#Get It. i actually had an irl “oh…. OH!!! moment and it’s genuinely so funny
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rosieyart · 8 hours ago
you've likely been getting this a lot but i was ECSTATIC to see your saiou art, i remember having such a big hyperfixation for them in 2020 and your art has me relove the ship even more. i love how you draw them!! im super curious at how they also got you super hooked like the rest of us </3
aaa i’m so happy to hear this!! i’ve said this before but it’s actually so refreshing to know that people still enjoy seeing my art of them. i still can’t get over the fact i’ve joined a fandom so late…. sighs. but i’ve been swallowed in and i don’t think i can turn back at this point
as for why i am hooked on them? hmmm bit of a tough question to answer. i think i just really enjoy their dynamic and how it fits in with the overarching themes of v3 as a whole. truths vs lies. are lies truly evil or can they be used for good? are truths always good, or can they sometimes be vile? esp the whole aspect of saihara chasing after ouma and trying desperately to figure him out; he’s a walking puzzle and saihara, the puzzle solver he is, can’t help but try to piece him together.
i actually typed out this long ass essay worthy response to a friend of mine a few days ago…. not sure if anyone gives a shit to read it but perhaps i’ll post it at some point…
errr but also. i feel i will just naturally gravitate towards characters and ships i find interesting. i like saihara bc he’s pretty imo (he has lashes for days and that facial card is absolutely lethal) and ouma, well, i’ve always had a thing for black/white color schemes and his character is just simply bizarre to me. i need to study him under a microscope. little gremlin creature thing.
the yaoi ship chooses me, really, i don’t choose the yaoi lmao
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m4rs-ex3 · 3 months ago
so naturally i was up at 1am the other night watching tdp related youtube videos and i figured i'd watch the 2020 comic con panel since it'd been a while and oh my god some of this shit
(also just me talking about how much i love this cast)
"IT IS I, DARK_MAGE_DAD420" i cannot believe that is real
aaravos: "if i want to do a screen call, i must perform a cosmic blood ritual. with a mortar and pestle. AND FLOATING KNIVES" you are fucking kidding me (edit: i realize that pertains to what he did in s2 but still like "cosmic" "ritual" "knives"? cmon)
jason simpson playing the ukulele. that's all.
jack: *talking about how he had a baby in quarantine* eric: i've been doing a lot of gardening... uh i haven't had a baby, but you never know! i mean if it's possible through social distancing aaron: if anybody can make that happen through social distancing it's aaravos you are F U C K I N G KIDDING ME
racquel: some fun things i did- i uhh died my own hair and burned my scalp and i would like to inform you all it's finally healed and we're good to go, i'm ready to do it again! i'm obsessed with the fact that racquel is quite literally claudia irl
the ttm read is awesome. jack came with the Rayla Voice fucking PREPARED oh my god
i don't think i've ever actually talked about the dnd sketch but it is one of my favorite things in the entire world
rayllum in this sketch is amazing particularly callum he is SO down bad like "my character is a mysterious elf assassin with two beautiful blades to match my two beautiful eyes~~ ✨" like hello that's canon idc if it's a sketch that is canon
"my character cannot help but look at her. he locks eyes with rayla's mage" "....there will be time for roleplaying later" HELLO THATS GOLD
viren in this skit is genuinely one of the funniest things i've ever seen. i cannot emphasize enough this is comedy
necromancer ezran. i think about him daily.
s: "i start swinging my sword at, uhh, idk, rayla's mage" r: "WAIT WHAT" c: "uh wait wait i take it back MY SWORDS GLEAM INTO THE LIGHT AS I LEAP TO THE DEFENCE OF THE BEAUTIFUL MAGE!" s: "hey no takebacks!" sibling ass fight i love them
i rolled a 1 😐
i loot their corpses for blood >:D
"do elves have four toes?" "i always assumed that they would have 6 so they could learn how to count to 20" paula my love
someone get sasha some hamantaschen
i don't need arc 3 actually i just need the beta script including as many guns n roses references as possible
racquel: ok call me crazy, call me crazy... jesse: you're crazy, racquel racquel: THANK YOU FINALLY they are literally just them
"I WILL NOT BE POSTING A SINGLE THING ABOUT ICE, FOR I AM JULIA" (okay but.... venous frigoris anyone?)
paula: ugh, no one likes soren jesse: well no one likes rayla racquel: you two should fight 😈
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long hard sigh
bonus: jason: literally no one likes viren so let's move on
"how old is bait?" "sasha, how old do you think bait is?" "3."
"is-is a glow toad kinda like a toad?" "................kind of"
i fucking love sasha have i ever mentioned that i fucking love sasha
"i think that he's 56." "either 3 or 56 only, apparently"
the saga announcement is great i love how everyone's is so excited they don't even know all of their characters are about to be destroyed physically and emotionally
the way aaron says it so fucking funny "is there gonna be a season 4?" "uh so i think it's really important to emphasize: yes-"
"i too want to cry" "just cry, just-" "IT'S A PANDEMIC. NO TEARS. THERE'S NO CRYING IN A PANDEMIC." "...where is this rule coming from?"
and finally there were a handful of moments that i could not do justice by transcribing in a post so here is a masterfully edited compilation i made
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fullyinconsequential · 2 years ago
Here’s a 3am Steddie rant I think every Steddie lover (and possibly hater) should hear. I have no goal to convert anyone—just to say that the ship did not actually “come from nothing.” Here’s why:
I don’t understand how there wasn’t Steddie foresight in the writer’s room.
So they play it up in season 3 like Steve just can’t get the girl and when he does she’s not the right girl and yada yada yada—cool beans. I love his character arc with Robin, their friendship, her queerness. I love their entire bathroom interaction.
Specifically: “It’s somebody that I didn’t even talk to in school. Maybe cuz Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be prom king…. First of all, she’s hilarious. So funny. I feel like this summer I have laughed harder than I have laughed in a really long time. And she’s smart—way smarter than me…. She’s honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”
Traits Robin Also Has that Eddie Shares:
Band Kid
The Witty Banter
Eddie’s personality is VERY Robin. Not perfectly so, but maddeningly close.
Another point:
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This is just the same person in different gender specific fonts, A.K.A. Steve’s “love interest” versus a guy who called him “big boy” completely unprompted and interrupted a tender moment between him and his “love interest” and complimented him for an entire scene while Steve wore his clothes.
So, really, one of them’s Steve’s love interest and the other is Nancy Wheeler /hj.
I write a lot, and as someone who both writes and consumes an abhorrent amount of media, whoever wrote this down, casted and costumed this way, and allowed for the interactions between Steve and Eddie to be as nuanced as they were (EX: the scene in which Eddie steps forward like he has more to say to Steve before he goes off and kills himself) had to have known what was going to happen. There is simply no way of not seeing it.
And if they didn’t want people shipping Steddie at the scale which they do, here’s what went wrong:
First: defaulting to Steve wanting his ex back is just plain shitty writing. It means you don’t know where to go with the character anymore, and since you’re certain he’s done all the growing he can do, he’s just gonna double back to the conflict he was in in the FIRST SEASON.
Are you serious right now, bro?
Steve’s arc as a character has been absolutely heartwarming to watch. If anything, he’d have been better off given the “I need to figure out how to be happy on my own” narrative. Throwing him back at Nancy is a cop out, a big one.
Second: Eddie. Throwing Eddie in the mix was absolutely a WILD decision, because he looks like Nancy, he banters like Robin, and GENDER IS NO LONGER A PLAUSIBLE REASON FOR AN AUDIENCE TO DENY CHEMISTRY, OR EXPLAIN IT AWAY. Not in the year of our lord 2023, no sir. Not unless you’re going to explicitly state in some way to an audience that these characters are DEFINITIVELY STRAIGHT. And with Eddie, they went as far off that course as possible.
