits better with his characterization, but I also understand people who prefer the original, and I don’t think they’re as different as people might claim.
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loveinthestars · 3 months ago
Me going through every fucking emotion under the Sun all of episode 7:
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myriam-draws · 2 years ago
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came back to let everyone know i’m obsessed with halle bailey’s ariel okay thank you
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toastybugguy · 9 months ago
the high quality graphics are so fundamentally opposed to the Life Is Strange feel to me… I need the character models to look like clay and for the mouths to barely sync up with the words being spoken. I need Max Caulfield to look like a loser who just rolled out of bed.
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sunfloweraro · 15 days ago
I'm curious about 9 from the fanfic ask game!
Ooooh thank you for the ask!!
Question 9. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Okay I have to be brutally honest here, my first fanfic I ever wrote was when I was 14, and it’s a Walking Dead wingfic (unsurprisingly) in first-person 😭 It’s also incomplete and will likely never be completed snsksn
How did I get into writing fanfic though? That goes way back to when I was in single digits still. I used to ‘write’ all these silly and extremely angsty stories in my head before I went to sleep (super young me used to LOVE torturing Luigi XD). At the time, I never wrote any of the ideas down, and they tended to be super repetitive in that I would explore mainly the same scene, sometimes moving further.
And then I was introduced to fanfiction and it was like a lightbulb went off. I grabbed my shitty old iPad I won in a competition, cracked open the notes app, and went hogwild with it. And I haven’t really stopped writing fanfiction since! Even though I do also write original stories now too, fanfiction holds a dear place in my heart for how much it helped me get through and process as a teenager. And yes, I will still be writing it at the age of 95! Nothing can stop me from hurting my blorbos >:)
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grumpysweetheart · 1 year ago
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Some good Brian screencaps I got from the NSP instagram live interview about the Graphic Novel Part Two 😄 (December 3rd, 2023)
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year2000electronics · 8 months ago
finished my rewatch of gravity falls. cried again
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