The outcast stuff. The D&D stuff. The hatred of the system. The mysteriously living with his uncle and not his parents. THE HANKERCHIEF IN HIS BACK POCKET.
So essentially, this is what they did:
They took a beloved character, flubbed over his character arc because they weren’t sure what to do with it.
Then, they created a SECOND beloved character, made him likable, lovable, even, and relatable. Then they gave him half and half personality and looks of Steve’s last two love interests. Then they gave us scenes of them together where they showed chemistry, genuineness, and playfulness.
Then they EXPECTED that we as an audience had enough heteronormativity left as a society to say—oh, those two guys aren’t flirting with each other even a little bit because they’re two guys and obviously that doesn’t happen.
Pick a side pick a side, are your characters fucking gay or is your audience fucking blind?
Point being, I have some friends IRL who don’t really get this. They think Steve and Eddie hardly interacted enough for there to be romance at all, but I think it’s less about how much they interacted and more about the (unintentional) set up they were given by the writers.
Steve’s a truly beloved character and I don’t know on ST fan that wants to see him just end up back with Nancy Wheeler like his entire character arc was just to “get the girl” and “have six kids.” Which he already has by the way.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m not advocating for anyone to ship them, I’m just saying it’s honestly a perfectly logical conclusion to make, especially if you CARE about Steve as a character, you know? We want him to be with someone genuine, someone who challenges him to be better, to be different than he was. Nancy couldn’t handle doing that. Robin could, but they’re platonic af.
So why wouldn’t it be Eddie?
Rest in peace, by the way. You would’ve loved this text post.
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mrnightingale · 23 days ago
GUYSGUYSGUUUUYS I've JUST had an epiphany and figured out my gender.
Yes, that sounds weird but hear me out. You see, when I'm by myself resting from the irl world I'm just. Lying on bed scrolling or smth. and I realized that I'm not performing gender at that moment. And it's only when I'm actively Doing or Feeling Things that I feel gender according to the activity or mood or just. Sensations. Like that one time I woke up and thought "I want to wear a skirt bc my body feels like wearing a skirt today" and cafted one of the most beautiful outfits I have ever wear (now I want to draw Edwin on that one) but like. Actively trying to look as masculine as possible but in a sophisticated way so I could look like a pretty boy wearing a skirt. Actually I think that was the only time I wore a skirt/dress last year.
But there's also me wearing Normal Clothes™ bc I don't want to perform gender, I'm just comfortable and want to pass as a Normal Guy. And I've realized, all of those moods have always existed, I just identified that I associate them with gayness, or masculinity, or queerness, or just. Defying stereotypes.
But it's also like one day I just wake up and I'm Too Tired to Have a Gender and other times all of my mood is defined by I Feel So Gay today (Like every time I watch something with Michael Sheen) and I think that's kinda fucked up bc idk what to do with it. And then I remember that I used "genderqueer" or transmasc for most of the last years until I had to actively reject a guy who was being a total arsehole and I was like "you know I'm a man right? You're either gay or you're projecting on me. Either way keep your grief to yourself, you don't know a shit about who I am". And that was the first time I ever said that out loud and just. It's funny that I've said I'm a man to prove a point. Men are stupid, and so am I. But also I've said that without double thinking, that was one of the most genuine things I've ever said. I keep most of my thoughts to myself. And that's how I felt at the moment, and since then I've used that label but idk.
Experiencing gender or the lack of it is weird. And thinking about it I think I saw that's heavily associated with autism and what I'm supposed to sit here and have another crisis or what? I can't even explain my gender to Adults (oh my Lord I'm practically an Adult what a nightmare) without feeling guilty and so I have to once again perform gender so I won't get questioned. Like what the fuck is wrong with me.
@deadshowsagency @spiteful-summer-of-sixteen @montythehumancrow @philosophershroomie @nastasya--filippovna idk guys I figured it out and it's worse.
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Everybody loves Makoto/ Kokichi's crush (saiou endgame)
Clown_Chaoticz: Everyone once in while I wanna put Ouma in the "had a passing crush on makoto" pile, in like a hopes peak scenario It lasted like 3 days and he was very weird about it. He looks back on it in shame Just cause I think it's really funny
Sini: Makoto seems so boring but is so sweet, cute, and has his interesting moments, making the fact that he’s also so normal fascinating
Clown: He's also just so incredibly empathic. He really does try his best to understand the people around him Makoto pats his back a little too nicely and kokichi starts avoiding him like the plague
Sini: That’s literally how Mukuro falls for him He was the only one who smiled at her and wanted to understand her. Who saw past her So yeah, makes sense the same would apply to Kokichi
Clown: Makoto really do be everyone's first crush/j
Ves: makoto gives him one of his eight jackets on a cold night (shuuichi vc) i'll never be good enough for ouma-kun….i just don't have enough jackets…! cute boy….physical contact….genuine attempts at understanding…..
Clown: He can throw him into the wildest situations and Makoto never holds anything against him, he's used to weirdness Unfortunately Makoto sees him as like, one of those neighborhood kids he gets along with
Ves: NOOO HE WOULD hits him with the Brotherly Hair Ruffle and kokichi has violent flashbacks to his crush on rantarou why does this always happen to him
Sini: Wait……..looks at Makoto and Shuichi……He has a type Kokichi when protag energy Man, he and Shuichi are both losers. Falling for people who are nice to them lol
Clown: Shuichi would probably also have a passing crush on Makoto thinking about it ashsbsks
Ves: SNDJBHFG EXACTLY��.(1) ounce of compassion and they're FALLING he spends time around him bc of kyouko and is like Oh………..he's so nice……………
Beez: makoto gets every single person in hpa to fall in love with him speedrun any%
Clown: Okay, gotta saiouify this. Shuichi and his genius detective skills catches wind of Ouma chucking himself out windows anytime Makoto so much as steps into the same room and gets roped into the wildest confession scheme Makotos luck fucks them over so much it's almost impossible, then shuichi starts to catch feelings when Ouma explains why he felt anything in the first place. Shenanigans
Sini: Even Junko loves him Especially Junko, actually
Me: real, for Junko he's basically her irl blorbo, she wants to put him in situations
Clown: Okay, so thinking about how Makoto somehow rizzed his way into having half his class fall in love with him. Kokichi ends up on that list. Makoto in his empathic nature is just, easy to get along with, and more so, even with the more unpleasant people in his class, he considers all of them friends and makes an effort to keep this. Not because he lets himself get walked over, but because he thinks everyone he talks to has a part to them worth knowing. He extends this same thing to Ouma, which leads to the budding of ✨️ a crush ✨️. And Ouma does what he does best and explodes. He's a little weirdo about it, peeking at him from around corners and scrambling away on all fours/j when Makoto approaches him. Maybe during one of his escapades ouma climbs out of a window, scaring shuichi who's out there for whatever reason. Shuichi puts 2 and 2 together and Ouma threatens to end his life in the aftermath. Shuichi, also knowing Makoto, decides to encourage Ouma to confess. Which obviously leads to Ouma roping him into helping him, "Thats a great idea my little helper!" "What." Boom shenanigans. With the bonus of Shuichi getting to see the evasive completely human part of Kokichi. All it takes is Ouma offhandly explaining how Makoto makes him feel like he's worth knowing, and he's smiling genuinely. Then shuichi goes "Uh. Oh."
Sini: YES! I LOVE THIS SM! I can’t help but think Kokichi bumps into Mukuro when he’s spying on Makoto, cause she’s doing the same lol
Hina: Is Shuichi now stuck being his wingman
Clown: Shuichi is being forced to sit on his bedroom floor as he presents plan after plan yes
Beez: shuichi wingmanning for kokichi while having a fat crush on him is always so fucking funny
Sini: He has thoughts about sabotage but could never go through with that. He’s not the greatest jealous type
Hina: Wait What happens if he does confess to Makoto Please say he’s talked to Makoto more than like. Once.
Ves: makoto lets him down gently i imagine or mb just. gets with someone else before kokichi can make his move
Clown: Makotos luck nerfs any planning and he walks off obliviously with shuichi and ouma collapsed on the floor in the background
Sini: Bro gets with Kyoko or Byukuya or both and Kokichi and Mukuro cope together lmao
Beez: i mean if its both kyoko and byakuya whos to say he wont just . add kokichi and mukuro to his harem too
Sini: Mukuro maybe. But Kokichi no chance
Hina: Okay but Beez that just gives me the image of Makoto saying yes to everyone He can’t turn someone down
Me: combine them, it's 37th attempt, finally everything goes according to plan, Makoto says he just started seeing someone yesterday
Hina: No Makoto says yes Me: shut up Hina: WDYM I WAS GONNA MAKE IT BETTWR ITLL BE FUNNY I SWEAR Me: no, go to hell, Shuichi is comforting Kokichi now [this is playful. but, reader, ahead of you are two paths]
Hina: Makoto dates everyone. While secretly trying to match make them with other people. He can’t say no but… he can convince them to break up with him for a better partner
Me: that would be fucked up for him to do tho like, as a person
Hina: We are ignoring the fucked up nature This is for comedy purposes
Me: I can't, it's ooc and messing with everyone's feelings, it's gonna hurt people more than rejection
Hina: (Nah but you seriously don’t have to go with it, I just think it’s funny) Alright fine Makoto can reject him I still want him to play matchmaker though
Me: also, with it already being a polycule, his partners getting with other people would not get Makoto out of the mess he made I mean, I guess some of them wouldn't be okay with poly, like, Byakuya probably draws the line at sharing with Kyoko, he won't compromise with 10 peasants
Hina: It was more him trying to get them to understand that the traits they like about him are things they can find in other people and that a puppy crush on him isn’t going to be the fantasy relationship they’re imagining
Clown: There's also the option of Makoto and shuichi friendship. Where Makoto encourages him to confess and shuichi is wracked with guilt lmao "I'll cheer you on!" Shuichi:[grimacing emoji]
Me: man, I just wanted Shuichi to hold a crying Kokichi, pet his back in soothing motions while holding back his own feelings because it's the wrong moment to bring up why Kokichi is wrong in his dramatic woes about love
Hina: I mean that can happen But does Kokichi know Makoto like. At all?
Ves: theyre casual friends not SUPER close but they know each other!! i don't think kokichi gets crushes on strangers
Me: okay, tbh, I imagined it more as a "Makoto saw him seeming upset once and tried to cheer him up" kind of thing but that came from the fact that when it started you said he had the crush for whole 3 days so I imagined that this scenario was just snowballing from that, keeping it alive because Shuichi encouraged him to pursue it, so he got to notice more things and most likely talked to Makoto more times in the process
Sini: Shuichi unintentionally made it worse for both of them
Hina: Does he actually even like Makoto then?
Me: yeah, he ends up liking him more instead of getting over & it's Shuichi's fault, (or you could say he just has rejection sensitive dysphoria and that's why he gets so crushed) or maybe he's overdoing the dramatics so Shuichi comforts him because he's in too deep he was dragging Shuichi along to all those over the top plans for none of them to work out, he has to seem appropriately upset for the level of effort, even if it was just a little crush, he deserves a hug anyway, lets himself have it he has a back list of things to cry about, great opportunity to catch up
Clown: YESS At some point comes the question. Were his feelings even that serious?? Or did he just get fixated on the planning part? Either way it doesn't feel good to have it all in shambles.
Ves: makoto just can't stop being viewed as a symbol instead of a person huh he's just kokichi's idea of Boy Who Is Nice To Me
[Kai brought up issues with Kokichi crying over a 3-day crush] Me: I mean, after all those plans it was way more than three days, and it is likely he would be exaggerating, not even just in the last option I gave, I just agree that he does play up his negative feelings to distance himself from them
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cxhleel108 · 1 year ago
S7 Thots for this week: What an embarrassment…
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• Good to know that now that Bonnie has found another purpose in life than trying to get in my panties Rafael is there to take her spot🫤
• Rafael you can’t wear Jake’s wig and be Jake hunny I’m sorry.
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• Oh my girl looks ready to FUCK yasss!
• They brought back the sex box with the same exact items again…nobody saw that coming, right?
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• Right…
• The girls are so damn nosey this season like this is our 50th time peeping on the boys talking😭
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• ???????
• Tanya so clumsy like damn bitch stop knocking shit over every time you tryna be sneaky😭
• Go Bryson for remembering what food we said we liked on one of our dates cuz even I don’t remember that shit.
• Here go us acting clueless again. Girl you don’t “think”, you KNOW Rafael has a thing for you🙄🙄🙄
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• That’s fine, you can leave!
• Travis really don’t want Willow at all ooooo yikes girl get UP!
• I’m so glad we didn’t have to experience that argument between those two dear god this shit is stupid.
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• Oh boo, so Uma gets a genuine sorry after you insult her once but Tanya ain’t get shit but a sorry ass half apology after you spent half a lifetime making her villa experience terrible? Girl go to hell😒
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• Oh for the love of christ we can’t have ANYTHING.
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• BYE WILLOW! And I better be right this time! (Spoiler alert…I’m not)
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• I wish you’d rot, fyi.
• It’s Baby Challenge Day! Once again…nobody saw that coming, right?
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• Omg PLEASEEEE. She ate😭😭😭
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• Say hi to lil baby Nia everybody😍😍😍 She’s got on her bee outfit for her favorite singer Beyoncé of course.
• Raf really named his baby “Shelby Jones”…chile.
• Bryson’s being a lot cuter about the baby challenge than I expected ughh love that. (Also he’s so totally a girl dad and I’m not arguing about it)
• Here they go again tryna make a moment just because we disagreed on one small little thing🙄🙄🙄
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• “Burpy burpy” has me so weak bruh💀💀💀
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• Uma #1 bestie🤞🏽😛
• Why are our options to reveal a dirty secret just the same answers everyone else gave oh my GODDDD if I had a dime for every time the writing has pissed me off I'd be filthy stinking rich.
• Favorite segment incoming! Outfit time🤩
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• The jumpsuit is cute but the other outfit????!!!???!! Soooooo goooood like I actually need that top irl.
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• LMAOOOO HELP. If there are finna be a bunch of mishaps, I at least want them to be funny like this.
• Once again, I thought Bryson was finna ask us to be his girlfriend. Can y’all stop edging us like omg?
• #Raphneisoverparty finna be trending on Twitter.
• I’m glad they actually breaking shit off and aren’t tryna milk the relationship when it’s not worth it cough cough Hope and Noah cough cough.
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• Omg y’all are really dragging it. Obviously our couple is not going to get voted off tf.
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• GIRL🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
• Ok, while questioning as to why I’m choosing my DAY ONE over him is astronomically stupid, “epically sassing” him in front of everyone is so unnecessary I didn’t even do it.
• Can we just get to the final episode already like what else is there left to even do?
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myanmardoesnotexist · 1 month ago
its me again did you miss me probably not but thats okay
im still sick with grief but i have been working nonstop in real life so i havent been able to really read the chhapters with the attention they deserve but i have been keeping up
you write so well and you create such rich characters and this causes me to actually get so angry about vale sometimes i have to pace around the room. i update my sister who does not gaf about rosquez or motogp at all on this fic constantly and about motogp happenings and she HATES vale she wants him dead she wants santi to get rid of him. she loves dovi tho. she thinks jorge is funny. she also thinks alex deserves to punch valentino in the face just once.
anyway marc crashing out and running to dovi is so iconic like babygirl have you reacted appropriately or normally to a situation in your life i think not. dovis begrudging acceptance of marcs antics is so in character for him and vale getting so mad about marcs slutty pics he makes everyone block marc is sending me like girl you are CRAZY. tfw u make ur students/employees/children/brother block your 22 year old ex boyfriend bc they MIGHT be lusting after him. very healthy vale you got it big dog.
also real talk is marc ever going to just full on cry in someones arms like he really deserves it and i want him to have catharsis and he seems to cry a lot irl but also hes never reacted to anything like a normal person. love him thats my beautiful wife. sorry this is incoherent im trying to remember if i had anything else to say.
OH!!! so happy we will be revisiting the bite mark because THAT was crazy. imagine permanently scarring your ex and then being like oh he never really loved me he was manipulating and lying the whole time. oh yeah i bet he was old man what the hell is wrong with this guy genuinely he pisses me off. i just need a series of confrontations on marcs behalf i dream of it. like someone sticking up for him. also cal coming back i miss him. anyway anyway i keep saying as if my next sentence will be the last thing i say. unlikely. is someone going to be like hey baby he was crazy controlling and toxic about vale to marc bc someone needs to set him straight on how a relationship should work. like theyll never be a normal couple but i think someone should have good communication skills in this fic idk. i had more to say but ill stop bothering you now ily. also fuck uccio why is he treating marc like a witch in the 16th century. marc marquez male victim of misogyny. how many chapters will this be do you know i need to emotionally prepare
ok for real this time bye bye thank you for gifting your writing to the world youre a real one would love to virtually buy u a coffee if u have kofi or something <3<3<3<3<<3<3<3
Hi my friend! Always fun to see your asks, I was grinning the whole time haha
Yeah Vale is not very normal in the head and Marc is right up there with him! Marc will have his moment of reckonjng where he truly understands that none of it was his fault, but that’s gonna take some time. Protective squad is incoming, especially in 2016
You are soooo right Marc Marquez is our beautiful male victim of misogyny! Uccio hates him so much! And we hate Uccio!
(Aside from some freaks in my inbox 😒/lh)
Ad always love love your asks, glad you are enjoying the story!
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akaakeis · 6 months ago
N E WAYS HIIII im having lunch rn !! IT RAINED SO BAD SO ITS LIKE 5PM AND IM STILL IN MY UNIFORM AND STUFF i had like.. stuff planned on my schedule and stuff :cccccc
dude the way i do NAWT feel like writing at all but also im dying to get yns pov in the first chapter like PICK A FUCKING SIDE OMFG literally had to pause writing this to think
THE SENTENCE WAS monica went to her grandmother's house for summer vacation AND SHE MADE IT WEIRDER SOUNDING "during vacation" LIKE GIRL NO??????????? sorry for ranting god im such a hater
AND LIKE THESE FUCKASS TEACHERS WONT SEE MY TEXTS (i love them) BUT THE EXACT SECOND I PULL UP TO THEM AT SCHOOL IM GETTING MY CHEEKS TUGGED AT LIKE "oh em gee alina u did such a great job we r sooo proud of u" DIE. AND IM SO SCARED CUZ IM NOT STUDYING PROPERLY OR ENOUGH I THINK AND MY SCHEDULE IS SO FREAKY AND WEIRD AND THE !! RAIN !! EW 🤮🤢🤮🤢 not that i hate the rain, it just conveniently happens NOT when im at home ready to go to school, but rather otw to school or otw home so i'm just late everywhere. also MY WATER BOTTLE DISAPPEARED?? AND THERES A GIRL W THIEVING TENDENCIES IN CLASS LIKE IM NOT POINTING FINGERS BUT BUT BUUUUUUUT um. ANWYAYS I SAW A SUBMERGED MOTORCYCLE AND ALSO MY CHEM TEACHER TAKING PICS OF THE FLOOD LIKE WTF HE WANT THEM FOR "look wife im not cheating im actually trapped in school"
dude.. biceps r so..... like... kuroo... IM LOWK A KUROO ENTHUSIAST HE IS SO YUMMY LIKE U JUST KNOW HED LET U BITE IT (my intrusive thoughts r like. if he existed irl. nom nom time) NOT EVEN IN A SEXUAL WAY BTW I JUST NEED A CHOMP
yeah im gonna act like u didnt see that sideblog post bc i SAID i wasnt trying to hint at anyone... AND NO THATS NOT FREAKY?? idk man i send in asks to ness like every day bc i think its fun to talk that way!! paragraph asks are genuinely so fun to receive!! ALSO USING THE WORD BLEAT IS CRAZY YOU R NOT BLEATING IN MY DMS
omg i hope you had a good lunch!! im answering this like an hour later so i assume u already finished? idk its weird that we're 12 hrs apart 😭 AND NOOO THATS AWFUL :(( sorry to hear that love :( hopefully the rain didn't flood any area and you and your fam are all good!!
HELP THATS SUCH A REAL FEELING i was battling with that yesterday so bad omf... i feel like sometimes we can attach somewhat negative connotations w writing bc sometimes it can feel like a chore? so sometimes it's a struggle to get up and decide to write? maybe thats js me but like yeah 😓 BUT GENUINELY SO EXCITED FOR YOUR APOCALYPSE AU!! ITS BEEN AMAZING SO FAR!! AND ANYTHING IVE READ FOR IT MAKES ME WANT TO LET OUT AUDIBLE SOBS ‼️ that sounds negative but i feel like you get why i want to LIKE GOOD GRIEF anyway write whenever you feel like it!! dont force it <3
okay like maybe im stupid but i feel like both of those sentences make sense? like "monica went to her grandmother's house for summer vacation" makes sense but so does "monica went to her grandmother's house during vacation" it's just that it doesn't specify whether it's during summer vacation so it can sound awkward ig?? idk man ive been stuck reading old english for the last couple of days bc of the hobbit (I DESPISE THAT BOOK IT CAN GO DIE) sigh
HELP?? I MEAN IM SO HAPPY YOURE GETTING GOOD GRADES THO!! AS LONG AS YOURE ABLE TO STUDY JUST ENOUGH SO THAT YOURE CONFIDENT IN THE TOPIC THEN I THINK YOURE GOOD HONESTLY 😨 and the rain sounds like its out to get u thats wild??? PLEASE im not pointing my finger at anyone... im just agreeing here... there's a chance 😭 having classmates with tendencies to steal is such a pain in the ass tho i hope you're able to retrieve your water bottle!! AND HELP I LOVE THE WAY YOU DUBBED THAT "im not cheating im actually stuck in school" had me giggling sm
HELLO? BITING KUROO'S BICEP IS INSANE (but lowkey i would too VERY LOWKEY because i feel like im not super attracted to big biceps and stuff idk?? but just a little chomp 😋😋)
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everybodyloveshippos · 1 year ago
i finished HERO!!!! my thoughts
i rlly enjoyed it some stuff felt kinda rushed but also it was enjoyable so who cares
i do wish that we got more dahlia, she didnt have any POV this book and it just didnt show her finding out that effron was alive OR their meeting up, which happened just off screen. im happy but!!! i wanted that full POV reuinionnn!!!!! i care them so much and also her mind getting unfucked
same with artemis meeting kane again like, i get not every character has to have a moment and they did do some other funny callbacks to 'king artemis' but i think given how unnerved kane made artemis last time that they couldve had a moment.
anyways i did enoy it and stuff but them keep being let go by first yvonnel, then the handmaiden, then lolth herself....it felt a bit one trick pony-ish like if lolth and her cronies keep helping drizzt then the stakes feel a little lower to me. personally. i get it but also. enough of that. (i kinda wish the lolth confrontation was more of a 'dream state"" type thing and not just her rolling up irl
that being said i liked it a lot and as always the drizzt and artemis team is my fave and they were being very bff coded this book. also fucking regis and artemis interacting is so good. living for their scenes bcus they were genuinely so funny, comedic duo of all time
ummm yeah but it did end in my favourite way ever: giant feast with everyone being happy and toasting and yelling happily at eachother and announcing weddings and ummmmmmm A BABY. also pikel and ivan. ugh. actually i loved this book i was so giddy at the end
and ofc jarlaxle knocking all his shit off his desk to hug zak and then pull away to look at him again. okay :)))))))))))))))))))
OH and artemis killing the king of damara. slay
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years ago
In ASBR there's a fight between Yukako and Bucciarati, in which Yukako is aware of the inner workings of Passione, and even Bucciarati is surprised at how she knows. And that made me think "Oh Yukako's definitely part of the mafia" so now I have a Yukako joins the Bucci gang au. Basically after Part 4 Yukako's family moves to Italy and she and Koichi have a long-distance relationship as she keeps him from finding out she just joined a mafia because Koichi would just. Instantly blue screen at that fact. Also because Giorno steals Koichi's bag Yukako finds out and destroys him. As a treat <3 I have a whole fic about this if you're interested in it, plus art of Yukako in the Part 5 style I made.
I'd love to read the fic if you'd like to share, but also I brought this up to an irl friend of mine, he thought it was hilarious, and I hope you don't mind if I ramble to you about some of the Thoughts we came up with for our own spin on the idea-
(also I'm writing this in the "universe" of my Cinderella Rewrite, just so I feel more comfortable with yukakoi just a heads up thanks okay bye)
so sort of a headcanon for me to start things off, but Yukako's parents are both very wealthy but also very VERY absent, and once she hit middle school they stopped hiring babysitters to watch her so she was more or less on her own aside from a handful of incredibly scant visits/phone calls. She never knew exactly where their wealth came from but it wasn't really like she could ask so
but then fast forward to the end of her first year of high school and her parents suddenly drop the bomb that they're moving for "business" reasons and she's going to live in Italy. Naturally she's completely heartbroken because she has a life here. Friends and a boyfriend and people she'd honestly call family, and now her parents are making her leave it all behind without so much as an explanation
it's..... definitely rough, but made a bit easier by how Koichi swears he'll do everything he can to stay in contact. They have calls at minimum four times a week, send each other packages all the time, and just do what they can because they genuinely want this relationship to work out
as for Yukako's decent into Passione Things and joining the Bucci Gang...... I'll admit, I'm not super sure how exactly at the moment. I want to keep it with the theme of how Bucciarati helps her out in some way, and I do have the mental image that she didn't spend a lot of time at home because the house was way too big and empty and it was honestly driving her crazy. He probably saved/helped her somehow and Yukako, who's been honestly starved of any kind of Positive Adult Attention since Morioh, just decides "welp, guess I'll die for him"
I think it would be funny if she didn't actually join the gang at first, she just kinda.... sneakily helps him out from a distance. She knows Stand Magnetism would force her to meet some Stand Users eventually, so at least this way she's doing it on her own terms. Of course she's eventually caught, but she does impress them with her knowledge on Stands and ability to use hers, so New Teammate Obtained
Yukako definitly gives them a different perspective on Stands. She's pretty cagey about the specific details of where she moved from, but they do know it has a pretty big Stand community and she's been in a fair amount of fights. They also know she has a boyfriend whom she loves greatly and if anything happens to him Someone Was Definitly Going To Die
I can see Yukako and Fugo are both Besties and Worsties, bonding over being Rich Kids With Shitty Parents and also the only ones who posses a whole Two(2) braincells all for themselves, but they also have two of the worst tempers and when they fight it's bad. She also manages to get on Abbacchio's Not Bad side somehow and the two like to vibe silently together like a pair of cats
and I had. Such a funy sorta angst idea for a way for canon to go (and everyone lives because Fuck Canon &lt;3)
so like. What if Koichi took the mission because it would be an excuse to visit Yukako. And the trip was supposed to be that week.
so ontop of the general stress of everything, Yukako is At Her Fucking Limit right now because she's supposed to be hanging out with her boyfriend for the first time in nearly 2 years, not going on the Worst Roadtrip Ever, she didn't even get a chance to tell him where she was going because this trip came out of nowhere-
and then by the time everything is over and Yukako gets back to Naples (still a little bit banged up from the last fight) it's unfortunately Koichi's last day here
were Diavolo not stuck in that death loop she would've ripped him to pieces with her bare hands
but then for a bit of fluff, a few months later thanks to the whole "now controlling the entire Italian underground which is a rather lucrative career" they're able to invite Koichi back so the two can hang out together for realsies this time
BUT in true Koichi fashion (for some crack), he accidentally gets ropped into Stand shenanigans and kidnapped again leading to a massive goose chase around the city
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natimiles · 1 year ago
SO LIKE... I'm a hoe for Theo and I will forever love his route even though I wish the story wasn't squeezed to death by a month. 😞
I wanna take a moment to to adore the fact that this grumpy ass guard dog has so much little brother energy I can't help, but scream (IRL I will be too scared too, but he's really funny when he's being bullied I'm sorry). I mean irl I'll probably bite his hand and tell him to leave me tf alone, but God he's adorable and scary with his older brother. I still feel heartbroken though because of... Well backstory reasons (if you know you know).
Alsoo.... I adore his frenemy... Probably bc he's my frenemy. My God I have such a love-hate feeling with this flirty mfer it's not even funny. I did legit hate him at first though and I still kinda do especially because he does creep me out a little with his flirting like... I get it's an act for the most part, but much like he hates how unreadable Dazai is, I honestly have a hard time reading him too. Still though, I feel really heartbroken for this dork. Yet I also wanna smack him in the face with a broom bc holy shit he needs a reality check. Like SIR this is not okay... Also I love the way this guy just had this pouty face, kinda makes me wanna bully him a little (even though I'll probably be to scared to bully him just like with Theo). Irl I'll probably absolutely hide from him though like the flag and absolutely wouldn't tolerate his attitude (I know he'll actually be understanding, but that'll take a long time to believe...) I feel bad, but like that's the honest truth.
I wanna befriend Issac, but I'll probably be scared to approach him. I mean we probably won't have much in common bc I'm anime/ manga/art-ish hoe, but something about him makes me wanna befriend him (possibly marry him)? He just looks so friend SHAPED even though he hates it...
Also I hc Levi with gifted kid burnout (totally not bc I'm sorta projecting myself onto him). Bro undervalues himself way too much... I was also gonna add that IRL every brother in the game will probably hate me solely bc I absolutely have no confidence and I rather hide especially to due the fact that I'll be far from home. 💀 I also probably be too scared to talk to Levi and Mammon even though I love them very much. Idk as much as I like tsun-tsun, I genuinely be to dense to understand and absolutely to sensitive to the shit they'll say.
Sill though, Levi is an mood and if I manage to not be... A weirdo, I'll probably get along with him the most ( even though he'll be yelling at me to finish the fucking manga properly). Mammon though... I love this dumbass, I truly do, but I swear we'll drive each other insane.
Also adore Levi when he's cocky (even if it'll start sting), I just swoon over a character who lost his confidence finally getting it. It's just.... Amazing. Mammon being the big bro... 😭 Oh how my heart burst.
YES! Let’s all agree that ONE MONTH IS TOO SHORT! At least Ikesen MC had 3 months before deciding to stay in the past. It bugs me that we have such a short time with them. I understand they didn’t want really long routes or whatever, but... damn Cybird, ONE MONTH? But it’s still better than ELEVEN DAYS, right? Yes, I’m talking TO YOU, Mystic Messenger.
HASIUEHASIUEHAS, he calls us hondje but he is such a puppy! Like Vincent just goes “Be nice, Theo. Shut it, Theo” and he just “Fine, Broer…�� HIUSAHEAUISHESAIUH. But yeah, I know! It’s been a while, but I played his routes... Interlude helped a little to remember some things. And damn… it’s a lot to take in and develop IN ONE MONTH, CYBIRD! For both of them, really. I hate Vincent’s ending Irl I’d probably not get too close to Theo but not because he scares me, but because he’s rude HASIEHASIUE.
I. LOVE. ARTHUR. This bitch has so many issues. He’s another puppy that just wants (and needs) to be loved 🥹 And I love their relationship! Frenemies? Yes! Besties? Yes! Best wingmans for each other? Yes! LOVERS? FUCKING YES! I wanna smack his face with my face. Or with Theo’s face, whoever is closer, HASIUEHASUIEHSA. But even if it's a platonic relationship, Arthur is such a good friend. He really cares for others… He’s the one who helps Theo in Interlude and it’s precious 🥹
Me and Isaac don’t have anything in common. Would that stop me? Absolutely not. Just come here and let me love you, you awkward hedgehog! I LIVE TO LOVE SHY MEN! He would be a good friend too! If he considers you a friend, it means so much to him! But I’d rather marry him, HAISUEHASUIHESA. And we would bond over the things we like, even if they’re so different. I like the stars, but I don’t know much about them, so he could teach me. And I could tell him about all my favorite animes, mangas and games. 
Ooooh! I searched for it and… I can totally see Levi! People tend to think Satan is the only one that’s actually smart, but they all are smart in their own ways. I feel Levi is not appreciated enough, even in-game. Sometimes he’s there just to be funny and to be the awkward, shy guy. My baby doesn’t deserve that, he deserves so much love. Also, I think Mammon totally has ADHD. He’s good with math, as long as you explain it to him as if you were talking about money (his hyperfocus). Belphie is smart too, he sleeps in every class and he still has good grades. 
Irl I’d get closer to Levi and Beel first. I love cooking, so Beel would love me quickly. I wouldn’t help Belphie because I’d obey Lucifer and stay away from the attic, HAISEHASIUEHSA. Mammon is the type of friend I could have and that I would want to kill every 2 seconds, but I couldn’t leave him alone or he’d get in trouble and get himself killed. But out of everyone, I think Solomon is more the type of friend I usually have? I don’t know why though, I just have this feeling about him, AHSIEUHASUIEHSA.
I LIVE FOR A COCKY AND CONFIDENT LEVI! Gimme moooooore! I was looking at some random screenshots I have here and I found one of him, I think it’s from that beach Devilgram. The one we have an animation from him… I don’t know the name, HAIUEHASUIEHSA. But the point is: Levi can be assertive and confident when he really wants (or needs) to!
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Ignore the awful quality. I had to play at the lowest quality because my phone wasn't the best at the time, AHSIUEHSA.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months ago
How would you classify yours and your friends love interest types? What aspects do you think differ from your and their bias types? And based on your/their love types would you say should be their romantic interest in the top three groups of your favorites?
Oh gosh our love interests? Like irl? 😂
(I'm not gonna edit this cuz it took way too long but I hope this answers your questions lol)
I hate to say this but tbh a majority of my friends are single and aren't really interested in anyone 😅
I guess in terms of what their love interests might be like if they had one I would say one of my best friends would like someone who can keep up with her socially so like going out to clubs and parties occasionally but also being okay just staying home and relaxing. I feel like she stretches herself pretty thin a lot so being with someone who is content slowing things down a bit sometimes I think would be very important.
We have the same ult bias (Jungkook as you could probably tell from my writing lol) and we both love how endearing and sweet he can be but also how genuinely hilarious he is and many many more of his personality traits (and also the fact that he's insanely attractive and talented ofc but those are just added bonuses lol)
We've both been fans for yearssss like I'm pretty much about to hit like six years of being an Army (sometime within the next few weeks lol idk exactly when) so I joined the fandom like maybe a month or two before Love Yourself: Answer came out in 2018.
I think she's been a fan since The Most Beautiful Moments in Life pt 2 in 2015 so shit like nine almost ten years.
We actually met through a TikTok live stream! We were both on this guy's live stream and he accidentally clicked on her profile and said she was really cute and he's like "Yo everyone jump on my discord" so we did and he was too shy to talk to her and just decided to start live streaming a video game he was playing and I was like "Well if you're not gonna talk to her then I am" and we've been friends ever since 😂
Sorry lmao you didn't as for the origin story of our friendship but I think it's so funny how we met so I like to talk about it sometimes since it so unique (to my understanding lmao)
But yeah anyways getting back to your questions...
In terms of my love interest I also don't have one since I don't really go out much since I'm pretty introverted and keep things low key so my self aware delulu love interest is Jungkook 😂
I would say the kind of guy I would be interested in is someone kind, considerate and also really funny. I do prefer someone who can joke around but someone who doesn't mind talking about serious topics or even not talking at all like being comfortable in a comfortable silence but I guess I would also like to have someone that would take me out of my comfort zone.
Like going out on dates and doing things together not saying that they have to be extravagant or anything but yeah just cheesy dates like an amusement park or an arcade. Stuff like that. Also if they're romantic that would help since I'm not the lovey dovey type it would be nice to feel comfortable being vulnerable with someone like that.
Idk I guess I could go on and on about what I would like in a guy but those are some of the main things.
My goodness your questions are very difficult to answer haha but my top three groups would definetly be BTS, TXT and Got7 (although I don't really listen to Got7 anymore since they're not active as a group atm 🥲 but they were the first group that got me into kpop)
For her in terms of who her romantic interest would be in each group well I guess I should tell you her biases first. Jungkook from BTS, Yeonjun from TXT and tbh I don't know who her Got7 bias is but if I had to take a guess it would probably be JayB but don't quote me on that one lol
I would say that Hobi might match her energy a little bit more than Jungkook (Hobi is her bias wrecker) since Hobi (from a fan's perspective) seems like a person who can definetly keep up with her socially since she loves to go dancing and loves night life and I feel like Hobi thrives in that element and the fact that he's funny would definetly be something she would love.
Yeonjun again seems like a person who is very outgoing when he feels he can let his guard down and seems like a social butterfly and loves to party and have fun (again from a fan's perspective but I have no clue if he's actually like that)
And Got7 I might say she'd be interested in someone like Yugyeom since again he seems outgoing and funny once he feels like he can relax, dance have fun.
Idk man without her here it's kinda hard to tell especially since all we talk about in terms of boys are kpop idols and the occasional guys she meets when she goes out but they're more like "Oh this guy was so cute" or "I danced with this guy" but it never goes further than that for the most part lmao.
My biases are Jungkook from BTS, Yeonjun from TXT and Mark from Got7
For me in BTS I would say (because I'm biased but also believe it) my love interest based off of what I said would definetly be Jungkook. I mean man's is so freaking introverted it's hilarious. Like he said that one time he didn't leave his house for like seven days and I've definetly been there and done that before so I get it. He's also really funny, kind and considerate but knows how to have fun so yeah I feel like we can match each other's energy.
For my love interest in TXT I might say Soobin? He seems a lot more reserved than the other members and maybe a little shy at time (I'm not like super into TXT but that's the vibe he gives off from a casual fan's perspective lol) and I feel like because of that if we were in like a party/club setting (which I'm hardly ever in) I might step up and be more outgoing like talking to people and introducing him into the conversation so yeah I would think that we would compliment each other like that but it could be the opposite like he might step up and be more social and try to bring me into the conversation so basically we would both make sure that we both have fun no matter what
In Got7 I would say Mark does match my energy but maybe being with someone who is a little bit more outgoing like Jinyoung would be fun! Like something about this man that I love is that he has an incredible resting bitch face and just can't help but judge people but like silently but he also seems like a respectful guy. I wouldn't say he's shy but it seems like he doesn't go out of his way to be social with people but can be when in a social environment.
I honestly would just love to be a wallflower with him and gossip about everyone at the party but like just between the two of us and it would never be anything harmful but just like funny stuff that we observe while were there like "Did you see the way he was looking at her" or "They are not happy that he showed up" or "Is her ex trying to hook up with her tonight?" stuff like that but just between the two of us because who doesn't gossip with their partner 😂
But yeah I think that's it! This was so hard to answer ngl but I tried my best 😅
Hope you liked my answers even though they were probably a bit boring 🤣
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my-lover · 1 year ago
2/3 through s2 character updates
Chase-genuinely was confused he was Australian and not British NOT because I’m ignorant lol but because before I ever saw House I was obsessed with Jesse Williams character in Winning London, the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen movie in which he plays a British man! Him almost clapping after House is finished juggling and says “what, no applause?” This poor boy has so many daddy issues
Foreman-honestly love him! I appreciate his level-headedness and his ability to relate to patients. He’s not blindly compassionate like Cameron but he cares a lot and uses what he has to to get through to people. I didn’t think he needed to try being the boss lmao but I get why he thought he did
Cameron-oh sweetheart. I feel like we’ve seen a dip in her after the beginning of s2, and it’s not her fault! Like the writers are kinda just ignoring her after the House stuff so I’m waiting for them to remember we love her again
House-what is he dooooing to poor Wilson like you’re gonna stop him from moving but then be a dick?? Is this because he’s worried they’re getting too close and needs to pull pigtails to cover his tracks? While not wanting to actually put distance between them and let him move out.
Wilson-we all love Wilson but my god if I had a friend irl that could not stop cheating on his partners I’d be so over him!! Please sir go to therapy!! Which is funny because he’s always telling House he should be bettering himself.
Do you have any favorite episodes in season 1 or 2 (before episode 17 because I’m on 16 as we speak)?
"Jesse Spencer LMAOO Jesse Williams is of course another dreamy doctor from Grey’s Anatomy House just wants to push Wilson so much to see if he’ll still love him 😭 my guy 😭 just ask for a kiss"
LOVEEE your thoughts so far omg !! it's so interesting seeing it from someone else's perspective !! i think you got it so right. the writers definitelyy forget cameron exists for an arc or two, haha, but i do really enjoy what they /eventually/ end up doing with her character. i really liked foreman for a while ! the end of season 2 flipped that on its head, though, and now i kind of just appreciate him for what he does to the plot / story structure
AND YESSS i just finished s2 on my own rewatch, and the hilson moments are CRAZY !! insane !! i adore their domestic era, but god house is possibly the worst roommate i can imagine hahah and yes !! i loveee wilson, but omg he would drive me insane. i think it's hilarious how big of a hypocrite he is and i love him for it
i think my favourite eps are definitely house & wilson's prank war in s2, and i just adore three stories from s1 !! what about you ??
and also i cracked UP at jesse williams hahaha omg i also love him in grey's <33
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years ago
Ohmygod bro good job getting your coffee cause I would’ve barely survived that too!!! Good looking people in general really just be paralyzing people for some reason 😭
Cafe hopping really is fun tho, now that I think about it I have a similar story too with fumbling words. I went to this craft store for the first time and was tryna look for string cause I wanted to make those necklace bottle things, I asked the two people working in English, and since they had a hard time communicating with me they literally ran to another working person then running back to find me in the small shop! I didn’t get string in the end but I got the bottle! Could’ve avoided that if I just spoke my native language- but I didn’t cause adults (the older ones in my family) usually made fun of me for it 😭
The little moments really make the big things!! Both of you, amazing writers, no lie. I’ve been thinking of writing too so is it okay if I ask what the advice was? /nf
Michael gets arc’d! No more chip docking! But genuinely based of you to put that much care into your characters and stories 💖
Yes please I didn’t even know fruit-ade is an actual word- I was just making things up-
i aspire to one day be that pretty.
Please the way I wheezed- fr though, never be afraid to speak your own native language! My second language is Chinese and I am horrible at speaking it under pressure. I even got laughed at by my boss - that's how bad it was lmaooo, but honestly i don't really care. I'm just happy it makes people smile and laugh at it alongside me^^
As for the advice given by blake, it was focusing about the small things that led up to the big moment! This is purely my own interpretation though, but essentially always justify their actions. For example, if i make babes fall for miles outta nowhere then it's a little sudden, right? There's gotta be some form of catalyst that caused it in the first place.
Especially in the situation theyre currently in. Neither are entirely sure what they are yet, besides employer and employee. Before even progressing to being lovers and stuff they gotta form some kinda bond first, right? So the main thing for me was how to justify each step in their relationship.
Aka, is it reasonable for them to warm up to each other by this stage?? Or are they still on rocky terms with each other? It's honestly a fun challenge for me to write, because it gives me a chance to put myself in their shoes more thoroughly.
Even irl, there's gotta be a catalyst to make you fall for someone in the first place, right? Maybe one day you notice their eyes are really nice, or maybe you like the way their laugh sounds. Even before that, it's the little things that they do to make you feel safe in the first place :) relationships dont form overnight, after all~
"i would need to read the full thing through but a good rule of thumb for progression is either feeling it out and reasoning through if their reactions make sense or making it clear that time has passed between chapters and giving it a little suspension of disbelief" - @buthowboutno-spamming
bro, when you start writing please tag me in it!! I would love to read your work, and i know you can do it!! Honestly take it from me - dont take things too seriously. Writing is meant to be fun, not stressful. Like, when blank canvas started out it was just for shits and giggles and goofy and fun. thats what i was aiming for the whole time, and i wanted people who read my fic to hopefully smile or even do the lil nose huff thing we all do when we find something on the internet funny ^^
I'll add on a little advice of my own - feel free to ignore it lolol, but essentially:
I find it really helpful to have some form of plan or outline for your fic. Mine s constantly being adjusted, but it helps so much when you write your chapter and maybe realize oh wait iwanna do this here and do that there, and you know where everything should go like a puzzle piece! Something else I'd say is that there doesnt always have to be drama lmao, sometimes a sweet heartwarming fic is enough. You're enough.
Again, the little moments matter, right? That's why in chapter five i just kinda did a little hangout session :)
And omg when i say i am thrilled to write michael's character arc fr. an eureka moment hit me outta nowhere and immediately i RAN to tell @theblindhag because she has been honestly nothig but supportive and an absolutely lovely human bean. Which also kinda reminds me: having a good friend listen to all the crazy ideas in your head is so amazing fr, and i hope you have/will find that friend. Honestly, feel free to send in asks whenever - id be more than happy to have a chat or chill out!
I'll make a post on the fruitade soon, its like 1am where i am rn lmao. keep your eyes peeled for it anon!! it's the actual easiest to make, trust.
As a little bonus extra, allow me to share a little moment from upcoming chapters :)
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star-stream · 9 months ago
Gotcha 36: Houtaro, did you lay this egg?
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Kyoka is doing so much for, not only alchemy as a field of research, but me as well. Like when she said she wanted to study Lachesis, and then was like "number 1 on the list, i need to know if shes got a sense of humor" that's brilliant, no notes. I understand. Hey Kyoka can you try to figure out if Lachesis can love as a human too? Maybe by going on a series of dates through a montage.............
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Sabimaru whispering in Rinnes ear was so cute sorry, i went WAUGH irl. Also, their skit was genuinely so funny. "I ate it" had me rolling, theyre so CUTE your honor!!!!
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WUH OH! Daybreak... I wonder if it is literally Daybreak, as in DAIGO!Houtaro Daybreak, Timelord can go either way. Wouldnt it be interesting if the time where Daybreak is always seen fighting is the past and not the future, well who knows! Theres surprisingly a lot of time motifs in Gotchard
Also. Shockingly recent events! Just a bit over 120 years since the fight against Gigist? Thats crazy, i guess its just far back enough.
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This is just adorable, nothing else to say about it but that its cutes.
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I love teleportation transitions during fights. Actually this episode had a lot of really cool teleportation moments, i really really liked the bit with the lottery rolling and the entire shot turning with it, that was fucked
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It was nice to see Clothos hesitation to actually kill Houtaro, of course they go for something worse but i see it as Clotho wanting to show Houtaro her own desperation too. Like she thinks Houtaros naivety comes from a place of privilege as someone who hasnt lost something important to him. Hes gotten close before though. So shes showing curiosity as how far his preaching can actually take him. Shes a fun character and im perhaps also reading too much into it cause i like her idk
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Brother this is crazy, are you saying Houtaro is Eggnant with Gigist? Thats fucking insane and i love it. And let me guess, they go to the past and the egg hatches and we perpetuate the cycle except Houtaro is like actually i can raise a good Gigist, thatd be so funny
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Moving on, i was really glad to see how active the senpais were during this fight. I love that for them!! I want to see them fight more and more every time~
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They look so cute here :( even though its sad. I really liked Houtaro having some intuition about the fight feeling off as well. Its my favorite when Kamen Riders ideals are pushed to the limits, and the system that the thought they understood gets turned against them. Its fun stuff. Sad though!! Surprisingly sad even though i got spoiled about it as soon as the episode came out lol.
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However i think its so funny that you made an actual Skebows prop just to show off its corpse. I guess the impact of the scene wouldve been affected a lot if you had done it with this one:
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But the gaslighting worked! I can no longer remember if this is actually the first time ive seen this version of Skebows so im second guessing myself, congrats!
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memento-morian · 2 years ago
oh man honestly didnt think wed get past round 1 considering my irl boyfriend is an actual person and not a blorbo from media which is a disadvantage on the blorbo from media webbed site
but its also the wizard website so i shouldve also taken that into account.
BUT! WE DID IT. WE MADE IT TO ROUND 2. WHICH MEANS... MORE PROPAGANDA. once again: he is gay, trans and polyamorous.
he takes me to taco bell pretty often just cause i love baja blast and sweet lightning (our taco bell is also a kfc so i can get both from one place) and he just. did that. and when i mentioned it was a date he hadnt even thought of it like that. he was just doing it cause he knew it made me happy. he doesnt even judge me for stealing a handful of the honey packets.
my grandpas old and i take care of him and he was in the hospital not too long ago and has been having problems so john came over and helped clean the house. he even steamed the carpets. he made TWO FULL SIZE pot pies for my grandpa as well when he came home. from SCRATCH and he bought all the ingredients with his own money. he didnt have to do any of this, but he did anyway.
he and his family invited my brother to christmas and new years cause my mom had recently left (my brother is underage) and they didnt want him to be alone for the holidays. he cried about it. dont tell him i told yall he cried.
anytime i feel unsafe or uncomfortable i can call him and hes there asap and ready to defend me if needed. he makes sure my family and i are okay and helps whenever and however he can despite him not really getting anything out of it. hes just genuinely kind even if he tries to pretend hes not.
his parents got married in vegas and both of us just wandered around together and didnt do much but it was still nice. we go to the thrift store a lot for cosplay stuff and even though ive gotten a pair of boots most times weve gone he always buys them for me anyway. he takes care of everyone. always. except himself, but thats why he has me and our other partners. hes so cool and funny and he is VERY ALLERGIC TO HORSES. but he likes them anyway and wants to get a farm. hes allergic to bovines as well iirc. but he still wants to be a gay farmer. hes a great cook and as much as i love every adventure weve been on, my favorite moments are still just the quiet ones we spend in his room playing minecraft together.
when my moms husband was around a lot he was there for me and calmed me down from panic attacks. when i hurt him a lot by accident one time he still was there for me waiting with open arms. even if i didnt deserve it. he helps me make phone calls cause they give me intense anxiety and holds my hand through everything. he lets me infodump about my interests even if he doesnt understand what im talking about and is more than willing to join me in them if i ask. he brought me mtn dew when i was in the hospital which was just a small silly gesture, sure, but it made me so happy. we fostered a kitten for a few days and he named her new york mets. she was a princess and is now with a loving family but we still adore her. he has two cats (that live at his house at least, since he also shares custody of my cat rusty) named monster truck and adam and he dotes on them constantly. even if he does call monster truck a bitch. because she is a bitch. every time were at a convention and he sees a booth with beanie babies he stops and scopes and usually buys at least one and we have to drag him away or else his fixation will turn him more beast than man for the rest of the week. he also loves horror of all types and so when i saw a custom beanie baby bear called The End i got it for him with jams help for christmas and it was a little late but he was so so happy about it
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also... hes an artist and hes so amazing and talented. he can draw, he can sew, he can paint and despite everything? he stays silly. just like jam, i met john at a convention. my first convention, but my first was a few years before jams first.
i was still an egg. i was cosplaying davesprite. me and my best friend at the time (who was Not Great but i hadnt realized that yet cause he was my only friend) found our way to the homestuck corner and thats where i met him. he was immediately kind. my brother got his number and eventually learned that he actually lived near us and so he started going over all the time. i generally didnt go with. johns family was dealing with A Really Big Thing at the time so he was generally busy and his parents were being overprotective. my brother, who is too social and doesnt understand when he shouldnt be the center of attention, went to his family members funeral without being invited. he didnt tell me we werent invited so i was there too.
how poetic it is that our friendship really started to grow at one of his family members funerals, and years later, not too long after we started officially dating, we went to another together. a little morbid, yes, but i think its thematic. ouroboros. i was at least actually invited this time lmao. its been 6 years since i met him??? and i wouldnt trade a minute of it. not for all the money in the world. there arent many people i could walk up to and say 'do you wanna go gem hunting with me for a full day or more?' and get an enthusiastic 'yes' from, but he will. jobs make doing that kinda thing hard ofc but if it werent for that i doubt wed be home as much as we are cause were adventurers! we climb and hike and scramble and explore and im so glad i get to adventure with him. even if the adventure is mostly just navigating adulthood.
picture of me, jam, and of course the man of the hour: John The Wizard Himself at the 100 gecs concert we went to recently.
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John battle 2.14
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Johnathan the wizard (real life) VS John Smith (???)
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